[svn] Is there a Subversion command to reset the working copy?

Is there a single Subversion command that would “reset” a working copy exactly to the state that’s stored in the repository? Something like git reset --hard or (ha, hard Git reset does not remove unversioned files either!) rm -rf wc && svn co <url> wc.

Update: I’m not after a simple revert, as that does not delete extra files in the working copy. I really want something that would be the same as deleting the working copy and checking it out again, only without having to download the data again. (Obviously I don’t mind losing all the uncommitted changes.)

This question is related to svn

The answer is

To remove untracked files

I was able to list all untracked files reported by svn st in bash by doing:

echo $(svn st | grep -P "^\?" | cut -c 9-)

If you are feeling lucky, you could replace echo with rm to delete untracked files. Or copy the files you want to delete by hand, if you are feeling a less lucky.

(I used @abe-voelker 's answer to revert the remaining files: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6204601/1695680)

To revert tracked files

svn revert . -R

To clean untracked files

svn status | rm -rf $(awk '/^?/{$1 = ""; print $0}')

The -rf may/should look scary at first, but once understood it will not be for these reasons:

  1. Only wholly-untracked directories will match the pattern passed to rm
  2. The -rf is required, else these directories will not be removed

To revert then clean (the OP question)

svn revert . -R && svn status | rm -rf $(awk '/^?/{$1 = ""; print $0}')

For consistent ease of use

Add permanent alias to your .bash_aliases

alias svn.HardReset='read -p "destroy all local changes?[y/N]" && [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY] ]] && svn revert . -R && rm -rf $(awk -f <(echo "/^?/{print \$2}") <(svn status) ;)'

Very quick and simple and does exactly what you want

svn status | awk '{if($2 !~ /(config|\.ini)/ && !system("test -e \"" $2 "\"")) {print $2; system("rm -Rf \"" $2 "\"");}}'

The /(config|.ini)/ is for my own purposes.

And might be a good idea to add --no-ignore to the svn command

Delete everything inside your local copy using:

rm -r your_local_svn_dir_path/*

And the revert everything recursively using the below command.

svn revert -R your_local_svn_dir_path

This is way faster than deleting the entire directory and then taking a fresh checkout, because the files are being restored from you local SVN meta data. It doesn't even need a network connection.

Pure Windows cmd/bat solution:

svn cleanup .
svn revert -R .
For /f "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('svn status --no-ignore') Do (
     If [%%A]==[?] ( Call :UniDelete %%B
     ) Else If [%%A]==[I] Call :UniDelete %%B
svn update .
goto :eof

:UniDelete delete file/dir
IF EXIST "%1\*" (
    RD /S /Q "%1"
) Else (
    If EXIST "%1" DEL /S /F /Q "%1"
goto :eof

Delete unversioned files and revert any changes:

svn revert D:\tmp\sql -R
svn cleanup D:\tmp\sql --remove-unversioned


D         D:\tmp\sql\update\abc.txt

Delete the working copy from the OS and check it out again is simplest, but obviously not a single command.

svn revert . -R

to reset everything.

svn revert path/to/file

for a single file