[python] Printing tuple with string formatting in Python

Even though this question is quite old and has many different answers, I'd still like to add the imho most "pythonic" and also readable/concise answer.

Since the general tuple printing method is already shown correctly by Antimony, this is an addition for printing each element in a tuple separately, as Fong Kah Chun has shown correctly with the %s syntax.

Interestingly it has been only mentioned in a comment, but using an asterisk operator to unpack the tuple yields full flexibility and readability using the str.format method when printing tuple elements separately.

tup = (1, 2, 3)
print('Element(s) of the tuple: One {0}, two {1}, three {2}'.format(*tup))

This also avoids printing a trailing comma when printing a single-element tuple, as circumvented by Jacob CUI with replace. (Even though imho the trailing comma representation is correct if wanting to preserve the type representation when printing):

tup = (1, )
print('Element(s) of the tuple: One {0}'.format(*tup))