Programs & Examples On #Loading animation

Hibernate: best practice to pull all lazy collections

if you using jpa repository, set properties.put("hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans",true); to jpaPropertymap

Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?

It's easier than it is thought:

my_str = "hello world"
my_str_as_bytes = str.encode(my_str)
type(my_str_as_bytes) # ensure it is byte representation
my_decoded_str = my_str_as_bytes.decode()
type(my_decoded_str) # ensure it is string representation

Giving multiple URL patterns to Servlet Filter

In case you are using the annotation method for filter definition (as opposed to defining them in the web.xml), you can do so by just putting an array of mappings in the @WebFilter annotation:

 * Filter implementation class LoginFilter
@WebFilter(urlPatterns = { "/faces/Html/Employee","/faces/Html/Admin", "/faces/Html/Supervisor"})
public class LoginFilter implements Filter {

And just as an FYI, this same thing works for servlets using the servlet annotation too:

 * Servlet implementation class LoginServlet
@WebServlet({"/faces/Html/Employee", "/faces/Html/Admin", "/faces/Html/Supervisor"})
public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {

Laravel PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'forge'

  1. Stop the server then run php artisan cache:clear.
  2. Start the server and should work now

Location of sqlite database on the device

The Context contains many path functions: Context.getXXXPath()
One of them is android.content.Context.getDatabasePath(String dbname) that returns the absolute path of a database called dbname.

Context ctx = this; // for Activity, or Service. Otherwise simply get the context.
String dbname = "mydb.db";
Path dbpath = ctx.getDatabasePath(dbname);

The returned path, in this case, would be something like:


Note that this path is autogenerated if using SQLiteOpenHelper to open the DB.

Use multiple @font-face rules in CSS

@font-face {
    font-family: Kaffeesatz;
    src: url(YanoneKaffeesatz-Thin.otf);
    font-weight: 200;
@font-face {
    font-family: Kaffeesatz;
    src: url(YanoneKaffeesatz-Light.otf);
    font-weight: 300;
@font-face {
    font-family: Kaffeesatz;
    src: url(YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular.otf);
    font-weight: normal;
@font-face {
    font-family: Kaffeesatz;
    src: url(YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold.otf);
    font-weight: bold;
h3, h4, h5, h6 {
h6 { font-weight:200; }
h5 { font-weight:300; }
h4 { font-weight:normal; }
h3 { font-weight:bold; }

How to access full source of old commit in BitBucket?

I understand you want to download an older version via the BitBucket web interface without using a Mercurial/Git client.

Check this related question. On the comments, someone says that there is no way to do that. Fortunately, that's not entirely true.

By navigating on BitBucket project pages, I found no link to download an arbitrary version. There are links to download specific tags, in the format:

But by tweaking a bit the url above, changing the tag name by the commit hash, like:

You can actually download a specific version.

As mentioned by Rakka Rage in a comment, replacing .tar.gz by .zip works too.

Python glob multiple filetypes

Chain the results:

import itertools as it, glob

def multiple_file_types(*patterns):
    return it.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(pattern) for pattern in patterns)


for filename in multiple_file_types("*.txt", "*.sql", "*.log"):
    # do stuff

How can I format a decimal to always show 2 decimal places?

.format is a more readable way to handle variable formatting:

'{:.{prec}f}'.format(26.034, prec=2)

Query an object array using linq


using System.Linq;

to the top of your file.

And then:

Car[] carList = ...
var carMake = 
    from item in carList
    where item.Model == "bmw" 
    select item.Make;

or if you prefer the fluent syntax:

var carMake = carList
    .Where(item => item.Model == "bmw")
    .Select(item => item.Make);

Things to pay attention to:

  • The usage of item.Make in the select clause instead if s.Make as in your code.
  • You have a whitespace between item and .Model in your where clause

How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?

I've had this same dependency problem and I also know that you can include the VS 8.0 DLLs (release only! not debug!---and your program has to be release, too) in a folder of the appropriate name, in the parent folder with your .exe:

How to: Deploy using XCopy (MSDN)

Also note that things are guaranteed to go awry if you need to have C++ and C code in the same statically linked .exe because you will get linker conflicts that can only be resolved by ignoring the correct libXXX.lib and then linking dynamically (DLLs).

Lastly, with a different toolset (VC++ 6.0) things "just work", since Windows 2000 and above have the correct DLLs installed.

"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database

Mine was quite straightforward if you are on a Mac try:

brew install postgres

This will tell you if you have it already install and what version or install the latest version for you if not then run

brew upgrade postgresql

This will make sure you have the latest version installed then finally

brew services start postgresql

This will start the service again. I hope this helps someone.

Get first day of week in SQL Server

Set DateFirst 1;

    Datepart(wk, TimeByDay) [Week]
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 1 then 0
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 2 then -1
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 3 then -2
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 4 then -3
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 5 then -4
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 6 then -5
                WHEN  Datepart(dw, TimeByDay) = 7 then -6
                , TimeByDay) as StartOfWeek

from TimeByDay_Tbl

This is my logic. Set the first of the week to be Monday then calculate what is the day of the week a give day is, then using DateAdd and Case I calculate what the date would have been on the previous Monday of that week.

Convert a Unix timestamp to time in JavaScript

let unix_timestamp = 1549312452_x000D_
// Create a new JavaScript Date object based on the timestamp_x000D_
// multiplied by 1000 so that the argument is in milliseconds, not seconds._x000D_
var date = new Date(unix_timestamp * 1000);_x000D_
// Hours part from the timestamp_x000D_
var hours = date.getHours();_x000D_
// Minutes part from the timestamp_x000D_
var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();_x000D_
// Seconds part from the timestamp_x000D_
var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds();_x000D_
// Will display time in 10:30:23 format_x000D_
var formattedTime = hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2);_x000D_

For more information regarding the Date object, please refer to MDN or the ECMAScript 5 specification.

Clearfix with twitter bootstrap

clearfix should contain the floating elements but in your html you have added clearfix only after floating right that is your pull-right so you should do like this:

<div class="clearfix">
  <div id="sidebar">
  <div id="main">
      <div class="pull-right">
  <div>MOVED BELOW Z</div>

see this demo

Happy to know you solved the problem by setting overflow properties. However this is also good idea to clear the float. Where you have floated your elements you could add overflow: hidden; as you have done in your main.

Connection timeout for SQL server

Yes, you could append ;Connection Timeout=30 to your connection string and specify the value you wish.

The timeout value set in the Connection Timeout property is a time expressed in seconds. If this property isn't set, the timeout value for the connection is the default value (15 seconds).

Moreover, setting the timeout value to 0, you are specifying that your attempt to connect waits an infinite time. As described in the documentation, this is something that you shouldn't set in your connection string:

A value of 0 indicates no limit, and should be avoided in a ConnectionString because an attempt to connect waits indefinitely.

Laravel password validation rule

This doesn't quite match the OP requirements, though hopefully it helps. With Laravel you can define your rules in an easy-to-maintain format like so:

    $inputs = [
        'email'    => 'foo',
        'password' => 'bar',

    $rules = [
        'email'    => 'required|email',
        'password' => [
            'min:10',             // must be at least 10 characters in length
            'regex:/[a-z]/',      // must contain at least one lowercase letter
            'regex:/[A-Z]/',      // must contain at least one uppercase letter
            'regex:/[0-9]/',      // must contain at least one digit
            'regex:/[@$!%*#?&]/', // must contain a special character

    $validation = \Validator::make( $inputs, $rules );

    if ( $validation->fails() ) {
        print_r( $validation->errors()->all() );

Would output:

        'The email must be a valid email address.',
        'The password must be at least 10 characters.',
        'The password format is invalid.',

(The regex rules share an error message by default—i.e. four failing regex rules result in one error message)

How do I tell if a regular file does not exist in Bash?

[[ -f $FILE ]] || printf '%s does not exist!\n' "$FILE"

Also, it's possible that the file is a broken symbolic link, or a non-regular file, like e.g. a socket, device or fifo. For example, to add a check for broken symlinks:

if [[ ! -f $FILE ]]; then
    if [[ -L $FILE ]]; then
        printf '%s is a broken symlink!\n' "$FILE"
        printf '%s does not exist!\n' "$FILE"

INSERT and UPDATE a record using cursors in oracle

This is a highly inefficient way of doing it. You can use the merge statement and then there's no need for cursors, looping or (if you can do without) PL/SQL.

MERGE INTO studLoad l
USING ( SELECT studId, studName FROM student ) s
ON (l.studId = s.studId)
  UPDATE SET l.studName = s.studName
   WHERE l.studName != s.studName
INSERT (l.studID, l.studName)
VALUES (s.studId, s.studName)

Make sure you commit, once completed, in order to be able to see this in the database.

To actually answer your question I would do it something like as follows. This has the benefit of doing most of the work in SQL and only updating based on the rowid, a unique address in the table.

It declares a type, which you place the data within in bulk, 10,000 rows at a time. Then processes these rows individually.

However, as I say this will not be as efficient as merge.


   cursor c_data is
    select b.rowid as rid, a.studId, a.studName
      from student a
      left outer join studLoad b
        on a.studId = b.studId
       and a.studName <> b.studName

   type t__data is table of c_data%rowtype index by binary_integer;
   t_data t__data;


   open c_data;
      fetch c_data bulk collect into t_data limit 10000;

      exit when t_data.count = 0;

      for idx in t_data.first .. t_data.last loop
         if t_data(idx).rid is null then
            insert into studLoad (studId, studName)
            values (t_data(idx).studId, t_data(idx).studName);
            update studLoad
               set studName = t_data(idx).studName
             where rowid = t_data(idx).rid
         end if;
      end loop;

   end loop;
   close c_data;


How to play an android notification sound

You can now do this by including the sound when building a notification rather than calling the sound separately.

//Define Notification Manager
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

//Define sound URI
Uri soundUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);

NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext())
        .setSound(soundUri); //This sets the sound to play

//Display notification

How do I set cell value to Date and apply default Excel date format?

This code sample can be used to change date format. Here I want to change from yyyy-MM-dd to dd-MM-yyyy. Here pos is position of column.

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

class Test{ 
public static void main( String[] args )
String input="D:\\somefolder\\somefile.xlsx";
String output="D:\\somefolder\\someoutfile.xlsx"
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(input));
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Iterator<Row> iterator = sheet.iterator();
Cell cell = null;
Row row=null;;
int pos=5; // 5th column is date.

    //CellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
    XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = (XSSFCellStyle)cell.getCellStyle();
    CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date d=null;
    try {
        d= sdf.parse(cell.getStringCellValue());
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

FileOutputStream outFile =new FileOutputStream(new File(output));

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

@wdavo is correct. The same is also true for functions.

If you override a base function, like Update, then in your subclass you need:

new void Update()
  //do stufff

Without the new at the start of the function decleration you will get the warning flag.

Illegal mix of collations MySQL Error

CONVERT(column1 USING utf8)

Solves my problem. Where column1 is the column which gives me this error.

Facebook Callback appends '#_=_' to Return URL

For those who are looking for simple answer

if (window.location.hash === "#_=_"){
        ? history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.href.split("#")[0])
        : window.location.hash = "";

How to match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression?

On python:

.+?(?=abc) works for the single line case.

[^]+?(?=abc) does not work, since python doesn't recognize [^] as valid regex. To make multiline matching work, you'll need to use the re.DOTALL option, for example:

re.findall('.+?(?=abc)', data, re.DOTALL)

Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch

Try Java SE Runtime Environment 8. It fixed it for me.

Angular.js: set element height on page load

My solution if your ng-grid depend of element parent(div, layout) :


myapp.directive('sizeelement', function ($window) {
    priority: 0,
    link: function (scope, element) {
        scope.$watch(function(){return $(element).height(); }, function(newValue, oldValue) {

sample html

<div class="portlet  box grey" style="height: 100%" sizeelement>
    <div class="portlet-title">
        <h4><i class="icon-list"></i>Articles</h4>
    <div class="portlet-body" style="height:{{height-34}}px">
        <div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOrderLine" ="min-height: 250px;"></div>

height-34 : 34 is fix height of my title div, you can fix other height.

It is easy directive but it work fine.

Debian 8 (Live-CD) what is the standard login and password?

I am using Debian 8 live off a USB. I was locked out of the system after 10 min of inactivity. The password that was required to log back in to the system for the user was:

login : Debian Live User
password : live

I hope this helps

Can I use jQuery with Node.js?

I believe the answer to this is now yes.

var navigator = { userAgent: "node-js" };  
var jQuery = require("./node-jquery").jQueryInit(window, navigator);

What is the best way to seed a database in Rails?

Updating since these answers are slightly outdated (although some still apply).

Simple feature added in rails 2.3.4, db/seeds.rb

Provides a new rake task

rake db:seed

Good for populating common static records like states, countries, etc...

*Note that you can use fixtures if you had already created them to also populate with the db:seed task by putting the following in your seeds.rb file (from the railscast episode):

require 'active_record/fixtures'
Fixtures.create_fixtures("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures", "operating_systems")

For Rails 3.x use 'ActiveRecord::Fixtures' instead of 'Fixtures' constant

require 'active_record/fixtures'
ActiveRecord::Fixtures.create_fixtures("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures", "fixtures_file_name")

Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown?

I do not agree that it's a better user experience to stay within one browser tab. If you want people to stay on your site, or come back to finish reading that article, send them off in a new tab.

Building on @davidmorrow's answer, throw this javascript into your site and turn just external links into links with target=_blank:

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
      // Creating custom :external selector
      $.expr[':'].external = function(obj){
          return !obj.href.match(/^mailto\:/)
                  && (obj.hostname != location.hostname);

        // Add 'external' CSS class to all external links

        // turn target into target=_blank for elements w external class



Converting time stamps in excel to dates

below formula worked form me in MS EXEL

=TEXT(CELL_VALUE/24/60/60/1000 + 25569,"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM")

CELL_VALUE is timestamp in milliseconds

here is explanation for text function.

How can I plot a confusion matrix?

@bninopaul 's answer is not completely for beginners

here is the code you can "copy and run"

import seaborn as sn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

array = [[13,1,1,0,2,0],

df_cm = pd.DataFrame(array, range(6), range(6))
# plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
sn.set(font_scale=1.4) # for label size
sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 16}) # font size


MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

CREATE TABLE some_table (
  field1 int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  field2 varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  field3 varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`field1`)

INSERT INTO `some_table` (field1, field2, field3) VALUES
(1, 'text one', 'foo'),
(2, 'text two', 'bar'),
(3, 'text three', 'data'),
(4, 'text four', 'magic');

This query is a bit strange but it does not need another query to initialize the variable; and it can be embedded in a more complex query. It returns all the 'field2's separated by a semicolon.

SELECT result
FROM   (SELECT @result := '',
               (SELECT result
                FROM   (SELECT @result := CONCAT_WS(';', @result, field2) AS result,
                               LENGTH(@result)                            AS blength
                        FROM   some_table
                        ORDER  BY blength DESC
                        LIMIT  1) AS sub1) AS result) AS sub2; 

How to list AD group membership for AD users using input list?

Everything in one line:

get-aduser -filter * -Properties memberof | select name, @{ l="GroupMembership"; e={$_.memberof  -join ";"  } } | export-csv membership.csv

Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ?

If You want to check only when scroll ended, in Vanilla JS, You can come up with a solution like this:

Super Super compact

var t
window.onresize = () => { clearTimeout(t) t = setTimeout(() => { resEnded() }, 500) }
function resEnded() { console.log('ended') }

All 3 possible combinations together (ES6)

var t
window.onresize = () => {
    resizing(this, this.innerWidth, this.innerHeight) //1
    if (typeof t == 'undefined') resStarted() //2
    clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(() => { t = undefined; resEnded() }, 500) //3

function resizing(target, w, h) {
    console.log(`Youre resizing: width ${w} height ${h}`)
function resStarted() { 
    console.log('Resize Started') 
function resEnded() { 
    console.log('Resize Ended') 

how can select from drop down menu and call javascript function

Greetings if i get you right you need a JavaScript function that doing it

function report(v) {
//To Do
  switch(v) {
    case "daily":
      //Do something
    case "monthly":
      //Do somthing


Sum of values in an array using jQuery

Another method, if eval is safe & fast :


how to set the query timeout from SQL connection string

you can set Timeout in connection string (time for Establish connection between client and sql). commandTimeout is set per command but its default time is 30 secend

Test file upload using HTTP PUT method

For curl, how about using the -d switch? Like: curl -X PUT "localhost:8080/urlstuffhere" -d "@filename"?

In, how to get the column names from a datatable

This is how to retrieve a Column Name from a DataColumn:


To get the name of all DataColumns within your DataTable:

Dim name(DT.Columns.Count) As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each column As DataColumn In DT.Columns
  name(i) = column.ColumnName
  i += 1


How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle

Properties prop = new Properties();
String fileName = "./src/test/resources/";
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream,"UTF-8");

Error "initializer element is not constant" when trying to initialize variable with const

In C language, objects with static storage duration have to be initialized with constant expressions, or with aggregate initializers containing constant expressions.

A "large" object is never a constant expression in C, even if the object is declared as const.

Moreover, in C language, the term "constant" refers to literal constants (like 1, 'a', 0xFF and so on), enum members, and results of such operators as sizeof. Const-qualified objects (of any type) are not constants in C language terminology. They cannot be used in initializers of objects with static storage duration, regardless of their type.

For example, this is NOT a constant

const int N = 5; /* `N` is not a constant in C */

The above N would be a constant in C++, but it is not a constant in C. So, if you try doing

static int j = N; /* ERROR */

you will get the same error: an attempt to initialize a static object with a non-constant.

This is the reason why, in C language, we predominantly use #define to declare named constants, and also resort to #define to create named aggregate initializers.

Using curl POST with variables defined in bash script functions

Existing answers point out that curl can post data from a file, and employ heredocs to avoid excessive quote escaping and clearly break the JSON out onto new lines. However there is no need to define a function or capture output from cat, because curl can post data from standard input. I find this form very readable:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '$@-' ${API_URL} << EOF
  "account": {
    "email": "$email",
    "screenName": "$screenName",
    "type": "$theType",
    "passwordSettings": {
      "password": "$password",
      "passwordConfirm": "$password"
  "firstName": "$firstName",
  "lastName": "$lastName",
  "middleName": "$middleName",
  "locale": "$locale",
  "registrationSiteId": "$registrationSiteId",
  "receiveEmail": "$receiveEmail",
  "dateOfBirth": "$dob",
  "mobileNumber": "$mobileNumber",
  "gender": "$gender",
  "fuelActivationDate": "$fuelActivationDate",
  "postalCode": "$postalCode",
  "country": "$country",
  "city": "$city",
  "state": "$state",
  "bio": "$bio",
  "jpFirstNameKana": "$jpFirstNameKana",
  "jpLastNameKana": "$jpLastNameKana",
  "height": "$height",
  "weight": "$weight",
  "distanceUnit": "MILES",
  "weightUnit": "POUNDS",
  "heightUnit": "FT/INCHES"

Show default value in Spinner in android

Spinner sp = (Spinner)findViewById(; 

here pos is integer (your array item position)

array is like below then pos = 0;

String str[] = new String{"Select Gender","male", "female" };

then in onItemSelected

    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> main, View view, int position,
            long Id) {

        if(position > 0){
          // get spinner value
          // show toast select gender


How to Maximize a firefox browser window using Selenium WebDriver with node.js

driver.manage().window().maximize() ;

works perfectly and at the very beginning it maximizes the window. Does not wait to load any page.

How to format column to number format in Excel sheet?

If your 13 digit "number" is really text, that is you don't intend to do any math on it, you can precede it with an apostrophe

Sheet3.Range("c" & k).Value = "'" & Sheet2.Range("c" & i).Value

But I don't see how a 13 digit number would ever get past the If statement because it would always be greater than 1000. Here's an alternate version

Sub CommandClick()

    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim rNext As Range

    For Each rCell In Sheet2.Range("C1:C30000").Cells
        If rCell.Value >= 100 And rCell.Value < 1000 Then
            Set rNext = Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
            rNext.Resize(1, 3).Value = rCell.Offset(0, -2).Resize(1, 3).Value
        End If
    Next rCell

End Sub

Call function with setInterval in jQuery?

jQuery is just a set of helpers/libraries written in Javascript. You can still use all Javascript features, so you can call whatever functions, also from inside jQuery callbacks. So both possibilities should be okay.

How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?

Using suggestions from others, I think I got it to work:

(using SDK v1 R2)

It's not perfect, since i need to delete the entire conversation, but for our purposes, it's a sufficient compromise as we will at least know all messages will be looked at and verified. Our flow will probably need to then listen for the message, capture for the message we want, do a query to get the thread_id of the recently inbounded message and do the delete() call.

In our Activity:

Uri uriSms = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox");
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(uriSms, null,null,null,null); 
int id = c.getInt(0);
int thread_id = c.getInt(1); //get the thread_id
getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/" + thread_id),null,null);

Note: I wasn't able to do a delete on content://sms/inbox/ or content://sms/all/

Looks like the thread takes precedence, which makes sense, but the error message only emboldened me to be angrier. When trying the delete on sms/inbox/ or sms/all/, you will probably get:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
    at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.delete(
    at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(

For additional reference too, make sure to put this into your manifest for your intent receiver:

<receiver android:name=".intent.MySmsReceiver">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"></action>

Note the receiver tag does not look like this:

<receiver android:name=".intent.MySmsReceiver" 

When I had those settings, android gave me some crazy permissions exceptions that didn't allow to hand off the received SMS to my intent. So, DO NOT put that RECEIVE_SMS permission attribute in your intent! Hopefully someone wiser than me can tell me why that was the case.

Fragment Inside Fragment

Curently in nested fragment, the nested one(s) are only supported if they are generated programmatically! So at this time no nested fragment layout are supported in xml layout scheme!

Declaring functions in JSP?

You need to enclose that in <%! %> as follows:


public String getQuarter(int i){
String quarter;
        case 1: quarter = "Winter";

        case 2: quarter = "Spring";

        case 3: quarter = "Summer I";

        case 4: quarter = "Summer II";

        case 5: quarter = "Fall";

        default: quarter = "ERROR";

return quarter;


You can then invoke the function within scriptlets or expressions:



<%= getQuarter(17) %>

MySQL case sensitive query

To improve James' excellent answer:

It's better to put BINARY in front of the constant instead:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = BINARY 'value'

Putting BINARY in front of column will prevent the use of any index on that column.

How do I change the owner of a SQL Server database?

This is a prompt to create a bunch of object, such as sp_help_diagram (?), that do not exist.

This should have nothing to do with the owner of the db.

cat, grep and cut - translated to python

You need a loop over the lines of a file, you need to learn about string methods

with open(filename,'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        # python can do regexes, but this is for s fixed string only
        if "something" in line:
            idx1 = line.find('"')
            idx2 = line.find('"', idx1+1)
            field = line[idx1+1:idx2-1]

and you need a method to pass the filename to your python program and while you are at it, maybe also the string to search for...

For the future, try to ask more focused questions if you can,

Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?

Try Html.fromHtml(), and mark up your text with bold and italic HTML tags e.g:

Spanned text = Html.fromHtml("This mixes <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> stuff");

Where is GACUTIL for .net Framework 4.0 in windows 7?

There is no Gacutil included in the .net 4.0 standard installation. They have moved the GAC too, from %Windir%\assembly to %Windir%\Microsoft.NET\Assembly.

They havent' even bothered adding a "special view" for the folder in Windows explorer, as they have for the .net 1.0/2.0 GAC.

Gacutil is part of the Windows SDK, so if you want to use it on your developement machine, just install the Windows SDK for your current platform. Then you will find it somewhere like this (depending on your SDK version):

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools

There is a discussion on the new GAC here: .NET 4.0 has a new GAC, why?

If you want to install something in GAC on a production machine, you need to do it the "proper" way (gacutil was never meant as a tool for installing stuff on production servers, only as a development tool), with a Windows Installer, or with other tools. You can e.g. do it with PowerShell and the System.EnterpriseServices dll.

On a general note, and coming from several years of experience, I would personally strongly recommend against using GAC at all. Your application will always work if you deploy the DLL with each application in its bin folder as well. Yes, you will get multiple copies of the DLL on your server if you have e.g. multiple web apps on one server, but it's definitely worth the flexibility of being able to upgrade one application without breaking the others (by introducing an incompatible version of the shared DLL in the GAC).

Open web in new tab Selenium + Python

Strangely, so many answers, and all of them are using surrogates like JS and keyboard shortcuts instead of just using a selenium feature:

def newTab(driver, url="about:blank"):
    wnd = driver.execute(selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains.Command.NEW_WINDOW)
    handle = wnd["value"]["handle"]
    driver.get(url) # changes the handle
    return driver.current_window_handle

How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height?

It is easy to modify the elements styles but kinda tricky to read the value.

JavaScript can't read any element style property ( coming from css(internal/external) unless you use the built in method call getComputedStyle in javascript.

getComputedStyle(element[, pseudo])

Element: The element to read the value for.
pseudo: A pseudo-element if required, for instance ::before. An empty string or no argument means the element itself.

The result is an object with style properties, like, but now with respect to all css classes.

For instance, here style doesn’t see the margin:

  <style> body { color: red; margin: 5px } </style>

    let computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.body);

    // now we can read the margin and the color from it

    alert( computedStyle.marginTop ); // 5px
    alert( computedStyle.color ); // rgb(255, 0, 0)


So modified your javaScript code to include the getComputedStyle of the element you wish to get it's width/height or other attribute

window.onload = function() {

    var test = document.getElementById("test");
    test.addEventListener("click", select);

    function select(e) {                                  
        var elementID =;
        var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
        let computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
        var width = computedStyle.width;


Computed and resolved values

There are two concepts in CSS:

A computed style value is the value after all CSS rules and CSS inheritance is applied, as the result of the CSS cascade. It can look like height:1em or font-size:125%.

A resolved style value is the one finally applied to the element. Values like 1em or 125% are relative. The browser takes the computed value and makes all units fixed and absolute, for instance: height:20px or font-size:16px. For geometry properties resolved values may have a floating point, like width:50.5px.

A long time ago getComputedStyle was created to get computed values, but it turned out that resolved values are much more convenient, and the standard changed.
So nowadays getComputedStyle actually returns the resolved value of the property.

Please Note:

getComputedStyle requires the full property name

You should always ask for the exact property that you want, like paddingLeft or height or width. Otherwise the correct result is not guaranteed.

For instance, if there are properties paddingLeft/paddingTop, then what should we get for getComputedStyle(elem).padding? Nothing, or maybe a “generated” value from known paddings? There’s no standard rule here.

There are other inconsistencies. As an example, some browsers (Chrome) show 10px in the document below, and some of them (Firefox) – do not:

  body {
    margin: 30px;
    height: 900px;
  let style = getComputedStyle(document.body);
  alert(style.margin); // empty string in Firefox

for more information

@Resource vs @Autowired

The primary difference is, @Autowired is a spring annotation. Whereas @Resource is specified by the JSR-250, as you pointed out yourself. So the latter is part of Java whereas the former is Spring specific.

Hence, you are right in suggesting that, in a sense. I found folks use @Autowired with @Qualifier because it is more powerful. Moving from some framework to some other is considered very unlikely, if not myth, especially in the case of Spring.

What exceptions should be thrown for invalid or unexpected parameters in .NET?

argument exception.

  • System.ArgumentException
  • System.ArgumentNullException
  • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

How to var_dump variables in twig templates?

You can use the debug tag, which is documented here.

{% debug expression.varname %}

Edit: As of Twig 1.5, this has been deprecated and replaced with the new dump function (note, it's now a function and no longer a tag). See also: The accepted answer above.

Javascript: Extend a Function

There are several ways to go about this, it depends what your purpose is, if you just want to execute the function as well and in the same context, you can use .apply():

function init(){
function myFunc(){
  init.apply(this, arguments);

If you want to replace it with a newer init, it'd look like this:

function init(){
//anytime later
var old_init = init;
init = function() {
  old_init.apply(this, arguments);

In Python script, how do I set PYTHONPATH?

You can get and set environment variables via os.environ:

import os
user_home = os.environ["HOME"]

os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "..."

But since your interpreter is already running, this will have no effect. You're better off using

import sys

which is the array that your PYTHONPATH will be transformed into on interpreter startup.

Find text in string with C#

You can do it compactly like this:

string abc = abc.Replace(abc.Substring(abc.IndexOf("me"), (abc.IndexOf("is", abc.IndexOf("me")) + 1) - abc.IndexOf("size")), string.Empty);

Firebug-like debugger for Google Chrome

Firebug Lite supports to inspect HTML elements, computed CSS style, and a lot more. Since it's pure JavaScript, it works in many different browsers. Just include the script in your source, or add the bookmarklet to your bookmark bar to include it on any page with a single click.

How to get the selected date of a MonthCalendar control in C#

For those who are still trying, this link helped me out, too; it just puts it all together:

private void MonthCalendar1_DateChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DateRangeEventArgs e)
//Display the dates for selected range
Label1.Text = "Dates Selected from :" + (MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start() + " to " + MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.End);

//To display single selected of date
//MonthCalendar1.MaxSelectionCount = 1;

//To display single selected of date use MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start/ MonthCalendarSelectionRange.End
Label2.Text = "Date Selected :" + MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start;

How to convert InputStream to FileInputStream

Long story short: Don't use FileInputStream as a parameter or variable type. Use the abstract base class, in this case InputStream instead.

How to sort a list of objects based on an attribute of the objects?

# To sort the list in place...
ut.sort(key=lambda x: x.count, reverse=True)

# To return a new list, use the sorted() built-in function...
newlist = sorted(ut, key=lambda x: x.count, reverse=True)

More on sorting by keys.

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

Try that:


target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} bioutils ${ADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES})

You can find other useful variables here.

How do I prevent a Gateway Timeout with FastCGI on Nginx

In server proxy set like that

location / {

                proxy_pass http://ip:80;                

                proxy_connect_timeout   90;
                proxy_send_timeout      90;
                proxy_read_timeout      90;


In server php set like that

server {
        client_body_timeout 120;
        location = /index.php {

                #include fastcgi.conf; //example
                #fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;//example veriosn

                fastcgi_read_timeout 120s;

Creating custom function in React component

You can create functions in react components. It is actually regular ES6 class which inherits from React.Component. Just be careful and bind it to the correct context in onClick event:

export default class Archive extends React.Component { 

    saySomething(something) {

    handleClick(e) {
        this.saySomething("element clicked");

    componentDidMount() {
        this.saySomething("component did mount");

    render() {
        return <button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} value="Click me" />;

How to determine if object is in array

Having been recently bitten by the FP bug reading many wonderful accounts of how neatly the functional paradigm fits with Javascript

I replicate the code for completeness sake and suggest two ways this can be done functionally.

    var carBrands = [];

  var car1 = {name:'ford'};
  var car2 = {name:'lexus'};
  var car3 = {name:'maserati'};
  var car4 = {name:'ford'};
  var car5 = {name:'toyota'};


  // ES6 approach which uses the includes method (Chrome47+, Firefox43+)

  carBrands.includes(car1) // -> true
  carBrands.includes(car5) // -> false

If you need to support older browsers use the polyfill, it seems IE9+ and Edge do NOT support it. Located in polyfill section of MSDN page

Alternatively I would like to propose an updated answer to cdhowie

// ES2015 syntax
function containsObject(obj, list) {

    return list.some(function(elem) {
      return elem === obj

// or ES6+ syntax with cool fat arrows
function containsObject(obj, list) {

    return list.some(elem => elem === obj)

CodeIgniter Active Record not equal

Try this code. This seems working in my case.

$this->db->where(array('id !='=> $id))

Generating random number between 1 and 10 in Bash Shell Script

Simplest solution would be to use tool which allows you to directly specify ranges, like shuf

shuf -i1-10 -n1

If you want to use $RANDOM, it would be more precise to throw out the last 8 numbers in 0...32767, and just treat it as 0...32759, since taking 0...32767 mod 10 you get the following distribution

0-8 each: 3277 
8-9 each: 3276

So, slightly slower but more precise would be

while :; do ran=$RANDOM; ((ran < 32760)) && echo $(((ran%10)+1)) && break; done 

How to install a Mac application using Terminal

Probably not exactly your issue..

Do you have any spaces in your package path? You should wrap it up in double quotes to be safe, otherwise it can be taken as two separate arguments

sudo installer -store -pkg "/User/MyName/Desktop/helloWorld.pkg" -target /

How to check if a value exists in a dictionary (python)

In Python 3, you can use

"one" in d.values()

to test if "one" is among the values of your dictionary.

In Python 2, it's more efficient to use

"one" in d.itervalues()


Note that this triggers a linear scan through the values of the dictionary, short-circuiting as soon as it is found, so this is a lot less efficient than checking whether a key is present.

In a Django form, how do I make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?

I made a MixIn class which you may inherit to be able to add a read_only iterable field which will disable and secure fields on the non-first edit:

(Based on Daniel's and Muhuk's answers)

from django import forms
from django.db.models.manager import Manager

# I used this instead of lambda expression after scope problems
def _get_cleaner(form, field):
    def clean_field():
         value = getattr(form.instance, field, None)
         if issubclass(type(value), Manager):
             value = value.all()
         return value
    return clean_field

class ROFormMixin(forms.BaseForm):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ROFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if hasattr(self, "read_only"):
            if self.instance and
                for field in self.read_only:
                    self.fields[field].widget.attrs['readonly'] = "readonly"
                    setattr(self, "clean_" + field, _get_cleaner(self, field))

# Basic usage
class TestForm(AModelForm, ROFormMixin):
    read_only = ('sku', 'an_other_field')

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component.... error: 80070005 Access is denied." (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Sometimes, you create new application pool and cann't solve it via DCOMCNFG. Then there is another method to do:

Set the Identity (Model Name) of application pool to LocalSystem.

I don't know the root cause, but it solve my problem one time.

HTML-encoding lost when attribute read from input field

The jQuery trick doesn't encode quote marks and in IE it will strip your whitespace.

Based on the escape templatetag in Django, which I guess is heavily used/tested already, I made this function which does what's needed.

It's arguably simpler (and possibly faster) than any of the workarounds for the whitespace-stripping issue - and it encodes quote marks, which is essential if you're going to use the result inside an attribute value for example.

function htmlEscape(str) {
    return str
        .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
        .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
        .replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

// I needed the opposite function today, so adding here too:
function htmlUnescape(str){
    return str
        .replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
        .replace(/&#39;/g, "'")
        .replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
        .replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
        .replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

Update 2013-06-17:
In the search for the fastest escaping I have found this implementation of a replaceAll method:
(also referenced here: Fastest method to replace all instances of a character in a string)
Some performance results here:

It gives identical result string to the builtin replace chains above. I'd be very happy if someone could explain why it's faster!?

Update 2015-03-04:
I just noticed that AngularJS are using exactly the method above:

They add a couple of refinements - they appear to be handling an obscure Unicode issue as well as converting all non-alphanumeric characters to entities. I was under the impression the latter was not necessary as long as you have an UTF8 charset specified for your document.

I will note that (4 years later) Django still does not do either of these things, so I'm not sure how important they are:

Update 2016-04-06:
You may also wish to escape forward-slash /. This is not required for correct HTML encoding, however it is recommended by OWASP as an anti-XSS safety measure. (thanks to @JNF for suggesting this in comments)

        .replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');

How to search for a string in an arraylist

Loop through your list and do a contains or startswith.

ArrayList<String> resList = new ArrayList<String>();
String searchString = "bea";

for (String curVal : list){
  if (curVal.contains(searchString)){

You can wrap that in a method. The contains checks if its in the list. You could also go for startswith.

What is android:weightSum in android, and how does it work?

Layout Weight works like a ratio. For example, if there is a vertical layout and there are two items(such as buttons or textviews), one having layout weight 2 and the other having layout weight 3 respectively. Then the 1st item will occupy 2 out of 5 portion of the screen/layout and the other one 3 out of 5 portion. Here 5 is the weight sum. i.e. Weight sum divides the whole layout into defined portions. And Layout Weight defines how much portion does the particular item occupies out of the total Weight Sum pre-defined. Weight sum can be manually declared as well. Buttons, textviews, edittexts etc all are organized using weightsum and layout weight when using linear layouts for UI design.

Visual Studio 6 Windows Common Controls 6.0 (sp6) Windows 7, 64 bit

While waiting for a reply for ideas here, I had decided to try something. I ran regedit as administrator, navigated to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib Key and then did a search for "MSCOMCTL.OCX"... I deleted EVERY key that referenced this .ocx file.

After searching the entire registry, deleting what I found, I ran command prompt as administrator. I then navigated to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and typed the following commands:

regtlib msdatsrc.tlb

Upon registering these two files again, everything is WORKING! I scoured the web for HOURS looking for this solution to no avail. It just so happens I fixed it myself after posting a question here :( Even though Visual Studio 6 is outdated, hopefully this may still help others!

Scanf/Printf double variable C

As far as I read manual pages, scanf says that 'l' length modifier indicates (in case of floating points) that the argument is of type double rather than of type float, so you can have 'lf, le, lg'.

As for printing, officially, the manual says that 'l' applies only to integer types. So it might be not supported on some systems or by some standards. For instance, I get the following error message when compiling with gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic

a.c:6:1: warning: ISO C90 does not support the ‘%lf’ gnu_printf format [-Wformat=]

So you may want to doublecheck if your standard supports the syntax.

To conclude, I would say that you read with '%lf' and you print with '%f'.

How can I concatenate a string and a number in Python?

You would have to convert the int into a string.

# This program calculates a workers gross pay

hours = float(raw_input("Enter hours worked: \n"))

rate = float(raw_input("Enter your hourly rate of pay: \n"))

gross = hours * rate

print "Your gross pay for working " +str(hours)+ " at a rate of " + str(rate) + " hourly is $"  + str(gross)

How to retrieve an element from a set without removing it?

What I usually do for small collections is to create kind of parser/converter method like this

def convertSetToList(setName):
return list(setName)

Then I can use the new list and access by index number

userFields = convertSetToList(user)
name = request.json[userFields[0]]

As a list you will have all the other methods that you may need to work with

Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP?

Seems the SMTP as internet standard uses only reliable Transport protocol. RFC821 has TCP, NCP, NITS as examples!

Counting null and non-null values in a single query

if its mysql, you can try something like this.

   (select count(*) from TABLENAME WHERE a = 'null') as total_null, 
   (select count(*) from TABLENAME WHERE a != 'null') as total_not_null

How to add a new audio (not mixing) into a video using ffmpeg?

mp3 music to wav

ffmpeg -i music.mp3 music.wav

truncate to fit video

ffmpeg -i music.wav -ss 0 -t 37 musicshort.wav

mix music and video

ffmpeg -i musicshort.wav -i movie.avi final_video.avi

How to create a secure random AES key in Java?

I would use your suggested code, but with a slight simplification:

KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
keyGen.init(256); // for example
SecretKey secretKey = keyGen.generateKey();

Let the provider select how it plans to obtain randomness - don't define something that may not be as good as what the provider has already selected.

This code example assumes (as Maarten points out below) that you've configured your file to include your preferred provider at the top of the list. If you want to manually specify the provider, just call KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES", "providerName");.

For a truly secure key, you need to be using a hardware security module (HSM) to generate and protect the key. HSM manufacturers will typically supply a JCE provider that will do all the key generation for you, using the code above.

How can I get the SQL of a PreparedStatement?

Code Snippet to convert SQL PreparedStaments with the list of arguments. It works for me

         * formatQuery Utility function which will convert SQL
         * @param sql
         * @param arguments
         * @return
        public static String formatQuery(final String sql, Object... arguments) {
            if (arguments != null && arguments.length <= 0) {
                return sql;
            String query = sql;
            int count = 0;
            while (query.matches("(.*)\\?(.*)")) {
                query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", "{" + count + "}");
            String formatedString = java.text.MessageFormat.format(query, arguments);
            return formatedString;

Hadoop cluster setup - Connection refused

In /etc/hosts:

  1. Add this line:

your-ip-address your-host-name

example: master

In /etc/hosts:

  1. Delete the line with (This will cause loopback)

  2. In your core-site, change localhost to your-ip or your-hostname

Now, restart the cluster.

Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

When you install Homestead, this creates a default "homestead" database in the VM. You should SSH into the VM homestead ssh and run your migrations from there. If you are working locally with no VM, you'll need to create your database manually. By default, the database should be called homestead, the username is homestead and the password is secret.

check this thread on laracasts or this blog post for more details

if you are getting

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

try changing "host" in the /app/config/database.php file from "localhost" to "" . you can find more details and other fixes here on this thread.

Also check whether you have specified the correct unix_socket . check this thread .

How do I retrieve my MySQL username and password?

While you can't directly recover a MySQL password without bruteforcing, there might be another way - if you've used MySQL Workbench to connect to the database, and have saved the credentials to the "vault", you're golden.

On Windows, the credentials are stored in %APPDATA%\MySQL\Workbench\workbench_user_data.dat - encrypted with CryptProtectData (without any additional entropy). Decrypting is easy peasy:

std::vector<unsigned char> decrypt(BYTE *input, size_t length) {
    DATA_BLOB inblob { length, input };
    DATA_BLOB outblob;

    if (!CryptUnprotectData(&inblob, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &outblob)) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't decrypt");

    std::vector<unsigned char> output(length);
    memcpy(&output[0], outblob.pbData, outblob.cbData);

    return output;

Or you can check out this DonationCoder thread for source + executable of a quick-and-dirty implementation.

How do I get formatted JSON in .NET using C#?

First I wanted to add comment under Duncan Smart post, but unfortunately I have not got enough reputation yet to leave comments. So I will try it here.

I just want to warn about side effects.

JsonTextReader internally parses json into typed JTokens and then serialises them back.

For example if your original JSON was

 { "double":0.00002, "date":"\/Date(1198908717056)\/"}

After prettify you get

    "date": "2007-12-29T06:11:57.056Z"

Of course both json string are equivalent and will deserialize to structurally equal objects, but if you need to preserve original string values, you need to take this into concideration

Show div when radio button selected

$('input[name=test]').click(function () {
    if ( == "watch-me") {
    } else {

Get yesterday's date in bash on Linux, DST-safe

You can use:

date -d "yesterday 13:55" '+%Y-%m-%d'

Or whatever time you want to retrieve will retrieved by bash.

For month:

date -d "30 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'

Multiplying across in a numpy array

Yet another trick (as of v1.6)



I'm proficient with the numpy broadcasting (newaxis), but I'm still finding my way around this new einsum tool. So I had play around a bit to find this solution.

Timings (using Ipython timeit):

einsum: 4.9 micro
transpose: 8.1 micro
newaxis: 8.35 micro
dot-diag: 10.5 micro

Incidentally, changing a i to j, np.einsum('ij,j->ij',A,b), produces the matrix that Alex does not want. And np.einsum('ji,j->ji',A,b) does, in effect, the double transpose.

Using a bitmask in C#

Easy Way:

public enum MyFlags {
    None = 0,
    Susan = 1,
    Alice = 2,
    Bob = 4,
    Eve = 8

To set the flags use logical "or" operator |:

MyFlags f = new MyFlags();
f = MyFlags.Alice | MyFlags.Bob;

And to check if a flag is included use HasFlag:

if(f.HasFlag(MyFlags.Alice)) { /* true */}
if(f.HasFlag(MyFlags.Eve)) { /* false */}

Git, How to reset origin/master to a commit?

Assuming that your branch is called master both here and remotely, and that your remote is called origin you could do:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>
git push -f origin master

However, you should avoid doing this if anyone else is working with your remote repository and has pulled your changes. In that case, it would be better to revert the commits that you don't want, then push as normal.

Python loop that also accesses previous and next values

AFAIK this should be pretty fast, but I didn't test it:

def iterate_prv_nxt(my_list):
    prv, cur, nxt = None, iter(my_list), iter(my_list)
    next(nxt, None)

    while True:
            if prv:
                yield next(prv), next(cur), next(nxt, None)
                yield None, next(cur), next(nxt, None)
                prv = iter(my_list)
        except StopIteration:

Example usage:

>>> my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> for prv, cur, nxt in iterate_prv_nxt(my_list):
...    print prv, cur, nxt
None a b
a b c
b c None

What do these three dots in React do?

const Profile =  {
          firstName: "kazi",
          lastName: "ahsan"

const ProfileUpdate =  {
          firstName: "kazi",
          lastName: "ahsan"

const newProfile = {...Profile, ...ProfileUpdate}

Hope this helps someone.

How do I get Flask to run on port 80?

This is the only solution that worked for me on Ubuntu-18.

Inside the file , use:

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=80)

The code above will give the same permission error unless sudo is used to run it:

sudo python3

find first sequence item that matches a criterion

If you don't have any other indexes or sorted information for your objects, then you will have to iterate until such an object is found:

next(obj for obj in objs if obj.val == 5)

This is however faster than a complete list comprehension. Compare these two:

[i for i in xrange(100000) if i == 1000][0]

next(i for i in xrange(100000) if i == 1000)

The first one needs 5.75ms, the second one 58.3µs (100 times faster because the loop 100 times shorter).

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in

Another solution is to fix the socket location in the php.ini configuration file like this:


Of course, the symlink works too, so its a matter of preference which one you change.

How to get cookie expiration date / creation date from javascript?

One possibility is to delete to cookie you are looking for the expiration date from and rewrite it. Then you'll know the expiration date.

Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second

gmdate("H:i:s", no_of_seconds);

Will not give time in H:i:s format if no_of_seconds is greater than 1 day (seconds in a day).
It will neglect day value and give only Hour:Min:Seconds

For example:

gmdate("H:i:s", 89922); // returns 0:58:42 not (1 Day 0:58:42) or 24:58:42

How to change string into QString?

Do you mean a C string, as in a char* string, or a C++ std::string object?

Either way, you use the same constructor, as documented in the QT reference:

For a regular C string, just use the main constructor:

char name[] = "Stack Overflow";
QString qname(name);

For a std::string, you obtain the char* to the buffer and pass that to the QString constructor:

std::string name2("Stack Overflow");
QString qname2(name2.c_str());

Angular routerLink does not navigate to the corresponding component

Try changing the links as below:

  <ul class="nav navbar-nav item">
        <a [routerLink]="['/home']" routerLinkActive="active">Home</a>
        <a [routerLink]="['/about']" routerLinkActive="active">About this</a>

Also, add the following in the header of index.html:

<base href="/">

EOFException - how to handle?

The best way to handle this would be to terminate your infinite loop with a proper condition.

But since you asked for the exception handling:

Try to use two catches. Your EOFException is expected, so there seems to be no problem when it occures. Any other exception should be handled.

} catch (EOFException e) {
   // ... this is fine
} catch(IOException e) {
    // handle exception which is not expected

Java: Insert multiple rows into MySQL with PreparedStatement

When MySQL driver is used you have to set connection param rewriteBatchedStatements to true ( jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/TestDB?**rewriteBatchedStatements=true**).

With this param the statement is rewritten to bulk insert when table is locked only once and indexes are updated only once. So it is much faster.

Without this param only advantage is cleaner source code.

What is the best place for storing uploaded images, SQL database or disk file system?

It depends on your requirements, specially volume, users and frequency of search. But, for small or medium office, the best option is to use an application like Apple Photos or Adobe Lighroom. They are specialized to store, catalog, index, and organize this kind of resource. But, for large organizations, with strong requirements of storage and high number of users, it is recommend instantiate an Content Management plataform with a Digital Asset Management, like Nuxeo or Alfresco; both offers very good resources do manage very large volumes of data with simplified methods to retrive them. And, very important: there is an free (open source) option for both platforms.

How to convert a string into double and vice versa?

For conversion from a number to a string, how about using the new literals syntax (XCode >= 4.4), its a little more compact.

int myInt = (int)round( [@"1.6" floatValue] );

NSString* myString = [@(myInt) description];

(Boxes it up as a NSNumber and converts to a string using the NSObjects' description method)

How to set image in imageview in android?

1> You can add image from layout itself:

                android:padding="2dp" />


2> Programmatically in java class:

ImageView ivYouImage= (ImageView)findViewById(;

OR for fragments:

View rowView= inflater.inflate(R.layout.your_layout, null, true);

ImageView ivYouImage= (ImageView) rowView.findViewById(;

Change default text in input type="file"?

Let me add a hack I used. I wanted to have a section that allowed you to drag and drop files, and I wanted that drag and drop section to be clickable along with the original upload button.

Here is how it looked like when I was done (minus the drag and drop ability, there are plenty of tutorials on how to do that).

And then I actually created a series of blog posts that are mainly about file upload buttons.

Oracle SQL Developer - tables cannot be seen

You need select privileges on All_users view

How to serialize an Object into a list of URL query parameters?

var str = "";
for (var key in obj) {
    if (str != "") {
        str += "&";
    str += key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);


Filtering a list of strings based on contents

# To support matches from the beginning, not any matches:

items = ['a', 'ab', 'abc', 'bac']
prefix = 'ab'

filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), items)

Setting unique Constraint with fluent API?

As an addition to Yorro's answer, it can also be done by using attributes.

Sample for int type unique key combination:

[Index("IX_UniqueKeyInt", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
public int UniqueKeyIntPart1 { get; set; }

[Index("IX_UniqueKeyInt", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
public int UniqueKeyIntPart2 { get; set; }

If the data type is string, then MaxLength attribute must be added:

[Index("IX_UniqueKeyString", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
public string UniqueKeyStringPart1 { get; set; }

[Index("IX_UniqueKeyString", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
public string UniqueKeyStringPart2 { get; set; }

If there is a domain/storage model separation concern, using Metadatatype attribute/class can be an option:

A quick console app example:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Data.Entity;

namespace EFIndexTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new AppDbContext())
                var newUser = new User { UniqueKeyIntPart1 = 1, UniqueKeyIntPart2 = 1, UniqueKeyStringPart1 = "A", UniqueKeyStringPart2 = "A" };

    public class User
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int UniqueKeyIntPart1 { get; set; }
        public int UniqueKeyIntPart2 { get; set; }
        public string UniqueKeyStringPart1 { get; set; }
        public string UniqueKeyStringPart2 { get; set; }

    public class UserMetadata
        [Index("IX_UniqueKeyInt", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
        public int UniqueKeyIntPart1 { get; set; }

        [Index("IX_UniqueKeyInt", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
        public int UniqueKeyIntPart2 { get; set; }

        [Index("IX_UniqueKeyString", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
        public string UniqueKeyStringPart1 { get; set; }

        [Index("IX_UniqueKeyString", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
        public string UniqueKeyStringPart2 { get; set; }

    public class AppDbContext : DbContext
        public virtual DbSet<User> UserSet { get; set; }

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

There can be one more reason for such behavior - you delete current working directory.

For example:

# in terminal #1
cd /home/user/myJavaApp

# in terminal #2
rm -rf /home/user/myJavaApp

# in terminal #1
java -jar myJar.jar

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Import Certificate to Trusted Root but not to Personal [Command Line]

There is a fairly simple answer with powershell.

Import-PfxCertificate -Password $secure_pw  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath certs.pfx

The trick is making a "secure" password...

$plaintext_pw = 'PASSWORD';
$secure_pw = ConvertTo-SecureString $plaintext_pw -AsPlainText -Force; 
Import-PfxCertificate -Password $secure_pw  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath certs.pfx;

How to set cornerRadius for only top-left and top-right corner of a UIView?

    // Create the path (with only the top-left corner rounded)
UIBezierPath *maskPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:view.bounds 
                           byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCornerBottomLeft | UIRectCornerBottomRight) 
                           cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(7.0, 7.0)];

// Create the shape layer and set its path
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.frame = cell.stripBlackImnageView.bounds;
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath; 
// Set the newly created shapelayer as the mask for the image view's layer
view.layer.mask = maskLayer;

Bootstrap 3 collapse accordion: collapse all works but then cannot expand all while maintaining data-parent

To keep the accordion nature intact when wanting to also use 'hide' and 'show' functions like .collapse( 'hide' ), you must initialize the collapsible panels with the parent property set in the object with toggle: false before making any calls to 'hide' or 'show'

// initialize collapsible panels
$('#accordion .collapse').collapse({
  toggle: false,
  parent: '#accordion'

// show panel one (will collapse others in accordion)
$( '#collapseOne' ).collapse( 'show' );

// show panel two (will collapse others in accordion)
$( '#collapseTwo' ).collapse( 'show' );

// hide panel two (will not collapse/expand others in accordion)
$( '#collapseTwo' ).collapse( 'hide' );

How to convert a set to a list in python?

Simply type:


This will turn a set in the form {'1','2'} into a list in the form ['1','2'].

How to get request url in a jQuery $.get/ajax request

Since jQuery.get is just a shorthand for jQuery.ajax, another way would be to use the latter one's context option, as stated in the documentation:

The this reference within all callbacks is the object in the context option passed to $.ajax in the settings; if context is not specified, this is a reference to the Ajax settings themselves.

So you would use

$.ajax('', {
  dataType: 'xml',
  data: {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3},
  context: {
    url: ''
}).done(function(xml) {alert(this.url});

ASP.NET MVC Bundle not rendering script files on staging server. It works on development server

Whenever I set debug="off" in my web.config and run my mvc4 application i would end up with ...

<script src="/bundles/jquery?v=<some long string>"></script>

in my html code and a JavaScript error

Expected ';'

There were 2 ways to get rid of the javascript error

  1. set BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false in BundleConfig.cs


  1. I ended up using NuGet Package Manager to update WebGrease.dll. It works fine irrespective if debug= "true" or debug = "false".

Jquery split function

Try this. It uses the split function which is a core part of javascript, nothing to do with jQuery.

var parts = html.split(":-"),
    i, l
for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i += 2) {
    $("#" + parts[i]).text(parts[i + 1]);

What's the difference between a word and byte?

A word is the size of the registers in the processor. This means processor instructions like, add, mul, etc are on word-sized inputs.

But most modern architectures have memory that is addressable in 8-bit chunks, so it is convenient to use the word "byte".

Carriage return in C?








Carriage return, does not cause a newline. Under some circumstances a single CR or LF may be translated to a CR-LF pair. This is console and/or stream dependent.

CSS Input field text color of inputted text

Change your second style to this:

input, select, textarea{
    color: #ff0000;

At the moment, you are telling the form to change the text to black once the focus is off. The above remedies that.

Also, it is a good idea to place the normal state styles ahead of the :focus and :hover styles in your stylesheet. That helps prevent this problem. So

input, select, textarea{
    color: #ff0000;

textarea:focus, input:focus {
    color: #ff0000;

Use SQL Server Management Studio to connect remotely to an SQL Server Express instance hosted on an Azure Virtual Machine

The fact that you're getting an error from the Names Pipes Provider tells us that you're not using the TCP/IP protocol when you're trying to establish the connection. Try adding the "tcp" prefix and specifying the port number:,1433

Adding external resources (CSS/JavaScript/images etc) in JSP

Using Following Code You Solve thisQuestion.... If you run a file using localhost server than this problem solve by following Jsp Page Code.This Code put Between Head Tag in jsp file

<style type="text/css">
    <%@include file="css/style.css" %>
<script type="text/javascript">
    <%@include file="js/script.js" %>

Making button go full-width?

I simply used this:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Sign In</button>

IntelliJ show JavaDocs tooltip on mouse over

In Intellij13, you can use Editor configuration like below: enter image description here

Could not load file or assembly "Oracle.DataAccess" or one of its dependencies

Had the issue again when i moved from one machine to another and had everything reinstalled. In my case, i'm using both 32bit and 64bit Oracle ODP.NET installs.

When listing the assemblies on my new machine i ended up with the following list

 C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\X64\\bin\4>gacutil /l|findstr Oracle.DataAccess
     Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64
     Policy.2.102.Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64
     Policy.2.111.Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64
     Policy.2.112.Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64
     Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64
     Policy.4.112.Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64

only 64bit DLLs to be seen here.

enter image description here

I couldn't see it from the web.config but the one i was using was a 32bit version.

When checking my old machine with the GACutil, i saw more DLLs, also the X86 ones.

Fixed by reapplying the registration process(both x32/x64 version referenced here)

OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\x32\ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll

OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\x64\ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll

after that , Visual Studio was a happy bunny and compiled everything again for me.

Bower: ENOGIT Git is not installed or not in the PATH

I also got the same problem from cmd and resolved using the following steps.

First install the (if not alredy installed). Then set the Git path as suggested by skinneejoe:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;

Or this (notice the (x86)):

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;

CSS Circular Cropping of Rectangle Image

If you can live without the <img> tag, I suggest you use the photo as a background image.

    width: 250px;_x000D_
    height: 250px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 100%;_x000D_
    background: #eee no-repeat center;_x000D_
    background-size: cover;_x000D_
    background-image: url(;_x000D_
<div id="image1" class="cropcircle"></div>

Using LIMIT within GROUP BY to get N results per group?

The original query used user variables and ORDER BY on derived tables; the behavior of both quirks is not guaranteed. Revised answer as follows.

In MySQL 5.x you can use poor man's rank over partition to achieve desired result. Just outer join the table with itself and for each row, count the number of rows lesser than it. In the above case, lesser row is the one with higher rate:

SELECT, t.rate, t.year, COUNT(l.rate) AS rank
LEFT JOIN t AS l ON = AND t.rate < l.rate
GROUP BY, t.rate, t.year
HAVING COUNT(l.rate) < 5
ORDER BY, t.rate DESC, t.year

Demo and Result:

| id  | rate | year | rank |
| p01 |  8.0 | 2006 | 0    |
| p01 |  7.4 | 2003 | 1    |
| p01 |  6.8 | 2008 | 2    |
| p01 |  5.9 | 2001 | 3    |
| p01 |  5.3 | 2007 | 4    |
| p02 | 12.5 | 2001 | 0    |
| p02 | 12.4 | 2004 | 1    |
| p02 | 12.2 | 2002 | 2    |
| p02 | 10.3 | 2003 | 3    |
| p02 |  8.7 | 2000 | 4    |

Note that if the rates had ties, for example:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, ...

The above query will return 6 rows:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80

Change to HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT l.rate) < 5 to get 8 rows:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80, 70, 60

Or change to ON = AND (t.rate < l.rate OR (t.rate = l.rate AND t.pri_key > l.pri_key)) to get 5 rows:

 100, 90, 90, 80, 80

In MySQL 8 or later just use the RANK, DENSE_RANK or ROW_NUMBER functions:

    FROM t
) AS x
WHERE rnk <= 5

Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

Based on K3N answer, I rewrite code generally for anyone wants

var oc = document.createElement('canvas'), octx = oc.getContext('2d');
    oc.width = img.width;
    oc.height = img.height;
    octx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
    while (oc.width * 0.5 > width) {
       oc.width *= 0.5;
       oc.height *= 0.5;
       octx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);
    oc.width = width;
    oc.height = oc.width * img.height / img.width;
    octx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);


Here is my ONLINE DEMO

Use :hover to modify the css of another class?

You can do this.
When hovering to the .item1, it will change the .item2 element.

.item1 {

   .item2 {

  border: solid 1px blue;

Why does sudo change the PATH?

I think it is in fact desirable to have sudo reset the PATH: otherwise an attacker having compromised your user account could put backdoored versions of all kinds of tools on your users' PATH, and they would be executed when using sudo.

(of course having sudo reset the PATH is not a complete solution to these kinds of problems, but it helps)

This is indeed what happens when you use

Defaults env_reset

in /etc/sudoers without using exempt_group or env_keep.

This is also convenient because you can add directories that are only useful for root (such as /sbin and /usr/sbin) to the sudo path without adding them to your users' paths. To specify the path to be used by sudo:

Defaults secure_path="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin"

Duplicate and rename Xcode project & associated folders

I using Xcode 6+ and I just do:

  • Copy all files in project folders to new Folders (with new name).
  • Open *.xcodeproj or *.xcworkspace
  • Change name of Project.
  • Click on schema and delete current chema and add new one.

Here is done, but name of window Xcode and *.xcodeproj or *.xcworkspace still <old-name>. Then I do:

  • pop install
  • Open <new name>.xcworkspace

How to generate a random string of 20 characters

Here you go. Just specify the chars you want to allow on the first line.

char[] chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20);
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    char c = chars[random.nextInt(chars.length)];
String output = sb.toString();

If you are using this to generate something sensitive like a password reset URL or session ID cookie or temporary password reset, be sure to use instead. Values produced by java.util.Random and java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom are mathematically predictable.

Min width in window resizing

You can set min-width property of CSS for body tag. Since this property is not supported by IE6, you can write like:

   min-width:1000px;        /* Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px */
   width: auto !important;  /* Firefox will set width as auto */
   width:1000px;            /* As IE6 ignores !important it will set width as 1000px; */


   min-width:1000px; // Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px
   _width: expression( document.body.clientWidth > 1000 ? "1000px" : "auto" ); /* sets max-width for IE6 */

Uploading multiple files using formData()

The way to go with javascript:

var data = new FormData();

$.each($("input[type='file']")[0].files, function(i, file) {
    data.append('file', file);

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/your/url',
    cache: false,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    data : data,
    success: function(result){
    error: function(err){

If you call data.append('file', file) multiple times your request will contain an array of your files.

From MDN web docs:

"The append() method of the FormData interface appends a new value onto an existing key inside a FormData object, or adds the key if it does not already exist. The difference between FormData.set and append() is that if the specified key already exists, FormData.set will overwrite all existing values with the new one, whereas append() will append the new value onto the end of the existing set of values."

Myself using node.js and multipart handler middleware multer get the data as follows:'/trip/save', upload.array('file', 10), function(req, res){
    // Your array of files is in req.files

JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers

you can add the username and password to the SOAP Header

BindingProvider prov = (BindingProvider)port;
                "your end point"));
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "myusername");
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");
prov.getRequestContext().put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers);

How to make full screen background in a web page

I have followed this tutorial:

Specifically, the first Demo was the one that helped me out a lot!

    background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover; 

this might help!

How do I test if a variable does not equal either of two values?

var test = $("#test").val();
if (test != 'A' && test != 'B'){
    do stuff;
else {
    do other stuff;

How to quickly edit values in table in SQL Server Management Studio?

In Mgmt Studio, when you are editing the top 200, you can view the SQL pane - either by right clicking in the grid and choosing Pane->SQL or by the button in the upper left. This will allow you to write a custom query to drill down to the row(s) you want to edit.

But ultimately mgmt studio isn't a data entry/update tool which is why this is a little cumbersome.

How to save image in database using C#

Since you are using SQL, would recommend against using adhoc ('writing statements in strings'), especially given that you are loading an image.

ADO.NET can do all of the hard work of mapping, escaping etc for you.

Either create a Stored Procedure, or use SqlParameter to do the binding.

As the other posters say, use VARBINARY(MAX) as your storage type - IMAGE is being depracated.

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied python using moviepy to write gif

If you're encountering this in Jupyter/Jupyerlab while trying to pip install foo, you can sometimes work around it by using !python -m pip install foo instead.

Add space between two particular <td>s

you have to set cellpadding and cellspacing that's it.

<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">

Adding css class through aspx code behind

Assuming your div has some CSS classes already...

<div id="classMe" CssClass="first"></div>

The following won't replace existing definitions:

ClassMe.CssClass += " second";

And if you are not sure until the very last moment...

string classes = ClassMe.CssClass;
ClassMe.CssClass += (classes == "") ? "second" : " second";

in iPhone App How to detect the screen resolution of the device

For iOS 8 we can just use this [UIScreen mainScreen].nativeBounds , like that:

- (NSInteger)resolutionX
    return CGRectGetWidth([UIScreen mainScreen].nativeBounds);

- (NSInteger)resolutionY
    return CGRectGetHeight([UIScreen mainScreen].nativeBounds);

How do you create a custom AuthorizeAttribute in ASP.NET Core?

The accepted answer ( is not realistically maintainable or suitable because "CanReadResource" is being used as a claim (but should essentially be a policy in reality, IMO). The approach at the answer is not OK in the way it was used, because if an action method requires many different claims setups, then with that answer you would have to repeatedly write something like...

[ClaimRequirement(MyClaimTypes.Permission, "CanReadResource")] 
[ClaimRequirement(MyClaimTypes.AnotherPermision, "AnotherClaimVaue")]
//and etc. on a single action.

So, imagine how much coding that would take. Ideally, "CanReadResource" is supposed to be a policy that uses many claims to determine if a user can read a resource.

What I do is I create my policies as an enumeration and then loop through and set up the requirements like thus...

services.AddAuthorization(authorizationOptions =>
            foreach (var policyString in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Enumerations.Security.Policy)))
                    authorizationPolicyBuilder => authorizationPolicyBuilder.Requirements.Add(new DefaultAuthorizationRequirement((Enumerations.Security.Policy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumerations.Security.Policy), policyWrtString), DateTime.UtcNow)));

      /* Note that thisn does not stop you from 
          configuring policies directly against a username, claims, roles, etc. You can do the usual.

The DefaultAuthorizationRequirement class looks like...

public class DefaultAuthorizationRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    public Enumerations.Security.Policy Policy {get; set;} //This is a mere enumeration whose code is not shown.
    public DateTime DateTimeOfSetup {get; set;} //Just in case you have to know when the app started up. And you may want to log out a user if their profile was modified after this date-time, etc.

public class DefaultAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<DefaultAuthorizationRequirement>
    private IAServiceToUse _aServiceToUse;

    public DefaultAuthorizationHandler(
        IAServiceToUse aServiceToUse
        _aServiceToUse = aServiceToUse;

    protected async override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, DefaultAuthorizationRequirement requirement)
        /*Here, you can quickly check a data source or Web API or etc. 
           to know the latest date-time of the user's profile modification...
        if (_aServiceToUse.GetDateTimeOfLatestUserProfileModication > requirement.DateTimeOfSetup)
            context.Fail(); /*Because any modifications to user information, 
            e.g. if the user used another browser or if by Admin modification, 
            the claims of the user in this session cannot be guaranteed to be reliable.

        bool shouldSucceed = false; //This should first be false, because context.Succeed(...) has to only be called if the requirement specifically succeeds.

        bool shouldFail = false; /*This should first be false, because context.Fail() 
        doesn't have to be called if there's no security breach.

        // You can do anything.
        await doAnythingAsync();

       /*You can get the user's claims... 
          ALSO, note that if you have a way to priorly map users or users with certain claims 
          to particular policies, add those policies as claims of the user for the sake of ease. 
          BUT policies that require dynamic code (e.g. checking for age range) would have to be 
          coded in the switch-case below to determine stuff.

        var claims = context.User.Claims;

        // You can, of course, get the policy that was hit...
        var policy = requirement.Policy

        //You can use a switch case to determine what policy to deal with here...
        switch (policy)
            case Enumerations.Security.Policy.CanReadResource:
                 /*Do stuff with the claims and change the 
                     value of shouldSucceed and/or shouldFail.
            case Enumerations.Security.Policy.AnotherPolicy:
                 /*Do stuff with the claims and change the 
                    value of shouldSucceed and/or shouldFail.
                // Other policies too.

                 throw new NotImplementedException();

        /* Note that the following conditions are 
            so because failure and success in a requirement handler 
            are not mutually exclusive. They demand certainty.

        if (shouldFail)
            context.Fail(); /*Check the docs on this method to 
            see its implications.

        if (shouldSucceed)

Note that the code above can also enable pre-mapping of a user to a policy in your data store. So, when composing claims for the user, you basically retrieve the policies that had been pre-mapped to the user directly or indirectly (e.g. because the user has a certain claim value and that claim value had been identified and mapped to a policy, such that it provides automatic mapping for users who have that claim value too), and enlist the policies as claims, such that in the authorization handler, you can simply check if the user's claims contain requirement.Policy as a Value of a Claim item in their claims. That is for a static way of satisfying a policy requirement, e.g. "First name" requirement is quite static in nature. So, for the example above (which I had forgotten to give example on Authorize attribute in my earlier updates to this answer), using the policy with Authorize attribute is like as follows, where ViewRecord is an enum member:

[Authorize(Policy = nameof(Enumerations.Security.Policy.ViewRecord))] 

A dynamic requirement can be about checking age range, etc. and policies that use such requirements cannot be pre-mapped to users.

An example of dynamic policy claims checking (e.g. to check if a user is above 18 years old) is already at the answer given by @blowdart (

PS: I typed this on my phone. Pardon any typos and lack of formatting.

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

In case that you have Ubuntu in your machine, the following steps will help you:

  1. Check first in your php testing file if you have soap (client / server)or not by using phpinfo(); and check results in the browser. In case that you have it, it will seems like the following image ( If not go to step 2 ):

enter image description here

  1. Open your terminal and paste: sudo apt-get install php-soap.

  2. Restart your apache2 server in terminal : service apache2 restart.

  3. To check use your php test file again to be seems like mine in step 1.

HTML5 validation when the input type is not "submit"

I may be late, but the way I did it was to create a hidden submit input, and calling it's click handler upon submit. Something like (using jquery for simplicity):

<input type="text" id="example" name="example" value="" required>
<button type="button"  onclick="submitform()" id="save">Save</button>
<input id="submit_handle" type="submit" style="display: none">

function submitform() {

Javascript require() function giving ReferenceError: require is not defined

require is part of the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API.

A browser implementation can be found via require.js and native support can be found in node.js.

The documentation for the library you are using should tell you what you need to use it, I suspect that it is intended to run under Node.js and not in browsers.

Difference between VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) and NVARCHAR2(10)

  • The NVARCHAR2 stores variable-length character data. When you create a table with the NVARCHAR2 column, the maximum size is always in character length semantics, which is also the default and only length semantics for the NVARCHAR2 data type.

    The NVARCHAR2data type uses AL16UTF16character set which encodes Unicode data in the UTF-16 encoding. The AL16UTF16 use 2 bytes to store a character. In addition, the maximum byte length of an NVARCHAR2 depends on the configured national character set.

  • VARCHAR2 The maximum size of VARCHAR2 can be in either bytes or characters. Its column only can store characters in the default character set while the NVARCHAR2 can store virtually any characters. A single character may require up to 4 bytes.

By defining the field as:

  • VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) you tell Oracle it can use enough space to store 10 characters, no matter how many bytes it takes to store each one. A single character may require up to 4 bytes.
  • NVARCHAR2(10) you tell Oracle it can store 10 characters with 2 bytes per character

In Summary:

  • VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) can store maximum of 10 characters and maximum of 40 bytes (depends on the configured national character set).

  • NVARCHAR2(10) can store maximum of 10 characters and maximum of 20 bytes (depends on the configured national character set).

Note: Character set can be UTF-8, UTF-16,....

Please have a look at this tutorial for more detail.

Have a good day!

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

How about this: It is Somewhat Efficient & Somewhat Simple. Only need to join '2' parts of url path:

def UrlJoin(a , b):
    a, b = a.strip(), b.strip()
    a = a if a.endswith('/') else a + '/'
    b = b if not b.startswith('/') else b[1:]
    return a + b

OR: More Conventional, but Not as efficient if joining only 2 url parts of a path.

def UrlJoin(*parts):
    return '/'.join([p.strip().strip('/') for p in parts])

Test Cases:

>>> UrlJoin('', '/TestURL_1')

>>> UrlJoin('', 'TestURL_2')

Note: I may be splitting hairs here, but it is at least good practice and potentially more readable.

What does "connection reset by peer" mean?

It's fatal. The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than the usual handshake. This bypasses the normal half-closed state transition. I like this description:

"Connection reset by peer" is the TCP/IP equivalent of slamming the phone back on the hook. It's more polite than merely not replying, leaving one hanging. But it's not the FIN-ACK expected of the truly polite TCP/IP converseur.

PHP mailer multiple address

You need to call the AddAddress method once for every recipient. Like so:

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

Better yet, add them as Carbon Copy recipients.

$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

To make things easy, you should loop through an array to do this.

$recipients = array(
   '[email protected]' => 'Person One',
   '[email protected]' => 'Person Two',
   // ..
foreach($recipients as $email => $name)
   $mail->AddCC($email, $name);

Best way to remove items from a collection

For a simple List structure the most efficient way seems to be using the Predicate RemoveAll implementation.


 workSpace.RoleAssignments.RemoveAll(x =>x.Member.Name == shortName);

The reasons are:

  1. The Predicate/Linq RemoveAll method is implemented in List and has access to the internal array storing the actual data. It will shift the data and resize the internal array.
  2. The RemoveAt method implementation is quite slow, and will copy the entire underlying array of data into a new array. This means reverse iteration is useless for List

If you are stuck implementing this in a the pre c# 3.0 era. You have 2 options.

  • The easily maintainable option. Copy all the matching items into a new list and and swap the underlying list.


List<int> list2 = new List<int>() ; 
foreach (int i in GetList())
    if (!(i % 2 == 0))
list2 = list2;


  • The tricky slightly faster option, which involves shifting all the data in the list down when it does not match and then resizing the array.

If you are removing stuff really frequently from a list, perhaps another structure like a HashTable (.net 1.1) or a Dictionary (.net 2.0) or a HashSet (.net 3.5) are better suited for this purpose.

Export database schema into SQL file

You can generate scripts to a file via SQL Server Management Studio, here are the steps:

  1. Right click the database you want to generate scripts for (not the table) and select tasks - generate scripts
  2. Next, select the requested table/tables, views, stored procedures, etc (from select specific database objects)
  3. Click advanced - select the types of data to script
  4. Click Next and finish

MSDN Generate Scripts

When generating the scripts, there is an area that will allow you to script, constraints, keys, etc. From SQL Server 2008 R2 there is an Advanced Option under scripting:

enter image description here

Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch

Actually it's not an error! It means you should enter some message to mark this merge. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04.If you use the same OS, you just need to do this as follows:

  1. Type some message

  2. CtrlCO

  3. Type the file name (such as "Merge_feature01") and press Enter

  4. CtrlX to exit

Now if you go to .git and you will find the file "Merge_feature01", that's the merge log actually.

C compile : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Your problem is the typo in the function CreateDectionary().You should change it to CreateDictionary(). collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status is the same problem in both C and C++, usually it means that you have unresolved symbols. In your case is the typo that i mentioned before.

Select * from subquery

You can select every column from that sub-query by aliasing it and adding the alias before the *:

SELECT t.*, a+b AS total_sum
   SELECT SUM(column1) AS a, SUM(column2) AS b
   FROM table
) t

Cannot run emulator in Android Studio

Go to Tools | Android | AVD Manager

Click the arrow under the Actions column on far right (where error message is)

Choose Edit

Leave the default selection (For me, MNC x86 Android M)

Click Next

Click Finish

It saves your AVD and error is now gone from last column. And emulator works fine now.

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

If you've sent the object over a request you can copy it from the Chrome -> Network tab.

Request Payload - > View Source

enter image description here

enter image description here

How do I format date and time on ssrs report?

The following is how I do it using Visual Studio 2017 for an RDL targetted for SSRS 2017:

Right-click on the field in the textbox on the design surface and choose Placeholder Properties. Choose the Number panel and click on Date in the Category listbox, then select the formatting you are looking for in the Type listbox.

Can I set state inside a useEffect hook

useEffect can hook on a certain prop or state. so, the thing you need to do to avoid infinite loop hook is binding some variable or state to effect

For Example:

useEffect(myeffectCallback, [])

above effect will fire only once the component has rendered. this is similar to componentDidMount lifecycle

const [something, setSomething] = withState(0)
const [myState, setMyState] = withState(0)
useEffect(() => {
}, myState)

above effect will fire only my state has changed this is similar to componentDidUpdate except not every changing state will fire it.

You can read more detail though this link

Android studio takes too much memory

I fond this YouTube video from Google where are some tips and tricks for it. The video also includes advantages and disadvantages of suggested changes.

Improving Android Studio Performance on Memory-Constrained Machines

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

Install @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from via:

yarn add -D @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from

In your .babelrc.json or any of the Configuration File Types

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Now you can export directly from a file-path:

export Foo from './components/Foo'
export Bar from './components/Bar'

Good Luck...

SQL: Insert all records from one table to another table without specific the columns

Per this other post: Insert all values of a..., you can do the following:

INSERT INTO new_table (Foo, Bar, Fizz, Buzz)
SELECT Foo, Bar, Fizz, Buzz
FROM initial_table

It's important to specify the column names as indicated by the other answers.

How to delete parent element using jQuery

Simply use the .closest() method: $(this).closest('.li').remove();
It starts with the current element and then climbs up the chain looking for a matching element and stops as soon as it found one.

.parent() only accesses the direct parent of the element, i.e. div.msg-modification which does not match .li. So it never reaches the element you are looking for.

Another solution besides .closest() (which checks the current element and then climbs up the chain) would be using .parents() - however, this would have the caveat that it does not stop as soon as it finds a matching element (and it doesn't check the current element but only parent elements). In your case it doesn't really matter but for what you are trying to do .closest() is the most appropriate method.

Another important thing:

NEVER use the same ID for more than one element. It's not allowed and causes very hard-to-debug problems. Remove the id="191" from the link and, if you need to access the ID in the click handler, use $(this).closest('.li').attr('id'). Actually it would be even cleaner if you used data-id="123" and then .data('id') instead of .attr('id') to access it (so your element ID does not need to resemble whatever ID the (database?) row has)

How can I issue a single command from the command line through sql plus?

@find /v "@" < %0 | sqlplus -s scott/tiger@orcl & goto :eof

select sysdate from dual;

Configure nginx with multiple locations with different root folders on subdomain

A little more elaborate example.

Setup: You have a website at and you have a web app at

server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  root   /usr/share/nginx/html/website_dir;
  index  index.html index.htm;
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

  location /webapp/ {
    alias  /usr/share/nginx/html/webapp_dir/;
    index  index.html index.htm;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /webapp/index.html;

I've named webapp_dir and website_dir on purpose. If you have matching names and folders you can use the root directive.

This setup works and is tested with Docker.

NB!!! Be careful with the slashes. Put them exactly as in the example.

What is the purpose of "&&" in a shell command?

command_1 && command_2: execute command_2 only when command_1 is executed successfully.

command_1 || command_2: execute command_2 only when command_1 is not successful executed.

Feels similar as how an 'if' condition is executed in a mainstream programming language, like, in if (condition_1 && condition_2){...} condition_2 will be omitted if condition_1 is false and in if (condition_1 || condition_2){...} condition_2 will be omitted if condition_1 is true. See, it's the same trick you use for coding :)

How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js

If you want to insert object, use this:

    currentLogs = [
 { socket_id: 'Server', message: 'Socketio online', data: 'Port  3333', logged: '2014-05-14 14:41:11' },
 { socket_id: 'Server', message: 'Waiting for Pi to connect...', data: 'Port: 8082', logged: '2014-05-14 14:41:11' }

console.warn(>[ logs.socket_id , logs.message , , logs.logged ]));

The output will be:

  [ 'Server', 'Socketio online', 'Port  3333', '2014-05-14 14:41:11' ],
    'Waiting for Pi to connect...',
    'Port: 8082',
    '2014-05-14 14:41:11'

Also, please check the documentation to know more about the map function.

What is the apply function in Scala?

Mathematicians have their own little funny ways, so instead of saying "then we call function f passing it x as a parameter" as we programmers would say, they talk about "applying function f to its argument x".

In mathematics and computer science, Apply is a function that applies functions to arguments.

apply serves the purpose of closing the gap between Object-Oriented and Functional paradigms in Scala. Every function in Scala can be represented as an object. Every function also has an OO type: for instance, a function that takes an Int parameter and returns an Int will have OO type of Function1[Int,Int].

 // define a function in scala
 (x:Int) => x + 1

 // assign an object representing the function to a variable
 val f = (x:Int) => x + 1

Since everything is an object in Scala f can now be treated as a reference to Function1[Int,Int] object. For example, we can call toString method inherited from Any, that would have been impossible for a pure function, because functions don't have methods:


Or we could define another Function1[Int,Int] object by calling compose method on f and chaining two different functions together:

 val f2 = f.compose((x:Int) => x - 1)

Now if we want to actually execute the function, or as mathematician say "apply a function to its arguments" we would call the apply method on the Function1[Int,Int] object:


Writing f.apply(args) every time you want to execute a function represented as an object is the Object-Oriented way, but would add a lot of clutter to the code without adding much additional information and it would be nice to be able to use more standard notation, such as f(args). That's where Scala compiler steps in and whenever we have a reference f to a function object and write f (args) to apply arguments to the represented function the compiler silently expands f (args) to the object method call f.apply (args).

Every function in Scala can be treated as an object and it works the other way too - every object can be treated as a function, provided it has the apply method. Such objects can be used in the function notation:

// we will be able to use this object as a function, as well as an object
object Foo {
  var y = 5
  def apply (x: Int) = x + y

Foo (1) // using Foo object in function notation 

There are many usage cases when we would want to treat an object as a function. The most common scenario is a factory pattern. Instead of adding clutter to the code using a factory method we can apply object to a set of arguments to create a new instance of an associated class:

List(1,2,3) // same as List.apply(1,2,3) but less clutter, functional notation

// the way the factory method invocation would have looked
// in other languages with OO notation - needless clutter

So apply method is just a handy way of closing the gap between functions and objects in Scala.

How do I clone into a non-empty directory?

This worked for me:

git init
git remote add origin PATH/TO/REPO
git fetch
git reset origin/master  # Required when the versioned files existed in path before "git init" of this repo.
git checkout -t origin/master

NOTE: -t will set the upstream branch for you, if that is what you want, and it usually is.

How to remove all files from directory without removing directory in Node.js

How about run a command line:

require('child_process').execSync('rm -rf /path/to/directory/*')

How to find if a file contains a given string using Windows command line

From other post:

    find /c "string" file >NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto notfound
        echo found
    goto done
        echo notfound
    goto done

Use the /i switch when you want case insensitive checking:

    find /i /c "string" file >NUL

Or something like: if not found write to file.

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  || ( echo %%P >> newfile.txt )

Or something like: if found write to file.

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  && ( echo %%P >> newfile.txt )

Or something like:

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  && ( echo found ) || ( echo not found )

How can I parse / create a date time stamp formatted with fractional seconds UTC timezone (ISO 8601, RFC 3339) in Swift?

In the future the format might need to be changed which could be a small head ache having date.dateFromISO8601 calls everywhere in an app. Use a class and protocol to wrap the implementation, changing the date time format call in one place will be simpler. Use RFC3339 if possible, its a more complete representation. DateFormatProtocol and DateFormat is great for dependency injection.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    internal static let rfc3339DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"
    internal static let localeEnUsPosix = "en_US_POSIX"

import Foundation

protocol DateFormatProtocol {

    func format(date: NSDate) -> String
    func parse(date: String) -> NSDate?


import Foundation

class DateFormat:  DateFormatProtocol {

    func format(date: NSDate) -> String {
        return date.rfc3339

    func parse(date: String) -> NSDate? {
        return date.rfc3339


extension NSDate {

    struct Formatter {
        static let rfc3339: NSDateFormatter = {
            let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
            formatter.calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierISO8601)
            formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: AppDelegate.localeEnUsPosix)
            formatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(forSecondsFromGMT: 0)
            formatter.dateFormat = rfc3339DateFormat
            return formatter

    var rfc3339: String { return Formatter.rfc3339.stringFromDate(self) }

extension String {
    var rfc3339: NSDate? {
        return NSDate.Formatter.rfc3339.dateFromString(self)

class DependencyService: DependencyServiceProtocol {

    private var dateFormat: DateFormatProtocol?

    func setDateFormat(dateFormat: DateFormatProtocol) {
        self.dateFormat = dateFormat

    func getDateFormat() -> DateFormatProtocol {
        if let dateFormatObject = dateFormat {

            return dateFormatObject
        } else {
            let dateFormatObject = DateFormat()
            dateFormat = dateFormatObject

            return dateFormatObject



Maybe try this

Select cust.*

From dbo.Customers cust
Left Join dbo.Subscribers subs on cust.Customer_ID = subs.Customer_ID
Where subs.Customer_Id Is Null

How can I extract the folder path from file path in Python?

The built-in submodule os.path has a function for that very task.

import os

How to properly highlight selected item on RecyclerView?

As noted in this linked question, setting listeners for viewHolders should be done in onCreateViewHolder. That said, the implementation below was originally aimed at multiple selection, but I threw a hack in the snippet to force single selection.(*1)

// an array of selected items (Integer indices) 
private final ArrayList<Integer> selected = new ArrayList<>();

// items coming into view
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
    // each time an item comes into view, its position is checked
    // against "selected" indices
    if (!selected.contains(position)){
        // view not selected
        // view is selected

// selecting items
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
        // select (set color) immediately.

        // (*1)
        // forcing single selection here...
        if (selected.isEmpty()){
            selected.add(position); // (done - see note)
        }else {
            int oldSelected = selected.get(0);
            selected.clear(); // (*1)... and here.
            // note: We do not notify that an item has been selected
            // because that work is done here.  We instead send
            // notifications for items which have been deselected.
        return false;

Image change every 30 seconds - loop

You should take a look at various javascript libraries, they should be able to help you out:

All of them have tutorials, and fade in/fade out is a basic usage.

For e.g. in jQuery:

var $img = $("img"), i = 0, speed = 200;
window.setInterval(function() {
  $img.fadeOut(speed, function() {
    $img.attr("src", images[(++i % images.length)]);
}, 30000);

Rounding integer division (instead of truncating)

#define CEIL(a, b) (((a) / (b)) + (((a) % (b)) > 0 ? 1 : 0))

Another useful MACROS (MUST HAVE):

#define MIN(a, b)  (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b)  (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define ABS(a)     (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a))

Darken background image on hover

.image:hover {
   background: #000;
    width: 58px;
    height: 58px;


You will get darken

What is your favorite C programming trick?

In C99 you can directly embed URLs into source code inside functions. Example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("Hello World");

jquery animate background position

I guess it might be because it is expecting a single value?

taken from the animate page on jQuery:

Animation Properties and Values

All animated properties should be animated to a single numeric value, except as noted below; most properties that are non-numeric cannot be animated using basic jQuery functionality. (For example, width, height, or left can be animated but background-color cannot be.) Property values are treated as a number of pixels unless otherwise specified. The units em and % can be specified where applicable.

How to grep for two words existing on the same line?

you could use awk. like this...

cat <yourFile> | awk '/word1/ && /word2/'

Order is not important. So if you have a file and...

a file named , file1 contains:

word1 is in this file as well as word2
word2 is in this file as well as word1
word4 is in this file as well as word1
word5 is in this file as well as word2


/tmp$ cat file1| awk '/word1/ && /word2/'

will result in,

word1 is in this file as well as word2
word2 is in this file as well as word1

yes, awk is slower.

Unix tail equivalent command in Windows Powershell

For completeness I'll mention that Powershell 3.0 now has a -Tail flag on Get-Content

Get-Content ./log.log -Tail 10

gets the last 10 lines of the file

Get-Content ./log.log -Wait -Tail 10

gets the last 10 lines of the file and waits for more

Also, for those *nix users, note that most systems alias cat to Get-Content, so this usually works

cat ./log.log -Tail 10

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE when I try to install compiled .apk on device

  1. Go to Setting/Apps/ Search for your app and uninstall...
  2. open command prompt and "adb uninstall "

It´s worked for me

What's the use of ob_start() in php?

No, you are wrong, but the direction fits ;)

The Output-Buffering buffers the output of a script. Thats (in short) everthing after echo or print. The thing with the headers is, that they only can get sent, if they are not already sent. But HTTP says, that headers are the very first of the transmission. So if you output something for the first time (in a request) the headers are sent and you can not set any other headers.

How to rename a table column in Oracle 10g

alter table table_name 
rename column old_column_name/field_name to new_column_name/field_name;

example: alter table student column name to username;

first-child and last-child with IE8

If you want to carry on using CSS3 selectors but need to support older browsers I would suggest using a polyfill such as Selectivizr.js

What is the maximum possible length of a .NET string?

Since the Length property of System.String is an Int32, I would guess that that the maximum length would be 2,147,483,647 chars (max Int32 size). If it allowed longer you couldn't check the Length since that would fail.