[c++] Use of 'const' for function parameters

I tend to use const wherever possible. (Or other appropriate keyword for the target language.) I do this purely because it allows the compiler to make extra optimizations that it would not be able to make otherwise. Since I have no idea what these optimizations may be, I always do it, even where it seems silly.

For all I know, the compiler might very well see a const value parameter, and say, "Hey, this function isn't modifying it anyway, so I can pass by reference and save some clock cycles." I don't think it ever would do such a thing, since it changes the function signature, but it makes the point. Maybe it does some different stack manipulation or something... The point is, I don't know, but I do know trying to be smarter than the compiler only leads to me being shamed.

C++ has some extra baggage, with the idea of const-correctness, so it becomes even more important.