[angular] Angular 6 Material mat-select change method removed

In Angular Material Design 6, the (change) method was removed. I cant find how to replace the change method to execute code in the component when the user change selection Thanks!

This question is related to angular angular6

The answer is

If you're using Reactive forms you can listen for changes to the select control like so..

this.form.get('mySelectControl').valueChanges.subscribe(value => { ... do stuff ... })

For me (selectionChange) and the suggested (onSelectionChange) didn't work and I'm not using ReactiveForms. What I ended up doing was using the (valueChange) event like:

<mat-select (valueChange)="someFunction()">

And this worked for me


1) mat-select (selectionChange)="myFunction()" works in angular as:


 <mat-select placeholder="Select your option" [(ngModel)]="option" name="action" 
     <mat-option *ngFor="let option of actions" [value]="option">


onChange() {
  //Do something

2) Simple html select (change)="myFunction()" works in angular as:


<select (change)="onChange()" [(ngModel)]="regObj.status">


onChange() {
  //Do something

I have this issue today with mat-option-group. The thing which solved me the problem is using in other provided event of mat-select : valueChange

I put here a little code for understanding :

<mat-form-field >
  <mat-label>Filter By</mat-label>
  <mat-select  panelClass="" #choosedValue (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)"> <!-- (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)" instead of (change) or other event-->

    <mat-option >-- None --</mat-option>
      <mat-optgroup  *ngFor="let group of filterData" [label]="group.viewValue"
                    style = "background-color: #0c5460">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of group.options" [value]="option.value">

Mat Version:

"@angular/material": "^6.4.7",