Programs & Examples On #Nssavepanel

An NSSavePanel object creates and manages a Save panel and allows you to run the panel in a modal loop

Microsoft Advertising SDK doesn't deliverer ads

I only use MicrosoftAdvertising.Mobile and Microsoft.Advertising.Mobile.UI and I am served ads. The SDK should only add the DLLs not reference itself.

Note: You need to explicitly set width and height Make sure the phone dialer, and web browser capabilities are enabled

Followup note: Make sure that after you've removed the SDK DLL, that the xmlns references are not still pointing to it. The best route to take here is

  1. Remove the XAML for the ad
  2. Remove the xmlns declaration (usually at the top of the page, but sometimes will be declared in the ad itself)
  3. Remove the bad DLL (the one ending in .SDK )
  4. Do a Clean and then Build (clean out anything remaining from the DLL)
  5. Add the xmlns reference (actual reference is below)
  6. Add the ad to the page (example below)

Here is the xmlns reference:


Then the ad itself:

<AdNamespace:AdControl x:Name="myAd" Height="80" Width="480"                    AdUnitId="yourAdUnitIdHere" ApplicationId="yourIdHere"/> 

Add directives from directive in AngularJS

There was a change from 1.3.x to 1.4.x.

In Angular 1.3.x this worked:

var dir: ng.IDirective = {
    restrict: "A",
    require: ["select", "ngModel"],
    compile: compile,

function compile(tElement: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, tAttrs, transclude) {
    tElement.append("<option value=''>--- Kein ---</option>");

    return function postLink(scope: DirectiveScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) {
        attributes["ngOptions"] = "a.ID as a.Bezeichnung for a in akademischetitel";
        scope.akademischetitel = AkademischerTitel.query();

Now in Angular 1.4.x we have to do this:

var dir: ng.IDirective = {
    restrict: "A",
    compile: compile,
    terminal: true,
    priority: 10,

function compile(tElement: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, tAttrs, transclude) {
    tElement.append("<option value=''>--- Kein ---</option>");
    tElement.attr("ng-options", "a.ID as a.Bezeichnung for a in akademischetitel");

    return function postLink(scope: DirectiveScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) {

        scope.akademischetitel = AkademischerTitel.query();

(From the accepted answer: from Khanh TO).

Data binding in React

To be short, in React, there's no two-way data-binding.

So when you want to implement that feature, try define a state, and write like this, listening events, update the state, and React renders for you:

class NameForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {value: ''};

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  handleChange(event) {

  render() {
    return (
      <input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} />

Details here



LinkedStateMixin is deprecated as of React v15. The recommendation is to explicitly set the value and change handler, instead of using LinkedStateMixin.

above update from React official site . Use below code if you are running under v15 of React else don't.

There are actually people wanting to write with two-way binding, but React does not work in that way. If you do want to write like that, you have to use an addon for React, like this:

var WithLink = React.createClass({
  mixins: [LinkedStateMixin],
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {message: 'Hello!'};
  render: function() {
    return <input type="text" valueLink={this.linkState('message')} />;

Details here

For refs, it's just a solution that allow developers to reach the DOM in methods of a component, see here

SASS - use variables across multiple files

This question was asked a long time ago so I thought I'd post an updated answer.

You should now avoid using @import. Taken from the docs:

Sass will gradually phase it out over the next few years, and eventually remove it from the language entirely. Prefer the @use rule instead.

A full list of reasons can be found here

You should now use @use as shown below:


$text-colour: #262626;


@use 'variables'; // Path to _variables.scss Notice how we don't include the underscore or file extension

body {
  // namespace.$variable-name
  // namespace is just the last component of its URL without a file extension
  color: variables.$text-colour;

You can also create an alias for the namespace:


@use 'variables' as v;

body {
  // alias.$variable-name
  color: v.$text-colour;

EDIT As pointed out by @und3rdg at the time of writing (November 2020) @use is currently only available for Dart Sass and not LibSass (now deprecated) or Ruby Sass. See for the latest compatibility no protocol

Try instead of db.parse(xml):

Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(**xml**)));

How to read pickle file?

The following is an example of how you might write and read a pickle file. Note that if you keep appending pickle data to the file, you will need to continue reading from the file until you find what you want or an exception is generated by reaching the end of the file. That is what the last function does.

import os
import pickle

PICKLE_FILE = 'pickle.dat'

def main():
    # append data to the pickle file
    add_to_pickle(PICKLE_FILE, 123)
    add_to_pickle(PICKLE_FILE, 'Hello')
    add_to_pickle(PICKLE_FILE, None)
    add_to_pickle(PICKLE_FILE, b'World')
    add_to_pickle(PICKLE_FILE, 456.789)
    # load & show all stored objects
    for item in read_from_pickle(PICKLE_FILE):

def add_to_pickle(path, item):
    with open(path, 'ab') as file:
        pickle.dump(item, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

def read_from_pickle(path):
    with open(path, 'rb') as file:
            while True:
                yield pickle.load(file)
        except EOFError:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Entity framework left join

adapted from MSDN, how to left join using EF 4

var query = from u in usergroups
            join p in UsergroupPrices on u.UsergroupID equals p.UsergroupID into gj
            from x in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new { 
                UsergroupID = u.UsergroupID,
                UsergroupName = u.UsergroupName,
                Price = (x == null ? String.Empty : x.Price) 

Take the content of a list and append it to another list

Using the map() and reduce() built-in functions

def file_to_list(file):
     #stuff to parse file to a list
     return list

files = [...list of files...]

L = map(file_to_list, files)

flat_L = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, L)

Minimal "for looping" and elegant coding pattern :)

querySelector, wildcard element match?

There is a way by saying what is is not. Just make the not something it never will be. A good css selector reference: which shows the :not selector as follows:

:not(selector)  :not(p) Selects every element that is not a <p> element

Here is an example: a div followed by something (anything but a z tag)

div > :not(z){
 border:1px solid pink;

How to rotate a div using jQuery

EDIT: Updated for jQuery 1.8

Since jQuery 1.8 browser specific transformations will be added automatically. jsFiddle Demo

var rotation = 0;

jQuery.fn.rotate = function(degrees) {
    $(this).css({'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'});
    return $(this);

$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;

EDIT: Added code to make it a jQuery function.

For those of you who don't want to read any further, here you go. For more details and examples, read on. jsFiddle Demo.

var rotation = 0;

jQuery.fn.rotate = function(degrees) {
    $(this).css({'-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'});
    return $(this);

$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;

EDIT: One of the comments on this post mentioned jQuery Multirotation. This plugin for jQuery essentially performs the above function with support for IE8. It may be worth using if you want maximum compatibility or more options. But for minimal overhead, I suggest the above function. It will work IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and many others.

Bobby... This is for the people who actually want to do it in the javascript. This may be required for rotating on a javascript callback.

Here is a jsFiddle.

If you would like to rotate at custom intervals, you can use jQuery to manually set the css instead of adding a class. Like this! I have included both jQuery options at the bottom of the answer.


<div class="rotate">
    <h1>Rotatey text</h1>


/* Totally for style */
.rotate {
    background: #F02311;
    color: #FFF;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    text-align: center;
    font: normal 1em Arial;
    position: relative;
    top: 50px;
    left: 50px;

/* The real code */
.rotated {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Chrome, Safari 3.1+ */
    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Firefox 3.5-15 */
    -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* IE 9 */
    -o-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Opera 10.50-12.00 */
    transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Opera 12.10+ */


Make sure these are wrapped in $(document).ready

$('.rotate').click(function() {

Custom intervals

var rotation = 0;
$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;
    $(this).css({'-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 'transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)'});

did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option

Wasted almost one hour, didn't find a solution, so I wanted to contribute =)

In my case, I was importing WRONGLY the component.. like below:

import { MyComponent } from './components/MyComponent'

But the CORRECT is (without curly braces):

import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent'

How do I get java logging output to appear on a single line?

Similar to Tervor, But I like to change the property on runtime.

Note that this need to be set before the first SimpleFormatter is created - as was written in the comments.

            "%1$tF %1$tT %4$s %2$s %5$s%6$s%n");

stopPropagation vs. stopImmediatePropagation

I am a late comer, but maybe I can say this with a specific example:

Say, if you have a <table>, with <tr>, and then <td>. Now, let's say you set 3 event handlers for the <td> element, then if you do event.stopPropagation() in the first event handler you set for <td>, then all event handlers for <td> will still run, but the event just won't propagate to <tr> or <table> (and won't go up and up to <body>, <html>, document, and window).

Now, however, if you use event.stopImmediatePropagation() in your first event handler, then, the other two event handlers for <td> WILL NOT run, and won't propagate up to <tr>, <table> (and won't go up and up to <body>, <html>, document, and window).

Note that it is not just for <td>. For other elements, it will follow the same principle.

Is there a way to view past mysql queries with phpmyadmin?

Here is a trick that some may find useful:

For Select queries (only), you can create Views, especially where you find yourself running the same select queries over and over e.g. in production support scenarios.

The main advantages of creating Views are:

  • they are resident within the database and therefore permanent
  • they can be shared across sessions and users
  • they provide all the usual benefits of working with tables
  • they can be queried further, just like tables e.g. to filter down the results further
  • as they are stored as queries under the hood, they do not add any overheads.

You can create a view easily by simply clicking the "Create view" link at the bottom of the results table display.

Truncating all tables in a Postgres database

Could you use dynamic SQL to execute each statement in turn? You would probably have to write a PL/pgSQL script to do this. (section 38.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands)

How do I read an attribute on a class at runtime?

System.Reflection.MemberInfo info = typeof(MyClass);
object[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(true);

for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
    if (attributes[i] is DomainNameAttribute)
        System.Console.WriteLine(((DomainNameAttribute) attributes[i]).Name);

JBoss debugging in Eclipse

You need to define a Remote Java Application in the Eclipse debug configurations:

Open the debug configurations (select project, then open from menu run/debug configurations) Select Remote Java Application in the left tree and press "New" button On the right panel select your web app project and enter 8787 in the port field. Here is a link to a detailed description of this process.

When you start the remote debug configuration Eclipse will attach to the JBoss process. If successful the debug view will show the JBoss threads. There is also a disconnect icon in the toolbar/menu to stop remote debugging.

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

The server first tries to authenticate you by public key. That doesn't work (I guess you haven't set one up), so it then falls back to 'keyboard-interactive'. It should then ask you for a password, which presumably you're not getting right. Did you see a password prompt?

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

I come across a situation where i need to insert the data in the database & simultaneously require the primary id using entity framework. Solution :

long id;
IGenericQueryRepository<myentityclass, Entityname> InfoBase = null;
    InfoBase = new GenericQueryRepository<myentityclass, Entityname>();
    id = entityclassobj.ID;
    return id;

array_push() with key value pair

So what about having:


How to write UPDATE SQL with Table alias in SQL Server 2008?

The syntax for using an alias in an update statement on SQL Server is as follows:

WHERE Q.ID = 101;

The alias should not be necessary here though.

How to pass a Javascript Array via JQuery Post so that all its contents are accessible via the PHP $_POST array?

If you want to pass a JavaScript object/hash (ie. an associative array in PHP) then you would do:

$.post('/url/to/page', {'key1': 'value', 'key2': 'value'});

If you wanna pass an actual array (ie. an indexed array in PHP) then you can do:

$.post('/url/to/page', {'someKeyName': ['value','value']});

If you want to pass a JavaScript array then you can do:

$.post('/url/to/page', {'someKeyName': variableName});

How to get week numbers from dates?

if you try with lubridate:

lubridate::week(ymd("2014-03-16", "2014-03-17","2014-03-18", '2014-01-01'))

[1] 11 11 12  1

The pattern is the same. Try isoweek

lubridate::isoweek(ymd("2014-03-16", "2014-03-17","2014-03-18", '2014-01-01'))
[1] 11 12 12  1

How to create a unique index on a NULL column?

Pretty sure you can't do that, as it violates the purpose of uniques.

However, this person seems to have a decent work around:

Basic HTTP and Bearer Token Authentication

With nginx you can send both tokens like this (even though it's against the standard):

Authorization: Basic basic-token,Bearer bearer-token

This works as long as the basic token is first - nginx successfully forwards it to the application server.

And then you need to make sure your application can properly extract the Bearer from the above string.

Return multiple values from a function, sub or type?

You can also use a variant array as the return result to return a sequence of arbitrary values:

Function f(i As Integer, s As String) As Variant()
    f = Array(i + 1, "ate my " + s, Array(1#, 2#, 3#))
End Function

Sub test()
    result = f(2, "hat")
    i1 = result(0)
    s1 = result(1)
    a1 = result(2)
End Sub

Ugly and bug prone because your caller needs to know what's being returned to use the result, but occasionally useful nonetheless.

How to loop through a JSON object with typescript (Angular2)

Assuming your json object from your GET request looks like the one you posted above simply do:

let list: string[] = [];

json.Results.forEach(element => {

Or am I missing something that prevents you from doing it this way?

Django: Display Choice Value

For every field that has choices set, the object will have a get_FOO_display() method, where FOO is the name of the field. This method returns the “human-readable” value of the field.

In Views

person = Person.objects.filter(to_be_listed=True)
context['gender'] = person.get_gender_display()

In Template

{{ person.get_gender_display }}

Documentation of get_FOO_display()

Make Font Awesome icons in a circle?

Font Awesome icons are inserted as a :before. Therefore you can style either your i or a like so:

.i {
   background: #fff;
   border-radius: 50%;
   display: inline-block;
   height: 20px;   
   width: 20px;

<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook fa-lg"></i></a>

How do I do a HTTP GET in Java?

The simplest way that doesn't require third party libraries it to create a URL object and then call either openConnection or openStream on it. Note that this is a pretty basic API, so you won't have a lot of control over the headers.

How to get a certain element in a list, given the position?

Not very efficient, but if you must use a list, you can deference the iterator


ng-model for `<input type="file"/>` (with directive DEMO)

function filesModelDirective(){
  return {
    controller: function($parse, $element, $attrs, $scope){
      var exp = $parse($attrs.filesModel);
      $element.on('change', function(){
        exp.assign($scope, this.files[0]);
app.directive('filesModel', filesModelDirective);

How to validate a form with multiple checkboxes to have atleast one checked

if (
  document.forms["form"]["mon"].checked==false &&
  document.forms["form"]["tues"].checked==false &&
  document.forms["form"]["wed"].checked==false &&
  document.forms["form"]["thrs"].checked==false &&
) {
  alert("Select at least One Day into Five Days");
  return false; 

GCC -fPIC option

The link to a function in a dynamic library is resolved when the library is loaded or at run time. Therefore, both the executable file and dynamic library are loaded into memory when the program is run. The memory address at which a dynamic library is loaded cannot be determined in advance, because a fixed address might clash with another dynamic library requiring the same address.

There are two commonly used methods for dealing with this problem:

1.Relocation. All pointers and addresses in the code are modified, if necessary, to fit the actual load address. Relocation is done by the linker and the loader.

2.Position-independent code. All addresses in the code are relative to the current position. Shared objects in Unix-like systems use position-independent code by default. This is less efficient than relocation if program run for a long time, especially in 32-bit mode.

The name "position-independent code" actually implies following:

  • The code section contains no absolute addresses that need relocation, but only self relative addresses. Therefore, the code section can be loaded at an arbitrary memory address and shared between multiple processes.

  • The data section is not shared between multiple processes because it often contains writeable data. Therefore, the data section may contain pointers or addresses that need relocation.

  • All public functions and public data can be overridden in Linux. If a function in the main executable has the same name as a function in a shared object, then the version in main will take precedence, not only when called from main, but also when called from the shared object. Likewise, when a global variable in main has the same name as a global variable in the shared object, then the instance in main will be used, even when accessed from the shared object.

This so-called symbol interposition is intended to mimic the behavior of static libraries.

A shared object has a table of pointers to its functions, called procedure linkage table (PLT) and a table of pointers to its variables called global offset table (GOT) in order to implement this "override" feature. All accesses to functions and public variables go through this tables.

p.s. Where dynamic linking cannot be avoided, there are various ways to avoid the timeconsuming features of the position-independent code.

You can read more from this article:

Getting Checkbox Value in ASP.NET MVC 4

For multiple checkbox with same name... Code to remove unnecessary false :

List<string> d_taxe1 = new List<string>(Request.Form.GetValues("taxe1"));
d_taxe1 = form_checkbox.RemoveExtraFalseFromCheckbox(d_taxe1);


public class form_checkbox

    public static List<string> RemoveExtraFalseFromCheckbox(List<string> val)
        List<string> d_taxe1_list = new List<string>(val);

        int y = 0;

        foreach (string cbox in val)

            if (val[y] == "false")
                if (y > 0)
                    if (val[y - 1] == "true")
                        d_taxe1_list[y] = "remove";



        val = new List<string>(d_taxe1_list);

        foreach (var del in d_taxe1_list)
            if (del == "remove") val.Remove(del);

        return val;



Use it :

int x = 0;
foreach (var detail in d_prix){
factured.taxe1 = (d_taxe1[x] == "true") ? true : false;

jQuery load first 3 elements, click "load more" to display next 5 elements

WARNING: size() was deprecated in jQuery 1.8 and removed in jQuery 3.0, use .length instead

Working Demo:

$(document).ready(function () {
    size_li = $("#myList li").size();
    $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
    $('#loadMore').click(function () {
        x= (x+5 <= size_li) ? x+5 : size_li;
        $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
    $('#showLess').click(function () {
        x=(x-5<0) ? 3 : x-5;
        $('#myList li').not(':lt('+x+')').hide();

New JS to show or hide load more and show less

$(document).ready(function () {
    size_li = $("#myList li").size();
    $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
    $('#loadMore').click(function () {
        x= (x+5 <= size_li) ? x+5 : size_li;
        $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
        if(x == size_li){
    $('#showLess').click(function () {
        x=(x-5<0) ? 3 : x-5;
        $('#myList li').not(':lt('+x+')').hide();
        if(x == 3){


#showLess {

Working Demo:

jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work

datePicker's onSelect equivalent is the dateSelected event.

$(function() {
    $('.date-pick').datePicker( {
        selectWeek: true,
        inline: true,
        startDate: '01/01/2000',
        firstDay: 1,
    }).bind('dateSelected', function(e, selectedDate, $td) {

This page has a good example showing the dateSelected event and other events being bound.

error::make_unique is not a member of ‘std’

In my case I was needed update the std=c++

I mean in my gradle file was this

android {

    defaultConfig {

        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                cppFlags "-std=c++11", "-Wall"
                arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_static",

I changed this line

android {

    defaultConfig {

        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                cppFlags "-std=c++17", "-Wall"   <-- this number from 11 to 17 (or 14)
                arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_static",

That's it...

Changing the current working directory in Java?

If you run your commands in a shell you can write something like "java -cp" and add any directories you want separated by ":" if java doesnt find something in one directory it will go try and find them in the other directories, that is what I do.

How to include *.so library in Android Studio?

I have solved a similar problem using external native lib dependencies that are packaged inside of jar files. Sometimes these architecture dependend libraries are packaged alltogether inside one jar, sometimes they are split up into several jar files. so i wrote some buildscript to scan the jar dependencies for native libs and sort them into the correct android lib folders. Additionally this also provides a way to download dependencies that not found in maven repos which is currently usefull to get JNA working on android because not all native jars are published in public maven repos.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion '24.0.0'

    lintOptions {
        abortOnError false

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "myappid"
        minSdkVersion 17
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    sourceSets {
        main {
            jniLibs.srcDirs = ["src/main/jniLibs", "$buildDir/native-libs"]

def urlFile = { url, name ->
    File file = new File("$buildDir/download/${name}.jar")
    if (!file.exists()) {
        new URL(url).withInputStream { downloadStream ->
            file.withOutputStream { fileOut ->
                fileOut << downloadStream
dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-arm')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-armv7')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-aarch64')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-x86')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-x86_64')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-mips')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-mips64')
def safeCopy = { src, dst ->
    File fdst = new File(dst)
    fdst.bytes = new File(src).bytes


def archFromName = { name ->
    switch (name) {
        case ~/.*android-(x86-64|x86_64|amd64).*/:
            return "x86_64"
        case ~/.*android-(i386|i686|x86).*/:
            return "x86"
        case ~/.*android-(arm64|aarch64).*/:
            return "arm64-v8a"
        case ~/.*android-(armhf|armv7|arm-v7|armeabi-v7).*/:
            return "armeabi-v7a"
        case ~/.*android-(arm).*/:
            return "armeabi"
        case ~/.*android-(mips).*/:
            return "mips"
        case ~/.*android-(mips64).*/:
            return "mips64"
            return null

task extractNatives << {
    project.configurations.compile.each { dep ->
        println "Scanning ${} for native libs"
        if (!".jar"))
        zipTree(dep).visit { zDetail ->
            if (!".so"))
            print "\tFound ${}"
            String arch = archFromName(zDetail.toString())
            if(arch != null){
                println " -> $arch"
            } else {
                println " -> No valid arch"


Can I create a One-Time-Use Function in a Script or Stored Procedure?

Common Table Expressions let you define what are essentially views that last only within the scope of your select, insert, update and delete statements. Depending on what you need to do they can be terribly useful.

Output array to CSV in Ruby

To a file:

require 'csv'"myfile.csv", "w") do |csv|
  csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
  csv << ["another", "row"]
  # ...

To a string:

require 'csv'
csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
  csv << ["another", "row"]
  # ...

Here's the current documentation on CSV:

Angular: Cannot Get /

Many answers dont really make sense but still have upvotes, makes me currious why that would still work in some cases.

In angular.json

"serve": {
  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
  "options": {
    "deployUrl": "/",
    "baseHref": "/",

worked for me.

Casting a variable using a Type variable

After not finding anything to get around "Object must implement IConvertible" exception when using Zyphrax's answer (except for implementing the interface).. I tried something a little bit unconventional and worked for my situation.

Using the Newtonsoft.Json nuget package...

var castedObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject), myType);

Laravel Advanced Wheres how to pass variable into function?

If you are using Laravel eloquent you may try this as well.

$result = self::select('*')
                    ->where('subscriptionPlan', function($query) use($activated){
                        $query->where('activated', '=', $roleId);

Reverse Contents in Array

The line

arr[i] = temp;

is wrong. (On the first iteration of your loop it sets arr[i] to an undefined value; further iterations set it to an incorrect value.) If you remove this line, your array should be reversed correctly.

After that, you should move the code which prints the reversed array into a new loop which iterates over the whole list. Your current code only prints the first count/2 elements.

int temp, i;
for (i = 0; i < count/2; ++i) {
    temp = arr[count-i-1];
    arr[count-i-1] = arr[i];
    arr[i] = temp;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    cout << arr[i] << " ";

JavaScript: Get image dimensions

This uses the function and waits for it to complete.

function getMeta(url){
    var r = $.Deferred();

  $('<img/>').attr('src', url).load(function(){
     var s = {w:this.width, h:this.height};
  return r;

    alert(test.w + ' ' + test.h);

Filtering Table rows using Jquery

There's no need to build an array. You can address the DOM directly.

Try :

$.each(data, function(i, v){
    rows.filter(":contains('" + v + "')").show();



To discover the qualifying rows without displaying them immediately, then pass them to a function :

$("#searchInput").keyup(function() {
    var rows = $("#fbody").find("tr").hide();
    var data = this.value.split(" ");
    var _rows = $();//an empty jQuery collection
    $.each(data, function(i, v) {
        _rows.add(rows.filter(":contains('" + v + "')");


Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

'names' attribute must be the same length as the vector

Depending on what you're doing in the loop, the fact that the %in% operator returns a vector might be an issue; consider a simple example:

c1 <- c("one","two","three","more","more")
c2 <- c("seven","five","three")

if(c1%in%c2) {

then the following warning is issued:

Warning message:
In if (c1 %in% c2) { :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

if something in your if statement is dependent on a specific number of elements, and they don't match, then it is possible to obtain the error you see

Debug message "Resource interpreted as other but transferred with MIME type application/javascript"

This warning appears because no default script type is specified. Try adding the following directive to your HTML file:

<meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript">

You can read more about default scripting specifications here:

How to use target in location.href

<a href="url" target="_blank"> <input type="button" value="fake button" /> </a>

Java Runtime.getRuntime(): getting output from executing a command line program

@Senthil and @Arend answer ( mentioned ProcessBuilder. Here is the example using ProcessBuilder with specifying environment variables and working folder for the command:

    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("ls", "-a", "-l");

    Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
    // If you want clean environment, call env.clear() first
    env.put("VAR1", "myValue");
    env.put("VAR2", env.get("VAR1") + "suffix");

    File workingFolder = new File("/home/user");;

    Process proc = pb.start();

    BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));

    BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream()));

    // Read the output from the command:
    System.out.println("Here is the standard output of the command:\n");
    String s = null;
    while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null)

    // Read any errors from the attempted command:
    System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");
    while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null)

Adding a newline into a string in C#

A simple string replace will do the job. Take a look at the example program below:

using System;

namespace NewLineThingy
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str = "fkdfdsfdflkdkfk@dfsdfjk72388389@kdkfkdfkkl@jkdjkfjd@jjjk@";
            str = str.Replace("@", "@" + Environment.NewLine);

How to detect a USB drive has been plugged in?

It is easy to check for removable devices. However, there's no guarantee that it is a USB device:

var drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives()
    .Where(drive => drive.IsReady && drive.DriveType == DriveType.Removable);

This will return a list of all removable devices that are currently accessible. More information:

Only Add Unique Item To List

If your requirements are to have no duplicates, you should be using a HashSet.

HashSet.Add will return false when the item already exists (if that even matters to you).

You can use the constructor that @pstrjds links to below (or here) to define the equality operator or you'll need to implement the equality methods in RemoteDevice (GetHashCode & Equals).

How to run a python script from IDLE interactive shell?

To run a python script in a python shell such as Idle or in a Django shell you can do the following using the exec() function. Exec() executes a code object argument. A code object in Python is simply compiled Python code. So you must first compile your script file and then execute it using exec(). From your shell:

>>>file_to_compile = open('/path/to/your/').read()
>>>code_object = compile(file_to_compile, '<string>', 'exec')

I'm using Python 3.4. See the compile and exec docs for detailed info.

Set environment variables on Mac OS X Lion

Unfortunately none of these answers solved the specific problem I had.

Here's a simple solution without having to mess with bash. In my case, it was getting gradle to work (for Android Studio).

Btw, These steps relate to OSX (Mountain Lion 10.8.5)

  • Open up Terminal.
  • Run the following command:

    sudo nano /etc/paths (or sudo vim /etc/paths for vim)


  • Go to the bottom of the file, and enter the path you wish to add.
  • Hit control-x to quit.
  • Enter 'Y' to save the modified buffer.
  • Open a new terminal window then type:

    echo $PATH

You should see the new path appended to the end of the PATH

I got these details from this post:

I hope that can help someone else

Return zero if no record is found

You can also try: (I tried this and it worked for me)

SELECT ISNULL((SELECT SUM(columnA) FROM my_table WHERE columnB = 1),0)) INTO res;

Casting a number to a string in TypeScript

window.location.hash is a string, so do this:

var page_number: number = 3;
window.location.hash = String(page_number); 

Go / golang time.Now().UnixNano() convert to milliseconds?

Just divide it:

func makeTimestamp() int64 {
    return time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)

Here is an example that you can compile and run to see the output

package main

import (

func main() {
    a := makeTimestamp()

    fmt.Printf("%d \n", a)

func makeTimestamp() int64 {
    return time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)

Checking if a collection is empty in Java: which is the best method?

Unless you are already using CollectionUtils I would go for List.isEmpty(), less dependencies.

Performance wise CollectionUtils will be a tad slower. Because it basically follows the same logic but has additional overhead.

So it would be readability vs. performance vs. dependencies. Not much of a big difference though.

Capture the Screen into a Bitmap

If using the .NET 2.0 (or later) framework you can use the CopyFromScreen() method detailed here:

//Create a new bitmap.
var bmpScreenshot = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width,

// Create a graphics object from the bitmap.
var gfxScreenshot = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot);

// Take the screenshot from the upper left corner to the right bottom corner.

// Save the screenshot to the specified path that the user has chosen.
bmpScreenshot.Save("Screenshot.png", ImageFormat.Png);

rawQuery(query, selectionArgs)

rawQuery("SELECT id, name FROM people WHERE name = ? AND id = ?", new String[] {"David", "2"});

You pass a string array with an equal number of elements as you have "?"

WorksheetFunction.CountA - not working post upgrade to Office 2010

I'm not sure exactly what your problem is, because I cannot get your code to work as written. Two things seem evident:

  1. It appears you are relying on VBA to determine variable types and modify accordingly. This can get confusing if you are not careful, because VBA may assign a variable type you did not intend. In your code, a type of Range should be assigned to myRange. Since a Range type is an object in VBA it needs to be Set, like this: Set myRange = Range("A:A")
  2. Your use of the worksheet function CountA() should be called with .WorksheetFunction

If you are not doing it already, consider using the Option Explicit option at the top of your module, and typing your variables with Dim statements, as I have done below.

The following code works for me in 2010. Hopefully it works for you too:

Dim myRange As Range
Dim NumRows As Integer

Set myRange = Range("A:A")
NumRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(myRange)

Good Luck.

HTML/CSS - Adding an Icon to a button

You could add a span before the link with a specific class like so:

<div class="btn btn_red"><span class="icon"></span><a href="#">Crimson</a><span></span></div>

And then give that a specific width and a background image just like you are doing with the button itself.

.btn span.icon {
    background: url(imgs/icon.png) no-repeat;
    float: left;
    width: 10px;
    height: 40px;

I am no CSS guru but off the top of my head I think that should work.

How to parse a month name (string) to an integer for comparison in C#?

You can use the DateTime.Parse method to get a DateTime object and then check its Month property. Do something like this:

int month = DateTime.Parse("1." + monthName + " 2008").Month;

The trick is to build a valid date to create a DateTime object.

How to add icons to React Native app

I would like to suggest to use react-native-vector-icons to import icons to your project. As you use vector icons, you don't need to worry much on icon scaling side. While using the package you are able to use all popular icon set such as fontawesome, ionicons etc..

Besides these iconsets you can also bring your own icons too to your react-native project by packing your icons as a ttf file and you can import that ttf directly to both android and ios project. You can utilise the same react-native-vector-icons library to manage those icons

Here is a detailed procedure to setup custom icons

How to install psycopg2 with "pip" on Python?

On CentOS, you need the postgres dev packages:

sudo yum install python-devel postgresql-devel

That was the solution on CentOS 6 at least.

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

For those who use Tomcat with Bitronix, this will fix the problem:

The error indicates that no handler could be found for your datasource 'jdbc/mydb', so you'll need to make sure your tomcat server refers to your bitronix configuration files as needed.

In case you're using and files to configure the datasource, specify these two JVM arguments in tomcat:

(if you already used them, make sure your references are correct):

  • btm.root


-Dbtm.root="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0.59""C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0.59\conf\" 

Now, restart your server and check the log.

How can I see what has changed in a file before committing to git?

You can also use a git-friendly text editor. They show colors on the lines that have been modified, another color for added lines, another color for deleted lines, etc.

A good text editor that does this is GitHub's Atom 1.0.

Code snippet or shortcut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

I don't know about Visual Studio 2010, but in Visual Studio 2008 the code snippet is 'ctor'.

html table span entire width?

you need to set the margin of the body to 0 for the table to stretch the full width. alternatively you can set the margin of the table to a negative number as well.

Remove files from Git commit

If you want to remove files from previous commits use filters

git filter-branch --prune-empty --index-filter 'git rm --ignore-unmatch --cached "file_to_be_removed.dmg"'

If you see this error:

Cannot create a new backup. A previous backup already exists in refs/original/ Force overwriting the backup with -f

Just remove refs backups on your local repo

$ rm -rf .git/refs/original/refs

Maven version with a property

If you're using Maven 3, one option to work around this problem is to use the versions plugin

Specifically the commands,

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0-RELEASE
mvn versions:commit

This will update the parent and child poms to 2.0-RELEASE. You can run this as a build step before.

Unlike the release plugin, it doesn't try to talk to your source control

What is for?

Although Python works without an file you should still include one.

It specifies that the directory should be treated as a package, so therefore include it (even if it is empty).

There is also a case where you may actually use an file:

Imagine you had the following file structure:


And contained this:

def foo():
    return 'foo'

To use foo() you would need one of the following:

from main_methods.methods import foo # Call with foo()
from main_methods import methods # Call with
import main_methods.methods # Call with

Maybe there you need (or want) to keep inside main_methods (runtimes/dependencies for example) but you only want to import main_methods.

If you changed the name of to then you could use foo() by just importing main_methods:

import main_methods
print( # Prints 'foo'

This works because is treated as part of the package.

Some Python packages actually do this. An example is with JSON, where running import json is actually importing from the json package (see the package file structure here):

Source code: Lib/json/

Text to speech(TTS)-Android

// variable declaration
TextToSpeech tts;

// TextToSpeech initialization, must go within the onCreate method
tts = new TextToSpeech(getActivity(), new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
 public void onInit(int i) {
  if (i == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
   int result = tts.setLanguage(Locale.US);
   if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA ||
    result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
    Log.e("TTS", "Lenguage not supported");
  } else {
   Log.e("TTS", "Initialization failed");

// method call
public void buttonSpeak().setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
 public void onClick(View view) {

private void speak() {
 tts.speak("Text to Speech Test", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null);

public void onDestroy() {
 if (tts != null) {

taken from: Text to Speech Youtube Tutorial

What is a magic number, and why is it bad?

A problem that has not been mentioned with using magic numbers...

If you have very many of them, the odds are reasonably good that you have two different purposes that you're using magic numbers for, where the values happen to be the same.

And then, sure enough, you need to change the value... for only one purpose.

How to modify memory contents using GDB?

The easiest is setting a program variable (see GDB: assignment):

(gdb) l
6       {
7           int i;
8           struct file *f, *ftmp;
(gdb) set variable i = 10
(gdb) p i
$1 = 10

Or you can just update arbitrary (writable) location by address:

(gdb) set {int}0x83040 = 4

There's more. Read the manual.

How to get the background color code of an element in hex?

You have the color you just need to convert it into the format you want.

Here's a script that should do the trick:

How can I access iframe elements with Javascript?

Using jQuery you can use contents(). For example:

var inside = $('#one').contents();

Serializing PHP object to JSON

Since your object type is custom, I would tend to agree with your solution - break it down into smaller segments using an encoding method (like JSON or serializing the content), and on the other end have corresponding code to re-construct the object.

C++ array initialization

Yes, I believe it should work and it can also be applied to other data types.

For class arrays though, if there are fewer items in the initializer list than elements in the array, the default constructor is used for the remaining elements. If no default constructor is defined for the class, the initializer list must be complete — that is, there must be one initializer for each element in the array.

Comparing arrays for equality in C++

Since nobody mentioned it yet, you can compare arrays with the std::equal algorithm:

int iar1[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int iar2[] = {1,2,3,4,5};

if (std::equal(std::begin(iar1), std::end(iar1), std::begin(iar2)))
    cout << "Arrays are equal.";
    cout << "Arrays are not equal.";

You need to include <algorithm> and <iterator>. If you don't use C++11 yet, you can write:

if (std::equal(iar1, iar1 + sizeof iar1 / sizeof *iar1, iar2))

PHP: trying to create a new line with "\n"

Since it wasn't mentioned, you can also use the CSS white-space property


Which tells the browser to preserve whitespace so that

        echo "hello\nthere";

Would display


Split string based on regex

Your question contains the string literal "\b[A-Z]{2,}\b", but that \b will mean backspace, because there is no r-modifier.

Try: r"\b[A-Z]{2,}\b".

Getting Integer value from a String using javascript/jquery

For parseInt to work, your string should have only numerical data. Something like this:

 str1 = "123.00";
 str2 = "50.00";
 total = parseInt(str1)+parseInt(str2);

Can you split the string before you start processing them for a total?

How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

One advantage that the aforementioned copy-webpack-plugin brings that hasn't been explained before is that all the other methods mentioned here still bundle the resources into your bundle files (and require you to "require" or "import" them somewhere). If I just want to move some images around or some template partials, I don't want to clutter up my javascript bundle file with useless references to them, I just want the files emitted in the right place. I haven't found any other way to do this in webpack. Admittedly it's not what webpack originally was designed for, but it's definitely a current use case. (@BreakDS I hope this answers your question - it's only a benefit if you want it)

How to write to a file, using the logging Python module?

I prefer to use a configuration file. It allows me to switch logging levels, locations, etc without changing code when I go from development to release. I simply package a different config file with the same name, and with the same defined loggers.

import logging.config
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Configure the logger
    # loggerConfigFileName: The name and path of your configuration file

    # Create the logger
    # Admin_Client: The name of a logger defined in the config file
    mylogger = logging.getLogger('Admin_Client')

    msg='Bite Me'

    # Shut down the logger

Here is my code for the log config file

#These are the loggers that are available from the code
#Each logger requires a handler, but can have more than one

#Each handler requires a single formatter
keys=fileHandler, consoleHandler

keys=logFormatter, consoleFormatter


handlers=fileHandler, consoleHandler
#propagate=0 Does not pass messages to ancestor loggers(root)

# Do not use a console logger when running scripts from a bat file without a console
# because it hangs!
args=(sys.stdout,)# The comma is correct, because the parser is looking for args

# This causes a new file to be created for each script
# Change time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") to time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# And only one log per day will be created. All messages will be amended to it.
args=("D:\\Logs\\PyLogs\\" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+'.log', 'a')

#name is the name of the logger root or Admin_Client
#levelname is the log message level debug, warn, ect 
#lineno is the line number from where the call to log is made
#04d is simple formatting to ensure there are four numeric places with leading zeros
#4s would work as well, but would simply pad the string with leading spaces, right justify
#-4s would work as well, but would simply pad the string with trailing spaces, left justify
#filename is the file name from where the call to log is made
#funcName is the method name from where the call to log is made
#format=%(asctime)s | %(lineno)d | %(message)s
#format=%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s
#format=%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(module)s-%(lineno) | %(levelname)s | %(message)s
#format=%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(module)s-%(lineno)04d | %(levelname)s | %(message)s
#format=%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(module)s-%(lineno)4s | %(levelname)-8s | %(message)s

format=%(asctime)s | %(levelname)-8s | %(lineno)04d | %(message)s

#Use a separate formatter for the console if you want
format=%(asctime)s | %(levelname)-8s | %(filename)s-%(funcName)s-%(lineno)04d | %(message)s

Send email using java

Your code works, apart from setting up the connection with the SMTP server. You need a running mail (SMTP) server to send you email for you.

Here is your modified code. I commented out the parts that are not needed and changed the Session creation so it takes an Authenticator. Now just find out the SMPT_HOSTNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD you want to use (your Internet provider usually provides them).

I always do it like this (using a remote SMTP server I know) because running a local mailserver is not that trivial under Windows (it's apparently quite easy under Linux).

import java.util.*;

import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;

//import javax.activation.*;

public class SendEmail {

    private static String SMPT_HOSTNAME = "";
    private static String USERNAME = "";
    private static String PASSWORD = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Recipient's email ID needs to be mentioned.
        String to = "[email protected]";

        // Sender's email ID needs to be mentioned
        String from = "[email protected]";

        // Assuming you are sending email from localhost
        // String host = "localhost";

        // Get system properties
        Properties properties = System.getProperties();

        // Setup mail server
        properties.setProperty("", SMPT_HOSTNAME);

        // Get the default Session object.
        // Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);

        // create a session with an Authenticator
        Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

        try {
            // Create a default MimeMessage object.
            MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);

            // Set From: header field of the header.
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));

            // Set To: header field of the header.
            message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(

            // Set Subject: header field
            message.setSubject("This is the Subject Line!");

            // Now set the actual message
            message.setText("This is actual message");

            // Send message
            System.out.println("Sent message successfully....");
        } catch (MessagingException mex) {

Focus Next Element In Tab Index

I've never implemented this, but I've looked into a similar problem, and here's what I would try.

Try this first

First, I would see if you could simply fire a keypress event for the Tab key on the element that currently has focus. There may be a different way of doing this for different browsers.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to work harder…

Referencing the jQuery implementation, you must:

  1. Listen for Tab and Shift+Tab
  2. Know which elements are tab-able
  3. Understand how tab order works

1. Listen for Tab and Shift+Tab

Listening for Tab and Shift+Tab are probably well-covered elsewhere on the web, so I'll skip that part.

2. Know which elements are tab-able

Knowing which elements are tab-able is trickier. Basically, an element is tab-able if it is focusable and does not have the attribute tabindex="-1" set. So then we must ask which elements are focusable. The following elements are focusable:

  • input, select, textarea, button, and object elements that aren't disabled.
  • a and area elements that have an href or have a numerical value for tabindex set.
  • any element that has a numerical value for tabindex set.

Furthermore, an element is focusable only if:

  • None of its ancestors are display: none.
  • The computed value of visibility is visible. This means that the nearest ancestor to have visibility set must have a value of visible. If no ancestor has visibility set, then the computed value is visible.

More details are in another Stack Overflow answer.

3. Understand how tab order works

The tab order of elements in a document is controlled by the tabindex attribute. If no value is set, the tabindex is effectively 0.

The tabindex order for the document is: 1, 2, 3, …, 0.

Initially, when the body element (or no element) has focus, the first element in the tab order is the lowest non-zero tabindex. If multiple elements have the same tabindex, you then go in document order until you reach the last element with that tabindex. Then you move to the next lowest tabindex and the process continues. Finally, finish with those elements with a zero (or empty) tabindex.

Call two functions from same onclick

put a semicolon between the two functions as statement terminator.

Raising a number to a power in Java

int weight=10;
int height=10;
double bmi;
bmi = weight / Math.pow(height / 100.0, 2.0);
double result = bmi * 100;
result = Math.round(result);
result = result / 100;

Change the mouse pointer using JavaScript

Look at this page: Looks like you can access cursor off of style. This page shows it being done with the entire page, but I'm sure a child element would work just as well. = 'wait';

node.js: read a text file into an array. (Each line an item in the array.)

i just want to add @finbarr great answer, a little fix in the asynchronous example:


var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;
    var array = data.toString().split("\n");
    for(i in array) {

@MadPhysicist, done() is what releases the async. call.

update to python 3.7 using anaconda

Python 3.7 is now available to be installed, but many packages have not been updated yet. As noted by another answer here, there is a GitHub issue tracking the progress of Anaconda building all the updated packages.

Until someone creates a conda package for Python 3.7, you can't install it. Unfortunately, something like 3500 packages show up in a search for "python" on ( so I couldn't see if anyone has done that yet.

You might be able to build your own package, depending on what OS you want it for. You can start with the recipe that conda-forge uses to build Python:

In the past, I think Continuum have generally waited until a stable release to push out packages for new Pythons, but I don't work there, so I don't know what their actual policy is.

When is " reset by peer" thrown?

To expand on BalusC's answer, any scenario where the sender continues to write after the peer has stopped reading and closed its socket will produce this exception, as will the peer closing while it still had unread data in its own socket receive buffer. In other words, an application protocol error. For example, if you write something to the peer that the peer doesn't understand, and then it closes its socket in protest, and you then continue to write, the peer's TCP stack will issue an RST, which results in this exception and message at the sender.

Meaning of *& and **& in C++

That's passing a pointer by reference rather than by value. This for example allows altering the pointer (not the pointed-to object) in the function is such way that the calling code sees the change.


void nochange( int* pointer ) //passed by value
   pointer++; // change will be discarded once function returns

void change( int*& pointer ) //passed by reference
   pointer++; // change will persist when function returns

Clear the cache in JavaScript

Maybe "clearing cache" is not as easy as it should be. Instead of clearing cache on my browsers, I realized that "touching" the file will actually change the date of the source file cached on the server (Tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox) and most browsers will automatically download the most current fresh copy of whats on your server (code, graphics any multimedia too). I suggest you just copy the most current scripts on the server and "do the touch thing" solution before your program runs, so it will change the date of all your problem files to a most current date and time, then it downloads a fresh copy to your browser:


...the rest of your program...

It took me some time to resolve this issue (as many browsers act differently to different commands, but they all check time of files and compare to your downloaded copy in your browser, if different date and time, will do the refresh), If you can't go the supposed right way, there is always another usable and better solution to it. Best Regards and happy camping.

Capitalize words in string

function capitalize(s){
    return s.toLowerCase().replace( /\b./g, function(a){ return a.toUpperCase(); } );

capitalize('this IS THE wOrst string eVeR');

output: "This Is The Worst String Ever"


It appears this solution supersedes mine:

How do I get the current timezone name in Postgres 9.3?

It seems to work fine in Postgresql 9.5:

SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE');

ADB device list is empty

This helped me at the end:

Quick guide:

  • Download Google USB Driver

  • Connect your device with Android Debugging enabled to your PC

  • Open Device Manager of Windows from System Properties.

  • Your device should appear under Other devices listed as something like Android ADB Interface or 'Android Phone' or similar. Right-click that and click on Update Driver Software...

  • Select Browse my computer for driver software

  • Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer

  • Double-click Show all devices

  • Press the Have disk button

  • Browse and navigate to [wherever your SDK has been installed]\google-usb_driver and select android_winusb.inf

  • Select Android ADB Interface from the list of device types.

  • Press the Yes button

  • Press the Install button

  • Press the Close button

Now you've got the ADB driver set up correctly. Reconnect your device if it doesn't recognize it already.

Python pip install fails: invalid command egg_info

Looks like the default easy_install is broken in its current location:

$ which easy_install /usr/bin/easy_install

A way to overcome this is to use the easy_install in site packages. For example:

$ sudo python /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ boto

How to "git show" a merge commit with combined diff output even when every changed file agrees with one of the parents?

If your merge commit is commit 0e1329e5, as above, you can get the diff that was contained in this merge by:

git diff 0e1329e5^..0e1329e5

I hope this helps!

PHP - warning - Undefined property: stdClass - fix?

isset() is fine for top level, but empty() is much more useful to find whether nested values are set. Eg:

if(isset($json['foo'] && isset($json['foo']['bar'])) {
    $value = $json['foo']['bar']


if (!empty($json['foo']['bar']) {
    $value = $json['foo']['bar']

Get the index of a certain value in an array in PHP

array_search is the way to do it.

array_search ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] ) : mixed

From the docs:

$array = array(0 => 'blue', 1 => 'red', 2 => 'green', 3 => 'red');

$key = array_search('green', $array); // $key = 2;
$key = array_search('red', $array);   // $key = 1;

You could loop over the array manually and find the index but why do it when there's a function for that. This function always returns a key and it will work well with associative and normal arrays.

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]


Make sure there are no security implications for your use-case before running this.


I had a similar issue getting Fedora 20, Nginx, Node.js, and Ghost (blog) to work. It turns out my issue was due to SELinux.

This should solve the problem:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1


I checked for errors in the SELinux logs:

sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep nginx | grep denied

And found that running the following commands fixed my issue:

sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep nginx | grep denied | audit2allow -M mynginx
sudo semodule -i mynginx.pp

Option #2 (untested, but probably more secure)

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_relay 1


Getting the error "Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed" when using tabs with ViewPager

I had this issue and realized it was because I was calling setContentView(int id) twice in my Activity's onCreate

Converting string format to datetime in mm/dd/yyyy

You are looking for the DateTime.Parse() method (MSDN Article)

So you can do:

var dateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2001");

Which will give you a DateTime typed object.

If you need to specify which date format you want to use, you would use DateTime.ParseExact (MSDN Article)

Which you would use in a situation like this (Where you are using a British style date format):

string[] formats= { "dd/MM/yyyy" }
var dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact("01/01/2001", formats, new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None);

SQL Server: Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column

There is some good information in these answers. Suppose you are dealing with databases which you can't alter, and that you are copying data from one version of the table to another, or from the same table in one database to another. Suppose also that there are lots of columns, and you either need data from all the columns, or the columns which you don't need don't have default values. You need to write a query with all the column names.

Here is a query which returns all the non-timestamp column names for a table, which you can cut and paste into your insert query. FYI: 189 is the type ID for timestamp.

declare @TableName nvarchar(50) = 'Product';

select stuff(
        ', ' +
        (select id from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name = @TableName) tables
        inner join syscolumns columns on =
    where columns.xtype <> 189
    for xml path('')), 1, 2, '')

Just change the name of the table at the top from 'Product' to your table name. The query will return a list of column names:

ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate

If you are copying data from one database (DB1) to another database(DB2) you could use this query.

insert DB2.dbo.Product (ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate)
select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate 
from DB1.dbo.Product

Cleanest way to write retry logic?

Keep it simple with C# 6.0

public async Task<T> Retry<T>(Func<T> action, TimeSpan retryInterval, int retryCount)
        return action();
    catch when (retryCount != 0)
        await Task.Delay(retryInterval);
        return await Retry(action, retryInterval, --retryCount);

Doctrine and LIKE query

You can use the createQuery method (direct in the controller) :

$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT o FROM AcmeCodeBundle:Orders o WHERE o.OrderMail =  :ordermail and o.Product like :searchterm")
->setParameter('searchterm', '%'.$searchterm.'%')
->setParameter('ordermail', '[email protected]');

You need to change AcmeCodeBundle to match your bundle name

Or even better - create a repository class for the entity and create a method in there - this will make it reusable

how to save DOMPDF generated content to file?

I have just used dompdf and the code was a little different but it worked.

Here it is:

$files = glob("./pdf/include/*.php");
foreach($files as $file) include_once($file);

$html =
      '<p>Put your html here, or generate it with your favourite '.
      'templating system.</p>'.

    $dompdf = new DOMPDF();
    $output = $dompdf->output();
    file_put_contents('Brochure.pdf', $output);

Only difference here is that all of the files in the include directory are included.

Other than that my only suggestion would be to specify a full directory path for writing the file rather than just the filename.

Why should I use var instead of a type?

It's really just a coding style. The compiler generates the exact same for both variants.

See also here for the performance question:

Iterating through a list to render multiple widgets in Flutter?

For googler, I wrote a simple Stateless Widget containing 3 method mentioned in this SO. Hope this make it easier to understand.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ListAndFP extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<String> items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon'];

  //  for in (require dart 2.2.2 SDK or later)
  Widget method1() {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        Text('You can put other Widgets here'),
        for (var item in items) Text(item),

  // map() + toList() + Spread Property
  Widget method2() {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        Text('You can put other Widgets here'), => Text(item)).toList(),

  // map() + toList()
  Widget method3() {
    return Column(
      // Text('You CANNOT put other Widgets here'),
      children: => Text(item)).toList(),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: method1(),

Access localhost from the internet

use your ip address or a service like if you need something more practical. Then eventually configure your router properly so incoming connection will be forwarded to the machine with the server running.

Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings

Although @serge answer is correct but i compared time consumption of his way against xmlpath and i found the xmlpath is so faster. I'll write the compare code and you can check it by yourself. This is @serge way:

DECLARE @startTime datetime2;
DECLARE @endTime datetime2;
DECLARE @counter INT;
SET @counter = 1;

set nocount on;

declare @YourTable table (ID int, Name nvarchar(50))

WHILE @counter < 1000
    insert into @YourTable VALUES (ROUND(@counter/10,0), CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), @counter) + 'CC')
    SET @counter = @counter + 1;

SET @startTime = GETDATE()

;WITH Partitioned AS
        COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY ID) AS NameCount
    FROM @YourTable
Concatenated AS
    SELECT ID, CAST(Name AS nvarchar) AS FullName, Name, NameNumber, NameCount FROM Partitioned WHERE NameNumber = 1


        P.ID, CAST(C.FullName + ', ' + P.Name AS nvarchar), P.Name, P.NameNumber, P.NameCount
    FROM Partitioned AS P
        INNER JOIN Concatenated AS C ON P.ID = C.ID AND P.NameNumber = C.NameNumber + 1
FROM Concatenated
WHERE NameNumber = NameCount

SET @endTime = GETDATE();

SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond,@startTime, @endTime)
--Take about 54 milliseconds

And this is xmlpath way:

DECLARE @startTime datetime2;
DECLARE @endTime datetime2;
DECLARE @counter INT;
SET @counter = 1;

set nocount on;

declare @YourTable table (RowID int, HeaderValue int, ChildValue varchar(5))

WHILE @counter < 1000
    insert into @YourTable VALUES (@counter, ROUND(@counter/10,0), CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), @counter) + 'CC')
    SET @counter = @counter + 1;

SET @startTime = GETDATE();

set nocount off
                        ', ' + t2.ChildValue
                        FROM @YourTable t2
                        WHERE t1.HeaderValue=t2.HeaderValue
                        ORDER BY t2.ChildValue
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                   ,1,2, ''
              ) AS ChildValues
    FROM @YourTable t1
    GROUP BY t1.HeaderValue

SET @endTime = GETDATE();

SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond,@startTime, @endTime)
--Take about 4 milliseconds

When to use React "componentDidUpdate" method?

Sometimes you might add a state value from props in constructor or componentDidMount, you might need to call setState when the props changed but the component has already mounted so componentDidMount will not execute and neither will constructor; in this particular case, you can use componentDidUpdate since the props have changed, you can call setState in componentDidUpdate with new props.

How to plot two columns of a pandas data frame using points?

Now in latest pandas you can directly use df.plot.scatter function

df = pd.DataFrame([[5.1, 3.5, 0], [4.9, 3.0, 0], [7.0, 3.2, 1],
                   [6.4, 3.2, 1], [5.9, 3.0, 2]],
                  columns=['length', 'width', 'species'])
ax1 = df.plot.scatter(x='length',

outline on only one border

The great thing about HTML/CSS is that there's usually more than one way to achieve the same effect. Here's another solution that does what you want:

<nav id="menu1">
        <li><a href="#">Menu Link 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Menu Link 2</a></li>

nav {
    padding:.5em 0;
nav ul {
    border-top:1px dashed #fff;
nav ul li {
nav ul li a {

Setting WPF image source in code

Have you tried:

Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Stream iconStream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("SomeImage.png");
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.StreamSource = iconStream;
_icon.Source = bitmap;

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding

I would strongl suggest the use of the javascript escape() method

you can use this with jQuery by grabbing a form value like so:

var encodedString = escape($("#myFormFieldID").val());

How to style an menu with CSS

I ran into the issue where the class of 'selected' wasn't being added to my menu item. Turns out that you can't have a NavigateUrl on it for whatever reason.

Once I removed the NavigateUrl it applied the 'selected' css class to the a tag and I was able to apply the background style with: ul li a.static.selected
    background-color: #bfcbd6 !important;
    color: #465c71 !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;

Regex empty string or email

This regex pattern will match an empty string:


And this will match (crudely) an email or an empty string:


Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

Use the backslash \ or choose a different delimiter, ie m#.\d# instead of /.\d/ "In Perl, you can change the / regular expression delimiter to almost any other special character if you preceed it with the letter m (for match);"

Java command not found on Linux

I had these choices:

*  1           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/java
 + 2           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/java
   3           /home/ec2-user/local/java/jre1.7.0_25/bin/java

When I chose 3, it didn't work. When I chose 2, it did work.

z-index not working with fixed positioning

z-index only works within a particular context i.e. relative, fixed or absolute position.

z-index for a relative div has nothing to do with the z-index of an absolutely or fixed div.

EDIT This is an incomplete answer. This answer provides false information. Please review @Dansingerman's comment and example below.

Storing money in a decimal column - what precision and scale?

4 decimal places would give you the accuracy to store the world's smallest currency sub-units. You can take it down further if you need micropayment (nanopayment?!) accuracy.

I too prefer DECIMAL to DBMS-specific money types, you're safer keeping that kind of logic in the application IMO. Another approach along the same lines is simply to use a [long] integer, with formatting into ¤unit.subunit for human readability (¤ = currency symbol) done at the application level.

How to install an APK file on an Android phone?

Directly connect your Android device and select the USB debugging option in the device. Eclipse will itself find your device, and then just run the code.

Or alternatively, paste your APK file in the Android SDK platform-tools folder and from the command prompt install it like this:

D:......../platform-tools> adb install yourfile.apk.

AJAX reload page with POST

By using jquery ajax you can reload your page

    type: "POST",
    url: "packtypeAdd.php",
    data: infoPO,
    success: function() {   

Apache HttpClient Interim Error: NoHttpResponseException

Most likely persistent connections that are kept alive by the connection manager become stale. That is, the target server shuts down the connection on its end without HttpClient being able to react to that event, while the connection is being idle, thus rendering the connection half-closed or 'stale'. Usually this is not a problem. HttpClient employs several techniques to verify connection validity upon its lease from the pool. Even if the stale connection check is disabled and a stale connection is used to transmit a request message the request execution usually fails in the write operation with SocketException and gets automatically retried. However under some circumstances the write operation can terminate without an exception and the subsequent read operation returns -1 (end of stream). In this case HttpClient has no other choice but to assume the request succeeded but the server failed to respond most likely due to an unexpected error on the server side.

The simplest way to remedy the situation is to evict expired connections and connections that have been idle longer than, say, 1 minute from the pool after a period of inactivity. For details please see this section of the HttpClient tutorial.

How to get a product's image in Magento?

$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); //getting product model
$_products = $model->getCollection(); //getting product object for particular product id
foreach($_products as $_product) { ?>
    <a href = '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getUrl_path(); ?>'> <img src= '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getImageUrl();  ?>' width="75px" height="75px"/></a>
     <?php echo "<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getPrice()."<br/>". $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getSpecial_price()."<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getName()?>

react-router - pass props to handler component

If you'd rather not write wrappers, I guess you could do this:

class Index extends React.Component { 

  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        Index - {}

var routes = (
  <Route path="/" foo="bar" component={Index}/>

Check if string ends with one of the strings from a list

Just use:

if file_name.endswith(tuple(extensions)):

Selenium Webdriver submit() vs click()

.Click() - Perform only click operation as like mouse click.

.Submit() - Perform Enter operation as like keyboard Enter event.

For Example. Consider a login page where it contains username and password and submit button.

On filling password if we want to login without clicking login button. we need to user .submit button on password where .click() operation does not work.[to login into application]


driver.get("https:// anyURL"); 
driver.findElement("txtUserId")).sendKeys("[email protected]"); 
WebElement text = driver.findElement("txtPassword")); text.sendKeys("password"); 
Thread.sleep(1000);;   //This will not work - it will on perform click operation not submit operation
text.submit(); //This will perform submit operation has enter key 

Javascript : calling function from another file

Why don't you take a look to this answer

Including javascript files inside javascript files

In short you can load the script file with AJAX or put a script tag on the HTML to include it( before the script that uses the functions of the other script). The link I posted is a great answer and has multiple examples and explanations of both methods.

Invalid syntax when using "print"?

That is because in Python 3, they have replaced the print statement with the print function.

The syntax is now more or less the same as before, but it requires parens:

From the "what's new in python 3" docs:

Old: print "The answer is", 2*2
New: print("The answer is", 2*2)

Old: print x,           # Trailing comma suppresses newline
New: print(x, end=" ")  # Appends a space instead of a newline

Old: print              # Prints a newline
New: print()            # You must call the function!

Old: print >>sys.stderr, "fatal error"
New: print("fatal error", file=sys.stderr)

Old: print (x, y)       # prints repr((x, y))
New: print((x, y))      # Not the same as print(x, y)!

How do I update a model value in JavaScript in a Razor view?

This should work

function updatePostID(val)
    document.getElementById('PostID').value = val;

    //and probably call document.forms[0].submit();

Then have a hidden field or other control for the PostID

@Html.Hidden("PostID", Model.addcomment.PostID)
@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.addcomment.PostID)

Left padding a String with Zeros

If you need performance and know the maximum size of the string use this:

String zeroPad = "0000000000000000";
String str0 = zeroPad.substring(str.length()) + str;

Be aware of the maximum string size. If it is bigger then the StringBuffer size, you'll get a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags

Easier and quicker:


How do I concatenate a boolean to a string in Python?

answer = True
myvar = "the answer is " + str(answer)

Python does not do implicit casting, as implicit casting can mask critical logic errors. Just cast answer to a string itself to get its string representation ("True"), or use string formatting like so:

myvar = "the answer is %s" % answer

Note that answer must be set to True (capitalization is important).

convert base64 to image in javascript/jquery


<img id="imgElem"></img>


string baseStr64="/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQE...";
imgElem.setAttribute('src', "data:image/jpg;base64," + baseStr64);

Is it possible to save HTML page as PDF using JavaScript or jquery?

Ya its very easy to do with javascript. Hope this code is useful to you.

You'll need the JSpdf library.

<div id="content">
     <h3>Hello, this is a H3 tag</h3>

    <p>a pararaph</p>
<div id="editor"></div>
<button id="cmd">Generate PDF</button>

    var doc = new jsPDF();
    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element, renderer) {
            return true;

    $('#cmd').click(function () {
        doc.fromHTML($('#content').html(), 15, 15, {
            'width': 170,
                'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers

    // This code is collected but useful, click below to jsfiddle link.

jsfiddle link here

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

I too got the same error, when I did this behind a proxy. But after I exported the following from a terminal and re-tried the same command, the problem got resolved:

export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxy_ip_addr:port/"
export https_proxy="https://username:password@proxy_ip_addr:port/"

Can I check if Bootstrap Modal Shown / Hidden?

its an old question but anyway heres something i used incase someone was looking for the same thing

if (!$('#myModal').is(':visible')) {
    // if modal is not shown/visible then do something

JavaScript file upload size validation

Yes, you can use the File API for this.

Here's a complete example (see comments):

document.getElementById("btnLoad").addEventListener("click", function showFileSize() {
    // (Can't use `typeof FileReader === "function"` because apparently it
    // comes back as "object" on some browsers. So just see if it's there
    // at all.)
    if (!window.FileReader) { // This is VERY unlikely, browser support is near-universal
        console.log("The file API isn't supported on this browser yet.");

    var input = document.getElementById('fileinput');
    if (!input.files) { // This is VERY unlikely, browser support is near-universal
        console.error("This browser doesn't seem to support the `files` property of file inputs.");
    } else if (!input.files[0]) {
        addPara("Please select a file before clicking 'Load'");
    } else {
        var file = input.files[0];
        addPara("File " + + " is " + file.size + " bytes in size");

function addPara(text) {
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    p.textContent = text;
body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
<form action='#' onsubmit="return false;">
<input type='file' id='fileinput'>
<input type='button' id='btnLoad' value='Load'>

Slightly off-topic, but: Note that client-side validation is no substitute for server-side validation. Client-side validation is purely to make it possible to provide a nicer user experience. For instance, if you don't allow uploading a file more than 5MB, you could use client-side validation to check that the file the user has chosen isn't more than 5MB in size and give them a nice friendly message if it is (so they don't spend all that time uploading only to get the result thrown away at the server), but you must also enforce that limit at the server, as all client-side limits (and other validations) can be circumvented.

How to install mongoDB on windows?

Step 1: First download the .msi i.e is the installation file from

Download MonggoDB

Step 2: Perform the installation using the so downloaded .msi file.Automatically it gets stored in program files. You could perform a custom installation and change the directory.

After this, you should be able to see a MongoDB folder under program files

starting MongoDB shell and service is not big a deal I Got a good reference after the long search Installing MongoDB in Windows

Regular expression to match exact number of characters?

What you have is correct, but this is more consice:


Parenthesis/Brackets Matching using Stack algorithm

Actually, there is no need to check any cases "manually". You can just run the following algorithm:

  1. Iterate over the given sequence. Start with an empty stack.

  2. If the current char is an opening bracket, just push it to the stack.

  3. If it's a closing bracket, check that the stack is not empty and the top element of the step is an appropriate opening bracket(that it is, matches this one). If it is not, report an error. Otherwise, pop the top element from the stack.

  4. In the end, the sequence is correct iff the stack is empty.

Why is it correct? Here is a sketch of a proof: if this algorithm reported that the sequence is corrected, it had found a matching pair of all brackets. Thus, the sequence is indeed correct by definition. If it has reported an error:

  1. If the stack was not empty in the end, the balance of opening and closing brackets is not zero. Thus, it is not a correct sequence.

  2. If the stack was empty when we had to pop an element, the balance is off again.

  3. If there was a wrong element on top of the stack, a pair of "wrong" brackets should match each other. It means that the sequence is not correct.

I have shown that:

  • If the algorithm has reported that the sequence is correct, it is correct.

  • If the algorithm has reported that the sequence is not correct, it is incorrect(note that I do not use the fact that there are no other cases except those that are mentioned in your question).

This two points imply that this algorithm works for all possible inputs.

Get first and last day of month using threeten, LocalDate

Just here to show my implementation for @herman solution

ZoneId americaLaPazZone = ZoneId.of("UTC-04:00");

static Date firstDateOfMonth(Date date) {
  LocalDate localDate = convertToLocalDateWithTimezone(date);
  YearMonth baseMonth = YearMonth.from(localDate);
  LocalDateTime initialDate = baseMonth.atDay(firstDayOfMonth).atStartOfDay();
  return Date.from(initialDate.atZone(americaLaPazZone).toInstant());

static Date lastDateOfMonth(Date date) {
  LocalDate localDate = convertToLocalDateWithTimezone(date);
  YearMonth baseMonth = YearMonth.from(localDate);
  LocalDateTime lastDate = baseMonth.atEndOfMonth().atTime(23, 59, 59);
  return Date.from(lastDate.atZone(americaLaPazZone).toInstant());

static LocalDate convertToLocalDateWithTimezone(Date date) {
  return LocalDateTime.from(date.toInstant().atZone(americaLaPazZone)).toLocalDate();

Difference between xcopy and robocopy

Robocopy replaces XCopy in the newer versions of windows

  1. Uses Mirroring, XCopy does not
  2. Has a /RH option to allow a set time for the copy to run
  3. Has a /MON:n option to check differences in files
  4. Copies over more file attributes than XCopy

Yes i agree with Mark Setchell, They are both crap. (brought to you by Microsoft)


XCopy return codes:

0 - Files were copied without error.
1 - No files were found to copy.
2 - The user pressed CTRL+C to terminate xcopy. enough memory or disk space, or you entered an invalid drive name or invalid syntax on the command line.
5 - Disk write error occurred.

Robocopy returns codes:

0 - No errors occurred, and no copying was done. The source and destination directory trees are completely synchronized.
1 - One or more files were copied successfully (that is, new files have arrived).
2 - Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied Examine the output log for details. 
3 - (2+1) Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered.
4 - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. Examine the output log. Some housekeeping may be needed.
5 - (4+1) Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered.
6 - (4+2) Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied and no failures were encountered. This means that the files already exist in the destination directory
7 - (4+1+2) Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present.
8 - Some files or directories could not be copied (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). Check these errors further.
16 - Serious error. Robocopy did not copy any files. Either a usage error or an error due to insufficient access privileges on the source or destination directories.

There is more details on Robocopy return values here:

How to enable mbstring from php.ini?

All XAMPP packages come with Multibyte String (php_mbstring.dll) extension installed.

If you have accidentally removed DLL file from php/ext folder, just add it back (get the copy from XAMPP zip archive - its downloadable).

If you have deleted the accompanying INI configuration line from php.ini file, add it back as well:


Also, ensure to restart your webserver (Apache) using XAMPP control panel.

Additional Info on Enabling PHP Extensions

  • install extension (e.g. put php_mbstring.dll into /XAMPP/php/ext directory)
  • in php.ini, ensure extension directory specified (e.g. extension_dir = "ext")
  • ensure correct build of DLL file (e.g. 32bit thread-safe VC9 only works with DLL files built using exact same tools and configuration: 32bit thread-safe VC9)
  • ensure PHP API versions match (If not, once you restart the webserver you will receive related error.)

getString Outside of a Context or Activity

Yes, we can access resources without using `Context`

You can use:


... everywhere in your application, even in static constants declarations. Unfortunately, it supports the system resources only.

For local resources use this solution. It is not trivial, but it works.

How to add Button over image using CSS?

You need to give relative or absolute or fixed positioning to your container (#shop) and set its zIndex to say 100.

You also need to give say relative positioning to your elements with the class content and lower zIndex say 97.

Do the above-mentioned with your images too and set their zIndex to 91.

And then position your button higher by setting its position to absolute and zIndex to 95

See the DEMO


<div id="shop">

 <div class="content"> Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam 

     <img src="">

         <a href="#"><span class='span'><span></a>


 <div class="content"> Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam 

     <img src="">

         <a href="#"><span class='span'><span></a>




    background-image: url("images/shop_bg.png");
    background-repeat: repeat-x;    
    width: 984px;
    margin-left: 20px;
    margin-top: 13px;

#shop .content{    
    width: 182px; /*328 co je 1/3 - 20margin left*/
    height: 121px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-left: 9px;






    border:1px solid red;


How to strip HTML tags from string in JavaScript?

I know this question has an accepted answer, but I feel that it doesn't work in all cases.

For completeness and since I spent too much time on this, here is what we did: we ended up using a function from php.js (which is a pretty nice library for those more familiar with PHP but also doing a little JavaScript every now and then):

It seemed to be the only piece of JavaScript code which successfully dealt with all the different kinds of input I stuffed into my application. That is, without breaking it – see my comments about the <script /> tag above.

How to make an array of arrays in Java

While there are two excellent answers telling you how to do it, I feel that another answer is missing: In most cases you shouldn't do it at all.

Arrays are cumbersome, in most cases you are better off using the Collection API.

With Collections, you can add and remove elements and there are specialized Collections for different functionality (index-based lookup, sorting, uniqueness, FIFO-access, concurrency etc.).

While it's of course good and important to know about Arrays and their usage, in most cases using Collections makes APIs a lot more manageable (which is why new libraries like Google Guava hardly use Arrays at all).

So, for your scenario, I'd prefer a List of Lists, and I'd create it using Guava:

List<List<String>> listOfLists = Lists.newArrayList();

How to get label of select option with jQuery?

In modern browsers you do not need JQuery for this. Instead use


Or specify any DOM element instead of document

Using AngularJS date filter with UTC date

Here is a filter that will take a date string OR javascript Date() object. It uses Moment.js and can apply any Moment.js transform function, such as the popular 'fromNow'

angular.module('myModule').filter('moment', function () {
  return function (input, momentFn /*, param1, param2, ...param n */) {
    var args =, 2),
        momentObj = moment(input);
    return momentObj[momentFn].apply(momentObj, args);


{{ anyDateObjectOrString | moment: 'format': 'MMM DD, YYYY' }}

would display Nov 11, 2014

{{ anyDateObjectOrString | moment: 'fromNow' }}

would display 10 minutes ago

If you need to call multiple moment functions, you can chain them. This converts to UTC and then formats...

{{ someDate | moment: 'utc' | moment: 'format': 'MMM DD, YYYY' }}

Connecting to SQL Server Express - What is my server name?

by default -

you can also log in to sql express using server name as:


or log in to sql server simply as


Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box


Just to register my experience, where I wanted to set only the color of the selected option to a specific one.

I first tried to set by css only the color of the selected option with no success.

Then, after trying some combinations, this has worked for me with SCSS:

select {
      color: white; // color of the selected option

      option {
        color: black; // color of all the other options

Take a look at a working example with only CSS:

select {_x000D_
  color: yellow; // color of the selected option_x000D_
select option {_x000D_
  color: black; // color of all the other options_x000D_
<select id="mySelect">_x000D_
    <option value="apple" >Apple</option>_x000D_
    <option value="banana" >Banana</option>_x000D_
    <option value="grape" >Grape</option>_x000D_

For different colors, depending on the selected option, you'll have to deal with js.

Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?

MinGW 4.x has unistd.h in \MinGW\include, \MinGW\include\sys and \MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.6.2\include\ssp

Here is the code for the MinGW version, by Rob Savoye; modified by Earnie Boyd, Danny Smith, Ramiro Polla, Gregory McGarry and Keith Marshall:

 * unistd.h
 * Standard header file declaring MinGW's POSIX compatibility features.
 * $Id: unistd.h,v c3ebd36f8211 2016/02/16 16:05:39 keithmarshall $
 * Written by Rob Savoye <[email protected]>
 * Modified by Earnie Boyd <[email protected]>
 *   Danny Smith <[email protected]>
 *   Ramiro Polla <[email protected]>
 *   Gregory McGarry  <[email protected]>
 *   Keith Marshall  <[email protected]>
 * Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2002-2004, 2007-2009, 2014-2016,
 * Project.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following
 * disclaimer shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
 * the Software.
#ifndef _UNISTD_H
#define _UNISTD_H  1
#pragma GCC system_header

/* All MinGW headers MUST include _mingw.h before anything else,
 * to ensure proper initialization of feature test macros.
#include <_mingw.h>

/* unistd.h maps (roughly) to Microsoft's <io.h>
 * Other headers included by <unistd.h> may be selectively processed;
 * __UNISTD_H_SOURCED__ enables such selective processing.
#define __UNISTD_H_SOURCED__ 1

#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <getopt.h>

/* These are defined in stdio.h.  POSIX also requires that they
 * are to be consistently defined here; don't guard against prior
 * definitions, as this might conceal inconsistencies.
#define SEEK_SET   0
#define SEEK_CUR   1
#define SEEK_END   2

/* POSIX process/thread suspension functions; all are supported by a
 * common MinGW API in libmingwex.a, providing for suspension periods
 * ranging from mean values of ~7.5 milliseconds, (see the comments in
 * <time.h>), extending up to a maximum of ~136 years.
 * Note that, whereas POSIX supports early wake-up of any suspended
 * process/thread, in response to a signal, this implementation makes
 * no attempt to emulate this signalling behaviour, (since signals are
 * not well supported by Windows); thus, unless impeded by an invalid
 * argument, this implementation always returns an indication as if
 * the sleeping period ran to completion.

int __mingw_sleep( unsigned long, unsigned long );

/* The nanosleep() function provides the most general purpose API for
 * process/thread suspension; it is declared in <time.h>, (where it is
 * accompanied by an in-line implementation), rather than here, and it
 * provides for specification of suspension periods in the range from
 * ~7.5 ms mean, (on WinNT derivatives; ~27.5 ms on Win9x), extending
 * up to ~136 years, (effectively eternity).
 * The usleep() function, and its associated useconds_t type specifier
 * were made obsolete in POSIX.1-2008; declared here, only for backward
 * compatibility, its continued use is not recommended.  (It is limited
 * to specification of suspension periods ranging from ~7.5 ms mean up
 * to a maximum of 999,999 microseconds only).
typedef unsigned long useconds_t __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED;
int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW usleep( useconds_t )__MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED;

#ifndef __NO_INLINE__
int usleep( useconds_t period ){ return __mingw_sleep( 0, 1000 * period ); }

/* The sleep() function is, perhaps, the most commonly used of all the
 * process/thread suspension APIs; it provides support for specification
 * of suspension periods ranging from 1 second to ~136 years.  (However,
 * POSIX recommends limiting the maximum period to 65535 seconds, to
 * maintain portability to platforms with only 16-bit ints).
unsigned __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW sleep( unsigned );

#ifndef __NO_INLINE__
unsigned sleep( unsigned period ){ return __mingw_sleep( period, 0 ); }

/* POSIX ftruncate() function.
 * Microsoft's _chsize() function is incorrectly described, on MSDN,
 * as a preferred replacement for the POSIX chsize() function.  There
 * never was any such POSIX function; the actual POSIX equivalent is
 * the ftruncate() function.
int __cdecl ftruncate( int, off_t );

#ifndef __NO_INLINE__
__CRT_INLINE __JMPSTUB__(( FUNCTION = ftruncate, REMAPPED = _chsize ))
int ftruncate( int __fd, off_t __length ){ return _chsize( __fd, __length ); }


#endif /* _POSIX_C_SOURCE */

#endif /* ! _UNISTD_H: $RCSfile: unistd.h,v $: end of file */

This file requires the inclusion of _mingw.h, which is as follows:

#ifndef __MINGW_H
 * _mingw.h
 * MinGW specific macros included by ALL mingwrt include files; (this file
 * is part of the MinGW32 runtime library package).
 * $Id:,v 7daa0459f602 2016/05/03 17:40:54 keithmarshall $
 * Written by Mumit Khan  <[email protected]>
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2001-2011, 2014-2016, Project
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
 * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
 * Software.
#define __MINGW_H

/* In previous versions, __MINGW32_VERSION was expressed as a dotted
 * numeric pair, representing major.minor; unfortunately, this doesn't
 * adapt well to the inclusion of a patch-level component, since the
 * major.minor.patch dotted triplet representation is not valid as a
 * numeric entity.  Thus, for this version, we adopt a representation
 * which encodes the version as a long integer value, expressing:
 *   __MINGW32_VERSION = 1,000,000 * major + 1,000 * minor + patch
 * DO NOT EDIT these package version assignments manually; they are
 * derived from the package version specification within,
 * whence they are propagated automatically, at package build time.
#define __MINGW32_VERSION           3022001L
#define __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION           3
#define __MINGW32_MINOR_VERSION          22
#define __MINGW32_PATCHLEVEL              1

#if __GNUC__ >= 3 && ! defined __PCC__
#pragma GCC system_header

#ifndef _MSVCRTVER_H
/* Legacy versions of mingwrt use the macro __MSVCRT_VERSION__ to
 * enable evolving features of different MSVCRT.DLL versions.  This
 * usage is no longer recommended, but the __MSVCRT_VERSION__ macro
 * remains useful when a non-freely distributable MSVCRxx.DLL is to
 * be substituted for MSVCRT.DLL; for such usage, the substitute
 * MSVCRxx.DLL may be identified as specified in...
# include <msvcrtver.h>

/* A better inference than __MSVCRT_VERSION__, of the capabilities
 * supported by the operating system default MSVCRT.DLL, is provided
 * by the Windows API version identification macros.
#include <w32api.h>

/* The following are defined by the user (or by the compiler), to specify how
 * identifiers are imported from a DLL.  All headers should include this first,
 * and then use __DECLSPEC_SUPPORTED to choose between the old ``__imp__name''
 * style or the __MINGW_IMPORT style for declarations.
 * __DECLSPEC_SUPPORTED            Defined if dllimport attribute is supported.
 * __MINGW_IMPORT                  The attribute definition to specify imported
 *                                 variables/functions.
 * _CRTIMP                         As above.  For MS compatibility.
 * Macros to enable MinGW features which deviate from standard MSVC
 * compatible behaviour; these may be specified directly in user code,
 * activated implicitly, (e.g. by specifying _POSIX_C_SOURCE or such),
 * or by inclusion in __MINGW_FEATURES__:
 * __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO          Select a more ANSI C99 compatible
 *                                 implementation of printf() and friends;
 *                                 (users should not set this directly).
 * Other macros:
 * __int64                         define to be long long.  Using a typedef
 *                                 doesn't work for "unsigned __int64"
 * Manifest definitions for flags to control globbing of the command line
 * during application start up, (before main() is called).  The first pair,
 * when assigned as bit flags within _CRT_glob, select the globbing algorithm
 * to be used; (the MINGW algorithm overrides MSCVRT, if both are specified).
 * Prior to mingwrt-3.21, only the MSVCRT option was supported; this choice
 * may produce different results, depending on which particular version of
 * MSVCRT.DLL is in use; (in recent versions, it seems to have become
 * definitively broken, when globbing within double quotes).
#define __CRT_GLOB_USE_MSVCRT__     0x0001

/* From mingwrt-3.21 onward, this should be the preferred choice; it will
 * produce consistent results, regardless of the MSVCRT.DLL version in use.
#define __CRT_GLOB_USE_MINGW__      0x0002

/* When the __CRT_GLOB_USE_MINGW__ flag is set, within _CRT_glob, the
 * following additional options are also available; they are not enabled
 * by default, but the user may elect to enable any combination of them,
 * by setting _CRT_glob to the boolean sum (i.e. logical OR combination)
 * of __CRT_GLOB_USE_MINGW__ and the desired options.
 *    __CRT_GLOB_USE_SINGLE_QUOTE__ allows use of single (apostrophe)
 *                      quoting characters, analogously to
 *                      POSIX usage, as an alternative to
 *                      double quotes, for collection of
 *                      arguments separated by white space
 *                      into a single logical argument.
 *    __CRT_GLOB_BRACKET_GROUPS__   enable interpretation of bracketed
 *                      character groups as POSIX compatible
 *                      globbing patterns, matching any one
 *                      character which is either included
 *                      in, or excluded from the group.
 *    __CRT_GLOB_CASE_SENSITIVE__   enable case sensitive matching for
 *                      globbing patterns; this is default
 *                      behaviour for POSIX, but because of
 *                      the case insensitive nature of the
 *                      MS-Windows file system, it is more
 *                      appropriate to use case insensitive
 *                      globbing as the MinGW default.
#define __CRT_GLOB_USE_SINGLE_QUOTE__   0x0010
#define __CRT_GLOB_BRACKET_GROUPS__ 0x0020
#define __CRT_GLOB_CASE_SENSITIVE__ 0x0040

/* The MinGW globbing algorithm uses the ASCII DEL control code as a marker
 * for globbing characters which were embedded within quoted arguments; (the
 * quotes are stripped away BEFORE the argument is globbed; the globbing code
 * treats the marked character as immutable, and strips out the DEL markers,
 * before storing the resultant argument).  The DEL code is mapped to this
 * function here; DO NOT change it, without rebuilding the runtime.
#define __CRT_GLOB_ESCAPE_CHAR__    (char)(127)

/* Manifest definitions identifying the flag bits, controlling activation
 * of MinGW features, as specified by the user in __MINGW_FEATURES__.
#define __MINGW_ANSI_STDIO__        0x0000000000000001ULL
 * The following three are not yet formally supported; they are
 * included here, to document anticipated future usage.
#define __MINGW_LC_EXTENSIONS__     0x0000000000000050ULL
#define __MINGW_LC_MESSAGES__       0x0000000000000010ULL
#define __MINGW_LC_ENVVARS__        0x0000000000000040ULL

/* Try to avoid problems with outdated checks for GCC __attribute__ support.
#undef __attribute__

#if defined (__PCC__)
# ifndef __MINGW_IMPORT
#  define __MINGW_IMPORT extern
# endif
# ifndef _CRTIMP
#  define _CRTIMP
# endif
# ifndef __cdecl
#  define __cdecl  _Pragma("cdecl")
# endif
# ifndef __stdcall
#  define __stdcall _Pragma("stdcall")
# endif
# ifndef __int64
#  define __int64 long long
# endif
# ifndef __int32
#  define __int32 long
# endif
# ifndef __int16
#  define __int16 short
# endif
# ifndef __int8
#  define __int8 char
# endif
# ifndef __small
#  define __small char
# endif
# ifndef __hyper
#  define __hyper long long
# endif
# ifndef __volatile__
#  define __volatile__ volatile
# endif
# ifndef __restrict__
#  define __restrict__ restrict
# endif
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# ifdef __declspec
#  ifndef __MINGW_IMPORT
   /* Note the extern. This is needed to work around GCC's
      limitations in handling dllimport attribute.  */
#   define __MINGW_IMPORT  extern __attribute__((__dllimport__))
#  endif
#  ifndef _CRTIMP
#   ifdef __USE_CRTIMP
#    define _CRTIMP  __attribute__((dllimport))
#   else
#    define _CRTIMP
#   endif
#  endif
# else /* __declspec */
#  undef __MINGW_IMPORT
#  ifndef _CRTIMP
#   define _CRTIMP
#  endif
# endif /* __declspec */
 * The next two defines can cause problems if user code adds the
 * __cdecl attribute like so:
 * void __attribute__ ((__cdecl)) foo(void);
# ifndef __cdecl
#  define __cdecl  __attribute__((__cdecl__))
# endif
# ifndef __stdcall
#  define __stdcall __attribute__((__stdcall__))
# endif
# ifndef __int64
#  define __int64 long long
# endif
# ifndef __int32
#  define __int32 long
# endif
# ifndef __int16
#  define __int16 short
# endif
# ifndef __int8
#  define __int8 char
# endif
# ifndef __small
#  define __small char
# endif
# ifndef __hyper
#  define __hyper long long
# endif
#else /* ! __GNUC__ && ! __PCC__ */
# ifndef __MINGW_IMPORT
#  define __MINGW_IMPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# ifndef _CRTIMP
#  define _CRTIMP  __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define __attribute__(x) /* nothing */

#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__GNUC_MINOR__)
#define __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ(major, minor) \
  (__GNUC__ > (major) \
   || (__GNUC__ == (major) && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= (minor)))
#define __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ(major, minor)  0

#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __CRT_INLINE    inline
#  define __CRT_INLINE   extern inline __attribute__((__gnu_inline__))
# else
#  define __CRT_INLINE   extern __inline__
# endif

# ifdef __GNUC__
  /* A special form of __CRT_INLINE is provided; it will ALWAYS request
   * inlining when possible.  Originally specified as _CRTALIAS, this is
   * now deprecated in favour of __CRT_ALIAS, for syntactic consistency
   * with __CRT_INLINE itself.
#  define  _CRTALIAS   __CRT_INLINE __attribute__((__always_inline__))
#  define __CRT_ALIAS  __CRT_INLINE __attribute__((__always_inline__))
# else
#  define  _CRTALIAS   __CRT_INLINE /* deprecated form */
#  define __CRT_ALIAS  __CRT_INLINE /* preferred form */
# endif
 * Each function which is implemented as a __CRT_ALIAS should also be
 * accompanied by an externally visible interface.  The following pair
 * of macros provide a mechanism for implementing this, either as a stub
 * redirecting to an alternative external function, or by compilation of
 * the normally inlined code into free standing object code; each macro
 * provides a way for us to offer arbitrary hints for use by the build
 * system, while remaining transparent to the compiler.
#define __JMPSTUB__(__BUILD_HINT__)
#define __LIBIMPL__(__BUILD_HINT__)

#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __UNUSED_PARAM(x)
# ifdef __GNUC__
#  define __UNUSED_PARAM(x) x __attribute__((__unused__))
# else
#  define __UNUSED_PARAM(x) x
# endif

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_CONST __attribute__((__const__))

#if __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_MALLOC __attribute__((__malloc__))
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_PURE __attribute__((__pure__))

/* Attribute `nonnull' was valid as of gcc 3.3.  We don't use GCC's
   variadiac macro facility, because variadic macros cause syntax
   errors with  --traditional-cpp.  */
#if  __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ (3, 3)
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_NONNULL(arg) __attribute__((__nonnull__(arg)))
#endif /* GNUC >= 3.3 */

#if  __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ (3, 1)
#define __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__))
#endif /* GNUC >= 3.1 */

#if  __MINGW_GNUC_PREREQ (3, 3)
#define __MINGW_NOTHROW __attribute__((__nothrow__))
#endif /* GNUC >= 3.3 */

/* TODO: Mark (almost) all CRT functions as __MINGW_NOTHROW.  This will
allow GCC to optimize away some EH unwind code, at least in DW2 case.  */

/* Activation of MinGW specific extended features:
/* Users should not set this directly; rather, define one (or more)
 * of the feature test macros (tabulated below), or specify any of the
 * compiler's command line options, (e.g. -posix, -ansi, or -std=c...),
 * which cause _POSIX_SOURCE, or __STRICT_ANSI__ to be defined.
 * We must check this BEFORE we specifiy any implicit _POSIX_C_SOURCE,
 * otherwise we would always implicitly choose __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO,
 * even if none of these selectors are specified explicitly...
# if   defined __STRICT_ANSI__  ||  defined _ISOC99_SOURCE \
   ||  defined _POSIX_SOURCE    ||  defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE \
   ||  defined _XOPEN_SOURCE    ||  defined _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED \
   ||  defined _GNU_SOURCE      ||  defined _BSD_SOURCE \
   ||  defined _SVID_SOURCE
    * but where any of these source code qualifiers are specified,
    * then assume ANSI I/O standards are preferred over Microsoft's...
#  define __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO    1
# else
   /* otherwise use whatever __MINGW_FEATURES__ specifies...
# endif

 /* Users may define this, either directly or indirectly, to explicitly
  * enable a particular level of visibility for the subset of those POSIX
  * features which are supported by MinGW; (notice that this offers no
  * guarantee that any particular POSIX feature will be supported).
# if defined _XOPEN_SOURCE
  /* Specifying this is the preferred method for setting _POSIX_C_SOURCE;
   * (POSIX defines an explicit relationship to _XOPEN_SOURCE).  Note that
   * any such explicit setting will augment the set of features which are
   * available to any compilation unit, even if it seeks to be strictly
   * ANSI-C compliant.
#  if _XOPEN_SOURCE < 500
#   define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  1L      /* POSIX.1-1990 / SUSv1 */

#  elif _XOPEN_SOURCE < 600
#   define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  199506L /* POSIX.1-1996 / SUSv2 */

#  elif _XOPEN_SOURCE < 700
#   define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  200112L /* POSIX.1-2001 / SUSv3 */

#  else
#   define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  200809L /* POSIX.1-2008 / SUSv4 */
#  endif

# elif defined _GNU_SOURCE || defined _BSD_SOURCE || ! defined __STRICT_ANSI__
   * No explicit level of support has been specified; implicitly grant
   * the most comprehensive level to any compilation unit which requests
   * either GNU or BSD feature support, or does not seek to be strictly
   * ANSI-C compliant.
#  define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  200809L

# elif defined _POSIX_SOURCE
  /* Now formally deprecated by POSIX, some old code may specify this;
   * it will enable a minimal level of POSIX support, in addition to the
   * limited feature set enabled for strict ANSI-C conformity.
#  define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  1L
# endif

#ifndef _ISOC99_SOURCE
 /* libmingwex.a provides free-standing implementations for many of the
  * functions which were introduced in C99; MinGW headers do not expose
  * prototypes for these, unless this feature test macro is defined, by
  * the user, or implied by other standards...
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
#  define _ISOC99_SOURCE  1
# endif

#if ! defined _MINGW32_SOURCE_EXTENDED && ! defined __STRICT_ANSI__
 * Enable mingw32 extensions by default, except when __STRICT_ANSI__
 * conformity mode has been enabled.

#endif /* __MINGW_H: $RCSfile:,v $: end of file */

The rest of the includes should be standard to your environment.

JPA Query.getResultList() - use in a generic way

I had the same problem and a simple solution that I found was:

List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
for (Object[] result: results) {
    SomeClass something = (SomeClass)result[1];

I know this is defenitly not the most elegant solution nor is it best practice but it works, at least for me. cannot be cast to

You are passing the Application Context not the Activity Context with


Wherever you are passing it pass this or ActivityName.this instead.

Since you are trying to cast the Context you pass (Application not Activity as you thought) to an Activity with


you get this exception because you can't cast the Application to Activity since Application is not a sub-class of Activity.

DisplayName attribute from Resources?


I know it's too late but I'd like to add this update:

I'm using the Conventional Model Metadata Provider which presented by Phil Haacked it's more powerful and easy to apply take look at it : ConventionalModelMetadataProvider

Old Answer

Here if you wanna support many types of resources:

public class LocalizedDisplayNameAttribute : DisplayNameAttribute
    private readonly PropertyInfo nameProperty;

    public LocalizedDisplayNameAttribute(string displayNameKey, Type resourceType = null)
        : base(displayNameKey)
        if (resourceType != null)
            nameProperty = resourceType.GetProperty(base.DisplayName,
                                           BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

    public override string DisplayName
            if (nameProperty == null)
                return base.DisplayName;
            return (string)nameProperty.GetValue(nameProperty.DeclaringType, null);

Then use it like this:

    [LocalizedDisplayName("Password", typeof(Res.Model.Shared.ModelProperties))]
    public string Password { get; set; }

For the full localization tutorial see this page.

Proper way to restrict text input values (e.g. only numbers)

The inputmask plugin does the best job of this. Its extremely flexible in that you can supply whatever regex you like to restrict input. It also does not require JQuery.

Step 1: Install the plugin:

npm install --save inputmask

Step2: create a directive to wrap the input mask:

import {Directive, ElementRef, Input} from '@angular/core';
import * as Inputmask from 'inputmask';

  selector: '[app-restrict-input]',
export class RestrictInputDirective {

  // map of some of the regex strings I'm using (TODO: add your own)
  private regexMap = {
    integer: '^[0-9]*$',
    float: '^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$',
    words: '([A-z]*\\s)*',
    point25: '^\-?[0-9]*(?:\\.25|\\.50|\\.75|)$'

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) {}

  public set defineInputType(type: string) {
    Inputmask({regex: this.regexMap[type], placeholder: ''})


Step 3:

<input type="text" app-restrict-input="integer">

Check out their github docs for more information.

Undoing a 'git push'

git reset --hard HEAD^
git push origin -f

This will remove the last commit from your local device as well as Github

When should I use nil and NULL in Objective-C?

You can use nil about anywhere you can use null. The main difference is that you can send messages to nil, so you can use it in some places where null cant work.

In general, just use nil.

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

I was incorrectly trying to create a default path with:

<IndexRoute component={DefaultComponent} />
<Route path="/default-path" component={DefaultComponent} />

But this creates two different paths that render the same component. Not only is this pointless, but it can cause glitches in your UI, i.e., when you are styling <Link/> elements based on this.history.isActive().

The right way to create a default route (that is not the index route) is to use <IndexRedirect/>:

<IndexRedirect to="/default-path" />
<Route path="/default-path" component={DefaultComponent} />

This is based on react-router 1.0.0. See

What does the exclamation mark do before the function?

JavaScript syntax 101. Here is a function declaration:

function foo() {}

Note that there's no semicolon: this is just a function declaration. You would need an invocation, foo(), to actually run the function.

Now, when we add the seemingly innocuous exclamation mark: !function foo() {} it turns it into an expression. It is now a function expression.

The ! alone doesn't invoke the function, of course, but we can now put () at the end: !function foo() {}() which has higher precedence than ! and instantly calls the function.

So what the author is doing is saving a byte per function expression; a more readable way of writing it would be this:


Lastly, ! makes the expression return true. This is because by default all immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE) return undefined, which leaves us with !undefined which is true. Not particularly useful.

Is there a way to get a collection of all the Models in your Rails app? { |c| (eval c).is_a?(Class) && (eval c) < ActiveRecord::Base }

Convert.ToDateTime: how to set format

You should probably use either DateTime.ParseExact or DateTime.TryParseExact instead. They allow you to specify specific formats. I personally prefer the Try-versions since I think they produce nicer code for the error cases.

SQL Server 2008 Connection Error "No process is on the other end of the pipe"

perhaps this comes too late, but still it could be nice to "document it" for others out there.

I received the same error after experimenting and testing with Remote Desktop Services on a MS Server 2012 with MS SQL Server 2012.

During the Remote Desktop Services install one is asked to create a (local) certificate, and so I did. After finishing the test/experiments I removed the Remote Desktop Services. That's when this error appeared (I cannot say whether the error occured during the test with RDS, I don't remember if I used/tried the SQL Connection during the RDS test).

I am not sure how to solve this since the default certificate does not work for me, but the "RDS" certificate does.

BTW, the certificates are found in App: "SQL Server Configuration Manager" -> "SQL Server Network Configuration" -> Right click: "Protocols for " -> Select "Properties" -> Tab "Certificate"

My default SQL Certificate is named: ConfigMgr SQL Server Identification Certificate, has expiration date: 2114-06-09.

Hope this can give a hint to others.


MySQL Check if username and password matches in Database

Instead of selecting all the columns in count count(*) you can limit count for one column count(UserName).

You can limit the whole search to one row by using Limit 0,1

  FROM TableName
 WHERE UserName = 'User' AND
       Password = 'Pass'
 LIMIT 0, 1

How to redirect to an external URL in Angular2?

In your component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent {
  goToSpecificUrl(url): void {

  gotoGoogle() : void {

In your component.html

<button type="button" (click)="goToSpecificUrl('')">Open URL</button>
<button type="button" (click)="gotoGoogle()">Open Google</button>

<li *ngFor="item of itemList" (click)="goToSpecificUrl("> // (click) don't enable pointer when we hover so we should enable it by using css like: **cursor: pointer;**

Mobile Safari: Javascript focus() method on inputfield only works with click?

A native javascript implementation of WunderBart's answer.

function onClick() {

  // create invisible dummy input to receive the focus first
  const fakeInput = document.createElement('input')
  fakeInput.setAttribute('type', 'text') = 'absolute' = 0 = 0 = '16px' // disable auto zoom

  // you may need to append to another element depending on the browser's auto 
  // zoom/scroll behavior

  // focus so that subsequent async focus will work

  setTimeout(() => {

    // now we can focus on the target input

    // cleanup
  }, 1000)


Other References: Disable Auto Zoom in Input "Text" tag - Safari on iPhone

Slicing a dictionary

the dictionary

d = {1:2, 3:4, 5:6, 7:8}

the subset of keys I'm interested in

l = (1,5)


{key: d[key] for key in l}

How to set environment variables from within package.json?

suddenly i found that actionhero is using following code, that solved my problem by just passing --NODE_ENV=production in start script command option.

if(argv['NODE_ENV'] != null){
  api.env = argv['NODE_ENV'];
} else if(process.env.NODE_ENV != null){
  api.env = process.env.NODE_ENV;

i would really appreciate to accept answer of someone else who know more better way to set environment variables in package.json or init script or something like, where app bootstrapped by someone else.

How to set a Timer in Java?

Use this

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsedTime = 0L.

while (elapsedTime < 2*60*1000) {
    //perform db poll/check
    elapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;

//Throw your exception

convert UIImage to NSData

Use if-let block with Data to prevent app crash & safe execution of code, as function UIImagePNGRepresentation returns an optional value.

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {
    if let data:Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) {
       // Handle operations with data here...         

Note: Data is Swift 3 class. Use Data instead of NSData with Swift 3

Generic image operations (like png & jpg both):

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {  //UIImage(named: "TestImage.jpg")
        if let data:Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) {
               handleOperationWithData(data: data)     
        } else if let data:Data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, 1.0) {
               handleOperationWithData(data: data)     

func handleOperationWithData(data: Data) {
     // Handle operations with data here...
     if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
        // Use image...

By using extension:

extension UIImage {

    var pngRepresentationData: Data? {
        return UIImagePNGRepresentation(img)

    var jpegRepresentationData: Data? {
        return UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self, 1.0)

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {  //UIImage(named: "TestImage.jpg")
      if let data = img.pngRepresentationData {
              handleOperationWithData(data: data)     
      } else if let data = img.jpegRepresentationData {
              handleOperationWithData(data: data)     

func handleOperationWithData(data: Data) {
     // Handle operations with data here...
     if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
        // Use image...

Difference between web server, web container and application server

Web Server: It provides HTTP Request and HTTP response. It handles request from client only through HTTP protocol. It contains Web Container. Web Application mostly deployed on web Server. EX: Servlet JSP

Web Container: it maintains the life cycle for Servlet Object. Calls the service method for that servlet object. pass the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse Object

Application Server: It holds big Enterprise application having big business logic. It is Heavy Weight or it holds Heavy weight Applications. Ex: EJB

How to use 'git pull' from the command line?

One more option is to add the path of the privatekey file like this in terminal:

ssh-add "path to the privatekeyfile"

and then execute the pull command

Checking for an empty field with MySQL

If you want to find all records that are not NULL, and either empty or have any number of spaces, this will work:

LIKE '%\ '

Make sure that there's a space after the backslash. More info here:

What is sr-only in Bootstrap 3?

The .sr-only class hides an element to all devices except screen readers:

Skip to main content Combine .sr-only with .sr-only-focusable to show the element again when it is focused

.sr-only {
border: 0 !important;
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px) !important; /* 1 */
-webkit-clip-path: inset(50%) !important;
    clip-path: inset(50%) !important;  /* 2 */
height: 1px !important;
margin: -1px !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
padding: 0 !important;
position: absolute !important;
width: 1px !important;
white-space: nowrap !important;            /* 3 */


Inner join with count() on three tables

It makes more sense to join the item with the orders than with the people !

    COUNT(distinct orders.ord_id) AS num_orders,
    COUNT(items.item_id) AS num_items
    INNER JOIN orders ON orders.pe_id = people.pe_id
         INNER JOIN items ON items.ord_id = orders.ord_id

Joining the items with the people provokes a lot of doublons. For example, the cake items in order 3 will be linked with the order 2 via the join between the people, and you don't want this to happen !!

So :

1- You need a good understanding of your schema. Items are link to orders, and not to people.

2- You need to count distinct orders for one person, else you will count as many items as orders.

AngularJS $resource RESTful example

$resource was meant to retrieve data from an endpoint, manipulate it and send it back. You've got some of that in there, but you're not really leveraging it for what it was made to do.

It's fine to have custom methods on your resource, but you don't want to miss out on the cool features it comes with OOTB.

EDIT: I don't think I explained this well enough originally, but $resource does some funky stuff with returns. Todo.get() and Todo.query() both return the resource object, and pass it into the callback for when the get completes. It does some fancy stuff with promises behind the scenes that mean you can call $save() before the get() callback actually fires, and it will wait. It's probably best just to deal with your resource inside of a promise then() or the callback method.

Standard use

var Todo = $resource('/api/1/todo/:id');

//create a todo
var todo1 = new Todo(); = 'bar';
todo1.something = 123;

//get and update a todo
var todo2 = Todo.get({id: 123}); += '!';

//which is basically the same as...
Todo.get({id: 123}, function(todo) { += '!';

//get a list of todos
Todo.query(function(todos) {
  //do something with todos
  angular.forEach(todos, function(todo) { += ' something';

//delete a todo
Todo.$delete({id: 123});

Likewise, in the case of what you posted in the OP, you could get a resource object and then call any of your custom functions on it (theoretically):

var something = src.GetTodo({id: 123}); = 'hi there';

I'd experiment with the OOTB implementation before I went and invented my own however. And if you find you're not using any of the default features of $resource, you should probably just be using $http on it's own.

Update: Angular 1.2 and Promises

As of Angular 1.2, resources support promises. But they didn't change the rest of the behavior.

To leverage promises with $resource, you need to use the $promise property on the returned value.

Example using promises

var Todo = $resource('/api/1/todo/:id');

Todo.get({id: 123}).$promise.then(function(todo) {
   // success
   $scope.todos = todos;
}, function(errResponse) {
   // fail

Todo.query().$promise.then(function(todos) {
   // success
   $scope.todos = todos;
}, function(errResponse) {
   // fail

Just keep in mind that the $promise property is a property on the same values it was returning above. So you can get weird:

These are equivalent

var todo = Todo.get({id: 123}, function() {
   $scope.todo = todo;

Todo.get({id: 123}, function(todo) {
   $scope.todo = todo;

Todo.get({id: 123}).$promise.then(function(todo) {
   $scope.todo = todo;

var todo = Todo.get({id: 123});
todo.$promise.then(function() {
   $scope.todo = todo;

Is there a decent wait function in C++?

Well, this is an old post but I will just contribute to the question -- someone may find it useful later:

adding 'cin.get();' function just before the return of the main() seems to always stop the program from exiting before printing the results: see sample code below:

int main(){ string fname, lname;

  //ask user to enter name first and last name
  cout << "Please enter your first name: ";
  cin >> fname;

  cout << "Please enter your last name: ";
  cin >> lname;     
  cout << "\n\n\n\nyour first name is: " << fname << "\nyour last name is: " 
  << lname <<endl;

  //stop program from exiting before printing results on the screen
  return 0;


How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

Here's an improved version of Evan's answer which seems to properly account for overflow logic.

            function element_scrollbars(node) {
                var element = $(node);
                var overflow_x = element.css("overflow-x");
                var overflow_y = element.css("overflow-y");
                var overflow = element.css("overflow");
                if (overflow_x == "undefined") overflow_x == "";
                if (overflow_y == "undefined") overflow_y == "";
                if (overflow == "undefined") overflow == "";
                if (overflow_x == "") overflow_x = overflow;
                if (overflow_y == "") overflow_y = overflow;
                var scrollbar_vertical = (
                    (overflow_y == "scroll")
                    || (
                            (overflow_y == "hidden")
                            || (overflow_y == "visible")
                        && (
                            (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight)
                var scrollbar_horizontal = (
                    (overflow_x == "scroll")
                    || (
                            (overflow_x == "hidden")
                            || (overflow_x == "visible")
                        && (
                            (node.scrollWidth > node.clientWidth)
                return {
                    vertical: scrollbar_vertical,
                    horizontal: scrollbar_horizontal

How to set the holo dark theme in a Android app?

According the, you only need to set it in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

Adding the theme attribute to your application element worked for me:



<application ...



Calculating the distance between 2 points

the algorithm : ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) < 25

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

Use IsNumeric Function :


If you want to validate a phone number you should use a regular expression, for example:

^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{3})$

How to find out if an item is present in a std::vector?

If you wanna find a string in a vector:

    struct isEqual
    isEqual(const std::string& s): m_s(s)

    bool operator()(OIDV* l)
        return l->oid == m_s;

    std::string m_s;
struct OIDV
    string oid;
VecOidv::iterator itFind=find_if(vecOidv.begin(),vecOidv.end(),isEqual(szTmp));

Best way to store a key=>value array in JavaScript?

In javascript a key value array is stored as an object. There are such things as arrays in javascript, but they are also somewhat considered objects still, check this guys answer - Why can I add named properties to an array as if it were an object?

Arrays are typically seen using square bracket syntax, and objects ("key=>value" arrays) using curly bracket syntax, though you can access and set object properties using square bracket syntax as Alexey Romanov has shown.

Arrays in javascript are typically used only with numeric, auto incremented keys, but javascript objects can hold named key value pairs, functions and even other objects as well.

Simple Array eg.


    var countries = ['Canada','Us','France','Italy'];
    console.log('I am from '+countries[0]);
    $.each(countries, function(key, value) {
        console.log(key, value);


Output -

0 "Canada"

1 "Us"

2 "France"

3 "Italy"

We see above that we can loop a numerical array using the jQuery.each function and access info outside of the loop using square brackets with numerical keys.

Simple Object (json)


    var person = {
        name: "James",
        occupation: "programmer",
        height: {
            feet: 6,
            inches: 1

    console.log("My name is "" and I am a "+person.height.feet+" ft "+person.height.inches+" "+person.occupation);

    $.each(person, function(key, value) {
        console.log(key, value);


Output -

My name is James and I am a 6 ft 1 programmer

name James

occupation programmer

height Object {feet: 6, inches: 1}

In a language like php this would be considered a multidimensional array with key value pairs, or an array within an array. I'm assuming because you asked about how to loop through a key value array you would want to know how to get an object (key=>value array) like the person object above to have, let's say, more than one person.

Well, now that we know javascript arrays are used typically for numeric indexing and objects more flexibly for associative indexing, we will use them together to create an array of objects that we can loop through, like so -

JSON array (array of objects) -


    var people = [
            name: "James",
            occupation: "programmer",
            height: {
                feet: 6,
                inches: 1
        }, {
            name: "Peter",
            occupation: "designer",
            height: {
                feet: 4,
                inches: 10
        }, {
            name: "Joshua",
            occupation: "CEO",
            height: {
                feet: 5,
                inches: 11

    console.log("My name is "+people[2].name+" and I am a "+people[2].height.feet+" ft "+people[2].height.inches+" "+people[2].occupation+"\n");

    $.each(people, function(key, person) {
        console.log("My name is "" and I am a "+person.height.feet+" ft "+person.height.inches+" "+person.occupation+"\n");


Output -

My name is Joshua and I am a 5 ft 11 CEO

My name is James and I am a 6 ft 1 programmer

My name is Peter and I am a 4 ft 10 designer

My name is Joshua and I am a 5 ft 11 CEO

Note that outside the loop I have to use the square bracket syntax with a numeric key because this is now an numerically indexed array of objects, and of course inside the loop the numeric key is implied.

Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags

jQuery now supports .data();, so if you have

<div id='author' data-content='stuff!'>


var author = $('#author').data("content"); // author = 'stuff!'

How to force garbage collector to run?

Since I'm too low reputation to comment, I will post this as an answer since it saved me after hours of struggeling and it may help somebody else:

As most people state GC.Collect(); is NOT recommended to do this normally, except in edge cases. As an example of this running garbage collection was exactly the solution to my scenario.

My program runs a long running operation on a file in a thread and afterwards deletes the file from the main thread. However: when the file operation throws an exception .NET does NOT release the filelock until the garbage is actually collected, EVEN when the long running task is encapsulated in a using statement. Therefore the program has to force garbage collection before attempting to delete the file.

In code:

        var returnvalue = 0;
        using (var t = Task.Run(() => TheTask(args, returnvalue)))
            //TheTask() opens a file and then throws an exception. The exception itself is handled within the task so it does return a result (the errorcode)
            returnvalue = t.Result;
        //Even though at this point the Thread is closed the file is not released untill garbage is collected

Set value to an entire column of a pandas dataframe

Assuming your Data frame is like 'Data' you have to consider if your data is a string or an integer. Both are treated differently. So in this case you need be specific about that.

import pandas as pd

data = [('001','xxx'), ('002','xxx'), ('003','xxx'), ('004','xxx'), ('005','xxx')]

df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['issueid', 'industry'])

print("Old DataFrame")

df.loc[:,'industry'] = str('yyy')

print("New DataFrame")

Now if want to put numbers instead of letters you must create and array

list_of_ones = [1,1,1,1,1]
df.loc[:,'industry'] = list_of_ones

Or if you are using Numpy

import numpy as np
n = len(df)
df.loc[:,'industry'] = np.ones(n)

How to find the 'sizeof' (a pointer pointing to an array)?

No, you can't. The compiler doesn't know what the pointer is pointing to. There are tricks, like ending the array with a known out-of-band value and then counting the size up until that value, but that's not using sizeof().

Another trick is the one mentioned by Zan, which is to stash the size somewhere. For example, if you're dynamically allocating the array, allocate a block one int bigger than the one you need, stash the size in the first int, and return ptr+1 as the pointer to the array. When you need the size, decrement the pointer and peek at the stashed value. Just remember to free the whole block starting from the beginning, and not just the array.

How to get the index of a maximum element in a NumPy array along one axis

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,3,1]])
>>> i,j = np.unravel_index(a.argmax(), a.shape)
>>> a[i,j]

How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java?

The easiest way to convert an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 string.

private static String convertIsoToUTF8(String example) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return new String(example.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "utf-8");

If we want to convert an UTF-8 string to ISO-8859-1 string.

private static String convertUTF8ToISO(String example) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return new String(example.getBytes("utf-8"), "ISO-8859-1");

Moreover, a method that converts an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 string without using the constructor of class String.

public static String convertISO_to_UTF8_personal(String strISO_8859_1) {
    String res = "";
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < strISO_8859_1.length() - 1; i++) {
        char ch = strISO_8859_1.charAt(i);
        char chNext = strISO_8859_1.charAt(i + 1);
        if (ch <= 127) {
            res += ch;
        } else if (ch == 194 && chNext >= 128 && chNext <= 191) {
            res += chNext;
        } else if(ch == 195 && chNext >= 128 && chNext <= 191){
            int resNum = chNext + 64;
            res += (char) resNum;
        } else if(ch == 194){
            res += (char) 173;
        } else if(ch == 195){
            res += (char) 224;
    char ch = strISO_8859_1.charAt(i);
    if (ch <= 127 ){
        res += ch;
    return res;


That method is based on enconding utf-8 to iso-8859-1 of this website. Encoding utf-8 to iso-8859-1