Programs & Examples On #Xmlstarlet

XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using simple set of shell commands in similar way it is done for plain text files using UNIX grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc commands.

Where does this come from: -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- is a Python 2 thing. In Python 3+, the default encoding of source files is already UTF-8 and that line is useless.

See: Should I use encoding declaration in Python 3?

pyupgrade is a tool you can run on your code to remove those comments and other no-longer-useful leftovers from Python 2, like having all your classes inherit from object.

How to make two plots side-by-side using Python?

Check this page out:

plt.subplots is similar. I think it's better since it's easier to set parameters of the figure. The first two arguments define the layout (in your case 1 row, 2 columns), and other parameters change features such as figure size:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x1 = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0)
x2 = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0)
y1 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x1) * np.exp(-x1)
y2 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x2)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(5, 3))
axes[0].plot(x1, y1)
axes[1].plot(x2, y2)

enter image description here

Convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour plus AM/PM indication Oracle SQL

For the 24-hour time, you need to use HH24 instead of HH.

For the 12-hour time, the AM/PM indicator is written as A.M. (if you want periods in the result) or AM (if you don't). For example:

SELECT invoice_date,
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Date 24Hr",
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "Date 12Hr"
  FROM invoices

For more information on the format models you can use with TO_CHAR on a date, see

The differences between initialize, define, declare a variable

For C, at least, per C11 6.7.5:

A declaration specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set of identifiers. A definition of an identifier is a declaration for that identifier that:

  • for an object, causes storage to be reserved for that object;

  • for a function, includes the function body;

  • for an enumeration constant, is the (only) declaration of the identifier;

  • for a typedef name, is the first (or only) declaration of the identifier.

Per C11

An initializer specifies the initial value stored in an object ... if an object that has automatic storage is not initialized explicitly, its value is indeterminate.

So, broadly speaking, a declaration introduces an identifier and provides information about it. For a variable, a definition is a declaration which allocates storage for that variable.

Initialization is the specification of the initial value to be stored in an object, which is not necessarily the same as the first time you explicitly assign a value to it. A variable has a value when you define it, whether or not you explicitly give it a value. If you don't explicitly give it a value, and the variable has automatic storage, it will have an initial value, but that value will be indeterminate. If it has static storage, it will be initialized implicitly depending on the type (e.g. pointer types get initialized to null pointers, arithmetic types get initialized to zero, and so on).

So, if you define an automatic variable without specifying an initial value for it, such as:

int myfunc(void) {
    int myvar;

You are defining it (and therefore also declaring it, since definitions are declarations), but not initializing it. Therefore, definition does not equal declaration plus initialization.

Sending HTML email using Python

Simplest solution for sending email from Organizational account in Office 365:

from O365 import Message

html_template =     """ 

final_html_data = html_template.format(df.to_html(index=False))

o365_auth = ('','Password')
m = Message(auth=o365_auth)
m.setSubject('Weekly report')

here df is a dataframe converted to html Table, which is being injected to html_template

Regular Expression for alphanumeric and underscores

To match a string that contains only those characters (or an empty string), try


This works for .NET regular expressions, and probably a lot of other languages as well.

Breaking it down:

^ : start of string
[ : beginning of character group
a-z : any lowercase letter
A-Z : any uppercase letter
0-9 : any digit
_ : underscore
] : end of character group
* : zero or more of the given characters
$ : end of string

If you don't want to allow empty strings, use + instead of *.

As others have pointed out, some regex languages have a shorthand form for [a-zA-Z0-9_]. In the .NET regex language, you can turn on ECMAScript behavior and use \w as a shorthand (yielding ^\w*$ or ^\w+$). Note that in other languages, and by default in .NET, \w is somewhat broader, and will match other sorts of Unicode characters as well (thanks to Jan for pointing this out). So if you're really intending to match only those characters, using the explicit (longer) form is probably best.

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

I've figured out another approach using css and javascript itself.
This is just to start tinkering with classes and ids.

The CSS snippet:
1. Create a css ID rule, and name it #jsDis.
2. Use the "content" property to generate a text after the BODY element. (You can style this as you wish).
3 Create a 2nd css ID rule and name it #jsEn, and stylize it. (for the sake of simplicity, I gave to my #jsEn rule a different background color.

#jsDis:after {
    content:"Javascript is Disable. Please turn it ON!";
    font:bold 11px Verdana;

#jsEn {

#jsEn:after {
    content:"Javascript is Enable. Well Done!";
    font:bold 11px Verdana;

The JavaScript snippet:
1. Create a function.
2. Grab the BODY ID with getElementById and assign it to a variable.
3. Using the JS function 'setAttribute', change the value of the ID attribute of the BODY element.

function jsOn() {
    var chgID = document.getElementById('jsDis');
    chgID.setAttribute('id', 'jsEn');

The HTML part.
1. Name the BODY element attribute with the ID of #jsDis.
2. Add the onLoad event with the function name. (jsOn()).

<body id="jsDis" onLoad="jsOn()">

Because of the BODY tag has been given the ID of #jsDis:
- If Javascript is enable, it will change by himself the attribute of the BODY tag.
- If Javascript is disable, it will show the css 'content:' rule text.

You can play around with a #wrapper container, or with any DIV that use JS.

Hope this helps to get the idea.

Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery

Roland Bouman's answer is the best, simple Vanilla way. I noticed some attempts at jQ plugs, but they just didn't seem "full" enough to me, so I made my own. The only setback so far has been inability to access dynamically added attrs without directly calling elm.attr('dynamicAttr'). However, this will return all natural attributes of a jQuery element object.

Plugin uses simple jQuery style calling:

// OR

You can also add a second string param for getting just one specific attr. This isn't really needed for one element selection, as jQuery already provides $(elm).attr('name'), however, my version of a plugin allows for multiple returns. So, for instance, a call like

$.getAttrs('*', 'class');

Will result in an array [] return of objects {}. Each object will look like:

{ class: 'classes names', elm: $(elm), index: i } // index is $(elm).index()


;;(function($) {
    $.getAttrs || ($.extend({
        getAttrs: function() {
            var a = arguments,
                d, b;
            if (a.length)
                for (x in a) switch (typeof a[x]) {
                    case "object":
                        a[x] instanceof jQuery && (b = a[x]);
                    case "string":
                        b ? d || (d = a[x]) : b = $(a[x])
            if (b instanceof jQuery) {
                var e = [];
                if (1 == b.length) {
                    for (var f = 0, g = b[0].attributes, h = g.length; f < h; f++) a = g[f], e[] = a.value;
          "attrList", e);
                    d && "all" != d && (e = b.attr(d))
                } else d && "all" != d ? b.each(function(a) {
                    a = {
                        elm: $(this),
                        index: $(this).index()
                    a[d] = $(this).attr(d);
                }) : b.each(function(a) {
                    $elmRet = [];
                    for (var b = 0, d = this.attributes, f = d.length; b < f; b++) a = d[b], $elmRet[] = a.value;
                        elm: $(this),
                        index: $(this).index(),
                        attrs: $elmRet
                    $(this).data("attrList", e)
                return e
            return "Error: Cannot find Selector"
    }), $.fn.extend({
        getAttrs: function() {
            var a = [$(this)];
            if (arguments.length)
                for (x in arguments) a.push(arguments[x]);
            return $.getAttrs.apply($, a)


;;(function(c){c.getAttrs||(c.extend({getAttrs:function(){var a=arguments,d,b;if(a.length)for(x in a)switch(typeof a[x]){case "object":a[x]instanceof jQuery&&(b=a[x]);break;case "string":b?d||(d=a[x]):b=c(a[x])}if(b instanceof jQuery){if(1==b.length){for(var e=[],f=0,g=b[0].attributes,h=g.length;f<h;f++)a=g[f],e[]=a.value;"attrList",e);d&&"all"!=d&&(e=b.attr(d));for(x in e)e.length++}else e=[],d&&"all"!=d?b.each(function(a){a={elm:c(this),index:c(this).index()};a[d]=c(this).attr(d);e.push(a)}):b.each(function(a){$elmRet=[];for(var b=0,d=this.attributes,f=d.length;b<f;b++)a=d[b],$elmRet[]=a.value;e.push({elm:c(this),index:c(this).index(),attrs:$elmRet});c(this).data("attrList",e);for(x in $elmRet)$elmRet.length++});return e}return"Error: Cannot find Selector"}}),c.fn.extend({getAttrs:function(){var a=[c(this)];if(arguments.length)for(x in arguments)a.push(arguments[x]);return c.getAttrs.apply(c,a)}}))})(jQuery);


/*  BEGIN PLUGIN  */_x000D_
;;(function($) {_x000D_
 $.getAttrs || ($.extend({_x000D_
  getAttrs: function() {_x000D_
   var a = arguments,_x000D_
    c, b;_x000D_
   if (a.length)_x000D_
    for (x in a) switch (typeof a[x]) {_x000D_
     case "object":_x000D_
      a[x] instanceof f && (b = a[x]);_x000D_
     case "string":_x000D_
      b ? c || (c = a[x]) : b = $(a[x])_x000D_
   if (b instanceof f) {_x000D_
    if (1 == b.length) {_x000D_
     for (var d = [], e = 0, g = b[0].attributes, h = g.length; e < h; e++) a = g[e], d[] = a.value;_x000D_"attrList", d);_x000D_
     c && "all" != c && (d = b.attr(c));_x000D_
     for (x in d) d.length++_x000D_
    } else d = [], c && "all" != c ? b.each(function(a) {_x000D_
     a = {_x000D_
      elm: $(this),_x000D_
      index: $(this).index()_x000D_
     a[c] = $(this).attr(c);_x000D_
    }) : b.each(function(a) {_x000D_
     $elmRet = [];_x000D_
     for (var b = 0, c = this.attributes, e = c.length; b < e; b++) a = c[b], $elmRet[] = a.value;_x000D_
      elm: $(this),_x000D_
      index: $(this).index(),_x000D_
      attrs: $elmRet_x000D_
     $(this).data("attrList", d);_x000D_
     for (x in $elmRet) $elmRet.length++_x000D_
    return d_x000D_
   return "Error: Cannot find Selector"_x000D_
 }), $.fn.extend({_x000D_
  getAttrs: function() {_x000D_
   var a = [$(this)];_x000D_
   if (arguments.length)_x000D_
    for (x in arguments) a.push(arguments[x]);_x000D_
   return $.getAttrs.apply($, a)_x000D_
/*  END PLUGIN  */_x000D_
$('#bob').attr('bob', 'bill');_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
console.log($.getAttrs('#bob', 'name'));_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
console.log($.getAttrs('*', 'class'));_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
console.log(new Array(50).join(' -'));_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
All of below is just for stuff for plugin to test on. See developer console for more details._x000D_
<hr />_x000D_
<div id="bob" class="wmd-button-bar"><ul id="wmd-button-row-27865269" class="wmd-button-row" style="display:none;">_x000D_
<div class="post-text" itemprop="text">_x000D_
<p>Roland Bouman's answer is the best, simple Vanilla way. I noticed some attempts at jQ plugs, but they just didn't seem "full" enough to me, so I made my own. The only setback so far has been inability to access dynamically added attrs without directly calling <code>elm.attr('dynamicAttr')</code>. However, this will return all natural attributes of a jQuery element object.</p>_x000D_
<p>Plugin uses simple jQuery style calling:</p>_x000D_
<pre class="default prettyprint prettyprinted"><code><span class="pln">$</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">elm</span><span class="pun">).</span><span class="pln">getAttrs</span><span class="pun">();</span><span class="pln">_x000D_
</span><span class="com">// OR</span><span class="pln">_x000D_
$</span><span class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">getAttrs</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">elm</span><span class="pun">);</span></code></pre>_x000D_
<p>You can also add a second string param for getting just one specific attr. This isn't really needed for one element selection, as jQuery already provides <code>$(elm).attr('name')</code>, however, my version of a plugin allows for multiple returns. So, for instance, a call like</p>_x000D_
<pre class="default prettyprint prettyprinted"><code><span class="pln">$</span><span class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">getAttrs</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="str">'*'</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="str">'class'</span><span class="pun">);</span></code></pre>_x000D_
<p>Will result in an array <code>[]</code> return of objects <code>{}</code>. Each object will look like:</p>_x000D_
<pre class="default prettyprint prettyprinted"><code><span class="pun">{</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">class</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="str">'classes names'</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> elm</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln"> $</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">elm</span><span class="pun">),</span><span class="pln"> index</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln"> i </span><span class="pun">}</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="com">// index is $(elm).index()</span></code></pre>_x000D_

Configure DataSource programmatically in Spring Boot

My project of spring-boot has run normally according to your assistance. The yaml datasource configuration is:

  # (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties)
    name: ds-h2
    url: jdbc:h2:D:/work/workspace/fdata;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false
    username: h2
    password: h2
    driver-class: org.h2.Driver

Custom DataSource

public class DataSourceBean {

    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
    public DataSource getDataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder
//                .url("jdbc:h2:D:/work/workspace/fork/gs-serving-web-content/initial/data/fdata;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false")
//                .username("h2")
//                .password("h2")
//                .driverClassName("org.h2.Driver")

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

Use this:

var arr = $('input:checkbox:checked').map(function () {
  return this.value;

How to resize an Image C#

Why not use the System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImage method?

public Image GetThumbnailImage(
    int thumbWidth, 
    int thumbHeight, 
    Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort callback, 
    IntPtr callbackData)


Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(inputStream, true, true);
Image resizedImage = originalImage.GetThumbnailImage(newWidth, (newWidth * originalImage.Height) / originalWidth, null, IntPtr.Zero);
resizedImage.Save(imagePath, ImageFormat.Png);


Attempted to read or write protected memory

In some cases adding "Option Strict On" in VB.NET and resolving all issues it finds by proper casting has solved this problem for me.

post checkbox value

You should use

<input type="submit" value="submit" />

inside your form.

and add action into your form tag for example:

<form action="booking.php" method="post">

It's post your form into action which you choose.

From php you can get this value by


Change mysql user password using command line

Your login root should be /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf. Then try following

UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('$w0rdf1sh') WHERE user='tate256' AND Host='';

Host is your mysql host.

Android – Listen For Incoming SMS Messages

broadcast implementation on Kotlin:

 private class SmsListener : BroadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
        Log.d(TAG, "SMS Received!")

        val txt = getTextFromSms(intent?.extras)
        Log.d(TAG, "message=" + txt)

    private fun getTextFromSms(extras: Bundle?): String {
        val pdus = extras?.get("pdus") as Array<*>
        val format = extras.getString("format")
        var txt = ""
        for (pdu in pdus) {
            val smsmsg = getSmsMsg(pdu as ByteArray?, format)
            val submsg = smsmsg?.displayMessageBody
            submsg?.let { txt = "$txt$it" }
        return txt

    private fun getSmsMsg(pdu: ByteArray?, format: String?): SmsMessage? {
        return when {
            SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M -> SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format)
            else -> SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu)

    companion object {
        private val TAG =

Note: In your manifest file add the BroadcastReceiver-

<receiver android:name=".listener.SmsListener">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />

Add this permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />

jQuery - Dynamically Create Button and Attach Event Handler

Your problem is that you're converting the button into an HTML snippet when you add it to the table, but that snippet is not the same object as the one that has the click handler on it.

$("#myButton").click(function () {
    var test = $('<button>Test</button>').click(function () {

    $("#nodeAttributeHeader").css('display', 'table-row'); // NB: changed

    var tr = $('<tr>').insertBefore('#addNodeTable tr:last');
    var td = $('<td>').append(test).appendTo(tr);

MySQL - Using If Then Else in MySQL UPDATE or SELECT Queries

Whilst you certainly can use MySQL's IF() control flow function as demonstrated by dbemerlin's answer, I suspect it might be a little clearer to the reader (i.e. yourself, and any future developers who might pick up your code in the future) to use a CASE expression instead:

         WHEN A > 0 AND A < 1 THEN 1
         WHEN A > 1 AND A < 2 THEN 2
         ELSE A

Of course, in this specific example it's a little wasteful to set A to itself in the ELSE clause—better entirely to filter such conditions from the UPDATE, via the WHERE clause:

         WHEN A > 0 AND A < 1 THEN 1
         WHEN A > 1 AND A < 2 THEN 2
WHERE  (A > 0 AND A < 1) OR (A > 1 AND A < 2)

(The inequalities entail A IS NOT NULL).

Or, if you want the intervals to be closed rather than open (note that this would set values of 0 to 1—if that is undesirable, one could explicitly filter such cases in the WHERE clause, or else add a higher precedence WHEN condition):

         WHEN A BETWEEN 0 AND 1 THEN 1
         WHEN A BETWEEN 1 AND 2 THEN 2

Though, as dbmerlin also pointed out, for this specific situation you could consider using CEIL() instead:


Getting Index of an item in an arraylist; have to loop it

public int getIndex(String itemName)
    for (int i = 0; i < arraylist.size(); i++)
        AuctionItem auction = arraylist.get(i);
        if (itemName.equals(auction.getname()))
            return i;

    return -1;

Create Elasticsearch curl query for not null and not empty("")

You can use not filter on top of missing.

"query": {
  "filtered": {
     "query": {
        "match_all": {}
     "filter": {
        "not": {
           "filter": {
              "missing": {
                 "field": "searchField"

Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

List is the preferred way in java 1.5 and beyond as it can use generics. Arrays cannot have generics. Also Arrays have a pre defined length, which cannot grow dynamically. Initializing an array with a large size is not a good idea. ArrayList is the the way to declare an array with generics and it can dynamically grow. But if delete and insert is used more frequently, then linked list is the fastest data structure to be used.

Remove element by id

This is the best function to remove an element without script error:

function Remove(EId)

Note to EObj=document.getElementById(EId).

This is ONE equal sign not ==.

if element EId exists then the function removes it, otherwise it returns false, not error.

Is it better to use std::memcpy() or std::copy() in terms to performance?

Just a minor addition: The speed difference between memcpy() and std::copy() can vary quite a bit depending on if optimizations are enabled or disabled. With g++ 6.2.0 and without optimizations memcpy() clearly wins:

Benchmark             Time           CPU Iterations
bm_memcpy            17 ns         17 ns   40867738
bm_stdcopy           62 ns         62 ns   11176219
bm_stdcopy_n         72 ns         72 ns    9481749

When optimizations are enabled (-O3), everything looks pretty much the same again:

Benchmark             Time           CPU Iterations
bm_memcpy             3 ns          3 ns  274527617
bm_stdcopy            3 ns          3 ns  272663990
bm_stdcopy_n          3 ns          3 ns  274732792

The bigger the array the less noticeable the effect gets, but even at N=1000 memcpy() is about twice as fast when optimizations aren't enabled.

Source code (requires Google Benchmark):

#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

constexpr int N = 10;

void bm_memcpy(benchmark::State& state)
  std::vector<int> a(N);
  std::vector<int> r(N);

  while (state.KeepRunning())
    memcpy(,, N * sizeof(int));

void bm_stdcopy(benchmark::State& state)
  std::vector<int> a(N);
  std::vector<int> r(N);

  while (state.KeepRunning())
    std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), r.begin());

void bm_stdcopy_n(benchmark::State& state)
  std::vector<int> a(N);
  std::vector<int> r(N);

  while (state.KeepRunning())
    std::copy_n(a.begin(), N, r.begin());



/* EOF */

Removing "NUL" characters

Click Search --> Replace --> Find What: \0 Replace with: "empty" Search mode: Extended --> Replace all

Git keeps asking me for my ssh key passphrase

Try adding this to your ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
   AddKeysToAgent yes
   UseKeychain yes
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

... assuming your private key is named id_rsa

SQL select * from column where year = 2010

T-SQL and others;

select * from t where year(Columnx) = 2010

PL/SQL, how to escape single quote in a string?

You can use literal quoting:

stmt := q'[insert into MY_TBL (Col) values('ER0002')]';

Documentation for literals can be found here.

Alternatively, you can use two quotes to denote a single quote:

stmt := 'insert into MY_TBL (Col) values(''ER0002'')';

The literal quoting mechanism with the Q syntax is more flexible and readable, IMO.

How to save a Seaborn plot into a file

Just FYI, the below command worked in seaborn 0.8.1 so I guess the initial answer is still valid.

sns_plot = sns.pairplot(data, hue='species', size=3)

Django Admin - change header 'Django administration' text

Update: If you are using Django 1.7+, see the answer below.

Original answer from 2011: You need to create your own admin base_site.html template to do this. The easiest way is to create the file:


This should be a copy of the original base_site.html, except putting in your custom title:

{% block branding %}
<h1 id="site-name">{% trans 'my cool admin console' %}</h1>
{% endblock %}

For this to work, you need to have the correct settings for your project, namely in

  • Make sure /projectdir/templates/ is added into TEMPLATE_DIRS.
  • Make sure django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader is added into TEMPLATE_LOADERS.

See docs for more information on

Adding form action in html in laravel

1) In Laravel 5 , form helper is removed .You need to first install laravel collective .

Refer link:

{!! Form::open(array('route' => 'log_in')) !!}


{!! Form::open(array('route' => '/')) !!}

2) For laravel 4, form helper is already there

{{ Form::open(array('url' => '/')) }}

how to check if a file is a directory or regular file in python?

os.path.isfile("bob.txt") # Does bob.txt exist?  Is it a file, or a directory?

How to download a folder from github?

You can download a file/folder from github

Simply use: svn export <repo>/trunk/<folder>

Ex: svn export

Note: You may first list the contents of the folder in terminal using svn ls <repo>/trunk/folder

(yes, that's svn here. apparently in 2016 you still need svn to simply download some github files)

How to import a module given its name as string?

The following worked for me:

import sys, glob
fl = glob.glob('modus/*.py')
modulist = []
for i in range(len(fl)):
    fl[i] = fl[i].split('/')[1]
    fl[i] = fl[i][0:(len(fl[i])-3)]

It loads modules from the folder 'modus'. The modules have a single class with the same name as the module name. E.g. the file modus/ contains:

class modu1():
    def __init__(self):
        print self.x

The result is a list of dynamically loaded classes "adapters".

How to create an empty R vector to add new items

I've also seen

x <- {}

Now you can concatenate or bind a vector of any dimension to x

rbind(x, 1:10)
cbind(x, 1:10)
c(x, 10)

Why use the INCLUDE clause when creating an index?

You would use the INCLUDE to add one or more columns to the leaf level of a non-clustered index, if by doing so, you can "cover" your queries.

Imagine you need to query for an employee's ID, department ID, and lastname.

SELECT EmployeeID, DepartmentID, LastName
FROM Employee
WHERE DepartmentID = 5

If you happen to have a non-clustered index on (EmployeeID, DepartmentID), once you find the employees for a given department, you now have to do "bookmark lookup" to get the actual full employee record, just to get the lastname column. That can get pretty expensive in terms of performance, if you find a lot of employees.

If you had included that lastname in your index:

  ON Employee(EmployeeID, DepartmentID)
  INCLUDE (Lastname)

then all the information you need is available in the leaf level of the non-clustered index. Just by seeking in the non-clustered index and finding your employees for a given department, you have all the necessary information, and the bookmark lookup for each employee found in the index is no longer necessary --> you save a lot of time.

Obviously, you cannot include every column in every non-clustered index - but if you do have queries which are missing just one or two columns to be "covered" (and that get used a lot), it can be very helpful to INCLUDE those into a suitable non-clustered index.

Initialize Array of Objects using NSArray

There is also a shorthand of doing this:

NSArray *persons = @[person1, person2, person3];

It's equivalent to

NSArray *persons = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:person1, person2, person3, nil];

As iiFreeman said, you still need to do proper memory management if you're not using ARC.


Have you verified that there is in fact a row where Staff_Id = @PersonID? What you've posted works fine in a test script, assuming the row exists. If you comment out the insert statement, then the error is raised.

set nocount on

create table Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id int, BookedHours int, Posted_Flag bit)

insert into Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id, BookedHours, Posted_Flag) values (1, 5.5, 0)

declare @PersonID int
set @PersonID = 1

    SELECT 1    
    FROM Timesheet_Hours    
    WHERE Posted_Flag = 1    
        AND Staff_Id = @PersonID    
        RAISERROR('Timesheets have already been posted!', 16, 1)
        SELECT 1
        FROM Timesheet_Hours
        WHERE Staff_Id = @PersonID
            RAISERROR('Default list has not been loaded!', 16, 1)
            ROLLBACK TRAN
        print 'No problems here'

drop table Timesheet_Hours

How to add column to numpy array

If you have an array, a of say 210 rows by 8 columns:

a = numpy.empty([210,8])

and want to add a ninth column of zeros you can do this:

b = numpy.append(a,numpy.zeros([len(a),1]),1)

Java serialization - local class incompatible

This worked for me:

If you wrote your Serialized class object into a file, then made some changes to file and compiled it, and then you try to read an object, then this will happen.

So, write the necessary objects to file again if a class is modified and recompiled.

PS: This is NOT a solution; was meant to be a workaround.

Using member variable in lambda capture list inside a member function

An alternate method that limits the scope of the lambda rather than giving it access to the whole this is to pass in a local reference to the member variable, e.g.

auto& localGrid = grid;
int i;
for_each(groups.cbegin(),groups.cend(),[localGrid,&i](pair<int,set<int>> group){

How to get the <html> tag HTML with JavaScript / jQuery?

In addition to some of the other answers, you could also access the HTML element via:

var htmlEl = document.body.parentNode;

Then you could get the inner HTML content:

var inner = htmlEl.innerHTML;

Doing so this way seems to be marginally faster. If you are just obtaining the HTML element, however, document.body.parentNode seems to be quite a bit faster.

After you have the HTML element, you can mess with the attributes with the getAttribute and setAttribute methods.

For the DOCTYPE, you could use document.doctype, which was elaborated upon in this question.

How to use the 'main' parameter in package.json?

To answer your first question, the way you load a module is depending on the module entry point and the main parameter of the package.json.

Let's say you have the following file structure:

|-- lib
|   |-- module.js
|-- package.json

Without main parameter in the package.json, you have to load the module by giving the module entry point: require('my-npm-module/lib/module.js').

If you set the package.json main parameter as follows "main": "lib/module.js", you will be able to load the module this way: require('my-npm-module').

Creating a JSON array in C#

You're close. This should do the trick:

new {items = new [] {
    new {name = "command" , index = "X", optional = "0"}, 
    new {name = "command" , index = "X", optional = "0"}

If your source was an enumerable of some sort, you might want to do this:

new {items = source.Select(item => new 
    name = item.Name, index = item.Index, options = item.Optional

file_put_contents(meta/services.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

This issue actually caused by different users who wants to write/read file but denied cause different ownership. maybe you as 'root' installed laravel before then you login into your site as 'laravel' user where 'laravel' the default ownership, so this is the actually real issue here. So when user 'laravel' want to read/write all file in disk as default, to be denied, cause that file has ownership by 'root'.

To solving this problem you can follow like this:

sudo chown -hR your-user-name /root /nameforlder

or in my case

sudo chown -hR igmcoid /root /sublaravel


  1. root as name first ownership who installed before
  2. your-user-name as the default ownership who actually write/read in site.
  3. namefolder as name folder that want you change the ownership.

Import cycle not allowed

Here is an illustration of your first import cycle problem.

                     ^                    \    
                    /                      \
                   /                        \ 
                  /                         \/
         project/components/mux <--- project/controllers/base

As you can see with my bad ASCII chart is that you are creating an import cycle when project/components/mux imports project/controllers/account. Since Go does not support circular dependencies you get the import cycle not allowed error during compile time.

Convert InputStream to JSONObject

Here is a solution that doesn't use a loop and uses the Android API only:

InputStream inputStreamObject = PositionKeeperRequestTest.class.getResourceAsStream(jsonFileName);
byte[] data = new byte[inputStreamObject.available()];
if( == data.length) {
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(new String(data));

How to convert Django Model object to dict with its fields and values?

There are many ways to convert an instance to a dictionary, with varying degrees of corner case handling and closeness to the desired result.

1. instance.__dict__


which returns

{'_foreign_key_cache': <OtherModel: OtherModel object>,
 '_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState at 0x7ff0993f6908>,
 'auto_now_add': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 20, 21, 34, 29, 494827, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'foreign_key_id': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'normal_value': 1,
 'readonly_value': 2}

This is by far the simplest, but is missing many_to_many, foreign_key is misnamed, and it has two unwanted extra things in it.

2. model_to_dict

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

which returns

{'foreign_key': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'many_to_many': [<OtherModel: OtherModel object>],
 'normal_value': 1}

This is the only one with many_to_many, but is missing the uneditable fields.

3. model_to_dict(..., fields=...)

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
model_to_dict(instance, fields=[ for field in instance._meta.fields])

which returns

{'foreign_key': 2, 'id': 1, 'normal_value': 1}

This is strictly worse than the standard model_to_dict invocation.

4. query_set.values()


which returns

{'auto_now_add': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 20, 21, 34, 29, 494827, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'foreign_key_id': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'normal_value': 1,
 'readonly_value': 2}

This is the same output as instance.__dict__ but without the extra fields. foreign_key_id is still wrong and many_to_many is still missing.

5. Custom Function

The code for django's model_to_dict had most of the answer. It explicitly removed non-editable fields, so removing that check and getting the ids of foreign keys for many to many fields results in the following code which behaves as desired:

from itertools import chain

def to_dict(instance):
    opts = instance._meta
    data = {}
    for f in chain(opts.concrete_fields, opts.private_fields):
        data[] = f.value_from_object(instance)
    for f in opts.many_to_many:
        data[] = [ for i in f.value_from_object(instance)]
    return data

While this is the most complicated option, calling to_dict(instance) gives us exactly the desired result:

{'auto_now_add': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 20, 21, 34, 29, 494827, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'foreign_key': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'many_to_many': [2],
 'normal_value': 1,
 'readonly_value': 2}

6. Use Serializers

Django Rest Framework's ModelSerialzer allows you to build a serializer automatically from a model.

from rest_framework import serializers
class SomeModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = SomeModel
        fields = "__all__"



{'auto_now_add': '2018-12-20T21:34:29.494827Z',
 'foreign_key': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'many_to_many': [2],
 'normal_value': 1,
 'readonly_value': 2}

This is almost as good as the custom function, but auto_now_add is a string instead of a datetime object.

Bonus Round: better model printing

If you want a django model that has a better python command-line display, have your models child-class the following:

from django.db import models
from itertools import chain

class PrintableModel(models.Model):
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.to_dict())

    def to_dict(instance):
        opts = instance._meta
        data = {}
        for f in chain(opts.concrete_fields, opts.private_fields):
            data[] = f.value_from_object(instance)
        for f in opts.many_to_many:
            data[] = [ for i in f.value_from_object(instance)]
        return data

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

So, for example, if we define our models as such:

class OtherModel(PrintableModel): pass

class SomeModel(PrintableModel):
    normal_value = models.IntegerField()
    readonly_value = models.IntegerField(editable=False)
    auto_now_add = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    foreign_key = models.ForeignKey(OtherModel, related_name="ref1")
    many_to_many = models.ManyToManyField(OtherModel, related_name="ref2")

Calling SomeModel.objects.first() now gives output like this:

{'auto_now_add': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 20, 21, 34, 29, 494827, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'foreign_key': 2,
 'id': 1,
 'many_to_many': [2],
 'normal_value': 1,
 'readonly_value': 2}

How to create file object from URL object (image)

Since Java 7

File file = Paths.get(url.toURI()).toFile();

How to find rows that have a value that contains a lowercase letter

mysql> SELECT '1234aaaa578' REGEXP '^[a-z]';


LD_LIBRARY_PATH is searched when the program starts, LIBRARY_PATH is searched at link time.

caveat from comments:

Django - iterate number in for loop of a template

[Django HTML template doesn't support index as of now], but you can achieve the goal:

If you use Dictionary inside Dictionary in then iteration is possible using key as index. example:

{% for key, value in DictionartResult.items %} <!-- dictionartResult is a dictionary having key value pair-->
<tr align="center">
    <td  bgcolor="Blue"><a href={{value.ProjectName}}><b>{{value.ProjectName}}</b></a></td>
    <td> {{ value.atIndex0 }} </td>         <!-- atIndex0 is a key which will have its value , you can treat this key as index to resolve-->
    <td> {{ value.atIndex4 }} </td>
    <td> {{ value.atIndex2 }} </td>
{% endfor %}

Elseif you use List inside dictionary then not only first and last iteration can be controlled, but all index can be controlled. example:

{% for key, value in DictionaryResult.items %}
    <tr align="center">
    {% for project_data in value %}
        {% if  forloop.counter <= 13 %}  <!-- Here you can control the iteration-->
            {% if forloop.first %}
                <td bgcolor="Blue"><a href={{project_data}}><b> {{ project_data }} </b></a></td> <!-- it will always refer to project_data[0]-->
            {% else %}
                <td> {{ project_data }} </td> <!-- it will refer to all items in project_data[] except at index [0]-->
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

End If ;)

// Hope have covered the solution with Dictionary, List, HTML template, For Loop, Inner loop, If Else. Django HTML Documentaion for more methods:

Invoking a static method using reflection

public class Add {
    static int add(int a, int b){
        return (a+b);

In the above example, 'add' is a static method that takes two integers as arguments.

Following snippet is used to call 'add' method with input 1 and 2.

Class myClass = Class.forName("Add");
Method method = myClass.getDeclaredMethod("add", int.class, int.class);
Object result = method.invoke(null, 1, 2);

Reference link.

PHPExcel how to set cell value dynamically

I asume you have connected to your database already.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$row = 1; // 1-based index
while($row_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $col = 0;
    foreach($row_data as $key=>$value) {
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row, $value);

How can I make content appear beneath a fixed DIV element?

There is (at least) one wayhack to get truly dynamic height without javascript: insert the menu twice:

  • Once in the flow to position the following elements, and
  • once fixed for the desired visual effect.

<div id="the-menu-container">_x000D_
    <nav class="position-static">...</nav>_x000D_
    <nav class="position-fixed">...</nav>_x000D_

Depending on the rest of your site, you might have to tweak the z-index styles of the <nav> elements.

How to make a loop in x86 assembly language?

Use the CX register to count the loops

mov cx, 3
   cmp cx, 0
   jz endofloop
   push cx
   Call ClrScr
   pop cx
   dec cx
   jmp startloop
   ; Loop ended
   ; Do what ever you have to do here

This simply loops around 3 times calling ClrScr, pushing the CX register onto the stack, comparing to 0, jumping if ZeroFlag is set then jump to endofloop. Notice how the contents of CX is pushed/popped on/off the stack to maintain the flow of the loop.

How to add an object to an array

You are running into a scope problem if you use your code as such. You have to declare it outside the functions if you plan to use it between them (or if calling, pass it as a parameter).

var a = new Array();
var b = new Object();

function first() {
// Alternatively, a[a.length] = b
// both methods work fine

function second() {
var c = a[0];

// code
// more code
// even more code

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database


SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(testclob), '/DCResponse/ContextData/Field[@key="Decision"]') 
FROM traptabclob;

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

Simple working Example of in

Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(Me.TextBox1.Text)

How to load local html file into UIWebView

A Simple Copy-Paste code snippet:

-(void)LoadLocalHtmlFile:(NSString *)fileName onWebVu:(UIWebView*)webVu
    [webVu loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:fileName ofType:@"html"]isDirectory:NO]]];


Make sure the html file's Target membership is checked otherwise following exception will get thrown :-

enter image description here

Terminating app due to uncaught exception

'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSURL initFileURLWithPath:isDirectory:]: nil string parameter'

How to listen to the window scroll event in a VueJS component?

Actually I found a solution. I add an event listener on the scroll event when the component is created and remove the event listener when the component is destroyed.

export default {
  created () {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
  destroyed () {
    window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
  methods: {
    handleScroll (event) {
      // Any code to be executed when the window is scrolled

Hope this helps!

C# int to byte[]

using static System.Console;

namespace IntToBits
    class Program
        static void Main()
            while (true)
                string s = Console.ReadLine();
                uint i;
                bool b = UInt32.TryParse(s, out i);
                if (b) IntPrinter(i);

        static void IntPrinter(uint i)
            int[] iarr = new int [32];
            for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                uint tmp = i & (uint)Math.Pow(2, j);

                iarr[j] = (int)(tmp >> j);
            for (int j = 32; j > 0; j--)
                if(j%8==0 && j != 32)Write("|");
                if(j%4==0 && j%8 !=0) Write("'");

Component is part of the declaration of 2 modules

IN Angular 4. This error is considered as ng serve run time cache issue.

case:1 this error will occur, once you import the component in one module and again import in sub modules will occur.

case:2 Import one Component in wrong place and removed and replaced in Correct module, That time it consider as ng serve cache issue. Need to Stop the project and start -do again ng serve, It will work as expected.

How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

The command is date

To customise the output there are a myriad of options available, see date --help for a list.

For example, date '+%A %W %Y %X' gives Tuesday 34 2013 08:04:22 which is the name of the day of the week, the week number, the year and the time.

Convert List<DerivedClass> to List<BaseClass>

This is an extension to BigJim's brilliant answer.

In my case I had a NodeBase class with a Children dictionary, and I needed a way to generically do O(1) lookups from the children. I was attempting to return a private dictionary field in the getter of Children, so obviously I wanted to avoid expensive copying/iterating. Therefore I used Bigjim's code to cast the Dictionary<whatever specific type> to a generic Dictionary<NodeBase>:

// Abstract parent class
public abstract class NodeBase
    public abstract IDictionary<string, NodeBase> Children { get; }

// Implementing child class
public class RealNode : NodeBase
    private Dictionary<string, RealNode> containedNodes;

    public override IDictionary<string, NodeBase> Children
        // Using a modification of Bigjim's code to cast the Dictionary:
        return new IDictionary<string, NodeBase>().CastDictionary<string, RealNode, NodeBase>();

This worked well. However, I eventually ran into unrelated limitations and ended up creating an abstract FindChild() method in the base class that would do the lookups instead. As it turned out this eliminated the need for the casted dictionary in the first place. (I was able to replace it with a simple IEnumerable for my purposes.)

So the question you might ask (especially if performance is an issue prohibiting you from using .Cast<> or .ConvertAll<>) is:

"Do I really need to cast the entire collection, or can I use an abstract method to hold the special knowledge needed to perform the task and thereby avoid directly accessing the collection?"

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.

PostgreSQL Error: Relation already exists

I finally discover the error. The problem is that the primary key constraint name is equal the table name. I don know how postgres represents constraints, but I think the error "Relation already exists" was being triggered during the creation of the primary key constraint because the table was already declared. But because of this error, the table wasnt created at the end.

Angular 2 filter/search list

Search by multiple fields

Assuming Data:

items = [
    id: 1,
    text: 'First item'
    id: 2,
    text: 'Second item'
    id: 3,
    text: 'Third item'


<input [(ngModel)]="query">
<div *ngFor="let item of items | search:'id,text':query">{{item.text}}</div>


import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';

  name: 'search'
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {
  public transform(value, keys: string, term: string) {

    if (!term) return value;
    return (value || []).filter(item => keys.split(',').some(key => item.hasOwnProperty(key) && new RegExp(term, 'gi').test(item[key])));


One line for everything!

Flask example with POST

Here is the example in which you can easily find the way to use Post,GET method and use the same way to add other curd operations as well..

#libraries to include

import os
from flask import request, jsonify
from app import app, mongo
import logger
ROOT_PATH = os.environ.get('ROOT_PATH')<br>
@app.route('/get/questions/', methods=['GET', 'POST','DELETE', 'PATCH'])
    def question():
    # request.args is to get urls arguments 

    if request.method == 'GET':
        start = request.args.get('start', default=0, type=int)
        limit_url = request.args.get('limit', default=20, type=int)
        questions = mongo.db.questions.find().limit(limit_url).skip(start);
        data = [doc for doc in questions]
        return jsonify(isError= False,
                    message= "Success",
                    statusCode= 200,
                    data= data), 200

# request.form to get form parameter

    if request.method == 'POST':
        average_time = request.form.get('average_time')
        choices = request.form.get('choices')
        created_by = request.form.get('created_by')
        difficulty_level = request.form.get('difficulty_level')
        question = request.form.get('question')
        topics = request.form.get('topics')

    ##Do something like insert in DB or Render somewhere etc. it's up to you....... :)

"for" vs "each" in Ruby

I just want to make a specific point about the for in loop in Ruby. It might seem like a construct similar to other languages, but in fact it is an expression like every other looping construct in Ruby. In fact, the for in works with Enumerable objects just as the each iterator.

The collection passed to for in can be any object that has an each iterator method. Arrays and hashes define the each method, and many other Ruby objects do, too. The for/in loop calls the each method of the specified object. As that iterator yields values, the for loop assigns each value (or each set of values) to the specified variable (or variables) and then executes the code in body.

This is a silly example, but illustrates the point that the for in loop works with ANY object that has an each method, just like how the each iterator does:

class Apple
  TYPES = %w(red green yellow)
  def each
    yield TYPES.pop until TYPES.empty?

a =
for i in a do
  puts i
=> nil

And now the each iterator:

a =
a.each do |i|
  puts i
=> nil

As you can see, both are responding to the each method which yields values back to the block. As everyone here stated, it is definitely preferable to use the each iterator over the for in loop. I just wanted to drive home the point that there is nothing magical about the for in loop. It is an expression that invokes the each method of a collection and then passes it to its block of code. Hence, it is a very rare case you would need to use for in. Use the each iterator almost always (with the added benefit of block scope).

import an array in python

Another option is numpy.genfromtxt, e.g:

import numpy as np
data = np.genfromtxt("myfile.dat",delimiter=",")

This will make data a numpy array with as many rows and columns as are in your file

Float a DIV on top of another DIV

.close-image {
    cursor: pointer;
    display: block;
    float: right;
    position: relative;
    top: 22px;
    z-index: 1;

I think this might be what you are looking for.

How do I install a NuGet package .nupkg file locally?

  1. Add the files to a folder called LocalPackages next to you solution (it doesn't have to be called that, but adjust the xml in the following step accordingly)
  2. Create a file called NuGet.config next to your solution file with the following contents

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <add key="LocalPackages" value="./LocalPackages" />
          <!-- this tells that all of them are active -->
          <add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
  3. If the solution is open in Visual Studio, close it, then re-open it.

Now your packages should appear in the browser, or be installable using Install-Package

Get array elements from index to end

The [:-1] removes the last element. Instead of




You can read up on Python slicing notation here: Explain Python's slice notation

NumPy slicing is an extension of that. The NumPy tutorial has some coverage: Indexing, Slicing and Iterating.

Disable submit button on form submit

Want to submit value of button as well and prevent double form submit?

If you are using button of type submit and want to submit value of button as well, which will not happen if the button is disabled, you can set a form data attribute and test afterwards.

// Add class disableonsubmit to your form
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('form.disableonsubmit').submit(function(e) {
            if ($(this).data('submitted') === true) {
                // Form is already submitted
                console.log('Form is already submitted, waiting response.');
                // Stop form from submitting again
            } else {
                // Set the data-submitted attribute to true for record
                $(this).data('submitted', true);

PHP - Get key name of array value

Here is another option

$array = [1=>'one', 2=>'two', 3=>'there'];
$array = array_flip($array);
echo $array['one']; 

How to clone an InputStream?

You can't clone it, and how you are going to solve your problem depends on what the source of the data is.

One solution is to read all data from the InputStream into a byte array, and then create a ByteArrayInputStream around that byte array, and pass that input stream into your method.

Edit 1: That is, if the other method also needs to read the same data. I.e you want to "reset" the stream.

regex for zip-code

For the listed three conditions only, these expressions might work also:


Please see this demo for additional explanation.

If we would have had unexpected additional spaces in between 5 and 4 digits or a continuous 9 digits zip code, such as:

12345 1234
12345  1234

this expression for instance would be a secondary option with less constraints:


Please see this demo for additional explanation.

RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

enter image description here


const regex = /^\d{5}[-\s]?(?:\d{4})?$/gm;_x000D_
const str = `12345_x000D_
12345 1234_x000D_
12345 1234_x000D_
12345  1234_x000D_
let m;_x000D_
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {_x000D_
    // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches_x000D_
    if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {_x000D_
    // The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable._x000D_
    m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {_x000D_
        console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);_x000D_

Setting width as a percentage using jQuery

Here is an alternative that worked for me:

$('div#somediv').css({'width': '70%'});

Event listener for when element becomes visible?

There is at least one way, but it's not a very good one. You could just poll the element for changes like this:

var previous_style,
    poll = window.setInterval(function()
    var current_style = document.getElementById('target').style.display;
    if (previous_style != current_style) {
        alert('style changed');
    } else {
        previous_style = current_style;
}, 100);

The DOM standard also specifies mutation events, but I've never had the chance to use them, and I'm not sure how well they're supported. You'd use them like this:

target.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', function()
    if (e.attrName == 'style') {
        alert('style changed');
}, false);

This code is off the top of my head, so I'm not sure if it'd work.

The best and easiest solution would be to have a callback in the function displaying your target.

What do <o:p> elements do anyway?

Couldn't find any official documentation (no surprise there) but according to this interesting article, those elements are injected in order to enable Word to convert the HTML back to fully compatible Word document, with everything preserved.

The relevant paragraph:

Microsoft added the special tags to Word's HTML with an eye toward backward compatibility. Microsoft wanted you to be able to save files in HTML complete with all of the tracking, comments, formatting, and other special Word features found in traditional DOC files. If you save a file in HTML and then reload it in Word, theoretically you don't loose anything at all.

This makes lots of sense.

For your specific question.. the o in the <o:p> means "Office namespace" so anything following the o: in a tag means "I'm part of Office namespace" - in case of <o:p> it just means paragraph, the equivalent of the ordinary <p> tag.

I assume that every HTML tag has its Office "equivalent" and they have more.

Auto expand a textarea using jQuery

I just built this function to expand textareas on pageload. Just change each to keyup and it will occur when the textarea is typed in.

// On page-load, auto-expand textareas to be tall enough to contain initial content
    var pad = parseInt($(this).css('padding-top'));
    if ($.browser.mozilla) 
    var contentHeight = this.scrollHeight;
    if (!$.browser.mozilla) 
        contentHeight -= pad * 2;
    if (contentHeight > $(this).height()) 

Tested in Chrome, IE9 and Firefox. Unfortunately Firefox has this bug which returns the incorrect value for scrollHeight, so the above code contains a (hacky) workaround for it.

Unable to run 'adb root' on a rooted Android phone

I finally found out how to do this! Basically you need to run adb shell first and then while you're in the shell run su, which will switch the shell to run as root!

$: adb shell
$: su

The one problem I still have is that sqlite3 is not installed so the command is not recognized.

crudrepository findBy method signature with multiple in operators?

The following signature will do:

List<Email> findByEmailIdInAndPincodeIn(List<String> emails, List<String> pinCodes);

Spring Data JPA supports a large number of keywords to build a query. IN and AND are among them.

How to Convert Int to Unsigned Byte and Back

If you just need to convert an expected 8-bit value from a signed int to an unsigned value, you can use simple bit shifting:

int signed = -119;  // 11111111 11111111 11111111 10001001

 * Use unsigned right shift operator to drop unset bits in positions 8-31
int psuedoUnsigned = (signed << 24) >>> 24;  // 00000000 00000000 00000000 10001001 -> 137 base 10

 * Convert back to signed by using the sign-extension properties of the right shift operator
int backToSigned = (psuedoUnsigned << 24) >> 24; // back to original bit pattern

If using something other than int as the base type, you'll obviously need to adjust the shift amount:

Also, bear in mind that you can't use byte type, doing so will result in a signed value as mentioned by other answerers. The smallest primitive type you could use to represent an 8-bit unsigned value would be a short.

Extract a part of the filepath (a directory) in Python

import os

directory = os.path.abspath('\\') # root directory
print(directory) # e.g. 'C:\'

directory = os.path.abspath('.') # current directory
print(directory) # e.g. 'C:\Users\User\Desktop'

parent_directory, directory_name = os.path.split(directory)
print(directory_name) # e.g. 'Desktop'
parent_parent_directory, parent_directory_name = os.path.split(parent_directory)
print(parent_directory_name) # e.g. 'User'

This should also do the trick.

jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

It's not really a bug, just a difference in implantation by the browser vendors.

As a rule avoid browser sniffing. There is a nifty jQuery fix which is hinted at in the answers.

This is what works for me: $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').scrollTop()

Insert value into a string at a certain position?

var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Insert(2, insertText);
afterText = sb.ToString();

Set a cookie to HttpOnly via Javascript

An HttpOnly cookie means that it's not available to scripting languages like JavaScript. So in JavaScript, there's absolutely no API available to get/set the HttpOnly attribute of the cookie, as that would otherwise defeat the meaning of HttpOnly.

Just set it as such on the server side using whatever server side language the server side is using. If JavaScript is absolutely necessary for this, you could consider to just let it send some (ajax) request with e.g. some specific request parameter which triggers the server side language to create an HttpOnly cookie. But, that would still make it easy for hackers to change the HttpOnly by just XSS and still have access to the cookie via JS and thus make the HttpOnly on your cookie completely useless.

Temporary tables in stored procedures

Use @temp tables whenever possible--that is, you only need one primary key and you do not need to access the data from a subordinate stored proc.

Use #temp tables if you need to access the data from a subordinate stored proc (it is an evil global variable to the stored proc call chain) and you have no other clean way to pass the data between stored procs. Also use it if you need a secondary index (although, really ask yourself if it is a #temp table if you need more than one index)

If you do this, always declare your #temp table at the top of the function. SQL will force a recompile of your stored proc when it sees the create table if you have the #temp table declaration in the middle of the stored proc, you stored proc must stop processing and recompile.

Build tree array from flat array in javascript

Here's a simple helper function that I created modeled after the above answers, tailored to a Babel environment:

import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'

export default function unflattenEntities(entities, parent = {id: null}, tree = []) {

  let children = entities.filter( entity => entity.parent_id ==

  if (!isEmpty( children )) {
    if ( == null ) {
      tree = children
    } else {
      parent['children'] = children
    } child => unflattenEntities( entities, child ) )

  return tree


What is the difference between null=True and blank=True in Django?

Simple answer would be: Null is for Database tables while Blank is for Django Forms.

"Debug only" code that should run only when "turned on"

What you're looking for is



If you for instance write a method like :

public static void MyLovelyDebugInfoMethod(string message)
    Console.WriteLine("This message was brought to you by your debugger : ");

any call you make to this method inside your own code will only be executed in debug mode. If you build your project in release mode, even call to the "MyLovelyDebugInfoMethod" will be ignored and dumped out of your binary.

Oh and one more thing if you're trying to determine whether or not your code is currently being debugged at the execution moment, it is also possible to check if the current process is hooked by a JIT. But this is all together another case. Post a comment if this is what you2re trying to do.

How to execute a file within the python interpreter?

For Python 2:

>>> execfile('')

For Python 3:

>>> exec(open("").read())
# or
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> exec(Path("").read_text())

See the documentation. If you are using Python 3.0, see this question.

See answer by @S.Lott for an example of how you access globals from after executing it.

Error in if/while (condition) {: missing Value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I ran into this when checking on a null or empty string

if (x == NULL || x == '') {

changed it to

if (is.null(x) || x == '') {

View a file in a different Git branch without changing branches

A simple, newbie friendly way for looking into a file: git gui browser <branch> which lets you explore the contents of any file.

It's also there in the File menu of git gui. Most other -more advanced- GUI wrappers (Qgit, Egit, etc..) offer browsing/opening files as well.

How to specify multiple conditions in an if statement in javascript

just add them within the main bracket of the if statement like

if ((Type == 2 && PageCount == 0) || (Type == 2 && PageCount == '')) {
            PageCount= document.getElementById('<%=hfPageCount.ClientID %>').value;

Logically this can be rewritten in a better way too! This has exactly the same meaning

if (Type == 2 && (PageCount == 0 || PageCount == '')) {

Get yesterday's date in bash on Linux, DST-safe

If you are certain that the script runs in the first hours of the day, you can simply do

  date -d "12 hours ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'

BTW, if the script runs daily at 00:35 (via crontab?) you should ask yourself what will happen if a DST change falls in that hour; the script could not run, or run twice in some cases. Modern implementations of cron are quite clever in this regard, though.

How do I give text or an image a transparent background using CSS?

If you're using Less, you can use fade(color, 30%).

custom facebook share button

You can simply do something like...

  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId            : 'your-app-id', // you need to create an facebook app
      autoLogAppEvents : true,
      xfbml            : true,
      version          : 'v3.3'
<script async defer src=""></script>
<button id="share-btn"></button>
<!-- load jquery -->
    $('#share-btn').on('click', function () {
            method: 'share',
            href: location.href, // Current url
        }, function (response) { });

how to resolve DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. in ssis

Solution for this issue is:

  1. Create another connection manager for your excel or flat files else you just have to pass variable values in connection string:

  2. Right Click on Connection Manager>>properties>>Expression >>Select "ConnectionString" from drop down and pass the input variable like path , filename ..

How to output git log with the first line only?

if you want to always use git log in such way you could add git alias by

git config --global alias.log log --oneline

after that git log will print what normally would be printed by git log --oneline

Custom Card Shape Flutter SDK

You can also customize the card theme globally with ThemeData.cardTheme:

  title: 'savvy',
  theme: ThemeData(
    cardTheme: CardTheme(
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
    // ...

Sequence contains no matching element

For those of you who faced this issue while creating a controller through the context menu, reopening Visual Studio as an administrator fixed it.

Where can I get a virtual machine online? has a free VM running Ubuntu. The specs are pretty good, 1 gig memory for example. They have a terminal online you can access through their website, or use SSH. The VM will go to sleep approximately 20 minutes after you log out. The reason is to discourage users from running live production code on the VM. The VM resides behind a proxy. Running web servers that only speak HTTP (port 80) should work just fine, but I think you'll get into a lot of trouble whenever you want to work directly with other ports. Many mind-like alternatives offer similar setups. Good luck!

I had the same idea as you but given all restrictions everybody keep imposing everywhere I feel that I must go out and pay for a VPS.

How to open a new window on form submit

I found a solution to this also. This page helped me today so, I am re-posting here too.

/** This is the script that will redraw current screen and submit to paypal. */
echo '<script>'."\n" ;
echo 'function serverNotifySelected()'."\n" ;
echo '{'."\n" ;
echo '\'\', \'PayPalPayment\');'."\n" ;
echo '    document.forms[\'paypal_form\'].submit();'."\n" ;
echo '    document.forms[\'server_responder\'].submit();'."\n" ;
echo '}'."\n" ;
echo '</script>'."\n" ;

/** This form will be opened in a new window called PayPalPayment. */
echo '<form action="" name="paypal_form" method="post" target="PayPalPayment">'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="'.$transaction_start.'">'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="'.$single_product->hosted_button_id.'">'."\n" ;
echo '<table>'."\n" ;
echo '    <tr>'."\n";
echo '        <td><input type="hidden" name="'.$single_product->hide_name_a.'" value="'.$single_product->hide_value_a.'">Local</td>'."\n" ;
echo '    </tr>'."\n" ;
echo '    <tr>'."\n" ;
echo '        <td>'."\n" ;
echo '        <input type="hidden" name="'.$single_product->hide_name_b.'" value="'.$single_product->hide_value_b.'" />'.$single_product->short_desc.' $'.$adj_price.' USD'."\n" ;
                // <select name="os0">
                //     <option value="1 Day">1 Day $1.55 USD</option>
                //     <option value="All Day">All Day $7.50 USD</option>
                //     <option value="3 Day">3 Day $23.00 USD</option>
                //     <option value="31 Day">31 Day $107.00 USD</option>
                // </select>
echo '        </td>'."\n" ;
echo '    </tr>'."\n" ;
echo '</table>'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">'."\n" ;
echo '</form>'."\n" ;

/** This form will redraw the current page for approval. */
echo '<form action="ProductApprove.php" name="server_responder" method="post" target="_top">'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="trans" value="'.$transaction_start.'">'."\n" ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="'.$this->product_id.'">'."\n" ;
echo '</form>'."\n" ;

/** No form here just an input and a button.  onClick will handle all the forms */
echo '<input type="image" src="" border="0" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" onclick="serverNotifySelected()">'."\n" ;
echo '<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">'."\n" ;

The above code is the code for one button. You press the button and it will redraw the current screen from purchase to pre-approval. At the same time it opens a new window and hands that new window over to PayPal.

difference between throw and throw new Exception()

Your second example will reset the exception's stack trace. The first most accurately preserves the origins of the exception. Also you've unwrapped the original type which is key in knowing what actually went wrong... If the second is required for functionality - e.g. To add extended info or re-wrap with special type such as a custom 'HandleableException' then just be sure that the InnerException property is set too!

How to restore the permissions of files and directories within git if they have been modified?

git diff -p used in muhqu's answer may not show all discrepancies.

  • saw this in Cygwin for files I didn't own
  • mode changes are ignored completely if core.filemode is false (which is the default for MSysGit)

This code reads the metadata directly instead:

(set -o errexit pipefail nounset;
git ls-tree HEAD -z | while read -r -d $'\0' mask type blob path
    if [ "$type" != "blob" ]; then continue; fi;
    case "$mask" in
    #do not touch other bits
    100644) chmod a-x "$path";;
    100755) chmod a+x "$path";;
    *) echo "invalid: $mask $type $blob\t$path" >&2; false;;

A non-production-grade one-liner (replaces masks entirely):

git ls-tree HEAD | perl -ne '/^10(0\d{3}) blob \S+\t(.+)$/ && { system "chmod",$1,$2 || die }'

(Credit for "$'\0'" goes to

DropDownList in MVC 4 with Razor

List<SelectListItem> listItems= new List<SelectListItem>();
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
      Text = "One",
      Value = "1"
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
        Text = "Two",
        Value = "2",
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
        Text = "Three",
        Value = "3"
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
   Text = "Four",
   Value = "4"
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
   Text = "Five",
   Value = "5"
@Html.DropDownList("DDlDemo",new SelectList(listItems,"Value","Text"))

Refer:- Create drop down list in MVC 4 razor example

jQuery issue - #<an Object> has no method

This problem may also come up if you include different versions of jQuery.

How to give credentials in a batch script that copies files to a network location?

Try using the net use command in your script to map the share first, because you can provide it credentials. Then, your copy command should use those credentials.

net use \\<network-location>\<some-share> password /USER:username

Don't leave a trailing \ at the end of the

How do I execute a MS SQL Server stored procedure in java/jsp, returning table data?

Frequently we deal with other fellow java programmers work which create these Stored Procedure. and we do not want to mess around with it. but there is possibility you get the result set where these exec sample return 0 (almost Stored procedure call returning zero).

check this sample :

public void generateINOUT(String USER, int DPTID){

    try {

        conUrl = JdbcUrls + dbServers +";databaseName="+ dbSrcNames+";instance=MSSQLSERVER";

        con = DriverManager.getConnection(conUrl,dbUserNames,dbPasswords);
        //stat = con.createStatement();
        Statement st = con.createStatement(); 

        st.executeUpdate("DECLARE @RC int\n" +
                "DECLARE @pUserID nvarchar(50)\n" +
                "DECLARE @pDepartmentID int\n" +
                "DECLARE @pStartDateTime datetime\n" +
                "DECLARE @pEndDateTime datetime\n" +
                "EXECUTE [AccessManager].[dbo].[SP_GenerateInOutDetailReportSimple] \n" +
                ""+USER +
                "," +DPTID+
                ",'"+STARTDATE +

        ResultSet rs = st.getGeneratedKeys();

        while ({
              String userID = rs.getString("UserID");
              Timestamp timeIN = rs.getTimestamp("timeIN");
              Timestamp timeOUT = rs.getTimestamp ("timeOUT");
              int totTime = rs.getInt ("totalTime");
              int pivot = rs.getInt ("pivotvalue");

              timeINS = sdz.format(timeIN);

              timeOUTS = sdz.format(timeOUT);

              System.out.println("User : "+userID+" |IN : "+timeIN+" |OUT : "+timeOUT+"| Total Time : "+totTime+" | PivotValue : "+pivot);


    }catch (Exception e) {
        if (e.getCause() != null) {

I came to this solutions after few days trial and error, googling and get confused ;) it execute below Stored Procedure :

USE [AccessManager]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_GenerateInOutDetailReportSimple]    
Script Date: 04/05/2013 15:54:11 ******/

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_GenerateInOutDetailReportSimple]
@pUserID nvarchar(50),
@pDepartmentID int,
@pStartDateTime datetime,
@pEndDateTime datetime

Declare @ErrorCode int
Select @ErrorCode = @@Error

Declare @TransactionCountOnEntry int
If @ErrorCode = 0
    Select @TransactionCountOnEntry = @@TranCount

If @ErrorCode = 0

    -- Create table variable instead of SQL temp table because report wont pick up the temp table
    DECLARE @tempInOutDetailReport TABLE
        UserID nvarchar(50),
        LogDate datetime,   
        LogDay varchar(20), 
        TimeIN datetime,
        TimeOUT datetime,
        TotalTime int,
        RemarkTimeIn nvarchar(100),
        RemarkTimeOut nvarchar(100),
        TerminalIPTimeIn varchar(50),
        TerminalIPTimeOut varchar(50),
        TerminalSNTimeIn nvarchar(50),
        TerminalSNTimeOut nvarchar(50),
        PivotValue int

    -- Declare variables for the while loop
    Declare @LogUserID nvarchar(50)
    Declare @LogEventID nvarchar(50)
    Declare @LogTerminalSN nvarchar(50)
    Declare @LogTerminalIP nvarchar(50)
    Declare @LogRemark nvarchar(50)
    Declare @LogTimestamp datetime  
    Declare @LogDay nvarchar(20)

    -- Filter off userID, departmentID, StartDate and EndDate if specified, only process the remaining logs
    -- Note: order by user then timestamp
    Declare LogCursor Cursor For 
    Select distinct access_event_logs.USERID, access_event_logs.EVENTID, 
        access_event_logs.TERMINALSN, access_event_logs.TERMINALIP,
        access_event_logs.REMARKS, access_event_logs.LOCALTIMESTAMP, Datename(dw,access_event_logs.LOCALTIMESTAMP) AS WkDay
    From access_event_logs
        Left Join access_user on access_user.User_ID = access_event_logs.USERID
        Left Join access_user_dept on access_user.User_ID = access_user_dept.User_ID
    Where ((Dept_ID = @pDepartmentID) OR (@pDepartmentID IS NULL))
        And ((access_event_logs.USERID LIKE '%' + @pUserID + '%') OR (@pUserID IS NULL)) 
        And ((access_event_logs.LOCALTIMESTAMP >= @pStartDateTime ) OR (@pStartDateTime IS NULL)) 
        And ((access_event_logs.LOCALTIMESTAMP < DATEADD(day, 1, @pEndDateTime) ) OR (@pEndDateTime IS NULL)) 
        And (access_event_logs.USERID != 'UNKNOWN USER') -- Ignore UNKNOWN USER
    Order by access_event_logs.USERID, access_event_logs.LOCALTIMESTAMP

    Open LogCursor

    Fetch Next 
    From LogCursor
    Into @LogUserID, @LogEventID, @LogTerminalSN, @LogTerminalIP, @LogRemark, @LogTimestamp, @LogDay

    -- Temp storage for IN event details
    Declare @InEventUserID nvarchar(50)
    Declare @InEventDay nvarchar(20)
    Declare @InEventTimestamp datetime
    Declare @InEventRemark nvarchar(100)
    Declare @InEventTerminalIP nvarchar(50)
    Declare @InEventTerminalSN nvarchar(50)

    -- Temp storage for OUT event details
    Declare @OutEventUserID nvarchar(50)        
    Declare @OutEventTimestamp datetime
    Declare @OutEventRemark nvarchar(100)
    Declare @OutEventTerminalIP nvarchar(50)
    Declare @OutEventTerminalSN nvarchar(50)

    Declare @CurrentUser varchar(50) -- used to indicate when we change user group
    Declare @CurrentDay varchar(50) -- used to indicate when we change day
    Declare @FirstEvent int -- indicate the first event we received     
    Declare @ReceiveInEvent int -- indicate we have received an IN event
    Declare @PivotValue int -- everytime we change user or day - we reset it (reporting purpose), if same user..keep increment its value
    Declare @CurrTrigger varchar(50) -- used to keep track of the event of the current event log trigger it is handling 
    Declare @CurrTotalHours int -- used to keep track of total hours of the day of the user

    Declare @FirstInEvent datetime
    Declare @FirstInRemark nvarchar(100)
    Declare @FirstInTerminalIP nvarchar(50)
    Declare @FirstInTerminalSN nvarchar(50)
    Declare @FirstRecord int -- indicate another day of same user

    Set @PivotValue = 0 -- initialised
    Set @CurrentUser = '' -- initialised
    Set @FirstEvent = 1 -- initialised
    Set @ReceiveInEvent = 0 -- initialised  
    Set @CurrTrigger = '' -- Initialised    
    Set @CurrTotalHours = 0 -- initialised
    Set @FirstRecord = 1 -- initialised
    Set @CurrentDay = '' -- initialised

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        -- use to track current log trigger
        Set @CurrTrigger =LOWER(@LogEventID)

        If (@CurrentUser != '' And @CurrentUser != @LogUserID) -- new batch of user
            If @ReceiveInEvent = 1  -- previous IN event is not cleared (no OUT is found)
                -- Check day
                If (@CurrentDay != @InEventDay) -- change to another day                    
                    Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset                        

                Else -- same day
                    Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
                Set @CurrentDay = @InEventDay -- update the day

                -- invalid row (only has IN event)
                Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, RemarkTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeIn, 
                    TerminalSNTimeIn, PivotValue, LogDate )
                values( @InEventUserID, @InEventDay, @InEventTimestamp, @InEventRemark, @InEventTerminalIP, 
                    @InEventTerminalSN, @PivotValue, DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))                                                         

            Set @FirstEvent = 1 -- Reset flag (we are having a new user group)
            Set @ReceiveInEvent = 0 -- Reset
            Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset
            --Set @CurrentDay = '' -- Reset

        If LOWER(@LogEventID) = 'in' -- IN event
            If @ReceiveInEvent = 1  -- previous IN event is not cleared (no OUT is found)
                -- Check day
                If (@CurrentDay != @InEventDay) -- change to another day
                    Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset

                    --Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, TimeOUT, TotalTime, RemarkTimeIn,
                    --  RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeIn, TerminalSNTimeOut, PivotValue,
                    --  LogDate)
                    --values( @LogUserID, @CurrentDay, @FirstInEvent, @LogTimestamp,  @CurrTotalHours,
                    --  @FirstInRemark, @LogRemark, @FirstInTerminalIP, @LogTerminalIP, @FirstInTerminalSN, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
                    --  DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))  
                    Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
                Set @CurrentDay = @InEventDay -- update the day

                -- invalid row (only has IN event)
                Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, RemarkTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeIn, 
                    TerminalSNTimeIn, PivotValue, LogDate )
                values( @InEventUserID, @InEventDay, @InEventTimestamp, @InEventRemark, @InEventTerminalIP, 
                    @InEventTerminalSN, @PivotValue, DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))                     

            If((@CurrentDay != @LogDay And @CurrentDay != '') Or (@CurrentUser != @LogUserID And @CurrentUser != '') )

                    Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, TimeOUT, TotalTime, RemarkTimeIn,
                        RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeIn, TerminalSNTimeOut, PivotValue,
                    values( @CurrentUser, @CurrentDay, @FirstInEvent, @OutEventTimestamp, @CurrTotalHours,
                        @FirstInRemark, @OutEventRemark, @FirstInTerminalIP, @OutEventTerminalIP, @FirstInTerminalSN, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
                        DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))      

                Set @FirstRecord = 1
            -- Save it
            Set @InEventUserID = @LogUserID                         
            Set @InEventDay = @LogDay
            Set @InEventTimestamp = @LogTimeStamp
            Set @InEventRemark = @LogRemark
            Set @InEventTerminalIP = @LogTerminalIP
            Set @InEventTerminalSN = @LogTerminalSN

            If (@FirstRecord = 1) -- save for first in event record of the day
                Set @FirstInEvent = @LogTimestamp
                Set @FirstInRemark = @LogRemark
                Set @FirstInTerminalIP = @LogTerminalIP
                Set @FirstInTerminalSN = @LogTerminalSN
                Set @CurrTotalHours = 0 --initialise total hours for another day

            Set @FirstRecord = 0 -- no more first record of the day
            Set @ReceiveInEvent = 1 -- indicate we have received an "IN" event
            Set @FirstEvent = 0  -- no more "first" event
        Else If LOWER(@LogEventID) = 'out' -- OUT event
            If @FirstEvent = 1 -- the first OUT record when change users 
                -- Check day
                If (@CurrentDay != @LogDay) -- change to another day
                    Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset
                    Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
                Set @CurrentDay = @LogDay -- update the day

                -- Only an OUT event (no IN event) - invalid record but we show it anyway
                Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeOUT, RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeOut,
                    PivotValue, LogDate )
                values( @LogUserID, @LogDay, @LogTimestamp, @LogRemark, @LogTerminalIP, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
                    DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @LogTimestamp)))                                              

                Set @FirstEvent = 0 -- not "first" anymore
            Else -- Not first event

                If @ReceiveInEvent = 1 -- if there are IN event previously
                    -- Check day
                    If (@CurrentDay != @InEventDay) -- change to another day                        
                        Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset                        
                        Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
                    Set @CurrentDay = @InEventDay -- update the day     
                    Set @CurrTotalHours = @CurrTotalHours +  DATEDIFF(second,@InEventTimestamp, @LogTimeStamp) -- update total time             

                    Set @OutEventRemark = @LogRemark
                    Set @OutEventTerminalIP = @LogTerminalIP
                    Set @OutEventTerminalSN = @LogTerminalSN
                    Set @OutEventTimestamp = @LogTimestamp          
                    -- valid row
                    --Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, TimeOUT, TotalTime, RemarkTimeIn,
                    --  RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeIn, TerminalSNTimeOut, PivotValue,
                    --  LogDate)
                    --values( @LogUserID, @InEventDay, @InEventTimestamp, @LogTimestamp,  Datediff(second, @InEventTimestamp, @LogTimeStamp),
                    --  @InEventRemark, @LogRemark, @InEventTerminalIP, @LogTerminalIP, @InEventTerminalSN, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
                    --  DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))                      

                    Set @ReceiveInEvent = 0 -- Reset
                Else -- no IN event previously
                    -- Check day
                    If (@CurrentDay != @LogDay) -- change to another day
                        Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset
                        Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
                    Set @CurrentDay = @LogDay -- update the day                         

                    -- invalid row (only has OUT event)
                    Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeOUT, RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeOut,
                        PivotValue, LogDate )
                    values( @LogUserID, @LogDay, @LogTimestamp, @LogRemark, @LogTerminalIP, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
                        DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @LogTimestamp)) )             

        Set @CurrentUser = @LogUserID -- update user        

        Fetch Next 
        From LogCursor
        Into @LogUserID, @LogEventID, @LogTerminalSN, @LogTerminalIP, @LogRemark, @LogTimestamp, @LogDay

    -- Need to handle the last log if its IN log as it will not be processed by the while loop
    if @CurrTrigger='in'
    -- Check day
            If (@CurrentDay != @InEventDay) -- change to another day
                Set @PivotValue = 0 -- Reset
            Else -- same day
                Set @PivotValue = @PivotValue + 1 -- increment
            Set @CurrentDay = @InEventDay -- update the day

            -- invalid row (only has IN event)
            Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, RemarkTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeIn, 
                TerminalSNTimeIn, PivotValue, LogDate )
            values( @InEventUserID, @InEventDay, @InEventTimestamp, @InEventRemark, @InEventTerminalIP, 
                    @InEventTerminalSN, @PivotValue, DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))     
    else if @CurrTrigger = 'out'
        Insert into @tempInOutDetailReport( UserID, LogDay, TimeIN, TimeOUT, TotalTime, RemarkTimeIn,
        RemarkTimeOut, TerminalIPTimeIn, TerminalIPTimeOut, TerminalSNTimeIn, TerminalSNTimeOut, PivotValue,
        values( @LogUserID, @CurrentDay, @FirstInEvent, @LogTimestamp,  @CurrTotalHours,
        @FirstInRemark, @LogRemark, @FirstInTerminalIP, @LogTerminalIP, @FirstInTerminalSN, @LogTerminalSN, @PivotValue,
        DATEADD(HOUR, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @InEventTimestamp)))  

    Close LogCursor
    Deallocate LogCursor

    Select * 
    From @tempInOutDetailReport tempTable
        Left Join access_user on access_user.User_ID = tempTable.UserID
    Order By tempTable.UserID, LogDate


If @@TranCount > @TransactionCountOnEntry
     If @ErrorCode = 0

return @ErrorCode

you will get the "java SQL Code" by right click on stored procedure in your database. something like this :

DECLARE @pUserID nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @pDepartmentID int
DECLARE @pStartDateTime datetime
DECLARE @pEndDateTime datetime

-- TODO: Set parameter values here.

EXECUTE @RC = [AccessManager].[dbo].[SP_GenerateInOutDetailReportSimple] 

check the query String I've done, that is your homework ;) so sorry answering this long, this is my first answer since I register few weeks ago to get answer.

Convert pyQt UI to python

I'm not sure if PyQt does have a script like this, but after you install PySide there is a script in pythons script directory "". You can use this script to convert a .ui file to a .py file:

python input.ui -o -x

Send POST data via raw json with postman

Unlike jQuery in order to read raw JSON you will need to decode it in PHP.

print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body.

$_POST is form variables, you will need to switch to form radiobutton in postman then use:


To post raw json with jquery:

    "url": "/rest/index.php",
    'data': JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'}),
    'type': 'POST',
    'contentType': 'application/json'

LaTeX table positioning

What happens if the text plus tables plus text doesn't fit onto a single page? By trying to force the typesetting in this way, you are very likely to end up with pages that run too short; i.e., because a table cannot by default break over a page it will be pushed to the next, and leave a gap on the page before. You'll notice that you never see this in a published book.

The floating behaviour is a Good Thing! I recommend using [htbp] as the default setting for all tables and figures until your document is complete; only then should think about fine-tuning their precise placement.

P.S. Read the FAQ; most other answers here are partial combinations of advice given there.

PHP get domain name

Similar question has been asked in stackoverflow before.

See here: PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] vs. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], am I understanding the man pages correctly?

Also see this article:

Recommended using HTTP_HOST, and falling back on SERVER_NAME only if HTTP_HOST was not set. He said that SERVER_NAME could be unreliable on the server for a variety of reasons, including:

  • no DNS support
  • misconfigured
  • behind load balancing software


Returning first x items from array

array_splice — Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else:

$input = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
array_splice($input, 5); // $input is now array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

From PHP manual:

array array_splice ( array &$input , int $offset [, int $length = 0 [, mixed $replacement]])

If length is omitted, removes everything from offset to the end of the array. If length is specified and is positive, then that many elements will be removed. If length is specified and is negative then the end of the removed portion will be that many elements from the end of the array. Tip: to remove everything from offset to the end of the array when replacement is also specified, use count($input) for length .

Faking an RS232 Serial Port

If you are developing for Windows, the com0com project might be, what you are looking for.

It provides pairs of virtual COM ports that are linked via a nullmodem connetion. You can then use your favorite terminal application or whatever you like to send data to one COM port and recieve from the other one.


As Thomas pointed out the project lacks of a signed driver, which is especially problematic on certain Windows version (e.g. Windows 7 x64).

There are a couple of unofficial com0com versions around that do contain a signed driver. One recent verion ( can be downloaded e.g. from here.

PHP exec() vs system() vs passthru()

As drawn from && Chipmunkninja:

The system() Function

The system function in PHP takes a string argument with the command to execute as well as any arguments you wish passed to that command. This function executes the specified command, and dumps any resulting text to the output stream (either the HTTP output in a web server situation, or the console if you are running PHP as a command line tool). The return of this function is the last line of output from the program, if it emits text output.

The exec() Function

The system function is quite useful and powerful, but one of the biggest problems with it is that all resulting text from the program goes directly to the output stream. There will be situations where you might like to format the resulting text and display it in some different way, or not display it at all.

For this, the exec function in PHP is perfectly adapted. Instead of automatically dumping all text generated by the program being executed to the output stream, it gives you the opportunity to put this text in an array returned in the second parameter to the function:

The shell_exec() Function

Most of the programs we have been executing thus far have been, more or less, real programs1. However, the environment in which Windows and Unix users operate is actually much richer than this. Windows users have the option of using the Windows Command Prompt program, cmd.exe This program is known as a command shell.

The passthru() Function

One fascinating function that PHP provides similar to those we have seen so far is the passthru function. This function, like the others, executes the program you tell it to. However, it then proceeds to immediately send the raw output from this program to the output stream with which PHP is currently working (i.e. either HTTP in a web server scenario, or the shell in a command line version of PHP).

The proc_open() Function and popen() function

proc_open() is similar to popen() but provides a much greater degree of control over the program execution. cmd is the command to be executed by the shell. descriptorspec is an indexed array where the key represents the descriptor number and the value represents how PHP will pass that descriptor to the child process. pipes will be set to an indexed array of file pointers that correspond to PHP's end of any pipes that are created. The return value is a resource representing the process; you should free it using proc_close() when you are finished with it.

Difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible

attr_accessor is a Ruby method that makes a getter and a setter. attr_accessible is a Rails method that allows you to pass in values to a mass assignment: new(attrs) or update_attributes(attrs).

Here's a mass assignment:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6 })

You can imagine that the order might also have a discount code, say :price_off. If you don't tag :price_off as attr_accessible you stop malicious code from being able to do like so:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6, :price_off => 30 })

Even if your form doesn't have a field for :price_off, if it's in your model it's available by default. This means a crafted POST could still set it. Using attr_accessible white lists those things that can be mass assigned.

VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible

I don't know why but version 3.6 of DG_Readiness_Tool didn't work for me. After I restarted my laptop problem still persisted. I was looking for solution and finally I came across version 3.7 of the tool and this time problem went away. Here you can find latest powershell script:


Set position / size of UI element as percentage of screen size

Take a look at this:

You can get the heigth of the screen and it's simple math to calculate 68 percent of the screen.

How can I pass a member function where a free function is expected?

You can stop banging your heads now. Here is the wrapper for the member function to support existing functions taking in plain C functions as arguments. thread_local directive is the key here.

// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef int FooCooker_ (int);

// Existing function
extern "C" void cook_10_foo (FooCooker_ FooCooker) {
    cout << "Cooking 10 Foo ..." << endl;
    cout << "FooCooker:" << endl;
    FooCooker (10);

struct Bar_ {
    Bar_ (int Foo = 0) : Foo (Foo) {};
    int cook (int Foo) {
        cout << "This Bar got " << this->Foo << endl;
        if (this->Foo >= Foo) {
            this->Foo -= Foo;
            cout << Foo << " cooked" << endl;
            return Foo;
        } else {
            cout << "Can't cook " <<  Foo << endl;
            return 0;
    int Foo = 0;

// Each Bar_ object and a member function need to define
// their own wrapper with a global thread_local object ptr
// to be called as a plain C function.
thread_local static Bar_* BarPtr = NULL;
static int cook_in_Bar (int Foo) {
    return BarPtr->cook (Foo);

thread_local static Bar_* Bar2Ptr = NULL;
static int cook_in_Bar2 (int Foo) {
    return Bar2Ptr->cook (Foo);

int main () {
  BarPtr = new Bar_ (20);
  cook_10_foo (cook_in_Bar);

  Bar2Ptr = new Bar_ (40);
  cook_10_foo (cook_in_Bar2);

  delete BarPtr;
  delete Bar2Ptr;
  return 0;

Please comment on any issues with this approach.

Other answers fail to call existing plain C functions:

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

Solved: If you want to "Create project from existing source", you need to create a new directory and then put the project directory tree into that new directory. Then point to the new directory when importing.

The type 'string' must be a non-nullable type in order to use it as parameter T in the generic type or method 'System.Nullable<T>'

For a very specific reason Type Nullable<int> put your cursor on Nullable and hit F12 - The Metadata provides the reason (Note the struct constraint):

public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

"ABCDEFG".chars.each do |char|
  puts char


"ABCDEFG".each_char {|char| p char}

Ruby version >2.5.1

Increase max execution time for php

Well, since your on a shared server, you can't do anything about it. They usually set the max execution time so that you can't override it. I suggest you contact them.

Is there a Subversion command to reset the working copy?

Delete the working copy from the OS and check it out again is simplest, but obviously not a single command.

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

You can Highlight text in a <textarea>, using a <div> carefully placed behind it.

check out Highlight Text Inside a Textarea.

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()?

Use flush when you need to write, for example to get a primary key ID from an autoincrementing counter.

john=Person(name='John Smith', parent=None)

son=Person(name='Bill Smith',

Without flushing, john would never get an ID from the DB and so couldn't represent the parent/child relationship in code.

Like others have said, without commit() none of this will be permanently persisted to DB.

What are the differences between .so and .dylib on osx?

The Mach-O object file format used by Mac OS X for executables and libraries distinguishes between shared libraries and dynamically loaded modules. Use otool -hv some_file to see the filetype of some_file.

Mach-O shared libraries have the file type MH_DYLIB and carry the extension .dylib. They can be linked against with the usual static linker flags, e.g. -lfoo for libfoo.dylib. They can be created by passing the -dynamiclib flag to the compiler. (-fPIC is the default and needn't be specified.)

Loadable modules are called "bundles" in Mach-O speak. They have the file type MH_BUNDLE. They can carry any extension; the extension .bundle is recommended by Apple, but most ported software uses .so for the sake of compatibility. Typically, you'll use bundles for plug-ins that extend an application; in such situations, the bundle will link against the application binary to gain access to the application’s exported API. They can be created by passing the -bundle flag to the compiler.

Both dylibs and bundles can be dynamically loaded using the dl APIs (e.g. dlopen, dlclose). It is not possible to link against bundles as if they were shared libraries. However, it is possible that a bundle is linked against real shared libraries; those will be loaded automatically when the bundle is loaded.

Historically, the differences were more significant. In Mac OS X 10.0, there was no way to dynamically load libraries. A set of dyld APIs (e.g. NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile, NSLinkModule) were introduced with 10.1 to load and unload bundles, but they didn't work for dylibs. A dlopen compatibility library that worked with bundles was added in 10.3; in 10.4, dlopen was rewritten to be a native part of dyld and added support for loading (but not unloading) dylibs. Finally, 10.5 added support for using dlclose with dylibs and deprecated the dyld APIs.

On ELF systems like Linux, both use the same file format; any piece of shared code can be used as a library and for dynamic loading.

Finally, be aware that in Mac OS X, "bundle" can also refer to directories with a standardized structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code. There is some conceptual overlap (particularly with "loadable bundles" like plugins, which generally contain executable code in the form of a Mach-O bundle), but they shouldn't be confused with Mach-O bundles discussed above.

Additional references:

Error: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp()

You are probably invoking firebase before the app is initialized. All calls to firebase. must come after .initializeApp();

var db = firebase.firestore();

height: 100% for <div> inside <div> with display: table-cell


table > td{

table > td > .inner{

Confirmed working on:

  • Chrome 60.0.3112.113, 63.0.3239.84
  • Firefox 55.0.3, 57.0.1
  • Internet Explorer 11

How can I write data in YAML format in a file?

import yaml

data = dict(
    A = 'a',
    B = dict(
        C = 'c',
        D = 'd',
        E = 'e',

with open('data.yml', 'w') as outfile:
    yaml.dump(data, outfile, default_flow_style=False)

The default_flow_style=False parameter is necessary to produce the format you want (flow style), otherwise for nested collections it produces block style:

A: a
B: {C: c, D: d, E: e}

MySQL Alter Table Add Field Before or After a field already present

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark` 
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

I believe you need to have ADD COLUMN and use AFTER, not BEFORE.

In case you want to place column at the beginning of a table, use the FIRST statement:

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark`
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

How to check if PHP array is associative or sequential?

I've come up with next method:

function isSequential(array $list): bool
    $i = 0;
    $count = count($list);
    while (array_key_exists($i, $list)) {
        $i += 1;
        if ($i === $count) {
            return true;

    return false;

var_dump(isSequential(array())); // false
var_dump(isSequential(array('a', 'b', 'c'))); // true
var_dump(isSequential(array("0" => 'a', "1" => 'b', "2" => 'c'))); // true
var_dump(isSequential(array("1" => 'a', "0" => 'b', "2" => 'c'))); // true
var_dump(isSequential(array("1a" => 'a', "0b" => 'b', "2c" => 'c'))); // false
var_dump(isSequential(array("a" => 'a', "b" => 'b', "c" => 'c'))); // false

*Note empty array is not considered a sequential array, but I think it's fine since empty arrays is like 0 - doesn't matter it's plus or minus, it's empty.

Here are the advantages of this method compared to some listed above:

  • It does not involve copying of arrays (someone mentioned in this gist that array_values does not involve copying - what!?? It certainly does - as will be seen below)
  • It's faster for bigger arrays and more memory friendly at the same time

I've used benchmark kindly provided by Artur Bodera, where I changed one of the arrays to 1M elements (array_fill(0, 1000000, uniqid()), // big numeric array).

Here are the results for 100 iterations:

PHP 7.1.16 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2018 02:59:59) ( NTS )

Initial memory: 32.42 MB
Testing my_method (isset check) - 100 iterations
  Total time: 2.57942 s
  Total memory: 32.48 MB

Testing method3 (array_filter of keys) - 100 iterations
  Total time: 5.10964 s
  Total memory: 64.42 MB

Testing method1 (array_values check) - 100 iterations
  Total time: 3.07591 s
  Total memory: 64.42 MB

Testing method2 (array_keys comparison) - 100 iterations
  Total time: 5.62937 s
  Total memory: 96.43 MB

*Methods are ordered based on their memory consumption

**I used echo " Total memory: " . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage()/1024/1024, 2) . " MB\n"; to display memory usage

rsync error: failed to set times on "/foo/bar": Operation not permitted

I've seen that problem when I'm writing to a filesystem which doesn't (properly) handle times -- I think SMB shares or FAT or something.

What is your target filesystem?

Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

ls -lAtr | tail -1

The other solutions do not include files that start with '.'.

This command will also include '.' and '..', which may or may not be what you want:

ls -latr | tail -1

How to handle onchange event on input type=file in jQuery?

 $('#fileupload').bind('change', function (e) { //dynamic property binding
alert('hello');// message you want to display

You can use this one also

How to call a php script/function on a html button click

Of course AJAX is the solution,

To perform an AJAX request (for easiness we can use jQuery library).


Include jQuery library in your web page

a. you can download jQuery library from and keep it locally.

b. or simply paste the following code,

<script src=""></script>

Step 2.

Call a javascript function on button click

<button type="button" onclick="foo()">Click Me</button>

Step 3.

and finally the function

 function foo () {
        url:"test.php", //the page containing php script
        type: "POST", //request type

it will make an AJAX request to test.php when ever you clicks the button and alert the response.

For example your code in test.php is,

<?php echo 'hello'; ?>

then it will alert "hello" when ever you clicks the button.

React component initialize state from props

you could use key value to reset state when need, pass props to state it's not a good practice , because you have uncontrolled and controlled component in one place. Data should be in one place handled read this

Check object empty

I suggest you add separate overloaded method and add them to your projects Utility/Utilities class.

To check for Collection be empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(Collection obj) {
    return obj == null || obj.isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons CollectionUtils.isEmpty()

To check if Map is empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(Map<?, ?> value) {
    return value == null || value.isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons MapUtils.isEmpty()

To check for String empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(String string) {
    return string == null || string.trim().isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons StringUtils.isBlank()

To check an object is null is easy but to verify if it's empty is tricky as object can have many private or inherited variables and nested objects which should all be empty. For that All need to be verified or some isEmpty() method be in all objects which would verify the objects emptiness.

ReactJS - Call One Component Method From Another Component

Well, actually, React is not suitable for calling child methods from the parent. Some frameworks, like Cycle.js, allow easily access data both from parent and child, and react to it.

Also, there is a good chance you don't really need it. Consider calling it into existing component, it is much more independent solution. But sometimes you still need it, and then you have few choices:

  • Pass method down, if it is a child (the easiest one, and it is one of the passed properties)
  • add events library; in React ecosystem Flux approach is the most known, with Redux library. You separate all events into separated state and actions, and dispatch them from components
  • if you need to use function from the child in a parent component, you can wrap in a third component, and clone parent with augmented props.

UPD: if you need to share some functionality which doesn't involve any state (like static functions in OOP), then there is no need to contain it inside components. Just declare it separately and invoke when need:

let counter = 0;
function handleInstantiate() {

constructor(props) {

Wait for Angular 2 to load/resolve model before rendering view/template

Implement the routerOnActivate in your @Component and return your promise:

EDIT: This explicitly does NOT work, although the current documentation can be a little hard to interpret on this topic. See Brandon's first comment here for more information:

EDIT: The related information on the otherwise-usually-accurate Auth0 site is not correct:

EDIT: The angular team is planning a @Resolve decorator for this purpose.

How to select the first, second, or third element with a given class name?

use nth-child(item number) EX

<div class="parent_class">
    <div class="myclass">my text1</div>
    some other code+containers...

    <div class="myclass">my text2</div>
    some other code+containers...

    <div class="myclass">my text3</div>
    some other code+containers...
.parent_class:nth-child(1) { };
.parent_class:nth-child(2) { };
.parent_class:nth-child(3) { };


:nth-of-type(item number) same your code

.myclass:nth-of-type(1) { };
.myclass:nth-of-type(2) { };
.myclass:nth-of-type(3) { };

Access Controller method from another controller in Laravel 5

You can access the controller by instantiating it and calling doAction: (put use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; before the controller class declaration)

$controller = App::make('\App\Http\Controllers\YouControllerName');
$data = $controller->callAction('controller_method', $parameters);

Also note that by doing this you will not execute any of the middlewares declared on that controller.

How to POST a FORM from HTML to ASPX page

The Request.Form.Keys collection will be empty if none of your html inputs have NAMEs. It's easy to forget to put them there after you've been doing .NET for a while. Just name them and you'll be good to go.

HTTPS connection Python

If using httplib.HTTPSConnection:

Please take a look at:

Changed in version 2.7.9:

This class now performs all the necessary certificate and hostname checks by default. To revert to the previous, unverified, behavior ssl._create_unverified_context() can be passed to the context parameter. You can use:

if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
  ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file?

Try the following configuration:

log4j.rootLogger=TRACE, stdout

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.debugLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.reportsLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.category.debugLogger=TRACE, debugLog

log4j.category.reportsLogger=DEBUG, reportsLog

Then configure the loggers in the Java code accordingly:

static final Logger debugLog = Logger.getLogger("debugLogger");
static final Logger resultLog = Logger.getLogger("reportsLogger");

Do you want output to go to stdout? If not, change the first line of to:


and get rid of the stdout lines.

How to change the color of a CheckBox?

Add this line in your styles.xml file:

    <item name="android:colorAccent">@android:color/holo_green_dark</item>

Laravel 5 - artisan seed [ReflectionException] Class SongsTableSeeder does not exist

Do not forgot that the composer dump-autoload works in relation with the autoload / classmap section of composer.json. Take care about that if you need to change seeders directory or use multiple directories to store seeders.

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [


A blanket "no you shouldn't" is terrible advice. This is perfectly reasonable in many situations depending on your use case, workload, data entropy, hardware, etc.. What you shouldn't do is make assumptions.

It should be noted that you can specify a prefix which will limit MySQL's indexing, thereby giving you some help in narrowing down the results before scanning the rest. This may, however, become less useful over time as your prefix "fills up" and becomes less unique.

It's very simple to do, e.g.:

  `id` varchar(128),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`(4))

Also note that the prefix (4) appears after the column quotes. Where the 4 means that it should use the first 4 characters of the 128 possible characters that can exist as the id.

Lastly, you should read how index prefixes work and their limitations before using them:

HTML button onclick event

"button" value="Add Students" onclick="window.location.href='Students.html';"> 
<input type="button" value="Add Courses" onclick="window.location.href='Courses.html';"> 
<input type="button" value="Student Payments" onclick="window.location.href='Payments.html';">

Writing an Excel file in EPPlus

Have you looked at the samples provided with EPPlus?

This one shows you how to create a file

This one shows you how to use it to stream back a file

This is how we use the package to generate a file.

var newFile = new FileInfo(ExportFileName);
using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
    // do work here                            

Using variables inside a bash heredoc

In answer to your first question, there's no parameter substitution because you've put the delimiter in quotes - the bash manual says:

The format of here-documents is:


No parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, or pathname expansion is performed on word. If any characters in word are quoted, the delimiter is the result of quote removal on word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded. If word is unquoted, all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion. [...]

If you change your first example to use <<EOF instead of << "EOF" you'll find that it works.

In your second example, the shell invokes sudo only with the parameter cat, and the redirection applies to the output of sudo cat as the original user. It'll work if you try:

sudo sh -c "cat > /path/to/outfile" <<EOT
my text...

How do I center a Bootstrap div with a 'spanX' class?

Define the width as 960px, or whatever you prefer, and you're good to go!

#main {
 margin: 0 auto !important;
 float: none !important;
 text-align: center;
 width: 960px;

(I couldn't figure this out until I fixed the width, nothing else worked.)

Remove First and Last Character C++

My BASIC interpreter chops beginning and ending quotes with


Of course, I always expect well-formed BASIC style strings, so I will abort with failed assert if not:

assert(str->front() == '"' && str->back() == '"');

Just my two cents.

Setting Django up to use MySQL

'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
    'NAME': 'django',
    'USER': 'root',
    'PASSWORD': '*****',
    'HOST': '***.***.***.***',
    'PORT': '3306',
    'OPTIONS': {
        'autocommit': True,



python migrate

if success will generate theses tables:


and u will can use mysql.

this is a showcase example ,test on Django version 1.11.5: Django-pool-showcase

Allow docker container to connect to a local/host postgres database

Docker for Mac solution

17.06 onwards

Thanks to @Birchlabs' comment, now it is tons easier with this special Mac-only DNS name available:

docker run -e DB_PORT=5432 -e

From 17.12.0-cd-mac46, should be used instead of docker.for.mac.localhost. See release note for details.

Older version

@helmbert's answer well explains the issue. But Docker for Mac does not expose the bridge network, so I had to do this trick to workaround the limitation:

$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Open /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf and add this line:

host    all             all               trust

Open /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf and edit change listen_addresses:

listen_addresses = '*'

Reload service and launch your container:

$ PGDATA=/usr/local/var/postgres pg_ctl reload
$ docker run -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_HOST= my_app 

What this workaround does is basically same with @helmbert's answer, but uses an IP address that is attached to lo0 instead of docker0 network interface.

How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

The running the impdp command to produce an sqlfile, you will need to run it as a user which has the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.

Or... run it as a low privileged user and use the MASTER_ONLY=YES option, then inspect the master table. e.g.

select value_t 
where name = 'CLIENT_COMMAND' 
and process_order = -59;

col object_name for a30
col processing_status head STATUS for a6
col processing_state head STATE for a5
select distinct
from sys_import_table_01
where process_order > 0
and object_name is not null
order by object_schema, object_name

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

This might be a hack, but in Firefox if you specify a third parameter, 'fullscreen=yes', it opens a fresh new window.

For example,

<a href="#" onclick="'MyPDF.pdf', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes'); return false;">MyPDF</a>

It seems to actually override the browser settings.

Call apply-like function on each row of dataframe with multiple arguments from each row

A data.frame is a list, so ...

For vectorized functions is usually a good bet. But the names of arguments come into play. Here your testFunc is called with args x and y in place of a and b. The ... allows irrelevant args to be passed without causing an error: function(x,z,...) testFunc(x,z), df )

For non-vectorized functions, mapply will work, but you need to match the ordering of the args or explicitly name them:

mapply(testFunc, df$x, df$z)

Sometimes apply will work - as when all args are of the same type so coercing the data.frame to a matrix does not cause problems by changing data types. Your example was of this sort.

If your function is to be called within another function into which the arguments are all passed, there is a much slicker method than these. Study the first lines of the body of lm() if you want to go that route.

Must declare the scalar variable

The reason you are getting the DECLARE error from your dynamic statement is because dynamic statements are handled in separate batches, which boils down to a matter of scope. While there may be a more formal definition of the scopes available in SQL Server, I've found it sufficient to generally keep the following three in mind, ordered from highest availability to lowest availability:


Objects that are available server-wide, such as temporary tables created with a double hash/pound sign ( ##GLOBALTABLE, however you like to call # ). Be very wary of global objects, just as you would with any application, SQL Server or otherwise; these types of things are generally best avoided altogether. What I'm essentially saying is to keep this scope in mind specifically as a reminder to stay out of it.

IF ( OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb.dbo.##GlobalTable' ) IS NULL )
    CREATE TABLE ##GlobalTable
        Val             BIT

    INSERT INTO ##GlobalTable ( Val )
    VALUES ( 1 );

-- This table may now be accessed by any connection in any database,
-- assuming the caller has sufficient privileges to do so, of course.


Objects which are reference locked to a specific spid. Off the top of my head, the only type of session object I can think of is a normal temporary table, defined like #Table. Being in session scope essentially means that after the batch ( terminated by GO ) completes, references to this object will continue to resolve successfully. These are technically accessible by other sessions, but it would be somewhat of a feat do to so programmatically as they get sort of randomized names in tempdb and accessing them is a bit of a pain in the ass anyway.

-- Start of session;
-- Start of batch;
IF ( OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb.dbo.#t_Test' ) IS NULL )
    CREATE TABLE #t_Test
        Val     BIT

    INSERT INTO #t_Test ( Val )
    VALUES ( 1 );
-- End of batch;

-- Start of batch;
FROM    #t_Test;
-- End of batch;

Opening a new session ( a connection with a separate spid ), the second batch above would fail, as that session would be unable to resolve the #t_Test object name.


Normal variables, such as your @value1 and @value2, are scoped only for the batch in which they are declared. Unlike #Temp tables, as soon as your query block hits a GO, those variables stop being available to the session. This is the scope level which is generating your error.

-- Start of session;
-- Start of batch;
DECLARE @test   BIT = 1;

PRINT @test;
-- End of batch;

-- Start of batch;
PRINT @Test;  -- Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 2
              -- Must declare the scalar variable "@Test".
-- End of batch;

Okay, so what?

What is happening here with your dynamic statement is that the EXECUTE() command effectively evaluates as a separate batch, without breaking the batch you executed it from. EXECUTE() is good and all, but since the introduction of sp_executesql(), I use the former only in the most simple of instances ( explicitly, when there is very little "dynamic" element of my statements at all, primarily to "trick" otherwise unaccommodating DDL CREATE statements to run in the middle of other batches ). @AaronBertrand's answer above is similar and will be similar in performance to the following, leveraging the function of the optimizer when evaluating dynamic statements, but I thought it might be worthwhile to expand on the @param, well, parameter.

                FROM    sys.objects
                WHERE   name = 'TblTest'
                    AND type = 'U' )
    --DROP TABLE dbo.TblTest;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.TblTest
        ID      INTEGER,
        VALUE1  VARCHAR( 1 ),
        VALUE2  VARCHAR( 1 )

    INSERT INTO dbo.TblTest ( ID, VALUE1, VALUE2 )
    VALUES ( 61, 'A', 'B' );


        @PRM    NVARCHAR( MAX ),
        @value1 VARCHAR( MAX ),
        @value2 VARCHAR( 200 ),
        @Table  VARCHAR( 32 ),
        @ID     INTEGER;

    SET @Table = 'TblTest';
    SET @ID = 61;

    SET @PRM = '
        @_ID        INTEGER,
        @_value1    VARCHAR( MAX ) OUT,
        @_value2    VARCHAR( 200 ) OUT';
    SET @SQL = '
        SELECT  @_value1 = VALUE1,
                @_value2 = VALUE2
        FROM    dbo.[' + REPLACE( @Table, '''', '' ) + ']
        WHERE   ID = @_ID;';

EXECUTE dbo.sp_executesql @statement = @SQL, @param = @PRM,
            @_ID = @ID, @_value1 = @value1 OUT, @_value2 = @value2 OUT;

PRINT @value1 + ' ' + @value2;


TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable when indexing in to a dictionary

Normally Python throws NameError if the variable is not defined:

>>> d[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

However, you've managed to stumble upon a name that already exists in Python.

Because dict is the name of a built-in type in Python you are seeing what appears to be a strange error message, but in reality it is not.

The type of dict is a type. All types are objects in Python. Thus you are actually trying to index into the type object. This is why the error message says that the "'type' object is not subscriptable."

>>> type(dict)
<type 'type'>
>>> dict[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Note that you can blindly assign to the dict name, but you really don't want to do that. It's just going to cause you problems later.

>>> dict = {1:'a'}
>>> type(dict)
<class 'dict'>
>>> dict[1]

The true source of the problem is that you must assign variables prior to trying to use them. If you simply reorder the statements of your question, it will almost certainly work:

d = {1: "walk1.png", 2: "walk2.png", 3: "walk3.png"}
m1 = pygame.image.load(d[1])
m2 = pygame.image.load(d[2])
m3 = pygame.image.load(d[3])
playerxy = (375,130)
window.blit(m1, (playerxy))

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

Thanks to others on this thread for their suggestions. Following the steps mentioned I found that the apache server was not able to start reporting a syntax error in a load file in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. Turns out that both php7.0 and php7.1 were enabled.

a2dismod php7.0
systemctl restart apache2

and php is rendered correctly again.

download a file from Spring boot rest service

using Apache IO could be another option for copy the Stream

@RequestMapping(path = "/file/{fileId}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> downloadFile(@PathVariable(value="fileId") String fileId,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    InputStream yourInputStream = ...
    IOUtils.copy(yourInputStream, response.getOutputStream());
    return ResponseEntity.ok().build();

maven dependency


Difference Between One-to-Many, Many-to-One and Many-to-Many?

this would probably call for a many-to-many relation ship as follows

public class Person{

    private Long personId;

    private Set skills;
    //Getters and setters

public class Skill{
    private Long skillId;
    private String skillName;
    private Set persons; // (people would not be a good convenion)
    //Getters and setters

you may need to define a joinTable + JoinColumn but it will possible work also without...

Adding an identity to an existing column

As I understood in normal cases we are creating a table with Primary key which is having Identity property
So Rename or Delete a column which is associated with Primary Key constraint will not be possible because constraint Rules are validating column structure.
Tto achieve this we have to process some steps in the following way:
Let us assume TableName = 'Employee' and ColumnName = 'EmployeeId'

1. Add new column 'EmployeeId_new' in the 'Employee' table
ALTER TABLE Employee ADD EmployeeId_new INT IDENTITY(1,1)

  1. Now remove column 'EmployeeId' from 'Employee' table
    ALTER TABLE Employee DROP COLUMN EmployeeId

  2. This will throw error because of Primary Key Constraint rules are applicable and validating column structure.
    *### 'Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The object [PK_dbo.Employee] is dependent on colmn [EmployeeId].'###

  3. So we have to remove the Primary Key constraint first from the table 'Employee' then we can remove the column
    ALTER TABLE Employee DROP constraint [PK_dbo.Employee]

  4. Now we can remove the column 'EmployeeId' from 'Employee' table as did in the previous step where we got error
    ALTER TABLE Employee DROP COLUMN EmployeeId

  5. Now Column 'EmployeeId' removed from table So we will Rename the newly added new column 'EmployeeId_new' with 'EmployeeId'
    sp_rename 'Employee.EmployeeId', 'EmployeeId_new', 'COLUMN'

  6. To rearrange the table in the same form as It was, we have to add Primary Key Constraint for the column 'EmployeeId'
    ALTER TABLE Employee add constraint [PK_dbo.Employee] primary key (EmployeeId)

8. Now the table 'Employee' with 'EmployeeId' is modified for Identity rules along with existing primary key constraint

"NOT IN" clause in LINQ to Entities

If you are using an in-memory collection as your filter, it's probably best to use the negation of Contains(). Note that this can fail if the list is too long, in which case you will need to choose another strategy (see below for using a strategy for a fully DB-oriented query).

   var exceptionList = new List<string> { "exception1", "exception2" };

   var query = myEntities.MyEntity
                         .Select(e => e.Name)
                         .Where(e => !exceptionList.Contains(e.Name));

If you're excluding based on another database query using Except might be a better choice. (Here is a link to the supported Set extensions in LINQ to Entities)

   var exceptionList = myEntities.MyOtherEntity
                                 .Select(e => e.Name);

   var query = myEntities.MyEntity
                         .Select(e => e.Name)

This assumes a complex entity in which you are excluding certain ones depending some property of another table and want the names of the entities that are not excluded. If you wanted the entire entity, then you'd need to construct the exceptions as instances of the entity class such that they would satisfy the default equality operator (see docs).

How to count no of lines in text file and store the value into a variable using batch script?

Inspired by the previous posts, a shorter way of doing so:

C:\>FINDSTR /R /N "^.*$" file.txt | FIND /C ":"

The number of lines

Try it. It works in my console.


(the "$" sign removed)

FINDSTR /R /N "^.*" file.txt | FIND /C ":"

$ reduces the number by 1 because it is accepting the first row as Field name and then counting the number of rows.

Finding index of character in Swift String

extension String {

    // MARK: - sub String
    func substringToIndex(index:Int) -> String {
        return self.substringToIndex(advance(self.startIndex, index))
    func substringFromIndex(index:Int) -> String {
        return self.substringFromIndex(advance(self.startIndex, index))
    func substringWithRange(range:Range<Int>) -> String {
        let start = advance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
        let end = advance(self.startIndex, range.endIndex)
        return self.substringWithRange(start..<end)

    subscript(index:Int) -> Character{
        return self[advance(self.startIndex, index)]
    subscript(range:Range<Int>) -> String {
        let start = advance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
            let end = advance(self.startIndex, range.endIndex)
            return self[start..<end]

    // MARK: - replace
    func replaceCharactersInRange(range:Range<Int>, withString: String!) -> String {
        var result:NSMutableString = NSMutableString(string: self)
        result.replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange(range), withString: withString)
        return result

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

Simply use the following:

IF((SELECT count(*) FROM table)=0)



What use is find_package() if you need to specify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH anyway?

Command find_package has two modes: Module mode and Config mode. You are trying to use Module mode when you actually need Config mode.

Module mode

Find<package>.cmake file located within your project. Something like this:


CMakeLists.txt content:


add_executable(Bar Bar.hpp Bar.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Bar ${FOO_LIBRARIES} ${BOO_LIBRARIES})

Note that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH has high priority and may be usefull when you need to rewrite standard Find<package>.cmake file.

Config mode (install)

<package>Config.cmake file located outside and produced by install command of other project (Foo for example).

foo library:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

add_library(foo Foo.hpp Foo.cpp)
install(FILES Foo.hpp DESTINATION include)
install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES FooConfig.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake/Foo)

Simplified version of config file:

> cat FooConfig.cmake 
add_library(foo STATIC IMPORTED)

By default project installed in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory:

> cmake -H. -B_builds
> cmake --build _builds --target install
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/Foo.hpp
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/cmake/Foo/FooConfig.cmake

Config mode (use)

Use find_package(... CONFIG) to include FooConfig.cmake with imported target foo:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# import library target `foo`
find_package(Foo CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(boo Boo.cpp Boo.hpp)
target_link_libraries(boo foo)
> cmake --build _builds
Linking CXX executable Boo
/usr/bin/c++ ... -o Boo /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a

Note that imported target is highly configurable. See my answer.


PDO with INSERT INTO through prepared statements

Please add try catch also in your code so that you can be sure that there in no exception.

try {
    $hostname = "servername";
    $dbname = "dbname";
    $username = "username";
    $pw = "password";
    $pdo = new PDO ("mssql:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname","$username","$pw");
  } catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo "Failed to get DB handle: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

ImportError: Couldn't import Django

I was having great difficulties with this but I have solved my issue. I am on Windows 10 using Vagrant ssh in my virtualenv environment, the box I have installed is ubuntu/xenial64, Django version 2.1, python==3.6.

When I was installing packages I was using pip3 but most importantly I was using sudo and the -H flag to install these packages. When I ran sudo pip3 freeze my packages would come up, but when I ran a plain pip3 freeze there would be no packages.

Then I tried the python3 startapp <YOUR APP NAME> and it did not work same error as you.

I finally thought to try sudo python3 startapp <YOUR APP NAME> it finally worked!

Hope this was help :)

How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete

I've avoided using setTimeout by using a global function:

EDIT NOTE: I've updated the following helper scripts and created a class that easier/simpler to use; check it out here :::

window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
    window.fbApiInit = true; //init flag

fbEnsureInit will call it's callback after FB.init

function fbEnsureInit(callback){
  if(!window.fbApiInit) {
    window.thisFunctionIsCalledAfterFbInit = callback; //find this in index.html

fbEnsureInitAndLoginStatus will call it's callback after FB.init and after FB.getLoginStatus

function fbEnsureInitAndLoginStatus(callback){
      if (response.status === 'connected') {
        // the user is logged in and has authenticated your
        // app, and response.authResponse supplies
        // the user's ID, a valid access token, a signed
        // request, and the time the access token
        // and signed request each expire

      } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
        // the user is logged in to Facebook,
        // but has not authenticated your app

      } else {
        // the user isn't logged in to Facebook.


fbEnsureInit example usage:

(FB.login needs to be run after FB has been initialized)

       //..enter code here

fbEnsureInitAndLogin example usage:

(FB.api needs to be run after FB.init and FB user must be logged in.)

       //..enter code here

Error handling with try and catch in Laravel

You are inside a namespace so you should use \Exception to specify the global namespace:

try {


} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

In your code you've used catch (Exception $e) so Exception is being searched in/as:


Since there is no Exception class inside App\Services\PayUService so it's not being triggered. Alternatively, you can use a use statement at the top of your class like use Exception; and then you can use catch (Exception $e).

First letter capitalization for EditText

Apply following line in your EditText in XML.


It will also allow multi-line support.

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

Even if above solutions don't work, check permissions to destination file of aws ec2 instance. May be you can try with- sudo chmod 777 -R destinationFolder/*

Chrome hangs after certain amount of data transfered - waiting for available socket

Looks like you are hitting the limit on connections per server. I see you are loading a lot of static files and my advice is to separate them on subdomains and serve them directly with Nginx for example.

  • Create a subdomain called and load all your images from there.

  • Create a subdomain called and load all your JS and CSS files from there.

  • Create a subdomain called and load all your MP3s from there... etc..

Nginx has great options for directly serving static files and managing the static files caching.

How can I preview a merge in git?

Short of actually performing the merge in a throw away fashion (see Kasapo's answer), there doesn't seem to be a reliable way of seeing this.

Having said that, here's a method that comes marginally close:


This gives a fair indication of which commits will make it into the merge. To see diffs, add -p. To see file names, add any of --raw, --stat, --name-only, --name-status.

The problem with the git diff TARGET_BRANCH...SOURCE_BRANCH approach (see Jan Hudec's answer) is, you'll see diffs for changes already in your target branch if your source branch contains cross merges.

bootstrap popover not showing on top of all elements

I just had a situation that was similar to this, involving the DataTables JQuery library with scrolling enabled.

What turned out to be had nothing to do with Z-indices, but with one of the enclosing divs having the CSS overflow property set as hidden.

I fixed it by adding an event to my element triggering the popover which also changed the overflow property of the responsible div to visible.

Setting width to wrap_content for TextView through code

I think this code answer your question

RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) 
params.height = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;

Django: Redirect to previous page after login

In registration/login.html (nested within templates folder) if you insert the following line, the page will render like Django's original admin login page:

{% include "admin/login.html" %}

Note: The file should contain above lines only.

How disable / remove android activity label and label bar?

If your application theme is AppTheme(or anything else), then in styles.xml add the following code:

<style name="HiddenTitleTheme" parent="AppTheme">
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>

Then in manifest file add the following in the activity tag for which you want to disable activity label:


How to hide TabPage from TabControl

TabPage pageListe, pageDetay;
bool isDetay = false;

private void btnListeDetay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (isDetay)
        isDetay = false;
        isDetay = true;

How to call javascript function on page load in

use your code within

  <script type="text/javascript">
     function window.onload()

        var d = new Date()
        var gmtOffSet = -d.getTimezoneOffset();
        var gmtHours = Math.floor(gmtOffSet / 60);
        var GMTMin = Math.abs(gmtOffSet % 60);
        var dot = ".";
        var retVal = "" + gmtHours + dot + GMTMin;
       document.getElementById('<%= offSet.ClientID%>').value = retVal;


.NET - How do I retrieve specific items out of a Dataset?

int intVar = (int)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][n];   // n = column index

Select All checkboxes using jQuery

Try the following simple code:

$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); 

Source: How to reset all checkboxes using jQuery or pure JS?

git: patch does not apply

Johannes Sixt from the [email protected] mailing list suggested using following command line arguments:

git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace mychanges.patch

This solved my problem.

How to remove part of a string before a ":" in javascript?

There is no need for jQuery here, regular JavaScript will do:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(":") + 1);

Or, the .split() and .pop() version:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.split(":").pop();

Or, the regex version (several variants of this):

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];

Disable Laravel's Eloquent timestamps

just declare the public timestamps variable in your Model to false and everything will work great.

public $timestamps = false;

Shortcut for creating single item list in C#

A different answer to my earlier one, based on exposure to the Google Java Collections:

public static class Lists
    public static List<T> Of<T>(T item)
        return new List<T> { item };


List<string> x = Lists.Of("Hello");

I advise checking out the GJC - it's got lots of interesting stuff in. (Personally I'd ignore the "alpha" tag - it's only the open source version which is "alpha" and it's based on a very stable and heavily used internal API.)

JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView

As others indicated, setting the WebChromeClient is needed to get alert() to work. It's sufficient to just set the default WebChromeClient():

mWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());

Thanks for all the comments below. Including John Smith's who indicated that you needed to enable JavaScript.

Error:Unknown host You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle

Download a recent gradle release from Unzip the file and copy the gradle folder e.g. gradle 4.0 into C -- program files -- android -- android studio -- gradle. On your android studio goto file -- settings -- Build, Execution, Deployment --Build Tools -- Gradle and choose Use local gradle distribution, in the gradle home locate your gradle folder and click apply. Then click okay. This solved the problem for me. Your android studio might require a more recent gradle release, make sure you download a gradle that is compatible with your studio or latest releases.

Create a custom callback in JavaScript

If you want to execute a function when something is done. One of a good solution is to listen to events. For example, I'll implement a Dispatcher, a DispatcherEvent class with ES6,then:

let Notification = new Dispatcher()
Notification.on('Load data success', loadSuccessCallback)

const loadSuccessCallback = (data) =>{
//trigger a event whenever you got data by
Notification.dispatch('Load data success')


class Dispatcher{
  constructor(){ = {}

  dispatch(eventName, data){
    const event =[eventName]

  //start listen event
  on(eventName, callback){
    let event =[eventName]
      event = new DispatcherEvent(eventName)[eventName] = event

  //stop listen event
  off(eventName, callback){
    const event =[eventName]


class DispatcherEvent{
    this.eventName = eventName
    this.callbacks = []



Happy coding!

p/s: My code is missing handle some error exceptions

File name without extension name VBA

To be verbose it the removal of extension is demonstrated for workbooks.. which now have a variety of extensions . . a new unsaved Book1 has no ext . works the same for files

Function WorkbookIsOpen(FWNa$, Optional AnyExt As Boolean = False) As Boolean

Dim wWB As Workbook, WBNa$, PD%
FWNa = Trim(FWNa)
If FWNa <> "" Then
    For Each wWB In Workbooks
        WBNa = wWB.Name
        If AnyExt Then
            PD = InStr(WBNa, ".")
            If PD > 0 Then WBNa = Left(WBNa, PD - 1)
            PD = InStr(FWNa, ".")
            If PD > 0 Then FWNa = Left(FWNa, PD - 1)
            ' the alternative of using split..  see commented out  below
            ' looks neater but takes a bit longer then the pair of instr and left
            ' VBA does about 800,000  of these small splits/sec
            ' and about 20,000,000  Instr Lefts per sec
            ' of course if not checking for other extensions they do not matter
            ' and to any reasonable program
            ' IN doing about doing 2000 of this routine per sec

            ' WBNa = Split(WBNa, ".")(0)
            'FWNa = Split(FWNa, ".")(0)
        End If

        If WBNa = FWNa Then
            WorkbookIsOpen = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next wWB
End If

End Function