[python] What's the pythonic way to use getters and setters?

Properties are pretty useful since you can use them with assignment but then can include validation as well. You can see this code where you use the decorator @property and also @<property_name>.setter to create the methods:

# Python program displaying the use of @property 
class AgeSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self._age = 0

    # using property decorator a getter function
    def age(self):
        print("getter method called")
        return self._age

    # a setter function
    def age(self, a):
        if(a < 18):
            raise ValueError("Sorry your age is below eligibility criteria")
        print("setter method called")
        self._age = a

pkj = AgeSet()

pkj.age = int(input("set the age using setter: "))


There are more details in this post I wrote about this as well: https://pythonhowtoprogram.com/how-to-create-getter-setter-class-properties-in-python-3/