I tried many solutions include Joseph Johnson's and Johan Stuyts's. But as a result I got a white space between content and keyboard on some devices (like Lenovo s820) in all cases. So I made some changes to their codes and finally got working solution.
My idea based on adding margin to top of content when keyboard is showing.
int usableHeightNow = contentAreaOfWindowBounds.height();
if (usableHeightNow != usableHeightPrevious) {
int difference = usableHeightNow - usableHeightPrevious;
if (difference < 0 && difference < -150) {
keyboardShowed = true;
rootViewLayout.topMargin -= difference + 30;
rootViewLayout.bottomMargin += 30;
else if (difference < 0 && difference > -150){
rootViewLayout.topMargin -= difference + 30;
else if (difference > 0 && difference > 150) {
keyboardShowed = false;
rootViewLayout.topMargin = 0;
rootViewLayout.bottomMargin = 0;
Log.e("Bug Workaround", "Difference: " + difference);
usableHeightPrevious = usableHeightNow;
As you can see, I add 30 px to difference because there is a small white space between top of the screen and content zone with margin. And I dont know whence it appears so I decided just make margins smaller and now it works exactly how I needed.