[javascript] Convert form data to JavaScript object with jQuery

I found a problem with the selected solution.

When using forms that have array based names the jQuery serializeArray() function actually dies.

I have a PHP framework that uses array-based field names to allow for the same form to be put onto the same page multiple times in multiple views. This can be handy to put both add, edit and delete on the same page without conflicting form models.

Since I wanted to seralize the forms without having to take this absolute base functionality out I decided to write my own seralizeArray():

        var $vals = {};

        $("#video_edit_form input").each(function(i){
            var name = $(this).attr("name").replace(/editSingleForm\[/i, '');

            name = name.replace(/\]/i, '');

                case "text":
                    $vals[name] = $(this).val();
                case "checkbox":
                        $vals[name] = $(this).val();
                case "radio":
                        $vals[name] = $(this).val();

Please note: This also works outside of form submit() so if an error occurs in the rest of your code the form won't submit if you place on a link button saying "save changes".

Also note that this function should never be used to validate the form only to gather the data to send to the server-side for validation. Using such weak and mass-assigned code WILL cause XSS, etc.

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