[jquery] How to create a DOM node as an object?

I would like to create a DOM node, set the 'id' attribute and then append it to 'body'. The following seems not to work because jQuery doesn't see my template as an object:

var template = "<li><div class='bar'>bla</div></li>";

How can I tell jQuery to treat this as an object so find() works on it?

This question is related to jquery dom

The answer is

var template = $( "<li>", { id: "1234", html:
  $( "<div>", { class: "bar", text: "bla" } )

What about this?

There are three reasons why your example fails.

  1. The original 'template' variable is not a jQuery/DOM object and cannot be parsed, it is a string. Make it a jQuery object by wrapping it in $(), such as: template = $(template)

  2. Once the 'template' variable is a jQuery object you need to realize that <li> is the root object. Therefore you cannot search for the LI root node and get any results. Simply apply the ID to the jQuery object.

  3. When you assign an ID to an HTML element it cannot begin with a number character with any HTML version before HTML5. It must begin with an alphabetic character. With HTML5 this can be any non-whitespace character. For details refer to: What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML?

PS: A final issue with the sample code is an LI cannot be applied to the BODY. According to HTML requirements it must always be contained within a list, i.e. UL or OL.

Try this:

var div = $('<div></div>').addClass('bar').text('bla');
var li = $('<li></li>').attr('id', '1234');


Obviously, it doesn't make sense to append a li to the body directly. Basically, the trick is to construct the DOM elementr tree with $('your html here'). I suggest to use CSS modifiers (.text(), .addClass() etc) as opposed to making jquery parse raw HTML, it will make it much easier to change things later.

First make your template into a jQuery object:

 var template = $("<li><div class='bar'>bla</div></li>");

Then set the attributes and append it to the DOM.


Note that it however makes no sense at all to add a li directly to the DOM since li should always be children of ul or ol. Also it is better to not make jQuery parse raw HTML. Instead create a li, set its attributes. Create a div and set it's attributes. Insert the div into the li and then append the li to the DOM.

And here is the one liner:

$("<li><div class='bar'>bla</div></li>").find("li").attr("id","1234").end().appendTo("body")

But I'm wondering why you would like to add the "id" attribute at a later stage rather than injecting it directly in the template.