[javascript] How to use z-index in svg elements?

As others here have said, z-index is defined by the order the element appears in the DOM. If manually reordering your html isn't an option or would be difficult, you can use D3 to reorder SVG groups/objects.

Use D3 to Update DOM Order and Mimic Z-Index Functionality

Updating SVG Element Z-Index With D3

At the most basic level (and if you aren't using IDs for anything else), you can use element IDs as a stand-in for z-index and reorder with those. Beyond that you can pretty much let your imagination run wild.

Examples in code snippet

var circles = d3.selectAll('circle')_x000D_
var label = d3.select('svg').append('text')_x000D_
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + [5,100] + ')')_x000D_
var zOrders = {_x000D_
    IDs: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.id; }),_x000D_
    xPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.cx.baseVal.value; }),_x000D_
    yPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.cy.baseVal.value; }),_x000D_
    radii: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.r.baseVal.value; }),_x000D_
    customOrder: [3, 4, 1, 2, 5]_x000D_
var setOrderBy = 'IDs';_x000D_
var setOrder = d3.descending;_x000D_
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 100"> _x000D_
  <circle id="1" fill="green" cx="50" cy="40" r="20"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="2" fill="orange" cx="60" cy="50" r="18"/>_x000D_
  <circle id="3" fill="red" cx="40" cy="55" r="10"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="4" fill="blue" cx="70" cy="20" r="30"/> _x000D_
  <circle id="5" fill="pink" cx="35" cy="20" r="15"/> _x000D_

The basic idea is:

  1. Use D3 to select the SVG DOM elements.

    var circles = d3.selectAll('circle')
  2. Create some array of z-indices with a 1:1 relationship with your SVG elements (that you want to reorder). Z-index arrays used in the examples below are IDs, x & y position, radii, etc....

    var zOrders = {
        IDs: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.id; }),
        xPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.cx.baseVal.value; }),
        yPos: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.cy.baseVal.value; }),
        radii: circles[0].map(function(cv){ return cv.r.baseVal.value; }),
        customOrder: [3, 4, 1, 2, 5]
  3. Then, use D3 to bind your z-indices to that selection.

  4. Lastly, call D3.sort to reorder the elements in the DOM based on the data.



enter image description here

  • You can stack by ID

enter image description here

  • With leftmost SVG on top

enter image description here

  • Smallest radii on top

enter image description here

  • Or Specify an array to apply z-index for a specific ordering -- in my example code the array [3,4,1,2,5] moves/reorders the 3rd circle (in the original HTML order) to be 1st in the DOM, 4th to be 2nd, 1st to be 3rd, and so on...

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