Programs & Examples On #B tree index

Get name of current script in Python

Try this:

print __file__

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery

If you don't have to support very old browsers, here is a way to do it even when your external script is loaded with async attribute:

HTMLDocument.prototype.ready = new Promise(function(resolve) {
   if(document.readyState != "loading")
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

document.ready.then(function() {

Java System.out.print formatting

Since you're using formatters for the rest of it, just use DecimalFormat:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

DecimalFormat xFormat = new DecimalFormat("000")
System.out.print(xFormat.format(x + 1) + " ");

Alternative you could do whole job in whole line using printf:

System.out.printf("%03d %s  %s    %s    \n",  x + 1, // the payment number
formatter.format(monthlyInterest),  // round our interest rate

Javascript Src Path

Use an relative path to the root of your site, for example:

If clock.js is on

Include :

<script language="JavaScript" src="/javascript/clock.js"></script>

If it's on your domain root directory:

<script language="JavaScript" src="/clock.js"></script>

Concept of void pointer in C programming

This won't work, yet void * can help a lot in defining generic pointer to functions and passing it as an argument to another function (similar to callback in Java) or define it a structure similar to oop.

LabelEncoder: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'str'

As string data types have variable length, it is by default stored as object type. I faced this problem after treating missing values too. Converting all those columns to type 'category' before label encoding worked in my case.


And then check df.dtypes and perform label encoding.

When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?

As every one says, the only real difference is the default access. But I particularly use struct when I don't want any sort of encapsulation with a simple data class, even if I implement some helper methods. For instance, when I need something like this:

struct myvec {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

    int length() {return x+y+z;}

Laravel-5 how to populate select box from database with id value and name value

Laravel >= 5.3 method lists() is deprecated use pluck()

$items = Items::pluck('name', 'id');

{!! Form::select('items', $items, null, ['class' => 'some_css_class']) !!}

This will give you a select box with same select options as id numbers in DB

for example if you have this in your DB table:

id name
1  item1
2  item2
3  item3
4  item4

in select box it will be like this

<option value="1">item1</option>
<option value="2">item2</option>
<option value="3">item3</option>
<option value="4">item4</option>

I found out that pluck now returns a collection, and you need to add ->toArray() at the end of like this: pluck('name', 'id')->toArray();

How to run JUnit test cases from the command line

With JUnit 4.12 the following didn't work for me:

java -cp .:/usr/share/java/junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore [test class name]

Apparently, from JUnit 4.11 onwards you should also include hamcrest-core.jar in your classpath:

java -cp .:/usr/share/java/junit.jar:/usr/share/java/hamcrest-core.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore [test class name]

css padding is not working in outlook

I had the same problem and ended up actually using border instead of padding.

React with ES7: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined

You have to bind your event handlers to correct context (this):


What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

Use nolock when you are okay with the "dirty" data. Which means nolock can also read data which is in the process of being modified and/or uncommitted data.

It's generally not a good idea to use it in high transaction environment and that is why it is not a default option on query.

Warp \ bend effect on a UIView?

What you show looks like a mesh warp. That would be straightforward using OpenGL, but "straightforward OpenGL" is like straightforward rocket science.

I wrote an iOS app for my company called Face Dancerthat's able to do 60 fps mesh warp animations of video from the built-in camera using OpenGL, but it was a lot of work. (It does funhouse mirror type changes to faces - think "fat booth" live, plus lots of other effects.)

Installing mysql-python on Centos

Step 1 - Install package

# yum install MySQL-python
Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package MySQL-python.i686 0:1.2.3-3.fc15 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package              Arch         Version                 Repository      Size
 MySQL-python         i686         1.2.3-3.fc15            fedora          78 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)

Total download size: 78 k
Installed size: 220 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Setting up and reading Presto delta metadata
Processing delta metadata
Package(s) data still to download: 78 k
MySQL-python-1.2.3-3.fc15.i686.rpm                       |  78 kB     00:00     
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing : MySQL-python-1.2.3-3.fc15.i686                               1/1 

  MySQL-python.i686 0:1.2.3-3.fc15                                              


Step 2 - Test working

import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","myusername","mypassword","mydb" )
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
data = cursor.fetchone()    
print "Database version : %s " % data    


Database version : 5.5.20 

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data



button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View arg0) {
        String s=edit.getText().toString();

        Intent ii=new Intent(MainActivity.this, newclass.class);
        ii.putExtra("name", s);


public class newclass extends Activity
    private TextView Textv;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Textv = (TextView)findViewById(;
        Intent iin= getIntent();
        Bundle b = iin.getExtras();

            String j =(String) b.get("name");

How to change HTML Object element data attribute value in javascript

document.getElementById("PdfContentArea").setAttribute('data', path);


var objectEl = document.getElementById("PdfContentArea")

objectEl.outerHTML = objectEl.outerHTML.replace(/data="(.+?)"/, 'data="' + path + '"');

How to write text on a image in windows using python opencv2

Here's the code with parameter labels

def draw_text(self, frame, text, x, y, color=BGR_COMMON['green'], thickness=1.3, size=0.3,):
    if x is not None and y is not None:
            frame, text, (int(x), int(y)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, size, color, thickness)

For font name please see another answer in this thread.

Excerpt from answer by @Roeffus

This is indeed a bit of an annoying problem. For python 2.x.x you use:

cv2.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX and for Python 3.x.x:


For more see this

How to print an exception in Python 3?


    print undefined_var
except Exception as e:

this will print the representation given by e.__str__():

"name 'undefined_var' is not defined"

you can also use:


which will include the Exception class name:

"NameError("name 'undefined_var' is not defined",)"

What is the correct way to start a mongod service on linux / OS X?

First Step

install mongodb in your linux machine with

apt install mongodb-client && apt install mongodb-server

second step is

change the database path instead of your system default path if you want.
so do the following steps and change it for yourself.

mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/data/db --logpath /var/lib/mongodb/log/mongodb.log --logappend --rest

and in your windows machine do it just like that just put an --install flag. you have to get a successful message.

Best Regards...

How to save data in an android app

Quick answer:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

    Boolean Music;

    public static final String PREFS_NAME = "MyPrefsFile";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //restore preferences
        SharedPreferences settings = this.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
        Music = settings.getBoolean("key", true);

    public void onClick() {

                //save music setup to system
                SharedPreferences settings = this.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
                SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
                editor.putBoolean("key", Music);

What is the difference between the GNU Makefile variable assignments =, ?=, := and +=?

In the above answers, it is important to understand what is meant by "values are expanded at declaration/use time". Giving a value like *.c does not entail any expansion. It is only when this string is used by a command that it will maybe trigger some globbing. Similarly, a value like $(wildcard *.c) or $(shell ls *.c) does not entail any expansion and is completely evaluated at definition time even if we used := in the variable definition.

Try the following Makefile in directory where you have some C files:

VAR1 = *.c
VAR2 := *.c
VAR3 = $(wildcard *.c)
VAR4 := $(wildcard *.c)
VAR5 = $(shell ls *.c)
VAR6 := $(shell ls *.c)

all :
    touch foo.c
    @echo "now VAR1 = \"$(VAR1)\"" ; ls $(VAR1)
    @echo "now VAR2 = \"$(VAR2)\"" ; ls $(VAR2)
    @echo "now VAR3 = \"$(VAR3)\"" ; ls $(VAR3)
    @echo "now VAR4 = \"$(VAR4)\"" ; ls $(VAR4)
    @echo "now VAR5 = \"$(VAR5)\"" ; ls $(VAR5)
    @echo "now VAR6 = \"$(VAR6)\"" ; ls $(VAR6)
    rm -v foo.c

Running make will trigger a rule that creates an extra (empty) C file, called foo.c but none of the 6 variables has foo.c in its value.

How to convert a String to Bytearray

Here is the same function that @BrunoLM posted converted to a String prototype function:

String.prototype.getBytes = function () {
  var bytes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
  return bytes;

If you define the function as such, then you can call the .getBytes() method on any string:

var str = "Hello World!";
var bytes = str.getBytes();

Is there a way to perform "if" in python's lambda

note you can use several else...if statements in your lambda definition:

f = lambda x: 1 if x>0 else 0 if x ==0 else -1

Spring JUnit: How to Mock autowired component in autowired component

I created blog post on the topic. It contains also link to Github repository with working example.

The trick is using test configuration, where you override original spring bean with fake one. You can use @Primary and @Profile annotations for this trick.

How do I center floated elements?

IE7 doesn't know inline-block. You must add:

zoom: 1;

How to view the SQL queries issued by JPA?

In EclipseLink to get the SQL for a specific Query at runtime you can use the DatabaseQuery API:

Query query = em.createNamedQuery("findMe"); 
Session session = em.unwrap(JpaEntityManager.class).getActiveSession(); 
DatabaseQuery databaseQuery = ((EJBQueryImpl)query).getDatabaseQuery(); 
databaseQuery.prepareCall(session, new DatabaseRecord());

String sqlString = databaseQuery.getSQLString();

This SQL will contain ? for parameters. To get the SQL translated with the arguments you need a DatabaseRecord with the parameter values.

DatabaseRecord recordWithValues= new DatabaseRecord();
recordWithValues.add(new DatabaseField("param1"), "someValue");

String sqlStringWithArgs = 
         databaseQuery.getTranslatedSQLString(session, recordWithValues);

Source: How to get the SQL for a Query

How to tar certain file types in all subdirectories?

find ./ -type f -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -printf '%P\n' |xargs tar -I 'pigz -9' -cf target.tgz

for multicore or just for one core:

find ./ -type f -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -printf '%P\n' |xargs tar -czf target.tgz

Is there a way to make HTML5 video fullscreen?

2020 answer

HTML 5 provides no way to make a video fullscreen, but the parallel Fullscreen API defines an API for elements to display themselves fullscreen.

This can be applied to any element, including videos.

Browser support is good, but Internet Explorer and Safari need prefixed versions.

An external demo is provided as Stack Snippet sandboxing rules break it.

<div id="one">

<div id="two">


div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
#one { background: yellow; }
#two { background: pink; }

addEventListener("click", event => {
    const btn =;
    if (btn.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "button") return;
    const id = btn.textContent;
    const div = document.getElementById(id);
    if (div.requestFullscreen) 
    else if (div.webkitRequestFullscreen) 
    else if (div.msRequestFullScreen) 

2012 answer

HTML 5 provides no way to make a video fullscreen, but the parallel Fullscreen specification supplies the requestFullScreen method which allows arbitrary elements (including <video> elements) to be made fullscreen.

It has experimental support in a number of browsers.

2009 answer

Note: this has since been removed from the specification.

From the HTML5 spec (at the time of writing: June '09):

User agents should not provide a public API to cause videos to be shown full-screen. A script, combined with a carefully crafted video file, could trick the user into thinking a system-modal dialog had been shown, and prompt the user for a password. There is also the danger of "mere" annoyance, with pages launching full-screen videos when links are clicked or pages navigated. Instead, user-agent specific interface features may be provided to easily allow the user to obtain a full-screen playback mode.

Browsers may provide a user interface, but shouldn't provide a programmable one.

How to get system time in Java without creating a new Date

You can use System.currentTimeMillis().

At least in OpenJDK, Date uses this under the covers.

The call in System is to a native JVM method, so we can't say for sure there's no allocation happening under the covers, though it seems unlikely here.

Printing tuple with string formatting in Python

This doesn't use string formatting, but you should be able to do:

print 'this is a tuple ', (1, 2, 3)

If you really want to use string formatting:

print 'this is a tuple %s' % str((1, 2, 3))
# or
print 'this is a tuple %s' % ((1, 2, 3),)

Note, this assumes you are using a Python version earlier than 3.0.

How to sum a variable by group

You can also use the dplyr package for that purpose:

x %>% 
  group_by(Category) %>% 
  summarise(Frequency = sum(Frequency))

#Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
#  Category Frequency
#1    First        30
#2   Second         5
#3    Third        34

Or, for multiple summary columns (works with one column too):

x %>% 
  group_by(Category) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), sum))

Here are some more examples of how to summarise data by group using dplyr functions using the built-in dataset mtcars:

# several summary columns with arbitrary names
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl, gear) %>%                            # multiple group columns
  summarise(max_hp = max(hp), mean_mpg = mean(mpg))  # multiple summary columns

# summarise all columns except grouping columns using "sum" 
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), sum))

# summarise all columns except grouping columns using "sum" and "mean"
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), list(mean = mean, sum = sum)))

# multiple grouping columns
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl, gear) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), list(mean = mean, sum = sum)))

# summarise specific variables, not all
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl, gear) %>% 
  summarise(across(c(qsec, mpg, wt), list(mean = mean, sum = sum)))

# summarise specific variables (numeric columns except grouping columns)
mtcars %>% 
  group_by(gear) %>% 
  summarise(across(where(is.numeric), list(mean = mean, sum = sum)))

For more information, including the %>% operator, see the introduction to dplyr.

How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

It's as simple as the one below, and works like a charm.

My solution perfectly answers your question: How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

Set ajax to synchronous before the ajax call, and then reset it after your ajax call:

$.ajaxSetup({async: false});

$ajax({ajax call....});

$.ajaxSetup({async: true});

In your case it would look like this:

$.ajaxSetup({async: false});

        type: "POST",
        async: "false",
        url: "checkpass.php",
        data: "password="+password,
        success: function(html) {
            var arr=$.parseJSON(html);
            if(arr == "Successful") {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

$.ajaxSetup({async: true});

I hope it helps :)

Jquery Ajax Loading image

Try something like this:

<div id="LoadingImage" style="display: none">
  <img src="" />

  function ajaxCall(){
        type: "GET", 
        url: surl, 
        dataType: "jsonp", 
        cache : false, 
        jsonp : "onJSONPLoad", 
        jsonpCallback: "newarticlescallback", 
        crossDomain: "true", 
        success: function(response) { 
        error: function (xhr, status) {  
          alert('Unknown error ' + status); 

How to submit an HTML form without redirection

Since all current answers use jQuery or tricks with iframe, figured there is no harm to add method with just plain JavaScript:

function formSubmit(event) {
  var url = "/post/url/here";
  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url, true);
  request.onload = function() { // request successful
  // we can use server response to our request now

  request.onerror = function() {
    // request failed

  request.send(new FormData(; // create FormData from form that triggered event

// and you can attach form submit event like this for example
function attachFormSubmitEvent(formId){
  document.getElementById(formId).addEventListener("submit", formSubmit);

Basic example for sharing text or image with UIActivityViewController in Swift

You may use the following functions which I wrote in one of my helper class in a project.

just call

showShareActivity(msg:"message", image: nil, url: nil, sourceRect: nil) 

and it will work for both iPhone and iPad. If you pass any view's CGRect value by sourceRect it will also shows a little arrow in iPad.

func topViewController()-> UIViewController{
    var topViewController:UIViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.rootViewController!

    while ((topViewController.presentedViewController) != nil) {
        topViewController = topViewController.presentedViewController!;

    return topViewController

func showShareActivity(msg:String?, image:UIImage?, url:String?, sourceRect:CGRect?){
    var objectsToShare = [AnyObject]()

    if let url = url {
        objectsToShare = [url as AnyObject]

    if let image = image {
        objectsToShare = [image as AnyObject]

    if let msg = msg {
        objectsToShare = [msg as AnyObject]

    let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: objectsToShare, applicationActivities: nil)
    activityVC.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
    activityVC.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = topViewController().view
    if let sourceRect = sourceRect {
        activityVC.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = sourceRect

    topViewController().present(activityVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

Converting HTML string into DOM elements?

Just give an id to the element and process it normally eg:

<div id="dv">
<a href="#"></a>

Now you can do like:

var div = document.getElementById('dv');

Or with jQuery:


How to Merge Two Eloquent Collections?

The merge method returns the merged collection, it doesn't mutate the original collection, thus you need to do the following

$original = new Collection(['foo']);

$latest = new Collection(['bar']);

$merged = $original->merge($latest); // Contains foo and bar.

Applying the example to your code

$related = new Collection();

foreach ($question->tags as $tag)
    $related = $related->merge($tag->questions);

endforeach in loops?

It's the end statement for the alternative syntax:

foreach ($foo as $bar) :

Useful to make code more readable if you're breaking out of PHP:

<?php foreach ($foo as $bar) : ?>
    <div ...>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Performing user authentication in Java EE / JSF using j_security_check

I suppose you want form based authentication using deployment descriptors and j_security_check.

You can also do this in JSF by just using the same predefinied field names j_username and j_password as demonstrated in the tutorial.


<form action="j_security_check" method="post">
    <h:outputLabel for="j_username" value="Username" />
    <h:inputText id="j_username" />
    <br />
    <h:outputLabel for="j_password" value="Password" />
    <h:inputSecret id="j_password" />
    <br />
    <h:commandButton value="Login" />

You could do lazy loading in the User getter to check if the User is already logged in and if not, then check if the Principal is present in the request and if so, then get the User associated with j_username.

package com.stackoverflow.q2206911;


import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

public class Auth {

    private User user; // The JPA entity.

    private UserService userService;

    public User getUser() {
        if (user == null) {
            Principal principal = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal();
            if (principal != null) {
                user = userService.find(principal.getName()); // Find User by j_username.
        return user;


The User is obviously accessible in JSF EL by #{auth.user}.

To logout do a HttpServletRequest#logout() (and set User to null!). You can get a handle of the HttpServletRequest in JSF by ExternalContext#getRequest(). You can also just invalidate the session altogether.

public String logout() {
    return "login?faces-redirect=true";

For the remnant (defining users, roles and constraints in deployment descriptor and realm), just follow the Java EE 6 tutorial and the servletcontainer documentation the usual way.

Update: you can also use the new Servlet 3.0 HttpServletRequest#login() to do a programmatic login instead of using j_security_check which may not per-se be reachable by a dispatcher in some servletcontainers. In this case you can use a fullworthy JSF form and a bean with username and password properties and a login method which look like this:

    <h:outputLabel for="username" value="Username" />
    <h:inputText id="username" value="#{auth.username}" required="true" />
    <h:message for="username" />
    <br />
    <h:outputLabel for="password" value="Password" />
    <h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{auth.password}" required="true" />
    <h:message for="password" />
    <br />
    <h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{auth.login}" />
    <h:messages globalOnly="true" />

And this view scoped managed bean which also remembers the initially requested page:

public class Auth {

    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String originalURL;

    public void init() {
        ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
        originalURL = (String) externalContext.getRequestMap().get(RequestDispatcher.FORWARD_REQUEST_URI);

        if (originalURL == null) {
            originalURL = externalContext.getRequestContextPath() + "/home.xhtml";
        } else {
            String originalQuery = (String) externalContext.getRequestMap().get(RequestDispatcher.FORWARD_QUERY_STRING);

            if (originalQuery != null) {
                originalURL += "?" + originalQuery;

    private UserService userService;

    public void login() throws IOException {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext();
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();

        try {
            request.login(username, password);
            User user = userService.find(username, password);
            externalContext.getSessionMap().put("user", user);
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            // Handle unknown username/password in request.login().
            context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Unknown login"));

    public void logout() throws IOException {
        ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
        externalContext.redirect(externalContext.getRequestContextPath() + "/login.xhtml");

    // Getters/setters for username and password.

This way the User is accessible in JSF EL by #{user}.

UUID max character length

Most databases have a native UUID type these days to make working with them easier. If yours doesn't, they're just 128-bit numbers, so you can use BINARY(16), and if you need the text format frequently, e.g. for troubleshooting, then add a calculated column to generate it automatically from the binary column. There is no good reason to store the (much larger) text form.

How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

Never construct BigDecimals from floats or doubles. Construct them from ints or strings. floats and doubles loose precision.

This code works as expected (I just changed the type from double to String):

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String doubleVal = "1.745";
  String doubleVal1 = "0.745";
  BigDecimal bdTest = new BigDecimal(  doubleVal);
  BigDecimal bdTest1 = new BigDecimal(  doubleVal1 );
  bdTest = bdTest.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
  bdTest1 = bdTest1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
  System.out.println("bdTest:"+bdTest); //1.75
  System.out.println("bdTest1:"+bdTest1);//0.75, no problem

change type of input field with jQuery

Just create a new field to bypass this security thing:

var $oldPassword = $("#password");
var $newPassword = $("<input type='text' />")

Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

This should solve it:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. Click on the Modify Button.
  3. Choose the Language Pack tab on top left.
  4. Check the language you need and click on the Modify Button at bottom right.

Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText

This works fine for me. It allows value to be entered even after focus changed and retrieved back. For example: 123.00, 12.12, 0.01, etc..

1.Integer.parseInt(getString(R.string.valuelength)) Specifies the length of the input digits.Values accessed from string.xml file.It is quiet easy to change values. 2.Integer.parseInt(getString(R.string.valuedecimal)), this is for decimal places max limit.

private InputFilter[] valDecimalPlaces;
private ArrayList<EditText> edittextArray;

valDecimalPlaces = new InputFilter[] { new DecimalDigitsInputFilterNew(

Array of EditText values that allows to perform action.

for (EditText etDecimalPlace : edittextArray) {

I just used array of values that contain multiple edittext Next DecimalDigitsInputFilterNew.class file.

import android.text.InputFilter;
import android.text.Spanned;

public class DecimalDigitsInputFilterNew implements InputFilter {

    private final int decimalDigits;
    private final int before;

    public DecimalDigitsInputFilterNew(int before ,int decimalDigits) {
        this.decimalDigits = decimalDigits;
        this.before = before;

    public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end,
        Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(dest);
        builder.replace(dstart, dend, source
              .subSequence(start, end).toString());
        if (!builder.toString().matches("(([0-9]{1})([0-9]{0,"+(before-1)+"})?)?(\\.[0-9]{0,"+decimalDigits+"})?")) {
                  return dest.subSequence(dstart, dend);
             return "";
        return null;

Comma separated results in SQL

I just saw another question very similar to this!

Here is the canonical NORTHWIND (spelled just slightly different for some reason) database example.

FROM [NORTHWND].[dbo].[Products]

enter image description here

SELECT CategoryId,
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 1 THEN ProductName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 2 THEN ProductName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 3 THEN ProductName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 4 THEN ProductName ELSE '' END )
      FROM ( SELECT p1.CategoryId, p1.ProductName,
                    ( SELECT COUNT(*) 
                        FROM NORTHWND.dbo.Products p2
                        WHERE p2.CategoryId = p1.CategoryId
                        AND p2.ProductName <= p1.ProductName )
             FROM NORTHWND.dbo.Products p1 ) D ( CategoryId, ProductName, seq )
     GROUP BY CategoryId ;

enter image description here

Naming threads and thread-pools of ExecutorService

As other answers already said, you may create and use your own implementation of the java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory interface (no external libraries required). I am pasting my code below because it is different than previous answers since it uses String.format method and takes a base name for the threads as a constructor argument:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;

public class NameableThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory{
    private int threadsNum;
    private final String namePattern;

    public NameableThreadFactory(String baseName){
        namePattern = baseName + "-%d";

    public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable){
        return new Thread(runnable, String.format(namePattern, threadsNum));

And this is an example of usage:

ThreadFactory  threadFactory = new NameableThreadFactory("listenerThread");        
final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5, threadFactory);

EDIT: making my ThreadFactory implementation thread-safe, thanks to @mchernyakov for pointing it out.
Even though nowhere in the ThreadFactory documentation is said that its implementations must be thread-safe, the fact that the DefaultThreadFactory is thread-safe is a big hint:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class NameableThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory{
    private final AtomicInteger threadsNum = new AtomicInteger();

    private final String namePattern;

    public NameableThreadFactory(String baseName){
        namePattern = baseName + "-%d";

    public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable){
        return new Thread(runnable, String.format(namePattern, threadsNum.addAndGet(1)));

Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes

I think that the two terms you're looking for are equality (==) and identity (is). For example:

>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [1,2,3]
>>> a == b
True       <-- a and b have values which are equal
>>> a is b
False      <-- a and b are not the same list object

how to use sqltransaction in c#

Update or Delete with sql transaction

 private void SQLTransaction() {
   try {
     string sConnectionString = "My Connection String";
     string query = "UPDATE [dbo].[MyTable] SET ColumnName = '{0}' WHERE ID = {1}";

     SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(sConnectionString);
     SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
     SqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction("");
     command.Transaction = transaction;
     try {
       foreach(DataRow row in dt_MyData.Rows) {
         command.CommandText = string.Format(query, row["ColumnName"].ToString(), row["ID"].ToString());
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     MessageBox.Show("Problem connect to database.", "Error");

E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04; and apt still couldn't find package; I tried all the answers above and more. The URL that worked for me is this:

echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list


CSS / HTML Navigation and Logo on same line

Firstly, let's use some semantic HTML.

<nav class="navigation-bar">
    <img class="logo" src="logo.png">
        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Services</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Get in Touch</a></li>

In fact, you can even get away with the more minimalist:

<nav class="navigation-bar">
    <img class="logo" src="logo.png">
    <a href="#">Home</a>
    <a href="#">Projects</a>
    <a href="#">About</a>
    <a href="#">Services</a>
    <a href="#">Get in Touch</a>

Then add some CSS:

.navigation-bar {
    width: 100%;  /* i'm assuming full width */
    height: 80px; /* change it to desired width */
    background-color: red; /* change to desired color */
.logo {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    margin-right: 20px;
    margin-top: 15px;    /* if you want it vertically middle of the navbar. */
.navigation-bar > a {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
    margin-right: 20px;
    height: 80px;        /* if you want it to take the full height of the bar */
    line-height: 80px;    /* if you want it vertically middle of the navbar */

Obviously, the actual margins, heights and line-heights etc. depend on your design.

Other options are to use tables or floats for layout, but these are generally frowned upon.

Last but not least, I hope you get cured of div-itis.

jQuery UI Sortable, then write order into a database

This is my example.

You need to catch the order in the update event

    $( "#sortable" ).sortable({
    placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
    update: function( event, ui ) {
        var sorted = $( "#sortable" ).sortable( "serialize", { key: "sort" } );
        $.post( "form/order.php",{ 'choices[]': sorted});

Comprehensive methods of viewing memory usage on Solaris

# echo ::memstat | mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                       7308                57   23%
Anon                         9055                70   29%
Exec and libs                1968                15    6%
Page cache                   2224                17    7%
Free (cachelist)             6470                50   20%
Free (freelist)              4641                36   15%

Total                       31666               247
Physical                    31256               244

Copy Image from Remote Server Over HTTP

You've got about these four possibilities:

  • Remote files. This needs allow_url_fopen to be enabled in php.ini, but it's the easiest method.

  • Alternatively you could use cURL if your PHP installation supports it. There's even an example.

  • And if you really want to do it manually use the HTTP module.

  • Don't even try to use sockets directly.

Is there an equivalent of 'which' on the Windows command line?

Just have to post this Windows' one liner batch file:

C:>type wh.cmd
@for %%f in (%*) do for %%e in (%PATHEXT% .dll .lnk) do for %%b in (%%f%%e) do for %%d in (%PATH%) do if exist %%d\%%b echo %%d\%%b

A test:

C:>wh ssh

Not quite a one-liner if you wrap the code in setlocal enableextensions and endlocal.

How to create a file with a given size in Linux?

Please, modern is easier, and faster. On Linux, (pick one)

truncate -s 10G foo
fallocate -l 5G bar

It needs to be stated that truncate on a file system supporting sparse files will create a sparse file and fallocate will not. A sparse file is one where the allocation units that make up the file are not actually allocated until used. The meta-data for the file will however take up some considerable space but likely no where near the actual size of the file. You should consult resources about sparse files for more information as there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of file. A non-sparse file has its blocks (allocation units) allocated ahead of time which means the space is reserved as far as the file system sees it. Also fallocate nor truncate will not set the contents of the file to a specified value like dd, instead the contents of a file allocated with fallocate or truncate may be any trash value that existed in the allocated units during creation and this behavior may or may not be desired. The dd is the slowest because it actually writes the value or chunk of data to the entire file stream as specified with it's command line options.

This behavior could potentially be different - depending on file system used and conformance of that file system to any standard or specification. Therefore it is advised that proper research is done to ensure that the appropriate method is used.

How to set the font style to bold, italic and underlined in an Android TextView?

Just one line of code in xml


how to rotate text left 90 degree and cell size is adjusted according to text in html

Without calculating height. Strict CSS and HTML. <span/> only for Chrome, because the chrome isn't able change text direction for <th/>.

th _x000D_
  vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
th span _x000D_
  -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl;_x000D_
  -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;_x000D_
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;_x000D_
  transform: rotate(180deg);_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
    <th><span>Rotated text by 90 deg.</span></th>_x000D_

How to check that Request.QueryString has a specific value or not in ASP.NET?

Check for the value of the parameter:

// .NET < 4.0
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["aspxerrorpath"]))
 // not there!

// .NET >= 4.0
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["aspxerrorpath"]))
 // not there!

If it does not exist, the value will be null, if it does exist, but has no value set it will be an empty string.

I believe the above will suit your needs better than just a test for null, as an empty string is just as bad for your specific situation.

How to randomize (shuffle) a JavaScript array?

yet another implementation of Fisher-Yates, using strict mode:

function shuffleArray(a) {
    "use strict";
    var i, t, j;
    for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) {
        t = a[i];
        j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = t;
    return a;

javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity found for query

You mentioned getting the result list from the Query, since you don't know that there is a UniqueResult (hence the exception) you could use list and check the size?

if (query.list().size() == 1) 

Since you're not doing a get() to get your unique object a query will be executed whether you call uniqueResult or list.

HTML button to NOT submit form

return false; at the end of the onclick handler will do the job. However, it's be better to simply add type="button" to the <button> - that way it behaves properly even without any JavaScript.

How to get exit code when using Python subprocess communicate method?

exitcode = data.wait(). The child process will be blocked If it writes to standard output/error, and/or reads from standard input, and there are no peers.

specifying goal in pom.xml

I am facing same Issue after run my build.

The error message tell us to specify your goal

Jenkins Issue related to goal for build

So I specify the goal Ex:-test.

Now It's running fine

Error message "Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference"

$instance->find() returns a reference to a variable.

You get the report when you are trying to use this reference as an argument to a function, without storing it in a variable first.

This helps preventing memory leaks and will probably become an error in the next PHP versions.

Your second code block would throw an error if it wrote like (note the & in the function signature):

function &get_arr(){
    return array(1, 2);
$el = array_shift(get_arr());

So a quick (and not so nice) fix would be:

$el = array_shift($tmp = $instance->find(..));

Basically, you do an assignment to a temporary variable first and send the variable as an argument.

How to check if a file exists in Ansible?

This can be achieved with the stat module to skip the task when file exists.

- hosts: servers
  - name: Ansible check file exists.
      path: /etc/issue
    register: p
  - debug:
      msg: "File exists..."
    when: p.stat.exists
  - debug:
      msg: "File not found"
    when: p.stat.exists == False

count distinct values in spreadsheet

You can use the query function, so if your data were in col A where the first row was the column title...

=query(A2:A,"select A, count(A) where A != '' group by A order by count(A) desc label A 'City'", 0)


City    count 
London  2
Paris   2
Berlin  1
Rome    1

Link to working Google Sheet.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

The following worked for me. Just add the following snippet:

dexOptions {
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"

To your build.gradle:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion '23.0.1'

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "yourpackage"
        minSdkVersion 14
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

        multiDexEnabled true

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    packagingOptions {


    dexOptions {
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"

MySQL DROP all tables, ignoring foreign keys

Drop all the tables from database with a single line from command line:

mysqldump -u [user_name] -p[password] -h [host_name] --add-drop-table --no-data [database_name] | grep ^DROP | mysql -u [user_name] -p[password] -h [host_name] [database_name]

Where [user_name], [password], [host_name] and [database_name] have to be replaced with a real data (user, password, host name, database name).

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource - Resteasy

Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.

For RESTeasy, you should use CorsFilter. You can see here for some example how to configure it. This filter will handle the preflight request. So you can remove all those headers you have in your resource methods.

See Also:

How to add Certificate Authority file in CentOS 7

Complete instruction is as follow:

  1. Extract Private Key from PFX

openssl pkcs12 -in myfile.pfx -nocerts -out private-key.pem -nodes

  1. Extract Certificate from PFX

openssl pkcs12 -in myfile.pfx -nokeys -out certificate.pem

  1. install certificate

yum install -y ca-certificates,

cp your-cert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/your-cert.pem ,

update-ca-trust ,

update-ca-trust force-enable

Hope to be useful

MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I came across this question as I had exact same problem. Although accepted answer works good but with matplotlib version 2.1.0, it is pretty straight forward to have two scatter plots in one plot without using a reference to Axes

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.scatter(x,y, c='b', marker='x', label='1')
plt.scatter(x, y, c='r', marker='s', label='-1')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Android: ScrollView vs NestedScrollView

Other than the advantages listed in the answers given, one more advantage of NestedScrollView over ScrollView is its compatibility with CoordinatorLayout. The ScrollView does not cooperate with the CoordinatorLayout. You have to use NestedScrollView to get "scroll off-screen" behaviour for the toolbar.

Toolbar will not collapse with Scrollview as child of CoordinatorLayout

Are there any Java method ordering conventions?

Are you using Eclipse? If so I would stick with the default member sort order, because that is likely to be most familiar to whoever reads your code (although it is not my favourite sort order.)

Oracle PL/SQL string compare issue

Only change the line str1:=''; to str1:=' ';

JQuery datepicker not working

If jQuery UI datepicker isn't working but it used to work on similar DOM earlier, try removing all the classes and try binding it to just a simple input with its id. In my case a class was interfering with it and preventing the date picker to appear.

Nested lists python

You can do this. Adapt it to your situation:

  for l in Nlist:
      for item in l:
        print item

Convert a video to MP4 (H.264/AAC) with ffmpeg

You need to recompile ffmpeg (from source) so that it supports x264. If you follow the instructions in this page, then you will be able to peform any kind of conversion you want.

Get underlined text with Markdown

Markdown doesn't have a defined syntax to underline text.

I guess this is because underlined text is hard to read, and that it's usually used for hyperlinks.

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin/

should fix the issue for you as the system is not able to find the mysql_config file.

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version CXXABI_1.3.8' not found

I had the same problem on my Ubuntu 14.04 when tried to install TopTracker. I got such errors:

/usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker) /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker) /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker)

But I then installed gcc 4.9 version and problem gone:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9

How to run Python script on terminal?

This Depends on what version of python is installed on you system. See below.

If You have Python 2.* version you have to run this command


But if you have Python 3.* version you have to run this command


Because for MAC with Python version 3.* you will get command not found error

if you run "python"

SQLAlchemy equivalent to SQL "LIKE" statement

Using PostgreSQL like (see accepted answer above) somehow didn't work for me although cases matched, but ilike (case insensisitive like) does.

Find p-value (significance) in scikit-learn LinearRegression

The code in elyase's answer does not actually work. Notice that sse is a scalar, and then it tries to iterate through it. The following code is a modified version. Not amazingly clean, but I think it works more or less.

class LinearRegression(linear_model.LinearRegression):

    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
        # *args is the list of arguments that might go into the LinearRegression object
        # that we don't know about and don't want to have to deal with. Similarly, **kwargs
        # is a dictionary of key words and values that might also need to go into the orginal
        # LinearRegression object. We put *args and **kwargs so that we don't have to look
        # these up and write them down explicitly here. Nice and easy.

        if not "fit_intercept" in kwargs:
            kwargs['fit_intercept'] = False


    # Adding in t-statistics for the coefficients.
    def fit(self,x,y):
        # This takes in numpy arrays (not matrices). Also assumes you are leaving out the column
        # of constants.

        # Not totally sure what 'super' does here and why you redefine self...
        self = super(LinearRegression, self).fit(x,y)
        n, k = x.shape
        yHat = np.matrix(self.predict(x)).T

        # Change X and Y into numpy matricies. x also has a column of ones added to it.
        x = np.hstack((np.ones((n,1)),np.matrix(x)))
        y = np.matrix(y).T

        # Degrees of freedom.
        df = float(n-k-1)

        # Sample variance.     
        sse = np.sum(np.square(yHat - y),axis=0)
        self.sampleVariance = sse/df

        # Sample variance for x.
        self.sampleVarianceX = x.T*x

        # Covariance Matrix = [(s^2)(X'X)^-1]^0.5. (sqrtm = matrix square root.  ugly)
        self.covarianceMatrix = sc.linalg.sqrtm(self.sampleVariance[0,0]*self.sampleVarianceX.I)

        # Standard erros for the difference coefficients: the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. = self.covarianceMatrix.diagonal()[1:]

        # T statistic for each beta.
        self.betasTStat = np.zeros(len(
        for i in xrange(len(
            self.betasTStat[i] = self.coef_[0,i]/[i]

        # P-value for each beta. This is a two sided t-test, since the betas can be 
        # positive or negative.
        self.betasPValue = 1 - t.cdf(abs(self.betasTStat),df)

How do I PHP-unserialize a jQuery-serialized form?

// jQuery Post

var arraydata = $('.selector').serialize();

// serialized var - TO - PHP Array format

parse_str($_POST[arraydata], $searcharray);
print_r($searcharray); // Only for print array

// You get any same of that

 Array (
 [A] => 1
 [B] => 2
 [C] => 3
 [D] => 4
 [E] => 5
 [F] => 6
 [G] => 7
 [H] => 8

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

The best solution, imho, is the one posted here:

It does require python to work, but it seems to cover all or most of the edge cases and be very portable solution.

  1. With resolving symlinks:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file
  1. or without it:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file

Space between border and content? / Border distance from content?

Its possible using pseudo element (after).
I have added to the original code a

and some margin.
Here is the modified JSFiddle:

  width: 100px;
  min-height: 100px;
  margin: 20px auto;
  border-style: ridge;
  border-color: #567498;
#content:after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: -15px;
  left: -15px;
  right: -15px;
  bottom: -15px;
  border: red 2px solid;

How to open select file dialog via js?

With jquery library

<button onclick="$('.inputFile').click();">Select File ...</button>
<input class="inputFile" type="file" style="display: none;">

Rounding SQL DateTime to midnight

Here is the simplest thing I've found

-- Midnight floor of current date


The DATEDIFF returns the integer number of days before or since 1900-1-1, and the Convert Datetime obligingly brings it back to that date at midnight.

Since DateDiff returns an integer you can use add or subtract days to get the right offset.

SELECT Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()) + @dayOffset)

This isn't rounding this is truncating...But I think that is what is being asked. (To round add one and truncate...and that's not rounding either, that the ceiling, but again most likely what you want. To really round add .5 (does that work?) and truncate.

It turns out you can add .5 to GetDate() and it works as expected.

-- Round Current time to midnight today or midnight tomorrow

SELECT Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE() + .5))

I did all my trials on SQL Server 2008, but I think these functions apply to 2005 as well.

Python POST binary data

This has nothing to do with a malformed upload. The HTTP error clearly specifies 401 unauthorized, and tells you the CSRF token is invalid. Try sending a valid CSRF token with the upload.

More about csrf tokens here:

What is a CSRF token ? What is its importance and how does it work?

How to test if list element exists?

One solution that hasn't come up yet is using length, which successfully handles NULL. As far as I can tell, all values except NULL have a length greater than 0.

x <- list(4, -1, NULL, NA, Inf, -Inf, NaN, T, x = 0, y = "", z = c(1,2,3))
lapply(x, function(el) print(length(el)))
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 3

Thus we could make a simple function that works with both named and numbered indices:

element.exists <- function(var, element)
    if(length(var[[element]]) > -1)
  }, error = function(e) {

If the element doesn't exist, it causes an out-of-bounds condition caught by the tryCatch block.

How can I remove all objects but one from the workspace in R?

I think another option is to open workspace in RStudio and then change list to grid at the top right of the environment(image below). Then tick the objects you want to clear and finally click on clear.

enter image description here

BeautifulSoup: extract text from anchor tag


It will print the context of the anchor tags


 statement_title = statement.find('h2',class_='briefing-statement__title')
 statement_title_text = statement_title.a.contents[0]

Why is the Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019 Test Runner not discovering my xUnit v2 tests

I am using xUnit 2.2.0.

My issue was my solution was not able to find certain dlls and app.config was trying to resolve them. The error was not showing up in the test output window in Visual Studio.

I was able to identify the error when I installed xunit.runner.console and tried to run the tests through command line.

How to run xunit tests in CLI.

How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?

Your kth FFT result's frequency is 2*pi*k/N.

Accessing SQL Database in Excel-VBA

@firedrawndagger: to list field names/column headers iterate through the recordset Fields collection and insert the name:

Dim myRS as ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld as Field
Dim strFieldName as String 

For Each fld in myRS.Fields
    Activesheet.Selection = fld.Name
    [Some code that moves to next column]

How do I get the title of the current active window using c#?

If you were talking about WPF then use:

 Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>().SingleOrDefault(w => w.IsActive);

Cannot call getSupportFragmentManager() from activity

get current activity from parent, then using this code


SSH to Elastic Beanstalk instance

I found it to be a 2-step process. This assumes that you've already set up a keypair to access EC2 instances in the relevant region.

Configure Security Group

  1. In the AWS console, open the EC2 tab.

  2. Select the relevant region and click on Security Group.

  3. You should have an elasticbeanstalk-default security group if you have launched an Elastic Beanstalk instance in that region.

  4. Edit the security group to add a rule for SSH access. The below will lock it down to only allow ingress from a specific IP address.

    SSH | tcp | 22 | 22 |

Configure the environment of your Elastic Beanstalk Application

  1. If you haven't made a key pair yet, make one by clicking Key Pairs below Security Group in the ec2 tab.
  2. In the AWS console, open the Elastic Beanstalk tab.
  3. Select the relevant region.
  4. Select relevant Environment
  5. Select Configurations in left pane.
  6. Select Security.
  7. Under "EC2 key pair:", select the name of your keypair in the Existing Key Pair field.

If after these steps you see that the Health is set Degraded

enter image description here

that's normal and it just means that the EC2 instance is being updated. Just wait on a few seconds it'll be Ok again

enter image description here

Once the instance has relaunched, you need to get the host name from the AWS Console EC2 instances tab, or via the API. You should then be able to ssh onto the server.

$ ssh -i path/to/ [email protected]

Note: For adding a keypair to the environment configuration, the instances' termination protection must be off as Beanstalk would try to terminate the current instances and start new instances with the KeyPair.

Note: If something is not working, check the "Events" tab in the Beanstalk application / environments and find out what went wrong.

Refresh or force redraw the fragment

In my case, detach and attach worked:


Get first letter of a string from column


This is the simplest to specify string methods

# Setup
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['xyz', 'abc', 'foobar'], 'B': [123, 456, 789]})

        A    B
0     xyz  123
1     abc  456
2  foobar  789


A    object
B     int64
dtype: object

For string (read:object) type columns, use

df['C'] = df['A'].str[0]
# Similar to,
df['C'] = df['A'].str.get(0)

.str handles NaNs by returning NaN as the output.

For non-numeric columns, an .astype conversion is required beforehand, as shown in @Ed Chum's answer.

# Note that this won't work well if the data has NaNs. 
# It'll return lowercase "n"
df['D'] = df['B'].astype(str).str[0]

        A    B  C  D
0     xyz  123  x  1
1     abc  456  a  4
2  foobar  789  f  7

List Comprehension and Indexing

There is enough evidence to suggest a simple list comprehension will work well here and probably be faster.

# For string columns
df['C'] = [x[0] for x in df['A']]

# For numeric columns
df['D'] = [str(x)[0] for x in df['B']]

        A    B  C  D
0     xyz  123  x  1
1     abc  456  a  4
2  foobar  789  f  7

If your data has NaNs, then you will need to handle this appropriately with an if/else in the list comprehension,

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['xyz', np.nan, 'foobar'], 'B': [123, 456, np.nan]})

        A      B
0     xyz  123.0
1     NaN  456.0
2  foobar    NaN

# For string columns
df2['C'] = [x[0] if isinstance(x, str) else np.nan for x in df2['A']]

# For numeric columns
df2['D'] = [str(x)[0] if pd.notna(x) else np.nan for x in df2['B']]

        A      B    C    D
0     xyz  123.0    x    1
1     NaN  456.0  NaN    4
2  foobar    NaN    f  NaN

Let's do some timeit tests on some larger data.

df_ = df.copy()
df = pd.concat([df_] * 5000, ignore_index=True) 

%timeit df.assign(C=df['A'].str[0])
%timeit df.assign(D=df['B'].astype(str).str[0])

%timeit df.assign(C=[x[0] for x in df['A']])
%timeit df.assign(D=[str(x)[0] for x in df['B']])

12 ms ± 253 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
27.1 ms ± 1.38 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

3.77 ms ± 110 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
7.84 ms ± 145 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

List comprehensions are 4x faster.

iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files

None of the answers helped me (I had my pods linked with all targets, build configurations setup properly, correclty set search paths "$(inherited)", etc...).

Problem disappeared by itself after I updated cocoapods to the newest, debug version using standard install / update command:

   gem install cocoapods --pre


   sudo gem install cocoapods --pre

(if sudo was used during installation).

It must have been cocoapods bug.

PHP Using RegEx to get substring of a string

$string = "producturl.php?id=736375493?=tm";
preg_match('~id=(\d+)~', $string, $m );
var_dump($m[1]); // $m[1] is your string

jQuery or CSS selector to select all IDs that start with some string

Normally you would select IDs using the ID selector #, but for more complex matches you can use the attribute-starts-with selector (as a jQuery selector, or as a CSS3 selector):


If you are able to modify that HTML, however, you should add a class to your player divs then target that class. You'll lose the additional specificity offered by ID selectors anyway, as attribute selectors share the same specificity as class selectors. Plus, just using a class makes things much simpler.

Switch to another branch without changing the workspace files

It sounds like you made changes, committing them to master along the way, and now you want to combine them into a single commit.

If so, you want to rebase your commits, squashing them into a single commit.

I'm not entirely sure of what exactly you want, so I'm not going to tempt you with a script. But I suggest you read up on git rebase and the options for "squash"ing, and try a few things out.

How to to send mail using gmail in Laravel?

Using a G Suite account

If you are using a G Suite account, anything you try will fail. At least at the time, this answer is being typed. You must use account, anything else like will not work.

After you use the address. You just need to update .env as most of the people already mentioned.


Don't forget to create an App password, if you don't see the option probably your 2-factor authentication is not enabled. And there is no need to allow less secure apps if you follow this approach.

How to format a number as percentage in R?

This function could transform the data to percentages by columns

percent.colmns = function(base, columnas = 1:ncol(base), filas = 1:nrow(base)){
    base2 = base
    for(j in columnas){
        suma.c = sum(base[,j])
        for(i in filas){
            base2[i,j] = base[i,j]*100/suma.c

How to enable back/left swipe gesture in UINavigationController after setting leftBarButtonItem?

This is the best way to enable/ disable swipe to pop view controller in iOS 10, Swift 3 :

For First Screen [ Where you want to Disable Swipe gesture ] :

class SignUpViewController : UIViewController,UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {

//MARK: - View initializers
override func viewDidLoad() {

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

func swipeToPop() {

    self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled = true;
    self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self;

func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {

    if gestureRecognizer == self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer {
        return false
    return true
} }

For middle screen [ Where you want to Enable Swipe gesture ] :

class FriendListViewController : UIViewController {

//MARK: - View initializers
override func viewDidLoad() {


func swipeToPop() {

    self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled = true;
    self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = nil;
} }

What is the equivalent to getLastInsertId() in Cakephp?

When you use save(), the last insert ID is set to the model’s $id property. So:

if ($this->Model->save()) {
    printf('Last insert ID was %s', $this->Model->id);

How to get today's Date?

DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = new Date();

found here

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

cut -c1

This is POSIX, and unlike case actually extracts the first char if you need it for later:

first_char="$(printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1)"
if [ "$first_char" = a ]; then
  echo 'starts with a'
  echo 'does not start with a'

awk substr is another POSIX but less efficient alternative:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 1)}'

printf '%s' is to avoid problems with escape characters: e.g.:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1

outputs \ as expected.

${::} does not seem to be POSIX.

See also: How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

How to set a time zone (or a Kind) of a DateTime value?

You can try this as well, it is easy to implement

TimeZone time2 = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
DateTime test = time2.ToUniversalTime(DateTime.Now);
var singapore = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Singapore Standard Time");
var singaporetime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(test, singapore);

Change the text to which standard time you want to change.

Use TimeZone feature of C# to implement.

Parsing command-line arguments in C

Try CLPP library. It's simple and flexible library for command line parameters parsing. Header-only and cross-platform. Uses ISO C++ and Boost C++ libraries only. IMHO it is easier than Boost.Program_options.


26 October 2010 - new release 2.0rc. Many bugs fixed, full refactoring of the source code, documentation, examples and comments have been corrected.

Repeat String - Javascript


function repeat(s, n){
    return ((new Array(n+1)).join(s));
alert(repeat('R', 10));

How to pass parameters using ui-sref in ui-router to controller

You simply misspelled $stateParam, it should be $stateParams (with an s). That's why you get undefined ;)

How to completely uninstall python 2.7.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

caution : It is not recommended to remove the default Python from Ubuntu, it may cause GDM(Graphical Display Manager, that provide graphical login capabilities) failed.

To completely uninstall Python2.x.x and everything depends on it. use this command:

sudo apt purge python2.x-minimal

As there are still a lot of packages that depend on Python2.x.x. So you should have a close look at the packages that apt wants to remove before you let it proceed.

Thanks, I hope it will be helpful for you.

SSH Private Key Permissions using Git GUI or ssh-keygen are too open

Changing file permissions from Properties, disabling inheritance and running chmod 400 didn't work for me. The permissions for my private key file were:

-r--r----- 1 alex None 1766 Mar 8 13:04 /home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa

Then I noticed the group was None, so I just ran

chown alex:Administrators ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Then I could successfully change the permissions with chmod 400, and run a git push.

How do I repair an InnoDB table?

stop your application...or stop your slave so no new rows are being added

create table <new table> like <old table>;
insert <new table> select * from <old table>;
truncate table  <old table>;
insert <old table> select * from <new table>;

restart your server or slave

How to get Linux console window width in Python

Not sure why it is in the module shutil, but it landed there in Python 3.3, Querying the size of the output terminal:

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20))  # pass fallback
os.terminal_size(columns=87, lines=23)  # returns a named-tuple

A low-level implementation is in the os module. Also works in Windows.

A backport is now available for Python 3.2 and below:

Is there a way to have printf() properly print out an array (of floats, say)?

You have to loop through the array and printf() each element:

for(int i=0;i<10;++i) {
  printf("%.2f ", foo[i]);


Reordering Chart Data Series

Select a series and look in the formula bar. The last argument is the plot order of the series. You can edit this formula just like any other, right in the formula bar.

For example, select series 4, then change the 4 to a 3.

Checking if an object is null in C#

Jeffrey L Whitledge is right. Your `dataList´-Object itself is null.

There is also another problem with your code: You are using the ref-keyword, which means the argument data cannot be null! The MSDN says:

An argument passed to a ref parameter must first be initialized. This differs from out, whose arguments do not have to be explicitly initialized before they are passed

It's also not a good idea to use generics with the type `Object´. Generics should avoid boxing/unboxing and also ensure type safety. If you want a common type make your method generic. Finally your code should look like this:

public class Foo<T> where T : MyTypeOrInterface {

      public List<T> dataList = new List<T>();

      public bool AddData(ref T data) {
        bool success = false;
        try {
          success = doOtherStuff(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new Exception(e.ToString());
        return success;

      private bool doOtherStuff(T data) {

Difference between F5, Ctrl + F5 and click on refresh button?

F5 triggers a standard reload.

Ctrl + F5 triggers a forced reload. This causes the browser to re-download the page from the web server, ensuring that it always has the latest copy.

Unlike with F5, a forced reload does not display a cached copy of the page.

How to call execl() in C with the proper arguments?

If you need just to execute your VLC playback process and only give control back to your application process when it is done and nothing more complex, then i suppose you can use just:

system("The same thing you type into console");

Load Image from javascript

this worked for me though... i wanted to display the image after the pencil icon is being clicked... and i wanted it seamless.. and this was my approach..

pencil button to display image

i created an input[file] element and made it hidden,

<input type="file" id="upl" style="display:none"/>

this input-file's click event will be trigged by the getImage function.

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="getImage()"/>
    <img src="/assets/pen.png"/>

     function getImage(){

this is done while listening to the change event of the input-file element with ID of #upl.

       $('#upl').bind('change', function(evt){_x000D_
    var preview = $('#logodiv').find('img');_x000D_
    var file    =[0];_x000D_
    var reader  = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onloadend = function () {_x000D_
   $('#logodiv > img')_x000D_
    .prop('src',reader.result)  //set the scr prop._x000D_
    .prop('width', 216);  //set the width of the image_x000D_
    .prop('height',200);  //set the height of the image_x000D_
    if (file) {_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
   preview.src = "";_x000D_

and BOOM!!! - it WORKS....

How to see the values of a table variable at debug time in T-SQL?

Why not just select the Table and view the variable that way?


MySQLDump one INSERT statement for each data row


mysqldump --extended-insert=FALSE 

Be aware that multiple inserts will be slower than one big insert.

react-router getting this.props.location in child components

(Update) V5.1 & Hooks (Requires React >= 16.8)

You can use useHistory, useLocation and useRouteMatch in your component to get match, history and location .

const Child = () => {
  const location = useLocation();
  const history = useHistory();
  const match = useRouteMatch("write-the-url-you-want-to-match-here");

  return (

export default Child

(Update) V4 & V5

You can use withRouter HOC in order to inject match, history and location in your component props.

class Child extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    match: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    history: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  render() {
    const { match, location, history } = this.props

    return (

export default withRouter(Child)

(Update) V3

You can use withRouter HOC in order to inject router, params, location, routes in your component props.

class Child extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const { router, params, location, routes } = this.props

    return (

export default withRouter(Child)

Original answer

If you don't want to use the props, you can use the context as described in React Router documentation

First, you have to set up your childContextTypes and getChildContext

class App extends React.Component{

  getChildContext() {
    return {
      location: this.props.location

  render() {
    return <Child/>;

App.childContextTypes = {
    location: React.PropTypes.object

Then, you will be able to access to the location object in your child components using the context like this

class Child extends React.Component{

   render() {
     return (


Child.contextTypes = {
    location: React.PropTypes.object

Get a list of resources from classpath directory

The Spring framework's PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver is really awesome for these things:

private Resource[] getXMLResources() throws IOException
    ClassLoader classLoader = MethodHandles.lookup().getClass().getClassLoader();
    PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(classLoader);

    return resolver.getResources("classpath:x/y/z/*.xml");

Maven dependency:


Can I change the height of an image in CSS :before/:after pseudo-elements?

Note that the :after pseudo-element is a box, which in turn contains the generated image. There is no way to style the image, but you can style the box.

The following is just an idea, and the solution above is more practical.

.pdflink:after {
    content: url('/images/pdf.png');
    transform: scale(.5);

Drawbacks: you need to know the intrinsic dimensions of the image, and it leaves you with some whitespace, which I can't get rid of ATM.

Getting the 'external' IP address in Java

I am not sure if you can grab that IP from code that runs on the local machine.

You can however build code that runs on a website, say in JSP, and then use something that returns the IP of where the request came from:


Or simply use already-existing services that do this, then parse the answer from the service to find out the IP.

Use a webservice like AWS and others


URL whatismyip = new URL("");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

String ip = in.readLine(); //you get the IP as a String

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?

Any of LinearLayout.LayoutParams and TableLayout.LayoutParams worked for me, for buttons the right one is TableRow.LayoutParams. That is:

            TableRow.LayoutParams buttonParams = new TableRow.LayoutParams(
                    TableRow.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 1f);

About using MATCH_PARENT or WRAP_CONTENT be the same.

How to open specific tab of bootstrap nav tabs on click of a particuler link using jQuery?

Thanks for above answer , here is my jQuery code that is working now:



      function activaTab(tab){
        $('.nav-tabs a[href="#' + tab + '"]').tab('show');

Clear back stack using fragments

Reading the documentation and studying what the fragment id is, it appears to simply be the stack index, so this works:

fragmentManager.popBackStackImmediate(0, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);

Zero (0) is the the bottom of the stack, so popping up to it inclusive clears the stack.

CAVEAT: Although the above works in my program, I hesitate a bit because the FragmentManager documentation never actually states that the id is the stack index. It makes sense that it would be, and all my debug logs bare out that it is, but perhaps in some special circumstance it would not? Can any one confirm this one way or the other? If it is, then the above is the best solution. If not, this is the alternative:

while(fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) { fragmentManager.popBackStackImmediate(); }

Find document with array that contains a specific value

For Loopback3 all the examples given did not work for me, or as fast as using REST API anyway. But it helped me to figure out the exact answer I needed.

{"where":{"arrayAttribute":{ "all" :[String]}}}

docker : invalid reference format

For others come to here:
If you happen to put your docker command in a file, say, check your line separator. In Linux, it should be LR, otherwise you would get the same error.

Grep to find item in Perl array

I could happen that if your array contains the string "hello", and if you are searching for "he", grep returns true, although, "he" may not be an array element.


if (grep(/^$match$/, @array)) more apt.

SQL to add column and comment in table in single command

Add comments for two different columns of the EMPLOYEE table :

     (WORKDEPT IS 'see DEPARTMENT table for names',
     EDLEVEL IS 'highest grade level passed in school' )

Is there a code obfuscator for PHP?

You can try PHP protect which is a free PHP obfuscator to obfuscate your PHP code.
It is very nice, easy to use and also free.
EDIT: This service is not live anymore.

As for what others have written here about not using obfuscation because it can be broken etc:
I have only one thing to answer them - don't lock your house door because anyone can pick your lock.
This is exactly the case, obfuscation is not meant to prevent 100% code theft. It only needs to make it a time-consuming task so it will be cheaper to pay the original coder. Hope this helps.

How can I expose more than 1 port with Docker?

Use this as an example:

docker create --name new_ubuntu -it -p 8080:8080 -p  15672:15672 -p 5432:5432   ubuntu:latest bash

look what you've created(and copy its CONTAINER ID xxxxx):

docker ps -a 

now write the miracle maker word(start):

docker start xxxxx

good luck

Enforcing the type of the indexed members of a Typescript object?

You can pass a name to the unknown key and then write your types:

type StuffBody = {
  [key: string]: string;

Now you can use it in your type checking:

let stuff: StuffBody = {};

But for FlowType there is no need to have name:

type StuffBody = {
  [string]: string,

What is the id( ) function used for?

As of in python 3 id is assigned to a value not a variable. This means that if you create two functions as below, all the three id's are the same.

>>> def xyz():
...     q=123
...     print(id(q))
>>> def iop():
...     w=123
...     print(id(w))
>>> xyz()
>>> iop()
>>> id(123)

How to repeat a char using printf?

You can use the following technique:

printf("%.*s", 5, "=================");

This will print "=====" It works for me on Visual Studio, no reason it shouldn't work on all C compilers.

trace a particular IP and port

Firstly, check the IP address that your application has bound to. It could only be binding to a local address, for example, which would mean that you'd never see it from a different machine regardless of firewall states.

You could try using a portscanner like nmap to see if the port is open and visible externally... it can tell you if the port is closed (there's nothing listening there), open (you should be able to see it fine) or filtered (by a firewall, for example).

Foreign Key to non-primary key

If you really want to create a foreign key to a non-primary key, it MUST be a column that has a unique constraint on it.

From Books Online:

A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY constraint in another table; it can also be defined to reference the columns of a UNIQUE constraint in another table.

So in your case if you make AnotherID unique, it will be allowed. If you can't apply a unique constraint you're out of luck, but this really does make sense if you think about it.

Although, as has been mentioned, if you have a perfectly good primary key as a candidate key, why not use that?

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why?

in JDK 8, jdbc odbc bridge is no longer used and thus removed fro the JDK. to use Microsoft Access database in JAVA, you need 5 extra JAR libraries.

1- hsqldb.jar

2- jackcess 2.0.4.jar

3- commons-lang-2.6.jar

4- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar

5- ucanaccess-2.0.8.jar

add these libraries to your java project and start with following lines.

Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://<Path to your database i.e. MS Access DB>");
Statement s = conn.createStatement();

path could be like E:/Project/JAVA/DBApp

and then your query to be executed. Like

ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Course");
    System.out.println(rs.getString("Title") + " " + rs.getString("Code") + " " + rs.getString("Credits"));

certain imports to be used. try catch block must be used and some necessary things no to be forgotten.

Remember, no need of bridging drivers like jdbc odbc or any stuff.

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

Using Jquery

You only need to add class to every input, i have add class "source" you can change it of course

<input class="source" type="checkbox" name="type" value="4" />
<input class="source" type="checkbox" name="type" value="3" />
<input class="source" type="checkbox" name="type" value="1" />
<input class="source" type="checkbox" name="type" value="5" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var selected_value = []; // initialize empty array 
    console.log(selected_value); //Press F12 to see all selected values

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas

inp0= pd.read_csv("bank_marketing_updated_v1.csv",skiprows=2)

or if you want to do in existing dataframe

simply do following command

In Matplotlib, what does the argument mean in fig.add_subplot(111)?

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The first code creates the first subplot in a layout that has 3 rows and 2 columns.

The three graphs in the first column denote the 3 rows. The second plot comes just below the first plot in the same column and so on.

The last two plots have arguments (2, 2) denoting that the second column has only two rows, the position parameters move row wise.

Ajax success event not working

I faced the same problem when querying controller which does not return success response, when modified my controller to return success message problem was solved. note using Lavalite framework. before:

public function Activity($id)
after code looks like:
    try {
            $attributes = $request->all();
            //do something
            return $this->response->message('')
                ->url('url'. $data->id)
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return $this->response->message($e->getMessage())
                ->url('nothing Wrong')

this worked for me

How do negative margins in CSS work and why is (margin-top:-5 != margin-bottom:5)?

A margin-top of -8px means it will be 8px higher than if it had 0 margin.

A margin-bottom of 8px means that the thing below it will be 8px further down that if it had 0 margin.

How can I check if the array of objects have duplicate property values?

//checking duplicate elements in an array
var arr=[1,3,4,6,8,9,1,3,4,7];
var hp=new Map();
var freq=0;
for(var i=1;i<arr.length;i++){
// console.log(arr[i-1]+" "+arr[i]);


What does it mean to "program to an interface"?

I strongly believe hard questions should be explained with easy real-world answers. And in the realm of software design, it's very important.

Look at any door in your house, school, church... any building.

Imagine some doors got the perils right-bottom (so you have to bow to interact with the door, which is open or close it),

Or others got just in the top-left (So, some dwarfs, people with disabilities, or Kevin Hart will not find very amusing and usable such doors ).

So design is the keyword, create programs to others humans can develop/use it.

What Interfaces does is to make things easy for other junior/senior developers across colossus projects[1], so everybody knows what are they doing with little help from others so you can work as smooth as possible (in Theory).

[1]: How? By exposing the shape of value. So, you don't need documentation, cause the code itself is self-explanatory (Awesome).

This answer was not meant to be for language-specific instead of concept-driven (After all, humans are creating tools by writing code).

How do I declare an array variable in VBA?

David, Error comes Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working. Two options check online for a solution and close the programme and other option Close the program I am sure error is in my array but I am reading everything and seem this is way to define arrays.

Declaring and using MySQL varchar variables

In Mysql, We can declare and use variables with set command like below

mysql> set @foo="manjeet";
mysql> select * from table where name = @foo;

Get href attribute on jQuery

Use $(this) for get the desire element.

function openAll()
        var a_href = $(this).find('.cpt h2 a').attr('href');
        alert ("Href is: "+a_href);

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred

The problem might be with your firewall or antivirus.

  1. Disable all network connection
  2. Disable firewall
  3. Disable Antivirus

Make sure they all disabled.

Run your script in Eclipse. If it works, then 2 and 3 might be the culprit. For me, it was comodo firewall. I created a filter for Adb.exe

javascript clear field value input

 var input= $(this);    
 input.innerHTML = '';

Application not picking up .css file (flask/python)

I'm running version 1.0.2 of flask right now. The above file structures did not work for me, but I found one that did, which are as follows:

     app_folder/ static/ style.css/ templates/

(Please note that 'static' and 'templates' are folders, which should be named exactly the same thing.)

To check what version of flask you are running, you should open Python in terminal and type the following accordingly:

import flask

flask --version

Youtube - How to force 480p video quality in embed link / <iframe>

You can use the YouTube JavaScript player API, which has a feature on its own to set playback quality.


This function sets the suggested video quality for the current video. The function causes the video to reload at its current position in the new quality. If the playback quality does change, it will only change for the video being played. Calling this function does not guarantee that the playback quality will actually change. However, if the playback quality does change, the onPlaybackQualityChange event will fire, and your code should respond to the event rather than the fact that it called the setPlaybackQuality function. [source]

how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data

ProgressDialog dialog =, "", "Loading...", true);

What does appending "?v=1" to CSS and JavaScript URLs in link and script tags do?

In order to answer you questions;

"?v=1" this is written only beacuse to download a fresh copy of the css and js files instead of using from the cache of the browser.

If you mention this query string parameter at the end of your stylesheet or the js file then it forces the browser to download a new file, Due to which the recent changes in the .css and .js files are made effetive in your browser.

If you dont use this versioning then you may need to clear the cache of refresh the page in order to view the recent changes in those files.

Here is an article that explains this thing How and Why to make versioning of CSS and JS files

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?

You can achieve by data-* attribute like data-replace="replaceTarget,replaceBy" so with help of jQuery to get replaceTarget & replaceBy value by .split() method after getting values then use .replaceWith() method.
This data-* attribute technique to easily manage any tag replacement without changing below (common code for all tag replacement).

I hope below snippet will help you lot.

$(document).on('click', '[data-replace]', function(){_x000D_
  var replaceTarget = $(this).attr('data-replace').split(',')[0];_x000D_
  var replaceBy = $(this).attr('data-replace').split(',')[1];_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="abc">Hello World #1</p>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#abc,<h1/>">P change with H1 tag</a>_x000D_
<h2 id="xyz">Hello World #2</h2>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#xyz,<p/>">H1 change with P tag</a>_x000D_
<b id="bold">Hello World #2</b><br>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#bold,<i/>">B change with I tag</a>_x000D_
<i id="italic">Hello World #2</i><br>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#italic,<b/>">I change with B tag</a>

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

From the mysql man page:

   You can execute SQL statements in a script file (batch file) like this:

       shell> mysql db_name < script.sql >

Put the query in script.sql and run it.

Module is not available, misspelled or forgot to load (but I didn't)

I found this question when I got the same error for a different reason.

My issue was that my Gulp hadn't picked up on the fact that I had declared a new module and I needed to manually re-run Gulp.

Java 8: How do I work with exception throwing methods in streams?

I suggest to use Google Guava Throwables class

propagate(Throwable throwable)

Propagates throwable as-is if it is an instance of RuntimeException or Error, or else as a last resort, wraps it in a RuntimeException and then propagates.**

void bar() {
    Stream<A> as = ...
    as.forEach(a -> {
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);


Now that it is deprecated use:

void bar() {
    Stream<A> as = ...
    as.forEach(a -> {
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Configure Log4Net in web application

You need to call the Configurefunction of the XmlConfigurator


Either call before your first loggin call or in your Global.asax like this:

protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) {

Empty set literal?

Adding to the crazy ideas: with Python 3 accepting unicode identifiers, you could declare a variable ? = frozenset() (? is U+03D5) and use it instead.

c++ compile error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer

A string literal is delimited by quotation marks and is of type char* not char.

Example: "hello"

So when you compare a char to a char* you will get that same compiling error.

char c = 'c';
char *p = "hello";

if(c==p)//compiling error

To fix use a char literal which is delimited by single quotes.

Example: 'c'

How to decompile to java files intellij idea

The decompiler of IntelliJ IDEA was not built with this kind of usage in mind. It is only meant to help programmers peek at the bytecode of the java classes that they are developing. For decompiling lots of class files of which you do not have source code, you will need some other java decompiler, which is specialized for this job, and most likely runs standalone. If you google you should find a bunch.

What does CultureInfo.InvariantCulture mean?

According to Microsoft:

The CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property is neither a neutral nor a specific culture. It is the third type of culture that is culture-insensitive. It is associated with the English language but not with a country or region.


So InvariantCulture is similair to culture "en-US" but not exactly the same. If you write:

var d = DateTime.Now;
var s1 = d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);   // "05/21/2014 22:09:28"
var s2 = d.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));       // "5/21/2014 10:09:28 PM"

then s1 and s2 will have a similar format but InvariantCulture adds leading zeroes and "en-US" uses AM or PM.

So InvariantCulture is better for internal usage when you e.g save a date to a text-file or parses data. And a specified CultureInfo is better when you present data (date, currency...) to the end-user.

What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

If you need to write line by line from string builder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("New Line!");

using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\MyDir\MyNewTextFile.txt", true))

If you need to write all text as single line from string builder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("New Text line!");

using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\MyDir\MyNewTextFile.txt", true))

What is the best way to convert an array to a hash in Ruby


Ruby 2.1.0 is released today. And I comes with Array#to_h (release notes and ruby-doc), which solves the issue of converting an Array to a Hash.

Ruby docs example:

[[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h    # => {:foo => :bar, 1 => 2}

Get gateway ip address in android

Try the following:

ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = ...;
LinkProperties linkProperties = connectivityManager.getLinProperties(connectivityManager.GetActiveNetwork());
for (RouteInfo routeInfo: linkProperties.getRoutes()) {
    if (routeInfo.IsDefaultRoute() && routeInfo.hasGateway()) {
        return routeInfo.getGateway();

how to find all indexes and their columns for tables, views and synonyms in oracle

SELECT * FROM user_cons_columns WHERE table_name = 'table_name';

How to create a .gitignore file

If you use Sublime Text as your IDE, you can create a new file and save it as .gitignore. Simply using Ctrl + N for the new file, and Ctrl + S to save as ".gitignore".

How do I know the script file name in a Bash script?

You can use $0 to determine your script name (with full path) - to get the script name only you can trim that variable with

basename $0

C# static class why use?

Making a class static just prevents people from trying to make an instance of it. If all your class has are static members it is a good practice to make the class itself static.

How to see indexes for a database or table in MySQL?

You could use this query to get the no of indexes as well as the index names of each table in specified database.

       COUNT(1) index_count,
       GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(index_name) SEPARATOR ',\n ') indexes
      AND INDEX_NAME != 'primary'

nullable object must have a value

You should change the line this.MyDateTime = myNewDT.MyDateTime.Value; to just this.MyDateTime = myNewDT.MyDateTime;

The exception you were receiving was thrown in the .Value property of the Nullable DateTime, as it is required to return a DateTime (since that's what the contract for .Value states), but it can't do so because there's no DateTime to return, so it throws an exception.

In general, it is a bad idea to blindly call .Value on a nullable type, unless you have some prior knowledge that that variable MUST contain a value (i.e. through a .HasValue check).


Here's the code for DateTimeExtended that does not throw an exception:

class DateTimeExtended
    public DateTime? MyDateTime;
    public int? otherdata;

    public DateTimeExtended() { }

    public DateTimeExtended(DateTimeExtended other)
        this.MyDateTime = other.MyDateTime;
        this.otherdata = other.otherdata;

I tested it like this:

DateTimeExtended dt1 = new DateTimeExtended();
DateTimeExtended dt2 = new DateTimeExtended(dt1);

Adding the .Value on other.MyDateTime causes an exception. Removing it gets rid of the exception. I think you're looking in the wrong place.

Linux / Bash, using ps -o to get process by specific name?

This is a bit old, but I guess what you want is: ps -o pid -C PROCESS_NAME, for example:

ps -o pid -C bash

EDIT: Dependening on the sort of output you expect, pgrep would be more elegant. This, in my knowledge, is Linux specific and result in similar output as above. For example:

pgrep bash

Declare and initialize a Dictionary in Typescript

For using dictionary object in typescript you can use interface as below:

interface Dictionary<T> {
    [Key: string]: T;

and, use this for your class property type.

export class SearchParameters {
    SearchFor: Dictionary<string> = {};

to use and initialize this class,

getUsers(): Observable<any> {
        var searchParams = new SearchParameters();
        searchParams.SearchFor['userId'] = '1';
        searchParams.SearchFor['userName'] = 'xyz';

        return, 'users/search')
            .map(res => {
                return res;

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Overall just add display:block; to your span. You can leave your html unchanged.


You can do it with the following css:

p {
    font-weight: 300; 
    -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; 

p span {
    font-style: italic; 

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

I've got the same problem here. I have an UTF-8 Page an need to post to an ISO-8859-1 server.

Looks like IE can't handle ISO-8859-1. But it can handle ISO-8859-15.

<form accept-charset="ISO-8859-15">

So this worked for me, since ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15 are almost the same.

Table with table-layout: fixed; and how to make one column wider

You could just give the first cell (therefore column) a width and have the rest default to auto

table {_x000D_
  table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
  width: 150px;_x000D_
td+td {_x000D_
  width: auto;_x000D_

or alternatively the "proper way" to get column widths might be to use the col element itself

table {_x000D_
  table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
.wide {_x000D_
  width: 150px;_x000D_
  <col span="1" class="wide">_x000D_

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

I ran into the same issue and it's even worse: I needed both "import" and "require"

  1. Some newer ES6 modules works only with import.
  2. Some CommonJS works with require.

Here is what worked for me:

  1. Turn your js file into .mjs as suggested in other answers

  2. "require" is not defined with ES6 module, so you can define it this way:

    import { createRequire } from 'module'
    const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

    Now 'require' can be used in the usual way.

  3. Use import for ES6 modules and require for commonJS.

Some useful links: node.js's own documentation. difference between import and require. Mozilla has some nice documentation about import

What does this mean? "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM"

For anyone using Laravel. I was having the same error on Laravel 7.0. The error looked like this

syntax error, unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM), expecting ';' or ','

It was in my Routes\web.php file, which looked like this

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use // this was an extra **use** statement that gave me the error

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('save-online.index');

maxlength ignored for input type="number" in Chrome

maxlength ignored for input type="number"

That's correct, see documentation here

Instead you can use type="text" and use javascript function to allow number only.

Try this:

function onlyNumber(evt) {
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)){
            return false;
    return true;
<input type="text" maxlength="4" onkeypress="return onlyNumber(event)">

'if' statement in jinja2 template

We need to remember that the {% endif %} comes after the {% else %}.

So this is an example:

{% if someTest %}
     <p> Something is True </p>
{% else %}
     <p> Something is False </p>
{% endif %}

How to scroll to top of page with JavaScript/jQuery?

var totop = $('#totop');{
 $('html, body').stop(true,true).animate({scrollTop:0}, 1000);
 return false;

 if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100){ 

<img id="totop" src="img/arrow_up.png" title="Click to go Up" style="display:none;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:10px;cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;"/>

Can Google Chrome open local links?

This question is dated, but I had the same problem just now, the solution I found was to map a virtual directory in IIS to the networked drive with the documents, so the url became a friendly "http://" address.

Setting virtual directories:




Is there an auto increment in sqlite?

Have you read this? How do I create an AUTOINCREMENT field.

VALUES (NULL, "John", "Smith");

Use of 'const' for function parameters

Extra Superfluous const are bad from an API stand-point:

Putting extra superfluous const's in your code for intrinsic type parameters passed by value clutters your API while making no meaningful promise to the caller or API user (it only hampers the implementation).

Too many 'const' in an API when not needed is like "crying wolf", eventually people will start ignoring 'const' because it's all over the place and means nothing most of the time.

The "reductio ad absurdum" argument to extra consts in API are good for these first two points would be is if more const parameters are good, then every argument that can have a const on it, SHOULD have a const on it. In fact, if it were truly that good, you'd want const to be the default for parameters and have a keyword like "mutable" only when you want to change the parameter.

So lets try putting in const whereever we can:

void mungerum(char * buffer, const char * mask, int count);

void mungerum(char * const buffer, const char * const mask, const int count);

Consider the line of code above. Not only is the declaration more cluttered and longer and harder to read but three of the four 'const' keywords can be safely ignored by the API user. However, the extra use of 'const' has made the second line potentially DANGEROUS!


A quick misread of the first parameter char * const buffer might make you think that it will not modify the memory in data buffer that is passed in -- however, this is not true! Superfluous 'const' can lead to dangerous and incorrect assumptions about your API when scanned or misread quickly.

Superfluous const are bad from a Code Implementation stand-point as well:

       #define SUPERFLUOUS_CONST
       #define SUPERFLUOUS_CONST             const

void bytecopy(char * SUPERFLUOUS_CONST dest,
   const char *source, SUPERFLUOUS_CONST int count);

If FLEXIBLE_IMPLEMENTATION is not true, then the API is “promising” not to implement the function the first way below.

void bytecopy(char * SUPERFLUOUS_CONST dest,
   const char *source, SUPERFLUOUS_CONST int count)
       // Will break if !FLEXIBLE_IMPLEMENTATION

void bytecopy(char * SUPERFLUOUS_CONST dest,
   const char *source, SUPERFLUOUS_CONST int count)
       for(int i=0;i<count;i++)

That’s a very silly promise to make. Why should you make a promise that gives no benefit at all to your caller and only limits your implementation?

Both of these are perfectly valid implementations of the same function though so all you’ve done is tied one hand behind your back unnecessarily.

Furthermore, it’s a very shallow promise that is easily (and legally circumvented).

inline void bytecopyWrapped(char * dest,
   const char *source, int count)
void bytecopy(char * SUPERFLUOUS_CONST dest,
   const char *source,SUPERFLUOUS_CONST int count)
    bytecopyWrapped(dest, source, count);

Look, I implemented it that way anyhow even though I promised not to – just using a wrapper function. It’s like when the bad guy promises not to kill someone in a movie and orders his henchman to kill them instead.

Those superfluous const’s are worth no more than a promise from a movie bad-guy.

But the ability to lie gets even worse:

I have been enlightened that you can mismatch const in header (declaration) and code (definition) by using spurious const. The const-happy advocates claim this is a good thing since it lets you put const only in the definition.

// Example of const only in definition, not declaration
struct foo { void test(int *pi); };
void foo::test(int * const pi) { }

However, the converse is true... you can put a spurious const only in the declaration and ignore it in the definition. This only makes superfluous const in an API more of a terrible thing and a horrible lie - see this example:

struct foo
    void test(int * const pi);

void foo::test(int *pi) // Look, the const in the definition is so superfluous I can ignore it here
    pi++;  // I promised in my definition I wouldn't modify this

All the superfluous const actually does is make the implementer's code less readable by forcing him to use another local copy or a wrapper function when he wants to change the variable or pass the variable by non-const reference.

Look at this example. Which is more readable ? Is it obvious that the only reason for the extra variable in the second function is because some API designer threw in a superfluous const ?

struct llist
    llist * next;

void walkllist(llist *plist)
    llist *pnext;
        plist=pnext;    // This line wouldn't compile if plist was const

void walkllist(llist * SUPERFLUOUS_CONST plist)
    llist * pnotconst=plist;
    llist *pnext;

Hopefully we've learned something here. Superfluous const is an API-cluttering eyesore, an annoying nag, a shallow and meaningless promise, an unnecessary hindrance, and occasionally leads to very dangerous mistakes.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create()

I got this error when my .env file was not set up properly. Make sure you have a .env file with valid database login credentials.

Checkout old commit and make it a new commit

eloone did it file by file with

git checkout <commit-hash> <filename>

but you could checkout all files more easily by doing

git checkout <commit-hash> .

How to deploy a war file in JBoss AS 7?

Read the file $AS/standalone/deployments/README.txt

  • you have two different modes : auto-deploy mode and manual deploy mode
  • for the manual deploy mode you have to placed a marker files as described in the others posts
  • for the autodeploy mode : This is done via the "auto-deploy" attributes on the deployment-scanner element in the standalone.xml configuration file:

    <deployment-scanner scan-interval="5000" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir"
    path="deployments" auto-deploy-zipped="true" **auto-deploy-exploded="true"**/>

Function pointer as a member of a C struct

Allocate memory to hold chars.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct PString {
        char *chars;
        int (*length)(PString *self);
} PString;

int length(PString *self) {
    return strlen(self->chars);

PString *initializeString(int n) {
    PString *str = malloc(sizeof(PString));

    str->chars = malloc(sizeof(char) * n);
    str->length = length;

    str->chars[0] = '\0'; //add a null terminator in case the string is used before any other initialization.

    return str;

int main() {
    PString *p = initializeString(30);
    strcpy(p->chars, "Hello");
    printf("\n%d", p->length(p));
    return 0;

How to change the pop-up position of the jQuery DatePicker control

fix show position problem daterangepicker.jQuery.js

//Original Code
//show, hide, or toggle rangepicker
    function showRP() {
        if ('state') == 'closed') {
  'state', 'open');

//show, hide, or toggle rangepicker
    function showRP() {
        rp.parent().css('left', rangeInput.offset().left);
        rp.parent().css('top', rangeInput.offset().top + rangeInput.outerHeight());
        if ('state') == 'closed') {
  'state', 'open');

Adding elements to object

If the cart has to be stored as an object and not array (Although I would recommend storing as an []) you can always change the structure to use the ID as the key:

var element = { quantity: quantity };
cart[id] = element;

This allows you to add multiple items to the cart like so:

cart["1"] = { quantity: 5};
cart["2"] = { quantity: 10};

// Cart is now:
// { "1": { quantity: 5 }, "2": { quantity: 10 } }

jQuery ajax call to REST service

I think there is no need to specify


in the URI part.. because. if you specify it, You'll have to change it manually for every environment.


"/restws/json/product/get" also works