[sql] SQL - select distinct only on one column

I have searched far and wide for an answer to this problem. I'm using a Microsoft SQL Server, suppose I have a table that looks like this:

| ID     | NUMBER  | COUNTRY     | LANG        |
| 1      | 3968    | UK          | English     |
| 2      | 3968    | Spain       | Spanish     |
| 3      | 3968    | USA         | English     |
| 4      | 1234    | Greece      | Greek       |
| 5      | 1234    | Italy       | Italian     |

I want to perform one query which only selects the unique 'NUMBER' column (whether is be the first or last row doesn't bother me). So this would give me:

| ID     | NUMBER  | COUNTRY     | LANG        |
| 1      | 3968    | UK          | English     |
| 4      | 1234    | Greece      | Greek       |

How is this achievable?

This question is related to sql sql-server unique distinct

The answer is

Since you don't care, I chose the max ID for each number.

select tbl.* from tbl
inner join (
select max(id) as maxID, number from tbl group by number) maxID
on maxID.maxID = tbl.id

Query Explanation

    tbl.*  -- give me all the data from the base table (tbl) 
    inner join (  -- only return rows in tbl which match this subquery
            max(id) as maxID -- MAX (ie distinct) ID per GROUP BY below
        group by 
            NUMBER            -- how to group rows for the MAX aggregation
    ) maxID
        on maxID.maxID = tbl.id -- join condition ie only return rows in tbl 
                                -- whose ID is also a MAX ID for a given NUMBER

A very typical approach to this type of problem is to use row_number():

select t.*
from (select t.*,
             row_number() over (partition by number order by id) as seqnum
      from t
     ) t
where seqnum = 1;

This is more generalizable than using a comparison to the minimum id. For instance, you can get a random row by using order by newid(). You can select 2 rows by using where seqnum <= 2.

You will use the following query:


Where [table] is the name of the table.

This provides a unique listing for the NUMBER column however the other columns may be meaningless depending on the vendor implementation; which is to say they may not together correspond to a specific row or rows.

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