[node.js] How to set environment variables from within package.json?

@luke's answer was almost the one I needed! Thanks.

As the selected answer is very straightforward (and correct), but old, I would like to offer an alternative for importing variables from a .env separate file when running your scripts and fixing some limitations to Luke's answer. Try this:

::: .env file :::

# This way, you CAN use comments in your .env files

# You can also have extra/empty lines in it

Then, in your package json, you will create a script that will set the variables and run it before the scripts you need them:

::: package.json :::

scripts: {
  "set-env": "export $(cat .env | grep \"^[^#;]\" |xargs)",
  "storybook": "npm run set-env && start-storybook -s public"

Some observations:

  • The regular expression in the grep'ed cat command will clear the comments and empty lines.

  • The && don't need to be "glued" to npm run set-env, as it would be required if you were setting the variables in the same command.

  • If you are using yarn, you may see a warning, you can either change it to yarn set-env or use npm run set-env --scripts-prepend-node-path && instead.

Different environments

Another advantage when using it is that you can have different environment variables.

scripts: {
  "set-env:production": "export $(cat .production.env | grep \"^[^#;]\" |xargs)",
  "set-env:development": "export $(cat .env | grep \"^[^#;]\" |xargs)",

Please, remember not to add .env files to your git repository when you have keys, passwords or sensitive/personal data in them!

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Examples related to package.json

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Examples related to npm-scripts

Start script missing error when running npm start How to set environment variables from within package.json?