[java] Java System.out.print formatting

Here is my code (well, some of it). The question I have is, can I get the first 9 numbers to show with a leading 00 and numbers 10 - 99 with a leading 0.

I have to show all of the 360 monthly payments, but if I don't have all month numbers at the same length, then I end up with an output file that keeps moving to the right and offsetting the look of the output.

System.out.print((x + 1) + "  ");  // the payment number
System.out.print(formatter.format(monthlyInterest) + "   ");    // round our interest rate
System.out.print(formatter.format(principleAmt) + "     ");
System.out.print(formatter.format(remainderAmt) + "     ");


8              $951.23               $215.92         $198,301.22                         
9              $950.19               $216.95         $198,084.26                         
10              $949.15               $217.99         $197,866.27                         
11              $948.11               $219.04         $197,647.23  

What I want to see is:

008              $951.23               $215.92         $198,301.22                         
009              $950.19               $216.95         $198,084.26                         
010              $949.15               $217.99         $197,866.27                         
011              $948.11               $219.04         $197,647.23  

What other code do you need to see from my class that could help?

This question is related to java format

The answer is

Just use \t to space it.


System.out.println(monthlyInterest + "\t")

//as far as the two 0 in front of it just use a if else statement. ex: 
x = x+1;
if (x < 10){
    System.out.println("00" +x);
else if( x < 100){
    System.out.println("0" +x);

There are other ways to do it, but this is the simplest.

Since you are using Java, printf is available from version 1.5

You may use it like this

System.out.printf("%03d ", x);

For Example:

System.out.printf("%03d ", 5);
System.out.printf("%03d ", 55);
System.out.printf("%03d ", 555);

Will Give You

005 055 555

as output

See: System.out.printf and Format String Syntax

Something likes this

public void testPrintOut() {
    int val1 = 8;
    String val2 = "$951.23";
    String val3 = "$215.92";
    String val4 = "$198,301.22";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

    val1 = 9;
    val2 = "$950.19";
    val3 = "$216.95";
    val4 = "$198,084.26";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

Are you sure that you want "055" as opposed to "55"? Some programs interpret a leading zero as meaning octal, so that it would read 055 as (decimal) 45 instead of (decimal) 55.

That should just mean dropping the '0' (zero-fill) flag.

e.g., change System.out.printf("%03d ", x); to the simpler System.out.printf("%3d ", x);