[mysql] How to set initial value and auto increment in MySQL?

How do I set the initial value for an "id" column in a MySQL table that start from 1001?

I want to do an insert "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$email}')";

Without specifying the initial value for the id column.

This question is related to mysql insert auto-increment

The answer is

MySQL - Setup an auto-incrementing primary key that starts at 1001:

Step 1, create your table:

create table penguins(
  my_id       int(16) auto_increment, 
  skipper     varchar(4000),
  PRIMARY KEY (my_id)

Step 2, set the start number for auto increment primary key:


Step 3, insert some rows:

insert into penguins (skipper) values("We need more power!");
insert into penguins (skipper) values("Time to fire up");
insert into penguins (skipper) values("kowalski's nuclear reactor.");

Step 4, interpret the output:

select * from penguins


'1001', 'We need more power!'
'1002', 'Time to fire up'
'1003', 'kowalski\'s nuclear reactor'

You could also set it in the create table statement.


For this you have to set AUTO_INCREMENT value




MySQL Workbench

If you want to avoid writing sql, you can also do it in MySQL Workbench by right clicking on the table, choose "Alter Table ..." in the menu.

When the table structure view opens, go to tab "Options" (on the lower bottom of the view), and set "Auto Increment" field to the value of the next autoincrement number.

Don't forget to hit "Apply" when you are done with all changes.


If you are using phpMyAdmin, you can click on the table in the lefthand navigation, go to the tab "Operations" and under Table Options change the AUTO_INCREMENT value and click OK.

Also , in PHPMyAdmin , you can select table from left side(list of tables) then do this by going there.
Operations Tab->Table Options->AUTO_INCREMENT.

Now, Set your values and then press Go under the Table Options Box.

Alternatively, If you are too lazy to write the SQL query. Then this solution is for you. enter image description here

  1. Open phpMyAdmin
  2. Select desired Table
  3. Click on Operations tab
  4. Set your desired initial Value for AUTO_INCREMENT
  5. Done..!

With CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

or with ALTER TABLE statement


SET GLOBAL auto_increment_offset=1;

SET GLOBAL auto_increment_increment=5;

auto_increment_offset: interval between successive column values

auto_increment_offset: determines the starting point for the AUTO_INCREMENT column value. The default value is 1.

read more here

First you need to add column for auto increment

alter table users add column id int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST

This query for add column at first. Now you have to reset auto increment initial value. So use this query

alter table users AUTO_INCREMENT=1001

Now your table started with 1001

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