With git there is a https format
This format accepts User + password
https://bot-user:[email protected]/equivalent/we_demand_serverless_ruby.git
So what you can do is create a new user that will be used just as a bot,
add only enough permissions that he can just read the repository you
want to load in NPM modules and just have that directly in your
Github > Click on Profile > Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token
In Select Scopes part, check the on repo: Full control of private repositories
This is so that token can access private repos that user can see
Now create new group in your organization, add this user to the group and add only repositories that you expect to be pulled this way (READ ONLY permission !)
You need to be sure to push this config only to private repo
Then you can add this to your / packages.json (bot-user is name of user, xxxxxxxxx is the generated personal token)
// packages.json
// ....
"name_of_my_lib": "https://bot-user:[email protected]/ghuser/name_of_my_lib.git"
// ...