[objective-c] When should I use nil and NULL in Objective-C?

This is sample code:

NSDictionary *myDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionary];
NSNumber *myNumber = [myDictionary valueForKey: @"MyNumber"];
NSLog(@"myNumber = %@", myNumber); // output myNumber = (null)

if (myNumber == nil)
    NSLog(@"test 1 myNumber == nil");

if (myNumber == NULL)
    NSLog(@"test 2 myNumber == NULL");

if ([myNumber isEqual:[NSNull null]])
    NSLog(@"test 3 myNumber == [NSNull null]");

When should I use nil, NULL and [NSNull null]?

This question is related to objective-c null nsnull

The answer is

They differ in their types. They're all zero, but NULL is a void *, nil is an id, and Nil is a Class pointer.

As already mentioned, they are the same, but I use either the one or the other depending on the language in which the corresponding framework was written.

For everything related to Objective-C, I use nil. For example:

- (BOOL)doSomethingWithObjectsInArray:(NSArray *)anArray {
    if (anArray == nil) return NO;

    // process elements

However, when checking validity of data models from a C-framework (like AddressBook framework and CoreFoundation), I use NULL. For example:

- (BOOL)showABUnknownPersonVCForABRecordRef:(ABRecordRef)aRecord {
    if (aRecord == NULL) return NO;

    // set-up the ABUnknownPersonViewController and display it on screen

This way, I have subtle clues in my code if I'm dealing with Obj-C or C based code.

To expand on a comment from @cobbal:

MacTypes.h contains:

#ifndef nil
   #define nil NULL

nil is an empty value bound/corresponding with an object (the id type in Objective-C). nil got no reference/address, just an empty value.

NSString *str = nil;

So nil should be used, if we are dealing with an object.

    NSLog("str is empty");

Now NULL is used for non-object pointer (like a C pointer) in Objective-C. Like nil , NULL got no value nor address.

char *myChar = NULL;
struct MyStruct *dStruct = NULL;

So if there is a situation, when I need to check my struct (structure type variable) is empty or not then, I will use:

if (dStruct == NULL)
    NSLog("The struct is empty");

Let’s have another example, the

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context

Of key-value observing, the context should be a C pointer or an object reference. Here for the context we can not use nil; we have to use NULL.

Finally the NSNull class defines a singleton object used to represent null values in collection objects(NSArray, NSDictionary). The [NSNull null] will returns the singleton instance of NSNull. Basically [NSNull null] is a proper object.

There is no way to insert a nil object into a collection type object. Let's have an example:

NSMutableArray *check = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[check addObject:[NSNull null]];
[check addObject:nil];

On the second line, we will not get any error, because it is perfectly fair to insert a NSNull object into a collection type object. On the third line, we will get "object cannot be nil" error. Because nil is not an object.

There is a difference in some contexts.

Literally, Null is a character: ASCII 0.

Nil is equivalent to blank, no value.

Depending on the programming context, this can be a big difference.

Beware that if([NSNull null]) returns true.

Use NULL for example when you invoke an Objective-C method with an output parameter of type (NSError **).

I see lots of example code on the web where people provide nil instead of NULL in this case. This is because it's a pointer to a pointer and thus not directly an Objective-C object type. As said above, nil should be used for Objective-C object types.

They both are just typecast zero's. Functionally, there's no difference between them. ie.,

#define NULL ((void*)0)
#define nil ((id)0)

There is a difference, but only to yourself and other humans that read the code, the compiler doesn't care.

One more thing nil is an object value while NULL is a generic pointer value.

nil means absence of value while NULL represent No Object,

NSArray *array = @[@"Hello World !", @101,[NSNULL null] ];

Here [NSNULL null] is an object which means no object, at the same time you cannot add nil to indicate absence of object.

you can use both nil and [NSNUll null] for checking too.

I've found the following:


#define Nil __DARWIN_NULL   /* id of Nil class */
#define nil __DARWIN_NULL   /* id of Nil instance */


#define __DARWIN_NULL ((void *)0)


#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#undef __null  // VC++ hack.
#define NULL __null
#define NULL ((void*)0)


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL    __DARWIN_NULL
#endif /* ! NULL */
#ifndef nil
    #define nil NULL
#endif /* ! nil */

The way it looks, there's no difference but a conceptual one.

This will help you to understand the difference between nil, NIL and null.

The below link may help you in some way:


nil -> literal null value for Objective-C objects.

Nil -> literal null value for Objective-C classes.

NULL -> literal null value for C pointers.

NSNULL -> singleton object used to represent null.

In modern OS X and iOS SDKs:

  • nil and Nil and NULL are identical in Objective-C and in Objective-C++ before C++11.
  • nil and Nil and std::nullptr are identical in Objective-C++ with C++11.

Stylistically, many people prefer to use nil for Objective-C objects and NULL or nullptr for other pointer types. I myself now use nil everywhere.

[NSNull null] is a singleton object use to represent null values in situations where nil is prohibited as a value (typically in a collection object such as an NSArray or NSDictionary). Number and Value Programming Topics: Using NSNull

nil is an object pointer to nothing. Although semantically distinct from NULL, they are technically equivalent to one another.

On the framework level, Foundation defines NSNull, which defines a class method, +null, which returns the singleton NSNull object. NSNull is different from nil or NULL, in that it is an actual object, rather than a zero value.

Additionally, in Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h, Nil is defined as a class pointer to nothing.

Refer this for further info - nil / Nil / NULL / NSNull

NULL and nil are equal to each other, but nil is an object value while NULL is a generic pointer value ((void*)0, to be specific). [NSNull null] is an object that's meant to stand in for nil in situations where nil isn't allowed. For example, you can't have a nil value in an NSArray. So if you need to represent a "nil", you can use [NSNull null].

Basically: nil: null pointer on an object and null: is for other type pointer