[javascript] How to use a variable for a key in a JavaScript object literal?

ES5 quote that says it should not work

Note: rules have changed for ES6: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2274327/895245

Spec: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-11.1.5

PropertyName :

  • IdentifierName
  • StringLiteral
  • NumericLiteral


The production PropertyName : IdentifierName is evaluated as follows:

  1. Return the String value containing the same sequence of characters as the IdentifierName.

The production PropertyName : StringLiteral is evaluated as follows:

  1. Return the SV [String value] of the StringLiteral.

The production PropertyName : NumericLiteral is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let nbr be the result of forming the value of the NumericLiteral.
  2. Return ToString(nbr).

This means that:

  • { theTop : 10 } is the exact same as { 'theTop' : 10 }

    The PropertyName theTop is an IdentifierName, so it gets converted to the 'theTop' string value, which is the string value of 'theTop'.

  • It is not possible to write object initializers (literals) with variable keys.

    The only three options are IdentifierName (expands to string literal), StringLiteral, and NumericLiteral (also expands to a string).

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