Programs & Examples On #Mongrel cluster

Adding maven nexus repo to my pom.xml

From maven setting reference, you can not put your username/password in a pom.xml

The repositories for download and deployment are defined by the repositories and distributionManagement elements of the POM. However, certain settings such as username and password should not be distributed along with the pom.xml. This type of information should exist on the build server in the settings.xml.

You can first add a repository in your pom and then add the username/password in the $MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml:


Pass a datetime from javascript to c# (Controller)

The following format should work:

    type: "POST",
    url: "@Url.Action("refresh", "group")",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: JSON.stringify({ 
        myDate: '2011-04-02 17:15:45'
    success: function (result) {
        //do something
    error: function (req, status, error) {

Javascript array declaration: new Array(), new Array(3), ['a', 'b', 'c'] create arrays that behave differently

Arrays have numerical indexes. So,

a = new Array();


b = new Array(2);

are not adding elements to the array, but adding .a1 and .a2 properties to the a object (arrays are objects too). As further evidence, if you did this:

a = new Array();
console.log(a.length);   // outputs zero because there are no items in the array

Your third option:


is assigning the variable c an array with three elements. Those three elements can be accessed as: c[0], c[1] and c[2]. In other words, c[0] === 'c1' and c.length === 3.

Javascript does not use its array functionality for what other languages call associative arrays where you can use any type of key in the array. You can implement most of the functionality of an associative array by just using an object in javascript where each item is just a property like this.

a = {};

It is generally a mistake to use an array for this purpose as it just confuses people reading your code and leads to false assumptions about how the code works.

How to make an embedded video not autoplay

A couple of wires are crossed here. The various autoplay settings that you're working with only affect whether the SWF's root timeline starts out paused or not. So if your SWF had a timeline animation, or if it had an embedded video on the root timeline, then these settings would do what you're after.

However, the SWF you're working with almost certainly has only one frame on its timeline, so these settings won't affect playback at all. That one frame contains some flavor of video playback component, which contains ActionScript that controls how the video behaves. To get that player component to start of paused, you'll have to change the settings of the component itself.

Without knowing more about where the content came from it's hard to say more, but when one publishes from Flash, video player components normally include a parameter for whether to autoplay. If your SWF is being published by an application other than Flash (Captivate, I suppose, but I'm not up on that) then your best bet would be to check the settings for that app. Anyway it's not something you can control from the level of the HTML page. (Unless you were talking to the SWF from JavaScript, and for that to work the video component would have to be designed to allow it.)

SQL like search string starts with

SELECT * from games WHERE (lower(title) LIKE 'age of empires III');

The above query doesn't return any rows because you're looking for 'age of empires III' exact string which doesn't exists in any rows.

So in order to match with this string with different string which has 'age of empires' as substring you need to use '%your string goes here%'

More on mysql string comparision

You need to try this

SELECT * from games WHERE (lower(title) LIKE '%age of empires III%');

In Like '%age of empires III%' this will search for any matching substring in your rows, and it will show in results.

How to get IP address of running docker container

if you want to obtain it right within the container, you can try

ip a | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | grep 172.17

How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

There is a new spec called the Native File System API that allows you to do this properly like this:

const result = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries({ type: "save-file" });

There is a demo here, but I believe it is using an origin trial so it may not work in your own website unless you sign up or enable a config flag, and it obviously only works in Chrome. If you're making an Electron app this might be an option though.

How to input a string from user into environment variable from batch file

You can use set with the /p argument:

SET /P variable=[promptString]

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

So, simply use something like

set /p Input=Enter some text: 

Later you can use that variable as argument to a command:

myCommand %Input%

Be careful though, that if your input might contain spaces it's probably a good idea to quote it:

myCommand "%Input%"

Deleting records before a certain date

DELETE FROM table WHERE date < '2011-09-21 08:21:22';

How to return an array from an AJAX call?

Have a look at json_encode ( It is available as of PHP 5.2. Use the parameter dataType: 'json' to have it parsed for you. You'll have the Object as the first argument in success then. For further information have a look at the jQuery-documentation:

Start redis-server with config file

To start redis with a config file all you need to do is specifiy the config file as an argument:

redis-server /root/config/redis.rb

Instead of using and killing PID's I would suggest creating an init script for your service

I would suggest taking a look at the Installing Redis more properly section of It will walk you through setting up an init script with redis so you can just do something like service redis_server start and service redis_server stop to control your server.

I am not sure exactly what distro you are using, that article describes instructions for a Debian based distro. If you are are using a RHEL/Fedora distro let me know, I can provide you with instructions for the last couple of steps, the config file and most of the other steps will be the same.

How to check if a view controller is presented modally or pushed on a navigation stack?

Assuming that all viewControllers that you present modally are wrapped inside a new navigationController (which you should always do anyway), you can add this property to your VC.

private var wasPushed: Bool {
    guard let vc = navigationController?.viewControllers.first where vc == self else {
        return true

    return false

Editor does not contain a main type

Make sure that your .java file is present either in the str package, or in some other package. If the java file with the main function is outside all packages, this error is thrown.

Creating a comma separated list from IList<string> or IEnumerable<string>

I just solved this issue before happening across this article. My solution goes something like below :

   private static string GetSeparator<T>(IList<T> list, T item)
       return (list.IndexOf(item) == list.Count - 1) ? "" : ", ";

Called like:

List<thing> myThings;
string tidyString;

foreach (var thing in myThings)
     tidyString += string.format("Thing {0} is a {1}",, + GetSeparator(myThings, thing);

I could also have just as easily expressed as such and would have also been more efficient:

string.Join(“,”, myThings.Select(t => string.format(“Thing {0} is a {1}”,,; 

PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

Make sure that you don't declare it as a integer, float, string or boolean before.

Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator


  • ctrl+fn+F11 on Mac to change the landscape to portrait and vice versa.
  • left-ctrl+F11on Windows 7.
  • ctrl+F11on Linux.

For Mac users, you only need to use the fn key if the setting "Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as function keys" (under System Preferences -> Keyboard) is checked.

  • left-ctrl+F11on Windows 7 It works fine in Windows 7 for android emulator to change the landscape orientation to portrait and vice versa.

Select All Rows Using Entity Framework

How about:

using (ModelName context = new ModelName())
    var ptx = (from r in context.TableName select r);

ModelName is the class auto-generated by the designer, which inherits from ObjectContext.

OperationalError, no such column. Django

I had this problem recently, even though on a different tutorial. I had the django version 2.2.3 so I thought I should not have this kind of issue. In my case, once I add a new field to a model and try to access it in admin, it would say no such column. I learnt the 'right' way after three days of searching for solution with nothing working. First, if you are making a change to a model, you should make sure that the server is not running. This is what caused my own problem. And this is not easy to rectify. I had to rename the field (while server was not running) and re-apply migrations. Second, I found that python makemigrations <app_name> captured the change as opposed to just python makemigrations. I don't know why. You could also follow that up with python migrate <app_name>. I'm glad I found this out by myself.

Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

I just had to face the same kind of issue with my Laravel 7 project, in Debian 10 shared hosting. I have to add RewriteBase / to my .htaccess within /public/ directory. So the .htaccess looks a like

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /index.php [L,QSA]

Execute a file with arguments in Python shell

This works:"python arg1 arg2", shell=True)

Why both no-cache and no-store should be used in HTTP response?

Under certain circumstances, IE6 will still cache files even when Cache-Control: no-cache is in the response headers.

The W3C states of no-cache:

If the no-cache directive does not specify a field-name, then a cache MUST NOT use the response to satisfy a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server.

In my application, if you visited a page with the no-cache header, then logged out and then hit back in your browser, IE6 would still grab the page from the cache (without a new/validating request to the server). Adding in the no-store header stopped it doing so. But if you take the W3C at their word, there's actually no way to control this behavior:

History buffers MAY store such responses as part of their normal operation.

General differences between browser history and the normal HTTP caching are described in a specific sub-section of the spec.

How to copy commits from one branch to another?

Here's another approach.

git checkout {SOURCE_BRANCH}               # switch to Source branch.
git checkout {COMMIT_HASH}                 # go back to the desired commit.
git checkout -b {temp_branch}              # create a new temporary branch from {COMMIT_HASH} snapshot.
git checkout {TARGET_BRANCH}               # switch to Target branch.
git merge {temp_branch}                    # merge code to your Target branch.
git branch -d {temp_branch}                # delete the temp branch.

JPA entity without id

I guess your entity_property has a composite key (entity_id, name) where entity_id is a foreign key to entity. If so, you can map it as follows:

public class EntityPropertyPK {
    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name;

    @JoinColumn(name = "entity_id")
    private Entity entity;


public class EntityProperty { 
    private EntityPropertyPK id;

    @Column(name = "value")
    private String value; 


How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

A simple approach which returns a string with ip-addresses for the interfaces is:

from subprocess import check_output

ips = check_output(['hostname', '--all-ip-addresses'])

for more info see hostname.

How to implement a binary tree?

This implementation supports insert, find and delete operations without destroy the structure of the tree. This is not a banlanced tree.

# Class for construct the nodes of the tree. (Subtrees)
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, parent_node = None):
    self.left = None
    self.right = None
    self.key = key
    if parent_node == None:
        self.parent = self
        self.parent = parent_node

# Class with the  structure of the tree. 
# This Tree is not balanced.
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
    self.root = None

# Insert a single element
def insert(self, x):
    if(self.root == None):
        self.root = Node(x)
        self._insert(x, self.root)

def _insert(self, x, node):
    if(x < node.key):
        if(node.left == None):
            node.left = Node(x, node)
            self._insert(x, node.left)
        if(node.right == None):
            node.right = Node(x, node)
            self._insert(x, node.right)

# Given a element, return a node in the tree with key x. 
def find(self, x):
    if(self.root == None):
        return None
        return self._find(x, self.root)
def _find(self, x, node):
    if(x == node.key):
        return node
    elif(x < node.key):
        if(node.left == None):
            return None
            return self._find(x, node.left)
    elif(x > node.key):
        if(node.right == None):
            return None
            return self._find(x, node.right)

# Given a node, return the node in the tree with the next largest element.
def next(self, node):
    if node.right != None:
        return self._left_descendant(node.right)
        return self._right_ancestor(node)

def _left_descendant(self, node):
    if node.left == None:
        return node
        return self._left_descendant(node.left)

def _right_ancestor(self, node):
    if node.key <= node.parent.key:
        return node.parent
        return self._right_ancestor(node.parent)

# Delete an element of the tree
def delete(self, x):
    node = self.find(x)
    if node == None:
        print(x, "isn't in the tree")
        if node.right == None:
            if node.left == None:
                if node.key < node.parent.key:
                    node.parent.left = None
                    del node # Clean garbage
                    node.parent.right = None
                    del Node # Clean garbage
                node.key = node.left.key
                node.left = None
            x =
            node.key = x.key
            x = None

# tests
t = Tree()




# Remember: Find method return the node object. 
# To return a number use t.find(nº).key
# But it will cause an error if the number is not in the tree.

writing integer values to a file using out.write()

Also you can use f-string formatting to write integer to file

For appending use following code, for writing once replace 'a' with 'w'.

for i in s_list:
    with open('path_to_file','a') as file:


Laravel use same form for create and edit

Pretty easy in your controller you do:

public function create()
    $user = new User;

    $action = URL::route('');

    return View::('viewname')->with(compact('user', 'action'));

public function edit($id)
    $user = User::find($id);

    $action = URL::route('user.update', ['id' => $id]);

    return View::('viewname')->with(compact('user', 'action'));

And you just have to use this way:

{{ Form::model($user, ['action' => $action]) }}

   {{ Form::input('email') }}
   {{ Form::input('first_name') }}

{{ Form::close() }}

Git - Won't add files?

Here you can find an answer to the same problem:

basically in this case the problem was the global_git ignore

Can I make a <button> not submit a form?

Just use good old HTML:

<input type="button" value="Submit" />

Wrap it as the subject of a link, if you so desire:

<a href=""><input type="button" value="Submit" /></a>

Or if you decide you want javascript to provide some other functionality:

<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript: someFunctionThatCouldIncludeRedirect();"/>

Order a List (C#) by many fields?

Your object should implement the IComparable interface.

With it your class becomes a new function called CompareTo(T other). Within this function you can make any comparison between the current and the other object and return an integer value about if the first is greater, smaller or equal to the second one.

Java Immutable Collections

Pure4J supports what you are after, in two ways.

First, it provides an @ImmutableValue annotation, so that you can annotate a class to say that it is immutable. There is a maven plugin to allow you to check that your code actually is immutable (use of final etc.).

Second, it provides the persistent collections from Clojure, (with added generics) and ensures that elements added to the collections are immutable. Performance of these is apparently pretty good. Collections are all immutable, but implement java collections interfaces (and generics) for inspection. Mutation returns new collections.

Disclaimer: I'm the developer of this

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

maybe useful for somebody, I got next problem on windows 8, apache 2.4, php 7+.

php.ini conf>


php on apache works ok but on cli problem with libs loading, as a result, I changed to


How to get row number from selected rows in Oracle

you can just do

select rownum, l.* from student  l where name like %ram%

this assigns the row number as the rows are fetched (so no guaranteed ordering of course).

if you wanted to order first do:

select rownum, l.*
  from (select * from student l where name like %ram% order by...) l;

How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip

1.makesure your .zip file is an valid Eclipse Plugin


  1. that means: your .zip file contains folders features and plugins, like this:enter image description here
  2. for new version Eclipse Plugin, it may also include another two files content.jar, artifacts.jar, example:enter image description here

but this is not important for the plugin,

the most important is the folders features and plugins

which contains the necessary xxx.jar,

for example: enter image description here

2.for valid Eclipse Plugin .zip file, you have two methods to install it

(1) auto install

Help -> Install New Software -> Add -> Archive

then choose your .zip file


enter image description here

(2) manual install

  1. uncompress .zip file -> got folders features and plugins
  2. copy them into the root folder of Eclipse, which already contains features and plugins
  3. restart Eclipse, then you can see your installed plugin's settings in Window -> Preferences enter image description here

for more detailed explanation, can refer my post (written in Chinese):

Summary methods of install Eclipse Plugin from .zip

Can anonymous class implement interface?

Anonymous types can implement interfaces via a dynamic proxy.

I wrote an extension method on GitHub and a blog post to support this scenario.

The method can be used like this:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var developer = new { Name = "Jason Bowers" };



    private static void PrintDeveloperName(IDeveloper developer)

public interface IDeveloper
    string Name { get; }

ASP.Net MVC: How to display a byte array image from model

This worked for me

<img src="data:image;base64,@System.Convert.ToBase64String(Model.CategoryPicture.Content)" width="80" height="80"/>     

How to sort a data frame by date

Nowadays, it is the most efficient and comfortable to use lubridate and dplyr libraries.

lubridate contains a number of functions that make parsing dates into POSIXct or Date objects easy. Here we use dmy which automatically parses dates in Day, Month, Year formats. Once your data is in a date format, you can sort it with dplyr::arrange (or any other ordering function) as desired:

d$V3 <- lubridate::dmy(d$V3)
dplyr::arrange(d, V3)

Print all but the first three columns

As I was annoyed by the first highly upvoted but wrong answer I found enough to write a reply there, and here the wrong answers are marked as such, here is my bit. I do not like proposed solutions as I can see no reason to make answer so complex.

I have a log where after $5 with an IP address can be more text or no text. I need everything from the IP address to the end of the line should there be anything after $5. In my case, this is actualy withn an awk program, not an awk oneliner so awk must solve the problem. When I try to remove the first 4 fields using the old nice looking and most upvoted but completely wrong answer:

echo "  7 27.10.16. Thu 11:57:18 one two three" | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; printf "[%s]\n", $0}'

it spits out wrong and useless response (I added [] to demonstrate):

[ one two three]

Instead, if columns are fixed width until the cut point and awk is needed, the correct and quite simple answer is:

echo "  7 27.10.16. Thu 11:57:18 one two three" | awk '{printf "[%s]\n", substr($0,28)}'

which produces the desired output:

[ one two three]

How to put wildcard entry into /etc/hosts?

It happens that /etc/hosts file doesn't support wild card entries.

You'll have to use other services like dnsmasq. To enable it in dnsmasq, just edit dnsmasq.conf and add the following line:


Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server

In CentOS releases suexec is compiled to run only in /var/www. If you try to set a DocumentRoot somewhere else you have to recompile it - the error in apache log are: (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server Premature end of script headers: php5.fcgi

Replace input type=file by an image

The input itself is hidden with CSS visibility:hidden.

Then you can have whatever element you whish - anchor or image.., when the anchor/image is clicked, trigger a click on the hidden input field - the dialog box for selecting a file will appear.

EDIT: Actually it works in Chrome and Safari, I just noticed that is not the case in FF4Beta

Why am I getting an Exception with the message "Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member..."?

As help to anybody that had the same problem as me, I accidentally mistyped the implementation type instead of the interface e.g.

var mockFileBrowser = new Mock<FileBrowser>();

instead of

var mockFileBrowser = new Mock<IFileBrowser>();

Get second child using jQuery

It's surprising to see that nobody mentioned the native JS way to do this..

Without jQuery:

Just access the children property of the parent element. It will return a live HTMLCollection of children elements which can be accessed by an index. If you want to get the second child:


In your case, something like this could work: (example)

var secondChild = document.querySelector('.parent').children[1];

console.log(secondChild); // <td>element two</td>
    <tr class="parent">
        <td>element one</td>
        <td>element two</td>

You can also use a combination of CSS3 selectors / querySelector() and utilize :nth-of-type(). This method may work better in some cases, because you can also specifiy the element type, in this case td:nth-of-type(2) (example)

var secondChild = document.querySelector('.parent > td:nth-of-type(2)');

console.log(secondChild); // <td>element two</td>

Python str vs unicode types

When you define a as unicode, the chars a and á are equal. Otherwise á counts as two chars. Try len(a) and len(au). In addition to that, you may need to have the encoding when you work with other environments. For example if you use md5, you get different values for a and ua

mySQL convert varchar to date

select date_format(str_to_date('31/12/2010', '%d/%m/%Y'), '%Y%m'); 


select date_format(str_to_date('12/31/2011', '%m/%d/%Y'), '%Y%m'); 

hard to tell from your example

C# Sort and OrderBy comparison

In a nutshell :

List/Array Sort() :

  • Unstable sort.
  • Done in-place.
  • Use Introsort/Quicksort.
  • Custom comparison is done by providing a comparer. If comparison is expensive, it might be slower than OrderBy() (which allow to use keys, see below).

OrderBy/ThenBy() :

  • Stable sort.
  • Not in-place.
  • Use Quicksort. Quicksort is not a stable sort. Here is the trick : when sorting, if two elements have equal key, it compares their initial order (which has been stored before sorting).
  • Allows to use keys (using lambdas) to sort elements on their values (eg : x => x.Id). All keys are extracted first before sorting. This might result in better performance than using Sort() and a custom comparer.

Sources: MDSN, reference source and dotnet/coreclr repository (GitHub).

Some of the statements listed above are based on current .NET framework implementation (4.7.2). It might change in the future.

How to get table cells evenly spaced?

I was designing a html email and had a similar problem. But having every cell with the fixed width is not what I want. I'd like to have the equal spacing between the contents of the columns, like the following

|---something---|---a very long thing---|---short---|

After a lot of trial and error, I came up with the following

    .content {padding: 0 20px;}

table width="400"
            a.content something
            a.content a very long thing
            a.content short

Issues of concern:

  1. Outlook 2007/2010/2013 don't support padding. Having the width of the table set will allow the widths of the columns to automatically set. This way, though the contents will not have equal spacing. They at least have some spacing between them.

  2. Automatic width setting for table columns will not give equal spacing between the contents The padding added for the contents will force the equal spacing.

TypeScript-'s Angular Framework Error - "There is no directive with exportAs set to ngForm"

(Just in case someone else is blind like me) form FTW! Make sure to use <form> tag

wont work:

<div (ngSubmit)="search()" #f="ngForm" class="input-group">
    <span class="input-group-btn">
      <button class="btn btn-secondary" type="submit">Go!</button>
    <input type="text" ngModel class="form-control" name="search" placeholder="Search..." aria-label="Search...">

works like charm:

 <form (ngSubmit)="search()" #f="ngForm" class="input-group">
            <span class="input-group-btn">
              <button class="btn btn-secondary" type="submit">Go!</button>
            <input type="text" ngModel class="form-control" name="search" placeholder="Search..." aria-label="Search...">

Remote debugging a Java application

Answer covering Java >= 9:

For Java 9+, the JVM option needs a slight change by prefixing the address with the IP address of the machine hosting the JVM, or just *:


This is due to a change noted in

For Java < 9, the port number is enough to connect.

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

This did it for my case.


Get Number of Rows returned by ResultSet in Java

You can use res.previous() as follows:

ResulerSet res = getDate();
if(! {
    System.out.println("No Data Found.");
} else {
    while( {
      //code to display the data in the table.

strange error in my Animation Drawable

Looks like whatever is in your Animation Drawable definition is too much memory to decode and sequence. The idea is that it loads up all the items and make them in an array and swaps them in and out of the scene according to the timing specified for each frame.

If this all can't fit into memory, it's probably better to either do this on your own with some sort of handler or better yet just encode a movie with the specified frames at the corresponding images and play the animation through a video codec.

entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. while adding related objects to entity in Entity Framework 4.1

Alternatively to injection and even worse Singleton, you can call Detach method before Add.

EntityFramework 6: ((IObjectContextAdapter)cs).ObjectContext.Detach(city1);

EntityFramework 4: cs.Detach(city1);

There is yet another way, in case you don't need first DBContext object. Just wrap it with using keyword:

Payroll.Entities.City city1;
using (CityService cs = new CityService())
  city1 = cs.SelectCity(Convert.ToInt64(cmbCity.SelectedItem.Value));

Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?

The Boost::serialization library handles this rather elegantly. I've used it in several projects. There's an example program, showing how to use it, here.

The only native way to do it is to use streams. That's essentially all the Boost::serialization library does, it extends the stream method by setting up a framework to write objects to a text-like format and read them from the same format.

For built-in types, or your own types with operator<< and operator>> properly defined, that's fairly simple; see the C++ FAQ for more information.

When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript?

This is very good discussion. I had one of those moments when I wished or lets say hoped (successfully that I might add) to reinvent the wheel be it a square one. Any ways above is good discussion, so any one coming here looking for what is the difference between Element property and attribute. here is my penny worth and I did have to find it out hard way. I would keep it simple so no extraordinary tech jargon.

suppose we have a variable calls 'A'. what we are used to is as following.

Below will throw an error because simply it put its is kind of object that can only have one property and that is singular left hand side = singular right hand side object. Every thing else is ignored and tossed out in bin.

let A = 'f';
A.b =2;

who has decided that it has to be singular = singular. People who make JavaScript and html standards and thats how engines work.

Lets change the example.

let A = {};
A.b =2;

This time it works ..... because we have explicitly told it so and who decided we can tell it in this case but not in previous case. Again people who make JavaScript and html standards.

I hope we are on this lets complicate it further

let A = {};
A.attribute ={};
console.log(A.attribute.b); // will work

console.log(A.b); // will not work

What we have done is tree of sorts level 1 then sub levels of non-singular object. Unless you know what is where and and call it so it will work else no.

This is what goes on with HTMLDOM when its parsed and painted a DOm tree is created for each and every HTML ELEMENT. Each has level of properties per say. Some are predefined and some are not. This is where ID and VALUE bits come on. Behind the scene they are mapped on 1:1 between level 1 property and sun level property aka attributes. Thus changing one changes the other. This is were object getter ans setter scheme of things plays role.

let A = {
attribute :{
getAttributes: function (n) {
    return this.attribute[n];
setAttributes: function (n,nn){
this.attribute[n] = nn;
if(this[n]) this[n] = nn;
}; = 5;




This is the point as shown above ELEMENTS has another set of so called property list attributes and it has its own main properties. there some predefined properties between the two and are mapped as 1:1 e.g. ID is common to every one but value is not nor is src. when the parser reaches that point it simply pulls up dictionary as to what to when such and such are present.

All elements have properties and attributes and some of the items between them are common. What is common in one is not common in another.

In old days of HTML3 and what not we worked with html first then on to JS. Now days its other way around and so has using inline onlclick become such an abomination. Things have moved forward in HTML5 where there are many property lists accessible as collection e.g. class, style. In old days color was a property now that is moved to css for handling is no longer valid attribute.

Element.attributes is sub property list with in Element property.

Unless you could change the getter and setter of Element property which is almost high unlikely as it would break hell on all functionality is usually not writable off the bat just because we defined something as A.item does not necessarily mean Js engine will also run another line of function to add it into Element.attributes.item.

I hope this gives some headway clarification as to what is what. Just for the sake of this I tried Element.prototype.setAttribute with custom function it just broke loose whole thing all together, as it overrode native bunch of functions that set attribute function was playing behind the scene.

Writing your own square root function

Let's say we are trying to find the square root of 2, and you have an estimate of 1.5. We'll say a = 2, and x = 1.5. To compute a better estimate, we'll divide a by x. This gives a new value y = 1.333333. However, we can't just take this as our next estimate (why not?). We need to average it with the previous estimate. So our next estimate, xx will be (x + y) / 2, or 1.416666.

Double squareRoot(Double a, Double epsilon) {
    Double x = 0d;
    Double y = a;
    Double xx = 0d;

    // Make sure both x and y != 0.
    while ((x != 0d || y != 0d) && y - x > epsilon) {
        xx = (x + y) / 2;

        if (xx * xx >= a) {
            y = xx;
        } else {
            x = xx;

    return xx;

Epsilon determines how accurate the approximation needs to be. The function should return the first approximation x it obtains that satisfies abs(x*x - a) < epsilon, where abs(x) is the absolute value of x.

square_root(2, 1e-6)
Output: 1.4142141342163086

Get records of current month

Try this query:

FROM table 

Does MS Access support "CASE WHEN" clause if connect with ODBC?

You could use IIF statement like in the next example:

   IIF(test_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false) AS FIELD_NAME

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

Using just try_files didn't work for me - it caused a rewrite or internal redirection cycle error in my logs.

The Nginx docs had some additional details:

So I ended up using the following:

root /var/www/mysite;

location / {
    try_files $uri /base.html;

location = /base.html {
    expires 30s;

PHP Function with Optional Parameters

If you are commonly just passing in the 8th value, you can reorder your parameters so it is first. You only need to specify parameters up until the last one you want to set.

If you are using different values, you have 2 options.

One would be to create a set of wrapper functions that take different parameters and set the defaults on the others. This is useful if you only use a few combinations, but can get very messy quickly.

The other option is to pass an array where the keys are the names of the parameters. You can then just check if there is a value in the array with a key, and if not use the default. But again, this can get messy and add a lot of extra code if you have a lot of parameters.

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Bootstrap 4.3 - more here

<!-- Initialize Bootstrap 4 -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-UO2eT0CpHqdSJQ6hJty5KVphtPhzWj9WO1clHTMGa3JDZwrnQq4sF86dIHNDz0W1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<!-- MODAL -->_x000D_
<div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">_x000D_
  <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
      <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
        Hello world   _x000D_
      <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>_x000D_

How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

Before using chunksize option if you want to be sure about the process function that you want to write inside the chunking for-loop as mentioned by @unutbu you can simply use nrows option.

small_df = pd.read_csv(filename, nrows=100)

Once you are sure that the process block is ready, you can put that in the chunking for loop for the entire dataframe.

HTML5 record audio to file

Update now Chrome also supports MediaRecorder API from v47. The same thing to do would be to use it( guessing native recording method is bound to be faster than work arounds), the API is really easy to use, and you would find tons of answers as to how to upload a blob for the server.

Demo - would work in Chrome and Firefox, intentionally left out pushing blob to server...

Code Source

Currently, there are three ways to do it:

  1. as wav[ all code client-side, uncompressed recording], you can check out --> Recorderjs. Problem: file size is quite big, more upload bandwidth required.
  2. as mp3[ all code client-side, compressed recording], you can check out --> mp3Recorder. Problem: personally, I find the quality bad, also there is this licensing issue.
  3. as ogg [ client+ server(node.js) code, compressed recording, infinite hours of recording without browser crash ], you can check out --> recordOpus, either only client-side recording, or client-server bundling, the choice is yours.

    ogg recording example( only firefox):

    var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
    mediaRecorder.start();  // to start recording.    
    mediaRecorder.stop();   // to stop recording.
    mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {
        // do something with the data.

    Fiddle Demo for ogg recording.

<input type="file"> limit selectable files by extensions

NOTE: This answer is from 2011. It was a really good answer back then, but as of 2015, native HTML properties are supported by most browsers, so there's (usually) no need to implement such custom logic in JS. See Edi's answer and the docs.

Before the file is uploaded, you can check the file's extension using Javascript, and prevent the form being submitted if it doesn't match. The name of the file to be uploaded is stored in the "value" field of the form element.

Here's a simple example that only allows files that end in ".gif" to be uploaded:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function checkFile() {
        var fileElement = document.getElementById("uploadFile");
        var fileExtension = "";
        if (fileElement.value.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) {
            fileExtension = fileElement.value.substring(fileElement.value.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, fileElement.value.length);
        if (fileExtension.toLowerCase() == "gif") {
            return true;
        else {
            alert("You must select a GIF file for upload");
            return false;

<form action="upload.aspx" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkFile();">
    <input name="uploadFile" id="uploadFile" type="file" />

    <input type="submit" />

However, this method is not foolproof. Sean Haddy is correct that you always want to check on the server side, because users can defeat your Javascript checking by turning off javascript, or editing your code after it arrives in their browser. Definitely check server-side in addition to the client-side check. Also I recommend checking for size server-side too, so that users don't crash your server with a 2 GB file (there's no way that I know of to check file size on the client side without using Flash or a Java applet or something).

However, checking client side before hand using the method I've given here is still useful, because it can prevent mistakes and is a minor deterrent to non-serious mischief.

One-line list comprehension: if-else variants

[x if x % 2 else x * 100 for x in range(1, 10) ]

ImportError: No module named 'Queue'

I run into the same problem and learn that queue module defines classes and exceptions, that defines the public methods (Queue Objects).


workQueue = queue.Queue(10)

Polymorphism: Why use "List list = new ArrayList" instead of "ArrayList list = new ArrayList"?

The main reason you'd do this is to decouple your code from a specific implementation of the interface. When you write your code like this:

List list = new ArrayList();  

the rest of your code only knows that data is of type List, which is preferable because it allows you to switch between different implementations of the List interface with ease.

For instance, say you were writing a fairly large 3rd party library, and say that you decided to implement the core of your library with a LinkedList. If your library relies heavily on accessing elements in these lists, then eventually you'll find that you've made a poor design decision; you'll realize that you should have used an ArrayList (which gives O(1) access time) instead of a LinkedList (which gives O(n) access time). Assuming you have been programming to an interface, making such a change is easy. You would simply change the instance of List from,

List list = new LinkedList();


List list = new ArrayList();  

and you know that this will work because you have written your code to follow the contract provided by the List interface.

On the other hand, if you had implemented the core of your library using LinkedList list = new LinkedList(), making such a change wouldn't be as easy, as there is no guarantee that the rest of your code doesn't make use of methods specific to the LinkedList class.

All in all, the choice is simply a matter of design... but this kind of design is very important (especially when working on large projects), as it will allow you to make implementation-specific changes later without breaking existing code.

How to start IDLE (Python editor) without using the shortcut on Windows Vista?

there is a .bat script to start it (python 2.7).


What does the M stand for in C# Decimal literal notation?

A real literal suffixed by M or m is of type decimal (money). For example, the literals 1m, 1.5m, 1e10m, and 123.456M are all of type decimal. This literal is converted to a decimal value by taking the exact value, and, if necessary, rounding to the nearest representable value using banker's rounding. Any scale apparent in the literal is preserved unless the value is rounded or the value is zero (in which latter case the sign and scale will be 0). Hence, the literal 2.900m will be parsed to form the decimal with sign 0, coefficient 2900, and scale 3.

Read more about real literals

TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable

It seems you need DataFrame.var:

Normalized by N-1 by default. This can be changed using the ddof argument

var1 = credit_card.var()


#random dataframe
credit_card = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(5,5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))
print (credit_card)
   A  B  C  D  E
0  8  8  3  7  7
1  0  4  2  5  2
2  2  2  1  0  8
3  4  0  9  6  2
4  4  1  5  3  4

var1 = credit_card.var()
print (var1)
A     8.8
B    10.0
C    10.0
D     7.7
E     7.8
dtype: float64

var2 = credit_card.var(axis=1)
print (var2)
0     4.3
1     3.8
2     9.8
3    12.2
4     2.3
dtype: float64

If need numpy solutions with numpy.var:

print (np.var(credit_card.values, axis=0))
[ 7.04  8.    8.    6.16  6.24]

print (np.var(credit_card.values, axis=1))
[ 3.44  3.04  7.84  9.76  1.84]

Differences are because by default ddof=1 in pandas, but you can change it to 0:

var1 = credit_card.var(ddof=0)
print (var1)
A    7.04
B    8.00
C    8.00
D    6.16
E    6.24
dtype: float64

var2 = credit_card.var(ddof=0, axis=1)
print (var2)
0    3.44
1    3.04
2    7.84
3    9.76
4    1.84
dtype: float64

How to include Javascript file in Asp.Net page

If your page is deeply pathed or might move around and your JS script is at "~/JS/Registration.js" of your web folder, you can try the following:

<script src='<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/JS/Registration.js") %>' 

OR is not supported with CASE Statement in SQL Server

  WHEN ebv.db_no = 22978 OR 
       ebv.db_no = 23218 OR
       ebv.db_no = 23219
  THEN 'WECS 9500' 
  ELSE 'WECS 9520' 
END as wecs_system 

npm ERR cb() never called

Do npm install npm@latest -g to update npm to the latest version. This fixed the problem for me. I did do npm cache clean first

Ubuntu: Using curl to download an image

curl without any options will perform a GET request. It will simply return the data from the URI specified. Not retrieve the file itself to your local machine.

When you do,

$ curl

You will receive binary data:

                   |?>?$! <R?HP@T*?Pm?Z??jU???ZP+UAUQ@?
??{X\? K???>0c?yF[i?}4?!?V¸?H_?)nO#?;I??vg^_ ??-Hm$$N0.
???%Y[?L?U3?_^9??P?T?0'u8?l?4 ...

In order to save this, you can use:

$ curl > image.png

to store that raw image data inside of a file.

An easier way though, is just to use wget.

$ wget
$ ls

Python - How to cut a string in Python?

You need to split the string:

>>> s = ''
>>> s.split('&')
['', 'two=20']

That will return a list as you can see so you can do:

>>> s2 = s.split('&')[0]
>>> print s2

Jquery mouseenter() vs mouseover()

The mouseenter event differs from mouseover in the way it handles event bubbling. The mouseenter event, only triggers its handler when the mouse enters the element it is bound to, not a descendant. Refer:

The mouseleave event differs from mouseout in the way it handles event bubbling. The mouseleave event, only triggers its handler when the mouse leaves the element it is bound to, not a descendant. Refer:

how do I join two lists using linq or lambda expressions

The way to do this using the Extention Methods, instead of the linq query syntax would be like this:

var results = workOrders.Join(plans,
  wo => wo.WorkOrderNumber,
  p => p.WorkOrderNumber,
  (order,plan) => new {order.WorkOrderNumber, order.WorkDescription, plan.ScheduledDate}

Can overridden methods differ in return type?

The other answers are all correct, but surprisingly all leaving out the theoretical aspect here: return types can be different, but they can only restrict the type used in the super class because of the Liskov Substitution Principle.

It is super simple: when you have "client" code that calls some method:

int foo =;

then the above has to work (and return something that is an int no matter which implementation of bar() is invoked).

Meaning: if there is a Bar subclass that overrides bar() then you still have to return something that doesn't break "caller code".

In other words: assume that the base bar() is supposed to return int. Then a subclass could return short - but not long because callers will be fine dealing with a short value, but not a long!

Correct way to pause a Python program

For Windows only, use:

import os

Put buttons at bottom of screen with LinearLayout?

Add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" to manifest - to the corresponding activity:

  <activity android:name="MyActivity"

Regex using javascript to return just numbers

IMO the #3 answer at this time by Chen Dachao is the right way to go if you want to capture any kind of number, but the regular expression can be shortened from:




For example, this code:

"lin-grad.ient(217deg,rgba(255, 0, 0, -0.8), rgba(-255,0,0,0) 70.71%)".match(/-?\d*\.?\d+/g)

generates this array:


I've butchered an MDN linear gradient example so that it fully tests the regexp and doesn't need to scroll here. I think I've included all the possibilities in terms of negative numbers, decimals, unit suffixes like deg and %, inconsistent comma and space usage, and the extra dot/period and hyphen/dash characters within the text "lin-grad.ient". Please let me know if I'm missing something. The only thing I can see that it does not handle is a badly formed decimal number like "0..8".

If you really want an array of numbers, you can convert the entire array in the same line of code:

array = whatever.match(/-?\d*\.?\d+/g).map(Number);

My particular code, which is parsing CSS functions, doesn't need to worry about the non-numeric use of the dot/period character, so the regular expression can be even simpler:


align 3 images in same row with equal spaces?


<div class="container">
        <img ... >
        <img ... >
        <img ... >


.container{ width:50%; margin:0 auto; text-align:center}
.container span{ width:30%; margin:0 1%;  }

I haven't tested this, but hope this will work.

You can add 'display:inline-block' to .container span to make the span to have fixed 30% width

How to remove unused C/C++ symbols with GCC and ld?

If this thread is to be believed, you need to supply the -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections to gcc, which will put each function and data object in its own section. Then you give and --gc-sections to GNU ld to remove the unused sections.

jQuery: Scroll down page a set increment (in pixels) on click?

Just check this:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '+=150px'}, 800);

It will make scroller scroll from current position when your element is clicked

And 150px is used to scroll for 150px downwards

Superscript in markdown (Github flavored)?

Comments about previous answers

The universal solution is using the HTML tag <sup>, as suggested in the main answer.
However, the idea behind Markdown is precisely to avoid the use of such tags:
The document should look nice as plain text, not only when rendered.

Another answer proposes using Unicode characters, which makes the document look nice as a plain text document but could reduce compatibility.

Finally, I would like to remember the simplest solution for some documents: the character ^.
Some Markdown implementation (e.g. MacDown in macOS) interprets the caret as an instruction for superscript.

Sin^2 + Cos^2 = 1
Clearly, Stack Overflow does not interpret the caret as a superscript instruction. However, the text is comprehensible, and this is what really matters when using Markdown.

What is the difference between H.264 video and MPEG-4 video?

H.264 is a new standard for video compression which has more advanced compression methods than the basic MPEG-4 compression. One of the advantages of H.264 is the high compression rate. It is about 1.5 to 2 times more efficient than MPEG-4 encoding. This high compression rate makes it possible to record more information on the same hard disk.
The image quality is also better and playback is more fluent than with basic MPEG-4 compression. The most interesting feature however is the lower bit-rate required for network transmission.
So the 3 main advantages of H.264 over MPEG-4 compression are:
- Small file size for longer recording time and better network transmission.
- Fluent and better video quality for real time playback
- More efficient mobile surveillance application

H264 is now enshrined in MPEG4 as part 10 also known as AVC

Refer to:

Hope this helps.

Getting Exception(org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exception - no content type [M1.13]) when reading xlsx file using Apache POI?

I get the same exception for .xls file, but after I open the file and save it as xlsx file , the below code works:

 try(InputStream is =file.getInputStream()){
      XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);

what does Error "Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)" mean?

In my case it happened when calling a function by passing a parameter of a Core Data managed object's property. At the time of calling the object was no longer existed, and that caused this error.

I have solved the issue by checking if the managed object exists or not before calling the function.

How to set background color in jquery

Try this for multiple CSS styles:

    "background-color": 'red',
    "color" : "white"

jQuery: Count number of list elements?



MySql Inner Join with WHERE clause

Yes you are right. You have placed WHERE clause wrong. You can only use one WHERE clause in single query so try AND for multiple conditions like this:

 SELECT table1.f_id  FROM table1 
   INNER JOIN table2
     ON table2.f_id = table1.f_id
 WHERE table2.f_type = 'InProcess'
   AND f_com_id = '430'
   AND f_status = 'Submitted' 

How to get the pure text without HTML element using JavaScript?

This answer will work to get just the text for any HTML element.

This first parameter "node" is the element to get the text from. The second parameter is optional and if true will add a space between the text within elements if no space would otherwise exist there.

function getTextFromNode(node, addSpaces) {
    var i, result, text, child;
    result = '';
    for (i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
        child = node.childNodes[i];
        text = null;
        if (child.nodeType === 1) {
            text = getTextFromNode(child, addSpaces);
        } else if (child.nodeType === 3) {
            text = child.nodeValue;
        if (text) {
            if (addSpaces && /\S$/.test(result) && /^\S/.test(text)) text = ' ' + text;
            result += text;
    return result;

What does $_ mean in PowerShell?

I think the easiest way to think about this variable like input parameter in lambda expression in C#. I.e. $_ is similar to x in x => Console.WriteLine(x) anonymous function in C#. Consider following examples:


1,2,3 | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}




1,2,3 | Where-Object {$_ -gt 1}



And compare this with C# syntax using LINQ:

var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
list.ForEach( _ => Console.WriteLine( _ ));




list.Where( _ => _ > 1)
    .ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine(s));



Get current date in milliseconds

NSTimeInterval milisecondedDate = ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000);

POST: sending a post request in a url itself

You can use postman.

Where select Post as method. and In Request Body send JSON Object.

Turn off display errors using file "php.ini"

It's been quite some time and iam sure OP's answer is cleared. If any new user still looking for answer and scrolled this far, then here it is.

Check your updated information in php.ini file

Using Windows explorer:


Using XAMPP Control Panel

  1. Click the Config button for 'Apache' (Stop | Admin | Config | Logs)
  2. Select PHP (php.ini)

Can i create my own phpinfo()? Yes you can

  1. Create a phpinfo.php in your root directly or anywhere you want
  2. Place this <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  3. Save the file.
  4. Open the file and you should see all the details.

How to set display_errors to Off in my own file without using php.ini

You can do this using ini_set() function. Read more about ini_set() here (

  1. Go to your header.php or index.php
  2. add this code ini_set('display_errors', FALSE);

To check the output without accessing php.ini file

$displayErrors = (ini_get('display_errors') == 1) ? 'On' : 'Off';
$PHPCore = array(
    'Display error' => $displayErrors
    // add other details for more output
foreach ($PHPCore as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key: $value";

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

This works on both Windows and Linux (Doesn't work on Mac)


"scripts": {
    "start": "(set PORT=3006 || export PORT=3006) && react-scripts start"

but you propably prefer to create .env with PORT=3006 written inside it

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

I encountered this issue, but the solutions provided didn't directly help me, so I'm sharing how I got myself into a similar situation and temporarily resolved it.

I created a new project within an existing solution and copy & pasted the Header and CPP file from another project within that solution that I needed to include in my new project through the IDE. Intellisense displayed an error suggesting it could not resolve the reference to the header file and compiling the code failed with the same error too.

After reading the posts here, I checked the project folder with Windows File Explorer and only the main.cpp file was found. For some reason, my copy and paste of the header file and CPP file were just a reference? (I assume) and did not physically copy the file into the new project file.

I deleted the files from the Project view within Visual Studio and I used File Explorer to copy the files that I needed to the project folder/directory. I then referenced the other solutions posted here to "include files in project" by showing all files and this resolved the problem.

It boiled down to the files not being physically in the Project folder/directory even though they were shown correctly within the IDE.

Please Note I understand duplicating code is not best practice and my situation is purely a learning/hobby project. It's probably in my best interest and anyone else who ended up in a similar situation to use the IDE/project/Solution setup correctly when reusing code from other projects - I'm still learning and I'll figure this out one day!

Accessing a resource via codebehind in WPF

You should use System.Windows.Controls.UserControl's FindResource() or TryFindResource() methods.

Also, a good practice is to create a string constant which maps the name of your key in the resource dictionary (so that you can change it at only one place).

IOException: The process cannot access the file 'file path' because it is being used by another process

The error indicates another process is trying to access the file. Maybe you or someone else has it open while you are attempting to write to it. "Read" or "Copy" usually doesn't cause this, but writing to it or calling delete on it would.

There are some basic things to avoid this, as other answers have mentioned:

  1. In FileStream operations, place it in a using block with a FileShare.ReadWrite mode of access.

    For example:

    using (FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))

    Note that FileAccess.ReadWrite is not possible if you use FileMode.Append.

  2. I ran across this issue when I was using an input stream to do a File.SaveAs when the file was in use. In my case I found, I didn't actually need to save it back to the file system at all, so I ended up just removing that, but I probably could've tried creating a FileStream in a using statement with FileAccess.ReadWrite, much like the code above.

  3. Saving your data as a different file and going back to delete the old one when it is found to be no longer in use, then renaming the one that saved successfully to the name of the original one is an option. How you test for the file being in use is accomplished through the

    List<Process> lstProcs = ProcessHandler.WhoIsLocking(file);

    line in my code below, and could be done in a Windows service, on a loop, if you have a particular file you want to watch and delete regularly when you want to replace it. If you don't always have the same file, a text file or database table could be updated that the service always checks for file names, and then performs that check for processes & subsequently performs the process kills and deletion on it, as I describe in the next option. Note that you'll need an account user name and password that has Admin privileges on the given computer, of course, to perform the deletion and ending of processes.

  4. When you don't know if a file will be in use when you are trying to save it, you can close all processes that could be using it, like Word, if it's a Word document, ahead of the save.

    If it is local, you can do this:


    If it is remote, you can do this:

    ProcessHandler.remoteProcessKill(computerName, txtUserName, txtPassword, "winword.exe");

    where txtUserName is in the form of DOMAIN\user.

  5. Let's say you don't know the process name that is locking the file. Then, you can do this:

    List<Process> lstProcs = new List<Process>();
    lstProcs = ProcessHandler.WhoIsLocking(file);
    foreach (Process p in lstProcs)
        if (p.MachineName == ".")
            ProcessHandler.remoteProcessKill(p.MachineName, txtUserName, txtPassword, p.ProcessName);

    Note that file must be the UNC path: \\computer\share\yourdoc.docx in order for the Process to figure out what computer it's on and p.MachineName to be valid.

    Below is the class these functions use, which requires adding a reference to System.Management. The code was originally written by Eric J.:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Management;
    namespace MyProject
        public static class ProcessHandler
            struct RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS
                public int dwProcessId;
                public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ProcessStartTime;
            const int RmRebootReasonNone = 0;
            const int CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME = 255;
            const int CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME = 63;
            enum RM_APP_TYPE
                RmUnknownApp = 0,
                RmMainWindow = 1,
                RmOtherWindow = 2,
                RmService = 3,
                RmExplorer = 4,
                RmConsole = 5,
                RmCritical = 1000
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            struct RM_PROCESS_INFO
                public RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS Process;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME + 1)]
                public string strAppName;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME + 1)]
                public string strServiceShortName;
                public RM_APP_TYPE ApplicationType;
                public uint AppStatus;
                public uint TSSessionId;
                public bool bRestartable;
            [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            static extern int RmRegisterResources(uint pSessionHandle,
                                                UInt32 nFiles,
                                                string[] rgsFilenames,
                                                UInt32 nApplications,
                                                [In] RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS[] rgApplications,
                                                UInt32 nServices,
                                                string[] rgsServiceNames);
            [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
            static extern int RmStartSession(out uint pSessionHandle, int dwSessionFlags, string strSessionKey);
            static extern int RmEndSession(uint pSessionHandle);
            static extern int RmGetList(uint dwSessionHandle,
                                        out uint pnProcInfoNeeded,
                                        ref uint pnProcInfo,
                                        [In, Out] RM_PROCESS_INFO[] rgAffectedApps,
                                        ref uint lpdwRebootReasons);
            /// <summary>
            /// Find out what process(es) have a lock on the specified file.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path">Path of the file.</param>
            /// <returns>Processes locking the file</returns>
            /// <remarks>See also:
            /// (no copyright in code at time of viewing)
            /// </remarks>
            static public List<Process> WhoIsLocking(string path)
                uint handle;
                string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                List<Process> processes = new List<Process>();
                int res = RmStartSession(out handle, 0, key);
                if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not begin restart session.  Unable to determine file locker.");
                    const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
                    uint pnProcInfoNeeded = 0,
                        pnProcInfo = 0,
                        lpdwRebootReasons = RmRebootReasonNone;
                    string[] resources = new string[] { path }; // Just checking on one resource.
                    res = RmRegisterResources(handle, (uint)resources.Length, resources, 0, null, 0, null);
                    if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not register resource.");
                    //Note: there's a race condition here -- the first call to RmGetList() returns
                    //      the total number of process. However, when we call RmGetList() again to get
                    //      the actual processes this number may have increased.
                    res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, null, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
                    if (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
                        // Create an array to store the process results
                        RM_PROCESS_INFO[] processInfo = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[pnProcInfoNeeded];
                        pnProcInfo = pnProcInfoNeeded;
                        // Get the list
                        res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, processInfo, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
                        if (res == 0)
                            processes = new List<Process>((int)pnProcInfo);
                            // Enumerate all of the results and add them to the 
                            // list to be returned
                            for (int i = 0; i < pnProcInfo; i++)
                                // catch the error -- in case the process is no longer running
                                catch (ArgumentException) { }
                        else throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource.");
                    else if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource. Failed to get size of result.");
                return processes;
            public static void remoteProcessKill(string computerName, string userName, string pword, string processName)
                var connectoptions = new ConnectionOptions();
                connectoptions.Username = userName;
                connectoptions.Password = pword;
                ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + computerName + @"\root\cimv2", connectoptions);
                // WMI query
                var query = new SelectQuery("select * from Win32_process where name = '" + processName + "'");
                using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
                    foreach (ManagementObject process in searcher.Get()) 
                        process.InvokeMethod("Terminate", null);
            public static void localProcessKill(string processName)
                foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName(processName))
            public static extern bool MoveFileEx(string lpExistingFileName, string lpNewFileName, int dwFlags);
            public const int MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT = 0x4;

Programmatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard

Adding this to your code android:focusableInTouchMode="true" will make sure that your keypad doesn't appear on startup for your edittext box. You want to add this line to your linear layout that contains the EditTextBox. You should be able to play with this to solve both your problems. I have tested this. Simple solution.

ie: In your app_list_view.xml file


------------------ EDIT: To Make keyboard appear on startup -----------------------

This is to make they Keyboard appear on the username edittextbox on startup. All I've done is added an empty Scrollview to the bottom of the .xml file, this puts the first edittext into focus and pops up the keyboard. I admit this is a hack, but I am assuming you just want this to work. I've tested it, and it works fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" 
        android:hint="Password" />

If you are looking for a more eloquent solution, I've found this question which might help you out, it is not as simple as the solution above but probably a better solution. I haven't tested it but it apparently works. I think it is similar to the solution you've tried which didn't work for you though.

Hope this is what you are looking for.


How to use org.apache.commons package?

Download commons-net binary from here. Extract the files and reference the commons-net-x.x.jar file.

$(document).ready(function() is not working

I have same issue ... at .. but after log. I find out that after jQuery run I make a function using one element id which not exists ..


$('#aaa').remove()  <span class="aaa">sss</spam> 

so the id="aaa" did not exist .. then jQuery stops running.. because errors like that

open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

In my case the issue was the WIFI Configuration that was static had a conflict with another device using the same IP Address.

Get exit code for command in bash/ksh

The normal idea would be to run the command and then use $? to get the exit code. However, some times you have multiple cases in which you need to get the exit code. For example, you might need to hide it's output but still return the exit code, or print both the exit code and the output.

ec() { [[ "$1" == "-h" ]] && { shift && eval $* > /dev/null 2>&1; ec=$?; echo $ec; } || eval $*; ec=$?; }

This will give you the option to suppress the output of the command you want the exit code for. When the output is suppressed for the command, the exit code will directly be returned by the function.

I personally like to put this function in my .bashrc file

Below I demonstrate a few ways in which you can use this:

# In this example, the output for the command will be
# normally displayed, and the exit code will be stored
# in the variable $ec.

$ ec echo test
$ echo $ec

# In this example, the exit code is output
# and the output of the command passed
# to the `ec` function is suppressed.

$ echo "Exit Code: $(ec -h echo test)"
Exit Code: 0

# In this example, the output of the command
# passed to the `ec` function is suppressed
# and the exit code is stored in `$ec`

$ ec -h echo test
$ echo $ec

Solution to your code using this function

if [[ "$(ec -h 'ls -l | grep p')" != "0" ]]; then
    echo "Error when executing command: 'grep p' [$ec]"
    exit $ec;

You should also note that the exit code you will be seeing will be for the grep command that's being run, as it is the last command being executed. Not the ls.

How to split one string into multiple variables in bash shell?

read with IFS are perfect for this:

$ IFS=- read var1 var2 <<< ABCDE-123456
$ echo "$var1"
$ echo "$var2"


Here is how you can read each individual character into array elements:

$ read -a foo <<<"$(echo "ABCDE-123456" | sed 's/./& /g')"

Dump the array:

$ declare -p foo
declare -a foo='([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C" [3]="D" [4]="E" [5]="-" [6]="1" [7]="2" [8]="3" [9]="4" [10]="5" [11]="6")'

If there are spaces in the string:

$ IFS=$'\v' read -a foo <<<"$(echo "ABCDE 123456" | sed 's/./&\v/g')"
$ declare -p foo
declare -a foo='([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C" [3]="D" [4]="E" [5]=" " [6]="1" [7]="2" [8]="3" [9]="4" [10]="5" [11]="6")'

Getting the last revision number in SVN?

nickh@SCLLNHENRY:~/Work/standingcloud/svn/main/trunk/dev/scripts$ svnversion


nickh@SCLLNHENRY:~/Work/standingcloud/svn/main/trunk/dev/scripts$ svn info --xml |     xmlstarlet sel -t --value-of "//entry/@revision"


nickh@SCLLNHENRY:~/Work/standingcloud/svn/main/trunk/dev/scripts$ svn info --xml | xmlstarlet sel -t --value-of "//commit/@revision"

&& (AND) and || (OR) in IF statements

This goes back to the basic difference between & and &&, | and ||

BTW you perform the same tasks many times. Not sure if efficiency is an issue. You could remove some of the duplication.

Z z2 = partialHits.get(req_nr).get(z); // assuming a value cannout be null.
Z z3 = tmpmap.get(z); // assuming z3 cannot be null.
if(z2 == null || z2 < z3){   
    partialHits.get(z).put(z, z3);   

How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office?

If the "Customer don't want to install and buy MS Office on a server not at any price", then you cannot use Excel ... But I cannot get the trick: it's all about one basic Office licence which costs something like 150 USD ... And I guess that spending time finding an alternative will cost by far more than this amount!

Send HTTP GET request with header

Here's a code excerpt we're using in our app to set request headers. You'll note we set the CONTENT_TYPE header only on a POST or PUT, but the general method of adding headers (via a request interceptor) is used for GET as well.

 * HTTP request types
public static final int POST_TYPE   = 1;
public static final int GET_TYPE    = 2;
public static final int PUT_TYPE    = 3;
public static final int DELETE_TYPE = 4;

 * HTTP request header constants
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE         = "Content-Type";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING      = "Accept-Encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING     = "Content-Encoding";
public static final String ENCODING_GZIP        = "gzip";
public static final String MIME_FORM_ENCODED    = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String MIME_TEXT_PLAIN      = "text/plain";

private InputStream performRequest(final String contentType, final String url, final String user, final String pass,
    final Map<String, String> headers, final Map<String, String> params, final int requestType) 
            throws IOException {

    DefaultHttpClient client = HTTPClientFactory.newClient();

    client.getParams().setParameter(HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT, mUserAgent);

    // add user and pass to client credentials if present
    if ((user != null) && (pass != null)) {
        client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass));

    // process headers using request interceptor
    final Map<String, String> sendHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if ((headers != null) && (headers.size() > 0)) {
    if (requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.POST_TYPE || requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.PUT_TYPE ) {
        sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
    // request gzip encoding for response
    sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTPRequestHelper.ENCODING_GZIP);

    if (sendHeaders.size() > 0) {
        client.addRequestInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {

            public void process(final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException,
                IOException {
                for (String key : sendHeaders.keySet()) {
                    if (!request.containsHeader(key)) {
                        request.addHeader(key, sendHeaders.get(key));

    //.... code omitted ....//


how to stop Javascript forEach?

jQuery provides an each() method, not forEach(). You can break out of each by returning false. forEach() is part of the ECMA-262 standard, and the only way to break out of that that I'm aware of is by throwing an exception.

function recurs(comment) {
  try {
    comment.comments.forEach(function(elem) {
      if (...) throw "done";
  } catch (e) { if (e != "done") throw e; }

Ugly, but does the job.

How to change the datetime format in pandas

There is a difference between

  • the content of a dataframe cell (a binary value) and
  • its presentation (displaying it) for us, humans.

So the question is: How to reach the appropriate presentation of my datas without changing the data / data types themselves?

Here is the answer:

  • If you use the Jupyter notebook for displaying your dataframe, or
  • if you want to reach a presentation in the form of an HTML file (even with many prepared superfluous id and class attributes for further CSS styling — you may or you may not use them),

use styling. Styling don't change data / data types of columns of your dataframe.

Now I show you how to reach it in the Jupyter notebook — for a presentation in the form of HTML file see the note near the end of the question.

I will suppose that your column DOB already has the type datetime64 (you shown that you know how to reach it). I prepared a simple dataframe (with only one column) to show you some basic styling:

  • Not styled:

0  2019-07-03
1  2019-08-03
2  2019-09-03
3  2019-10-03
  • Styling it as mm/dd/yyyy:{"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
0  07/03/2019
1  08/03/2019
2  09/03/2019
3  10/03/2019
  • Styling it as dd-mm-yyyy:{"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")}) 
0  03-07-2019
1  03-08-2019
2  03-09-2019
3  03-10-2019

Be careful!
The returning object is NOT a dataframe — it is an object of the class Styler, so don't assign it back to df:

Don´t do this:

df ={"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})    # Don´t do this!

(Every dataframe has its Styler object accessible by its .style property, and we changed this object, not the dataframe itself.)

Questions and Answers:

  • Q: Why your Styler object (or an expression returning it) used as the last command in a Jupyter notebook cell displays your (styled) table, and not the Styler object itself?

  • A: Because every Styler object has a callback method ._repr_html_() which returns an HTML code for rendering your dataframe (as a nice HTML table).

    Jupyter Notebook IDE calls this method automatically to render objects which have it.


You don't need the Jupyter notebook for styling (i.e. for nice outputting a dataframe without changing its data / data types).

A Styler object has a method render(), too, if you want to obtain a string with the HTML code (e.g. for publishing your formatted dataframe to the Web, or simply present your table in the HTML format):

df_styler ={"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
HTML_string = df_styler.render()

Python Traceback (most recent call last)

In Python2, input is evaluated, input() is equivalent to eval(raw_input()). When you enter klj, Python tries to evaluate that name and raises an error because that name is not defined.

Use raw_input to get a string from the user in Python2.

Demo 1: klj is not defined:

>>> input()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'klj' is not defined

Demo 2: klj is defined:

>>> klj = 'hi'
>>> input()

Demo 3: getting a string with raw_input:

>>> raw_input()

How to do date/time comparison

For comparison between two times use time.Sub()

// utc life
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("UTC")

// setup a start and end time
createdAt := time.Now().In(loc).Add(1 * time.Hour)
expiresAt := time.Now().In(loc).Add(4 * time.Hour)

// get the diff
diff := expiresAt.Sub(createdAt)
fmt.Printf("Lifespan is %+v", diff)

The program outputs:

Lifespan is 3h0m0s

Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?

This works. Try it.

<BODY ondragstart="return false;" ondrop="return false;">

How can I remove a child node in HTML using JavaScript?

A jQuery solution


<select id="foo">
  <option value="1">1</option>
  <option value="2">2</option>
  <option value="3">3</option>


// remove child "option" element with a "value" attribute equal to "2"
$("#foo > option[value='2']").remove();

// remove all child "option" elements
$("#foo > option").remove();


Attribute Equals Selector [name=value]

Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value exactly equal to a certain value.

Child Selector (“parent > child”)

Selects all direct child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent"


Similar to .empty(), the .remove() method takes elements out of the DOM. We use .remove() when we want to remove the element itself, as well as everything inside it. In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery data associated with the elements are removed.

SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()

Well, there's nothing really that can pass through that, other than % wildcard. It could be dangerous if you were using LIKE statement as attacker could put just % as login if you don't filter that out, and would have to just bruteforce a password of any of your users. People often suggest using prepared statements to make it 100% safe, as data can't interfere with the query itself that way. But for such simple queries it probably would be more efficient to do something like $login = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $login);

How do I pipe a subprocess call to a text file?

If you want to write the output to a file you can use the stdout-argument of

It takes None, subprocess.PIPE, a file object or a file descriptor. The first is the default, stdout is inherited from the parent (your script). The second allows you to pipe from one command/process to another. The third and fourth are what you want, to have the output written to a file.

You need to open a file with something like open and pass the object or file descriptor integer to call:

f = open("blah.txt", "w")["/home/myuser/", "/tmp/ad_xml",  "/tmp/video_xml"], stdout=f)

I'm guessing any valid file-like object would work, like a socket (gasp :)), but I've never tried.

As marcog mentions in the comments you might want to redirect stderr as well, you can redirect this to the same location as stdout with stderr=subprocess.STDOUT. Any of the above mentioned values works as well, you can redirect to different places.

Using Javascript's atob to decode base64 doesn't properly decode utf-8 strings

I would assume that one might want a solution that produces a widely useable base64 URI. Please visit data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,4pi44pi54pi64pi74pi84pi+4pi/ to see a demonstration (copy the data uri, open a new tab, paste the data URI into the address bar, then press enter to go to the page). Despite the fact that this URI is base64-encoded, the browser is still able to recognize the high code points and decode them properly. The minified encoder+decoder is 1058 bytes (+Gzip?589 bytes)

!function(e){"use strict";function h(b){var a=b.charCodeAt(0);if(55296<=a&&56319>=a)if(b=b.charCodeAt(1),b===b&&56320<=b&&57343>=b){if(a=1024*(a-55296)+b-56320+65536,65535<a)return d(240|a>>>18,128|a>>>12&63,128|a>>>6&63,128|a&63)}else return d(239,191,189);return 127>=a?inputString:2047>=a?d(192|a>>>6,128|a&63):d(224|a>>>12,128|a>>>6&63,128|a&63)}function k(b){var a=b.charCodeAt(0)<<24,f=l(~a),c=0,e=b.length,g="";if(5>f&&e>=f){a=a<<f>>>24+f;for(c=1;c<f;++c)a=a<<6|b.charCodeAt(c)&63;65535>=a?g+=d(a):1114111>=a?(a-=65536,g+=d((a>>10)+55296,(a&1023)+56320)):c=0}for(;c<e;++c)g+="\ufffd";return g}var m=Math.log,n=Math.LN2,l=Math.clz32||function(b){return 31-m(b>>>0)/n|0},d=String.fromCharCode,p=atob,q=btoa;e.btoaUTF8=function(b,a){return q((a?"\u00ef\u00bb\u00bf":"")+b.replace(/[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g,h))};e.atobUTF8=function(b,a){a||"\u00ef\u00bb\u00bf"!==b.substring(0,3)||(b=b.substring(3));return p(b).replace(/[\xc0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]*/g,k)}}(""+void 0==typeof global?""+void 0==typeof self?this:self:global)

Below is the source code used to generate it.

var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var btoaUTF8 = (function(btoa, replacer){"use strict";
    return function(inputString, BOMit){
        return btoa((BOMit ? "\xEF\xBB\xBF" : "") + inputString.replace(
            /[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g, replacer
})(btoa, function(nonAsciiChars){"use strict";
    // make the UTF string into a binary UTF-8 encoded string
    var point = nonAsciiChars.charCodeAt(0);
    if (point >= 0xD800 && point <= 0xDBFF) {
        var nextcode = nonAsciiChars.charCodeAt(1);
        if (nextcode !== nextcode) // NaN because string is 1 code point long
            return fromCharCode(0xef/*11101111*/, 0xbf/*10111111*/, 0xbd/*10111101*/);
        if (nextcode >= 0xDC00 && nextcode <= 0xDFFF) {
            point = (point - 0xD800) * 0x400 + nextcode - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
            if (point > 0xffff)
                return fromCharCode(
                    (0x1e/*0b11110*/<<3) | (point>>>18),
                    (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>12)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),
                    (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),
                    (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/)
        } else return fromCharCode(0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd);
    if (point <= 0x007f) return nonAsciiChars;
    else if (point <= 0x07ff) {
        return fromCharCode((0x6<<5)|(point>>>6), (0x2<<6)|(point&0x3f));
    } else return fromCharCode(
        (0xe/*0b1110*/<<4) | (point>>>12),
        (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),
        (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/)

Then, to decode the base64 data, either HTTP get the data as a data URI or use the function below.

var clz32 = Math.clz32 || (function(log, LN2){"use strict";
    return function(x) {return 31 - log(x >>> 0) / LN2 | 0};
})(Math.log, Math.LN2);
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var atobUTF8 = (function(atob, replacer){"use strict";
    return function(inputString, keepBOM){
        inputString = atob(inputString);
        if (!keepBOM && inputString.substring(0,3) === "\xEF\xBB\xBF")
            inputString = inputString.substring(3); // eradicate UTF-8 BOM
        // 0xc0 => 0b11000000; 0xff => 0b11111111; 0xc0-0xff => 0b11xxxxxx
        // 0x80 => 0b10000000; 0xbf => 0b10111111; 0x80-0xbf => 0b10xxxxxx
        return inputString.replace(/[\xc0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]*/g, replacer);
})(atob, function(encoded){"use strict";
    var codePoint = encoded.charCodeAt(0) << 24;
    var leadingOnes = clz32(~codePoint);
    var endPos = 0, stringLen = encoded.length;
    var result = "";
    if (leadingOnes < 5 && stringLen >= leadingOnes) {
        codePoint = (codePoint<<leadingOnes)>>>(24+leadingOnes);
        for (endPos = 1; endPos < leadingOnes; ++endPos)
            codePoint = (codePoint<<6) | (encoded.charCodeAt(endPos)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/);
        if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
          result += fromCharCode(codePoint);
        } else if (codePoint <= 0x10FFFF) {
          codePoint -= 0x10000;
          result += fromCharCode(
            (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800,  // highSurrogate
            (codePoint & 0x3ff) + 0xDC00 // lowSurrogate
        } else endPos = 0; // to fill it in with INVALIDs
    for (; endPos < stringLen; ++endPos) result += "\ufffd"; // replacement character
    return result;

The advantage of being more standard is that this encoder and this decoder are more widely applicable because they can be used as a valid URL that displays correctly. Observe.

    "use strict";_x000D_
    var sourceEle = document.getElementById("source");_x000D_
    var urlBarEle = document.getElementById("urlBar");_x000D_
    var mainFrameEle = document.getElementById("mainframe");_x000D_
    var gotoButton = document.getElementById("gotoButton");_x000D_
    var parseInt = window.parseInt;_x000D_
    var fromCodePoint = String.fromCodePoint;_x000D_
    var parse = JSON.parse;_x000D_
    function unescape(str){_x000D_
        return str.replace(/\\u[\da-f]{0,4}|\\x[\da-f]{0,2}|\\u{[^}]*}|\\[bfnrtv"'\\]|\\0[0-7]{1,3}|\\\d{1,3}/g, function(match){_x000D_
            if (match.startsWith("\\u{"))_x000D_
              return fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.slice(2,-1),16));_x000D_
            if (match.startsWith("\\u") || match.startsWith("\\x"))_x000D_
              return fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.substring(2),16));_x000D_
            if (match.startsWith("\\0") && match.length > 2)_x000D_
              return fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.substring(2),8));_x000D_
            if (/^\\\d/.test(match)) return fromCodePoint(+match.slice(1));_x000D_
          }catch(e){return "\ufffd".repeat(match.length)}_x000D_
          return parse('"' + match + '"');_x000D_
    function whenChange(){_x000D_
      try{ urlBarEle.value = "data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8;base64," + btoaUTF8(unescape(sourceEle.value), true);_x000D_
      } finally{ gotoURL(); }_x000D_
    // IFrame Setup:_x000D_
    function gotoURL(){mainFrameEle.src = urlBarEle.value}_x000D_
    gotoButton.addEventListener("click", gotoURL, {passive: 1});_x000D_
    function urlChanged(){urlBarEle.value = mainFrameEle.src}_x000D_
    mainFrameEle.addEventListener("load", urlChanged, {passive: 1});_x000D_
    urlBarEle.addEventListener("keypress", function(evt){_x000D_
      if (evt.key === "enter") evt.preventDefault(), urlChanged();_x000D_
    }, {passive: 1});_x000D_
    var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;_x000D_
    var btoaUTF8 = (function(btoa, replacer){_x000D_
      "use strict";_x000D_
        return function(inputString, BOMit){_x000D_
         return btoa((BOMit?"\xEF\xBB\xBF":"") + inputString.replace(_x000D_
          /[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g, replacer_x000D_
    })(btoa, function(nonAsciiChars){_x000D_
  "use strict";_x000D_
     // make the UTF string into a binary UTF-8 encoded string_x000D_
     var point = nonAsciiChars.charCodeAt(0);_x000D_
     if (point >= 0xD800 && point <= 0xDBFF) {_x000D_
      var nextcode = nonAsciiChars.charCodeAt(1);_x000D_
      if (nextcode !== nextcode) { // NaN because string is 1code point long_x000D_
       return fromCharCode(0xef/*11101111*/, 0xbf/*10111111*/, 0xbd/*10111101*/);_x000D_
      if (nextcode >= 0xDC00 && nextcode <= 0xDFFF) {_x000D_
       point = (point - 0xD800) * 0x400 + nextcode - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;_x000D_
       if (point > 0xffff) {_x000D_
        return fromCharCode(_x000D_
         (0x1e/*0b11110*/<<3) | (point>>>18),_x000D_
         (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>12)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),_x000D_
         (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),_x000D_
         (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/)_x000D_
      } else {_x000D_
       return fromCharCode(0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd);_x000D_
     if (point <= 0x007f) { return inputString; }_x000D_
     else if (point <= 0x07ff) {_x000D_
      return fromCharCode((0x6<<5)|(point>>>6), (0x2<<6)|(point&0x3f/*00111111*/));_x000D_
     } else {_x000D_
      return fromCharCode(_x000D_
       (0xe/*0b1110*/<<4) | (point>>>12),_x000D_
       (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/),_x000D_
       (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/)_x000D_
    setTimeout(whenChange, 0);_x000D_
<textarea id="source" style="width:66.7vw">Hello \u1234 W\186\0256ld!_x000D_
Enter text into the top box. Then the URL will update automatically._x000D_
</textarea><br />_x000D_
<div style="width:66.7vw;display:inline-block;height:calc(25vw + 1em + 6px);border:2px solid;text-align:left;line-height:1em">_x000D_
<input id="urlBar" style="width:calc(100% - 1em - 13px)" /><img id="gotoButton" src="" style="width:calc(1em + 4px);line-height:1em;vertical-align:-40%;cursor:pointer" />_x000D_
<iframe id="mainframe" style="width:66.7vw;height:25vw" frameBorder="0"></iframe>_x000D_

In addition to being very standardized, the above code snippets are also very fast. Instead of an indirect chain of succession where the data has to be converted several times between various forms (such as in Riccardo Galli's response), the above code snippet is as direct as performantly possible. It uses only one simple fast String.prototype.replace call to process the data when encoding, and only one to decode the data when decoding. Another plus is that (especially for big strings), String.prototype.replace allows the browser to automatically handle the underlying memory management of resizing the string, leading a significant performance boost especially in evergreen browsers like Chrome and Firefox that heavily optimize String.prototype.replace. Finally, the icing on the cake is that for you latin script exclusivo users, strings which don't contain any code points above 0x7f are extra fast to process because the string remains unmodified by the replacement algorithm.

I have created a github repository for this solution at

Can’t delete docker image with dependent child images

find the image id and parent id for all image created after the image in question with the following:

docker inspect --format='{{.Id}} {{.Parent}}' $(docker images --filter since=<image_id> -q)

Then you call command:

docker rmi {sub_image_id} 

"sub_image_id" is ID of dependent image

How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?

From the Apple's official java_home(1) man page:


   /usr/libexec/java_home  helps  users  set a $JAVA_HOME in their login rc files, or provides a way for
   command-line Java tools to use the most appropriate JVM which can satisfy a minimum version or archi-
   tecture  requirement.  The --exec argument can invoke tools in the selected $JAVA_HOME/bin directory,
   which is useful for starting Java command-line tools from launchd plists without hardcoding the  full
   path to the Java command-line tool.

   Usage for bash-style shells:
          $ export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`

   Usage for csh-style shells:
          % setenv JAVA_HOME `/usr/libexec/java_home`

How to handle AccessViolationException

Compiled from above answers, worked for me, did following steps to catch it.

Step #1 - Add following snippet to config file

      <legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy enabled="true" />

Step #2

Add -



on the top of function you are tying catch the exception


Python display text with font & color?

I wrote a wrapper, that will cache text surfaces, only re-render when dirty. googlecode/ninmonkey/nin.text/demo/

Get latitude and longitude based on location name with Google Autocomplete API

I hope this will be more useful for future scope contain auto complete Google API feature with latitude and longitude

var latitude =;
var longitude = place.geometry.location.lng();  

Complete View

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Place Autocomplete With Latitude & Longitude </title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
#pac-input {
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 0 11px 0 13px;
    width: 400px;
    font-family: Roboto;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: 300;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
#pac-input:focus {
    border-color: #4d90fe;
    margin-left: -1px;
    padding-left: 14px;  /* Regular padding-left + 1. */
    width: 401px;
    <script src=""></script>

  function initialize() {
        var address = (document.getElementById('pac-input'));
        var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(address);
        google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
            var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
            if (!place.geometry) {

        var address = '';
        if (place.address_components) {
            address = [
                (place.address_components[0] && place.address_components[0].short_name || ''),
                (place.address_components[1] && place.address_components[1].short_name || ''),
                (place.address_components[2] && place.address_components[2].short_name || '')
                ].join(' ');
        /* var address contain your autocomplete address *********************/
        /* && ****/
        /* will be used for current address latitude and longitude************/
        document.getElementById('lat').innerHTML =;
        document.getElementById('long').innerHTML = place.geometry.location.lng();

   google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

<input id="pac-input" class="controls" type="text"
        placeholder="Enter a location">
<div id="lat"></div>
<div id="long"></div>

XDocument or XmlDocument

As mentioned elsewhere, undoubtedly, Linq to Xml makes creation and alteration of xml documents a breeze in comparison to XmlDocument, and the XNamespace ns + "elementName" syntax makes for pleasurable reading when dealing with namespaces.

One thing worth mentioning for xsl and xpath die hards to note is that it IS possible to still execute arbitrary xpath 1.0 expressions on Linq 2 Xml XNodes by including:

using System.Xml.XPath;

and then we can navigate and project data using xpath via these extension methods:

For instance, given the Xml document:

        <baz id="1">10</baz>
        <bar id="2" special="1">baa baa</bar>
        <baz id="3">20</baz>
        <bar id="4" />
        <bar id="5" />
    <foo id="123">Text 1<moo />Text 2

We can evaluate:

var node = xele.XPathSelectElement("/xml/foo[@id='123']");
var nodes = xele.XPathSelectElements(
var sum = xele.XPathEvaluate("sum(//foo[not(moo)]/baz)");

node.js require all files in a folder?

I recommend using glob to accomplish that task.

var glob = require( 'glob' )
  , path = require( 'path' );

glob.sync( './routes/**/*.js' ).forEach( function( file ) {
  require( path.resolve( file ) );

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adaptor error

Add to the enviroment vars the following varibale and value to identify the place of the tnsnames.ora file:



callback to handle completion of pipe

Streams are EventEmitters so you can listen to certain events. As you said there is a finish event for request (previously end).

 var stream = request(...).pipe(...);
 stream.on('finish', function () { ... });

For more information about which events are available you can check the stream documentation page.

no module named zlib

After you install the missing zlib dev package you can also use pythonbrew to uninstall and then reinstall the version of python you wanted and it seems like it picks up the new package to compile to correct abilities. This way you can keep using pythonbrew and don't have to do the compilation yourself (though it isn't that difficult)

Launch Failed. Binary not found. CDT on Eclipse Helios

You must "build" before "run", otherwise "Binary not found". You can set up "Auto build", so that it will build and run. Check this post to set up "Auto build"

Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

Make sure your email address variable is not blank. Check using


How can I stream webcam video with C#?

If you want a "capture/streamer in a box" component, there are several out there as others have mentioned.

If you want to get down to the low-level control over it all, you'll need to use DirectShow as thealliedhacker points out. The best way to use DirectShow in C# is through the DirectShow.Net library - it wraps all of the DirectShow COM APIs and includes many useful shortcut functions for you.

In addition to capturing and streaming, you can also do recording, audio and video format conversions, audio and video live filters, and a whole lot of stuff.

Microsoft claims DirectShow is going away, but they have yet to release a new library or API that does everything that DirectShow provides. I suspect many of the latest things they have released are still DirectShow under the hood. Because of its status at Microsoft, there aren't a whole lot of books or references on it other than MSDN and what you can find on forums. Last year when we started a project using it, the best book on the subject - Programming Microsoft DirectShow - was out of print and going for around $350 for a used copy!

What is the difference between dynamic programming and greedy approach?

Based on Wikipedia's articles.

Greedy Approach

A greedy algorithm is an algorithm that follows the problem solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum. In many problems, a greedy strategy does not in general produce an optimal solution, but nonetheless a greedy heuristic may yield locally optimal solutions that approximate a global optimal solution in a reasonable time.

We can make whatever choice seems best at the moment and then solve the subproblems that arise later. The choice made by a greedy algorithm may depend on choices made so far but not on future choices or all the solutions to the subproblem. It iteratively makes one greedy choice after another, reducing each given problem into a smaller one.

Dynamic programming

The idea behind dynamic programming is quite simple. In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then combine the solutions of the subproblems to reach an overall solution. Often when using a more naive method, many of the subproblems are generated and solved many times. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each subproblem only once, thus reducing the number of computations: once the solution to a given subproblem has been computed, it is stored or "memo-ized": the next time the same solution is needed, it is simply looked up. This approach is especially useful when the number of repeating subproblems grows exponentially as a function of the size of the input.


Greedy choice property

We can make whatever choice seems best at the moment and then solve the subproblems that arise later. The choice made by a greedy algorithm may depend on choices made so far but not on future choices or all the solutions to the subproblem. It iteratively makes one greedy choice after another, reducing each given problem into a smaller one. In other words, a greedy algorithm never reconsiders its choices.

This is the main difference from dynamic programming, which is exhaustive and is guaranteed to find the solution. After every stage, dynamic programming makes decisions based on all the decisions made in the previous stage, and may reconsider the previous stage's algorithmic path to solution.

For example, let's say that you have to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, in a given city, during rush hour. A dynamic programming algorithm will look into the entire traffic report, looking into all possible combinations of roads you might take, and will only then tell you which way is the fastest. Of course, you might have to wait for a while until the algorithm finishes, and only then can you start driving. The path you will take will be the fastest one (assuming that nothing changed in the external environment).

On the other hand, a greedy algorithm will start you driving immediately and will pick the road that looks the fastest at every intersection. As you can imagine, this strategy might not lead to the fastest arrival time, since you might take some "easy" streets and then find yourself hopelessly stuck in a traffic jam.

Some other details...

In mathematical optimization, greedy algorithms solve combinatorial problems having the properties of matroids.

Dynamic programming is applicable to problems exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

That will only work if register_globals is on, and it should never be on (unless of course you are defining that variable somewhere else).

Try setting the form's action attribute to ?...

<form method="post" action="?">

You can also set it to be blank (""), but older WebKit versions had a bug.

How to 'foreach' a column in a DataTable using C#?

Something like this:

 DataTable dt = new DataTable();

 // For each row, print the values of each column.
    foreach(DataRow row in dt .Rows)
        foreach(DataColumn column in dt .Columns)

How do I convert a single character into it's hex ascii value in python

To use the hex encoding in Python 3, use

>>> import codecs
>>> codecs.encode(b"c", "hex")

In legacy Python, there are several other ways of doing this:

>>> hex(ord("c"))
>>> format(ord("c"), "x")
>>> "c".encode("hex")

SQL Server - An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'RETURN'

Your problem might be here:

                            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
                            JOIN JobTask t ON t.JobTaskNo = m.JobTaskNo
                            WHERE t.TaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo
                            t.AlternateTaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo

try changing to

OR r.ResourceNo IN
                            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
                            JOIN JobTask t ON t.JobTaskNo = m.JobTaskNo
                            WHERE t.TaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo
                            t.AlternateTaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo

Android Percentage Layout Height

There is an attribute called android:weightSum.

You can set android:weightSum="2" in the parent linear_layout and android:weight="1" in the inner linear_layout.

Remember to set the inner linear_layout to fill_parent so weight attribute can work as expected.

Btw, I don't think its necesary to add a second view, altough I haven't tried. :)




Generate random array of floats between a range

Alternatively you could use SciPy

from scipy import stats
stats.uniform(0.5, 13.3).rvs(50)

and for the record to sample integers it's

stats.randint(10, 20).rvs(50)

gcc error: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

It turns out the compiler version I was using did not match the compiled version done with the coreset.o.

One was 32bit the other was 64bit. I'll leave this up in case anyone else runs into a similar problem.

Validate phone number using javascript

JavaScript to validate the phone number:

function phonenumber(inputtxt) {_x000D_
  var phoneno = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;_x000D_
  if(inputtxt.value.match(phoneno)) {_x000D_
    return true;_x000D_
  else {_x000D_
    return false;_x000D_

The above script matches:


If you want to use a + sign before the number in the following way
use the following code:

function phonenumber(inputtxt) {
  var phoneno = /^\+?([0-9]{2})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{4})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
  if(inputtxt.value.match(phoneno)) {
    return true;
  else {  
    return false;

Remove all stylings (border, glow) from textarea

If you want to remove EVERYTHING :

textarea {
    border: none;
    background-color: transparent;
    resize: none;
    outline: none;

Create a new workspace in Eclipse

You can create multiple workspaces in Eclipse. You have to just specify the path of the workspace during Eclipse startup. You can even switch workspaces via File?Switch workspace.

You can then import project to your workspace, copy paste project to your new workspace folder, then

File?Import?Existing project in to workspace?select project.

What is 0x10 in decimal?

Notice that '10' is the representation of the base in that base:

10 is 2(decimal) in base-2

10 is 3(decimal) in base-3


10 is 10(decimal) in base-10


10 is 16(decimal) in base-16 (hexadecimal)


10 is 1024(decimal) in base-1024

...and so on

How to check file MIME type with javascript before upload?

If you just want to check if the file uploaded is an image you can just try to load it into <img> tag an check for any error callback.


var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = function (e) {
    imageExists(, function(exists){
        if (exists) {

            // Do something with the image file.. 

        } else {

            // different file format



function imageExists(url, callback) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function() { callback(true); };
    img.onerror = function() { callback(false); };
    img.src = url;

Setting background-image using jQuery CSS property

You probably want this (to make it like a normal CSS background-image declaration):

$('myObject').css('background-image', 'url(' + imageUrl + ')');

Why can't I reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations?

If using .NET Core or .NET Standard


Manage NuGet Packages..

Use Manage NuGet Packages

instead of:

Add Reference...

Don't use Add Reference

How to get the process ID to kill a nohup process?

jobs -l should give you the pid for the list of nohup processes. kill (-9) them gently. ;)

Converting double to string with N decimals, dot as decimal separator, and no thousand separator

I prefer to use ToString() and IFormatProvider.

double value = 100000.3
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("0,0.00", new CultureInfo("en-US", false)));

Output: 10,000.30

Using a custom (ttf) font in CSS

You need to use the css-property font-face to declare your font. Have a look at this fancy site:


@font-face {
  font-family: MyHelvetica;
  src: local("Helvetica Neue Bold"),
  font-weight: bold;

See also: MDN @font-face

How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

The Data Export function in MySQL Workbench allows 2 of the 3 ways. There's a checkbox Skip Table Data (no-data) on the export page which allows to either dump with or without data. Just dumping the data without meta data is not supported.

How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests?

If you have to ask this question then you're probably unfamiliar with what most web applications/services do. You're probably thinking that all software do this:

user do an action
 application start processing action
   +--> loop ...
          +--> busy processing
 end loop
   +--> send result to user

However, this is not how web applications, or indeed any application with a database as the back-end, work. Web apps do this:

user do an action
 application start processing action
   +--> make database request
          +--> do nothing until request completes
 request complete
   +--> send result to user

In this scenario, the software spend most of its running time using 0% CPU time waiting for the database to return.

Multithreaded network app:

Multithreaded network apps handle the above workload like this:

request --> spawn thread
              +--> wait for database request
                     +--> answer request
request --> spawn thread
              +--> wait for database request
                     +--> answer request
request --> spawn thread
              +--> wait for database request
                     +--> answer request

So the thread spend most of their time using 0% CPU waiting for the database to return data. While doing so they have had to allocate the memory required for a thread which includes a completely separate program stack for each thread etc. Also, they would have to start a thread which while is not as expensive as starting a full process is still not exactly cheap.

Singlethreaded event loop

Since we spend most of our time using 0% CPU, why not run some code when we're not using CPU? That way, each request will still get the same amount of CPU time as multithreaded applications but we don't need to start a thread. So we do this:

request --> make database request
request --> make database request
request --> make database request
database request complete --> send response
database request complete --> send response
database request complete --> send response

In practice both approaches return data with roughly the same latency since it's the database response time that dominates the processing.

The main advantage here is that we don't need to spawn a new thread so we don't need to do lots and lots of malloc which would slow us down.

Magic, invisible threading

The seemingly mysterious thing is how both the approaches above manage to run workload in "parallel"? The answer is that the database is threaded. So our single-threaded app is actually leveraging the multi-threaded behaviour of another process: the database.

Where singlethreaded approach fails

A singlethreaded app fails big if you need to do lots of CPU calculations before returning the data. Now, I don't mean a for loop processing the database result. That's still mostly O(n). What I mean is things like doing Fourier transform (mp3 encoding for example), ray tracing (3D rendering) etc.

Another pitfall of singlethreaded apps is that it will only utilise a single CPU core. So if you have a quad-core server (not uncommon nowdays) you're not using the other 3 cores.

Where multithreaded approach fails

A multithreaded app fails big if you need to allocate lots of RAM per thread. First, the RAM usage itself means you can't handle as many requests as a singlethreaded app. Worse, malloc is slow. Allocating lots and lots of objects (which is common for modern web frameworks) means we can potentially end up being slower than singlethreaded apps. This is where node.js usually win.

One use-case that end up making multithreaded worse is when you need to run another scripting language in your thread. First you usually need to malloc the entire runtime for that language, then you need to malloc the variables used by your script.

So if you're writing network apps in C or go or java then the overhead of threading will usually not be too bad. If you're writing a C web server to serve PHP or Ruby then it's very easy to write a faster server in javascript or Ruby or Python.

Hybrid approach

Some web servers use a hybrid approach. Nginx and Apache2 for example implement their network processing code as a thread pool of event loops. Each thread runs an event loop simultaneously processing requests single-threaded but requests are load-balanced among multiple threads.

Some single-threaded architectures also use a hybrid approach. Instead of launching multiple threads from a single process you can launch multiple applications - for example, 4 node.js servers on a quad-core machine. Then you use a load balancer to spread the workload amongst the processes.

In effect the two approaches are technically identical mirror-images of each other.

react native get TextInput value

There is huge difference between onChange and onTextChange prop of <TextInput />. Don't be like me and use onTextChange which returns string and don't use onChange which returns full objects.

I feel dumb for spending like 1 hour figuring out where is my value.

mongodb, replicates and error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveOk=false", "code" : 13435 }

WARNING: slaveOk() is deprecated and may be removed in the next major release. Please use secondaryOk() instead. rs.secondaryOk()

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

I know no-one is asking for a jQuery solution here, but might be worth mentioning that with jQuery you can just ask for:$('#selectorid').val()

How to style a JSON block in Github Wiki?

You can use some online websites to beautify JSON, such as: JSON Formatter, and then paste the beautified result to WIKI

Html Agility Pack get all elements by class

You can solve your issue by using the 'contains' function within your Xpath query, as below:

var allElementsWithClassFloat = 

To reuse this in a function do something similar to the following:

string classToFind = "float";    
var allElementsWithClassFloat = 
   _doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//*[contains(@class,'{0}')]", classToFind));

Getting the first and last day of a month, using a given DateTime object

You can do it

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; 
DateTime firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(dt.Year, date.Month, 1);
DateTime lastDayOfMonth = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

How can I get Docker Linux container information from within the container itself?

I've found that in 17.09 there is a simplest way to do it within docker container:

$ cat /proc/self/cgroup | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f3

Or like it has already been told, a shorter version with

$ cat /etc/hostname

Or simply:

$ hostname

Can't open file 'svn/repo/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied

I also had this problem recently, and it was the SELinux which caused it. I was trying to have the post-commit of subversion to notify Jenkins that the code has change so Jenkins would do a build and deploy to Nexus.

I had to do the following to get it to work.

1) First I checked if SELinux is enabled:

    less /selinux/enforce

This will output 1 (for on) or 0 (for off)

2) Temporary disable SELinux:

    echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

Now test see if it works now.

3) Enable SELinux:

    echo 1 > /selinux/enforce

Change the policy for SELinux.

4) First view the current configuration:

    /usr/sbin/getsebool -a | grep httpd

This will give you: httpd_can_network_connect --> off

5) Set this to on and your post-commit will work with SELinux:

    /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

Now it should be working again.

How to determine if binary tree is balanced?

Balancing usually depends on the length of the longest path on each direction. The above algorithm is not going to do that for you.

What are you trying to implement? There are self-balancing trees around (AVL/Red-black). In fact, Java trees are balanced.

How do I style appcompat-v7 Toolbar like Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar?

Edit: After updating to appcompat-v7:22.1.1 and using AppCompatActivity instead of ActionBarActivity my styles.xml looks like:

<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="theme">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar</item>

Note: This means I am using a Toolbar provided by the framework (NOT included in an XML file).

This worked for me:
styles.xml file:

<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="theme">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar</item>

Update: A quote from Gabriele Mariotti's blog.

With the new Toolbar you can apply a style and a theme. They are different! The style is local to the Toolbar view, for example the background color. The app:theme is instead global to all ui elements inflated in the Toolbar, for example the color of the title and icons.

What is the 'instanceof' operator used for in Java?

Can be used as a shorthand in equality check.

So this code

if(ob != null && this.getClass() == ob.getClass) {

can be written as

if(ob instanceOf ClassA) {

How to set margin with jquery?



:: (double colon) operator in Java 8

return reduce(Math::max); is NOT EQUAL to return reduce(max());

But it means, something like this:

IntBinaryOperator myLambda = (a, b)->{(a >= b) ? a : b};//56 keystrokes I had to type -_-
return reduce(myLambda);

You can just save 47 keystrokes if you write like this

return reduce(Math::max);//Only 9 keystrokes ^_^

Service vs IntentService in the Android platform

Tejas Lagvankar wrote a nice post about this subject. Below are some key differences between Service and IntentService.

When to use?

  • The Service can be used in tasks with no UI, but shouldn't be too long. If you need to perform long tasks, you must use threads within Service.

  • The IntentService can be used in long tasks usually with no communication to Main Thread. If communication is required, can use Main Thread handler or broadcast intents. Another case of use is when callbacks are needed (Intent triggered tasks).

How to trigger?

  • The Service is triggered by calling method startService().

  • The IntentService is triggered using an Intent, it spawns a new worker thread and the method onHandleIntent() is called on this thread.

Triggered From

  • The Service and IntentService may be triggered from any thread, activity or other application component.

Runs On

  • The Service runs in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application.

  • The IntentService runs on a separate worker thread.

Limitations / Drawbacks

  • The Service may block the Main Thread of the application.

  • The IntentService cannot run tasks in parallel. Hence all the consecutive intents will go into the message queue for the worker thread and will execute sequentially.

When to stop?

  • If you implement a Service, it is your responsibility to stop the service when its work is done, by calling stopSelf() or stopService(). (If you only want to provide binding, you don't need to implement this method).

  • The IntentService stops the service after all start requests have been handled, so you never have to call stopSelf().

Get list of data-* attributes using javascript / jQuery

Actually, if you're working with jQuery, as of version 1.4.3 1.4.4 (because of the bug as mentioned in the comments below), data-* attributes are supported through .data():

As of jQuery 1.4.3 HTML 5 data- attributes will be automatically pulled in to jQuery's data object.

Note that strings are left intact while JavaScript values are converted to their associated value (this includes booleans, numbers, objects, arrays, and null). The data- attributes are pulled in the first time the data property is accessed and then are no longer accessed or mutated (all data values are then stored internally in jQuery).

The function will return all of the data- attribute inside an object as key-value pairs, with the key being the part of the attribute name after data- and the value being the value of that attribute after being converted following the rules stated above.

I've also created a simple demo if that doesn't convince you:

UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?

Initially used only ViewDidLoad with tableView. On testing with loss of Wifi, by setting device to airplane mode, realized that the table did not refresh with return of Wifi. In fact, there appears to be no way to refresh tableView on the device even by hitting the home button with background mode set to YES in -Info.plist.

My solution:

-(void) viewWillAppear: (BOOL) animated { [self.tableView reloadData];}

Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK

In short:

  • OpenJDK has multiple meanings and can refer to:
    • free and open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)
    • open source repository — the Java source code aka OpenJDK project
    • prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by Oracle
    • prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by the OpenJDK community
  • AdoptOpenJDK — prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by community (open source licensed)


Prebuilt OpenJDK (or distribution) — binaries, built from, provided as an archive or installer, offered for various platforms, with a possible support contract.

OpenJDK, the source repository (also called OpenJDK project) - is a Mercurial-based open source repository, hosted at The Java source code. The vast majority of Java features (from the VM and the core libraries to the compiler) are based solely on this source repository. Oracle have an alternate fork of this.

OpenJDK, the distribution (see the list of providers below) - is free as in beer and kind of free as in speech, but, you do not get to call Oracle if you have problems with it. There is no support contract. Furthermore, Oracle will only release updates to any OpenJDK (the distribution) version if that release is the most recent Java release, including LTS (long-term support) releases. The day Oracle releases OpenJDK (the distribution) version 12.0, even if there's a security issue with OpenJDK (the distribution) version 11.0, Oracle will not release an update for 11.0. Maintained solely by Oracle.

Some OpenJDK projects - such as OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 - are maintained by the OpenJDK community and provide releases for some OpenJDK versions for some platforms. The community members have taken responsibility for releasing fixes for security vulnerabilities in these OpenJDK versions.

AdoptOpenJDK, the distribution is very similar to Oracle's OpenJDK distribution (in that it is free, and it is a build produced by compiling the sources from the OpenJDK source repository). AdoptOpenJDK as an entity will not be backporting patches, i.e. there won't be an AdoptOpenJDK 'fork/version' that is materially different from upstream (except for some build script patches for things like Win32 support). Meaning, if members of the community (Oracle or others, but not AdoptOpenJDK as an entity) backport security fixes to updates of OpenJDK LTS versions, then AdoptOpenJDK will provide builds for those. Maintained by OpenJDK community.

OracleJDK - is yet another distribution. Starting with JDK12 there will be no free version of OracleJDK. Oracle's JDK distribution offering is intended for commercial support. You pay for this, but then you get to rely on Oracle for support. Unlike Oracle's OpenJDK offering, OracleJDK comes with longer support for LTS versions. As a developer you can get a free license for personal/development use only of this particular JDK, but that's mostly a red herring, as 'just the binary' is basically the same as the OpenJDK binary. I guess it means you can download security-patched versions of LTS JDKs from Oracle's websites as long as you promise not to use them commercially.

Note. It may be best to call the OpenJDK builds by Oracle the "Oracle OpenJDK builds".

Donald Smith, Java product manager at Oracle writes:

Ideally, we would simply refer to all Oracle JDK builds as the "Oracle JDK", either under the GPL or the commercial license, depending on your situation. However, for historical reasons, while the small remaining differences exist, we will refer to them separately as Oracle’s OpenJDK builds and the Oracle JDK.

OpenJDK Providers and Comparison

|     Provider      | Free Builds | Free Binary   | Extended | Commercial | Permissive |
|                   | from Source | Distributions | Updates  | Support    | License    |
| AdoptOpenJDK      |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Amazon – Corretto |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Azul Zulu         |    No       |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| BellSoft Liberica |    No       |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| IBM               |    No       |    No         |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| jClarity          |    No       |    No         |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| OpenJDK           |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Oracle JDK        |    No       |    Yes        |   No**   |   Yes      |   No       |
| Oracle OpenJDK    |    Yes      |    Yes        |   No     |   No       |   Yes      |
| ojdkbuild         |    Yes      |    Yes        |   No     |   No       |   Yes      |
| RedHat            |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| SapMachine        |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |

Free Builds from Source - the distribution source code is publicly available and one can assemble its own build

Free Binary Distributions - the distribution binaries are publicly available for download and usage

Extended Updates - aka LTS (long-term support) - Public Updates beyond the 6-month release lifecycle

Commercial Support - some providers offer extended updates and customer support to paying customers, e.g. Oracle JDK (support details)

Permissive License - the distribution license is non-protective, e.g. Apache 2.0

Which Java Distribution Should I Use?

In the Sun/Oracle days, it was usually Sun/Oracle producing the proprietary downstream JDK distributions based on OpenJDK sources. Recently, Oracle had decided to do their own proprietary builds only with the commercial support attached. They graciously publish the OpenJDK builds as well on their site.

What is happening starting JDK 11 is the shift from single-vendor (Oracle) mindset to the mindset where you select a provider that gives you a distribution for the product, under the conditions you like: platforms they build for, frequency and promptness of releases, how support is structured, etc. If you don't trust any of existing vendors, you can even build OpenJDK yourself.

Each build of OpenJDK is usually made from the same original upstream source repository (OpenJDK “the project”). However each build is quite unique - $free or commercial, branded or unbranded, pure or bundled (e.g., BellSoft Liberica JDK offers bundled JavaFX, which was removed from Oracle builds starting JDK 11).

If no environment (e.g., Linux) and/or license requirement defines specific distribution and if you want the most standard JDK build, then probably the best option is to use OpenJDK by Oracle or AdoptOpenJDK.

Additional information

Time to look beyond Oracle's JDK by Stephen Colebourne

Java Is Still Free by Java Champions community (published on September 17, 2018)

Java is Still Free 2.0.0 by Java Champions community (published on March 3, 2019)

Aleksey Shipilev about JDK updates interview by Opsian (published on June 27, 2019)

Return the characters after Nth character in a string

Mid(strYourString, 4) (i.e. without the optional length argument) will return the substring starting from the 4th character and going to the end of the string.

jQuery click function doesn't work after ajax call?

I tested a simple solution that works for me! My javascript was in a js separate file. What I did is that I placed the javascript for the new element into the html that was loaded with ajax, and it works fine for me! This is for those having big files of javascript!!

SQL Server - Case Statement

The query can be written slightly simpler, like this:


         WHEN @T < 1 THEN 'less than one' 
         WHEN @T = 1 THEN 'one' 
         ELSE 'greater than one' 
       END T

Jquery Setting Value of Input Field

You just write this script. use input element for this.


or by id="fsd" you write this code.


Php - testing if a radio button is selected and get the value

It's pretty simple, take a look at the code below:

The form:

<form action="result.php" method="post">
  Answer 1 <input type="radio" name="ans" value="ans1" /><br />
  Answer 2 <input type="radio" name="ans" value="ans2"  /><br />
  Answer 3 <input type="radio" name="ans" value="ans3"  /><br />
  Answer 4 <input type="radio" name="ans" value="ans4"  /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="submit" />

PHP code:


$answer = $_POST['ans'];  
if ($answer == "ans1") {          
    echo 'Correct';      
else {
    echo 'Incorrect';

Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'

Changed my application.conf file as below. It solved the problem.

Before Change:

slick {
  dbs {
    default {
      profile = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
      db {
        driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"
        user = "root"
        password = "root"

After Change:

slick {
  dbs {
    default {
      profile = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
      db {
        driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
        url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"
        user = "root"
        password = "root"

Upgrading Node.js to latest version

just run command line npm install -g npm or sudo npm install -g npmto update it for mac user. That's it.

Write in body request with HttpClient

Extending your code (assuming that the XML you want to send is in xmlString) :

String xmlString = "</xml>";
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpRequest = new HttpPost(this.url);
httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
StringEntity xmlEntity = new StringEntity(xmlString);
httpRequest.setEntity(xmlEntity );
HttpResponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);

Android ADB doesn't see device

On Windows it is most probably that the device drivers are not installed properly.

First, install Google USB Driver from Android SDK Manager.

Then, go to Start, right-click on My Computer, select Properties and go to Device Manager on the left. Locate you device under Other Devices (Unknown devices, USB Devices). Right-click on it and select Properties. Navigate to Driver tab. Select Update Driver and then Browse my computer for driver software. Choose %ANDROID_SDK_HOME%\extras\google\usb_driver directory. Windows should find and install drivers there. Then run adb kill-server. Next time you do adb devices the device should be in the list.

Hiding an Excel worksheet with VBA

Just wanted to add a little more detail to the answers given. You can also use

sheet.Visible = False

to hide and

sheet.Visible = True

to unhide.


How to quickly drop a user with existing privileges

I faced the same problem and now found a way to solve it. First you have to delete the database of the user that you wish to drop. Then the user can be easily deleted.

I created an user named "msf" and struggled a while to delete the user and recreate it. I followed the below steps and Got succeeded.

1) Drop the database

dropdb msf

2) drop the user

dropuser msf

Now I got the user successfully dropped.

SSIS - Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page - Special Characters

If you go to the Flat file connection manager under Advanced and Look at the "OutputColumnWidth" description's ToolTip It will tell you that Composit characters may use more spaces. So the "é" in "Société" most likely occupies more than one character.

EDIT: Here's something about it:

favicon not working in IE


  • I created an icon from existing png file by simply changing the extension of the image from png to ico. I use drupal 7 bartik theme, so I uploaded the shortcut icon to the server and it WORKED for Chrome and Firefox but not IE. Also, the image icon was white-blank on the desktop.

  • Then I took the advice of some guys here and reduced the size of the image to 32x32 pixels using an image editor (gimp 2<<

  • I uploaded the icon in the same way as earlier, and it worked fine for all browsers.

I love you guys on stackoverflow, you helped me solve LOTS of problems. THANK YOU!

Matplotlib scatterplot; colour as a function of a third variable

There's no need to manually set the colors. Instead, specify a grayscale colormap...

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate data...
x = np.random.random(10)
y = np.random.random(10)

# Plot...
plt.scatter(x, y, c=y, s=500)

enter image description here

Or, if you'd prefer a wider range of colormaps, you can also specify the cmap kwarg to scatter. To use the reversed version of any of these, just specify the "_r" version of any of them. E.g. gray_r instead of gray. There are several different grayscale colormaps pre-made (e.g. gray, gist_yarg, binary, etc).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Generate data...
x = np.random.random(10)
y = np.random.random(10)

plt.scatter(x, y, c=y, s=500, cmap='gray')

Regex matching beginning AND end strings


I was looking through a ton of java code for a specific library: car.csclh.server.isr.businesslogic.TypePlatform (although I only knew car and Platform at the time). Unfortunately, none of the other suggestions here worked for me, so I figured I'd post this.

Here's the regex I used to find it:


How to document Python code using Doxygen

Sphinx is mainly a tool for formatting docs written independently from the source code, as I understand it.

For generating API docs from Python docstrings, the leading tools are pdoc and pydoctor. Here's pydoctor's generated API docs for Twisted and Bazaar.

Of course, if you just want to have a look at the docstrings while you're working on stuff, there's the "pydoc" command line tool and as well as the help() function available in the interactive interpreter.

Pandas DataFrame: replace all values in a column, based on condition

df.loc[df['First season'] > 1990, 'First Season'] = 1


df.loc takes two arguments, 'row index' and 'column index'. We are checking if the value is greater than 1990 of each row value, under "First season" column and then we replacing it with 1.

Storing query results into a variable and modifying it inside a Stored Procedure

Or you can use one SQL-command instead of create and call stored procedure

INSERT INTO [order_cart](orId,caId)
OUTPUT inserted.*
   (SELECT MAX(orId) FROM [order]) as orId,
   (SELECT MAX(caId) FROM [cart]) as caId;

calling javascript function on OnClientClick event of a Submit button

The above solutions must work. However you can try this one:

OnClientClick="return SomeMethod();return false;"

and remove return statement from the method.

How can I upgrade specific packages using pip and a requirements file?

Defining a specific version to upgrade helped me instead of only the upgrade command.

pip3 install larapy-installer==0.4.01 -U

CSS Circle with border

Try this:

.circle {
    height: 20px;
    width: 20px;
    padding: 5px;
    text-align: center; 
    border-radius: 50%;
    display: inline-block;
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

Its because either one of the Java versions(32 bit/64 bit) is missing from your computer. Try installing both the Jdks and run the code.
After installing the Jdks open R and type the code

system("java -version")

This will give you the version of Jdk installed. Then try loading the rJava package. This worked for me.

Pycharm and sys.argv arguments

Add the following to the top of your Python file.

import sys

sys.argv = [

Now, you can simply right click on the Python script.

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

Unless your compiler is different than the one supplied with the Mac XCode Dev tools, just follow the instructions in section 5.1 of Getting Started Guide for Unix Variants. The configuration and building of the latest source couldn't be easier, and it took all about about 1 minute to configure and 10 minutes to compile.

Distinct by property of class with LINQ

You can implement an IEqualityComparer and use that in your Distinct extension.

class CarEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Car>
    #region IEqualityComparer<Car> Members

    public bool Equals(Car x, Car y)
        return x.CarCode.Equals(y.CarCode);

    public int GetHashCode(Car obj)
        return obj.CarCode.GetHashCode();


And then

var uniqueCars = cars.Distinct(new CarEqualityComparer());

Intercept a form submit in JavaScript and prevent normal submission

You cannot attach events before the elements you attach them to has loaded

This works -

Plain JS


Recommended to use eventListener

// Should only be triggered on first page load

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  document.getElementById('my-form').addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // before the code
    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit
<form id="my-form">
  <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
  <button type="submit">Go</button>

but if you do not need more than one listener you can use onload and onsubmit

// Should only be triggered on first page load

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById('my-form').onsubmit = function() {
    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit
    // You must return false to prevent the default form behavior
    return false;
    <form id="my-form">
      <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
      <button type="submit">Go</button>


// Should only be triggered on first page load

$(function() {
  $('#my-form').on("submit", function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // cancel the actual submit

    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit

<script src=""></script>
<form id="my-form">
  <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
  <button type="submit">Go</button>

Maven skip tests

I can give you an example which results with the same problem, but it may not give you an answer to your question. (Additionally, in this example, I'm using my Maven 3 knowledge, which may not apply for Maven 2.)

In a multi-module maven project (contains modules A and B, where B depends on A), you can add also a test dependency on A from B.

This dependency may look as follows:

     <type>test-jar</type> <!-- I'm not sure if there is such a thing in Maven 2, but there is definitely a way to achieve such dependency in Maven 2. -->

(for more information refer to
Note that the project A produces secondary artifact with a classifier tests where the test classes and test resources are located.

If you build your project with -Dmaven.test.skip=true, you will get a dependency resolution error as long as the test artifact wasn't found in your local repo or external repositories. The reason is that the tests classes were neither compiled nor the tests artifact was produced.
However, if you run your build with -DskipTests your tests artifact will be produced (though the tests won't run) and the dependency will be resolved.