Programs & Examples On #Petcare

How to get out of while loop in java with Scanner method "hasNext" as condition?

You can simply use one of the system dependent end-of-file indicators ( d for Unix/Linux/Ubuntu, z for windows) to make the while statement false. This should get you out of the loop nicely. :)

React-Router External link

With Link component of react-router you can do that. In the "to" prop you can specify 3 types of data:

  • a string: A string representation of the Link location, created by concatenating the location’s pathname, search, and hash properties.
  • an object: An object that can have any of the following properties:
    • pathname: A string representing the path to link to.
    • search: A string representation of query parameters.
    • hash: A hash to put in the URL, e.g. #a-hash.
    • state: State to persist to the location.
  • a function: A function to which current location is passed as an argument and which should return location representation as a string or as an object

For your example (external link):

You can do the following:

<Link to={{ pathname: "" }} target="_blank" />

You can also pass props you’d like to be on the such as a title, id, className, etc.

How to give color to each class in scatter plot in R?

One way is to use the lattice package and xyplot():

R> DF <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=rnorm(10)+5, 
+>                  z=sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace=TRUE))
    x       y z
1   1 3.91191 c
2   2 4.57506 a
3   3 3.16771 b
4   4 5.37539 c
5   5 4.99113 c
6   6 5.41421 a
7   7 6.68071 b
8   8 5.58991 c
9   9 5.03851 a
10 10 4.59293 b
R> with(DF, xyplot(y ~ x, group=z))

By giving explicit grouping information via variable z, you obtain different colors. You can specify colors etc, see the lattice documentation.

Because z here is a factor variable for which we obtain the levels (== numeric indices), you can also do

R> with(DF, plot(x, y, col=z))

but that is less transparent (to me, at least :) then xyplot() et al.

How do malloc() and free() work?

Well it depends on the memory allocator implementation and the OS.

Under windows for example a process can ask for a page or more of RAM. The OS then assigns those pages to the process. This is not, however, memory allocated to your application. The CRT memory allocator will mark the memory as a contiguous "available" block. The CRT memory allocator will then run through the list of free blocks and find the smallest possible block that it can use. It will then take as much of that block as it needs and add it to an "allocated" list. Attached to the head of the actual memory allocation will be a header. This header will contain various bit of information (it could, for example, contain the next and previous allocated blocks to form a linked list. It will most probably contain the size of the allocation).

Free will then remove the header and add it back to the free memory list. If it forms a larger block with the surrounding free blocks these will be added together to give a larger block. If a whole page is now free the allocator will, most likely, return the page to the OS.

It is not a simple problem. The OS allocator portion is completely out of your control. I recommend you read through something like Doug Lea's Malloc (DLMalloc) to get an understanding of how a fairly fast allocator will work.

Edit: Your crash will be caused by the fact that by writing larger than the allocation you have overwritten the next memory header. This way when it frees it gets very confused as to what exactly it is free'ing and how to merge into the following block. This may not always cause a crash straight away on the free. It may cause a crash later on. In general avoid memory overwrites!

Case insensitive string compare in LINQ-to-SQL

Remember that there is a difference between whether the query works and whether it works efficiently! A LINQ statement gets converted to T-SQL when the target of the statement is SQL Server, so you need to think about the T-SQL that would be produced.

Using String.Equals will most likely (I am guessing) bring back all of the rows from SQL Server and then do the comparison in .NET, because it is a .NET expression that cannot be translated into T-SQL.

In other words using an expression will increase your data access and remove your ability to make use of indexes. It will work on small tables and you won't notice the difference. On a large table it could perform very badly.

That's one of the problems that exists with LINQ; people no longer think about how the statements they write will be fulfilled.

In this case there isn't a way to do what you want without using an expression - not even in T-SQL. Therefore you may not be able to do this more efficiently. Even the T-SQL answer given above (using variables with collation) will most likely result in indexes being ignored, but if it is a big table then it is worth running the statement and looking at the execution plan to see if an index was used.

How to add/subtract time (hours, minutes, etc.) from a Pandas DataFrame.Index whos objects are of type datetime.time?

Liam's link looks great, but also check out pandas.Timedelta - looks like it plays nicely with NumPy's and Python's time deltas.

pd.date_range('2014-01-01', periods=10) + pd.Timedelta(days=1)

Android Studio - local path doesn't exist

From 0.2.13 to 0.3.0 Just download new gradle 1.8 from Reimport project and choose new gradle to use.

in build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

not sure it really need, but i use invalidate caches and restart before reimport project invalidate caches and restart

How do I write a compareTo method which compares objects?

You're almost all the way there.

Your first few lines, comparing the last name, are right on track. The compareTo() method on string will return a negative number for a string in alphabetical order before, and a positive number for one in alphabetical order after.

Now, you just need to do the same thing for your first name and score.

In other words, if Last Name 1 == Last Name 2, go on a check your first name next. If the first name is the same, check your score next. (Think about nesting your if/then blocks.)

VBA vlookup reference in different sheet

It's been many functions, macros and objects since I posted this question. The way I handled it, which is mentioned in one of the answers here, is by creating a string function that handles the errors that get generate by the vlookup function, and returns either nothing or the vlookup result if any.

Function fsVlookup(ByVal pSearch As Range, ByVal pMatrix As Range, ByVal pMatColNum As Integer) As String
    Dim s As String
    On Error Resume Next
    s = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(pSearch, pMatrix, pMatColNum, False)
    If IsError(s) Then
        fsVlookup = ""
        fsVlookup = s
    End If
End Function

One could argue about the position of the error handling or by shortening this code, but it works in all cases for me, and as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it".

Bootstrap modal: is not a function


npm i @types/jquery
npm install -D @types/bootstrap

in the project to add the jquery types in your Angular Project. After that include

import * as $ from "jquery";
import * as bootstrap from "bootstrap";

in your app.module.ts


<script src="//"></script>

in your index.html just before the body closing tag.

And if you are running Angular 2-7 include "jquery" in the types field of file.

This will remove all error of 'modal' and '$' in your Angular project.

How to place the cursor (auto focus) in text box when a page gets loaded without javascript support?

An expansion for those who did a bit of fiddling around like I did.

The following work (from W3):

<input type="text" autofocus />
<input type="text" autofocus="" />
<input type="text" autofocus="autofocus" />
<input type="text" autofocus="AuToFoCuS" />

It is important to note that this does not work in CSS though. I.e. you can't use:

.first-input {

At least it didn't work for me...

Setting background-image using jQuery CSS property

You probably want this (to make it like a normal CSS background-image declaration):

$('myObject').css('background-image', 'url(' + imageUrl + ')');

Is it possible to make abstract classes in Python?

Here's a very easy way without having to deal with the ABC module.

In the __init__ method of the class that you want to be an abstract class, you can check the "type" of self. If the type of self is the base class, then the caller is trying to instantiate the base class, so raise an exception. Here's a simple example:

class Base():
    def __init__(self):
        if type(self) is Base:
            raise Exception('Base is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly')
        # Any initialization code
        print('In the __init__  method of the Base class')

class Sub(Base):
    def __init__(self):
        print('In the __init__ method of the Sub class before calling __init__ of the Base class')
        print('In the __init__ method of the Sub class after calling __init__ of the Base class')

subObj = Sub()
baseObj = Base()

When run, it produces:

In the __init__ method of the Sub class before calling __init__ of the Base class
In the __init__  method of the Base class
In the __init__ method of the Sub class after calling __init__ of the Base class
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/irvkalb/Desktop/Demo files/", line 16, in <module>
    baseObj = Base()
  File "/Users/irvkalb/Desktop/Demo files/", line 4, in __init__
    raise Exception('Base is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly')
Exception: Base is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly

This shows that you can instantiate a subclass that inherits from a base class, but you cannot instantiate the base class directly.

Caesar Cipher Function in Python

import string
wrd=raw_input("Enter word").lower()
for let in wrd:
print"Original word",wrd
print"New word",fwrd

Is it possible to log all HTTP request headers with Apache?

mod_log_forensic is what you want, but it may not be included/available with your Apache install by default.

Here is how to use it.

LoadModule log_forensic_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/ 
<IfModule log_forensic_module> 
ForensicLog /var/log/httpd/forensic_log 

How to POST request using RestSharp

As of 2017 I post to a rest service and getting the results from it like that:

        var loginModel = new LoginModel();
        loginModel.DatabaseName = "TestDB";
        loginModel.UserGroupCode = "G1";
        loginModel.UserName = "test1";
        loginModel.Password = "123";

        var client = new RestClient(BaseUrl);

        var request = new RestRequest("/Connect?", Method.POST);
        request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

        var response = client.Execute(request);

        var obj = JObject.Parse(response.Content);

        LoginResult result = new LoginResult
            Status = obj["Status"].ToString(),
            Authority = response.ResponseUri.Authority,
            SessionID = obj["SessionID"].ToString()

How to automatically allow blocked content in IE?

Steps to configure IE to always allow blocked content:

  1. From Internet Explorer, select the Tools menu, then the Options...
  2. In the Internet Options dialog, select the Advanced tab...
  3. Scroll down until you see the Security options. Enable the checkbox "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer".

enter image description here

  1. Close the dialog, and quit Internet Explorer. The changes will take effect the next time you start IE.

The Blocked Content is a security feature of Windows XP Service Pack 2. If you do not have SP2 installed, then you will never see this message.

From: How To Allow Blocked Content on Internet Explorer

Time complexity of nested for-loop

Yes, nested loops are one way to quickly get a big O notation.

Typically (but not always) one loop nested in another will cause O(n²).

Think about it, the inner loop is executed i times, for each value of i. The outer loop is executed n times.

thus you see a pattern of execution like this: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n times

Therefore, we can bound the number of code executions by saying it obviously executes more than n times (lower bound), but in terms of n how many times are we executing the code?

Well, mathematically we can say that it will execute no more than n² times, giving us a worst case scenario and therefore our Big-Oh bound of O(n²). (For more information on how we can mathematically say this look at the Power Series)

Big-Oh doesn't always measure exactly how much work is being done, but usually gives a reliable approximation of worst case scenario.

4 yrs later Edit: Because this post seems to get a fair amount of traffic. I want to more fully explain how we bound the execution to O(n²) using the power series

From the website: 1+2+3+4...+n = (n² + n)/2 = n²/2 + n/2. How, then are we turning this into O(n²)? What we're (basically) saying is that n² >= n²/2 + n/2. Is this true? Let's do some simple algebra.

  • Multiply both sides by 2 to get: 2n² >= n² + n?
  • Expand 2n² to get:n² + n² >= n² + n?
  • Subtract n² from both sides to get: n² >= n?

It should be clear that n² >= n (not strictly greater than, because of the case where n=0 or 1), assuming that n is always an integer.

Actual Big O complexity is slightly different than what I just said, but this is the gist of it. In actuality, Big O complexity asks if there is a constant we can apply to one function such that it's larger than the other, for sufficiently large input (See the wikipedia page)

Inserting Data into Hive Table

What ever data you have inserted into one text file or log file that can put on one path in hdfs and then write a query as follows in hive

  hive>load data inpath<<specify inputpath>> into table <<tablename>>;


hive>create table foo (id int, name string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t' or '|'or ','
stored as text file;
table created..
    hive>load data inpath '/home/hive/foodata.log' into table foo;

Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist

If, one day, someone else have to deal with this code as "legacy code", then that person will be grateful if you write a less exoteric code, such as

grep -q -F 'include "/configs/projectname.conf"' lighttpd.conf
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo 'include "/configs/projectname.conf"' >> lighttpd.conf

Get name of current script in Python

You can do this without importing os or other libs.

If you want to get the path of current python script, use: __file__

If you want to get only the filename without .py extension, use this:

__file__.rsplit("/", 1)[1].split('.')[0]

Error: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: llvm

just update classpath '' in Project Build.Gradle and replace X to the latest version do you have

git: How to ignore all present untracked files?

IMHO better than the accepted answer is to use the following:

git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

The accepted answer does not work for when new files are added that are not in .gitignore

How do I correct "Commit Failed. File xxx is out of date. xxx path not found."

Oh boy! This looks bad! The only option that I can think of is that the working copy is corrupt.

Try deleting the working copy, performing a fresh checkout and performing the merge again.

If that doesn't work, then log a bug.

How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?

This will fail (amongst other cases) when the target mailserver uses greylisting.

Greylisting: SMTP server refuses delivery the first time a previously unknown client connects, allows next time(s); this keeps some percentage of spambots out, while allowing legitimate use - as it is expected that a legitimate mail sender will retry, which is what normal mail transfer agents will do.

However, if your code only checks on the server once, a server with greylisting will deny delivery (as your client is connecting for the first time); unless you check again in a little while, you may be incorrectly rejecting valid e-mail addresses.

How to increase scrollback buffer size in tmux?

Open tmux configuration file with the following command:

vim ~/.tmux.conf

In the configuration file add the following line:

set -g history-limit 5000

Log out and log in again, start a new tmux windows and your limit is 5000 now.

Android textview usage as label and value

You should implement a Custom List View, such that you define a Layout once and draw it for every row in the list view.

SQL 'like' vs '=' performance


Quote from there:

the rules for index usage with LIKE are loosely like this:

  • If your filter criteria uses equals = and the field is indexed, then most likely it will use an INDEX/CLUSTERED INDEX SEEK

  • If your filter criteria uses LIKE, with no wildcards (like if you had a parameter in a web report that COULD have a % but you instead use the full string), it is about as likely as #1 to use the index. The increased cost is almost nothing.

  • If your filter criteria uses LIKE, but with a wildcard at the beginning (as in Name0 LIKE '%UTER') it's much less likely to use the index, but it still may at least perform an INDEX SCAN on a full or partial range of the index.

  • HOWEVER, if your filter criteria uses LIKE, but starts with a STRING FIRST and has wildcards somewhere AFTER that (as in Name0 LIKE 'COMP%ER'), then SQL may just use an INDEX SEEK to quickly find rows that have the same first starting characters, and then look through those rows for an exact match.

(Also keep in mind, the SQL engine still might not use an index the way you're expecting, depending on what else is going on in your query and what tables you're joining to. The SQL engine reserves the right to rewrite your query a little to get the data in a way that it thinks is most efficient and that may include an INDEX SCAN instead of an INDEX SEEK)

Error in launching AVD with AMD processor

I faced the same problem recently.

I installed the HAXM installer on your SDK Manager:

Enter image description here

And then installed the latest Intel HAXM driver:

And voila!!! The emulator works like a charm :)

Android difference between Two Dates

DateTime start = new DateTime(2013, 10, 20, 5, 0, 0, Locale);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2013, 10, 21, 13, 0, 0, Locale);
Days.daysBetween(start.toLocalDate(), end.toLocalDate()).getDays()

it returns how many days between given two dates, where DateTime is from joda library

CSS background image to fit width, height should auto-scale in proportion

Background image is not Set Perfect then his css is problem create so his css file change to below code

html {  _x000D_
  background-image: url("example.png");  _x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;  _x000D_
  background-position: 0% 0%;_x000D_
  background-size: 100% 100%;_x000D_

%; background-size: 100% 100%;"

Checking network connection

As an alternative to ubutnu's/Kevin C answers, I use the requests package like this:

import requests

def connected_to_internet(url='', timeout=5):
        _ = requests.head(url, timeout=timeout)
        return True
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        print("No internet connection available.")
    return False

Bonus: this can be extended to this function that pings a website.

def web_site_online(url='', timeout=5):
        req = requests.head(url, timeout=timeout)
        # HTTP errors are not raised by default, this statement does that
        return True
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        print("Checking internet connection failed, status code {0}.".format(
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        print("No internet connection available.")
    return False

What's the difference between django OneToOneField and ForeignKey?

The easiest way to draw a relationship between items is by understanding them in plain languages. Example

A user can have many cars but then a car can have just one owner. After establishing this, the foreign key should be used on the item with the many relationship. In this case the car. Meaning you'll include user as a foreign key in cars

And a one on one relationship is quite simple. Say a man and a heart. A man has only one heart and a heart can belong to just one man

javascript: optional first argument in function

You have to decide as which parameter you want to treat a single argument. You cannot treat it as both, content and options.

I see two possibilities:

  1. Either change the order of your arguments, i.e. function(options, content)
  2. Check whether options is defined:

    function(content, options) {
        if(typeof options === "undefined") {
            options = content;
            content = null;

    But then you have to document properly, what happens if you only pass one argument to the function, as this is not immediately clear by looking at the signature.

Making authenticated POST requests with Spring RestTemplate for Android

I was recently dealing with an issue when I was trying to get past authentication while making a REST call from Java, and while the answers in this thread (and other threads) helped, there was still a bit of trial and error involved in getting it working.

What worked for me was encoding credentials in Base64 and adding them as Basic Authorization headers. I then added them as an HttpEntity to restTemplate.postForEntity, which gave me the response I needed.

Here's the class I wrote for this in full (extending RestTemplate):

public class AuthorizedRestTemplate extends RestTemplate{

    private String username;
    private String password;

    public AuthorizedRestTemplate(String username, String password){
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;

    public String getForObject(String url, Object... urlVariables){
        return authorizedRestCall(this, url, urlVariables);

    private String authorizedRestCall(RestTemplate restTemplate, 
            String url, Object... urlVariables){
        HttpEntity<String> request = getRequest();
        ResponseEntity<String> entity = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, 
                request, String.class, urlVariables);
        return entity.getBody();

    private HttpEntity<String> getRequest(){
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + getBase64Credentials());
        return new HttpEntity<String>(headers);

    private String getBase64Credentials(){
        String plainCreds = username + ":" + password;
        byte[] plainCredsBytes = plainCreds.getBytes();
        byte[] base64CredsBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(plainCredsBytes);
        return new String(base64CredsBytes);

How can I remove an entry in global configuration with git config?

Try this from the command line to change the git config details.

git config --global --replace-all "Your New Name"

git config --global --replace-all "Your new email"

Is there a way to automatically build the package.json file for Node.js projects

use command npm init -f to generate package.json file and after that use --save after each command so that each module will automatically get updated inside your package.json for ex: npm install express --save

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectively?

I do the "in clause" query with spring jdbc like this:

String sql = "SELECT bg.goodsid FROM beiker_goods bg WHERE bg.goodsid IN (:goodsid)";

List ids = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{12496,12497,12498,12499});
Map<String, List> paramMap = Collections.singletonMap("goodsid", ids);
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template = 
    new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource());

List<Long> list = template.queryForList(sql, paramMap, Long.class);

Get user info via Google API

If you only want to fetch the Google user id, name and picture for a visitor of your web app - here is my pure PHP service side solution for the year 2020 with no external libraries used -

If you read the Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications guide by Google (and beware, Google likes to change links to its own documentation), then you have to perform only 2 steps:

  1. Present the visitor a web page asking for the consent to share her name with your web app
  2. Then take the "code" passed by the above web page to your web app and fetch a token (actually 2) from Google.

One of the returned tokens is called "id_token" and contains the user id, name and photo of the visitor.

Here is the PHP code of a web game by me. Initially I was using Javascript SDK, but then I have noticed that fake user data could be passed to my web game, when using client side SDK only (especially the user id, which is important for my game), so I have switched to using PHP on the server side:


const APP_ID       = '';
const APP_SECRET   = 'abcdefghijklmnopq';

const REDIRECT_URI = 'https://the/url/of/this/PHP/script/';
const LOCATION     = 'Location:';
const TOKEN_URL    = '';
const ERROR        = 'error';
const CODE         = 'code';
const STATE        = 'state';
const ID_TOKEN     = 'id_token';

# use a "random" string based on the current date as protection against CSRF
$CSRF_PROTECTION   = md5(date('m.d.y'));

if (isset($_REQUEST[ERROR]) && $_REQUEST[ERROR]) {

    $tokenRequest = [
        'code'          => $_REQUEST[CODE],
        'client_id'     => APP_ID,
        'client_secret' => APP_SECRET,
        'redirect_uri'  => REDIRECT_URI,
        'grant_type'    => 'authorization_code',

    $postContext = stream_context_create([
        'http' => [
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'method'  => 'POST',
            'content' => http_build_query($tokenRequest)

    # Step #2: send POST request to token URL and decode the returned JWT id_token
    $tokenResult = json_decode(file_get_contents(TOKEN_URL, false, $postContext), true);
    error_log(print_r($tokenResult, true));
    $id_token    = $tokenResult[ID_TOKEN];
    # Beware - the following code does not verify the JWT signature! 
    $userResult  = json_decode(base64_decode(str_replace('_', '/', str_replace('-', '+', explode('.', $id_token)[1]))), true);

    $user_id     = $userResult['sub'];
    $given_name  = $userResult['given_name'];
    $family_name = $userResult['family_name'];
    $photo       = $userResult['picture'];

    if ($user_id != NULL && $given_name != NULL) {
        # print your web app or game here, based on $user_id etc.

$userConsent = [
    'client_id'     => APP_ID,
    'redirect_uri'  => REDIRECT_URI,
    'response_type' => 'code',
    'scope'         => 'profile',
    'state'         => $CSRF_PROTECTION,

# Step #1: redirect user to a the Google page asking for user consent
header(LOCATION . http_build_query($userConsent));


You could use a PHP library to add additional security by verifying the JWT signature. For my purposes it was unnecessary, because I trust that Google will not betray my little web game by sending fake visitor data.

Also, if you want to get more personal data of the visitor, then you need a third step:

const USER_INFO    = '';
const ACCESS_TOKEN = 'access_token'; 

# Step #3: send GET request to user info URL
$access_token = $tokenResult[ACCESS_TOKEN];
$userResult = json_decode(file_get_contents(USER_INFO . $access_token), true);

Or you could get more permissions on behalf of the user - see the long list at the OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs doc.

Finally, the APP_ID and APP_SECRET constants used in my code - you get it from the Google API console:


Inverse dictionary lookup in Python

There is none. Don't forget that the value may be found on any number of keys, including 0 or more than 1.

Using multiple parameters in URL in express

app.get('/fruit/:fruitName/:fruitColor', function(req, res) {
    var data = {
        "fruit": {
            "apple": req.params.fruitName,
            "color": req.params.fruitColor


If that doesn't work, try using console.log(req.params) to see what it is giving you.

Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:

For Intellij Idea set everything appropriately (similarly to this):

JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60

and dont forget to restart Idea. This program picks up variables at start so any changes to environtment variables while the program is running will not have any effect.

Declare Variable for a Query String

SET @theDate = '2010-01-01'

Then change your query to use this logic:

    tblWO.OrderDate > DATEADD(MILLISECOND, -1, @theDate) 
    AND tblWO.OrderDate < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @theDate)

Creating a dictionary from a CSV file

You can also use numpy for this.

from numpy import loadtxt
key_value = loadtxt("filename.csv", delimiter=",")
mydict = { k:v for k,v in key_value }

How to prevent "The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause()" error?

Maybe a better solution for this as I figured out. Spec says as cited from @JohnnyCoder :


Sets the paused attribute to true, loading the media resource if necessary.

--> loading it

if (videoEl.readyState !== 4) {

indicates the readiness state of the media HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4

Basically only load the video if it is not already loaded. Mentioned error occurred for me, because video was not loaded. Maybe better than using a timeout.

Relative URLs in WordPress

I agree with Rup. I guess the main reason is to avoid confusion on relative paths. I think wordpress can work from scratch with relative paths but the problem might come when using multiple plugins, how the theme is configured etc.

I've once used this plugin for relative paths, when working on testing servers:

Root Relative URLs
Converts all URLs to root-relative URLs for hosting the same site on multiple IPs, easier production migration and better mobile device testing.

how to get multiple checkbox value using jquery

Since u have the same class name against all check box, thus


will give u all the checkboxes, and then you can iterate them using each loop like


How can I pass a reference to a function, with parameters?

What you are after is called partial function application.

Don't be fooled by those that don't understand the subtle difference between that and currying, they are different.

Partial function application can be used to implement, but is not currying. Here is a quote from a blog post on the difference:

Where partial application takes a function and from it builds a function which takes fewer arguments, currying builds functions which take multiple arguments by composition of functions which each take a single argument.

This has already been answered, see this question for your answer: How can I pre-set arguments in JavaScript function call?


var fr = partial(f, 1, 2, 3);

// now, when you invoke fr() it will invoke f(1,2,3)

Again, see that question for the details.

Laravel PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'forge'

Sounds like you have an environment-specific config file somewhere that overrides the default database settings. Possibly app/config/local/database.php.

Getting Index of an item in an arraylist;

Rather than a brute force loop through the list (eg 1 to 10000), rather use an iterative search approach : The List needs to be sorted by the element to be tested.

Start search at the middle element size()/2 eg 5000 if search item greater than element at 5000, then test the element at the midpoint between the upper(10000) and midpoint(5000) - 7500

keep doing this until you reach the match (or use a brute force loop through once you get down to a smaller range (eg 20 items)

You can search a list of 10000 in around 13 to 14 tests, rather than potentially 9999 tests.

What does "subject" mean in certificate?

My typical expectation is than when "subject" is used a context like this, it means the target of the certificate. If you think of a certificate as a cryptographically secured description of a thing (person, device, communication channel, etc), then the subject is the stuff related to that thing.

It's not the thing itself. For example, no one would say "the subject takes his SmartCard and authenticates his PIN". That would be the "user".

But it usually relates to the various data items related to that that thing. For example:

  • Subject DN = Subject Distinguished Name = the unique identifier for what this thing is. Includes information about the thing being certified, including common name, organization, organization unit, country codes, etc.
  • Subject Key = part (or all) of the certificate's private/public key pair. If it's coming from the certificate, it's the public key. If it's coming from a key store in a secure location, it's probably the private key. Either part of the key is the cryptographic data used by the thing that received the certificate.
  • Subject certificate - the end point for the transaction - this is the thing requesting some secure capability - like integrity checking, authentication, privacy, etc.

Usually, it's used to distinguish between the other players in the PKI world. Namely the "issuer" and the "root". The issuer is the CA that issued the cert (to the subject), and the root is the CA that is end point of all the trust in the heirarchy. The typical relationship is root--->issuer--->subject.

Convert System.Drawing.Color to RGB and Hex Value

For hexadecimal code try this

  1. Get ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) representation for the color
  2. Filter out Alpha channel: & 0x00FFFFFF
  3. Format out the value (as hexadecimal "X6" for hex)

For RGB one

  1. Just format out Red, Green, Blue values


private static string HexConverter(Color c) {
  return String.Format("#{0:X6}", c.ToArgb() & 0x00FFFFFF);

public static string RgbConverter(Color c) {
  return String.Format("RGB({0},{1},{2})", c.R, c.G, c.B);

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

there is really a problem in 1.8.6. and it's ok after this edition

in 1.8.6,you can add this:

requre 'jcode'

How to select the comparison of two columns as one column in Oracle

I stopped using DECODE several years ago because it is non-portable. Also, it is less flexible and less readable than a CASE/WHEN.

However, there is one neat "trick" you can do with decode because of how it deals with NULL. In decode, NULL is equal to NULL. That can be exploited to tell whether two columns are different as below.

select a, b, decode(a, b, 'true', 'false') as same
  from t;

     A       B  SAME
------  ------  -----
     1       1  true
     1       0  false
     1          false
  null    null  true  

Get startup type of Windows service using PowerShell

If you update to PowerShell 5 you can query all of the services on the machine and display Name and StartType and sort it by StartType for easy viewing:

Get-Service |Select-Object -Property Name,StartType |Sort-Object -Property StartType

Get bottom and right position of an element

// Returns bottom offset value + or - from viewport top
function offsetBottom(el, i) { i = i || 0; return $(el)[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom }

// Returns right offset value
function offsetRight(el, i) { i = i || 0; return $(el)[i].getBoundingClientRect().right }

var bottom = offsetBottom('#logo');
var right = offsetRight('#logo');

This will find the distance from the top and left of your viewport to your element's exact edge and nothing beyond that. So say your logo was 350px and it had a left margin of 50px, variable 'right' will hold a value of 400 because that's the actual distance in pixels it took to get to the edge of your element, no matter if you have more padding or margin to the right of it.

If your box-sizing CSS property is set to border-box it will continue to work just as if it were set as the default content-box.

How to handle Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause()

Try using a callback like this with the catch block.

document.getElementById("audio").play().catch(function() {
    // do something

What's the difference between subprocess Popen and call (how can I use them)?

There are two ways to do the redirect. Both apply to either subprocess.Popen or

  1. Set the keyword argument shell = True or executable = /path/to/the/shell and specify the command just as you have it there.

  2. Since you're just redirecting the output to a file, set the keyword argument

    stdout = an_open_writeable_file_object

    where the object points to the output file.

subprocess.Popen is more general than

Popen doesn't block, allowing you to interact with the process while it's running, or continue with other things in your Python program. The call to Popen returns a Popen object.

call does block. While it supports all the same arguments as the Popen constructor, so you can still set the process' output, environmental variables, etc., your script waits for the program to complete, and call returns a code representing the process' exit status.

returncode = call(*args, **kwargs) 

is basically the same as calling

returncode = Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()

call is just a convenience function. It's implementation in CPython is in

def call(*popenargs, timeout=None, **kwargs):
    """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete or
    timeout, then return the returncode attribute.

    The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor.  Example:

    retcode = call(["ls", "-l"])
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
            return p.wait(timeout=timeout)

As you can see, it's a thin wrapper around Popen.

Where is HttpContent.ReadAsAsync?

Having hit this one a few times and followed a bunch of suggestions, if you don't find it available after installing the NuGet Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client manually add a reference from the packages folder in the solution to:


And don't get into the trap of adding older references to the System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll NuGet

How to place a JButton at a desired location in a JFrame using Java

First, remember your JPanel size height and size width, then observe: JButton coordinates is (xo, yo, x length , y length). If your window is 800x600, you just need to write:

JButton.setBounds(0, 500, 100, 100);

You just need to use a coordinate gap to represent the button, and know where the window ends and where the window begins.

if A vs if A is not None:

if A: will prove false if A is 0, False, empty string, empty list or None, which can lead to undesired results.

C# getting its own class name

With C# 6.0, you can use the nameof operator:


CSS: On hover show and hide different div's at the same time?

if the other div is sibling/child, or any combination of, of the parent yes

    .showme{ _x000D_
        display: none;_x000D_
    .showhim:hover .showme{_x000D_
        display : block;_x000D_
    .showhim:hover .hideme{_x000D_
        display : none;_x000D_
    .showhim:hover ~ .hideme2{ _x000D_
    <div class="showhim">_x000D_
        HOVER ME_x000D_
        <div class="showme">hai</div> _x000D_
        <div class="hideme">bye</div>_x000D_
    <div class="hideme2">bye bye</div>

Failed binder transaction when putting an bitmap dynamically in a widget

This is caused because all the changes to the RemoteViews are serialised (e.g. setInt and setImageViewBitmap ). The bitmaps are also serialised into an internal bundle. Unfortunately this bundle has a very small size limit.

You can solve it by scaling down the image size this way:

 public static Bitmap scaleDownBitmap(Bitmap photo, int newHeight, Context context) {

 final float densityMultiplier = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;        

 int h= (int) (newHeight*densityMultiplier);
 int w= (int) (h * photo.getWidth()/((double) photo.getHeight()));

 photo=Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(photo, w, h, true);

 return photo;

Choose newHeight to be small enough (~100 for every square it should take on the screen) and use it for your widget, and your problem will be solved :)

How to embed images in email

As you are aware, everything passed as email message has to be textualized.

  • You must create an email with a multipart/mime message.
  • If you're adding a physical image, the image must be base 64 encoded and assigned a Content-ID (cid). If it's an URL, then the <img /> tag is sufficient (the url of the image must be linked to a Source ID).

A Typical email example will look like this:

Subject: A simple example
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="boundary-example"; type="text/html"

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"

... text of the HTML document, which might contain a URI
referencing a resource in another body part, for example
through a statement such as:
<IMG SRC="" ALT="IETF logo">

Content-Location: CID:somethingatelse ; this header is disregarded
Content-ID: <>
Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64

wbGljYXRpb24gcHJvaGliaXRlZC4A etc...


As you can see, the Content-ID: <> ID is matched to the <IMG> at SRC="". That way, the client browser will render your image as a content and not as an attachement.

Hope this helps.

Angular EXCEPTION: No provider for Http


Simple soultion : Import the HttpModule and HttpClientModule on your app.module.ts


import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';

 declarations: [
   AppComponent, videoComponent, tagDirective, 
 imports: [
  BrowserModule, routing, HttpClientModule, HttpModule

providers: [ApiServices],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

How to set OnClickListener on a RadioButton in Android?

The question was about Detecting which radio button is clicked, this is how you can get which button is clicked

final RadioGroup radio = (RadioGroup) dialog.findViewById(;
        radio.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {

            public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {

                View radioButton = radio.findViewById(checkedId);
                int index = radio.indexOfChild(radioButton);

                // Add logic here

                switch (index) {
                case 0: // first button

                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Selected button number " + index, 500).show();
                case 1: // secondbutton

                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Selected button number " + index, 500).show();

How can I save application settings in a Windows Forms application?

I wanted to share a library I've built for this. It's a tiny library, but a big improvement (IMHO) over .settings files.

The library is called Jot (GitHub). Here is an old The Code Project article I wrote about it.

Here's how you'd use it to keep track of a window's size and location:

public MainWindow()

        .AddProperties(nameof(Height), nameof(Width), nameof(Left), nameof(Top), nameof(WindowState))

The benefit compared to .settings files: There's considerably less code, and it's a lot less error-prone since you only need to mention each property once.

With a settings files you need to mention each property five times: once when you explicitly create the property and an additional four times in the code that copies the values back and forth.

Storage, serialization, etc. are completely configurable. When the target objects are created by an IoC container, you can [hook it up][] so that it applies tracking automatically to all objects it resolves, so that all you need to do to make a property persistent is slap a [Trackable] attribute on it.

It's highly configurable, and you can configure: - when data is persisted and applied globally or for each tracked object - how it's serialized - where it's stored (e.g. file, database, online, isolated storage, registry) - rules that can cancel applying/persisting data for a property

Trust me, the library is top notch!

How can I get a file's size in C++?

You need to seek to the end of the file and then ask for the position:

fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
sz = ftell(fp);

You can then seek back, e.g.:

fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

or (if seeking to go to the beginning)


In an array of objects, fastest way to find the index of an object whose attributes match a search

The simplest and easiest way to find element index in array.

ES5 syntax: [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3},{id:4}].findIndex(function(obj){return == 3})

ES6 syntax: [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3},{id:4}].findIndex(obj => == 3)

Android studio- "SDK tools directory is missing"

I had this issue when I was trying to reinstall Android Studio through its wizard. I already had a "tools" folder though.

In my case, while the "tools" directory already existed, it will deliver the "sdk tools directory is missing" error for its subfolders also. Somehow my sdk folder only had a libs subdirectory.

When I pasted in sdk/ant, sdk/apps, sdk/proguard, sdk/qemu, sdk/support, and sdk/templates the wizard was finally happy with this configuration and went to download some more files.

printing all contents of array in C#

Another approach with the Array.ForEach<T> Method (T[], Action<T>) method of the Array class

Array.ForEach(myArray, Console.WriteLine);

That takes only one iteration compared to array.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine) which takes two iterations and creates internally a second array for the List (double iteration runtime and double memory consumtion)

Is there a Java equivalent or methodology for the typedef keyword in C++?

Typedef allows items to be implicitly assigned to types they are not. Some people try to get around this with extensions; read here at IBM for an explanation of why this is a bad idea.

Edit: While strong type inference is a useful thing, I don't think (and hope we won't) see typedef rearing it's ugly head in managed languages (ever?).

Edit 2: In C#, you can use a using statement like this at the top of a source file. It's used so you don't have to do the second item shown. The only time you see the name change is when a scope introduces a name collision between two types. The renaming is limited to one file, outside of which every variable/parameter type which used it is known by its full name.

using Path = System.IO.Path;
using System.IO;

Select Specific Columns from Spark DataFrame

Solved, just use select method for the dataframe to select columns:



this would subset the first column of the dataframe

Git mergetool generates unwanted .orig files


  1. in File Win/Users/HOME/.gitconfig set mergetool.keepTemporaries=false
  2. in File git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool, in the function cleanup_temp_files() add rm -rf -- "$MERGED.orig" within the else block.

How to log SQL statements in Spring Boot?

If you want to view the actual parameters used to query you can use

Then notice that actual parameter value is shown as binding parameter......

   2018-08-07 14:14:36.079 DEBUG 44804 --- [           main] org.hibernate.SQL                        : select as id1_0_, employee0_.department as departme2_0_, employee0_.joining_date as joining_3_0_, as name4_0_ from employee employee0_ where employee0_.joining_date=?
    2018-08-07 14:14:36.079 TRACE 44804 --- [           main] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder      : binding parameter [1] as [TIMESTAMP] - [Tue Aug 07 00:00:00 SGT 2018]

Convert DataFrame column type from string to datetime, dd/mm/yyyy format

If your date column is a string of the format '2017-01-01' you can use pandas astype to convert it to datetime.

df['date'] = df['date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

or use datetime64[D] if you want Day precision and not nanoseconds



<class 'pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp'> the same as when you use pandas.to_datetime

You can try it with other formats then '%Y-%m-%d' but at least this works.

How to make a UILabel clickable?

SWIFT 4 Update

 @IBOutlet weak var tripDetails: UILabel!

 override func viewDidLoad() {

    let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(GameViewController.tapFunction))
    tripDetails.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

@objc func tapFunction(sender:UITapGestureRecognizer) {

    print("tap working")

How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest?

I'd suggest looking into fetch. It is the ES5 equivalent and uses Promises. It is much more readable and easily customizable.

const url = "";
        response => response.text() // .json(), etc.
        // same as function(response) {return response.text();}
        html => console.log(html)

In Node.js, you'll need to import fetch using:

const fetch = require("node-fetch");

If you want to use it synchronously (doesn't work in top scope):

const json = await fetch(url)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .catch((e) => {});

More Info:

Mozilla Documentation

Can I Use (95% Feb 2020)

Matt Walsh Tutorial

Display names of all constraints for a table in Oracle SQL

maybe this can help:

SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, column_name
from user_constraints natural join user_cons_columns
where table_name = "my_table_name";


How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

I think this function is more straightforward. You Just need to specify a subset of columns at the start or the end or both:

def reorder_df_columns(df, start=None, end=None):
        This function reorder columns of a DataFrame.
        It takes columns given in the list `start` and move them to the left.
        Its also takes columns in `end` and move them to the right.
    if start is None:
        start = []
    if end is None:
        end = []
    assert isinstance(start, list) and isinstance(end, list)
    cols = list(df.columns)
    for c in start:
        if c not in cols:
    for c in end:
        if c not in cols or c in start:
    for c in start + end:
    cols = start + cols + end
    return df[cols]

React - Display loading screen while DOM is rendering?

I had to deal with that problem recently and came up with a solution, which works just fine for me. However, I've tried @Ori Drori solution above and unfortunately it didn't work just right (had some delays + I don't like the usage of setTimeout function there).

This is what I came up with:

index.html file

Inside head tag - styles for the indicator:

<style media="screen" type="text/css">

.loading {
  -webkit-animation: sk-scaleout 1.0s infinite ease-in-out;
  animation: sk-scaleout 1.0s infinite ease-in-out;
  background-color: black;
  border-radius: 100%;
  height: 6em;
  width: 6em;

.container {
  align-items: center;
  background-color: white;
  display: flex;
  height: 100vh;
  justify-content: center;
  width: 100vw;

@keyframes sk-scaleout {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0);
    transform: scale(0);
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.0);
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(1.0);


Now the body tag:

<div id="spinner" class="container">
  <div class="loading"></div>

<div id="app"></div>

And then comes a very simple logic, inside app.js file (in the render function):

const spinner = document.getElementById('spinner');

if (spinner && !spinner.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
  spinner.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');

How does it work?

When the first component (in my app it's app.js aswell in most cases) mounts correctly, the spinner is being hidden with applying hidden attribute to it.

What's more important to add - !spinner.hasAttribute('hidden') condition prevents to add hidden attribute to the spinner with every component mount, so actually it will be added only one time, when whole app loads.

How to fix the error; 'Error: Bootstrap tooltips require Tether ('

UMD/AMD solution

For those guys, who are doing it through UMD, and compile via require.js, there is a laconic solution.

In the module, which requires tether as the dependency, which loads Tooltip as UMD, in front of module definition, just put short snippet on definition of Tether:

// First load the UMD module dependency and attach to global scope
require(['tether'], function(Tether) {
    // @todo: make it properly when boostrap will fix loading of UMD, instead of using globals
    window.Tether = Tether; // attach to global scope

// then goes your regular module definition
], function($, Tooltip, Popover){
    "use strict";
        by this time, you'll have window.Tether global variable defined,
        and UMD module Tooltip will not throw the exception

This short snippet at the very beginning, actually may be put on any higher level of your application, the most important thing - to invoke it before actual usage of bootstrap components with Tether dependency.

// ===== file: tetherWrapper.js =====
require(['./tether'], function(Tether) {
    window.Tether = Tether; // attach to global scope
    // it's important to have this, to keep original module definition approach
    return Tether;

// ===== your MAIN configuration file, and dependencies definition =====
paths: {
    jquery: '/vendor/jquery',
    // tether: '/vendor/tether'
    tether: '/vendor/tetherWrapper'  // @todo original Tether is replaced with our wrapper around original
    // ...
shim: { 
     'bootstrap': ['tether', 'jquery']       

UPD: In Boostrap 4.1 Stable they replaced Tether, with Popper.js, see the documentation on usage.

Type definition in object literal in TypeScript

In your code:

var obj = {
  myProp: string;

You are actually creating a object literal and assigning the variable string to the property myProp. Although very bad practice this would actually be valid TS code (don't use this!):

var string = 'A string';

var obj = {
  property: string

However, what you want is that the object literal is typed. This can be achieved in various ways:


interface myObj {
    property: string;

var obj: myObj = { property: "My string" };

Type alias:

type myObjType = {
    property: string

var obj: myObjType = { property: "My string" };

Object type literal:

var obj: { property: string; } = { property: "Mystring" };

C/C++ Struct vs Class

I'm going to add to the existing answers because modern C++ is now a thing and official Core Guidelines have been created to help with questions such as these.

Here's a relevant section from the guidelines:

C.2: Use class if the class has an invariant; use struct if the data members can vary independently

An invariant is a logical condition for the members of an object that a constructor must establish for the public member functions to assume. After the invariant is established (typically by a constructor) every member function can be called for the object. An invariant can be stated informally (e.g., in a comment) or more formally using Expects.

If all data members can vary independently of each other, no invariant is possible.

If a class has any private data, a user cannot completely initialize an object without the use of a constructor. Hence, the class definer will provide a constructor and must specify its meaning. This effectively means the definer need to define an invariant.


Look for structs with all data private and classes with public members.

The code examples given:

struct Pair {  // the members can vary independently
    string name;
    int volume;

// but

class Date {
    // validate that {yy, mm, dd} is a valid date and initialize
    Date(int yy, Month mm, char dd);
    // ...
    int y;
    Month m;
    char d;    // day

Classes work well for members that are, for example, derived from each other or interrelated. They can also help with sanity checking upon instantiation. Structs work well for having "bags of data", where nothing special is really going on but the members logically make sense being grouped together.

From this, it makes sense that classes exist to support encapsulation and other related coding concepts, that structs are simply not very useful for.

Javascript how to parse JSON array

Javascript has a built in JSON parse for strings, which I think is what you have:

var myObject = JSON.parse("my json string");

to use this with your example would be:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(myMessage);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.counters.length; i++) {
    var counter = jsonData.counters[i];

Here is a working example

EDIT: There is a mistake in your use of for loop (I missed this on my first read, credit to @Evert for the spot). using a for-in loop will set the var to be the property name of the current loop, not the actual data. See my updated loop above for correct usage

IMPORTANT: the JSON.parse method wont work in old old browsers - so if you plan to make your website available through some sort of time bending internet connection, this could be a problem! If you really are interested though, here is a support chart (which ticks all my boxes).

What is the Python equivalent for a case/switch statement?

The direct replacement is if/elif/else.

However, in many cases there are better ways to do it in Python. See "Replacements for switch statement in Python?".

What causes: "Notice: Uninitialized string offset" to appear?

This error would occur if any of the following variables were actually strings or null instead of arrays, in which case accessing them with an array syntax $var[$i] would be like trying to access a specific character in a string:


In short, everything in your insert query.

Perhaps the $catagory variable is misspelled?

Python's "in" set operator

Strings, though they are not set types, have a valuable in property during validation in scripts:

yn = input("Are you sure you want to do this? ")
if yn in "yes":
    #accepts 'y' OR 'e' OR 's' OR 'ye' OR 'es' OR 'yes'
    return True
return False

I hope this helps you better understand the use of in with this example.

How do I rotate text in css?

You need to use the CSS3 transform property rotate - see here for which browsers support it and the prefix you need to use.

One example for webkit browsers is -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);

Edit: The question was changed substantially so I have added a demo that works in Chrome/Safari (as I only included the -webkit- CSS prefixed rules). The problem you have is that you do not want to rotate the title div, but simply the text inside it. If you remove your rotation, the <div>s are in the correct position and all you need to do is wrap the text in an element and rotate that instead.

There already exists a more customisable widget as part of the jQuery UI - see the accordion demo page. I am sure with some CSS cleverness you should be able to make the accordion vertical and also rotate the title text :-)

Edit 2: I had anticipated the text center problem and have already updated my demo. There is a height/width constraint though, so longer text could still break the layout.

Edit 3: It looks like the horizontal version was part of the original plan but I cannot see any way of configuring it on the demo page. I was incorrect… the new accordion is part of the upcoming jQuery UI 1.9! So you could try the development builds if you want the new functionality.

Hope this helps!

Sending email with gmail smtp with codeigniter email library

It can be this:

If you are using cpanel for your website smtp restrictions are problem and cause this error. SMTP Restrictions

Error while sending an email with CodeIgniter

Sorting hashmap based on keys

Use a TreeMap with a custom comparator.

class MyComparator implements Comparator<String>
        public int compare(String o1,String o2)
            // Your logic for comparing the key strings

TreeMap<String, Float> tm = new TreeMap<String , Float>(new MyComparator());

As you add new elements, they will be automatically sorted.

In your case, it might not even be necessary to implement a comparator because String ordering might be sufficient. But if you want to implement special cases, like lower case alphas appear before upper case, or treat the numbers a certain way, use the comparator.

Convert command line argument to string

No need to upvote this. It would have been cool if Benjamin Lindley made his one-liner comment an answer, but since he hasn't, here goes:

std::vector<std::string> argList(argv, argv + argc);

If you don't want to include argv[0] so you don't need to deal with the executable's location, just increment the pointer by one:

std::vector<std::string> argList(argv + 1, argv + argc);

Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee

I've made very simple function for marquee. See: It pauses on mouseover & resumes on mouseleave. Speed can be varied. Easy to understand.

function marquee(a, b) {
var width = b.width();
var start_pos = a.width();
var end_pos = -width;

function scroll() {
    if (b.position().left <= -width) {
        b.css('left', start_pos);
    else {
        time = (parseInt(b.position().left, 10) - end_pos) *
            (10000 / (start_pos - end_pos)); // Increase or decrease speed by changing value 10000
            'left': -width
        }, time, 'linear', function() {

    'width': width,
    'left': start_pos
scroll(a, b);
b.mouseenter(function() {     // Remove these lines
    b.stop();                 //
    b.clearQueue();           // if you don't want
});                           //
b.mouseleave(function() {     // marquee to pause
    scroll(a, b);             //
});                           // on mouse over

$(document).ready(function() {
    marquee($('#display'), $('#text'));  //Enter name of container element & marquee element

startForeground fail after upgrade to Android 8.1

Alternative answer: if it's a Huawei device and you have implemented requirements needed for Oreo 8 Android and there are still issues only with Huawei devices than it's only device issue, you can read

PHP PDO: charset, set names?

You'll have it in your connection string like:


HOWEVER, prior to PHP 5.3.6, the charset option was ignored. If you're running an older version of PHP, you must do it like this:

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:$connstr",  $user, $password);
$dbh->exec("set names utf8");

Separation of business logic and data access in django

I'm mostly agree with chosen answer (, but want to add option in Making Queries section.

One can define QuerySet classes for models for make filter queries and so on. After that you can proxy this queryset class for model's manager, like build-in Manager and QuerySet classes do.

Although, if you had to query several data models to get one domain model, it seems more reasonable to me to put this in separate module like suggested before.

How can I create objects while adding them into a vector?

I know the thread is already all, but as I was checking through I've come up with a solution (code listed below). Hope it can help.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Box

    static int BoxesTotal;
    static int BoxesEver;
    int Id;

        Id = BoxesEver;
        std::cout << "Box (" << Id << "/" << BoxesTotal << "/" << BoxesEver << ") initialized." << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Box (" << Id << "/" << BoxesTotal << "/" << BoxesEver << ") ended." << std::endl;


int Box::BoxesTotal = 0;
int Box::BoxesEver = 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    std::cout << "Objects (Boxes) example." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "------------------------" << std::endl;

    std::vector <Box*> BoxesTab;

    Box* Indicator;
    for (int i = 1; i<4; ++i)
        std::cout << "i = " << i << ":" << std::endl;
        Box* Indicator = new(Box);
        std::cout << "Adres Blowera: " <<  BoxesTab[i-1] << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Summary" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-------" << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        std::cout << "Adres Blowera: " <<  BoxesTab[i] << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Deleting" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--------" << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        std::cout << "Deleting Box: " << i+1 << " (" <<  BoxesTab[i] << ") " << std::endl;
        Indicator = (BoxesTab[i]);

    return 0;

And the result it produces is:

Objects (Boxes) example.
i = 1:
Box (1/1/1) initialized.
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8ca0
i = 2:
Box (2/2/2) initialized.
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8ce0
i = 3:
Box (3/3/3) initialized.
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8cc0
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8ca0
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8ce0
Adres Blowera: 0xdf8cc0
Deleting Box: 1 (0xdf8ca0) 
Box (1/3/3) ended.
Deleting Box: 2 (0xdf8ce0) 
Box (2/2/3) ended.
Deleting Box: 3 (0xdf8cc0) 
Box (3/1/3) ended.

Get average color of image via Javascript

I would say via the HTML canvas tag.

You can find here a post by @Georg talking about a small code by the Opera dev :

// Get the CanvasPixelArray from the given coordinates and dimensions.
var imgd = context.getImageData(x, y, width, height);
var pix =;

// Loop over each pixel and invert the color.
for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
    pix[i  ] = 255 - pix[i  ]; // red
    pix[i+1] = 255 - pix[i+1]; // green
    pix[i+2] = 255 - pix[i+2]; // blue
    // i+3 is alpha (the fourth element)

// Draw the ImageData at the given (x,y) coordinates.
context.putImageData(imgd, x, y);

This invert the image by using the R, G and B value of each pixel. You could easily store the RGB values, then round up the Red, Green and Blue arrays, and finally converting them back into an HEX code.

How to download fetch response in react as file

I needed to just download a file onClick but I needed to run some logic to either fetch or compute the actual url where the file existed. I also did not want to use any anti-react imperative patterns like setting a ref and manually clicking it when I had the resource url. The declarative pattern I used was

onClick = () => {
  // do something to compute or go fetch
  // the url we need from the server
  const url = goComputeOrFetchURL();

  // window.location forces the browser to prompt the user if they want to download it
  window.location = url

render() {
  return (
    <Button onClick={ this.onClick } />

How do I delay a function call for 5 seconds?

You can use plain javascript, this will call your_func once, after 5 seconds:

setTimeout(function() { your_func(); }, 5000);

If your function has no parameters and no explicit receiver you can call directly setTimeout(func, 5000)

There is also a plugin I've used once. It has oneTime and everyTime methods.

cartesian product in pandas

This won't win a code golf competition, and borrows from the previous answers - but clearly shows how the key is added, and how the join works. This creates 2 new data frames from lists, then adds the key to do the cartesian product on.

My use case was that I needed a list of all store IDs on for each week in my list. So, I created a list of all the weeks I wanted to have, then a list of all the store IDs I wanted to map them against.

The merge I chose left, but would be semantically the same as inner in this setup. You can see this in the documentation on merging, which states it does a Cartesian product if key combination appears more than once in both tables - which is what we set up.

days = pd.DataFrame({'date':list_of_days})
stores = pd.DataFrame({'store_id':list_of_stores})
stores['key'] = 0
days['key'] = 0
days_and_stores = days.merge(stores, how='left', on = 'key')
days_and_stores.drop('key',1, inplace=True)

Insert a line at specific line number with sed or awk

Perl solutions:

quick and dirty:

perl -lpe 'print "Project_Name=sowstest" if $. == 8' file

  • -l strips newlines and adds them back in, eliminating the need for "\n"
  • -p loops over the input file, printing every line
  • -e executes the code in single quotes

$. is the line number

equivalent to @glenn's awk solution, using named arguments:

perl -slpe 'print $s if $. == $n' -- -n=8 -s="Project_Name=sowstest" file

  • -s enables a rudimentary argument parser
  • -- prevents -n and -s from being parsed by the standard perl argument parser

positional command arguments:

perl -lpe 'BEGIN{$n=shift; $s=shift}; print $s if $. == $n' 8 "Project_Name=sowstest" file

environment variables:

setenv n 8 ; setenv s "Project_Name=sowstest"
echo $n ; echo $s
perl -slpe 'print $ENV{s} if $. == $ENV{n}' file

ENV is the hash which contains all environment variables

Getopt to parse arguments into hash %o:

perl -MGetopt::Std -lpe 'BEGIN{getopt("ns",\%o)}; print $o{s} if $. == $o{n}' -- -n 8 -s "Project_Name=sowstest" file

Getopt::Long and longer option names

perl -MGetopt::Long -lpe 'BEGIN{GetOptions(\%o,"line=i","string=s")}; print $o{string} if $. == $o{line}' -- --line 8 --string "Project_Name=sowstest" file

Getopt is the recommended standard-library solution.
This may be overkill for one-line perl scripts, but it can be done

Replace multiple strings at once

A more visual approach:

String.prototype.htmlProtect = function() {
  var replace_map;

  replace_map = {
    '\n': '<br />',
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;'

  return this.replace(/[<>\n]/g, function(match) { // be sure to add every char in the pattern
    return replace_map[match];

and this is how you call it:

var myString = "<b>tell me a story, \n<i>bro'</i>";
var myNewString = myString.htmlProtect();

// &lt;b&gt;tell me a story, <br />&lt;i&gt;bro'&lt;/i&gt;

How to Fill an array from user input C#?

I've done it finaly check it and if there is a better way tell me guys

    static void Main()
        double[] array = new double[6];
        Console.WriteLine("Please Sir Enter 6 Floating numbers");
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            array[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

        double sum = 0;

        foreach (double d in array)
            sum += d;
        double average = sum / 6;
        Console.WriteLine("The Values you've entered are");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{1,8}", "index", "value");
        for (int counter = 0; counter < 6; counter++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,5}{1,8}", counter, array[counter]);
        Console.WriteLine("The average is ;");
        Console.WriteLine("would you like to search for a certain elemnt ? (enter yes or no)");
        string answer = Console.ReadLine();
        switch (answer)
            case "yes":
                Console.WriteLine("please enter the array index you wish to get the value of it");
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("The Value of the selected index is:");

            case "no":
                Console.WriteLine("HAVE A NICE DAY SIR");

How to store values from foreach loop into an array?

Just to save you too much typos:

foreach($group_membership as $username){
        $username->items = array(additional array to add);

Define an <img>'s src attribute in CSS

They are right. IMG is a content element and CSS is about design. But, how about when you use some content elements or properties for design purposes? I have IMG across my web pages that must change if i change the style (the CSS).

Well this is a solution for defining IMG presentation (no really the image) in CSS style.
1: create a 1x1 transparent gif or png.
2: Assign propery "src" of IMG to that image.
3: Define final presentation with "background-image" in the CSS style.

It works like a charm :)

Squash the first two commits in Git?

Update July 2012 (git 1.7.12+)

You now can rebase all commits up to root, and select the second commit Y to be squashed with the first X.

git rebase -i --root master

pick sha1 X
squash sha1 Y
pick sha1 Z
git rebase [-i] --root $tip

This command can now be used to rewrite all the history leading from "$tip" down to the root commit.

See commit df5df20c1308f936ea542c86df1e9c6974168472 on GitHub from Chris Webb (arachsys).

Original answer (February 2009)

I believe you will find different recipes for that in the SO question "How do I combine the first two commits of a git repository?"

Charles Bailey provided there the most detailed answer, reminding us that a commit is a full tree (not just diffs from a previous states).
And here the old commit (the "initial commit") and the new commit (result of the squashing) will have no common ancestor.
That mean you can not "commit --amend" the initial commit into new one, and then rebase onto the new initial commit the history of the previous initial commit (lots of conflicts)

(That last sentence is no longer true with git rebase -i --root <aBranch>)

Rather (with A the original "initial commit", and B a subsequent commit needed to be squashed into the initial one):

  1. Go back to the last commit that we want to form the initial commit (detach HEAD):

    git checkout <sha1_for_B>
  2. Reset the branch pointer to the initial commit, but leaving the index and working tree intact:

    git reset --soft <sha1_for_A>
  3. Amend the initial tree using the tree from 'B':

    git commit --amend
  4. Temporarily tag this new initial commit (or you could remember the new commit sha1 manually):

    git tag tmp
  5. Go back to the original branch (assume master for this example):

    git checkout master
  6. Replay all the commits after B onto the new initial commit:

    git rebase --onto tmp <sha1_for_B>
  7. Remove the temporary tag:

    git tag -d tmp

That way, the "rebase --onto" does not introduce conflicts during the merge, since it rebases history made after the last commit (B) to be squashed into the initial one (which was A) to tmp (representing the squashed new initial commit): trivial fast-forward merges only.

That works for "A-B", but also "A-...-...-...-B" (any number of commits can be squashed into the initial one this way)

GCC -fPIC option

Adding further...

Every process has same virtual address space (If randomization of virtual address is stopped by using a flag in linux OS) (For more details Disable and re-enable address space layout randomization only for myself)

So if its one exe with no shared linking (Hypothetical scenario), then we can always give same virtual address to same asm instruction without any harm.

But when we want to link shared object to the exe, then we are not sure of the start address assigned to shared object as it will depend upon the order the shared objects were linked.That being said, asm instruction inside .so will always have different virtual address depending upon the process its linking to.

So one process can give start address to .so as 0x45678910 in its own virtual space and other process at the same time can give start address of 0x12131415 and if they do not use relative addressing, .so will not work at all.

So they always have to use the relative addressing mode and hence fpic option.

Update multiple values in a single statement

Have you tried with a sub-query for every field:

    TotalX = (SELECT SUM(X) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID),
    TotalY = (SELECT SUM(Y) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID),
    TotalZ = (SELECT SUM(Z) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID)

How to rearrange Pandas column sequence?

def _col_seq_set(df, col_list, seq_list):
    ''' set dataframe 'df' col_list's sequence by seq_list '''
    col_not_in_col_list = [x for x in list(df.columns) if x not in col_list]
    for i in range(len(col_list)):
        col_not_in_col_list.insert(seq_list[i], col_list[i])

    return df[col_not_in_col_list]
DataFrame.col_seq_set = _col_seq_set

What does a bitwise shift (left or right) do and what is it used for?

Left bit shifting to multiply by any power of two and right bit shifting to divide by any power of two.

For example, x = x * 2; can also be written as x<<1 or x = x*8 can be written as x<<3 (since 2 to the power of 3 is 8). Similarly x = x / 2; is x>>1 and so on.

VBA - how to conditionally skip a for loop iteration

Couldn't you just do something simple like this?

For i = LBound(Schedule, 1) To UBound(Schedule, 1)
  If (Schedule(i, 1) < ReferenceDate) Then
     PrevCouponIndex = i
     DF = Application.Run("SomeFunction"....)
     PV = PV + (DF * Coupon / CouponFrequency)
  End If

.htaccess not working on localhost with XAMPP



instead of <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

What is a "cache-friendly" code?

Be aware that caches do not just cache continuous memory. They have multiple lines (at least 4) so discontinous and overlapping memory can often be stored just as efficiently.

What is missing from all the above examples is measured benchmarks. There are many myths about performance. Unless you measure it you do not know. Do not complicate your code unless you have a measured improvement.

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory

This sounds like a ClassLoader conflict. I'd bet you have the javax.persistence api 1.x on the classpath somewhere, whereas Spring is trying to access ValidationMode, which was only introduced in JPA 2.0.

Since you use Maven, do mvn dependency:tree, find the artifact:


And remove it from your setup. (See Excluding Dependencies)

AFAIK there is no such general distribution for JPA 2, but you can use this Hibernate-specific version:


OK, since that doesn't work, you still seem to have some JPA-1 version in there somewhere. In a test method, add this code:


See where that points you and get rid of that artifact.

Ahh, now I finally see the problem. Get rid of this:


and replace it with


On a different note, you should set all test libraries (spring-test, easymock etc.) to


What is default list styling (CSS)?

You're resetting the margin on all elements in the second css block. Default margin is 40px - this should solve the problem:

.my_container ul {list-style:disc outside none; margin-left:40px;}

How do I check how many options there are in a dropdown menu?

$('select option').length;


$("select option").size()

Giving UIView rounded corners


Short answer:

myView.layer.cornerRadius = 8
myView.layer.masksToBounds = true  // optional

Supplemental Answer

If you have come to this answer, you have probably already seen enough to solve your problem. I'm adding this answer to give a bit more visual explanation for why things do what they do.

If you start with a regular UIView it has square corners.

let blueView = UIView()
blueView.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50)
blueView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()

enter image description here

You can give it round corners by changing the cornerRadius property of the view's layer.

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 8

enter image description here

Larger radius values give more rounded corners

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 25

enter image description here

and smaller values give less rounded corners.

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 3

enter image description here

This might be enough to solve your problem right there. However, sometimes a view can have a subview or a sublayer that goes outside of the view's bounds. For example, if I were to add a subview like this

let mySubView = UIView()
mySubView.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 100)
mySubView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

or if I were to add a sublayer like this

let mySubLayer = CALayer()
mySubLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 100)
mySubLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor

Then I would end up with

enter image description here

Now, if I don't want things hanging outside of the bounds, I can do this

blueView.clipsToBounds = true

or this

blueView.layer.masksToBounds = true

which gives this result:

enter image description here

Both clipsToBounds and masksToBounds are equivalent. It is just that the first is used with UIView and the second is used with CALayer.

See also

Convert Char to String in C

This is an old question, but I'd say none of the answers really fits the OP's question. All he wanted/needed to do is this:

char c = std::fgetc(fp);
std::strcpy(buffer, &c);

The relevant aspect here is the fact, that the second argument of strcpy() doesn't need to be a char array / c-string. In fact, none of the arguments is a char or char array at all. They are both char pointers:

strcpy(char* dest, const char* src);

dest : A non-const char pointer
Its value has to be the memory address of an element of a writable char array (with at least one more element after that).
src : A const char pointer
Its value can be the address of a single char, or of an element in a char array. That array must contain the special character \0 within its remaining elements (starting with src), to mark the end of the c-string that should be copied.

Why is datetime.strptime not working in this simple example?

You are importing the module datetime, which doesn't have a strptime function.

That module does have a datetime object with that method though:

import datetime
dtDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(sDate, "%m/%d/%Y")

Alternatively you can import the datetime object from the module:

from datetime import datetime
dtDate = datetime.strptime(sDate, "%m/%d/%Y")

Note that the strptime method was added in python 2.5; if you are using an older version use the following code instead:

import datetime, time
dtDate = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(sDate, "%m/%d/%Y")[:6])

Lightweight workflow engine for Java

I agree with the guys that already posted responses here, or part of their responses anyway :P, but as here in the company where I am currently working we had a similar challenge I took the liberty of adding my opinion, based on our experience.

We needed to migrate an application that was using the jBPM workflow engine in a production related applications and as there were quite a few challenges in maintaining the application we decided to see if there are better options on the market. We came to the list already mentioned:

  • Activiti (planned to try it through a prototype)
  • Bonita (planned to try it through a prototype)
  • jBPM (disqualified due to past experience)

We decided not to use jBPM anymore as our initial experience with it was not the best, besides this the backwards compatibility was broken with every new version that was released.

Finally the solution that we used, was to develop a lightweight workflow engine, based on annotations having activities and processes as abstractions. It was more or less a state machine that did it's job.

Another point that is worth mentioning when discussing about workflow engine is the fact they are dependent on the backing DB - it was the case with the two workflow engines I have experience with (SAG webMethods and jPBM) - and from my experience that was a little bit of an overhead especially during migrations between versions.

So, I would say that using an workflow engine is entitled only for applications that would really benefit from it and where most of the workflow of the applications is spinning around the workflow itself otherwise there are better tools for the job:

Regarding state machines, I came across this response that contains a rather complete collection of state machine java frameworks.

Hope this helps.

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

The ISO C++ standard way to do it is to #include <iomanip> and use io manipulators like std::setw. However, that said, those io manipulators are a real pain to use even for text, and are just about unusable for formatting numbers (I assume you want your dollar amounts to line up on the decimal, have the correct number of significant digits, etc.). Even for just plain text labels, the code will look something like this for the first part of your first line:

// using standard iomanip facilities
cout << setw(20) << "Artist"
     << setw(20) << "Title"
     << setw(8) << "Price";
// ... not going to try to write the numeric formatting...

If you are able to use the Boost libraries, run (don't walk) and use the Boost.Format library instead. It is fully compatible with the standard iostreams, and it gives you all the goodness for easy formatting with printf/Posix formatting string, but without losing any of the power and convenience of iostreams themselves. For example, the first parts of your first two lines would look something like:

// using Boost.Format
cout << format("%-20s %-20s %-8s\n")  % "Artist" % "Title" % "Price";
cout << format("%-20s %-20s %8.2f\n") % "Merle" % "Blue" % 12.99;

`getchar()` gives the same output as the input string

There is an underlying buffer/stream that getchar() and friends read from. When you enter text, the text is stored in a buffer somewhere. getchar() can stream through it one character at a time. Each read returns the next character until it reaches the end of the buffer. The reason it's not asking you for subsequent characters is that it can fetch the next one from the buffer.

If you run your script and type directly into it, it will continue to prompt you for input until you press CTRL+D (end of file). If you call it like ./program < myInput where myInput is a text file with some data, it will get the EOF when it reaches the end of the input. EOF isn't a character that exists in the stream, but a sentinel value to indicate when the end of the input has been reached.

As an extra warning, I believe getchar() will also return EOF if it encounters an error, so you'll want to check ferror(). Example below (not tested, but you get the idea).

main() {
    int c;
    do {
        c = getchar();
        if (c == EOF && ferror()) {
        else {
    while(c != EOF);

Transaction marked as rollback only: How do I find the cause

I struggled with this exception while running my application.

Finally the problem was on the sql query. i mean that the query is wrong.

please verify your query. This is my suggestion

Python For loop get index

Use the enumerate() function to generate the index along with the elements of the sequence you are looping over:

for index, w in enumerate(loopme):
    print "CURRENT WORD IS", w, "AT CHARACTER", index 

jQuery - Increase the value of a counter when a button is clicked

$(document).ready(function() {
var count = 0;

  $("#update").click(function() {
    $("#counter").html("My current count is: "+count);


<div id="counter"></div>

Saving image from PHP URL

If you have allow_url_fopen set to true:

$url = '';
$img = '/my/folder/flower.gif';
file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url));

Else use cURL:

$ch = curl_init('');
$fp = fopen('/my/folder/flower.gif', 'wb');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

Perl - If string contains text?

For case-insensitive string search, use index (or rindex) in combination with fc. This example expands on the answer by Eugene Yarmash:

use feature qw( fc ); 
my $str = "Abc"; 
my $substr = "aB"; 

print "found" if index( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints: found

print "found" if rindex( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints: found

$str = "Abc";
$substr = "bA";

print "found" if index( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints nothing

print "found" if rindex( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints nothing

Both index and rindex return -1 if the substring is not found.
And fc returns a casefolded version of its string argument, and should be used here instead of the (more familiar) uc or lc. Remember to enable this function, for example with use feature qw( fc );.

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

How can I tell AngularJS to "refresh"

Why $apply should be called?

TL;DR: $apply should be called whenever you want to apply changes made outside of Angular world.

Just to update @Dustin's answer, here is an explanation of what $apply exactly does and why it works.

$apply() is used to execute an expression in AngularJS from outside of the AngularJS framework. (For example from browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). Because we are calling into the AngularJS framework we need to perform proper scope life cycle of exception handling, executing watches.

Angular allows any value to be used as a binding target. Then at the end of any JavaScript code turn, it checks to see if the value has changed. That step that checks to see if any binding values have changed actually has a method, $scope.$digest()1. We almost never call it directly, as we use $scope.$apply() instead (which will call $scope.$digest).

Angular only monitors variables used in expressions and anything inside of a $watch living inside the scope. So if you are changing the model outside of the Angular context, you will need to call $scope.$apply() for those changes to be propagated, otherwise Angular will not know that they have been changed thus the binding will not be updated2.

How to get ° character in a string in python?

>>> u"\u00b0"
>>> print _

BTW, all I did was search "unicode degree" on Google. This brings up two results: "Degree sign U+00B0" and "Degree Celsius U+2103", which are actually different:

>>> u"\u2103"
>>> print _

Why doesn't list have safe "get" method like dictionary?

Credits to jose.angel.jimenez and Gus Bus.

For the "oneliner" fans…

If you want the first element of a list or if you want a default value if the list is empty try:

liste = ['a', 'b', 'c']
value = (liste[0:1] or ('default',))[0]

returns a


liste = []
value = (liste[0:1] or ('default',))[0]

returns default

Examples for other elements…

liste = ['a', 'b', 'c']
print(liste[0:1])  # returns ['a']
print(liste[1:2])  # returns ['b']
print(liste[2:3])  # returns ['c']
print(liste[3:4])  # returns []

With default fallback…

liste = ['a', 'b', 'c']
print((liste[0:1] or ('default',))[0])  # returns a
print((liste[1:2] or ('default',))[0])  # returns b
print((liste[2:3] or ('default',))[0])  # returns c
print((liste[3:4] or ('default',))[0])  # returns default

Possibly shorter:

liste = ['a', 'b', 'c']
value, = liste[:1] or ('default',)
print(value)  # returns a

It looks like you need the comma before the equal sign, the equal sign and the latter parenthesis.

More general:

liste = ['a', 'b', 'c']
f = lambda l, x, d: l[x:x+1] and l[x] or d
print(f(liste, 0, 'default'))  # returns a
print(f(liste, 1, 'default'))  # returns b
print(f(liste, 2, 'default'))  # returns c
print(f(liste, 3, 'default'))  # returns default

Tested with Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 22 2016, 17:23:13)

Facebook Callback appends '#_=_' to Return URL

You can also specify your own hash on the redirect_uri parameter for the Facebook callback, which might be helpful in certain circumstances e.g. /api/account/callback#home. When you are redirected back, it'll at least be a hash that corresponds to a known route if you are using backbone.js or similar (not sure about jquery mobile).

Oracle insert from select into table with more columns

just select '0' as the value for the desired column

How can I get form data with JavaScript/jQuery?

$("#form input, #form select, #form textarea").each(function() {
 data[theFieldName] = theFieldValue;

other than that, you might want to look at serialize();

How to search contents of multiple pdf files?

Recoll is a fantastic full-text GUI search application for Unix/Linux that supports dozens of different formats, including PDF. It can even pass the exact page number and search term of a query to the document viewer and thus allows you to jump to the result right from its GUI.

Recoll also comes with a viable command-line interface and a web-browser interface.

Converting URL to String and back again

Swift 3 (forget about NSURL).

let fileName = "20-01-2017 22:47"
let folderString = "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath"

To make a URL out of a string:

let folder: URL? = Foundation.URL(string: folderString)
// Optional<URL>
//  ? some : file:///var/mobile/someLongPath

If we want to add the filename. Note, that appendingPathComponent() adds the percent encoding automatically:

let folderWithFilename: URL? = folder?.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
// Optional<URL>
//  ? some : file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47

When we want to have String but without the root part (pay attention that percent encoding is removed automatically):

let folderWithFilename: String? = folderWithFilename.path
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "/var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017 22:47"

If we want to keep the root part we do this (but mind the percent encoding - it is not removed):

let folderWithFilenameAbsoluteString: String? = folderWithFilenameURL.absoluteString
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47"

To manually add the percent encoding for a string:

let folderWithFilenameAndEncoding: String? = folderWithFilename.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "/var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47"

To remove the percent encoding:

let folderWithFilenameAbsoluteStringNoEncodig: String? = folderWithFilenameAbsoluteString.removingPercentEncoding
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017 22:47"

The percent-encoding is important because URLs for network requests need them, while URLs to file system won't always work - it depends on the actual method that uses them. The caveat here is that they may be removed or added automatically, so better debug these conversions carefully.

Load a Bootstrap popover content with AJAX. Is this possible?

    content: function(){
      var div_id =  "tmp-id-" + $.now();
      return details_in_popup($(this).data('poload'), div_id, $(this));
    delay: 500,

    trigger: 'hover',

  function details_in_popup(link, div_id, el){
          url: link,
          success: function(response){
    'bs.popover').options.content = response;
      return '<div id="'+ div_id +'"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>';

Ajax content is loaded once! see'bs.popover').options.content = response;

How to handle :java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: android.os.BinderProxy.finalize() timed out after 10 seconds errors?

For classes that you create (ie. are not part of the Android) its possible to avoid the crash completely.

Any class that implements finalize() has some unavoidable probability of crashing as explained by @oba. So instead of using finalizers to perform cleanup, use a PhantomReferenceQueue.

For an example check out the implementation in React Native:

How to make a Python script run like a service or daemon in Linux

Ubuntu has a very simple way to manage a service. For python the difference is that ALL the dependencies (packages) have to be in the same directory, where the main file is run from.

I just manage to create such a service to provide weather info to my clients. Steps:

  • Create your python application project as you normally do.

  • Install all dependencies locally like: sudo pip3 install package_name -t .

  • Create your command line variables and handle them in code (if you need any)

  • Create the service file. Something (minimalist) like:

      Description=1Droid Weather meddleware provider
      ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/weather/ httpport=9570  provider=OWMap
  • Save the file as myweather.service (for example)

  • Make sure that your app runs if started in the current directory

      python3 httpport=9570  provider=OWMap
  • The service file produced above and named myweather.service (important to have the extension .service) will be treated by the system as the name of your service. That is the name that you will use to interact with your service.

  • Copy the service file:

      sudo cp myweather.service /lib/systemd/system/myweather.service
  • Refresh demon registry:

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Stop the service (if it was running)

      sudo service myweatherr stop
  • Start the service:

      sudo service myweather start
  • Check the status (log file with where your print statements go):

      tail -f /var/log/syslog
  • Or check the status with:

      sudo service myweather status
  • Back to the start with another iteration if needed

This service is now running and even if you log out it will not be affected. And YES if the host is shutdown and restarted this service will be restarted...information for my mobile android app...

Python Image Library fails with message "decoder JPEG not available" - PIL

I was already using Pillow and got the same error. Tried installing libjpeg or libjpeg-dev as suggested by others but was told that a (newer) version was already installed.

In the end all it took was reinstalling Pillow:

sudo pip uninstall Pillow
sudo pip install Pillow

Adding Http Headers to HttpClient

Create a HttpRequestMessage, set the Method to GET, set your headers and then use SendAsync instead of GetAsync.

var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage() {
    RequestUri = new Uri(""),
    Method = HttpMethod.Get,
request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/plain"));
var task = client.SendAsync(request)
    .ContinueWith((taskwithmsg) =>
        var response = taskwithmsg.Result;

        var jsonTask = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JsonObject>();
        var jsonObject = jsonTask.Result;

GitHub "fatal: remote origin already exists"

TL;DR you should just update the existing remote:

$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:ppreyer/first_app.git

Long version:

As the error message indicates, there is already a remote configured with the same name. So you can either add the new remote with a different name or update the existing one if you don't need it:

To add a new remote, called for example github instead of origin (which obviously already exists in your system), do the following:

$ git remote add github [email protected]:ppreyer/first_app.git

Remember though, everywhere in the tutorial you see "origin" you should replace it with "github". For example $ git push origin master should now be $ git push github master.

However, if you want to see what that origin which already exists is, you can do a $ git remote -v. If you think this is there by some error, you can update it like so:

$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:ppreyer/first_app.git

Add/remove class with jquery based on vertical scroll?

Add some transition effect to it if you like:,css,js

.clearHeader {

  -webkit-transition: background 2s; /* For Safari 3.1 to 6.0 */
  transition: background 2s;

.clearHeader.darkHeader {

How to make a JTable non-editable

I used this and it worked : it is very simple and works fine.

JTable myTable = new JTable();

Checking if a list of objects contains a property with a specific value

myList.Where(item=>item.Name == nameToExtract)

Get city name using geolocation

geolocator.js can do that. (I'm the author).

Getting City Name (Limited Address)

geolocator.locateByIP(options, function (err, location) {

Getting Full Address Information

Example below will first try HTML5 Geolocation API to obtain the exact coordinates. If fails or rejected, it will fallback to Geo-IP look-up. Once it gets the coordinates, it will reverse-geocode the coordinates into an address.

var options = {
    enableHighAccuracy: true,
    fallbackToIP: true, // fallback to IP if Geolocation fails or rejected
    addressLookup: true
geolocator.locate(options, function (err, location) {

This uses Google APIs internally (for address lookup). So before this call, you should configure geolocator with your Google API key.

    language: "en",
    google: {
        version: "3",
        key: "YOUR-GOOGLE-API-KEY"

Geolocator supports geo-location (via HTML5 or IP lookups), geocoding, address look-ups (reverse geocoding), distance & durations, timezone information and a lot more features...

How to initialize an array in angular2 and typescript

hi @JackSlayer94 please find the below example to understand how to make an array of size 5.

class Hero {_x000D_
    name: string;_x000D_
    constructor(text: string) {_x000D_ = text;_x000D_
    display() {_x000D_
        return "Hello, " +;_x000D_
let heros:Hero[] = new Array(5);_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){_x000D_
    heros[i] = new Hero("Name: " + i);_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){_x000D_

Nesting await in Parallel.ForEach

svick's answer is (as usual) excellent.

However, I find Dataflow to be more useful when you actually have large amounts of data to transfer. Or when you need an async-compatible queue.

In your case, a simpler solution is to just use the async-style parallelism:

var ids = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" };

var customerTasks = ids.Select(i =>
    ICustomerRepo repo = new CustomerRepo();
    return repo.GetCustomer(i);
var customers = await Task.WhenAll(customerTasks);

foreach (var customer in customers)


Adding items to end of linked list

If you keep track of the tail node, you don't need to loop through every element in the list.

Just update the tail to point to the new node:

AddValueToListEnd(value) {
    var node = new Node(value);

    if(!this.head) {
        this.head = node;
        this.tail = node;
    } else { = node; //point old tail to new node
    this.tail = node; //now set the new node as the new tail

In plain English:

  • Create a new node with the given value
  • If the list is empty, point head and tail to the new node
  • If the list is not empty, set the old to be the new node
  • In either case, update the tail pointer to be the new node

Get characters after last / in url

$str = "";
$s = explode("/",$str);
print end($s);

Where does forever store console.log output?

try the command

> forever logs


> sudo forever logs

you will get the log file's location

Go back button in a page

Here is the code

<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="window.history.back()" /> 

How to use radio buttons in ReactJS?

Any changes to the rendering should be change via the state or props (react doc).

So here I register the event of the input, and then change the state, which will then trigger the render to show on the footer.

var SearchResult = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      site: '',
      address: ''
  onSiteChanged: function (e) {
      site: e.currentTarget.value

  onAddressChanged: function (e) {
      address: e.currentTarget.value

  render: function(){
       var resultRows ={
           return (
                        <td><input type="radio" name="site_name" 
                                   checked={ === result.SITE_NAME} 
                                   onChange={this.onSiteChanged} />{result.SITE_NAME}</td>
                        <td><input type="radio" name="address" 
                                   checked={this.state.address === result.ADDRESS} 
                                   onChange={this.onAddressChanged} />{result.ADDRESS}</td>
       }, this);
       return (
           <table className="table">
                       <td>chosen site name {} </td>
                       <td>chosen address {this.state.address} </td>


Best way to verify string is empty or null

With the openJDK 11 you can use the internal validation to check if the String is null or just white spaces

import jdk.internal.joptsimple.internal.Strings;

String targetString;
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(tragetString)) {}

Java Date cut off time information

With Joda-Time since version 2.0 you can use LocalDate.toDate().


// someDatetime is whatever java.util.Date you have.
Date someDay = new LocalDate(someDatetime).toDate();

Removing element from array in component state

The cleanest way to do this that I've seen is with filter:

removeItem(index) {
    data:, i) => i !== index)

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

In mysql you'd use the following function:

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ModuleValue, ",") FROM Table_X WHERE ModuleID=@ModuleID

I am not sure which dialect you are using.

Installing mysql-python on Centos

mysql-python NOT support Python3, you may need:

sudo pip3 install mysqlclient

Also, check this post for more alternatives.

How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations

same as pascal answered, just if you need to use .AUTO for some reason you just need to add in your application properties:
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update

Is there a <meta> tag to turn off caching in all browsers?

pragma is your best bet:

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

You still have access to StreamWriter:

using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"\hereIam.txt"))
    file.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); // "sb" is the StringBuilder

From the MSDN documentation: Writing to a Text File (Visual C#).

For newer versions of the .NET Framework (Version 2.0. onwards), this can be achieved with one line using the File.WriteAllText method.

System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\TextFile.txt", stringBuilder.ToString());

Creating a constant Dictionary in C#

There does not seem to be any standard immutable interface for dictionaries, so creating a wrapper seems like the only reasonable option, unfortunately.

Edit: Marc Gravell found the ILookup that I missed - that will allow you to at least avoid creating a new wrapper, although you still need to transform the Dictionary with .ToLookup().

If this is a need constrained to a specific scenario, you might be better off with a more business-logic-oriented interface:

interface IActiveUserCountProvider
    int GetMaxForServer(string serverName);

How to compare 2 dataTables

Well if you are using a DataTable at all then rather than comparing two 'DataTables' could you just compare the DataTable that is going to have changes with the original data when it was loaded AKA DataTable.GetChanges Method (DataRowState)

How can I execute a python script from an html button?

Best way is to Use a Python Web Frame Work you can choose Django/Flask. I will suggest you to Use Django because it's more powerful. Here is Step by guide to get complete your task :

pip install django
django-admin createproject buttonpython

then you have to create a file name in buttonpython directory.

write below code in

from django.http import HttpResponse

def sample(request):
    #your python script code
    output=code output
    return HttpResponse(output)

Once done navigate to and add this stanza

from . import views

path('', include('blog.urls')),

Now go to parent directory and execute

python runserver

Step by Step Guide in Detail: Run Python script on clicking HTML button

Install python 2.6 in CentOS

You could also use the EPEL-repository, and then do sudo yum install python26 to install python 2.6

Naming Classes - How to avoid calling everything a "<WhatEver>Manager"?

We could do without any xxxFactory, xxxManager or xxxRepository classes if we modeled the real world correctly:

Universe.Instance.Galaxies["Milky Way"].SolarSystems["Sol"]
        .Planets["Earth"].Inhabitants.OfType<Human>().WorkingFor["Initech, USA"]
        .OfType<User>().CreateNew("John Doe");


"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code

I got the answer, I was using:


I used merge in place of persist:


But no idea, why persist didn't work. :(

how to measure running time of algorithms in python

The module timeit is useful for this and is included in the standard Python distribution.


import timeit
timeit.Timer('for i in xrange(10): oct(i)').timeit()

Close iOS Keyboard by touching anywhere using Swift

Swift 3: Easiest way to dismiss keyboard:

  //Dismiss keyboard method
    func keyboardDismiss() {

    //ADD Gesture Recignizer to Dismiss keyboard then view tapped
    @IBAction func viewTapped(_ sender: AnyObject) {

    //Dismiss keyboard using Return Key (Done) Button
    //Do not forgot to add protocol UITextFieldDelegate 
    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

        return true

WPF Databinding: How do I access the "parent" data context?

You could try something like this:

...Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, 
AncestorType={x:Type Window}}, Path=DataContext.AllowItemCommand}" ...

Loop through all the files with a specific extension

as @chepner says in his comment you are comparing $i to a fixed string.

To expand and rectify the situation you should use [[ ]] with the regex operator =~


for i in $(ls);do
    if [[ $i =~ .*\.java$ ]];then
        echo "I want to do something with the file $i"

the regex to the right of =~ is tested against the value of the left hand operator and should not be quoted, ( quoted will not error but will compare against a fixed string and so will most likely fail"

but @chepner 's answer above using glob is a much more efficient mechanism.

Find a string within a cell using VBA

you never change the value of rng so it always points to the initial cell

copy the Set rng = rng.Offset(1, 0) to a new line before loop

also, your InStr test will always fail
True is -1, but the return from InStr will be greater than 0 when the string is found. change the test to remove = True

new code:

Sub IfTest()
 'This should split the information in a table up into cells
 Dim Splitter() As String
 Dim LenValue As Integer     'Gives the number of characters in date string
 Dim LeftValue As Integer    'One less than the LenValue to drop the ")"
 Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
 Set rng = ActiveCell

Do While ActiveCell.Value <> Empty
    If InStr(rng, "%") Then
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
        Splitter = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "% Change")
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = Splitter(1)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = "% Change"
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, -9).Select
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
        Splitter = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "(")
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = Splitter(0)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
        LenValue = Len(Splitter(1))
        LeftValue = LenValue - 1
        ActiveCell.Value = Left(Splitter(1), LeftValue)
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, -10).Select
    End If
Set rng = rng.Offset(1, 0)

End Sub

Classpath including JAR within a JAR

If you are building with ant (I am using ant from eclipse), you can just add the extra jar files by saying to ant to add them... Not necessarily the best method if you have a project maintained by multiple people but it works for one person project and is easy.

for example my target that was building the .jar file was:

<jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
        <attribute name="Author" value="ntg"/>
        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>

I just added one line to make it:

<jar ....">
    <zipgroupfileset dir="${external-lib-dir}" includes="*.jar"/>


<property name="external-lib-dir" 
          value="C:\...\eclipseWorkspace\Filter\external\...\lib" />

was the dir with the external jars. And that's it...

What's the difference between git clone --mirror and git clone --bare

A clone copies the refs from the remote and stuffs them into a subdirectory named 'these are the refs that the remote has'.

A mirror copies the refs from the remote and puts them into its own top level - it replaces its own refs with those of the remote.

This means that when someone pulls from your mirror and stuffs the mirror's refs into thier subdirectory, they will get the same refs as were on the original. The result of fetching from an up-to-date mirror is the same as fetching directly from the initial repo.

Resize on div element

Only window is supported yes but you could use a plugin for it:

How can I determine the direction of a jQuery scroll event?

in the .data() of the element you can store a JSON and test values to launch events

{ top : 1,
   first_top_event: function(){ ...},
   second_top_event: function(){ ...},
   third_top_event: function(){ ...},
   scroll_down_event1: function(){ ...},
   scroll_down_event2: function(){ ...}

C#/Linq: Apply a mapping function to each element in an IEnumerable?

You can just use the Select() extension method:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
IEnumerable<string> strings = integers.Select(i => i.ToString());

Or in LINQ syntax:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var strings = from i in integers
              select i.ToString();

How to disable Google asking permission to regularly check installed apps on my phone?

this worked for me ...

On Android 4.2+, uncheck the option Settings > Security > Verify apps and/or Settings > Developer options > Verify apps over USB.

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

This just happened to me. It turned out I was requesting ALL permissions, when I needed to filter to just DANGEROUS permissions, and it suddenly started working.

fun requestPermissions() {
    val missingDangerPermissions = PERMISSIONS
            .filter { ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, it) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED }
            .filter { this.getPackageManager().getPermissionInfo(it, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA).protectionLevel == PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_DANGEROUS } // THIS FILTER HERE!

    if (missingDangerPermissions.isNotEmpty()) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Requesting dangerous permission to $missingDangerPermissions.")
    } else {
        Log.i(TAG, "We had all the permissions we needed (yay!)")

How to make cross domain request

You can make cross domain requests using the XMLHttpRequest object. This is done using something called "Cross Origin Resource Sharing". See:

Very simply put, when the request is made to the server the server can respond with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header which will either allow or deny the request. The browser needs to check this header and if it is allowed then it will continue with the request process. If not the browser will cancel the request.

You can find some more information and a working example here:

JSONP is an alternative solution, but you could argue it's a bit of a hack.

positional argument follows keyword argument

The grammar of the language specifies that positional arguments appear before keyword or starred arguments in calls:

argument_list        ::=  positional_arguments ["," starred_and_keywords]
                            ["," keywords_arguments]
                          | starred_and_keywords ["," keywords_arguments]
                          | keywords_arguments

Specifically, a keyword argument looks like this: tag='insider trading!' while a positional argument looks like this: ..., exchange, .... The problem lies in that you appear to have copy/pasted the parameter list, and left some of the default values in place, which makes them look like keyword arguments rather than positional ones. This is fine, except that you then go back to using positional arguments, which is a syntax error.

Also, when an argument has a default value, such as price=None, that means you don't have to provide it. If you don't provide it, it will use the default value instead.

To resolve this error, convert your later positional arguments into keyword arguments, or, if they have default values and you don't need to use them, simply don't specify them at all:

order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol,
    transaction_type, quantity)

# Fully positional:
order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol, transaction_type, quantity, price, product, order_type, validity, disclosed_quantity, trigger_price, squareoff_value, stoploss_value, trailing_stoploss, variety, tag)

# Some positional, some keyword (all keywords at end):

order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol,
    transaction_type, quantity, tag='insider trading!')

Delete all SYSTEM V shared memory and semaphores on UNIX-like systems

Here, save and try this script ( on your shell:



IPCS_S=`ipcs -s | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`
IPCS_M=`ipcs -m | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`
IPCS_Q=`ipcs -q | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`

for id in $IPCS_M; do
  ipcrm -m $id;

for id in $IPCS_S; do
  ipcrm -s $id;

for id in $IPCS_Q; do
  ipcrm -q $id;

We use it whenever we run IPCS programs in the university student server. Some people don't always cleanup's needed :P

What does hash do in python?

You can use the Dictionary data type in python. It's very very similar to the hash—and it also supports nesting, similar to the to nested hash.


dict = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict['Age'] = 8; # update existing entry
dict['School'] = "DPS School" # Add new entry

print ("dict['Age']: ", dict['Age'])
print ("dict['School']: ", dict['School'])

For more information, please reference this tutorial on the dictionary data type.

maven error: package org.junit does not exist

I fixed this error by inserting these lines of code:

  <groupId>junit</groupId>     <!-- NOT org.junit here -->

into <dependencies> node.

more details refer to:

How do I protect Python code?

Use Cython. It will compile your modules to high-performant C files, which can then be compiled to native binary libraries. This is basically un-reversable, compared to .pyc bytecode!

I've written a detailed article on how to set up Cython for a Python project, check it out:

Protecting Python Sources With Cython

How do you dynamically allocate a matrix?

I have this grid class that can be used as a simple matrix if you don't need any mathematical operators.

 * Represents a grid of values.
 * Indices are zero-based.
template<class T>
class GenericGrid
        GenericGrid(size_t numRows, size_t numColumns);

        GenericGrid(size_t numRows, size_t numColumns, const T & inInitialValue);

        const T & get(size_t row, size_t col) const;

        T & get(size_t row, size_t col);

        void set(size_t row, size_t col, const T & inT);

        size_t numRows() const;

        size_t numColumns() const;

        size_t mNumRows;
        size_t mNumColumns;
        std::vector<T> mData;

template<class T>
GenericGrid<T>::GenericGrid(size_t numRows, size_t numColumns):

template<class T>
GenericGrid<T>::GenericGrid(size_t numRows, size_t numColumns, const T & inInitialValue):
    mData.resize(numRows*numColumns, inInitialValue);

template<class T>
const T & GenericGrid<T>::get(size_t rowIdx, size_t colIdx) const
    return mData[rowIdx*mNumColumns + colIdx];

template<class T>
T & GenericGrid<T>::get(size_t rowIdx, size_t colIdx)
    return mData[rowIdx*mNumColumns + colIdx];

template<class T>
void GenericGrid<T>::set(size_t rowIdx, size_t colIdx, const T & inT)
    mData[rowIdx*mNumColumns + colIdx] = inT;

template<class T>
size_t GenericGrid<T>::numRows() const
    return mNumRows;

template<class T>
size_t GenericGrid<T>::numColumns() const
    return mNumColumns;

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

In our case we were getting UnmarshalException because a wrong Java package was specified in the following. The issue was resolved once the right package was in place:

public Unmarshaller tmsUnmarshaller() {
    final Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
    return jaxb2Marshaller;

Git push failed, "Non-fast forward updates were rejected"

Pull changes first:

git pull origin branch_name

How do you clear the focus in javascript?

dummyElem.focus() where dummyElem is a hidden object (e.g. has negative zIndex)?

Could not load file or assembly for Oracle.DataAccess in .NET

Try the following: In Visual Studio, go to Tools/Options....Projects and Solutions...Web Projects... Make sure that 64 bit version of IIS Express checkbox is checked off.

How to parse month full form string using DateFormat in Java?

Just to top this up to the new Java 8 API:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("MMMM dd, yyyy").toFormatter();
TemporalAccessor ta = formatter.parse("June 27, 2007");
Instant instant = LocalDate.from(ta).atStartOfDay().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant();
Date d = Date.from(instant);
assertThat(d.getYear(), is(107));
assertThat(d.getMonth(), is(5));

A bit more verbose but you also see that the methods of Date used are deprecated ;-) Time to move on.

How to click a browser button with JavaScript automatically?

setInterval(function () {document.getElementById("myButtonId").click();}, 1000);

How do I get list of methods in a Python class?

To produce a list of methods put the name of the method in a list without the usual parenthesis. Remove the name and attach the parenthesis and that calls the method.

    def methodA():
        print("@ MethodA")

    def methodB():
        print("@ methodB")

    a = []
    for item in a:

How to count lines of Java code using IntelliJ IDEA?

The Statistic plugin worked for me.

To install it from Intellij:

File - Settings - Plugins - Browse repositories... Find it on the list and double-click on it.

Access the 'statistic' toolbar via tabs in bottom left of project screen capture of statistic toolbar, bottom left

OLDER VERSIONS: Open statistics window from:

View -> Tool Windows -> Statistic

Declaration of Methods should be Compatible with Parent Methods in PHP

Just to expand on this error in the context of an interface, if you are type hinting your function parameters like so:

interface A

use Bar;

interface A
    public function foo(Bar $b);

Class B

class B implements A
    public function foo(Bar $b);

If you have forgotten to include the use statement on your implementing class (Class B), then you will also get this error even though the method parameters are identical.

How can I make a UITextField move up when the keyboard is present - on starting to edit?

Swift 2.0:

Add a UIScrollView and add textFields on the top of it. Make storyboard references to VC.

@IBOutlet weak var username: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var password: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!

Add these methods : UITextFieldDelegate & UIScrollViewDelegate.

    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

        if(username.returnKeyType == UIReturnKeyType.Default) {
        return true
    func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField) {

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

            let scrollPoint:CGPoint = CGPointMake(0,textField.frame.origin.y/4)
            self.scrollView!.setContentOffset(scrollPoint, animated: true);
    func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
          UIView.animateWithDuration(0, animations: { self.scrollView!.setContentOffset(CGPointZero,animated: true) })
        return true
    override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>,
        withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        self.scrollView.scrollEnabled =  true

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            UIView.animateWithDuration(0, animations: { self.scrollView!.setContentOffset(CGPointZero,animated: true)
