[ruby-on-rails] Is there a way to get a collection of all the Models in your Rails app?

Is there a way that you can get a collection of all of the Models in your Rails app?

Basically, can I do the likes of: -

Models.each do |model|
  puts model.class.name

This question is related to ruby-on-rails activerecord collections model

The answer is

EDIT: Look at the comments and other answers. There are smarter answers than this one! Or try to improve this one as community wiki.

Models do not register themselves to a master object, so no, Rails does not have the list of models.

But you could still look in the content of the models directory of your application...

Dir.foreach("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models") do |model_path|
  # ...

EDIT: Another (wild) idea would be to use Ruby reflection to search for every classes that extends ActiveRecord::Base. Don't know how you can list all the classes though...

EDIT: Just for fun, I found a way to list all classes

Module.constants.select { |c| (eval c).is_a? Class }

EDIT: Finally succeeded in listing all models without looking at directories

Module.constants.select do |constant_name|
  constant = eval constant_name
  if not constant.nil? and constant.is_a? Class and constant.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base

If you want to handle derived class too, then you will need to test the whole superclass chain. I did it by adding a method to the Class class:

class Class
  def extend?(klass)
    not superclass.nil? and ( superclass == klass or superclass.extend? klass )

def models 
  Module.constants.select do |constant_name|
    constant = eval constant_name
    if not constant.nil? and constant.is_a? Class and constant.extend? ActiveRecord::Base

I'm just throwing this example here if anyone finds it useful. Solution is based on this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/10712838/473040.

Let say you have a column public_uid that is used as a primary ID to outside world (you can findjreasons why you would want to do that here)

Now let say you've introduced this field on bunch of existing Models and now you want to regenerate all the records that are not yet set. You can do that like this

# lib/tasks/data_integirity.rake
namespace :di do
  namespace :public_uids do
    desc "Data Integrity: genereate public_uid for any model record that doesn't have value of public_uid"
    task generate: :environment do
        .select {|f| f.attribute_names.include?("public_uid") }
        .each do |m| 
          m.where(public_uid: nil).each { |mi| puts "Generating public_uid for #{m}#id #{mi.id}"; mi.generate_public_uid; mi.save }

you can now run rake di:public_uids:generate

This worked for me. Special thanks to all the posts above. This should return a collection of all your models.

models = []

Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/models/**/*.rb") do |model_path|
  temp = model_path.split(/\/models\//)
  models.push temp.last.gsub(/\.rb$/, '').camelize.constantize rescue nil


Just in case anyone stumbles on this one, I've got another solution, not relying on dir reading or extending the Class class...

ActiveRecord::Base.send :subclasses

This will return an array of classes. So you can then do


Here's a solution that has been vetted with a complex Rails app (the one powering Square)

def all_models
  # must eager load all the classes...
  Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/**/*.rb") do |model_path|
      require model_path
      # ignore
  # simply return them

It takes the best parts of the answers in this thread and combines them in the simplest and most thorough solution. This handle cases where your models are in subdirectories, use set_table_name etc.

The whole answer for Rails 3, 4 and 5 is:

If cache_classes is off (by default it's off in development, but on in production):




This makes sure all models in your application, regardless of where they are, are loaded, and any gems you are using which provide models are also loaded.

This should also work on classes that inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, like ApplicationRecord in Rails 5, and return only that subtree of descendants:


If you'd like to know more about how this is done, check out ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.

I looked for ways to do this and ended up choosing this way:

in the controller:
    @data_tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables

in the view:
  <% @data_tables.each do |dt|  %>
  <%= dt %>
  <% end %>

source: http://portfo.li/rails/348561-how-can-one-list-all-database-tables-from-one-project

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.map do |model|

will return

["Article", "MenuItem", "Post", "ZebraStripePerson"]

Additional information If you want to call a method on the object name without model:string unknown method or variable errors use this


Dir.foreach("#{Rails.root.to_s}/app/models") do |model_path|
  next unless model_path.match(/.rb$/)
  model_class = model_path.gsub(/.rb$/, '').classify.constantize
  puts model_class

This will give to you all the model classes you have on your project.

The Rails implements the method descendants, but models not necessarily ever inherits from ActiveRecord::Base, for example, the class that includes the module ActiveModel::Model will have the same behavior as a model, just doesn't will be linked to a table.

So complementing what says the colleagues above, the slightest effort would do this:

Monkey Patch of class Class of the Ruby:

class Class
  def extends? constant
    ancestors.include?(constant) if constant != self

and the method models, including ancestors, as this:

The method Module.constants returns (superficially) a collection of symbols, instead of constants, so, the method Array#select can be substituted like this monkey patch of the Module:

class Module

  def demodulize
    splitted_trail = self.to_s.split("::")
    constant = splitted_trail.last

    const_get(constant) if defines?(constant)
  private :demodulize

  def defines? constant, verbose=false
    splitted_trail = constant.split("::")
    trail_name = splitted_trail.first

      trail = const_get(trail_name) if Object.send(:const_defined?, trail_name)
      splitted_trail.slice(1, splitted_trail.length - 1).each do |constant_name|
        trail = trail.send(:const_defined?, constant_name) ? trail.const_get(constant_name) : nil
      true if trail
    rescue Exception => e
      $stderr.puts "Exception recovered when trying to check if the constant \"#{constant}\" is defined: #{e}" if verbose
    end unless constant.empty?

  def has_constants?
    true if constants.any?

  def nestings counted=[], &block
    trail = self.to_s
    collected = []
    recursivityQueue = []

    constants.each do |const_name|
      const_name = const_name.to_s
      const_for_try = "#{trail}::#{const_name}"
      constant = const_for_try.constantize

        constant_sym = constant.to_s.to_sym
        if constant && !counted.include?(constant_sym)
          counted << constant_sym
          if (constant.is_a?(Module) || constant.is_a?(Class))
            value = block_given? ? block.call(constant) : constant
            collected << value if value

              constant: constant,
              counted: counted,
              block: block
            }) if constant.has_constants?
      rescue Exception


    recursivityQueue.each do |data|
      collected.concat data[:constant].nestings(data[:counted], &data[:block])



Monkey patch of String.

class String
  def constantize
    if Module.defines?(self)
      Module.const_get self
      demodulized = self.split("::").last
      Module.const_get(demodulized) if Module.defines?(demodulized)

And, finally, the models method

def models
  # preload only models
  application.config.eager_load_paths = model_eager_load_paths

  models = Module.nestings do |const|
    const if const.is_a?(Class) && const != ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration && (const.extends?(ActiveRecord::Base) || const.include?(ActiveModel::Model))


  def application

  def model_eager_load_paths
    eager_load_paths = application.config.eager_load_paths.collect do |eager_load_path|
      model_paths = application.config.paths["app/models"].collect do |model_path|
        eager_load_path if Regexp.new("(#{model_path})$").match(eager_load_path)

I've tried so many of these answers unsuccessfully in Rails 4 (wow they changed a thing or two for god sakes) I decided to add my own. The ones that called ActiveRecord::Base.connection and pulled the table names worked but didn't get the result I wanted because I've hidden some models (in a folder inside of app/models/) that I didn't want to delete:

def list_models
  Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/models/*.rb").map{|x| x.split("/").last.split(".").first.camelize}

I put that in an initializer and can call it from anywhere. Prevents unnecessary mouse-usage.

In just one line:


I think @hnovick's solution is a cool one if you dont have table-less models. This solution would work in development mode as well

My approach is subtly different though -


classify is well supposed to give you the name of the class from a string properly. safe_constantize ensures that you can turn it into a class safely without throwing an exception. This is needed in case you have database tables which are not models. compact so that any nils in the enumeration are removed.

For Rails5 models are now subclasses of ApplicationRecord so to get list of all models in your app you do:

ApplicationRecord.descendants.collect { |type| type.name }

Or shorter:


If you are in dev mode, you will need to eager load models before:


To avoid pre-load all Rails, you can do this:

Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/models/**/*.rb").each {|f| require_dependency(f) }

require_dependency(f) is the same that Rails.application.eager_load! uses. This should avoid already required file errors.

Then you can use all kind of solutions to list AR models, like ActiveRecord::Base.descendants

This works for Rails 3.2.18


def all_models
  models = Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/models/**/*.rb"].map do |m|

can check this

@models = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.collect{|t| t.underscore.singularize.camelize}

Just came across this one, as I need to print all models with their attributes(built on @Aditya Sanghi's comment):

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.map{|x|x.classify.safe_constantize}.compact.each{ |model| print "\n\n"+model.name; model.new.attributes.each{|a,b| print "\n#{a}"}}

I can't comment yet, but I think sj26 answer should be the top answer. Just a hint:

Rails.application.eager_load! unless Rails.configuration.cache_classes

With Rails 6, Zetiwerk became the default code loader.

For eager loading, try:




def load_models_in_development
  if Rails.env == "development"
    Rails.application.railties.engines.each do |r|

def load_models_for(root)
  Dir.glob("#{root}/app/models/**/*.rb") do |model_path|
      require model_path
      # ignore

Module.constants.select { |c| (eval c).is_a?(Class) && (eval c) < ActiveRecord::Base }

Assuming all models are in app/models and you have grep & awk on your server (majority of the cases),

# extract lines that match specific string, and print 2nd word of each line
results = `grep -r "< ActiveRecord::Base" app/models/ | awk '{print $2}'`
model_names = results.split("\n")

It it faster than Rails.application.eager_load! or looping through each file with Dir.


The disadvantage of this method is that it misses models that indirectly inherit from ActiveRecord (e.g. FictionalBook < Book). The surest way is Rails.application.eager_load!; ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.map(&:name), even though it's kinda slow.

If you want just the Class names:

ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.map {|f| puts f}

Just run it in Rails console, nothing more. Good luck!

EDIT: @sj26 is right, you need to run this first before you can call descendants:


Yes there are many ways you can find all model names but what I did in my gem model_info is , it will give you all the models even included in the gems.

array=[], @model_array=[]
array=ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.collect{|x| x.to_s if x.table_exists?}.compact
array.each do |x|
  if  x.split('::').last.split('_').first != "HABTM"

then simply print this


This seems to work for me:

  Dir.glob(RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*.rb').each { |file| require file }
  @models = Object.subclasses_of(ActiveRecord::Base)

Rails only loads models when they are used, so the Dir.glob line "requires" all the files in the models directory.

Once you have the models in an array, you can do what you were thinking (e.g. in view code):

<% @models.each do |v| %>
  <li><%= h v.to_s %></li>
<% end %>

On one line: Dir['app/models/\*.rb'].map {|f| File.basename(f, '.*').camelize.constantize }

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