Programs & Examples On #Apache karaf

Karaf is an enterprise grade OSGi runtime/container, with configurable framework implementation (Equinox, Felix). Originally the platform "kernel" for FuseSource ESB/ServiceMix it was added as an Apache top level project.

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    li = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
    X = e.X;
    Y = e.Y;

private void listView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    int nStart = X;
    int spos = 0;
    int epos = listView1.Columns[1].Width;
    for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Columns.Count; i++)
        if (nStart > spos && nStart < epos)
            subItemSelected = i;

        spos = epos;
        epos += listView1.Columns[i].Width;
    li.SubItems[subItemSelected].Text = "9";

Fork() function in C

int a = fork(); 

Creates a duplicate process "clone?", which shares the execution stack. The difference between the parent and the child is the return value of the function.

The child getting 0 returned, and the parent getting the new pid.

Each time the addresses and the values of the stack variables are copied. The execution continues at the point it already got to in the code.

At each fork, only one value is modified - the return value from fork.

How do I space out the child elements of a StackPanel?

sometimes you need to set Padding, not Margin to make space between items smaller than default

Long press on UITableView

Swift 3 answer, using modern syntax, incorporating other answers, and eliminating unneeded code.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    let recognizer = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(tablePressed))

@IBAction func tablePressed(_ recognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
    let point = recognizer.location(in: tableView)

    guard recognizer.state == .began,
          let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: point),
          let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath),
    else {

    // TODO

Set icon for Android application

You have to follow steps like:

  • You will see your default icons ic_launcher.png like:

enter image description here

  • You have to change all the images which are in mipmap-xxxx folders. First of you have to create your own logo or pick up image that you want to place as icon of launcher and upload here Android Asset Studio - Icon Generator - Launcher icons, You will get all the set of mipmap-xxxx and web_icon also from that link.

enter image description here

  • Now you have to copy all the folders which are in side of res folder,

enter image description here

  • Now go to Android Studio Project -> Right click on res folder -> Paste. It will prompt you like File 'ic_launcher.png' already exists in directory, You can press Overwrite all. It will paste/replace images in respective folder.

Now you can run and see your application icon with new image.

Happy Coding :) :)

How do you display JavaScript datetime in 12 hour AM/PM format?

I fount it's here it working fine.

var date_format = '12'; /* FORMAT CAN BE 12 hour (12) OR 24 hour (24)*/
var d       = new Date();
var hour    = d.getHours();  /* Returns the hour (from 0-23) */
var minutes     = d.getMinutes();  /* Returns the minutes (from 0-59) */
var result  = hour;
var ext     = '';
if(date_format == '12'){
    if(hour > 12){
        ext = 'PM';
        hour = (hour - 12);
        result = hour;

        if(hour < 10){
            result = "0" + hour;
        }else if(hour == 12){
            hour = "00";
            ext = 'AM';
    else if(hour < 12){
        result = ((hour < 10) ? "0" + hour : hour);
        ext = 'AM';
    }else if(hour == 12){
        ext = 'PM';
if(minutes < 10){
    minutes = "0" + minutes; 
result = result + ":" + minutes + ' ' + ext; 

and plunker example here

Addressing localhost from a VirtualBox virtual machine

You need to edit your hosts file on your Windows Virtual machine the same way you do for your local host machine:


And link your virtual hosts to, If you are just using localhost then replace localhost with localhost

For example: localhost

This tells your virtual machine to point to your local machine for those domain names.

Which is the preferred way to concatenate a string in Python?

If the strings you are concatenating are literals, use String literal concatenation

        "[A-Za-z_]"       # letter or underscore
        "[A-Za-z0-9_]*"   # letter, digit or underscore

This is useful if you want to comment on part of a string (as above) or if you want to use raw strings or triple quotes for part of a literal but not all.

Since this happens at the syntax layer it uses zero concatenation operators.

How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?

if you have just two parameters you can do this:


    //do something useful with returned result//

Remove DEFINER clause from MySQL Dumps

I don't think there is a way to ignore adding DEFINERs to the dump. But there are ways to remove them after the dump file is created.

  1. Open the dump file in a text editor and replace all occurrences of DEFINER=root@localhost with an empty string ""

  2. Edit the dump (or pipe the output) using perl:

    perl -p -i.bak -e "s/DEFINER=\`\w.*\`@\`\d[0-3].*[0-3]\`//g" mydatabase.sql
  3. Pipe the output through sed:

    mysqldump ... | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' > triggers_backup.sql

How do CORS and Access-Control-Allow-Headers work?

Yes, you need to have the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: or Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on both the OPTIONS response and the POST response. You should include the header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true on the POST response as well.

Your OPTIONS response should also include the header Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, content-type, accept to match the requested header.

Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

I'm not sure if you're going to get any huge gains for reasons Jon Skeet pointed out. However, you could try and benchmark the TypeConvert.ConvertTo method and see how it compares to using your current method.

ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
byte[] imgArray = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(imageIn, typeof(byte[]));

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProvider

In angular 1.4 +, in addition to adding the dependency

angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])

,we also need to reference the separate angular-route.js file

<script src="angular.js">
<script src="angular-route.js">


Understanding the basics of Git and GitHub

  1. What is the difference between Git and GitHub?

    Git is a version control system; think of it as a series of snapshots (commits) of your code. You see a path of these snapshots, in which order they where created. You can make branches to experiment and come back to snapshots you took.

    GitHub, is a web-page on which you can publish your Git repositories and collaborate with other people.

  2. Is Git saving every repository locally (in the user's machine) and in GitHub?

    No, it's only local. You can decide to push (publish) some branches on GitHub.

  3. Can you use Git without GitHub? If yes, what would be the benefit for using GitHub?

    Yes, Git runs local if you don't use GitHub. An alternative to using GitHub could be running Git on files hosted on Dropbox, but GitHub is a more streamlined service as it was made especially for Git.

  4. How does Git compare to a backup system such as Time Machine?

    It's a different thing, Git lets you track changes and your development process. If you use Git with GitHub, it becomes effectively a backup. However usually you would not push all the time to GitHub, at which point you do not have a full backup if things go wrong. I use git in a folder that is synchronized with Dropbox.

  5. Is this a manual process, in other words if you don't commit you won't have a new version of the changes made?

    Yes, committing and pushing are both manual.

  6. If are not collaborating and you are already using a backup system why would you use Git?

    • If you encounter an error between commits you can use the command git diff to see the differences between the current code and the last working commit, helping you to locate your error.

    • You can also just go back to the last working commit.

    • If you want to try a change, but are not sure that it will work. You create a branch to test you code change. If it works fine, you merge it to the main branch. If it does not you just throw the branch away and go back to the main branch.

    • You did some debugging. Before you commit you always look at the changes from the last commit. You see your debug print statement that you forgot to delete.

Make sure you check

Validate email with a regex in jQuery

You probably want to use a regex like the one described here to check the format. When the form's submitted, run the following test on each field:

var userinput = $(this).val();
var pattern = /^\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b$/i

  alert('not a valid e-mail address');

How do I merge a specific commit from one branch into another in Git?

If BranchA has not been pushed to a remote then you can reorder the commits using rebase and then simply merge. It's preferable to use merge over rebase when possible because it doesn't create duplicate commits.

git checkout BranchA
git rebase -i HEAD~113
... reorder the commits so the 10 you want are first ...
git checkout BranchB
git merge [the 10th commit]

How to read a file and write into a text file?

If you want to do it line by line:

Dim sFileText As String
Dim iInputFile As Integer, iOutputFile as integer

iInputFile = FreeFile
Open "C:\Clients\Converter\Clockings.mis" For Input As #iInputFile 
iOutputFile = FreeFile
Open "C:\Clients\Converter\2.txt" For Output As #iOutputFile 
Do While Not EOF(iInputFile)
   Line Input #iInputFile , sFileText
   ' sFileTextis a single line of the original file
   ' you can append anything to it before writing to the other file
   Print #iOutputFile, sFileText 
Close #iInputFile 
Close #iOutputFile 

How can I let a table's body scroll but keep its head fixed in place?

I saw Sean Haddy's excellent solution to a similar question and took the liberty of making some edits:

  • Use classes instead of ID, so one jQuery script could be reused for multiple tables on one page
  • Added support for semantic HTML table elements like caption, thead, tfoot, and tbody
  • Made scrollbar optional so it won't appear for tables that are "shorter" than the scrollable height
  • Adjusted scrolling div's width to bring the scrollbar up to the right edge of the table
  • Made concept accessible by
    • using aria-hidden="true" on injected static table header
    • and leaving original thead in place, just hidden with jQuery and set aria-hidden="false"
  • Showed examples of multiple tables with different sizes

Sean did the heavy lifting, though. Thanks to Matt Burland, too, for pointing out need to support tfoot.

Please see for yourself at

create table with sequence.nextval in oracle

You can use Oracle's SQL Developer tool to do that (My Oracle DB version is 11). While creating a table choose Advanced option and click on the Identity Column tab at the bottom and from there choose Column Sequence. This will generate a AUTO_INCREMENT column (Corresponding Trigger and Squence) for you.

Regular expression for matching HH:MM time format



Use it:


C# An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

That is a boiler-plate error message, it comes out of Windows. The underlying error code is WSAECONNABORTED. Which really doesn't mean more than "connection was aborted". You have to be a bit careful about the "your host machine" part of the phrase. In the vast majority of Windows application programs, it is indeed the host that the desktop app is connected to that aborted the connection. Usually a server somewhere else.

The roles are reversed however when you implement your own server. Now you need to read the error message as "aborted by the application at the other end of the wire". Which is of course not uncommon when you implement a server, client programs that use your server are not unlikely to abort a connection for whatever reason. It can mean that a fire-wall or a proxy terminated the connection but that's not very likely since they typically would not allow the connection to be established in the first place.

You don't really know why a connection was aborted unless you have insight what is going on at the other end of the wire. That's of course hard to come by. If your server is reachable through the Internet then don't discount the possibility that you are being probed by a port scanner. Or your customers, looking for a game cheat.

Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?

As said, the objectForKey: datatype is :(id)aKey whereas the valueForKey: datatype is :(NSString *)key.

For example:

 NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"123"],[NSNumber numberWithInteger:5], nil];

 NSLog(@"objectForKey : --- %@",[dict objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:5]]);  
    //This will work fine and prints (    123    )  

 NSLog(@"valueForKey  : --- %@",[dict valueForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:5]]); 
    //it gives warning "Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type 'NSString *'"   ---- This will crash on runtime. 

So, valueForKey: will take only a string value and is a KVC method, whereas objectForKey: will take any type of object.

The value in objectForKey will be accessed by the same kind of object.

Get pixel color from canvas, on mousemove

@Wayne Burkett's answer is good. If you wanted to also extract the alpha value to get an rgba color, we could do this:

var r = p[0], g = p[1], b = p[2], a = p[3] / 255;
var rgba = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a + ")";

I divided the alpha value by 255 because the ImageData object stores it as an integer between 0 - 255, but most applications (for example, CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRect()) require colors to be in valid CSS format, where the alpha value is between 0 and 1.

(Also remember that if you extract a transparent color and then draw it back onto the canvas, it will overlay whatever color is there previously. So if you drew the color rgba(0,0,0,0.1) over the same spot 10 times, it would be black.)

How to return Json object from MVC controller to view

When you do return Json(...) you are specifically telling MVC not to use a view, and to serve serialized JSON data. Your browser opens a download dialog because it doesn't know what to do with this data.

If you instead want to return a view, just do return View(...) like you normally would:

var dictionary = listLocation.ToDictionary(x => x.label, x => x.value);
return View(new { Values = listLocation });

Then in your view, simply encode your data as JSON and assign it to a JavaScript variable:

    var values = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Values));


Here is a bit more complete sample. Since I don't have enough context from you, this sample will assume a controller Foo, an action Bar, and a view model FooBarModel. Additionally, the list of locations is hardcoded:


public class FooController : Controller
    public ActionResult Bar()
        var locations = new[]
            new SelectListItem { Value = "US", Text = "United States" },
            new SelectListItem { Value = "CA", Text = "Canada" },
            new SelectListItem { Value = "MX", Text = "Mexico" },

        var model = new FooBarModel
            Locations = locations,

        return View(model);


public class FooBarModel
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Locations { get; set; }


@model MyApp.Models.FooBarModel

    var locations = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Locations));

By the looks of your error message, it seems like you are mixing incompatible types (i.e. Ported_LI.Models.Locatio??n and MyApp.Models.Location) so, to recap, make sure the type sent from the controller action side match what is received from the view. For this sample in particular, new FooBarModel in the controller matches @model MyApp.Models.FooBarModel in the view.

Get user's current location

as PHP relies on server, the real-time location cant be provided only static location can be provided it is better to avoid to rely on the JS for location rather than using php. But there is a need to post the js data to php so that it can be easily be accesible to program on server

Python strftime - date without leading 0?

Actually I had the same problem and I realized that, if you add a hyphen between the % and the letter, you can remove the leading zero.

For example %Y/%-m/%-d.

This only works on Unix (Linux, OS X), not Windows (including Cygwin). On Windows, you would use #, e.g. %Y/%#m/%#d.

chrome : how to turn off user agent stylesheet settings?

  1. Open Chrome dev tools
  2. Click gear icon on bottom right
  3. In General section, check or uncheck "Show user agent styles".

Installing SQL Server 2012 - Error: Prior Visual Studio 2010 instances requiring update

Only install the Service Pack (VS10sp1-KB983509.msp) wasn't enough to me.

I had to uninstall the Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 to continue the installation :)

Angular 6 Material mat-select change method removed

I have this issue today with mat-option-group. The thing which solved me the problem is using in other provided event of mat-select : valueChange

I put here a little code for understanding :

<mat-form-field >
  <mat-label>Filter By</mat-label>
  <mat-select  panelClass="" #choosedValue (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)"> <!-- (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)" instead of (change) or other event-->

    <mat-option >-- None --</mat-option>
      <mat-optgroup  *ngFor="let group of filterData" [label]="group.viewValue"
                    style = "background-color: #0c5460">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of group.options" [value]="option.value">

Mat Version:

"@angular/material": "^6.4.7",

What is the "assert" function?

It is a function that will halt program execution if the value it has evaluated is false. Usually it is surrounded by a macro so that it is not compiled into the resultant binary when compiled with release settings.

It is designed to be used for testing the assumptions you have made. For example:

void strcpy(char* dest, char* src){
    //pointers shouldn't be null

    //copy string
    while(*dest++ = *src++);

The ideal you want is that you can make an error in your program, like calling a function with invalid arguments, and you hit an assert before it segfaults (or fails to work as expected)

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

Is JVM ARGS '-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m' still useful in Java 8?

What I know is one reason when “GC overhead limit exceeded” error is thrown when 2% of the memory is freed after several GC cycles

By this error your JVM is signalling that your application is spending too much time in garbage collection. so the little amount GC was able to clean will be quickly filled again thus forcing GC to restart the cleaning process again.

You should try changing the value of -Xmx and -Xms.

How to get last inserted row ID from WordPress database?

I needed to get the last id way after inserting it, so

$lastid = $wpdb->insert_id;

Was not an option.

Did the follow:

global $wpdb;
$id = $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'table' . ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1');

Find which commit is currently checked out in Git

Use git show, which also shows you the commit message, and defaults to the current commit when given no arguments.

How to add a footer to the UITableView?

I know that this is a pretty old question but I've just met same issue. I don't know exactly why but it seems that tableFooterView can be only an instance of UIView (not "kind of" but "is member")... So in my case I've created new UIView object (for example wrapperView) and add my custom subview to it... In your case, chamge your code from:

CGRect footerRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 40);
UILabel *tableFooter = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:footerRect];
tableFooter.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
tableFooter.backgroundColor = [self.theTable backgroundColor];
tableFooter.opaque = YES;
tableFooter.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
tableFooter.text = @"test";
self.theTable.tableFooterView = tableFooter;
[tableFooter release];


CGRect footerRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 40);
UIView *wrapperView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:footerRect];

UILabel *tableFooter = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:footerRect];
tableFooter.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
tableFooter.backgroundColor = [self.theTable backgroundColor];
tableFooter.opaque = YES;
tableFooter.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
tableFooter.text = @"test";

[wrapperView addSubview:tableFooter];

self.theTable.tableFooterView = wrapperView;
[wrapperView release];
[tableFooter release];

Hope it helps. It works for me.

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

To delete a key regardless of whether it is in the dictionary, use the two-argument form of dict.pop():

my_dict.pop('key', None)

This will return my_dict[key] if key exists in the dictionary, and None otherwise. If the second parameter is not specified (ie. my_dict.pop('key')) and key does not exist, a KeyError is raised.

To delete a key that is guaranteed to exist, you can also use

del my_dict['key']

This will raise a KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary.

How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

Normally, for internal commands PowerShell does wait before starting the next command. One exception to this rule is external Windows subsystem based EXE. The first trick is to pipeline to Out-Null like so:

Notepad.exe | Out-Null

PowerShell will wait until the Notepad.exe process has been exited before continuing. That is nifty but kind of subtle to pick up from reading the code. You can also use Start-Process with the -Wait parameter:

Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -Wait

If you are using the PowerShell Community Extensions version it is:

$proc = Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -PassThru

Another option in PowerShell 2.0 is to use a background job:

$job = Start-Job { invoke command here }
Wait-Job $job
Receive-Job $job

Do I commit the package-lock.json file created by npm 5?

I don't commit this file in my projects. What's the point ?

  1. It's generated
  2. It's the cause of a SHA1 code integrity err in gitlab with gitlab-ci.yml builds

Though it's true that I never use ^ in my package.json for libs because I had bad experiences with it.

Convert form data to JavaScript object with jQuery

I wrote a jQuery module, jsForm, that can do this bidirectional even for quite complicated forms (allows collections and other more complex structures as well).

It uses the name of the fields (plus a few special classes for collections) and matches a JSON object. It allows automatic replication of DOM-elements for collections and data handling:

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
            // Some JSON data
            var jsonData = {
                name: "TestName",   // Standard inputs
                description: "long Description\nMultiline", // Textarea
                links: [{href:'',description:'StackOverflow'}, {href:'', description:'GitHub'}],   // Lists
                active: true,   // Checkbox
                state: "VISIBLE"    // Selects (enums)

            // Initialize the form, prefix is optional and defaults to data

            $("#show").click(function() {
                // Show the JSON data
                alert(JSON.stringify($("#details").jsForm("get"), null, " "));
        <h1>Simpel Form Test</h1>
        <div id="details">
            Name: <input name=""/><br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name=""/> active<br/>
            <textarea name="data.description"></textarea><br/>
            <select name="data.state">
                <option value="VISIBLE">visible</option>
                <option value="IMPORTANT">important</option>
                <option value="HIDDEN">hidden</option>
                <ul class="collection" data-field="data.links">
                    <li><span class="field">links.description</span> Link: <input name="links.href"/> <button class="delete">x</button></li>
            <button class="add" data-field="data.links">add a link</button><br/>
            Additional field: <input name="data.addedField"/>
        <button id="show">Show Object</button>

Using LINQ to find item in a List but get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

This error can occur in several places, most commonly running further LINQ queries on top of a null collection. LINQ as Query Syntax can appear more null-safe than it is. Consider the following samples:

var filteredCollection = from item in getMyCollection()
                         orderby item.ReportDate
                         select item;

This code is not NULL SAFE, meaning that if getMyCollection() returns a null, you'll get the Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source error. Very annoying! But it makes perfect sense because LINQ Query syntax is just syntactic sugar for this equivalent code:

var filteredCollection = getMyCollection().OrderBy(x => x.ReportDate);

Which obviously will blow up if the starting method returns a null.

To prevent this, you can use a null coalescing operator in your LINQ query like so:

var filteredCollection = from item in getMyCollection() ?? 
                         orderby item.ReportDate
                         select item;

However, you'll have to remember to do this in any related queries. The best approach (if you control the code that generates the collection) is to make it a coding practice to NEVER RETURN A NULL COLLECTION, EVER. In some cases, returning a null object from a method like "getCustomerById(string id)" is fine, depending on your team coding style, but if you have a method that returns a collection of business objects, like "getAllcustomers()" then it should NEVER return a null array/enumerable/etc. Always always always use an if check, the null coalescing operator, or some other switch to return an empty array/list/enumerable etc, so that consumers of your method can freely LINQ over the results.

Order by in Inner Join

Avoid SELECT * in your main query.

Avoid duplicate columns: the JOIN condition ensures One.One_Name and two.One_Name will be equal therefore you don't need to return both in the SELECT clause.

Avoid duplicate column names: rename One.ID and Two.ID using 'aliases'.

Add an ORDER BY clause using the column names ('alises' where applicable) from the SELECT clause.

Suggested re-write:

SELECT T1.ID AS One_ID, T1.One_Name, 
       T2.ID AS Two_ID, T2.Two_name
  FROM One AS T1
       INNER JOIN two AS T2
          ON T1.One_Name = T2.One_Name
    BY One_ID;

Difference between an API and SDK

Application Programming Interface is a set of routines/data structures/classes which specifies a way to interact with the target platform/software like OS X, Android, project management application, virtualization software etc.

While Software Development Kit is a wrapper around API/s that makes the job easy for developers.

For example, Android SDK facilitates developers to interact with the Android platform as a whole while the platform itself is built by composite software components communicating via APIs.

Also, sometimes SDKs are built to facilitate development in a specific programming language. For example, Selenium web driver (built in Java) provides APIs to drive any browser natively, while capybara can be considered an an SDK that facilitates Ruby developers to use Selenium web driver. However, Selenium web driver is also an SDK by itself as it combines interaction with various native browser drivers into one package.

TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable - Python

It is so simple, you have 2 objects with the same name and when you say: bank_holiday[month] python thinks you wanna run your function and got ERROR.

Just rename your array to bank_holidays <--- add a 's' at the end! like this:

bank_holidays= [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2] #gives the list of bank holidays in each month

def bank_holiday(month):
   if month <1 or month > 12:
       print("Error: Out of range")
   print(bank_holidays[month-1],"holiday(s) in this month ")

bank_holiday(int(input("Which month would you like to check out: ")))

Javascript ES6 export const vs export let

In ES6, imports are live read-only views on exported-values. As a result, when you do import a from "somemodule";, you cannot assign to a no matter how you declare a in the module.

However, since imported variables are live views, they do change according to the "raw" exported variable in exports. Consider the following code (borrowed from the reference article below):

//------ lib.js ------
export let counter = 3;
export function incCounter() {

//------ main1.js ------
import { counter, incCounter } from './lib';

// The imported value `counter` is live
console.log(counter); // 3
console.log(counter); // 4

// The imported value can’t be changed
counter++; // TypeError

As you can see, the difference really lies in lib.js, not main1.js.

To summarize:

  • You cannot assign to import-ed variables, no matter how you declare the corresponding variables in the module.
  • The traditional let-vs-const semantics applies to the declared variable in the module.
    • If the variable is declared const, it cannot be reassigned or rebound in anywhere.
    • If the variable is declared let, it can only be reassigned in the module (but not the user). If it is changed, the import-ed variable changes accordingly.


Most efficient solution for reading CLOB to String, and String to CLOB in Java?

 public static String clobToString(final Clob clob) throws SQLException, IOException {
        try (final Reader reader = clob.getCharacterStream()) {
            try (final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter()) {
                IOUtils.copy(reader, stringWriter);
                return stringWriter.toString();

How do I PHP-unserialize a jQuery-serialized form?

Simply do this

$get = explode('&', $_POST['seri']); // explode with and

foreach ($get as $key => $value) {
    $need[substr($value, 0 , strpos($value, '='))] =  substr(
        strpos( $value, '=' ) + 1 

// access your query param name=ddd&email=aaaaa&username=wwwww&password=wwww&password=eeee

jQuery toggle CSS?

I would use the toggleClass function in jQuery and define the CSS to the class e.g.

/* start of css */ {
    border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; /* user-agent specific */
    -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
    -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
    -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; /* etc... */
/* start of js */
$('#user_button').click(function() {
    return false;

How do I integrate Ajax with Django applications?

I have tried to use AjaxableResponseMixin in my project, but had ended up with the following error message:

ImproperlyConfigured: No URL to redirect to. Either provide a url or define a get_absolute_url method on the Model.

That is because the CreateView will return a redirect response instead of returning a HttpResponse when you to send JSON request to the browser. So I have made some changes to the AjaxableResponseMixin. If the request is an ajax request, it will not call the super.form_valid method, just call the directly.

from django.http import JsonResponse
from django import forms
from django.db import models

class AjaxableResponseMixin(object):
    success_return_code = 1
    error_return_code = 0
    Mixin to add AJAX support to a form.
    Must be used with an object-based FormView (e.g. CreateView)
    def form_invalid(self, form):
        response = super(AjaxableResponseMixin, self).form_invalid(form)
        if self.request.is_ajax():
            form.errors.update({'result': self.error_return_code})
            return JsonResponse(form.errors, status=400)
            return response

    def form_valid(self, form):
        # We make sure to call the parent's form_valid() method because
        # it might do some processing (in the case of CreateView, it will
        # call for example).
        if self.request.is_ajax():
            self.object =
            data = {
                'result': self.success_return_code
            return JsonResponse(data)
            response = super(AjaxableResponseMixin, self).form_valid(form)
            return response

class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField('product name', max_length=255)

class ProductAddForm(forms.ModelForm):
    Product add form
    class Meta:
        model = Product
        exclude = ['id']

class PriceUnitAddView(AjaxableResponseMixin, CreateView):
    Product add view
    model = Product
    form_class = ProductAddForm

Android: Getting "Manifest merger failed" error after updating to a new version of gradle

I solve that with putting this at the end of my app module build.gradle:

    configurations.all {
     resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
    def requested = details.requested
    if ( == '') {
        if (!"multidex")) {
            details.useVersion '26.0.0'

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

Add all event listeners when a window loads.Works like a charm no matter where you put script tags.

window.addEventListener("load", startup);

function startup() {

  document.getElementById("el").addEventListener("click", myFunc);
  document.getElementById("el2").addEventListener("input", myFunc);



Export tables to an excel spreadsheet in same directory

Lawrence has given you a good answer. But if you want more control over what gets exported to where in Excel see Modules: Sample Excel Automation - cell by cell which is slow and Modules: Transferring Records to Excel with Automation You can do things such as export the recordset starting in row 2 and insert custom text in row 1. As well as any custom formatting required.

adb shell su works but adb root does not

I ran into this issue when trying to root the emulator, I found out it was because I was running the Nexus 5x emulator which had Google Play on it. Created a different emulator that didn't have google play and adb root will root the device for you. Hope this helps someone.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

Persist javascript variables across pages?

I would recommend you to give a look to this library:

I really like it, it supports a variety of storage backends (from cookies to HTML5 storage, Gears, Flash, and more...), its usage is really transparent, you don't have to know or care which backend is used the library will choose the right storage backend depending on the browser capabilities.

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

Had the same problem, while differently from other answers in my case I use ASP.NET to develop the WebAPI server.

I already had Corps allowed and it worked for GET requests. To make POST requests work I needed to add 'AllowAnyHeader()' and 'AllowAnyMethod()' options to the list of Corp options.

Here are essential parts of related functions in Start class look like:

ConfigureServices method:

    services.AddCors(options =>
        options.AddPolicy(name: MyAllowSpecificOrigins,
                          builder =>

Configure method:


Found this from:

new Date() is working in Chrome but not Firefox

Option 1 :

Suppose your timestring has a format that looks like this :

'2016-03-10 16:00:00.0'

In that case, you could do a simple regex to convert it to ISO 8601 :

'2016-03-10 16:00:00.0'.replace(/ /g,'T')

This would procude the following output :


This is the standard datetime format, and thus supported by all browsers :

document.body.innerHTML = new Date('2016-03-10T16:00:00.0') // THIS IS SAFE TO USE

Option 2 :

Suppose your timestring has a format that looks like this :

'02-24-2015 09:22:21 PM'

Here, you can do the following regex :

'02-24-2015 09:22:21 PM'.replace(/-/g,'/');

This, too, produces a format supported by all browsers :

document.body.innerHTML = new Date('02/24/2015 09:22:21 PM') // THIS IS SAFE TO USE

Option 3 :

Suppose you have a time string that isn't easy to adjust to one of the well-supported standards.

In that case, it's best to just split your time string into different pieces and use them as individual parameters for Date :

document.body.innerHTML = new Date(2016, 2, 26, 3, 24, 0); // THIS IS SAFE TO USE

Renaming a branch in GitHub

On GitHub side, you can use the new (Jan. 2021) "Support for renaming an existing branch"

Follow this tutorial:

rename branch dialog --

See "How do I rename branch on the GitHub website?".

This is a better approach, because renaming a branch that way (on will (source):

  • Re-target any open pull requests
  • Update any draft releases based on the branch
  • Move any branch protection rules that explicitly reference the old name
  • Update the branch used to build GitHub Pages, if applicable
  • Show a notice to repository contributors, maintainers, and admins on the repository homepage with instructions to update local copies of the repository
  • Show a notice to contributors who git push to the old branch
  • Redirect web requests for the old branch name to the new branch name
  • Return a "Moved Permanently" response in API requests for the old branch name

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

I also had this problem. I changed port and did other things, but they didn't help me. In my case, I connected Tomcat to IDE after installing Netbeans (before). I just uninstalled Netbeans and Tomcat after that I reinstall Netbeans along with Tomcat (NOT separately). And the problem was solved.

How do I get monitor resolution in Python?

Here is a quick little Python program that will display the information about your multi-monitor setup:

import gtk

window = gtk.Window()

# the screen contains all monitors
screen = window.get_screen()
print "screen size: %d x %d" % (gtk.gdk.screen_width(),gtk.gdk.screen_height())

# collect data about each monitor
monitors = []
nmons = screen.get_n_monitors()
print "there are %d monitors" % nmons
for m in range(nmons):
  mg = screen.get_monitor_geometry(m)
  print "monitor %d: %d x %d" % (m,mg.width,mg.height)

# current monitor
curmon = screen.get_monitor_at_window(screen.get_active_window())
x, y, width, height = monitors[curmon]
print "monitor %d: %d x %d (current)" % (curmon,width,height)  

Here's an example of its output:

screen size: 5120 x 1200
there are 3 monitors
monitor 0: 1600 x 1200
monitor 1: 1920 x 1200
monitor 2: 1600 x 1200
monitor 1: 1920 x 1200 (current)

height: 100% for <div> inside <div> with display: table-cell

This is exactly what you want:


<div class="table">

    <div class="cell">
    <div class="cell">
        <div class="container">Text</div>


.table {
    display: table;

.cell {
    border: 2px solid black; 

.container {
    height: 100%;
    border: 2px solid green;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;

Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Have a look at GROUP_CONCAT if your MySQL version (4.1) supports it. See the documentation for more details.

It would look something like:

  FROM peoples_hobbies 
  WHERE person_id = 5 
  GROUP BY 'all';

What is the best way to initialize a JavaScript Date to midnight?

A one-liner for object configs:

new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));

When creating an element:

dateFieldConfig = {
      name: "mydate",
      value: new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)),

How to get the last character of a string in a shell?

For portability you can say "${s#"${s%?}"}":

m=bzzzM n=bzzzN
for s in \
    'vv'  'w'   ''    'uu  ' ' uu ' '  uu' / \
    'ab?' 'a?b' '?ab' 'ab??' 'a??b' '??ab' / \
    'cd#' 'c#d' '#cd' 'cd##' 'c##d' '##cd' / \
    'ef%' 'e%f' '%ef' 'ef%%' 'e%%f' '%%ef' / \
    'gh*' 'g*h' '*gh' 'gh**' 'g**h' '**gh' / \
    'ij"' 'i"j' '"ij' "ij'"  "i'j"  "'ij"  / \
    'kl{' 'k{l' '{kl' 'kl{}' 'k{}l' '{}kl' / \
    'mn$' 'm$n' '$mn' 'mn$$' 'm$$n' '$$mn' /
do  case $s in
    (/) printf '\n' ;;
    (*) printf '.%s. ' "${s#"${s%?}"}" ;;


.v. .w. .. . . . . .u. 
.?. .b. .b. .?. .b. .b. 
.#. .d. .d. .#. .d. .d. 
.%. .f. .f. .%. .f. .f. 
.*. .h. .h. .*. .h. .h. 
.". .j. .j. .'. .j. .j. 
.{. .l. .l. .}. .l. .l. 
.$. .n. .n. .$. .n. .n. 

Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery

You can use .filter on a jQuery object that was created from the response:

success: function(data){
    //Create jQuery object from the response HTML.
    var $response=$(data);

    //Query the jQuery object for the values
    var oneval = $response.filter('#one').text();
    var subval = $response.filter('#sub').text();

How to load up CSS files using Javascript?

var fileref = document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("th:href", "@{/filepath}")
fileref.setAttribute("href", "/filepath")

I'm using thymeleaf and this is work fine. Thanks

List all liquibase sql types

Well, since liquibase is open source there's always the source code which you could check.

Some of the data type classes seem to have a method toDatabaseDataType() which should give you information about what type works (is used) on a specific data base.

seek() function?

For strings, forget about using WHENCE: use to position at beginning of file and to position at the end of file. Use open(file, "r+") to read/write anywhere in a file. If you use "a+" you'll only be able to write (append) at the end of the file regardless of where you position the cursor.

Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number

After spending hours and hours trying many different solutions, I can confirm that Java 10 SDK causes this error. On Mac, please navigate to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines then run this command to uninstall Java JDK 10 completely:

sudo rm -rf jdk-10.jdk/

After that, please download JDK 8 then the problem will be solved.

how to change php version in htaccess in server

just FYI in GoDaddy it's this:

AddHandler x-httpd-php5-3 .php

How to check whether dynamically attached event listener exists or not?

tl;dr: No, you cannot do this in any natively supported way.

The only way I know to achieve this would be to create a custom storage object where you keep a record of the listeners added. Something along the following lines:

/* Create a storage object. */
var CustomEventStorage = [];

Step 1: First, you will need a function that can traverse the storage object and return the record of an element given the element (or false).

/* The function that finds a record in the storage by a given element. */
function findRecordByElement (element) {
    /* Iterate over every entry in the storage object. */
    for (var index = 0, length = CustomEventStorage.length; index < length; index++) {
        /* Cache the record. */
        var record = CustomEventStorage[index];

        /* Check whether the given element exists. */
        if (element == record.element) {
            /* Return the record. */
            return record;

    /* Return false by default. */
    return false;

Step 2: Then, you will need a function that can add an event listener but also insert the listener to the storage object.

/* The function that adds an event listener, while storing it in the storage object. */
function insertListener (element, event, listener, options) {
    /* Use the element given to retrieve the record. */
    var record = findRecordByElement(element);

    /* Check whether any record was found. */
    if (record) {
        /* Normalise the event of the listeners object, in case it doesn't exist. */
        record.listeners[event] = record.listeners[event] || [];
    else {
        /* Create an object to insert into the storage object. */
        record = {
            element: element,
            listeners: {}

        /* Create an array for event in the record. */
        record.listeners[event] = [];

        /* Insert the record in the storage. */

    /* Insert the listener to the event array. */

    /* Add the event listener to the element. */
    element.addEventListener(event, listener, options);

Step 3: As regards the actual requirement of your question, you will need the following function to check whether an element has been added an event listener for a specified event.

/* The function that checks whether an event listener is set for a given event. */
function listenerExists (element, event, listener) {
    /* Use the element given to retrieve the record. */
    var record = findRecordByElement(element);

    /* Check whether a record was found & if an event array exists for the given event. */
    if (record && event in record.listeners) {
        /* Return whether the given listener exists. */
        return !!~record.listeners[event].indexOf(listener);

    /* Return false by default. */
    return false;

Step 4: Finally, you will need a function that can delete a listener from the storage object.

/* The function that removes a listener from a given element & its storage record. */
function removeListener (element, event, listener, options) {
    /* Use the element given to retrieve the record. */
    var record = findRecordByElement(element);

    /* Check whether any record was found and, if found, whether the event exists. */
    if (record && event in record.listeners) {
        /* Cache the index of the listener inside the event array. */
        var index = record.listeners[event].indexOf(listener);

        /* Check whether listener is not -1. */
        if (~index) {
            /* Delete the listener from the event array. */
            record.listeners[event].splice(index, 1);

        /* Check whether the event array is empty or not. */
        if (!record.listeners[event].length) {
            /* Delete the event array. */
            delete record.listeners[event];

    /* Add the event listener to the element. */
    element.removeEventListener(event, listener, options);


window.onload = function () {_x000D_
    /* Cache the test element. */_x000D_
    element = document.getElementById("test"),_x000D_
    /* Create an event listener. */_x000D_
    listener = function (e) {_x000D_
      console.log(e.type + "triggered!");_x000D_
  /* Insert the listener to the element. */_x000D_
  insertListener(element, "mouseover", listener);_x000D_
  /* Log whether the listener exists. */_x000D_
  console.log(listenerExists(element, "mouseover", listener));_x000D_
  /* Remove the listener from the element. */_x000D_
  removeListener(element, "mouseover", listener);_x000D_
  /* Log whether the listener exists. */_x000D_
  console.log(listenerExists(element, "mouseover", listener));_x000D_
<!-- Include the Custom Event Storage file -->_x000D_
<script src = ""></script>_x000D_
<!-- A Test HTML element -->_x000D_
<div id = "test" style = "background:#000; height:50px; width: 50px"></div>

Although more than 5 years have passed since the OP posted the question, I believe people who stumble upon it in the future will benefit from this answer, so feel free to make suggestions or improvements to it.

C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation

I use explicit interface implementation most of the time. Here are the main reasons.

Refactoring is safer

When changing an interface, it's better if the compiler can check it. This is harder with implicit implementations.

Two common cases come to mind:

  • Adding a function to an interface, where an existing class that implements this interface already happens to have a method with the same signature as the new one. This can lead to unexpected behavior, and has bitten me hard several times. It's difficult to "see" when debugging because that function is likely not located with the other interface methods in the file (the self-documenting issue mentioned below).

  • Removing a function from an interface. Implicitly implemented methods will be suddenly dead code, but explicitly implemented methods will get caught by compile error. Even if the dead code is good to keep around, I want to be forced to review it and promote it.

It's unfortunate that C# doesn't have a keyword that forces us to mark a method as an implicit implementation, so the compiler could do the extra checks. Virtual methods don't have either of the above problems due to required use of 'override' and 'new'.

Note: for fixed or rarely-changing interfaces (typically from vendor API's), this is not a problem. For my own interfaces, though, I can't predict when/how they will change.

It's self-documenting

If I see 'public bool Execute()' in a class, it's going to take extra work to figure out that it's part of an interface. Somebody will probably have to comment it saying so, or put it in a group of other interface implementations, all under a region or grouping comment saying "implementation of ITask". Of course, that only works if the group header isn't offscreen..

Whereas: 'bool ITask.Execute()' is clear and unambiguous.

Clear separation of interface implementation

I think of interfaces as being more 'public' than public methods because they are crafted to expose just a bit of the surface area of the concrete type. They reduce the type to a capability, a behavior, a set of traits, etc. And in the implementation, I think it's useful to keep this separation.

As I am looking through a class's code, when I come across explicit interface implementations, my brain shifts into "code contract" mode. Often these implementations simply forward to other methods, but sometimes they will do extra state/param checking, conversion of incoming parameters to better match internal requirements, or even translation for versioning purposes (i.e. multiple generations of interfaces all punting down to common implementations).

(I realize that publics are also code contracts, but interfaces are much stronger, especially in an interface-driven codebase where direct use of concrete types is usually a sign of internal-only code.)

Related: Reason 2 above by Jon.

And so on

Plus the advantages already mentioned in other answers here:


It's not all fun and happiness. There are some cases where I stick with implicits:

  • Value types, because that will require boxing and lower perf. This isn't a strict rule, and depends on the interface and how it's intended to be used. IComparable? Implicit. IFormattable? Probably explicit.
  • Trivial system interfaces that have methods that are frequently called directly (like IDisposable.Dispose).

Also, it can be a pain to do the casting when you do in fact have the concrete type and want to call an explicit interface method. I deal with this in one of two ways:

  1. Add publics and have the interface methods forward to them for the implementation. Typically happens with simpler interfaces when working internally.
  2. (My preferred method) Add a public IMyInterface I { get { return this; } } (which should get inlined) and call foo.I.InterfaceMethod(). If multiple interfaces that need this ability, expand the name beyond I (in my experience it's rare that I have this need).

Converting String Array to an Integer Array

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

class MultiArg {

    Scanner sc;
    int n;
    String as;
    List<Integer> numList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    public void fun() {
        sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("enter value");
        while (sc.hasNextInt())
            as = sc.nextLine();

    public void diplay() {
        Integer[] num = numList.toArray(new Integer[numList.size()]);
        System.out.println("show value " + as);
        for (Integer m : num) {
            System.out.println("\t" + m);

but to terminate the while loop you have to put any charecter at the end of input.

ex. input:

12 34 56 78 45 67 .


12 34 56 78 45 67

Finding out current index in EACH loop (Ruby)

x.each_with_index { |v, i| puts "current index...#{i}" }

How to create a file in Linux from terminal window?

Depending on what you want the file to contain:

  • touch /path/to/file for an empty file
  • somecommand > /path/to/file for a file containing the output of some command.

      eg: grep --help > randomtext.txt
          echo "This is some text" > randomtext.txt
  • nano /path/to/file or vi /path/to/file (or any other editor emacs,gedit etc)
    It either opens the existing one for editing or creates & opens the empty file to enter, if it doesn't exist

Create the file using cat

$ cat > myfile.txt

Now, just type whatever you want in the file:

Hello World!

CTRL-D to save and exit

There are several possible solutions:

Create an empty file

touch file


echo -n > file

printf '' > file

The echo version will work only if your version of echo supports the -n switch to suppress newlines. This is a non-standard addition. The other examples will all work in a POSIX shell.

Create a file containing a newline and nothing else

echo '' > file

printf '\n' > file

This is a valid "text file" because it ends in a newline.

Write text into a file

"$EDITOR" file

echo 'text' > file

cat > file <<END \

printf 'text\n' > file

These are equivalent. The $EDITOR command assumes that you have an interactive text editor defined in the EDITOR environment variable and that you interactively enter equivalent text. The cat version presumes a literal newline after the \ and after each other line. Other than that these will all work in a POSIX shell.

Of course there are many other methods of writing and creating files, too.

How can I force browsers to print background images in CSS?

The below code works well for me (at least for Chrome).

I also added some margin and page orientation controls.(portrait, landscape)

<style type="text/css" media="print">
@media print {
  body {-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;}
@page {
    size:A4 landscape;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    margin: 0;
    -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;

Combine Points with lines with ggplot2

The following example using the iris dataset works fine:

dat = melt(subset(iris, select = c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width", "Species")),
      id.vars = "Species")
ggplot(aes(x = 1:nrow(iris), y = value, color = variable), data = dat) +  
      geom_point() + geom_line()

enter image description here

Increment counter with loop

The varStatus references to LoopTagStatus which has a getIndex() method.


<c:forEach var="tableEntity" items='${requestScope.tables}' varStatus="outer">
   <c:forEach var="rowEntity" items='${tableEntity.rows}' varStatus="inner">            
        <c:out value="${(outer.index * fn:length(tableEntity.rows)) + inner.index}" />

See also:

How to convert IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML?

You can do it by 1st converting the notebook into HTML and then into PDF format:

Following steps I have implemented on: OS: Ubuntu, Anaconda-Jupyter notebook, Python 3

1 Save Notebook in HTML format:

  1. Start the jupyter notebook that you want to save in HTML format. First save the notebook properly so that HTML file will have a latest saved version of your code/notebook.

  2. Run the following command from the notebook itself:

    !jupyter nbconvert --to html your_notebook_name.ipynb

After execution will create HTML version of your notebook and will save it in the current working directory. You will see one html file will be added into the current directory with your_notebook_name.html name

(your_notebook_name.ipynb --> your_notebook_name.html).

2 Save html as PDF:

  1. Now open that your_notebook_name.html file (click on it). It will be opened in a new tab of your browser.
  2. Now go to print option. From here you can save this file in pdf file format.

Note that from print option we also have the flexibility of selecting a portion of a notebook to save in pdf format.

How to get the real path of Java application at runtime?

     * return application path
     * @return
    public static String getApplcatonPath(){
        CodeSource codeSource = MainApp.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
        File rootPath = null;
        try {
            rootPath = new File(codeSource.getLocation().toURI().getPath());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return rootPath.getParentFile().getPath();
    }//end of getApplcatonPath()

Setting a backgroundImage With React Inline Styles

If you are using ES5 -

backgroundImage: "url(" + Background + ")"

If you are using ES6 -

backgroundImage: `url(${Background})`

Basically removing unnecessary curly braces while adding value to backgroundImage property works will work.

Unable to get provider

you should be sure

to add this line at your manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

Setting timezone in Python

For windows you can use:

Running Windows command prompt commands in python.

import os
os.system('tzutil /s "Central Standard Time"')

In windows command prompt try:

This gives current timezone:

tzutil /g

This gives a list of timezones:

tzutil /l

This will set the timezone:

tzutil /s "Central America Standard Time"

For further reference:

How to compile and run C in sublime text 3?

After a rigorous code-hunting session over the internet, I finally came up with a solution which lets you compile + run your C code "together at once", in C99, in a dedicated terminal window. I know, a few people dont like C99. I dont like a few people either.

In most of the cases Sublime compiles and runs the code, but in C90 or a lesser version. So if you specifically want it to be C99, this is the way to go.

NOTE: Btw, I did this on a Windows machine, cannot guarantee for others! It probably won't work there.

1. Create a new build system in Sublime: Tools > Build System > New Build System...

New Build System

2. A new file called untitled.sublime-build would be created.

Most probably, Sublime will open it for you.

If not, go to Preferences > Browse Packages > User

Open new sublime-build

If the file untitled.sublime-build is there, then open it, if it isn't there, then create it manually and open it.

3. Copy and paste the given below code in the above mentioned untitled.sublime-build file and save it.

        "cmd": ["gcc","-std=c99" ,"$file_name","-o", "${file_base_name}.exe", "-lm", "-Wall", "&","start", "${file_base_name}.exe"]
    "selector" : "source.c",
    "shell": true,
    "working_dir" : "$file_path",

Close the file. You are almost done!

4. Finally rename your file from untitled.sublime-build to myC.sublime-build, or you might as well show your creativity here. Just keep the file extension same.

5. Finally set the current Build System to the filename which you wrote in the previous step. In this case, it is myC

Update current build system

Voila ! Compile + Run your C code using C99 by Tools > Build , or by simply pressing Ctrl + B

Should I use alias or alias_method?

A year after asking the question comes a new article on the subject:

It seems that "so many men, so many minds." From the former article author encourages to use alias_method, while the latter suggests using alias.

However there's a common overview of these methods in both blogposts and answers above:

  • use alias when you want to limit aliasing to the scope where it's defined
  • use alias_method to allow inherited classes to access it

How to set maximum fullscreen in vmware?

From you main machine, start -> search -> "remote desktop connection" -> click on "remote desktop connection" -> Click "Options" Beside to "Connect Button" -> Display Tab - > Then increase Display Configuriton Size. If this will not work, try the same thing by closing remote desktop. But this will give you solution.

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

To follow up on Robert's answer, this is even later, but you can use a static helper class to make the runtime check once only per type:

public bool Foo<T>() where T : class

private static class FooHelper<TInterface> where TInterface : class
    static FooHelper()
        if (!typeof(TInterface).IsInterface)
            throw // ... some exception
    public static void Foo() { /*...*/ }

I also note that your "should work" solution does not, in fact, work. Consider:

public bool Foo<T>() where T : IBase;
public interface IBase { }
public interface IActual : IBase { string S { get; } }
public class Actual : IActual { public string S { get; set; } }

Now there's nothing stopping you from calling Foo thus:


The Actual class, after all, satisfies the IBase constraint.

Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP

I believe Stefan's answer is right on. If you want to remove only one node (rather than all matching nodes), here is another example:

//Load XML from file (or it could come from a POST, etc.)
$xml = simplexml_load_file('fileName.xml');

//Use XPath to find target node for removal
$target = $xml->xpath("//seg[@id=$uniqueIdToDelete]");

//If target does not exist (already deleted by someone/thing else), halt
return; //Returns null

//Import simpleXml reference into Dom & do removal (removal occurs in simpleXML object)
$domRef = dom_import_simplexml($target[0]); //Select position 0 in XPath array

//Format XML to save indented tree rather than one line and save
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;

Note that sections Load XML... (first) and Format XML... (last) could be replaced with different code depending on where your XML data comes from and what you want to do with the output; it is the sections in between that find a node and remove it.

In addition, the if statement is only there to ensure that the target node exists before trying to move it. You could choose different ways to handle or ignore this case.

Converting a double to an int in C#

Because Convert.ToInt32 rounds:

Return Value: rounded to the nearest 32-bit signed integer. If value is halfway between two whole numbers, the even number is returned; that is, 4.5 is converted to 4, and 5.5 is converted to 6.

...while the cast truncates:

When you convert from a double or float value to an integral type, the value is truncated.

Update: See Jeppe Stig Nielsen's comment below for additional differences (which however do not come into play if score is a real number as is the case here).

tsc is not recognized as internal or external command

Me too faced the same problem. Use nodeJS command prompt instead of windows command prompt.

Step 1: Execute the npm install -g typescript

Step 2: tsc filename.ts

New file will be create same name and different extension as ".js"

Step 3: node filename.js

You can see output in screen. It works for me.

How to avoid HTTP error 429 (Too Many Requests) python

if response.status_code == 429:

Not Able To Debug App In Android Studio

Over the years I have visited this thread many times and there was always a different response that helped me. This time I figure out that it's my USB hub that was preventing debugger to work properly. As strange as it sounds, instead of having a phone connected to my computer via a USB hub, I had to connect it directly to my mac and debugging started to work.

VBScript to send email without running Outlook

You can send email without Outlook in VBScript using the CDO.Message object. You will need to know the address of your SMTP server to use this:

Set MyEmail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")

MyEmail.From="[email protected]"
MyEmail.To="[email protected]"
MyEmail.TextBody="Testing one two three."

MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")=2

'SMTP Server
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")=""

'SMTP Port
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")=25 


set MyEmail=nothing

If your SMTP server requires a username and password then paste these lines in above the MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update line:

'SMTP Auth (For Windows Auth set this to 2)
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")=1
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")="username" 
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("")="password"

More information on using CDO to send email with VBScript can be found on the link below:

Why is sed not recognizing \t as a tab?

I used this on Mac:

sed -i '' $'$i\\\n\\\thello\n' filename

Used this link for reference


You can simply add DISTINCT in front.


if you want to sort,


How can I trigger the click event of another element in ng-click using angularjs?

If you are getting $scope binding errors make sure you wrap the click event code on a setTimeout Function.


<input id="upload"
    style="display: none;">

<button type="button"


$scope.clickUpload = function(){
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);

Detecting a redirect in ajax request?

The AJAX request never has the opportunity to NOT follow the redirect (i.e., it must follow the redirect). More information can be found in this answer

How to config routeProvider and locationProvider in angularJS?

AngularJS provides a simple and concise way to associate routes with controllers and templates using a $routeProvider object. While recently updating an application to the latest release (1.2 RC1 at the current time) I realized that $routeProvider isn’t available in the standard angular.js script any longer.

After reading through the change log I realized that routing is now a separate module (a great move I think) as well as animation and a few others. As a result, standard module definitions and config code like the following won’t work any longer if you’re moving to the 1.2 (or future) release:

var app = angular.module('customersApp', []);

app.config(function ($routeProvider) {

    $routeProvider.when('/', {
        controller: 'customersController',
        templateUrl: '/app/views/customers.html'


How do you fix it?

Simply add angular-route.js in addition to angular.js to your page (grab a version of angular-route.js here – keep in mind it’s currently a release candidate version which will be updated) and change the module definition to look like the following:

var app = angular.module('customersApp', ['ngRoute']);

If you’re using animations you’ll need angular-animation.js and also need to reference the appropriate module:

 var app = angular.module('customersApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate']);

Your Code can be as follows:

    var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']);   

    app.config(function($routeProvider) {

        .when('/controllerone', {
                controller: 'friendDetails',
                templateUrl: 'controller3.html'

            }, {
                controller: 'friendsName',
                templateUrl: 'controller3.html'


        .when('/controllerTwo', {
            controller: 'simpleControoller',
            templateUrl: 'views.html'
        .when('/controllerThree', {
            controller: 'simpleControoller',
            templateUrl: 'view2.html'
            redirectTo: '/'


Alternate table with new not null Column in existing table in SQL

There are two ways to add the NOT NULL Columns to the table :

  1. ALTER the table by adding the column with NULL constraint. Fill the column with some data. Ex: column can be updated with ''

  2. ALTER the table by adding the column with NOT NULL constraint by giving DEFAULT values. ALTER table TableName ADD NewColumn DataType NOT NULL DEFAULT ''

Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?

Try Add Exception: FireFox -> Tools -> Advanced -> View Certificates -> Servers -> Add Exception.

Appending to an object

You can use spread syntax as follows..

var alerts = { 
1: { app: 'helloworld', message: 'message' },
2: { app: 'helloagain', message: 'another message' }

alerts = {...alerts, 3: {app: 'hey there', message: 'another message'} }

Getting the exception value in Python

If you don't know the type/origin of the error, you can try:

import sys
    print('Error: {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[0]))

But be aware, you'll get pep8 warning:

[W] PEP 8 (E722): do not use bare except

Check if a variable is of function type

jQuery (deprecated since version 3.3) Reference


AngularJS Reference


Lodash Reference


Underscore Reference


Node.js deprecated since v4.0.0 Reference

var util = require('util');

Master Page Weirdness - "Content controls have to be top-level controls in a content page or a nested master page that references a master page."

Just got this problem. It was because we had a tag ending with double slashes:


HTML - how can I show tooltip ONLY when ellipsis is activated

I have CSS class, which determines where to put ellipsis. Based on that, I do the following (element set could be different, i write those, where ellipsis is used, of course it could be a separate class selector):

$(document).on('mouseover', 'input, td, th', function() {
    if ($(this).css('text-overflow') && typeof $(this).attr('title') === 'undefined') {
        $(this).attr('title', $(this).val());

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link

The syntax is

EXEC mySchema.myPackage.myProcedure@myRemoteDB( 'someParameter' );

Enable CORS in fetch api

Browser have cross domain security at client side which verify that server allowed to fetch data from your domain. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin not available in response header, browser disallow to use response in your JavaScript code and throw exception at network level. You need to configure cors at your server side.

You can fetch request using mode: 'cors'. In this situation browser will not throw execption for cross domain, but browser will not give response in your javascript function.

So in both condition you need to configure cors in your server or you need to use custom proxy server.

Running Git through Cygwin from Windows

I confirm that git and msysgit can coexist on the same computer, as mentioned in "Which GIT version to use cygwin or msysGit or both?".

  1. Git for Windows (msysgit) will run in its own shell (dos with git-cmd.bat or bash with Git Bash.vbs)
    Update 2016: msysgit is obsolete, and the new Git for Windows now uses msys2

  2. Git on Cygwin, after installing its package, will run in its own cygwin bash shell.

git package selection on Cygwin

  1. Finally, since Q3 2016 and the "Windows 10 anniversary update", you can use Git in a bash (an actual Ubuntu(!) bash).

In there, you can do a sudo apt-get install git-core and start using git on project-sources present either on the WSL container's "native" file-system (see below), or in the hosting Windows's file-system through the /mnt/c/..., /mnt/d/... directory hierarchies.

Specifically for the Bash on Windows or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):

  • It is a light-weight virtualization container (technically, a "Drawbridge" pico-process,
  • hosting an unmodified "headless" Linux distribution (i.e. Ubuntu minus the kernel),
  • which can execute terminal-based commands (and even X-server client apps if an X-server for Windows is installed),
  • with emulated access to the Windows file-system (meaning that, apart from reduced performance, encodings for files in DrvFs emulated file-system may not behave the same as files on the native VolFs file-system).

How do I import an existing Java keystore (.jks) file into a Java installation?

to load a KeyStore, you'll need to tell it the type of keystore it is (probably jceks), provide an inputstream, and a password. then, you can load it like so:

KeyStore ks  = KeyStore.getInstance(TYPE_OF_KEYSTORE);
ks.load(new FileInputStream(PATH_TO_KEYSTORE), PASSWORD);

this can throw a KeyStoreException, so you can surround in a try block if you like, or re-throw. Keep in mind a keystore can contain multiple keys, so you'll need to look up your key with an alias, here's an example with a symmetric key:

SecretKeyEntry entry = (KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry)ks.getEntry(SOME_ALIAS,new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(SOME_PASSWORD));
SecretKey someKey = entry.getSecretKey();

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1

in my case, some characters like " , :"'{}[] " maybe corrupt the JSON format, so use try json.loads(str) except to check your input

google maps v3 marker info window on mouseover

Thanks to duncan answer, I end up with this:

marker.addListener('mouseover', () =>, marker))
marker.addListener('mouseout', () => infoWindow.close())

How do I combine two data-frames based on two columns?

See the documentation on ?merge, which states:

By default the data frames are merged on the columns with names they both have, 
 but separate specifications of the columns can be given by by.x and by.y.

This clearly implies that merge will merge data frames based on more than one column. From the final example given in the documentation:

x <- data.frame(k1=c(NA,NA,3,4,5), k2=c(1,NA,NA,4,5), data=1:5)
y <- data.frame(k1=c(NA,2,NA,4,5), k2=c(NA,NA,3,4,5), data=1:5)
merge(x, y, by=c("k1","k2")) # NA's match

This example was meant to demonstrate the use of incomparables, but it illustrates merging using multiple columns as well. You can also specify separate columns in each of x and y using by.x and by.y.

Connect to mysql on Amazon EC2 from a remote server

It could be that you have not configured the Amazon Security Group assigned to your EC2 Instance to accept incoming requests on port 3306 (default port for MySQL).

If this is the case then you can easily open up the port for the security group in a few button clicks:

1) Log into you AWS Console and go to 'EC2'

2) On the left hand menu under 'Network & Security' go to 'Security Groups'

3) Check the Security Group in question

4) Click on 'Inbound tab'

5) Choose 'MYSQL' from drop down list and click 'Add Rule'

Might not be the reason but worth a go...

How to get root view controller?

if you are trying to access the rootViewController you set in your appDelegate. try this:


YourViewController *rootController = (YourViewController*)[[(YourAppDelegate*)
                                   [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate] window] rootViewController];


let appDelegate  = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as AppDelegate
let viewController = appDelegate.window!.rootViewController as YourViewController

Swift 3

let appDelegate  = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let viewController = appDelegate.window!.rootViewController as! YourViewController

Swift 4 & 4.2

let viewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.rootViewController as! YourViewController

Swift 5 & 5.1 & 5.2

let viewController =!.rootViewController as! YourViewController

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
("0" + (date.getDay())).slice(-2);

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

You can execute parallel jobs in Powershell 2 using Background Jobs. Check out Start-Job and the other job cmdlets.

# Loop through the server list
Get-Content "ServerList.txt" | %{

  # Define what each job does
  $ScriptBlock = {
    Test-Path "\\$pipelinePassIn\c`$\Something"
    Start-Sleep 60

  # Execute the jobs in parallel
  Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $_


# Wait for it all to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running")
  Start-Sleep 10

# Getting the information back from the jobs
Get-Job | Receive-Job

Determining complexity for recursive functions (Big O notation)

One of the best ways I find for approximating the complexity of the recursive algorithm is drawing the recursion tree. Once you have the recursive tree:

Complexity = length of tree from root node to leaf node * number of leaf nodes
  1. The first function will have length of n and number of leaf node 1 so complexity will be n*1 = n
  2. The second function will have the length of n/5 and number of leaf nodes again 1 so complexity will be n/5 * 1 = n/5. It should be approximated to n

  3. For the third function, since n is being divided by 5 on every recursive call, length of recursive tree will be log(n)(base 5), and number of leaf nodes again 1 so complexity will be log(n)(base 5) * 1 = log(n)(base 5)

  4. For the fourth function since every node will have two child nodes, the number of leaf nodes will be equal to (2^n) and length of the recursive tree will be n so complexity will be (2^n) * n. But since n is insignificant in front of (2^n), it can be ignored and complexity can be only said to be (2^n).

  5. For the fifth function, there are two elements introducing the complexity. Complexity introduced by recursive nature of function and complexity introduced by for loop in each function. Doing the above calculation, the complexity introduced by recursive nature of function will be ~ n and complexity due to for loop n. Total complexity will be n*n.

Note: This is a quick and dirty way of calculating complexity(nothing official!). Would love to hear feedback on this. Thanks.

Anaconda site-packages

I installed miniconda and found all the installed packages in /miniconda3/pkgs

Why can't I push to this bare repository?

Yes, the problem is that there are no commits in "bare". This is a problem with the first commit only, if you create the repos in the order (bare,alice). Try doing:

git push --set-upstream origin master

This would only be required the first time. Afterwards it should work normally.

As Chris Johnsen pointed out, you would not have this problem if your push.default was customized. I like upstream/tracking.

how to use math.pi in java

You're missing the multiplication operator. Also, you want to do 4/3 in floating point, not integer math.

volume = (4.0 / 3) * Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 3);
           ^^      ^

How to split csv whose columns may contain ,

You could split on all commas that do have an even number of quotes following them.

You would also like to view at the specf for CSV format about handling comma's.

Useful Link : C# Regex Split - commas outside quotes

Android Canvas: drawing too large bitmap

This solution worked for me.

Add these lines in your Manifest application tag



How to start color picker on Mac OS?

You can call up the color picker from any Cocoa application (TextEdit, Mail, Keynote, Pages, etc.) by hitting Shift-Command-C

The following article explains more about using Mac OS's Color Picker.

conflicting types for 'outchar'

It's because you haven't declared outchar before you use it. That means that the compiler will assume it's a function returning an int and taking an undefined number of undefined arguments.

You need to add a prototype pf the function before you use it:

void outchar(char);  /* Prototype (declaration) of a function to be called */  int main(void) {     ... }  void outchar(char ch) {     ... } 

Note the declaration of the main function differs from your code as well. It's actually a part of the official C specification, it must return an int and must take either a void argument or an int and a char** argument.

How to get progress from XMLHttpRequest

One of the most promising approaches seems to be opening a second communication channel back to the server to ask it how much of the transfer has been completed.

Define an alias in fish shell

fish starts by executing commands in ~/.config/fish/ You can create it if it does not exist:

vim ~/.config/fish/

and save it with :wq

step1. make configuration file (like .bashrc)

step2. just write your alias like this;

alias rm="rm -i"

"Undefined reference to" template class constructor

This link explains where you're going wrong:

[35.12] Why can't I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?

Place the definition of your constructors, destructors methods and whatnot in your header file, and that will correct the problem.

This offers another solution:

How can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?

However this requires you to anticipate how your template will be used and, as a general solution, is counter-intuitive. It does solve the corner case though where you develop a template to be used by some internal mechanism, and you want to police the manner in which it is used.

Using "super" in C++

I won't say much except present code with comments that demonstrates that super doesn't mean calling base!

super != base.

In short, what is "super" supposed to mean anyway? and then what is "base" supposed to mean?

  1. super means, calling the last implementor of a method (not base method)
  2. base means, choosing which class is default base in multiple inheritance.

This 2 rules apply to in class typedefs.

Consider library implementor and library user, who is super and who is base?

for more info here is working code for copy paste into your IDE:

#include <iostream>

// Library defiens 4 classes in typical library class hierarchy
class Abstract
    virtual void f() = 0;

class LibraryBase1 :
    virtual public Abstract
    void f() override
        std::cout << "Base1" << std::endl;

class LibraryBase2 :
    virtual public Abstract
    void f() override
        std::cout << "Base2" << std::endl;

class LibraryDerivate :
    public LibraryBase1,
    public LibraryBase2
    // base is meaningfull only for this class,
    // this class decides who is my base in multiple inheritance
    using base = LibraryBase1;

    // this is super! base is not super but base!
    using super = LibraryDerivate;

    void f() override
        std::cout << "I'm super not my Base" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Calling my *default* base: " << std::endl;

// Library user
struct UserBase :
    public LibraryDerivate
    // NOTE: If user overrides f() he must update who is super, in one class before base!
    using super = UserBase; // this typedef is needed only so that most derived version
    // is called, which calls next super in hierarchy.
    // it's not needed here, just saying how to chain "super" calls if needed

    // NOTE: User can't call base, base is a concept private to each class, super is not.
    using base = LibraryDerivate; // example of typedefing base.


struct UserDerived :
    public UserBase
    // NOTE: to typedef who is super here we would need to specify full name
    // when calling super method, but in this sample is it's not needed.

    // Good super is called, example of good super is last implementor of f()
    // example of bad super is calling base (but which base??)
    void f() override

int main()
    UserDerived derived;
    // derived calls super implementation because that's what
    // "super" is supposed to mean! super != base

    // Yes it work with polymorphism!
    Abstract* pUser = new LibraryDerivate;

    Abstract* pUserBase = new UserBase;

Another important point here is this:

  1. polymorphic call: calls downward
  2. super call: calls upwards

inside main() we use polymorphic call downards that super calls upwards, not really useful in real life, but it demonstrates the difference.

Converting between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.Date

the following seems to work when converting from new API LocalDateTime into

Date.from(ZonedDateTime.of({time as LocalDateTime}, ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());

the reverse conversion can be (hopefully) achieved similar way...

hope it helps...

WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

Have you tried using basicHttpBinding instead of wsHttpBinding? If do not need any authentication and the Ws-* implementations are not required, you'd probably be better off with plain old basicHttpBinding. WsHttpBinding implements WS-Security for message security and authentication.

How to find the array index with a value?

In a multidimensional array.

Reference array:

var array = [
    { ID: '100', },
    { ID: '200', },
    { ID: '300', },
    { ID: '400', },
    { ID: '500', }

Using filter and indexOf:

var in_array = array.filter(function(item) { 
    return item.ID == '200' // look for the item where ID is equal to value
var index = array.indexOf(in_array[0]);

Looping through each item in the array using indexOf:

for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    var item= array[i];
    if (item.ID == '200') { 
        var index = array.indexOf(item);

How do I use vim registers?

I use the default register to grep for text in my vim window without having to reach for the mouse.

  1. yank text
  2. :!grep "<CTRL-R>0"<CR>

404 Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server

In my case (running the server locally on windows) I needed to clean the cache after changing the httpd.conf file.

\modules\apache\bin> ./htcacheclean.exe -t

Make footer stick to bottom of page using Twitter Bootstrap

Here is an example using css3:


html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
#wrap {
    padding: 10px;
    min-height: -webkit-calc(100% - 100px);     /* Chrome */
    min-height: -moz-calc(100% - 100px);     /* Firefox */
    min-height: calc(100% - 100px);     /* native */
.footer {
    position: relative;


<div id="wrap">
    <div class="container clear-top">
       body content....
<footer class="footer">
    footer content....


Why does this iterative list-growing code give IndexError: list assignment index out of range?

I think the Python method insert is what you're looking for:

Inserts element x at position i. list.insert(i,x)

array = [1,2,3,4,5]



# prints [1,2,20,3,4,5]

Get elements by attribute when querySelectorAll is not available without using libraries?

You could write a function that runs getElementsByTagName('*'), and returns only those elements with a "data-foo" attribute:

function getAllElementsWithAttribute(attribute)
  var matchingElements = [];
  var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
  for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; i++)
    if (allElements[i].getAttribute(attribute) !== null)
      // Element exists with attribute. Add to array.
  return matchingElements;



No Activity found to handle Intent : android.intent.action.VIEW

If you have these error in your logcat then use these code it help me

 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
            intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(data.getLocation())), "audio/*");
            try {
            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                Log.d("error", e.getMessage());


   Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.INTENT_ACTION_MUSIC_PLAYER);
            intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(data.getLocation())), "audio/*");
            try {
            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                Log.d("error", e.getMessage());

Centering the image in Bootstrap

.img-responsive {
     margin: 0 auto;

you can write like above code in your document so no need to add one another class in image tag.

Is it possible to use "return" in stored procedure?

-- IN arguments : you get them. You can modify them locally but caller won't see it
-- IN OUT arguments: initialized by caller, already have a value, you can modify them and the caller will see it
-- OUT arguments: they're reinitialized by the procedure, the caller will see the final value.
   x:=x * p;
   y:=4 * p;


   foo number := 30;
   bar number := 0;
   dbms_output.put_line(foo || ' ' || bar);

-- Procedure output can be collected from variables x and y (ans1:= x and ans2:=y) will be: 150 and 20 respectively.

-- Answer borrowed from:

string comparison in batch file

Just put quotes around the Environment variable (as you have done) :
if "%DevEnvDir%" == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\"
but it's the way you put opening bracket without a space that is confusing it.

Works for me...

C:\if "%gtk_basepath%" == "C:\Program Files\GtkSharp\2.12\" (echo yes)

jquery $('.class').each() how many items?

If you are using a version of jQuery that is less than version 1.8 you can use the $('.class').size() which takes zero parameters. See documentation for more information on .size() method.

However if you are using (or plan to upgrade) to 1.8 or greater you can use $('.class').length property. See documentation for more information on .length property.

How to make external HTTP requests with Node.js

I would combine node-http-proxy and express.

node-http-proxy will support a proxy inside your node.js web server via RoutingProxy (see the example called Proxy requests within another http server).

Inside your custom server logic you can do authentication using express. See the auth sample here for an example.

Combining those two examples should give you what you want.

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation

I will suggest to implement both client and server validation it keeps project more secure......if i have to choose one i will go with server side validation.

You can find some relevant information here

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

            <h3 class="form-signin-heading"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Register</h3>
            <button data-placement="top" id="signin_student" onclick="window.location='signup_student.php'" id="btn_student" name="login" class="btn btn-info" type="submit">Student</button>
            <div class="pull-right">
                <button data-placement="top" id="signin_teacher" onclick="window.location='guru/signup_teacher.php'" name="login" class="btn btn-info" type="submit">Teacher</button>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                $('#signin_student').tooltip('show'); $('#signin_student').tooltip('hide');
            <script type="text/javascript">
                $('#signin_teacher').tooltip('show'); $('#signin_teacher').tooltip('hide');

Skip over a value in the range function in python

what you could do, is put an if statement around everything inside the loop that you want kept away from the 50. e.g.

for i in range(0, len(list)):
    if i != 50:
        x= listRow(list, i)
        for j in range (#0 to len(list) not including x#)

DateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff") resulted in something like "09/14/2013"

Is it because some culture format issue?

Yes. Your user must be in a culture where the time separator is a dot. Both ":" and "/" are interpreted in a culture-sensitive way in custom date and time formats.

How can I make sure the result string is delimited by colon instead of dot?

I'd suggest specifying CultureInfo.InvariantCulture:

string text = dateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff",

Alternatively, you could just quote the time and date separators:

string text = dateTime.ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss.fff");

... but that will give you "interesting" results that you probably don't expect if you get users running in a culture where the default calendar system isn't the Gregorian calendar. For example, take the following code:

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;

class Test
    static void Main()        
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("ar-SA"); // Saudi Arabia
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;

That produces output (on September 18th 2013) of:

11/12/1434 15:04:31.750

My guess is that your web service would be surprised by that!

I'd actually suggest not only using the invariant culture, but also changing to an ISO-8601 date format:

string text = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff");

This is a more globally-accepted format - it's also sortable, and makes the month and day order obvious. (Whereas 06/07/2013 could be interpreted as June 7th or July 6th depending on the reader's culture.)

css rotate a pseudo :after or :before content:""

Inline elements can't be transformed, and pseudo elements are inline by default, so you must apply display: block or display: inline-block to transform them:

#whatever:after {
  content: "\24B6";
  display: inline-block;
  transform: rotate(30deg);
<div id="whatever">Some text </div>

PHP equivalent of .NET/Java's toString()

The documentation says that you can also do:

$str = "$foo";

It's the same as cast, but I think it looks prettier.


Setting different color for each series in scatter plot on matplotlib

This works for me:

for each series, use a random rgb colour generator

c = color[np.random.random_sample(), np.random.random_sample(), np.random.random_sample()]

MongoDB: How to query for records where field is null or not set?

db.employe.find({ $and:[ {"dept":{ $exists:false }, "empno": { $in:[101,102] } } ] }).count();

What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java?

You could write a little join-style utility method that works on java.util.Lists

public static String join(List<String> list, String delim) {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    String loopDelim = "";

    for(String s : list) {


        loopDelim = delim;

    return sb.toString();

Then use it like so:

    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    if( condition )        list.add("elementName");
    if( anotherCondition ) list.add("anotherElementName");

    join(list, ",");

Prolog "or" operator, query

Just another viewpoint. Performing an "or" in Prolog can also be done with the "disjunct" operator or semi-colon:

registered(X, Y) :-
    X = ct101; X = ct102; X = ct103.

For a fuller explanation:

Predicate control in Prolog

org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2?

Could this exception be thrown during an unfinished transaction, where your application is attempting to create an entity with a duplicate field to the identifier you are using to try find a single entity?

In this case the new (duplicate) entity will not be visible in the database as the transaction won't have, and will never be committed to the db. The exception will still be thrown however.

Chrome DevTools Devices does not detect device when plugged in

Chrome appears to have bug renegotiating the device authentication. You can try disabling USB Debugging and enabling it again. Sometimes you'll get a pop-up asking you to trust your computer key again.

Or you can go to your Android SDK and run adb devices which will force a renegotiation.

After either (or both), Chrome should start working.

TextView bold via xml file?

Just you need to use 

//for bold

//for italic

//for normal


Python Variable Declaration

Variables have scope, so yes it is appropriate to have variables that are specific to your function. You don't always have to be explicit about their definition; usually you can just use them. Only if you want to do something specific to the type of the variable, like append for a list, do you need to define them before you start using them. Typical example of this.

list = []
for i in stuff:

By the way, this is not really a good way to setup the list. It would be better to say:

list = [i for i in stuff] # list comprehension

...but I digress.

Your other question. The custom object should be a class itself.

class CustomObject(): # always capitalize the class name...this is not syntax, just style.
customObj = CustomObject()

How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap?

This piece of code helps.

Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),

Here a version where the image gets downloaded.

String name = c.getString(str_url);
URL url_value = new URL(name);
ImageView profile = (ImageView)v.findViewById(;
if (profile != null) {
    Bitmap mIcon1 =

hardcoded string "row three", should use @string resource

It is not good practice to hard code strings into your layout files/ code. You should add them to a string resource file and then reference them from your layout.

  1. This allows you to update every occurrence of the same word in all
    layouts at the same time by just editing your strings.xml file.
  2. It is also extremely useful for supporting multiple languages as a separate strings.xml file can be used for each supported language
  3. the actual point of having the @string system please read over the localization documentation. It allows you to easily locate text in your app and later have it translated.
  4. Strings can be internationalized easily, allowing your application to support multiple languages with a single application package file (APK).


  • Lets say you used same string in 10 different locations in the code. What if you decide to alter it? Instead of searching for where all it has been used in the project you just change it once and changes are reflected everywhere in the project.
  • Strings don’t clutter up your application code, leaving it clear and easy to maintain.

Scrollbar without fixed height/Dynamic height with scrollbar

I have Similar issue with PrimeNG p_Dialog content and i fixed by below style for the contentStyle

height: 'calc(100vh - 127px)'

How to Get Element By Class in JavaScript?

This should work in pretty much any browser...

function getByClass (className, parent) {
  parent || (parent=document);
  var descendants=parent.getElementsByTagName('*'), i=-1, e, result=[];
  while (e=descendants[++i]) {
    ((' '+(e['class']||e.className)+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') > -1) && result.push(e);
  return result;

You should be able to use it like this:

function replaceInClass (className, content) {
  var nodes = getByClass(className), i=-1, node;
  while (node=nodes[++i]) node.innerHTML = content;

Changing datagridview cell color based on condition

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvWebData.Rows)
    if (Convert.ToString(row.Cells["IssuerName"].Value) != Convert.ToString(row.Cells["SearchTermUsed"].Value))
        row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
        row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White;

This Perfectly worked for me . even if a row is changed, same event takes care.

Get installed applications in a system

My requirement is to check if specific software is installed in my system. This solution works as expected. It might help you. I used a windows application in c# with visual studio 2015.

 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            object line;
            string softwareinstallpath = string.Empty;
            string registry_key = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
            using (var baseKey = Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64))
                using (var key = baseKey.OpenSubKey(registry_key))
                    foreach (string subkey_name in key.GetSubKeyNames())
                        using (var subKey = key.OpenSubKey(subkey_name))
                            line = subKey.GetValue("DisplayName");
                            if (line != null && (line.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("SPARK")))

                                softwareinstallpath = subKey.GetValue("InstallLocation").ToString();

                MessageBox.Show("The Mirth connect software not installed in this system.")

            string targetPath = softwareinstallpath + @"\custom-lib\";
            string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"D:\BaseFiles");

            // Copy the files and overwrite destination files if they already exist. 
            foreach (var item in files)
                string srcfilepath = item;
                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item);
                System.IO.File.Copy(srcfilepath, targetPath + fileName, true);


How to install Android SDK on Ubuntu?

Option 1:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install android-sdk

The location of Android SDK on Linux can be any of the following:

  • /home/AccountName/Android/Sdk

  • /usr/lib/android-sdk

  • /Library/Android/sdk/

  • /Users/[USER]/Library/Android/sdk

Option 2:

  • Download the Android Studio.

  • Extract downloaded .zip file.

    The extracted folder name will read somewhat like android-studio

To keep navigation easy, move this folder to Home directory.

  • After moving, copy the moved folder by right clicking it. This action will place folder's location to clipboard.

  • Use Ctrl Alt T to open a terminal

  • Go to this folder's directory using cd /home/(USER NAME)/android-studio/bin/

  • Type this command to make executable: chmod +x

  • Type ./

A pop up will be shown asking for installation settings. In my particular case, it is a fresh install so I'll go with selecting I do not have a previous version of Studio or I do not want to import my settings.

If you choose to import settings anyway, you may need to close any old project which is opened in order to get a working Android SDK.

./ popup

From now onwards, setup wizard will guide you.

Android studio setup wizard

Android Studio can work with both Open JDK and Oracle's JDK (recommended). Incase, Open JDK is installed the wizard will recommend installing Oracle Java JDK because some UI and performance issues are reported while using OpenJDK.

The downside with Oracle's JDK is that it won't update with the rest of your system like OpenJDK will.

The wizard may also prompt about the input problems with IDEA .

Select install type

Select Android studio install type

Verify installation settings

Verify Android studio installation settings

An emulator can also be configured as needed.

Android studio emulator configuration prompt

The wizard will start downloading the necessary SDK tools

The wizard may also show an error about Linux 32 Bit Libraries, which can be solved by using the below command:

sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1

After this, all the required components will be downloaded and installed automatically.

After everything is upto the mark, just click finish

Completed installation of Android studio

To make a Desktop icon, go to 'Configure' and then click 'Create Desktop Entry'

Creating Android studio desktop icon

Creating Android studio desktop icon for one or multiple users


Pandas Merging 101

This post will go through the following topics:

  • how to correctly generalize to multiple DataFrames (and why merge has shortcomings here)
  • merging on unique keys
  • merging on non-unqiue keys


Generalizing to multiple DataFrames

Oftentimes, the situation arises when multiple DataFrames are to be merged together. Naively, this can be done by chaining merge calls:

df1.merge(df2, ...).merge(df3, ...)

However, this quickly gets out of hand for many DataFrames. Furthermore, it may be necessary to generalise for an unknown number of DataFrames.

Here I introduce pd.concat for multi-way joins on unique keys, and DataFrame.join for multi-way joins on non-unique keys. First, the setup.

# Setup.
A = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'valueA': np.random.randn(4)})    
B = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['B', 'D', 'E', 'F'], 'valueB': np.random.randn(4)})
C = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['D', 'E', 'J', 'C'], 'valueC': np.ones(4)})
dfs = [A, B, C] 

# Note, the "key" column values are unique, so the index is unique.
A2 = A.set_index('key')
B2 = B.set_index('key')
C2 = C.set_index('key')

dfs2 = [A2, B2, C2]

Multiway merge on unique keys

If your keys (here, the key could either be a column or an index) are unique, then you can use pd.concat. Note that pd.concat joins DataFrames on the index.

# merge on `key` column, you'll need to set the index before concatenating
    df.set_index('key') for df in dfs], axis=1, join='inner'

  key    valueA    valueB  valueC
0   D  2.240893 -0.977278     1.0

# merge on `key` index
pd.concat(dfs2, axis=1, sort=False, join='inner')

       valueA    valueB  valueC
D    2.240893 -0.977278     1.0

Omit join='inner' for a FULL OUTER JOIN. Note that you cannot specify LEFT or RIGHT OUTER joins (if you need these, use join, described below).

Multiway merge on keys with duplicates

concat is fast, but has its shortcomings. It cannot handle duplicates.

A3 = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'D'], 'valueA': np.random.randn(5)})
pd.concat([df.set_index('key') for df in [A3, B, C]], axis=1, join='inner')
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (3, 4), indices imply (3, 2)

In this situation, we can use join since it can handle non-unique keys (note that join joins DataFrames on their index; it calls merge under the hood and does a LEFT OUTER JOIN unless otherwise specified).

# join on `key` column, set as the index first
# For inner join. For left join, omit the "how" argument.
    [df.set_index('key') for df in (B, C)], how='inner').reset_index()

  key    valueA    valueB  valueC
0   D  2.240893 -0.977278     1.0

# join on `key` index
A3.set_index('key').join([B2, C2], how='inner')

       valueA    valueB  valueC
D    1.454274 -0.977278     1.0
D    0.761038 -0.977278     1.0

Continue Reading

Jump to other topics in Pandas Merging 101 to continue learning:

* you are here

Node.js - use of module.exports as a constructor

This question doesn't really have anything to do with how require() works. Basically, whatever you set module.exports to in your module will be returned from the require() call for it.

This would be equivalent to:

var square = function(width) {
  return {
    area: function() {
      return width * width;

There is no need for the new keyword when calling square. You aren't returning the function instance itself from square, you are returning a new object at the end. Therefore, you can simply call this function directly.

For more intricate arguments around new, check this out: Is JavaScript's "new" keyword considered harmful?

Python dict how to create key or append an element to key?

Use dict.setdefault():



        D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D

How to serve up a JSON response using Go?

You can do something like this in you getJsonResponse function -

jData, err := json.Marshal(Data)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

Some values are serialized differently between simplejson and json.

Notably, instances of collections.namedtuple are serialized as arrays by json but as objects by simplejson. You can override this behaviour by passing namedtuple_as_object=False to simplejson.dump, but by default the behaviours do not match.

>>> import collections, simplejson, json
>>> TupleClass = collections.namedtuple("TupleClass", ("a", "b"))
>>> value = TupleClass(1, 2)
>>> json.dumps(value)
'[1, 2]'
>>> simplejson.dumps(value)
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
>>> simplejson.dumps(value, namedtuple_as_object=False)
'[1, 2]'

MVC ajax post to controller action method

try this:

/////// Controller post and get simple text value 
    public string Contact(string message)
        return "<h1>Hi,</h1>we got your message, <br />" + message + " <br />Thanks a lot";

//// in the view add reference to the Javascript (jQuery) files

@section Scripts{

<script src="~/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.intellisense.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>  

/// then add the Post method as following:

<script type="text/javascript"> 

/// post and get text value
$("#send").on("click", function () {    
$.post('', { message: $('#msg').val() })  

//// empty post('') means post to the default controller, 
///we are not pacifying different action or controller
/// however we can define a url as following:
/// var url = "@(Url.Action("GetDataAction", "GetDataController"))"

         .done(function (response) {
        .error(function () { alert('Error') })
        .success(function () { alert('OK') })
        return false;

Now let's say you want to do it using $.Ajax and JSON:

// Post JSON data  add using System.Net;
    public JsonResult JsonFullName(string fname, string lastname)
        var data = "{ \"fname\" : \"" + fname  + " \" , \"lastname\" : \"" + lastname + "\" }";
//// you have to add the JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet 
 //// otherwise it will throw an exception on run-time.
        return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);  

Then, inside your view: add the event click on a an input of type button, or even a from submit: Just make sure your JSON data is well formatted.

  $("#jsonGetfullname").on("click", function () { 
            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            url: "@(Url.Action("JsonFullName", "Home"))",
            data: "{ \"fname\" : \"Mahmoud\" , \"lastname\" : \"Sayed\" }",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (data) {
                var res = $.parseJSON(data);
                $("#myform").html("<h3>Json data: <h3>" + res.fname + ", " + res.lastname)
            error: function (xhr, err) {
                alert("readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "\nstatus: " + xhr.status);
                alert("responseText: " + xhr.responseText);

What is a "method" in Python?

To understand methods you must first think in terms of object oriented programming: Let's take a car as a a class. All cars have things in common and things that make them unique, for example all cars have 4 wheels, doors, a steering wheel.... but Your individual car (Lets call it, my_toyota) is red, goes from 0-60 in 5.6s Further the car is currently located at my house, the doors are locked, the trunk is empty... All those are properties of the instance of my_toyota. your_honda might be on the road, trunk full of groceries ...

However there are things you can do with the car. You can drive it, you can open the door, you can load it. Those things you can do with a car are methods of the car, and they change a properties of the specific instance.

as pseudo code you would do:

to change the location from my home to the shop or

my_toyota.load([milk, butter, bread]

by this the trunk is now loaded with [milk, butter, bread].

As such a method is practically a function that acts as part of the object:

class Car(vehicle)
    n_wheels = 4

    load(self, stuff):
    '''this is a method, to load stuff into the trunk of the car'''

the code then would be:

my_toyota = Car(red)
my_shopping = [milk, butter, bread]

Grep and Python

Adapted from a grep in python.

Accepts a list of filenames via [2:], does no exception handling:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re, sys, os

for f in filter(os.path.isfile, sys.argv[2:]):
    for line in open(f).readlines():
        if re.match(sys.argv[1], line):
            print line

sys.argv[1] resp sys.argv[2:] works, if you run it as an standalone executable, meaning

chmod +x


HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?

To answer my own question: to release the connection (and any other resources associated with the request) you must close the InputStream returned by the HttpEntity:

InputStream is = entity.getContent();

.... process the input stream ....

is.close();       // releases all resources

From the docs

How do you serve a file for download with AngularJS or Javascript?

Would just like to add that in case it doesn't download the file because of unsafe:blob:null... when you hover over the download button, you have to sanitize it. For instance,

var app = angular.module('app', []);



Mockito: List Matchers with generics

Before Java 8 (versions 7 or 6) I use the new method ArgumentMatchers.anyList:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers;

verify(mock, atLeastOnce()).process(ArgumentMatchers.<Bar>anyList());

How to move up a directory with Terminal in OS X

To move up a directory, the quickest way would be to add an alias to ~/.bash_profile

alias ..='cd ..'

and then one would need only to type '..[return]'.

How to make the corners of a button round?

if you are using vector drawables, then you simply need to specify a <corners> element in your drawable definition. I have covered this in a blog post.

If you are using bitmap / 9-patch drawables then you'll need to create the corners with transparency in the bitmap image.

How to put php inside JavaScript?

All the explanations above doesn't work if you work with .js files. If you want to parse PHP into .js files, you have to make changes on your server by modfiying the .htaccess in which the .js files reside using the following commands:

<FilesMatch "\.(js)$">
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .js

Then, a file test.js files containing the following code will execute .JS on client side with the parsed PHP on server-side:

function myFunction(){
   alert("Hello World!");
<button onclick="myFunction()"><?php echo "My button";?></button>

Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

How do I launch the Android emulator from the command line?

On Mac (and Linux I think), after you have created your AVD, you can make an alias: alias run-android='~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -avd ${YOUR_AVD_NAME} &'

Note: the execution of the alias will not lock your terminal, if you want that, just remove the last '&'.

Run emulator it self will give you an error because he expect that, in your current position, you have: /emulator/qemu/${YOUR_PATFORM}/qemu-system-x86_64' to start the emulator.

How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#?

    byte[] buf;  // byte array
    Stream stream=Page.Request.InputStream;  //initialise new stream
    buf = new byte[stream.Length];  //declare arraysize
    stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); // read from stream to byte array

Android device chooser - My device seems offline

I had a similar problem in Android Studio 0.2.2 (IntelliJ). On Windows 7 my Nexus 7 did not appear in device chooser although it was fine on my Mac. I could also browse my Nexus 7 in Windows Explorer.

In the end I needed to install the Asus USB drivers for the Nexus 7 (link):

After that ADB detected my Nexus and everything worked as expected.

how to loop through rows columns in excel VBA Macro

This one is similar to @Wilhelm's solution. The loop automates based on a range created by evaluating the populated date column. This was slapped together based strictly on the conversation here and screenshots.

Please note: This assumes that the headers will always be on the same row (row 8). Changing the first row of data (moving the header up/down) will cause the range automation to break unless you edit the range block to take in the header row dynamically. Other assumptions include that VOL and CAPACITY formula column headers are named "Vol" and "Cap" respectively.

Sub Loop3()

Dim dtCnt As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim frmlas() As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'The following code block sets up the formula output range
dtCnt = Sheets("Loop").Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row              'lowest date column populated
endHead = Sheets("Loop").Range("XFD8").End(xlToLeft).Column         'right most header populated
Set rng = Sheets("Loop").Range(Cells(9, 2), Cells(dtCnt, endHead))  'assigns range for automation

ReDim frmlas(1)      'array assigned to formula strings
    'VOL column formula
frmlas(0) = "VOL FORMULA"
    'CAPACITY column formula
frmlas(1) = "CAP FORMULA"

For i = 1 To rng.Columns.count
If rng(0, i).Value = "Vol" Then         'checks for volume formula column
    For j = 1 To rng.Rows.count
        rng(j, i).Formula= frmlas(0)    'inserts volume formula
    Next j
ElseIf rng(0, i).Value = "Cap" Then     'checks for capacity formula column
    For j = 1 To rng.Rows.count
        rng(j, i).Formula = frmlas(1)   'inserts capacity formula
    Next j
End If
Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

FIX CSS <!--[if lt IE 8]> in IE

I found cascading it works great for multibrowser detection.

This code was used to change a fade to show/hide in ie 8 7 6.

    if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 8.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         { if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 7.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         {if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 6.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         { $('#shop').hover(function() {
        $(".glow").stop(true).fadeTo("400ms", 1);
    }, function() {
        $(".glow").stop(true).fadeTo("400ms", 0.2);});

Python send UDP packet

Your code works as is for me. I'm verifying this by using netcat on Linux.

Using netcat, I can do nc -ul 5005 which will listen for packets at:

  • IP:
  • Port: 5005
  • Protocol: UDP

That being said, here's the output that I see when I run your script, while having netcat running.

[9:34am][wlynch@watermelon ~] nc -ul 5005
Hello, World!

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11" with g++

Seeing from your G++ version, you need to update it badly. C++11 has only been available since G++ 4.3. The most recent version is 4.7.

In versions pre-G++ 4.7, you'll have to use -std=c++0x, for more recent versions you can use -std=c++11.

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

Haskell: difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)

What is the difference between the dot (.) and the dollar sign ($)?. As I understand it, they are both syntactic sugar for not needing to use parentheses.

They are not syntactic sugar for not needing to use parentheses - they are functions, - infixed, thus we may call them operators.

Compose, (.), and when to use it.

(.) is the compose function. So

result = (f . g) x

is the same as building a function that passes the result of its argument passed to g on to f.

h = \x -> f (g x)
result = h x

Use (.) when you don't have the arguments available to pass to the functions you wish to compose.

Right associative apply, ($), and when to use it

($) is a right-associative apply function with low binding precedence. So it merely calculates the things to the right of it first. Thus,

result = f $ g x

is the same as this, procedurally (which matters since Haskell is evaluated lazily, it will begin to evaluate f first):

h = f
g_x = g x
result = h g_x

or more concisely:

result = f (g x)

Use ($) when you have all the variables to evaluate before you apply the preceding function to the result.

We can see this by reading the source for each function.

Read the Source

Here's the source for (.):

-- | Function composition.
{-# INLINE (.) #-}
-- Make sure it has TWO args only on the left, so that it inlines
-- when applied to two functions, even if there is no final argument
(.)    :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)

And here's the source for ($):

-- | Application operator.  This operator is redundant, since ordinary
-- application @(f x)@ means the same as @(f '$' x)@. However, '$' has
-- low, right-associative binding precedence, so it sometimes allows
-- parentheses to be omitted; for example:
-- >     f $ g $ h x  =  f (g (h x))
-- It is also useful in higher-order situations, such as @'map' ('$' 0) xs@,
-- or @'Data.List.zipWith' ('$') fs xs@.
{-# INLINE ($) #-}
($)                     :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x                   =  f x


Use composition when you do not need to immediately evaluate the function. Maybe you want to pass the function that results from composition to another function.

Use application when you are supplying all arguments for full evaluation.

So for our example, it would be semantically preferable to do

f $ g x

when we have x (or rather, g's arguments), and do:

f . g

when we don't.

Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

To create not optional data I recommend using it:

let key = "1234567"
let keyData = Data(key.utf8)

Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

Of course. The whole idea of abstract classes is that they can contain some behaviour or data which you require all sub-classes to contain. Think of the simple example of WheeledVehicle - it should have a numWheels member variable. You want all sub classes to have this variable. Remember that abstract classes are a very useful feature when developing APIs, as they can ensure that people who extend your API won't break it.

Dump a NumPy array into a csv file

if you want to write in column:

    for x in np.nditer(a.T, order='C'): 

Here 'a' is the name of numpy array and 'file' is the variable to write in a file.

If you want to write in row:

    writer= csv.writer(file, delimiter=',')
    for x in np.nditer(a.T, order='C'): 

clientHeight/clientWidth returning different values on different browsers

What I did to fix my issue with clientHeight is to use the clientHight of the controls firstChild. I use IE 11 to print labels from a database and the clientHeight that worked in IE 8 was returning the height of 0 in IE 11. I found a property in that control that was listed as firstChild and that had a property if clientHeight and actually had the height I was looking for. So if your control is returning a clientSize of 0 take a look at the property of its firstChild. It helped me...

Using Notepad++ to validate XML against an XSD

  1. In Notepad++ go to Plugins > Plugin manager > Show Plugin Manager then find Xml Tools plugin. Tick the box and click Install

    enter image description here

  2. Open XML document you want to validate and click Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M (Or use Menu if this is your preference Plugins > XML Tools > Validate Now).
    Following dialog will open: enter image description here

  3. Click on .... Point to XSD file and I am pretty sure you'll be able to handle things from here.

Hope this saves you some time.

EDIT: Plugin manager was not included in some versions of Notepad++ because many users didn't like commercials that it used to show. If you want to keep an older version, however still want plugin manager, you can get it on github, and install it by extracting the archive and copying contents to plugins and updates folder.
In version 7.7.1 plugin manager is back under a different guise... Plugin Admin so now you can simply update notepad++ and have it back.

enter image description here

A failure occurred while executing

Try this, in Android Studio

File > Invalidate Caches/Restart... 

How to create javascript delay function

You do not need to use an anonymous function with setTimeout. You can do something like this:

setTimeout(doSomething, 3000);

function doSomething() {
   //do whatever you want here

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

Yes they can if they're compiled under an arm linux first or using a cross compiler. Debian arm versatile works, there's also arm-eabi for compiling under x86 linux to arm linux.

INSERT INTO...SELECT for all MySQL columns

don't you need double () for the values bit? if not try this (although there must be a better way

insert into this_table_archive (id, field_1, field_2, field_3) 
((select id from this_table where entry_date < '2001-01-01'), 
((select field_1 from this_table where entry_date < '2001-01-01'), 
((select field_2 from this_table where entry_date < '2001-01-01'), 
((select field_3 from this_table where entry_date < '2001-01-01'));

state machines tutorials

I prefer using function pointers over gigantic switch statements, but in contrast to qrdl's answer I normally don't use explicit return codes or transition tables.

Also, in most cases you'll want a mechanism to pass along additional data. Here's an example state machine:

#include <stdio.h>

struct state;
typedef void state_fn(struct state *);

struct state
    state_fn * next;
    int i; // data

state_fn foo, bar;

void foo(struct state * state)
    printf("%s %i\n", __func__, ++state->i);
    state->next = bar;

void bar(struct state * state)
    printf("%s %i\n", __func__, ++state->i);
    state->next = state->i < 10 ? foo : 0;

int main(void)
    struct state state = { foo, 0 };

ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher

For Windows 7:

I got through this error "Module error Crypo.Cipher import AES"

To install Pycrypto in Windows,

Try this in Command Prompt,

Set path=C:\Python27\Scripts (i.e path where easy_install is located)

Then execute the following,

easy_install pycrypto

For Ubuntu:

Try this,

Download Pycrypto from ""

Then change your current path to downloaded path using your terminal:

Eg: root@xyz-virtual-machine:~/pycrypto-2.6.1#

Then execute the following using the terminal:

python install

It's worked for me. Hope works for all..

Groovy built-in REST/HTTP client?

If your needs are simple and you want to avoid adding additional dependencies you may be able to use the getText() methods that Groovy adds to the class:

new URL("").getText()

// or

new URL("")
        .getText(connectTimeout: 5000, 
                readTimeout: 10000, 
                useCaches: true, 
                allowUserInteraction: false, 
                requestProperties: ['Connection': 'close'])

If you are expecting binary data back there is also similar functionality provided by the newInputStream() methods.