[sql] How to select records without duplicate on just one field in SQL?

I have a table with 3 columns like this:

| Country_id | country_title | State |  

There are many records in this table. Some of them have state and some other don't. Now, imagine these records:

1 | Canada  | Alberta  
2 |  Canada | British  Columbia  
3 | Canada  | Manitoba  
4 | China   |

I need to have country names without any duplicate. Actually I need their id and title, What is the best SQL command to make this? I used DISTINCT in the form below but I could not achieve an appropriate result.

SELECT DISTINCT title,id FROM tbl_countries ORDER BY title

My desired result is something like this:

1, Canada  
4, China

This question is related to sql select duplicates distinct

The answer is

For using DISTINCT keyword, you can use it like this:

    (SELECT min(ti.Country_id) 
     FROM tbl_countries ti 
     WHERE t.country_title = ti.country_title) As Country_id
    , country_title
    tbl_countries t

For using ROW_NUMBER(), you can use it like this:

    Country_id, country_title 
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY country_title ORDER BY Country_id) As rn
    FROM tbl_countries) t
WHERE rn = 1

Also with using LEFT JOIN, you can use this:

SELECT t1.Country_id, t1.country_title
FROM tbl_countries t1
    tbl_countries t2 ON t1.country_title = t2.country_title AND t1.Country_id > t2.Country_id
    t2.country_title IS NULL

And with using of EXISTS, you can try:

SELECT t1.Country_id, t1.country_title
FROM tbl_countries t1   
                FROM tbl_countries t2 
                WHERE t1.country_title = t2.country_title AND t1.Country_id > t2.Country_id)

Duplicate rows can be removed for Complex Queries by,

First storing the result to a #TempTable or @TempTableVariable

Delete from #TempTable or @TempTableVariable where your condition

Then select the rest of the data.

If need to create a row number create an identity column.

Having Clause is the easiest way to find duplicate entry in Oracle and using rowid we can remove duplicate data..

DELETE FROM products WHERE rowid IN (
  SELECT itemcode, (rowid) sl FROM products WHERE itemcode IN (
  SELECT itemcode FROM products GROUP BY itemcode HAVING COUNT(itemcode)>1
)) GROUP BY itemcode);

Try this one

SELECT country_id, country_title 
FROM (SELECT country_id, country_title,
WHEN country_title=LAG(country_title, 1, 0) OVER(ORDER BY country_title) THEN 1
END AS "Duplicates"
FROM tbl_countries)
WHERE "Duplicates"=0;

In MySQL a special column function GROUP_CONCAT can be used:

    TABLE_NAME='Laptop' AND
    COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('code')

It should be mentioned that the information schema in MySQL covers all database server, not certain databases. That is why if different databases contains tables with identical names, search condition of the WHERE clause should specify the schema name: TABLE_SCHEMA='computers'.

Strings are concatenated with the CONCAT function in MySQL. The final solution of our problem can be expressed in MySQL as:

    TABLE_NAME='Laptop' AND
        COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('code')
), ' FROM Laptop');


select Country_id,country_title from(
   select Country_id,country_title,row_number() over (partition by country_title 
   order by Country_id  ) rn from country)a
   where rn=1;

DISTINCT is the keyword
For me your query is correct

Just try to do this first

SELECT DISTINCT title,id FROM tbl_countries

Later on you can try with order by.

Ignore duplicate rows in SQL. I think this may help you.

    SELECT res2.*
    (SELECT res1.*,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY res1.title ORDER BY res1.id)as num
    (select * from [dbo].[tbl_countries])as res1
    )as res2
    WHERE res2.num=1

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