[javascript] node.js: read a text file into an array. (Each line an item in the array.)

I would like to read a very, very large file into a JavaScript array in node.js.

So, if the file is like this:

first line

I would have the array:

['first line','two','three', ... , ... ] 

The function would look like this:

var array = load(filename); 

Therefore the idea of loading it all as a string and then splitting it is not acceptable.

This question is related to javascript node.js

The answer is

use readline (documentation). here's an example reading a css file, parsing for icons and writing them to json

var results = [];
  var rl = require('readline').createInterface({
    input: require('fs').createReadStream('./assets/stylesheets/_icons.scss')

  // for every new line, if it matches the regex, add it to an array
  // this is ugly regex :)
  rl.on('line', function (line) {
    var re = /\.icon-icon.*:/;
    var match;
    if ((match = re.exec(line)) !== null) {

  // readline emits a close event when the file is read.
  rl.on('close', function(){
    var outputFilename = './icons.json';
    fs.writeFile(outputFilename, JSON.stringify(results, null, 2), function(err) {
        if(err) {
        } else {
          console.log("JSON saved to " + outputFilename);

Using Node.js v8 or later has a new feature that converts normal function into an async function.


It's an awesome feature. Here's the example of parsing 10000 numbers from the txt file into an array, counting inversions using merge sort on the numbers.

// read from txt file
const util = require('util');
const fs = require('fs')
fs.readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
let result = []

const parseTxt = async (csvFile) => {
  let fields, obj
  const data = await fs.readFileAsync(csvFile)
  const str = data.toString()
  const lines = str.split('\r\n')
  // const lines = str
  console.log("lines", lines)
  // console.log("str", str)

  lines.map(line => {
    if(!line) {return null}
  return result
parseTxt('./count-inversion.txt').then(() => {
  console.log(mergeSort({arr: result, count: 0}))

I had the same problem, and I have solved it with the module line-by-line


At least for me works like a charm, both in synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Also, the problem with lines terminating not terminating \n can be solved with the option:

{ encoding: 'utf8', skipEmptyLines: false }

Synchronous processing of lines:

var LineByLineReader = require('line-by-line'),
    lr = new LineByLineReader('big_file.txt');

lr.on('error', function (err) {
    // 'err' contains error object

lr.on('line', function (line) {
    // 'line' contains the current line without the trailing newline character.

lr.on('end', function () {
    // All lines are read, file is closed now.

Essentially this will do the job: .replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').split('\n'). This works on Mac, Linux & Windows.

Code Snippets


const { readFileSync } = require('fs');

const array = readFileSync('file.txt').toString().replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').split('\n');

for(let i of array) {


With the fs.promises API that provides an alternative set of asynchronous file system methods that return Promise objects rather than using callbacks. (No need to promisify, you can use async-await with this too, available on and after Node.js version 10.0.0)

const { readFile } = require('fs').promises;

readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;

    const arr = data.toString().replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').split('\n');

    for(let i of arr) {

More about \r & \n here: \r\n, \r and \n what is the difference between them?

To read a big file into array you can read line by line or chunk by chunk.

line by line refer to my answer here

var fs = require('fs'),
    es = require('event-stream'),

var lines = [];

var s = fs.createReadStream('filepath')
    .pipe(es.mapSync(function(line) {
        //pause the readstream
    .on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('Error:', err);
    .on('end', function() {
        console.log('Finish reading.');

chunk by chunk refer to this article

var offset = 0;
var chunkSize = 2048;
var chunkBuffer = new Buffer(chunkSize);
var fp = fs.openSync('filepath', 'r');
var bytesRead = 0;
while(bytesRead = fs.readSync(fp, chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize, offset)) {
    offset += bytesRead;
    var str = chunkBuffer.slice(0, bytesRead).toString();
    var arr = str.split('\n');

    if(bytesRead = chunkSize) {
        // the last item of the arr may be not a full line, leave it to the next chunk
        offset -= arr.pop().length;

This is a variation on the answer above by @mtomis.

It creates a stream of lines. It emits 'data' and 'end' events, allowing you to handle the end of the stream.

var events = require('events');

var LineStream = function (input) {
    var remaining = '';

    input.on('data', function (data) {
        remaining += data;
        var index = remaining.indexOf('\n');
        var last = 0;
        while (index > -1) {
            var line = remaining.substring(last, index);
            last = index + 1;
            this.emit('data', line);
            index = remaining.indexOf('\n', last);
        remaining = remaining.substring(last);

    input.on('end', function() {
        if (remaining.length > 0) {
            this.emit('data', remaining);

LineStream.prototype = new events.EventEmitter;

Use it as a wrapper:

var lineInput = new LineStream(input);

lineInput.on('data', function (line) {
    // handle line

lineInput.on('end', function() {
    // wrap it up

file.lines with JFile package


var JFile=require('jfile');

var myF=new JFile("./data.txt");
myF.lines // ["first line","second line"] ....

Don't forget before :

npm install jfile --save


var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt', 'utf8').split('\n');


var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt', 'utf8').toString().split('\n');

Using the Node.js readline module.

var fs = require('fs');
var readline = require('readline');

var filename = process.argv[2];
    input: fs.createReadStream(filename),
    terminal: false
}).on('line', function(line) {
   console.log('Line: ' + line);

i just want to add @finbarr great answer, a little fix in the asynchronous example:


var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;
    var array = data.toString().split("\n");
    for(i in array) {

@MadPhysicist, done() is what releases the async. call.

With a BufferedReader, but the function should be asynchronous:

var load = function (file, cb){
    var lines = [];
    new BufferedReader (file, { encoding: "utf8" })
        .on ("error", function (error){
            cb (error, null);
        .on ("line", function (line){
            lines.push (line);
        .on ("end", function (){
            cb (null, lines);
        .read ();

load ("file", function (error, lines){
    if (error) return console.log (error);
    console.log (lines);


var fs = require('fs');
var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt').toString().split("\n");
for(i in array) {


var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;
    var array = data.toString().split("\n");
    for(i in array) {