Programs & Examples On #Rampart

Apache Rampart - Axis2 Security Module

Eclipse "Invalid Project Description" when creating new project from existing source

The easiest way to solve this problem is just to move your`s project to another folder and import it. This is because you have already had this project(or project with the same name) in that folder. And when you delete project, eclipse still retains a reference to it

Efficient way to Handle ResultSet in Java

i improved the solutions of RHTs/Brad Ms and of Lestos answer.

i extended both solutions in leaving the state there, where it was found. So i save the current ResultSet position and restore it after i created the maps.

The rs is the ResultSet, its a field variable and so in my solutions-snippets not visible.

I replaced the specific Map in Brad Ms solution to the gerneric Map.

    public List<Map<String, Object>> resultAsListMap() throws SQLException
        var md = rs.getMetaData();
        var columns = md.getColumnCount();
        var list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

        var currRowIndex = rs.getRow();

        while (
            HashMap<String, Object> row = new HashMap<String, Object>(columns);
            for (int i = 1; i <= columns; ++i)
                row.put(md.getColumnName(i), rs.getObject(i));



        return list;

In Lestos solution, i optimized the code. In his code he have to lookup the Maps each iteration of that for-loop. I reduced that to only one array-acces each for-loop iteration. So the program must not seach each iteration step for that string-key.

    public Map<String, List<Object>> resultAsMapList() throws SQLException
        var md = rs.getMetaData();
        var columns = md.getColumnCount();
        var tmp = new ArrayList[columns];
        var map = new HashMap<String, List<Object>>(columns);

        var currRowIndex = rs.getRow();

        for (int i = 1; i <= columns; ++i)
            tmp[i - 1] = new ArrayList<>();
            map.put(md.getColumnName(i), tmp[i - 1]);

        while (
            for (int i = 1; i <= columns; ++i)
                tmp[i - 1].add(rs.getObject(i));


        return map;

How to set initial value and auto increment in MySQL?

For this you have to set AUTO_INCREMENT value




Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

use the fusion API that google developer have developed with fusion of GPS Sensor,Magnetometer,Accelerometer also using Wifi or cell location to calculate or estimate the location. It is also able to give location updates also inside the building accurately.

package com.example.ashis.gpslocation;

import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;


import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Location sample.
 * Demonstrates use of the Location API to retrieve the last known location for a device.
 * This sample uses Google Play services (GoogleApiClient) but does not need to authenticate a user.
 * See if you are
 * also using APIs that need authentication.

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener,
        GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener {

    private static final long ONE_MIN = 500;
    private static final long TWO_MIN = 500;
    private static final long FIVE_MIN = 500;
    private static final long POLLING_FREQ = 1000 * 20;
    private static final long FASTEST_UPDATE_FREQ = 1000 * 5;
    private static final float MIN_ACCURACY = 1.0f;
    private static final float MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY = 1;

    private LocationRequest mLocationRequest;
    private Location mBestReading;
TextView tv;
    private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (!servicesAvailable()) {

tv= (TextView) findViewById(;
        mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create();

        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null) {

    protected void onResume() {

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null) {

    protected void onPause() {d

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {

        tv.setText(location + "");
        // Determine whether new location is better than current best
        // estimate
        if (null == mBestReading || location.getAccuracy() < mBestReading.getAccuracy()) {
            mBestReading = location;

            if (mBestReading.getAccuracy() < MIN_ACCURACY) {
                LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, this);

    public void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
        // Get first reading. Get additional location updates if necessary
        if (servicesAvailable()) {

            // Get best last location measurement meeting criteria
            mBestReading = bestLastKnownLocation(MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY, FIVE_MIN);

            if (null == mBestReading
                    || mBestReading.getAccuracy() > MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY
                    || mBestReading.getTime() < System.currentTimeMillis() - TWO_MIN) {

                LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this);

               //Schedule a runnable to unregister location listeners

                    public void run() {
                        LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, MainActivity.this);


                }, ONE_MIN, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);



    public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {


    private Location bestLastKnownLocation(float minAccuracy, long minTime) {
        Location bestResult = null;
        float bestAccuracy = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        long bestTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;

        // Get the best most recent location currently available
        Location mCurrentLocation = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
        if (mCurrentLocation != null) {
            float accuracy = mCurrentLocation.getAccuracy();
            long time = mCurrentLocation.getTime();

            if (accuracy < bestAccuracy) {
                bestResult = mCurrentLocation;
                bestAccuracy = accuracy;
                bestTime = time;

        // Return best reading or null
        if (bestAccuracy > minAccuracy || bestTime < minTime) {
            return null;
        else {
            return bestResult;

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {


    private boolean servicesAvailable() {
        int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);

        if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == resultCode) {
            return true;
        else {
            GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, this, 0).show();
            return false;

C pointer to array/array of pointers disambiguation

Use the cdecl program, as suggested by K&R.

$ cdecl
Type `help' or `?' for help
cdecl> explain int* arr1[8];
declare arr1 as array 8 of pointer to int
cdecl> explain int (*arr2)[8]
declare arr2 as pointer to array 8 of int
cdecl> explain int *(arr3[8])
declare arr3 as array 8 of pointer to int

It works the other way too.

cdecl> declare x as pointer to function(void) returning pointer to float
float *(*x)(void )

How to assert two list contain the same elements in Python?

Needs ensure library but you can compare list by:

ensure([1, 2]).contains_only([2, 1])

This will not raise assert exception. Documentation of thin is really thin so i would recommend to look at ensure's codes on github

Update Rows in SSIS OLEDB Destination

Well, found a solution to my problem; Updating all rows using a SQL query and a SQL Task in SSIS Like Below. May help others if they face same challenge in future.

update Original 
set Original.Vaal= t.vaal 
from Original join (select * from staging1  union   select * from staging2) t 

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed

function my_get_tags_sitemap(){
    if ( !function_exists('wp_tag_cloud') || get_option('cb2_noposttags')) return;
    $unlinkTags = get_option('cb2_unlinkTags'); 
    echo '<div class="tags"><h2>Tags</h2>';
    $ret = []; // here you need to add array which you call inside implode function
        $tags = get_tags();
        foreach ($tags as $tag){
            $ret[]= $tag->name;
        echo implode(', ', $ret);
        wp_tag_cloud('separator=, &smallest=11&largest=11');
    echo '</div>';

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

Adding this script to my code fixed the dropdown menu.

    $(document).ready(function () {

Missing Maven dependencies in Eclipse project

I have the same issue as you, after trying all the clean, update and install and there was still missing artifacts. Problem for me is that profiles are not being applied. Check in your .m2/settings.xml and look for <activeProfile>. Go back to your project, right click under properties -> maven and enter your Active Maven Profiles. All the missing artifacts were resolved.

jQuery changing style of HTML element

changing style with jquery

Try This


You can also change multiple attribute in a single query

Try This

$('#replace-div').css({'padding-top': '5px' , 'margin' : '10px'});

How to increase the gap between text and underlining in CSS

I know it's an old question, but for single line text setting display: inline-block and then setting the height has worked well for me to control the distance between a border and the text.

curl : (1) Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

Looks like there are so many Answers already but the issue I faced was with double quotes. There is a difference in between:



Changing the 1 st double quote to the second worked for me, below is the sample curl:

curl -X PUT -u xxx:xxx -T test.txt ""

"Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"

After a sequence of attempts I came into a facile solution. You can try Reinstalling ActiveX plugin for Adobe flashplayer.

I do not want to inherit the child opacity from the parent in CSS

Opacity of child element is inherited from the parent element.

But we can use the css position property to accomplish our achievement.

The text container div can be put outside of the parent div but with absolute positioning projecting the desired effect.

Ideal Requirement------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>


            <div class="container">       
              <div class="bar">
                  <div class="text">The text opacity is inherited   from the parent div    </div>






Inherited Opacity of Text(the text color is #000; but not visisble.)

the Text is not visible because inheriting opacity from parent div.

Solution ------------------->>>>>>


       <div class="container">  
         <div class="text">Opacity is not inherited from parent div "bar"</div>
         <div class="bar"></div>




Output :

Not Inherited

the Text is visible with same color as of background because the div is not in the transparent div

Parsing PDF files (especially with tables) with PDFBox

For anyone wanting to do the same thing as OP (as I do), after days of research Amazon Textract is the best option (if your volume is low free tier might be enough).

SQLAlchemy: print the actual query

This code is based on brilliant existing answer from @bukzor. I just added custom render for datetime.datetime type into Oracle's TO_DATE().

Feel free to update code to suit your database:

import decimal
import datetime

def printquery(statement, bind=None):
    print a query, with values filled in
    for debugging purposes *only*
    for security, you should always separate queries from their values
    please also note that this function is quite slow
    import sqlalchemy.orm
    if isinstance(statement, sqlalchemy.orm.Query):
        if bind is None:
            bind = statement.session.get_bind(
        statement = statement.statement
    elif bind is None:
        bind = statement.bind 

    dialect = bind.dialect
    compiler = statement._compiler(dialect)
    class LiteralCompiler(compiler.__class__):
        def visit_bindparam(
                self, bindparam, within_columns_clause=False, 
                literal_binds=False, **kwargs
            return super(LiteralCompiler, self).render_literal_bindparam(
                    bindparam, within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause,
                    literal_binds=literal_binds, **kwargs
        def render_literal_value(self, value, type_):
            """Render the value of a bind parameter as a quoted literal.

            This is used for statement sections that do not accept bind paramters
            on the target driver/database.

            This should be implemented by subclasses using the quoting services
            of the DBAPI.

            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = value.replace("'", "''")
                return "'%s'" % value
            elif value is None:
                return "NULL"
            elif isinstance(value, (float, int, long)):
                return repr(value)
            elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
                return str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                return "TO_DATE('%s','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" % value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

                raise NotImplementedError(
                            "Don't know how to literal-quote value %r" % value)            

    compiler = LiteralCompiler(dialect, statement)
    print compiler.process(statement)

Can Mysql Split a column?

It seems to work:

substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',1 ), ',', -1) 
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',2 ), ',', -1)
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',3 ), ',', -1)
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',4 ), ',', -1)

it means 1st value, 2nd, 3rd, etc.


The inner substring_index returns the first n values that are comma separated. So if your original string is "34,7,23,89", substring_index( context,',', 3) returns "34,7,23".
The outer substring_index takes the value returned by the inner substring_index and the -1 allows you to take the last value. So you get "23" from the "34,7,23".
Instead of -1 if you specify -2, you'll get "7,23", because it took the last two values.


select * from MyTable where substring_index(substring_index(prices,',',1),',',-1)=3382;

Here, prices is the name of a column in MyTable.

Get an object attribute

To access field or method of an object use dot .:

user = User()
print user.fullName

If a name of the field will be defined at run time, use buildin getattr function:

field_name = "fullName"
print getattr(user, field_name) # prints content of user.fullName

Update a column value, replacing part of a string

First, have to check

SELECT * FROM university WHERE course_name LIKE '%&amp%'

Next, have to update

UPDATE university SET course_name = REPLACE(course_name, '&amp', '&') WHERE id = 1

Results: Engineering &amp Technology => Engineering & Technology

Differences between .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 in High level in .NET

Here is a great resource from Microsoft which includes a high level features overview for each .NET release since 1.0 up to the present day. It also include information about the associated Visual Studio release and Windows version compatibility.

.NET Framework Versions and Dependencies

how to drop database in sqlite?

If you use SQLiteOpenHelper you can do this

        String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
        SQLiteDatabase.deleteDatabase(new File(myPath));

package R does not exist

Sometimes, it gets solved when you just re-import the project into Android Studio.

Disable Logback in SpringBoot

In my case, it was only required to exclude the spring-boot-starter-logging artifact from the spring-boot-starter-security one.

This is in a newly generated spring boot 2.2.6.RELEASE project including the following dependencies:

  • spring-boot-starter-security
  • spring-boot-starter-validation
  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-starter-test

I found out by running mvn dependency:tree and looking for ch.qos.logback.

The spring boot related <dependencies> in my pom.xml looks like this:










"sed" command in bash

sed is a stream editor. I would say try man sed.If you didn't find this man page in your system refer this URL:

inherit from two classes in C#

Multitiple inheritance is not possible in C#, however it can be simulated using interfaces, see Simulated Multiple Inheritance Pattern for C#.

The basic idea is to define an interface for the members on class B that you wish to access (call it IB), and then have C inherit from A and implement IB by internally storing an instance of B, for example:

class C : A, IB
    private B _b = new B();

    // IB members
    public void SomeMethod()

There are also a couple of other alternaitve patterns explained on that page.

How to pretty print XML from Java?

Just to note that top rated answer requires the use of xerces.

If you don't want to add this external dependency then you can simply use the standard jdk libraries (which actually are built using xerces internally).

N.B. There was a bug with jdk version 1.5 see but it is resolved now.,

(Note if an error occurs this will return the original text)

package com.test;


import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory;

import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

public class XmlTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        XmlTest t = new XmlTest();
        System.out.println(t.formatXml("<a><b><c/><d>text D</d><e value='0'/></b></a>"));

    public String formatXml(String xml){
            Transformer serializer= SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
            serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
            //serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
            serializer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
            //serializer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
            Source xmlSource=new SAXSource(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())));
            StreamResult res =  new StreamResult(new ByteArrayOutputStream());            
            serializer.transform(xmlSource, res);
            return new String(((ByteArrayOutputStream)res.getOutputStream()).toByteArray());
        }catch(Exception e){
            //TODO log error
            return xml;


JQuery How to extract value from href tag?

First of all you need to extract the path with something like this:


Then take a look at this plugin:

It will help you handle all kinds of querystring things you want to do.

/Peter F

Java - How do I make a String array with values?

You want to initialize an array. (For more info - Tutorial)

int []ar={11,22,33};

String []stringAr={"One","Two","Three"};

From the JLS

The [] may appear as part of the type at the beginning of the declaration, or as part of the declarator for a particular variable, or both, as in this example:

byte[] rowvector, colvector, matrix[];

This declaration is equivalent to:

byte rowvector[], colvector[], matrix[][];

LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simplest conversion?


Is there a simple way to convert a LocalDate (introduced with Java 8) to java.util.Date object? By 'simple', I mean simpler than this

Nope. You did it properly, and as concisely as possible.

java.util.Date.from(                     // Convert from modern java.time class to troublesome old legacy class.  DO NOT DO THIS unless you must, to inter operate with old code not yet updated for java.time.
    myLocalDate                          // `LocalDate` class represents a date-only, without time-of-day and without time zone nor offset-from-UTC. 
    .atStartOfDay(                       // Let java.time determine the first moment of the day on that date in that zone. Never assume the day starts at 00:00:00.
        ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" )  // Specify time zone using proper name in `continent/region` format, never 3-4 letter pseudo-zones such as “PST”, “CST”, “IST”. 
    )                                    // Produce a `ZonedDateTime` object. 
    .toInstant()                         // Extract an `Instant` object, a moment always in UTC.

Read below for issues, and then think about it. How could it be simpler? If you ask me what time does a date start, how else could I respond but ask you “Where?”?. A new day dawns earlier in Paris FR than in Montréal CA, and still earlier in Kolkata IN, and even earlier in Auckland NZ, all different moments.

So in converting a date-only (LocalDate) to a date-time we must apply a time zone (ZoneId) to get a zoned value (ZonedDateTime), and then move into UTC (Instant) to match the definition of a java.util.Date.


Firstly, avoid the old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date whenever possible. They are poorly designed, confusing, and troublesome. They were supplanted by the java.time classes for a reason, actually, for many reasons.

But if you must, you can convert to/from java.time types to the old. Look for new conversion methods added to the old classes.

Table of all date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

java.util.Date ? java.time.LocalDate

Keep in mind that a java.util.Date is a misnomer as it represents a date plus a time-of-day, in UTC. In contrast, the LocalDate class represents a date-only value without time-of-day and without time zone.

Going from java.util.Date to java.time means converting to the equivalent class of java.time.Instant. The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Instant instant = myUtilDate.toInstant();

The LocalDate class represents a date-only value without time-of-day and without time zone.

A time zone is crucial in determining a date. For any given moment, the date varies around the globe by zone. For example, a few minutes after midnight in Paris France is a new day while still “yesterday” in Montréal Québec.

So we need to move that Instant into a time zone. We apply ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );

From there, ask for a date-only, a LocalDate.

LocalDate ld = zdt.toLocalDate();

java.time.LocalDate ? java.util.Date

To move the other direction, from a java.time.LocalDate to a java.util.Date means we are going from a date-only to a date-time. So we must specify a time-of-day. You probably want to go for the first moment of the day. Do not assume that is 00:00:00. Anomalies such as Daylight Saving Time (DST) means the first moment may be another time such as 01:00:00. Let java.time determine that value by calling atStartOfDay on the LocalDate.

ZonedDateTime zdt = myLocalDate.atStartOfDay( z );

Now extract an Instant.

Instant instant = zdt.toInstant();

Convert that Instant to java.util.Date by calling from( Instant ).

java.util.Date d = java.util.Date.from( instant );

More info

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes. Hibernate 5 & JPA 2.2 support java.time.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Table of which java.time library to use with which version of Java or Android

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

Don't quote the column filename

mysql> INSERT INTO risks (status, subject, reference_id, location, category, team,    technology, owner, manager, assessment, notes,filename) 
VALUES ('san', 'ss', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 'sment', 'notes','santu');

How to inject window into a service?

With the release of angular 2.0.0-rc.5 NgModule was introduced. The previous solution stopped working for me. This is what I did to fix it:


  providers: [
    { provide: 'Window',  useValue: window }
  declarations: [...],
  imports: [...]
export class AppModule {}

In some component:

import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';

export class MyComponent {
    constructor (@Inject('Window') window: Window) {}

You could also use an OpaqueToken instead of the string 'Window'


The AppModule is used to bootstrap your application in main.ts like this:

import { platformBrowserDynamic  } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';


For more information about NgModule read the Angular 2 documentation:

"Permission Denied" trying to run Python on Windows 10

As far as I can tell, this was caused by a conflict with the version of Python 3.7 that was recently added into the Windows Store. It looks like this added two "stubs" called python.exe and python3.exe into the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps folder, and in my case, this was inserted before my existing Python executable's entry in the PATH.

Moving this entry below the correct Python folder (partially) corrected the issue.

The second part of correcting it is to type manage app execution aliases into the Windows search prompt and disable the store versions of Python altogether.

manage app execution aliases

It's possible that you'll only need to do the second part, but on my system I made both changes and everything is back to normal now.

Disable developer mode extensions pop up in Chrome

Can't be disabled. Quoting: "Sorry, we know it is annoying, but you the malware writers..."

Your only options are: adapt your automated tests to this new behavior, or upload the offending script to Chrome Web Store (which can be done in an "unlisted" fashion).

Java Reflection Performance

"Significant" is entirely dependent on context.

If you're using reflection to create a single handler object based on some configuration file, and then spending the rest of your time running database queries, then it's insignificant. If you're creating large numbers of objects via reflection in a tight loop, then yes, it's significant.

In general, design flexibility (where needed!) should drive your use of reflection, not performance. However, to determine whether performance is an issue, you need to profile rather than get arbitrary responses from a discussion forum.

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

Add this line on Click on button

loginButton.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList( "public_profile", "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends"));

Where is jarsigner?

For posterity's sake, if you are trying to actually use jarsigner to sign a jar file (such as that of an applet) with a keystore, you'll need to reference jarsigner while running the command from the folder that your keystore is in:

cd "C:\Program Files\Java\jre(version#)\bin"


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk(version#)\bin\jarsigner.exe" -keystore mykeystore (PATH TO YOUR .JAR)\MyJarFile.jar alias

The above might be obvious, but it took me a few tries because I was trying to call jarsigner while inside the JDK folder, which had no knowledge of where my keystore was (in the jre directory!), so I hope this will help those who would like to see a usable syntax for that situation.

Git checkout - switching back to HEAD

You can stash (save the changes in temporary box) then, back to master branch HEAD.

$ git add .
$ git stash
$ git checkout master

Jump Over Commits Back and Forth:

  • Go to a specific commit-sha.

      $ git checkout <commit-sha>
  • If you have uncommitted changes here then, you can checkout to a new branch | Add | Commit | Push the current branch to the remote.

      # checkout a new branch, add, commit, push
      $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'Commit message'
      $ git push origin HEAD          # push the current branch to remote 
      $ git checkout master           # back to master branch now
  • If you have changes in the specific commit and don't want to keep the changes, you can do stash or reset then checkout to master (or, any other branch).

      # stash
      $ git add -A
      $ git stash
      $ git checkout master
      # reset
      $ git reset --hard HEAD
      $ git checkout master
  • After checking out a specific commit if you have no uncommitted change(s) then, just back to master or other branch.

      $ git status          # see the changes
      $ git checkout master
      # or, shortcut
      $ git checkout -      # back to the previous state

Raise error in a Bash script

I often find it useful to write a function to handle error messages so the code is cleaner overall.

# Usage: die [exit_code] [error message]
die() {
  local code=$? now=$(date +%T.%N)
  if [ "$1" -ge 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then  # assume $1 is an error code if numeric
  echo "$0: ERROR at ${now%???}${1:+: $*}" >&2
  exit $code

This takes the error code from the previous command and uses it as the default error code when exiting the whole script. It also notes the time, with microseconds where supported (GNU date's %N is nanoseconds, which we truncate to microseconds later).

If the first option is zero or a positive integer, it becomes the exit code and we remove it from the list of options. We then report the message to standard error, with the name of the script, the word "ERROR", and the time (we use parameter expansion to truncate nanoseconds to microseconds, or for non-GNU times, to truncate e.g. 12:34:56.%N to 12:34:56). A colon and space are added after the word ERROR, but only when there is a provided error message. Finally, we exit the script using the previously determined exit code, triggering any traps as normal.

Some examples (assume the code lives in

if [ condition ]; then die 123 "condition not met"; fi
# exit code 123, message " ERROR at 14:58:01.234564: condition not met"

$command |grep -q condition || die 1 "'$command' lacked 'condition'"
# exit code 1, " ERROR at 14:58:55.825626: 'foo' lacked 'condition'"

$command || die
# exit code comes from command's, message " ERROR at 14:59:15.575089"

Convert double to float in Java

First of all, the fact that the value in the database is a float does not mean that it also fits in a Java float. Float is short for floating point, and floating point types of various precisions exist. Java types float and double are both floating point types of different precision. In a database both are called FLOAT. Since double has a higher precision than float, it probably is a better idea not to cast your value to a float, because you might lose precision.

You might also use BigDecimal, which represent an arbitrary-precision number.

How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

You need to get a reference of your form, and after that you can iterate the elements collection. So, assuming for instance:

<form method="POST" action="submit.php" id="my-form">

You will have something like:

var elements = document.getElementById("my-form").elements;

for (var i = 0, element; element = elements[i++];) {
    if (element.type === "text" && element.value === "")
        console.log("it's an empty textfield")

Notice that in browser that would support querySelectorAll you can also do something like:

var elements = document.querySelectorAll("#my-form input[type=text][value='']")

And you will have in elements just the element that have an empty value attribute. Notice however that if the value is changed by the user, the attribute will be remain the same, so this code is only to filter by attribute not by the object's property. Of course, you can also mix the two solution:

var elements = document.querySelectorAll("#my-form input[type=text]")

for (var i = 0, element; element = elements[i++];) {
    if (element.value === "")
        console.log("it's an empty textfield")

You will basically save one check.

Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

Inside of any Activity class you create a method that will assign NULL to thread instance which can be used as an alternative to the depreciated stop() method for stopping thread execution:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

private Thread mThread;  

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        mThread =  new Thread(){
        public void run(){
            // Perform thread commands...
    for (int i=0; i < 5000; i++)
      // do something...

    // Call the stopThread() method.

    // Start the thread.

private synchronized void stopThread(Thread theThread)
    if (theThread != null)
        theThread = null;

This works for me without a problem.

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

Exception code 0xc0000005 is an Access Violation. An AV at fault offset 0x00000000 means that something in your service's code is accessing a nil pointer. You will just have to debug the service while it is running to find out what it is accessing. If you cannot run it inside a debugger, then at least install a third-party exception logger framework, such as EurekaLog or MadExcept, to find out what your service was doing at the time of the AV.

Call static method with reflection

I prefer simplicity...

private void _InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod(string namespaceName, string methodName, params object[] parameters) {
    foreach(var _a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
        foreach(var _t in _a.GetTypes()) {
            try {
                if((_t.Namespace == namespaceName) && _t.IsClass) _t.GetMethod(methodName, (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))?.Invoke(null, parameters);
            } catch { }


    _InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod("mySolution.Macros", "Run");

But in case you're looking for something a little more robust, including the handling of exceptions...

private InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult[] _InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethod(string namespaceName, string methodName, bool throwExceptions, params object[] parameters) {
    var results = new List<InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult>();
    foreach(var _a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
        foreach(var _t in _a.GetTypes()) {
            if((_t.Namespace == namespaceName) && _t.IsClass) {
                var method_t = _t.GetMethod(methodName, parameters.Select(_ => _.GetType()).ToArray());
                if((method_t != null) && method_t.IsPublic && method_t.IsStatic) {
                    var details_t = new InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult();
                    details_t.Namespace = _t.Namespace;
                    details_t.Class = _t.Name;
                    details_t.Method = method_t.Name;
                    try {
                        if(method_t.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
                            method_t.Invoke(null, parameters);
                            details_t.Void = true;
                        } else {
                            details_t.Return = method_t.Invoke(null, parameters);
                    } catch(Exception ex) {
                        if(throwExceptions) {
                        } else {
                            details_t.Exception = ex;
    return results.ToArray();

private class InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult {
    public string Namespace;
    public string Class;
    public string Method;
    public object Return;
    public bool Void;
    public Exception Exception;

Usage is pretty much the same...

_InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod("mySolution.Macros", "Run", false);

Extract directory path and filename

bash to get file name

filename="${fspec##*/}"  # get filename
dirname="${fspec%/*}" # get directory/path name

other ways


$ echo $fspec | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}'


$ echo $fspec | sed 's/.*\///'

using IFS

$ IFS="/"
$ set -- $fspec
$ eval echo \${${#@}}

How to use z-index in svg elements?

As others here have said, z-index is defined by the order the element appears in the DOM. If manually reordering your html isn't an option or would be difficult, you can use D3 to reorder SVG groups/objects.

Use D3 to Update DOM Order and Mimic Z-Index Functionality

Updating SVG Element Z-Index With D3

At the most basic level (and if you aren't using IDs for anything else), you can use element IDs as a stand-in for z-index and reorder with those. Beyond that you can pretty much let your imagination run wild.

Examples in code snippet

var circles = d3.selectAll('circle')_x000D_
var label ='svg').append('text')_x000D_
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + [5,100] + ')')_x000D_
var zOrders = {_x000D_
    IDs: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),_x000D_
    xPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),_x000D_
    yPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),_x000D_
    radii: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.r.baseVal.value; }),_x000D_
    customOrder: [3, 4, 1, 2, 5]_x000D_
var setOrderBy = 'IDs';_x000D_
var setOrder = d3.descending;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 400 100"> _x000D_
  <circle id="1" fill="green" cx="50" cy="40" r="20"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="2" fill="orange" cx="60" cy="50" r="18"/>_x000D_
  <circle id="3" fill="red" cx="40" cy="55" r="10"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="4" fill="blue" cx="70" cy="20" r="30"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="5" fill="pink" cx="35" cy="20" r="15"/> _x000D_

The basic idea is:

  1. Use D3 to select the SVG DOM elements.

    var circles = d3.selectAll('circle')
  2. Create some array of z-indices with a 1:1 relationship with your SVG elements (that you want to reorder). Z-index arrays used in the examples below are IDs, x & y position, radii, etc....

    var zOrders = {
        IDs: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),
        xPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),
        yPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return; }),
        radii: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.r.baseVal.value; }),
        customOrder: [3, 4, 1, 2, 5]
  3. Then, use D3 to bind your z-indices to that selection.[setOrderBy]);
  4. Lastly, call D3.sort to reorder the elements in the DOM based on the data.



enter image description here

  • You can stack by ID

enter image description here

  • With leftmost SVG on top

enter image description here

  • Smallest radii on top

enter image description here

  • Or Specify an array to apply z-index for a specific ordering -- in my example code the array [3,4,1,2,5] moves/reorders the 3rd circle (in the original HTML order) to be 1st in the DOM, 4th to be 2nd, 1st to be 3rd, and so on...

Using Chrome, how to find to which events are bound to an element

Give it a try to the jQuery Audit extension (, after installing follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the element
  2. On the new 'jQuery Audit' tab expand the Events property
  3. Choose for the Event you need
  4. From the handler property, right click over function and select 'Show function definition'
  5. You will now see the Event binding code
  6. Click on the 'Pretty print' button for a more readable view of the code

creating custom tableview cells in swift

[1] First Design your tableview cell in StoryBoard.

[2] Put below table view delegate method

//MARK: - Tableview Delegate Methods

func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int
    return 1

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int

    return <“Your Array”>

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat

    var totalHeight : CGFloat = <cell name>.<label name>.frame.origin.y    

    totalHeight +=   UpdateRowHeight(<cell name>.<label name>, textToAdd: <your array>[indexPath.row])    

    return totalHeight

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell

    var cell : <cell name>! = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(“<cell identifire>”, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CCell_VideoCall

    if(cell == nil)
        cell = NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("<cell identifire>", owner: self, options: nil)[0] as! <cell name>;

    <cell name>.<label name>.text = <your array>[indexPath.row] as? String

    return cell as <cell name>

//MARK: - Custom Methods

func UpdateRowHeight ( ViewToAdd : UILabel , textToAdd : AnyObject  ) -> CGFloat{

    var actualHeight : CGFloat = ViewToAdd.frame.size.height

    if let strName : String? = (textToAdd as? String)
        where !strName!.isEmpty

        actualHeight = heightForView1(strName!, font: ViewToAdd.font, width: ViewToAdd.frame.size.width, DesignTimeHeight: actualHeight )

    return actualHeight

How to call javascript function from button click event

If you don't need to initiate a post back when you press this button, then making the overhead of a server control isn't necesary.

<input id="addButton" type="button" value="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

If you still need to be able to do a post back, you can conditionally stop the rest of the button actions with a little different code:

<asp:Button ID="buttonAdd" runat="server" Text="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
         $('#<%= buttonAdd.ClientID %>').click(function(e) 

             if(/*Some Condition Is Not Met*/) 
                return false;

How to make a drop down list in yii2?

It is like

use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use backend\models\Standard;

<?= Html::activeDropDownList($model, 's_id',
      ArrayHelper::map(Standard::find()->all(), 's_id', 'name')) ?>

ArrayHelper in Yii2 replaces the CHtml list data in Yii 1.1.[Please load array data from your controller]


Load data from your controller.


$items = ArrayHelper::map(Standard::find()->all(), 's_id', 'name');
return $this->render('your_view',['model'=>$model, 'items'=>$items]);

In View

<?= Html::activeDropDownList($model, 's_id',$items) ?>

Run certain code every n seconds

Save yourself a schizophrenic episode and use the Advanced Python scheduler:

The code is so simple:

from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler

sched = Scheduler()

def some_job():
    print "Every 10 seconds"

sched.add_interval_job(some_job, seconds = 10)


SQL: Alias Column Name for Use in CASE Statement

I think that MySql and MsSql won't allow this because they will try to find all columns in the CASE clause as columns of the tables in the WHERE clause.

I don't know what DBMS you are talking about, but I guess you could do something like this in any DBMS:

SELECT *, CASE WHEN a = 'test' THEN 'yes' END as value FROM (
   SELECT col1 as a FROM table
) q

How to convert signed to unsigned integer in python

To get the value equivalent to your C cast, just bitwise and with the appropriate mask. e.g. if unsigned long is 32 bit:

>>> i = -6884376
>>> i & 0xffffffff

or if it is 64 bit:

>>> i & 0xffffffffffffffff

Do be aware though that although that gives you the value you would have in C, it is still a signed value, so any subsequent calculations may give a negative result and you'll have to continue to apply the mask to simulate a 32 or 64 bit calculation.

This works because although Python looks like it stores all numbers as sign and magnitude, the bitwise operations are defined as working on two's complement values. C stores integers in twos complement but with a fixed number of bits. Python bitwise operators act on twos complement values but as though they had an infinite number of bits: for positive numbers they extend leftwards to infinity with zeros, but negative numbers extend left with ones. The & operator will change that leftward string of ones into zeros and leave you with just the bits that would have fit into the C value.

Displaying the values in hex may make this clearer (and I rewrote to string of f's as an expression to show we are interested in either 32 or 64 bits):

>>> hex(i)
>>> hex (i & ((1 << 32) - 1))
>>> hex (i & ((1 << 64) - 1)

For a 32 bit value in C, positive numbers go up to 2147483647 (0x7fffffff), and negative numbers have the top bit set going from -1 (0xffffffff) down to -2147483648 (0x80000000). For values that fit entirely in the mask, we can reverse the process in Python by using a smaller mask to remove the sign bit and then subtracting the sign bit:

>>> u = i & ((1 << 32) - 1)
>>> (u & ((1 << 31) - 1)) - (u & (1 << 31))

Or for the 64 bit version:

>>> u = 18446744073702667240
>>> (u & ((1 << 63) - 1)) - (u & (1 << 63))

This inverse process will leave the value unchanged if the sign bit is 0, but obviously it isn't a true inverse because if you started with a value that wouldn't fit within the mask size then those bits are gone.

What's the difference between primitive and reference types?

these are primitive data types

  • boolean
  • character
  • byte
  • short
  • integer
  • long
  • float
  • double

saved in stack in the memory which is managed memory on the other hand object data type or reference data type stored in head in the memory managed by GC

this is the most important difference

Parsing JSON object in PHP using json_decode

While editing the code (because mild OCD), I noticed that weather is also a list. You should probably consider something like

echo $data[0]->weather[0]->weatherIconUrl[0]->value;

to make sure you are using the weatherIconUrl for the correct date instance.

What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

As I read your question, I have tried without success to search on the Internet how Bearer tokens are encrypted or signed. I guess bearer tokens are not hashed (maybe partially, but not completely) because in that case, it will not be possible to decrypt it and retrieve users properties from it.

But your question seems to be trying to find answers on Bearer token functionality:

Suppose I am implementing an authorization provider, can I supply any kind of string for the bearer token? Can it be a random string? Does it has to be a base64 encoding of some attributes? Should it be hashed?

So, I'll try to explain how Bearer tokens and Refresh tokens work:

When user requests to the server for a token sending user and password through SSL, the server returns two things: an Access token and a Refresh token.

An Access token is a Bearer token that you will have to add in all request headers to be authenticated as a concrete user.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

An Access token is an encrypted string with all User properties, Claims and Roles that you wish. (You can check that the size of a token increases if you add more roles or claims). Once the Resource Server receives an access token, it will be able to decrypt it and read these user properties. This way, the user will be validated and granted along with all the application.

Access tokens have a short expiration (ie. 30 minutes). If access tokens had a long expiration it would be a problem, because theoretically there is no possibility to revoke it. So imagine a user with a role="Admin" that changes to "User". If a user keeps the old token with role="Admin" he will be able to access till the token expiration with Admin rights. That's why access tokens have a short expiration.

But, one issue comes in mind. If an access token has short expiration, we have to send every short period the user and password. Is this secure? No, it isn't. We should avoid it. That's when Refresh tokens appear to solve this problem.

Refresh tokens are stored in DB and will have long expiration (example: 1 month).

A user can get a new Access token (when it expires, every 30 minutes for example) using a refresh token, that the user had received in the first request for a token. When an access token expires, the client must send a refresh token. If this refresh token exists in DB, the server will return to the client a new access token and another refresh token (and will replace the old refresh token by the new one).

In case a user Access token has been compromised, the refresh token of that user must be deleted from DB. This way the token will be valid only till the access token expires because when the hacker tries to get a new access token sending the refresh token, this action will be denied.

Why is my xlabel cut off in my matplotlib plot?

plt.autoscale() worked for me.

Oracle insert if not exists statement

The correct way to insert something (in Oracle) based on another record already existing is by using the MERGE statement.

Please note that this question has already been answered here on SO:

How do I find the version of Apache running without access to the command line?

In the default installation, call a page that doesn't exist and you get an error with the version at the end:

Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
10/03/08 14:41:45
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.5

How do I get the month and day with leading 0's in SQL? (e.g. 9 => 09)

             + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), Month( column_name )), 2) 
FROM   table 

Epoch vs Iteration when training neural networks

Epoch and iteration describe different things.


An epoch describes the number of times the algorithm sees the entire data set. So, each time the algorithm has seen all samples in the dataset, an epoch has completed.


An iteration describes the number of times a batch of data passed through the algorithm. In the case of neural networks, that means the forward pass and backward pass. So, every time you pass a batch of data through the NN, you completed an iteration.


An example might make it clearer.

Say you have a dataset of 10 examples (or samples). You have a batch size of 2, and you've specified you want the algorithm to run for 3 epochs.

Therefore, in each epoch, you have 5 batches (10/2 = 5). Each batch gets passed through the algorithm, therefore you have 5 iterations per epoch. Since you've specified 3 epochs, you have a total of 15 iterations (5*3 = 15) for training.

Change status bar color with AppCompat ActionBarActivity


    <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/color_primary_dark</item>
<item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>

in Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar didn't worked for me. What did the trick is , giving colorPrimaryDark as usual along with android:colorPrimary in styles.xml

<item name="android:colorAccent">@color/color_primary</item>
<item name="android:colorPrimary">@color/color_primary</item>
<item name="android:colorPrimaryDark">@color/color_primary_dark</item>

and in setting

if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.Lollipop)
                    Window window = this.Window;

didn't had to set statusbar color in code .

How to call jQuery function onclick?


 $(function () {
    var url = $(location).attr('href');
    $('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');
    $("#submit").click(function () {
        alert('button clicked');


<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">

How to access array elements in a Django template?

when you render a request tou coctext some information: for exampel:

return render(request, 'path to template',{'username' :username , 'email'.email})

you can acces to it on template like this : for variabels :

{% if username %}{{ username }}{% endif %}

for array :

{% if username %}{{ username.1 }}{% endif %}
{% if username %}{{ username.2 }}{% endif %}

you can also name array objects in and ten use it like:

{% if username %}{{ username.first }}{% endif %}

if there is other problem i wish to help you

Shortcut for creating single item list in C#

Use an extension method with method chaining.

public static List<T> WithItems(this List<T> list, params T[] items)
    return list;

This would let you do this:

List<string> strings = new List<string>().WithItems("Yes");


List<string> strings = new List<string>().WithItems("Yes", "No", "Maybe So");


You can now use list initializers:

var strings = new List<string> { "This", "That", "The Other" };


How to loop and render elements in React.js without an array of objects to map?

Here is more functional example with some ES6 features:

'use strict';

const React = require('react');

function renderArticles(articles) {
    if (articles.length > 0) {      
        return, index) => (
            <Article key={index} article={article} />
    else return [];

const Article = ({article}) => {
    return ( 
        <article key={}>
            <a href={}>{article.title}</a>

const Articles = React.createClass({
    render() {
        const articles = renderArticles(this.props.articles);

        return (
                { articles }

module.exports = Articles;

How to search for file names in Visual Studio?

CTRL + P this searches for the file name your direct answer.

String to object in JS

This is universal code , no matter how your input is long but in same schema if there is : separator :)

var string = "firstName:name1, lastName:last1"; 
var pass = string.replace(',',':');
var arr = pass.split(':');
var empty = {};
  var b = i + 1, c = b/2, e = c.toString();
     if(e.indexOf('.') != -1 ) {
     empty[el] = arr[i+1];

What is POCO in Entity Framework?

POCOs(Plain old CLR objects) are simply entities of your Domain. Normally when we use entity framework the entities are generated automatically for you. This is great but unfortunately these entities are interspersed with database access functionality which is clearly against the SOC (Separation of concern). POCOs are simple entities without any data access functionality but still gives the capabilities all EntityObject functionalities like

  • Lazy loading
  • Change tracking

Here is a good start for this

POCO Entity framework

You can also generate POCOs so easily from your existing Entity framework project using Code generators.

EF 5.X DbContext code generator

How to edit a JavaScript alert box title?

You can do a little adjustment to leave a blank line at the top.

Like this.

        <script type="text/javascript" >
            alert("USER NOTICE "  +"\n"
            +"New users are not allowed to work " +"\n"
            +"with that feature.");

Validate SSL certificates with Python

Jython DOES carry out certificate verification by default, so using standard library modules, e.g. httplib.HTTPSConnection, etc, with jython will verify certificates and give exceptions for failures, i.e. mismatched identities, expired certs, etc.

In fact, you have to do some extra work to get jython to behave like cpython, i.e. to get jython to NOT verify certs.

I have written a blog post on how to disable certificate checking on jython, because it can be useful in testing phases, etc.

Installing an all-trusting security provider on java and jython.

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

There are three ways I am aware of. The first not being the prettiest and the second being the common way in most programming languages:

  1. Use another single quote: 'I mustn''t sin!'
  2. Use the escape character \ before the single quote': 'I mustn\'t sin!'
  3. Use double quotes to enclose string instead of single quotes: "I mustn't sin!"

How to create a directory and give permission in single command

you can use following command to create directory and give permissions at the same time

mkdir -m777 path/foldername 

Extend a java class from one file in another java file

What's missing from all the explanations is the fact that Java has a strict rule of class name = file name. Meaning if you have a class "Person", is must be in a file named "". Therefore, if one class tries to access "Person" the filename is not necessary, because it has got to be "".

Coming for C/C++, I have exact same issue. The answer is to create a new class (in a new file matching class name) and create a public string. This will be your "header" file. Then use that in your main file by using "extends" keyword.

Here is your answer:

  1. Create a file called In this file, add this:

    public class Include {
        public static String MyLongString= "abcdef";
  2. Create another file, say, In this file, put:

    public class User extends Include {

Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

You can use php artisan migrate:fresh to drop all tables and migrate then. Hope it helps

Where are SQL Server connection attempts logged?

If you'd like to track only failed logins, you can use the SQL Server Audit feature (available in SQL Server 2008 and above). You will need to add the SQL server instance you want to audit, and check the failed login operation to audit.

Note: tracking failed logins via SQL Server Audit has its disadvantages. For example - it doesn't provide the names of client applications used.

If you want to audit a client application name along with each failed login, you can use an Extended Events session.

To get you started, I recommend reading this article:

How to resolve conflicts in EGit

Just right click on a conflicting file and add it to the index after resolving conflicts.

How do I use NSTimer?

The answers are missing a specific time of day timer here is on the next hour:

NSCalendarUnit allUnits = NSCalendarUnitYear   | NSCalendarUnitMonth |
                          NSCalendarUnitDay    | NSCalendarUnitHour  |
                          NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond;

NSCalendar *calendar = [[ NSCalendar alloc]  

NSDateComponents *weekdayComponents = [calendar components: allUnits 
                                                  fromDate: [ NSDate date ] ];

[ weekdayComponents setHour: weekdayComponents.hour + 1 ];
[ weekdayComponents setMinute: 0 ];
[ weekdayComponents setSecond: 0 ];

NSDate *nextTime = [ calendar dateFromComponents: weekdayComponents ];

refreshTimer = [[ NSTimer alloc ] initWithFireDate: nextTime
                                          interval: 0.0
                                            target: self
                                          selector: @selector( doRefresh )
                                          userInfo: nil repeats: NO ];

[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: refreshTimer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];

Of course, substitute "doRefresh" with your class's desired method

try to create the calendar object once and make the allUnits a static for efficiency.

adding one to hour component works just fine, no need for a midnight test (link)

Why is my Git Submodule HEAD detached from master?

Adding a branch option in .gitmodule is NOT related to the detached behavior of submodules at all. The old answer from @mkungla is incorrect, or obsolete.

From git submodule --help, HEAD detached is the default behavior of git submodule update --remote.

First, there's no need to specify a branch to be tracked. origin/master is the default branch to be tracked.


Instead of using the superproject's recorded SHA-1 to update the submodule, use the status of the submodule's remote-tracking branch. The remote used is branch's remote (branch.<name>.remote), defaulting to origin. The remote branch used defaults to master.


So why is HEAD detached after update? This is caused by the default module update behavior: checkout.


Checkout the commit recorded in the superproject on a detached HEAD in the submodule. This is the default behavior, the main use of this option is to override submodule.$name.update when set to a value other than checkout.

To explain this weird update behavior, we need to understand how do submodules work?

Quote from Starting with Submodules in book Pro Git

Although sbmodule DbConnector is a subdirectory in your working directory, Git sees it as a submodule and doesn’t track its contents when you’re not in that directory. Instead, Git sees it as a particular commit from that repository.

The main repo tracks the submodule with its state at a specific point, the commit id. So when you update modules, you're updating the commit id to a new one.


If you want the submodule merged with remote branch automatically, use --merge or --rebase.


This option is only valid for the update command. Merge the commit recorded in the superproject into the current branch of the submodule. If this option is given, the submodule's HEAD will not be detached.


Rebase the current branch onto the commit recorded in the superproject. If this option is given, the submodule's HEAD will not be detached.

All you need to do is,

git submodule update --remote --merge
# or
git submodule update --remote --rebase

Recommended alias:

git config alias.supdate 'submodule update --remote --merge'

# do submodule update with
git supdate

There's also an option to make --merge or --rebase as the default behavior of git submodule update, by setting submodule.$name.update to merge or rebase.

Here's an example about how to config the default update behavior of submodule update in .gitmodule.

[submodule "bash/plugins/dircolors-solarized"]
    path = bash/plugins/dircolors-solarized
    url =
    update = merge # <-- this is what you need to add

Or configure it in command line,

# replace $name with a real submodule name
git config -f .gitmodules submodule.$name.update merge


JavaScript isset() equivalent

    isset('user.permissions.saveProject', args);

    function isset(string, context) {
        try {
            var arr = string.split('.');
            var checkObj = context || window;

            for (var i in arr) {
                if (checkObj[arr[i]] === undefined) return false;
                checkObj = checkObj[arr[i]];

            return true;
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

How do I query for all dates greater than a certain date in SQL Server?

Try enclosing your date into a character string.

 select * 
 from dbo.March2010 A
 where A.Date >= '2010-04-01';

How can I generate a self-signed certificate with SubjectAltName using OpenSSL?

Can someone help me with the exact syntax?

It's a three-step process, and it involves modifying the openssl.cnf file. You might be able to do it with only command line options, but I don't do it that way.

Find your openssl.cnf file. It is likely located in /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf:

$ find /usr/lib -name openssl.cnf

On my Debian system, /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf is used by the built-in openssl program. On recent Debian systems it is located at /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

You can determine which openssl.cnf is being used by adding a spurious XXX to the file and see if openssl chokes.

First, modify the req parameters. Add an alternate_names section to openssl.cnf with the names you want to use. There are no existing alternate_names sections, so it does not matter where you add it.

[ alternate_names ]

DNS.1        =
DNS.2        =
DNS.3        =
DNS.4        =

Next, add the following to the existing [ v3_ca ] section. Search for the exact string [ v3_ca ]:

subjectAltName      = @alternate_names

You might change keyUsage to the following under [ v3_ca ]:

keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

digitalSignature and keyEncipherment are standard fare for a server certificate. Don't worry about nonRepudiation. It's a useless bit thought up by computer science guys/gals who wanted to be lawyers. It means nothing in the legal world.

In the end, the IETF (RFC 5280), browsers and CAs run fast and loose, so it probably does not matter what key usage you provide.

Second, modify the signing parameters. Find this line under the CA_default section:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
# copy_extensions = copy

And change it to:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
copy_extensions = copy

This ensures the SANs are copied into the certificate. The other ways to copy the DNS names are broken.

Third, generate your self-signed certificate:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 3072
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -sha256 -out certificate.pem -days 730
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

Finally, examine the certificate:

$ openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text -noout
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 9647297427330319047 (0x85e215e5869042c7)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
            Not Before: Feb  1 05:23:05 2014 GMT
            Not After : Feb  1 05:23:05 2016 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (3072 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Certificate Sign
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

How do you add an SDK to Android Studio?

I followed almost the same instructions by @Mason G. Zhwiti , but had to instead navigate to this folder to find the SDK:


I'm using Android Studio v1.2.2 on Mac OS

Fixed header, footer with scrollable content

It works fine for me using a CSS grid. Initially fix the container and then give overflow-y: auto; for the centre content which has to get scrolled i.e other than header and footer.

  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 5em auto 3em;

   grid-row: 1;  
    background-color: rgb(148, 142, 142);
    justify-self: center;
    align-self: center;
    width: 100%;

  grid-row: 2;
  overflow-y: auto;

   grid-row: 3;
    background: rgb(110, 112, 112);
<div class="container">
    <div class="body">
      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</div>

Explicitly select items from a list or tuple

like often when you have a boolean numpy array like mask

[mylist[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]

A lambda that works for any sequence or np.array:

subseq = lambda myseq, mask : [myseq[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]

newseq = subseq(myseq, mask)

Better way to check variable for null or empty string?

Use PHP's empty() function. The following things are considered to be empty

"" (an empty string)
0 (0 as an integer)
0.0 (0 as a float)
"0" (0 as a string)
array() (an empty array)
$var; (a variable declared, but without a value)

For more details check empty function

Getting unix timestamp from Date()

I dont know if you want to achieve that in js or java, in js the simplest way to get the unix timestampt (this is time in seconds from 1/1/1970) it's as follows:

var myDate = new Date();
console.log(+myDate); // +myDateObject give you the unix from that date

What is the use of adding a null key or value to a HashMap in Java?

Another example : I use it to group Data by date. But some data don't have date. I can group it with the header "NoDate"

How to add image in a TextView text?

fun TextView.addImage(atText: String, @DrawableRes imgSrc: Int, imgWidth: Int, imgHeight: Int) {
    val ssb = SpannableStringBuilder(this.text)

    val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this.context, imgSrc) ?: return
    drawable.setBounds(0, 0,
    val start = text.indexOf(atText)
    ssb.setSpan(VerticalImageSpan(drawable), start, start + atText.length, Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
    this.setText(ssb, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)

VerticalImageSpan class from great answer


val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
textView.setText("Send an [email-icon] to [email protected].")
textView.addImage("[email-icon]", R.drawable.ic_email,


Why VerticalImageSpan class?
ImageSpan.ALIGN_CENTER attribute requires API 29.
Also, after the test, I see that ImageSpan.ALIGN_CENTER only work if the image smaller than the text, if the image bigger than the text then only image is in center, text not center, it align on bottom of image

PostgreSQL: insert from another table

You could use coalesce:

insert into destination select coalesce(field1,'somedata'),... from source;

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

Use $._data(htmlElement, "events") in jquery 1.7+;


$._data(document, "events") or $._data($('.class_name').get(0), "events")

Presto SQL - Converting a date string to date format

SQL 2003 standard defines the format as follows:

<unquoted timestamp string> ::= <unquoted date string> <space> <unquoted time string>
<date value> ::= <years value> <minus sign> <months value> <minus sign> <days value>
<time value> ::= <hours value> <colon> <minutes value> <colon> <seconds value>

There are some definitions in between that just link back to these, but in short YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS with optional .mmm milliseconds is required to work on all SQL databases.

PHPmailer sending HTML CODE

all you need to do is just add $mail->IsHTML(true); to the code it works fine..

LINUX: Link all files from one to another directory

ln -s /mnt/usr/lib/* /usr/lib/

I guess, this belongs to superuser, though.

How to write "not in ()" sql query using join

This article:

may be if interest to you.

In a couple of words, this query:

SELECT  d1.short_code
FROM    domain1 d1
        domain2 d2
ON      d2.short_code = d1.short_code
WHERE   d2.short_code IS NULL

will work but it is less efficient than a NOT NULL (or NOT EXISTS) construct.

You can also use this:

SELECT  short_code
FROM    domain1
SELECT  short_code
FROM    domain2

This is using neither NOT IN nor WHERE (and even no joins!), but this will remove all duplicates on domain1.short_code if any.

How to use order by with union all in sql?

            SELECT * FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT * FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
-- ORDER BY .....

but if you want to have all records from Table_A on the top of the result list, the you can add user define value which you can use for ordering,

            SELECT *, 1 sortby FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT *, 2 sortby FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
ORDER   BY sortby 

Simplest code for array intersection in javascript

The performance of @atk's implementation for sorted arrays of primitives can be improved by using .pop rather than .shift.

function intersect(array1, array2) {
   var result = [];
   // Don't destroy the original arrays
   var a = array1.slice(0);
   var b = array2.slice(0);
   var aLast = a.length - 1;
   var bLast = b.length - 1;
   while (aLast >= 0 && bLast >= 0) {
      if (a[aLast] > b[bLast] ) {
      } else if (a[aLast] < b[bLast] ){
      } else /* they're equal */ {
   return result;

I created a benchmark using jsPerf: It's about three times faster to use .pop.

How to set an environment variable from a Gradle build?

This one is working for me for settings environment variable for the test plugin

test {
    systemProperties = [
        'catalina.home': 'c:/test'
    println "Starting Tests"
    beforeTest { descriptor ->
       logger.lifecycle("Running test: " + descriptor)                

TypeScript - Append HTML to container element in Angular 2

You could do something like this:


htmlVariable: string = "<b>Some html.</b>"; //this is html in TypeScript code that you need to display


<div [innerHtml]="htmlVariable"></div> //this is how you display html code from TypeScript in your html

The difference between Classes, Objects, and Instances

If you have a program that models cars you have a class to represent cars, so in Code you could say:

Car someCar = new Car();

someCar is now an instance of the class Car. If the program is used at a repairshop and the someCar represents your car in their system, then your car is the object.

So Car is a class that can represent any real world car someCar is an instance of the Car class and someCare represents one real life object (your car)

however instance and object is very often used interchangably when it comes to discussing coding

LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

If you have a "Win32 project" + defined a WinMain and your SubSystem linker setting is set to WINDOWS you can still get this linker error in case somebody set the "Additional Options" in the linker settings to "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE" (looks like this additional setting is preferred over the actual SubSystem setting.

Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity?

The way I resolved it is by using Fragments. These are backwards compatible until API 4 by using the support library.

You make a "wrapper" layout with a FrameLayout in it.


<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
     android:orientation="vertical" >

     <FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
          android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Then you make a FragmentActivity in wich you can replace the FrameLayout any time you want.


public class SampleFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity

 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    // Check that the activity is using the layout version with
    // the fragment_container FrameLayout
    if (findViewById( != null)

        // However, if we're being restored from a previous state,
        // then we don't need to do anything and should return or else
        // we could end up with overlapping fragments.
        if (savedInstanceState != null)

  private void updateLayout()
     Fragment fragment = new SampleFragment();

     // replace original fragment by new fragment
     getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();

In the Fragment you inflate/replace you can use the onStart and onCreateView like you normaly would use the onCreate of an activity.


public class SampleFragment extends Fragment

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.yourActualLayout, container, false);

    public void onStart()
        // do something with the components, or not!
        TextView text = (TextView) getActivity().findViewById(;


change figure size and figure format in matplotlib

You can set the figure size if you explicitly create the figure with


You need to set figure size before calling plt.plot() To change the format of the saved figure just change the extension in the file name. However, I don't know if any of matplotlib backends support tiff

Warning comparison between pointer and integer

It should be

if (*message == '\0')

In C, simple quotes delimit a single character whereas double quotes are for strings.

Python - IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Just Close the opened file where you are going to write.

Unable to install packages in latest version of RStudio and R Version.3.1.1

Most of the time @cer solution works but if in case its not working then try installing it in base R (NOT in R studio). As R studio runs base R executable in background so new package will be available in R studio as well. [my experience in macOS]

What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?

The main difference between Varchar(n) and nvarchar(n) is: enter image description here

Varchar( Variable-length, non-Unicode character data) size is upto 8000. 1.It is a variable length data type

  1. Used to store non-Unicode characters

  2. Occupies 1 byte of space for each character

enter image description here

Nvarchar:Variable-length Unicode character data.

1.It is a variable-length data type

2.Used to store Unicode characters.

  1. Data is stored in a Unicode encoding. Every language is supported. (for example the languages Arabic, German,Hindi,etc and so on)

Converting a string to an integer on Android

Use regular expression:

int i=Integer.parseInt("hello123".replaceAll("[\\D]",""));
int j=Integer.parseInt("123hello".replaceAll("[\\D]",""));
int k=Integer.parseInt("1h2el3lo".replaceAll("[\\D]",""));



Looping through all the properties of object php

If this is just for debugging output, you can use the following to see all the types and values as well.


If you want more control over the output you can use this:

foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key => $value\n";

How do I run msbuild from the command line using Windows SDK 7.1?

Your bat file could be like:

CD C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319

msbuild C:\Users\mmaratt\Desktop\BladeTortoise\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj



Spring MVC: Error 400 The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect

I also had this issue and my solution was different, so adding here for any who have similar problem.

My controller had:

@RequestMapping(value = "/setPassword", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String setPassword(Model model, @RequestParameter SetPassword setPassword) {

The issue was that this should be @ModelAttribute for the object, not @RequestParameter. The error message for this is the same as you describe in your question.

@RequestMapping(value = "/setPassword", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String setPassword(Model model, @ModelAttribute SetPassword setPassword) {

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

This works in Python 2 and 3:

>>> import time
>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())

Just following the official docs...

if else statement in AngularJS templates

A possibility for Angular: I had to include an if - statement in the html part, I had to check if all variables of an URL that I produce are defined. I did it the following way and it seems to be a flexible approach. I hope it will be helpful for somebody.

The html part in the template:

    <div  *ngFor="let p of poemsInGrid; let i = index" >
        <a [routerLink]="produceFassungsLink(p[0],p[3])" routerLinkActive="active">

And the typescript part:

  produceFassungsLink(titel: string, iri: string) {
      if(titel !== undefined && iri !== undefined) {
         return titel.split('/')[0] + '---' + iri.split('raeber/')[1];
      } else {
         return 'Linkinformation has not arrived yet';

Thanks and best regards,


Difference Between Select and SelectMany

The SelectMany method knocks down an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> into an IEnumerable<T>, like communism, every element is behaved in the same manner(a stupid guy has same rights of a genious one).

var words = new [] { "a,b,c", "d,e", "f" };
var splitAndCombine = words.SelectMany(x => x.Split(','));
// returns { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }

How copy data from Excel to a table using Oracle SQL Developer

Click on "Tables" in "Connections" window, choose "Import data ...", follow the wizard and you will be asked for name for new table.

What is the maximum characters for the NVARCHAR(MAX)?

From MSDN Documentation

nvarchar [ ( n | max ) ]

Variable-length Unicode string data. n defines the string length and can be a value from 1 through 4,000. max indicates that the maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes (2 GB). The storage size, in bytes, is two times the actual length of data entered + 2 bytes

How to populate/instantiate a C# array with a single value?

I am a bit surprised noone has made the very simple, yet ultra fast, SIMD version:

  public static void PopulateSimd<T>(T[] array, T value) where T : struct
     var vector = new Vector<T>(value);
     var i = 0;
     var s = Vector<T>.Count;
     var l = array.Length & ~(s-1);
     for (; i < l; i += s) vector.CopyTo(array, i);
     for (; i < array.Length; i++) array[i] = value;

Benchmark: (Number are for Framework 4.8, but Core3.1 is statistically the same)

|     Method |       N |           Mean |          Error |        StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD |
|----------- |-------- |---------------:|---------------:|--------------:|------:|--------:|
| DarthGizka |      10 |      25.975 ns |      1.2430 ns |     0.1924 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd |      10 |       3.438 ns |      0.4427 ns |     0.0685 ns |  0.13 |    0.00 |
|            |         |                |                |               |       |         |
| DarthGizka |     100 |      81.155 ns |      3.8287 ns |     0.2099 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd |     100 |      12.178 ns |      0.4547 ns |     0.0704 ns |  0.15 |    0.00 |
|            |         |                |                |               |       |         |
| DarthGizka |    1000 |     201.138 ns |      8.9769 ns |     1.3892 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd |    1000 |     100.397 ns |      4.0965 ns |     0.6339 ns |  0.50 |    0.00 |
|            |         |                |                |               |       |         |
| DarthGizka |   10000 |   1,292.660 ns |     38.4965 ns |     5.9574 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd |   10000 |   1,272.819 ns |     68.5148 ns |    10.6027 ns |  0.98 |    0.01 |
|            |         |                |                |               |       |         |
| DarthGizka |  100000 |  16,156.106 ns |    366.1133 ns |    56.6564 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd |  100000 |  17,627.879 ns |  1,589.7423 ns |   246.0144 ns |  1.09 |    0.02 |
|            |         |                |                |               |       |         |
| DarthGizka | 1000000 | 176,625.870 ns | 32,235.9957 ns | 1,766.9637 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|       Simd | 1000000 | 186,812.920 ns | 18,069.1517 ns | 2,796.2212 ns |  1.07 |    0.01 |

As can be seen, it is much faster at <10000 elements, and only slightly slower beyond that.

How to work with progress indicator in flutter?

You can use FutureBuilder widget instead. This takes an argument which must be a Future. Then you can use a snapshot which is the state at the time being of the async call when loging in, once it ends the state of the async function return will be updated and the future builder will rebuild itself so you can then ask for the new state.

  future:  myFutureFunction(),
  builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<item>> snapshot) {
    if (!snapshot.hasData) {
      return Center(
        child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
    } else {
     //Send the user to the next page.

Here you have an example on how to build a Future

Future<void> myFutureFunction() async{
 await callToApi();}

Toggle input disabled attribute using jQuery

This is fairly simple with the callback syntax of attr:

$("#product1 :checkbox").click(function(){
   .closest('tr') // find the parent row
       .find(":input[type='text']") // find text elements in that row
           .attr('disabled',function(idx, oldAttr) {
               return !oldAttr; // invert disabled value
           .toggleClass('disabled') // enable them
       .end() // go back to the row
       .siblings() // get its siblings
           .find(":input[type='text']") // find text elements in those rows
               .attr('disabled',function(idx, oldAttr) {
                   return !oldAttr; // invert disabled value
               .removeClass('disabled'); // disable them

Cleanest way to write retry logic?

I'd implement this:

public static bool Retry(int maxRetries, Func<bool, bool> method)
    while (maxRetries > 0)
        if (method(maxRetries == 1))
            return true;
    return false;        

I wouldn't use exceptions the way they're used in the other examples. It seems to me that if we're expecting the possibility that a method won't succeed, its failure isn't an exception. So the method I'm calling should return true if it succeeded, and false if it failed.

Why is it a Func<bool, bool> and not just a Func<bool>? So that if I want a method to be able to throw an exception on failure, I have a way of informing it that this is the last try.

So I might use it with code like:

Retry(5, delegate(bool lastIteration)
       // do stuff
       if (!succeeded && lastIteration)
          throw new InvalidOperationException(...)
       return succeeded;


if (!Retry(5, delegate(bool lastIteration)
       // do stuff
       return succeeded;
   Console.WriteLine("Well, that didn't work.");

If passing a parameter that the method doesn't use proves to be awkward, it's trivial to implement an overload of Retry that just takes a Func<bool> as well.

How to set session variable in jquery?

Use localStorage to store the fact that you opened the page :

$(document).ready(function() {
    var yetVisited = localStorage['visited'];
    if (!yetVisited) {
        // open popup
        localStorage['visited'] = "yes";

Linux bash: Multiple variable assignment

Sometimes you have to do something funky. Let's say you want to read from a command (the date example by SDGuero for example) but you want to avoid multiple forks.

read month day year << DATE_COMMAND
 $(date "+%m %d %Y")
echo $month $day $year

You could also pipe into the read command, but then you'd have to use the variables within a subshell:

day=n/a; month=n/a; year=n/a
date "+%d %m %Y" | { read day month year ; echo $day $month $year; }
echo $day $month $year

results in...

13 08 2013
n/a n/a n/a

DataTables: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

In my case, i had to assign my json to an attribute called aaData just like in Datatables ajax example which data looked like this.

How to delete and update a record in Hive

Upcoming version of Hive is going to allow SET based update/delete handling which is of utmost importance when trying to do CRUD operations on a 'bunch' of rows instead of taking one row at a time.

In the interim , I have tried a dynamic partition based approach documented here .

Please see if it suits your need.

PostgreSQL error 'Could not connect to server: No such file or directory'

I don't really know Mac or Homebrew, but I know PostgreSQL very well.

You want to figure out where the logs are from PostgreSQL trying to start and what the socket directory is for PostgreSQL. By default when you build PG, the socket directory is /tmp/. If you didn't change that when you built PG and then you started PG, you should be able to see a socket file in /tmp if you do: ls -al /tmp

The socket file starts with a ".", so you won't see it with the '-a' to ls.

If you don't see a socket there, and you don't see anything from ps awux | grep postgres, then PG is probably not running, or maybe it is and it's the OSX-installed one. What might be happening is that you might be getting a conflict on listening on port 5432 on localhost- use netstat -anp to see what, if anything, is listening on 5432. If a Mac OSX PG is already listening on that port then that might be the problem.

Hope that helps. I have heard that homebrew can make things a bit ugly and a lot of people I've talked to encourage using a VM instead.

Python: Is there an equivalent of mid, right, and left from BASIC?

Thanks Andy W

I found that the mid() did not quite work as I expected and I modified as follows:

def mid(s, offset, amount):
    return s[offset-1:offset+amount-1]

I performed the following test:

print('[1]23', mid('123', 1, 1))
print('1[2]3', mid('123', 2, 1))
print('12[3]', mid('123', 3, 1))
print('[12]3', mid('123', 1, 2))
print('1[23]', mid('123', 2, 2))

Which resulted in:

[1]23 1
1[2]3 2
12[3] 3
[12]3 12
1[23] 23

Which was what I was expecting. The original mid() code produces this:

[1]23 2
1[2]3 3
[12]3 23
1[23] 3

But the left() and right() functions work fine. Thank you.

How can I divide one column of a data frame through another?

There are a plethora of ways in which this can be done. The problem is how to make R aware of the locations of the variables you wish to divide.


d <- read.table(text = "263807.0    1582
196190.5    1016
586689.0    3479
names(d) <- c("min", "count2.freq")
> d
       min count2.freq
1 263807.0        1582
2 196190.5        1016
3 586689.0        3479

My preferred way

To add the desired division as a third variable I would use transform()

> d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)
> d
       min count2.freq      new
1 263807.0        1582 166.7554
2 196190.5        1016 193.1009
3 586689.0        3479 168.6373

The basic R way

If doing this in a function (i.e. you are programming) then best to avoid the sugar shown above and index. In that case any of these would do what you want

## 1. via `[` and character indexes
d[, "new"] <- d[, "min"] / d[, "count2.freq"]

## 2. via `[` with numeric indices
d[, 3] <- d[, 1] / d[, 2]

## 3. via `$`
d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq

All of these can be used at the prompt too, but which is easier to read:

d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)


d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq ## or any of the above examples

Hopefully you think like I do and the first version is better ;-)

The reason we don't use the syntactic sugar of tranform() et al when programming is because of how they do their evaluation (look for the named variables). At the top level (at the prompt, working interactively) transform() et al work just fine. But buried in function calls or within a call to one of the apply() family of functions they can and often do break.

Likewise, be careful using numeric indices (## 2. above); if you change the ordering of your data, you will select the wrong variables.

The preferred way if you don't need replacement

If you are just wanting to do the division (rather than insert the result back into the data frame, then use with(), which allows us to isolate the simple expression you wish to evaluate

> with(d, min / count2.freq)
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

This is again much cleaner code than the equivalent

> d$min / d$count2.freq
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

as it explicitly states that "using d, execute the code min / count2.freq. Your preference may be different to mine, so I have shown all options.

How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

Update September 2015 (6 years later)

The last release of git-for-Windows (2.5.3) now includes:

By configuring git config core.editor notepad, users can now use notepad.exe as their default editor.
Configuring git config format.commitMessageColumns 72 will be picked up by the notepad wrapper and line-wrap the commit message after the user edits it.

See commit 69b301b by Johannes Schindelin (dscho).

And Git 2.16 (Q1 2018) will show a message to tell the user that it is waiting for the user to finish editing when spawning an editor, in case the editor opens to a hidden window or somewhere obscure and the user gets lost.

See commit abfb04d (07 Dec 2017), and commit a64f213 (29 Nov 2017) by Lars Schneider (larsxschneider).
Helped-by: Junio C Hamano (gitster).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 0c69a13, 19 Dec 2017)

launch_editor(): indicate that Git waits for user input

When a graphical GIT_EDITOR is spawned by a Git command that opens and waits for user input (e.g. "git rebase -i"), then the editor window might be obscured by other windows.
The user might be left staring at the original Git terminal window without even realizing that s/he needs to interact with another window before Git can proceed. To this user Git appears hanging.

Print a message that Git is waiting for editor input in the original terminal and get rid of it when the editor returns, if the terminal supports erasing the last line

Original answer

I just tested it with git version 1.6.2.msysgit.0.186.gf7512 and Notepad++5.3.1

I prefer to not have to set an EDITOR variable, so I tried:

git config --global core.editor "\"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\""
# or
git config --global core.editor "\"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" %*"

That always gives:

C:\prog\git>git config --global --edit
"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %*: c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe: command not found
error: There was a problem with the editor '"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %*'.

If I define a npp.bat including:

"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %*

and I type:

C:\prog\git>git config --global core.editor C:\prog\git\npp.bat

It just works from the DOS session, but not from the git shell.
(not that with the core.editor configuration mechanism, a script with "start /WAIT..." in it would not work, but only open a new DOS window)

Bennett's answer mentions the possibility to avoid adding a script, but to reference directly the program itself between simple quotes. Note the direction of the slashes! Use / NOT \ to separate folders in the path name!

git config --global core.editor \
"'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"

Or if you are in a 64 bit system:

git config --global core.editor \
"'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"

But I prefer using a script (see below): that way I can play with different paths or different options without having to register again a git config.

The actual solution (with a script) was to realize that:
what you refer to in the config file is actually a shell (/bin/sh) script, not a DOS script.

So what does work is:

C:\prog\git>git config --global core.editor C:/prog/git/npp.bat

with C:/prog/git/npp.bat:

"c:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst "$*"


"c:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin "$*"

With that setting, I can do 'git config --global --edit' from DOS or Git Shell, or I can do 'git rebase -i ...' from DOS or Git Shell.
Bot commands will trigger a new instance of notepad++ (hence the -multiInst' option), and wait for that instance to be closed before going on.

Note that I use only '/', not \'. And I installed msysgit using option 2. (Add the git\bin directory to the PATH environment variable, but without overriding some built-in windows tools)

The fact that the notepad++ wrapper is called .bat is not important.
It would be better to name it '' and to put it in the [git]\cmd directory though (or in any directory referenced by your PATH environment variable).

See also:

lightfire228 adds in the comments:

For anyone having an issue where N++ just opens a blank file, and git doesn't take your commit message, see "Aborting commit due to empty message": change your .bat or .sh file to say:

"<path-to-n++" .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG -<arguments>. 

That will tell notepad++ to open the temp commit file, rather than a blank new one.

javascript functions to show and hide divs

You can zip the two with something like this [like jQuery does]:

function toggleMyDiv() {
 if (document.getElementById("myDiv").style.display=="block"){

..and use the same function in the two buttons - or generally in the page for both functions.

Java equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent that produces identical output?

I use, e.g.

String s = "a+b c.html";
String fixed = new URI(null, null, s, null).getRawPath();

The value of fixed will be a+b%20c.html, which is what you want.

Post-processing the output of URLEncoder.encode() will obliterate any pluses that are supposed to be in the URI. For example

URLEncoder.encode("a+b c.html").replaceAll("\\+", "%20");

will give you a%20b%20c.html, which will be interpreted as a b c.html.

"SSL certificate verify failed" using pip to install packages

Thank you for the solution. In my case the file %appdata%\pip\pip.ini was not present. I created it manually with this content:

trusted-host =

Is Constructor Overriding Possible?

method overriding in java is used to improve the recent code performance written previously .

some code like shows that here we are creating reference of base class and creating phyisical instance of the derived class. in constructors overloading is possible.

InputStream fis=new FileInputStream("a.txt");
int size=fis.available();

size will return the total number of bytes possible in a.txt so

How to order events bound with jQuery

The order the bound callbacks are called in is managed by each jQuery object's event data. There aren't any functions (that I know of) that allow you to view and manipulate that data directly, you can only use bind() and unbind() (or any of the equivalent helper functions).

Dowski's method is best, you should modify the various bound callbacks to bind to an ordered sequence of custom events, with the "first" callback bound to the "real" event. That way, no matter in what order they are bound, the sequence will execute in the right way.

The only alternative I can see is something you really, really don't want to contemplate: if you know the binding syntax of the functions may have been bound before you, attempt to un-bind all of those functions and then re-bind them in the proper order yourself. That's just asking for trouble, because now you have duplicated code.

It would be cool if jQuery allowed you to simply change the order of the bound events in an object's event data, but without writing some code to hook into the jQuery core that doesn't seem possible. And there are probably implications of allowing this that I haven't thought of, so maybe it's an intentional omission.

Why am I getting error for apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png

An alternative solution is to simply add a route to your routes.rb

It basically catches the Apple request and renders a 404 back to the client. This way your log files aren't cluttered.

# routes.rb at the near-end
match '/:png', via: :get, controller: 'application', action: 'apple_touch_not_found', png: /apple-touch-icon.*\.png/

then add a method 'apple_touch_not_found' to your application_controller.rb

# application_controller.rb
def apple_touch_not_found
  render  plain: 'apple-touch icons not found', status: 404

passing argument to DialogFragment

In my case, none of the code above with bundle-operate works; Here is my decision (I don't know if it is proper code or not, but it works in my case):

public class DialogMessageType extends DialogFragment {
    private static String bodyText;

    public static DialogMessageType addSomeString(String temp){
        DialogMessageType f = new DialogMessageType();
        bodyText = temp;
        return f;

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        final String[] choiseArray = {"sms", "email"};
        String title = "Send text via:";
        final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
        builder.setTitle(title).setItems(choiseArray, itemClickListener);
        return builder.create();

    DialogInterface.OnClickListener itemClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            switch (which){
                case 0:
                case 1:

public class SendObjectActivity extends FragmentActivity {

DialogMessageType dialogMessageType = DialogMessageType.addSomeString(stringToSend);,"dialogMessageType");


Parsing jQuery AJAX response


var parsed_data = JSON.parse(data);

should result in the ability to access the data like you want.


should now show '1'

Python: CSV write by column rather than row

wr.writerow(item)  #column by column
wr.writerows(item) #row by row

This is quite simple if your goal is just to write the output column by column.

If your item is a list:

yourList = []

with open('yourNewFileName.csv', 'w', ) as myfile:
    wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    for word in yourList:

Java function for arrays like PHP's join()?

If you were looking for what to use in android, it is:

String android.text.TextUtils.join(CharSequence delimiter, Object[] tokens)

for example:

String joined = TextUtils.join(";", MyStringArray);

How to create a sticky footer that plays well with Bootstrap 3

Since it's in bootstrap 3, the site will be using jQuery. So the solution could also be the following, instead of trying to play with complex CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        .my-footer {
            border-radius : 0px;
            margin : 0px; /* pesky margin below .navbar */
            position : absolute;
            width : 100%;
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
            <!-- Content of any length -->
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />

    <div class="navbar navbar-inverse my-footer">
        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <p class="navbar-text">My footer content goes here...</p>

    <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var $docH = $(document).height();
            // The document height will grow as the content on the page grows.
                The default height of .navbar is 50px with a 1px border,
                change this 52 if you change the height of your footer.
                top: ($docH - 52) + 'px'

A different take on it, hope it helps.

Kind regards.

orderBy multiple fields in Angular

<select ng-model="divs" ng-options="(' - '+d.sub) for d in divisions | orderBy:['group','sub']" />

User array instead of multiple orderBY

Configure cron job to run every 15 minutes on Jenkins

It should be,

*/15 * * * *  your_command_or_whatever

Checkbox for nullable boolean

I got it to work with

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Foo) 

and then making a file at Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/Boolean.cshtml with the following:

@model bool?

@Html.CheckBox("", Model.GetValueOrDefault())

How to get the function name from within that function?

I had a similar problem and I solved it as follows:

Function.prototype.myname = function() {
   return this.toString()
       .substr( 0, this.toString().indexOf( "(" ) )
       .replace( "function ", "" ); 

This code implements, in a more comfortable fashion, one response I already read here at the top of this discussion. Now I have a member function retrieving the name of any function object. Here's the full script ...

<script language="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript">

    Function.prototype.myname = function() { 
        return this.toString()
            .substr( 0, this.toString().indexOf( "(" ) )
            .replace("function ", "" ); 
    function call_this( _fn ) { document.write( _fn.myname() ); }
    function _yeaaahhh() { /* do something */ }
    call_this( _yeaaahhh ); 


Converting camel case to underscore case in ruby

The ruby core itself has no support to convert a string from (upper) camel case to (also known as pascal case) to underscore (also known as snake case).

So you need either to make your own implementation or use an existing gem.

There is a small ruby gem called lucky_case which allows you to convert a string from any of the 10+ supported cases to another case easily:

require 'lucky_case'

# convert to snake case string
LuckyCase.snake_case('CamelCaseString')      # => 'camel_case_string'
# or the opposite way
LuckyCase.pascal_case('camel_case_string')   # => 'CamelCaseString'

You can even monkey patch the String class if you want to:

require 'lucky_case/string'

'CamelCaseString'.snake_case  # => 'camel_case_string'
'CamelCaseString'.snake_case! # => 'camel_case_string' and overwriting original

Have a look at the offical repository for more examples and documentation:

How to delete all files and folders in a directory?

private void ClearFolder(string FolderName)
    DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(FolderName);

    foreach (FileInfo fi in dir.GetFiles())
        fi.IsReadOnly = false;

    foreach (DirectoryInfo di in dir.GetDirectories())

Stop on first error

Maybe you want set -e:

This tells bash that it should exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value. The benefit of using -e is that it prevents errors snowballing into serious issues when they could have been caught earlier. Again, for readability you may want to use set -o errexit.

Why does IE9 switch to compatibility mode on my website?

As an aside on more modern websites, if you are using conditional statements on your html tag as per boilerplate, this will for some reason cause ie9 to default to compatibility mode. The fix here is to move your conditional statements off the html tag and add them to the body tag, in other words out of the head section. That way you can still use those classes in your style sheet to target older browsers.

How to read input from console in a batch file?

In addition to the existing answer it is possible to set a default option as follows:

echo off
ECHO A current build of Test Harness exists.
set delBuild=n
set /p delBuild=Delete preexisting build [y/n] (default - %delBuild%)?:

This allows users to simply hit "Enter" if they want to enter the default.

auto refresh for every 5 mins

Install an interval:

<script type="text/javascript">    
    setInterval(page_refresh, 5*60000); //NOTE: period is passed in milliseconds

How to use store and use session variables across pages?

Every time you start a session (applies to PHP version 5.2.54), session_start() creates a new session id.

Here is the fix that worked for me.


session_id('mySessionID'); //SET id first before calling  session start

$name = "Nitin Hurkadli";
$_SESSION['username'] = $name;



$name = $_SESSION['username'];
echo "Hello  " . $name;

Not unique table/alias

Your query contains columns which could be present with the same name in more than one table you are referencing, hence the not unique error. It's best if you make the references explicit and/or use table aliases when joining.


    SELECT pa.ProjectID, p.Project_Title, a.Account_ID, a.Username, a.Access_Type, c.First_Name, c.Last_Name
      FROM Project_Assigned pa
INNER JOIN Account a
        ON pa.AccountID = a.Account_ID
INNER JOIN Project p
        ON pa.ProjectID = p.Project_ID
INNER JOIN Clients c
        ON a.Account_ID = c.Account_ID
     WHERE a.Access_Type = 'Client';

how to do file upload using jquery serialization

   var form = $('#job-request-form')[0];
        var formData = new FormData(form);
            url: "/send_resume/", // the endpoint
            type: "POST", // http method
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            data: formData,

It worked for me! just set processData and contentType False.

How do you input command line arguments in IntelliJ IDEA?

maytham-???i???, you can use this code to simulate input of file:

System.setIn(new FileInputStream("FILE_NAME"));

Or send file name as parameter and then put it into FileInputStream:

System.setIn(new FileInputStream(args[0]));

What does "<>" mean in Oracle

not equals. See here for a list of conditions

How to get a complete list of ticker symbols from Yahoo Finance?

i had a similar problem. yahoo doesn't offer it, but you can get one by looking through the document.write statements on's list and finding the .js file where they just happen to store the list of companies starting with the given letter as a js array literal. you can also get nice tidy csv files from here: (replace exchange=nasdaq with exchange=nyse for nyse symbols).

Getter and Setter of Model object in Angular 4

The way you declare the date property as an input looks incorrect but its hard to say if it's the only problem without seeing all your code. Rather than using @Input('date') declare the date property like so: private _date: string;. Also, make sure you are instantiating the model with the new keyword. Lastly, access the property using regular dot notation.

Check your work against this example from :

let passcode = "secret passcode";

class Employee {
    private _fullName: string;

    get fullName(): string {
        return this._fullName;

    set fullName(newName: string) {
        if (passcode && passcode == "secret passcode") {
            this._fullName = newName;
        else {
            console.log("Error: Unauthorized update of employee!");

let employee = new Employee();
employee.fullName = "Bob Smith";
if (employee.fullName) {

And here is a plunker demonstrating what it sounds like you're trying to do:

XPath to select Element by attribute value

Try doing this :


Detect when browser receives file download

Based on Elmer's example I've prepared my own solution. After elements click with defined download class it lets to show custom message on the screen. I've used focus trigger to hide the message.


$(function(){$('.download').click(function() { ShowDownloadMessage(); }); })

function ShowDownloadMessage()
     $('#message-text').text('your report is creating, please wait...');
     window.addEventListener('focus', HideDownloadMessage, false);

function HideDownloadMessage(){
    window.removeEventListener('focus', HideDownloadMessage, false);                   


<div id="message" style="display: none">
    <div id="message-screen-mask" class="ui-widget-overlay ui-front"></div>
    <div id="message-text" class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-draggable ui-resizable waitmessage">please wait...</div>

Now you should implement any element to download:

<a class="download" href="file://">Download report</a>


<input class="download" type="submit" value="Download" name="actionType">

After each download click you will see message your report is creating, please wait...

Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText

For anyone who does not want to implement the monstrous click handling. You can achieve the same with a RelativeLayout. With that you even have free handling of the positioning of the drawable.




The ImageView position will be the same as you would use drawableEnd - plus you don't need all the touch listener handling. Just a click listener for the ImageView and you are good to go.

Retrofit 2 - URL Query Parameter

 public interface IService { 

  String BASE_URL = "";

  @GET("Login") //i.e 
  Call<Products> getUserDetails(@Query("email") String emailID, @Query("password") String password)


It will be called this way. Considering you did the rest of the code already.

Call<Results> call = service.getUserDetails("[email protected]", "Password@123");

For example when a query is returned, it will look like this.[email protected]&password=Password@123

Use dynamic variable names in `dplyr`

Since you are dynamically building a variable name as a character value, it makes more sense to do assignment using standard data.frame indexing which allows for character values for column names. For example:

multipetal <- function(df, n) {
    varname <- paste("petal", n , sep=".")
    df[[varname]] <- with(df, Petal.Width * n)

The mutate function makes it very easy to name new columns via named parameters. But that assumes you know the name when you type the command. If you want to dynamically specify the column name, then you need to also build the named argument.

dplyr version >= 1.0

With the latest dplyr version you can use the syntax from the glue package when naming parameters when using :=. So here the {} in the name grab the value by evaluating the expression inside.

multipetal <- function(df, n) {
  mutate(df, "petal.{n}" := Petal.Width * n)

dplyr version >= 0.7

dplyr starting with version 0.7 allows you to use := to dynamically assign parameter names. You can write your function as:

# --- dplyr version 0.7+---
multipetal <- function(df, n) {
    varname <- paste("petal", n , sep=".")
    mutate(df, !!varname := Petal.Width * n)

For more information, see the documentation available form vignette("programming", "dplyr").

dplyr (>=0.3 & <0.7)

Slightly earlier version of dplyr (>=0.3 <0.7), encouraged the use of "standard evaluation" alternatives to many of the functions. See the Non-standard evaluation vignette for more information (vignette("nse")).

So here, the answer is to use mutate_() rather than mutate() and do:

# --- dplyr version 0.3-0.5---
multipetal <- function(df, n) {
    varname <- paste("petal", n , sep=".")
    varval <- lazyeval::interp(~Petal.Width * n, n=n)
    mutate_(df, .dots= setNames(list(varval), varname))

dplyr < 0.3

Note this is also possible in older versions of dplyr that existed when the question was originally posed. It requires careful use of quote and setName:

# --- dplyr versions < 0.3 ---
multipetal <- function(df, n) {
    varname <- paste("petal", n , sep=".")
    pp <- c(quote(df), setNames(list(quote(Petal.Width * n)), varname))"mutate", pp)

DISABLE the Horizontal Scroll

If you want to disable horizontal scrolling over the entire screen width, use this code.

element {_x000D_
  max-width: 100vw;_x000D_
  overflow-x: hidden;_x000D_

This works better than "100%" because it ignores the parent width and instead uses the viewport.

VBA module that runs other modules

Is "Module1" part of the same workbook that contains "moduleController"?
If not, you could call public method of "Module1" using Application.Run someWorkbook.xlsm!methodOfModule.

how to fire event on file select

<input id="fusk" type="file" name="upload" style="display: none;"
    onChange=" document.getElementById('myForm').submit();"

Plot multiple columns on the same graph in R

The easiest is to convert your data to a "tall" format.

s <- 
"A       B        C       G       Xax
0.451   0.333   0.034   0.173   0.22        
0.491   0.270   0.033   0.207   0.34    
0.389   0.249   0.084   0.271   0.54    
0.425   0.819   0.077   0.281   0.34
0.457   0.429   0.053   0.386   0.53    
0.436   0.524   0.049   0.249   0.12    
0.423   0.270   0.093   0.279   0.61    
0.463   0.315   0.019   0.204   0.23
d <- read.delim(textConnection(s), sep="")

d <- melt(d, id.vars="Xax")

# Everything on the same plot
ggplot(d, aes(Xax,value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_point() + 

# Separate plots
ggplot(d, aes(Xax,value)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  stat_smooth() +

Pass variables between two PHP pages without using a form or the URL of page


$message1 = "A message";
$message2 = "Another message";

$_SESSION['firstMessage'] = $message1;
$_SESSION['secondMessage'] = $message2; 

Stores the sessions on page 1 then on page 2 do


echo $_SESSION['firstMessage'];
echo $_SESSION['secondMessage'];

what is the use of Eval() in

IrishChieftain didn't really address the question, so here's my take:

eval() is supposed to be used for data that is not known at run time. Whether that be user input (dangerous) or other sources.

Multiple axis line chart in excel

Taking the answer above as guidance;

I made an extra graph for "hours worked by month", then copy/special-pasted it as a 'linked picture' for use under my other graphs. in other words, I copy pasted my existing graphs over the linked picture made from my new graph with the new axis.. And because it is a linked picture it always updates.

Make it easy on yourself though, make sure you copy an existing graph to build your 'picture' graph - then delete the series or change the data source to what you need as an extra axis. That way you won't have to mess around resizing.

The results were not too bad considering what I wanted to achieve; basically a list of incident frequency bar graph, with a performance tread line, and then a solid 'backdrop' of hours worked.

Thanks to the guy above for the idea!

printing a value of a variable in postgresql

You can raise a notice in Postgres as follows:

raise notice 'Value: %', deletedContactId;

Read here

Reading From A Text File - Batch

Your code "for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (a.txt) do echo %%x" will work on most Windows Operating Systems unless you have modified commands.

So you could instead "cd" into the directory to read from before executing the "for /f" command to follow out the string. For instance if the file "a.txt" is located at C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop\a.txt then you'd use the following.

cd "C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (a.txt) do echo %%x
pause >nul

But since this doesn't work on your computer for x reason there is an easier and more efficient way of doing this. Using the "type" command.

@echo off
color a
cd "C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop"
type a.txt
pause >nul

Or if you'd like them to select the file from which to write in the batch you could do the following.

@echo off
color a
echo Choose the file that you want to read.
set file=
set /p file=File:
echo Reading from %file%
type %file%
set re=
set /p re=Y/N?:
if %re%==Y goto :A
if %re%==y goto :A

How to increase scrollback buffer size in tmux?

Open tmux configuration file with the following command:

vim ~/.tmux.conf

In the configuration file add the following line:

set -g history-limit 5000

Log out and log in again, start a new tmux windows and your limit is 5000 now.

PHP display image BLOB from MySQL

Since I have to store various types of content in my blob field/column, I am suppose to update my code like this:

echo "data: $mime" $result['$data']";

where: mime can be an image of any kind, text, word document, text document, PDF document, etc... content datatype is blob in database.

How to enable LogCat/Console in Eclipse for Android?

Go to your desired perspective. Go to 'Window->show view' menu.

If you see logcat there, click it and you are done.

Else, click on 'other' (at the bottom), chose 'Android'->logcat.

Hope that helps :-)

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#

In my case, I just wanted the text from a specific area of the PDF document so I used a rectangle around the area and extracted the text from it. In the sample below the coordinates are for the entire page. I don't have PDF authoring tools so when it came time to narrow down the rectangle to the specific location I took a few guesses at the coordinates until the area was found.

Rectangle _pdfRect = new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 612f, 792f); // Entire page - PDF coordinate system 0,0 is bottom left corner.  72 points / inch
RenderFilter _renderfilter = new RegionTextRenderFilter(_pdfRect);
ITextExtractionStrategy _strategy = new FilteredTextRenderListener(new LocationTextExtractionStrategy(), _filter);
string _text = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(_pdfReader, 1, _strategy);

As noted by the above comments the resulting text doesn't maintain any of the formatting found in the PDF document, however, I was happy that it did preserve the carriage returns. In my case, there were enough constants in the text that I was able to extract the values that I required.

How do I load an HTML page in a <div> using JavaScript?

I saw this and thought it looked quite nice so I ran some tests on it.

It may seem like a clean approach, but in terms of performance it is lagging by 50% compared by the time it took to load a page with jQuery load function or using the vanilla javascript approach of XMLHttpRequest which were roughly similar to each other.

I imagine this is because under the hood it gets the page in the exact same fashion but it also has to deal with constructing a whole new HTMLElement object as well.

In summary I suggest using jQuery. The syntax is about as easy to use as it can be and it has a nicely structured call back for you to use. It is also relatively fast. The vanilla approach may be faster by an unnoticeable few milliseconds, but the syntax is confusing. I would only use this in an environment where I didn't have access to jQuery.

Here is the code I used to test - it is fairly rudimentary but the times came back very consistent across multiple tries so I would say precise to around +- 5ms in each case. Tests were run in Chrome from my own home server:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="content"></div>
        * Test harness to find out the best method for dynamically loading a
        * html page into your app.
        var test_times  = {};
        var test_page   = 'testpage.htm';
        var content_div = document.getElementById('content');

        // TEST 1 = use jQuery to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            var start = new Date().getTime();
            $(content_div).load(test_page, function() {
                alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

        // 1044

        // TEST 2 = use <object> to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            start = new Date().getTime();
            content_div.innerHTML = '<object type="text/html" data="' + test_page +
            '" onload="alert(new Date().getTime() - start)"></object>'


        // TEST 3 = use httpObject to load in testpage.htm and time it.
       function test_()
           var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

           xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
                   content_div.innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText;
                   alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

            start = new Date().getTime();

  "GET", test_page, true); // true for asynchronous

            // 1039

        // Main - run tests

Validation of radio button group using jQuery validation plugin

code for radio button -

<span class="radio inline" style="margin-right: 10px;">@Html.RadioButton("Gender", "Female",false) Female</span>
<span class="radio inline" style="margin-right: 10px;">@Html.RadioButton("Gender", "Male",false) Male</span>                                                        
<div class='GenderValidation' style="color:#ee8929;"></div>    

<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Create" id="create"/>

and jQuery code-

    $(document).ready(function () {

            var gender=$('#Gender').val();
            if ($("#Gender:checked").length == 0){
                $('.GenderValidation').text("Gender is required.");
                return false;

Runtime vs. Compile time

Run time means something happens when you run the program.

Compile time means something happens when you compile the program.

WAMP Server ERROR "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server."

Go to C:\wamp\alias. Open the file phpmyadmin.conf and change

<Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from


<Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

problem solved

How To: Best way to draw table in console app (C#)

You could do something like the following:

static int tableWidth = 73;

static void Main(string[] args)
    PrintRow("Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3", "Column 4");
    PrintRow("", "", "", "");
    PrintRow("", "", "", "");

static void PrintLine()
    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', tableWidth));

static void PrintRow(params string[] columns)
    int width = (tableWidth - columns.Length) / columns.Length;
    string row = "|";

    foreach (string column in columns)
        row += AlignCentre(column, width) + "|";


static string AlignCentre(string text, int width)
    text = text.Length > width ? text.Substring(0, width - 3) + "..." : text;

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
        return new string(' ', width);
        return text.PadRight(width - (width - text.Length) / 2).PadLeft(width);

What is the best way to clone/deep copy a .NET generic Dictionary<string, T>?

Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();

Dictionary<string, int> copy = new Dictionary<string, int>(dictionary);

How to resolve Nodejs: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

In my case the issue was caused by using a file path starting at the directory where the script was executing rather than at the root of the project.

My directory stucture was like this: projectfolder/ +-- package.json +-- scriptFolder/ ¦ +-- myScript.js

And I was calling fs.createReadStream('users.csv') instead of the correct fs.createReadStream('scriptFolder/users.csv')

Floating point exception( core dump

Floating Point Exception happens because of an unexpected infinity or NaN. You can track that using gdb, which allows you to see what is going on inside your C program while it runs. For more details:

In a nutshell, these commands might be useful...

gcc -g myprog.c

gdb a.out

gdb core a.out

ddd a.out

What's in an Eclipse .classpath/.project file?

Complete reference is not available for the mentioned files, as they are extensible by various plug-ins.

Basically, .project files store project-settings, such as builder and project nature settings, while .classpath files define the classpath to use during running. The classpath files contains src and target entries that correspond with folders in the project; the con entries are used to describe some kind of "virtual" entries, such as the JVM libs or in case of eclipse plug-ins dependencies (normal Java project dependencies are displayed differently, using a special src entry).

Git blame -- prior commits?

Amber's answer is correct but I found it unclear; The syntax is:

git blame {commit_id} -- {path/to/file}

Note: the -- is used to separate the tree-ish sha1 from the relative file paths. 1

For example:

git blame master -- index.html

Full credit to Amber for knowing all the things! :)

Unicode character as bullet for list-item in CSS

Try this code...

li:before {
    content: "? "; /* caractère UTF-8 */

scrollable div inside container

Adding position: relative to the parent, and a max-height:100%; on div2 works.

  <div id="div1" style="height: 500px;position:relative;">_x000D_
    <div id="div2" style="max-height:100%;overflow:auto;border:1px solid red;">_x000D_
      <div id="div3" style="height:1500px;border:5px solid yellow;">hello</div>_x000D_

Update: The following shows the "updated" example and answer.

The secret there is to use box-sizing: border-box, and some padding to make the second div height 100%, but move it's content down 50px. Then wrap the content in a div with overflow: auto to contain the scrollbar. Pay attention to z-indexes to keep all the text selectable - hope this helps, several years later.

How to NodeJS require inside TypeScript file?

The best solution is to get a copy of Node's type definitions. This will solve all kinds of dependency issues, not only require(). This was previously done using packages like typings, but as Mike Chamberlain mentioned, Typings are deprecated. The modern way is doing it like this:

npm install --save-dev @types/node

Not only will it fix the compiler error, it will also add the definitions of the Node API to your IDE.

When does Git refresh the list of remote branches?

I believe that if you run git branch --all from Bash that the list of remote and local branches you see will reflect what your local Git "knows" about at the time you run the command. Because your Git is always up to date with regard to the local branches in your system, the list of local branches will always be accurate.

However, for remote branches this need not be the case. Your local Git only knows about remote branches which it has seen in the last fetch (or pull). So it is possible that you might run git branch --all and not see a new remote branch which appeared after the last time you fetched or pulled.

To ensure that your local and remote branch list be up to date you can do a git fetch before running git branch --all.

For further information, the "remote" branches which appear when you run git branch --all are not really remote at all; they are actually local. For example, suppose there be a branch on the remote called feature which you have pulled at least once into your local Git. You will see origin/feature listed as a branch when you run git branch --all. But this branch is actually a local Git branch. When you do git fetch origin, this tracking branch gets updated with any new changes from the remote. This is why your local state can get stale, because there may be new remote branches, or your tracking branches can become stale.

How can I fill a div with an image while keeping it proportional?

All answers below have fixed width and height, which makes solution "not responsive".

To achieve the result but keep image responsive I used following:

  1. Inside container place a transparent gif image with desired proportion
  2. Give an image tag inline css background with image you want to resize and crop


<div class="container">
    <img style="background-image: url("");" src="img/blank.gif">

.container img{
   width: 100%;
   height: auto;
   background-size: cover;
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-position: center;

document.all vs. document.getElementById

Actually, document.all is only minimally comparable to document.getElementById. You wouldn't use one in place of the other, they don't return the same things.

If you were trying to filter through browser capabilities you could use them as in Marcel Korpel's answer like this:

if(document.getElementById){  //DOM
    element = document.getElementById(id);
} else if (document.all) {    //IE
    element = document.all[id];
} else if (document.layers){  //Netscape < 6
    element = document.layers[id];

But, functionally, document.getElementsByTagName('*') is more equivalent to document.all.

For example, if you were actually going to use document.all to examine all the elements on a page, like this:

var j = document.all.length;
for(var i = 0; i < j; i++){
   alert("Page element["+i+"] has tagName:"+document.all(i).tagName);

you would use document.getElementsByTagName('*') instead:

var k = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var j = k.length; 
for (var i = 0; i < j; i++){
    alert("Page element["+i+"] has tagName:"+k[i].tagName); 

Android ListView with onClick items

I was able to go around the whole thing by replacing the context reference from this or Context.this to getapplicationcontext.

Get value of a string after last slash in JavaScript

At least three ways:

A regular expression:

var result = /[^/]*$/.exec("foo/bar/test.html")[0];

...which says "grab the series of characters not containing a slash" ([^/]*) at the end of the string ($). Then it grabs the matched characters from the returned match object by indexing into it ([0]); in a match object, the first entry is the whole matched string. No need for capture groups.

Live example

Using lastIndexOf and substring:

var str = "foo/bar/test.html";
var n = str.lastIndexOf('/');
var result = str.substring(n + 1);

lastIndexOf does what it sounds like it does: It finds the index of the last occurrence of a character (well, string) in a string, returning -1 if not found. Nine times out of ten you probably want to check that return value (if (n !== -1)), but in the above since we're adding 1 to it and calling substring, we'd end up doing str.substring(0) which just returns the string.

Using Array#split

Sudhir and Tom Walters have this covered here and here, but just for completeness:

var parts = "foo/bar/test.html".split("/");
var result = parts[parts.length - 1]; // Or parts.pop();

split splits up a string using the given delimiter, returning an array.

The lastIndexOf / substring solution is probably the most efficient (although one always has to be careful saying anything about JavaScript and performance, since the engines vary so radically from each other), but unless you're doing this thousands of times in a loop, it doesn't matter and I'd strive for clarity of code.

Tree view of a directory/folder in Windows?

In the Windows command prompt you can use "tree /F" to view a tree of the current folder and all descending files & folders.

In File Explorer under Windows 8.1:

  • Select folder
  • Press Shift, right-click mouse, and select "Open command window here"
  • Type tree /f > tree.txt and press Enter
  • Use MS Word to open "tree.txt"
  • The dialog box "File Conversion - tree.txt" will open
  • For "Text encoding" tick the "MS-DOS" option

You now have an editable tree structure file.

This works for versions of Windows from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.

.NET DateTime to SqlDateTime Conversion

var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE start_time >= @StartTime");
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@StartTime", SqlDbType.DateTime);
sqlCommand.Parameters("@StartTime").Value = MyDateObj;

How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest?

You can get it by XMLHttpRequest.responseText in XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange when XMLHttpRequest.readyState equals to XMLHttpRequest.DONE.

Here's an example (not compatible with IE6/7).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}'GET', '', true);

For better crossbrowser compatibility, not only with IE6/7, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and also for less verbosity with firing ajaxical requests, you could use jQuery.

$.get('', function(responseText) {

Note that you've to take the Same origin policy for JavaScript into account when not running at localhost. You may want to consider to create a proxy script at your domain.