[file] Batch: Remove file extension

I have the following batch script from Wikipedia:

@echo off
    for /R "C:\Users\Admin\Ordner" %%f in (*.flv) do (
    echo %%f

In the for-loop all files with the extension flv get echoed, but I want the make some actions with the file(s) where I need one time the file without the extension and one time with the extension. How could I get these two?

I searched for solutions but I don't find one. I'm a real newbie in batch...

This question is related to file batch-file

The answer is

Without looping

I am using this if I simply want to strip the extension from a filename or variable (without listing any directories or existing files):

for %%f in ("%filename%") do set filename=%%~nf

If you want to strip the extension from a full path, use %%dpnf instead:

for %%f in ("%path%") do set path=%%~dpnf


(Use directly in the console)

@for %f in ("file name.dat") do @echo %~nf
@for %f in ("C:\Dir\file.dat") do @echo %~dpnf


file name

Using cygwin bash to do the chopping

  :: e.g. FILE=basename.mp4 => FILE_NO_EXT=basename
  set FILE=%1
  for /f "delims=" %%a in ('bash -c "FILE=%FILE%; echo ${FILE/.*/}" ') do set FILE_NO_EXT=%%a

I'm also a stranger to windows cmd, but try this:

echo %%~nf

In case the file your variable holds doesn't actually exist the FOR approach won't work. One trick you could use, if you know the length of the extension, is taking a substring:


the -4 means that the last 4 digits (presumably .ext) will be truncated.

This is a really late response, but I came up with this to solve a particular problem I had with DiskInternals LinuxReader appending '.efs_ntfs' to files that it saved to non-NTFS (FAT32) directories :

@echo off
REM %1 is the directory to recurse through and %2 is the file extension to remove
for /R "%1" %%f in (*.%2) do (
    REM Path (sans drive) is given by %%~pf ; drive is given by %%~df
    REM file name (sans ext) is given by %%~nf ; to 'rename' files, move them
    copy "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.%2" "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf"
    echo "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.%2" copied to "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf"

If your variable is an argument, you can simply use %~dpn (for paths) or %~n (for names only) followed by the argument number, so you don't have to worry for varying extension lengths.

For instance %~dpn0 will return the path of the batch file without its extension, %~dpn1 will be %1 without extension, etc.

Whereas %~n0 will return the name of the batch file without its extension, %~n1 will be %1 without path and extension, etc.