[android] Get Application Directory

Does someone know how do I get the path of my application directory? (e.g. /data/data/my.app.lication/)

Currently I'm using this method: myActivity.getFilesDir().getParent(); but it seems to me like a workaround when there's a simpler solution. Also, the side-effect is the creation of the files directory, which is un-needed.

Clarification: First - Thanks for the repliers. I try to understand if there's already exists method that does it, not for another work-around.

This question is related to android directory

The answer is

If you're trying to get access to a file, try the openFileOutput() and openFileInput() methods as described here. They automatically open input/output streams to the specified file in internal memory. This allows you to bypass the directory and File objects altogether which is a pretty clean solution.

For current Android application package:

public String getDataDir(Context context) throws Exception {
    return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).applicationInfo.dataDir;

For any package:

public String getAnyDataDir(Context context, String packageName) throws Exception {
    return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).applicationInfo.dataDir;

Just use this in your code


I got this

String appPath = App.getApp().getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();

from here:

Based on @jared-burrows' solution. For any package, but passing Context as parameter...

public static String getDataDir(Context context) throws Exception {
    return context.getPackageManager()
            .getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0)

There is a simpler way to get the application data directory with min API 4+. From any Context (e.g. Activity, Application):

