Programs & Examples On #Primary key

A key is a set of attributes that is irreducibly unique and non-nullable within a table.

Is it fine to have foreign key as primary key?

Short answer: DEPENDS.... In this particular case, it might be fine. However, experts will recommend against it just about every time; including your case.


Keys are seldomly unique in tables when they are foreign (originated in another table) to the table in question. For example, an item ID might be unique in an ITEMS table, but not in an ORDERS table, since the same type of item will most likely exist in another order. Likewise, order IDs might be unique (might) in the ORDERS table, but not in some other table like ORDER_DETAILS where an order with multiple line items can exist and to query against a particular item in a particular order, you need the concatenation of two FK (order_id and item_id) as the PK for this table.

I am not DB expert, but if you can justify logically to have an auto-generated value as your PK, I would do that. If this is not practical, then a concatenation of two (or maybe more) FK could serve as your PK. BUT, I cannot think of any case where a single FK value can be justified as the PK.

Can I have multiple primary keys in a single table?

A Table can have a Composite Primary Key which is a primary key made from two or more columns. For example:

CREATE TABLE userdata (
  userid INT,
  userdataid INT,
  info char(200),
  primary key (userid, userdataid)

Update: Here is a link with a more detailed description of composite primary keys.

Entity Framework and SQL Server View

We had the same problem and this is the solution:

To force entity framework to use a column as a primary key, use ISNULL.

To force entity framework not to use a column as a primary key, use NULLIF.

An easy way to apply this is to wrap the select statement of your view in another select.


  ISNULL(MyPrimaryID,-999) MyPrimaryID,
  NULLIF(AnotherProperty,'') AnotherProperty
  FROM ( ... ) AS temp

How can I define a composite primary key in SQL?

Just for clarification: a table can have at most one primary key. A primary key consists of one or more columns (from that table). If a primary key consists of two or more columns it is called a composite primary key. It is defined as follows:

  QuestionID NUMERIC,
  PRIMARY KEY (QuestionID, MemberID)

The pair (QuestionID,MemberID) must then be unique for the table and neither value can be NULL. If you do a query like this:

SELECT * FROM voting WHERE QuestionID = 7

it will use the primary key's index. If however you do this:

SELECT * FROM voting WHERE MemberID = 7

it won't because to use a composite index requires using all the keys from the "left". If an index is on fields (A,B,C) and your criteria is on B and C then that index is of no use to you for that query. So choose from (QuestionID,MemberID) and (MemberID,QuestionID) whichever is most appropriate for how you will use the table.

If necessary, add an index on the other:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON voting (MemberID, QuestionID);

Sqlite primary key on multiple columns

PRIMARY KEY (id, name) didn't work for me. Adding a constraint did the job instead.

    id INTEGER, name TEXT,
    user INTEGER,

How to add composite primary key to table

You don't need to create the table first and then add the keys in subsequent steps. You can add both primary key and foreign key while creating the table:

This example assumes the existence of a table (Codes) that we would want to reference with our foreign key.

id [numeric](1),
code [varchar](2),
PRIMARY KEY (id, code),
CONSTRAINT fk_d_codes FOREIGN KEY (code) REFERENCES Codes (code)

If you don't have a table that we can reference, add one like this so that the example will work:

    Code [varchar](2) PRIMARY KEY   

NOTE: you must have a table to reference before creating the foreign key.

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?

on duplicate key update, or insert ignore can be viable solutions with MySQL.

Example of on duplicate key update update based on

INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)

UPDATE table SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1;

Example of insert ignore based on

    [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]
    {VALUES | VALUE} ({expr | DEFAULT},...),(...),...
        [, col_name=expr] ... ]


    [INTO] tbl_name
    SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, ...
        [, col_name=expr] ... ]


    [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]
    SELECT ...
        [, col_name=expr] ... ]

Foreign key referring to primary keys across multiple tables?

I know this is long stagnant topic, but in case anyone searches here is how I deal with multi table foreign keys. With this technique you do not have any DBA enforced cascade operations, so please make sure you deal with DELETE and such in your code.

Table 1 Fruit
pk_fruitid, name
1, apple
2, pear

Table 2 Meat
Pk_meatid, name
1, beef
2, chicken

Table 3 Entity's
PK_entityid, anme
1, fruit
2, meat
3, desert

Table 4 Basket (Table using fk_s)
PK_basketid, fk_entityid, pseudo_entityrow
1, 2, 2 (Chicken - entity denotes meat table, pseudokey denotes row in indictaed table)
2, 1, 1 (Apple)
3, 1, 2 (pear)
4, 3, 1 (cheesecake)

SO Op's Example would look like this

type    id      name
1      khce1   gold
2      khsn1   silver

1 employees_ce
2 employees_sn

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key in object

What is the value you're passing to the primary key (presumably "pk_OrderID")? You can set it up to auto increment, and then there should never be a problem with duplicating the value - the DB will take care of that. If you need to specify a value yourself, you'll need to write code to determine what the max value for that field is, and then increment that.

If you have a column named "ID" or such that is not shown in the query, that's fine as long as it is set up to autoincrement - but it's probably not, or you shouldn't get that err msg. Also, you would be better off writing an easier-on-the-eye query and using params. As the lad of nine years hence inferred, you're leaving your database open to SQL injection attacks if you simply plop in user-entered values. For example, you could have a method like this:

internal static int GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCode(string qry, string unit, string itemCode)
    int itemId;
    using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(ReportRunnerConstsAndUtils.CPSConnStr))
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, sqlConn))
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Unit", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25).Value = unit;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@ItemCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25).Value = itemCode;
            itemId = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
    return itemId;

...that is called like so:

int itemId = SQLDBHelper.GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCode(GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCodeQuery, _unit, itemCode);

You don't have to, but I store the query separately:

public static readonly String GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCodeQuery = "SELECT PoisonToe FROM Platypi WHERE Unit = @Unit AND ItemCode = @ItemCode";

You can verify that you're not about to insert an already-existing value by (pseudocode):

bool alreadyExists = IDAlreadyExists(query, value) > 0;

The query is something like "SELECT COUNT FROM TABLE WHERE BLA = @CANDIDATEIDVAL" and the value is the ID you're potentially about to insert:

if (alreadyExists) // keep inc'ing and checking until false, then use that id value

Justin wants to know if this will work:

string exists = "SELECT 1 from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = " _Order.OrderNumber; if (exists > 0)...

What seems would work to me is:

string existsQuery = string.format("SELECT 1 from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = {0}", _Order.OrderNumber); 
// Or, better yet:
string existsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = @OrderNumber"; 
// Now run that query after applying a value to the OrderNumber query param (use code similar to that above); then, if the result is > 0, there is such a record.

Why use multiple columns as primary keys (composite primary key)

Another example of compound primary keys are the usage of Association tables. Suppose you have a person table that contains a set of people and a group table that contains a set of groups. Now you want to create a many to many relationship on person and group. Meaning each person can belong to many groups. Here is what the table structure would look like using a compound primary key.

Create Table Person(
PersonID int Not Null,
FirstName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50),
Constraint PK_Person PRIMARY KEY (PersonID))

Create Table Group (
GroupId int Not Null,
GroupName varchar(50),
Constraint PK_Group PRIMARY KEY (GroupId))

Create Table GroupMember (
GroupId int Not Null,
PersonId int Not Null,
CONSTRAINT FK_GroupMember_Group FOREIGN KEY (GroupId) References Group(GroupId),
CONSTRAINT FK_GroupMember_Person FOREIGN KEY (PersonId) References Person(PersonId),
CONSTRAINT PK_GroupMember PRIMARY KEY (GroupId, PersonID))

Can a table have two foreign keys?

Yes, MySQL allows this. You can have multiple foreign keys on the same table.

Get more details here FOREIGN KEY Constraints

ALTER TABLE to add a composite primary key

@Adrian Cornish's answer is correct. However, there is another caveat to dropping an existing primary key. If that primary key is being used as a foreign key by another table you will get an error when trying to drop it. In some versions of mysql the error message there was malformed (as of 5.5.17, this error message is still

alter table parent  drop column id;
ERROR 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of
'./test/#sql-a04_b' to './test/parent' (errno: 150).

If you want to drop a primary key that's being referenced by another table, you will have to drop the foreign key in that other table first. You can recreate that foreign key if you still want it after you recreate the primary key.

Also, when using composite keys, order is important. These

1) ALTER TABLE provider ADD PRIMARY KEY(person,place,thing);
2) ALTER TABLE provider ADD PRIMARY KEY(person,thing,place);

are not the the same thing. They both enforce uniqueness on that set of three fields, however from an indexing standpoint there is a difference. The fields are indexed from left to right. For example, consider the following queries:

A) SELECT person, place, thing FROM provider WHERE person = 'foo' AND thing = 'bar';
B) SELECT person, place, thing FROM provider WHERE person = 'foo' AND place = 'baz';
C) SELECT person, place, thing FROM provider WHERE person = 'foo' AND place = 'baz' AND thing = 'bar';
D) SELECT person, place, thing FROM provider WHERE place = 'baz' AND thing = 'bar';

B can use the primary key index in ALTER statement 1
A can use the primary key index in ALTER statement 2
C can use either index
D can't use either index

A uses the first two fields in index 2 as a partial index. A can't use index 1 because it doesn't know the intermediate place portion of the index. It might still be able to use a partial index on just person though.

D can't use either index because it doesn't know person.

See the mysql docs here for more information.

Updating MySQL primary key

Next time, use a single "alter table" statement to update the primary key.

alter table xx drop primary key, add primary key(k1, k2, k3);

To fix things:

create table fixit (user_2, user_1, type, timestamp, n, primary key( user_2, user_1, type) );
lock table fixit write, user_interactions u write, user_interactions write;

insert into fixit 
select user_2, user_1, type, max(timestamp), count(*) n from user_interactions u 
group by user_2, user_1, type
having n > 1;

delete u from user_interactions u, fixit 
where fixit.user_2 = u.user_2 
  and fixit.user_1 = u.user_1 
  and fixit.type = u.type 
  and fixit.timestamp != u.timestamp;

alter table user_interactions add primary key (user_2, user_1, type );

unlock tables;

The lock should stop further updates coming in while your are doing this. How long this takes obviously depends on the size of your table.

The main problem is if you have some duplicates with the same timestamp.

Best way to reset an Oracle sequence to the next value in an existing column?

With oracle 10.2g:

select  level, sequence.NEXTVAL
from  dual 
connect by level <= (select max(pk) from tbl);

will set the current sequence value to the max(pk) of your table (i.e. the next call to NEXTVAL will give you the right result); if you use Toad, press F5 to run the statement, not F9, which pages the output (thus stopping the increment after, usually, 500 rows). Good side: this solution is only DML, not DDL. Only SQL and no PL-SQL. Bad side : this solution prints max(pk) rows of output, i.e. is usually slower than the ALTER SEQUENCE solution.

Difference between Key, Primary Key, Unique Key and Index in MySQL

Unique Key :

  1. More than one value can be null.
  2. No two tuples can have same values in unique key.
  3. One or more unique keys can be combined to form a primary key, but not vice versa.

Primary Key

  1. Can contain more than one unique keys.
  2. Uniquely represents a tuple.

SQL Server add auto increment primary key to existing table

I had this issue, but couldn't use an identity column (for various reasons). I settled on this:

SET @id = 0 
UPDATE table SET @id = id = @id + 1 

Borrowed from here.

SQL: set existing column as Primary Key in MySQL

If you want to do it with phpmyadmin interface:

Select the table -> Go to structure tab -> On the row corresponding to the column you want, click on the icon with a key

Strings as Primary Keys in SQL Database

Two reasons to use integers for PK columns:

  1. We can set identity for integer field which incremented automatically.

  2. When we create PKs, the db creates an index (Cluster or Non Cluster) which sorts the data before it's stored in the table. By using an identity on a PK, the optimizer need not check the sort order before saving a record. This improves performance on big tables.

How to properly create composite primary keys - MYSQL

I would use a composite (multi-column) key.

    t1ID INT,
    t2ID INT,
    PRIMARY KEY (t1ID, t2ID)

This way you can have t1ID and t2ID as foreign keys pointing to their respective tables as well.

Can we update primary key values of a table?

Primary key attributes are just as updateable as any other attributes of a table. Stability is often a desirable property of a key but definitely not an absolute requirement. If it makes sense from a business perpective to update a key then there's no fundamental reason why you shouldn't.

Add primary key to existing table

-- create new primary key constraint
ALTER TABLE dbo.persion 

is a better solution because you have control over the naming of the primary_key.

It's better than just using


which yeilds randomized names and can cause problems when scripting out or comparing databases

MySQL duplicate entry error even though there is no duplicate entry

This problem is often created when adding a column or using an existing column as a primary key. It is not created due to a primary key existing that was never actually created or due to damage to the table.

What the error actually denotes is that a pending key value is blank.

The solution is to populate the column with unique values and then try to create the primary key again. There can be no blank, null or duplicate values, or this misleading error will appear.

How to add an auto-incrementing primary key to an existing table, in PostgreSQL?

To use an identity column in v10,

ADD COLUMN id { int | bigint | smallint}

For an explanation of identity columns, see

For the difference between GENERATED BY DEFAULT and GENERATED ALWAYS, see

For altering the sequence, see

How to retrieve the last autoincremented ID from a SQLite table?

Sample code from @polyglot solution

SQLiteCommand sql_cmd;
sql_cmd.CommandText = "select seq from sqlite_sequence where name='myTable'; ";
int newId = Convert.ToInt32( sql_cmd.ExecuteScalar( ) );

sql primary key and index

Primary keys are always indexed by default.

You can define a primary key in SQL Server 2012 by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. Creating a primary key automatically creates a corresponding unique, clustered or nonclustered index.

Unable to update the EntitySet - because it has a DefiningQuery and no <UpdateFunction> element exist

Adding the primary key worked for me too !

Once that is done, here's how to update the data model without deleting it -

Right click on the edmx Entity designer page and 'Update Model from Database'.

MySQL: #1075 - Incorrect table definition; autoincrement vs another key?

For the above issue, first of all if suppose tables contains more than 1 primary key then first remove all those primary keys and add first AUTO INCREMENT field as primary key then add another required primary keys which is removed earlier. Set AUTO INCREMENT option for required field from the option area.

Creating composite primary key in SQL Server

How about this:

ALTER TABLE dbo.testRequest
PRIMARY KEY (wardNo, BHTNo, TestID) 

Create view with primary key?

You cannot create a primary key on a view. In SQL Server you can create an index on a view but that is different to creating a primary key.

If you give us more information as to why you want a key on your view, perhaps we can help with that.

Can a foreign key refer to a primary key in the same table?

Eg: n sub-category level for categories .Below table primary-key id is referred by foreign-key sub_category_id

enter image description here

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

You may think about making a trigger after delete so you can update the value of autoincrement and the ID value of all rows that does not look like what you wanted to see.

So you can work with the same table and the auto increment will be fixed automaticaly whenever you delete a row the trigger will fix it.

How to get primary key of table?

I use SHOW INDEX FROM table ; it gives me alot of informations ; if the key is unique, its sequenece in the index, the collation, sub part, if null, its type and comment if exists, see screenshot herehere

Remove Primary Key in MySQL

First backup the database. Then drop any foreign key associated with the table. truncate the foreign key table.Truncate the current table. Remove the required primary keys. Use sqlyog or workbench or heidisql or dbeaver or phpmyadmin.

How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

There are a lot of good answers here. I had the same need after reloading my Django database.

But I needed:

  • All in one Function
  • Could fix one or more schemas at a time
  • Could fix all or just one table at a time
  • Also wanted a nice way to see exactly what had changed, or not changed

This seems very similar need to what the original ask was for.
Thanks to Baldiry and Mauro got me on the right track.

drop function IF EXISTS reset_sequences(text[], text) RESTRICT;
    in_schema_name_list text[] = '{"django", "dbaas", "metrics", "monitor", "runner", "db_counts"}',
    in_table_name text = '%') RETURNS text[] as
  DECLARE changed_seqs text[];
  DECLARE sequence_defs RECORD; c integer ;
    FOR sequence_defs IN
          DISTINCT(ccu.table_name) as table_name,
          ccu.column_name as column_name,
          replace(replace(c.column_default,'''::regclass)',''),'nextval(''','') as sequence_name
          from information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu,
               information_schema.columns c
          where ccu.table_schema = ANY(in_schema_name_list)
            and ccu.table_schema = c.table_schema
            AND c.table_name = ccu.table_name
            and c.table_name like in_table_name
            AND ccu.column_name = c.column_name
            AND c.column_default is not null
          ORDER BY sequence_name
      EXECUTE 'select max(' || sequence_defs.column_name || ') from ' || sequence_defs.table_name INTO c;
      IF c is null THEN c = 1; else c = c + 1; END IF;
      EXECUTE 'alter sequence ' || sequence_defs.sequence_name || ' restart  with ' || c;
      changed_seqs = array_append(changed_seqs, 'alter sequence ' || sequence_defs.sequence_name || ' restart with ' || c);
   changed_seqs = array_append(changed_seqs, 'Done');

   RETURN changed_seqs;
$body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Then to Execute and See the changes run:

select *
from unnest(reset_sequences('{"django", "dbaas", "metrics", "monitor", "runner", "db_counts"}'));


activity_id_seq                          restart at 22
api_connection_info_id_seq               restart at 4
api_user_id_seq                          restart at 1
application_contact_id_seq               restart at 20

Insert auto increment primary key to existing table

Export your table, then empty your table, then add field as unique INT, then change it to AUTO_INCREMENT, then import your table again that you exported previously.


It is ok for sure. With just few hundred of entries, it will be fast.

You can add an unique id as as primary key (int autoincrement) ans set your coupon_code as unique. So if you need to do request in other tables it's better to use int than varchar

Oracle (ORA-02270) : no matching unique or primary key for this column-list error

Most Probably when you have a missing Primary key is not defined from parent table. then It occurs.

Like Add the primary key define in parent as below:


Hope this will work.

What is Hash and Range Primary Key?

As the whole thing is mixing up let's look at it function and code to simulate what it means consicely

The only way to get a row is via primary key

getRow(pk: PrimaryKey): Row

Primary key data structure can be this:

// If you decide your primary key is just the partition key.
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String)

// and in thids case
getRow(somePartitionKey): Row

However you can decide your primary key is partition key + sort key in this case:

// if you decide your primary key is partition key + sort key
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String, sortKey: String)

getRow(partitionKey, sortKey): Row
getMultipleRows(partitionKey): Row[]

So the bottom line:

  1. Decided that your primary key is partition key only? get single row by partition key.

  2. Decided that your primary key is partition key + sort key? 2.1 Get single row by (partition key, sort key) or get range of rows by (partition key)

In either way you get a single row by primary key the only question is if you defined that primary key to be partition key only or partition key + sort key

Building blocks are:

  1. Table
  2. Item
  3. KV Attribute.

Think of Item as a row and of KV Attribute as cells in that row.

  1. You can get an item (a row) by primary key.
  2. You can get multiple items (multiple rows) by specifying (HashKey, RangeKeyQuery)

You can do (2) only if you decided that your PK is composed of (HashKey, SortKey).

More visually as its complex, the way I see it:

|Table                                                                             |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|                       |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|         |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                                                  |

|1. Always get item by PrimaryKey                                                  |
|2. PK is (Hash,RangeKey), great get MULTIPLE Items by Hash, filter/sort by range     |
|3. PK is HashKey: just get a SINGLE ITEM by hashKey                               |
|                                                      +--------------------------+|
|                                 +---------------+    |getByPK => getBy(1        ||
|                 +-----------+ +>|(HashKey,Range)|--->|hashKey, > < or startWith ||
|              +->|Composite  |-+ +---------------+    |of rangeKeys)             ||
|              |  +-----------+                        +--------------------------+|
|+-----------+ |                                                                   |
||PrimaryKey |-+                                                                   |
|+-----------+ |                                       +--------------------------+|
|              |  +-----------+   +---------------+    |getByPK => get by specific||
|              +->|HashType   |-->|get one item   |--->|hashKey                   ||
|                 +-----------+   +---------------+    |                          ||
|                                                      +--------------------------+|

So what is happening above. Notice the following observations. As we said our data belongs to (Table, Item, KVAttribute). Then Every Item has a primary key. Now the way you compose that primary key is meaningful into how you can access the data.

If you decide that your PrimaryKey is simply a hash key then great you can get a single item out of it. If you decide however that your primary key is hashKey + SortKey then you could also do a range query on your primary key because you will get your items by (HashKey + SomeRangeFunction(on range key)). So you can get multiple items with your primary key query.

Note: I did not refer to secondary indexes.

difference between primary key and unique key

I know this question is several years old but I'd like to provide an answer to this explaining why rather than how

Purpose of Primary Key: To identify a row in a database uniquely => A row represents a single instance of the entity type modeled by the table. A primary key enforces integrity of an entity, AKA Entity Integrity. Primary Key would be a clustered index i.e. it defines the order in which data is physically stored in a table.

Purpose of Unique Key: Ok, with the Primary Key we have a way to uniquely identify a row. But I have a business need such that, another column/a set of columns should have unique values. Well, technically, given that this column(s) is unique, it can be a candidate to enforce entity integrity. But for all we know, this column can contain data originating from an external organization that I may have a doubt about being unique. I may not trust it to provide entity integrity. I just make it a unique key to fulfill my business requirement.

There you go!

What are the best practices for using a GUID as a primary key, specifically regarding performance?

If you use GUID as primary key and create clustered index then I suggest use the default of NEWSEQUENTIALID() value for it.

UUID max character length

Most databases have a native UUID type these days to make working with them easier. If yours doesn't, they're just 128-bit numbers, so you can use BINARY(16), and if you need the text format frequently, e.g. for troubleshooting, then add a calculated column to generate it automatically from the binary column. There is no good reason to store the (much larger) text form.

make an ID in a mysql table auto_increment (after the fact)

None of the above worked for my table. I have a table with an unsigned integer as the primary key with values ranging from 0 to 31543. Currently there are over 19 thousand records. I had to modify the column to AUTO_INCREMENT (MODIFY COLUMN'id'INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT) and set the seed(AUTO_INCREMENT = 31544) in the same statement.


Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

At HauteLook, we changed many of our tables to use natural keys. We did experience a real-world increase in performance. As you mention, many of our queries now use less joins which makes the queries more performant. We will even use a composite primary key if it makes sense. That being said, some tables are just easier to work with if they have a surrogate key.

Also, if you are letting people write interfaces to your database, a surrogate key can be helpful. The 3rd party can rely on the fact that the surrogate key will change only in very rare circumstances.

MySQL - Meaning of "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE KEY" and "KEY" when used together while creating a table

A key is just a normal index. A way over simplification is to think of it like a card catalog at a library. It points MySQL in the right direction.

A unique key is also used for improved searching speed, but it has the constraint that there can be no duplicated items (there are no two x and y where x is not y and x == y).

The manual explains it as follows:

A UNIQUE index creates a constraint such that all values in the index must be distinct. An error occurs if you try to add a new row with a key value that matches an existing row. This constraint does not apply to NULL values except for the BDB storage engine. For other engines, a UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values for columns that can contain NULL. If you specify a prefix value for a column in a UNIQUE index, the column values must be unique within the prefix.

A primary key is a 'special' unique key. It basically is a unique key, except that it's used to identify something.

The manual explains how indexes are used in general: here.

In MSSQL, the concepts are similar. There are indexes, unique constraints and primary keys.

Untested, but I believe the MSSQL equivalent is:

  uid varchar(255) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT uid_unique UNIQUE,
  name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  tag int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  description varchar(255),

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON tmp (name);
CREATE INDEX idx_tag ON tmp (tag);

Edit: the code above is tested to be correct; however, I suspect that there's a much better syntax for doing it. Been a while since I've used SQL server, and apparently I've forgotten quite a bit :).

Change Primary Key

You will need to drop and re-create the primary key like this:

alter table my_table drop constraint my_pk;
alter table my_table add constraint my_pk primary key (city_id, buildtime, time);

However, if there are other tables with foreign keys that reference this primary key, then you will need to drop those first, do the above, and then re-create the foreign keys with the new column list.

An alternative syntax to drop the existing primary key (e.g. if you don't know the constraint name):

alter table my_table drop primary key;

Unable to begin a distributed transaction

I was able to resolve this issue (as others mentioned in comments) by disabling "Enable Promotion of Distributed Transactions for RPC" (i.e. setting it to False):

enter image description here

As requested by @WonderWorker, you can do this via SQL script:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption
     @server = N'[mylinkedserver]',
     @optname = N'remote proc transaction promotion',
     @optvalue = N'false'

How do you cast a List of supertypes to a List of subtypes?

casting of generics is not possible, but if you define the list in another way it is possible to store TestB in it:

List<? extends TestA> myList = new ArrayList<TestA>();

You still have type checking to do when you are using the objects in the list.

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

We encountered this error as well. What we did to solve the issue is we added a lazy=false in the Hibernate mapping file.

It appears we had a class A that's inside a Session that loads another class B. We are trying to access the data on class B but this class B is detached from the session.

In order for us to access this Class B, we had to specify in the class A's Hibernate mapping file the lazy=false attribute. For example,

     <many-to-one name="classA" 
        <column name="classb_id"

How do I implement IEnumerable<T>

make mylist into a List<MyObject>, is one option

grabbing first row in a mysql query only

To return only one row use LIMIT 1:

FROM tbl_foo
WHERE name = 'sarmen'

It doesn't make sense to say 'first row' or 'last row' unless you have an ORDER BY clause. Assuming you add an ORDER BY clause then you can use LIMIT in the following ways:

  • To get the first row use LIMIT 1.
  • To get the 2nd row you can use limit with an offset: LIMIT 1, 1.
  • To get the last row invert the order (change ASC to DESC or vice versa) then use LIMIT 1.

Submit Button Image

It's very important for accessibility reasons that you always specify value of the submit even if you are hiding this text, or if you use <input type="image" .../> to always specify alt="" attribute for this input field.

Blind people don't know what button will do if it doesn't contain meaningful alt="" or value="".

What is phtml, and when should I use a .phtml extension rather than .php?

You can choose any extension in the world if you setup Apache correctly. You could use .html to do PHP if you set up in your Apache config.

In conclusion, extension has nothing to do with the app or website itself. You can use the one you want, but normaly, use .php (to not reinvent the wheel)

But in 2019, you should use routing and forgot about extension at the end.

I recommend you using Laravel.

In answer to @KingCrunch: True, Apache not use it by default but you can easily use it if you change config. But this it not recommended since everybody know that it not really an option.

I already saw .html files that executed PHP using the html extension.

writing integer values to a file using out.write()

write() only takes a single string argument, so you could do this:



outf.write('{}'.format(num))  # more "modern"
outf.write('%d' % num)        # deprecated mostly

Also note that write will not append a newline to your output so if you need it you'll have to supply it yourself.


Using string formatting would give you more control over your output, so for instance you could write (both of these are equivalent):

num = 7

num = 12
outf.write('%03d\n' % num)          

to get three spaces, with leading zeros for your integer value followed by a newline:


format() will be around for a long while, so it's worth learning/knowing.

How to run an application as "run as administrator" from the command prompt?

Try this:

runas.exe /savecred /user:administrator "%sysdrive%\testScripts\testscript1.ps1" 

It saves the password the first time and never asks again. Maybe when you change the administrator password you will be prompted again.

Controller not a function, got undefined, while defining controllers globally

This error might also occur when you have a large project with many modules. Make sure that the app (module) used in you angular file is the same that you use in your template, in this example "thisApp".


.module('thisApp', [])
    .controller('ContactController', ['$scope', function ContactController($scope) {
        $scope.contacts = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"];

        $scope.add = function() {
            $scope.newcontact = "";



    <body ng-app='thisApp' ng-controller='ContactController>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/angular.js"></script>
        <script src="app.js"></script>

Filtering a list based on a list of booleans

To do this using numpy, ie, if you have an array, a, instead of list_a:

a = np.array([1, 2, 4, 6])
my_filter = np.array([True, False, True, False], dtype=bool)
> array([1, 4])

Looping over a list in Python

Here is the solution I was looking for. If you would like to create List2 that contains the difference of the number elements in List1.

list1 = [12, 15, 22, 54, 21, 68, 9, 73, 81, 34, 45]
list2 = []
for i in range(1, len(list1)):
  change = list1[i] - list1[i-1]

Note that while len(list1) is 11 (elements), len(list2) will only be 10 elements because we are starting our for loop from element with index 1 in list1 not from element with index 0 in list1

How to read a value from the Windows registry

Since Windows >=Vista/Server 2008, RegGetValue is available, which is a safer function than RegQueryValueEx. No need for RegOpenKeyEx, RegCloseKey or NUL termination checks of string values (REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ).

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <windows.h>

/*! \brief                          Returns a value from HKLM as string.
    \exception  std::runtime_error  Replace with your error handling.
std::wstring GetStringValueFromHKLM(const std::wstring& regSubKey, const std::wstring& regValue)
    size_t bufferSize = 0xFFF; // If too small, will be resized down below.
    std::wstring valueBuf; // Contiguous buffer since C++11.
    auto cbData = static_cast<DWORD>(bufferSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
    auto rc = RegGetValueW(
    while (rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
        // Get a buffer that is big enough.
        cbData /= sizeof(wchar_t);
        if (cbData > static_cast<DWORD>(bufferSize))
            bufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(cbData);
            bufferSize *= 2;
            cbData = static_cast<DWORD>(bufferSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
        rc = RegGetValueW(
    if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        cbData /= sizeof(wchar_t);
        valueBuf.resize(static_cast<size_t>(cbData - 1)); // remove end null character
        return valueBuf;
        throw std::runtime_error("Windows system error code: " + std::to_string(rc));

int main()
    std::wstring regSubKey;
#ifdef _WIN64 // Manually switching between 32bit/64bit for the example. Use dwFlags instead.
    regSubKey = L"SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Company Name\\Application Name\\";
    regSubKey = L"SOFTWARE\\Company Name\\Application Name\\";
    std::wstring regValue(L"MyValue");
    std::wstring valueFromRegistry;
        valueFromRegistry = GetStringValueFromHKLM(regSubKey, regValue);
    catch (std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << e.what();
    std::wcout << valueFromRegistry;

Its parameter dwFlags supports flags for type restriction, filling the value buffer with zeros on failure (RRF_ZEROONFAILURE) and 32/64bit registry access (RRF_SUBKEY_WOW6464KEY, RRF_SUBKEY_WOW6432KEY) for 64bit programs.

How to include route handlers in multiple files in Express?


const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer(app).listen(3000);
const router = (global.router = (express.Router()));
app.use('/books', require('./routes/books'))
app.use('/users', require('./routes/users'))


const router = global.router
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.jsonp({name: 'John Smith'})

module.exports = router


const router = global.router
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.jsonp({name: 'Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama'})

module.exports = router

if you have your server running local (http://localhost:3000) then

// Users
curl --request GET 'localhost:3000/users' => {name: 'John Smith'}

// Books
curl --request GET 'localhost:3000/users' => {name: 'Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama'}

Converting a Date object to a calendar object

Here's your method:

public static Calendar toCalendar(Date date){ 
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  return cal;

Everything else you are doing is both wrong and unnecessary.

BTW, Java Naming conventions suggest that method names start with a lower case letter, so it should be: dateToCalendar or toCalendar (as shown).

OK, let's milk your code, shall we?

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
date = (Date)formatter.parse(date.toString()); 

DateFormat is used to convert Strings to Dates (parse()) or Dates to Strings (format()). You are using it to parse the String representation of a Date back to a Date. This can't be right, can it?

Angular 2 - View not updating after model changes

Instead of dealing with zones and change detection — let AsyncPipe handle complexity. This will put observable subscription, unsubscription (to prevent memory leaks) and changes detection on Angular shoulders.

Change your class to make an observable, that will emit results of new requests:

export class RecentDetectionComponent implements OnInit {

    recentDetections$: Observable<Array<RecentDetection>>;

    constructor(private recentDetectionService: RecentDetectionService) {

    ngOnInit() {
        this.recentDetections$ = Observable.interval(5000)
            .exhaustMap(() => this.recentDetectionService.getJsonFromApi())
            .do(recent => console.log(recent[0].macAddress));

And update your view to use AsyncPipe:

<tr *ngFor="let detected of recentDetections$ | async">

Want to add, that it's better to make a service with a method that will take interval argument, and:

  • create new requests (by using exhaustMap like in code above);
  • handle requests errors;
  • stop browser from making new requests while offline.

Need help rounding to 2 decimal places

The problem will be that you cannot represent 0.575 exactly as a binary floating point number (eg a double). Though I don't know exactly it seems that the representation closest is probably just a bit lower and so when rounding it uses the true representation and rounds down.

If you want to avoid this problem then use a more appropriate data type. decimal will do what you want:

Math.Round(0.575M, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Result: 0.58

The reason that 0.75 does the right thing is that it is easy to represent in binary floating point since it is simple 1/2 + 1/4 (ie 2^-1 +2^-2). In general any finite sum of powers of two can be represented in binary floating point. Exceptions are when your powers of 2 span too great a range (eg 2^100+2 is not exactly representable).

Edit to add:

Formatting doubles for output in C# might be of interest in terms of understanding why its so hard to understand that 0.575 is not really 0.575. The DoubleConverter in the accepted answer will show that 0.575 as an Exact String is 0.5749999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875 You can see from this why rounding give 0.57.

Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string


#define filename "somefile.txt"

int main()
    FILE *fp;
    int count[26] = {0}, i, c;  
    char ch;
    char alpha[27] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz";
    fp = fopen(filename,"r");
    if(fp == NULL)
        printf("file not found\n");
    while( (ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
        c = 0;
        while(alpha[c] != '\0') {

            if(alpha[c] == ch) {
    for(i = 0; i<26;i++) {
        printf("character %c occured %d number of times\n",alpha[i], count[i]);
    return 0;

How to enable TLS 1.2 support in an Android application (running on Android 4.1 JB)

Add play-services-safetynet library in android build.gradle:

implementation ''

and add this code to your

  public void onCreate() {
    SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);

  private void upgradeSecurityProvider() {
    ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync(this, new ProviderInstallListener() {
      public void onProviderInstalled() {


      public void onProviderInstallFailed(int errorCode, Intent recoveryIntent) {
//        GooglePlayServicesUtil.showErrorNotification(errorCode, MainApplication.this);
        GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().showErrorNotification(MainApplication.this, errorCode);

Java: Finding the highest value in an array

You have your print() statement in the for() loop, It should be after so that it only prints once. the way it currently is, every time the max changes it prints a max.

Get Application Directory

There is a simpler way to get the application data directory with min API 4+. From any Context (e.g. Activity, Application):


@Value annotation type casting to Integer from String

I was looking for the answer on internet and I found the following

@Value("#{new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('${aDateFormat}').parse('${aDateStr}')}")
Date myDate;

So in your case you could try with this

@Value("#{new Integer('${api.orders.pingFrequency}')}")
private Integer pingFrequency;

php variable in html no other way than: <?php echo $var; ?>

Use the HEREDOC syntax. You can mix single and double quotes, variables and even function calls with unaltered / unescaped html markup.

echo <<<MYTAG
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var1" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var2" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var3" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var4" ></td></tr>

How to jQuery clone() and change id?

This works too

 var i = 1;_x000D_
 $('button').click(function() {_x000D_
     $('#red').clone().appendTo('#test').prop('id', 'red' + i);_x000D_
     i++; _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="test">_x000D_
  <div class="red" id="red">_x000D_
  .red {_x000D_
    background-color: red;_x000D_
    margin: 10px;_x000D_

What are file descriptors, explained in simple terms?

More points regarding File Descriptor:

  1. File Descriptors (FD) are non-negative integers (0, 1, 2, ...) that are associated with files that are opened.

  2. 0, 1, 2 are standard FD's that corresponds to STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO and STDERR_FILENO (defined in unistd.h) opened by default on behalf of shell when the program starts.

  3. FD's are allocated in the sequential order, meaning the lowest possible unallocated integer value.

  4. FD's for a particular process can be seen in /proc/$pid/fd (on Unix based systems).

TensorFlow not found using pip

The above answers helped me to solve my issue specially the first answer. But adding to that point after the checking the version of python and we need it to be 64 bit version.

Based on the operating system you have we can use the following command to install tensorflow using pip command.

The following link has google api links which can be added at the end of the following command to install tensorflow in your respective machine.

Root command: python -m pip install --upgrade (link) link : respective OS link present in this link

SQL Server replace, remove all after certain character

For situations when I need to replace or match(find) something against string I prefer using regular expressions.

Since, the regular expressions are not fully supported in T-SQL you can implement them using CLR functions. Furthermore, you do not need any C# or CLR knowledge at all as all you need is already available in the MSDN String Utility Functions Sample.

In your case, the solution using regular expressions is:

SELECT [dbo].[RegexReplace] ([MyColumn], '(;.*)', '')
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]

But implementing such function in your database is going to help you solving more complex issues at all.

The example below shows how to deploy only the [dbo].[RegexReplace] function, but I will recommend to you to deploy the whole String Utility class.

  1. Enabling CLR Integration. Execute the following Transact-SQL commands:

    sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1
  2. Bulding the code (or creating the .dll). Generraly, you can do this using the Visual Studio or .NET Framework command prompt (as it is shown in the article), but I prefer to use visual studio.

    • create new class library project:

      enter image description here

    • copy and paste the following code in the Class1.cs file:

      using System;
      using System.IO;
      using System.Data.SqlTypes;
      using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
      using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
      public sealed class RegularExpression
          public static string Replace(SqlString sqlInput, SqlString sqlPattern, SqlString sqlReplacement)
              string input = (sqlInput.IsNull) ? string.Empty : sqlInput.Value;
              string pattern = (sqlPattern.IsNull) ? string.Empty : sqlPattern.Value;
              string replacement = (sqlReplacement.IsNull) ? string.Empty : sqlReplacement.Value;
              return Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replacement);
    • build the solution and get the path to the created .dll file:

      enter image description here

    • replace the path to the .dll file in the following T-SQL statements and execute them:

      IF OBJECT_ID(N'RegexReplace', N'FS') is not null
      DROP Function RegexReplace;
      IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies WHERE [name] = 'StringUtils')
      DROP ASSEMBLY StringUtils;
      DECLARE @SamplePath nvarchar(1024)
      -- You will need to modify the value of the this variable if you have installed the sample someplace other than the default location.
      Set @SamplePath = 'C:\Users\gotqn\Desktop\StringUtils\StringUtils\StringUtils\bin\Debug\'
      CREATE ASSEMBLY [StringUtils] 
      FROM @SamplePath + 'StringUtils.dll'
      WITH permission_set = Safe;
      CREATE FUNCTION [RegexReplace] (@input nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max), @replacement nvarchar(max))
      RETURNS nvarchar(max)
      AS EXTERNAL NAME [StringUtils].[RegularExpression].[Replace]
    • That's it. Test your function:

      declare @MyTable table ([id] int primary key clustered, MyText varchar(100))
      insert into @MyTable ([id], MyText)
      select 1, 'some text; some more text'
      union all select 2, 'text again; even more text'
      union all select 3, 'text without a semicolon'
      union all select 4, null -- test NULLs
      union all select 5, '' -- test empty string
      union all select 6, 'test 3 semicolons; second part; third part'
      union all select 7, ';' -- test semicolon by itself    
      SELECT [dbo].[RegexReplace] ([MyText], '(;.*)', '')
      FROM @MyTable
      select * from @MyTable

Wireshark vs Firebug vs Fiddler - pros and cons?

Wireshark, Firebug, Fiddler all do similar things - capture network traffic.

  • Wireshark captures any kind of network packet. It can capture packet details below TCP/IP (HTTP is at the top). It does have filters to reduce the noise it captures.

  • Firebug tracks each request the browser page makes and captures the associated headers and the time taken for each stage of the request (DNS, receiving, sending, ...).

  • Fiddler works as an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. It captures every HTTP request the computer makes and records everything associated with it. It does allow things like converting post variables to a table form and editing/replaying requests. It doesn't, by default, capture localhost traffic in IE, see the FAQ for the workaround.

How to hash a password's and Christian Gollhardt's answers are great, thank you very much. But after running this code on production with millions of record, I discovered there is a memory leak. RNGCryptoServiceProvider and Rfc2898DeriveBytes classes are derived from IDisposable but we don't dispose of them. I will write my solution as an answer if someone needs with disposed version.

public static class SecurePasswordHasher
    /// <summary>
    /// Size of salt.
    /// </summary>
    private const int SaltSize = 16;

    /// <summary>
    /// Size of hash.
    /// </summary>
    private const int HashSize = 20;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a hash from a password.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <param name="iterations">Number of iterations.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash.</returns>
    public static string Hash(string password, int iterations)
        // Create salt
        using (var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
            byte[] salt;
            rng.GetBytes(salt = new byte[SaltSize]);
            using (var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations))
                var hash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(HashSize);
                // Combine salt and hash
                var hashBytes = new byte[SaltSize + HashSize];
                Array.Copy(salt, 0, hashBytes, 0, SaltSize);
                Array.Copy(hash, 0, hashBytes, SaltSize, HashSize);
                // Convert to base64
                var base64Hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);

                // Format hash with extra information
                return $"$HASH|V1${iterations}${base64Hash}";


    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a hash from a password with 10000 iterations
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash.</returns>
    public static string Hash(string password)
        return Hash(password, 10000);

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if hash is supported.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hashString">The hash.</param>
    /// <returns>Is supported?</returns>
    public static bool IsHashSupported(string hashString)
        return hashString.Contains("HASH|V1$");

    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies a password against a hash.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <param name="hashedPassword">The hash.</param>
    /// <returns>Could be verified?</returns>
    public static bool Verify(string password, string hashedPassword)
        // Check hash
        if (!IsHashSupported(hashedPassword))
            throw new NotSupportedException("The hashtype is not supported");

        // Extract iteration and Base64 string
        var splittedHashString = hashedPassword.Replace("$HASH|V1$", "").Split('$');
        var iterations = int.Parse(splittedHashString[0]);
        var base64Hash = splittedHashString[1];

        // Get hash bytes
        var hashBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Hash);

        // Get salt
        var salt = new byte[SaltSize];
        Array.Copy(hashBytes, 0, salt, 0, SaltSize);

        // Create hash with given salt
        using (var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations))
            byte[] hash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(HashSize);

            // Get result
            for (var i = 0; i < HashSize; i++)
                if (hashBytes[i + SaltSize] != hash[i])
                    return false;

            return true;



// Hash
var hash = SecurePasswordHasher.Hash("mypassword");

// Verify
var result = SecurePasswordHasher.Verify("mypassword", hash);

Python pip install module is not found. How to link python to pip location?

If your python and pip binaries are from different versions, modules installed using pip will not be available to python.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Open up a fresh terminal with a default environment and locate the binaries for pip and python.
readlink $(which pip)

readlink $(which python)
/usr/local/bin/python3      <-- another symlink

readlink /usr/local/bin/python3

Here you can see an obvious mismatch between the versions 2.7.15_1 and 3.7.2 in my case.

  1. Replace the pip symlink with the pip binary which matches your current version of python. Use your python version in the following command.
ln -is /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2/bin/pip3 $(which pip)

The -i flag promts you to overwrite if the target exists.

That should do the trick.

Disable Button in Angular 2

Change ng-disabled="!contractTypeValid" to [disabled]="!contractTypeValid"

Are multiple `.gitignore`s frowned on?

As a tangential note, one case where the ability to have multiple .gitignore files is very useful is if you want an extra directory in your working copy that you never intend to commit. Just put a 1-byte .gitignore (containing just a single asterisk) in that directory and it will never show up in git status etc.

Remove Duplicate objects from JSON Array

Use Map to remove the duplicates. (For new readers)

var standardsList = [
    {"Grade": "Math K", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math K", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math K", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math K", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math K", "Domain": "Geometry"},
    {"Grade": "Math 1", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math 1", "Domain": "Counting & Cardinality"},
    {"Grade": "Math 1", "Domain": "Orders of Operation"},
    {"Grade": "Math 2", "Domain": "Geometry"},
    {"Grade": "Math 2", "Domain": "Geometry"}

var grades = new Map();
standardsList.forEach( function( item ) {
    grades.set(JSON.stringify(item), item);

console.log( [...grades.values()]);

  { Grade: 'Math K', Domain: 'Counting & Cardinality' },
  { Grade: 'Math K', Domain: 'Geometry' },
  { Grade: 'Math 1', Domain: 'Counting & Cardinality' },
  { Grade: 'Math 1', Domain: 'Orders of Operation' },
  { Grade: 'Math 2', Domain: 'Geometry' }

Rotate image with javascript

You can always apply CCS class with rotate property -

To keep rotated image within your div dimensions you need to adjust CSS as well, there is no needs to use JavaScript except of adding class.

Can't install nuget package because of "Failed to initialize the PowerShell host"

My problem solved, because in this time .Net Core not supported EF 6.2.0.

change project from Core and EF installed successfully.

Check if list<t> contains any of another list

You could use a nested Any() for this check which is available on any Enumerable:

bool hasMatch = myStrings.Any(x => parameters.Any(y => y.source == x));

Faster performing on larger collections would be to project parameters to source and then use Intersect which internally uses a HashSet<T> so instead of O(n^2) for the first approach (the equivalent of two nested loops) you can do the check in O(n) :

bool hasMatch = parameters.Select(x => x.source)

Also as a side comment you should capitalize your class names and property names to conform with the C# style guidelines.

Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?

The only thing worked for me is using track by in ng-options, like this:

 <select class="dropdown" ng-model="selectedUserTable" ng-options="option.Id as option.Name for option in userTables track by option.Id">

Can Twitter Bootstrap alerts fade in as well as out?

I strongly disagree with most answers previously mentioned.

Short answer:

Omit the "in" class and add it using jQuery to fade it in.

See this jsfiddle for an example that fades in alert after 3 seconds

Long answer:

Although it is true bootstrap doesn't natively support fading in alerts, most answers here use the jQuery fade function, which uses JavaScript to animate (fade) the element. The big advantage of this is cross browser compatibility. The downside is performance (see also: jQuery to call CSS3 fade animation?).

Bootstrap uses CSS3 transitions, which have way better performance. Which is important for mobile devices:

Bootstraps CSS to fade the alert:

.fade {
  opacity: 0;
  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
  -moz-transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
  -o-transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
  transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
} {
  opacity: 1;

Why do I think this performance is so important? People using old browsers and hardware will potentially get a choppy transitions with jQuery.fade(). The same goes for old hardware with modern browsers. Using CSS3 transitions people using modern browsers will get a smooth animation even with older hardware, and people using older browsers that don't support CSS transitions will just instantly see the element pop in, which I think is a better user experience than choppy animations.

I came here looking for the same answer as the above: to fade in a bootstrap alert. After some digging in the code and CSS of Bootstrap the answer is rather straightforward. Don't add the "in" class to your alert. And add this using jQuery when you want to fade in your alert.

HTML (notice there is NO in class!)

<div id="myAlert" class="alert success fade" data-alert="alert">
  <!-- rest of alert code goes here -->


function showAlert(){

Calling the function above function adds the "in" class and fades in the alert using CSS3 transitions :-)

Also see this jsfiddle for an example using a timeout (thanks John Lehmann!):

JNI converting jstring to char *

Here's a a couple of useful link that I found when I started with JNI

concerning your problem you can use this

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ClassName_MethodName(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring javaString)   
   const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);

   // use your string

   env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, nativeString);

ng-if, not equal to?

Here is a nifty solution with a filter:

app.filter('status', function() {

  var statusDict = {
    0: "No payment",
    1: "Late",
    2: "Late",
    3: "Some payment made",
    4: "Some payment made",
    5: "Some payment made",
    6: "Late and further taken out"

  return function(status) {
    return statusDict[status] || 'Error';


<div ng-repeat="details in myDataSet">
  <p>{{ details.Name }}</p>
  <p>{{ details.DOB  }}</p>
  <p>{{ details.Payment[0].Status | status }}</p>
  <p>{{ details.Gender}}</p>

Detecting arrow key presses in JavaScript

Use keydown, not keypress for non-printable keys such as arrow keys:

function checkKey(e) {
    e = e || window.event;

document.onkeydown = checkKey;

The best JavaScript key event reference I've found (beating the pants off quirksmode, for example) is here:

What exactly is RESTful programming?

An architectural style called REST (Representational State Transfer) advocates that web applications should use HTTP as it was originally envisioned. Lookups should use GET requests. PUT, POST, and DELETE requests should be used for mutation, creation, and deletion respectively.

REST proponents tend to favor URLs, such as

but the REST architecture does not require these "pretty URLs". A GET request with a parameter

is every bit as RESTful.

Keep in mind that GET requests should never be used for updating information. For example, a GET request for adding an item to a cart

would not be appropriate. GET requests should be idempotent. That is, issuing a request twice should be no different from issuing it once. That's what makes the requests cacheable. An "add to cart" request is not idempotent—issuing it twice adds two copies of the item to the cart. A POST request is clearly appropriate in this context. Thus, even a RESTful web application needs its share of POST requests.

This is taken from the excellent book Core JavaServer faces book by David M. Geary.

How can I get list of values from dict?

Follow the below example --

songs = [
{"title": "happy birthday", "playcount": 4},
{"title": "AC/DC", "playcount": 2},
{"title": "Billie Jean", "playcount": 6},
{"title": "Human Touch", "playcount": 3}

print(f'Songs --> {songs} \n')
title = list(map(lambda x : x['title'], songs))
print(f'Print Title --> {title}')

playcount = list(map(lambda x : x['playcount'], songs))
print(f'Print Playcount --> {playcount}')
print (f'Print Sorted playcount --> {sorted(playcount)}')

# Aliter -
print(sorted(list(map(lambda x: x['playcount'],songs))))

SSL certificate is not trusted - on mobile only

The most likely reason for the error is that the certificate authority that issued your SSL certificate is trusted on your desktop, but not on your mobile.

If you purchased the certificate from a common certification authority, it shouldn't be an issue - but if it is a less common one it is possible that your phone doesn't have it. You may need to accept it as a trusted publisher (although this is not ideal if you are pushing the site to the public as they won't be willing to do this.)

You might find looking at a list of Trusted CAs for Android helps to see if yours is there or not.

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

From my Diceshaker application:

// Ensures the shake is strong enough on at least two axes before declaring it a shake.
// "Strong enough" means "greater than a client-supplied threshold" in G's.
static BOOL L0AccelerationIsShaking(UIAcceleration* last, UIAcceleration* current, double threshold) {
        deltaX = fabs(last.x - current.x),
        deltaY = fabs(last.y - current.y),
        deltaZ = fabs(last.z - current.z);

        (deltaX > threshold && deltaY > threshold) ||
        (deltaX > threshold && deltaZ > threshold) ||
        (deltaY > threshold && deltaZ > threshold);

@interface L0AppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
    BOOL histeresisExcited;
    UIAcceleration* lastAcceleration;

@property(retain) UIAcceleration* lastAcceleration;


@implementation L0AppDelegate

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
    [UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer].delegate = self;

- (void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {

    if (self.lastAcceleration) {
        if (!histeresisExcited && L0AccelerationIsShaking(self.lastAcceleration, acceleration, 0.7)) {
            histeresisExcited = YES;


        } else if (histeresisExcited && !L0AccelerationIsShaking(self.lastAcceleration, acceleration, 0.2)) {
            histeresisExcited = NO;

    self.lastAcceleration = acceleration;

// and proper @synthesize and -dealloc boilerplate code


The histeresis prevents the shake event from triggering multiple times until the user stops the shake.

How to make fixed header table inside scrollable div?

This code works form me. Include the jquery.js file.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
var headerDivWidth=0;
var contentDivWidth=0;
function fixHeader(){

var contentDivId = "contentDiv";
var headerDivId = "headerDiv";

var header = document.createElement('table');
var headerRow = document.getElementById('tableColumnHeadings'); 

/*Start : Place header table inside <DIV> and place this <DIV> before content table*/
var headerDiv = "<div id='"+headerDivId+"' style='width:500px;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll' class='tableColumnHeadings'><table></table></div>";
/*End : Place header table inside <DIV> and place this <DIV> before content table*/

function fixColumnWidths(headerDivId,contentDivId){
 /*Start : Place header row cell and content table first row cell inside <DIV>*/ 
            var contentFirstRowCells = $('#'+contentDivId+' table tr:first-child td');
            for (k = 0; k < contentFirstRowCells.length; k++) {
                $( contentFirstRowCells[k] ).wrapInner( "<div ></div>");
            var headerFirstRowCells = $('#'+headerDivId+' table tr:first-child td');
            for (k = 0; k < headerFirstRowCells.length; k++) {
                $( headerFirstRowCells[k] ).wrapInner( "<div></div>");
 /*End : Place header row cell and content table first row cell inside <DIV>*/ 

 /*Start : Fix width for columns of header cells and content first ror cells*/
            var headerColumns = $('#'+headerDivId+' table tr:first-child td div:first-child');
            var contentColumns = $('#'+contentDivId+' table tr:first-child td div:first-child');
            for (i = 0; i < contentColumns.length; i++) {
                if (i == contentColumns.length - 1) {
                    contentCellWidth = contentColumns[i].offsetWidth;
                else {
                    contentCellWidth = contentColumns[i].offsetWidth;
                headerCellWidth = headerColumns[i].offsetWidth;
                $(headerColumns[i]).css('width', contentCellWidth+"px");
                $(contentColumns[i]).css('width', contentCellWidth+"px");
                $(headerColumns[i]).css('width', headerCellWidth+"px");
                $(contentColumns[i]).css('width', headerCellWidth+"px");
/*End : Fix width for columns of header and columns of content table first row*/

    function OnScrollDiv(Scrollablediv) {
    document.getElementById('headerDiv').scrollLeft = Scrollablediv.scrollLeft;
function radioCount(){

border:1px solid black;


<body onload="fixHeader();">
<form id="form" name="form">
<div id="contentDiv" style="width:500px;height:100px;overflow:auto;" onscroll="OnScrollDiv(this)">
<!--tr id="tableColumnHeadings" class="tableColumnHeadings">


  <tr id="tableColumnHeadings" class="tableColumnHeadings">


<tr style="height:0px">

<tr >
<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID" onclick="javascript:radioCount();"/></td>

<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID"/></td>

<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID"/></td>

<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID"/></td>

<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID"/></td>

<td><input type="radio" id="SELECTED_ID" name="SELECTED_ID"/></td>




Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

I feel a little uneasy to add more answers here. Decided to go for the most readable and minimal pure ruby approach, disregarding the nice benchmark from @ulysse-bn. While :class mode is a copy of @user3869936, the :method mode I don't see in any other answer here.

  def snake_to_camel_case(str, mode: :class)
    case mode
    when :class
    when :method
      str.split('_').inject { |m, p| m + p.capitalize }
      raise "unknown mode #{mode.inspect}"

Result is:

[28] pry(main)> snake_to_camel_case("asd_dsa_fds", mode: :class)
=> "AsdDsaFds"
[29] pry(main)> snake_to_camel_case("asd_dsa_fds", mode: :method)
=> "asdDsaFds"

How to find which version of Oracle is installed on a Linux server (In terminal)

Login as sys user in sql*plus. Then do this query:

select * from v$version; 


select * from product_component_version;

How to automatically redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Apache servers?

Searched for apache redirect http to https and landed here. This is what i did on ubuntu:

1) Enable modules

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod ssl

2) Edit your site config

Edit file


Content should be:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile    <path to your crt file>
    SSLCertificateKeyFile   <path to your private key file>

    # Rest of your site config
    # ...

3) Restart apache2

sudo service apache2 restart

How to return the current timestamp with Moment.js?

Get by Location:

return moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss')

get data from mysql database to use in javascript

Do you really need to "build" it from javascript or can you simply return the built HTML from PHP and insert it into the DOM?

  1. Send AJAX request to php script
  2. PHP script processes request and builds table
  3. PHP script sends response back to JS in form of encoded HTML
  4. JS takes response and inserts it into the DOM

Short description of the scoping rules?

Where is x found?

x is not found as you haven't defined it. :-) It could be found in code1 (global) or code3 (local) if you put it there.

code2 (class members) aren't visible to code inside methods of the same class — you would usually access them using self. code4/code5 (loops) live in the same scope as code3, so if you wrote to x in there you would be changing the x instance defined in code3, not making a new x.

Python is statically scoped, so if you pass ‘spam’ to another function spam will still have access to globals in the module it came from (defined in code1), and any other containing scopes (see below). code2 members would again be accessed through self.

lambda is no different to def. If you have a lambda used inside a function, it's the same as defining a nested function. In Python 2.2 onwards, nested scopes are available. In this case you can bind x at any level of function nesting and Python will pick up the innermost instance:

x= 0
def fun1():
    x= 1
    def fun2():
        x= 2
        def fun3():
            return x
        return fun3()
    return fun2()
print fun1(), x

2 0

fun3 sees the instance x from the nearest containing scope, which is the function scope associated with fun2. But the other x instances, defined in fun1 and globally, are not affected.

Before nested_scopes — in Python pre-2.1, and in 2.1 unless you specifically ask for the feature using a from-future-import — fun1 and fun2's scopes are not visible to fun3, so S.Lott's answer holds and you would get the global x:

0 0

Number of rows affected by an UPDATE in PL/SQL

Please try this one..

create table client (
  val_cli integer
 ,status varchar2(10)

insert into client
select 1, 'void' from dual
union all
select 4, 'void' from dual
union all
select 1, 'void' from dual
union all
select 6, 'void' from dual
union all
select 10, 'void' from dual;

select * from client;

  counter integer := 0;
  for val in 1..10
      update client set status = 'updated' where val_cli = val;
      if sql%rowcount = 0 then
        dbms_output.put_line('no client with '||val||' val_cli.');
        dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount||' client updated for '||val);
        counter := counter + sql%rowcount;
      end if;
  end loop;
   dbms_output.put_line('Number of total lines affected update operation: '||counter);

select * from client;


Result will be like below:

2 client updated for 1
no client with 2 val_cli.
no client with 3 val_cli.
1 client updated for 4
no client with 5 val_cli.
1 client updated for 6
no client with 7 val_cli.
no client with 8 val_cli.
no client with 9 val_cli.
1 client updated for 10
Number of total lines affected update operation: 5

What is the <leader> in a .vimrc file?

In my system its the \ key. it's used for commands so that you can combine it with other chars.

MySQL "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)"

I got this completely worthless and uninformative error when I tried to:


My problem was in my comments table, user_id was defined as:

`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL

So... in my case, the problem was with the conflict between NOT NULL, and ON DELETE SET NULL.

How to set a maximum execution time for a mysql query?

pt_kill has an option for such. But it is on-demand, not continually monitoring. It does what @Rafa suggested. However see --sentinel for a hint of how to come close with cron.

Cannot open database "test" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'xyz\ASPNET'

In my case it is a different issue. The database turned into single user mode and a second connection to the database was showing this exception. To resolve this issue follow below steps.

  1. Make sure the object explorer is pointed to a system database like master.
  2. Execute a exec sp_who2 and find all the connections to database ‘my_db’. Kill all the connections by doing KILL { session id } where session id is the SPID listed by sp_who2.
EXEC sp_who2
  1. Alter the database

Run react-native on android emulator

You can also try use "doctor" command. It will fix most cases.

npx @react-native-community/cli doctor

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

From the mysql man page:

   You can execute SQL statements in a script file (batch file) like this:

       shell> mysql db_name < script.sql >

Put the query in script.sql and run it.

How can I make the contents of a fixed element scrollable only when it exceeds the height of the viewport?

Try this on your position:fixed element.

overflow-y: scroll;
max-height: 100%;

How to specify 64 bit integers in c

Use stdint.h for specific sizes of integer data types, and also use appropriate suffixes for integer literal constants, e.g.:

#include <stdint.h>

int64_t i2 = 0x0000444400004444LL;

Convert integer to binary in C#

Very Simple with no extra code, just input, conversion and output.

using System;

namespace _01.Decimal_to_Binary
    class DecimalToBinary
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Decimal: ");
            int decimalNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            int remainder;
            string result = string.Empty;
            while (decimalNumber > 0)
                remainder = decimalNumber % 2;
                decimalNumber /= 2;
                result = remainder.ToString() + result;
            Console.WriteLine("Binary:  {0}",result);

How to get text box value in JavaScript

+1 Gumbo: ‘id’ is the easiest way to access page elements. IE (pre version 8) will return things with a matching ‘name’ if it can't find anything with the given ID, but this is a bug.

i am getting only "software".

id-vs-name won't affect this; I suspect what's happened is that (contrary to the example code) you've forgotten to quote your ‘value’ attribute:

<input type="text" name="txtJob" value=software engineer>

Casting string to enum

Have a look at using something like


Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. A parameter specifies whether the operation is case-sensitive. The return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.



Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object.

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

I manage to apply gradient border using this code..

public static Bitmap drawShadow(Bitmap bitmap, int leftRightThk, int bottomThk, int padTop) {
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();

    int newW = w - (leftRightThk * 2);
    int newH = h - (bottomThk + padTop);

    Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
    Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf);
    Bitmap sbmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, newW, newH, false);

    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    Canvas c = new Canvas(bmp);

    // Left
    int leftMargin = (leftRightThk + 7)/2;
    Shader lshader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, leftMargin, 0, Color.TRANSPARENT, Color.BLACK, TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(0, padTop, leftMargin, newH, paint); 

    // Right
    Shader rshader = new LinearGradient(w - leftMargin, 0, w, 0, Color.BLACK, Color.TRANSPARENT, TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(newW, padTop, w, newH, paint);

    // Bottom
    Shader bshader = new LinearGradient(0, newH, 0, bitmap.getHeight(), Color.BLACK, Color.TRANSPARENT, TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(leftMargin -3, newH, newW + leftMargin + 3, bitmap.getHeight(), paint);
    c.drawBitmap(sbmp, leftRightThk, 0, null);

    return bmp;

hope this helps !

How to generate List<String> from SQL query?

I think this is what you're looking for.

List<String> columnData = new List<String>();

using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("conn_string"))
    string query = "SELECT Column1 FROM Table1";
    using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
        using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
            while (reader.Read())

Not tested, but this should work fine.

store return value of a Python script in a bash script

Python documentation for sys.exit([arg])says:

The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status (defaulting to zero), or another type of object. If it is an integer, zero is considered “successful termination” and any nonzero value is considered “abnormal termination” by shells and the like. Most systems require it to be in the range 0-127, and produce undefined results otherwise.

Moreover to retrieve the return value of the last executed program you could use the $? bash predefined variable.

Anyway if you put a string as arg in sys.exit() it should be printed at the end of your program output in a separate line, so that you can retrieve it just with a little bit of parsing. As an example consider this:

outputString=`python myPythonScript arg1 arg2 arg3 | tail -0`

How to determine one year from now in Javascript

Using some of the answers on this page and here, I came up with my own answer as none of these answers fully solved it for me.

Here is crux of it

var startDate = "27 Apr 2017";
var numOfYears = 1;
var expireDate = new Date(startDate);
expireDate.setFullYear(expireDate.getFullYear() + numOfYears);
expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate() -1);

And here a a JSFiddle that has a working example:

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

I solved the problem with these online tools:

  1. To check if the Json structure is OKAY:
  2. To generate my Object class from my Json structure:

The simple code:

RootObject rootObj= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(File.ReadAllText(pathFile));

Understanding the results of Execute Explain Plan in Oracle SQL Developer

The output of EXPLAIN PLAN is a debug output from Oracle's query optimiser. The COST is the final output of the Cost-based optimiser (CBO), the purpose of which is to select which of the many different possible plans should be used to run the query. The CBO calculates a relative Cost for each plan, then picks the plan with the lowest cost.

(Note: in some cases the CBO does not have enough time to evaluate every possible plan; in these cases it just picks the plan with the lowest cost found so far)

In general, one of the biggest contributors to a slow query is the number of rows read to service the query (blocks, to be more precise), so the cost will be based in part on the number of rows the optimiser estimates will need to be read.

For example, lets say you have the following query:

SELECT emp_id FROM employees WHERE months_of_service = 6;

(The months_of_service column has a NOT NULL constraint on it and an ordinary index on it.)

There are two basic plans the optimiser might choose here:

  • Plan 1: Read all the rows from the "employees" table, for each, check if the predicate is true (months_of_service=6).
  • Plan 2: Read the index where months_of_service=6 (this results in a set of ROWIDs), then access the table based on the ROWIDs returned.

Let's imagine the "employees" table has 1,000,000 (1 million) rows. Let's further imagine that the values for months_of_service range from 1 to 12 and are fairly evenly distributed for some reason.

The cost of Plan 1, which involves a FULL SCAN, will be the cost of reading all the rows in the employees table, which is approximately equal to 1,000,000; but since Oracle will often be able to read the blocks using multi-block reads, the actual cost will be lower (depending on how your database is set up) - e.g. let's imagine the multi-block read count is 10 - the calculated cost of the full scan will be 1,000,000 / 10; Overal cost = 100,000.

The cost of Plan 2, which involves an INDEX RANGE SCAN and a table lookup by ROWID, will be the cost of scanning the index, plus the cost of accessing the table by ROWID. I won't go into how index range scans are costed but let's imagine the cost of the index range scan is 1 per row; we expect to find a match in 1 out of 12 cases, so the cost of the index scan is 1,000,000 / 12 = 83,333; plus the cost of accessing the table (assume 1 block read per access, we can't use multi-block reads here) = 83,333; Overall cost = 166,666.

As you can see, the cost of Plan 1 (full scan) is LESS than the cost of Plan 2 (index scan + access by rowid) - which means the CBO would choose the FULL scan.

If the assumptions made here by the optimiser are true, then in fact Plan 1 will be preferable and much more efficient than Plan 2 - which disproves the myth that FULL scans are "always bad".

The results would be quite different if the optimiser goal was FIRST_ROWS(n) instead of ALL_ROWS - in which case the optimiser would favour Plan 2 because it will often return the first few rows quicker, at the cost of being less efficient for the entire query.

How do I find the current directory of a batch file, and then use it for the path?

There is no need to know where the files are, because when you launch a bat file the working directory is the directory where it was launched (the "master folder"), so if you have this structure:


And the user starts the "mybat.bat", the working directory is ".\mydocuments\folder", so you only need to write the subfolder name in your script:

@Echo OFF
REM Do anything with ".\Subfolder\File1.txt"
PUSHD ".\Subfolder"
Type "File1.txt"

Anyway, the working directory is stored in the "%CD%" variable, and the directory where the bat was launched is stored on the argument 0. Then if you want to know the working directory on any computer you can do:

@Echo OFF
Echo Launch dir: "%~dp0"
Echo Current dir: "%CD%"

How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?

This post helped me A LOT!

I added UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints symbolic breakpoint with suggested action:

Obj-C project

po [[UIWindow keyWindow] _autolayoutTrace]

Symbolic breakpoint with custom action in Objective-C project

Swift project

expr -l objc++ -O -- [[UIWindow keyWindow] _autolayoutTrace]

Symbolic breakpoint with custom action

With this hint, the log became more detailed, and It was easier for me identify which view had the constraint broken.

|   UILayoutContainerView:0x7f88a8f23b70
|   |   UINavigationTransitionView:0x7f88a8ca1970
|   |   |   UIViewControllerWrapperView:0x7f88a8f2aab0
|   |   |   |   •UIView:0x7f88a8ca2880
|   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8ca2a10
|   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8c98820'Archived'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIButtonLabel:0x7f88a8cb0e30'Archived'
|   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8ca22d0'Download'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIButtonLabel:0x7f88a8cb04e0'Download'
|   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8ca1580'Deleted'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIButtonLabel:0x7f88a8caf100'Deleted'
|   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8ca33e0
|   |   |   |   |   *_UILayoutGuide:0x7f88a8ca35b0
|   |   |   |   |   *_UILayoutGuide:0x7f88a8ca4090
|   |   |   |   |   _UIPageViewControllerContentView:0x7f88a8f1a390
|   |   |   |   |   |   _UIQueuingScrollView:0x7f88aa031c00
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIView:0x7f88a8f38070
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIView:0x7f88a8f381e0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   •UIView:0x7f88a8f39fa0, MISSING HOST CONSTRAINTS
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8cb9bf0'Retrieve data'- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIButton:0x7f88a8cb9bf0'Retrieve data'.minX{id: 170}, UIButton:0x7f88a8cb9bf0'Retrieve data'.minY{id: 171}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8f3ad80- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIImageView:0x7f88a8f3ad80.minX{id: 172}, UIImageView:0x7f88a8f3ad80.minY{id: 173}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *App.RecordInfoView:0x7f88a8cbe530- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for App.RecordInfoView:0x7f88a8cbe530.minX{id: 174}, App.RecordInfoView:0x7f88a8cbe530.minY{id: 175}, App.RecordInfoView:0x7f88a8cbe530.Width{id: 176}, App.RecordInfoView:0x7f88a8cbe530.Height{id: 177}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +UIView:0x7f88a8cc1d30- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIView:0x7f88a8cc1d30.minX{id: 178}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1d30.minY{id: 179}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1d30.Width{id: 180}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1d30.Height{id: 181}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8cc1ec0- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIView:0x7f88a8cc1ec0.minX{id: 153}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1ec0.minY{id: 151}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1ec0.Width{id: 154}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc1ec0.Height{id: 165}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8e68e10- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIView:0x7f88a8e68e10.minX{id: 155}, UIView:0x7f88a8e68e10.minY{id: 150}, UIView:0x7f88a8e68e10.Width{id: 156}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e65de0- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIImageView:0x7f88a8e65de0.minX{id: 159}, UIImageView:0x7f88a8e65de0.minY{id: 182}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8e69080'8-6-2015'- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UILabel:0x7f88a8e69080'8-6-2015'.minX{id: 183}, UILabel:0x7f88a8e69080'8-6-2015'.minY{id: 184}, UILabel:0x7f88a8e69080'8-6-2015'.Width{id: 185}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0690'16:34'- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0690'16:34'.minX{id: 186}, UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0690'16:34'.minY{id: 187}, UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0690'16:34'.Width{id: 188}, UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0690'16:34'.Height{id: 189}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8cc2050- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIView:0x7f88a8cc2050.minX{id: 161}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc2050.minY{id: 166}, UIView:0x7f88a8cc2050.Width{id: 163}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e69d90- AMBIGUOUS LAYOUT for UIImageView:0x7f88a8e69d90.minX{id: 190}, UIImageView:0x7f88a8e69d90.minY{id: 191}, UIImageView:0x7f88a8e69d90.Width{id: 192}, UIImageView:0x7f88a8e69d90.Height{id: 193}
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3cc00
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8e618d0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e5ba10
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3cd70
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e58e10
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e5e7a0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3cee0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3dc70
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8e64dd0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8e65290'Average flow rate'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8e712d0'177.0 ml/s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8c97150'1299.4'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3dde0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3df50'Maximum flow rate'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cbfdb0'371.6 ml/s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0230'873.5'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3e2a0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3e410'Total volume'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0f20'371.6 ml'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3e870
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3ea00'Time do max. flow'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc0ac0'3.6 s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3ee10
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3efa0'Flow time'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cbf980'2.1 s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3f3e0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3f570'Voiding time'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc17e0'3.5 s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3f9a0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8f3fb30'Voiding delay'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UILabel:0x7f88a8cc1380'1.0 s'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8e65000
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8e52f20'Show'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e6e1d0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8e52c90'Send'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e61bb0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIButton:0x7f88a8e528e0'Delete'
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIImageView:0x7f88a8e6b3f0
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIView:0x7f88a8f3ff60
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *UIActivityIndicatorView:0x7f88a8cba080
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIImageView:0x7f88a8cba700
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *_UILayoutGuide:0x7f88a8cc3150
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   *_UILayoutGuide:0x7f88a8cc3b10
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   UIView:0x7f88a8f339c0
|   |   UINavigationBar:0x7f88a8c96810
|   |   |   _UINavigationBarBackground:0x7f88a8e45c00
|   |   |   |   UIImageView:0x7f88a8e46410
|   |   |   UINavigationItemView:0x7f88a8c97520'App'
|   |   |   |   UILabel:0x7f88a8c97cc0'App'
|   |   |   UINavigationButton:0x7f88a8e3e850
|   |   |   |   UIImageView:0x7f88a8e445b0
|   |   |   _UINavigationBarBackIndicatorView:0x7f88a8f2b530

    * - is laid out with auto layout
    + - is laid out manually, but is represented in the layout engine because translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES
    • - layout engine host

Then I paused execution Pause and I changed problematic view's background color with the command (replacing 0x7f88a8cc2050 with the memory address of your object of course)...


expr ((UIView *)0x7f88a8cc2050).backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]

Swift 3.0

expr -l Swift -- import UIKit
expr -l Swift -- unsafeBitCast(0x7f88a8cc2050, to: UIView.self).backgroundColor =

... and the result It was awesome!

Hinted View

Simply amazing! Hope It helps.

How can I print the contents of an array horizontally?

int[] n=new int[5];

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    n[i] = i + 100;

foreach (int j in n)
    int i = j - 100;

    Console.WriteLine("Element [{0}]={1}", i, j);

Python: Writing to and Reading from serial port

a piece of code who work with python to read rs232 just in case somedoby else need it

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial', 9600, timeout=0.5)

How to run Rake tasks from within Rake tasks?

task :build_all do
  [ :debug, :release ].each do |t|
    $build_type = t

An item with the same key has already been added

I had the problem not in my C# model, but in the javascript object I was posting using AJAX. I'm using Angular for binding and had a capitalized Notes field on the page while my C# object was expecting lower-case notes. A more descriptive error would sure be nice.


class Post {
    public string notes { get; set; }


<input ng-model="post.Notes" type="text">

How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android


add property on main layout of layout file and


add line in your Manifest.xml file on your Activty

its perfect work for me.

Visual Studio 2017: Display method references

CodeLens is not available in the Community editions. You need Professional or higher to switch it on.

In VS2015, one way to "get" CodeLens was to install the SQL Server Developer Tools (SSDT) but I believe this has been rectified in VS2017.

Still you can get all method reference by right clicking on the method and "Find All references"

enter image description here

How do I fix a NoSuchMethodError?

Above answer explains very well ..just to add one thing If you are using using eclipse use ctrl+shift+T and enter package structure of class (e.g. : gateway.smpp.PDUEventListener ), you will find all jars/projects where it's present. Remove unnecessary jars from classpath or add above in class path. Now it will pick up correct one.

How do you add an ActionListener onto a JButton in Java

Two ways:

1. Implement ActionListener in your class, then use jBtnSelection.addActionListener(this); Later, you'll have to define a menthod, public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). However, doing this for multiple buttons can be confusing, because the actionPerformed method will have to check the source of each event (e.getSource()) to see which button it came from.

2. Use anonymous inner classes:

jBtnSelection.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
} );

Later, you'll have to define selectionButtonPressed(). This works better when you have multiple buttons, because your calls to individual methods for handling the actions are right next to the definition of the button.

The second method also allows you to call the selection method directly. In this case, you could call selectionButtonPressed() if some other action happens, too - like, when a timer goes off or something (but in this case, your method would be named something different, maybe selectionChanged()).

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it (PHP / WAMP)

Kindly check is your mysql-service is running.

for windows user: check the services - mysql service

for Linux user: Check the mysql service/demon is running (services mysql status)

Thanks & Regards Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R

How to upgrade pip3?

To upgrade your pip3, try running:

sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip3

To upgrade pip as well, you can follow it by:

sudo -H pip2 install --upgrade pip

execute shell command from android

A modification of the code by @CarloCannas:

public static void sudo(String...strings) {
        Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());

        for (String s : strings) {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    }catch(IOException e){

(You are welcome to find a better place for outputStream.close())

Usage example:

private static void suMkdirs(String path) {
    if (!new File(path).isDirectory()) {
        sudo("mkdir -p "+path);

Update: To get the result (the output to stdout), use:

public static String sudoForResult(String...strings) {
    String res = "";
    DataOutputStream outputStream = null;
    InputStream response = null;
        Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
        outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());
        response = su.getInputStream();

        for (String s : strings) {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        res = readFully(response);
    } catch (IOException e){
    } finally {
        Closer.closeSilently(outputStream, response);
    return res;
public static String readFully(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length = 0;
    while ((length = != -1) {
        baos.write(buffer, 0, length);
    return baos.toString("UTF-8");

The utility to silently close a number of Closeables (So?ket may be no Closeable) is:

public class Closer {
// closeAll()
public static void closeSilently(Object... xs) {
    // Note: on Android API levels prior to 19 Socket does not implement Closeable
    for (Object x : xs) {
        if (x != null) {
            try {
                Log.d("closing: "+x);
                if (x instanceof Closeable) {
                } else if (x instanceof Socket) {
                } else if (x instanceof DatagramSocket) {
                } else {
                    Log.d("cannot close: "+x);
                    throw new RuntimeException("cannot close "+x);
            } catch (Throwable e) {

In Excel, how do I extract last four letters of a ten letter string?

No need to use a macro. Supposing your first string is in A1.

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

Drag this down and you will get your four last characters.

Edit: To be sure, if you ever have sequences like 'ABC DEF' and want the last four LETTERS and not CHARACTERS you might want to use trimspaces()


Edit: As per brettdj's suggestion, you may want to check that your string is actually 4-character long or more:


Find all CSV files in a directory using Python

This solution uses the python function filter. This function creates a list of elements for which a function returns true. In this case, the anonymous function used is partial matching '.csv' on every element of the directory files list obtained with os.listdir('the path i want to look in')

import os

filepath= 'filepath_to_my_CSVs'  # for example: './my_data/'

list(filter(lambda x: '.csv' in x, os.listdir('filepath_to_my_CSVs')))

How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically?

I googled for code to merge object properties and ended up here. However since there wasn't any code for recursive merge I wrote it myself. (Maybe jQuery extend is recursive BTW?) Anyhow, hopefully someone else will find it useful as well.

(Now the code does not use Object.prototype :)


* Recursively merge properties of two objects 
function MergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) {

  for (var p in obj2) {
    try {
      // Property in destination object set; update its value.
      if ( obj2[p].constructor==Object ) {
        obj1[p] = MergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);

      } else {
        obj1[p] = obj2[p];


    } catch(e) {
      // Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
      obj1[p] = obj2[p];


  return obj1;

An example

o1 = {  a : 1,
        b : 2,
        c : {
          ca : 1,
          cb : 2,
          cc : {
            cca : 100,
            ccb : 200 } } };

o2 = {  a : 10,
        c : {
          ca : 10,
          cb : 20, 
          cc : {
            cca : 101,
            ccb : 202 } } };

o3 = MergeRecursive(o1, o2);

Produces object o3 like

o3 = {  a : 10,
        b : 2,
        c : {
          ca : 10,
          cb : 20,
          cc : { 
            cca : 101,
            ccb : 202 } } };

Loop through all the resources in a .resx file

  // Create a ResXResourceReader for the file items.resx.
  ResXResourceReader rsxr = new ResXResourceReader("items.resx");

  // Create an IDictionaryEnumerator to iterate through the resources.
  IDictionaryEnumerator id = rsxr.GetEnumerator();       

  // Iterate through the resources and display the contents to the console.
  foreach (DictionaryEntry d in rsxr) 
Console.WriteLine(d.Key.ToString() + ":\t" + d.Value.ToString());

 //Close the reader.

see link: microsoft example

Get the POST request body from HttpServletRequest

I resolved that situation in this way. I created a util method that return a object extracted from request body, using the readValue method of ObjectMapper that is capable of receiving a Reader.

public static <T> T getBody(ResourceRequest request, Class<T> class) {
    T objectFromBody = null;
    try {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(request);
        objectFromBody = objectMapper.readValue(httpServletRequest.getReader(), class);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("Error message", ex);
    return objectFromBody;

How do I parse command line arguments in Java?

I've used JOpt and found it quite handy:

The front page also provides a list of about 8 alternative libraries, check them out and pick the one that most suits your needs.

How to create EditText with rounded corners?

Try this one,

  1. Create rounded_edittext.xml file in your Drawable

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
        android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="15dp">
        <solid android:color="#FFFFFF" />
            android:topRightRadius="0dp" />
        <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#f06060" />
  2. Apply background for your EditText in xml file

        android:inputType="text" />  
  3. You will get output like this

enter image description here

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

A non-jQuery solution is much like a jQuery solution:

document.querySelector('#myinput').getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox'

How can I easily switch between PHP versions on Mac OSX?

i think unlink & link php versions are not enough because we are often using php with apache(httpd), so need to update httpd.conf after switch php version.

i have write shell script for disable/enable php_module automatically inside httpd.conf, look at line 46 to line 54

Follow my steps:

1) Check installed php versions by brew, for sure everything good

> brew list | grep php

2) Run script

> switch-php 71 # or switch-php 56
PHP version [71] found
Switching from [php56] to [php71] ... 
Unlink php56 ... [OK] and Link php71 ... [OK]
Updating Apache2.4 Configuration /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf ... [OK]
Restarting Apache2.4 ... [OK]
PHP 7.1.11 (cli) (built: Nov  3 2017 08:48:02) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies

3) Finally, when your got above message, check httpd.conf, in my laptop:

vi /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf

You can see near by LoadModule lines

LoadModule php7_module /usr/local/Cellar/php71/7.1.11_22/libexec/apache2/
#LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.32_8/libexec/apache2/

4) open httpd://localhost/info.php

i hope it helpful

Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?

Here is good solution in JavaScript (with all required mathematics and live illustration)

Though is_on function in that solution needs modifications:

function is_on(a, b, c) {_x000D_
    return Math.abs(distance(a,c) + distance(c,b) - distance(a,b))<0.000001;_x000D_

Why does scanf() need "%lf" for doubles, when printf() is okay with just "%f"?

Because C will promote floats to doubles for functions that take variable arguments. Pointers aren't promoted to anything, so you should be using %lf, %lg or %le (or %la in C99) to read in doubles.

Edit a commit message in SourceTree Windows (already pushed to remote)

On Version For UnPushed commit.

  1. Click on previously committed description
  2. Click Commit icon
  3. Enter new commit message, and choose "Ammend latest commit" from the Commit options dropdown.
  4. Commit your message.

What is the best way to tell if a character is a letter or number in Java without using regexes?

 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class v{
 public static void main(String args[]){
 Scanner in=new Scanner(;
    String str;
    int l;
    int flag=0;
    System.out.println("Enter the String:");
    char[] ch=str.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<l;i++){
        if ((ch[i] >= 'a' && ch[i]<= 'z') || (ch[i] >= 'A' && ch[i] <= 'Z')){

    System.out.println("Onlt char");


API vs. Webservice

Basically, a webservice is a method of communication between two machines while an API is an exposed layer allowing you to program against something.

You could very well have an API and the main method of interacting with that API is via a webservice.

The technical definitions (courtesy of Wikipedia) are:


An application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, data structures, object classes and/or protocols provided by libraries and/or operating system services in order to support the building of applications.


A Web service (also Web Service) is defined by the W3C as "a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network"

How can I get terminal output in python?

The easiest way is to use the library commands

import commands
print commands.getstatusoutput('echo "test" | wc')

Android Material: Status bar color won't change

Switch to AppCompatActivity and add a 25 dp paddingTop on the toolbar and turn on

<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>

Then, the will toolbar go up top the top

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

It seems many indie developers like me are desperately looking for an answer to these questions for years. Strangely, even after 5 years this question was asked, it seems the answer to this question is still not clear.

As far as I can see, there is not any official statement in Google AdMob documentation or website about how a developer can safely answer these questions. It seems developers are left on their own in the mystery about answering some legally binding questions about the SDK.

In their support forums they can advice questioners to reach out to Apple Support:

Hi there,

I believe it would be best for you to reach out to Apple Support for your concern as it tackles with Apple Submission Guidelines rather than our SDK.

Regards, Joshua Lagonera Mobile Ads SDK Team

Or they can say that it is out of their scope of support:

Hello Robert,

On this forum, we deal with Mobile Ads SDK related technical concerns only. We would not be able to address you question as this is out of scope for our team.

Regards, Deepika Uragayala Mobile Ads SDK Team

The only answer I could find from a "Google person" is about the 4th question. It is not in the AdMob forum but in the "Tag Manager" forum but still related. It is like so:

Hi Jorn,

Apple asks you about your use of IDFA when submitting your application ( For an app that doesn't display advertising, but includes the AdSupport framework for conversion attribution, you would select the appropriate checkbox(es). In respect to the Limit Ad Tracking stipulation, all of GTM's tags that utilize IDFA respect the limit ad tracking stipulations of the SDK.


Eric Burley Google Tag Manager.

Here is an Internet Archive link in case they remove this page.

Lastly, let me mention about AdMob's only statement I've seen about this issue (here is the Internet Archive link):

The Mobile Ads SDK for iOS utilizes Apple's advertising identifier (IDFA). The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement. You must ensure you are in compliance with the iOS developer program license agreement policies governing the use of this identifier.

In conclusion, it seems most developers using AdMob simply checks 1st and 4th checkmarks and submit their apps without being completely sure about what Google exactly does in its SDK and without any official information about it. I wish good luck to us all.

<meta charset="utf-8"> vs <meta http-equiv="Content-Type">

In HTML5, they are equivalent. Use the shorter one, it is easier to remember and type. Browser support is fine since it was designed for backwards compatibility.

C# string replace

Try this:

line.Replace("\",\"", ";")

Screen width in React Native

React Native comes with "Dimensions" api which we need to import from 'react-native'

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';


<Image source={pic} style={{width: Dimensions.get('window').width, height: Dimensions.get('window').height}}></Image>

Sort a list of Class Instances Python

import operator
sorted_x = sorted(x, key=operator.attrgetter('score'))

if you want to sort x in-place, you can also:


input type="submit" Vs button tag are they interchangeable?

The <input type="button"> is just a button and won't do anything by itself. The <input type="submit">, when inside a form element, will submit the form when clicked.

Another useful 'special' button is the <input type="reset"> that will clear the form.

Select data between a date/time range

You need to update the date format:

select * from hockey_stats 
where game_date between '2012-03-11 00:00:00' and '2012-05-11 23:59:00' 
order by game_date desc;

Argument of type 'X' is not assignable to parameter of type 'X'

I was getting this one on this case

.then((error: any, response: any) => {'document error: ', error);'documenr response: ', response);
  return new MyModel();

on this case making parameters optional would make ts stop complaining

.then((error?: any, response?: any) => {

How to set JAVA_HOME for multiple Tomcat instances?

Linux based Tomcat6 should have /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf

# System-wide configuration file for tomcat6 services
# This will be sourced by tomcat6 and any secondary service
# Values will be overridden by service-specific configuration
# files in /etc/sysconfig
# Use this one to change default values for all services
# Change the service specific ones to affect only one service
# (see, for instance, /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6)

# Where your java installation lives

# Where your tomcat installation lives

CSS media queries: max-width OR max-height

yes, using and, like:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px), 
       screen and (max-height: 600px) {

Reading CSV file and storing values into an array

You can't create an array immediately because you need to know the number of rows from the beginning (and this would require to read the csv file twice)

You can store values in two List<T> and then use them or convert into an array using List<T>.ToArray()

Very simple example:

var column1 = new List<string>();
var column2 = new List<string>();
using (var rd = new StreamReader("filename.csv"))
    while (!rd.EndOfStream)
        var splits = rd.ReadLine().Split(';');
// print column1
Console.WriteLine("Column 1:");
foreach (var element in column1)

// print column2
Console.WriteLine("Column 2:");
foreach (var element in column2)


Please note that this is just a very simple example. Using string.Split does not account for cases where some records contain the separator ; inside it.
For a safer approach, consider using some csv specific libraries like CsvHelper on nuget.

Why does overflow:hidden not work in a <td>?

to make more simple i propose to put an textarea inside the td wich is manage automaticly the overflow

<td><textarea autofocus>$post_title</textarea></td>

need to be ameliorate

Using Selenium Web Driver to retrieve value of a HTML input

You can do like this :

webelement time=driver.findElement("input_name")).getAttribute("value");

this will give you the time displaying on the webpage.

How do I write a custom init for a UIView subclass in Swift?

Swift 5 Solution

You can try out this implementation for running Swift 5 on XCode 11

class CustomView: UIView {

    var customParam: customType
    var container = UIView()
    required init(customParamArg: customType) {
        self.customParam = customParamArg
        super.init(frame: .zero)
        // Setting up the view can be done here

    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    func setupView() {
        // Can do the setup of the view, including adding subviews

    func setupConstraints() {
        // setup custom constraints as you wish

SelectSingleNode returning null for known good xml node path using XPath

Well... I had the same issue and it was a headache. Since I didn't care much about the namespace or the xml schema, I just deleted this data from my xml and it solved all my issues. May not be the best answer? Probably, but if you don't want to deal with all of this and you ONLY care about the data (and won't be using the xml for some other task) deleting the namespace may solve your problems.

XmlDocument vinDoc = new XmlDocument();
string vinInfo = "your xml string";

vinDoc.InnerXml = vinDoc.InnerXml.Replace("xmlns=\"\/\", "");

Just disable scroll not hide it?

This worked really well for me....

// disable scrolling
$('body').bind('mousewheel touchmove', lockScroll);

// enable scrolling
$('body').unbind('mousewheel touchmove', lockScroll);

// lock window scrolling
function lockScroll(e) {

just wrap those two lines of code with whatever decides when you are going to lock scrolling.


$('button').on('click', function() {
     $('body').bind('mousewheel touchmove', lockScroll);

Cannot edit in read-only editor VS Code

As the @Jordan Stefanelli answer: If you encounter the same problem as me that the integrated Terminal cannot read input from user as below hanging (env. Windows 10)

enter image description here

my solution was to replace cygwin's gdb and g ++ with mingw64's.

then the input output are normal

enter image description here also you can enable "external console" option to solve it:)

you can change it by enabling "externalConsole":true in the launch.json then you will get a pop up console window that you can type in.

Run cmd commands through Java

The simplest and shortest way is to use CmdTool library.

new Cmd()
         .configuring(new WorkDir("C:/Program Files/Flowella"))
         .command("cmd.exe", "/c", "start")

You can find more examples here.

why numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my simple for python loop

Avoid the for loopfor XY in xy: Instead read up how the numpy arrays are indexed and handled.

Numpy Indexing

Also try and avoid .txt files if you are dealing with matrices. Try to use .csv or .npy files, and use Pandas dataframework to load them just for clarity.

How to retrieve Request Payload

If I understand the situation correctly, you are just passing json data through the http body, instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded data.

You can fetch this data with this snippet:

$request_body = file_get_contents('php://input');

If you are passing json, then you can do:

$data = json_decode($request_body);

$data then contains the json data is php array.

php://input is a so called wrapper.

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body. In the case of POST requests, it is preferable to use php://input instead of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA as it does not depend on special php.ini directives. Moreover, for those cases where $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated by default, it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative to activating always_populate_raw_post_data. php://input is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data".

PostgreSQL database service

Use Services

  1. Windows -> Services
  2. check your PostgresSQL is started or in running state. ( If it's not then start your services for PostgresSQL).
  3. Close services and check again with your PostgresSQL.

This will start PostgresSQL servers as normal.

align an image and some text on the same line without using div width?

Just set the img css to be display:inline or display:inline-block

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

INSERT INTO dbo.TableName 
    TableId, ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ColumnName3
    TableId_Value, ColumnName1_Value, ColumnName2_Value, ColumnName3_Value


When using Identity_Insert don't forget to include the column names because sql will not allow you to insert without specifying them

Session 'app': Error Launching activity

This is issue with 2.0+ studio

Issue 206036: No local changes, not deploying APK

I found the nice workaround here just add -r flag here in edit configurations and also disabling instant

enter image description here

Waiting to get Instant run Feature run smoothly soon with no type 3 error more!!

How to convert a String into an ArrayList?

Ok i'm going to extend on the answers here since a lot of the people who come here want to split the string by a whitespace. This is how it's done:

List<String> List = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(s.split("\\s+")));

How do I parse a string to a float or int?

float(x) if '.' in x else int(x)

How to execute AngularJS controller function on page load?

Dimitri's/Mark's solution didn't work for me but using the $timeout function seems to work well to ensure your code only runs after the markup is rendered.

# Your controller, including $timeout

var $scope.init = function(){
 //your code


Hope it helps.

How to find a parent with a known class in jQuery?

Extracted from @Resord's comments above. This one worked for me and more closely inclined with the question.



How can I remove jenkins completely from linux

For sentOs, it's works for me At first stop service by sudo service jenkins stop

Than remove by sudo yum remove jenkins

How to check if one DateTime is greater than the other in C#

if(StartDate < EndDate)

DateTime supports normal comparision operators.

Connect to Active Directory via LDAP

DC is your domain. If you want to connect to the domain than your dc's are: DC=example,DC=com

You actually don't need any hostname or ip address of your domain controller (There could be plenty of them).

Just imagine that you're connecting to the domain itself. So for connecting to the domain you can simply write

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");

And you're done.

You can also specify a user and a password used to connect:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://", "username", "password");

Also be sure to always write LDAP in upper case. I had some trouble and strange exceptions until I read somewhere that I should try to write it in upper case and that solved my problems.

The directoryEntry.Path Property allows you to dive deeper into your domain. So if you want to search a user in a specific OU (Organizational Unit) you can set it there.

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
directoryEntry.Path = "LDAP://OU=Specific Users,OU=All Users,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com";

This would match the following AD hierarchy:

  • com
    • example
      • Users
        • All Users
          • Specific Users

Simply write the hierarchy from deepest to highest.

Now you can do plenty of things

For example search a user by account name and get the user's surname:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry) {
    PageSize = int.MaxValue,
    Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=AnAccountName))"


var result = searcher.FindOne();

if (result == null) {
    return; // Or whatever you need to do in this case

string surname;

if (result.Properties.Contains("sn")) {
    surname = result.Properties["sn"][0].ToString();

Simple Vim commands you wish you'd known earlier

Use Vim bindings on the command line in Bash:

    set -o vi

In other, readline-using programs, hit Ctrl + Alt + J to switch from Emacs to Vim bindings.

How do I Validate the File Type of a File Upload?

Seems like you are going to have limited options since you want the check to occur before the upload. I think the best you are going to get is to use javascript to validate the extension of the file. You could build a hash of valid extensions and then look to see if the extension of the file being uploaded existed in the hash.


<input type="file" name="FILENAME"  size="20" onchange="check_extension(this.value,"upload");"/>
<input type="submit" id="upload" name="upload" value="Attach" disabled="disabled" />


var hash = {
  'xls'  : 1,
  'xlsx' : 1,

function check_extension(filename,submitId) {
      var re = /\..+$/;
      var ext = filename.match(re);
      var submitEl = document.getElementById(submitId);
      if (hash[ext]) {
        submitEl.disabled = false;
        return true;
      } else {
        alert("Invalid filename, please select another file");
        submitEl.disabled = true;

        return false;

Count textarea characters

They say IE has issues with the input event but other than that, the solution is rather straightforward.

ta = document.querySelector("textarea");_x000D_
count = document.querySelector("label");_x000D_
ta.addEventListener("input", function (e) {_x000D_
  count.innerHTML = this.value.length;_x000D_
<textarea id="my-textarea" rows="4" cols="50" maxlength="10">_x000D_
<label for="my-textarea"></label>

How can I work with command line on synology?

You can use your favourite telnet (not recommended) or ssh (recommended) application to connect to your Synology box and use it as a terminal.

  1. Enable the command line interface (CLI) from the Network Services
  2. Define the protocol and the user and make sure the user has password set
  3. Access the CLI

If you need more detailed instruction read

Generate a random date between two other dates

You can Use Mixer,

pip install mixer


from mixer import generators as gen
print gen.get_datetime(min_datetime=(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), max_datetime=(2020, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

How do I call an Angular 2 pipe with multiple arguments?

You're missing the actual pipe.

{{ myData | date:'fullDate' }}

Multiple parameters can be separated by a colon (:).

{{ myData | myPipe:'arg1':'arg2':'arg3' }}

Also you can chain pipes, like so:

{{ myData | date:'fullDate' | myPipe:'arg1':'arg2':'arg3' }}

Sending arrays with Intent.putExtra

final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "edit.list.message";

Context context;
public void onClick (View view)
    Intent intent = new Intent(this,display.class);
    RelativeLayout relativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) view.getParent();

    TextView textView = (TextView) relativeLayout.findViewById(;
    String message = textView.getText().toString();


Why can't I define my workbook as an object?

You'll need to open the workbook to refer to it.

Sub Setwbk()

    Dim wbk As Workbook

    Set wbk = Workbooks.Open("F:\Quarterly Reports\2012 Reports\New Reports\ _
        Master Benchmark Data Sheet.xlsx")

End Sub

* Follow Doug's answer if the workbook is already open. For the sake of making this answer as complete as possible, I'm including my comment on his answer:

Why do I have to "set" it?

Set is how VBA assigns object variables. Since a Range and a Workbook/Worksheet are objects, you must use Set with these.

Creating a JSON dynamically with each input value using jquery

same from above example - if you are just looking for json (not an array of object) just use

function getJsonDetails() {
      item = {}
      item ["token1"] = token1val;
      item ["token2"] = token1val;
      return item;

this output ll print as (a valid json)


Selenium webdriver click google search

Google shrinks their css classes etc., so it is not easy to identify everything.

Also you have the problem that you have to "wait" until the site shows the result. I would do it like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
    WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));
    element.sendKeys("Cheese!\n"); // send also a "\n"

    // wait until the google page shows the result
    WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))

    List<WebElement> findElements = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[@id='rso']//h3/a"));

    // this are all the links you like to visit
    for (WebElement webElement : findElements)

This will print you:

How to grey out a button?

All given answers work fine, but I remember learning that using setAlpha can be a bad idea performance wise (more info here). So creating a StateListDrawable is a better idea to manage disabled state of buttons. Here's how:

Create a XML btn_blue.xml in res/drawable folder:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!-- Disable background -->
    <item android:state_enabled="false"
    <!-- Enabled background -->
    <item android:color="@color/md_blue_500"/>

Create a button style in res/values/styles.xml

<style name="BlueButton" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat">
      <item name="colorButtonNormal">@drawable/btn_blue</item>
      <item name="android:textColor">@color/md_white_1000</item>

Then apply this style to your button:


Now when you call btnBlue.setEnabled(true) OR btnBlue.setEnabled(false) the state colors will automatically switch.

How to make the webpack dev server run on port 80 and on to make it publicly accessible?

In package.json change the "start" value as follows

Note: Run $sudo npm start, You need to use sudo to run react scripts on port 80

enter image description here

Why doesn't git recognize that my file has been changed, therefore git add not working

I had a similar issue when I created a patch file in server with vi editor. It seems the issue was with spacing. When I pushed the patch from local, deployment was proper.

Custom thread pool in Java 8 parallel stream

To measure the actual number of used threads, you can check Thread.activeCount():

    Runnable r = () -> IntStream
            .range(-42, +42)
            .map(i -> Thread.activeCount())

    new ForkJoinPool(42).submit(r).join();

This can produce on a 4-core CPU an output like:

5 // common pool
23 // custom pool

Without .parallel() it gives:

3 // common pool
4 // custom pool

Difference between rake db:migrate db:reset and db:schema:load

  • db:migrate runs (single) migrations that have not run yet.

  • db:create creates the database

  • db:drop deletes the database

  • db:schema:load creates tables and columns within the existing database following schema.rb. This will delete existing data.

  • db:setup does db:create, db:schema:load, db:seed

  • db:reset does db:drop, db:setup

  • db:migrate:reset does db:drop, db:create, db:migrate

Typically, you would use db:migrate after having made changes to the schema via new migration files (this makes sense only if there is already data in the database). db:schema:load is used when you setup a new instance of your app.

I hope that helps.

UPDATE for rails 3.2.12:

I just checked the source and the dependencies are like this now:

  • db:create creates the database for the current env

  • db:create:all creates the databases for all envs

  • db:drop drops the database for the current env

  • db:drop:all drops the databases for all envs

  • db:migrate runs migrations for the current env that have not run yet

  • db:migrate:up runs one specific migration

  • db:migrate:down rolls back one specific migration

  • db:migrate:status shows current migration status

  • db:rollback rolls back the last migration

  • db:forward advances the current schema version to the next one

  • db:seed (only) runs the db/seed.rb file

  • db:schema:load loads the schema into the current env's database

  • db:schema:dump dumps the current env's schema (and seems to create the db as well)

  • db:setup runs db:schema:load, db:seed

  • db:reset runs db:drop db:setup

  • db:migrate:redo runs (db:migrate:down db:migrate:up) or (db:rollback db:migrate) depending on the specified migration

  • db:migrate:reset runs db:drop db:create db:migrate

For further information please have a look at (for Rails 3.2.x) and (for Rails 4.0.x)

round value to 2 decimals javascript

Just multiply the number by 100, round, and divide the resulting number by 100.

Angular 4 checkbox change value

changed = (evt) => {    
this.isChecked =;

<input type="checkbox" [checked]="checkbox" (change)="changed($event)" id="no"/>

Getting session value in javascript

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Session["MyTest"] = "abcd";

        String csname = "OnSubmitScript";
        Type cstype = this.GetType();

        // Get a ClientScriptManager reference from the Page class.
        ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;

        // Check to see if the OnSubmit statement is already registered.
        if (!cs.IsOnSubmitStatementRegistered(cstype, csname))
            string cstext = " document.getElementById(\"TextBox1\").value = getMyvalSession()  ; ";
            cs.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(cstype, csname, cstext);

        if (TextBox1.Text.Equals("")) { }
        else {
              Session["MyTest"] = TextBox1.Text;


<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

    <script language=javascript type="text/javascript">
        function getMyvalSession() {

             var txt = "efgh";
             var ff = '<%=Session["MyTest"] %>' + txt;
             return ff ;


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"  AutoPostBack=true ></asp:TextBox>
     <input type="submit"  value="Submit" />

How do you round a number to two decimal places in C#?

This is for rounding to 2 decimal places in C#:

label8.Text = valor_cuota .ToString("N2") ;


 Imports System.Math

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

Does your upload die at the very end? 99% before crashing? Client body and buffers are key because nginx must buffer incoming data. The body configs (data of the request body) specify how nginx handles the bulk flow of binary data from multi-part-form clients into your app's logic.

The clean setting frees up memory and consumption limits by instructing nginx to store incoming buffer in a file and then clean this file later from disk by deleting it.

Set body_in_file_only to clean and adjust buffers for the client_max_body_size. The original question's config already had sendfile on, increase timeouts too. I use the settings below to fix this, appropriate across your local config, server, & http contexts.

client_body_in_file_only clean;
client_body_buffer_size 32K;

client_max_body_size 300M;

sendfile on;
send_timeout 300s;

How do I view the full content of a text or varchar(MAX) column in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio?

The simplest workaround I found is to backup the table and view the script. To do this

  1. Right click your database and choose Tasks > Generate Scripts...
  2. "Introduction" page click Next
  3. "Choose Objects" page
    1. Choose the Select specific database objects and select your table.
    2. Click Next
  4. "Set Scripting Options" page
    1. Set the output type to Save scripts to a specific location
    2. Select Save to file and fill in the related options
    3. Click the Advanced button
    4. Set General > Types of data to script to Data only or Schema and Data and click ok
    5. Click Next
  5. "Summary Page" click next
  6. Your sql script should be generated based on the options you set in 4.2. Open this file up and view your data.

How to save a list to a file and read it as a list type?

What I did not like with many answers is that it makes way too many system calls by writing to the file line per line. Imho it is best to join list with '\n' (line return) and then write it only once to the file:

mylist = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
myfile = "file.txt"
with open(myfile, 'w') as f:

and then to open it and get your list again:

with open(myfile, 'r') as f:
    mystring =
my_list = mystring.split("\n")

How do I write the 'cd' command in a makefile?

Starting from GNU make 3.82 (July 2010), you can use the .ONESHELL special target to run all recipe lines in a single instantiation of the shell (bold emphasis mine):

  • New special target: .ONESHELL instructs make to invoke a single instance of the shell and provide it with the entire recipe, regardless of how many lines it contains.
.ONESHELL: # Only applies to all target
    cd ~/some_dir
    pwd # Prints ~/some_dir if cd succeeded

    cd ~/some_dir
    pwd # Oops, prints ~

Disable time in bootstrap date time picker

Initialize your datetimepicker like this

For disable time

      pickTime: false

For disable date

      pickDate: false

To disable both date and time


please refer following documentation if you have any doubt

Warning comparison between pointer and integer

This: "\0" is a string, not a character. A character uses single quotes, like '\0'.

How do I get the path of a process in Unix / Linux

You can also get the path on GNU/Linux with (not thoroughly tested):

char file[32];
char buf[64];
pid_t pid = getpid();
sprintf(file, "/proc/%i/cmdline", pid);
FILE *f = fopen(file, "r");
fgets(buf, 64, f);

If you want the directory of the executable for perhaps changing the working directory to the process's directory (for media/data/etc), you need to drop everything after the last /:

*strrchr(buf, '/') = '\0';

jquery change style of a div on click

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#div_one').bind('click', function() {

If I understood your question.

Or you can modify css directly:

var $speech = $('div.speech');
var currentSize = $speech.css('fontSize');
$speech.css('fontSize', '10px');

Babel command not found

There are two problems here. First, you need a package.json file. Telling npm to install without one will throw the npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory error. In your project directory, run npm init to generate a package.json file for the project.

Second, local binaries probably aren't found because the local ./node_modules/.bin is not in $PATH. There are some solutions in How to use package installed locally in node_modules?, but it might be easier to just wrap your babel-cli commands in npm scripts. This works because npm run adds the output of npm bin (node_modules/.bin) to the PATH provided to scripts.

Here's a stripped-down example package.json which returns the locally installed babel-cli version:

  "scripts": {
    "babel-version": "babel --version"
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-cli": "^6.6.5"

Call the script with this command: npm run babel-version.

Putting scripts in package.json is quite useful but often overlooked. Much more in the docs: How npm handles the "scripts" field

Sending event when AngularJS finished loading

If you are using Angular UI Router, you can listen for the $viewContentLoadedevent.

"$viewContentLoaded - fired once the view is loaded, after the DOM is rendered. The '$scope' of the view emits the event." - Link

function(event){ ... });

How can I create an array with key value pairs?

Use the square bracket syntax:

if (!empty($row["title"])) {
    $catList[$row["datasource_id"]] = $row["title"];

$row["datasource_id"] is the key for where the value of $row["title"] is stored in.

Why do I get "Pickle - EOFError: Ran out of input" reading an empty file?

You can catch that exception and return whatever you want from there.

open(target, 'a').close()
scores = {};
    with open(target, "rb") as file:
        unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file);
        scores = unpickler.load();
        if not isinstance(scores, dict):
            scores = {};
except EOFError:
    return {}

How to find sitemap.xml path on websites?

The location of the sitemap affects which URLs that it can include, but otherwise there is no standard. Here is a good link with more explaination:

Modify a Column's Type in sqlite3

SQLite doesn't support removing or modifying columns, apparently. But do remember that column data types aren't rigid in SQLite, either.

See also:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo

        android:label="@string/app_name" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" />

where is your dot before MyBookActivity?

Python convert csv to xlsx

Simple 1-to-1 CSV to XLSX file conversion without enumerating/looping through the rows:

import pyexcel

sheet = pyexcel.get_sheet(file_name="myFile.csv", delimiter=",")


  1. I have found that if the file_name is really long (>30 characters excluding path) then the resultant XLSX file will throw an error when Excel tries to load it. Excel will offer to fix the error which it does, but it is frustrating.
  2. There is a great answer previously provided that combines all of the CSV files in a directory into one XLSX workbook, which fits a different use case than just trying to do a 1-to-1 CSV file to XLSX file conversion.

Visual Studio 2013 License Product Key

I solved this, without having to completely reinstall Visual Studio 2013.

For those who may come across this in the future, the following steps worked for me:

  1. Run the ISO (or vs_professional.exe).
  2. If you get the error below, you need to update the Windows Registry to trick the installer into thinking you still have the base version. If you don't get this error, skip to step 3 "The product version that you are trying to set up is earlier than the version already installed on this computer."

    • Click the link for 'examine the log file' and look near the bottom of the log, for this line: Detected related bundle ... operation: Downgrade

    • open regedit.exe and do an Edit > Find... for that GUID. In my case it was {6dff50d0-3bc3-4a92-b724-bf6d6a99de4f}. This was found in:


    • Edit the BundleVersion value and change it to a lower version. I changed mine from 12.0.21005.13 to 12.0.21000.13: BundleVersion for Visual Studio lower the version for BundleVersion

    • Exit the registry

  3. Run the ISO (or vs_professional.exe) again. If it has a repair button like the image below, you can skip to step 4.

    Visual Studio Repair button

    • Otherwise you have to let the installer fix the registry. I did this by "installing" at least one feature, even though I think I already had all features (they were not detected). This took about 20 minutes.
  4. Run the ISO (or vs_professional.exe) again. This time repair should be visible.

  5. Click Repair and let it update your installation and apply its embedded license key. This took about 20 minutes.

Now when you run Visual Studio 2013, it should indicate that a license key was applied, under Help > Register Product:

License: Product key applied

Hope this helps somebody in the future!

Reference blog 'story'

Referencing in Visual Studio

The assembly coming with Powershell SDK (C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0) does not come with Powershell 2 specific types.

Manually editing the csproj file solved my problem.

How do I stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript?

You can set your href to #! instead of #

For example,

<a href="#!">Link</a>

will not do any scrolling when clicked.

Beware! This will still add an entry to the browser's history when clicked, meaning that after clicking your link, the user's back button will not take them to the page they were previously on. For this reason, it's probably better to use the .preventDefault() approach, or to use both in combination.

Here is a Fiddle illustrating this (just scrunch your browser down until your get a scrollbar):

For the spec nerds - why this works:

This behaviour is specified in the HTML5 spec under the Navigating to a fragment identifier section. The reason that a link with a href of "#" causes the document to scroll to the top is that this behaviour is explicitly specified as the way to handle an empty fragment identifier:

2. If fragid is the empty string, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document

Using a href of "#!" instead works simply because it avoids this rule. There's nothing magic about the exclamation mark - it just makes a convenient fragment identifier because it's noticeably different to a typical fragid and unlikely to ever match the id or name of an element on your page. Indeed, we could put almost anything after the hash; the only fragids that won't suffice are the empty string, the word 'top', or strings that match name or id attributes of elements on the page.

More exactly, we just need a fragment identifier that will cause us to fall through to step 8 in the following algorithm for determining the indicated part of the document from the fragid:

  1. Apply the URL parser algorithm to the URL, and let fragid be the fragment component of the resulting parsed URL.

  2. If fragid is the empty string, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  3. Let fragid bytes be the result of percent-decoding fragid.

  4. Let decoded fragid be the result of applying the UTF-8 decoder algorithm to fragid bytes. If the UTF-8 decoder emits a decoder error, abort the decoder and instead jump to the step labeled no decoded fragid.

  5. If there is an element in the DOM that has an ID exactly equal to decoded fragid, then the first such element in tree order is the indicated part of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  6. No decoded fragid: If there is an a element in the DOM that has a name attribute whose value is exactly equal to fragid (not decoded fragid), then the first such element in tree order is the indicated part of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  7. If fragid is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string top, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  8. Otherwise, there is no indicated part of the document.

As long as we hit step 8 and there is no indicated part of the document, the following rule comes into play:

If there is no indicated part ... then the user agent must do nothing.

which is why the browser doesn't scroll.

How can I compare a date and a datetime in Python?

Here is another take, "stolen" from a comment at can't compare datetime.datetime to ... convert the date to a datetime using this construct:

datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month,


from datetime import datetime

def ensure_datetime(d):
    Takes a date or a datetime as input, outputs a datetime
    if isinstance(d, datetime):
        return d
    return datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month,

def datetime_cmp(d1, d2):
    Compares two timestamps.  Tolerates dates.
    return cmp(ensure_datetime(d1), ensure_datetime(d2))

MongoDB not equal to

If you want to do multiple $ne then do

db.users.find({name : {$nin : ["mary", "dick", "jane"]}})

Android load from URL to Bitmap

If you are using Picasso or Glide or Universal-Image-Loader for load image from url.
You can simply get the loaded bitmap by

For Picasso (current version 2.71828)

Java code

Picasso.get().load(imageUrl).into(new Target() {
    public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {
        // loaded bitmap is here (bitmap)

    public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) { }

    public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) {}

Kotlin code

Picasso.get().load(url).into(object : com.squareup.picasso.Target { 
    override fun onBitmapLoaded(bitmap: Bitmap?, from: Picasso.LoadedFrom?) {
         // loaded bitmap is here (bitmap)

    override fun onPrepareLoad(placeHolderDrawable: Drawable?) {}

    override fun onBitmapFailed(e: Exception?, errorDrawable: Drawable?) {}

For Glide
Check How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?

For Universal-Image-Loader
Java code

imageLoader.loadImage(imageUrl, new SimpleImageLoadingListener() 
    public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) 
         // loaded bitmap is here (loadedImage)


For Django 1.9, you need to add the following code as per the documentation :

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    # ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

For more info, you can refer here :

Proper way to restrict text input values (e.g. only numbers)

Below is working solution using NgModel

Add variable

 public Phone:string;

In html add

      <input class="input-width" [(ngModel)]="Phone" (keyup)="keyUpEvent($event)" 
      type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Mobile Number">

In Ts file

   keyUpEvent(event: any) {
    const pattern = /[0-9\+\-\ ]/;  
    let inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);

    if (!pattern.test(inputChar)) {
      // invalid character, prevent input
        this.Phone= this.Phone.substr(0,this.Phone.length-1);

Static nested class in Java, why?

The Sun page you link to has some key differences between the two:

A nested class is a member of its enclosing class. Non-static nested classes (inner classes) have access to other members of the enclosing class, even if they are declared private. Static nested classes do not have access to other members of the enclosing class.

Note: A static nested class interacts with the instance members of its outer class (and other classes) just like any other top-level class. In effect, a static nested class is behaviorally a top-level class that has been nested in another top-level class for packaging convenience.

There is no need for LinkedList.Entry to be top-level class as it is only used by LinkedList (there are some other interfaces that also have static nested classes named Entry, such as Map.Entry - same concept). And since it does not need access to LinkedList's members, it makes sense for it to be static - it's a much cleaner approach.

As Jon Skeet points out, I think it is a better idea if you are using a nested class is to start off with it being static, and then decide if it really needs to be non-static based on your usage.

Sending cookies with postman

I was having issues getting this working (on OSX). I'd followed the instructions provided by Postman, and the advice here, and cookies were still not being set.

However, the post above saying "So if you enable interceptor only in browser - it will not work" alerted me to the fact that the interceptor could be enabled in the browser as well as in Postman itself. I thought I'd try switching it on in the browser, to see if that helped, and it did. I then switched it off in the browser, and it still worked.

So, if you are having issues getting it working, I'd suggest trying switching it on in browser at least once, as, for me, this seemed to trigger it into life. I think you will still need it switch on in Postman too.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'

**A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.

Could not resolve all files for configuration 'classpath'.**

Solution: Platform->cordova-support-google-services

In this file Replace classpath '' to this classpath ''

Remove directory from remote repository after adding them to .gitignore

Note: This solution works only with Github Desktop GUI.

By using Github Desktop GUI it is very simple.

  1. Move the folder onto another location (to out of the project folder) temporarily.

  2. Edit your .gitignore file and remove the folder entry which would be remove master repository on the github page.

  3. Commit and Sync the project folder.

  4. Re-move the folder into the project folder

  5. Re-edit .gitignore file.

That's all.

Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer

This a rework from decimal to binary of the old Marchant calculator algorithm (sorry, I don't have a reference), in Ruby, adapted specifically for this question:

def isexactsqrt(v)
    value = v.abs
    residue = value
    root = 0
    onebit = 1
    onebit <<= 8 while (onebit < residue)
    onebit >>= 2 while (onebit > residue)
    while (onebit > 0)
        x = root + onebit
        if (residue >= x) then
            residue -= x
            root = x + onebit
        root >>= 1
        onebit >>= 2
    return (residue == 0)

Here's a workup of something similar (please don't vote me down for coding style/smells or clunky O/O - it's the algorithm that counts, and C++ is not my home language). In this case, we're looking for residue == 0:

#include <iostream>  

using namespace std;  
typedef unsigned long long int llint;

class ISqrt {           // Integer Square Root
    llint value;        // Integer whose square root is required
    llint root;         // Result: floor(sqrt(value))
    llint residue;      // Result: value-root*root
    llint onebit, x;    // Working bit, working value


    ISqrt(llint v = 2) {    // Constructor
        Root(v);            // Take the root 

    llint Root(llint r) {   // Resets and calculates new square root
        value = r;          // Store input
        residue = value;    // Initialise for subtracting down
        root = 0;           // Clear root accumulator

        onebit = 1;                 // Calculate start value of counter
        onebit <<= (8*sizeof(llint)-2);         // Set up counter bit as greatest odd power of 2 
        while (onebit > residue) {onebit >>= 2; };  // Shift down until just < value

        while (onebit > 0) {
            x = root ^ onebit;          // Will check root+1bit (root bit corresponding to onebit is always zero)
            if (residue >= x) {         // Room to subtract?
                residue -= x;           // Yes - deduct from residue
                root = x + onebit;      // and step root
            root >>= 1;
            onebit >>= 2;
        return root;                    
    llint Residue() {           // Returns residue from last calculation
        return residue;                 

int main() {
    llint big, i, q, r, v, delta;
    big = 0; big = (big-1);         // Kludge for "big number"
    ISqrt b;                            // Make q sqrt generator
    for ( i = big; i > 0 ; i /= 7 ) {   // for several numbers
        q = b.Root(i);                  // Get the square root
        r = b.Residue();                // Get the residue
        v = q*q+r;                      // Recalc original value
        delta = v-i;                    // And diff, hopefully 0
        cout << i << ": " << q << " ++ " << r << " V: " << v << " Delta: " << delta << "\n";
    return 0;

Test a weekly cron job

sudo run-parts --test /var/spool/cron/crontabs/

files in that crontabs/ directory needs to be executable by owner - octal 700

source: man cron and NNRooth's

How to set div width using ng-style

The syntax of ng-style is not quite that. It accepts a dictionary of keys (attribute names) and values (the value they should take, an empty string unsets them) rather than only a string. I think what you want is this:

<div ng-style="{ 'width' : width, 'background' : bgColor }"></div>

And then in your controller:

$scope.width = '900px';
$scope.bgColor = 'red';

This preserves the separation of template and the controller: the controller holds the semantic values while the template maps them to the correct attribute name.

PHP Composer update "cannot allocate memory" error (using Laravel 4)

I had a similar issue on the cheapest server (512MB RAM) hosted with DigitalOcean, and I was also running Jenkins CI on the same server. After I stopped the Jenkins instance the composer install command worked (well, to a point, it failed with the mcrypt extension missing besides already being installed!).

Maybe if you have another app running on the server, maybe its worth trying to stop it and re-running the command.

Injecting $scope into an angular service function()

Instead of trying to modify the $scope within the service, you can implement a $watch within your controller to watch a property on your service for changes and then update a property on the $scope. Here is an example you might try in a controller:

    .controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'StudentService', function ($scope, StudentService) {

        $scope.students = null;

        (function () {
            $scope.$watch(function () {
                return StudentService.students;
            }, function (newVal, oldVal) {
                if ( newValue !== oldValue ) {
                    $scope.students = newVal;

One thing to note is that within your service, in order for the students property to be visible, it needs to be on the Service object or this like so:

this.students = $http.get(path).then(function (resp) {

Different ways of clearing lists

There is a very simple way to clear a python list. Use del list_name[:].

For example:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> del a[:]
>>> print a, b
[] []

Downloading folders from aws s3, cp or sync?

Using aws s3 cp from the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) will require the --recursive parameter to copy multiple files.

aws s3 cp s3://myBucket/dir localdir --recursive

The aws s3 sync command will, by default, copy a whole directory. It will only copy new/modified files.

aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/dir localdir

Just experiment to get the result you want.


SQL Server remove milliseconds from datetime

For this particular query, why make expensive function calls for each row when you could just ask for values starting at the next higher second:

select *
from table
where date >= '2010-07-20 03:21:53'

Android YouTube app Play Video Intent

You can use the Youtube Android player API to play the video if Youtube app is installed, otherwise just prompt the user to choose from the available web browsers.

                    mContext.startActivity(YouTubeIntents.createPlayVideoIntent(mContext, mVideoId));
}else {
    Intent webIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, 
           Uri.parse("" + mVideoId));


Change color when hover a font awesome icon?

use - !important - to override default black

   color:red !important;_x000D_
   color:red !important;_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-2x"></i>_x000D_
<i class="fa fa-heart-o fa-2x"></i>

What does the Visual Studio "Any CPU" target mean?

I think most of the important stuff has been said, but I just thought I'd add one thing: If you compile as Any CPU and run on an x64 platform, then you won't be able to load 32-bit DLL files, because your application wasn't started in WoW64, but those DLL files need to run there.

If you compile as x86, then the x64 system will run your application in WoW64, and you'll be able to load 32-bit DLL files.

So I think you should choose "Any CPU" if your dependencies can run in either environment, but choose x86 if you have 32-bit dependencies. This article from Microsoft explains this a bit:

/CLRIMAGETYPE (Specify Type of CLR Image)

Incidentally, this other Microsoft documentation agrees that x86 is usually a more portable choice:

Choosing x86 is generally the safest configuration for an app package since it will run on nearly every device. On some devices, an app package with the x86 configuration won't run, such as the Xbox or some IoT Core devices. However, for a PC, an x86 package is the safest choice and has the largest reach for device deployment. A substantial portion of Windows 10 devices continue to run the x86 version of Windows.

Is there a way I can retrieve sa password in sql server 2005


There is a way to retrieve the password by using Brute-Force attack, have a look at the following tool from codeproject Retrieve SQL Server Password

How to use the tool to retrieve the password

To Retrieve the password of SQL Server user,run the following query in SQL Query Analyzer

"Select Password from SysxLogins Where Name = 'XXXX'" Where XXXX is the user

name for which you want to retrieve password.Copy the password field (Hashed Code) and

paste here (in Hashed code Field) and click on start button to retrieve

I checked the tool on SQLServer 2000 and it's working fine.

Adding a default value in dropdownlist after binding with database

You can do it programmatically:

ddlColor.DataSource = from p in db.ProductTypes
                                  where p.ProductID == pID
                                  orderby p.Color 
                                  select new { p.Color };
ddlColor.DataTextField = "Color";
ddlColor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select", "NA"));

Or add it in markup as:

<asp:DropDownList .. AppendDataBoundItems="true">
       <asp:ListItem Text="Select" Value="" />

I am not able launch JNLP applications using "Java Web Start"?

Is this an application to which you have the code? Java 6u14 included a change to the way it handles jar security that for us caused very similar issues. If your jars are signed and work with Java 6u13 or below, you might consider either refactoring your code to work around this update or requiring Java 6u13 or below. Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what we did to resolve the issue - it was panic mode at the time.

Again, if you have the code you have tools to work with. You can put in System.out.println statements in your startup routines - anything console output is displayed in the command window when you run the JNLP from the command line. Otherwise you might consider using a nice logger like log4j to get a better idea of the point of failure.

You may also consider removing the application entirely and downloading it anew. Java Web Start has a Control Panel applet that allows you to see the URL your app is downloading from (could be the wrong one), uninstall the app, set security options, etc.

IE11 meta element Breaks SVG

It sounds as though you're not in a modern document mode. Internet Explorer 11 shows the SVG just fine when you're in Standards Mode. Make sure that if you have an x-ua-compatible meta tag, you have it set to Edge, rather than an earlier mode.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

You can determine your document mode by opening up your F12 Developer Tools and checking either the document mode dropdown (seen at top-right, currently "Edge") or the emulation tab:

enter image description here

If you do not have an x-ua-compatible meta tag (or header), be sure to use a doctype that will put the document into Standards mode, such as <!DOCTYPE html>.

enter image description here

How to clear the entire array?

You can either use the Erase or ReDim statements to clear the array. Examples of each are shown in the MSDN documentation. For example:

Dim threeDimArray(9, 9, 9), twoDimArray(9, 9) As Integer
Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
ReDim threeDimArray(4, 4, 9)

To remove a collection, you iterate over its items and use the Remove method:

For i = 1 to MyCollection.Count
  MyCollection.Remove 1 ' Remove first item
Next i

Find IP address of directly connected device

Mmh ... there are many ways. I answer another network discovery question, and I write a little getting started.

Some tcpip stacks reply to icmp broadcasts. So you can try a PING to your network broadcast address.

For example, you have ip and subnet

  1. ping
  2. stop the ping after 5 seconds
  3. watch the devices replies : arp -a

Note : on step 3. you get the lists of the MAC-to-IP cached entries, so there are also the hosts in your subnet you exchange data to in the last minutes, even if they don't reply to icmp_get.

Note (2) : now I am on linux. I am not sure, but it can be windows doesn't reply to icm_get via broadcast.

Is it the only one device attached to your pc ? Is it a router or another simple pc ?

Sorting table rows according to table header column using javascript or jquery

I've been working on a function to work within a library for a client, and have been having a lot of trouble keeping the UI responsive during the sorts (even with only a few hundred results).

The function has to resort the entire table each AJAX pagination, as new data may require injection further up. This is what I had so far:

  • jQuery library required.
  • table is the ID of the table being sorted.
  • The table attributes sort-attribute, sort-direction and the column attribute column are all pre-set.

Using some of the details above I managed to improve performance a bit.

function sorttable(table) {
    var context = $('#' + table), tbody = $('#' + table + ' tbody'), sortfield = $(context).data('sort-attribute'), c, dir = $(context).data('sort-direction'), index = $(context).find('thead th[data-column="' + sortfield + '"]').index();
    if (!sortfield) {
        sortfield = $(context).data('id-attribute');
    switch (dir) {
        case "asc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala < sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala > sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;
        case "desc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala > sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala < sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;

In principle the code works perfectly, but it's painfully slow... are there any ways to improve performance?

Interface or an Abstract Class: which one to use?

Why to use abstract classes? The following is a simple example. Lets say we have the following code:


class Fruit {
    private $color;

    public function eat() {
        // chew

    public function setColor($c) {
        $this->color = $c;

class Apple extends Fruit {
    public function eat() {
        // chew until core

class Orange extends Fruit {
    public function eat() {
        // peeling
        // chew

Now I give you an apple and you eat it. What does it taste like? It tastes like an apple.

$apple = new Apple();

// Now I give you a fruit.
$fruit = new Fruit();

What does that taste like? Well, it doesn't make much sense, so you shouldn't be able to do that. This is accomplished by making the Fruit class abstract as well as the eat method inside of it.

abstract class Fruit {
    private $color;

    abstract public function eat(){}

    public function setColor($c) {
        $this->color = $c;

An abstract class is just like an interface, but you can define methods in an abstract class whereas in an interface they are all abstract. Abstract classes can have both empty and working/concrete methods. In interfaces, functions defined there cannot have a body. In abstract classes, they can.

A real world example:

abstract class person {

    public $LastName;
    public $FirstName;
    public $BirthDate;

    abstract protected function write_info();

final class employee extends person{

    public $EmployeeNumber;
    public $DateHired;

    public function write_info(){
        //sql codes here
        echo "Writing ". $this->LastName . "'s info to emloyee dbase table <br>";   

final class student extends person{

    public $StudentNumber;
    public $CourseName;

    public function write_info(){
        //sql codes here
        echo "Writing ". $this->LastName . "'s info to student dbase table <br>";

$personA = new employee;
$personB = new student;



// Writing Sbody's info to emloyee dbase table
// Writing Dover's info to student dbase table 

What does git rev-parse do?

git rev-parse Also works for getting the current branch name using the --abbrev-ref flag like:

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

How to fix/convert space indentation in Sublime Text?

I also followed Josh Frankel's advice and created a Sublime Macro + added key binding. The difference is that this script ensures that spacing is first set to tabs and set to a tab size of 2. The macro won't work if that's not the starting point.

Here's a gist of the macro:

In Mac, to use the macro + key binding:

  1. Create a file called spaces2to4.sublime-macro and copy/paste the code from the gist. For me this is located at:

/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/spaces2to4.sublime-macro

  1. Select Sublime Text > Preferences > Key Bindings
  2. Add this command to the User specified sublime-keymap (it's in an array -- it may be empty):
    "keys": ["super+shift+o"],
    "command": "run_macro_file",
    "args": {

Now ? + shift + o now automatically converts each file from 2 space indentation to 4 (but will keep indenting if you run it further)

Access restriction on class due to restriction on required library rt.jar?

Just change the order of build path libraries of your project. Right click on project>Build Path> Configure Build Path>Select Order and Export(Tab)>Change the order of the entries. I hope moving the "JRE System library" to the bottom will work. It worked so for me. Easy and simple....!!!

How to create a DOM node as an object?

There are three reasons why your example fails.

  1. The original 'template' variable is not a jQuery/DOM object and cannot be parsed, it is a string. Make it a jQuery object by wrapping it in $(), such as: template = $(template)

  2. Once the 'template' variable is a jQuery object you need to realize that <li> is the root object. Therefore you cannot search for the LI root node and get any results. Simply apply the ID to the jQuery object.

  3. When you assign an ID to an HTML element it cannot begin with a number character with any HTML version before HTML5. It must begin with an alphabetic character. With HTML5 this can be any non-whitespace character. For details refer to: What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML?

PS: A final issue with the sample code is an LI cannot be applied to the BODY. According to HTML requirements it must always be contained within a list, i.e. UL or OL.