Programs & Examples On #Strstream

How to solve munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error in C++

This happens when the pointer passed to free() is not valid or has been modified somehow. I don't really know the details here. The bottom line is that the pointer passed to free() must be the same as returned by malloc(), realloc() and their friends. It's not always easy to spot what the problem is for a novice in their own code or even deeper in a library. In my case, it was a simple case of an undefined (uninitialized) pointer related to branching.

The free() function frees the memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previous call to malloc(), calloc() or realloc(). Otherwise, or if free(ptr) has already been called before, undefined behavior occurs. If ptr is NULL, no operation is performed. GNU 2012-05-10 MALLOC(3)

char *words; // setting this to NULL would have prevented the issue

if (condition) {
    words = malloc( 512 );

    /* calling free sometime later works here */

} else {

    /* do not allocate words in this branch */

/* free(words);  -- error here --
*** glibc detected *** ./bin: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0xb________ ***/

There are many similar questions here about the related free() and rellocate() functions. Some notable answers providing more details:

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0a03c978 ***
*** glibc detected *** sendip: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x09da25e8 ***
glibc detected, realloc(): invalid pointer

IMHO running everything in a debugger (Valgrind) is not the best option because errors like this are often caused by inept or novice programmers. It's more productive to figure out the issue manually and learn how to avoid it in the future.

jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload

Uploading files is actually possible with AJAX these days. Yes, AJAX, not some crappy AJAX wannabes like swf or java.

This example might help you out:

(It also includes the drag/drop interface but that's easily ignored.)

Basically what it comes down to is this:

<input id="files" type="file" />

document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var file = this.files[0];
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
        var done = e.position || e.loaded
        var total = e.totalSize ||;
        console.log('xhr progress: ' + Math.round(done/total*100) + '%');
    xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
        console.log('xhr upload complete', e, this.responseText);
    });'post', '/URL-HERE', true);


So basically what it comes down to is this =)


Where file is typeof Blob:

Another (better IMO) way is to use FormData. This allows you to 1) name a file, like in a form and 2) send other stuff (files too), like in a form.

var fd = new FormData;
fd.append('photo1', file);
fd.append('photo2', file2);
fd.append('other_data', 'foo bar');

FormData makes the server code cleaner and more backward compatible (since the request now has the exact same format as normal forms).

All of it is not experimental, but very modern. Chrome 8+ and Firefox 4+ know what to do, but I don't know about any others.

This is how I handled the request (1 image per request) in PHP:

if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
    $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $error = true;

    // Only upload if on my home win dev machine
    if ( isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ) {
        $path = 'uploads/'.$filename;
        $error = !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);

    $rsp = array(
        'error' => $error, // Used in JS
        'filename' => $filename,
        'filepath' => '/tests/uploads/' . $filename, // Web accessible
    echo json_encode($rsp);

Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?

In addition to using the master method (or one of its specializations), I test my algorithms experimentally. This can't prove that any particular complexity class is achieved, but it can provide reassurance that the mathematical analysis is appropriate. To help with this reassurance, I use code coverage tools in conjunction with my experiments, to ensure that I'm exercising all the cases.

As a very simple example say you wanted to do a sanity check on the speed of the .NET framework's list sort. You could write something like the following, then analyze the results in Excel to make sure they did not exceed an n*log(n) curve.

In this example I measure the number of comparisons, but it's also prudent to examine the actual time required for each sample size. However then you must be even more careful that you are just measuring the algorithm and not including artifacts from your test infrastructure.

int nCmp = 0;
System.Random rnd = new System.Random();

// measure the time required to sort a list of n integers
void DoTest(int n)
   List<int> lst = new List<int>(n);
   for( int i=0; i<n; i++ )
      lst[i] = rnd.Next(0,1000);

   // as we sort, keep track of the number of comparisons performed!
   nCmp = 0;
   lst.Sort( delegate( int a, int b ) { nCmp++; return (a<b)?-1:((a>b)?1:0)); }

   System.Console.Writeline( "{0},{1}", n, nCmp );

// Perform measurement for a variety of sample sizes.
// It would be prudent to check multiple random samples of each size, but this is OK for a quick sanity check
for( int n = 0; n<1000; n++ )

Print debugging info from stored procedure in MySQL

Option 1: Put this in your procedure to print 'comment' to stdout when it runs.

SELECT 'Comment';

Option 2: Put this in your procedure to print a variable with it to stdout:

declare myvar INT default 0;
SET myvar = 5;
SELECT concat('myvar is ', myvar);

This prints myvar is 5 to stdout when the procedure runs.

Option 3, Create a table with one text column called tmptable, and push messages to it:

declare myvar INT default 0;
SET myvar = 5;
insert into tmptable select concat('myvar is ', myvar);

You could put the above in a stored procedure, so all you would have to write is this:

CALL log(concat('the value is', myvar));

Which saves a few keystrokes.

Option 4, Log messages to file

select "penguin" as log into outfile '/tmp/result.txt';

There is very heavy restrictions on this command. You can only write the outfile to areas on disk that give the 'others' group create and write permissions. It should work saving it out to /tmp directory.

Also once you write the outfile, you can't overwrite it. This is to prevent crackers from rooting your box just because they have SQL injected your website and can run arbitrary commands in MySQL.

What is the difference between JavaScript and jQuery?

Javascript is base of jQuery.

jQuery is a wrapper of JavaScript, with much pre-written functionality and DOM traversing.

How to change the default background color white to something else in twitter bootstrap

I'm using cdn boostrap, the solution that I found was: First include the cdn bootstrap, then you include the file .css where you are editing the default styles of bootstrap.

Batch: Remove file extension

I'm also a stranger to windows cmd, but try this:

echo %%~nf

Create a list with initial capacity in Python

From what I understand, Python lists are already quite similar to ArrayLists. But if you want to tweak those parameters I found this post on the Internet that may be interesting (basically, just create your own ScalableList extension):

Declaring an enum within a class

In general, I always put my enums in a struct. I have seen several guidelines including "prefixing".

enum Color

Always thought this looked more like C guidelines than C++ ones (for one because of the abbreviation and also because of the namespaces in C++).

So to limit the scope we now have two alternatives:

  • namespaces
  • structs/classes

I personally tend to use a struct because it can be used as parameters for template programming while a namespace cannot be manipulated.

Examples of manipulation include:

template <class T>
size_t number() { /**/ }

which returns the number of elements of enum inside the struct T :)

WebSockets protocol vs HTTP

You seem to assume that WebSocket is a replacement for HTTP. It is not. It's an extension.

The main use-case of WebSockets are Javascript applications which run in the web browser and receive real-time data from a server. Games are a good example.

Before WebSockets, the only method for Javascript applications to interact with a server was through XmlHttpRequest. But these have a major disadvantage: The server can't send data unless the client has explicitly requested it.

But the new WebSocket feature allows the server to send data whenever it wants. This allows to implement browser-based games with a much lower latency and without having to use ugly hacks like AJAX long-polling or browser plugins.

So why not use normal HTTP with streamed requests and responses

In a comment to another answer you suggested to just stream the client request and response body asynchronously.

In fact, WebSockets are basically that. An attempt to open a WebSocket connection from the client looks like a HTTP request at first, but a special directive in the header (Upgrade: websocket) tells the server to start communicating in this asynchronous mode. First drafts of the WebSocket protocol weren't much more than that and some handshaking to ensure that the server actually understands that the client wants to communicate asynchronously. But then it was realized that proxy servers would be confused by that, because they are used to the usual request/response model of HTTP. A potential attack scenario against proxy servers was discovered. To prevent this it was necessary to make WebSocket traffic look unlike any normal HTTP traffic. That's why the masking keys were introduced in the final version of the protocol.

smtpclient " failure sending mail"

Five years later (I hope this developer isn't still waiting for a fix to this..)

I had the same issue, caused by the same error: I was declaring the SmtpClient inside the loop.

The fix is simple - declare it once, outside the loop...

MailAddress mail = null;
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
client.Port = 25;
client.EnableSsl = false;
client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
client.Host = smtpAddress;       //  Enter your company's email server here!

for(int i = 0; i < number ; i++)
    mail = new MailMessage(iMail.from,;
    mail.Subject = iMail.sub;
    mail.Body = iMail.body;
    mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
    mail.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
    mail.Sender = from;

What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam?

Here is an example with @RequestBody, First look at the controller !!

  public ResponseEntity<Void> postNewProductDto(@RequestBody NewProductDto newProductDto) {

        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);


And here is angular controller

function postNewProductDto() {
                var url = "/admin/products/newItem";
                $, vm.newProductDto).then(function () {
                            //other things go here...
                            vm.newProductMessage = "Product successful registered";
                        function (errResponse) {
                            //handling errors ....

And a short look at form

 <label>Name: </label>
 <input ng-model="" />

<label>Price </label> 
 <input ng-model="vm.newProductDto.price"/>

 <label>Quantity </label>
  <input ng-model="vm.newProductDto.quantity"/>

 <label>Image </label>
 <input ng-model=""/>

 <Button ng-click="vm.postNewProductDto()" >Insert Item</Button>

 <label > {{vm.newProductMessage}} </label>

How do I search for names with apostrophe in SQL Server?

First of all my Search query value is from a user's input. I have tried all the answers on this one and all the results Google have given me, 90% of the answers says put '%''%' and the other 10% says a more complicated answers.

For some reason all of those did not work for me.

How ever I remembered that in MySQL (phpmyadmin) there is this built in search function so I tried it just to see how MySQL handles a search with an apostrophe, turns out MySQL just escaping apostrophe with a backslash LIKE '%\'%' so why just I replace apostrophe with a \' in every user's query.

This is what I come up with:

if(!empty($user_search)) {
        $r_user_search = str_ireplace("'","\'","$user_search");
        $find_it = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%$r_user_search%'";
        $results = $pdo->prepare($find_it);

This solves my problem. Also please correct me if this is still has security issues.

Flexbox: 4 items per row

I believe this example is more barebones and easier to understand then @dowomenfart.

.child {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0 1em;
    flex-grow: 1;
    width: calc(25% - 2em);

This accomplishes the same width calculations while cutting straight to the meat. The math is way easier and em is the new standard due to its scalability and mobile-friendliness.

How can I make a link from a <td> table cell

You can creat the table you want, save it as an image and then use an image map to creat the link (this way you can put the coords of the hole td to make it in to a link).

How to detect incoming calls, in an Android device?

Here is a simple method which can avoid the use of PhonestateListener and other complications.
So here we are receiving the 3 events from android such as RINGING,OFFHOOK and IDLE. And in order to get the all possible state of call,we need to define our own states like RINGING, OFFHOOK, IDLE, FIRST_CALL_RINGING, SECOND_CALL_RINGING. It can handle every states in a phone call.
Please think in a way that we are receiving events from android and we will define our on call states. See the code.

public class CallListening  extends BroadcastReceiver {
    private static final String TAG ="broadcast_intent";
    public static String incoming_number;
    private String current_state,previus_state,event;
    public static Boolean dialog= false;
    private Context context;
    private SharedPreferences sp,sp1;
    private SharedPreferences.Editor spEditor,spEditor1;
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        //Log.d("intent_log", "Intent" + intent);
        this.context = context;
        event = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);
        incoming_number = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER);
        Log.d(TAG, "The received event : "+event+", incoming_number : " + incoming_number);
        previus_state = getCallState(context);
        current_state = "IDLE";
        }else {
        switch (event) {
            case "RINGING":
                Log.d(TAG, "State : Ringing, incoming_number : " + incoming_number);
            if((previus_state.equals("IDLE")) || (previus_state.equals("FIRST_CALL_RINGING"))){
                    current_state ="FIRST_CALL_RINGING";
                    current_state = "SECOND_CALL_RINGING";

            case "OFFHOOK":
                Log.d(TAG, "State : offhook, incoming_number : " + incoming_number);
                if((previus_state.equals("IDLE")) ||(previus_state.equals("FIRST_CALL_RINGING")) || previus_state.equals("OFFHOOK")){
                    current_state = "OFFHOOK";
                    current_state ="OFFHOOK";
            case "IDLE":
                Log.d(TAG, "State : idle and  incoming_number : " + incoming_number);
                if((previus_state.equals("OFFHOOK")) || (previus_state.equals("SECOND_CALL_RINGING")) || (previus_state.equals("IDLE"))){
                    current_state = "IDLE";
                Log.d(TAG,"stored incoming number flushed");
            Log.d(TAG, "Updating  state from "+previus_state +" to "+current_state);

    public void startDialog(Context context) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Starting Dialog box");
        Intent intent1 = new Intent(context, NotifyHangup.class);

    public void updateCallState(String state,Context context){
        sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        spEditor = sp.edit();
        spEditor.putString("call_state", state);
        Log.d(TAG, "state updated");

    public void updateIncomingNumber(String inc_num,Context context){
        sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        spEditor = sp.edit();
        spEditor.putString("inc_num", inc_num);
        Log.d(TAG, "incoming number updated");
    public String getCallState(Context context){
        sp1 = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        String st =sp1.getString("call_state", "IDLE");
        Log.d(TAG,"get previous state as :"+st);
        return st;
    public String getIncomingNumber(Context context){
        sp1 = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        String st =sp1.getString("inc_num", "no_num");
        Log.d(TAG,"get incoming number as :"+st);
        return st;

Clicking a checkbox with ng-click does not update the model

.task{ng:{repeat:'task in model.tasks'}}

angular.service vs angular.factory

The clue is in the name

Services and factories are similar to one another. Both will yield a singleton object that can be injected into other objects, and so are often used interchangeably.

They are intended to be used semantically to implement different design patterns.

Services are for implementing a service pattern

A service pattern is one in which your application is broken into logically consistent units of functionality. An example might be an API accessor, or a set of business logic.

This is especially important in Angular because Angular models are typically just JSON objects pulled from a server, and so we need somewhere to put our business logic.

Here is a Github service for example. It knows how to talk to Github. It knows about urls and methods. We can inject it into a controller, and it will generate and return a promise.

(function() {
  var base = "";

  angular.module('github', [])
    .service('githubService', function( $http ) {
      this.getEvents: function() {
        var url = [
        return $http.jsonp(url);

Factories implement a factory pattern

Factories, on the other hand are intended to implement a factory pattern. A factory pattern in one in which we use a factory function to generate an object. Typically we might use this for building models. Here is a factory which returns an Author constructor:

angular.module('user', [])
  .factory('User', function($resource) {
    var url = ''
    return $resource(url);

We would make use of this like so:

angular.module('app', ['user'])
  .controller('authorController', function($scope, User) {
    $scope.user = new User();

Note that factories also return singletons.

Factories can return a constructor

Because a factory simply returns an object, it can return any type of object you like, including a constructor function, as we see above.

Factories return an object; services are newable

Another technical difference is in the way services and factories are composed. A service function will be newed to generate the object. A factory function will be called and will return the object.

  • Services are newable constructors.
  • Factories are simply called and return an object.

This means that in a service, we append to "this" which, in the context of a constructor, will point to the object under construction.

To illustrate this, here is the same simple object created using a service and a factory:

angular.module('app', [])
  .service('helloService', function() {
    this.sayHello = function() {
      return "Hello!";
  .factory('helloFactory', function() {
    return {
      sayHello: function() {
        return "Hello!";

Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar?

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Check if body height is higher than window height :)
    if ($("body").height() > $(window).height()) {
        alert("Vertical Scrollbar! D:");

    // Check if body width is higher than window width :)
    if ($("body").width() > $(window).width()) {
        alert("Horizontal Scrollbar! D:<");

How to change font-color for disabled input?

It seems nobody found a solution for this. I don't have one based on only css neither but by using this JavaScript trick I usually can handle disabled input fields.

Remember that disabled fields always follow the style that they got before becoming disabled. So the trick would be 1- Enabling them 2-Change the class 3- Disable them again. Since this happens very fast user cannot understand what happened.

A simple JavaScript code would be something like:

function changeDisabledClass (id, disabledClass){
var myInput=document.getElementById(id);
myInput.disabled=false;             //First make sure it is not disabled
myInput.className=disabledClass;    //change the class
myInput.disabled=true;             //Re-disable it

What do >> and << mean in Python?

These are the shift operators

x << y Returns x with the bits shifted to the left by y places (and new bits on the right-hand-side are zeros). This is the same as multiplying x by 2**y.

x >> y Returns x with the bits shifted to the right by y places. This is the same as //'ing x by 2**y.

Web.Config Debug/Release

It is possible using ConfigTransform build target available as a Nuget package -

All "web.*.config" transform files will be transformed and output as a series of "web.*.config.transformed" files in the build output directory regardless of the chosen build configuration.

The same applies to "app.*.config" transform files in non-web projects.

and then adding the following target to your *.csproj.

<Target Name="TransformActiveConfiguration" Condition="Exists('$(ProjectDir)/Web.$(Configuration).config')" BeforeTargets="Compile" >
    <TransformXml Source="$(ProjectDir)/Web.Config" Transform="$(ProjectDir)/Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="$(TargetDir)/Web.config" />

Posting an answer as this is the first Stackoverflow post that appears in Google on the subject.

Batch Files - Error Handling

Using ERRORLEVEL when it's available is the easiest option. However, if you're calling an external program to perform some task, and it doesn't return proper codes, you can pipe the output to 'find' and check the errorlevel from that.

c:\mypath\myexe.exe | find "ERROR" >nul2>nul
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (
echo. Uh oh, something bad happened
exit /b 1

Or to give more info about what happened

c:\mypath\myexe.exe 2&1> myexe.log
find "Invalid File" "myexe.log" >nul2>nul && echo.Invalid File error in Myexe.exe && exit /b 1
find "Error 0x12345678" "myexe.log" >nul2>nul && echo.Myexe.exe was unable to contact server x && exit /b 1

How to get column values in one comma separated value

You can do this with the following SQL:

        SELECT ',' + s.FirstName 
        FROM Employee s
        ORDER BY s.FirstName FOR XML PATH('')
     1, 1, ''
) AS Employees

How to create circular ProgressBar in android?

It's easy to create this yourself

In your layout include the following ProgressBar with a specific drawable (note you should get the width from dimensions instead). The max value is important here:

    android:progressDrawable="@drawable/circular" />

Now create the drawable in your resources with the following shape. Play with the radius (you can use innerRadius instead of innerRadiusRatio) and thickness values.

circular (Pre Lollipop OR API Level < 21)

        android:thickness="3.8sp" >
        <solid android:color="@color/yourColor" />

circular ( >= Lollipop OR API Level >= 21)

        android:thickness="3.8sp" >
        <solid android:color="@color/yourColor" />

useLevel is "false" by default in API Level 21 (Lollipop) .

Start Animation

Next in your code use an ObjectAnimator to animate the progress field of the ProgessBar of your layout.

ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) view.findViewById(;
ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(progressBar, "progress", 0, 500); // see this max value coming back here, we animate towards that value
animation.setDuration(5000); // in milliseconds
animation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());

Stop Animation


P.S. unlike examples above, it give smooth animation.

How can I convert a Word document to PDF?

Using JACOB call Office Word is a 100% perfect solution. But it only supports on Windows platform because need Office Word installed.

  1. Download JACOB archive (the latest version is 1.19);
  2. Add jacob.jar to your project classpath;
  3. Add jacob-1.19-x32.dll or jacob-1.19-x64.dll (depends on your jdk version) to ...\Java\jdk1.x.x_xxx\jre\bin
  4. Using JACOB API call Office Word to convert doc/docx to pdf.

    public void convertDocx2pdf(String docxFilePath) {
    File docxFile = new File(docxFilePath);
    String pdfFile = docxFilePath.substring(0, docxFilePath.lastIndexOf(".docx")) + ".pdf";
    if (docxFile.exists()) {
        if (!docxFile.isDirectory()) { 
            ActiveXComponent app = null;
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
                Dispatch documents = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
                Dispatch document =, "Open", docxFilePath, false, true).toDispatch();
                File target = new File(pdfFile);
                if (target.exists()) {
      , "SaveAs", pdfFile, 17);
      , "Close", false);
                long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      "============Convert Finished:" + (end - start) + "ms");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                throw new RuntimeException("pdf convert failed.");
            } finally {
                if (app != null) {
                    app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});


The activity must be exported or contain an intent-filter

First check a Launch Activity is set in your 'manifest.xml' file has:

<activity android:name=".{activityName}">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

If this is set correctly, next check your run/debug configuration is set to 'App',

enter image description here

If the 'App' configuration is missing - you will need to add it by first selecting 'Edit Confurations'

enter image description here

If you do not have a 'App' configuration you will need to create one, else select you 'App' configuration and skip the creating steps. Also if your configuration is corrupt you may need to delete it but first backup your project. To delete a corrupt configuration, select it by expanding the 'Android App' node and chose the '-' button.

enter image description here

To create a new configuration, select the '+' button and select 'Android App'

enter image description here

If you have just created the configuration you will be presented with the following default name value of 'Unnamed' and module will have the value '<no module>' then hit 'Apply' and 'OK'.

enter image description here

Set this the name to 'App' and select 'app' as the module.

enter image description here

Next select 'App' as the run configuration and Run.

enter image description here

Thats it!

not-null property references a null or transient value

This could be as simple as:

@Column(name = "Some_Column", nullable = false)

but while persisting, the value of "Some_Column"is null, even if "Some_Column" may not be any primary or foreign key.

async await return Task

Adding the async keyword is just syntactic sugar to simplify the creation of a state machine. In essence, the compiler takes your code;

public async Task MethodName()
     return null;

And turns it into;

public Task MethodName()
     return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

If your code has any await keywords, the compiler must take your method and turn it into a class to represent the state machine required to execute it. At each await keyword, the state of variables and the stack will be preserved in the fields of the class, the class will add itself as a completion hook to the task you are waiting on, then return.

When that task completes, your task will be executed again. So some extra code is added to the top of the method to restore the state of variables and jump into the next slab of your code.

See What does async & await generate? for a gory example.

This process has a lot in common with the way the compiler handles iterator methods with yield statements.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

As stated here this can happen when using the Gradle Tools v1.1.0. After updating to v1.1.3, this has not happened anymore.

Specifying row names when reading in a file

If you used read.table() (or one of it's ilk, e.g. read.csv()) then the easy fix is to change the call to:

read.table(file = "foo.txt", row.names = 1, ....)

where .... are the other arguments you needed/used. The row.names argument takes the column number of the data file from which to take the row names. It need not be the first column. See ?read.table for details/info.

If you already have the data in R and can't be bothered to re-read it, or it came from another route, just set the rownames attribute and remove the first variable from the object (assuming obj is your object)

rownames(obj) <- obj[, 1]  ## set rownames
obj <- obj[, -1]           ## remove the first variable

Is there a Public FTP server to test upload and download?

Tele2 provides , you can log in as anonymous and upload anything to test your upload speed. For download testing they provide fixed size files, you can choose which fits best to your test.

You can connect with username of anonymous and any password (e.g. anonymous ). You can upload files to upload folder. You can't create new folder here. Your file is deleted immediately after successful upload.

Found here:

Type or namespace name does not exist

Check to see that your target framework has the same .NET versions. I had the same problem and my class .NET was 3.5 and web solution had 4.5. I synchronised those, and then it worked :)

How can I list (ls) the 5 last modified files in a directory?

The accepted answer lists only the filenames, but to get the top 5 files one can also use:

ls -lht | head -6


-l outputs in a list format

-h makes output human readable (i.e. file sizes appear in kb, mb, etc.)

-t sorts output by placing most recently modified file first

head -6 will show 5 files because ls prints the block size in the first line of output.

I think this is a slightly more elegant and possibly more useful approach.

Example output:

total 26960312 -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 1.2K 11 Jan 11:22 -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 2.7M 10 Jan 15:26 03-cookies-1.pdf -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 9.2M 9 Jan 16:21 Wk1_sem.pdf -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 502K 8 Jan 10:20 lab-01.pdf -rw-rw-rw-@ 1 user staff 2.0M 5 Jan 22:06 0410-1.wmv

docker: "build" requires 1 argument. See 'docker build --help'

You need to add a dot, which means to use the Dockerfile in the local directory.

For example:

docker build -t mytag .

It means you use the Dockerfile in the local directory, and if you use docker 1.5 you can specify a Dockerfile elsewhere. Extract from the help output from docker build:

-f, --file="" Name of the Dockerfile(Default is 'Dockerfile' at context root)

Get source JARs from Maven repository

NetBeans, Context-Click

In NetBeans 8 with a Maven-driven project, merely context-click on the jar file list item of the dependency in which you are interested. Choose Download Sources. Wait a moment and NetBeans will automatically download and install the source code, if available.

Similarly you can choose Download Javadoc to get the doc locally installed. Then you can context-click some code in the editor and choose to see the JavaDoc.

screen shot of context-menu item "Download Sources" being chosen in a NetBeans 8 project driven by Maven

SQL query to check if a name begins and ends with a vowel

Use a regular expression.

WHERE name REGEXP '^[aeiou].*[aeiou]$'

^ and $ anchor the match to the beginning and end of the value.

In my test, this won't use an index on the name column, so it will need to perform a full scan, as would

WHERE name LIKE 'a%a' OR name LIKE 'a%e' ...

I think to make it use an index you'd need to use a union of queries that each test the first letter.

WHERE name LIKE 'a%' AND name REGEXP '[aeiou]$'
WHERE name LIKE 'e%' AND name REGEXP '[aeiou]$'
WHERE name LIKE 'i%' AND name REGEXP '[aeiou]$'
WHERE name LIKE 'o%' AND name REGEXP '[aeiou]$'
WHERE name LIKE 'u%' AND name REGEXP '[aeiou]$'

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

PHP has SOAP support. Just call

$client = new SoapClient($url);

to connect to the SoapServer and then you can get list of functions and call functions simply by doing...


$result = $client->functionName();  

for more

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

I had this issue with my pagination forward and backward link .... simply set (int ) in front of the variable $Page+1 and it worked...

$Page = (isset($_GET['Page']) ? $_GET['Page'] : '');
if ((int)$Page+1<=$PostPagination) {
<li> <a href="Index.php?Page=<?php echo $Page+1; ?>"> &raquo;</a></li>
<?php }

CheckBox in RecyclerView keeps on checking different items

Complete example
public class ChildAddressAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ChildAddressAdapter.CartViewHolder> {

private Activity context;
private List<AddressDetail> addressDetailList;
private int selectedPosition = -1;

public ChildAddressAdapter(Activity context, List<AddressDetail> addressDetailList) {
    this.context = context;
    this.addressDetailList = addressDetailList;

public CartViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {

    LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
    View myView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.address_layout, parent, false);
    return new CartViewHolder(myView);

public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull CartViewHolder holder, int position) {

    holder.adress_checkbox.setOnClickListener(view -> {
        selectedPosition = holder.getAdapterPosition();

    if (selectedPosition==position){
    else {


public int getItemCount() {
    return  addressDetailList.size();

class CartViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder
    TextView address_text,address_tag;
    CheckBox adress_checkbox;

    CartViewHolder(View itemView) {
        address_text = itemView.findViewById(;
        address_tag = itemView.findViewById(;
        adress_checkbox = itemView.findViewById(;


Run PostgreSQL queries from the command line

  1. Open a command prompt and go to the directory where Postgres installed. In my case my Postgres path is "D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3".After that move to the bin directory of Postgres.So command prompt shows as "D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3\bin>"
  2. Now my goal is to select "UserName" from the users table using "UserId" value.So the database query is "Select u."UserName" from users u Where u."UserId"=1".

The same query is written as below for psql command prompt of postgres.

D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3\bin>psql -U postgres -d DatabaseName -h localhost - t -c "Select u.\"UserName\" from users u Where u.\"UserId\"=1;

Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio

Android Studio will automatically use the Gradle wrapper and pull the correct version of Gradle rather than use a locally installed version. If you wish to use a new version of Gradle, you can change the version used by studio. Beneath your Android Studio's project tree, open the file gradle/wrapper/ Change this entry:


align 3 images in same row with equal spaces?

The modern approach: flexbox

Simply add the following CSS to the container element (here, the div):

div {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

div {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  /> _x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  />_x000D_
 <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_

The old way (for ancient browsers - prior to flexbox)

Use text-align: justify; on the container element.

Then stretch the content to take up 100% width


 <img src="" alt=""  /> 
 <img src="" alt=""  />
 <img src="" alt="" />


div {
    text-align: justify;

div img {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

div:after {
    content: '';
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;

div {_x000D_
    text-align: justify;_x000D_
div img {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
div:after {_x000D_
    content: '';_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  /> _x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  />_x000D_
 <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_

How do you refresh the MySQL configuration file without restarting?


sudo /etc/init.d/mysql reload


sudo /etc/init.d/mysql force-reload

That should initiate a reload of the configuration. Make sureyour init.d script supports it though, I don't know what version of MySQL/OS you are using?

My MySQL script contains the following:

        log_daemon_msg "Reloading MySQL database server" "mysqld"
        $MYADMIN reload
        log_end_msg 0

Using malloc for allocation of multi-dimensional arrays with different row lengths

malloc does not allocate on specific boundaries, so it must be assumed that it allocates on a byte boundary.

The returned pointer can then not be used if converted to any other type, since accessing that pointer will probably produce a memory access violation by the CPU, and the application will be immediately shut down.

Get drop down value

If your dropdown is something like this:

<select id="thedropdown">
  <option value="1">one</option>
  <option value="2">two</option>

Then you would use something like:

var a = document.getElementById("thedropdown");

But a library like jQuery simplifies things:


Python Error: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'

I got a similar error with '/' operand while processing images. I discovered the folder included a text file created by the 'XnView' image viewer. So, this kind of error occurs when some object is not the kind of object expected.

How to find the statistical mode?

Another simple option that gives all values ordered by frequency is to use rle:

df =
df = df[order(-df$lengths),]

Why do I get the "Unhandled exception type IOException"?

Try again with this code snippet:


class IO {
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        try {
            BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;    
            String userInput;    
            while ((userInput = stdIn.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch(IOException ie) {

Using try-catch-finally is better than using throws. Finding errors and debugging are easier when you use try-catch-finally.

How to customize <input type="file">?

In webkit you can try this out...

   /* style goes here */

Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the dataProblems

Similar to @joran's answer. Reshape the df so that the prices for each product are in different columns:

xx <- reshape(df, idvar=c("skew","version","color"),
              v.names="price", timevar="product", direction="wide")

xx will have columns price.p1, ... price.p4, so:

ggp <- ggplot(xx,aes(x=price.p1, y=price.p3, color=factor(skew))) +
       geom_point(shape=19, size=5)
ggp + facet_grid(color~version)

gives the result from your image.

How to switch between hide and view password

Here is my solution without using TextInputEditText and Transformation method.



            android:text="@string/username" />

            android:textColor="@color/black" />

            android:text="@string/password" />

            android:textColor="@color/black" />

Java Code

boolean VISIBLE_PASSWORD = false;  //declare as global variable befor onCreate() 
loginPassword = (EditText)findViewById(;
loginPassword.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            final int DRAWABLE_LEFT = 0;
            final int DRAWABLE_TOP = 1;
            final int DRAWABLE_RIGHT = 2;
            final int DRAWABLE_BOTTOM = 3;

            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                if (event.getRawX() >= (loginPassword.getRight() - loginPassword.getCompoundDrawables()[DRAWABLE_RIGHT].getBounds().width())) {
                    // your action here
                    //Helper.toast(LoginActivity.this, "Toggle visibility");
                    if (VISIBLE_PASSWORD) {
                        VISIBLE_PASSWORD = false;
                        loginPassword.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
                        loginPassword.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.ic_lock_outline_black_24dp, 0, R.drawable.ic_visibility_off_black_24dp, 0);
                    } else {
                        VISIBLE_PASSWORD = true;
                        loginPassword.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.ic_lock_outline_black_24dp, 0, R.drawable.ic_visibility_black_24dp, 0);
                    return false;
            return false;

Contains method for a slice

If it is not feasable to use a map for finding items based on a key, you can consider the goderive tool. Goderive generates a type specific implementation of a contains method, making your code both readable and efficient.


type Foo struct {
    Field1 string
    Field2 int

func Test(m Foo) bool {
     var allItems []Foo
     return deriveContainsFoo(allItems, m)

To generate the deriveContainsFoo method:

  • Install goderive with go get -u
  • Run goderive ./... in your workspace folder

This method will be generated for deriveContains:

func deriveContainsFoo(list []Foo, item Foo) bool {
    for _, v := range list {
        if v == item {
            return true
    return false

Goderive has support for quite some other useful helper methods to apply a functional programming style in go.

How to add hamburger menu in bootstrap

To create icon you can use Glyphicon in Bootstrap:

<a href="#" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></span>

And then control size of icon in css:

.glyphicon-menu-hamburger {
  font-size: npx;

A Space between Inline-Block List Items

Even if its not inline-block based, this solution might worth consideration (allows nearly same formatting control from upper levels).

ul {
  display: table;
ul li {
  display: table-cell;

GIT clone repo across local file system in windows

Maybe map the share as a network drive and then do

git clone Z:\

Mostly just a guess; I always do this stuff using ssh. Following that suggstion of course will mean that you'll need to have that drive mapped every time you push/pull to/from the laptop. I'm not sure how you rig up ssh to work under windows but if you're going to be doing this a lot it might be worth investigating.

Remove last character of a StringBuilder?

I am doing something like below:

    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
        if (value.length-1) {
            stringBuilder.append(", ");

CodeIgniter: How To Do a Select (Distinct Fieldname) MySQL Query

You can also run ->select('DISTINCT `field`', FALSE) and the second parameter tells CI not to escape the first argument.

With the second parameter as false, the output would be SELECT DISTINCT `field` instead of without the second parameter, SELECT `DISTINCT` `field`

How to declare string constants in JavaScript?

Just declare variable outside of scope of any js function. Such variables will be global.

What is the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder for?

The CLR uses it when it is compiling at runtime. Here is a link to MSDN that explains further.

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

If table cols and values are variables then there are two ways:

With double quotes "" the complete query:

$query = "INSERT INTO $table_name (id, $col1, $col2)
                 VALUES (NULL, '$val1', '$val2')";


 $query = "INSERT INTO ".$table_name." (id, ".$col1.", ".$col2.")
               VALUES (NULL, '".$val1."', '".$val2."')";

With single quotes '':

$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' (id, '.$col1.', '.$col2.')
             VALUES (NULL, '.$val1.', '.$val2.')';

Use back ticks `` when a column/value name is similar to a MySQL reserved keyword.

Note: If you are denoting a column name with a table name then use back ticks like this:

`table_name`. `column_name` <-- Note: exclude . from back ticks.

Getting the value of an attribute in XML

This is more of an xpath question, but like this, assuming the context is the parent element:

<xsl:value-of select="name/@attribute1" />

What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the "best move" for the AI?

The brute force method of generating every single possible board and scoring it based on the boards it later produces further down the tree doesn't require much memory, especially once you recognize that 90 degree board rotations are redundant, as are flips about the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal axis.

Once you get to that point, there's something like less than 1k of data in a tree graph to describe the outcome, and thus the best move for the computer.


Postgres FOR LOOP

I find it more convenient to make a connection using a procedural programming language (like Python) and do these types of queries.

import psycopg2
connection_psql = psycopg2.connect( user="admin_user"
                                  , password="***"
                                  , port="5432"
                                  , database="myDB"
                                  , host="[ENDPOINT]")
cursor_psql = connection_psql.cursor()

myList = [...]
for item in myList:
    -- The query goes here


Can I use Class.newInstance() with constructor arguments?

Do not use Class.newInstance(); see this thread: Why is Class.newInstance() evil?

Like other answers say, use Constructor.newInstance() instead.

Twitter Bootstrap 3 Sticky Footer

If yout want to use bootstrap build in classes for the footer. You should also write some javascript:


  $(window).resize(function() {

(function($) {

  $.fn.resize_footer = function(){
    $('body > .container-fluid').css('padding-bottom', $('body > footer').height());

It will prevent content overlapping by the fixed footer, and it will adjust the padding-bottom when the user changes the window/screen size.

In the script above I assumed that footer is placed directly inside the body tag like that:

  ... content of your page ...
  <div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="muted pull-right">
        Something useful
      ... some other footer content ...

This is definitely not the best solution (because of the JS which could be avoided), but it works without any issues with overlapping, it is easy to implement and responsive (height is not hardcoded in CSS).

Best JavaScript compressor

Here is a YUI compressor script (Byuic) that finds all the js and css down a path and compresses /(optionally) obfuscates them. Nice to integrate into a build process.

How to redirect single url in nginx?

If you need to duplicate more than a few redirects, you might consider using a map:

# map is outside of server block
map $uri $redirect_uri {
    # ... or put these in an included file

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @redirect-map;

location @redirect-map {
    if ($redirect_uri) {  # redirect if the variable is defined
        return 301 $redirect_uri;

How do you run a .exe with parameters using vba's shell()?

Here are some examples of how to use Shell in VBA.
Open stackoverflow in Chrome.

Call Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" & _
 " -url" & " " & "",vbMaximizedFocus)

Open some text file.

Call Shell ("notepad C:\Users\user\Desktop\temp\TEST.txt")

Open some application.

Call Shell("C:\Temp\TestApplication.exe",vbNormalFocus)

Hope this helps!

how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

It's handy for people who write Unit Tests without UI Tests ;-)

Swift 5 way to solve it for UIBarButtonItem, which does not have sendAction method like UIButton etc.

extension UIBarButtonItem {
    func sendAction() {
        guard let myTarget = target else { return }
        guard let myAction = action else { return }
        let control: UIControl = UIControl()
        control.sendAction(myAction, to: myTarget, for: nil)

And now you can simply:

let action = UIBarButtonItem(title: "title", style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(doSomething))

JavaScript post request like a form submit

jQuery plugin for redirect with POST or GET:

To test, include the above .js file or copy/paste the class into your code, then use the code here, replacing "args" with your variable names, and "values" with the values of those respective variables:

$.redirect('demo.php', {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'});

Magento Product Attribute Get Value

You don't have to load the whole product. Magentos collections are very powerful and smart.

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', $product->getId());
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$manufacturer = $product->getAttributeText('manufacturer');

At the moment you call getFirstItem() the query will be executed and the result product is very minimal:

[status] => 1
[entity_id] => 38901
[type_id] => configurable
[attribute_set_id] => 9
[manufacturer] => 492
[manufacturer_value] => JETTE
[is_salable] => 1
[stock_item (Varien_Object)] => Array
        [is_in_stock] => 1

scp with port number specified

Hope this will help someone looking for a perfect answer

Copying a folder or file from a server with a port defined to another server or local machine

  1. Go to a directory where you have admin rights preferably your home directory on the machine where you want to copy files to
  2. Write the command below

scp -r -P port user@IP_address:/home/file/pathDirectory .

**Note:** The last . on the command directs it to copy everything in that folder to your directory of preference

undefined reference to boost::system::system_category() when compiling

in my case, adding -lboost_system was not enough, it still could not find it in my custom build environment. I had to use the advice at Get rid of "gcc - /usr/bin/ld: warning lib not found" and change my ./configure command to:

./configure CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,$HOME/lib" --with-boost-libdir=$HOME/lib --prefix=$HOME

for more details see Boost 1.51 : "error: could not link against boost_thread !"

c# .net change label text

When I had this problem I could see only a part of my text and this is the solution for that:

Be sure to set the AutoSize property to true.

output.AutoSize = true;

Rounding float in Ruby

def rounding(float,precision)
    return ((float * 10**precision).round.to_f) / (10**precision)

Are there any SHA-256 javascript implementations that are generally considered trustworthy?

Forge's SHA-256 implementation is fast and reliable.

To run tests on several SHA-256 JavaScript implementations, go to

The results on my machine suggests forge to be the fastest implementation and also considerably faster than the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (sjcl) mentioned in the accepted answer.

Forge is 256 KB big, but extracting the SHA-256 related code reduces the size to 4.5 KB, see

Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string "10"?

If we split it up, the mess is equal to:


In JavaScript, it is true that +[] === 0. + converts something into a number, and in this case it will come down to +"" or 0 (see specification details below).

Therefore, we can simplify it (++ has precendence over +):


Because [[]][0] means: get the first element from [[]], it is true that:

[[]][0] returns the inner array ([]). Due to references it's wrong to say [[]][0] === [], but let's call the inner array A to avoid the wrong notation.

++ before its operand means “increment by one and return the incremented result”. So ++[[]][0] is equivalent to Number(A) + 1 (or +A + 1).

Again, we can simplify the mess into something more legible. Let's substitute [] back for A:

(+[] + 1)

Before +[] can coerce the array into the number 0, it needs to be coerced into a string first, which is "", again. Finally, 1 is added, which results in 1.

  • (+[] + 1) === (+"" + 1)
  • (+"" + 1) === (0 + 1)
  • (0 + 1) === 1

Let's simplify it even more:


Also, this is true in JavaScript: [0] == "0", because it's joining an array with one element. Joining will concatenate the elements separated by ,. With one element, you can deduce that this logic will result in the first element itself.

In this case, + sees two operands: a number and an array. It’s now trying to coerce the two into the same type. First, the array is coerced into the string "0", next, the number is coerced into a string ("1"). Number + String === String.

"1" + "0" === "10" // Yay!

Specification details for +[]:

This is quite a maze, but to do +[], first it is being converted to a string because that's what + says:

11.4.6 Unary + Operator

The unary + operator converts its operand to Number type.

The production UnaryExpression : + UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let expr be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.

  2. Return ToNumber(GetValue(expr)).

ToNumber() says:


Apply the following steps:

  1. Let primValue be ToPrimitive(input argument, hint String).

  2. Return ToString(primValue).

ToPrimitive() says:


Return a default value for the Object. The default value of an object is retrieved by calling the [[DefaultValue]] internal method of the object, passing the optional hint PreferredType. The behaviour of the [[DefaultValue]] internal method is defined by this specification for all native ECMAScript objects in 8.12.8.

[[DefaultValue]] says:

8.12.8 [[DefaultValue]] (hint)

When the [[DefaultValue]] internal method of O is called with hint String, the following steps are taken:

  1. Let toString be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of object O with argument "toString".

  2. If IsCallable(toString) is true then,

a. Let str be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of toString, with O as the this value and an empty argument list.

b. If str is a primitive value, return str.

The .toString of an array says: Array.prototype.toString ( )

When the toString method is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Let array be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.

  2. Let func be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of array with argument "join".

  3. If IsCallable(func) is false, then let func be the standard built-in method Object.prototype.toString (

  4. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func providing array as the this value and an empty arguments list.

So +[] comes down to +"", because [].join() === "".

Again, the + is defined as:

11.4.6 Unary + Operator

The unary + operator converts its operand to Number type.

The production UnaryExpression : + UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let expr be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.

  2. Return ToNumber(GetValue(expr)).

ToNumber is defined for "" as:

The MV of StringNumericLiteral ::: [empty] is 0.

So +"" === 0, and thus +[] === 0.

How to set user environment variables in Windows Server 2008 R2 as a normal user?

I created a godmode folder on the desktop. just create a new folder on the desktop and call it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} it will name the folder as godmode and populate the content with various config options, you can then just type in ENVIRO in the search to find the relevant config option, open it and it opens sysdm.cpl in the advanced tab, you can change the environment variables from there.

Maven won't run my Project : Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

A solution which worked in my case is:
  1. Go to the module having Main class.
  2. Right click on pom.xml under this module.
  3. Select "Run Maven" -> "UpdateSnapshots"

Error:Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file.Try supplying a main-dex list. # methods: 72477 > 65536

modify your app's or module's build.gradle

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21 <----- *here
        targetSdkVersion 26
        multiDexEnabled true <------ *here

According to official documentation

Multidex support for Android 5.0 and higher

Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher uses a runtime called ART which natively supports loading multiple DEX files from APK files. ART performs pre-compilation at app install time which scans for classesN.dex files and compiles them into a single .oat file for execution by the Android device. Therefore, if your minSdkVersion is 21 or higher, you do not need the multidex support library.

For more information on the Android 5.0 runtime, read ART and Dalvik.

Python: Converting string into decimal number

If you are converting string to float:

import re
A1 = [' "29.0" ',' "65.2" ',' "75.2" ']
float_values = [float('\d+.\d+',number).group()) for number in A1]
>>> [29.0, 65.2, 75.2]

Drop view if exists

DROP VIEW if exists {ViewName}
CREATE View {ViewName} AS 
SELECT * from {TableName}  

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date

I found simple solution to get current date without any parsing error.

Calendar calendar;
calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String customDate = "" + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" + (calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-" + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

Best way to convert text files between character sets?

With ruby:

ruby -e "File.write('output.txt','input.txt').encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ''))"


How do I read a resource file from a Java jar file?

It looks as if you are using the URL.toString result as the argument to the FileReader constructor. URL.toString is a bit broken, and instead you should generally use url.toURI().toString(). In any case, the string is not a file path.

Instead, you should either:

  • Pass the URL to ServicesLoader and let it call openStream or similar.
  • Use Class.getResourceAsStream and just pass the stream over, possibly inside an InputSource. (Remember to check for nulls as the API is a bit messy.)

vim - How to delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

Counting lines is too tedious for me, but counting 'paragraphs' isn't so bad. '{' and '}' move the cursor to the first empty line before and after the cursor, respectively. Cursor moving operations can be combined with deletion, and several other answers used a similar approach (dd for a line, dG for the end of the document, etc.)
For example:

/* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. */

Lorem *ipsum(void) {
  return dolor(sit, amet);

If your cursor starts above the comment block, 'd}' deletes the comment block, and 'd2}' deletes both the comment block and the code block. If your cursor starts below the code block, 'd{' deletes the code, and 'd2{' deletes both. Of course, you can skip over one block by moving the cursor first: '{d{' or '}d}'.

If you're consistent with your whitespace, or you can count the paragraphs at a glance, this should work. The Vim help file has more cursor tricks if you're interested.

Convert int (number) to string with leading zeros? (4 digits)

Use the formatting options available to you, use the Decimal format string. It is far more flexible and requires little to no maintenance compared to direct string manipulation.

To get the string representation using at least 4 digits:

int length = 4;
int number = 50;
string asString = number.ToString("D" + length); //"0050"

Python handling socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

You can try to add some time.sleep calls to your code.

It seems like the server side limits the amount of requests per timeunit (hour, day, second) as a security issue. You need to guess how many (maybe using another script with a counter?) and adjust your script to not surpass this limit.

In order to avoid your code from crashing, try to catch this error with try .. except around the urllib2 calls.

jQuery bind/unbind 'scroll' event on $(window)


Even though the documentation says it will remove all event handlers if called with no arguments, it is worth giving a try explicitly unbinding it.


It worked if you used single quotes? That doesn't sound right - as far as I know, JavaScript treats single and double quotes the same (unlike some other languages like PHP and C).

git rebase fatal: Needed a single revision

The error occurs when your repository does not have the default branch set for the remote. You can use the git remote set-head command to modify the default branch, and thus be able to use the remote name instead of a specified branch in that remote.

To query the remote (in this case origin) for its HEAD (typically master), and set that as the default branch:

$ git remote set-head origin --auto

If you want to use a different default remote branch locally, you can specify that branch:

$ git remote set-head origin new-default

Once the default branch is set, you can use just the remote name in git rebase <remote> and any other commands instead of explicit <remote>/<branch>.

Behind the scenes, this command updates the reference in .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD.

$ cat .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD 
ref: refs/remotes/origin/master

See the git-remote man page for further details.

'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I had the same problem described by Ashu, but in addition to that, the PATH entry for nodejs was terminated by a backslash:

C:\Program Files\nodejs\

I also had to remove that final backslash in order to have it work.

Can't use Swift classes inside Objective-C

Details: Objective-C project with Swift 3 code in Xcode 8.1


  1. Use swift enum in objective-c class
  2. Use objective-c enum in swift class


1. Objective-C class which use Swift enum


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ObjcEnum) {

@interface ObjcClass : NSObject

+ (void) PrintEnumValues;



#import "ObjcClass.h"
#import "SwiftCode.h"

@implementation ObjcClass

+ (void) PrintEnumValues {
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue1];
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue2];
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue3];

+ (void) PrintEnumValue:(SwiftEnum) value {
    switch (value) {
        case SwiftEnumValue1:
            NSLog(@"-- SwiftEnum: SwiftEnumValue1");
        case SwiftEnumValue2:
        case SwiftEnumValue3:
            NSLog(@"-- SwiftEnum: long value = %ld", (long)value);


Detect Swift code in Objective-C code

In my sample I use SwiftCode.h to detect Swift code in Objective-C. This file generate automatically (I did not create a physical copy of this header file in a project), and you can only set name of this file:

enter image description here

enter image description here

If the compiler can not find your header file Swift code, try to compile the project.

2. Swift class which use Objective-C enum

import Foundation

enum SwiftEnum: Int {
    case Value1, Value2, Value3

class SwiftClass: NSObject {
    class func PrintEnumValues() {
    class func PrintEnumValue(value: ObjcEnum) {
        switch value {
        case .Value1, .Value2:
            NSLog("-- ObjcEnum: int value = \(value.rawValue)")
        case .Value3:
            NSLog("-- ObjcEnum: Value3")

Detect Objective-C code in Swift code

You need to create bridging header file. When you add Swift file in Objective-C project, or Objective-C file in swift project Xcode will suggest you to create bridging header.

enter image description here

You can change bridging header file name here:

enter image description here


#import "ObjcClass.h"


#import "SwiftCode.h"
[ObjcClass PrintEnumValues];
[SwiftClass PrintEnumValues];
[SwiftClass PrintEnumValue:ObjcEnumValue3];


enter image description here


Full integration steps Objective-c and Swift described above. Now I will write some other code examples.

3. Call Swift class from Objective-c code

Swift class

import Foundation

class SwiftClass:NSObject {
    private var _stringValue: String
    var stringValue: String {
        get {
            print("SwiftClass get stringValue")
            return _stringValue
        set {
            print("SwiftClass set stringValue = \(newValue)")
            _stringValue = newValue
    init (stringValue: String) {
        print("SwiftClass init(String)")
        _stringValue = stringValue
    func printValue() {
        print("SwiftClass printValue()")
        print("stringValue = \(_stringValue)")

Objective-C code (calling code)

SwiftClass *obj = [[SwiftClass alloc] initWithStringValue: @"Hello World!"];
[obj printValue];
NSString * str = obj.stringValue;
obj.stringValue = @"HeLLo wOrLd!!!";


enter image description here

4. Call Objective-c class from Swift code

Objective-C class (ObjcClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface ObjcClass : NSObject
@property NSString* stringValue;
- (instancetype) initWithStringValue:(NSString*)stringValue;
- (void) printValue;


#import "ObjcClass.h"

@interface ObjcClass()

@property NSString* strValue;


@implementation ObjcClass

- (instancetype) initWithStringValue:(NSString*)stringValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass initWithStringValue");
    _strValue = stringValue;
    return self;

- (void) printValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass printValue");
    NSLog(@"stringValue = %@", _strValue);

- (NSString*) stringValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass get stringValue");
    return _strValue;

- (void) setStringValue:(NSString*)newValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass set stringValue = %@", newValue);
    _strValue = newValue;


Swift code (calling code)

if let obj = ObjcClass(stringValue:  "Hello World!") {
    let str = obj.stringValue;
    obj.stringValue = "HeLLo wOrLd!!!";


enter image description here

5. Use Swift extension in Objective-c code

Swift extension

extension UIView {
    static func swiftExtensionFunc() {
        NSLog("UIView swiftExtensionFunc")

Objective-C code (calling code)

[UIView swiftExtensionFunc];

6. Use Objective-c extension in swift code

Objective-C extension (UIViewExtension.h)

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (ObjcAdditions)
+ (void)objcExtensionFunc;


@implementation UIView (ObjcAdditions)
+ (void)objcExtensionFunc {
    NSLog(@"UIView objcExtensionFunc");

Swift code (calling code)


Confirm deletion in modal / dialog using Twitter Bootstrap?

I can easily handle this type of task using bootbox.js library. At first you need to include bootbox JS file. Then in your event handler function simply write following code:

    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure to want to delete , function(result) {

    //here result will be true
    // delete process code goes here


Offical bootboxjs site

What is thread Safe in java?

As Seth stated thread safe means that a method or class instance can be used by multiple threads at the same time without any problems occuring.

Consider the following method:

private int myInt = 0;
public int AddOne()
    int tmp = myInt;
    tmp = tmp + 1;
    myInt = tmp;
    return tmp;

Now thread A and thread B both would like to execute AddOne(). but A starts first and reads the value of myInt (0) into tmp. Now for some reason the scheduler decides to halt thread A and defer execution to thread B. Thread B now also reads the value of myInt (still 0) into it's own variable tmp. Thread B finishes the entire method, so in the end myInt = 1. And 1 is returned. Now it's Thread A's turn again. Thread A continues. And adds 1 to tmp (tmp was 0 for thread A). And then saves this value in myInt. myInt is again 1.

So in this case the method AddOne() was called two times, but because the method was not implemented in a thread safe way the value of myInt is not 2, as expected, but 1 because the second thread read the variable myInt before the first thread finished updating it.

Creating thread safe methods is very hard in non trivial cases. And there are quite a few techniques. In Java you can mark a method as synchronized, this means that only one thread can execute that method at a given time. The other threads wait in line. This makes a method thread safe, but if there is a lot of work to be done in a method, then this wastes a lot of time. Another technique is to 'mark only a small part of a method as synchronized' by creating a lock or semaphore, and locking this small part (usually called the critical section). There are even some methods that are implemented as lockless thread safe, which means that they are built in such a way that multiple threads can race through them at the same time without ever causing problems, this can be the case when a method only executes one atomic call. Atomic calls are calls that can't be interrupted and can only be done by one thread at a time.

Show/hide image with JavaScript

Here is a working example: (using jQuery)

<img id="tiger" src="">

<a id="toggle">click to toggle</a>

img {display: none;}

a {cursor: pointer; color: blue;}

$('#toggle').click(function() {

No grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document

I too had the same problem in eclipse using web.xml file
it showed me this " no grammar constraints referenced in the document "

but it can be resolved by adding tag
after the xml tag i.e. <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

How to select specific columns in laravel eloquent

Also Model::all(['id'])->toArray() it will only fetch id as array.

Pass parameters in setInterval function

You can use an anonymous function;

setInterval(function() { funca(10,3); },500);

Change font-weight of FontAwesome icons?

.star-light::after {
    content: "\f005";
    font-family: "FontAwesome";
    font-size: 3.2rem;
    color: #fff;
    font-weight: 900;
    background-color: red;

MySQL skip first 10 results

select * from table where id not in (select id from table limit 10)

where id be the key in your table.

How to display my location on Google Maps for Android API v2

Before enabling the My Location layer, you must request location permission from the user. This sample does not include a request for location permission.

To simplify, in terms of lines of code, the request for the location permit can be made using the library EasyPermissions.

Then following the example of the official documentation of The My Location Layer my code works as follows for all versions of Android that contain Google services.

  1. Create an activity that contains a map and implements the interfaces OnMyLocationClickListener y OnMyLocationButtonClickListener.
  2. Define in app/build.gradle implementation 'pub.devrel:easypermissions:2.0.1'
  3. Forward results to EasyPermissions within method onRequestPermissionsResult()

    EasyPermissions.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults, this);

  4. Request permission and operate according to the user's response with requestLocationPermission()

  5. Call requestLocationPermission() and set the listeners to onMapReady().

public class MapsActivity extends FragmentActivity implements 
    GoogleMap.OnMyLocationButtonClickListener {

    private final int REQUEST_LOCATION_PERMISSION = 1;

    private GoogleMap mMap;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
        SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

    public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
        mMap = googleMap;


    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
        // Forward results to EasyPermissions
        EasyPermissions.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults, this);

    public void requestLocationPermission() {
        String[] perms = {Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION};
        if(EasyPermissions.hasPermissions(this, perms)) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Permission already granted", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        else {
            EasyPermissions.requestPermissions(this, "Please grant the location permission", REQUEST_LOCATION_PERMISSION, perms);

    public boolean onMyLocationButtonClick() {
        Toast.makeText(this, "MyLocation button clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        return false;

    public void onMyLocationClick(@NonNull Location location) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Current location:\n" + location, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


How can I reference a dll in the GAC from Visual Studio?

The relevant files and references can be found here:

Note the links off it about implementation/etc.

Create a directory if it doesn't exist

Here is the simple way to create a folder.......

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void CreateFolder(const char * path)
    if(!CreateDirectory(path ,NULL))


This above code works well for me.

Jquery to change form action

Please, see this answer:

Quoting Tamlyn:

jQuery (1.4.2) gets confused if you have any form elements named "action". You can get around this by using the DOM attribute methods or simply avoid having form elements named "action".

<form action="foo">
  <button name="action" value="bar">Go</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('form').attr('action', 'baz'); //this fails silently
  $('form').get(0).setAttribute('action', 'baz'); //this works

Java, how to compare Strings with String Arrays

Iterate over the codes array using a loop, asking for each of the elements if it's equals() to usercode. If one element is equal, you can stop and handle that case. If none of the elements is equal to usercode, then do the appropriate to handle that case. In pseudocode:

found = false
foreach element in array:
  if element.equals(usercode):
    found = true

if found:
  print "I found it!"
  print "I didn't find it"

How to create a generic array in Java?

You could use a cast:

public class GenSet<Item> {
    private Item[] a;

    public GenSet(int s) {
        a = (Item[]) new Object[s];

How can you strip non-ASCII characters from a string? (in C#)

If you want not to strip, but to actually convert latin accented to non-accented characters, take a look at this question: How do I translate 8bit characters into 7bit characters? (i.e. Ü to U)

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?

This is just an addition to Kevin Fairchild's post (very clever by the way). I would have added it as a comment, but I don't have enough points yet :)

I was using this idea for a view I was working on, however the items I was concatinating contained spaces. So I modified the code slightly to not use spaces as delimiters.

Again thanks for the cool workaround Kevin!

CREATE TABLE #YourTable ( [ID] INT, [Name] CHAR(1), [Value] INT ) 

INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID], [Name], [Value]) VALUES (1, 'A', 4) 
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID], [Name], [Value]) VALUES (1, 'B', 8) 
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID], [Name], [Value]) VALUES (2, 'C', 9) 

                          (SELECT [Name] + ':' + CAST([Value] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) as A 
                           FROM   #YourTable 
                           WHERE  ( ID = Results.ID ) 
                           FOR XML PATH (''))
                        , '</A><A>', ', ')
        ,'</A>','') AS NameValues 
FROM   #YourTable Results 

DROP TABLE #YourTable 

How to add an onchange event to a select box via javascript?

If you are using prototype.js then you can do this:

transport_select.observe('change', function(){

This eliminate (as hope) the problem in cross-browsers

With CSS, how do I make an image span the full width of the page as a background image?

You set the CSS to :

#elementID {
    background: black url( center no-repeat;
    height: 200px;

It centers the image, but does not scale it.


In newer browsers you can use the background-size property and do:

#elementID {
    height: 200px; 
    width: 100%;
    background: black url( no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;


Other than that, a regular image is one way to do it, but then it's not really a background image.


How to insert a new key value pair in array in php?

If you are creating new array then try this :

$arr = ['key' => 'value'];

And if array is already created then try this :

$arr['key'] = 'value';

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd

You can use VBScript, for example, file myscript.vbs:

set wsobject = wscript.createobject("")

do while 1=1 "SnippingTool.exe",0,TRUE
    wscript.sleep 3000

Batch file:

cscript myscript.vbs %1

MS-DOS Batch file pause with enter key

pause command is what you looking for. If you looking ONLY the case when enter is hit you can abuse the runas command:

runas /user:# "" >nul 2>&1

the screen will be frozen until enter is hit.What I like more than set/p= is that if you press other buttons than enter they will be not displayed.

Remove Backslashes from Json Data in JavaScript

tl;dr: You don't have to remove the slashes, you have nested JSON, and hence have to decode the JSON twice: DEMO (note I used double slashes in the example, because the JSON is inside a JS string literal).

I assume that your actual JSON looks like

{"data":"{\n \"taskNames\" : [\n \"01 Jan\",\n \"02 Jan\",\n \"03 Jan\",\n \"04 Jan\",\n \"05 Jan\",\n \"06 Jan\",\n \"07 Jan\",\n \"08 Jan\",\n \"09 Jan\",\n \"10 Jan\",\n \"11 Jan\",\n \"12 Jan\",\n \"13 Jan\",\n \"14 Jan\",\n \"15 Jan\",\n \"16 Jan\",\n \"17 Jan\",\n \"18 Jan\",\n \"19 Jan\",\n \"20 Jan\",\n \"21 Jan\",\n \"22 Jan\",\n \"23 Jan\",\n \"24 Jan\",\n \"25 Jan\",\n \"26 Jan\",\n \"27 Jan\"]}"}

I.e. you have a top level object with one key, data. The value of that key is a string containing JSON itself. This is usually because the server side code didn't properly create the JSON. That's why you see the \" inside the string. This lets the parser know that " is to be treated literally and doesn't terminate the string.

So you can either fix the server side code, so that you don't double encode the data, or you have to decode the JSON twice, e.g.

var data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(json).data));

Removing the fragment identifier from AngularJS urls (# symbol)

Step 1: Inject the $locationProvider service into the app config's constructor

Step 2: Add code line $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) to the app config's constructor.

Step 3: in the container (landing, master, or layout) page, add html tag such as <base href="/"> inside the tag.

Step 4: remove all '#" for routing config from all anchor tags. For examples, href="#home" becomes href="home"; href="#about" becomes herf="about"; href="#contact" becomes href="contact"

 <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
     <li><a href="home">Home</a></li>
     <li><a href="about">About us</a></li>
     <li><a href="contact">Contact us</a></li>

MVC: How to Return a String as JSON

Yeah that's it without no further issues, to avoid raw string json this is it.

    public ActionResult GetJson()
        var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(

        return new ContentResult
            Content = json,
            ContentType = "application/json",
            ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8

NOTE: please note that method return type of JsonResult is not working for me, since JsonResult and ContentResult both inherit ActionResult but there is no relationship between them.

Creating an empty file in C#

A somewhat common use case for creating an empty file is to trigger something else happening in a different process in the absence of more sophisticated in process communication. In this case, it can help to have the file creation be atomic from the outside world's point of view (particularly if the thing being triggered is going to delete the file to "consume" the trigger).

So it can help to create a junk name (Guid.NewGuid.ToString()) in the same directory as the file you want to create, and then do a File.Move from the temporary name to your desired name. Otherwise triggered code which checks for file existence and then deletes the trigger may run into race conditions where the file is deleted before it is fully closed out.

Having the temp file in the same directory (and file system) gives you the atomicity you may want. This gives something like.

public void CreateEmptyFile(string path)
    string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path),
    using (File.Create(tempFilePath)) {}
    File.Move(tempFilePath, path);

XML Parsing - Read a Simple XML File and Retrieve Values

class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)

        //Load XML from local
        string sourceFileName="";
        string element=string.Empty;
        var FolderPath=@"D:\Test\RenameFileWithXmlAttribute";

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(FolderPath, "*.xml");
            foreach (string xmlfile in files)
                    sourceFileName = xmlfile;
                    XElement xele = XElement.Load(sourceFileName);
                    string convertToString = xele.ToString();
                    XElement parseXML = XElement.Parse(convertToString);
                    element = parseXML.Descendants("Meta").Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("name") == "XMLTAG").Last().Value;
                    DirectoryInfo CurrentDate = Directory.CreateDirectory(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    string saveWithThisName= Path.Combine(CurrentDate.FullName, element);
                    File.Copy(sourceFileName, saveWithThisName,true);                      
                catch(Exception ex)


How to find EOF through fscanf?

fscanf - "On success, the function returns the number of items successfully read. This count can match the expected number of readings or be less -even zero- in the case of a matching failure. In the case of an input failure before any data could be successfully read, EOF is returned."

So, instead of doing nothing with the return value like you are right now, you can check to see if it is == EOF.

You should check for EOF when you call fscanf, not check the array slot for EOF.

TCPDF output without saving file

I've been using the Output("doc.pdf", "I"); and it doesn't work, I'm always asked for saving the file.

I took a look in documentation and found that

I send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.

Then I think you have to use a plugin to print it, otherwise it is going to be downloaded.

How do I hide certain files from the sidebar in Visual Studio Code?

The "Make Hidden" extension works great!

Make Hidden provides more control over your project's directory by enabling context menus that allow you to perform hide/show actions effortlessly, a view pane explorer to see hidden items and the ability to save workspaces to quickly toggle between bulk hidden items.

String to decimal conversion: dot separation instead of comma

All this is about cultures. If you have any other culture than "US English" (and also as good manners of development), you should use something like this:

var d = Convert.ToDecimal("1.2345", new CultureInfo("en-US"));
// (or 1,2345 with your local culture, for instance)

(obviously, you should replace the "en-US" with the culture of your number local culture)

the same way, if you want to do ToString()

d.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));

How to implement a FSM - Finite State Machine in Java

EasyFSM is a dynamic Java Library which can be used to implement an FSM.

You can find documentation for the same at : Finite State Machine in Java

Also, you can download the library at : Java FSM Library : DynamicEasyFSM

Is it possible to add dynamically named properties to JavaScript object?

Be careful while adding a property to the existing object using .(dot) method.

(.dot) method of adding a property to the object should only be used if you know the 'key' beforehand otherwise use the [bracket] method.


   var data = {_x000D_
        'Property1': 1_x000D_
    // Two methods of adding a new property [ key (Property4), value (4) ] to the_x000D_
    // existing object (data)_x000D_
    data['Property2'] = 2; // bracket method_x000D_
    data.Property3 = 3;    // dot method_x000D_
    console.log(data);     // { Property1: 1, Property2: 2, Property3: 3 }_x000D_
    // But if 'key' of a property is unknown and will be found / calculated_x000D_
    // dynamically then use only [bracket] method not a dot method    _x000D_
    var key;_x000D_
    for(var i = 4; i < 6; ++i) {_x000D_
     key = 'Property' + i;     // Key - dynamically calculated_x000D_
     data[key] = i; // CORRECT !!!!_x000D_
    console.log(data); _x000D_
    // { Property1: 1, Property2: 2, Property3: 3, Property4: 4, Property5: 5 }_x000D_
    for(var i = 6; i < 2000; ++i) {_x000D_
     key = 'Property' + i; // Key - dynamically calculated_x000D_
     data.key = i;         // WRONG !!!!!_x000D_
    console.log(data); _x000D_
    // { Property1: 1, Property2: 2, Property3: 3, _x000D_
    //   Property4: 4, Property5: 5, key: 1999 }

Note the problem in the end of console log - 'key: 1999' instead of Property6: 6, Property7: 7,.........,Property1999: 1999. So the best way of adding dynamically created property is the [bracket] method.

How do I know if jQuery has an Ajax request pending?

We have to utilize $.ajax.abort() method to abort request if the request is active. This promise object uses readyState property to check whether the request is active or not.


<h3>Cancel Ajax Request on Demand</h3>
<div id="test"></div>
<input type="button" id="btnCancel" value="Click to Cancel the Ajax Request" />

JS Code

//Initial Message
var ajaxRequestVariable;
$("#test").html("Please wait while request is being processed..");

//Event handler for Cancel Button
$("#btnCancel").on("click", function(){
if (ajaxRequestVariable !== undefined)

if (ajaxRequestVariable.readyState > 0 && ajaxRequestVariable.readyState < 4)
  $("#test").html("Ajax Request Cancelled.");

//Ajax Process Starts
ajaxRequestVariable = $.ajax({
            method: "POST",
            url: '/echo/json/',
            contentType: "application/json",
            cache: false,
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
        json: JSON.encode({
        delay: 11

            success: function (response) {
            $("#test").html("Request is completed");           
            error: function (error) {

            complete: function () {


Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

The main reason is that deflate is faster to encode than gzip and on a busy server that might make a difference. With static pages it's a different question, since they can easily be pre-compressed once.

printf not printing on console

You could try writing to stderr, rather than stdout.

fprintf(stderr, "Hello, please enter your age\n");

You should also have a look at this relevant thread.

How to add title to subplots in Matplotlib?

A shorthand answer assuming import matplotlib.pyplot as plt:


as in:


Then there is no need for superfluous variables.

Set cellpadding and cellspacing in CSS?

        <th>Col 1</th>
        <th>Col 2</th>
        <th>Col 3</th>

cell-padding can be given by padding in CSS while cell-spacing can be set by setting border-spacing for table.

table {
    border-spacing: 10px;
td {
    padding: 10px;


How to create a localhost server to run an AngularJS project

Python has a built-in command specifically for spinning up a webserver:


python -m http.server 8000

Other versions:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Would start a webserver on port 8000

(Python is a prerequisite to this; if you don't have python installed, the other answers may be easier)

Why does Python code use len() function instead of a length method?

There is a len method:

>>> a = 'a string of some length'
>>> a.__len__()
>>> a.__len__
<method-wrapper '__len__' of str object at 0x02005650>

Using media breakpoints in Bootstrap 4-alpha

I answered a similar question here

As @Syden said, the mixins will work. Another option is using SASS map-get like this..

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, sm)){
  .something {
    padding: 10px;

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, md)){
  .something {
    padding: 20px;

Bootstrap 4 Breakpoints demo

What does 'corrupted double-linked list' mean

I have found the answer to my question myself:)

So what I didn't understand was how the glibc could differentiate between a Segfault and a corrupted double-linked list, because according to my understanding, from perspective of glibc they should look like the same thing. Because if I implement a double-linked list inside my program, how could the glibc possibly know that this is a double-linked list, instead of any other struct? It probably can't, so thats why i was confused.

Now I've looked at malloc/malloc.c inside the glibc's code, and I see the following:

1543 /* Take a chunk off a bin list */
1544 #define unlink(P, BK, FD) {                                            \
1545   FD = P->fd;                                                          \
1546   BK = P->bk;                                                          \
1547   if (__builtin_expect (FD->bk != P || BK->fd != P, 0))                \
1548     malloc_printerr (check_action, "corrupted double-linked list", P); \
1549   else {                                                               \
1550     FD->bk = BK;                                                       \
1551     BK->fd = FD;                                                       \

So now this suddenly makes sense. The reason why glibc can know that this is a double-linked list is because the list is part of glibc itself. I've been confused because I thought glibc can somehow detect that some programming is building a double-linked list, which I wouldn't understand how that works. But if this double-linked list that it is talking about, is part of glibc itself, of course it can know it's a double-linked list.

I still don't know what has triggered this error. But at least I understand the difference between corrupted double-linked list and a Segfault, and how the glibc can know this struct is supposed to be a double-linked list:)

Get last 5 characters in a string

Old thread, but just only to say: to use the classic Left(), Right(), Mid() right now you don't need to write the full path (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings). You can use fast and easily like this:

Strings.Right(yourString, 5)

C pointers and arrays: [Warning] assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

In this case a[4] is the 5th integer in the array a, ap is a pointer to integer, so you are assigning an integer to a pointer and that's the warning.
So ap now holds 45 and when you try to de-reference it (by doing *ap) you are trying to access a memory at address 45, which is an invalid address, so your program crashes.

You should do ap = &(a[4]); or ap = a + 4;

In c array names decays to pointer, so a points to the 1st element of the array.
In this way, a is equivalent to &(a[0]).

How can I clear console

// #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500     // windows >= 2000 
#include <windows.h> 
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

void pos(short C, short R)
    COORD xy ;
    xy.X = C ;
    xy.Y = R ;
    GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), xy);
void cls( )
    for(int j=0;j<100;j++)
    cout << string(100, ' ');

int main( void )
    // write somthing and wait 
    for(int j=0;j<100;j++)
    cout << string(10, 'a');
    cout << "\n\npress any key to cls... ";

    // clean the screen

    return 0;

Finding the max/min value in an array of primitives using Java

A solution with reduce():

int[] array = {23, 3, 56, 97, 42};
// directly print out, y) -> x > y ? x : y).ifPresent(System.out::println);

// get the result as an int
int res =, y) -> x > y ? x : y).getAsInt();

In the code above, reduce() returns data in Optional format, which you can convert to int by getAsInt().

If we want to compare the max value with a certain number, we can set a start value in reduce():

int[] array = {23, 3, 56, 97, 42};
// e.g., compare with 100
int max =, (x, y) -> x > y ? x : y);

In the code above, when reduce() with an identity (start value) as the first parameter, it returns data in the same format with the identity. With this property, we can apply this solution to other arrays:

double[] array = {23.1, 3, 56.6, 97, 42};
double max =[0], (x, y) -> x > y ? x : y);

Can I scroll a ScrollView programmatically in Android?

I was using the Runnable with sv.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN); It works perfectly for the immediate problem, but that method makes ScrollView take the Focus from the entire screen, if you make that AutoScroll to happen every time, no EditText will be able to receive information from the user, my solution was use a different code under the runnable:

sv.scrollTo(0, sv.getBottom() + sv.getScrollY());

making the same without losing focus on important views


Python, how to check if a result set is empty?

For reference, cursor.rowcount will only return on CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE statements:

 |  rowcount
 |      This read-only attribute specifies the number of rows the last DML statement
 |      (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) affected.  This is set to -1 for SELECT statements.

Display tooltip on Label's hover?

You can use the "title attribute" for label tag.

<label title="Hello This Will Have Some Value">Hello...</label>

If you need more control over the looks,

1 . try as shown below. But you will need to include bootstrap.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Hello This Will Have Some Value">Hello...</button>

2 . try But you will need to include jQueryUI.

<script type="text/javascript">

Is it possible to deserialize XML into List<T>?

I think I have found a better way. You don't have to put attributes into your classes. I've made two methods for serialization and deserialization which take generic list as parameter.

Take a look (it works for me):

private void SerializeParams<T>(XDocument doc, List<T> paramList)
        System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(paramList.GetType());

        System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = doc.CreateWriter();

        serializer.Serialize(writer, paramList);


private List<T> DeserializeParams<T>(XDocument doc)
        System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(List<T>));

        System.Xml.XmlReader reader = doc.CreateReader();

        List<T> result = (List<T>)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

        return result;

So you can serialize whatever list you want! You don't need to specify the list type every time.

        List<AssemblyBO> list = new List<AssemblyBO>();
        list.Add(new AssemblyBO());
        list.Add(new AssemblyBO() { DisplayName = "Try", Identifier = "243242" });
        XDocument doc = new XDocument();
        SerializeParams<T>(doc, list);
        List<AssemblyBO> newList = DeserializeParams<AssemblyBO>(doc);

How to show another window from mainwindow in QT

  1. Implement a slot in your QMainWindow where you will open your new Window,
  2. Place a widget on your QMainWindow,
  3. Connect a signal from this widget to a slot from the QMainWindow (for example: if the widget is a QPushButton connect the signal click() to the QMainWindow custom slot you have created).

Code example:


// ...
include "newwindow.h"
// ...
public slots:
   void openNewWindow();
// ...
   NewWindow *mMyNewWindow;
// ...


// ...
      // ...
      connect(mMyButton, SIGNAL(click()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow()));
      // ...
// ...
void MainWindow::openNewWindow()
   mMyNewWindow = new NewWindow(); // Be sure to destroy your window somewhere
   // ...

This is an example on how display a custom new window. There are a lot of ways to do this.

Append a dictionary to a dictionary

You can do


or, if you don't want orig to be modified, make a copy first:

dest = dict(orig)  # or orig.copy()

Note that if extra and orig have overlapping keys, the final value will be taken from extra. For example,

>>> d1 = {1: 1, 2: 2}
>>> d2 = {2: 'ha!', 3: 3}
>>> d1.update(d2)
>>> d1
{1: 1, 2: 'ha!', 3: 3}

File Upload In Angular?

In the simplest form, the following code works in Angular 6/7"", fileFormData)
  .subscribe(response => {
    //handle response
  }, err => {
    //handle error

Here is the complete implementation

Multiple conditions in a C 'for' loop

Wikipedia tells what comma operator does:

"In the C and C++ programming languages, the comma operator (represented by the token ,) is a binary operator that evaluates its first operand and discards the result, and then evaluates the second operand and returns this value (and type)."

Rebuild or regenerate 'ic_launcher.png' from images in Android Studio

I can confirm that in Android Studio 1.x (here AS) on Windows also the right sequence is:

  • File -> New
  • AS opens a list where you must click on Image Asset
  • AS opens a dialog where the app\src\main\res Directory Structure is automatically selected (the right choice)
  • Clicking on the OK button, AS opens the Asset Studio dialog where you can find all the tools and options we had on the past Eclipse ADT

This can be done absolutely in any moments after creation of the project.

Android Studio warns you that it will overwrite the current ic_launcer, but this is exactly what we expect to do.

How to disable scientific notation?

You can effectively remove scientific notation in printing with this code:


Can't connect to MySQL server error 111

If you're running cPanel/WHM, make sure that IP is whitelisted in the firewall. You will als need to add that IP to the remote SQL IP list in the cPanel account you're trying to connect to.

Remove warning messages in PHP

To suppress warnings while leaving all other error reporting enabled:

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING); 

MySQL: Grant **all** privileges on database

I had this challenge when working on MySQL Ver 8.0.21

I wanted to grant permissions of a database named my_app_db to the root user running on localhost host.

But when I run the command:

use my_app_db;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON my_app_db.* TO 'root'@'localhost';

I get the error:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'my_app_db.* TO 'root'@'localhost'' at line 1>

Here's how I fixed:

Login to your MySQL console. You can change root to the user you want to login with:

mysql -u root -p

Enter your mysql root password

Next, list out all the users and their host on the MySQL server. Unlike PostgreSQL this is often stored in the mysql database. So we need to select the mysql database first:

use mysql;
SELECT user, host FROM user;

Note: if you don't run the use mysql, you get the no database selected error.

This should give you an output of this sort:

| user             | host      |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost |
| mysql.session    | localhost |
| mysql.sys        | localhost |
| root             | localhost |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Next, based on the information gotten from the list, grant privileges to the user that you want. We will need to first select the database before granting permission to it. For me, I am using the root user that runs on the localhost host:

use my_app_db;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost';

Note: The GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'root'@'localhost'; command may not work for modern versions of MySQL. Most modern versions of MyQL replace the database_name with * in the grant privileges command after you select the database that you want to use.

You can then exit the MySQL console:


That's it.

I hope this helps

What is the simplest C# function to parse a JSON string into an object?

DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = 
    new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(YourObjectType));

YourObjectType yourObject = (YourObjectType)serializer.ReadObject(jsonStream);

You could also use the JavaScriptSerializer, but DataContractJsonSerializer is supposedly better able to handle complex types.

Oddly enough JavaScriptSerializer was once deprecated (in 3.5) and then resurrected because of ASP.NET MVC (in 3.5 SP1). That would definitely be enough to shake my confidence and lead me to use DataContractJsonSerializer since it is hard baked for WCF.

Sending private messages to user

If you want to send the message to a predetermined person, such as yourself, you can set it so that the channel it would be messaging to would be their (your) own userID. So for instance, if you're using the discord bot tutorials from Digital Trends, where it says "to: ", you would continue with their (or your) userID. For instance, with how that specific code is set up, you could do "to: userID", and it would message that person. Or, if you want the bot to message you any time someone uses a specific command, you could do "to: '12345678890'", the numbers being a filler for the actual userID. Hope this helps!

Recursive query in SQL Server

Sample of the Recursive Level:

enter image description here


--SET @VALUE_CODE = 'A' -- Specify a level

WITH ViewValue AS
    SELECT ValueCode
    , ValueDesc
    , PrecedingValueCode
    FROM ValuesTable
    WHERE PrecedingValueCode IS NULL
    SELECT A.ValueCode
    , A.ValueDesc
    , A.PrecedingValueCode 
    FROM ValuesTable A
    INNER JOIN ViewValue V ON
        V.ValueCode = A.PrecedingValueCode

SELECT ValueCode, ValueDesc, PrecedingValueCode

FROM ViewValue

--WHERE PrecedingValueCode  = @VALUE_CODE -- Specific level

--WHERE PrecedingValueCode  IS NULL -- Root

How do I make the text box bigger in HTML/CSS?

there are many options that would change the height of an input box. padding, font-size, height would all do this. different combinations of these produce taller input boxes with different styles. I suggest just changing the font-size (and font-family for looks) and add some padding to make it even taller and also more appealing. I will give you an example of all three style though:

#signin input {


#signin input {


#signin input {

This is the combination of the three that I recommend:

#signin input {
font-size:20px;font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; font-weight: 300;

How to validate a form with multiple checkboxes to have atleast one checked

  $('#subscribeForm').validate( {
      rules: {
          list: {
              required: true,
              minlength: 1

I think this will make sure at least one is checked.

org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1

if The given id is not exist in the DB ,then you may get this exception.

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateOptimisticLockingFailureException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1; nested exception is org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1

Detect backspace and del on "input" event?

on android devices using chrome we can't detect a backspace. You can use workaround for it:

var oldInput = '',
    newInput = '';

 $("#ID").keyup(function () {
  newInput = $('#ID').val();
   if(newInput.length < oldInput.length){
      //backspace pressed
   oldInput = newInput;

Assign command output to variable in batch file

You can't assign a process output directly into a var, you need to parse the output with a For /F loop:

@Echo OFF

FOR /F "Tokens=2,*" %%A IN (
    'Reg Query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayer" /v "CurrentVersion"'
) DO (
    REM Set "Version=%%B"
    Echo Version: %%B


PS: Change the reg key used if needed.

How do I store the select column in a variable?

select @EmpID = ID from dbo.Employee


set @EmpID =(select id from dbo.Employee)

Note that the select query might return more than one value or rows. so you can write a select query that must return one row.

If you would like to add more columns to one variable(MS SQL), there is an option to use table defined variable

DECLARE @sampleTable TABLE(column1 type1)
INSERT INTO @sampleTable
SELECT columnsNumberEqualInsampleTable FROM .. WHERE ..

As table type variable do not exist in Oracle and others, you would have to define it:

DECLARE TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF (column_type | variable%TYPE | table.column%TYPE [NOT NULL] INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER;

-- Then to declare a TABLE variable of this type: variable_name type_name;

-- Assigning values to a TABLE variable: variable_name(n).field_name := 'some text';

-- Where 'n' is the index value

Git - Ignore files during merge

.gitattributes - is a root-level file of your repository that defines the attributes for a subdirectory or subset of files.

You can specify the attribute to tell Git to use different merge strategies for a specific file. Here, we want to preserve the existing config.xml for our branch. We need to set the merge=foo to config.xml in .gitattributes file.

merge=foo tell git to use our(current branch) file, if a merge conflict occurs.

  1. Add a .gitattributes file at the root level of the repository

  2. You can set up an attribute for confix.xml in the .gitattributes file

     <pattern> merge=foo

    Let's take an example for config.xml

     config.xml merge=foo
  3. And then define a dummy foo merge strategy with:

     $ git config --global true

If you merge the stag form dev branch, instead of having the merge conflicts with the config.xml file, the stag branch's config.xml preserves at whatever version you originally had.

for more reference: merge_strategies

static linking only some libraries

From the manpage of ld (this does not work with gcc), referring to the --static option:

You may use this option multiple times on the command line: it affects library searching for -l options which follow it.

One solution is to put your dynamic dependencies before the --static option on the command line.

Another possibility is to not use --static, but instead provide the full filename/path of the static object file (i.e. not using -l option) for statically linking in of a specific library. Example:

# echo "int main() {}" > test.cpp
# c++ test.cpp /usr/lib/libX11.a
# ldd a.out =>  (0x00007fff385cc000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f9a5b233000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5afb0000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5ad99000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5aa46000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f9a5b53f000)

As you can see in the example, libX11 is not in the list of dynamically-linked libraries, as it was linked statically.

Beware: An .so file is always linked dynamically, even when specified with a full filename/path.

HTTP Headers for File Downloads

As explained by Alex's link you're probably missing the header Content-Disposition on top of Content-Type.

So something like this:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MyFileName.ext"

Python integer incrementing with ++

Take a look at Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python for an explanation of why this doesn't work.

Python doesn't really have ++ and --, and I personally never felt it was such a loss.

I prefer functions with clear names to operators with non-always clear semantics (hence the classic interview question about ++x vs. x++ and the difficulties of overloading it). I've also never been a huge fan of what post-incrementation does for readability.

You could always define some wrapper class (like accumulator) with clear increment semantics, and then do something like x.increment() or x.incrementAndReturnPrev()

C# : Passing a Generic Object

You cannot access var with the generic.

Try something like

Console.WriteLine("Generic : {0}", test);

And override ToString method [1]


How to markdown nested list items in Bitbucket?

This worked for me in Bitbucket Cloud.

Entering this:

* item a
* item b
** item b1
** item b2
* item3

I've got this:

enter image description here

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

Even both eacceleator and xcache perform quite well during moderate loads, APC maintains its stability under serious request intensity. If we're talking about a few hundred requests/sec here, you'll not feel the difference. But if you're trying to respond more, definetely stick with APC. Especially if your application has overly dynamic characteristics which will likely cause locking issues under such loads. may help.

How to get RegistrationID using GCM in android

Here I have written a few steps for How to Get RegID and Notification starting from scratch

  1. Create/Register App on Google Cloud
  2. Setup Cloud SDK with Development
  3. Configure project for GCM
  4. Get Device Registration ID
  5. Send Push Notifications
  6. Receive Push Notifications

You can find a complete tutorial here:

Getting Started with Android Push Notification : Latest Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) - step by step complete tutorial

enter image description here

Code snippet to get Registration ID (Device Token for Push Notification).

Configure project for GCM

Update AndroidManifest file

To enable GCM in our project we need to add a few permissions to our manifest file. Go to AndroidManifest.xml and add this code: Add Permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET”/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

<uses-permission android:name=“.permission.RECEIVE" />
<uses-permission android:name=“<your_package_name_here>.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
<permission android:name=“<your_package_name_here>.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"
        android:protectionLevel="signature" />

Add GCM Broadcast Receiver declaration in your application tag:

            android:permission="" ]]>
                <action android:name="" />
                <category android:name="" />


Add GCM Service declaration

     <service android:name=".GcmIntentService" />

Get Registration ID (Device Token for Push Notification)

Now Go to your Launch/Splash Activity

Add Constants and Class Variables

private final static int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000;
public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "message";
public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID = "registration_id";
private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION = "appVersion";
private final static String TAG = "LaunchActivity";
protected String SENDER_ID = "Your_sender_id";
private GoogleCloudMessaging gcm =null;
private String regid = null;
private Context context= null;

Update OnCreate and OnResume methods

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    context = getApplicationContext();
    if (checkPlayServices()) {
        gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(this);
        regid = getRegistrationId(context);

        if (regid.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG, "No valid Google Play Services APK found.");

protected void onResume() {

// # Implement GCM Required methods(Add below methods in LaunchActivity)

private boolean checkPlayServices() {
    int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
    if (resultCode != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
        if (GooglePlayServicesUtil.isUserRecoverableError(resultCode)) {
            GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, this,
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG, "This device is not supported - Google Play Services.");
        return false;
    return true;

private String getRegistrationId(Context context) {
    final SharedPreferences prefs = getGCMPreferences(context);
    String registrationId = prefs.getString(PROPERTY_REG_ID, "");
    if (registrationId.isEmpty()) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Registration ID not found.");
        return "";
    int registeredVersion = prefs.getInt(PROPERTY_APP_VERSION, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    int currentVersion = getAppVersion(context);
    if (registeredVersion != currentVersion) {
        Log.d(TAG, "App version changed.");
        return "";
    return registrationId;

private SharedPreferences getGCMPreferences(Context context) {
    return getSharedPreferences(LaunchActivity.class.getSimpleName(),

private static int getAppVersion(Context context) {
    try {
        PackageInfo packageInfo = context.getPackageManager()
            .getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
        return packageInfo.versionCode;
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not get package name: " + e);

private void registerInBackground() {
    new AsyncTask() {
        protected Object doInBackground(Object...params) {
            String msg = "";
            try {
                if (gcm == null) {
                    gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(context);
                regid = gcm.register(SENDER_ID);
                Log.d(TAG, "########################################");
                Log.d(TAG, "Current Device's Registration ID is: " + msg);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                msg = "Error :" + ex.getMessage();
            return null;
        protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
            //to do here
    }.execute(null, null, null);

Note : please store REGISTRATION_KEY, it is important for sending PN Message to GCM. Also keep in mind: this key will be unique for all devices and GCM will send Push Notifications by REGISTRATION_KEY only.

else & elif statements not working in Python

Python can generate same 'invalid syntax' error even if ident for 'elif' block not matching to 'if' block ident (tabs for the first, spaces for second or vice versa).

Adding value labels on a matplotlib bar chart

If you only want to add Datapoints above the bars, you could easily do it with:

 for i in range(len(frequencies)): # your number of bars
    plt.text(x = x_values[i]-0.25, #takes your x values as horizontal positioning argument 
    y = y_values[i]+1, #takes your y values as vertical positioning argument 
    s = data_labels[i], # the labels you want to add to the data
    size = 9) # font size of datalabels

Python Dictionary contains List as Value - How to update?

>>> dictionary = {'C1' : [10,20,30],'C2' : [20,30,40]}
>>> dictionary['C1'] = [x+1 for x in dictionary['C1']]
>>> dictionary
{'C2': [20, 30, 40], 'C1': [11, 21, 31]}

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript code not working - why?

You must put the updatepanel id in the first argument if the control causing the script is inside the updatepanel else use the keyword 'this' instead of update panel here is the code

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel3, this.GetType(), UpdatePanel3.UniqueID, "showError();", true);

Wait 5 seconds before executing next line

I used it to run PC games from Edge or IE. And both self closes after 7 seconds.

Firefox and Google Chrome cannot be used to start games this way.

    <a href="E:\game\game.exe" name="game" onmouseout="waitclose(7000);"> game
    <img src="game.jpg" width="100%" height="97%" ></a>
    function waitclose(ms){
     var start = new Date().getTime();var end=start;
     while(end < start + ms) {end = new Date().getTime();}'', '_self', ''); window.close();

How can I convert a comma-separated string to an array?

Hmm, split is dangerous IMHO as a string can always contain a comma. Observe the following:

var myArr = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,','";
result = myArr.split(',');

So how would you interpret that? And what do you want the result to be? An array with:

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', '\'', '\''] or
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', ',']

Even if you escape the comma, you'd have a problem.

I quickly fiddled this together:

(function($) {
        splitAttrString: function(theStr) {
            var attrs = [];

            var RefString = function(s) {
                this.value = s;
            RefString.prototype.toString = function() {
                return this.value;
            RefString.prototype.charAt = String.prototype.charAt;
            var data = new RefString(theStr);

            var getBlock = function(endChr, restString) {
                var block = '';
                var currChr = '';
                while ((currChr != endChr) && (restString.value !== '')) {
                    if (/'|"/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock(currChr, restString);
                    else if (/\{/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock('}', restString);
                    else if (/\[/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock(']', restString);
                    else {
                        block += currChr;
                    currChr = restString.charAt(0);
                    restString.value = restString.value.slice(1);
                return $.trim(block);

            do {
                var attr = getBlock(',', data);
            while (data.value !== '')
            return attrs;

Bootstrap - How to add a logo to navbar class?

You can just display both the text and image as inline-blocks so that they dont stack. using floats like pull-left/pull-right can cause undesired issues so they should be used sparingly

<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
  <img src="mylogo.png" style="display: inline-block;">
  <span style="display: inline-block;">My Company</span>

What is the best practice for creating a favicon on a web site?

There are several ways to create a favicon. The best way for you depends on various factors:

  • The time you can spend on this task. For many people, this is "as quick as possible".
  • The efforts you are willing to make. Like, drawing a 16x16 icon by hand for better results.
  • Specific constraints, like supporting a specific browser with odd specs.

First method: Use a favicon generator

If you want to get the job done well and quickly, you can use a favicon generator. This one creates the pictures and HTML code for all major desktop and mobiles browsers. Full disclosure: I'm the author of this site.

Advantages of such solution: it's quick and all compatibility considerations were already addressed for you.

Second method: Create a favicon.ico (desktop browsers only)

As you suggest, you can create a favicon.ico file which contains 16x16 and 32x32 pictures (note that Microsoft recommends 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48).

Then, declare it in your HTML code:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/path/to/icons/favicon.ico">

This method will work with all desktop browsers, old and new. But most mobile browsers will ignore the favicon.

About your suggestion of placing the favicon.ico file in the root and not declaring it: beware, although this technique works on most browsers, it is not 100% reliable. For example Windows Safari cannot find it (granted: this browser is somehow deprecated on Windows, but you get the point). This technique is useful when combined with PNG icons (for modern browsers).

Third method: Create a favicon.ico, a PNG icon and an Apple Touch icon (all browsers)

In your question, you do not mention the mobile browsers. Most of them will ignore the favicon.ico file. Although your site may be dedicated to desktop browsers, chances are that you don't want to ignore mobile browsers altogether.

You can achieve a good compatibility with:

  • favicon.ico, see above.
  • A 192x192 PNG icon for Android Chrome
  • A 180x180 Apple Touch icon (for iPhone 6 Plus; other device will scale it down as needed).

Declare them with

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/path/to/icons/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/path/to/icons/favicon-192x192.png" sizes="192x192">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/path/to/icons/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png">

This is not the full story, but it's good enough in most cases.

How to check if type is Boolean

That's what typeof is there for. The parentheses are optional since it is an operator.

if (typeof variable === "boolean"){
  // variable is a boolean

Bootstrap modal z-index

The modal dialog can be positioned on top by overriding its z-index property:

.modal.fade {
  z-index: 10000000 !important;

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration Facebook application error

I solved this issue by specifying correct site URL in my App Settings. It works fine now. You have to specify your website Url such as

Val and Var in Kotlin

Var means Variable-If you stored any object using 'var' it could change in time.

For example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var a=12
    var b=13
    var c=12
    a=c+b **//new object 25**

Val means value-It's like a 'constant' in java .if you stored any object using 'val' it could not change in time.

For Example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val a=12
    var b=13
    var c=12
    a=c+b **//You can't assign like's an error.**

How to prevent gcc optimizing some statements in C?

Turning off optimization fixes the problem, but it is unnecessary. A safer alternative is to make it illegal for the compiler to optimize out the store by using the volatile type qualifier.

// Assuming pageptr is unsigned char * already...
unsigned char *pageptr = ...;
((unsigned char volatile *)pageptr)[0] = pageptr[0];

The volatile type qualifier instructs the compiler to be strict about memory stores and loads. One purpose of volatile is to let the compiler know that the memory access has side effects, and therefore must be preserved. In this case, the store has the side effect of causing a page fault, and you want the compiler to preserve the page fault.

This way, the surrounding code can still be optimized, and your code is portable to other compilers which don't understand GCC's #pragma or __attribute__ syntax.

How to check if an object implements an interface?


if (gor instanceof Monster) {

How do you reverse a string in place in C or C++?

Yet another:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  char *reverse = argv[argc-1];
  char *left = reverse;
  int length = strlen(reverse);
  char *right = reverse+length-1;
  char temp;




  printf("%s\n", reverse);


Make Font Awesome icons in a circle?


Upon learning flex recently, there is a cleaner way (no tables and less css). Set the wrapper as display: flex; and to center it's children give it the properties align-items: center; for (vertical) and justify-content: center; (horizontal) centering.

See this updated JS Fiddle

Strange that nobody suggested this before.. I always use tables to do this.
Simply make a wrapper have display: table and center stuff inside it with text-align: center for horizontal and vertical-align: middle for vertical alignment.

<div class='wrapper'>
  <i class='icon fa fa-bars'></i>

and some sass like this

  display: table; 

    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: center;


or see this JS Fiddle

Gaussian fit for Python

sigma = sum(y*(x - mean)**2)

should be

sigma = np.sqrt(sum(y*(x - mean)**2))

SQL string value spanning multiple lines in query

I prefer to use the @ symbol so I see the query exactly as I can copy and paste into a query file:

string name = "Joe";
string gender = "M";
string query = String.Format(@"
   Name = '{0}' AND
   Gender = '{1}'", name, gender);

It's really great with long complex queries. Nice thing is it keeps tabs and line feeds so pasting into a query browser retains the nice formatting


Here is the way I look at COALESCE...and hopefully it makes sense...

In a simplistic form….

Coalesce(FieldName, 'Empty')

So this translates to…If "FieldName" is NULL, populate the field value with the word "EMPTY".

Now for mutliple values...

Coalesce(FieldName1, FieldName2, Value2, Value3)

If the value in Fieldname1 is null, fill it with the value in Fieldname2, if FieldName2 is NULL, fill it with Value2, etc.

This piece of test code for the AdventureWorks2012 sample database works perfectly & gives a good visual explanation of how COALESCE works:

SELECT Name, Class, Color, ProductNumber,
COALESCE(Class, Color, ProductNumber) AS FirstNotNull
FROM Production.Product

Make .gitignore ignore everything except a few files

I tried all answers as given here above, but none worked for me. After reading the gitignore documentation (here) i found out that if you exclude a folder first that the filenames in the subfolder are not being indexed. So if you use the exclamation mark afterwards to include a file, it is not found in the index and thus not being included in your git client.

That was the way to finding the solution. I started with adding exceptions for all subfolders in my folder tree to get it working, which is a hell of a job. Afterwards i was able to compact the detailed configuration to the configuration below, which is a bit contrary to the documentation..

Working .gitignore:

# Ignore the 'Pro' folder, except for the '3rdparty' subfolder 

# Ignore the '3rdparty' folder, except for the 'domain' subfolder

# Ignore the 'domain' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

As result i see in my git client that only the two files inside the Pro/3rdparty/domain/modulename/ folder are being staged for the next commit, and that was exactly what i was looking for.

And if you need to whitelist several subfolders of the same folder then group the exclamation mark lines below the exclude statement like this:

# Ignore the 'Pro' folder, except for the '3rdparty' subfolder 

# Ignore the '3rdparty' folder, except for the 'domain' & 'hosting' subfolders

# Ignore the 'domain' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

# Ignore the 'hosting' folder, except for the 'modulename' subfolder

Else it wont work as expected.

Multiple contexts with the same path error running web service in Eclipse using Tomcat

Remove the space or empty line in server.xml or context.xml at the beginning of your code

Android Horizontal RecyclerView scroll Direction

You can do it with just xml.

the app:reverseLayout="true" do the job!

                        app:layoutManager="" />

How do I see which version of Swift I'm using?

To see the default version of swift installed on your machine then from the command line, type the following :

swift --version

Apple Swift version 4.1.2 (swiftlang-902.0.54 clang-902.0.39.2)

Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0

This is most likely the version that is included in the app store version of Xcode that you have installed (unless you have changed it).

If you want to determine the actual version of Swift being used by a particular version of Xcode (a beta, for instance) then from the command line, invoke the swift binary within the Xcode bundle and pass it the parameter --version

/Applications/ --version

Apple Swift version 4.2 (swiftlang-1000.0.16.7 clang-1000.10.25.3)

Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0

Difference between using Throwable and Exception in a try catch

By catching Throwable it includes things that subclass Error. You should generally not do that, except perhaps at the very highest "catch all" level of a thread where you want to log or otherwise handle absolutely everything that can go wrong. It would be more typical in a framework type application (for example an application server or a testing framework) where it can be running unknown code and should not be affected by anything that goes wrong with that code, as much as possible.

How to increment an iterator by 2?


where n is 2 in your case.

The beauty of this function is, that If "it" is an random access iterator, the fast

it += n

operation is used (i.e. vector<,,>::iterator). Otherwise its rendered to

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

(i.e. list<..>::iterator)

compare differences between two tables in mysql

Based on Haim's answer I created a PHP code to test and display all the differences between two databases. This will also display if a table is present in source or test databases. You have to change with your details the <> variables content.


    $User = "<DatabaseUser>";
    $Pass = "<DatabasePassword>";
    $SourceDB = "<SourceDatabase>";
    $TestDB = "<DatabaseToTest>";

    $link = new mysqli( "p:". "localhost", $User, $Pass, "" );

    if ( mysqli_connect_error() ) {

        die('Connect Error ('. mysqli_connect_errno() .') '. mysqli_connect_error());


    mysqli_set_charset( $link, "utf8" );
    mb_language( "uni" );
    mb_internal_encoding( "UTF-8" );


    $SourceDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $SourceDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $SourceDB cannot be accessed";



    $TestDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $TestDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $TestDB cannot be accessed";


    $SourceDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $SourceDB_Content as $item ) {
        $SourceDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];

    $TestDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $TestDB_Content as $item ) {
        $TestDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];
    //var_dump( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $LookupTables = array_merge( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $NoOfDiscrepancies = 0;
    echo "

    <table border='1' width='100%'>
        <td>Found in $SourceDB (". count( $SourceDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Found in $TestDB (". count( $TestDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Test result</td>


    foreach( $LookupTables as $table ) {

        $FoundInSourceDB = in_array( $table, $SourceDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        $FoundInTestDB = in_array( $table, $TestDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        echo "

        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInSourceDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td> 
        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInTestDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td>   
        <td>". compareTables( $SourceDB, $TestDB, $table ) ."</td>  


    echo "

    No of discrepancies found: $NoOfDiscrepancies

    function query( $link, $q ) {

        $result = mysqli_query( $link, $q );

        $errors = mysqli_error($link);
        if ( $errors > "" ) {

            echo $errors;


        if( $result == false ) return false;
        else if ( $result === true ) return true;
        else {

            $rset = array();

            while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {

                $rset[] = $row;


            return $rset;



    function compareTables( $source, $test, $table ) {

        global $link;
        global $NoOfDiscrepancies;

        $sQuery = "

    SELECT column_name,ordinal_position,data_type,column_type FROM
            data_type,column_type,COUNT(1) rowcount
        FROM information_schema.columns
            (table_schema='$source' AND table_name='$table') OR
            (table_schema='$test' AND table_name='$table')
        AND table_name IN ('$table')
        GROUP BY
        HAVING COUNT(1)=1
    ) A;    


        $result = query( $link, $sQuery );

        $data = "";
        if( is_array( $result ) && count( $result ) > 0 ) {

            $data = "<table><tr><td>column_name</td><td>ordinal_position</td><td>data_type</td><td>column_type</td></tr>";

            foreach( $result as $item ) {

                $data .= "<tr><td>". $item["column_name"] ."</td><td>". $item["ordinal_position"] ."</td><td>". $item["data_type"] ."</td><td>". $item["column_type"] ."</td></tr>";


            $data .= "</table>";

            return $data;

        else {

            return "Checked but no discrepancies found!";




Error CS1705: "which has a higher version than referenced assembly"

I had this error because "Rebuild" was not really rebuilding.

Solution: Close Visual Studio, really go and delete the bin folder, then rebuild, it might work better.

Also, sometimes Visual Studio lies about references, so check the HintPathin your .csproj files.