Documentation for the method from the Apache Commons Lang (from here):
Checks whether the String a valid Java number.
Valid numbers include hexadecimal marked with the 0x qualifier, scientific notation and numbers marked with a type qualifier (e.g. 123L).
and empty String will returnfalse
`str` - the `String` to check
`true` if the string is a correctly formatted number
public static boolean isNumber(final String str) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
return false;
final char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
int sz = chars.length;
boolean hasExp = false;
boolean hasDecPoint = false;
boolean allowSigns = false;
boolean foundDigit = false;
// deal with any possible sign up front
final int start = (chars[0] == '-') ? 1 : 0;
if (sz > start + 1 && chars[start] == '0' && chars[start + 1] == 'x') {
int i = start + 2;
if (i == sz) {
return false; // str == "0x"
// checking hex (it can't be anything else)
for (; i < chars.length; i++) {
if ((chars[i] < '0' || chars[i] > '9')
&& (chars[i] < 'a' || chars[i] > 'f')
&& (chars[i] < 'A' || chars[i] > 'F')) {
return false;
return true;
sz--; // don't want to loop to the last char, check it afterwords
// for type qualifiers
int i = start;
// loop to the next to last char or to the last char if we need another digit to
// make a valid number (e.g. chars[0..5] = "1234E")
while (i < sz || (i < sz + 1 && allowSigns && !foundDigit)) {
if (chars[i] >= '0' && chars[i] <= '9') {
foundDigit = true;
allowSigns = false;
} else if (chars[i] == '.') {
if (hasDecPoint || hasExp) {
// two decimal points or dec in exponent
return false;
hasDecPoint = true;
} else if (chars[i] == 'e' || chars[i] == 'E') {
// we've already taken care of hex.
if (hasExp) {
// two E's
return false;
if (!foundDigit) {
return false;
hasExp = true;
allowSigns = true;
} else if (chars[i] == '+' || chars[i] == '-') {
if (!allowSigns) {
return false;
allowSigns = false;
foundDigit = false; // we need a digit after the E
} else {
return false;
if (i < chars.length) {
if (chars[i] >= '0' && chars[i] <= '9') {
// no type qualifier, OK
return true;
if (chars[i] == 'e' || chars[i] == 'E') {
// can't have an E at the last byte
return false;
if (chars[i] == '.') {
if (hasDecPoint || hasExp) {
// two decimal points or dec in exponent
return false;
// single trailing decimal point after non-exponent is ok
return foundDigit;
if (!allowSigns
&& (chars[i] == 'd'
|| chars[i] == 'D'
|| chars[i] == 'f'
|| chars[i] == 'F')) {
return foundDigit;
if (chars[i] == 'l'
|| chars[i] == 'L') {
// not allowing L with an exponent or decimal point
return foundDigit && !hasExp && !hasDecPoint;
// last character is illegal
return false;
// allowSigns is true iff the val ends in 'E'
// found digit it to make sure weird stuff like '.' and '1E-' doesn't pass
return !allowSigns && foundDigit;
[code is under version 2 of the Apache License]