NB: Should you want the year to be based on some reference date, the code below calculates the dates for the between
declare @referenceTime datetime = getutcdate()
select *
from myTable
where SomeDate
between dateadd(year, year(@referenceTime) - 1900, '01-01-1900') --1st Jan this year (midnight)
and dateadd(millisecond, -3, dateadd(year, year(@referenceTime) - 1900, '01-01-1901')) --31st Dec end of this year (just before midnight of the new year)
Similarly, if you're using a year value, swapping year(@referenceDate)
for your reference year's value will work
declare @referenceYear int = 2010
select *
from myTable
where SomeDate
between dateadd(year,@referenceYear - 1900, '01-01-1900') --1st Jan this year (midnight)
and dateadd(millisecond, -3, dateadd(year,@referenceYear - 1900, '01-01-1901')) --31st Dec end of this year (just before midnight of the new year)