Programs & Examples On #B tree index

Subset data to contain only columns whose names match a condition

Using dplyr you can:

df <- df %>% dplyr:: select(grep("ABC", names(df)), grep("XYZ", names(df)))

Truncate all tables in a MySQL database in one command?

I know this isn't exactly one command, but the desired result can be achieved from within phpMyAdmin by following these steps:

  1. Select (all) tables to be removed (Check All)
  2. Select "Drop" / "Truncate" from the "With selected:" list
  3. On the confirmation page ("Do you really want to:") copy the query (everything with the red background)
  4. Go at the top and click on SQL and write: "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" then paste the previously copied query
  5. Click "Go"

The idea is to quickly get all the tables from the database (which you do in 5 seconds and 2 clicks) but disable foreign key checks first. No CLI and no dropping the database and adding it again.

Changes in import statement python3

Relative import happens whenever you are importing a package relative to the current script/package.

Consider the following tree for example:


Now, your requires something from In Python 2, you could do it like this (in

from base import BaseThing

Python 3 no longer supports that since it's not explicit whether you want the 'relative' or 'absolute' base. In other words, if there was a Python package named base installed in the system, you'd get the wrong one.

Instead it requires you to use explicit imports which explicitly specify location of a module on a path-alike basis. Your would look like:

from .base import BaseThing

The leading . says 'import base from module directory'; in other words, .base maps to ./

Similarly, there is .. prefix which goes up the directory hierarchy like ../ (with ..mod mapping to ../, and then ... which goes two levels up (../../ and so on.

Please however note that the relative paths listed above were relative to directory where current module ( resides in, not the current working directory.

@BrenBarn has already explained the star import case. For completeness, I will have to say the same ;).

For example, you need to use a few math functions but you use them only in a single function. In Python 2 you were permitted to be semi-lazy:

def sin_degrees(x):
    from math import *
    return sin(degrees(x))

Note that it already triggers a warning in Python 2: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
  def sin_degrees(x):

In modern Python 2 code you should and in Python 3 you have to do either:

def sin_degrees(x):
    from math import sin, degrees
    return sin(degrees(x))


from math import *

def sin_degrees(x):
    return sin(degrees(x))

Adding blur effect to background in swift

@AlvinGeorge should just use:

extension UIImageView{        
    func blurImage()
        let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.Dark)
        let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
        blurEffectView.frame = self.bounds

        blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight] // for supporting device rotation


 blurredBackground.frame = self.view.bounds

How to get the caller's method name in the called method?

Shorter version:

import inspect

def f1(): f2()

def f2():
    print 'caller name:', inspect.stack()[1][3]


(with thanks to @Alex, and Stefaan Lippen)

Convert a SQL Server datetime to a shorter date format

Just add date keyword. E.g. select date(orderdate),count(1) from orders where orderdate > '2014-10-01' group by date(orderdate);

orderdate is in date time. This query will show the orders for that date rather than datetime.

Date keyword applied on a datetime column will change it to short date.

What is the difference between the | and || or operators?

By their mathematical definition, OR and AND are binary operators; they verify the LHS and RHS conditions regardless, similarly to | and &.

|| and && alter the properties of the OR and AND operators by stopping them when the LHS condition isn't fulfilled.

Split array into chunks of N length

Maybe this code helps:

var chunk_size = 10;_x000D_
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17];_x000D_
var groups = function(e,i){ _x000D_
     return i%chunk_size===0 ? arr.slice(i,i+chunk_size) : null; _x000D_
}).filter(function(e){ return e; });_x000D_
console.log({arr, groups})

What is the difference between Scala's case class and class?

  • Case classes define a compagnon object with apply and unapply methods
  • Case classes extends Serializable
  • Case classes define equals hashCode and copy methods
  • All attributes of the constructor are val (syntactic sugar)

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Perhaps the most beginner-friendly way to compile a JAR from your Java code is to use an IDE (integrated development environment; essentially just user-friendly software for development) like Netbeans or Eclipse.

  • Install and set-up an IDE. Here is the latest version of Eclipse.
  • Create a project in your IDE and put your Java files inside of the project folder.
  • Select the project in the IDE and export the project as a JAR. Double check that the appropriate java files are selected when exporting.

You can always do this all very easily with the command line. Make sure that you are in the same directory as the files targeted before executing a command such as this:

jar -cf YourJar.jar YourApp.class

...changing "YourApp" and "YourJar" to the proper names of your files, respectively.

How to change SmartGit's licensing option after 30 days of commercial use on ubuntu?

Here is a solutions for MAC PC:

Open terminal and type following command to show hidden files:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

after that go to current user folder using finder, then you can see the Library folder in it which is hidden type

suppose in my case the username is 'Delta' so the folder path is:

OS X: ~Delta/Library/Preferences/SmartGit/<main-smartgit-version>

Remove settings file and change option to Non Commercial..

Append to string variable

Ronal, to answer your question in the comment in my answer above:

function wasClicked(str)
  return str+' def';

Python: SyntaxError: non-keyword after keyword arg

It's just what it says:

inputFile = open((x), encoding = "utf8", "r")

You have specified encoding as a keyword argument, but "r" as a positional argument. You can't have positional arguments after keyword arguments. Perhaps you wanted to do:

inputFile = open((x), "r", encoding = "utf8")

Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int)

According to this example Random.nextInt(n) has less predictable output then Math.random() * n. According to [sorted array faster than an unsorted array][1] I think we can say Random.nextInt(n) is hard to predict.

usingRandomClass : time:328 milesecond.

usingMathsRandom : time:187 milesecond.

package javaFuction;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomFuction 
    static int array[] = new int[9999];
    static long sum = 0;
    public static void usingMathsRandom() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
         array[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];

    public static void usingRandomClass() {
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            array[i] = random.nextInt(256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingRandomClass " + (end - start));
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingMathsRandom " + (end - start));



React Native: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH

Windows 10:

Android Studio -> File -> Other Settings -> Default Project Structure... -> JDK location:

copy string shown, such as:

C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

In file locator directory window, right-click on "This PC" ->

Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables... -> System Variables

click on the New... button under System Variables, then type and paste respectively:

.......Variable name: JAVA_HOME

.......Variable value: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

and hit OK buttons to close out.

Some installations may require JRE_HOME to be set as well, the same way.

To check, open a NEW black console window, then type echo %JAVA_HOME% . You should get back the full path you typed into the system variable. Windows 10 seems to support spaces in the filename paths for system variables very well, and does not seem to need ~tilde eliding.

How to develop Desktop Apps using HTML/CSS/JavaScript?

Awesomium makes it easy to use HTML UI in your C++ or .NET app


My previous answer is now outdated. These days you would be crazy not to look into using Electron for this. Many popular desktop apps have been developed on top of it. Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. spark Eclipse on windows 7

Here is a good explanation of your problem with the solution.

  1. Download winutils.exe from
  2. SetUp your HADOOP_HOME environment variable on the OS level or programmatically:

    System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "full path to the folder with winutils");

  3. Enjoy

Java List.contains(Object with field value equal to x)


If you dont use Java 8, or library which gives you more functionality for dealing with collections, you could implement something which can be more reusable than your solution.

interface Predicate<T>{
        boolean contains(T item);

    static class CollectionUtil{

        public static <T> T find(final Collection<T> collection,final  Predicate<T> predicate){
            for (T item : collection){
                if (predicate.contains(item)){
                    return item;
            return null;
    // and many more methods to deal with collection    

i'm using something like that, i have predicate interface, and i'm passing it implementation to my util class.

What is advantage of doing this in my way? you have one method which deals with searching in any type collection. and you dont have to create separate methods if you want to search by different field. alll what you need to do is provide different predicate which can be destroyed as soon as it no longer usefull/

if you want to use it, all what you need to do is call method and define tyour predicate

CollectionUtil.find(list, new Predicate<MyObject>{
    public boolean contains(T item){
        return "John".equals(item.getName());

How to validate a form with multiple checkboxes to have atleast one checked

Here is the a quick solution for multiple checkbox validation using jquery validation plugin:

jQuery.validator.addMethod('atLeastOneChecked', function(value, element) {
  return ($('.cbgroup input:checked').length > 0);

  rules: {
    list0: { atLeastOneChecked: true }
  messages: {
    list0: { 'Please check at least one option' }

$('.cbgroup input').click(function() {

java: run a function after a specific number of seconds

All other unswers require to run your code inside a new thread. In some simple use cases you may just want to wait a bit and continue execution within the same thread/flow.

Code below demonstrates that technique. Keep in mind this is similar to what java.util.Timer does under the hood but more lightweight.

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class DelaySample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       DelayUtil d = new DelayUtil();
       System.out.println("started:"+ new Date());
       System.out.println("half second after:"+ new Date());
       d.delay(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); 
       System.out.println("1 minute after:"+ new Date());

DelayUtil Implementation

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class DelayUtil {
    *  Delays the current thread execution. 
    *  The thread loses ownership of any monitors. 
    *  Quits immediately if the thread is interrupted
    * @param duration the time duration in milliseconds
   public void delay(final long durationInMillis) {
      delay(durationInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    * @param duration the time duration in the given {@code sourceUnit}
    * @param unit
    public void delay(final long duration, final TimeUnit unit) {
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long deadline = currentTime+unit.toMillis(duration);
        ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        Condition waitCondition = lock.newCondition();

        while ((deadline-currentTime)>0) {
            try {
                waitCondition.await(deadline-currentTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } finally {
            currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

Insert Multiple Rows Into Temp Table With SQL Server 2012

When using SQLFiddle, make sure that the separator is set to GO. Also the schema build script is executed in a different connection from the run script, so a temp table created in the one is not visible in the other. This fiddle shows that your code is valid and working in SQL 2012:

SQL Fiddle

MS SQL Server 2012 Schema Setup:

Query 1:

    Name1 VARCHAR(100),
    Name2 VARCHAR(100)

  (Name1, Name2)
  ('Matt', 'Matthew'),
  ('Matt', 'Marshal'),
  ('Matt', 'Mattison')



| NAME1 |    NAME2 |
|  Matt |  Matthew |
|  Matt |  Marshal |
|  Matt | Mattison |

Here a SSMS 2012 screenshot: enter image description here

How do I remove whitespace from the end of a string in Python?

>>> "    xyz     ".rstrip()
'    xyz'

There is more about rstrip in the documentation.

set initial viewcontroller in appdelegate - swift

Try this. For example: You should use UINavigationController as the initial view controller. Then, you can set any view controller as root from the storyboard.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let navigationController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as UINavigationController
    let rootViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VC") as UIViewController
    navigationController.viewControllers = [rootViewController]
    self.window?.rootViewController = navigationController
    return true

See my storyboard screen.

Automatically create an Enum based on values in a database lookup table?

Let's say you have the following in your DB:

table enums
| id | name     |
| 0  | MyEnum   |
| 1  | YourEnum |

table enum_values
| id | enums_id | value | key    |
| 0  | 0        | 0     | Apple  |
| 1  | 0        | 1     | Banana |
| 2  | 0        | 2     | Pear   |
| 3  | 0        | 3     | Cherry |
| 4  | 1        | 0     | Red    |
| 5  | 1        | 1     | Green  |
| 6  | 1        | 2     | Yellow |

Construct a select to get the values you need:

select * from enums e inner join enum_values ev on where

Construct the source code for the enum and you'll get something like:

String enumSourceCode = "enum " + enumName + "{" + enumKey1 + "=" enumValue1 + "," + enumKey2 + ... + "}";

(obviously this is constructed in a loop of some kind.)

Then comes the fun part, Compiling your enum and using it:

CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
CompilerParameters cs = new CompilerParameters();
cp.GenerateInMemory = True;

CompilerResult result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, enumSourceCode);

Type enumType = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType(enumName);

Now you have the type compiled and ready for use.
To get a enum value stored in the DB you can use:

[Enum].Parse(enumType, value);

where value can be either the integer value (0, 1, etc.) or the enum text/key (Apple, Banana, etc.)

Java AES and using my own Key

You should use a KeyGenerator to generate the Key,

AES key lengths are 128, 192, and 256 bit depending on the cipher you want to use.

Take a look at the tutorial here

Here is the code for Password Based Encryption, this has the password being entered through you can change that to use a stored password if you want.

        PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec;
        PBEParameterSpec pbeParamSpec;
        SecretKeyFactory keyFac;

        // Salt
        byte[] salt = {
            (byte)0xc7, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x8c,
            (byte)0x7e, (byte)0xc8, (byte)0xee, (byte)0x99

        // Iteration count
        int count = 20;

        // Create PBE parameter set
        pbeParamSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, count);

        // Prompt user for encryption password.
        // Collect user password as char array (using the
        // "readPassword" method from above), and convert
        // it into a SecretKey object, using a PBE key
        // factory.
        System.out.print("Enter encryption password:  ");
        pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(readPassword(;
        keyFac = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
        SecretKey pbeKey = keyFac.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec);

        // Create PBE Cipher
        Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");

        // Initialize PBE Cipher with key and parameters
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);

        // Our cleartext
        byte[] cleartext = "This is another example".getBytes();

        // Encrypt the cleartext
        byte[] ciphertext = pbeCipher.doFinal(cleartext);

How can I get selector from jQuery object

In collaboration with @drzaus we've come up with the following jQuery plugin.


!(function ($, undefined) {
    /// adapted

    var get_selector = function (element) {
        var pieces = [];

        for (; element && element.tagName !== undefined; element = element.parentNode) {
            if (element.className) {
                var classes = element.className.split(' ');
                for (var i in classes) {
                    if (classes.hasOwnProperty(i) && classes[i]) {
            if ( && !/\s/.test( {
            pieces.unshift(' > ');

        return pieces.slice(1).join('');

    $.fn.getSelector = function (only_one) {
        if (true === only_one) {
            return get_selector(this[0]);
        } else {
            return $.map(this, function (el) {
                return get_selector(el);


Minified Javascript

!function(e,t){var n=function(e){var n=[];for(;e&&e.tagName!==t;e=e.parentNode){if(e.className){var r=e.className.split(" ");for(var i in r){if(r.hasOwnProperty(i)&&r[i]){n.unshift(r[i]);n.unshift(".")}}}if(!/\s/.test({n.unshift(;n.unshift("#")}n.unshift(e.tagName);n.unshift(" > ")}return n.slice(1).join("")};e.fn.getSelector=function(t){if(true===t){return n(this[0])}else{return,function(e){return n(e)})}}}(window.jQuery)

Usage and Gotchas

        <div id="sidebar">
                    <a href="/" id="home">Home</a>
        <div id="main">
            <h1 id="title">Welcome</h1>

        <script type="text/javascript">

            // Simple use case
            $('#main').getSelector();           // => 'HTML > BODY > DIV#main'

            // If there are multiple matches then an array will be returned
            $('body > div').getSelector();      // => ['HTML > BODY > DIV#main', 'HTML > BODY > DIV#sidebar']

            // Passing true to the method will cause it to return the selector for the first match
            $('body > div').getSelector(true);  // => 'HTML > BODY > DIV#main'


Fiddle w/ QUnit tests

What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?

Domain Driven Design By Eric Evans is a wonderful book!

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

In the VS Output pane (switched to the Test view), there was this error:

Could not load file or assembly 'XXX.UnitTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=14345dd3754e3918' or one of its dependencies. Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A)

In the project settings for the test project, under the Signing tab, someone had checked 'Sign the assembly'. Unchecking that and building caused the tests to show up.

A colleague also solved the same issue by adding keys from this post to the registry:

C Program to find day of week given date

Here's a C99 version based on wikipedia's article about Julian Day

#include <stdio.h>

const char *wd(int year, int month, int day) {
  /* using C99 compound literals in a single line: notice the splicing */
  return ((const char *[])                                         \
          {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",                       \
           "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"})[           \
      (                                                            \
          day                                                      \
        + ((153 * (month + 12 * ((14 - month) / 12) - 3) + 2) / 5) \
        + (365 * (year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)))              \
        + ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 4)                \
        - ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 100)              \
        + ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 400)              \
        - 32045                                                    \
      ) % 7];

int main(void) {
  printf("%d-%02d-%02d: %s\n", 2011, 5, 19, wd(2011, 5, 19));
  printf("%d-%02d-%02d: %s\n", 2038, 1, 19, wd(2038, 1, 19));
  return 0;

By removing the splicing and spaces from the return line in the wd() function, it can be compacted to a 286 character single line :)

How to debug external class library projects in visual studio?

I was having a similar issue as my breakpoints in project(B) were not being hit. My solution was to rebuild project(B) then debug project(A) as the dlls needed to be updated.

Visual studio should allow you to debug into an external library.

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] when I tried to update my application

You are getting that error because an application with a package name same as your application already exists. If you are sure that you have not installed the same application before, change the package name and try.

Else wise, here is what you can do:

  1. Uninstall the application from the device: Go to Settings -> Manage Applications and choose Uninstall OR
  2. Uninstall the app using adb command line interface: type adb uninstall After you are done with this step, try installing the application again.

Select2 doesn't work when embedded in a bootstrap modal

you can call select2 trigger again inside your $(document)

                width: '120' 

Android check internet connection

Check Network Available in android with internet data speed.

public boolean isConnectingToInternet(){
        ConnectivityManager connectivity = (ConnectivityManager) Login_Page.this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
          if (connectivity != null)
              NetworkInfo[] info = connectivity.getAllNetworkInfo();
              if (info != null)
                  for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++)
                      if (info[i].getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)
                                HttpURLConnection urlc = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL("").openConnection());
                                urlc.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Test");
                                urlc.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
                                urlc.setConnectTimeout(500); //choose your own timeframe
                                urlc.setReadTimeout(500); //choose your own timeframe
                                int networkcode2 = urlc.getResponseCode();
                                return (urlc.getResponseCode() == 200);
                            } catch (IOException e)
                                return (false);  //connectivity exists, but no internet.

          return false;

This Function return true or false. Must get user permission

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

How do I simulate placeholder functionality on input date field?

use this input attribute events

onfocus="(this.type='date')" onblur="(this.type='text')"

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div class="container mt-3">_x000D_
  <label for="date">Date : </label>_x000D_
  <input placeholder="Your Date" class="form-control" type="text" onfocus="(this.type='date')" onblur="(this.type='text')" id="date">_x000D_

Using onBlur with JSX and React

There are a few problems here.

1: onBlur expects a callback, and you are calling renderPasswordConfirmError and using the return value, which is null.

2: you need a place to render the error.

3: you need a flag to track "and I validating", which you would set to true on blur. You can set this to false on focus if you want, depending on your desired behavior.

handleBlur: function () {
  this.setState({validating: true});
render: function () {
  return <div>
        placeholder="Password (confirm)"
renderPasswordConfirmError: function() {
  if (this.state.validating && this.state.password !== this.state.password2) {
    return (
        <label className="error">Please enter the same password again.</label>
  return null;

Entity Framework .Remove() vs. .DeleteObject()

It's not generally correct that you can "remove an item from a database" with both methods. To be precise it is like so:

  • ObjectContext.DeleteObject(entity) marks the entity as Deleted in the context. (It's EntityState is Deleted after that.) If you call SaveChanges afterwards EF sends a SQL DELETE statement to the database. If no referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  • EntityCollection.Remove(childEntity) marks the relationship between parent and childEntity as Deleted. If the childEntity itself is deleted from the database and what exactly happens when you call SaveChanges depends on the kind of relationship between the two:

    • If the relationship is optional, i.e. the foreign key that refers from the child to the parent in the database allows NULL values, this foreign will be set to null and if you call SaveChanges this NULL value for the childEntity will be written to the database (i.e. the relationship between the two is removed). This happens with a SQL UPDATE statement. No DELETE statement occurs.

    • If the relationship is required (the FK doesn't allow NULL values) and the relationship is not identifying (which means that the foreign key is not part of the child's (composite) primary key) you have to either add the child to another parent or you have to explicitly delete the child (with DeleteObject then). If you don't do any of these a referential constraint is violated and EF will throw an exception when you call SaveChanges - the infamous "The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable" exception or similar.

    • If the relationship is identifying (it's necessarily required then because any part of the primary key cannot be NULL) EF will mark the childEntity as Deleted as well. If you call SaveChanges a SQL DELETE statement will be sent to the database. If no other referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

I am actually a bit confused about the Remarks section on the MSDN page you have linked because it says: "If the relationship has a referential integrity constraint, calling the Remove method on a dependent object marks both the relationship and the dependent object for deletion.". This seems unprecise or even wrong to me because all three cases above have a "referential integrity constraint" but only in the last case the child is in fact deleted. (Unless they mean with "dependent object" an object that participates in an identifying relationship which would be an unusual terminology though.)

Using Predicate in Swift

Use The Below code:

 func filterContentForSearchText(searchText:NSString, scopes scope:NSString)
    //var searchText = ""

    var resultPredicate : NSPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "name contains[c]\(searchText)", nil)

    //var recipes : NSArray = NSArray()

    var searchResults = recipes.filteredArrayUsingPredicate(resultPredicate)

Convert from MySQL datetime to another format with PHP

 DATE_FORMAT(demo.dateFrom, '%e.%M.%Y') as dateFrom,
 DATE_FORMAT(demo.dateUntil, '%e.%M.%Y') as dateUntil
FROM demo

If you dont want to change every function in your PHP code, to show the expected date format, change it at the source - your database.

It is important to name the rows with the as operator as in the example above (as dateFrom, as dateUntil). The names you write there are the names, the rows will be called in your result.

The output of this example will be

[Day of the month, numeric (0..31)].[Month name (January..December)].[Year, numeric, four digits]

Example: 5.August.2015

Change the dots with the separator of choice and check the DATE_FORMAT(date,format) function for more date formats.

How to parse my json string in C#(4.0)using Newtonsoft.Json package?

foreach (var data in dynObj.quizlist)
    foreach (var data1 in data.QUIZ.QPROP)
        Response.Write("Name" + ":" + + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Intro" + ":" + data1.intro + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timeopen" + ":" + data1.timeopen + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timeclose" + ":" + data1.timeclose + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timelimit" + ":" + data1.timelimit + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Noofques" + ":" + data1.noofques + "<br>");

        foreach (var queprop in data1.QUESTION.QUEPROP)
            Response.Write("Questiontext" + ":" + queprop.questiontext  + "<br>");
            Response.Write("Mark" + ":" + queprop.mark  + "<br>");

Format a datetime into a string with milliseconds

The problem with datetime.utcnow() and other such solutions is that they are slow.

More efficient solution may look like this one:

def _timestamp(prec=0):
    t = time.time()
    s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
    if prec > 0:
        s += ("%.9f" % (t % 1,))[1:2+prec]
    return s

Where prec would be 3 in your case (milliseconds).

The function works up to 9 decimal places (please note number 9 in the 2nd formatting string).

If you'd like to round the fractional part, I'd suggest building "%.9f" dynamically with desired number of decimal places.

Call asynchronous method in constructor?

You can also do just like this:

Task.Run(() => this.FunctionAsync()).Wait();

Note: Be careful about thread blocking!

Is there a command line command for verifying what version of .NET is installed

You can write yourself a little console app and use System.Environment.Version to find out the version. Scott Hanselman gives a blog post about it.

Or look in the registry for the installed versions. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NETFramework Setup\NDP

How to tar certain file types in all subdirectories?

Put them in a file

find . \( -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" \) -print > files.txt

Then use the file as input to tar, use -I or -T depending on the version of tar you use

Use h to copy symbolic links

tar cfh my.tar -I files.txt 

Can constructors be async?

Some of the answers involve creating a new public method. Without doing this, use the Lazy<T> class:

public class ViewModel
    private Lazy<ObservableCollection<TData>> Data;

    async public ViewModel()
        Data = new Lazy<ObservableCollection<TData>>(GetDataTask);

    public ObservableCollection<TData> GetDataTask()
        Task<ObservableCollection<TData>> task;

        //Create a task which represents getting the data
        return task.GetAwaiter().GetResult();

To use Data, use Data.Value.

How to get current relative directory of your Makefile?

The shell function.

You can use shell function: current_dir = $(shell pwd). Or shell in combination with notdir, if you need not absolute path: current_dir = $(notdir $(shell pwd)).


Given solution only works when you are running make from the Makefile's current directory.
As @Flimm noted:

Note that this returns the current working directory, not the parent directory of the Makefile.
For example, if you run cd /; make -f /home/username/project/Makefile, the current_dir variable will be /, not /home/username/project/.

Code below will work for Makefiles invoked from any directory:

mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
current_dir := $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path))))

How do I make a matrix from a list of vectors in R?

simplify2array is a base function that is fairly intuitive. However, since R's default is to fill in data by columns first, you will need to transpose the output. (sapply uses simplify2array, as documented in help(sapply).)

> t(simplify2array(a))
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
 [1,]    1    1    2    3    4    5
 [2,]    2    1    2    3    4    5
 [3,]    3    1    2    3    4    5
 [4,]    4    1    2    3    4    5
 [5,]    5    1    2    3    4    5
 [6,]    6    1    2    3    4    5
 [7,]    7    1    2    3    4    5
 [8,]    8    1    2    3    4    5
 [9,]    9    1    2    3    4    5
[10,]   10    1    2    3    4    5

C - The %x format specifier

%08x means that every number should be printed at least 8 characters wide with filling all missing digits with zeros, e.g. for '1' output will be 00000001

Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

This is called RemoteApp. To use it you need to install Terminal Services, which is now called Remote Desktop Services.

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

This works with jQuery UI v1.10.3

$("selector").dialog({height:'auto', width:'auto'});

What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

As the statement executed is not actually DML (eg UPDATE, INSERT or EXECUTE), but a piece of T-SQL which contains DML, I suspect it is not treated as an update-query.

Section of the JDBC 4.1 specification states something (rather hard to interpret btw):

When the method execute returns true, the method getResultSet is called to retrieve the ResultSet object. When execute returns false, the method getUpdateCount returns an int. If this number is greater than or equal to zero, it indicates the update count returned by the statement. If it is -1, it indicates that there are no more results.

Given this information, I guess that executeUpdate() internally does an execute(), and then - as execute() will return false - it will return the value of getUpdateCount(), which in this case - in accordance with the JDBC spec - will return -1.

This is further corroborated by the fact 1) that the Javadoc for Statement.executeUpdate() says:

Returns: either (1) the row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or (2) 0 for SQL statements that return nothing

And 2) that the Javadoc for Statement.getUpdateCount() specifies:

the current result as an update count; -1 if the current result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results

Just to clarify: given the Javadoc for executeUpdate() the behavior is probably wrong, but it can be explained.

Also as I commented elsewhere, the -1 might just indicate: maybe something was changed, but we simply don't know, or we can't give an accurate number of changes (eg because in this example it is a piece of T-SQL that is executed).

Find the location of a character in string

Here's another straightforward alternative.

> which(strsplit(string, "")[[1]]=="2")
[1]  4 24

How do you create a read-only user in PostgreSQL?

Reference taken from this blog:

Script to Create Read-Only user:


Assign permission to this read only user:

GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE YourDatabaseName TO Read_Only_User;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO Read_Only_User;

Assign permissions to read all newly tables created in the future


C# error: "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

The Main method is Static. You can not invoke a non-static method from a static method.


is not a static method. Either you have to create an instance of Program

Program p = new Program();

or make

GetRandomBits() static.

How to find if an array contains a specific string in JavaScript/jQuery?

jQuery offers $.inArray:

Note that inArray returns the index of the element found, so 0 indicates the element is the first in the array. -1 indicates the element was not found.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = $.inArray('specialword', categoriesPresent) > -1;_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = $.inArray('specialword', categoriesNotPresent) > -1;_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false
<script src=""></script>

Edit 3.5 years later

$.inArray is effectively a wrapper for Array.prototype.indexOf in browsers that support it (almost all of them these days), while providing a shim in those that don't. It is essentially equivalent to adding a shim to Array.prototype, which is a more idiomatic/JSish way of doing things. MDN provides such code. These days I would take this option, rather than using the jQuery wrapper.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = categoriesPresent.indexOf('specialword') > -1;_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = categoriesNotPresent.indexOf('specialword') > -1;_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false

Edit another 3 years later

Gosh, 6.5 years?!

The best option for this in modern Javascript is Array.prototype.includes:

var found = categories.includes('specialword');

No comparisons and no confusing -1 results. It does what we want: it returns true or false. For older browsers it's polyfillable using the code at MDN.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = categoriesPresent.includes('specialword');_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = categoriesNotPresent.includes('specialword');_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false

Difference between database and schema

Database is like container of data with schema, and schemas is layout of the tables there data types, relations and stuff

Currency format for display

Try the Currency Format Specifier ("C"). It automatically takes the current UI culture into account and displays currency values accordingly.

You can use it with either String.Format or the overloaded ToString method for a numeric type.

For example:

double value = 12345.6789;
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("C3", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("C3", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("da-DK")));

// The example displays the following output on a system whose
// current culture is English (United States):
//       $12,345.68
//       $12,345.679
//       kr 12.345,679

Using tr to replace newline with space

Best guess is you are on windows and your line ending settings are set for windows. See this topic: How to change line-ending settings

or use:

tr '\r\n' ' '

How can I kill whatever process is using port 8080 so that I can vagrant up?

Run: nmap -p 8080 localhost (Install nmap with MacPorts or Homebrew if you don't have it on your system yet)

Nmap scan report for localhost (

Host is up (0.00034s latency).

Other addresses for localhost (not scanned): ::1


8080/tcp open http-proxy

Run: ps -ef | grep http-proxy


640 99335 88310 0 12:26pm ttys002 0:00.01 grep http-proxy"

Run: ps -ef 640 (replace 501 with your UID)


Port 8080 on mac osx is used by something installed with XCode SDK

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed - Meaning and suggestions?

In general, the error ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1 suggests that you are attempting to put too many pigeons in too few pigeonholes. In this case, the value on the right of the equation

results['predictedY'] = predictedY

is trying to put 3 "things" into a container that allows only one. Because the left side is a dataframe column, and can accept multiple items on that (column) dimension, you should see that there are too many items on another dimension.

Here, it appears you are using sklearn for modeling, which is where gaussian_process.GaussianProcess() is coming from (I'm guessing, but correct me and revise the question if this is wrong).

Now, you generate predicted values for y here:

predictedY, MSE = gp.predict(testX, eval_MSE = True)

However, as we can see from the documentation for GaussianProcess, predict() returns two items. The first is y, which is array-like (emphasis mine). That means that it can have more than one dimension, or, to be concrete for thick headed people like me, it can have more than one column -- see that it can return (n_samples, n_targets) which, depending on testX, could be (1000, 3) (just to pick numbers). Thus, your predictedY might have 3 columns.

If so, when you try to put something with three "columns" into a single dataframe column, you are passing 3 items where only 1 would fit.

return value after a promise

The best way to do this would be to use the promise returning function as it is, like this

lookupValue(file).then(function(res) {
    // Write the code which depends on the `res.val`, here

The function which invokes an asynchronous function cannot wait till the async function returns a value. Because, it just invokes the async function and executes the rest of the code in it. So, when an async function returns a value, it will not be received by the same function which invoked it.

So, the general idea is to write the code which depends on the return value of an async function, in the async function itself.

Handling InterruptedException in Java

I would say in some cases it's ok to do nothing. Probably not something you should be doing by default, but in case there should be no way for the interrupt to happen, I'm not sure what else to do (probably logging error, but that does not affect program flow).

One case would be in case you have a task (blocking) queue. In case you have a daemon Thread handling these tasks and you do not interrupt the Thread by yourself (to my knowledge the jvm does not interrupt daemon threads on jvm shutdown), I see no way for the interrupt to happen, and therefore it could be just ignored. (I do know that a daemon thread may be killed by the jvm at any time and therefore are unsuitable in some cases).

EDIT: Another case might be guarded blocks, at least based on Oracle's tutorial at:

Import Excel Spreadsheet Data to an EXISTING sql table?

You can use import data with wizard and there you can choose destination table.

Run the wizard. In selecting source tables and views window you see two parts. Source and Destination.

Click on the field under Destination part to open the drop down and select you destination table and edit its mappings if needed.


Merely typing the name of the table does not work. It appears that the name of the table must include the schema (dbo) and possibly brackets. Note the dropdown on the right hand side of the text field.

enter image description here

PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

I also got the following error when I run a command with PHP, I did the solution like that:

  1. From the desktop, right-click the Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Click the Advanced system settings link.
  4. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
  5. In the Edit System Variable window, Add C:\xampp\php to your PATH Environment Variable.

Very important note: restart command prompt

mysql: see all open connections to a given database?

That should do the trick for the newest MySQL versions:


UICollectionView - dynamic cell height?

I just ran into this problem on a UICollectionView and the way that i solved it similar to the answer above but in a pure UICollectionView way.

  1. Create a custom UICollectionViewCell that contains whatever you will be filling it with to make it dynamic. I created its own .xib for it as it seems like the easiest approach.

  2. Add constraints in that .xib that allow for the cell to be calculated from top to bottom. The re-sizing won't work if you haven't accounted for all of the height. Say you have a view on top, then a label underneath it, and another label underneath that. You would need to connect constraints to the top of the cell to the top of that view, then the bottom of the view to the top of the first label, bottom of first label to the top of the second label, and bottom of second label to bottom of cell.

  3. Load the .xib into the viewcontroller and register it with the collectionView on viewDidLoad

    let nib = UINib(nibName: CustomCellName, bundle: nil)
    self.collectionView!.registerNib(nib, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "customCellID")`
  4. Load a second copy of that xib into the class and store it as a property so you can use it to determine the size of what that cell should be

    let sizingNibNew = NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed(CustomCellName, owner: CustomCellName.self, options: nil) as NSArray
    self.sizingNibNew = (sizingNibNew.objectAtIndex(0) as? CustomViewCell)!
  5. Implement the UICollectionViewFlowLayoutDelegate in your view controller. The method that matters is called sizeForItemAtIndexPath. Inside that method you will need to pull the data from the datasource that is associated with that cell from the indexPath. Then configure the sizingCell and call preferredLayoutSizeFittingSize. The method returns a CGSize which will consist of the width minus the content insets and the height that is returned from self.sizingCell.preferredLayoutSizeFittingSize(targetSize).

    override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize {
        guard let data = datasourceArray?[indexPath.item] else {
            return CGSizeZero
        let sectionInset = self.collectionView?.collectionViewLayout.sectionInset
        let widthToSubtract = sectionInset!.left + sectionInset!.right
        let requiredWidth = collectionView.bounds.size.width
        let targetSize = CGSize(width: requiredWidth, height: 0)
        sizingNibNew.configureCell(data as! CustomCellData, delegate: self)
        let adequateSize = self.sizingNibNew.preferredLayoutSizeFittingSize(targetSize)
        return CGSize(width: (self.collectionView?.bounds.width)! - widthToSubtract, height: adequateSize.height)
  6. In the class of the custom cell itself you will need to override awakeFromNib and tell the contentView that its size needs to be flexible

     override func awakeFromNib() {
        self.contentView.autoresizingMask = [UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight]
  7. In the custom cell override layoutSubviews

     override func layoutSubviews() {
  8. In the class of the custom cell implement preferredLayoutSizeFittingSize. This is where you will need to do any trickery on the items that are being laid out. If its a label you will need to tell it what its preferredMaxWidth should be.

    func preferredLayoutSizeFittingSize(_ targetSize: CGSize)-> CGSize {
        let originalFrame = self.frame
        let originalPreferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.label.preferredMaxLayoutWidth
        var frame = self.frame
        frame.size = targetSize
        self.frame = frame
        self.label.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.questionLabel.bounds.size.width
        // calling this tells the cell to figure out a size for it based on the current items set
        let computedSize = self.systemLayoutSizeFittingSize(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize)
        let newSize = CGSize(width:targetSize.width, height:computedSize.height)
        self.frame = originalFrame
        self.questionLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = originalPreferredMaxLayoutWidth
        return newSize

All those steps should give you the correct sizes. If your getting 0 or other funky numbers than you haven't set up your constraints properly.

Bootstrap 3: Text overlay on image

Is this what you're after?

I added :text-align:center to the div and image

mySQL select IN range

You can't, but you can use BETWEEN

SELECT job FROM mytable WHERE id BETWEEN 10 AND 15

Note that BETWEEN is inclusive, and will include items with both id 10 and 15.

If you do not want inclusion, you'll have to fall back to using the > and < operators.

SELECT job FROM mytable WHERE id > 10 AND id < 15

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

Sometimes its because of ssh. So you can use this:

git clone

instead of:

git clone git://

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

For what it's worth, I voted for the answer that was picked, but wanted to share a solution. The downside is, it's Linux only - I spent about 5 minutes trying to find the OSX equivalent before coming to Stack overflow. I'm sure it's out there though.

On Linux you can use readlink -e in tandem with dirname.

$(dirname $(readlink -e ../../../../etc/passwd))



And then you use dirname's sister, basename to just get the filename

$(basename ../../../../../passwd)



Put it all together..

echo "$(dirname $(readlink -e $F))/$(basename $F)"



You're safe if you're targeting a directory, basename will return nothing and you'll just end up with double slashes in the final output.

Facebook Open Graph not clearing cache

One thing to add, the url is case sensitive. Note that:

is different in the linter's eyes then

Be sure to use the exact site url that was entered in the developer settings for the app. The linter will return the properties otherwise but will not refresh the cache.

How to split (chunk) a Ruby array into parts of X elements?

Take a look at Enumerable#each_slice:

#=> [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9"], ["10"]]

Java swing application, close one window and open another when button is clicked

Here is an example:

enter image description here

enter image description here

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

public class StartupWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JButton btn;

    public StartupWindow()
        super("Simple GUI");

        btn = new JButton("Open the other JFrame!");


    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        String cmd = e.getActionCommand();

            new AnotherJFrame();

    public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){

            public void run()
                new StartupWindow().setVisible(true);


import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;

public class AnotherJFrame extends JFrame
    public AnotherJFrame()
        super("Another GUI");

        add(new JLabel("Empty JFrame"));

Best way to change the background color for an NSView

In Swift:

override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {



How to access List elements

Tried list[:][0] to show all first member of each list inside list is not working. Result is unknowingly will same as list[0][:]

So i use list comprehension like this:

[i[0] for i in list] which return first element value for each list inside list.

array filter in python?

If the order is not important, you should use set.difference. However, if you want to retain order, a simple list comprehension is all it takes.

result = [a for a in A if a not in subset_of_A]

EDIT: As delnan says, performance will be substantially improved if subset_of_A is an actual set, since checking for membership in a set is O(1) as compared to O(n) for a list.

A = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
subset_of_A = set([6, 9, 12]) # the subset of A

result = [a for a in A if a not in subset_of_A]

docker error: /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory

To setup your environment and to keep it for the future sessions you can do:

echo 'export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://$(boot2docker ip 2>/dev/null):2375";' >> ~/.bashrc

Then: source ~/.bashrc

And your environment will be setup in every session

How to exclude subdirectories in the destination while using /mir /xd switch in robocopy

The way you can exclude a destination directory while using the /mir is by making sure the destination directory also exists on the source. I went into my source drive and created blank directories with the same name as on the destination, and then added that directory name to the /xd. It successfully mirrored everything while excluding the directory on the source, thereby leaving the directory on the destination intact.

How do I resolve the " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" error?

Your port must be busy in some Other Process. So you can download TCPView on and kill the process for used port.

If you don't know your port, double click on the server that is not starting and click on Open Server Properties Page and click on glassfish from left column. You will find the ports here.

Drop all data in a pandas dataframe

My favorite:

df = df.iloc[0:0]

But be aware df.index.max() will be nan. To add items I use:

df.loc[0 if math.isnan(df.index.max()) else df.index.max() + 1] = data

Determine which element the mouse pointer is on top of in JavaScript

<!-- One simple solution to your problem could be like this: -->

<input type="text" id="fname" onmousemove="javascript: alert(;" />
<!-- OR -->
<input type="text" id="fname" onclick="javascript: alert(;" />
<!-- Both mousemove over the field & click on the field displays "fname"-->
<!-- Works fantastic in IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera. -->
<!-- I didn't test it for Safari. -->

How to force a list to be vertical using html css


li {
   display: inline-block;

Works for me also.

insert password into database in md5 format?

You can use MD5() in mysql or md5() in php. To use salt add it to password before running md5, f.e.:

$salt ='my_string';
$hash = md5($salt . $password);

It's better to use different salt for every password. For this you have to save your salt in db (and also hash). While authentication user will send his login and pass. You will find his hash and salt in db and find out:

if ($hash == md5($salt . $_POST['password'])) {}

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

If the data to be encoded contains "exotic" characters, I think you have to encode in "UTF-8"

encoded = base64.b64encode (bytes('data to be encoded', "utf-8"))

How to check if two arrays are equal with JavaScript?

There is no easy way to do this. I needed this as well, but wanted a function that can take any two variables and test for equality. That includes non-object values, objects, arrays and any level of nesting.

In your question, you mention wanting to ignore the order of the values in an array. My solution doesn't inherently do that, but you can achieve it by sorting the arrays before comparing for equality

I also wanted the option of casting non-objects to strings so that [1,2]===["1",2]

Since my project uses UnderscoreJs, I decided to make it a mixin rather than a standalone function.

You can test it out on

Here is my mxin:

  Tests for the equality of two variables
    valA: first variable
    valB: second variable
    stringifyStatics: cast non-objects to string so that "1"===1

    //check for same type
      if((_.isObject(valA) || _.isObject(valB))){
        return false;

    //test non-objects for equality
        var valAs=''+valA;
        var valBs=''+valB;
      return ret;

    //test for length
      return false;

    //test for arrays first
    var isArr=_.isArray(valA);

    //test whether both are array or both object
      return false;

    var ret=true;
      //do test for arrays
        ret=ret && _.equal(val,valB[idx],stringifyStatics);
      //do test for objects

        //test for object member exists

        // test for member equality
        ret=ret && _.equal(val,valB[idx],stringifyStatics);

    return ret;

This is how you use it:


To demonstrate nesting, you can do this:


Moment.js transform to date object

moment has updated the js lib as of 06/2018.

var newYork    ="2014-06-01 12:00", "America/New_York");
var losAngeles = newYork.clone().tz("America/Los_Angeles");
var london     = newYork.clone().tz("Europe/London");

newYork.format();    // 2014-06-01T12:00:00-04:00
losAngeles.format(); // 2014-06-01T09:00:00-07:00
london.format();     // 2014-06-01T17:00:00+01:00

if you have freedom to use Angular5+, then better use datePipe feature there than the timezone function here. I have to use moment.js because my project limits to Angular2 only.

How to get a variable value if variable name is stored as string?

modern shells already support arrays( and even associative arrays). So please do use them, and use less of eval.

var1="this is the real value"
# or array[0]="$var1"

then when you want to call it , echo ${array[0]}

I'm getting an error "invalid use of incomplete type 'class map'

Your first usage of Map is inside a function in the combat class. That happens before Map is defined, hence the error.

A forward declaration only says that a particular class will be defined later, so it's ok to reference it or have pointers to objects, etc. However a forward declaration does not say what members a class has, so as far as the compiler is concerned you can't use any of them until Map is fully declared.

The solution is to follow the C++ pattern of the class declaration in a .h file and the function bodies in a .cpp. That way all the declarations appear before the first definitions, and the compiler knows what it's working with.

Reason: no suitable image found

In my case, it was an issue with one of the pods I was using. I ended up removing that pod and placing the code from it into my project manually.

How to set IntelliJ IDEA Project SDK

For a new project select the home directory of the jdk

eg C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_99 or C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_99

For an existing project.

1) You need to have a jdk installed on the system.

for instance in


2) go to project structure under File menu ctrl+alt+shift+S

3) SDKs is located under Platform Settings. Select it.

4) click the green + up the top of the window.

5) select JDK (I have to use keyboard to select it do not know why).

select the home directory for your jdk installation.

should be good to go.

Setting Spring Profile variable

There are at least two ways to do that:

  1. defining context param in web.xml – that breaks "one package for all environments" statement. I don't recommend that

  2. defining system property

I believe that defining system property is a much better approach. So how to define system property for Tomcat? On the internet I could find a lot of advice like "modify" because you will not find any configuration file for doing stuff like that. Modifying is a dirty unmaintainable solution. There is a better way to do that.

Just create file in Tomcat's bin directory with content:


and it will be loaded automatically during running start or run.

Here is a blog describing the above solution.

SQL select only rows with max value on a column

I can't vouch for the performance, but here's a trick inspired by the limitations of Microsoft Excel. It has some good features


  • It should force return of only one "max record" even if there is a tie (sometimes useful)
  • It doesn't require a join


It is a little bit ugly and requires that you know something about the range of valid values of the rev column. Let us assume that we know the rev column is a number between 0.00 and 999 including decimals but that there will only ever be two digits to the right of the decimal point (e.g. 34.17 would be a valid value).

The gist of the thing is that you create a single synthetic column by string concatenating/packing the primary comparison field along with the data you want. In this way, you can force SQL's MAX() aggregate function to return all of the data (because it has been packed into a single column). Then you have to unpack the data.

Here's how it looks with the above example, written in SQL

       CAST(SUBSTRING(max(packed_col) FROM 2 FOR 6) AS float) as max_rev,
       SUBSTRING(max(packed_col) FROM 11) AS content_for_max_rev 
       CAST(1000 + rev + .001 as CHAR) || '---' || CAST(content AS char) AS packed_col
       FROM yourtable

The packing begins by forcing the rev column to be a number of known character length regardless of the value of rev so that for example

  • 3.2 becomes 1003.201
  • 57 becomes 1057.001
  • 923.88 becomes 1923.881

If you do it right, string comparison of two numbers should yield the same "max" as numeric comparison of the two numbers and it's easy to convert back to the original number using the substring function (which is available in one form or another pretty much everywhere).

How to auto import the necessary classes in Android Studio with shortcut?

You can also use Eclipse's keyboard shortcuts: just go on preferences > keymap and choose Eclipse from the drop-down menu. And all your Eclipse shortcuts will be used in here. Unable to resolve host "<url>": No address associated with hostname and End of input at character 0 of

I had the same problem, but with small difference. I had added NetworkConnectionCallback to check situation when internet connection had changed at runtime, and checking like this before sending all requests:

private fun isConnected(): Boolean {
    val activeNetwork = cManager.activeNetworkInfo
    return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected

There can be state like CONNECTING (you can see i? when you turn on wifi, icon starts blinking, after connecting to network, image is static). So, we have two different states: one CONNECT another CONNECTING, and when Retrofit tried to send request internet connection is disabled and it throws UnknownHostException. I forgot to add another type of exception in function which was responsible for sending requests.

//for example, retrofit call
catch (e: Exception) {
        is UnknownHostException -> "Unknown host!"
        is ConnectException -> "No internet!"
        else -> "Unknown exception!"

It's just a tricky moment that can by related with this problem.

Hope, I will help somebody)

Django: List field in model?

You can flatten the list and then store the values to a CommaSeparatedIntegerField. When you read back from the database, just group the values back into threes.

Disclaimer: according to database normalization theory, it is better not to store collections in single fields; instead you would be encouraged to store the values in those triplets in their own fields and link them via foreign keys. In the real world, though, sometimes that is too cumbersome/slow.

iPhone hide Navigation Bar only on first page

I would put the code in the viewWillAppear delegate on each view being shown:

Like this where you need to hide it:

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
        [yourObject hideBar];

Like this where you need to show it:

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
        [yourObject showBar];

Installing SciPy and NumPy using pip

This worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip install scipy

java collections - keyset() vs entrySet() in map

Traversal over the large map entrySet() is much better than the keySet(). Check this tutorial how they optimise the traversal over the large object with the help of entrySet() and how it helps for performance tuning.

How to override trait function and call it from the overridden function?

Your last one was almost there:

trait A {
    function calc($v) {
        return $v+1;

class MyClass {
    use A {
        calc as protected traitcalc;

    function calc($v) {
        return $this->traitcalc($v);

The trait is not a class. You can't access its members directly. It's basically just automated copy and paste...

How to run a command in the background on Windows?

Use the start command with the /b flag to run a command/application without opening a new window. For example, this runs dotnet run in the background:

start /b dotnet run

You can pass parameters to the command/application too. For example, I'm starting 3 instances of this C# project, with parameter values of x, y, and z:

enter image description here

To stop the program(s) running in the background: CTRL + BREAK

In my experience, this stops all of the background commands/programs you have started in that cmd instance.

According to the Microsoft docs:

CTRL+C handling is ignored unless the application enables CTRL+C processing. Use CTRL+BREAK to interrupt the application.

Show week number with Javascript?

If you want something that works and is future-proof, use a library like MomentJS.


Replace multiple characters in a C# string

A .NET Core version for replacing a defined set of string chars to a specific char. It leverages the recently introduced Span type and string.Create method.

The idea is to prepare a replacement array, so no actual comparison operations would be required for the each string char. Thus, the replacement process reminds the way a state machine works. In order to avoid initialization of all items of the replacement array, let's store oldChar ^ newChar (XOR'ed) values there, what gives the following benefits:

  • If a char is not changing: ch ^ ch = 0 - no need to initialize non-changing items
  • The final char can be found by XOR'ing: ch ^ repl[ch]:
    • ch ^ 0 = ch - not changed chars case
    • ch ^ (ch ^ newChar) = newChar - replaced char

So the only requirement would be to ensure that the replacement array is zero-ed when initialized. We'll be using ArrayPool<char> to avoid allocations each time the ReplaceAll method is called. And, in order to ensure that the arrays are zero-ed without expensive call to Array.Clear method, we'll be maintaining a pool dedicated for the ReplaceAll method. We'll be clearing the replacement array (exact items only) before returning it to the pool.

public static class StringExtensions
    private static readonly ArrayPool<char> _replacementPool = ArrayPool<char>.Create();

    public static string ReplaceAll(this string str, char newChar, params char[] oldChars)
        // If nothing to do, return the original string.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ||
            oldChars is null ||
            oldChars.Length == 0)
            return str;

        // If only one character needs to be replaced,
        // use the more efficient `string.Replace`.
        if (oldChars.Length == 1)
            return str.Replace(oldChars[0], newChar);

        // Get a replacement array from the pool.
        var replacements = _replacementPool.Rent(char.MaxValue + 1);

            // Intialize the replacement array in the way that
            // all elements represent `oldChar ^ newChar`.
            foreach (var oldCh in oldChars)
                replacements[oldCh] = (char)(newChar ^ oldCh);

            // Create a string with replaced characters.
            return string.Create(str.Length, (str, replacements), (dst, args) =>
                var repl = args.replacements;

                foreach (var ch in args.str)
                    dst[0] = (char)(repl[ch] ^ ch);
                    dst = dst.Slice(1);
            // Clear the replacement array.
            foreach (var oldCh in oldChars)
                replacements[oldCh] = char.MinValue;

            // Return the replacement array back to the pool.

Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

This answer does not work anymore, but I'm looking for a solution.

As of . 2015 / 02 / 24 . there is a website (youtubeinmp4) that allows you to download youtube videos in .mp4 format, you can exploit this (with some JavaScript) to get away with embedding youtube videos in <video> tags. Here is a demo of this in action.


  • Fairly easy to implement.
  • Quite fast server response actually (it doesn't take that much to retrieve the videos).
  • Abstraction (the accepted solution, even if it worked properly, would only be applicable if you knew beforehand which videos you were going to play, this works for any user inputted url).


  • It obviously depends on the servers and their way of providing a downloading link (which can be passed as a <video> source), so this answer may not be valid in the future.

  • You can't choose the video quality.

###JavaScript (after load)

videos = document.querySelectorAll("video");
for (var i = 0, l = videos.length; i < l; i++) {
    var video = videos[i];
    var src = video.src || (function () {
        var sources = video.querySelectorAll("source");
        for (var j = 0, sl = sources.length; j < sl; j++) {
            var source = sources[j];
            var type = source.type;
            var isMp4 = type.indexOf("mp4") != -1;
            if (isMp4) return source.src;
        return null;
    if (src) {
        var isYoutube = src && src.match(/(?:youtu|youtube)(?:\.com|\.be)\/([\w\W]+)/i);
        if (isYoutube) {
            var id = isYoutube[1].match(/watch\?v=|[\w\W]+/gi);
            id = (id.length > 1) ? id.splice(1) : id;
            id = id.toString();
            var mp4url = "";
            video.src = mp4url + id;

###Usage (Full)

<video controls="true">
        <source src="" type="video/mp4" />

Standard video format.

###Usage (Mini)

<video src="" controls="true"></video>

A little less common but quite smaller, using the shortened url as the src attribute directly in the <video> tag.

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

I suggest to use utf8mb4_unicode_ci, which is based on the Unicode standard for sorting and comparison, which sorts accurately in a very wide range of languages.

Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! with dynamic sortby predicate

The cause of this error for me was...


in my template

It causes the function myTrustSrc in my controller to be called in an endless loop. If I remove the ng-if from this line, then the problem is solved.

<iframe ng-if="chat.src" id='chat' name='chat' class='chat' ng-src="{{myTrustSrc(chat.src)}}"></iframe>

The function is only called a few times when ng-if isn't used. I still wonder why the function is called more than once with ng-src?

This is the function in the controller

$scope.myTrustSrc = function(src) {
    return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest

I would suggest to use ASIHTTPRequest

ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.

It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.

Please note, that the original author discontinued with this project. See the followring post for reasons and alternatives:;

Personally I am a big fan of AFNetworking

Convert JS Object to form data

You can simply use:

formData.append('item', JSON.stringify(item));

Aggregate function in SQL WHERE-Clause

You can't use an aggregate directly in a WHERE clause; that's what HAVING clauses are for.

You can use a sub-query which contains an aggregate in the WHERE clause.

Javac is not found

As far as I can see you have the JRE in your PATH, but not the JDK.

From a command prompt try this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\bin

Then try javac again - if this works you'll need to permanently modify your environment variables to have PATH include the JDK too.

gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi command not found

You have installed a toolchain which was compiled for i686 on a box which is running an x86_64 userland.

Use an i686 VM.

How to Set/Update State of StatefulWidget from other StatefulWidget in Flutter?

enter image description here

This examples shows calling a method

  1. Defined in Child widget from Parent widget.
  2. Defined in Parent widget from Child widget.

class ParentPage extends StatefulWidget {
  _ParentPageState createState() => _ParentPageState();

class _ParentPageState extends State<ParentPage> {
  final GlobalKey<ChildPageState> _key = GlobalKey();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Parent")),
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              child: Container(
                color: Colors.grey,
                width: double.infinity,
                child: RaisedButton(
                  child: Text("Call method in child"),
                  onPressed: () => _key.currentState.methodInChild(), // calls method in child
            Text("Above = Parent\nBelow = Child"),
              child: ChildPage(
                key: _key,
                function: methodInParent,

  methodInParent() => Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "Method called in parent", gravity: ToastGravity.CENTER);

class ChildPage extends StatefulWidget {
  final Function function;

  ChildPage({Key key, this.function}) : super(key: key);

  ChildPageState createState() => ChildPageState();

class ChildPageState extends State<ChildPage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.teal,
      width: double.infinity,
      child: RaisedButton(
        child: Text("Call method in parent"),
        onPressed: () => widget.function(), // calls method in parent

  methodInChild() => Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "Method called in child");

add controls vertically instead of horizontally using flow layout

I used a BoxLayout and set its second parameter as BoxLayout.Y_AXIS and it worked for me:

panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

Replace HTML Table with Divs

there is a very useful online tool for this, just automatically transform the table into divs:

And the video that explains it:

I'm using this on a daily basis. I hope it helps ;)

How do I convert Long to byte[] and back in java

public byte[] longToBytes(long x) {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
    return buffer.array();

public long bytesToLong(byte[] bytes) {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
    buffer.flip();//need flip 
    return buffer.getLong();

Or wrapped in a class to avoid repeatedly creating ByteBuffers:

public class ByteUtils {
    private static ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);    

    public static byte[] longToBytes(long x) {
        buffer.putLong(0, x);
        return buffer.array();

    public static long bytesToLong(byte[] bytes) {
        buffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        buffer.flip();//need flip 
        return buffer.getLong();

Since this is getting so popular, I just want to mention that I think you're better off using a library like Guava in the vast majority of cases. And if you have some strange opposition to libraries, you should probably consider this answer first for native java solutions. I think the main thing my answer really has going for it is that you don't have to worry about the endian-ness of the system yourself.

File Explorer in Android Studio

Android Device Monitor is a part of ANDROID SDK.

You can found it here: C:\android-sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86\monitor.exe or C:\android-sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64\monitor.exe.

Run it for monitring or exploring files on the AVD.

HTML.ActionLink method

This type use:


MainPage : Name of the text Index : Action View Home : HomeController

Base Use ActionLink

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />_x000D_
    <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/bootsrap.min.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-12">_x000D_
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">@Html.ActionLink("AnaSayfa","Index","Home")</button>_x000D_
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">@Html.ActionLink("Hakkimizda", "Hakkimizda", "Home")</button>_x000D_
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">@Html.ActionLink("Iletisim", "Iletisim", "Home")</button>_x000D_
        </div> _x000D_
        <div class="col-md-12" style="height:200px;background-image:url(/img/footer.jpg)">_x000D_

How to convert from int to string in objective c: example code

The commented out version is the more correct way to do this.

If you use the == operator on strings, you're comparing the strings' addresses (where they're allocated in memory) rather than the values of the strings. This is very occasional useful (it indicates you have the exact same string object), but 99% of the time you want to compare the values, which you do like so:

if([myT isEqualToString:@"10"] || [myT isEqualToString:@"11"] || [myT isEqualToString:@"12"])

bash shell nested for loop

One one line (semi-colons necessary):

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do echo "$i$j"; done; done

Formatted for legibility (no semi-colons needed):

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
        echo "$i$j"

There are different views on how the shell code should be laid out over multiple lines; that's about what I normally use, unless I put the next operation on the same line as the do (saving two lines here).

How to filter a dictionary according to an arbitrary condition function?

dict((k, v) for k, v in points.items() if all(x < 5 for x in v))

You could choose to call .iteritems() instead of .items() if you're in Python 2 and points may have a lot of entries.

all(x < 5 for x in v) may be overkill if you know for sure each point will always be 2D only (in that case you might express the same constraint with an and) but it will work fine;-).

What is the meaning of "operator bool() const"

Another common use is for std containers to do equality comparison on key values inside custom objects

class Foo
    public: int val;

class Comparer { public:
bool operator () (Foo& a, Foo&b) const {
return a.val == b.val; 

class Blah
std::set< Foo, Comparer > _mySet;

How to cast Object to boolean?

Assuming that yourObject.toString() returns "true" or "false", you can try

boolean b = Boolean.valueOf(yourObject.toString())

How to force view controller orientation in iOS 8?

There still seems to be some debate about how best to accomplish this task, so I thought I'd share my (working) approach. Add the following code in your UIViewController implementation:

- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation];

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation
    return (toInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft);

    return NO;

- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft;

For this example, you will also need to set your allowed device orientations to 'Landscape Left' in your project settings (or directly in info.plist). Just change the specific orientation you want to force if you want something other than LandscapeLeft.

The key for me was the attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation call in viewWillAppear - without that the view would not properly rotate without physically rotating the device.

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I had hit this when I was trying to initiate a SOAP request from Java code. What worked for me was:

  1. Get the Server certificate by hitting the URL in browser: This link has all the steps to get the server certificate

  2. Once you have the server certificate with you follow .

Copying the text from the link, in case this link dies:

All you need to do to fix this error is to add the server certificate to your trusted Java key store. First You need to download the document from the server.

Once you have the certificate in your hard drive you can import it to the Java trust store. To import the certificate to the trusted Java key store, you can use the java ‘keytool‘ tool. On command prompt navigate to JRE bin folder, in my case the path is : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75\jre\bin . Then use keytool command as follows to import the certificate to JRE.

keytool -import -alias _alias_name_ -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -file _path_to_cer_file

It will ask for a password. By default the password is “changeit”. If the password is different you may not be able to import the certificate.

How to set selected value of jquery select2?


<select id="lang" >
   <option value="php">php</option>
   <option value="asp">asp</option>
   <option value="java">java</option>




how to remove time from datetime

You may try the following:

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),yourdate,101);

or this:

select cast(floor(cast(urdate as float)) as datetime);

Proper Linq where clauses

EDIT: LINQ to Objects doesn't behave how I'd expected it to. You may well be interested in the blog post I've just written about this...

They're different in terms of what will be called - the first is equivalent to:

Collection.Where(x => x.Age == 10)
          .Where(x => x.Name == "Fido")
          .Where(x => x.Fat == true)

wheras the latter is equivalent to:

Collection.Where(x => x.Age == 10 && 
                      x.Name == "Fido" &&
                      x.Fat == true)

Now what difference that actually makes depends on the implementation of Where being called. If it's a SQL-based provider, I'd expect the two to end up creating the same SQL. If it's in LINQ to Objects, the second will have fewer levels of indirection (there'll be just two iterators involved instead of four). Whether those levels of indirection are significant in terms of speed is a different matter.

Typically I would use several where clauses if they feel like they're representing significantly different conditions (e.g. one is to do with one part of an object, and one is completely separate) and one where clause when various conditions are closely related (e.g. a particular value is greater than a minimum and less than a maximum). Basically it's worth considering readability before any slight performance difference.

How do I parse JSON with Ruby on Rails?

Ruby's bundled JSON is capable of exhibiting a bit of magic on its own.

If you have a string containing JSON serialized data that you want to parse:


JSON will look at the parameter, see it's a String and try decoding it.

Similarly, if you have a hash or array you want serialized, use:




And JSON will serialize it. You can also use the to_json method if you want to avoid the visual similarity of the [] method.

Here are some examples:

hash_of_values = {'foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2}
array_of_values = [hash_of_values]

# => "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}"

# => "[{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}]"

string_to_parse = array_of_values.to_json
# => [{"foo"=>1, "bar"=>2}]

If you root around in JSON you might notice it's a subset of YAML, and, actually the YAML parser is what's handling JSON. You can do this too:

require 'yaml'

# => [{"foo"=>1, "bar"=>2}]

If your app is parsing both YAML and JSON, you can let YAML handle both flavors of serialized data.

How do I hide a menu item in the actionbar?

Initially set the menu item visibility to false in the menu layout file as follows :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""

You can then simply set the visibility of the menu item to false in your onCreateOptionsMenu() after inflating the menu.

public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
    MenuItem item = menu.findItem(;
    if (item != null){

Sending commands and strings to with Applescript

Here's another way, but with the advantage that it launches Terminal, brings it to the front, and creates only one window.

I like this when I want to be neatly presented with the results of my script.

tell application "Terminal"
    set shell to do script "echo 1" in window 1
    do script "echo 2" in shell
    do script "echo 3" in shell
end tell

How do I stop/start a scheduled task on a remote computer programmatically?

Here's what I found.


schtasks /end /s <machine name> /tn <task name>


schtasks /run /s <machine name> /tn <task name>

C:\>schtasks /?

SCHTASKS /parameter [arguments]

    Enables an administrator to create, delete, query, change, run and
    end scheduled tasks on a local or remote system. Replaces AT.exe.

Parameter List:
    /Create         Creates a new scheduled task.

    /Delete         Deletes the scheduled task(s).

    /Query          Displays all scheduled tasks.

    /Change         Changes the properties of scheduled task.

    /Run            Runs the scheduled task immediately.

    /End            Stops the currently running scheduled task.

    /?              Displays this help message.

    SCHTASKS /Run /?
    SCHTASKS /End /?
    SCHTASKS /Create /?
    SCHTASKS /Delete /?
    SCHTASKS /Query  /?
    SCHTASKS /Change /?

Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

In [30]: pd.Series([1,2,3,4,'.']).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
0     1
1     2
2     3
3     4
4   NaN
dtype: float64

Open a folder using Process.Start

You're escaping the backslash when the at sign does that for you.


Return generated pdf using spring MVC

You were on the right track with response.getOutputStream(), but you're not using its output anywhere in your code. Essentially what you need to do is to stream the PDF file's bytes directly to the output stream and flush the response. In Spring you can do it like this:

@RequestMapping(value="/getpdf", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getPDF(@RequestBody String json) {
    // convert JSON to Employee 
    Employee emp = convertSomehow(json);

    // generate the file

    // retrieve contents of "C:/tmp/report.pdf" that were written in showHelp
    byte[] contents = (...);

    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    // Here you have to set the actual filename of your pdf
    String filename = "output.pdf";
    headers.setContentDispositionFormData(filename, filename);
    headers.setCacheControl("must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    ResponseEntity<byte[]> response = new ResponseEntity<>(contents, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    return response;


  • use meaningful names for your methods: naming a method that writes a PDF document showHelp is not a good idea
  • reading a file into a byte[]: example here
  • I'd suggest adding a random string to the temporary PDF file name inside showHelp() to avoid overwriting the file if two users send a request at the same time

Automatically scroll down chat div

It's hard to tell without knowing the HTML code, but I'd assume your div doesn't have a height set and/or doesn't allow overflow (e.g. through CSS height: 200px; overflow: auto).

I've made a working sample on jsfiddle:

I created some dummy HTML markup inside a div that is a) overflowing and b) has a set height. Scrolling is done through calling the function

function getMessages(letter) {
    var div = $("#messages");

, in this case once on 'documentReady'.

prop('scrollHeight') will access the value of the property on the first element in the set of matched elements.

What does the 'export' command do?

export in sh and related shells (such as bash), marks an environment variable to be exported to child-processes, so that the child inherits them.

export is defined in POSIX:

The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.

Two submit buttons in one form

If you give each one a name, the clicked one will be sent through as any other input.

<input type="submit" name="button_1" value="Click me">

PUT and POST getting 405 Method Not Allowed Error for Restful Web Services

I'm not sure if I am correct, but from the request header that you post:

Request headers

Accept: Application/json

Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

it seems like you didn't config your request body to JSON type.

How to calculate UILabel width based on text length?

In iOS8 sizeWithFont has been deprecated, please refer to

CGSize yourLabelSize = [yourLabel.text sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont fontWithName:yourLabel.font size:yourLabel.fontSize]}];

You can add all the attributes you want in sizeWithAttributes. Other attributes you can set:

- NSForegroundColorAttributeName
- NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
- NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
- NSShadowAttributeName

and so on. But probably you won't need the others

How do I enable FFMPEG logging and where can I find the FFMPEG log file?

appears that if you add this to the command line:

 -loglevel debug


 -loglevel verbose

You get more verbose debugging output to the command line.

Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery

As has been stated, you can't programmatically open a <select> using JavaScript.

However, you could write your own <select> managing the entire look and feel yourself. Something like what you see for the autocomplete search terms on Google or Yahoo! or the Search for Location box at The Weather Network.

I found one for jQuery here. I have no idea whether it would meet your needs, but even if it doesn't completely meet your needs, it should be possible to modify it so it would open as the result of some other action or event. This one actually looks more promising.

Disable Rails SQL logging in console

I used this: config.log_level = :info edit-in config/environments/performance.rb

Working great for me, rejecting SQL output, and show only rendering and important info.

Concatenate in jQuery Selector

Your concatenation syntax is correct.

Most likely the callback function isn't even being called. You can test that by putting an alert(), console.log() or debugger line in that function.

If it isn't being called, most likely there's an AJAX error. Look at chaining a .fail() handler after $.post() to find out what the error is, e.g.:

$.post('ajaxskeleton.php', {
    red: text       
}, function(){
    $('#part' + number).html(text);
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

What is a database transaction?

A transaction is a sequence of one or more SQL operations that are treated as a unit.

Specifically, each transaction appears to run in isolation, and furthermore, if the system fails, each transaction is either executed in its entirety or not all.

The concept of transactions is motivated by two completely independent concerns. One has to do with concurrent access to the database by multiple clients, and the other has to do with having a system that is resilient to system failures.

Transaction supports what is known as the ACID properties:

  • A: Atomicity;
  • C: Consistency;
  • I: Isolation;
  • D: Durability.

How to position a div scrollbar on the left hand side?

Kind of an old question, but I thought I should throw in a method which wasn't widely available when this question was asked.

You can reverse the side of the scrollbar in modern browsers using transform: scaleX(-1) on a parent <div>, then apply the same transform to reverse a child, "sleeve" element.


<div class="parent">
  <div class="sleeve">
    <!-- content -->


.parent {
  overflow: auto;
  transform: scaleX(-1); //Reflects the parent horizontally

.sleeve {
  transform: scaleX(-1); //Flips the child back to normal

Note: You may need to use an -ms-transform or -webkit-transform prefix for browsers as old as IE 9. Check CanIUse and click "show all" to see older browser requirements.

Login to website, via C#

You can simplify things quite a bit by creating a class that derives from WebClient, overriding its GetWebRequest method and setting a CookieContainer object on it. If you always set the same CookieContainer instance, then cookie management will be handled automatically for you.

But the only way to get at the HttpWebRequest before it is sent is to inherit from WebClient and override that method.

public class CookieAwareWebClient : WebClient
    private CookieContainer cookie = new CookieContainer();

    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(address);
        if (request is HttpWebRequest)
            (request as HttpWebRequest).CookieContainer = cookie;
        return request;

var client = new CookieAwareWebClient();
client.BaseAddress = @"";
var loginData = new NameValueCollection();
loginData.Add("login", "YourLogin");
loginData.Add("password", "YourPassword");
client.UploadValues("login.php", "POST", loginData);

//Now you are logged in and can request pages    
string htmlSource = client.DownloadString("index.php");

DateTime group by date and hour

Using MySQL I usually do it that way:

SELECT count( id ), ...
FROM quote_data
GROUP BY date_format( your_date_column, '%Y%m%d%H' )
order by your_date_column desc;

Or in the same idea, if you need to output the date/hour:

SELECT count( id ) , date_format( your_date_column, '%Y-%m-%d %H' ) as my_date
FROM  your_table 
GROUP BY my_date
order by your_date_column desc;

If you specify an index on your date column, MySQL should be able to use it to speed up things a little.

How can I send an inner <div> to the bottom of its parent <div>?

<div style="width: 200px; height: 150px; border: 1px solid black;position:relative">
    <div style="width: 100%; height: 50px; border: 1px solid red;position:absolute;bottom:0">

How can I make an entire HTML form "readonly"?

I'd rather use jQuery:

$('#'+formID).find(':input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

find() would go much deeper till nth nested child than children(), which looks for immediate children only.

How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

You don't need to convert NumPy array to Mat because OpenCV cv2 module can accept NumPyarray. The only thing you need to care for is that {0,1} is mapped to {0,255} and any value bigger than 1 in NumPy array is equal to 255. So you should divide by 255 in your code, as shown below.

img = numpy.zeros([5,5,3])

img[:,:,0] = numpy.ones([5,5])*64/255.0
img[:,:,1] = numpy.ones([5,5])*128/255.0
img[:,:,2] = numpy.ones([5,5])*192/255.0

cv2.imwrite('color_img.jpg', img)
cv2.imshow("image", img)

How to add header row to a pandas DataFrame

Alternatively you could read you csv with header=None and then add it with df.columns:

Cov = pd.read_csv("path/to/file.txt", sep='\t', header=None)
Cov.columns = ["Sequence", "Start", "End", "Coverage"]

Could not find the main class, program will exit

Is Java installed on your computer? Is the path to its bin directory set properly (in other words if you type 'java' from the command line do you get back a list of instructions or do you get something like "java is not recognized as a .....")?

You could try try running squirrel-sql.jar from the command line (from the squirrel sql directory), using:

java -jar squirrel-sql.jar

Eclipse: How do I add the javax.servlet package to a project?

For me doesnt put jars to lib directory and set to Build path enought.

The right thing was add it to Deployment Assembly.

Original asnwer

How to convert PDF files to images

There is a free nuget package (Pdf2Image), which allows the extraction of pdf pages to jpg files or to a collection of images (List ) in just one line

        string file = "c:\\tmp\\test.pdf";

        List<System.Drawing.Image> images = PdfSplitter.GetImages(file, PdfSplitter.Scale.High);

        PdfSplitter.WriteImages(file, "c:\\tmp", PdfSplitter.Scale.High, PdfSplitter.CompressionLevel.Medium);

All source is also available on github Pdf2Image

how to open an URL in Swift3

import UIKit 
import SafariServices 

let url = URL(string: "")
let vc = SFSafariViewController(url: url!) 
present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Enable remote connections for SQL Server Express 2012

All you need to do is open the relevant port on the server's firewall.

Regular Expressions and negating a whole character group

The regex [^ab] will match for example 'ab ab ab ab' but not 'ab', because it will match on the string ' a' or 'b '.

What language/scenario do you have? Can you subtract results from the original set, and just match ab?

If you are using GNU grep, and are parsing input, use the '-v' flag to invert your results, returning all non-matches. Other regex tools also have a 'return nonmatch' function, too.

If I understand correctly, you want everything except for those items which contain 'ab' anywhere.

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?

Please see the following for an example which shows the declaration and potential usage:

namespace Flags
    class Program
        public enum MyFlags : short
            Foo = 0x1,
            Bar = 0x2,
            Baz = 0x4

        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyFlags fooBar = MyFlags.Foo | MyFlags.Bar;

            if ((fooBar & MyFlags.Foo) == MyFlags.Foo)
                Console.WriteLine("Item has Foo flag set");

Angular 4 Pipe Filter

I know this is old, but i think i have good solution. Comparing to other answers and also comparing to accepted, mine accepts multiple values. Basically filter object with key:value search parameters (also object within object). Also it works with numbers etc, cause when comparing, it converts them to string.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({name: 'filter'})
export class Filter implements PipeTransform {
    transform(array: Array<Object>, filter: Object): any {
        let notAllKeysUndefined = false;
        let newArray = [];

        if(array.length > 0) {
            for (let k in filter){
                if (filter.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                    if(filter[k] != undefined && filter[k] != '') {
                        for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                            let filterRule = filter[k];

                            if(typeof filterRule === 'object') {
                                for(let fkey in filterRule) {
                                    if (filter[k].hasOwnProperty(fkey)) {
                                        if(filter[k][fkey] != undefined && filter[k][fkey] != '') {
                                            if(this.shouldPushInArray(array[i][k][fkey], filter[k][fkey])) {
                                            notAllKeysUndefined = true;
                            } else {
                                if(this.shouldPushInArray(array[i][k], filter[k])) {
                                notAllKeysUndefined = true;
            if(notAllKeysUndefined) {
                return newArray;

        return array;

    private shouldPushInArray(item, filter) {
        if(typeof filter !== 'string') {
            item = item.toString();
            filter = filter.toString();

        // Filter main logic
        item = item.toLowerCase();
        filter = filter.toLowerCase();
        if(item.indexOf(filter) !== -1) {
            return true;
        return false;

How do I center this form in css?

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <!-- local links -->_x000D_
body .form_wrapper{_x000D_
    background-color: #fff;_x000D_
    border-radius: 5px;_x000D_
    height: auto;_x000D_
    padding: 15px 18px;_x000D_
    margin: 10% auto;_x000D_
    margin-left: auto;_x000D_
    margin-right: auto;_x000D_
} _x000D_
    <div class = "form_wrapper">_x000D_
        <form method="post" action="function.php">_x000D_
            <h1 class = "formHeading">Admin login form</h1>_x000D_
            <input type = "text" name = "username" id = "username"placeholder = "Enter Username" required = "required">_x000D_
            <input type = "password" name = "password" id  = "password" placeholder = "Enter password" required = "required">_x000D_
            <button type = "submit" >Login</button>_x000D_
            <a href = "#"> froget password!</a>_x000D_
            <a href = "#"><span>?</span>help</a>_x000D_

Send FormData with other field in AngularJS

You're sending JSON-formatted data to a server which isn't expecting that format. You already provided the format that the server needs, so you'll need to format it yourself which is pretty simple.

var data = '"title='+title+'" "text='+text+'" "file='+file+'"';
$, data)

Finding version of Microsoft C++ compiler from command-line (for makefiles)

Just run it without options.

Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00.8168 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1998. All rights reserved.

usage: cl [ option... ] filename... [ /link linkoption... ]

Example of Named Pipes

For someone who is new to IPC and Named Pipes, I found the following NuGet package to be a great help.

GitHub: Named Pipe Wrapper for .NET 4.0

To use first install the package:

PS> Install-Package NamedPipeWrapper

Then an example server (copied from the link):

var server = new NamedPipeServer<SomeClass>("MyServerPipe");
server.ClientConnected += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn)
        Console.WriteLine("Client {0} is now connected!", conn.Id);
        conn.PushMessage(new SomeClass { Text: "Welcome!" });

server.ClientMessage += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn, SomeClass message)
        Console.WriteLine("Client {0} says: {1}", conn.Id, message.Text);


Example client:

var client = new NamedPipeClient<SomeClass>("MyServerPipe");
client.ServerMessage += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn, SomeClass message)
        Console.WriteLine("Server says: {0}", message.Text);


Best thing about it for me is that unlike the accepted answer here it supports multiple clients talking to a single server.

How do I execute multiple SQL Statements in Access' Query Editor?

Better just create a XLSX file with field names on top row. Create it manually or using Mockaroo. Export it to Excel(or CSV) and then import it to Access using New Data Source -> From File

IMHO it's the best and most performant way to do it in Access.

How to remove backslash on json_encode() function?

json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

how to upload a file to my server using html

On top of what the others have already stated, some sort of server-side scripting is necessary in order for the server to read and save the file.

Using PHP might be a good choice, but you're free to use any server-side scripting language. may be of use on that end.

How to check if Location Services are enabled?

    LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    boolean gps_enabled = false;
    boolean network_enabled = false;

    try {
        gps_enabled = lm.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
    } catch(Exception e){

    try {
        network_enabled = lm.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
    } catch(Exception e){

    if(!gps_enabled && !network_enabled) {
        // notify user
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setMessage("Please turn on Location to continue")
                .setPositiveButton("Open Location Settings", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface paramDialogInterface, int paramInt) {
                        startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS));


Filter by Dates in SQL

If your dates column does not contain time information, you could get away with:

WHERE dates BETWEEN '20121211' and '20121213'

However, given your dates column is actually datetime, you want this

WHERE dates >= '20121211'
  AND dates < '20121214'  -- i.e. 00:00 of the next day

Another option for SQL Server 2008 onwards that retains SARGability (ability to use index for good performance) is:

WHERE CAST(dates as date) BETWEEN '20121211' and '20121213'

Note: always use ISO-8601 format YYYYMMDD with SQL Server for unambiguous date literals.

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

5 workarounds:

The limit was raised in 5.7.7 (MariaDB 10.2.2?). And it can be increased with some work in 5.6 (10.1).

If you are hitting the limit because of trying to use CHARACTER SET utf8mb4. Then do one of the following (each has a drawback) to avoid the error:

?  Upgrade to 5.7.7 for 3072 byte limit -- your cloud may not provide this;
?  Change 255 to 191 on the VARCHAR -- you lose any values longer than 191 characters (unlikely?);
?  ALTER .. CONVERT TO utf8 -- you lose Emoji and some of Chinese;
?  Use a "prefix" index -- you lose some of the performance benefits.
?  Or... Stay with older version but perform 4 steps to raise the limit to 3072 bytes:

SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=1;
logout & login (to get the global values);


Failed to load ApplicationContext (with annotation)

Your test requires a ServletContext: add @WebIntegrationTest

@ContextConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class, loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
public class UserServiceImplIT

...or look here for other options:

UPDATE In Spring Boot 1.4.x and above @WebIntegrationTest is no longer preferred. @SpringBootTest or @WebMvcTest

How to check if an int is a null

You have to access to your class atributes.

To access to it atributes, you have to do:



is an instance of your class Person.

This can be done if the attibutes can be accessed, if not, you must use setters and getters...

Javascript setInterval not working

A lot of other answers are focusing on a pattern that does work, but their explanations aren't really very thorough as to why your current code doesn't work.

Your code, for reference:

function funcName() {

var func = funcName();
var run = setInterval("func",10000)

Let's break this up into chunks. Your function funcName is fine. Note that when you call funcName (in other words, you run it) you will be alerting "test". But notice that funcName() -- the parentheses mean to "call" or "run" the function -- doesn't actually return a value. When a function doesn't have a return value, it defaults to a value known as undefined.

When you call a function, you append its argument list to the end in parentheses. When you don't have any arguments to pass the function, you just add empty parentheses, like funcName(). But when you want to refer to the function itself, and not call it, you don't need the parentheses because the parentheses indicate to run it.

So, when you say:

var func = funcName();

You are actually declaring a variable func that has a value of funcName(). But notice the parentheses. funcName() is actually the return value of funcName. As I said above, since funcName doesn't actually return any value, it defaults to undefined. So, in other words, your variable func actually will have the value undefined.

Then you have this line:

var run = setInterval("func",10000)

The function setInterval takes two arguments. The first is the function to be ran every so often, and the second is the number of milliseconds between each time the function is ran.

However, the first argument really should be a function, not a string. If it is a string, then the JavaScript engine will use eval on that string instead. So, in other words, your setInterval is running the following JavaScript code:

// 10 seconds later....
// and so on

However, func is just a variable (with the value undefined, but that's sort of irrelevant). So every ten seconds, the JS engine evaluates the variable func and returns undefined. But this doesn't really do anything. I mean, it technically is being evaluated every 10 seconds, but you're not going to see any effects from that.

The solution is to give setInterval a function to run instead of a string. So, in this case:

var run = setInterval(funcName, 10000);

Notice that I didn't give it func. This is because func is not a function in your code; it's the value undefined, because you assigned it funcName(). Like I said above, funcName() will call the function funcName and return the return value of the function. Since funcName doesn't return anything, this defaults to undefined. I know I've said that several times now, but it really is a very important concept: when you see funcName(), you should think "the return value of funcName". When you want to refer to a function itself, like a separate entity, you should leave off the parentheses so you don't call it: funcName.

So, another solution for your code would be:

var func = funcName;
var run = setInterval(func, 10000);

However, that's a bit redundant: why use func instead of funcName?

Or you can stay as true as possible to the original code by modifying two bits:

var func = funcName;
var run = setInterval("func()", 10000);

In this case, the JS engine will evaluate func() every ten seconds. In other words, it will alert "test" every ten seconds. However, as the famous phrase goes, eval is evil, so you should try to avoid it whenever possible.

Another twist on this code is to use an anonymous function. In other words, a function that doesn't have a name -- you just drop it in the code because you don't care what it's called.

setInterval(function () {
}, 10000);

In this case, since I don't care what the function is called, I just leave a generic, unnamed (anonymous) function there.

Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery

location.hash is not safe for IE , in case of IE ( including IE9 ) , if your page contains iframe , then after manual refresh inside iframe content get location.hash value is old( value for first page load ). while manual retrieved value is different than location.hash so always retrieve it through document.URL

var hash = document.URL.substr(document.URL.indexOf('#')+1) 

How to set div width using ng-style

The syntax of ng-style is not quite that. It accepts a dictionary of keys (attribute names) and values (the value they should take, an empty string unsets them) rather than only a string. I think what you want is this:

<div ng-style="{ 'width' : width, 'background' : bgColor }"></div>

And then in your controller:

$scope.width = '900px';
$scope.bgColor = 'red';

This preserves the separation of template and the controller: the controller holds the semantic values while the template maps them to the correct attribute name.

No module named _sqlite3

I had the same problem (building python2.5 from source on Ubuntu Lucid), and import sqlite3 threw this same exception. I've installed libsqlite3-dev from the package manager, recompiled python2.5, and then the import worked.

Query to count the number of tables I have in MySQL

mysql> show tables;

it will show the names of the tables, then the count on tables.


Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

You can convert it to JSON String and store the string in the SharedPreferences.

Sleeping in a batch file

There are lots of ways to accomplish a 'sleep' in cmd/batch:

My favourite one:


This will stop the console for 5 seconds, without any output.

Most used:

ping localhost -n 5 >NUL 2>NUL

This will try to make a connection to localhost 5 times. Since it is hosted on your computer, it will always reach the host, so every second it will try the new every second. The -n flag indicates how many times the script will try the connection. In this case is 5, so it will last 5 seconds.

Variants of the last one:

ping -n 5 >nul

In this script there are some differences comparing it with the last one. This will not try to call localhost. Instead, it will try to connect to, a very fast website. The action will last 5 seconds only if you have an active internet connection. Else it will last approximately 15 to complete the action. I do not recommend using this method.

ping -n 5 >nul

This is exactly the same as example 2 (most used). Also, you can also use:

ping [::1] -n 5 >nul

This instead, uses IPv6's localhost version.

There are lots of methods to perform this action. However, I prefer method 1 for Windows Vista and later versions and the most used method (method 2) for earlier versions of the OS.

Can I exclude some concrete urls from <url-pattern> inside <filter-mapping>?

I don't think you can, the only other configuration alternative is to enumerate the paths that you want to be filtered, so instead of /* you could add some for /this/* and /that/* etc, but that won't lead to a sufficient solution when you have alot of those paths.

What you can do is add a parameter to the filter providing an expression (like a regular expression) which is used to skip the filter functionality for the paths matched. The servlet container will still call your filter for those url's but you will have better control over the configuration.


Now that you mention you have no control over the filter, what you could do is either inherit from that filter calling super methods in its methods except when the url path you want to skip is present and follow the filter chain like @BalusC proposed, or build a filter which instantiates your filter and delegates under the same circumstances. In both cases the filter parameters would include both the expression parameter you add and those of the filter you inherit from or delegate to.

The advantage of building a delegating filter (a wrapper) is that you can add the filter class of the wrapped filter as parameter and reuse it in other situations like this one.

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

As long as your script is executable and doesn't have any extension you can drag it as-is to the right side (Document side) of the Dock and it will run in a terminal window when clicked instead of opening an editor.

If you want to have an extension (like, you can go to the file info window in Finder and change the default application for that particular script from whatever it is (TextEdit, TextMate, whatever default is set on your computer for .sh files) to Terminal. It will then just execute instead of opening in a text editor. Again, you will have to drag it to the right side of the Dock.

How to set the title text color of UIButton?

Swift UI solution

Button(action: {}) {
        }.foregroundColor(Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0))

Swift 3, Swift 4, Swift 5

to improve comments. This should work:

button.setTitleColor(.red, for: .normal)

fix Read timed out

Here are few pointers/suggestions for investigation

  1. I see that every time you vote, you call vote method which creates a fresh HTTP connection.
  2. This might be a problem. I would suggest to use a single HttpClient instance to post to the server. This way it wont create too many connections from the client side.
  3. At the end of everything, HttpClient needs to be shut and hence call httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); to release the resources used by the connections.

Getting hold of the outer class object from the inner class object

You could (but you shouldn't) use reflection for the job:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class Outer {
    public class Inner {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // Create the inner instance
        Inner inner = new Outer().new Inner();

        // Get the implicit reference from the inner to the outer instance
        // ... make it accessible, as it has default visibility
        Field field = Inner.class.getDeclaredField("this$0");

        // Dereference and cast it
        Outer outer = (Outer) field.get(inner);

Of course, the name of the implicit reference is utterly unreliable, so as I said, you shouldn't :-)

Difference between IISRESET and IIS Stop-Start command

The following was tested for IIS 8.5 and Windows 8.1.

As of IIS 7, Windows recommends restarting IIS via net stop/start. Via the command prompt (as Administrator):

> net stop WAS
> net start W3SVC

net stop WAS will stop W3SVC as well. Then when starting, net start W3SVC will start WAS as a dependency.

How to increase editor font size?

For MacBook Users:

enter image description here

To change font size:

Select **Android Studio** menu (which is present next to Apple icon)-->Preferences--->Editor-->Font-->Size(give size)-->ok

To zoom in and out in Editor:

Select **Android Studio** menu -->Editor-->General-->change font size (zoom) with command and mouse wheel-->ok

"Post Image data using POSTMAN"

The accepted answer works if you set the JSON as a key/value pair in the form-data panel (See the image hereunder)

enter image description here

Nevertheless, I am wondering if it is a very clean way to design an API. If it is mandatory for you to upload both image and JSON in a single call maybe it is ok but if you could separate the routes (one for image uploading, the other for JSON body with a proper content-type header), it seems better.

How do I find out what version of Sybase is running

Try running below command (Works on both windows and linux)

isql -v

Difference between "include" and "require" in php

echo "Firstline";
echo "I will run if include but not on Require";

A very simple Practical example with code. The first echo will be displayed. No matter you use include or require because its runs before include or required.

To check the result, In second line of a code intentionally provide the wrong path to the file or make error in file name. Thus the second echo to be displayed or not will be totally dependent on whether you use require or include.

If you use require the second echo will not execute but if you use include not matter what error comes you will see the result of second echo too.

Does Notepad++ show all hidden characters?

For non-printing characters, you can do the following:

  • if you could identify the character, where cursor takes 2 arrow keys to move, just select that character.
  • do Ctrl-F
  • now you can count or replace or even mark all such characters

What processes are using which ports on unix?

If you want to know all listening ports along with its details: local address, foreign address and state as well as Process ID (PID). You can use following command for it in linux.

 netstat -tulpn

transform object to array with lodash

For me, this worked:, d => _.fromPairs([d]));

It turns

{"a":"b", "c":"d", "e":"f"} 


[{"a":"b"}, {"c":"d"}, {"e":"f"}]

Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

You've got two ways to go forward:


If this API supports JSONP, the easiest way to fix this issue is to add &callback to the end of the URL. You can also try &callback=. If that doesn't work, it means the API does not support JSONP, so you must try the other solution.

Proxy Script

You can create a proxy script on the same domain as your website in order to avoid the cross-origin issues. This will only work with HTTP URLs, not HTTPS URLs, but it shouldn't be too difficult to modify if you need that.

// File Name: proxy.php
if (!isset($_GET['url'])) {
    die(); // Don't do anything if we don't have a URL to work with
$url = urldecode($_GET['url']);
$url = 'http://' . str_replace('http://', '', $url); // Avoid accessing the file system
echo file_get_contents($url); // You should probably use cURL. The concept is the same though

Then you just call this script with jQuery. Be sure to urlencode the URL.

    url      : 'proxy.php?',
    type     : 'GET',
    dataType : 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
    console.log(data.results.result[1].category); // Do whatever you want here

The Why

You're getting this error because of XMLHttpRequest same origin policy, which basically boils down to a restriction of ajax requests to URLs with a different port, domain or protocol. This restriction is in place to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

More Information

Our solutions by pass these problems in different ways.

JSONP uses the ability to point script tags at JSON (wrapped in a javascript function) in order to receive the JSON. The JSONP page is interpreted as javascript, and executed. The JSON is passed to your specified function.

The proxy script works by tricking the browser, as you're actually requesting a page on the same origin as your page. The actual cross-origin requests happen server-side.

How to get the insert ID in JDBC?

If you are using Spring JDBC, you can use Spring's GeneratedKeyHolder class to get the inserted ID.

See this answer... How to get inserted id using Spring Jdbctemplate.update(String sql, obj...args)

Getting byte array through input type = file

This is simple way to convert files to Base64 and avoid "maximum call stack size exceeded at FileReader.reader.onload" with the file has big size.

document.querySelector('#fileInput').addEventListener('change',   function () {_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    var selectedFile = this.files[0];_x000D_
    reader.onload = function () {_x000D_
        var comma = this.result.indexOf(',');_x000D_
        var base64 = this.result.substr(comma + 1);_x000D_
}, false);
<input id="fileInput" type="file" />

Generating a PDF file from React Components

I used jsPDF and html-to-image.

You can check out the code on the below git repo.


If you like, you can drop a star there??

Improve subplot size/spacing with many subplots in matplotlib

Try using plt.tight_layout

As a quick example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)
fig.tight_layout() # Or equivalently,  "plt.tight_layout()"

Without Tight Layout

enter image description here

With Tight Layout enter image description here

How to change the author and committer name and e-mail of multiple commits in Git?

  1. run git rebase -i <sha1 or ref of starting point>

  2. mark all commits that you want to change with edit (or e)

  3. loop the following two commands until you have processed all the commits:

    git commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD --author="New Author <[email protected]>" ; git rebase --continue

This will keep all the other commit information (including the dates). The --reuse-message=HEAD option prevents the message editor from launching.

How to use jQuery with TypeScript

Here is my TypeScript & jQuery config steps.

It makes jQuery's types support to work better than the most articles in the internet . ( I believe. )


npm install jquery --save
npm install @types/jquery --save-dev

second( very very very important ! ! ! ):

import jquery = require("jquery");

// this helps TypeScript to understand jQuery best !!!  otherwise It will confused .
const $: JQueryStatic = jquery;

then , You Can Enjoy It :

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('btn').click(function () {
       alert('I am clicked !')

It's silky smooth !!!