Programs & Examples On #Distributed database

Anything related to distributed databases and the techniques and the tools used to manage them. A distributed database is a database whose information is not stored in a single physical location, but it is spread over various devices, often placed far apart.

Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

After update to macOS 10.13.3

After updating do macOS 10.13, I had to install "Command Line Tools (macOS 10.13) for Xcode 9.3" downloaded from

SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 08S01 Communications link failure

Check your server config file /etc/mysql/my.cnf - verify bind_address is not set to Set it to or comment it out then restart server with:

sudo service mysql restart

How to retrieve Request Payload

Also you can setup extJs writer with encode: true and it will send data regularly (and, hence, you will be able to retrieve data via $_POST and $_GET).

... the values will be sent as part of the request parameters as opposed to a raw post (via docs for encode config of


Also docs say that:

The encode option should only be set to true when a root is defined

So, probably, writer's root config is required.

How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function?

Within your onDropDownChange handler, just make a jQuery AJAX call, passing in any data you need to pass up to your URL. You can handle successful and failure calls with the success and error options. In the success option, use the data contained in the data argument to do whatever rendering you need to do. Remember these are asynchronous by default!

function onDropDownChange(e) {
    var url = '/Home/Index/' + e.value;
      url: url,
      data: {}, //parameters go here in object literal form
      type: 'GET',
      datatype: 'json',
      success: function(data) { alert('got here with data'); },
      error: function() { alert('something bad happened'); }

jQuery's AJAX documentation is here.

SQL Query - how do filter by null or not null

Just like you said

select * from tbl where statusid is null


select * from tbl where statusid is not null

If your statusid is not null, then it will be selected just fine when you have an actual value, no need for any "if" logic if that is what you were thinking

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 -- the record(s) returned will not have null statusid

if you want to select where it is null or a value, try

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 or statusid is null

How to get selected value from Dropdown list in JavaScript

It is working fine with me.

I have the following HTML:

    <select id="select1">
        <option value="1">test1</option>
        <option value="2" selected="selected">test2</option>
        <option value="3">test3</option>
    <button onClick="GetSelectedItem('select1');">Get Selected Item</button>

And the following JavaScript:

function GetSelectedItem(el)
    var e = document.getElementById(el);
    var strSel = "The Value is: " + e.options[e.selectedIndex].value + " and text is: " + e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;

See that you are using the right id. In case you are using it with ASP.NET, the id changes when rendered.

How do I sort an observable collection?

@NielW's answer is the way to go, for real in-place sorting. I wanted to add an slightly altered solution that allows you bypass having to use IComparable:

static class Extensions
    public static void Sort<TSource, TKey>(this ObservableCollection<TSource> collection, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
        List<TSource> sorted = collection.OrderBy(keySelector).ToList();
        for (int i = 0; i < sorted.Count(); i++)
            collection.Move(collection.IndexOf(sorted[i]), i);

now you can call it like most any LINQ method:

myObservableCollection.Sort(o => o.MyProperty);

SHA-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate

This is step by step process of what worked for me.

First run the app then follow steps below (also shown in screenshot)

  1. click signing report
  2. open gradle console dialog
  3. it should display your SHA-1 certificate number

enter image description here

How to prevent a file from direct URL Access?

When I used it on my Webserver, can I only rename local host, like this:

RewriteEngine on 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)? [NC] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC] 
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ - [F]

ApiNotActivatedMapError for simple html page using google-places-api

Assuming you already have a application created under google developer console, Follow the below steps

  1. Go to the following link you will be getting the below page enter image description here
  2. Click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES you will be directed to following page enter image description here
  3. Select the desired option - in this case "Maps JavaScript API"
  4. Click ENABLE button as below, enter image description here

Note: Please use a server to load the html file

Convert DataSet to List

Try the above which will run with any list type.

  public DataTable ListToDataTable<T>(IList<T> data)
        PropertyDescriptorCollection props =
        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
            PropertyDescriptor prop = props[i];
            table.Columns.Add(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType);
        object[] values = new object[props.Count];
        foreach (T item in data)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = props[i].GetValue(item);
        return table;

Recursively list all files in a directory including files in symlink directories

How about tree? tree -l will follow symlinks.

Disclaimer: I wrote this package.

Java, how to compare Strings with String Arrays

Right now you seem to be saying 'does this array of strings equal this string', which of course it never would.

Perhaps you should think about iterating through your array of strings with a loop, and checking each to see if they are equals() with the inputted string?

...or do I misunderstand your question?

How do I automatically update a timestamp in PostgreSQL

To populate the column during insert, use a DEFAULT value:

  id serial not null,
  firstname varchar(100),
  middlename varchar(100),
  lastname varchar(100),
  email varchar(200),
  timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp

Note that the value for that column can explicitly be overwritten by supplying a value in the INSERT statement. If you want to prevent that you do need a trigger.

You also need a trigger if you need to update that column whenever the row is updated (as mentioned by E.J. Brennan)

Note that using reserved words for column names is usually not a good idea. You should find a different name than timestamp

Getting all documents from one collection in Firestore

I prefer to hide all code complexity in my services... so, I generally use something like this:

In my events.service.ts

    async getEvents() {
        const snapchot = await this.db.collection('events').ref.get();
        return new Promise <Event[]> (resolve => {
            const v = => {
                const obj =;
                return obj as Event;

In my

   myList: Event[];

   construct(private service: EventsService){}

   async ngOnInit() {
      this.myList = await this.service.getEvents();

Enjoy :)

Conditionally hide CommandField or ButtonField in Gridview

Hide the Entire GridView Column

If you want to remove the column completely (i.e. not just the button) from the table then use a suitable event handler, e.g. for the OnDataBound event, and then hide the appropriate column on the target GridView. Pick an event that will only fire once for this control, i.e. not OnRowDataBound.


<asp:GridView ID="grdUsers" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsProjectUsers" OnDataBound="grdUsers_DataBound">
        <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Admin Actions">
            <ItemTemplate><asp:Button ID="btnEdit" runat="server" text="Edit" /></ItemTemplate>
        <asp:BoundField DataField="FirstName" HeaderText="First Name" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="LastName" HeaderText="Last Name" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="Telephone" HeaderText="Telephone" />


protected void grdUsers_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // in this case hiding the first col if not admin
        if (!User.IsInRole(Constants.Role_Name_Admin))
            grdUsers.Columns[0].Visible = false;
    catch (Exception ex)
        // deal with ex

If two cells match, return value from third


Will return the answer you want and also remove the #N/A result that would appear if you couldn't find a result due to it not appearing in your lookup list.


CSS Box Shadow - Top and Bottom Only

I've played around with it and I think I have a solution. The following example shows how to set Box-Shadow so that it will only show a shadow for the inset top and bottom of an element.

Legend: insetOption leftPosition topPosition blurStrength spreadStrength color

The key to accomplishing this is to set the blur value to <= the negative of the spread value (ex. inset 0px 5px -?px 5px #000; the blur value should be -5 and lower) and to also keep the blur value > 0 when subtracted from the primary positioning value (ex. using the example from above, the blur value should be -9 and up, thus giving us an optimal value for the the blur to be between -5 and -9).


.styleName {   
/* for IE 8 and lower */
background-color:#888; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow(color=#FFFFCC, offX=0, offY=0, positive=true);  

/* for IE 9 */ 
box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7); 

/* for webkit browsers */ 
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7); 

/* for firefox 3.6+ */
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7);   

How can I fill a div with an image while keeping it proportional?

The only way I achieved the "best case" scenario described, was putting the image as a background:

<div class="container"></div>?
.container {
    width: 150px;
    height: 100px;
    background-image: url("");
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 50%;

What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

I will put a small comparison table here (just to have it somewhere):

Servlet is mapped as /test%3F/* and the application is deployed under /app.


Method              URL-Decoded Result           
getContextPath()        no      /app
getLocalName()                  30thh.loc
getLocalPort()                  8480
getMethod()                     GET
getPathInfo()           yes     /a?+b
getProtocol()                   HTTP/1.1
getQueryString()        no      p+1=c+d&p+2=e+f
getRequestedSessionId() no      S%3F+ID
getRequestURI()         no      /app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getRequestURL()         no      http://30thh.loc:8480/app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getScheme()                     http
getServerName()                 30thh.loc
getServerPort()                 8480
getServletPath()        yes     /test?
getParameterNames()     yes     [p 2, p 1]
getParameter("p 1")     yes     c d

In the example above the server is running on the localhost:8480 and the name 30thh.loc was put into OS hosts file.


  • "+" is handled as space only in the query string

  • Anchor "#a" is not transferred to the server. Only the browser can work with it.

  • If the url-pattern in the servlet mapping does not end with * (for example /test or *.jsp), getPathInfo() returns null.

If Spring MVC is used

  • Method getPathInfo() returns null.

  • Method getServletPath() returns the part between the context path and the session ID. In the example above the value would be /test?/a?+b

  • Be careful with URL encoded parts of @RequestMapping and @RequestParam in Spring. It is buggy (current version 3.2.4) and is usually not working as expected.

How to completely uninstall python 2.7.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

Sometimes you need to first update the apt repo list.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt purge python2.7-minimal

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

If you still need to use the HTTP Module you need to configure it (.NET 4.0 framework) as follows:

   <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
       <add name="MyModule" type="[Namespace].[Class], [assembly]"/>
   <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

Can (a== 1 && a ==2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?

Okay, another hack with generators:

const value = function* () {_x000D_
  let i = 0;_x000D_
  while(true) yield ++i;_x000D_
Object.defineProperty(this, 'a', {_x000D_
  get() {_x000D_
if (a === 1 && a === 2 && a === 3) {_x000D_

how to list all sub directories in a directory

FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

        DialogResult result = fbd.ShowDialog();

        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath);
        string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(fbd.SelectedPath);

        foreach (string item2 in dirs)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item2);



        foreach (string item in files)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item);



How to check if an NSDictionary or NSMutableDictionary contains a key?

if ([mydict objectForKey:@"mykey"]) {
    // key exists.
    // ...

How can I parse String to Int in an Angular expression?

Not really great but a funny hack: You can -- instead of +

{{num_str -- 1 }}

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app>_x000D_

Catching "Maximum request length exceeded"

It can be checked via:

        var httpException = ex as HttpException;
        if (httpException != null)
            if (httpException.WebEventCode == System.Web.Management.WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge)
                // Request too large



How do I measure execution time of a command on the Windows command line?

I'm using Windows XP and for some reason timeit.exe does not work for me. I found another alternative - PTIME. This works very well.

Example -

C:\> ptime

ptime 1.0 for Win32, Freeware -
Copyright(C) 2002, Jem Berkes <[email protected]>

Syntax: ptime command [arguments ...]

ptime will run the specified command and measure the execution time
(run time) in seconds, accurate to 5 millisecond or better. It is an
automatic process timer, or program timer.

C:\> ptime cd

ptime 1.0 for Win32, Freeware -
Copyright(C) 2002, Jem Berkes <[email protected]>

===  cd ===

Execution time: 0.015 s

How to sign an android apk file

APK Signing Process

To manually sign an Android APK file run these three commands:

  1. Generate Keystore file

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore YOUR_KEYSTORE_NAME.keystore -alias ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  2. Sign Your APK file using jarsigner

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH UNSIGNED_APK_PATH ALIAS_NAME
  3. Align Signed APK using zipalign tool



Generate Keystore file

keytool -genkey -v -keystore YOUR_KEYSTORE_NAME.keystore -alias ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


keytool -genkey -v -keystore id.keystore -alias MySignedApp -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

keystore password : yourApp@123 key password : yourApp@123


D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp>keytool -genkey -v -keystore id.keystore
 -alias MySignedApp -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  MySignedApp Sample
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  Information Technology
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  MySignedApp Demo
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  Mumbai
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  Maharashtra
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  IN
Is CN=MySignedApp Demo, OU=Information Technology, O=MySignedApp Demo, L=Mumbai, ST=Maharashtra, C=IN corr
  [no]:  y

Generating 2,048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity of 10,
000 days
        for: CN=MySignedApp Demo, OU=Information Technology, O=MySignedApp Demo, L=Mumbai, ST=Maharashtra,
Enter key password for <MySignedApp>
        (RETURN if same as keystore password):
Re-enter new password:
[Storing id.keystore]



Sign your app with your private keystore using jarsigner

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH UNSIGNED_APK_PATH ALIAS_NAME


jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\id.keystore D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk id


D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp>jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -
digestalg SHA1 -keystore D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\id.keystore D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk id ---
Enter Passphrase for keystore:
   adding: META-INF/---.SF
   adding: META-INF/---.RSA
  signing: AndroidManifest.xml
    signing: classes.dex
  signing: lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar
  signing: lib/armeabi/
jar signed.

No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is not timestamped. Without a timestamp, users may not
be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2044-02-07) or after an
y future revocation date.


Verify that your APK is signed

jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs JARSIGNED_APK_FILE_PATH


jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk


D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp>jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk
 s = signature was verified
  m = entry is listed in manifest
  k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
  i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope

jar verified.

This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated.
This jar contains signatures that does not include a timestamp. Without a timestamp, users may not b
e able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2044-02-09) or after any
 future revocation date.



Align the final APK package using zipalign



zipalign -v 4 D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedApp.apk


D:\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\19.1.0>zipalign -v 4 D:\ru\ru_doc\Signed_apk\MySignedApp\28.09.16
_prod_playstore\MySignedAppS1-release-unsigned.apk D:\ru\ru_doc\Signed_apk\MySignedApp\28.09.16_prod
Verifying alignment of D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedApp.apk (

  4528613 classes.dex (OK - compressed)
 5656594 lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar (OK - compressed)
 5841869 lib/armeabi/ (OK - compressed)
Verification succesful


Verify that your APK is Aligned successfully

zipalign -c -v 4 YOUR_APK_PATH


zipalign -c -v 4 D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedApp.apk


D:\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\19.1.0>zipalign -c -v 4 D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedApp.apk
Verifying alignment of D:\ru\SignedBuilds\MySignedApp\MySignedApp.apk (

 4453984 res/drawable/zoomout.png (OK)
 4454772 res/layout/tabview.xml (OK - compressed)
 4455243 res/layout/wheel_item.xml (OK - compressed)
 4455608 resources.arsc (OK)
 4470161 classes.dex (OK - compressed)
 5597923 lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar (OK - compressed)
 5783198 lib/armeabi/ (OK - compressed)
Verification succesful



The verify command is just to check whether APK is built and signed correctly!


I hope this will help one and all :)

Android ADB commands to get the device properties

adb shell getprop

If you want to see the whole list of parameters just type:

adb shell getprop

How can I import a database with MySQL from terminal?

If you are using sakila-db from mysql website, It's very easy on the Linux platform just follow the below-mentioned steps, After downloading the zip file of sakila-db, extract it. Now you will have two files, one is sakila-schema.sql and the other one is sakila-data.sql.

  1. Open terminal
  2. Enter command mysql -u root -p < sakila-schema.sql
  3. Enter command mysql -u root -p < sakila-data.sql
  4. Now enter command mysql -u root -p and enter your password, now you have entered into mysql system with default database.
  5. To use sakila database, use this command use sakila;
  6. To see tables in sakila-db, use show tables command

Please take care that extracted files are present in home directory.

How to create a simple checkbox in iOS?

On iOS there is the switch UI component instead of a checkbox, look into the UISwitch class. The property on (boolean) can be used to determine the state of the slider and about the saving of its state: That depends on how you save your other stuff already, its just saving a boolean value.

DataColumn Name from DataRow (not DataTable)

You need something like this:

foreach(DataColumn c in dr.Table.Columns)

Nginx subdomain configuration

Another type of solution would be to autogenerate the nginx conf files via Jinja2 templates from ansible. The advantage of this is easy deployment to a cloud environment, and easy to replicate on multiple dev machines

nginx showing blank PHP pages

I had a similar problem, nginx was processing a page halfway then stopping. None of the solutions suggested here were working for me. I fixed it by changing nginx fastcgi buffering:

fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;

fastcgi_buffer_size 4K;
fastcgi_buffers 64 4k;

After the changes my location block looked like:

location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri /index.php =404;
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;
    fastcgi_buffer_size 4K;
    fastcgi_buffers 64 4k;
    include fastcgi_params;

For details see

Printing variables in Python 3.4

You can also format the string like so:

>>> print ("{index}. {word} appears {count} times".format(index=1, word='Hello', count=42))

Which outputs

1. Hello appears 42 times.

Because the values are named, their order does not matter. Making the example below output the same as the above example.

>>> print ("{index}. {word} appears {count} times".format(count=42, index=1, word='Hello'))

Formatting string this way allows you to do this.

>>> data = {'count':42, 'index':1, 'word':'Hello'}
>>> print ("{index}. {word} appears {count} times.".format(**data))
1. Hello appears 42 times.

What are the minimum margins most printers can handle?

For every PostScript printer, one part of its driver is an ASCII file called PostScript Printer Description (PPD). PPDs are used in the CUPS printing system on Linux and Mac OS X as well even for non-PostScript printers.

Every PPD MUST, according to the PPD specification written by Adobe, contain definitions of a *ImageableArea (that's a PPD keyword) for each and every media sizes it can handle. That value is given for example as *ImageableArea Folio/8,25x13: "12 12 583 923" for one printer in this office here, and *ImageableArea Folio/8,25x13: "0 0 595 935" for the one sitting in the next room.

These figures mean "Lower left corner is at (12|12), upper right corner is at (583|923)" (where these figures are measured in points; 72pt == 1inch). Can you see that the first printer does print with a margin of 1/6 inch? -- Can you also see that the next one can even print borderless?

What you need to know is this: Even if the printer can do very small margins physically, if the PPD *ImageableArea is set to a wider margin, the print data generated by the driver and sent to the printer will be clipped according to the PPD setting -- not by the printer itself.

These days more and more models appear on the market which can indeed print edge-to-edge. This is especially true for office laser printers. (Don't know about devices for the home use market.) Sometimes you have to enable that borderless mode with a separate switch in the driver settings, sometimes also on the device itself (front panel, or web interface).

Older models, for example HP's, define in their PPDs their margines quite generously, just to be on the supposedly "safe side". Very often HP used 1/3, 1/2 inch or more (like "24 24 588 768" for Letter format). I remember having hacked HP PPDs and tuned them down to "6 6 606 786" (1/12 inch) before the physical boundaries of the device kicked in and enforced a real clipping of the page image.

Now, PCL and other language printers are not that much different in their margin capabilities from PostScript models.

But of course, when it comes to printing of PDF docs, here you can nearly always choose "print to fit" or similarly named options. Even for a file that itself does not use any margins. That "fit" is what the PDF viewer reads from the driver, and the viewer then scales down the page to the *ImageableArea.

How to append binary data to a buffer in node.js

insert byte to specific place.

insertToArray(arr,index,item) {
   return Buffer.concat([arr.slice(0,index),Buffer.from(item,"utf-8"),arr.slice(index)]);

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object

try out this if you want to assign value to object and it is showing this error in angular..

crate object in construtor

this.modelObj = new Model(); //<---------- after declaring object above

Oracle comparing timestamp with date

You can truncate the date

FROM Table1
WHERE trunc(field1) = to_Date('2012-01-01','YYY-MM-DD')

Look at the SQL Fiddle for more examples.

MVC If statement in View

You only need to prefix an if statement with @ if you're not already inside a razor code block.

Edit: You have a couple of things wrong with your code right now.

You're declaring nmb, but never actually doing anything with the value. So you need figure out what that's supposed to actually be doing. In order to fix your code, you need to make a couple of tiny changes:

@if (ViewBag.Articles != null)
    int nmb = 0;
    foreach (var item in ViewBag.Articles)
        if (nmb % 3 == 0)
            @:<div class="row"> 

        <a href="@Url.Action("Article", "Programming", new { id = })">
            <div class="tasks">
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <div class="task important">
                        <div class="tmeta">
                            <i class="icon-calendar"></i>
                                @item.DateAdded - Pregleda:@item.Click
                            <i class="icon-pushpin"></i> Authorrr
        if (nmb % 3 == 0)

The important part here is the @:. It's a short-hand of <text></text>, which is used to force the razor engine to render text.

One other thing, the HTML standard specifies that a tags can only contain inline elements, and right now, you're putting a div, which is a block-level element, inside an a.

PHP: how can I get file creation date?

I know this topic is super old, but, in case if someone's looking for an answer, as me, I'm posting my solution.

This solution works IF you don't mind having some extra data at the beginning of your file.

Basically, the idea is to, if file is not existing, to create it and append current date at the first line. Next, you can read the first line with fgets(fopen($file, 'r')), turn it into a DateTime object or anything (you can obviously use it raw, unless you saved it in a weird format) and voila - you have your creation date! For example my script to refresh my log file every 30 days looks like this:

if (file_exists($logfile)) {
            $now = new DateTime();
            $date_created = fgets(fopen($logfile, 'r'));
            if ($date_created == '') {
                file_put_contents($logfile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
            $date_created = new DateTime($date_created);
            $expiry = $date_created->modify('+ 30 days');
            if ($now >= $expiry) {

How do I create a new class in IntelliJ without using the mouse?

With Esc and Command + 1 you can navigate between project view and editor area - back and forward, in this way you can select the folder/location you need

With Control +Option + N you can trigger New file menu and select whatever you need, class, interface, file, etc. This works in editor as well in project view and it relates to the current selected location

// please consider that this is working with standard key mapping

SQL Query to search schema of all tables

Use this query :

SELECT AS table_name,
    SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name , *
FROM sys.tables AS t
    INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID 
    ( LIKE '%' + '<ColumnName>' + '%' )
    ( t.type = 'U' ) -- Use This To Prevent Selecting System Tables

Babel 6 regeneratorRuntime is not defined

In 2019 with Babel 7.4.0+, babel-polyfill package has been deprecated in favor of directly including core-js/stable (core-js@3+, to polyfill ECMAScript features) and regenerator-runtime/runtime (needed to use transpiled generator functions):

import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";

Information from babel-polyfill documentation.

Is it acceptable and safe to run pip install under sudo?

I had a problem installing virtualenvwrapper after successfully installing virtualenv.

My terminal complained after I did this:

pip install virtualenvwrapper

So, I unsuccessfully tried this (NOT RECOMMENDED):

sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Then, I successfully installed it with this:

pip install --user virtualenvwrapper

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

You can also use regex.

let trimmedString = myString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\\s", withString: "", options: NSStringCompareOptions.RegularExpressionSearch, range: nil)

java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

with Scanner you need to check if there is a next line with hasNextLine()

so the loop becomes


it's readers that return null on EOF

ofcourse in this piece of code this is dependent on whether the input is properly formatted

Is it possible to use the instanceof operator in a switch statement?

Nope, there is no way to do this. What you might want to do is however to consider Polymorphism as a way to handle these kind of problems.

Getter and Setter?

Why use getters and setters?

  1. Scalability: It's easier refactor a getter than search all the var assignments in a project code.
  2. Debugging: You can put breakpoints at setters and getters.
  3. Cleaner: Magic functions are not good solution for writting less, your IDE will not suggest the code. Better use templates for fast-writting getters.

direct assignment and getters/setters

.NET HashTable Vs Dictionary - Can the Dictionary be as fast?

I guess it doesn't mean anything to you now. But just for reference for people stopping by

Performance Test - SortedList vs. SortedDictionary vs. Dictionary vs. Hashtable

Memory allocation:

Memory usage performance test

Time used for inserting:

Time used for inserting

Time for searching an item:

Time for searching an item

Setting a log file name to include current date in Log4j

I have created an appender that will do that.

 * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software
 * License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this
 * distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.  */

package sps.log.log4j;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;

 * DateFormatFileAppender is a log4j Appender and extends 
 * {@link FileAppender} so each log is 
 * named based on a date format defined in the File property.
 * Sample File: 'logs/'yyyy/MM-MMM/dd-EEE/HH-mm-ss-S'.log'
 * Makes a file like: logs/2004/04-Apr/13-Tue/09-45-15-937.log
 * @author James Stauffer
public class DateFormatFileAppender extends FileAppender {

   * The default constructor does nothing.
  public DateFormatFileAppender() {

   * Instantiate a <code>DailyRollingFileAppender</code> and open the
   * file designated by <code>filename</code>. The opened filename will
   * become the ouput destination for this appender.
  public DateFormatFileAppender (Layout layout, String filename) throws IOException {
    super(layout, filename, true);

  private String fileBackup;//Saves the file pattern
  private boolean separate = false;

  public void setFile(String file) {
    this.fileBackup = getFile();

   * If true each LoggingEvent causes that file to close and open.
   * This is useful when the file is a pattern that would often
   * produce a different filename.
  public void setSeparate(boolean separate) {
    this.separate = separate;

  protected void subAppend(LoggingEvent event) {
    if(separate) {
        try {//First reset the file so each new log gets a new file.
            setFile(getFile(), getAppend(), getBufferedIO(), getBufferSize());
        } catch(IOException e) {
            LogLog.error("Unable to reset fileName.");

  void setFile(String fileName, boolean append, boolean bufferedIO, int bufferSize)
                                                            throws IOException {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(fileBackup);
    String actualFileName = sdf.format(new Date());
    super.setFile(actualFileName, append, bufferedIO, bufferSize);

   * Ensures that all of the directories for the given path exist.
   * Anything after the last / or \ is assumed to be a filename.
  private void makeDirs (String path) {
    int indexSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
    int indexBackSlash = path.lastIndexOf("\\");
    int index = Math.max(indexSlash, indexBackSlash);
    if(index > 0) {
        String dirs = path.substring(0, index);
//        LogLog.debug("Making " + dirs);
        File dir = new File(dirs);
        if(!dir.exists()) {
            boolean success = dir.mkdirs();
            if(!success) {
                LogLog.error("Unable to create directories for " + dirs);


Tool to compare directories (Windows 7)

I use WinMerge. It is free and works pretty well (works for files and directories).

How to pause a vbscript execution?

You can use a WScript object and call the Sleep method on it:

Set WScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 2000 'Sleeps for 2 seconds

Another option is to import and use the WinAPI function directly (only works in VBA, thanks @Helen):

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sleep 2000

MongoDB and "joins"

The database does not do joins -- or automatic "linking" between documents. However you can do it yourself client side. If you need to do 2, that is ok, but if you had to do 2000, the number of client/server turnarounds would make the operation slow.

In MongoDB a common pattern is embedding. In relational when normalizing things get broken into parts. Often in mongo these pieces end up being a single document, so no join is needed anyway. But when one is needed, one does it client-side.

Consider the classic ORDER, ORDER-LINEITEM example. One order and 8 line items are 9 rows in relational; in MongoDB we would typically just model this as a single BSON document which is an order with an array of embedded line items. So in that case, the join issue does not arise. However the order would have a CUSTOMER which probably is a separate collection - the client could read the cust_id from the order document, and then go fetch it as needed separately.

There are some videos and slides for schema design talks on the web site I belive.

How to Set user name and Password of phpmyadmin

You can simply open the phpmyadmin page from your browser, then open any existing database -> go to Privileges tab, click on your root user and then a popup window will appear, you can set your password there.. Hope this Helps.

#1292 - Incorrect date value: '0000-00-00'

After reviewing MySQL 5.7 changes, MySql stopped supporting zero values in date / datetime.

It's incorrect to use zeros in date or in datetime, just put null instead of zeros.

Error "can't use subversion command line client : svn" when opening android project checked out from svn

If you using windows, you can fix it via install SVN Tool. If you using Linux/MacOS, you can fix it via install subversion. After that, just select using svn command. Your problems is resolve.

What is the easiest way to initialize a std::vector with hardcoded elements?

In case you want to have it in your own class:

#include <initializer_list>
Vector<Type>::Vector(std::initializer_list<Type> init_list) : _size(init_list.size()),
_data(new Type[_size])
    int idx = 0;
    for (auto it = init_list.begin(); it != init_list.end(); ++it)
        _data[idx++] = *it;

How do I use LINQ Contains(string[]) instead of Contains(string)

spoulson has it nearly right, but you need to create a List<string> from string[] first. Actually a List<int> would be better if uid is also int. List<T> supports Contains(). Doing uid.ToString().Contains(string[]) would imply that the uid as a string contains all of the values of the array as a substring??? Even if you did write the extension method the sense of it would be wrong.


Unless you changed it around and wrote it for string[] as Mitch Wheat demonstrates, then you'd just be able to skip the conversion step.


Here is what you want, if you don't do the extension method (unless you already have the collection of potential uids as ints -- then just use List<int>() instead). This uses the chained method syntax, which I think is cleaner, and does the conversion to int to ensure that the query can be used with more providers.

var uids = arrayofuids.Select(id => int.Parse(id)).ToList();

var selected = table.Where(t => uids.Contains(t.uid));

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

Parse query string into an array

This is one-liner for parsing query from current URL into array:

parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query);

Where am I? - Get country

I used GEOIP db and created a function. You can consume this link directly


you can download autoload.php and .mmdb file from

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
//$ip_address = '';

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GeoIp2\Database\Reader;

// This creates the Reader object, which should be reused across
// lookups.
$reader = new Reader('/var/www/html/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb');

// Replace "city" with the appropriate method for your database, e.g.,
// "country".
$record = $reader->city($ip_address);

//print($record->country->isoCode . "\n"); // 'US'
//print($record->country->name . "\n"); // 'United States'
$rows['country'][] = $record->country->name;
$rows['isoCode'][] = $record->country->isoCode;
$rows['names'][] = $record->country->names;
print json_encode($rows);
//print($record->country->names['zh-CN'] . "\n"); // '??'
//print($record->mostSpecificSubdivision->name . "\n"); // 'Minnesota'
//print($record->mostSpecificSubdivision->isoCode . "\n"); // 'MN'
//print($record->city->name . "\n"); // 'Minneapolis'
//print($record->postal->code . "\n"); // '55455'
//print($record->location->latitude . "\n"); // 44.9733
//print($record->location->longitude . "\n"); // -93.2323

Sort Pandas Dataframe by Date

You can use pd.to_datetime() to convert to a datetime object. It takes a format parameter, but in your case I don't think you need it.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame( {'Symbol':['A','A','A'] ,
>>> df
         Date Symbol
0  02/20/2015      A
1  01/15/2016      A
2  08/21/2015      A
>>> df['Date'] =pd.to_datetime(df.Date)
>>> df.sort('Date') # This now sorts in date order
        Date Symbol
0 2015-02-20      A
2 2015-08-21      A
1 2016-01-15      A

For future search, you can change the sort statement:

>>> df.sort_values(by='Date') # This now sorts in date order
        Date Symbol
0 2015-02-20      A
2 2015-08-21      A
1 2016-01-15      A

How to plot all the columns of a data frame in R

This link helped me a lot for the same problem:

p = ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = df_plot, aes(x = idx, y = col1), color = "blue") +
  geom_line(data = df_plot, aes(x = idx, y = col2), color = "red") 


Python strip() multiple characters?

strip only strips characters from the very front and back of the string.

To delete a list of characters, you could use the string's translate method:

import string
name = "Barack (of Washington)"
table = string.maketrans( '', '', )
print name.translate(table,"(){}<>")
# Barack of Washington

How to read a file from jar in Java?

Check first your class loader.

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

if (classLoader == null) {
    classLoader = Class.class.getClassLoader();


// xml file location at xxx.jar
// + folder
// + folder
// xmlFileNameInJarFile.xml

phpMyAdmin says no privilege to create database, despite logged in as root user

This worked for me

open file in phpmyadmin root, set auth type from cookie to config

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // leave blank if no password

How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery?

There are methods to scroll element directly into the view, but if you want to scroll to a point relative from an element, you have to do it manually:

Inside the click handler, get the position of the element relative to the document, subtract 20 and use window.scrollTo:

var pos = $(this).offset();
var top = - 20;
var left = pos.left - 20;
window.scrollTo((left < 0 ? 0 : left), (top < 0 ? 0 : top));

How do I get the MAX row with a GROUP BY in LINQ query?

I've checked DamienG's answer in LinqPad. Instead of

g.Group.Max(s => s.uid)

should be

g.Max(s => s.uid)

Thank you!

How do I get a string format of the current date time, in python?

You can use the datetime module for working with dates and times in Python. The strftime method allows you to produce string representation of dates and times with a format you specify.

>>> import datetime
>>>"%B %d, %Y")
'July 23, 2010'
>>>"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
'10:36AM on July 23, 2010'

Remove Backslashes from Json Data in JavaScript

You need to deserialize the JSON once before returning it as response. Please refer below code. This works for me:

JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Object finalData = jss.DeserializeObject(str);

How do you use the Immediate Window in Visual Studio?

One nice feature of the Immediate Window in Visual Studio is its ability to evaluate the return value of a method particularly if it is called by your client code but it is not part of a variable assignment. In Debug mode, as mentioned, you can interact with variables and execute expressions in memory which plays an important role in being able to do this.

For example, if you had a static method that returns the sum of two numbers such as:

private static int GetSum(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

Then in the Immediate Window you can type the following:

? GetSum(2, 4)

As you can seen, this works really well for static methods. However, if the method is non-static then you need to interact with a reference to the object the method belongs to.

For example, let’s say this is what your class looks like:

private class Foo
    public string GetMessage()
        return "hello";

If the object already exists in memory and it’s in scope, then you can call it in the Immediate Window as long as it has been instantiated before your current breakpoint (or, at least, before wherever the code is paused in debug mode):

? foo.GetMessage(); // object ‘foo’ already exists

In addition, if you want to interact and test the method directly without relying on an existing instance in memory, then you can instantiate your own instance in the Immediate Window:

? Foo foo = new Foo(); // new instance of ‘Foo’
? foo.GetMessage()

You can take it a step further and temporarily assign the method's results to variables if you want to do further evaluations, calculations, etc.:

? string msg = foo.GetMessage();
? msg + " there!"
"hello there!"

Furthermore, if you don’t even want to declare a variable name for a new object and just want to run one of its methods/functions then do this:

? new Foo().GetMessage()

A very common way to see the value of a method is to select the method name of a class and do a ‘Add Watch’ so that you can see its current value in the Watch window. However, once again, the object needs to be instantiated and in scope for a valid value to be displayed. This is much less powerful and more restrictive than using the Immediate Window.

Along with inspecting methods, you can do simple math equations:

? 5 * 6

or compare values:

? 5==6
? 6==6

The question mark ('?') is unnecessary if you are in directly in the Immediate Window but it is included here for clarity (to distinguish between the typed in expressions versus the results.) However, if you are in the Command Window and need to do some quick stuff in the Immediate Window then precede your statements with '?' and off you go.

Intellisense works in the Immediate Window, but it sometimes can be a bit inconsistent. In my experience, it seems to be only available in Debug mode, but not in design, non-debug mode.

Unfortunately, another drawback of the Immediate Window is that it does not support loops.

How to upgrade PowerShell version from 2.0 to 3.0

The latest PowerShell version as of Sept 2015 is PowerShell 4.0. It's bundled with Windows Management Framework 4.0.

Here's the download page for PowerShelll 4.0 for all versions of Windows. For Windows 7, there are 2 links on that page, 1 for x64 and 1 for x86.

enter image description here

Can't append <script> element

I've seen issues where some browsers don't respect some changes when you do them directly (by which I mean creating the HTML from text like you're trying with the script tag), but when you do them with built-in commands things go better. Try this:

var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url;
$("#someElement").append( script );

From: JSON for jQuery

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code?

You can go to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcut. Once you are there, you can search for navigate. Then, you will see all shortcuts set for your VS Code environment related to navigation. In my case, it was only Alt + '-' to get my cursor back.

Case insensitive 'in'

I think you have to write some extra code. For example:

if 'MICHAEL89' in map(lambda name: name.upper(), USERNAMES):

In this case we are forming a new list with all entries in USERNAMES converted to upper case and then comparing against this new list.


As @viraptor says, it is even better to use a generator instead of map. See @Nathon's answer.

Adjust list style image position?

Not really. Your padding is (probably) being applied to the list item, so will only affect the actual content within the list item.

Using a combination of background and padding styles can create something that looks similar e.g.

li {
  background: url(images/bullet.gif) no-repeat left top; /* <-- change `left` & `top` too for extra control */
  padding: 3px 0px 3px 10px;
  /* reset styles (optional): */
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;

You might be looking to add styling to the parent list container (ul) to position your bulleted list items, this A List Apart article has a good starting reference.

PHP if not statements

Your logic is slightly off. The second || should be &&:

if ((!isset($action)) || ($action != "add" && $action != "delete"))

You can see why your original line fails by trying out a sample value. Let's say $action is "delete". Here's how the condition reduces down step by step:

// $action == "delete"
if ((!isset($action)) || ($action != "add" || $action != "delete"))
if ((!true) || ($action != "add" || $action != "delete"))
if (false || ($action != "add" || $action != "delete"))
if ($action != "add" || $action != "delete")
if (true || $action != "delete")
if (true || false)
if (true)

Oops! The condition just succeeded and printed "error", but it was supposed to fail. In fact, if you think about it, no matter what the value of $action is, one of the two != tests will return true. Switch the || to && and then the second to last line becomes if (true && false), which properly reduces to if (false).

There is a way to use || and have the test work, by the way. You have to negate everything else using De Morgan's law, i.e.:

if ((!isset($action)) || !($action == "add" || $action == "delete"))

You can read that in English as "if action is not (either add or remove), then".

Confirmation dialog on ng-click - AngularJS

If you don't mind not using ng-click, it works OK. You can just rename it to something else and still read the attribute, while avoiding the click handler being triggered twice problem there is at the moment.

I think the problem is terminal instructs other directives not to run. Data-binding with {{ }} is just an alias for the ng-bind directive, which is presumably cancelled by terminal.

How to identify and switch to the frame in selenium webdriver when frame does not have id

you can use cssSelector,

driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[title='Fill Quote']")));

What is dtype('O'), in pandas?

It means:

'O'     (Python) objects


The first character specifies the kind of data and the remaining characters specify the number of bytes per item, except for Unicode, where it is interpreted as the number of characters. The item size must correspond to an existing type, or an error will be raised. The supported kinds are to an existing type, or an error will be raised. The supported kinds are:

'b'       boolean
'i'       (signed) integer
'u'       unsigned integer
'f'       floating-point
'c'       complex-floating point
'O'       (Python) objects
'S', 'a'  (byte-)string
'U'       Unicode
'V'       raw data (void)

Another answer helps if need check types.

Python threading. How do I lock a thread?

You can see that your locks are pretty much working as you are using them, if you slow down the process and make them block a bit more. You had the right idea, where you surround critical pieces of code with the lock. Here is a small adjustment to your example to show you how each waits on the other to release the lock.

import threading
import time
import inspect

class Thread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, t, *args):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, target=t, args=args)

count = 0
lock = threading.Lock()

def incre():
    global count
    caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3]
    print "Inside %s()" % caller
    print "Acquiring lock"
    with lock:
        print "Lock Acquired"
        count += 1  

def bye():
    while count < 5:

def hello_there():
    while count < 5:

def main():    
    hello = Thread(hello_there)
    goodbye = Thread(bye)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample output:

Inside hello_there()
Acquiring lock
Lock Acquired
Inside bye()
Acquiring lock
Lock Acquired

Jenkins, specifying JAVA_HOME

Upgrading from Ubuntu 10.0.4 to 12.0.4 we got wrong footed. We had a JDK installation configured (auto-configured?) pointing to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk this no longer contained a JDK, Changing to /usr/lib/jvm/default-java fixed, and should make for a seamless java-7 upgrade.

So in answer to the question: do not specify JAVA_HOME on Ubuntu.

Check if an excel cell exists on another worksheet in a column - and return the contents of a different column

You can use following formulas.

For Excel 2007 or later:


For Excel 2003:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D3,List!A:A, 0)), "No Match", VLOOKUP(D3,List!A:C,3,FALSE))

Note, that

  • I'm using List!A:C in VLOOKUP and returns value from column ? 3
  • I'm using 4th argument for VLOOKUP equals to FALSE, in that case VLOOKUP will only find an exact match, and the values in the first column of List!A:C do not need to be sorted (opposite to case when you're using TRUE).

document .click function for touch device

To apply it everywhere, you could do something like

$('body').on('click', function() {
   if($('.children').is(':visible')) {

What is the difference between background, backgroundTint, backgroundTintMode attributes in android layout xml?

I tested various combinations of android:background, android:backgroundTint and android:backgroundTintMode.

android:backgroundTint applies the color filter to the resource of android:background when used together with android:backgroundTintMode.

Here are the results:

Tint Check

Here's the code if you want to experiment further:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Background" />

        android:text="Background tint" />

        android:text="Both together" />

        android:text="With tint mode" />
        android:text="Without any" />

How do you run CMD.exe under the Local System Account?

an alternative to this is Process hacker if you go into run as... (Interactive doesnt work for people with the security enhancments but that wont matter) and when box opens put Service into the box type and put SYSTEM into user box and put C:\Users\Windows\system32\cmd.exe leave the rest click ok and boch you have got a window with cmd on it and run as system now do the other steps for yourself because im suggesting you know them

What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

A ClusterIP exposes the following:

  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

You can only access this service while inside the cluster. It is accessible from its spec.clusterIp port. If a spec.ports[*].targetPort is set it will route from the port to the targetPort. The CLUSTER-IP you get when calling kubectl get services is the IP assigned to this service within the cluster internally.

A NodePort exposes the following:

  • <NodeIP>:spec.ports[*].nodePort
  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

If you access this service on a nodePort from the node's external IP, it will route the request to spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port, which will in turn route it to your spec.ports[*].targetPort, if set. This service can also be accessed in the same way as ClusterIP.

Your NodeIPs are the external IP addresses of the nodes. You cannot access your service from spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].nodePort.

A LoadBalancer exposes the following:

  • spec.loadBalancerIp:spec.ports[*].port
  • <NodeIP>:spec.ports[*].nodePort
  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

You can access this service from your load balancer's IP address, which routes your request to a nodePort, which in turn routes the request to the clusterIP port. You can access this service as you would a NodePort or a ClusterIP service as well.

How to reliably open a file in the same directory as a Python script

I'd do it this way:

from os.path import abspath, exists

f_path = abspath("fooabar.txt")

if exists(f_path):
    with open(f_path) as f:

The above code builds an absolute path to the file using abspath and is equivalent to using normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path)) [that's from the pydocs]. It then checks if that file actually exists and then uses a context manager to open it so you don't have to remember to call close on the file handle. IMHO, doing it this way will save you a lot of pain in the long run.

SQL Connection Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904)

Check you routes, the update on 9/28/2014 impacted us. We had to adjust our older servers and add new routes. Here is the article

Breaking out of a for loop in Java

public class Test {

public static void main(String args[]) {

  for(int x = 10; x < 20; x = x+1) {
     System.out.print("value of x : " + x );

Atom menu is missing. How do I re-enable

Open atom editor and then press Alt and menu bar will appear. Now click on View tab and then click on Toggle Menu Bar as seen on this screenshot.

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

Use this line to make this work while using the modal:true option.

open: function (type, data) { 
    $('.ui-widget-overlay').appendTo("form"); $(this).parent().appendTo("form"); 

Sleep function in Windows, using C

MSDN: Header: Winbase.h (include Windows.h)

Open directory dialog

For those who don't want to create a custom dialog but still prefer a 100% WPF way and don't want to use separate DDLs, additional dependencies or outdated APIs, I came up with a very simple hack using the Save As dialog.

No using directive needed, you may simply copy-paste the code below !

It should still be very user-friendly and most people will never notice.

The idea comes from the fact that we can change the title of that dialog, hide files, and work around the resulting filename quite easily.

It is a big hack for sure, but maybe it will do the job just fine for your usage...

In this example I have a textbox object to contain the resulting path, but you may remove the related lines and use a return value if you wish...

// Create a "Save As" dialog for selecting a directory (HACK)
var dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
dialog.InitialDirectory = textbox.Text; // Use current value for initial dir
dialog.Title = "Select a Directory"; // instead of default "Save As"
dialog.Filter = "Directory|*"; // Prevents displaying files
dialog.FileName = "select"; // Filename will then be ""
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) {
    string path = dialog.FileName;
    // Remove fake filename from resulting path
    path = path.Replace("\\", "");
    path = path.Replace("", "");
    // If user has changed the filename, create the new directory
    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) {
    // Our final value is in path
    textbox.Text = path;

The only issues with this hack are :

  • Acknowledge button still says "Save" instead of something like "Select directory", but in a case like mines I "Save" the directory selection so it still works...
  • Input field still says "File name" instead of "Directory name", but we can say that a directory is a type of file...
  • There is still a "Save as type" dropdown, but its value says "Directory (*", and the user cannot change it for something else, works for me...

Most people won't notice these, although I would definitely prefer using an official WPF way if microsoft would get their heads out of their asses, but until they do, that's my temporary fix.

How much overhead does SSL impose?

Order of magnitude: zero.

In other words, you won't see your throughput cut in half, or anything like it, when you add TLS. Answers to the "duplicate" question focus heavily on application performance, and how that compares to SSL overhead. This question specifically excludes application processing, and seeks to compare non-SSL to SSL only. While it makes sense to take a global view of performance when optimizing, that is not what this question is asking.

The main overhead of SSL is the handshake. That's where the expensive asymmetric cryptography happens. After negotiation, relatively efficient symmetric ciphers are used. That's why it can be very helpful to enable SSL sessions for your HTTPS service, where many connections are made. For a long-lived connection, this "end-effect" isn't as significant, and sessions aren't as useful.

Here's an interesting anecdote. When Google switched Gmail to use HTTPS, no additional resources were required; no network hardware, no new hosts. It only increased CPU load by about 1%.

Transpose a matrix in Python

Is there a prize for being lazy and using the transpose function of NumPy arrays? ;)

import numpy as np

a = np.array([(1,2,3), (4,5,6)])

b = a.transpose()

How to limit text width

You can use word-wrap : break-word;

Getting all request parameters in Symfony 2

With Recent Symfony 2.6+ versions as a best practice Request is passed as an argument with action in that case you won't need to explicitly call $this->getRequest(), but rather call $request->request->all()

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotAcceptableHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

    class SampleController extends Controller

        public function indexAction(Request $request) {



How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

Just right click on the project name and select Android tools and click Rename Application Package name and rename it. It's only for Android projects.

How can I remove a substring from a given String?

private static void replaceChar() {
    String str = "hello world";
    final String[] res =""))
            .filter(s -> !s.equalsIgnoreCase("o"))
    System.out.println(String.join("", res));

In case you have some complicated logic to filter the char, just another way instead of replace().

How do I find the maximum of 2 numbers?


should do it.

Why can't decimal numbers be represented exactly in binary?

The high scoring answer above nailed it.

First you were mixing base 2 and base 10 in your question, then when you put a number on the right side that is not divisible into the base you get problems. Like 1/3 in decimal because 3 doesnt go into a power of 10 or 1/5 in binary which doesnt go into a power of 2.

Another comment though NEVER use equal with floating point numbers, period. Even if it is an exact representation there are some numbers in some floating point systems that can be accurately represented in more than one way (IEEE is bad about this, it is a horrible floating point spec to start with, so expect headaches). No different here 1/3 is not EQUAL to the number on your calculator 0.3333333, no matter how many 3's there are to the right of the decimal point. It is or can be close enough but is not equal. so you would expect something like 2*1/3 to not equal 2/3 depending on the rounding. Never use equal with floating point.

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

On Windows and Linux, press Ctrl+K, then release the keys and press O (the letter O, not Zero).

On macOS, press command+K, then O (without holding command).

This will open the active file tab in a new window/instance.

How to check if a string is null in python

In python, bool(sequence) is False if the sequence is empty. Since strings are sequences, this will work:

cookie = ''
if cookie:
    print "Don't see this"
    print "You'll see this"

How to use if statements in LESS

There is a way to use guards for individual (or multiple) attributes.

@debug: true;

header {
    /* guard for attribute */
    & when (@debug = true) {
        background-color: yellow;
    /* guard for nested class */
    #title when (@debug = true) {
        background-color: orange;

/* guard for class */
article when (@debug = true) {
    background-color: red;

/* and when debug is off: */
article when not (@debug = true) {
    background-color: green;

...and with Less 1.7; compiles to:

header {
    background-color: yellow;
header #title {
    background-color: orange;
article {
    background-color: red;

How do I hide javascript code in a webpage?

Approach i used some years ago -

We need a jsp file , a servlet java file and a filter java file.

Give access of jsp file to user. User type url of jsp file .

Case 1 -

  • Jsp file will redirect user to Servlet .
  • Servlet will execute core script part embedded within xxxxx.js file and
  • Using Printwriter , it will render the response to user .

  • Meanwhile, Servlet will create a key file .

  • When servlet try to execute the xxxx.js file within it , Filter
    will activate and will detect key file exist and hence delete key
    file .

Thus one cycle is over.

In short ,key file will created by server and will be immediatly deleted by filter .

This will happen upon every hit .

Case 2 -

  • If user try to obtain the page source and directly click on xxxxxxx.js file , Filter will detect that key file does not exist .
  • It means the request has not come from any servlet. Hence , It will block the request chain .

Instead of File creation , one may use setting value in session variable .

Form content type for a json HTTP POST?


is used when you want to upload files to the server. Please check this article for details.

How to stop VBA code running?

I do this a lot. A lot. :-)

I have got used to using "DoEvents" more often, but still tend to set things running without really double checking a sure stop method.

Then, today, having done it again, I thought, "Well just wait for the end in 3 hours", and started paddling around in the ribbon. Earlier, I had noticed in the "View" section of the Ribbon a "Macros" pull down, and thought I have a look to see if I could see my interminable Macro running....

I now realise you can also get this up using Alt-F8.

Then I thought, well what if I "Step into" a different Macro, would that rescue me? It did :-) It also works if you step into your running Macro (but you still lose where you're upto), unless you are a very lazy programmer like me and declare lots of "Global" variables, in which case the Global data is retained :-)


Where can I get Google developer key


Developer Key = Api Key (any of yours)

find it in Google Console -> Google API -> Credentials

Do checkbox inputs only post data if they're checked?

Just like ASP.NET variant, except put the hidden input with the same name before the actual checkbox (of the same name). Only last values will be sent. This way if a box is checked then its name and value "on" is sent, whereas if it's unchecked then the name of the corresponding hidden input and whatever value you might like to give it will be sent. In the end you will get the $_POST array to read, with all checked and unchecked elements in it, "on" and "false" values, no duplicate keys. Easy to process in PHP.

Store a cmdlet's result value in a variable in Powershell

Use the -ExpandProperty flag of Select-Object

$var=Get-WSManInstance -enumerate wmicimv2/win32_process | select -expand Priority

Update to answer the other question:

Note that you can as well just access the property:

$var=(Get-WSManInstance -enumerate wmicimv2/win32_process).Priority

So to get multiple of these into variables:

$var=Get-WSManInstance -enumerate wmicimv2/win32_process
   $prio = $var.Priority
   $pid = $var.ProcessID

VBA module that runs other modules

As long as the macros in question are in the same workbook and you verify the names exist, you can call those macros from any other module by name, not by module.

So if in Module1 you had two macros Macro1 and Macro2 and in Module2 you had Macro3 and Macro 4, then in another macro you could call them all:

Sub MasterMacro()
    Call Macro1
    Call Macro2
    Call Macro3
    Call Macro4
End Sub

C non-blocking keyboard input

You probably want kbhit();

//Example will loop until a key is pressed
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

this may not work on all environments. A portable way would be to create a monitoring thread and set some flag on getch();

Insert string at specified position

Try it, it will work for any number of substrings

    $string = 'bcadef abcdef';
    $substr = 'a';
    $attachment = '+++';

    //$position = strpos($string, 'a');

    $newstring = str_replace($substr, $substr.$attachment, $string);

    // bca+++def a+++bcdef

How to get address location from latitude and longitude in Google Map.?

Simply pass latitude, longitude and your Google API Key to the following query string, you will get a json array, fetch your city from there.,7.3553838&key=YOUR_API_KEY

Note: Ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values when passed in the latlng parameter.

Click here to get an API key

Remove spaces from a string in VB.NET

2015: Newer LINQ & lambda.

  1. As this is an old Q (and Answer), just thought to update it with newer 2015 methods.
  2. The original "space" can refer to non-space whitespace (ie, tab, newline, paragraph separator, line feed, carriage return, etc, etc).
  3. Also, Trim() only remove the spaces from the front/back of the string, it does not remove spaces inside the string; eg: " Leading and Trailing Spaces " will become "Leading and Trailing Spaces", but the spaces inside are still present.

Function RemoveWhitespace(fullString As String) As String
    Return New String(fullString.Where(Function(x) Not Char.IsWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray())
End Function

This will remove ALL (white)-space, leading, trailing and within the string.

How to retrieve JSON Data Array from ExtJS Store

Store.getRange() seems to be exactly what you are searching for. It will return you[] - array of records. If no arguments is passed, all the records are returned.

How do I change the color of radio buttons?

Only if you are targeting webkit-based browsers (Chrome and Safari, maybe you are developing a Chrome WebApp, who knows...), you can use the following:

input[type='radio'] {
   -webkit-appearance: none;

And then style it as if it were a simple HTML element, for example applying a background image.

Use input[type='radio']:active for when the input is selected, to provide the alternate graphics

Update: As of 2018 you can add the following to support multiple browser vendors:

input[type="radio"] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
  appearance: none;

Dump a NumPy array into a csv file

In Python we use csv.writer() module to write data into csv files. This module is similar to the csv.reader() module.

import csv

person = [['SN', 'Person', 'DOB'],
['1', 'John', '18/1/1997'],
['2', 'Marie','19/2/1998'],
['3', 'Simon','20/3/1999'],
['4', 'Erik', '21/4/2000'],
['5', 'Ana', '22/5/2001']]

delimiter = '|',

with open('dob.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='myDialect')
    for row in person:


A delimiter is a string used to separate fields. The default value is comma(,).

What is more efficient? Using pow to square or just multiply it with itself?

I was also wondering about the performance issue, and was hoping this would be optimised out by the compiler, based on the answer from @EmileCormier. However, I was worried that the test code he showed would still allow the compiler to optimise away the std::pow() call, since the same values were used in the call every time, which would allow the compiler to store the results and re-use it in the loop - this would explain the almost identical run-times for all cases. So I had a look into it too.

Here's the code I used (test_pow.cpp):

#include <iostream>                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>

class Timer {
    explicit Timer () : from (std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()) { }

    void start () {
      from = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    double elapsed() const {
      return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - from).count() * 1.0e-6;

    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point from;

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  double total;
  Timer timer;

  total = 0.0;
  for (double i = 0.0; i < 1.0; i += 1e-8)
    total += std::pow (i,2);
  std::cout << "std::pow(i,2): " << timer.elapsed() << "s (result = " << total << ")\n";

  total = 0.0;
  for (double i = 0.0; i < 1.0; i += 1e-8)
    total += i*i;
  std::cout << "i*i: " << timer.elapsed() << "s (result = " << total << ")\n";

  std::cout << "\n";

  total = 0.0;
  for (double i = 0.0; i < 1.0; i += 1e-8)
    total += std::pow (i,3);
  std::cout << "std::pow(i,3): " << timer.elapsed() << "s (result = " << total << ")\n";

  total = 0.0;
  for (double i = 0.0; i < 1.0; i += 1e-8)
    total += i*i*i;
  std::cout << "i*i*i: " << timer.elapsed() << "s (result = " << total << ")\n";

  return 0;

This was compiled using:

g++ -std=c++11 [-O2] test_pow.cpp -o test_pow

Basically, the difference is the argument to std::pow() is the loop counter. As I feared, the difference in performance is pronounced. Without the -O2 flag, the results on my system (Arch Linux 64-bit, g++ 4.9.1, Intel i7-4930) were:

std::pow(i,2): 0.001105s (result = 3.33333e+07)
i*i: 0.000352s (result = 3.33333e+07)

std::pow(i,3): 0.006034s (result = 2.5e+07)
i*i*i: 0.000328s (result = 2.5e+07)

With optimisation, the results were equally striking:

std::pow(i,2): 0.000155s (result = 3.33333e+07)
i*i: 0.000106s (result = 3.33333e+07)

std::pow(i,3): 0.006066s (result = 2.5e+07)
i*i*i: 9.7e-05s (result = 2.5e+07)

So it looks like the compiler does at least try to optimise the std::pow(x,2) case, but not the std::pow(x,3) case (it takes ~40 times longer than the std::pow(x,2) case). In all cases, manual expansion performed better - but particularly for the power 3 case (60 times quicker). This is definitely worth bearing in mind if running std::pow() with integer powers greater than 2 in a tight loop...

How enable auto-format code for Intellij IDEA?

Eclipse has an option to format automatically when saving the file. There is no option for this in IntelliJ although you can configure a macro for the Ctrl+S (Cmd+S on Mac) keys to format the code and save it.

Intellij reformat on file save

PHP Convert String into Float/Double

Try using

$string = "2968789218";
$float = (double)$string;

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

Try adding whatever's missing to the global assembly cache.

javascript object max size limit

There is no such limit on the string length. To be certain, I just tested to create a string containing 60 megabyte.

The problem is likely that you are sending the data in a GET request, so it's sent in the URL. Different browsers have different limits for the URL, where IE has the lowest limist of about 2 kB. To be safe, you should never send more data than about a kilobyte in a GET request.

To send that much data, you have to send it in a POST request instead. The browser has no hard limit on the size of a post, but the server has a limit on how large a request can be. IIS for example has a default limit of 4 MB, but it's possible to adjust the limit if you would ever need to send more data than that.

Also, you shouldn't use += to concatenate long strings. For each iteration there is more and more data to move, so it gets slower and slower the more items you have. Put the strings in an array and concatenate all the items at once:

var items = $.map(keys, function(item, i) {
  var value = $("#value" + (i+1)).val().replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
    '{"Key":' + '"' + Encoder.htmlEncode($(this).html()) + '"' + ",'+
    '" + '"Value"' + ':' + '"' + Encoder.htmlEncode(value) + '"}';
var jsonObj =
  '{"code":"' + code + '",'+
  '"defaultfile":"' + defaultfile + '",'+
  '"filename":"' + currentFile + '",'+
  '"lstResDef":[' + items.join(',') + ']}';

Give all permissions to a user on a PostgreSQL database

I did the following to add a role 'eSumit' on PostgreSQL 9.4.15 database and provide all permission to this role :





Also checked the pg_table enteries via :

select * from pg_roles; enter image description here

Database queries snapshot : enter image description here

How to compare two double values in Java?

        int mid = 10;
        for (double j = 2 * mid; j >= 0; j = j - 0.1) {
            if (j == mid) {
                System.out.println("Never happens"); // is NOT printed

            if (, mid) == 0) {
                System.out.println("No way!"); // is NOT printed

            if (Math.abs(j - mid) < 1e-6) {
                System.out.println("Ha!"); // printed

Good Patterns For VBA Error Handling

Here's my standard implementation. I like the labels to be self-descriptive.

Public Sub DoSomething()

    On Error GoTo Catch ' Try
    ' normal code here

    Exit Sub

    'error code: you can get the specific error by checking Err.Number

End Sub

Or, with a Finally block:

Public Sub DoSomething()

    On Error GoTo Catch ' Try

    ' normal code here

    GoTo Finally

    'error code


    'cleanup code

End Sub

How do you iterate through every file/directory recursively in standard C++?

You need to call OS-specific functions for filesystem traversal, like open() and readdir(). The C standard does not specify any filesystem-related functions.

How to pass password to scp?

Here is an example of how you do it with expect tool:

sub copyover {
    $scp = Expect->spawn("/usr/bin/scp ${srcpath}/$file $who:${destpath}/$file");
    $scp->expect(30,"ssword: ") || die "Never got password prompt from $dest:$!\n";
    print $scp 'password' . "\n";
    $scp->expect(30,"-re",'$\s') || die "Never got prompt from parent system:$!\n";

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

Be careful when using an IDE's code-completion to add the import for @Test.

It has to be import org.junit.Test and not import org.testng.annotations.Test, for example. If you do the latter, you'll get the "no runnable methods" error.

MySQL, Check if a column exists in a table with SQL

Following is another way of doing it using plain PHP without the information_schema database:

$chkcol = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `my_table_name` LIMIT 1");
$mycol = mysql_fetch_array($chkcol);
  mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `my_table_name` ADD `my_new_column` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");

How to parse JSON array in jQuery?

You can download a JSON parser from a link on the website which works great, you can also stringify you JSON to view the contents.

Also, if you're using EVAL and it's a JSON array then you'll need to use the following synrax:

eval('([' + jsonData + '])');

Programmatically go back to previous ViewController in Swift

This one works for me (Swift UI)

struct DetailView: View {
@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>

  var body: some View {
      VStack {
        Text("This is the detail view")
        Button(action: {
        }) {
} Read timed out under Tomcat

Server is trying to read data from the request, but its taking longer than the timeout value for the data to arrive from the client. Timeout here would typically be tomcat connector -> connectionTimeout attribute.


Client has a read timeout set, and server is taking longer than that to respond.

No. That would cause a timeout at the client.

One of the threads i went through, said this can happen with high concurrency and if the keepalive is enabled.

That is obviously guesswork, and completely incorrect. It happens if and only if no data arrives within the timeout. Period. Load and keepalive and concurrency have nothing to do with it whatsoever.

It just means the client isn't sending. You don't need to worry about it. Browser clients come and go in all sorts of strange ways.

Non-static method requires a target

All the answers are pointing to a Lambda expression with an NRE (Null Reference Exception). I have found that it also occurs when using Linq to Entities. I thought it would be helpful to point out that this exception is not limited to just an NRE inside a Lambda expression.

How do I fix the npm UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY warning?

You will get this warning if you are using npm v6 or before. After npm v7.0, npm development team has stated that they will automatically install peer dependencies, all together. Therefore, now you don't want to install your peer dependencies manually.

You can install npm v7.0 using this command,

npm install -g npm@7

Learn more about npm v7.0 from this blog post, published by the Github Blog.

Loop through an array of strings in Bash?

None of those answers include a counter...

## declare an array variable
declare -a array=("one" "two" "three")

# get length of an array

# use for loop to read all values and indexes
for (( i=1; i<${arraylength}+1; i++ ));
  echo $i " / " ${arraylength} " : " ${array[$i-1]}


1  /  3  :  one
2  /  3  :  two
3  /  3  :  three

console.log not working in Angular2 Component (Typescript)

It's not working because console.log() it's not in a "executable area" of the class "App".

A class is a structure composed by attributes and methods.

The only way to have your code executed is to place it inside a method that is going to be executed. For instance: constructor()

console.log('It works here')_x000D_
export class App {_x000D_
 s: string = "Hello2";_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_
    console.log(this.s)            _x000D_
  }            _x000D_

Think of class like a plain javascript object.

Would it make sense to expect this to work?

class:  {_x000D_
  s: string,_x000D_

If you still unsure, try the typescript playground where you can see your typescript code generated into plain javascript.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

There isn't an element on your page with the id "mainContent" when your callback is being executed.

In the line:


the section document.getElementById("mainContent") is returning null

Create SQLite Database and table

The next link will bring you to a great tutorial, that helped me a lot!

How to SQLITE in C#

I nearly used everything in that article to create the SQLite database for my own C# Application.

Don't forget to download the SQLite.dll, and add it as a reference to your project. This can be done using NuGet and by adding the dll manually.

After you added the reference, refer to the dll from your code using the following line on top of your class:

using System.Data.SQLite;

You can find the dll's here:

SQLite DLL's

You can find the NuGet way here:


Up next is the create script. Creating a database file:


SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MyDatabase.sqlite;Version=3;");

string sql = "create table highscores (name varchar(20), score int)";

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);

sql = "insert into highscores (name, score) values ('Me', 9001)";

command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);


After you created a create script in C#, I think you might want to add rollback transactions, it is safer and it will keep your database from failing, because the data will be committed at the end in one big piece as an atomic operation to the database and not in little pieces, where it could fail at 5th of 10 queries for example.

Example on how to use transactions:

 using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope())
     //Insert create script here.

     //Indicates that creating the SQLiteDatabase went succesfully, so the database can be committed.

Windows Application has stopped working :: Event Name CLR20r3

Some times this problem arise when Application is build in one PC and try to run another PC. And also build the application with Visual Studio 2010.I have the following problem

Problem Description
    Stop Working
Problem Signature
  Problem Event Name:   CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01: diagnosticcentermngr.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03: 4f8c1772
  Problem Signature 04: System.Drawing
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06: 4a275e83
  Problem Signature 07: 7af
  Problem Signature 08: 6c
  Problem Signature 09: System.ArgumentException
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:    1033

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Dont worry, Please check out following link and install .net framework 4.Although my application .net properties was .net framework 2.

restart your PC and try again.

What is the `data-target` attribute in Bootstrap 3?

The toggle tells Bootstrap what to do and the target tells Bootstrap which element is going to open. So whenever a link like that is clicked, a modal with an id of “basicModal” will appear.

How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript?

On the face of it, it looks okay - if you call eraseCookie() on each cookie that is read from document.cookie, then all of your cookies will be gone.

Try this:

var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)

All of this with the following caveat:

  • JavaScript cannot remove cookies that have the HttpOnly flag set.

Django: ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty

In my case, it was because I was trying to setup django-environ and I missed an important step:

Note: In the instructions below .env.example and .env should be saved in the same folder as

I incorrectly assumed that .env belonged in the root of my project. Moving it to the same folder as fixed the problem.

This error message in the Python console was the clue that set me on the right path:

Warning: /Users/allen/PycharmProjects/myapp/myapp/.env doesn't exist - if you're not configuring your environment separately, create one.

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

This statement will definitely help you:

env = env.OrderByDescending(c => c.ReportDate).ToList();

GZIPInputStream reading line by line

You can use the following method in a util class, and use it whenever necessary...

public static List<String> readLinesFromGZ(String filePath) {
    List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
    File file = new File(filePath);

    try (GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzip));) {
        String line = null;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return lines;

Android MediaPlayer Stop and Play

You should use only one mediaplayer object

    public class PlayaudioActivity extends Activity {

        private MediaPlayer mp;

        /** Called when the activity is first created. */
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            Button b = (Button) findViewById(;
            Button b2 = (Button) findViewById(;
            final TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(;

            b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    mp = MediaPlayer.create(PlayaudioActivity.this, R.raw.far);


            b2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    mp = MediaPlayer.create(PlayaudioActivity.this, R.raw.beet);

        private void stopPlaying() {
            if (mp != null) {
                mp = null;

Printing everything except the first field with awk

Another and easy way using cat command

cat filename | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$1}' > newfilename

How to predict input image using trained model in Keras?

keras predict_classes (docs) outputs A numpy array of class predictions. Which in your model case, the index of neuron of highest activation from your last(softmax) layer. [[0]] means that your model predicted that your test data is class 0. (usually you will be passing multiple image, and the result will look like [[0], [1], [1], [0]] )

You must convert your actual label (e.g. 'cancer', 'not cancer') into binary encoding (0 for 'cancer', 1 for 'not cancer') for binary classification. Then you will interpret your sequence output of [[0]] as having class label 'cancer'

I don't understand -Wl,-rpath -Wl,

The -Wl,xxx option for gcc passes a comma-separated list of tokens as a space-separated list of arguments to the linker. So

gcc -Wl,aaa,bbb,ccc

eventually becomes a linker call

ld aaa bbb ccc

In your case, you want to say "ld -rpath .", so you pass this to gcc as -Wl,-rpath,. Alternatively, you can specify repeat instances of -Wl:

gcc -Wl,aaa -Wl,bbb -Wl,ccc

Note that there is no comma between aaa and the second -Wl.

Or, in your case, -Wl,-rpath -Wl,..

How do I escape a string inside JavaScript code inside an onClick handler?

Declare separate functions in the <head> section and invoke those in your onClick method. If you have lots you could use a naming scheme that numbers them, or pass an integer in in your onClicks and have a big fat switch statement in the function.

powerpoint loop a series of animation

Unfortunately you're probably done with the animation and presentation already. In the hopes this answer can help future questioners, however, this blog post has a walkthrough of steps that can loop a single slide as a sort of sub-presentation.

First, click Slide Show > Set Up Show.

Put a checkmark to Loop continuously until 'Esc'.

Click Ok. Now, Click Slide Show > Custom Shows. Click New.

Select the slide you are looping, click Add. Click Ok and Close.

Click on the slide you are looping. Click Slide Show > Slide Transition. Under Advance slide, put a checkmark to Automatically After. This will allow the slide to loop automatically. Do NOT Apply to all slides.

Right click on the thumbnail of the current slide, select Hide Slide.

Now, you will need to insert a new slide just before the slide you are looping. On the new slide, insert an action button. Set the hyperlink to the custom show you have created. Put a checkmark on "Show and Return"

This has worked for me.

Passing data to a bootstrap modal

I think you can make this work using jQuery's .on event handler.

Here's a fiddle you can test; just make sure to expand the HTML frame in the fiddle as much as possible so you can view the modal.


<p>Link 1</p>
<a data-toggle="modal" data-id="ISBN564541" title="Add this item" class="open-AddBookDialog btn btn-primary" href="#addBookDialog">test</a>


<p>Link 2</p>
<a data-toggle="modal" data-id="ISBN-001122" title="Add this item" class="open-AddBookDialog btn btn-primary" href="#addBookDialog">test</a>

<div class="modal hide" id="addBookDialog">
 <div class="modal-header">
    <button class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
    <h3>Modal header</h3>
    <div class="modal-body">
        <p>some content</p>
        <input type="text" name="bookId" id="bookId" value=""/>


$(document).on("click", ".open-AddBookDialog", function () {
     var myBookId = $(this).data('id');
     $(".modal-body #bookId").val( myBookId );
     // As pointed out in comments, 
     // it is unnecessary to have to manually call the modal.
     // $('#addBookDialog').modal('show');

How to test that no exception is thrown?

Although this post is 6 years old now, however, a lot has changed in the Junit world. With Junit5, you can now use



public void thisMethodDoesNotThrowException(){
   System.out.println("Hello There");

public void test_thisMethodDoesNotThrowException(){
      ()-> thisMethodDoesNotThrowException()

Hope it will help people who are using newer version of Junit5

MS Access VBA: Sending an email through Outlook

Here is email code I used in one of my databases. I just made variables for the person I wanted to send it to, CC, subject, and the body. Then you just use the DoCmd.SendObject command. I also set it to "True" after the body so you can edit the message before it automatically sends.

Public Function SendEmail2()

Dim varName As Variant          
Dim varCC As Variant            
Dim varSubject As Variant      
Dim varBody As Variant          

varName = "[email protected]"
varCC = "[email protected], [email protected]"
'separate each email by a ','

varSubject = "Hello"
'Email subject

varBody = "Let's get ice cream this week"

'Body of the email
DoCmd.SendObject , , , varName, varCC, , varSubject, varBody, True, False
'Send email command. The True after "varBody" allows user to edit email before sending.
'The False at the end will not send it as a Template File

End Function

Change the On/Off text of a toggle button Android

In some cases, you need to force refresh the view in order to make it work.



Laravel Migration Change to Make a Column Nullable

He're the full migration for Laravel 5:

public function up()
    Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

public function down()
    Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

The point is, you can remove nullable by passing false as an argument.

warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

What Jeremiah said, plus the compiler issues the warning because the production:

*src ="anotherstring";

says: take the address of "anotherstring" -- "anotherstring" IS a char pointer -- and store that pointer indirect through src (*src = ... ) into the first char of the string "abcdef..." The warning might be baffling because there is nowhere in your code any mention of any integer: the warning seems nonsensical. But, out of sight behind the curtain, is the rule that "int" and "char" are synonymous in terms of storage: both occupy the same number of bits. The compiler doesn't differentiate when it issues the warning that you are storing into an integer. Which, BTW, is perfectly OK and legal but probably not exactly what you want in this code.

-- pete

Eclipse error: "Editor does not contain a main type"

Did you import the packages for the file reading stuff.


also here

cfiltering(numberOfUsers, numberOfMovies);

Are you trying to create an object or calling a method?

also another thing:


you are assigning a value to a member of an instance as if it was a static variable also remove the Th in

private int user_movie_matrix[][];Th

Hope this helps.

Why an interface can not implement another interface?

Interface is like an abstraction that is not providing any functionality. Hence It does not 'implement' but extend the other abstractions or interfaces.

Remove last specific character in a string c#

Try below


grid controls for ASP.NET MVC?

I just discovered Telerik has some great components, including Grid, and they are open source too.

Text Progress Bar in the Console

Code for python terminal progress bar

import sys
import time

max_length = 5
at_length = max_length
empty = "-"
used = "%"

bar = empty * max_length

for i in range(0, max_length):
    at_length -= 1

    #setting empty and full spots
    bar = used * i
    bar = bar+empty * at_length

    #\r is carriage return(sets cursor position in terminal to start of line)
    #\0 character escape


    #do your stuff here instead of time.sleep


Python: find position of element in array

Have you thought about using Python list's .index(value) method? It return the index in the list of where the first instance of the value passed in is found.

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

This is what you want:

>>> string1 = "go"
>>> string2 = "now"
>>> string3 = "great"
>>> mystring = """
... I will {string1} there
... I will go {string2}
... {string3}
... """
>>> locals()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'string3': 'great', '__package__': None, 'mystring': "\nI will {string1} there\nI will go {string2}\n{string3}\n", '__name__': '__main__', 'string2': 'now', '__doc__': None, 'string1': 'go'}
>>> print(mystring.format(**locals()))

I will go there
I will go now

What are the differences between C, C# and C++ in terms of real-world applications?

C - an older programming language that is described as Hands-on. As the programmer you must tell the program to do everything. Also this language will let you do almost anything. It does not support object orriented code. Thus no classes.

C++ - an extention language per se of C. In C code ++ means increment 1. Thus C++ is better than C. It allows for highly controlled object orriented code. Once again a very hands on language that goes into MUCH detail.

C# - Full object orriented code resembling the style of C/C++ code. This is really closer to JAVA. C# is the latest version of the C style languages and is very good for developing web applications.

How do I launch a program from command line without opening a new cmd window?

You can use the call command...

Type: call /?

Usage: call [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameters]

For example call "Example File/Input File/My Program.bat" [This is also capable with calling files that have a .exe, .cmd, .txt, etc.


Not all computers are capable to run this command, but if it does work than it is very useful, and you won't have to open a brand new window...

How to multiply duration by integer?

For multiplication of variable to time.Second using following code

    addOneHrDuration :=time.Duration(oneHr)
    addOneHrCurrTime := time.Now().Add(addOneHrDuration*time.Second)

How to add an extra row to a pandas dataframe

A different approach that I found ugly compared to the classic dict+append, but that works:

df = df.T

df[0] = ['1/1/2013', 'Smith','test',123]

df = df.T

       Date   Name Action   ID
0  1/1/2013  Smith   test  123

jquery clone div and append it after specific div

try this out


Animate text change in UILabel

I wonder if it works, and it works perfectly!


[UIView transitionWithView:self.label 

    self.label.text = rand() % 2 ? @"Nice nice!" : @"Well done!";

  } completion:nil];

Swift 3, 4, 5

UIView.transition(with: label,
              duration: 0.25,
               options: .transitionCrossDissolve,
            animations: { [weak self] in
                self?.label.text = (arc4random()() % 2 == 0) ? "One" : "Two"
         }, completion: nil)

Angular 2 Checkbox Two Way Data Binding

My angular directive like angularjs (ng-true-value ng-false-value)

    selector: 'input[type=checkbox][checkModel]'
export class checkboxDirective {
    @Input() checkModel:any;
    @Input() trueValue:any;
    @Input() falseValue:any;
    @Output() checkModelChange = new EventEmitter<any>();

    constructor(private el: ElementRef) { }

    ngOnInit() {
       this.el.nativeElement.checked = this.checkModel==this.trueValue;

    @HostListener('change', ['$event']) onChange(event:any) {
        this.checkModel = ? this.trueValue : this.falseValue;



<input type="checkbox" [(checkModel)]="check" [trueValue]="1" [falseValue]="0">

Multiple Order By with LINQ

You can use the ThenBy and ThenByDescending extension methods:

foobarList.OrderBy(x => x.Foo).ThenBy( x => x.Bar)

PHP sessions that have already been started

Yes, you can detect if the session is already running by checking isset($_SESSION). However the best answer is simply not to call session_start() more than once.

It should be called very early in your script, possibly even the first line, and then not called again.

If you have it in more than one place in your code then you're asking to get this kind of bug. Cut it down so it's only in one place and can only be called once.

Convert XML to JSON (and back) using Javascript

Xml-to-json library has methods jsonToXml(json) and xmlToJson(xml).

Get 2 Digit Number For The Month


select right ('0'+convert(nvarchar(2), DATEPART(mm, getdate())),2 )

Scroll to bottom of div?

You can try the code below:

function scrollToBottom (id) {
   var div = document.getElementById(id);
   div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight - div.clientHeight;

To perform a smooth scroll with JQuery:

function scrollSmoothToBottom (id) {
   var div = document.getElementById(id);
   $('#' + id).animate({
      scrollTop: div.scrollHeight - div.clientHeight
   }, 500);

See the example on JSFiddle

Here's why this works:

enter image description here

Ref: scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight

Starting iPhone app development in Linux?

It seems to be true so far. The only SDK available from Apple only targets the macOS environment. I've been upset about that, but I'm looking into buying a mac now, just to do iPhone development. I really dislike what they are doing, and I hope a good SDK come out for other environments, such as Linux and Windows.

Obstacles regarding the SDK:

The iPhone SDK and free software: not a match

Apple's recently released a software development kit (SDK) for the iPhone, but if you were hoping to port or develop original open source software with it, the news isn't good. Code signing and nondisclosure conditions make free software a no-go.

The SDK itself is a free download, with which you can write programs and run them on a software simulator. But in order to actually release software you've written, you must enroll in the iPhone Developer Program -- a step separate from downloading the SDK, and one that requires Apple's approval.

I think it's rather elitist for them to think only macOS users are good enough to write programs for their phone, and the fact you need to buy a $100 license if you want to publish your stuff, really makes it more difficult for the hobbyist programmer. Though, if that's what you need to do, I'm planning on jumping through their hoops; I'd really like to get some stuff developed on my iPhone.

Scala: what is the best way to append an element to an Array?

The easiest might be:

Array(1, 2, 3) :+ 4

Actually, Array can be implcitly transformed in a WrappedArray

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

Xcode Workspace vs Project

  1. What is the difference between the two of them?

Workspace is a set of projects

  1. What are they responsible for?

Workspace is responsible for dependencies between projects. Project is responsible for the source code.

  1. Which one of them should I work with when I'm developing my Apps in team/alone?

You choice should depends on a type of your project. For example if your project relies on CocoaPods dependency manager it creates a workspace.

  1. Is there anything else I should be aware of in matter of these two files?

A competitor of workspace is cross-project references[About]

[Xcode components]

jquery $('.class').each() how many items?

Use the .length property. It is not a function.

alert($('.class').length); // alerts a nonnegative number 

Create two blank lines in Markdown

In GitHub Wiki markdown I used hash marks (#) followed by two spaces to make the line break larger. It doesn't actually give you multiple line breaks but it made one large line break and served me well for my needs.

Instead of:

more text

I did:

(hash mark)(space)(space)
more text

Convert negative data into positive data in SQL Server

UPDATE mytbl
SET a = ABS(a)
where a < 0

sort files by date in PHP

I use your exact proposed code with only some few additional lines. The idea is more or less the same of the one proposed by @elias, but in this solution there cannot be conflicts on the keys since each file in the directory has a different filename and so adding it to the key solves the conflicts. The first part of the key is the datetime string formatted in a manner such that I can lexicographically compare two of them.

if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
    $result = array();
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            $lastModified = date('F d Y, H:i:s',filemtime($file));
            if(strlen($file)-strpos($file,".swf")== 4){
                $result [date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($file)).$file] =
                    "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"box[]\"></td><td><a href=\"$file\" target=\"_blank\">$file</a></td><td>$lastModified</td></tr>";
    echo implode('', $result);

How to execute Python code from within Visual Studio Code

If you are using the latest version of Visual Studio Code (version 1.21.1). The task.json format has changed, see here. So the answer by Fenton and by python_starter may no longer be valid.

Before starting configuration

Before you start configuring Visual Studio Code for running your Python file.

  • Make sure that you have installed Python and added its executable to your system PATH.
  • You must set the folder where your python source file resides as your working folder (go to File -> Open Folder to set your working folder).

Configuration steps

Now you can configure the task. The following steps will help you run your python file correctly:

  1. use Ctrl+Shift+P and input task, you will see a list of options, select Tasks: Configure Task.

Enter image description here

  1. You will then be prompted create task.json from template, choose this option, and you will be prompted to choose from a list of options. Choose Others.

Enter image description here

  1. Then in the opened task.json file, use the following settings:

     "version": "2.0.0",
     "tasks": [
             "label": "run this script",
             "type": "shell",
             "command": "python",
             "args": [
             "problemMatcher": []

In the above settings, you can give a meaningful label to this task. For example, run python.

  1. Go to the Tasks menu and click Run Task. You will be prompted to choose the task. Just choose the newly created run this script task. You will see the result in the TERMINAL tab.

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

For a more complete tutorial about task configuration, go to the Visual Studio Code official documentation.

How to detect if CMD is running as Administrator/has elevated privileges?

Works for Win7 Enterprise and Win10 Enterprise

    @echo You must right click to "Run as administrator"
    @echo Try again
    @goto :EOF

How to verify that a specific method was not called using Mockito?

Even more meaningful :

import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;

// ...

verify(dependency, never()).someMethod();

The documentation of this feature is there §4 "Verifying exact number of invocations / at least x / never", and the never javadoc is here.

How to calculate the sum of the datatable column in

You can do like..

DataRow[] dr = dtbl.Select("SUM(Amount)");
txtTotalAmount.Text = Convert.ToString(dr[0]);

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Your problem is here:

2013-11-14 17:57:20 5180 [ERROR] InnoDB: .\ibdata1 can't be opened in read-write mode

There's some problem with the ibdata1 file - maybe the permissions have changed on it? Perhaps some other process has it open. Does it even exist?

Fix this and possibly everything else will fall into place.

MSVCP120d.dll missing

I downloaded msvcr120d.dll and msvcp120d.dll for 32-bit version and then, I put them into Debug folder of my project. It worked well. (My computer is 64-bit version)

When should I use GC.SuppressFinalize()?


If object has finalizer, .net put a reference in finalization queue.

Since we have call Dispose(ture), it clear object, so we don't need finalization queue to do this job.

So call GC.SuppressFinalize(this) remove reference in finalization queue.

How to use 'find' to search for files created on a specific date?

You can't. The -c switch tells you when the permissions were last changed, -a tests the most recent access time, and -m tests the modification time. The filesystem used by most flavors of Linux (ext3) doesn't support a "creation time" record. Sorry!

mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

The mappedBy attribute is referencing customer while the property is mCustomer, hence the error message. So either change your mapping into:

/** The collection of stores. */
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "mCustomer", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Collection<Store> stores;

Or change the entity property into customer (which is what I would do).

The mappedBy reference indicates "Go look over on the bean property named 'customer' on the thing I have a collection of to find the configuration."

Selecting specific rows and columns from NumPy array

As Toan suggests, a simple hack would be to just select the rows first, and then select the columns over that.

>>> a[[0,1,3], :]            # Returns the rows you want
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
       [12, 13, 14, 15]])
>>> a[[0,1,3], :][:, [0,2]]  # Selects the columns you want as well
array([[ 0,  2],
       [ 4,  6],
       [12, 14]])

[Edit] The built-in method: np.ix_

I recently discovered that numpy gives you an in-built one-liner to doing exactly what @Jaime suggested, but without having to use broadcasting syntax (which suffers from lack of readability). From the docs:

Using ix_ one can quickly construct index arrays that will index the cross product. a[np.ix_([1,3],[2,5])] returns the array [[a[1,2] a[1,5]], [a[3,2] a[3,5]]].

So you use it like this:

>>> a = np.arange(20).reshape((5,4))
>>> a[np.ix_([0,1,3], [0,2])]
array([[ 0,  2],
       [ 4,  6],
       [12, 14]])

And the way it works is that it takes care of aligning arrays the way Jaime suggested, so that broadcasting happens properly:

>>> np.ix_([0,1,3], [0,2])
        [3]]), array([[0, 2]]))

Also, as MikeC says in a comment, np.ix_ has the advantage of returning a view, which my first (pre-edit) answer did not. This means you can now assign to the indexed array:

>>> a[np.ix_([0,1,3], [0,2])] = -1
>>> a    
array([[-1,  1, -1,  3],
       [-1,  5, -1,  7],
       [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
       [-1, 13, -1, 15],
       [16, 17, 18, 19]])