[angularjs] Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?

Yes ng-model will create empty option value, when ng-model property undefined. We can avoid this, if we assign object to ng-model


angular coding

$scope.collections = [
    { name: 'Feature', value: 'feature' }, 
    { name: 'Bug', value: 'bug' }, 
    { name: 'Enhancement', value: 'enhancement'}

$scope.selectedOption = $scope.collections[0];

<select class='form-control' data-ng-model='selectedOption' data-ng-options='item as item.name for item in collections'></select>

Important Note:

Assign object of array like $scope.collections[0] or $scope.collections[1] to ng-model, dont use object properties. if you are getting select option value from server, using call back function, assign object to ng-model

NOTE from Angular document

Note: ngModel compares by reference, not value. This is important when binding to an array of objects. see an example http://jsfiddle.net/qWzTb/

i have tried lot of times finally i found it.