[android] How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android

I have a login screen with two EditTexts and a login button in my layout. The problem is that, when I start typing, the soft keyboard is shown and covers the login button. How can I push the layout up or above the keyboard when it appears?

I do not want to use a ScrollView, just want to implement it without scrolling down. Please, suggest me some way of doing it. Thanks in advance.

This question is related to android android-softkeyboard

The answer is

Accoding to this guide, the correct way to achieve this is by declaring in your manifest:

<activity name="EditContactActivity"


Put this in your activity declaration in manifest file <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize"> </activity>

or if you want you can add in onCreate() method of your activity


If you are working with xamarin, you can put this code WindowSoftInputMode =Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustPan | Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustResize in activity attribute of the MainActivity class. For example, now the activity attribute will look like below

    [Activity(WindowSoftInputMode =Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustPan | Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustResize)]
    public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsApplicationActivity
        //some code here.

Try this in the android manifest file corresponding to the activity.

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"> </activity>

Make use of Relative layout it will adjust the view so that you can see that view while typing the text

When the softkeyboard appears, it changes the size of main layout, and what you need do is to make a listener for that mainlayout and within that listener, add the code scrollT0(x,y) to scroll up.



in your activity tag inside Manifest file will do the trick

This will definitely work for you.



add property on main layout of layout file and


add line in your Manifest.xml file on your Activty

its perfect work for me.

This is all that is needed:

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"> </activity>

I solve this by adding code into manifest:

<activity android:name=".Login"

Use this code in onCreate() method:


You should use


in your AndroidManifest.xml file where you are declaring your activity. This will adjust your layout contents, when keyboard is shown in the layout.

This works like a charm for me


Put this line in activity declaration time in manifest.xml


Set windowSoftInputMode property to adjustPan and adjustResize

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize"> </activity>