[git] Renaming a branch in GitHub

Another way is to rename the following files:

  1. Navigate your project directory.
  2. Rename .git/refs/head/[branch-name] to .git/refs/head/new-branch-name.
  3. Rename .git/refs/remotes/[all-remote-names]/[branch-name] to .git/refs/remotes/[all-remote-names]/new-branch-name.

Rename head and remotes both on your local PC and on origins(s)/remote server(s).

Branch is now renamed (local and remote!)


If your current branch-name contains slashes (/) Git will create the directories like so:

current branch-name: "awe/some/branch"

  • .git/refs/head/awe/some/branch
  • .git/refs/remotes/[all-remote-names]/awe/some/branch

wish branch-name: "new-branch-name"

  1. Navigate your project directory.
  2. Copy the branch file from .git/refs/*/awe/some/.
  3. Put it in .git/refs/head/.
  4. Copy the branch file from all of .git/refs/remotes/*/awe/some/.
  5. Put them in .git/refs/remotes/*/.
  6. Rename all copied branch files to new-branch-name.
  7. Check if the directory and file structure now looks like this:
  • .git/refs/head/new-branch-name
  • .git/refs/remotes/[all-remote-names]/new-branch-name
  1. Do the same on all your remote origins/servers (if they exist)
  • Info: on remote-servers there are usually no refs/remotes/* directories because you're already on remote-server ;) (Well, maybe in advanced Git configurations it might be possible, but I have never seen that)

Branch is now renamed from awe/some/branch to new-branch-name (local and remote!)

Directories in branch-name got removed.

Information: This way might not be the best, but it still works for people who might have problems with the other ways

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