Programs & Examples On #Bmp

The BMP File Format, also known as Bitmap Image File or Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) file format or simply a Bitmap, is a Raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems.

Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

this is a example code copied from

void drawbmp (char * filename) {

unsigned int headers[13];
FILE * outfile;
int extrabytes;
int paddedsize;
int x; int y; int n;
int red, green, blue;

extrabytes = 4 - ((WIDTH * 3) % 4);                 // How many bytes of padding to add to each
                                                    // horizontal line - the size of which must
                                                    // be a multiple of 4 bytes.
if (extrabytes == 4)
   extrabytes = 0;

paddedsize = ((WIDTH * 3) + extrabytes) * HEIGHT;

// Headers...
// Note that the "BM" identifier in bytes 0 and 1 is NOT included in these "headers".
headers[0]  = paddedsize + 54;      // bfSize (whole file size)
headers[1]  = 0;                    // bfReserved (both)
headers[2]  = 54;                   // bfOffbits
headers[3]  = 40;                   // biSize
headers[4]  = WIDTH;  // biWidth
headers[5]  = HEIGHT; // biHeight

// Would have biPlanes and biBitCount in position 6, but they're shorts.
// It's easier to write them out separately (see below) than pretend
// they're a single int, especially with endian issues...

headers[7]  = 0;                    // biCompression
headers[8]  = paddedsize;           // biSizeImage
headers[9]  = 0;                    // biXPelsPerMeter
headers[10] = 0;                    // biYPelsPerMeter
headers[11] = 0;                    // biClrUsed
headers[12] = 0;                    // biClrImportant

outfile = fopen(filename, "wb");

// Headers begin...
// When printing ints and shorts, we write out 1 character at a time to avoid endian issues.

fprintf(outfile, "BM");

for (n = 0; n <= 5; n++)
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", headers[n] & 0x000000FF);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & (unsigned int) 0xFF000000) >> 24);

// These next 4 characters are for the biPlanes and biBitCount fields.

fprintf(outfile, "%c", 1);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 24);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);

for (n = 7; n <= 12; n++)
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", headers[n] & 0x000000FF);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & (unsigned int) 0xFF000000) >> 24);

// Headers done, now write the data...

for (y = HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; y--)     // BMP image format is written from bottom to top...
   for (x = 0; x <= WIDTH - 1; x++)

      red = reduce(redcount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * red_multiplier;
      green = reduce(greencount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * green_multiplier;
      blue = reduce(bluecount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * blue_multiplier;
      if (red > 255) red = 255; if (red < 0) red = 0;
      if (green > 255) green = 255; if (green < 0) green = 0;
      if (blue > 255) blue = 255; if (blue < 0) blue = 0;
      // Also, it's written in (b,g,r) format...

      fprintf(outfile, "%c", blue);
      fprintf(outfile, "%c", green);
      fprintf(outfile, "%c", red);
   if (extrabytes)      // See above - BMP lines must be of lengths divisible by 4.
      for (n = 1; n <= extrabytes; n++)
         fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);



SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

You need something like this :

SET ExtrasPrice = E.TotalPrice
FROM dbo.BookingPitches AS P
INNER JOIN (SELECT BPE.PitchID, Sum(BPE.Price) AS TotalPrice
    FROM BookingPitchExtras AS BPE
    WHERE BPE.[Required] = 1
    GROUP BY BPE.PitchID) AS E ON P.ID = E.PitchID
WHERE P.BookingID = 1

How to use img src in vue.js?

Try this:

<img v-bind:src="'/media/avatars/' + joke.avatar" /> 

Don't forget single quote around your path string. also in your data check you have correctly defined image variable.

joke: {
  avatar: 'image.jpg'

A working demo here:,js,output

How can I find non-ASCII characters in MySQL?

MySQL provides comprehensive character set management that can help with this kind of problem.

SELECT whatever
  FROM tableName 
 WHERE columnToCheck <> CONVERT(columnToCheck USING ASCII)

The CONVERT(col USING charset) function turns the unconvertable characters into replacement characters. Then, the converted and unconverted text will be unequal.

See this for more discussion.

You can use any character set name you wish in place of ASCII. For example, if you want to find out which characters won't render correctly in code page 1257 (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian) use CONVERT(columnToCheck USING cp1257)

Linux cmd to search for a class file among jars irrespective of jar path

Most of the solutions are directly using grep command to find the class. However, it would not give you the package name of the class. Also if the jar is compressed, grep will not work.

This solution is using jar command to list the contents of the file and grep the class you are looking for.

It will print out the class with package name and also the jar file name.

find . -type f -name '*.jar' -print0 |  xargs -0 -I '{}' sh -c 'jar tf {} | grep Hello.class &&  echo {}'

You can also search with your package name like below:

find . -type f -name '*.jar' -print0 |  xargs -0 -I '{}' sh -c 'jar tf {} | grep com/mypackage/Hello.class &&  echo {}'

How to copy Java Collections list

Strings can be deep copied with

List<String> b = new ArrayList<String>(a);

because they are immutable. Every other Object not --> you need to iterate and do a copy by yourself.

How do I exit the results of 'git diff' in Git Bash on windows?

Using WIN + Q worked for me. Just q alone gave me "command not found" and eventually it jumped back into the git diff insanity.

Is there a way to define a min and max value for EditText in Android?

First make this class :

package com.test;

import android.text.InputFilter;
import android.text.Spanned;

public class InputFilterMinMax implements InputFilter {

    private int min, max;

    public InputFilterMinMax(int min, int max) {
        this.min = min;
        this.max = max;

    public InputFilterMinMax(String min, String max) {
        this.min = Integer.parseInt(min);
        this.max = Integer.parseInt(max);

    public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {   
        try {
            int input = Integer.parseInt(dest.toString() + source.toString());
            if (isInRange(min, max, input))
                return null;
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }     
        return "";

    private boolean isInRange(int a, int b, int c) {
        return b > a ? c >= a && c <= b : c >= b && c <= a;

Then use this from your Activity :

EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;
et.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{ new InputFilterMinMax("1", "12")});

This will allow user to enter values from 1 to 12 only.


Set your edittext with android:inputType="number".

You can find more details at


Check if a String contains a special character

This is tested in android 7.0 up to android 10.0 and it works

Use this code to check if string contains special character and numbers:

  name = firstname.getText().toString(); //name is the variable that holds the string value

  Pattern special= Pattern.compile("[^a-z0-9 ]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
  Pattern number = Pattern.compile("[0-9]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
  Matcher matcher = special.matcher(name);
  Matcher matcherNumber = number.matcher(name);

  boolean constainsSymbols = matcher.find();
  boolean containsNumber = matcherNumber.find();

  if(constainsSymbols == true){
   //string contains special symbol/character
  else if(containsNumber == true){
   //string contains numbers
   //string doesn't contain special characters or numbers

How do you attach and detach from Docker's process?

In the same shell, hold ctrl key and press keys p then q

Setting session variable using javascript

It is very important to understand both sessionStorage and localStorage as they both have different uses:

From MDN:

All of your web storage data is contained within two object-like structures inside the browser: sessionStorage and localStorage. The first one persists data for as long as the browser is open (the data is lost when the browser is closed) and the second one persists data even after the browser is closed and then opened again.

sessionStorage - Saves data until the browser is closed, the data is deleted when the tab/browser is closed.

localStorage - Saves data "forever" even after the browser is closed BUT you shouldn't count on the data you store to be there later, the data might get deleted by the browser at any time because of pretty much anything, or deleted by the user, best practice would be to validate that the data is there first, and continue the rest if it is there. (or set it up again if its not there)

To understand more, read here: localStorage | sessionStorage

What is console.log in jQuery?

jQuery and console.log are unrelated entities, although useful when used together.

If you use a browser's built-in dev tools, console.log will log information about the object being passed to the log function.

If the console is not active, logging will not work, and may break your script. Be certain to check that the console exists before logging:

if (window.console) console.log('foo');

The shortcut form of this might be seen instead:


There are other useful debugging functions as well, such as debug, dir and error. Firebug's wiki lists the available functions in the console api.

How can I provide multiple conditions for data trigger in WPF?

To elaborate on @serine's answer and illustrate working with non-trivial multi-valued condition: I had a need to show a "dim-out" overlay on an item for the boolean condition NOT a AND (b OR NOT c).

For background, this is a "Multiple Choice" question. If the user picks a wrong answer it becomes disabled (dimmed out and cannot be selected again). An automated agent has the ability to focus on any particular choice to give an explanation (border highlighted). When the agent focuses on an item, it should not be dimmed out even if it is disabled. All items that are not in focused are marked de-focused, and should be dimmed out.

The logic for dimming is thus:

NOT IsFocused AND (IsDefocused OR NOT Enabled)

To implement this logic, I made a generic IMultiValueConverter named (awkwardly) to match my logic

// 'P' represents a parenthesis
//     !  a &&  ( b ||  !  c )
class NOT_a_AND_P_b_OR_NOT_c_P : IMultiValueConverter
    // redacted [...] for brevity
    public object Convert(object[] values, ...)
        bool a = System.Convert.ToBoolean(values[0]);
        bool b = System.Convert.ToBoolean(values[1]);
        bool c = System.Convert.ToBoolean(values[2]);

        return !a && (b || !c);

In the XAML I use this in a MultiDataTrigger in a <Style><Style.Triggers> resource

        <!-- when the equation is TRUE ... -->
        <Condition Value="True">
                <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource NOT_a_AND_P_b_OR_NOT_c_P}">
                    <!-- NOT IsFocus AND ( IsDefocused OR NOT Enabled ) -->
                    <Binding Path="IsFocus"/>
                    <Binding Path="IsDefocused" />
                    <Binding Path="Enabled" />
        <!-- ... show the 'dim-out' overlay -->
        <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible" />

And for completeness sake, my converter is defined in a ResourceDictionary

<ResourceDictionary xmlns:conv="clr-namespace:My.Converters" ...>
    <conv:NOT_a_AND_P_b_OR_NOT_c_P x:Key="NOT_a_AND_P_b_OR_NOT_c_P" />

Maven Java EE Configuration Marker with Java Server Faces 1.2

Eclipse is buggy on factes screen and at times doesn't update the config files in workspace. There are two options one can try :

  1. Go to org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file located inside .settings folder of eclipse project. Go and manually delete the JSF facet entry. you can also update other facets as well.

  2. Right click project and go to properties->Maven-->Java EE Integeration. choose options : enable project specific settings, Enable Java EE configuration, Maven archiver generates files under the build directory

Partly JSON unmarshal into a map in Go

Here is an elegant way to do similar thing. But why do partly JSON unmarshal? That doesn't make sense.

  1. Create your structs for the Chat.
  2. Decode json to the Struct.
  3. Now you can access everything in Struct/Object easily.

Look below at the working code. Copy and paste it.

import (
   "encoding/json" // Encoding and Decoding Package

var messeging = `{
    "msg":"Trying to send a message"

type SendMsg struct {
   User string `json:"user"`
   Msg  string `json:"msg"`

 type Chat struct {
   Say     string   `json:"say"`
   SendMsg *SendMsg `json:"sendMsg"`

func main() {
  /** Clean way to solve Json Decoding in Go */
  /** Excellent solution */

   var chat Chat
   r := bytes.NewReader([]byte(messeging))
   chatErr := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&chat)


 func errHandler(err error) {
   if err != nil {

Go playground

How to grep recursively, but only in files with certain extensions?

The below answer is good:

grep -r -i --include \*.h --include \*.cpp CP_Image ~/path[12345] | mailx -s GREP [email protected]

But can be updated to:

grep -r -i --include \*.{h,cpp} CP_Image ~/path[12345] | mailx -s GREP [email protected]

Which can be more simple.

How to know a Pod's own IP address from inside a container in the Pod?

In some cases, instead of relying on downward API, programmatically reading the local IP address (from network interfaces) from inside of the container also works.

For example, in golang:

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

Try this:

Dim xrndom As Random
    Dim x As Integer
    xrndom = New Random

    Dim yrndom As Random
    Dim y As Integer
    yrndom = New Random
    'chart creation
    Chart1.Series("a").ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point
    Chart1.Series("a").MarkerSize = 10
    Chart1.Series("b").ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point
    Chart1.Series("b").MarkerSize = 10
    Chart1.Series("c").ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point
    Chart1.Series("c").MarkerSize = 10
    Chart1.Series("d").ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point
    Chart1.Series("d").MarkerSize = 10
    Chart1.Series("a").Color = Color.Red
    Chart1.Series("b").Color = Color.Orange
    Chart1.Series("c").Color = Color.Black
    Chart1.Series("d").Color = Color.Green
    Chart1.Series("Chart 1").Color = Color.Blue

    For j = 0 To 70
        x = xrndom.Next(0, 70)
        y = xrndom.Next(0, 70)
        If j < 10 Then
            Chart1.Series("a").Points.AddXY(x, y)
        ElseIf j < 30 Then
            Chart1.Series("b").Points.AddXY(x, y)
        ElseIf j < 50 Then
            Chart1.Series("c").Points.AddXY(x, y)
        ElseIf 50 < j Then
            Chart1.Series("d").Points.AddXY(x, y)
            Chart1.Series("Chart 1").Points.AddXY(x, y)
        End If

How to HTML encode/escape a string? Is there a built-in?

h() is also useful for escaping quotes.

For example, I have a view that generates a link using a text field result[r].thtitle. The text could include single quotes. If I didn't escape result[r].thtitle in the confirm method, the Javascript would break:

&lt;%= link_to_remote "#{result[r].thtitle}", :url=>{ :controller=>:resource,
:action         =>:delete_resourced,
:id     => result[r].id,
:th     => thread,                                                                                                      
:html       =>{:title=> "<= Remove"},                                                       
:confirm    => h("#{result[r].thtitle} will be removed"),                                                   
:method     => :delete %>

&lt;a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('docs: add column &amp;apos;dummy&amp;apos; will be removed')) { new Ajax.Request('/resource/delete_resourced/837?owner=386&amp;th=511', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'delete', parameters:'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('ou812')}); }; return false;" title="&lt;= Remove">docs: add column 'dummy'</a>

Note: the :html title declaration is magically escaped by Rails.

Javascript - Append HTML to container element without innerHTML

To give an alternative (as using DocumentFragment does not seem to work): You can simulate it by iterating over the children of the newly generated node and only append those.

var e = document.createElement('div');
e.innerHTML = htmldata;

while(e.firstChild) {

Display a tooltip over a button using Windows Forms

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    ToolTip toolTip1 = new ToolTip();
    toolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 5000;
    toolTip1.InitialDelay = 1000;
    toolTip1.ReshowDelay = 500;
    toolTip1.ShowAlways = true;
    toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.button1, "My button1");
    toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.checkBox1, "My checkBox1");

Can we add div inside table above every <tr>?

If we follow the w3 org table reference ,and follow the Permitted Contents section, we can see that the table tags takes tbody(optional) and tr as the only permitted contents.

So i reckon it is safe to say we cannot add a div tag which is a flow content as a direct child of the table which i understand is what you meant when you had said above a tr.

Having said that , as we follow the above link , you will find that it is safe to use divs inside the td element as seen here

How to automatically update an application without ClickOnce?

A Lay men's way is

on Main() rename the executing assembly file .exe to some thing else check date and time of created. and the updated file date time and copy to the application folder.

//Rename he executing file
System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

System.IO.File.Move(file.FullName, file.DirectoryName + "\\" + file.Name.Replace(file.Extension,"") + "-1" + file.Extension);

then do the logic check and copy the new file to executing folder

async for loop in node.js

Node.js introduced async await in 7.6 so this makes Javascript more beautiful.

var results = [];
var config = JSON.parse(queries);
for (var key in config) {
  var query = config[key].query;
  results.push(await search(query));
res.writeHead( ... );

For this to work search fucntion has to return a promise or it has to be async function

If it is not returning a Promise you can help it to return a Promise

function asyncSearch(query) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Then replace this line await search(query); by await asyncSearch(query);

Where does PHP store the error log? (php5, apache, fastcgi, cpanel)

whereever you want it to, if you set it your function call: error_log($errorMessageforLog . "\n", 4, 'somePath/SomeFileName.som');

Close pre-existing figures in matplotlib when running from eclipse

See Bi Rico's answer for the general Eclipse case.

For anybody - like me - who lands here because you have lots of windows and you're struggling to close them all, just killing python can be effective, depending on your circumstances. It probably works under almost any circumstances - including with Eclipse.

I just spawned 60 plots from emacs (I prefer that to eclipse) and then I thought my script had exited. Running close('all') in my ipython window did not work for me because the plots did not come from ipython, so I resorted to looking for running python processes.

When I killed the interpreter running the script, then all 60 plots were closed - e.g.,

$ ps aux | grep python
rsage    11665  0.1  0.6 649904 109692 ?       SNl  10:54   0:03 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/update-manager --no-update --no-focus-on-map
rsage    12111  0.9  0.5 390956 88212 pts/30   Sl+  11:08   0:17 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ipython -pylab
rsage    12410 31.8  2.4 576640 406304 pts/33  Sl+  11:38   0:06 python3 ../
rsage    12431  0.0  0.0   8860   648 pts/32   S+   11:38   0:00 grep python

$ kill 12410

Note that I did not kill my ipython/pylab, nor did I kill the update manager (killing the update manager is probably a bad idea)...

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

In my case, another program had added PATH changes to .bashrc

If the other program changed the PATH after nvm's initialisation, then nvm's PATH changes would be forgotten, and we would get the system node on our PATH (or no node).

The solution was to move the nvm setup to the bottom of .bashrc

### BAD .bashrc ###

# NVM initialisation
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm

# Some other program adding to the PATH:


### GOOD .bashrc ###

# Some other program adding to the PATH:

# NVM initialisation
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm

(This was with bash 4.2.46 on CentOS. It seems to me like a bug in bash, but I may be mistaken.)

What is the best way to measure execution time of a function?

I would definitely advise you to have a look at System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

And when I looked around for more about Stopwatch I found this site;

Beware of the stopwatch

There mentioned another possibility


How to remove only 0 (Zero) values from column in excel 2010

I selected columns that I want to delete 0 values then clicked DATA > FILTER. In column's header there is a filter icon appears. I clicked on that icon and selected only 0 values and clicked OK. Only 0 values becomes selected. Finally clear content OR use DELETE button.

Then to remove the blank rows from the deleted 0 values removed. I click DATA > FILTER I clicked on that filter icon and unselected blanks copy and paste the remaining data into a new sheet.

Close application and launch home screen on Android

The easiest way for achieving this is given below (without affecting Android's native memory management. There is no process killing involved).

  1. Launch an activity using this Intent:

    Intent intent = new Intent(this, FinActivity.class);
  2. In the target activity FinActivity.class, call finish() in onCreate.

Steps Explained:

  1. You create an intent that erases all other activities (FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) and delete the current activity.

  2. The activity destroys itself. An alternative is that you can make an splash screen in finActivity. This is optional.

How to test if string exists in file with Bash?

Simpler way:

if grep "$filename" my_list.txt > /dev/null
   ... found
   ... not found

Tip: send to /dev/null if you want command's exit status, but not outputs.

"Default Activity Not Found" on Android Studio upgrade

In my case this happened because there's was a manifest merger error and I was trying to run the app. Look at the specific error by running Build->Make Project

Determine if variable is defined in Python

I think it's better to avoid the situation. It's cleaner and clearer to write:

a = None
if condition:
    a = 42

Single selection in RecyclerView

I want to share the similar thing I have achieved, may be it will help someone. below code is from the application to select an address from a list of addresses that are displayed in cardview(cvAddress), so that on click of particular item(cardview) the imageView inside the item should set to different resource(select/unselect)

public void onBindViewHolder(final AddressHolder holder, final int position)
    holder.cvAddress.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {

private void selectCurrItem(int position)
    int size = holderList.size();
    for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)

I don't know this is best solution or not but this worked for me.

Animate a custom Dialog

I meet the same problem,but ,at last I solve the problem by followed way


How to write html code inside <?php ?>, I want write html code within the PHP script so that it can be echoed from Backend

You can drop in and out of the PHP context using the <?php and ?> tags. For example...

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4);

<?php foreach ($array as $num) : ?>
<tr><td><?= htmlspecialchars($num) ?></td></tr>
<?php endforeach ?>

Also see Alternative syntax for control structures

What are invalid characters in XML

Another way to remove incorrect XML chars in C# is using XmlConvert.IsXmlChar (Available since .NET Framework 4.0)

public static string RemoveInvalidXmlChars(string content)
   return new string(content.Where(ch => System.Xml.XmlConvert.IsXmlChar(ch)).ToArray());

or you may check that all characters are XML-valid:

public static bool CheckValidXmlChars(string content)
   return content.All(ch => System.Xml.XmlConvert.IsXmlChar(ch));

.Net Fiddle

For example, the vertical tab symbol (\v) is not valid for XML, it is valid UTF-8, but not valid XML 1.0, and even many libraries (including libxml2) miss it and silently output invalid XML.

Encode html entities in javascript

var htmlEntities = [

total = <some string value>

for(v in htmlEntities){
    total = total.replace(htmlEntities[v].regex, htmlEntities[v].entity);

A array solution

Position one element relative to another in CSS

I would suggest using absolute positioning within the element.

I've created this to help you visualize it a bit.

#parent {_x000D_
    border:2px solid blue;_x000D_
#div1 {position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;background:green;width:100px;height:100px;}_x000D_
#div2 {width:100px;height:100px;position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;background:red;}_x000D_
#div3 {width:100px;height:100px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;background:yellow;}_x000D_
#div4 {width:100px;height:100px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:gray;}
<div id="parent">_x000D_
<div id="div1"></div>_x000D_
<div id="div2"></div>_x000D_
<div id="div3"></div>_x000D_
<div id="div4"></div>_x000D_

Javascript Array Alert

If you want to see the array as an array, you can say


instead of all those document.writes.

However, if you want to display them cleanly, one per line, in your popup, do this:


How does autowiring work in Spring?

Spring dependency inject help you to remove coupling from your classes. Instead of creating object like this:

UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl();

You will be using this after introducing DI:

private UserService userService;

For achieving this you need to create a bean of your service in your ServiceConfiguration file. After that you need to import that ServiceConfiguration class to your WebApplicationConfiguration class so that you can autowire that bean into your Controller like this:

public class AccController {

    private UserService userService;

You can find a java configuration based POC here example.

How do I serialize a C# anonymous type to a JSON string?

Please note this is from 2008. Today I would argue that the serializer should be built in and that you can probably use swagger + attributes to inform consumers about your endpoint and return data.

Iwould argue that you shouldn't be serializing an anonymous type. I know the temptation here; you want to quickly generate some throw-away types that are just going to be used in a loosely type environment aka Javascript in the browser. Still, I would create an actual type and decorate it as Serializable. Then you can strongly type your web methods. While this doesn't matter one iota for Javascript, it does add some self-documentation to the method. Any reasonably experienced programmer will be able to look at the function signature and say, "Oh, this is type Foo! I know how that should look in JSON."

Having said that, you might try JSON.Net to do the serialization. I have no idea if it will work

AJAX jQuery refresh div every 5 seconds

Try to not use setInterval.
You can resend request to server after successful response with timeout.

sendRequest(); //call function

function sendRequest(){
        url: "test.php",
            $('#links').text(result); //insert text of test.php into your div
                sendRequest(); //this will send request again and again;
            }, 5000);

How do I get a UTC Timestamp in JavaScript?

Using day.js

In browser:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

In node.js:

import dayjs from 'dayjs'

You get a UTC unix timestamp without milliseconds.

Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

I am placing JLBorges's excellent response to a similar question verbatim from, as it is the most succinct explanation I've read on the subject.

In a template that we write, there are two kinds of names that could be used - dependant names and non- dependant names. A dependant name is a name that depends on a template parameter; a non-dependant name has the same meaning irrespective of what the template parameters are.

For example:

template< typename T > void foo( T& x, std::string str, int count )
    // these names are looked up during the second phase
    // when foo is instantiated and the type T is known
    x.size(); // dependant name (non-type)
    T::instance_count ; // dependant name (non-type)
    typename T::iterator i ; // dependant name (type)
    // during the first phase, 
    // T::instance_count is treated as a non-type (this is the default)
    // the typename keyword specifies that T::iterator is to be treated as a type.

    // these names are looked up during the first phase
    std::string::size_type s ; // non-dependant name (type)
    std::string::npos ; // non-dependant name (non-type)
    str.empty() ; // non-dependant name (non-type)
    count ; // non-dependant name (non-type)

What a dependant name refers to could be something different for each different instantiation of the template. As a consequence, C++ templates are subject to "two-phase name lookup". When a template is initially parsed (before any instantiation takes place) the compiler looks up the non-dependent names. When a particular instantiation of the template takes place, the template parameters are known by then, and the compiler looks up dependent names.

During the first phase, the parser needs to know if a dependant name is the name of a type or the name of a non-type. By default, a dependant name is assumed to be the name of a non-type. The typename keyword before a dependant name specifies that it is the name of a type.


Use the keyword typename only in template declarations and definitions provided you have a qualified name that refers to a type and depends on a template parameter.

JPA OneToMany and ManyToOne throw: Repeated column in mapping for entity column (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false")

I am not really sure about your question (the meaning of "empty table" etc, or how mappedBy and JoinColumn were not working).

I think you were trying to do a bi-directional relationships.

First, you need to decide which side "owns" the relationship. Hibernate is going to setup the relationship base on that side. For example, assume I make the Post side own the relationship (I am simplifying your example, just to keep things in point), the mapping will look like:

(Wish the syntax is correct. I am writing them just by memory. However the idea should be fine)

public class User{
    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="user")
    private List<Post> posts;

public class Post {
    private User user;

By doing so, the table for Post will have a column user_id which store the relationship. Hibernate is getting the relationship by the user in Post (Instead of posts in User. You will notice the difference if you have Post's user but missing User's posts).

You have mentioned mappedBy and JoinColumn is not working. However, I believe this is in fact the correct way. Please tell if this approach is not working for you, and give us a bit more info on the problem. I believe the problem is due to something else.


Just a bit extra information on the use of mappedBy as it is usually confusing at first. In mappedBy, we put the "property name" in the opposite side of the bidirectional relationship, not table column name.

CSS to stop text wrapping under image

Very simple answer for this problem that seems to catch a lot of people:

<img src="url-to-image">
<p>Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.</p>

    img {
        float: left;
    p {
        overflow: hidden;

See example:

HttpWebRequest using Basic authentication

If you can use the WebClient class, using basic authentication becomes simple:

var client = new WebClient {Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user_name", "password")};
var response = client.DownloadString("");

Use sudo with password as parameter

The -S switch makes sudo read the password from STDIN. This means you can do

echo mypassword | sudo -S command

to pass the password to sudo

However, the suggestions by others that do not involve passing the password as part of a command such as checking if the user is root are probably much better ideas for security reasons

How to force IE to reload javascript?

To eliminate the need to repeatedly press F5 in an IE tab while developing a website, use ReloadIt.

enter image description here

For each webpage displayed in IE, you can configure a filename, a directory, or a set of them. If any change occurs in any of those configured paths, ReloadIt refreshes the IE tab. A simple tool. It just works.

This will reload everything, not just javascript.

fork() child and parent processes

Start by reading the fork man page as well as the getppid / getpid man pages.

From fork's

On success, the PID of the child process is returned in the parent's thread of execution, and a 0 is returned in the child's thread of execution. On failure, a -1 will be returned in the parent's context, no child process will be created, and errno will be set appropriately.

So this should be something down the lines of

if ((pid=fork())==0){
    printf("yada yada %u and yada yada %u",getpid(),getppid());
else{ /* avoids error checking*/
    printf("Dont yada yada me, im your parent with pid %u ", getpid());

As to your question:

This is the child process. My pid is 22163 and my parent's id is 0.

This is the child process. My pid is 22162 and my parent's id is 22163.

fork() executes before the printf. So when its done, you have two processes with the same instructions to execute. Therefore, printf will execute twice. The call to fork() will return 0 to the child process, and the pid of the child process to the parent process.

You get two running processes, each one will execute this instruction statement:

printf ("... My pid is %d and my parent's id is %d",getpid(),0); 


printf ("... My pid is %d and my parent's id is %d",getpid(),22163);  


To wrap it up, the above line is the child, specifying its pid. The second line is the parent process, specifying its id (22162) and its child's (22163).

How to round the corners of a button

UIButton* closeBtn = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 50, 90, 35)];
//Customise this button as you wish then
closeBtn.layer.cornerRadius = 10;
closeBtn.layer.masksToBounds = YES;//Important

Apache won't follow symlinks (403 Forbidden)

There is another way that symbolic links may fail you, as I discovered in my situation. If you have an SELinux system as the server and the symbolic links point to an NFS-mounted folder (other file systems may yield similar symptoms), httpd may see the wrong contexts and refuse to serve the contents of the target folders.

In my case the SELinux context of /var/www/html (which you can obtain with ls -Z) is unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0. The symbolic links in /var/www/html will have the same context, but their target's context, being an NFS-mounted folder, are system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0.

The solution is to add fscontext=unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 to the mount options (e.g. # mount -t nfs -o v3,fscontext=unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 <IP address>:/<server path> /<mount point>). rootcontext is irrelevant and defcontext is rejected by NFS. I did not try context by itself.

Stratified Train/Test-split in scikit-learn

[update for 0.17]

See the docs of sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,

[/update for 0.17]

There is a pull request here. But you can simply do train, test = next(iter(StratifiedKFold(...))) and use the train and test indices if you want.

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files

Tips and tricks


Why are you using editors to just look at a (large) file?

Under *nix or Cygwin, just use less. (There is a famous saying – "less is more, more or less" – because "less" replaced the earlier Unix command "more", with the addition that you could scroll back up.) Searching and navigating under less is very similar to Vim, but there is no swap file and little RAM used.

There is a Win32 port of GNU less. See the "less" section of the answer above.


Perl is good for quick scripts, and its .. (range flip-flop) operator makes for a nice selection mechanism to limit the crud you have to wade through.

For example:

$ perl -n -e 'print if ( 1000000 .. 2000000)' humongo.txt | less

This will extract everything from line 1 million to line 2 million, and allow you to sift the output manually in less.

Another example:

$ perl -n -e 'print if ( /regex one/ .. /regex two/)' humongo.txt | less

This starts printing when the "regular expression one" finds something, and stops when the "regular expression two" find the end of an interesting block. It may find multiple blocks. Sift the output...


This is another useful tool you can use. To quote the Wikipedia article:

logparser is a flexible command line utility that was initially written by Gabriele Giuseppini, a Microsoft employee, to automate tests for IIS logging. It was intended for use with the Windows operating system, and was included with the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools. The default behavior of logparser works like a "data processing pipeline", by taking an SQL expression on the command line, and outputting the lines containing matches for the SQL expression.

Microsoft describes Logparser as a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory. The results of the input query can be custom-formatted in text based output, or they can be persisted to more specialty targets like SQL, SYSLOG, or a chart.

Example usage:

C:\>logparser.exe -i:textline -o:tsv "select Index, Text from 'c:\path\to\file.log' where line > 1000 and line < 2000"
C:\>logparser.exe -i:textline -o:tsv "select Index, Text from 'c:\path\to\file.log' where line like '%pattern%'"

The relativity of sizes

100 MB isn't too big. 3 GB is getting kind of big. I used to work at a print & mail facility that created about 2% of U.S. first class mail. One of the systems for which I was the tech lead accounted for about 15+% of the pieces of mail. We had some big files to debug here and there.

And more...

Feel free to add more tools and information here. This answer is community wiki for a reason! We all need more advice on dealing with large amounts of data...

How to concat two ArrayLists?

One ArrayList1 add to data,


and Second ArrayList2 to add other data,


How do I make a MySQL database run completely in memory?

If your database is small enough (or if you add enough memory) your database will effectively run in memory since it your data will be cached after the first request.

Changing the database table definitions to use the memory engine is probably more complicated than you need.

If you have enough memory to load the tables into memory with the MEMORY engine, you have enough to tune the innodb settings to cache everything anyway.

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

I was having the same issue and tried all of the solutions on this page but none of them did the trick.

What finally worked was adding the universe repo to my repo list. To do that run the following command

sudo add-apt-repository universe

After running the above command I was able to run

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

without an issue and the package was installed.

Hope this helps someone.

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". java.lang.NullPointerException

Eclipse has an error log. There you will see the complete stack trace. In my case it seems to be caused by a bad jar file combined with the libs not throwing a proper exception, just a NullPointerException.

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

I've read and tried all the posts and I would like to give an overview of all the solutions. The best way is depending on your requirements. If there are only short snippets that are not longer than a page then go with Insert Object. If the code is longer than one page go with RTF Formatting.

Insert Textbox

  • No page break possible
  • Spell check available
  • Formatting can be ruined very quickly
  • In a document with thousands of pages Word 2016 started to make problems. At some point Word always crashed while trying to insert a new Textbox.

Insert Object > Document

  • No page break possible
  • No spell check
  • Formatting and content stays safe

RTF Formatting

Or any other wysiwyg-editor/online tool/library to style the code.

Some plug-ins/add-ons

All down or doesn't work anymore.

Show compose SMS view in Android

Hope this can help u ...

Filename =

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.telephony.SmsManager;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.*;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.*;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener{

  Button click;
  EditText txt;
  TextView txtvw;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    click = (Button)findViewById(;
    txt = (EditText)findViewById(;
    txtvw = (TextView)findViewById(;


public void onClick(View v){

    v = this.getCurrentFocus();

        SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault();
        sms.sendTextMessage("8017891398",null,"Sent from Android",null,null);
    catch(Exception e){
        txtvw.setText("Message not sent!");
    if(v != null){
        InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;


add this line in AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />

enter image description here

Creating a custom JButton in Java

You could always try the Synth look & feel. You provide an xml file that acts as a sort of stylesheet, along with any images you want to use. The code might look like this:

try {
    SynthLookAndFeel synth = new SynthLookAndFeel();
    Class aClass = MainFrame.class;
    InputStream stream = aClass.getResourceAsStream("\\default.xml");

    if (stream == null) {
        System.err.println("Missing configuration file");

    synth.load(stream, aClass);

} catch (ParseException pe) {
    System.err.println("Bad configuration file");
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ulfe) {
    System.err.println("Old JRE in use. Get a new one");

From there, go on and add your JButton like you normally would. The only change is that you use the setName(string) method to identify what the button should map to in the xml file.

The xml file might look like this:

    <style id="button">
        <font name="DIALOG" size="12" style="BOLD"/>
        <state value="MOUSE_OVER">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
        <state value="ENABLED">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
    <bind style="button" type="name" key="dirt"/>

The bind element there specifies what to map to (in this example, it will apply that styling to any buttons whose name property has been set to "dirt").

And a couple of useful links:

How do I find out which settings.xml file maven is using

Use the Maven debug option, ie mvn -X :

Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 18:31:09+0100)
Maven home: /usr/java/apache-maven-3.0.3
Java version: 1.6.0_12, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_12/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "2.6.32-32-generic", arch: "i386", family: "unix"
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from /usr/java/apache-maven-3.0.3/conf/settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from /home/myhome/.m2/settings.xml

In this output, you can see that the settings.xml is loaded from /home/myhome/.m2/settings.xml.

Confirm button before running deleting routine from website

You can do it with an confirm() message using Javascript.

Use space as a delimiter with cut command

scut, a cut-like utility (smarter but slower I made) that can use any perl regex as a breaking token. Breaking on whitespace is the default, but you can also break on multi-char regexes, alternative regexes, etc.

scut -f='6 2 8 7' < input.file  > output.file

so the above command would break columns on whitespace and extract the (0-based) cols 6 2 8 7 in that order.

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

set this jquery min js

script src=""

in wp-admin/admin-header.php

How to fix "Incorrect string value" errors?

The table and fields have the wrong encoding; however, you can convert them to UTF-8.



ALTER TABLE logtest CHANGE title title VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

How do I add a simple onClick event handler to a canvas element?

I recommand the following article : Hit Region Detection For HTML5 Canvas And How To Listen To Click Events On Canvas Shapes which goes through various situations.

However, it does not cover the addHitRegion API, which must be the best way (using math functions and/or comparisons is quite error prone). This approach is detailed on developer.mozilla

Drop shadow on a div container?

CSS3 has a box-shadow property. Vendor prefixes are required at the moment for maximum browser compatibility. {
    -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 1px #fff;
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 1px #fff;

There is a generator available at css3please.

How do I create a new Git branch from an old commit?


This will create a new branch called 'NEW_BRANCH_NAME' and check it out.

("check out" means "to switch to the branch")


This just creates the new branch without checking it out.

in the comments many people seem to prefer doing this in two steps. here's how to do so in two steps:

git checkout COMMIT_ID
# you are now in the "detached head" state
git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH_NAME

If else in stored procedure sql server

Thank you all for your answers but I figured out how to do it and the final procedure looks like that :

@ParLngId int output
if not exists (Select ParLngId from T_Param where ParStrIndex = 'RES' and ParStrP2 = 'Web')
            INSERT INTO T_Param values('RES','¤ExtranetClient', 'ECli', 'Web', 1, 1, Null, Null, 'non', 'ExtranetClient', 'ExtranetClient', 25032, Null, '[email protected]', 'Extranet-Client', Null, 27, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, 1, Null, Null, 0 )
            SET @ParLngId = @@IDENTITY
            SET @ParLngId = (Select top 1 ParLngId from T_Param where ParStrNom = 'Extranet Client')
            Return @ParLngId

So the thing that I found out and which made it works is:

if not exists

It allows us to use a boolean instead of Null or 0 or a number resulted of count()

Generate a random double in a range

To generate a random value between rangeMin and rangeMax:

Random r = new Random();
double randomValue = rangeMin + (rangeMax - rangeMin) * r.nextDouble();

How to deploy correctly when using Composer's develop / production switch?


There is IMHO a good reason why Composer will use the --dev flag by default (on install and update) nowadays. Composer is mostly run in scenario's where this is desired behavior:

The basic Composer workflow is as follows:

  • A new project is started: composer.phar install --dev, json and lock files are commited to VCS.
  • Other developers start working on the project: checkout of VCS and composer.phar install --dev.
  • A developer adds dependancies: composer.phar require <package>, add --dev if you want the package in the require-dev section (and commit).
  • Others go along: (checkout and) composer.phar install --dev.
  • A developer wants newer versions of dependencies: composer.phar update --dev <package> (and commit).
  • Others go along: (checkout and) composer.phar install --dev.
  • Project is deployed: composer.phar install --no-dev

As you can see the --dev flag is used (far) more than the --no-dev flag, especially when the number of developers working on the project grows.

Production deploy

What's the correct way to deploy this without installing the "dev" dependencies?

Well, the composer.json and composer.lock file should be committed to VCS. Don't omit composer.lock because it contains important information on package-versions that should be used.

When performing a production deploy, you can pass the --no-dev flag to Composer:

composer.phar install --no-dev

The composer.lock file might contain information about dev-packages. This doesn't matter. The --no-dev flag will make sure those dev-packages are not installed.

When I say "production deploy", I mean a deploy that's aimed at being used in production. I'm not arguing whether a composer.phar install should be done on a production server, or on a staging server where things can be reviewed. That is not the scope of this answer. I'm merely pointing out how to composer.phar install without installing "dev" dependencies.


The --optimize-autoloader flag might also be desirable on production (it generates a class-map which will speed up autoloading in your application):

composer.phar install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Or when automated deployment is done:

composer.phar install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-plugins --no-progress --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader

If your codebase supports it, you could swap out --optimize-autoloader for --classmap-authoritative. More info here

What's the difference between using CGFloat and float?

As @weichsel stated, CGFloat is just a typedef for either float or double. You can see for yourself by Command-double-clicking on "CGFloat" in Xcode — it will jump to the CGBase.h header where the typedef is defined. The same approach is used for NSInteger and NSUInteger as well.

These types were introduced to make it easier to write code that works on both 32-bit and 64-bit without modification. However, if all you need is float precision within your own code, you can still use float if you like — it will reduce your memory footprint somewhat. Same goes for integer values.

I suggest you invest the modest time required to make your app 64-bit clean and try running it as such, since most Macs now have 64-bit CPUs and Snow Leopard is fully 64-bit, including the kernel and user applications. Apple's 64-bit Transition Guide for Cocoa is a useful resource.

Bootstrap 4 align navbar items to the right

It's little change in boostrap 4. To align navbar to right side, you've to make only two changes. they are:

  1. in navbar-nav class add w-100 as navbar-nav w-100 to make width as 100
  2. in nav-item dropdown class add ml-auto as nav-item dropdown ml-auto to make margin left as auto.

If you didn't understand, please refer the image that i've attached to this.

CodePen Link

enter image description here

Full source code

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>
  <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNavDropdown" aria-controls="navbarNavDropdown" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
    <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavDropdown">
    <ul class="navbar-nav w-100">
      <li class="nav-item active">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Features</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Pricing</a>
      <li class="nav-item dropdown ml-auto">
        <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
          Dropdown link
        <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a>

Meaning of numbers in "col-md-4"," col-xs-1", "col-lg-2" in Bootstrap

The main point is this:

col-lg-* col-md-* col-xs-* col-sm define how many columns will there be in these different screen sizes.

Example: if you want there to be two columns in desktop screens and in phone screens you put two col-md-6 and two col-xs-6 classes in your columns.

If you want there to be two columns in desktop screens and only one column in phone screens (ie two rows stacked on top of each other) you put two col-md-6 and two col-xs-12 in your columns and because sum will be 24 they will auto stack on top of each other, or just leave xs style out.

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?

Once you have connected your UITableView delegate and datasource to your controller, you could do something like this:


- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {

    NSString *sectionName;
    switch (section) {
        case 0:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString(@"mySectionName", @"mySectionName");
        case 1:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString(@"myOtherSectionName", @"myOtherSectionName");
        // ...
            sectionName = @"";
    return sectionName;


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {

    let sectionName: String
    switch section {
        case 0:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString("mySectionName", comment: "mySectionName")
        case 1:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString("myOtherSectionName", comment: "myOtherSectionName")
        // ...
            sectionName = ""
    return sectionName

Android 8.0: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent

i had this problem too

added this library

implementation 'androidx.localbroadcastmanager:localbroadcastmanager:1.0.0'

and reinstalled the app solved this for me

Can I animate absolute positioned element with CSS transition?

You forgot to define the default value for left so it doesn't know how to animate.

.test {
    left: 0;
    transition:left 1s linear;

See here:

How to download/upload files from/to SharePoint 2013 using CSOM?

Upload a file

Upload a file to a SharePoint site (including SharePoint Online) using File.SaveBinaryDirect Method:

using (var clientContext = new ClientContext(url))
     using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
         var fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
         var list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
         var fileUrl = String.Format("{0}/{1}", list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, fi.Name);

         Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(clientContext, fileUrl, fs, true);

Download file

Download file from a SharePoint site (including SharePoint Online) using File.OpenBinaryDirect Method:

using (var clientContext = new ClientContext(url))

     var list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
     var listItem = list.GetItemById(listItemId);
     clientContext.Load(listItem, i => i.File);

     var fileRef = listItem.File.ServerRelativeUrl;
     var fileInfo = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.OpenBinaryDirect(clientContext, fileRef);
     var fileName = Path.Combine(filePath,(string)listItem.File.Name);
     using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(fileName))

Remove Top Line of Text File with PowerShell

Another approach to remove the first line from file, using multiple assignment technique. Refer Link

 $firstLine, $restOfDocument = Get-Content -Path $filename 
 $modifiedContent = $restOfDocument 
 $modifiedContent | Out-String | Set-Content $filename

Where can I find WcfTestClient.exe (part of Visual Studio)

For Visual studio 2013, Windows 8...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\WcfTestClient.exe

How do I terminate a thread in C++11?

@Howard Hinnant's answer is both correct and comprehensive. But it might be misunderstood if it's read too quickly, because std::terminate() (whole process) happens to have the same name as the "terminating" that @Alexander V had in mind (1 thread).

Summary: "terminate 1 thread + forcefully (target thread doesn't cooperate) + pure C++11 = No way."

maven "cannot find symbol" message unhelpful

In my case, I was using a dependency scoped as <scope>test</scope>. This made the class available at development time but, by at compile time, I got this message.

Turn the class scope for <scope>provided</scope> solved the problem.

pandas get rows which are NOT in other dataframe

How about this:

df1 = pandas.DataFrame(data = {'col1' : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 
                               'col2' : [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]}) 
df2 = pandas.DataFrame(data = {'col1' : [1, 2, 3], 
                               'col2' : [10, 11, 12]})
records_df2 = set([tuple(row) for row in df2.values])
in_df2_mask = np.array([tuple(row) in records_df2 for row in df1.values])
result = df1[~in_df2_mask]

Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value

This has been here quite a while but posting this. Might be useful for someone.

@RequestMapping( "/{id}/**" )
public void foo( @PathVariable String id, HttpServletRequest request ) {
    String urlTail = new AntPathMatcher()
            .extractPathWithinPattern( "/{id}/**", request.getRequestURI() );

Counting array elements in Python

len is a built-in function that calls the given container object's __len__ member function to get the number of elements in the object.

Functions encased with double underscores are usually "special methods" implementing one of the standard interfaces in Python (container, number, etc). Special methods are used via syntactic sugar (object creation, container indexing and slicing, attribute access, built-in functions, etc.).

Using obj.__len__() wouldn't be the correct way of using the special method, but I don't see why the others were modded down so much.

How to round the minute of a datetime object

Here is a simpler generalized solution without floating point precision issues and external library dependencies:

import datetime

def time_mod(time, delta, epoch=None):
    if epoch is None:
        epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=time.tzinfo)
    return (time - epoch) % delta

def time_round(time, delta, epoch=None):
    mod = time_mod(time, delta, epoch)
    if mod < (delta / 2):
       return time - mod
    return time + (delta - mod)

In your case:

>>> tm = datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23)
>>> time_round(tm, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 4, 0)

Getting only hour/minute of datetime

Try this:

String hourMinute = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm");

Now you will get the time in hour:minute format.

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I had a similar error on my side when I was using JDBC in Java code.

According to this website (the second awnser) it suggest that you are trying to execute the query with a missing parameter.

For instance :

exec SomeStoredProcedureThatReturnsASite( :L_kSite );

You are trying to execute the query without the last parameter.

Maybe in SQLPlus it doesn't have the same requirements, so it might have been a luck that it worked there.

How I can delete in VIM all text from current line to end of file?

Just add another way , in normal mode , type ctrl+v then G, select the rest, then D, I don't think it is effective , you should do like @Ed Guiness, head -n 20 > filename in linux.

Trouble using ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ...)

It looks like a common gaps-and-islands problem. The difference between two sequences of row numbers rn1 and rn2 give the "group" number.

Run this query CTE-by-CTE and examine intermediate results to see how it works.

Sample data

I expanded sample data from the question a little.

    EmployeeID int,
    DateStarted date,
    DepartmentID int



Query for SQL Server 2008

There is no LEAD function in SQL Server 2008, so I had to use self-join via OUTER APPLY to get the value of the "next" row for the DateEnd.

        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY DateStarted) AS rn1
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID, DepartmentID ORDER BY DateStarted) AS rn2
    FROM @Source
        ,MIN(DateStarted) AS DateStart
        ,rn1 - rn2
        SELECT TOP(1) G2.DateStart AS DateEnd
        FROM CTE_Groups AS G2
            G2.EmployeeID = CTE_Groups.EmployeeID
            AND G2.DateStart > CTE_Groups.DateStart
        ORDER BY G2.DateStart
    ) AS A

Query for SQL Server 2012+

Starting with SQL Server 2012 there is a LEAD function that makes this task more efficient.

        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY DateStarted) AS rn1
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID, DepartmentID ORDER BY DateStarted) AS rn2
    FROM @Source
        ,MIN(DateStarted) AS DateStart
        ,rn1 - rn2
    ,LEAD(CTE_Groups.DateStart) OVER (PARTITION BY CTE_Groups.EmployeeID ORDER BY CTE_Groups.DateStart) AS DateEnd


| EmployeeID | DepartmentID | DateStart  |  DateEnd   |
|      10001 |            1 | 2013-01-01 | 2013-12-01 |
|      10001 |            2 | 2013-12-01 | 2014-10-01 |
|      10001 |            1 | 2014-10-01 | NULL       |
|      10005 |            1 | 2013-05-01 | 2013-12-01 |
|      10005 |            2 | 2013-12-01 | 2014-10-01 |
|      10005 |            1 | 2014-10-01 | NULL       |

Catch checked change event of a checkbox

Use below code snippet to achieve this.:

  $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked','checked');

  $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked',false);

Or you can do the same with single check box:

$('#checkAll').click(function(e) {
  if($('#checkAll').attr('checked') == 'checked') {
    $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked','checked');
  } else {
    $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked', false);

For demo:

How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

public static void appReloader()
        //Start a new instance of the current program

        //close the current application process

Application.ExecutablePath returns your aplication .exe file path Please follow the order of calls. You might want to place it in a try-catch clause.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

In my case, everything was set up correctly, but my Docker infrastructure needed more RAM. I'm using Docker for Mac, where default RAM was around 1 GB, and as MySQL uses around 1.5Gb of RAM ( and probably was crashing ??? ), changing the Docker RAM utilization level to 3-4 Gb solved the issue.

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

not sure if this is the most efficient, but a concise ES6 syntax might be:

let arry = [...htmlCollection] 

Edit: Another one, from Chris_F comment:

let arry = Array.from(htmlCollection)

How to declare an array in Python?

You can create lists and convert them into arrays or you can create array using numpy module. Below are few examples to illustrate the same. Numpy also makes it easier to work with multi-dimensional arrays.

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

#For custom inputs
a = np.array([int(x) for x in input().split()])

You can also reshape this array into a 2X2 matrix using reshape function which takes in input as the dimensions of the matrix.

mat = a.reshape(2, 2)

Getting value of select (dropdown) before change

please don't use a global var for this - store the prev value at the data here is an example:

the code for ref:

  var sel = $("#sel");"prev",sel.val());

     var jqThis = $(this);

just saw that you have many selects on page - this approach will also work for you since for each select you will store the prev value on the data of the select

Remove a marker from a GoogleMap

Make a global variable to keep track of marker

private Marker currentLocationMarker;

//Remove old marker

            if (null != currentLocationMarker) {

// Add updated marker in and move the camera

            currentLocationMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(
                    new LatLng(getLatitude(), getLongitude()))
                    .title("You are now Here").visible(true)
                    .icon(Utils.getMarkerBitmapFromView(getActivity(), R.drawable.auto_front))
                    .snippet("Updated Location"));


What in layman's terms is a Recursive Function using PHP

This is a very simple example of factorial with Recursion:

Factorials are a very easy maths concept. They are written like 5! and this means 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1. So 6! is 720 and 4! is 24.

function factorial($number) { 

    if ($number < 2) { 
        return 1; 
    } else { 
        return ($number * factorial($number-1)); 

hope this is usefull for you. :)

Send JSON data via POST (ajax) and receive json response from Controller (MVC)

Use JSON.stringify(<data>).

Change your code: data: sendInfo to data: JSON.stringify(sendInfo). Hope this can help you.

Can I add color to bootstrap icons only using CSS?

This is all a bit roundabout..

I've used the glyphs like this

        <div class="span2">
            <span class="glyphicons thumbs_up"><i class="green"></i></span>
        <div class="span2">
            <span class="glyphicons thumbs_down"><i class="red"></i></span>

and to affect the color, i included a bit of css at the head like this

<style> {
            color: green;
        } {
            color: red;

Voila, green and red thumbs.

How to change content on hover

The CSS content property along with ::after and ::before pseudo-elements have been introduced for this.

.item:hover a{
    content: 'ADD';

JSFiddle Demo

python requests get cookies

Alternatively, you can use requests.Session and observe cookies before and after a request:

>>> import requests
>>> session = requests.Session()
>>> print(session.cookies.get_dict())
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(session.cookies.get_dict())
{'PREF': 'ID=5514c728c9215a9a:FF=0:TM=1406958091:LM=1406958091:S=KfAG0U9jYhrB0XNf', 'NID': '67=TVMYiq2wLMNvJi5SiaONeIQVNqxSc2RAwVrCnuYgTQYAHIZAGESHHPL0xsyM9EMpluLDQgaj3db_V37NjvshV-eoQdA8u43M8UwHMqZdL-S2gjho8j0-Fe1XuH5wYr9v'}

Disable mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google Maps

Yes its quite easy. I faced a similar problem. Just add the css property "pointer-events" to the iframe div and set it to 'none'.

Example:< iframe style="pointer-events:none" src= ........ >

SideNote: This fix would disable all other mouse events on the map. It worked for me since we didnt require any user interaction on the map.

How to prevent rm from reporting that a file was not found?

Yes, -f is the most suitable option for this.

What is the use of GO in SQL Server Management Studio & Transact SQL?

Just to add to the existing answers, when you are creating views you must separate these commands into batches using go, otherwise you will get the error 'CREATE VIEW' must be the only statement in the batch. So, for example, you won't be able to execute the following sql script without go

create view MyView1 as
select Id,Name from table1
create view MyView2 as
select Id,Name from table1

select * from MyView1
select * from MyView2

What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?

__repr__ is used everywhere, except by print and str methods (when a __str__is defined !)

set environment variable in python script

There are many good answers here but you should avoid at all cost to pass untrusted variables to subprocess using shell=True as this is a security risk. The variables can escape to the shell and run arbitrary commands! If you just can't avoid it at least use python3's shlex.quote() to escape the string (if you have multiple space-separated arguments, quote each split instead of the full string).

shell=False is always the default where you pass an argument array.

Now the safe solutions...

Method #1

Change your own process's environment - the new environment will apply to python itself and all subprocesses.

os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = 'my_path'
command = ['sqsub', '-np', var1, '/homedir/anotherdir/executable']

Method #2

Make a copy of the environment and pass is to the childen. You have total control over the children environment and won't affect python's own environment.

myenv = os.environ.copy()
myenv['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = 'my_path'
command = ['sqsub', '-np', var1, '/homedir/anotherdir/executable']
subprocess.check_call(command, env=myenv)

Method #3

Unix only: Execute env to set the environment variable. More cumbersome if you have many variables to modify and not portabe, but like #2 you retain full control over python and children environments.

command = ['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=my_path', 'sqsub', '-np', var1, '/homedir/anotherdir/executable']

Of course if var1 contain multiple space-separated argument they will now be passed as a single argument with spaces. To retain original behavior with shell=True you must compose a command array that contain the splitted string:

command = ['sqsub', '-np'] + var1.split() + ['/homedir/anotherdir/executable']

How can foreign key constraints be temporarily disabled using T-SQL?

You can temporarily disable constraints on your tables, do work, then rebuild them.

Here is an easy way to do it...

Disable all indexes, including the primary keys, which will disable all foreign keys, then re-enable just the primary keys so you can work with them...

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ALL ON [' + t.[name] + '] DISABLE;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.tables t
where type='u'

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ' + i.[name] + ' ON [' + t.[name] + '] REBUILD;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.key_constraints i
    sys.tables t on i.parent_object_id=t.object_id

exec dbo.sp_executesql @sql;

[Do something, like loading data]

Then re-enable and rebuild the indexes...

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ALL ON [' + t.[name] + '] REBUILD;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.tables t
where type='u'

exec dbo.sp_executesql @sql;

Given two directory trees, how can I find out which files differ by content?

I like to use git diff --no-index dir1/ dir2/, because it can show the differences in color (if you have that option set in your git config) and because it shows all of the differences in a long paged output using "less".

ASP.NET jQuery Ajax Calling Code-Behind Method

This hasn't solved my problem too, so I changed the parameters slightly.
This code worked for me:

var dataValue = "{ name: 'person', isGoing: 'true', returnAddress: 'returnEmail' }";

    type: "POST",
    url: "Default.aspx/OnSubmit",
    data: dataValue,
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    dataType: 'json',
    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert("Request: " + XMLHttpRequest.toString() + "\n\nStatus: " + textStatus + "\n\nError: " + errorThrown);
    success: function (result) {
        alert("We returned: " + result.d);

Simple parse JSON from URL on Android and display in listview

HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
request.setURI(new URI(url));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response
String line = "";

while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {

    JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(line);

    if (jObject.has("name")) {

        String temp = jObject.getString("name");



Python 2.6: Class inside a Class?

It sounds like you are talking about aggregation. Each instance of your player class can contain zero or more instances of Airplane, which, in turn, can contain zero or more instances of Flight. You can implement this in Python using the built-in list type to save you naming variables with numbers.

class Flight(object):

    def __init__(self, duration):
        self.duration = duration

class Airplane(object):

    def __init__(self): = []

    def add_flight(self, duration):

class Player(object):

    def __init__ (self, stock = 0, bank = 200000, fuel = 0, total_pax = 0):
        self.stock = stock = bank
        self.fuel = fuel
        self.total_pax = total_pax
        self.airplanes = []

    def add_planes(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    player = Player()

How to check if a String contains any letter from a to z?

You could use RegEx:

Regex.IsMatch(hello, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$");

If you don't like that, you can use LINQ:


Or, you can loop through the characters, and use isAlpha:


Aligning two divs side-by-side

The HTML code is for three div align side by side and can be used for two also by some changes

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="first">first</div>
  <div id="second">second</div>
  <div id="third">third</div>

The CSS will be

#wrapper {
#row {
#first {
#second {
#third {

This code will workup towards responsive layout as it will resize the


according to device width. Even one can silent anyone



<!--<div id="third">third</div> --> 

and can use rest two for two


side by side.

How to ignore HTML element from tabindex?

Such hack like "tabIndex=-1" not work for me with Chrome v53.

This is which works for chrome, and most browsers:

function removeTabIndex(element) {_x000D_
<input tabIndex="1" />_x000D_
<input tabIndex="2" id="notabindex" />_x000D_
<input tabIndex="3" />_x000D_
<button tabIndex="4" onclick="removeTabIndex(document.getElementById('notabindex'))">Remove tabindex</button>

Fix GitLab error: "you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project"?

I experienced the same problem on my repository. I'm the master of the repository, but I had such an error.

I've unprotected my project and then re-protected again, and the error is gone.

We had upgraded the gitlab version between my previous push and the problematic one. I suppose that this upgrade has created the bug.

jQuery + client-side template = "Syntax error, unrecognized expression"

EugeneXa mentioned it in a comment, but it deserves to be an answer:

var template = $("#modal_template").html().trim();

This trims the offending whitespace from the beginning of the string. I used it with Mustache, like so:

var markup = Mustache.render(template, data);

Delete all rows with timestamp older than x days

DELETE FROM on_search WHERE search_date < NOW() - INTERVAL N DAY

Replace N with your day count

Check if null Boolean is true results in exception

Or with the power of Java 8 Optional, you also can do such trick:



How do I remove a library from the arduino environment?

For others who are looking to remove a built-in library, the route is to get into PackageContents -> Java -> libraries.

BUT : IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ELIMINATE LIBRARIES inside the app, they don't take space, don't have any influence on performance, and if you don't know what you are doing, you can harm the program. I did it because Arduino told me about libraries to update, showing then a board I don't have, and when saying ok it wanted to install a lot of new dependencies - I just felt forced to something I don't want, so I deinstalled that board.

Unloading classes in java?

Classloaders can be a tricky problem. You can especially run into problems if you're using multiple classloaders and don't have their interactions clearly and rigorously defined. I think in order to actually be able to unload a class youlre going go have to remove all references to any classes(and their instances) you're trying to unload.

Most people needing to do this type of thing end up using OSGi. OSGi is really powerful and surprisingly lightweight and easy to use,

Creating a Menu in Python

This should do it. You were missing a ) and you only need """ not 4 of them. Also you don't need a elif at the end.

while ans:
    1.Add a Student
    2.Delete a Student
    3.Look Up Student Record
    ans=raw_input("What would you like to do? ")
    if ans=="1":
      print("\nStudent Added")
    elif ans=="2":
      print("\n Student Deleted")
    elif ans=="3":
      print("\n Student Record Found")
    elif ans=="4":
      print("\n Goodbye") 
      ans = None
       print("\n Not Valid Choice Try again")

nginx- duplicate default server error

OS Debian 10 + nginx. In my case, i unlinked the "default" page as:

  1. cd/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  2. unlink default
  3. service nginx restart

Unresponsive KeyListener for JFrame

Deion (and anyone else asking a similar question), you could use Peter's code above but instead of printing to standard output, you test for the key code PRESSED, RELEASED, or TYPED.

public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
    if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F4) {
    } else if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F4) {
    } else if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) {
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F4) {
    return false;

"installation of package 'FILE_PATH' had non-zero exit status" in R

I have had the same problem with a specific package in R and the solution was I should install in the ubuntu terminal libcurl. Look at the information that appears above explaining to us that curl package has error installation.

I knew this about the message:

Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing:
 * deb: libcurl4-openssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
 * rpm: libcurl-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
 * csw: libcurl_dev (Solaris)
If libcurl is already installed, check that 'pkg-config' is in your
PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains a libcurl.pc file. If pkg-config
is unavailable you can set INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR manually via:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'

To install it I used the net command:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Sometimes we can not install a specific package in R because we have problems with packages that must be installed previously as curl package. To know if we should install it we should check the warning errors such as: installation of package ‘curl’ had non-zero exit status.

I hope I have been helpful

Mips how to store user input string

Ok. I found a program buried deep in other files from the beginning of the year that does what I want. I can't really comment on the suggestions offered because I'm not an experienced spim or low level programmer.Here it is:

         .globl __start
         la $a0,str1 #Load and print string asking for string
         li $v0,4

         li $v0,8 #take in input
         la $a0, buffer #load byte space into address
         li $a1, 20 # allot the byte space for string
         move $t0,$a0 #save string to t0

         la $a0,str2 #load and print "you wrote" string
         li $v0,4

         la $a0, buffer #reload byte space to primary address
         move $a0,$t0 # primary address = t0 address (load pointer)
         li $v0,4 # print string

         li $v0,10 #end program

             buffer: .space 20
             str1:  .asciiz "Enter string(max 20 chars): "
             str2:  .asciiz "You wrote:\n"
             #Enter string(max 20 chars): qwerty 123
             #You wrote:
             #qwerty 123
             #Enter string(max 20 chars):   new world oreddeYou wrote:
             #  new world oredde //lol special character

How to load up CSS files using Javascript?

I guess something like this script would do:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/styles.js"></script>

This JS file contains the following statement:

if (!document.getElementById) document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/versions4.css">');

The address of the javascript and css would need to be absolute if they are to refer to your site.

Many CSS import techniques are discussed in this "Say no to CSS hacks with branching techniques" article.

But the "Using JavaScript to dynamically add Portlet CSS stylesheets" article mentions also the CreateStyleSheet possibility (proprietary method for IE):

<script type="text/javascript">
if(document.createStyleSheet) {
else {
  var styles = "@import url(' http://server/stylesheet.css ');";
  var newSS=document.createElement('link');

Angular2 - TypeScript : Increment a number after timeout in AppComponent

You should put your processing into the class constructor or an OnInit hook method.

Oracle's default date format is YYYY-MM-DD, WHY?

The biggest PITA of Oracle is that is does not have a default date format!

In your installation of Oracle the combination of Locales and install options has picked (the very sensible!) YYYY-MM-DD as the format for outputting dates. Another installation could have picked "DD/MM/YYYY" or "YYYY/DD/MM".

If you want your SQL to be portable to another Oracle site I would recommend you always wrap a TO_CHAR(datecol,'YYYY-MM-DD') or similar function around each date column your SQL or alternativly set the defualt format immediatly after you connect with


or similar.

What is the difference between IEnumerator and IEnumerable?

An IEnumerator is a thing that can enumerate: it has the Current property and the MoveNext and Reset methods (which in .NET code you probably won't call explicitly, though you could).

An IEnumerable is a thing that can be enumerated...which simply means that it has a GetEnumerator method that returns an IEnumerator.

Which do you use? The only reason to use IEnumerator is if you have something that has a nonstandard way of enumerating (that is, of returning its various elements one-by-one), and you need to define how that works. You'd create a new class implementing IEnumerator. But you'd still need to return that IEnumerator in an IEnumerable class.

For a look at what an enumerator (implementing IEnumerator<T>) looks like, see any Enumerator<T> class, such as the ones contained in List<T>, Queue<T>, or Stack<T>. For a look at a class implementing IEnumerable, see any standard collection class.

How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

There may be several causes which lead to the service being stuck in “marked for deletion”.

  1. SysInternals' Process Explorer is opened. Closing it should lead to automatic removal of the service.

  2. Task Manager is opened.

  3. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is opened. To ensure all instances are closed, run taskkill /F /IM mmc.exe.

  4. Services console is opened. This is the same as the previous point, since Services console is hosted by MMC.

  5. Event Viewer is opened. Again, this is the same as the third point.

  6. The key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{service name} exists.

  7. Someone else is logged into the server and has one of the previously mentioned applications opened.

  8. An instance of Visual Studio used to debug the service is open.

Quadratic and cubic regression in Excel

I know that this question is a little old, but I thought that I would provide an alternative which, in my opinion, might be a little easier. If you're willing to add "temporary" columns to a data set, you can use Excel's Analysis ToolPak?Data Analysis?Regression. The secret to doing a quadratic or a cubic regression analysis is defining the Input X Range:.

If you're doing a simple linear regression, all you need are 2 columns, X & Y. If you're doing a quadratic, you'll need X_1, X_2, & Y where X_1 is the x variable and X_2 is x^2; likewise, if you're doing a cubic, you'll need X_1, X_2, X_3, & Y where X_1 is the x variable, X_2 is x^2 and X_3 is x^3. Notice how the Input X Range is from A1 to B22, spanning 2 columns.

Input for Quadratic Regression Analysis in Excel

The following image the output of the regression analysis. I've highlighted the common outputs, including the R-Squared values and all the coefficients.

Coefficients of Quadratic Regression Analysis in Excel

accepting HTTPS connections with self-signed certificates

If you have a custom/self-signed certificate on server that is not there on device, you can use the below class to load it and use it on client side in Android:

Place the certificate *.crt file in /res/raw so that it is available from R.raw.*

Use below class to obtain an HTTPClient or HttpsURLConnection which will have a socket factory using that certificate :

package com.example.customssl;

import android.content.Context;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;


public class CustomCAHttpsProvider {

     * Creates a {@link org.apache.http.client.HttpClient} which is configured to work with a custom authority
     * certificate.
     * @param context       Application Context
     * @param certRawResId of certificate file (*.crt). Should be stored in /res/raw.
     * @param allowAllHosts If true then client will not check server against host names of certificate.
     * @return Http Client.
     * @throws Exception If there is an error initializing the client.
    public static HttpClient getHttpClient(Context context, int certRawResId, boolean allowAllHosts) throws Exception {

        // build key store with ca certificate
        KeyStore keyStore = buildKeyStore(context, certRawResId);

        // init ssl socket factory with key store
        SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory(keyStore);

        // skip hostname security check if specified
        if (allowAllHosts) {
            sslSocketFactory.setHostnameVerifier(new AllowAllHostnameVerifier());

        // basic http params for client
        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();

        // normal scheme registry with our ssl socket factory for "https"
        SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", sslSocketFactory, 443));

        // create connection manager
        ThreadSafeClientConnManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry);

        // create http client
        return new DefaultHttpClient(cm, params);

     * Creates a {@link} which is configured to work with a custom authority
     * certificate.
     * @param urlString     remote url string.
     * @param context       Application Context
     * @param certRawResId of certificate file (*.crt). Should be stored in /res/raw.
     * @param allowAllHosts If true then client will not check server against host names of certificate.
     * @return Http url connection.
     * @throws Exception If there is an error initializing the connection.
    public static HttpsURLConnection getHttpsUrlConnection(String urlString, Context context, int certRawResId,
                                                           boolean allowAllHosts) throws Exception {

        // build key store with ca certificate
        KeyStore keyStore = buildKeyStore(context, certRawResId);

        // Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore
        String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
        TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm);

        // Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager
        SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        sslContext.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);

        // Create a connection from url
        URL url = new URL(urlString);
        HttpsURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        // skip hostname security check if specified
        if (allowAllHosts) {
            urlConnection.setHostnameVerifier(new AllowAllHostnameVerifier());

        return urlConnection;

    private static KeyStore buildKeyStore(Context context, int certRawResId) throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
        // init a default key store
        String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType);
        keyStore.load(null, null);

        // read and add certificate authority
        Certificate cert = readCert(context, certRawResId);
        keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", cert);

        return keyStore;

    private static Certificate readCert(Context context, int certResourceId) throws CertificateException, IOException {

        // read certificate resource
        InputStream caInput = context.getResources().openRawResource(certResourceId);

        Certificate ca;
        try {
            // generate a certificate
            CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
            ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput);
        } finally {

        return ca;


Key points:

  1. Certificate objects are generated from .crt files.
  2. A default KeyStore is created.
  3. keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", cert) is adding certificate to key store under alias "ca". You modify the code to add more certificates (intermediate CA etc).
  4. Main objective is to generate a SSLSocketFactory which can then be used by HTTPClient or HttpsURLConnection.
  5. SSLSocketFactory can be configured further, for example to skip host name verification etc.

More information at :

ORACLE convert number to string

Using the FM format model modifier to get close, as you won't get the trailing zeros after the decimal separator; but you will still get the separator itself, e.g. 50.. You can use rtrim to get rid of that:

select to_char(a, '99D90'),
    to_char(a, '90D90'),
    to_char(a, 'FM90D99'),
    rtrim(to_char(a, 'FM90D99'), to_char(0, 'D'))
from (
    select 50 a from dual
    union all select 50.57 from dual
    union all select 5.57 from dual
    union all select 0.35 from dual
    union all select 0.4 from dual
order by a;

------ ------ ------ ------
   .35   0.35 0.35   0.35
   .40   0.40 0.4    0.4
  5.57   5.57 5.57   5.57
 50.00  50.00 50.    50
 50.57  50.57 50.57  50.57

Note that I'm using to_char(0, 'D') to generate the character to trim, to match the decimal separator - so it looks for the same character, , or ., as the first to_char adds.

The slight downside is that you lose the alignment. If this is being used elsewhere it might not matter, but it does then you can also wrap it in an lpad, which starts to make it look a bit complicated:

lpad(rtrim(to_char(a, 'FM90D99'), to_char(0, 'D')), 6)

------ ------ ------ ------ ------------------------
   .35   0.35 0.35   0.35     0.35
   .40   0.40 0.4    0.4       0.4
  5.57   5.57 5.57   5.57     5.57
 50.00  50.00 50.    50         50
 50.57  50.57 50.57  50.57   50.57

Does Arduino use C or C++?

Both are supported. To quote the Arduino homepage,

The core libraries are written in C and C++ and compiled using avr-gcc

Note that C++ is a superset of C (well, almost), and thus can often look very similar. I am not an expert, but I guess that most of what you will program for the Arduino in your first year on that platform will not need anything but plain C.

Python 3: ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"

The solution which worked for me was to upgrade my setuptools:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

PHP Create and Save a txt file to root directory

fopen() will open a resource in the same directory as the file executing the command. In other words, if you're just running the file ~/test.php, your script will create ~/myText.txt.

This can get a little confusing if you're using any URL rewriting (such as in an MVC framework) as it will likely create the new file in whatever the directory contains the root index.php file.

Also, you must have correct permissions set and may want to test before writing to the file. The following would help you debug:

$fp = fopen("myText.txt","wb");
if( $fp == false ){
    //do debugging or logging here

cat, grep and cut - translated to python

you need to use os.system module to execute shell command

import os

if you want to save the output for later use, you need to use subprocess module

import subprocess
child = subprocess.Popen('command',stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
output = child.communicate()[0]

How do I create a pause/wait function using Qt?

To use the standard sleep function add the following in your .cpp file:

#include <unistd.h>

As of Qt version 4.8, the following sleep functions are available:

void QThread::msleep(unsigned long msecs)
void QThread::sleep(unsigned long secs)
void QThread::usleep(unsigned long usecs)

To use them, simply add the following in your .cpp file:

#include <QThread>

Reference: QThread (via Qt documentation):

Otherwise, perform these steps...

Modify the project file as follows:

CONFIG += qtestlib

Note that in newer versions of Qt you will get the following error:

Project WARNING: CONFIG+=qtestlib is deprecated. Use QT+=testlib instead.

... so, instead modify the project file as follows:

QT += testlib

Then, in your .cpp file, be sure to add the following:

#include <QtTest>

And then use one of the sleep functions like so:


How to create a template function within a class? (C++)

Your guess is the correct one. The only thing you have to remember is that the member function template definition (in addition to the declaration) should be in the header file, not the cpp, though it does not have to be in the body of the class declaration itself.

Show hidden div on ng-click within ng-repeat

Use ng-show and toggle the value of a show scope variable in the ng-click handler.

Here is a working example:

<ul class="procedures">
    <li ng-repeat="procedure in procedures">
        <h4><a href="#" ng-click="show = !show">{{procedure.definition}}</a></h4>
         <div class="procedure-details" ng-show="show">
            <p>Number of patient discharges: {{procedure.discharges}}</p>
            <p>Average amount covered by Medicare: {{procedure.covered}}</p>
            <p>Average total payments: {{procedure.payments}}</p>

How can I pull from remote Git repository and override the changes in my local repository?

As an addendum, if you want to reapply your changes on top of the remote, you can also try:

git pull --rebase origin master

If you then want to undo some of your changes (but perhaps not all of them) you can use:

git reset SHA_HASH

Then do some adjustment and recommit.

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?

Right now (as of 2008), all the SOAP libraries available for Python suck. I recommend avoiding SOAP if possible. The last time we where forced to use a SOAP web service from Python, we wrote a wrapper in C# that handled the SOAP on one side and spoke COM out the other.

How to Convert a Text File into a List in Python

This looks like a CSV file, so you could use the python csv module to read it. For example:

import csv

crimefile = open(fileName, 'r')
reader = csv.reader(crimefile)
allRows = [row for row in reader]

Using the csv module allows you to specify how things like quotes and newlines are handled. See the documentation I linked to above.

How to select records without duplicate on just one field in SQL?

Having Clause is the easiest way to find duplicate entry in Oracle and using rowid we can remove duplicate data..

DELETE FROM products WHERE rowid IN (
  SELECT itemcode, (rowid) sl FROM products WHERE itemcode IN (
  SELECT itemcode FROM products GROUP BY itemcode HAVING COUNT(itemcode)>1
)) GROUP BY itemcode);

Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport

To get size of viewport on load and on resize (based on SimaWB response):

function getViewport() {
    var viewportWidth = $(window).width();
    var viewportHeight = $(window).height();
    $('#viewport').html('Viewport: '+viewportWidth+' x '+viewportHeight+' px');


$(window).resize(function() {

Run a single test method with maven

To my knowledge, the surefire plugin doesn't provide any way to do this. But feel free to open an issue :)

PadLeft function in T-SQL

declare @T table(id int)
insert into @T values

select right('0000'+convert(varchar(4), id), 4)
from @T



What does -Xmn jvm option stands for

From here:

-Xmn : the size of the heap for the young generation

Young generation represents all the objects which have a short life of time. Young generation objects are in a specific location into the heap, where the garbage collector will pass often. All new objects are created into the young generation region (called "eden"). When an object survive is still "alive" after more than 2-3 gc cleaning, then it will be swap has an "old generation" : they are "survivor".

And a more "official" source from IBM:


Sets the initial and maximum size of the new (nursery) heap to the specified value when using -Xgcpolicy:gencon. Equivalent to setting both -Xmns and -Xmnx. If you set either -Xmns or -Xmnx, you cannot set -Xmn. If you attempt to set -Xmn with either -Xmns or -Xmnx, the VM will not start, returning an error. By default, -Xmn is selected internally according to your system's capability. You can use the -verbose:sizes option to find out the values that the VM is currently using.

The permissions granted to user ' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"}

What worked for me was:

  • Go to Site Setting
  • Click on "Configure site-wide security"
  • Click "New Role Assignment" button in top bar
  • Give the new role the following name "Everyone"
  • Of the available roles, grant it "System User" only
  • Click "Apply"

That should do it,

Good luck!

Navigate to another page with a button in angular 2

 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary-outline pull-right" (click)="btnClick();"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add</button>

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

btnClick= function () {

Parsing boolean values with argparse

Simplest way would be to use choices:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

args = parser.parse_args()
flag = args.my_flag == 'True'

Not passing --my-flag evaluates to False. The required=True option could be added if you always want the user to explicitly specify a choice.

rails 3.1.0 ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled)

You will get better performance in production if you set config.assets.compile to false in production.rb and precompile your assets. You can precompile with this rake task:

bundle exec rake assets:precompile

If you are using Capistrano, version 2.8.0 has a recipe to handle this at deploy time. For more info, see the "In Production" section of the Asset Pipeline Guide:

How to avoid Number Format Exception in java?

Documentation for the method from the Apache Commons Lang (from here):

Checks whether the String a valid Java number.

Valid numbers include hexadecimal marked with the 0x qualifier, scientific notation and numbers marked with a type qualifier (e.g. 123L).

Null and empty String will return false.


`str` - the `String` to check


`true` if the string is a correctly formatted number

isNumber from

public static boolean isNumber(final String str) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
        return false;
    final char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
    int sz = chars.length;
    boolean hasExp = false;
    boolean hasDecPoint = false;
    boolean allowSigns = false;
    boolean foundDigit = false;
    // deal with any possible sign up front
    final int start = (chars[0] == '-') ? 1 : 0;
    if (sz > start + 1 && chars[start] == '0' && chars[start + 1] == 'x') {
        int i = start + 2;
        if (i == sz) {
            return false; // str == "0x"
        // checking hex (it can't be anything else)
        for (; i < chars.length; i++) {
            if ((chars[i] < '0' || chars[i] > '9')
                && (chars[i] < 'a' || chars[i] > 'f')
                && (chars[i] < 'A' || chars[i] > 'F')) {
                return false;
        return true;
    sz--; // don't want to loop to the last char, check it afterwords
          // for type qualifiers
    int i = start;
    // loop to the next to last char or to the last char if we need another digit to
    // make a valid number (e.g. chars[0..5] = "1234E")
    while (i < sz || (i < sz + 1 && allowSigns && !foundDigit)) {
        if (chars[i] >= '0' && chars[i] <= '9') {
            foundDigit = true;
            allowSigns = false;

        } else if (chars[i] == '.') {
            if (hasDecPoint || hasExp) {
                // two decimal points or dec in exponent   
                return false;
            hasDecPoint = true;
        } else if (chars[i] == 'e' || chars[i] == 'E') {
            // we've already taken care of hex.
            if (hasExp) {
                // two E's
                return false;
            if (!foundDigit) {
                return false;
            hasExp = true;
            allowSigns = true;
        } else if (chars[i] == '+' || chars[i] == '-') {
            if (!allowSigns) {
                return false;
            allowSigns = false;
            foundDigit = false; // we need a digit after the E
        } else {
            return false;
    if (i < chars.length) {
        if (chars[i] >= '0' && chars[i] <= '9') {
            // no type qualifier, OK
            return true;
        if (chars[i] == 'e' || chars[i] == 'E') {
            // can't have an E at the last byte
            return false;
        if (chars[i] == '.') {
            if (hasDecPoint || hasExp) {
                // two decimal points or dec in exponent
                return false;
            // single trailing decimal point after non-exponent is ok
            return foundDigit;
        if (!allowSigns
            && (chars[i] == 'd'
                || chars[i] == 'D'
                || chars[i] == 'f'
                || chars[i] == 'F')) {
            return foundDigit;
        if (chars[i] == 'l'
            || chars[i] == 'L') {
            // not allowing L with an exponent or decimal point
            return foundDigit && !hasExp && !hasDecPoint;
        // last character is illegal
        return false;
    // allowSigns is true iff the val ends in 'E'
    // found digit it to make sure weird stuff like '.' and '1E-' doesn't pass
    return !allowSigns && foundDigit;

[code is under version 2 of the Apache License]

Check if year is leap year in javascript

function leapYear(year)
  return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0);

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

data=pd.read_csv('/your file name', delim_whitespace=True)


now you can run this code with no error.

NuGet behind a proxy

Another flavor for same "proxy for nuget": alternatively you can set your nuget proxing settings to connect through fiddler. Below cmd will save proxy settings in in default nuget config file for user at %APPDATA%\NuGet\NuGet.Config

nuget config -Set HTTP_PROXY=

Whenever you need nuget to reach out the internet, just open Fiddler, asumming you have fiddler listening on default port 8888.

This configuration is not sensitive to passwork changes because fiddler will resolve any authentication with up stream proxy for you.

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?

Just call fig.tight_layout() as you normally would. (pyplot is just a convenience wrapper. In most cases, you only use it to quickly generate figure and axes objects and then call their methods directly.)

There shouldn't be a difference between the QtAgg backend and the default backend (or if there is, it's a bug).


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#-- In your case, you'd do something more like:
# from matplotlib.figure import Figure
# fig = Figure()
#-- ...but we want to use it interactive for a quick example, so 
#--    we'll do it this way
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')

Before Tight Layout

enter image description here

After Tight Layout

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')


enter image description here

Replace whitespaces with tabs in linux

Using Perl:

perl -p -i -e 's/ /\t/g' file.txt

JPA and Hibernate - Criteria vs. JPQL or HQL

Criteria is an object-oriented API, while HQL means string concatenation. That means all of the benefits of object-orientedness apply:

  1. All else being equal, the OO version is somewhat less prone to error. Any old string could get appended into the HQL query, whereas only valid Criteria objects can make it into a Criteria tree. Effectively, the Criteria classes are more constrained.
  2. With auto-complete, the OO is more discoverable (and thus easier to use, for me at least). You don't necessarily need to remember which parts of the query go where; the IDE can help you
  3. You also don't need to remember the particulars of the syntax (like which symbols go where). All you need to know is how to call methods and create objects.

Since HQL is very much like SQL (which most devs know very well already) then these "don't have to remember" arguments don't carry as much weight. If HQL was more different, then this would be more importatnt.

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript

The Intl.DateTimeFormat object is a constructor for objects that enable language sensitive date and time formatting.

var date = new Date(2014, 11, 31, 12, 30, 0);

var formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("ru");
console.log( formatter.format(date) ); // 31.12.2014

var formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US");

console.log(formatter.format(date)); // 12/31/2014

format of your current zone :

console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat(Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale).
format(new Date()))

Can I run javascript before the whole page is loaded?

Not only can you, but you have to make a special effort not to if you don't want to. :-)

When the browser encounters a classic script tag when parsing the HTML, it stops parsing and hands over to the JavaScript interpreter, which runs the script. The parser doesn't continue until the script execution is complete (because the script might do document.write calls to output markup that the parser should handle).

That's the default behavior, but you have a few options for delaying script execution:

  1. Use JavaScript modules. A type="module" script is deferred until the HTML has been fully parsed and the initial DOM created. This isn't the primary reason to use modules, but it's one of the reasons:

    <script type="module" src="./my-code.js"></script>
    <!-- Or -->
    <script type="module">
    // Your code here

    The code will be fetched (if it's separate) and parsed in parallel with the HTML parsing, but won't be run until the HTML parsing is done. (If your module code is inline rather than in its own file, it is also deferred until HTML parsing is complete.)

    This wasn't available when I first wrote this answer in 2010, but here in 2020, all major modern browsers support modules natively, and if you need to support older browsers, you can use bundlers like Webpack and Rollup.js.

  2. Use the defer attribute on a classic script tag:

    <script defer src="./my-code.js"></script>

    As with the module, the code in my-code.js will be fetched and parsed in parallel with the HTML parsing, but won't be run until the HTML parsing is done. But, defer doesn't work with inline script content, only with external files referenced via src.

  3. I don't think it's what you want, but you can use the async attribute to tell the browser to fetch the JavaScript code in parallel with the HTML parsing, but then run it as soon as possible, even if the HTML parsing isn't complete. You can put it on a type="module" tag, or use it instead of defer on a classic script tag.

  4. Put the script tag at the end of the document, just prior to the closing </body> tag:

    <!doctype html>
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- The document's HTML goes here -->
    <script type="module" src="./my-code.js"></script><!-- Or inline script -->

    That way, even though the code is run as soon as its encountered, all of the elements defined by the HTML above it exist and are ready to be used.

    It used to be that this caused an additional delay on some browsers because they wouldn't start fetching the code until the script tag was encountered, but modern browsers scan ahead and start prefetching. Still, this is very much the third choice at this point, both modules and defer are better options.

The spec has a useful diagram showing a raw script tag, defer, async, type="module", and type="module" async and the timing of when the JavaScript code is fetched and run:

enter image description here

Here's an example of the default behavior, a raw script tag:

.found {_x000D_
    color: green;_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 1</p>_x000D_
    if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined" && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {_x000D_
        NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;_x000D_
    document.querySelectorAll("p").forEach(p => {_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 2</p>

(See my answer here for details around that NodeList code.)

When you run that, you see "Paragraph 1" in green but "Paragraph 2" is black, because the script ran synchronously with the HTML parsing, and so it only found the first paragraph, not the second.

In contrast, here's a type="module" script:

.found {_x000D_
    color: green;_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 1</p>_x000D_
<script type="module">_x000D_
    document.querySelectorAll("p").forEach(p => {_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 2</p>

Notice how they're both green now; the code didn't run until HTML parsing was complete. That would also be true with a defer script with external content (but not inline content).

(There was no need for the NodeList check there because any modern browser supporting modules already has forEach on NodeList.)

In this modern world, there's no real value to the DOMContentLoaded event of the "ready" feature that PrototypeJS, jQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, and most others provided back in the day (and still provide); just use modules or defer. Even back in the day, there wasn't much reason for using them (and they were often used incorrectly, holding up page presentation while the entire jQuery library was loaded because the script was in the head instead of after the document), something some developers at Google flagged up early on. This was also part of the reason for the YUI recommendation to put scripts at the end of the body, again back in the day.

Mongod complains that there is no /data/db folder

I got over this exact same problem by creating the /data/db folders with my window manager. I tried doing it though the terminal at first, and in order to create a folder in the root directory, I had to use sudo.

I just went to the root directory using Finder and created a new folder using 'New Folder'. Totally worked for me.

Note: I'm using OSX.

How to enable bulk permission in SQL Server

USE Master GO

ALTER Server Role [bulkadmin] ADD MEMBER [username] GO Command failed even tried several command parameters

master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'username', @rolename = N'bulkadmin' GO Command was successful..

HTML5 input type range show range value

if you still looking for the answer you can use input type="number" in place of type="range" min max work if it set in that order:
just copy it

<input  name="X" maxlength="3" size="2" min="1" max="100" type="number" />

aspx page to redirect to a new page

If you are using VB, you need to drop the semicolon:

<% Response.Redirect("new.aspx", true) %>

Overloading operators in typedef structs (c++)

The breakdown of your declaration and its members is somewhat littered:

Remove the typedef

The typedef is neither required, not desired for class/struct declarations in C++. Your members have no knowledge of the declaration of pos as-written, which is core to your current compilation failure.

Change this:

typedef struct {....} pos;

To this:

struct pos { ... };

Remove extraneous inlines

You're both declaring and defining your member operators within the class definition itself. The inline keyword is not needed so long as your implementations remain in their current location (the class definition)

Return references to *this where appropriate

This is related to an abundance of copy-constructions within your implementation that should not be done without a strong reason for doing so. It is related to the expression ideology of the following:

a = b = c;

This assigns c to b, and the resulting value b is then assigned to a. This is not equivalent to the following code, contrary to what you may think:

a = c;
b = c;

Therefore, your assignment operator should be implemented as such:

pos& operator =(const pos& a)
    x = a.x;
    y = a.y;
    return *this;

Even here, this is not needed. The default copy-assignment operator will do the above for you free of charge (and code! woot!)

Note: there are times where the above should be avoided in favor of the copy/swap idiom. Though not needed for this specific case, it may look like this:

pos& operator=(pos a) // by-value param invokes class copy-ctor
    return *this;

Then a swap method is implemented:

void pos::swap(pos& obj)
    // TODO: swap object guts with obj

You do this to utilize the class copy-ctor to make a copy, then utilize exception-safe swapping to perform the exchange. The result is the incoming copy departs (and destroys) your object's old guts, while your object assumes ownership of there's. Read more the copy/swap idiom here, along with the pros and cons therein.

Pass objects by const reference when appropriate

All of your input parameters to all of your members are currently making copies of whatever is being passed at invoke. While it may be trivial for code like this, it can be very expensive for larger object types. An exampleis given here:

Change this:

bool operator==(pos a) const{
    if(a.x==x && a.y== y)return true;
    else return false;

To this: (also simplified)

bool operator==(const pos& a) const
    return (x == a.x && y == a.y);

No copies of anything are made, resulting in more efficient code.

Finally, in answering your question, what is the difference between a member function or operator declared as const and one that is not?

A const member declares that invoking that member will not modifying the underlying object (mutable declarations not withstanding). Only const member functions can be invoked against const objects, or const references and pointers. For example, your operator +() does not modify your local object and thus should be declared as const. Your operator =() clearly modifies the local object, and therefore the operator should not be const.


struct pos
    int x;
    int y;

    // default + parameterized constructor
    pos(int x=0, int y=0) 
        : x(x), y(y)

    // assignment operator modifies object, therefore non-const
    pos& operator=(const pos& a)
        return *this;

    // addop. doesn't modify object. therefore const.
    pos operator+(const pos& a) const
        return pos(a.x+x, a.y+y);

    // equality comparison. doesn't modify object. therefore const.
    bool operator==(const pos& a) const
        return (x == a.x && y == a.y);

EDIT OP wanted to see how an assignment operator chain works. The following demonstrates how this:

a = b = c;

Is equivalent to this:

b = c;
a = b;

And that this does not always equate to this:

a = c;
b = c;

Sample code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct obj
    std::string name;
    int value;

    obj(const std::string& name, int value)
        : name(name), value(value)

    obj& operator =(const obj& o)
        cout << name << " = " << << endl;
        value = (o.value+1); // note: our value is one more than the rhs.
        return *this;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    obj a("a", 1), b("b", 2), c("c", 3);

    a = b = c;
    cout << "a.value = " << a.value << endl;
    cout << "b.value = " << b.value << endl;
    cout << "c.value = " << c.value << endl;

    a = c;
    b = c;
    cout << "a.value = " << a.value << endl;
    cout << "b.value = " << b.value << endl;
    cout << "c.value = " << c.value << endl;

    return 0;


b = c
a = b
a.value = 5
b.value = 4
c.value = 3
a = c
b = c
a.value = 4
b.value = 4
c.value = 3

SQL Server : GROUP BY clause to get comma-separated values

SELECT  [ReportId], 
        SUBSTRING(d.EmailList,1, LEN(d.EmailList) - 1) EmailList
            SELECT DISTINCT [ReportId]
            FROM Table1
        ) a
            SELECT [Email] + ', ' 
            FROM Table1 AS B 
            WHERE A.[ReportId] = B.[ReportId]
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ) D (EmailList) 

SQLFiddle Demo

Python: tf-idf-cosine: to find document similarity

This should help you.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity  

tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(train_set)
print tfidf_matrix
cosine = cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix[length-1], tfidf_matrix)
print cosine

and output will be:

[[ 0.34949812  0.81649658  1.        ]]

Copy file remotely with PowerShell

Just in case that the remote file needs your credential to get accessed, you can generate a System.Net.WebClient object using cmdlet New-Object to "Copy File Remotely", like so

$Source = "\\192.168.x.x\somefile.txt"
$Dest   = "C:\Users\user\somefile.txt"
$Username = "username"
$Password = "password"

$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$WebClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password)

$WebClient.DownloadFile($Source, $Dest)

Or if you need to upload a file, you can use UploadFile:

$Dest = "\\192.168.x.x\somefile.txt"
$Source   = "C:\Users\user\somefile.txt"

$WebClient.UploadFile($Dest, $Source)

Ajax request returns 200 OK, but an error event is fired instead of success

Try following

    type: 'POST',
    url: 'Jqueryoperation.aspx?Operation=DeleteRow',
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    data: { "Operation" : "DeleteRow", 
            "TwitterId" : 1 },
    dataType: 'json',
    cache: false,
    success: AjaxSucceeded,
    error: AjaxFailed


    type: 'POST',
    url: 'Jqueryoperation.aspx?Operation=DeleteRow&TwitterId=1',
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    dataType: 'json',
    cache: false,
    success: AjaxSucceeded,
    error: AjaxFailed

Use double quotes instead of single quotes in JSON object. I think this will solve the issue.

How could I convert data from string to long in c#

This answer no longer works, and I cannot come up with anything better then the other answers (see below) listed here. Please review and up-vote them.


Method signature from MSDN:

public static long ToInt64(
    string value

How can I send a file document to the printer and have it print?

I know the tag says Windows Forms... but, if anyone is interested in a WPF application method, System.Printing works like a charm.

var file = File.ReadAllBytes(pdfFilePath);
var printQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

using (var job = printQueue.AddJob())
using (var stream = job.JobStream)
    stream.Write(file, 0, file.Length);

Just remember to include System.Printing reference, if it's not already included. Now, this method does not play well with ASP.NET or Windows Service. It should not be used with Windows Forms, as it has System.Drawing.Printing. I don't have a single issue with my PDF printing using the above code.

I should mention, however, that if your printer does not support Direct Print for PDF file format, you're out of luck with this method.

plot a circle with pyplot

Similarly to scatter plot you can also use normal plot with circle line style. Using markersize parameter you can adjust radius of a circle:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(200, 2, 'o', markersize=7)

Remove element from JSON Object

To iterate through the keys of an object, use a for .. in loop:

for (var key in json_obj) {
    if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        // do something with `key'

To test all elements for empty children, you can use a recursive approach: iterate through all elements and recursively test their children too.

Removing a property of an object can be done by using the delete keyword:

var someObj = {
    "one": 123,
    "two": 345
var key = "one";
delete someObj[key];
console.log(someObj); // prints { "two": 345 }


why does DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") give me dd-MM-yyyy?

If you use MVC, tables, it works like this:


Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio

Yet another catch I ran into: ensure your Installer derived class (typically ProjectInstaller) is at the top of the namespace hierarchy, I tried to use a public class within another public class, but this results in the same old error:

No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found

How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?

dep and clg alphabets validation is not working

var selectedRow = null;

function validateform() {

  var table = document.getElementById("mytable");
  var rowCount = table.rows.length;

  var x = document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value;
  if (x == "") {
    alert("name must be filled out");
    return false;

  var y = document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value;
  if (y == "") {
    alert("email must be filled out");
    return false;
  var mail = /[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/
  if (mail.test(y)) {
    //alert("email must be a valid format");
    //return false ;
  } else {
    alert("not a mail id")
    return false;

  var z = document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value;
  if (z == "") {
    alert("age must be filled out");
    return false;

  if (isNaN(z) || z < 1 || z > 100) {
    alert("The age must be a number between 1 and 100");
    return false;

  var a = document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value;
  if (a == "") {
    alert("Dept must be filled out");
    return false;

  var dept = "`@#$%^&*()+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_";
  if (dept.match(a)) {
    alert("special charachers found");
    return false;

  var b = document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value;
  if (b == "") {
    alert("College must be filled out");
    return false;
  var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
  row.setAttribute('id', rowCount);
  var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
  var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
  var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
  var cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
  var cell4 = row.insertCell(4);
  var cell5 = row.insertCell(5);
  var cell6 = row.insertCell(6);
  var cell7 = row.insertCell(7);

  cell0.innerHTML = rowCount;
  cell1.innerHTML = x;
  cell2.innerHTML = y;
  cell3.innerHTML = z;
  cell4.innerHTML = a;
  cell5.innerHTML = b;
  cell6.innerHTML = '<Button type="button" onclick=onEdit("' + x + '","' + y + '","' + z + '","' + a + '","' + b + '","' + rowCount + '")>Edit</BUTTON>';
  cell7.innerHTML = '<Button type="button" onclick=deletefunction(' + rowCount + ')>Delete</BUTTON>';


function emptyfunction() {
  document.getElementById("usrname").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usremail").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrage").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrdpt").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrclg").value = "";

function onEdit(x, y, z, a, b, rowCount) {
  selectedRow = rowCount;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value = x;
  document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value = y;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value = z;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value = a;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value = b;
  document.getElementById('Add').style.display = 'none';
  document.getElementById('update').style.display = 'block';

function deletefunction(rowCount) {

function onUpdatefunction() {
  var row = document.getElementById(selectedRow);

  var x = document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value;
  if (x == "") {
    alert("name must be filled out");
    return false;

  var y = document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value;
  if (y == "") {
    alert("email must be filled out");
    return false;

  var mail = /[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/
  if (mail.test(y)) {
    //alert("email must be a valid format");
    //return false ;
  } else {
    alert("not a mail id");

    return false;

  var z = document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value;
  if (z == "") {
    alert("age must be filled out");
    return false;
  if (isNaN(z) || z < 1 || z > 100) {
    alert("The age must be a number between 1 and 100");
    return false;

  var a = document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value;
  if (a == "") {
    alert("Dept must be filled out");
    return false;
  var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
  if (a.test(letters)) {
    //Your logice will be here.
  } else {
    alert("Please enter only alphabets");
    return false;

  var b = document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value;
  if (b == "") {
    alert("College must be filled out");
    return false;
  var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
  if (b.test(letters)) {
    //Your logice will be here.
  } else {
    alert("Please enter only alphabets");
    return false;

  row.cells[1].innerHTML = x;
  row.cells[2].innerHTML = y;
  row.cells[3].innerHTML = z;
  row.cells[4].innerHTML = a;
  row.cells[5].innerHTML = b;


  <form name="myform">
      <center> Admission form </center>
        <td>Name :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrname" PlaceHolder="Enter Your First Name" required></td>

        <td> Email ID :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usremail" PlaceHolder="Enter Your email address" pattern="[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}" required></td>

        <td>Age :</td>
        <td><input type="number" name="usrage" PlaceHolder="Enter Your Age" required></td>

        <td>Dept :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrdpt" PlaceHolder="Enter Dept"></td>

        <td>College :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrclg" PlaceHolder="Enter college"></td>

          <Button type="button" onclick="validateform()" id="Add">Add</button>
          <Button type="button" onclick="onUpdatefunction()" style="display:none;" id="update">update</button>
        <td><button type="reset">Reset</button></td>
      <table id="mytable" border="1">
          <th>Email ID</th>


How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

=SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text)

if: a=!, b=@, c=#,... x=>, y=?, z=~, " "="     "
then: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ... try this out
equals: !@#$%^&*()-=+[]\{}|;:/<>?~     ...     ;}?     ;*(|     ]:;


(1) text to substitute is in cell A1
(2) max 64 substitution levels (the formula below only has 27 levels [alphabet + space])
(2) "old_text" cannot also be a "new_text" (ie: if a=z .: z cannot be "old text")

---so if a=z,b=y,...y=b,z=a, then the result is 
---abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = zyxwvutsrqponnopqrstuvwxyz (and z changes to a then changes back to z) ... (pattern starts to fail after m=n, n=m... and n becomes n)

The formula is:

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"a","!"),"b","@"),"c","#"),"d","$"),"e","%"),"f","^"),"g","&"),"h","*"),"i","("),"j",")"),"k","-"),"l","="),"m","+"),"n","["),"o","]"),"p","\"),"q","{"),"r","}"),"s","|"),"t",";"),"u",":"),"v","/"),"w","<"),"x",">"),"y","?"),"z","~")," ","     ")

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

In the other question I suggested autoexnt. That is also possible in this situation. Just set the service to run manually (ie not automatic at startup). When you want to run your batch, modify the autoexnt.bat file to call the batch file you want, and start the autoexnt service.

The batchfile to start this, can look like this (untested):

echo call c:\path\to\batch.cmd %* > c:\windows\system32\autoexnt.bat
net start autoexnt

Note that batch files started this way run as the system user, which means you do not have access to network shares automatically. But you can use net use to connect to a remote server.

You have to download the Windows 2003 Resource Kit to get it. The Resource Kit can also be installed on other versions of windows, like Windows XP.

Multiline TextBox multiple newline

textBox1.Text = "Line1" + Environment.NewLine + "Line2";

Also the markup needs to include TextMode="MultiLine" (otherwise it shows text as one line)

<asp:TextBox ID="multitxt" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" ></asp:TextBox>

Flexbox not working in Internet Explorer 11

See "Can I Use" for the full list of IE11 Flexbox bugs and more

There are numerous Flexbox bugs in IE11 and other browsers - see flexbox on Can I Use -> Known Issues, where the following are listed under IE11:

  • IE 11 requires a unit to be added to the third argument, the flex-basis property
  • In IE10 and IE11, containers with display: flex and flex-direction: column will not properly calculate their flexed childrens' sizes if the container has min-height but no explicit height property
  • IE 11 does not vertically align items correctly when min-height is used

Also see Philip Walton's Flexbugs list of issues and workarounds.

Combine [NgStyle] With Condition (if..else)

To add and simplify Günter Zöchbauer's the example incase using (if...else) to set something else than background image :

<p [ngStyle]="value == 10 && { 'font-weight': 'bold' }">

What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

Adding on, you can turn off the creation of vshost files for your Release build configuration and have it enabled for Debug.


  • Project Properties > Debug > Configuration (Release) > Disable the Visual Studio hosting process
  • Project Properties > Debug > Configuration (Debug) > Enable the Visual Studio hosting process

Screenshot from VS2010


  1. MSDN How to: Disable the Hosting Process
  2. MSDN Hosting Process (vshost.exe)

Excerpt from MSDN How to: Disable the Hosting Process

Calls to certain APIs can be affected when the hosting process is enabled. In these cases, it is necessary to disable the hosting process to return the correct results.

To disable the hosting process

  1. Open an executable project in Visual Studio. Projects that do not produce executables (for example, class library or service projects) do not have this option.
  2. On the Project menu, click Properties.
  3. Click the Debug tab.
  4. Clear the Enable the Visual Studio hosting process check box.

When the hosting process is disabled, several debugging features are unavailable or experience decreased performance. For more information, see Debugging and the Hosting Process.

In general, when the hosting process is disabled:

  • The time needed to begin debugging .NET Framework applications increases.
  • Design-time expression evaluation is unavailable.
  • Partial trust debugging is unavailable.

How can I execute PHP code from the command line?

You can use:

 echo '<?php if(function_exists("my_func")) echo "function exists"; ' | php

The short tag "< ?=" can be helpful too:

 echo '<?= function_exists("foo") ? "yes" : "no";' | php
 echo '<?= 8+7+9 ;' | php

The closing tag "?>" is optional, but don't forget the final ";"!

Casting interfaces for deserialization in JSON.NET

Two things you might try:

Implement a try/parse model:

public class Organisation {
  public string Name { get; set; }

  public IPerson Owner { get; set; }

public interface IPerson {
  string Name { get; set; }

public class Tycoon : IPerson {
  public string Name { get; set; }

public class Magnate : IPerson {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public string IndustryName { get; set; }

public class Heir: IPerson {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public IPerson Benefactor { get; set; }

public class RichDudeConverter : JsonConverter
  public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
    return (objectType == typeof(IPerson));

  public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
    // pseudo-code
    object richDude = serializer.Deserialize<Heir>(reader);

    if (richDude == null)
        richDude = serializer.Deserialize<Magnate>(reader);

    if (richDude == null)
        richDude = serializer.Deserialize<Tycoon>(reader);

    return richDude;

  public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
    // Left as an exercise to the reader :)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

Or, if you can do so in your object model, implement a concrete base class between IPerson and your leaf objects, and deserialize to it.

The first can potentially fail at runtime, the second requires changes to your object model and homogenizes the output to the lowest common denominator.

cut or awk command to print first field of first row

Specify NR if you want to capture output from selected rows:

awk 'NR==1{print $1}' /etc/*release

An alternative (ugly) way of achieving the same would be:

awk '{print $1; exit}'

An efficient way of getting the first string from a specific line, say line 42, in the output would be:

awk 'NR==42{print $1; exit}'

Getting a directory name from a filename

Why does it have to be so complicated?

#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)         // argv[0] = C:\dev\test.exe
    char *p = strrchr(argv[0], '\\');
    if(p) p[0] = 0;

    printf(argv[0]);                    // argv[0] = C:\dev

How to set JAVA_HOME in Linux for all users

You could use /etc/profile or better a file like /etc/profile.d/

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05/

You have to remember that this file is only loaded with new login shells.. So after bash -l or a new gnome-session and that it doesn't change with new Java versions.

ADB Driver and Windows 8.1

If all other solutions did not work for your device try this guide how to make a truly universal adb and fastboot driver out of Google USB driver. The resulting driver works for adb, recovery and fastboot modes in all versions of Windows.

Remove tracking branches no longer on remote


Remove ALL local branches that are not on remote

git fetch -p && git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D

Remove ALL local branches that are not on remote AND that are fully merged AND that are not used as said in many answers before.

git fetch -p && git branch --merged | grep -v '*' | grep -v 'master' | xargs git branch -d


  • git fetch -p will prune all branches no longer existing on remote
  • git branch -vv will print local branches and pruned branch will be tagged with gone
  • grep ': gone]' selects only branch that are gone
  • awk '{print $1}' filter the output to display only the name of the branches
  • xargs git branch -D will loop over all lines (branches) and force remove this branch

Why git branch -D and not git branch -d else you will have for branches that are not fully merged.

error: The branch 'xxx' is not fully merged.

Inline list initialization in VB.NET

Use this syntax for VB.NET 2005/2008 compatibility:

Dim theVar As New List(Of String)(New String() {"one", "two", "three"})

Although the VB.NET 2010 syntax is prettier.