Programs & Examples On #Kmz

KMZ is the compressed (zipped) file format of a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file. Related files (images, styles etc) may be included inside the compressed file.

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

For CentOS, run this: sudo yum install libXext libSM libXrender

Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly?

For more performance: A simple change is observing that after n = 3n+1, n will be even, so you can divide by 2 immediately. And n won't be 1, so you don't need to test for it. So you could save a few if statements and write:

while (n % 2 == 0) n /= 2;
if (n > 1) for (;;) {
    n = (3*n + 1) / 2;
    if (n % 2 == 0) {
        do n /= 2; while (n % 2 == 0);
        if (n == 1) break;

Here's a big win: If you look at the lowest 8 bits of n, all the steps until you divided by 2 eight times are completely determined by those eight bits. For example, if the last eight bits are 0x01, that is in binary your number is ???? 0000 0001 then the next steps are:

3n+1 -> ???? 0000 0100
/ 2  -> ???? ?000 0010
/ 2  -> ???? ??00 0001
3n+1 -> ???? ??00 0100
/ 2  -> ???? ???0 0010
/ 2  -> ???? ???? 0001
3n+1 -> ???? ???? 0100
/ 2  -> ???? ???? ?010
/ 2  -> ???? ???? ??01
3n+1 -> ???? ???? ??00
/ 2  -> ???? ???? ???0
/ 2  -> ???? ???? ????

So all these steps can be predicted, and 256k + 1 is replaced with 81k + 1. Something similar will happen for all combinations. So you can make a loop with a big switch statement:

k = n / 256;
m = n % 256;

switch (m) {
    case 0: n = 1 * k + 0; break;
    case 1: n = 81 * k + 1; break; 
    case 2: n = 81 * k + 1; break; 
    case 155: n = 729 * k + 425; break;

Run the loop until n = 128, because at that point n could become 1 with fewer than eight divisions by 2, and doing eight or more steps at a time would make you miss the point where you reach 1 for the first time. Then continue the "normal" loop - or have a table prepared that tells you how many more steps are need to reach 1.

PS. I strongly suspect Peter Cordes' suggestion would make it even faster. There will be no conditional branches at all except one, and that one will be predicted correctly except when the loop actually ends. So the code would be something like

static const unsigned int multipliers [256] = { ... }
static const unsigned int adders [256] = { ... }

while (n > 128) {
    size_t lastBits = n % 256;
    n = (n >> 8) * multipliers [lastBits] + adders [lastBits];

In practice, you would measure whether processing the last 9, 10, 11, 12 bits of n at a time would be faster. For each bit, the number of entries in the table would double, and I excect a slowdown when the tables don't fit into L1 cache anymore.

PPS. If you need the number of operations: In each iteration we do exactly eight divisions by two, and a variable number of (3n + 1) operations, so an obvious method to count the operations would be another array. But we can actually calculate the number of steps (based on number of iterations of the loop).

We could redefine the problem slightly: Replace n with (3n + 1) / 2 if odd, and replace n with n / 2 if even. Then every iteration will do exactly 8 steps, but you could consider that cheating :-) So assume there were r operations n <- 3n+1 and s operations n <- n/2. The result will be quite exactly n' = n * 3^r / 2^s, because n <- 3n+1 means n <- 3n * (1 + 1/3n). Taking the logarithm we find r = (s + log2 (n' / n)) / log2 (3).

If we do the loop until n = 1,000,000 and have a precomputed table how many iterations are needed from any start point n = 1,000,000 then calculating r as above, rounded to the nearest integer, will give the right result unless s is truly large.

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc

You are specifying the -i option:

-i, --include

(HTTP) Include the HTTP-header in the output. The HTTP-header includes things like server-name, date of the document, HTTP-version and more...

Simply remove that option from your command line:

response=$(curl -sb -H "Accept: application/json" "http://host:8080/some/resource")

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Determining of root cause is not an issue since Go 1.8; field name now is shown in the error message:

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type string

Python base64 data decode

i used chardet to detect possible encoding of this data ( if its text ), but get {'confidence': 0.0, 'encoding': None}. Then i tried to use pickle.load and get nothing again. I tried to save this as file , test many different formats and failed here too. Maybe you tell us what type have this 16512 bytes of mysterious data?

#1142 - SELECT command denied to user ''@'localhost' for table 'pma_table_uiprefs'

  1. Open the file from C:\xampp\phpmyadmin

  2. Put the "//" characters in at the start of below line:

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin';

    Example: // $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin';

  3. Reload your phpmyadmin at localhost.

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

To browse .NET code dependencies, you can use the capabilities of the tool NDepend. The tool proposes:

For example such query can look like:

from m in Methods 
let depth = m.DepthOfIsUsing("NHibernate.NHibernateUtil.Entity(Type)") 
where depth  >= 0 && m.IsUsing("System.IDisposable")
orderby depth
select new { m, depth }

And its result looks like: (notice the code metric depth, 1 is for direct callers, 2 for callers of direct callers...) (notice also the Export to Graph button to export the query result to a Call Graph)

NDepend dependencies browsing through C# LINQ query

The dependency graph looks like:

NDepend Dependency Graph

The dependency matrix looks like:

NDepend Dependency Matrix

The dependency matrix is de-facto less intuitive than the graph, but it is more suited to browse complex sections of code like:

NDepend Matrix vs Graph

Disclaimer: I work for NDepend

find: missing argument to -exec

Both {} and && will cause problems due to being expanded by the command line. I would suggest trying:

find /home/me/download/ -type f -name "*.rm" -exec ffmpeg -i \{} -sameq \{}.mp3 \; -exec rm \{} \;

how do I check in bash whether a file was created more than x time ago?

Only for modification time

if test `find "text.txt" -mmin +120`
    echo old enough

You can use -cmin for change or -amin for access time. As others pointed I don’t think you can track creation time.

Determine device (iPhone, iPod Touch) with iOS

I took it a bit further and converted the big "isEqualToString" block into a classification of bit masks for the device type, the generation, and that other qualifier after the comma (I'm calling it the sub generation). It is wrapped in a class with a singleton call SGPlatform which avoids a lot of repetitive string operations. Code is available

The class lets you do things like this:

if ([SGPlatform iPad] && [SGPlatform generation] > 3) {
    // set for high performance


switch ([SGPlatform deviceMask]) {

The classification of the devices is in the platformBits method. That method should be very familiar to the readers of this thread. I have classified the devices by their type and generation because I'm mostly interested in the overall performance, but the source can be tweaked to provide any classification that you are interested in, retina screen, networking capabilities, etc..

How to style the UL list to a single line

ul li{
  display: inline;

For more see the basic list options and a basic horizontal list at listamatic. (thanks to Daniel Straight below for the links).

Also, as pointed out in the comments, you probably want styling on the ul and whatever elements go inside the li's and the li's themselves to get things to look nice.

pip cannot install anything

I had a similar problem with pip and easy_install:

Cannot fetch index base URL

As suggested in the referenced blog post, there must be an issue with some older versions of OpenSSL being incompatible with pip 1.3.1.

Installing pip-1.2.1 is a working workaround.

Possibly related question.


This definitely happens in RHEL/CentOS 4 distros

setting content between div tags using javascript

Try the following:


msdn link for detail : innerHTML Property

Convert Pandas Column to DateTime

Use the to_datetime function, specifying a format to match your data.

raw_data['Mycol'] =  pd.to_datetime(raw_data['Mycol'], format='%d%b%Y:%H:%M:%S.%f')

ASP.NET MVC: Html.EditorFor and multi-line text boxes

Use data type 'MultilineText':

public string Text { get; set; }

See ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

How about the regex way:

String s = "001234-a";
s = s.replaceFirst ("^0*", "");

The ^ anchors to the start of the string (I'm assuming from context your strings are not multi-line here, otherwise you may need to look into \A for start of input rather than start of line). The 0* means zero or more 0 characters (you could use 0+ as well). The replaceFirst just replaces all those 0 characters at the start with nothing.

And if, like Vadzim, your definition of leading zeros doesn't include turning "0" (or "000" or similar strings) into an empty string (a rational enough expectation), simply put it back if necessary:

String s = "00000000";
s = s.replaceFirst ("^0*", "");
if (s.isEmpty()) s = "0";

What does LINQ return when the results are empty

It won't throw exception, you'll get an empty list.

Django - Reverse for '' not found. '' is not a valid view function or pattern name

In my case, this error occurred due to a mismatched url name. e.g,

<form action="{% url 'test-view' %}" method="POST">

path("test/", views.test, name='test-view'),

How to use android emulator for testing bluetooth application?

You can't. The emulator does not support Bluetooth, as mentioned in the SDK's docs and several other places. Android emulator does not have bluetooth capabilities".

You can only use real devices.

Emulator Limitations

The functional limitations of the emulator include:

  • No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. However, You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator console
  • No support for USB
  • No support for device-attached headphones
  • No support for determining SD card insert/eject
  • No support for WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC

Refer to the documentation

NewtonSoft.Json Serialize and Deserialize class with property of type IEnumerable<ISomeInterface>

I got this to work:

explicit conversion

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue,
                                    JsonSerializer serializer)
        var jsonObj = serializer.Deserialize<List<SomeObject>>(reader);
        var conversion = jsonObj.ConvertAll((x) => x as ISomeObject);

        return conversion;

How to make a owl carousel with arrows instead of next previous

If you're using Owl Carousel 2, then you should use the following:

     items : 4,
     loop  : true,
     margin : 30,
     nav    : true,
     smartSpeed :900,
     navText : ["<i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i>","<i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i>"]

How do I write a method to calculate total cost for all items in an array?

In your for loop you need to multiply the units * price. That gives you the total for that particular item. Also in the for loop you should add that to a counter that keeps track of the grand total. Your code would look something like

float total;
total += theItem.getUnits() * theItem.getPrice();

total should be scoped so it's accessible from within main unless you want to pass it around between function calls. Then you can either just print out the total or create a method that prints it out for you.

Prepend line to beginning of a file

There's no way to do this with any built-in functions, because it would be terribly inefficient. You'd need to shift the existing contents of the file down each time you add a line at the front.

There's a Unix/Linux utility tail which can read from the end of a file. Perhaps you can find that useful in your application.

Running a Python script from PHP

If you want to know the return status of the command and get the entire stdout output you can actually use exec:

$command = 'ls';
exec($command, $out, $status);

$out is an array of all lines. $status is the return status. Very useful for debugging.

If you also want to see the stderr output you can either play with proc_open or simply add 2>&1 to your $command. The latter is often sufficient to get things working and way faster to "implement".

Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse

FatJar can help you in this case.

In addition to the"Export as Jar" function which is included to Eclipse the Plug-In bundles all dependent JARs together into one executable jar.
The Plug-In adds the Entry "Build Fat Jar" to the Context-Menu of Java-projects

This is useful if your final exported jar includes other external jars.

If you have Ganymede, the Export Jar dialog is enough to export your resources from your project.

After Ganymede, you have:

Export Jar

Select values from XML field in SQL Server 2008

cast(xmlField as xml).value('(/person//firstName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName,
cast(xmlField as xml).value('(/person//lastName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM [myTable]

How can I get a precise time, for example in milliseconds in Objective-C?

You can get current time in milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 using an NSDate:

- (double)currentTimeInMilliseconds {
    NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
    return [date timeIntervalSince1970]*1000;

pip install fails with "connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)"

You've the following possibilities to solve issue with CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED:

  • Use HTTP instead of HTTPS (e.g. --index-url=
  • Use --cert <trusted.pem> or CA_BUNDLE variable to specify alternative CA bundle.

    E.g. you can go to failing URL from web-browser and import root certificate into your system.

  • Run python -c "import ssl; print(ssl.get_default_verify_paths())" to check the current one (validate if exists).

  • OpenSSL has a pair of environments (SSL_CERT_DIR, SSL_CERT_FILE) which can be used to specify different certificate databasePEP-476.
  • Use --trusted-host <hostname> to mark the host as trusted.
  • In Python use verify=False for requests.get (see: SSL Cert Verification).
  • Use --proxy <proxy> to avoid certificate checks.

Read more at: TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects - Verifying certificates.

How to only get file name with Linux 'find'?

Use -execdir which automatically holds the current file in {}, for example:

find . -type f -execdir echo '{}' ';'

You can also use $PWD instead of . (on some systems it won't produce an extra dot in the front).

If you still got an extra dot, alternatively you can run:

find . -type f -execdir basename '{}' ';'

-execdir utility [argument ...] ;

The -execdir primary is identical to the -exec primary with the exception that utility will be executed from the directory that holds the current file.

When used + instead of ;, then {} is replaced with as many pathnames as possible for each invocation of utility. In other words, it'll print all filenames in one line.

Set Session variable using javascript in PHP

One simple way to set session variable is by sending request to another PHP file. Here no need to use Jquery or any other library.

Consider I have index.php file where I am creating SESSION variable (say $_SESSION['v']=0) if SESSION is not created otherwise I will load other file.

Code is like this:


Now in count.html I want to set this session variable to 1.

Content in count.html

function doneHandler(result) {

In count.html javascript part, send a request to another PHP file (say setSession.php) where i can have access to session variable.

So in setSession.php will write


Where could I buy a valid SSL certificate?

The value of the certificate comes mostly from the trust of the internet users in the issuer of the certificate. To that end, Verisign is tough to beat. A certificate says to the client that you are who you say you are, and the issuer has verified that to be true.

You can get a free SSL certificate signed, for example, by StartSSL. This is an improvement on self-signed certificates, because your end-users would stop getting warning pop-ups informing them of a suspicious certificate on your end. However, the browser bar is not going to turn green when communicating with your site over https, so this solution is not ideal.

The cheapest SSL certificate that turns the bar green will cost you a few hundred dollars, and you would need to go through a process of proving the identity of your company to the issuer of the certificate by submitting relevant documents.

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

Not sure if this is the most efficient way, but:

>>> ''.join(c for c in "abc123def456" if c.isdigit())

The ''.join part means to combine all the resulting characters together without any characters in between. Then the rest of it is a list comprehension, where (as you can probably guess) we only take the parts of the string that match the condition isdigit.

HTML5 Number Input - Always show 2 decimal places

The solutions which use input="number" step="0.01" work great for me in Chrome, however do not work in some browsers, specifically Frontmotion Firefox 35 in my case.. which I must support.

My solution was to jQuery with Igor Escobar's jQuery Mask plugin, as follows:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('.usd_input').mask('00000.00', { reverse: true });
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-pHVGpX7F/27yZ0ISY+VVjyULApbDlD0/X0rgGbTqCE7WFW5MezNTWG/dnhtbBuICzsd0WQPgpE4REBLv+UqChw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="usd_input" name="dollar_amt">

This works well, of course one should check the submitted value afterward :) NOTE, if I did not have to do this for browser compatibility I would use the above answer by @Rich Bradshaw.

How to convert a UTF-8 string into Unicode?

I have string that displays UTF-8 encoded characters

There is no such thing in .NET. The string class can only store strings in UTF-16 encoding. A UTF-8 encoded string can only exist as a byte[]. Trying to store bytes into a string will not come to a good end; UTF-8 uses byte values that don't have a valid Unicode codepoint. The content will be destroyed when the string is normalized. So it is already too late to recover the string by the time your DecodeFromUtf8() starts running.

Only handle UTF-8 encoded text with byte[]. And use UTF8Encoding.GetString() to convert it.

How do I align a label and a textarea?

You need to put them both in some container element and then apply the alignment on it.

For example:

.formfield * {_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
<p class="formfield">_x000D_
  <label for="textarea">Label for textarea</label>_x000D_
  <textarea id="textarea" rows="5">Textarea</textarea>_x000D_

How to submit form on change of dropdown list?

Very easy to use select option submit

<select name="sortby" onchange="this.form.submit()">
       <option value="">Featured</option>
       <option value="asc" >Price: Low to High</option>
        <option value="desc">Price: High to Low</option>                                   

This code use and enjoy now:

Read More: Go Link

How to set ANDROID_HOME path in ubuntu?

In my case it works with a little change. Simply by putting :$PATH at the end.

# andorid paths
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH"

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

I happened to try this so I could see the list of files first:

git status | grep "modified:" | awk '{print "git add  " $2}' >

cat ./


chmod a+x

Edit: (see comments) This could be achieved in one step:

git status | grep "modified:" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs git add && git status

C# HttpClient 4.5 multipart/form-data upload

Here's a complete sample that worked for me. The boundary value in the request is added automatically by .NET.

var url = "http://localhost/api/v1/yourendpointhere";
var filePath = @"C:\path\to\image.jpg";

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
MultipartFormDataContent form = new MultipartFormDataContent();

FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath);
var streamContent = new StreamContent(fs);

var imageContent = new ByteArrayContent(streamContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);
imageContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/form-data");

form.Add(imageContent, "image", Path.GetFileName(filePath));
var response = httpClient.PostAsync(url, form).Result;

Return content with IHttpActionResult for non-OK response

A more detailed example with support of HTTP code not defined in C# HttpStatusCode.

public class MyController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        HttpStatusCode codeNotDefined = (HttpStatusCode)429;
        return Content(codeNotDefined, "message to be sent in response body");

Content is a virtual method defined in abstract class ApiController, the base of the controller. See the declaration as below:

protected internal virtual NegotiatedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value);

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

Just for the sake of completeness I wanted to add the solution for regular expressions in C++ with Unicode:

std::tr1::wregex pattern(szPattern, std::tr1::regex_constants::icase);

if (std::tr1::regex_match(szString, pattern))

Get visible items in RecyclerView

Following Linear / Grid LayoutManager methods can be used to check which items are visible

int findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int findLastVisibleItemPosition();
int findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();

and if you want to track is item visible on screen for some threshold then you can refer to the following blog.

macro - open all files in a folder

Try the below code:

Sub opendfiles()

Dim myfile As Variant
Dim counter As Integer
Dim path As String

myfolder = "D:\temp\"
ChDir myfolder
myfile = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , , , True)
counter = 1
If IsNumeric(myfile) = True Then
    MsgBox "No files selected"
End If
While counter <= UBound(myfile)
    path = myfile(counter)
    Workbooks.Open path
    counter = counter + 1

End Sub

Recursively find files with a specific extension

Using bash globbing (if find is not a must)

ls Robert.{pdf,jpg} 

WCF error - There was no endpoint listening at

You do not define a binding in your service's config, so you are getting the default values for wsHttpBinding, and the default value for securityMode\transport for that binding is Message.

Try copying your binding configuration from the client's config to your service config and assign that binding to the endpoint via the bindingConfiguration attribute:

    <binding name="ota2010AEndpoint" 
      <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" ... />
        <reliableSession ordered="true" .... />
          <security mode="Transport">
            <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None"
                       realm="" />
            <message clientCredentialType="Windows" negotiateServiceCredential="true"
                     establishSecurityContext="true" />

(Snipped parts of the config to save space in the answer).

<service name="Synxis" behaviorConfiguration="SynxisWCF">
    <endpoint address="" name="wsHttpEndpoint" 
              contract="Synxis" />

This will then assign your defined binding (with Transport security) to the endpoint.

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

Another solution to pass DateTime from C# to SQL Server, irrespective of SQL Server language settings

supposedly that your Regional Settings show date as dd.MM.yyyy (German standard '104') then

DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Now;
string sqlServerDate = "CONVERT(date,'"+myDateTime+"',104)"; 

passes the C# datetime variable to SQL Server Date type variable, considering the mapping as per "104" rules . Sql Server date gets yyyy-MM-dd

If your Regional Settings display DateTime differently, then use the appropriate matching from the SQL Server CONVERT Table

see more about Rules:

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index | Pandas DataFrame.unique()

The error comes up when you are trying to assign a list of numpy array of different length to a data frame, and it can be reproduced as follows:

A data frame of four rows:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3,4]})

Now trying to assign a list/array of two elements to it:

df['B'] = [3,4]   # or df['B'] = np.array([3,4])

Both errors out:

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index

Because the data frame has four rows but the list and array has only two elements.

Work around Solution (use with caution): convert the list/array to a pandas Series, and then when you do assignment, missing index in the Series will be filled with NaN:

df['B'] = pd.Series([3,4])

#   A     B
#0  1   3.0
#1  2   4.0
#2  3   NaN          # NaN because the value at index 2 and 3 doesn't exist in the Series
#3  4   NaN

For your specific problem, if you don't care about the index or the correspondence of values between columns, you can reset index for each column after dropping the duplicates:

df.apply(lambda col: col.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True))

#   A     B
#0  1   1.0
#1  2   5.0
#2  7   9.0
#3  8   NaN

Sibling package imports

Seven years after

Since I wrote the answer below, modifying sys.path is still a quick-and-dirty trick that works well for private scripts, but there has been several improvements

  • Installing the package (in a virtualenv or not) will give you what you want, though I would suggest using pip to do it rather than using setuptools directly (and using setup.cfg to store the metadata)
  • Using the -m flag and running as a package works too (but will turn out a bit awkward if you want to convert your working directory into an installable package).
  • For the tests, specifically, pytest is able to find the api package in this situation and takes care of the sys.path hacks for you

So it really depends on what you want to do. In your case, though, since it seems that your goal is to make a proper package at some point, installing through pip -e is probably your best bet, even if it is not perfect yet.

Old answer

As already stated elsewhere, the awful truth is that you have to do ugly hacks to allow imports from siblings modules or parents package from a __main__ module. The issue is detailed in PEP 366. PEP 3122 attempted to handle imports in a more rational way but Guido has rejected it one the account of

The only use case seems to be running scripts that happen to be living inside a module's directory, which I've always seen as an antipattern.


Though, I use this pattern on a regular basis with

# Ugly hack to allow absolute import from the root folder
# whatever its name is. Please forgive the heresy.
if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
    from sys import path
    from os.path import dirname as dir

    __package__ = "examples"

import api

Here path[0] is your running script's parent folder and dir(path[0]) your top level folder.

I have still not been able to use relative imports with this, though, but it does allow absolute imports from the top level (in your example api's parent folder).

How to count duplicate value in an array in javascript

Duplicates in an array containing alphabets:

var arr = ["a", "b", "a", "z", "e", "a", "b", "f", "d", "f"],_x000D_
  sortedArr = [],_x000D_
  count = 1;_x000D_
sortedArr = arr.sort();_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < sortedArr.length; i = i + count) {_x000D_
  count = 1;_x000D_
  for (var j = i + 1; j < sortedArr.length; j++) {_x000D_
    if (sortedArr[i] === sortedArr[j])_x000D_
  document.write(sortedArr[i] + " = " + count + "<br>");_x000D_

Duplicates in an array containing numbers:

var arr = [2, 1, 3, 2, 8, 9, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 24, 25, 67, 10, 54, 2, 1, 9, 8, 1],_x000D_
  sortedArr = [],_x000D_
  count = 1;_x000D_
sortedArr = arr.sort(function(a, b) {_x000D_
  return a - b_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < sortedArr.length; i = i + count) {_x000D_
  count = 1;_x000D_
  for (var j = i + 1; j < sortedArr.length; j++) {_x000D_
    if (sortedArr[i] === sortedArr[j])_x000D_
  document.write(sortedArr[i] + " = " + count + "<br>");_x000D_

How do I display a MySQL error in PHP for a long query that depends on the user input?

Try something like this:

$link = @new mysqli($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)
$statement = $link->prepare($sqlStatement);
                    $this->debug_mode('query', 'error', '#Query Failed<br/>' . $link->error);
                    return false;

Converting from a string to boolean in Python?

The usual rule for casting to a bool is that a few special literals (False, 0, 0.0, (), [], {}) are false and then everything else is true, so I recommend the following:

def boolify(val):
    if (isinstance(val, basestring) and bool(val)):
        return not val in ('False', '0', '0.0')
        return bool(val)

Is it possible to run one logrotate check manually?

The way to run all of logrotate is:

logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf

that will run the primary logrotate file, which includes the other logrotate configurations as well

How do I get a plist as a Dictionary in Swift?

I've created a simple Dictionary initializer that replaces NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path). Just remove the NS.

extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == Any {

    public init?(contentsOfFile path: String) {
        let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)

        self.init(contentsOfURL: url)

    public init?(contentsOfURL url: URL) {
        guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url),
            let dictionary = (try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [], format: nil) as? [String: Any]) ?? nil
            else { return nil }

        self = dictionary


You can use it like so:

let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Preferences", ofType: "plist")!
let preferences = Dictionary(contentsOfFile: filePath)!
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: preferences)

Paste Excel range in Outlook

Often this question is asked in the context of Ron de Bruin's RangeToHTML function, which creates an HTML PublishObject from an Excel.Range, extracts that via FSO, and inserts the resulting stream HTML in to the email's HTMLBody. In doing so, this removes the default signature (the RangeToHTML function has a helper function GetBoiler which attempts to insert the default signature).

Unfortunately, the poorly-documented Application.CommandBars method is not available via Outlook:

wdDoc.Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PasteExcelTableSourceFormatting"

It will raise a runtime 6158:

enter image description here

But we can still leverage the Word.Document which is accessible via the MailItem.GetInspector method, we can do something like this to copy & paste the selection from Excel to the Outlook email body, preserving your default signature (if there is one).

Dim rng as Range
Set rng = Range("A1:F10") 'Modify as needed

With OutMail
    .To = "[email protected]"
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject = "Subject"
    Dim wdDoc As Object     '## Word.Document
    Dim wdRange As Object   '## Word.Range
    Set wdDoc = OutMail.GetInspector.WordEditor
    Set wdRange = wdDoc.Range(0, 0)
    wdRange.InsertAfter vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    'Copy the range in-place
End With

Note that in some cases this may not perfectly preserve the column widths or in some instances the row heights, and while it will also copy shapes and other objects in the Excel range, this may also cause some funky alignment issues, but for simple tables and Excel ranges, it is very good:

enter image description here

How can I match a string with a regex in Bash?

A Function To Do This

extract () {
  if [ -f $1 ] ; then
      case $1 in
          *.tar.bz2)   tar xvjf $1    ;;
          *.tar.gz)    tar xvzf $1    ;;
          *.bz2)       bunzip2 $1     ;;
          *.rar)       rar x $1       ;;
          *.gz)        gunzip $1      ;;
          *.tar)       tar xvf $1     ;;
          *.tbz2)      tar xvjf $1    ;;
          *.tgz)       tar xvzf $1    ;;
          *.zip)       unzip $1       ;;
          *.Z)         uncompress $1  ;;
          *.7z)        7z x $1        ;;
          *)           echo "don't know '$1'..." ;;
      echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"

Other Note

In response to Aquarius Power in the comment above, We need to store the regex on a var

The variable BASH_REMATCH is set after you match the expression, and ${BASH_REMATCH[n]} will match the nth group wrapped in parentheses ie in the following ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} = "compressed" and ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} = ".gz"

if [[ "compressed.gz" =~ ^(.*)(\.[a-z]{1,5})$ ]]; 
  echo ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} ; 
  echo "Not proper format"; 

(The regex above isn't meant to be a valid one for file naming and extensions, but it works for the example)

How to read integer values from text file

Try this:-

File file = new File("contactids.txt");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
  // Read values here like long input = scanner.nextLong();

Converting java date to Sql timestamp

You can cut off the milliseconds using a Calendar:

java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
System.out.println(new java.sql.Timestamp(utilDate.getTime()));
System.out.println(new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()));


2014-04-04 10:10:17.78
2014-04-04 10:10:17.0

Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources' even with latest build tools

I changed the target=android-26 to target=android-23

this works great for me.

How to use ESLint with Jest

some of the answers assume you have 'eslint-plugin-jest' installed, however without needing to do that, you can simply do this in your .eslintrc file, add:

  "globals": {
    "jest": true,

Compress images on client side before uploading

I just developed a javascript library called JIC to solve that problem. It allows you to compress jpg and png on the client side 100% with javascript and no external libraries required!

You can try the demo here : and get the sources here :

How to create a Java cron job

If you are using unix, you need to write a shellscript to run you java batch first.

After that, in unix, you run this command "crontab -e" to edit crontab script. In order to configure crontab, please refer to this article

Save your crontab setting. Then wait for the time to come, program will run automatically.

Adding new files to a subversion repository

Probably svn import would be the best option around. Check out Getting Data into Your Repository (in Version Control with Subversion, For Subversion).

The svn import command is a quick way to copy an unversioned tree of files into a repository, creating intermediate directories as necessary. svn import doesn't require a working copy, and your files are immediately committed to the repository. You typically use this when you have an existing tree of files that you want to begin tracking in your Subversion repository. For example:

$ svn import /path/to/mytree \
             -m "Initial import"
Adding         mytree/foo.c
Adding         mytree/bar.c
Adding         mytree/subdir
Adding         mytree/subdir/quux.h

Committed revision 1.

The previous example copied the contents of the local directory mytree into the directory some/project in the repository. Note that you didn't have to create that new directory first—svn import does that for you. Immediately after the commit, you can see your data in the repository:

$ svn list

Note that after the import is finished, the original local directory is not converted into a working copy. To begin working on that data in a versioned fashion, you still need to create a fresh working copy of that tree.

Note: if you are on the same machine as the Subversion repository you can use the file:// specifier with a path rather than the https:// with a URL specifier.

INSERT SELECT statement in Oracle 11G

Get rid of the values keyword and the parens. You can see an example here.

This is basic INSERT syntax:

INSERT INTO "table_name" ("column1", "column2", ...)
VALUES ("value1", "value2", ...);

This is the INSERT SELECT syntax:

INSERT INTO "table1" ("column1", "column2", ...)
SELECT "column3", "column4", ...
FROM "table2";

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Offline Installer (ISO)

You can check Visual Studio Downloads for available Visual Studio Community, Visual Studio Professional, Visual Studio Enterprise and Visual Studio Code download links.


There is no direct links of Visual Studio 2015 at Visual Studio Downloads anymore. but the below links still works.

OR simply click on direct links below (for .iso/.exe file):

VSCode area:

What is Turing Complete?

Fundamentally, Turing-completeness is one concise requirement, unbounded recursion.

Not even bounded by memory.

I thought of this independently, but here is some discussion of the assertion. My definition of LSP provides more context.

The other answers here don't directly define the fundamental essence of Turing-completeness.

What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?

Composition (If you remove "whole", “part” is also removed automatically– “Ownership”)

  • Create objects of your existing class inside the new class. This is called composition because the new class is composed of objects of existing classes.

  • Typically use normal member variables.

  • Can use pointer values if the composition class automatically handles allocation/deallocation responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses.

enter image description here

Composition in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/********************** Engine Class ******************/
class Engine
    int nEngineNumber;
    Engine(int nEngineNo);
Engine::Engine(int nEngineNo)
    cout<<" Engine :: Constructor " <<endl;
    cout<<" Engine :: Destructor " <<endl;
/********************** Car Class ******************/
class Car
    int nCarColorNumber;
    int nCarModelNumber;
    Engine objEngine;
    Car (int, int,int);
Car::Car(int nModelNo,int nColorNo, int nEngineNo):
    cout<<" Car :: Constructor " <<endl;
    cout<<" Car :: Destructor " <<endl;
    Figure 1 : Composition
/********************** Bus Class ******************/
class Bus
    int nBusColorNumber;
    int nBusModelNumber;
    Engine* ptrEngine;
Bus::Bus(int nModelNo,int nColorNo, int nEngineNo):
    ptrEngine = new Engine(nEngineNo);
    cout<<" Bus :: Constructor " <<endl;
    cout<<" Bus :: Destructor " <<endl;
    delete ptrEngine;
/********************** Main Function ******************/
int main()
    freopen ("InstallationDump.Log", "w", stdout);
    cout<<"--------------- Start Of Program --------------------"<<endl;
    // Composition using simple Engine in a car object
        cout<<"------------- Inside Car Block ------------------"<<endl;
        Car objCar (1, 2,3);
    cout<<"------------- Out of Car Block ------------------"<<endl;
    // Composition using pointer of Engine in a Bus object
        cout<<"------------- Inside Bus Block ------------------"<<endl;
        Bus objBus(11, 22,33);
    cout<<"------------- Out of Bus Block ------------------"<<endl;
    cout<<"--------------- End Of Program --------------------"<<endl;
    fclose (stdout);


--------------- Start Of Program --------------------
------------- Inside Car Block ------------------
Engine :: Constructor
Car :: Constructor
Car :: Destructor
Engine :: Destructor
------------- Out of Car Block ------------------
------------- Inside Bus Block ------------------
Engine :: Constructor
Bus :: Constructor
Bus :: Destructor
Engine :: Destructor
------------- Out of Bus Block ------------------
--------------- End Of Program --------------------

Aggregation (If you remove "whole", “Part” can exist – “ No Ownership”)

  • An aggregation is a specific type of composition where no ownership between the complex object and the subobjects is implied. When an aggregate is destroyed, the subobjects are not destroyed.

  • Typically use pointer variables/reference variable that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class

  • Can use reference values that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class

  • Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses

enter image description here

Aggregation Code in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
/********************** Teacher Class ******************/
class Teacher
    string m_strName;
    Teacher(string strName);
    string GetName();
Teacher::Teacher(string strName) : m_strName(strName)
    cout<<" Teacher :: Constructor --- Teacher Name :: "<<m_strName<<endl;
    cout<<" Teacher :: Destructor --- Teacher Name :: "<<m_strName<<endl;
string Teacher::GetName()
    return m_strName;
/********************** Department Class ******************/
class Department
    Teacher *m_pcTeacher;
    Teacher& m_refTeacher;
    Department(Teacher *pcTeacher, Teacher& objTeacher);
Department::Department(Teacher *pcTeacher, Teacher& objTeacher)
: m_pcTeacher(pcTeacher), m_refTeacher(objTeacher)
    cout<<" Department :: Constructor " <<endl;
    cout<<" Department :: Destructor " <<endl;
/********************** Main Function ******************/
int main()
    freopen ("InstallationDump.Log", "w", stdout);
    cout<<"--------------- Start Of Program --------------------"<<endl;
        // Create a teacher outside the scope of the Department
        Teacher objTeacher("Reference Teacher");
        Teacher *pTeacher = new Teacher("Pointer Teacher"); // create a teacher
            cout<<"------------- Inside Block ------------------"<<endl;
            // Create a department and use the constructor parameter to pass the teacher to it.
            Department cDept(pTeacher,objTeacher);
            Figure 2: Aggregation
        } // cDept goes out of scope here and is destroyed
        cout<<"------------- Out of Block ------------------"<<endl;
        // pTeacher still exists here because cDept did not destroy it
        delete pTeacher;
    cout<<"--------------- End Of Program --------------------"<<endl;
    fclose (stdout);


--------------- Start Of Program --------------------
Teacher :: Constructor --- Teacher Name :: Reference Teacher
Teacher :: Constructor --- Teacher Name :: Pointer Teacher
------------- Inside Block ------------------
Department :: Constructor
Department :: Destructor
------------- Out of Block ------------------
Teacher :: Destructor --- Teacher Name :: Pointer Teacher
Teacher :: Destructor --- Teacher Name :: Reference Teacher
--------------- End Of Program --------------------


I am developing an app to version 2.2, API version would in the 8th ... had the same error and the error told me it was to google maps API, all we did was change my ADV for my project API 2.2 and also for the API.

This worked for me and found the library API needed.

Dropping Unique constraint from MySQL table

  1. First delete table

  2. go to SQL

Use this code:

CREATE  TABLE service( --tablename 
  `serviceid` int(11) NOT NULL,--columns
  `customerid` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,--columns
  `dos` varchar(30) NOT NULL,--columns
  `productname` varchar(150) NOT NULL,--columns
  `modelnumber` bigint(12) NOT NULL,--columns
  `serialnumber` bigint(20) NOT NULL,--columns
  `serviceby` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL--columns
INSERT INTO `service` (`serviceid`, `customerid`, `dos`, `productname`, `modelnumber`, `serialnumber`, `serviceby`) VALUES
(1, '1', '12/10/2018', 'mouse', 1234555, 234234324, '9999'),
(2, '09', '12/10/2018', 'vhbgj', 79746385, 18923984, '9999'),
(3, '23', '12/10/2018', 'mouse', 123455534, 11111123, '9999'),
(4, '23', '12/10/2018', 'mouse', 12345, 84848, '9999'),
(5, '546456', '12/10/2018', 'ughg', 772882, 457283, '9999'),
(6, '23', '12/10/2018', 'keyboard', 7878787878, 22222, '1'),
(7, '23', '12/10/2018', 'java', 11, 98908, '9999'),
(8, '128', '12/10/2018', 'mouse', 9912280626, 111111, '9999'),
(9, '23', '15/10/2018', 'hg', 29829354, 4564564646, '9999'),
(10, '12', '15/10/2018', '2', 5256, 888888, '9999');
--before droping table
ALTER TABLE `service`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`serviceid`),
  ADD  unique`modelnumber` (`modelnumber`),
  ADD  unique`serialnumber` (`serialnumber`),
  ADD unique`modelnumber_2` (`modelnumber`);
--after droping table
ALTER TABLE `service`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`serviceid`),
  ADD  modelnumber` (`modelnumber`),
  ADD  serialnumber` (`serialnumber`),
  ADD modelnumber_2` (`modelnumber`);

PHP absolute path to root

use dirname(__FILE__) in a global configuration file.

How to show a confirm message before delete?

Using jQuery:

$(".delete-link").on("click", null, function(){
        return confirm("Are you sure?");

Which version of Python do I have installed?

You can get the version of Python by using the following command

python --version

You can even get the version of any package installed in venv using pip freeze as:

pip freeze | grep "package name"

Or using the Python interpreter as:

In [1]: import django
In [2]: django.VERSION
Out[2]: (1, 6, 1, 'final', 0)

Laravel - Eloquent "Has", "With", "WhereHas" - What do they mean?


with() is for eager loading. That basically means, along the main model, Laravel will preload the relationship(s) you specify. This is especially helpful if you have a collection of models and you want to load a relation for all of them. Because with eager loading you run only one additional DB query instead of one for every model in the collection.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::with('posts')->get();
foreach($users as $user){
    $users->posts; // posts is already loaded and no additional DB query is run


has() is to filter the selecting model based on a relationship. So it acts very similarly to a normal WHERE condition. If you just use has('relation') that means you only want to get the models that have at least one related model in this relation.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::has('posts')->get();
// only users that have at least one post are contained in the collection


whereHas() works basically the same as has() but allows you to specify additional filters for the related model to check.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::whereHas('posts', function($q){
    $q->where('created_at', '>=', '2015-01-01 00:00:00');
// only users that have posts from 2015 on forward are returned

Vue.js data-bind style backgroundImage not working

Based on my knowledge, if you put your image folder in your public folder, you can just do the following:

   <div :style="{backgroundImage: `url(${project.imagePath})`}"></div>

If you put your images in the src/assets/, you need to use require. Like this:

   <div :style="{backgroundImage: 'url('+require('@/assets/'+project.image)+')'}">. 

One important thing is that you cannot use an expression that contains the full URL like this project.image = '@/assets/image.png'. You need to hardcode the '@assets/' part. That was what I've found. I think the reason is that in Webpack, a context is created if your require contains expressions, so the exact module is not known on compile time. Instead, it will search for everything in the @/assets folder. More info could be found here. Here is another doc explains how the Vue loader treats the link in single file components.

Compare two objects in Java with possible null values

boolean compare(String str1, String str2) {
    if (str1 == null || str2 == null)
        return str1 == str2;

    return str1.equals(str2);

Deserializing JSON to .NET object using Newtonsoft (or LINQ to JSON maybe?)

With the dynamic keyword, it becomes really easy to parse any object of this kind:

dynamic x = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString);
var page =;
var total_pages = x.total_pages
var albums = x.albums;
foreach(var album in albums)
    var albumName =;

    // Access album data;

Batch Extract path and filename from a variable

set file=C:\Users\l72rugschiri\Desktop\fs.cfg
FOR %%i IN ("%file%") DO (
ECHO filedrive=%%~di
ECHO filepath=%%~pi
ECHO filename=%%~ni
ECHO fileextension=%%~xi

Not really sure what you mean by no "function"

Obviously, change ECHO to SET to set the variables rather thon ECHOing them...

See for documentation for a full list.

ceztko's test case (for reference)

set file="C:\Users\ l72rugschiri\Desktop\fs.cfg"
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ("%file%") DO (
ECHO filedrive=%%~di
ECHO filepath=%%~pi
ECHO filename=%%~ni
ECHO fileextension=%%~xi

Comment : please see comments.

What is Bit Masking?

Masking means to keep/change/remove a desired part of information. Lets see an image-masking operation; like- this masking operation is removing any thing that is not skin-

enter image description here

We are doing AND operation in this example. There are also other masking operators- OR, XOR.

Bit-Masking means imposing mask over bits. Here is a bit-masking with AND-

     1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1   [input]
(&)  0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0    [mask]
     0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0  [output]

So, only the middle 4 bits (as these bits are 1 in this mask) remain.

Lets see this with XOR-

     1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1   [input]
(^)  0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0    [mask]
     1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1  [output]

Now, the middle 4 bits are flipped (1 became 0, 0 became 1).

So, using bit-mask we can access individual bits [examples]. Sometimes, this technique may also be used for improving performance. Take this for example-

bool isOdd(int i) {
    return i%2;

This function tells if an integer is odd/even. We can achieve the same result with more efficiency using bit-mask-

bool isOdd(int i) {
    return i&1;

Short Explanation: If the least significant bit of a binary number is 1 then it is odd; for 0 it will be even. So, by doing AND with 1 we are removing all other bits except for the least significant bit i.e.:

     55  ->  0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1   [input]
(&)   1  ->  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1    [mask]
      1  <-  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  [output]

How to loop through a JSON object with typescript (Angular2)

Assuming your json object from your GET request looks like the one you posted above simply do:

let list: string[] = [];

json.Results.forEach(element => {

Or am I missing something that prevents you from doing it this way?

Plotting histograms from grouped data in a pandas DataFrame

I write this answer because I was looking for a way to plot together the histograms of different groups. What follows is not very smart, but it works fine for me. I use Numpy to compute the histogram and Bokeh for plotting. I think it is self-explanatory, but feel free to ask for clarifications and I'll be happy to add details (and write it better).

figures = {
    'Transit': figure(title='Transit', x_axis_label='speed [km/h]', y_axis_label='frequency'),
    'Driving': figure(title='Driving', x_axis_label='speed [km/h]', y_axis_label='frequency')

cols = {'Vienna': 'red', 'Turin': 'blue', 'Rome': 'Orange'}
for gr in df_trips.groupby(['locality', 'means']):
    locality = gr[0][0]
    means = gr[0][1]
    fig = figures[means]
    h, b = np.histogram(pd.DataFrame(gr[1]).speed.values)
    fig.vbar(x=b[1:], top=h, width=(b[1]-b[0]), legend_label=locality, fill_color=cols[locality], alpha=0.5)


What are SP (stack) and LR in ARM?

SP is the stack register a shortcut for typing r13. LR is the link register a shortcut for r14. And PC is the program counter a shortcut for typing r15.

When you perform a call, called a branch link instruction, bl, the return address is placed in r14, the link register. the program counter pc is changed to the address you are branching to.

There are a few stack pointers in the traditional ARM cores (the cortex-m series being an exception) when you hit an interrupt for example you are using a different stack than when running in the foreground, you dont have to change your code just use sp or r13 as normal the hardware has done the switch for you and uses the correct one when it decodes the instructions.

The traditional ARM instruction set (not thumb) gives you the freedom to use the stack in a grows up from lower addresses to higher addresses or grows down from high address to low addresses. the compilers and most folks set the stack pointer high and have it grow down from high addresses to lower addresses. For example maybe you have ram from 0x20000000 to 0x20008000 you set your linker script to build your program to run/use 0x20000000 and set your stack pointer to 0x20008000 in your startup code, at least the system/user stack pointer, you have to divide up the memory for other stacks if you need/use them.

Stack is just memory. Processors normally have special memory read/write instructions that are PC based and some that are stack based. The stack ones at a minimum are usually named push and pop but dont have to be (as with the traditional arm instructions).

If you go to I created a teaching processor and have an assembly language tutorial. Somewhere in there I go through a discussion about stacks. It is NOT an arm processor but the story is the same it should translate directly to what you are trying to understand on the arm or most other processors.

Say for example you have 20 variables you need in your program but only 16 registers minus at least three of them (sp, lr, pc) that are special purpose. You are going to have to keep some of your variables in ram. Lets say that r5 holds a variable that you use often enough that you dont want to keep it in ram, but there is one section of code where you really need another register to do something and r5 is not being used, you can save r5 on the stack with minimal effort while you reuse r5 for something else, then later, easily, restore it.

Traditional (well not all the way back to the beginning) arm syntax:

stmdb r13!,{r5}
...temporarily use r5 for something else...
ldmia r13!,{r5}

stm is store multiple you can save more than one register at a time, up to all of them in one instruction.

db means decrement before, this is a downward moving stack from high addresses to lower addresses.

You can use r13 or sp here to indicate the stack pointer. This particular instruction is not limited to stack operations, can be used for other things.

The ! means update the r13 register with the new address after it completes, here again stm can be used for non-stack operations so you might not want to change the base address register, leave the ! off in that case.

Then in the brackets { } list the registers you want to save, comma separated.

ldmia is the reverse, ldm means load multiple. ia means increment after and the rest is the same as stm

So if your stack pointer were at 0x20008000 when you hit the stmdb instruction seeing as there is one 32 bit register in the list it will decrement before it uses it the value in r13 so 0x20007FFC then it writes r5 to 0x20007FFC in memory and saves the value 0x20007FFC in r13. Later, assuming you have no bugs when you get to the ldmia instruction r13 has 0x20007FFC in it there is a single register in the list r5. So it reads memory at 0x20007FFC puts that value in r5, ia means increment after so 0x20007FFC increments one register size to 0x20008000 and the ! means write that number to r13 to complete the instruction.

Why would you use the stack instead of just a fixed memory location? Well the beauty of the above is that r13 can be anywhere it could be 0x20007654 when you run that code or 0x20002000 or whatever and the code still functions, even better if you use that code in a loop or with recursion it works and for each level of recursion you go you save a new copy of r5, you might have 30 saved copies depending on where you are in that loop. and as it unrolls it puts all the copies back as desired. with a single fixed memory location that doesnt work. This translates directly to C code as an example:

void myfun ( void )
   int somedata;

In a C program like that the variable somedata lives on the stack, if you called myfun recursively you would have multiple copies of the value for somedata depending on how deep in the recursion. Also since that variable is only used within the function and is not needed elsewhere then you perhaps dont want to burn an amount of system memory for that variable for the life of the program you only want those bytes when in that function and free that memory when not in that function. that is what a stack is used for.

A global variable would not be found on the stack.

Going back...

Say you wanted to implement and call that function you would have some code/function you are in when you call the myfun function. The myfun function wants to use r5 and r6 when it is operating on something but it doesnt want to trash whatever someone called it was using r5 and r6 for so for the duration of myfun() you would want to save those registers on the stack. Likewise if you look into the branch link instruction (bl) and the link register lr (r14) there is only one link register, if you call a function from a function you will need to save the link register on each call otherwise you cant return.

bl myfun
    <--- the return from my fun returns here

stmdb sp!,{r5,r6,lr}
sub sp,#4 <--- make room for the somedata variable
some code here that uses r5 and r6
bl more_fun <-- this modifies lr, if we didnt save lr we wouldnt be able to return from myfun
   <---- more_fun() returns here
add sp,#4 <-- take back the stack memory we allocated for the somedata variable
ldmia sp!,{r5,r6,lr}
mov pc,lr <---- return to whomever called myfun.

So hopefully you can see both the stack usage and link register. Other processors do the same kinds of things in a different way. for example some will put the return value on the stack and when you execute the return function it knows where to return to by pulling a value off of the stack. Compilers C/C++, etc will normally have a "calling convention" or application interface (ABI and EABI are names for the ones ARM has defined). if every function follows the calling convention, puts parameters it is passing to functions being called in the right registers or on the stack per the convention. And each function follows the rules as to what registers it does not have to preserve the contents of and what registers it has to preserve the contents of then you can have functions call functions call functions and do recursion and all kinds of things, so long as the stack does not go so deep that it runs into the memory used for globals and the heap and such, you can call functions and return from them all day long. The above implementation of myfun is very similar to what you would see a compiler produce.

ARM has many cores now and a few instruction sets the cortex-m series works a little differently as far as not having a bunch of modes and different stack pointers. And when executing thumb instructions in thumb mode you use the push and pop instructions which do not give you the freedom to use any register like stm it only uses r13 (sp) and you cannot save all the registers only a specific subset of them. the popular arm assemblers allow you to use

push {r5,r6}
pop {r5,r6}

in arm code as well as thumb code. For the arm code it encodes the proper stmdb and ldmia. (in thumb mode you also dont have the choice as to when and where you use db, decrement before, and ia, increment after).

No you absolutly do not have to use the same registers and you dont have to pair up the same number of registers.

push {r5,r6,r7}
pop {r2,r3}
pop {r1}

assuming there is no other stack pointer modifications in between those instructions if you remember the sp is going to be decremented 12 bytes for the push lets say from 0x1000 to 0x0FF4, r5 will be written to 0xFF4, r6 to 0xFF8 and r7 to 0xFFC the stack pointer will change to 0x0FF4. the first pop will take the value at 0x0FF4 and put that in r2 then the value at 0x0FF8 and put that in r3 the stack pointer gets the value 0x0FFC. later the last pop, the sp is 0x0FFC that is read and the value placed in r1, the stack pointer then gets the value 0x1000, where it started.

The ARM ARM, ARM Architectural Reference Manual (, reference manuals, find the one for ARMv5 and download it, this is the traditional ARM ARM with ARM and thumb instructions) contains pseudo code for the ldm and stm ARM istructions for the complete picture as to how these are used. Likewise well the whole book is about the arm and how to program it. Up front the programmers model chapter walks you through all of the registers in all of the modes, etc.

If you are programming an ARM processor you should start by determining (the chip vendor should tell you, ARM does not make chips it makes cores that chip vendors put in their chips) exactly which core you have. Then go to the arm website and find the ARM ARM for that family and find the TRM (technical reference manual) for the specific core including revision if the vendor has supplied that (r2p0 means revision 2.0 (two point zero, 2p0)), even if there is a newer rev, use the manual that goes with the one the vendor used in their design. Not every core supports every instruction or mode the TRM tells you the modes and instructions supported the ARM ARM throws a blanket over the features for the whole family of processors that that core lives in. Note that the ARM7TDMI is an ARMv4 NOT an ARMv7 likewise the ARM9 is not an ARMv9. ARMvNUMBER is the family name ARM7, ARM11 without a v is the core name. The newer cores have names like Cortex and mpcore instead of the ARMNUMBER thing, which reduces confusion. Of course they had to add the confusion back by making an ARMv7-m (cortex-MNUMBER) and the ARMv7-a (Cortex-ANUMBER) which are very different families, one is for heavy loads, desktops, laptops, etc the other is for microcontrollers, clocks and blinking lights on a coffee maker and things like that. google beagleboard (Cortex-A) and the stm32 value line discovery board (Cortex-M) to get a feel for the differences. Or even the board which uses multiple cores at more than a gigahertz or the newer tegra 2 from nvidia, same deal super scaler, muti core, multi gigahertz. A cortex-m barely brakes the 100MHz barrier and has memory measured in kbytes although it probably runs of a battery for months if you wanted it to where a cortex-a not so much.

sorry for the very long post, hope it is useful.

How do I create a file and write to it?

One line only ! path and line are Strings

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

Files.write(Paths.get(path), lines.getBytes());

Java: How to convert List to Map

With , you'll be able to do this in one line using streams, and the Collectors class.

Map<String, Item> map =, item -> item));

Short demo:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Test{
    public static void main (String [] args){
        List<Item> list = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4)
                                   .collect(Collectors.toList()); //[Item [i=1], Item [i=2], Item [i=3], Item [i=4]]

        Map<String, Item> map = 
  , item -> item));

        map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " => " + v));
class Item {

    private final int i;

    public Item(int i){
        this.i = i;

    public String getKey(){
        return "Key-"+i;

    public String toString() {
        return "Item [i=" + i + "]";


Key-1 => Item [i=1]
Key-2 => Item [i=2]
Key-3 => Item [i=3]
Key-4 => Item [i=4]

As noted in comments, you can use Function.identity() instead of item -> item, although I find i -> i rather explicit.

And to be complete note that you can use a binary operator if your function is not bijective. For example let's consider this List and the mapping function that for an int value, compute the result of it modulo 3:

List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
Map<String, Integer> map = -> String.valueOf(i % 3), i -> i));

When running this code, you'll get an error saying java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key 1. This is because 1 % 3 is the same as 4 % 3 and hence have the same key value given the key mapping function. In this case you can provide a merge operator.

Here's one that sum the values; (i1, i2) -> i1 + i2; that can be replaced with the method reference Integer::sum.

Map<String, Integer> map = -> String.valueOf(i % 3), 
                                   i -> i, 

which now outputs:

0 => 9 (i.e 3 + 6)
1 => 5 (i.e 1 + 4)
2 => 7 (i.e 2 + 5)

Hope it helps! :)

What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C?

exit function. In the C Programming Language, the exit function calls all functions registered with at exit and terminates the program.

exit(1) means program(process) terminate unsuccessfully. File buffers are flushed, streams are closed, and temporary files are deleted

exit(0) means Program(Process) terminate successfully.

How to debug Angular JavaScript Code

Since the add-ons don't work anymore, the most helpful set of tools I've found is using Visual Studio/IE because you can set breakpoints in your JS and inspect your data that way. Of course Chrome and Firefox have much better dev tools in general. Also, good ol' console.log() has been super helpful!

Use <Image> with a local file

From the UIExplorer sample app:

Static assets should be required by prefixing with image! and are located in the app bundle.

enter image description here

So like this:

render: function() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.horizontal}>
      <Image source={require('image!uie_thumb_normal')} style={styles.icon} />
      <Image source={require('image!uie_thumb_selected')} style={styles.icon} />
      <Image source={require('image!uie_comment_normal')} style={styles.icon} />
      <Image source={require('image!uie_comment_highlighted')} style={styles.icon} />

Java 8: merge lists with stream API

I think flatMap() is what you're looking for.

For example:

 List<AClass> allTheObjects = map.values()
         .flatMap(listContainer ->

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

Use sortedWith to sort a list with Comparator.

You can then construct a comparator using several ways:

  • compareBy, thenBy construct the comparator in a chain of calls:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy<Person> { it.age }.thenBy { }.thenBy { it.address })
  • compareBy has an overload which takes multiple functions:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.age }, { }, { it.address }))

bootstrap datepicker today as default

Perfect Picker with current date and basic settings

            autoclose: true,
            format: "yyyy-mm-dd",
            immediateUpdates: true,
            todayBtn: true,
            todayHighlight: true
        }).datepicker("setDate", "0");

T-SQL: Using a CASE in an UPDATE statement to update certain columns depending on a condition

I know this is a very old question, but this worked for me:

WHEN FIELD1 = Condition1 THEN 'Result1'
WHEN FIELD1 = Condition2 THEN 'Result2'
WHEN FIELD1 = Condition3 THEN 'Result3'


Redirecting output to $null in PowerShell, but ensuring the variable remains set

I'd prefer this way to redirect standard output (native PowerShell)...

($foo = someFunction) | out-null

But this works too:

($foo = someFunction) > $null

To redirect just standard error after defining $foo with result of "someFunction", do

($foo = someFunction) 2> $null

This is effectively the same as mentioned above.

Or to redirect any standard error messages from "someFunction" and then defining $foo with the result:

$foo = (someFunction 2> $null)

To redirect both you have a few options:

2>&1 | out-null

Check if table exists

If using jruby, here is a code snippet to return an array of all tables in a db.

require "rubygems"
require "jdbc/mysql"
require "java"

def get_database_tables(connection, db_name)
  md = connection.get_meta_data
  rs = md.get_tables(db_name, nil, '%',["TABLE"])

  tables = []
  count = 0
    tables << rs.get_string(3)
  end #while
  return tables

Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)

Came across this looking for something else. While the post looks fairly old, the easiest solution in bash is illustrated below (at least bash 4) using set -- "${@:#}" where # is the starting number of the array element we want to preserve forward:


    set -- "${@:3}"

    [[ "${input[*],,}" == *"someword"* ]] && someNewVar="trigger"

    echo -e "${someVar}\n${someOtherVar}\n${someNewVar}\n\n${@}"

Basically, the set -- "${@:3}" just pops off the first two elements in the array like perl's shift and preserves all remaining elements including the third. I suspect there's a way to pop off the last elements as well.

Need to find element in selenium by css

By.cssSelector(".ban") or By.cssSelector(".hot") or By.cssSelector("") should all select it unless there is another element that has those classes.

In CSS, .name means find an element that has a class with name. means to find an element that has all of those classes (in the same element).

However, each of those selectors will select only the first element that matches it on the page. If you need something more specific, please post the HTML of the other elements that have those classes.

Using the RUN instruction in a Dockerfile with 'source' does not work

This might be happening because source is a built-in to bash rather than a binary somewhere on the filesystem. Is your intention for the script you're sourcing to alter the container afterward?

Wildcard string comparison in Javascript

This function convert wildcard to regexp and make test (it supports . and * wildcharts)

function wildTest(wildcard, str) {
  let w = wildcard.replace(/[.+^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // regexp escape 
  const re = new RegExp(`^${w.replace(/\*/g,'.*').replace(/\?/g,'.')}$`,'i');
  return re.test(str); // remove last 'i' above to have case sensitive

function wildTest(wildcard, str) {_x000D_
  let w = wildcard.replace(/[.+^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // regexp escape _x000D_
  const re = new RegExp(`^${w.replace(/\*/g,'.*').replace(/\?/g,'.')}$`,'i');_x000D_
  return re.test(str); // remove last 'i' above to have case sensitive_x000D_
// Example usage_x000D_
let arr = ["birdBlue", "birdRed", "pig1z", "pig2z", "elephantBlua" ];_x000D_
let resultA = arr.filter( x => wildTest('biRd*', x) );_x000D_
let resultB = arr.filter( x => wildTest('p?g?z', x) );_x000D_
let resultC = arr.filter( x => wildTest('*Blu?', x) );_x000D_

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

I got into this issue when I get the following error:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

when I was using slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar in my libs.

Inspite I tried with the whole suggested complement jars, like slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar, slf4j-simple-1.7.5 the error message still persisted. The problem finally was solved when I added slf4j-jdk14-1.7.5.jar to the java libs.

Get the whole slf4j package at

ArrayList vs List<> in C#

Simple Answer is,

ArrayList is Non-Generic

  • It is an Object Type, so you can store any data type into it.
  • You can store any values (value type or reference type) such string, int, employee and object in the ArrayList. (Note and)
  • Boxing and Unboxing will happen.
  • Not type safe.
  • It is older.

List is Generic

  • It is a Type of Type, so you can specify the T on run-time.
  • You can store an only value of Type T (string or int or employee or object) based on the declaration. (Note or)
  • Boxing and Unboxing will not happen.
  • Type safe.
  • It is newer.


ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
List<int> list = new List<int>();

arrayList.Add(new object());

list.Add("String");                 // Compile-time Error
list.Add(new object());             // Compile-time Error

Please read the Microsoft official document:

enter image description here

Note: You should know Generics before understanding the difference:

How to fix Subversion lock error

I get this too. I go to the directory (not in Eclipse) where the files are, go into the .svn dir and delete the file called lock.

Flip back to Eclipse and continue.

There is a similar question here Problems committing file to SVN repository

How to find a value in an excel column by vba code Cells.Find

Dim strFirstAddress As String
Dim searchlast As Range
Dim search As Range

Set search = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A100")
Set searchlast = search.Cells(search.Cells.Count)

Set rngFindValue = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A100").Find(Text, searchlast, xlValues)
If Not rngFindValue Is Nothing Then
  strFirstAddress = rngFindValue.Address
    Set rngFindValue = search.FindNext(rngFindValue)
  Loop Until rngFindValue.Address = strFirstAddress

Get custom product attributes in Woocommerce

Update for 2018. You can use:

global $product;
echo wc_display_product_attributes( $product );

To customise the output, copy plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/product-attributes.php to themes/theme-child/woocommerce/single-product/product-attributes.php and modify that.

How to center absolute div horizontally using CSS?

This doesn't work in IE8 but might be an option to consider. It is primarily useful if you do not want to specify a width.

  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);

Forms authentication timeout vs sessionState timeout

The difference is that one (forms time-out) has to do authenticating the user and the other( session timeout) has to do with how long cached data is stored on the server. So they are very independent things so one doesn't take precedence over the other.

Save image from url with curl PHP

Improved version of Komang answer (add referer and user agent, check if you can write the file), return true if it's ok, false if there is an error :

public function downloadImage($url,$filename){
    $fp = fopen($filename,'w');
        $ch = curl_init ($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
        $result = parse_url($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $result['scheme'].'://'.$result['host']);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0');
        curl_close ($ch);
            fwrite($fp, $raw);
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

http://localhost/ not working on Windows 7. What's the problem?

Yea, this was a pain for me as well.

So what i did was find the "Start Wampserver", just hit the start button and type it in.

Then right click on it , select properties. I set it to run in XP servive pack 3 on the capatability tab. I also checked the box "Run this program as an administrator".

Then I right clicked the WAMPSERVER on the System Tray, and re-started all services. This worked perfect for me, hope this will help you as well.


Error loading MySQLdb Module 'Did you install mysqlclient or MySQL-python?'

I had this issue just recently even with using the python 3 compatible mysqlclient library and managed to solve my issue albeit in a bit of an unorthodox manner. If you are using MySQL 8, give this a try and see if it helps! :)

I simply made a copy of the libmysqlclient.21.dylib file located in my up-to-date installation of MySQL 8.0.13 which is was in /usr/local/mysql/lib and moved that copy under the same name to /usr/lib.

You will need to temporarily disable security integrity protection on your mac however to do this since you won't have or be able to change permissions to anything in /usr/lib without disabling it. You can do this by booting up into the recovery system, click Utilities on the menu at the top, and open up the terminal and enter csrutil disable into the terminal. Just remember to turn security integrity protection back on when you're done doing this! The only difference from the above process will be that you run csrutil enable instead.

You can find out more about how to disable and enable macOS's security integrity protection here.

CSS: 100% width or height while keeping aspect ratio?

Simple elegant working solution:

img {
  width: 600px;  /*width of parent container*/
  height: 350px; /*height of parent container*/
  object-fit: contain;
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

Swift addsubview and remove it

Tested this code using XCode 8 and Swift 3

To Add Custom View to SuperView use:


To Remove Custom View from Superview use:


How do you follow an HTTP Redirect in Node.js?

Make another request based on response.headers.location:

      const request = function(url) {
        lib.get(url, (response) => {
          var body = [];
          if (response.statusCode == 302) {
            body = [];
          } else {
            response.on("data", /*...*/);
            response.on("end", /*...*/);
        } ).on("error", /*...*/);

How to get multiple select box values using jQuery?

Just use this

$('#multipleSelect').change(function() {
    var selectedValues = $(this).val();  

How to run docker-compose up -d at system start up?

When we use crontab or the deprecated /etc/rc.local file, we need a delay (e.g. sleep 10, depending on the machine) to make sure that system services are available. Usually, systemd (or upstart) is used to manage which services start when the system boots. You can try use the similar configuration for this:

# /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose-app.service

Description=Docker Compose Application Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose down


Or, if you want run without the -d flag:

# /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose-app.service

Description=Docker Compose Application Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose up
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose down


Change the WorkingDirectory parameter with your dockerized project path. And enable the service to start automatically:

systemctl enable docker-compose-app

Bootstrap button - remove outline on Chrome OS X

Search and replace

outline: thin dotted;
outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;

Replace to

outline: 0;

addID in jQuery?

I've used something like this before which addresses @scunliffes concern. It finds all instances of items with a class of (in this case .button), and assigns an ID and appends its index to the id name:

$(".button").attr('id', function (index) {_x000D_
 return "button-" + index;_x000D_

So let's say you have 3 items with the class name of .button on a page. The result would be adding a unique ID to all of them (in addition to their class of "button").

In this case, #button-0, #button-1, #button-2, respectively. This can come in very handy. Simply replace ".button" in the first line with whatever class you want to target, and replace "button" in the return statement with whatever you'd like your unique ID to be. Hope this helps!

Send raw ZPL to Zebra printer via USB

Visual Studio C# solution (found at

Step 1.) Create class RawPrinterHelper...

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class RawPrinterHelper
    // Structure and API declarions:
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public class DOCINFOA
        public string pDocName;
        public string pOutputFile;
        public string pDataType;
    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "OpenPrinterA", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool OpenPrinter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string szPrinter, out IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pd);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "ClosePrinter", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool ClosePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "StartDocPrinterA", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool StartDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, Int32 level, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] DOCINFOA di);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "EndDocPrinter", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool EndDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "StartPagePrinter", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool StartPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "EndPagePrinter", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool EndPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint = "WritePrinter", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool WritePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount, out Int32 dwWritten);

    // SendBytesToPrinter()
    // When the function is given a printer name and an unmanaged array
    // of bytes, the function sends those bytes to the print queue.
    // Returns true on success, false on failure.
    public static bool SendBytesToPrinter(string szPrinterName, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount)
        Int32 dwError = 0, dwWritten = 0;
        IntPtr hPrinter = new IntPtr(0);
        DOCINFOA di = new DOCINFOA();
        bool bSuccess = false; // Assume failure unless you specifically succeed.

        di.pDocName = "My C#.NET RAW Document";
        di.pDataType = "RAW";

        // Open the printer.
        if (OpenPrinter(szPrinterName.Normalize(), out hPrinter, IntPtr.Zero))
            // Start a document.
            if (StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, di))
                // Start a page.
                if (StartPagePrinter(hPrinter))
                    // Write your bytes.
                    bSuccess = WritePrinter(hPrinter, pBytes, dwCount, out dwWritten);
        // If you did not succeed, GetLastError may give more information
        // about why not.
        if (bSuccess == false)
            dwError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
        return bSuccess;

    public static bool SendFileToPrinter(string szPrinterName, string szFileName)
        // Open the file.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(szFileName, FileMode.Open);
        // Create a BinaryReader on the file.
        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
        // Dim an array of bytes big enough to hold the file's contents.
        Byte[] bytes = new Byte[fs.Length];
        bool bSuccess = false;
        // Your unmanaged pointer.
        IntPtr pUnmanagedBytes = new IntPtr(0);
        int nLength;

        nLength = Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length);
        // Read the contents of the file into the array.
        bytes = br.ReadBytes(nLength);
        // Allocate some unmanaged memory for those bytes.
        pUnmanagedBytes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nLength);
        // Copy the managed byte array into the unmanaged array.
        Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength);
        // Send the unmanaged bytes to the printer.
        bSuccess = SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength);
        // Free the unmanaged memory that you allocated earlier.
        return bSuccess;
    public static bool SendStringToPrinter(string szPrinterName, string szString)
        IntPtr pBytes;
        Int32 dwCount;
        // How many characters are in the string?
        dwCount = szString.Length;
        // Assume that the printer is expecting ANSI text, and then convert
        // the string to ANSI text.
        pBytes = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(szString);
        // Send the converted ANSI string to the printer.
        SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pBytes, dwCount);
        return true;

Step 2.) Create a form with text box and button (text box will hold the ZPL to send in this example). In button click event add code...

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Allow the user to select a printer.
            PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
            pd.PrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
            if (DialogResult.OK == pd.ShowDialog(this))
                // Send a printer-specific to the printer.
                RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName, textBox1.Text);
                MessageBox.Show("Data sent to printer.");
                MessageBox.Show("Data not sent to printer.");

With this solution, you can tweak to meet specific requirements. Perhaps hardcode the specific printer. Perhaps derive the ZPL text dynamically rather than from a text box. Whatever. Perhaps you don't need a graphical interface, but this shows how to send the ZPL. Your use depends on your needs.

How do I calculate percentiles with python/numpy?

check for scipy.stats module:


How to increase the execution timeout in php?

First check the php.ini file path by phpinfo(); and then changed PHP.INI params:

upload_max_filesize = 1000M
memory_limit = 1500M
post_max_size = 1500M
max_execution_time = 30

restarted Apache

set_time_limit(0); // safe_mode is off

ini_set('max_execution_time', 500); //500 seconds

Note: you can also use command to find php.ini in Linux

locate `php.ini`

HTML form with multiple "actions"

this really worked form for I am making a table using thymeleaf and inside the table there is two buttons in one form...thanks man even this thread is old it still helps me alot!

<th:block th:each="infos : ${infos}">_x000D_
<form method="POST">_x000D_
<td><input class="admin" type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" th:value="${infos.firstName}"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="admin" type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" th:value="${infos.lastName}"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="admin" type="email" name="email" id="email" th:value="${}"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="admin" type="text" name="passWord" id="passWord" th:value="${infos.passWord}"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="admin" type="date" name="birthDate" id="birthDate" th:value="${infos.birthDate}"/></td>_x000D_
<select class="admin" name="gender" id="gender">_x000D_
<option><label th:text="${infos.gender}"></label></option>_x000D_
<option value="Male">Male</option>_x000D_
<option value="Female">Female</option>_x000D_
<td><select class="admin" name="status" id="status">_x000D_
<option><label th:text="${infos.status}"></label></option>_x000D_
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>_x000D_
<option value="No">No</option>_x000D_
<td><select class="admin" name="ustatus" id="ustatus">_x000D_
<option><label th:text="${infos.ustatus}"></label></option>_x000D_
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>_x000D_
<option value="No">No</option>_x000D_
<td><select class="admin" name="type" id="type">_x000D_
<option><label th:text="${infos.type}"></label></option>_x000D_
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>_x000D_
<option value="No">No</option>_x000D_
<td><input class="register" id="mobileNumber" type="text" th:value="${infos.mobileNumber}" name="mobileNumber" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" maxlength="11"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="table" type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Upd" Style="color: white; background-color:navy; border-color: black;" th:formaction="@{/updates}"/></td>_x000D_
<td><input class="table" type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Del" Style="color: white; background-color:navy; border-color: black;" th:formaction="@{/delete}"/></td>_x000D_

Design Documents (High Level and Low Level Design Documents)

High-Level Design (HLD) involves decomposing a system into modules, and representing the interfaces & invocation relationships among modules. An HLD is referred to as software architecture.

LLD, also known as a detailed design, is used to design internals of the individual modules identified during HLD i.e. data structures and algorithms of the modules are designed and documented.

Now, HLD and LLD are actually used in traditional Approach (Function-Oriented Software Design) whereas, in OOAD, the system is seen as a set of objects interacting with each other.

As per the above definitions, a high-level design document will usually include a high-level architecture diagram depicting the components, interfaces, and networks that need to be further specified or developed. The document may also depict or otherwise refer to work flows and/or data flows between component systems.

Class diagrams with all the methods and relations between classes come under LLD. Program specs are covered under LLD. LLD describes each and every module in an elaborate manner so that the programmer can directly code the program based on it. There will be at least 1 document for each module. The LLD will contain - a detailed functional logic of the module in pseudo code - database tables with all elements including their type and size - all interface details with complete API references(both requests and responses) - all dependency issues - error message listings - complete inputs and outputs for a module.

How do MySQL indexes work?

Take a look at this link:

How they work is too broad of a subject to cover in one SO post.

Here is one of the best explanations of indexes I have seen. Unfortunately it is for SQL Server and not MySQL. I'm not sure how similar the two are...

How to read/write arbitrary bits in C/C++

If you keep grabbing bits from your data, you might want to use a bitfield. You'll just have to set up a struct and load it with only ones and zeroes:

struct bitfield{
    unsigned int bit : 1
struct bitfield *bitstream;

then later on load it like this (replacing char with int or whatever data you are loading):

long int i;
int j, k;
unsigned char c, d;

bitstream=malloc(sizeof(struct bitfield)*charstreamlength*sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<charstreamlength; i++){
    for(j=0; j < sizeof(char)*8; j++){
            bitstream[sizeof(char)*8*i + j].bit=0;
            bitstream[sizeof(char)*8*i + j].bit=1;

Then access elements:




All of this is assuming are working on i86/64, not arm, since arm can be big or little endian.

Variables within app.config/web.config

A slightly more complicated, but far more flexible, alternative is to create a class that represents a configuration section. In your app.config / web.config file, you can have this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- This section must be the first section within the <configuration> node -->
        <section name="DirectoryInfo" type="MyProjectNamespace.DirectoryInfoConfigSection, MyProjectAssemblyName" />

        <Directory MyBaseDir="C:\MyBase" Dir1="Dir1" Dir2="Dir2" />

Then, in your .NET code (I'll use C# in my example), you can create two classes like this:

using System;
using System.Configuration;

namespace MyProjectNamespace {

    public class DirectoryInfoConfigSection : ConfigurationSection {

        public DirectoryConfigElement Directory {
            get {
                return (DirectoryConfigElement)base["Directory"];

    public class DirectoryConfigElement : ConfigurationElement {

        public String BaseDirectory {
            get {
                return (String)base["MyBaseDir"];

        public String Directory1 {
            get {
                return (String)base["Dir1"];

        public String Directory2 {
            get {
                return (String)base["Dir2"];
        // You can make custom properties to combine your directory names.
        public String Directory1Resolved {
            get {
                return System.IO.Path.Combine(BaseDirectory, Directory1);

Finally, in your program code, you can access your app.config variables, using your new classes, in this manner:

DirectoryInfoConfigSection config =
String dir1Path = config.Directory.Directory1Resolved;  // This value will equal "C:\MyBase\Dir1"

IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language

query.setParameterList("name", new String[] { "Ron", "Som", "Roxi"}); fixed my issue

Rebase feature branch onto another feature branch

  1. Switch to Branch2

    git checkout Branch2
  2. Apply the current (Branch2) changes on top of the Branch1 changes, staying in Branch2:

    git rebase Branch1

Which would leave you with the desired result in Branch2:

a -- b -- c                      <-- Master
            d -- e               <-- Branch1
            d -- e -- f' -- g'   <-- Branch2

You can delete Branch1.

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

int small=a[0];
for (int x: a.length)

How to start Apache and MySQL automatically when Windows 8 comes up

Go to the Config button (upper right) and select the Autostart for Apache:

Config button

Autostart modules

To start XAMPP at startup in Windows, paste a shortcut of the XAMPP control panel in this folder:

C:\Users\ USERNAME \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Set HTML dropdown selected option using JSTL

Assuming that you have a collection ${roles} of the elements to put in the combo, and ${selected} the selected element, It would go like this:

<select name='role'>
    <option value="${selected}" selected>${selected}</option>
    <c:forEach items="${roles}" var="role">
        <c:if test="${role != selected}">
            <option value="${role}">${role}</option>

UPDATE (next question)

You are overwriting the attribute "productSubCategoryName". At the end of the for loop, the last productSubCategoryName.

Because of the limitations of the expression language, I think the best way to deal with this is to use a map:

Map<String,Boolean> map = new HashMap<String,Boolean>();
for(int i=0;i<userProductData.size();i++){
    String productSubCategoryName=userProductData.get(i).getProductSubCategory();
    map.put(productSubCategoryName, true);
request.setAttribute("productSubCategoryMap", map);

And then in the JSP:

<select multiple="multiple" name="prodSKUs">
    <c:forEach items="${productSubCategoryList}" var="productSubCategoryList">
        <option value="${productSubCategoryList}" ${not empty productSubCategoryMap[productSubCategoryList] ? 'selected' : ''}>${productSubCategoryList}</option>

How to compare two dates along with time in java

 // Get calendar set to the current date and time
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

// Set time of calendar to 18:00
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 18);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

// Check if current time is after 18:00 today
boolean afterSix = Calendar.getInstance().after(cal);

if (afterSix) {
    System.out.println("Go home, it's after 6 PM!");
else {

Permission denied for relation

Connect to the right database first, then run:


How would I extract a single file (or changes to a file) from a git stash?

Edit: See cambunctious's answer, which is basically what I now prefer because it only uses the changes in the stash, rather than comparing them to your current state. This makes the operation additive, with much less chance of undoing work done since the stash was created.

To do it interactively, you would first do

git diff stash^! -- path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext perhaps/another/file.ext > my.patch

...then open the patch file in a text editor, alter as required, then do

git apply < my.patch

cambunctious's answer bypasses the interactivity by piping one command directly to the other, which is fine if you know you want all changes from the stash. You can edit the stash^! to be any commit range that has the cumulative changes you want (but check over the output of the diff first).

If applying the patch/diff fails, you can change the last command to git apply --reject which makes all the changes it can, and leaves .rej files where there are conflicts it can;r resolve. The .rej files can then be applied using wiggle, like so:

wiggle --replace path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext.rej

This will either resolve the conflict, or give you conflict markers that you'd get from a merge.

Previous solution: There is an easy way to get changes from any branch, including stashes:

$ git checkout --patch stash@{0} path/to/file

You may omit the file spec if you want to patch in many parts. Or omit patch (but not the path) to get all changes to a single file. Replace 0 with the stash number from git stash list, if you have more than one. Note that this is like diff, and offers to apply all differences between the branches. To get changes from only a single commit/stash, have a look at git cherry-pick --no-commit.

How to scanf only integer and repeat reading if the user enters non-numeric characters?

You could create a function that reads an integer between 1 and 23 or returns 0 if non-int


int getInt()
  int n = 0;
  char buffer[128];
  n = atoi(buffer); 
  return ( n > 23 || n < 1 ) ? 0 : n;

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

Probably for the same reason that there is no tree container in boost. There are many ways to implement such a container, and there is no good way to satisfy everyone who would use it.

Some issues to consider:

  • Are the number of children for a node fixed or variable?
  • How much overhead per node? - ie, do you need parent pointers, sibling pointers, etc.
  • What algorithms to provide? - different iterators, search algorithms, etc.

In the end, the problem ends up being that a tree container that would be useful enough to everyone, would be too heavyweight to satisfy most of the people using it. If you are looking for something powerful, Boost Graph Library is essentially a superset of what a tree library could be used for.

Here are some other generic tree implementations:

Angular 5 ngHide ngShow [hidden] not working

Your [hidden] will work but you need to check the css:

<input class="txt" type="password" [(ngModel)]="input_pw" [hidden]="isHidden" />

And the css:

[hidden] {
  display: none !important;

That should work as you want.

how to add a day to a date using jquery datepicker

This answer really helped me get started (noob) - but I encountered some weird behavior when I set a start date of 12/31/2014 and added +1 to default the end date. Instead of giving me an end date of 01/01/2015 I was getting 02/01/2015 (!!!). This version parses the components of the start date to avoid these end of year oddities.

 $( "#date_start" ).datepicker({

   minDate: 0,
   dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",

   onSelect: function(selected) {
         $("#date_end").datepicker("option","minDate", selected); //  mindate on the End datepicker cannot be less than start date already selected.
         var date = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
         var tempStartDate = new Date(date);
         var default_end = new Date(tempStartDate.getFullYear(), tempStartDate.getMonth(), tempStartDate.getDate()+1); //this parses date to overcome new year date weirdness
         $('#date_end').datepicker('setDate', default_end); // Set as default                           


 $( "#date_end" ).datepicker({

   minDate: 0,
   dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",

   onSelect: function(selected) {
     $("#date_start").datepicker("option","maxDate", selected); //  maxdate on the Start datepicker cannot be more than end date selected.



Change the maximum upload file size

Three things you need to check.

upload_max_filesize, memory_limit and post_max_size in the php.ini configuration file exactly.

All of these three settings limit the maximum size of data that can be submitted and handled by PHP.

Typically post_max_size and memory_limit need to be larger than upload_max_filesize.

So three variables total you need to check to be absolutely sure.

Using SELECT result in another SELECT

What you are looking for is a query with WITH clause, if your dbms supports it. Then

WITH NewScores AS (
    SELECT * 
    FROM Score  
    WHERE InsertedDate >= DATEADD(mm, -3, GETDATE())
<and the rest of your query>

Note that there is no ; in the first half. HTH.

Save and load MemoryStream to/from a file

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace ImageWriterUtil
    public class ImageWaterMarkBuilder
        //private ImageWaterMarkBuilder()
        Stream imageStream;
        string watermarkText = "©8Bytes.Technology";
        Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Brush Script MT", 30, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
        Point position;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddStream(Stream imageStream)
            this.imageStream = imageStream;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddWaterMark(string watermarkText)
            this.watermarkText = watermarkText;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFont(Font font)
            this.font = font;
            return this;

        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFontColour(Color color)
            this.brush = new SolidBrush(color);
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddPosition(Point position)
            this.position = position;
            return this;

        public void CompileAndSave(string filePath)

            //Read the File into a Bitmap.
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(this.imageStream, false))
                using (Graphics grp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

                    //Determine the size of the Watermark text.
                    SizeF textSize = new SizeF();
                    textSize = grp.MeasureString(watermarkText, font);

                    //Position the text and draw it on the image.
                    if (position == null)
                        position = new Point((bmp.Width - ((int)textSize.Width + 10)), (bmp.Height - ((int)textSize.Height + 10)));
                    grp.DrawString(watermarkText, font, brush, position);

                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        //Save the Watermarked image to the MemoryStream.
                        bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;
                       // string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                        // outPuthFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), fileName + "_outputh.png");
                        using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[memoryStream.Length];
                            memoryStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length);
                            file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


Usage :-


*ngIf and *ngFor on same element causing error

<div *ngFor="let thing of show ? stuff : []">

Import a module from a relative path

Be sure that dirBar has the file -- this makes a directory into a Python package.

C split a char array into different variables

Look at strtok(). strtok() is not a re-entrant function.

strtok_r() is the re-entrant version of strtok(). Here's an example program from the manual:

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <string.h>

   int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       char *str1, *str2, *token, *subtoken;
       char *saveptr1, *saveptr2;
       int j;

       if (argc != 4) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s string delim subdelim\n",argv[0]);

       for (j = 1, str1 = argv[1]; ; j++, str1 = NULL) {
           token = strtok_r(str1, argv[2], &saveptr1);
           if (token == NULL)
           printf("%d: %s\n", j, token);

           for (str2 = token; ; str2 = NULL) {
               subtoken = strtok_r(str2, argv[3], &saveptr2);
               if (subtoken == NULL)
               printf(" --> %s\n", subtoken);


Sample run which operates on subtokens which was obtained from the previous token based on a different delimiter:

$ ./a.out hello:word:bye=abc:def:ghi = :

1: hello:word:bye
 --> hello
 --> word
 --> bye
2: abc:def:ghi
 --> abc
 --> def
 --> ghi

Login to remote site with PHP cURL

This is how I solved this in ImpressPages:

//initial request with login data

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/32.0.1700.107 Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "username=XXXXX&password=XXXXX");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie-name');  //could be empty, but cause problems on some hosts
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, '/var/www/ip4.x/file/tmp');  //could be empty, but cause problems on some hosts
$answer = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_error($ch)) {
    echo curl_error($ch);

//another request preserving the session

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "");
$answer = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_error($ch)) {
    echo curl_error($ch);

How to add http:// if it doesn't exist in the URL

A modified version of @nickf code:

function addhttp($url) {
    if (!preg_match("~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $url)) {
        $url = "http://" . $url;
    return $url;

Recognizes ftp://, ftps://, http:// and https:// in a case insensitive way.

Apply function to each column in a data frame observing each columns existing data type

The best way to do this is avoid base *apply functions, which coerces the entire data frame to an array, possibly losing information.

If you wanted to apply a function as.numeric to every column, a simple way is using mutate_all from dplyr:

t %>% mutate_all(as.numeric)

Alternatively use colwise from plyr, which will "turn a function that operates on a vector into a function that operates column-wise on a data.frame."

t %>% (colwise(as.numeric))

In the special case of reading in a data table of character vectors and coercing columns into the correct data type, use type.convert or type_convert from readr.

Less interesting answer: we can apply on each column with a for-loop:

for (i in 1:nrow(t)) { t[, i] <- parse_guess(t[, i]) }

I don't know of a good way of doing assignment with *apply while preserving data frame structure.

Adding blank spaces to layout

This can by be achieved by using space or view.

Space is lightweight but not much flexible.

View occupies a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and event handling. View is more customizable, you can add background, draw shapes like space.

Implementing Space :

(Eg: Space For 20 vertical and 10 horizontal density pixels)


Implementing View :

(Eg: View For 20 vertical and 10 horizontal density pixels including a background color)


Space for string formatting using HTML entity:

&#160; for non-breakable whitespace. &#032; for regular space.

Catch multiple exceptions in one line (except block)

From Python documentation -> 8.3 Handling Exceptions:

A try statement may have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different exceptions. At most one handler will be executed. Handlers only handle exceptions that occur in the corresponding try clause, not in other handlers of the same try statement. An except clause may name multiple exceptions as a parenthesized tuple, for example:

except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):

Note that the parentheses around this tuple are required, because except ValueError, e: was the syntax used for what is normally written as except ValueError as e: in modern Python (described below). The old syntax is still supported for backwards compatibility. This means except RuntimeError, TypeError is not equivalent to except (RuntimeError, TypeError): but to except RuntimeError as TypeError: which is not what you want.

Insert php variable in a href

in php

echo '<a href="' . $folder_path . '">Link text</a>';


<a href="<?=$folder_path?>">Link text</a>;


<a href="<?php echo $folder_path ?>">Link text</a>;

Insert some string into given string at given index in Python

An important point that often bites new Python programmers but the other posters haven't made explicit is that strings in Python are immutable -- you can't ever modify them in place.

You need to retrain yourself when working with strings in Python so that instead of thinking, "How can I modify this string?" instead you're thinking "how can I create a new string that has some pieces from this one I've already gotten?"

String Concatenation using '+' operator

It doesn't - the C# compiler does :)

So this code:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = x + y + z;

actually gets compiled as:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = string.Concat(x, y, z);

(Gah - intervening edit removed other bits accidentally.)

The benefit of the C# compiler noticing that there are multiple string concatenations here is that you don't end up creating an intermediate string of x + y which then needs to be copied again as part of the concatenation of (x + y) and z. Instead, we get it all done in one go.

EDIT: Note that the compiler can't do anything if you concatenate in a loop. For example, this code:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x += y;

just ends up as equivalent to:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x = string.Concat(x, y);

... so this does generate a lot of garbage, and it's why you should use a StringBuilder for such cases. I have an article going into more details about the two which will hopefully answer further questions.

How do I separate an integer into separate digits in an array in JavaScript?

const number = 1435;

Logging best practices

Update: For extensions to System.Diagnostics, providing some of the missing listeners you might want, see Essential.Diagnostics on CodePlex (


Q: What frameworks do you use?

A: System.Diagnostics.TraceSource, built in to .NET 2.0.

It provides powerful, flexible, high performance logging for applications, however many developers are not aware of its capabilities and do not make full use of them.

There are some areas where additional functionality is useful, or sometimes the functionality exists but is not well documented, however this does not mean that the entire logging framework (which is designed to be extensible) should be thrown away and completely replaced like some popular alternatives (NLog, log4net, Common.Logging, and even EntLib Logging).

Rather than change the way you add logging statements to your application and re-inventing the wheel, just extended the System.Diagnostics framework in the few places you need it.

It seems to me the other frameworks, even EntLib, simply suffer from Not Invented Here Syndrome, and I think they have wasted time re-inventing the basics that already work perfectly well in System.Diagnostics (such as how you write log statements), rather than filling in the few gaps that exist. In short, don't use them -- they aren't needed.

Features you may not have known:

  • Using the TraceEvent overloads that take a format string and args can help performance as parameters are kept as separate references until after Filter.ShouldTrace() has succeeded. This means no expensive calls to ToString() on parameter values until after the system has confirmed message will actually be logged.
  • The Trace.CorrelationManager allows you to correlate log statements about the same logical operation (see below).
  • VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener is good for writing to log files and supports file rotation. Although in the VisualBasic namespace, it can be just as easily used in a C# (or other language) project simply by including the DLL.
  • When using EventLogTraceListener if you call TraceEvent with multiple arguments and with empty or null format string, then the args are passed directly to the EventLog.WriteEntry() if you are using localized message resources.
  • The Service Trace Viewer tool (from WCF) is useful for viewing graphs of activity correlated log files (even if you aren't using WCF). This can really help debug complex issues where multiple threads/activites are involved.
  • Avoid overhead by clearing all listeners (or removing Default); otherwise Default will pass everything to the trace system (and incur all those ToString() overheads).

Areas you might want to look at extending (if needed):

  • Database trace listener
  • Colored console trace listener
  • MSMQ / Email / WMI trace listeners (if needed)
  • Implement a FileSystemWatcher to call Trace.Refresh for dynamic configuration changes

Other Recommendations:

Use structed event id's, and keep a reference list (e.g. document them in an enum).

Having unique event id's for each (significant) event in your system is very useful for correlating and finding specific issues. It is easy to track back to the specific code that logs/uses the event ids, and can make it easy to provide guidance for common errors, e.g. error 5178 means your database connection string is wrong, etc.

Event id's should follow some kind of structure (similar to the Theory of Reply Codes used in email and HTTP), which allows you to treat them by category without knowing specific codes.

e.g. The first digit can detail the general class: 1xxx can be used for 'Start' operations, 2xxx for normal behaviour, 3xxx for activity tracing, 4xxx for warnings, 5xxx for errors, 8xxx for 'Stop' operations, 9xxx for fatal errors, etc.

The second digit can detail the area, e.g. 21xx for database information (41xx for database warnings, 51xx for database errors), 22xx for calculation mode (42xx for calculation warnings, etc), 23xx for another module, etc.

Assigned, structured event id's also allow you use them in filters.

Q: If you use tracing, do you make use of Trace.Correlation.StartLogicalOperation?

A: Trace.CorrelationManager is very useful for correlating log statements in any sort of multi-threaded environment (which is pretty much anything these days).

You need at least to set the ActivityId once for each logical operation in order to correlate.

Start/Stop and the LogicalOperationStack can then be used for simple stack-based context. For more complex contexts (e.g. asynchronous operations), using TraceTransfer to the new ActivityId (before changing it), allows correlation.

The Service Trace Viewer tool can be useful for viewing activity graphs (even if you aren't using WCF).

Q: Do you write this code manually, or do you use some form of aspect oriented programming to do it? Care to share a code snippet?

A: You may want to create a scope class, e.g. LogicalOperationScope, that (a) sets up the context when created and (b) resets the context when disposed.

This allows you to write code such as the following to automatically wrap operations:

  using( LogicalOperationScope operation = new LogicalOperationScope("Operation") )
    // .. do work here

On creation the scope could first set ActivityId if needed, call StartLogicalOperation and then log a TraceEventType.Start message. On Dispose it could log a Stop message, and then call StopLogicalOperation.

Q: Do you provide any form of granularity over trace sources? E.g., WPF TraceSources allow you to configure them at various levels.

A: Yes, multiple Trace Sources are useful / important as systems get larger.

Whilst you probably want to consistently log all Warning & above, or all Information & above messages, for any reasonably sized system the volume of Activity Tracing (Start, Stop, etc) and Verbose logging simply becomes too much.

Rather than having only one switch that turns it all either on or off, it is useful to be able to turn on this information for one section of your system at a time.

This way, you can locate significant problems from the usually logging (all warnings, errors, etc), and then "zoom in" on the sections you want and set them to Activity Tracing or even Debug levels.

The number of trace sources you need depends on your application, e.g. you may want one trace source per assembly or per major section of your application.

If you need even more fine tuned control, add individual boolean switches to turn on/off specific high volume tracing, e.g. raw message dumps. (Or a separate trace source could be used, similar to WCF/WPF).

You might also want to consider separate trace sources for Activity Tracing vs general (other) logging, as it can make it a bit easier to configure filters exactly how you want them.

Note that messages can still be correlated via ActivityId even if different sources are used, so use as many as you need.


Q: What log outputs do you use?

This can depend on what type of application you are writing, and what things are being logged. Usually different things go in different places (i.e. multiple outputs).

I generally classify outputs into three groups:

(1) Events - Windows Event Log (and trace files)

e.g. If writing a server/service, then best practice on Windows is to use the Windows Event Log (you don't have a UI to report to).

In this case all Fatal, Error, Warning and (service-level) Information events should go to the Windows Event Log. The Information level should be reserved for these type of high level events, the ones that you want to go in the event log, e.g. "Service Started", "Service Stopped", "Connected to Xyz", and maybe even "Schedule Initiated", "User Logged On", etc.

In some cases you may want to make writing to the event log a built-in part of your application and not via the trace system (i.e. write Event Log entries directly). This means it can't accidentally be turned off. (Note you still also want to note the same event in your trace system so you can correlate).

In contrast, a Windows GUI application would generally report these to the user (although they may also log to the Windows Event Log).

Events may also have related performance counters (e.g. number of errors/sec), and it can be important to co-ordinate any direct writing to the Event Log, performance counters, writing to the trace system and reporting to the user so they occur at the same time.

i.e. If a user sees an error message at a particular time, you should be able to find the same error message in the Windows Event Log, and then the same event with the same timestamp in the trace log (along with other trace details).

(2) Activities - Application Log files or database table (and trace files)

This is the regular activity that a system does, e.g. web page served, stock market trade lodged, order taken, calculation performed, etc.

Activity Tracing (start, stop, etc) is useful here (at the right granuality).

Also, it is very common to use a specific Application Log (sometimes called an Audit Log). Usually this is a database table or an application log file and contains structured data (i.e. a set of fields).

Things can get a bit blurred here depending on your application. A good example might be a web server which writes each request to a web log; similar examples might be a messaging system or calculation system where each operation is logged along with application-specific details.

A not so good example is stock market trades or a sales ordering system. In these systems you are probably already logging the activity as they have important business value, however the principal of correlating them to other actions is still important.

As well as custom application logs, activities also often have related peformance counters, e.g. number of transactions per second.

In generally you should co-ordinate logging of activities across different systems, i.e. write to your application log at the same time as you increase your performance counter and log to your trace system. If you do all at the same time (or straight after each other in the code), then debugging problems is easier (than if they all occur at diffent times/locations in the code).

(3) Debug Trace - Text file, or maybe XML or database.

This is information at Verbose level and lower (e.g. custom boolean switches to turn on/off raw data dumps). This provides the guts or details of what a system is doing at a sub-activity level.

This is the level you want to be able to turn on/off for individual sections of your application (hence the multiple sources). You don't want this stuff cluttering up the Windows Event Log. Sometimes a database is used, but more likely are rolling log files that are purged after a certain time.

A big difference between this information and an Application Log file is that it is unstructured. Whilst an Application Log may have fields for To, From, Amount, etc., Verbose debug traces may be whatever a programmer puts in, e.g. "checking values X={value}, Y=false", or random comments/markers like "Done it, trying again".

One important practice is to make sure things you put in application log files or the Windows Event Log also get logged to the trace system with the same details (e.g. timestamp). This allows you to then correlate the different logs when investigating.

If you are planning to use a particular log viewer because you have complex correlation, e.g. the Service Trace Viewer, then you need to use an appropriate format i.e. XML. Otherwise, a simple text file is usually good enough -- at the lower levels the information is largely unstructured, so you might find dumps of arrays, stack dumps, etc. Provided you can correlated back to more structured logs at higher levels, things should be okay.

Q: If using files, do you use rolling logs or just a single file? How do you make the logs available for people to consume?

A: For files, generally you want rolling log files from a manageability point of view (with System.Diagnostics simply use VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener).

Availability again depends on the system. If you are only talking about files then for a server/service, rolling files can just be accessed when necessary. (Windows Event Log or Database Application Logs would have their own access mechanisms).

If you don't have easy access to the file system, then debug tracing to a database may be easier. [i.e. implement a database TraceListener].

One interesting solution I saw for a Windows GUI application was that it logged very detailed tracing information to a "flight recorder" whilst running and then when you shut it down if it had no problems then it simply deleted the file.

If, however it crashed or encountered a problem then the file was not deleted. Either if it catches the error, or the next time it runs it will notice the file, and then it can take action, e.g. compress it (e.g. 7zip) and email it or otherwise make available.

Many systems these days incorporate automated reporting of failures to a central server (after checking with users, e.g. for privacy reasons).


Q: What tools to you use for viewing the logs?

A: If you have multiple logs for different reasons then you will use multiple viewers.

Notepad/vi/Notepad++ or any other text editor is the basic for plain text logs.

If you have complex operations, e.g. activities with transfers, then you would, obviously, use a specialized tool like the Service Trace Viewer. (But if you don't need it, then a text editor is easier).

As I generally log high level information to the Windows Event Log, then it provides a quick way to get an overview, in a structured manner (look for the pretty error/warning icons). You only need to start hunting through text files if there is not enough in the log, although at least the log gives you a starting point. (At this point, making sure your logs have co-ordinated entires becomes useful).

Generally the Windows Event Log also makes these significant events available to monitoring tools like MOM or OpenView.

Others --

If you log to a Database it can be easy to filter and sort informatio (e.g. zoom in on a particular activity id. (With text files you can use Grep/PowerShell or similar to filter on the partiular GUID you want)

MS Excel (or another spreadsheet program). This can be useful for analysing structured or semi-structured information if you can import it with the right delimiters so that different values go in different columns.

When running a service in debug/test I usually host it in a console application for simplicity I find a colored console logger useful (e.g. red for errors, yellow for warnings, etc). You need to implement a custom trace listener.

Note that the framework does not include a colored console logger or a database logger so, right now, you would need to write these if you need them (it's not too hard).

It really annoys me that several frameworks (log4net, EntLib, etc) have wasted time re-inventing the wheel and re-implemented basic logging, filtering, and logging to text files, the Windows Event Log, and XML files, each in their own different way (log statements are different in each); each has then implemented their own version of, for example, a database logger, when most of that already existed and all that was needed was a couple more trace listeners for System.Diagnostics. Talk about a big waste of duplicate effort.

Q: If you are building an ASP.NET solution, do you also use ASP.NET Health Monitoring? Do you include trace output in the health monitor events? What about Trace.axd?

These things can be turned on/off as needed. I find Trace.axd quite useful for debugging how a server responds to certain things, but it's not generally useful in a heavily used environment or for long term tracing.

Q: What about custom performance counters?

For a professional application, especially a server/service, I expect to see it fully instrumented with both Performance Monitor counters and logging to the Windows Event Log. These are the standard tools in Windows and should be used.

You need to make sure you include installers for the performance counters and event logs that you use; these should be created at installation time (when installing as administrator). When your application is running normally it should not need have administration privileges (and so won't be able to create missing logs).

This is a good reason to practice developing as a non-administrator (have a separate admin account for when you need to install services, etc). If writing to the Event Log, .NET will automatically create a missing log the first time you write to it; if you develop as a non-admin you will catch this early and avoid a nasty surprise when a customer installs your system and then can't use it because they aren't running as administrator.

C++ "Access violation reading location" Error

You haven't posted the findvertex method, but Access Reading Violation with an offset like 0x00000048 means that the Vertex* f; in your getCost function is receiving null, and when trying to access the member adj in the null Vertex pointer (that is, in f), it is offsetting to adj (in this case, 72 bytes ( 0x48 bytes in decimal )), it's reading near the 0 or null memory address.

Doing a read like this violates Operating-System protected memory, and more importantly means whatever you're pointing at isn't a valid pointer. Make sure findvertex isn't returning null, or do a comparisong for null on f before using it to keep yourself sane (or use an assert):

assert( f != null ); // A good sanity check


If you have a map for doing something like a find, you can just use the map's find method to make sure the vertex exists:

Vertex* Graph::findvertex(string s)
    vmap::iterator itr = map1.find( s );
    if ( itr == map1.end() )
        return NULL;
    return itr->second;

Just make sure you're still careful to handle the error case where it does return NULL. Otherwise, you'll keep getting this access violation.

How to convert from int to string in objective c: example code

If you just need an int to a string as you suggest, I've found the easiest way is to do as below:

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",numberYouAreTryingToConvert]

Efficient way to remove keys with empty strings from a dict

Some of Methods mentioned above ignores if there are any integers and float with values 0 & 0.0

If someone wants to avoid the above can use below code(removes empty strings and None values from nested dictionary and nested list):

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        _temp = {}
        for k,v in d.items():
            if v == None or v == "":
            elif type(v) is int or type(v) is float:
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
            elif (v or remove_empty_from_dict(v)):
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
        return _temp
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if( (str(v).strip() or str(remove_empty_from_dict(v)).strip()) and (v != None or remove_empty_from_dict(v) != None))]
        return d

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

REMEMBER, this method overwrites first array, so use only when you are sure!

$arr1 = $arr1 + $arr2;

(see source)

Convert int to a bit array in .NET

I just ran into an instance where...

int val = 2097152;
var arr = Convert.ToString(val, 2).ToArray();
var myVal = arr[21];

...did not produce the results I was looking for. In 'myVal' above, the value stored in the array in position 21 was '0'. It should have been a '1'. I'm not sure why I received an inaccurate value for this and it baffled me until I found another way in C# to convert an INT to a bit array:

int val = 2097152;
var arr = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(val));
var myVal = arr[21];

This produced the result 'true' as a boolean value for 'myVal'.

I realize this may not be the most efficient way to obtain this value, but it was very straight forward, simple, and readable.

Group By Multiple Columns

Ok got this as:

var query = (from t in Transactions
             group t by new {t.MaterialID, t.ProductID}
             into grp
                    select new
                        Quantity = grp.Sum(t => t.Quantity)

Accessing a Dictionary.Keys Key through a numeric index

A dictionary may not be very intuitive for using index for reference but, you can have similar operations with an array of KeyValuePair:

ex. KeyValuePair<string, string>[] filters;

Name does not exist in the current context

From the MSDN website:

This error frequently occurs if you declare a variable in a loop or a try or if block and then attempt to access it from an enclosing code block or a separate code block.

So declare the variable outside the block.

QUERY syntax using cell reference

Here is working code: =QUERY(Sheet1!$A1:$B581, "select B where A = '"&A1&"'")

In this scenario I needed the interval to stay fixed and the reference value to change when I drag it.

How to detect a remote side socket close?

The isConnected method won't help, it will return true even if the remote side has closed the socket. Try this:

public class MyServer {
    public static final int PORT = 12345;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        ServerSocket ss = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(PORT);
        Socket s = ss.accept();

public class MyClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Socket s = SocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket("localhost", MyServer.PORT);
        System.out.println(" connected: " + s.isConnected());
        System.out.println(" connected: " + s.isConnected());

Start the server, start the client. You'll see that it prints "connected: true" twice, even though the socket is closed the second time.

The only way to really find out is by reading (you'll get -1 as return value) or writing (an IOException (broken pipe) will be thrown) on the associated Input/OutputStreams.

Doctrine 2: Update query with query builder

With a small change, it worked fine for me


git checkout all the files

  • If you are in base directory location of your tracked files then git checkout . will works otherwise it won't work

How to force a html5 form validation without submitting it via jQuery

I had a rather complex situation, where I needed multiple submit buttons to process different things. For example, Save and Delete.

The basis was that it was also unobtrusive, so I couldn't just make it a normal button. But also wanted to utilize html5 validation.

As well the submit event was overridden in case the user pressed enter to trigger the expected default submission; in this example save.

Here is the efforts of the processing of the form to still work with/without javascript and with html5 validation, with both submit and click events.

jsFiddle Demo - HTML5 validation with submit and click overrides


    <input type="text" required="required" value="" placeholder="test" />
    <button type="submit" name="save">Save</button>
    <button type="submit" name="delete">Delete</button>


//wrap our script in an annonymous function so that it can not be affected by other scripts and does not interact with other scripts
//ensures jQuery is the only thing declared as $
    var isValid = null;
    var form = $('form');
    var submitButton = form.find('button[type="submit"]')
    var saveButton = submitButton.filter('[name="save"]');
    var deleteButton = submitButton.filter('[name="delete"]');

    //submit form behavior
    var submitForm = function(e){
        console.log('form submit');
        //prevent form from submitting valid or invalid
        //user clicked and the form was not valid
        if(isValid === false){
            isValid = null;
            return false;
        //user pressed enter, process as if they clicked save instead

    //override submit button behavior
    var submitClick = function(e){
        //Test form validitiy (HTML5) and store it in a global variable so both functions can use it
        isValid = form[0].checkValidity();
        if(false === isValid){
            //allow the browser's default submit event behavior 
            return true;
        //prevent default behavior
        //additional processing - $.ajax() etc

    //override submit form event

    //override submit button click event;

The caveat to using Javascript is that the browser's default onclick must propagate to the submit event MUST occur in order to display the error messages without supporting each browser in your code. Otherwise if the click event is overridden with event.preventDefault() or return false it will never propagate to the browser's submit event.

The thing to point out is that in some browsers will not trigger the form submit when the user presses enter, instead it will trigger the first submit button in the form. Hence there is a console.log('form submit') to show that it does not trigger.

What does it mean to have an index to scalar variable error? python

exponent is a 1D array. This means that exponent[0] is a scalar, and exponent[0][i] is trying to access it as if it were an array.

Did you mean to say:

L = identity(len(l))
for i in xrange(len(l)):
    L[i][i] = exponent[i]

or even

L = diag(exponent)


Safest way to get last record ID from a table

One more way -

select * from <table> where  id=(select max(id) from <table>)

Also you can check on this link -

Using a Glyphicon as an LI bullet point (Bootstrap 3)

If anyone is coming here looking to do this with Font Awesome Icons (like I was) view here:

<ul class="fa-ul">
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>List icons</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>can be used</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>as bullets</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>in lists</li>

The fa-ul and fa-li classes easily replace default bullets in unordered lists.

PHP display image BLOB from MySQL

Since I have to store various types of content in my blob field/column, I am suppose to update my code like this:

echo "data: $mime" $result['$data']";

where: mime can be an image of any kind, text, word document, text document, PDF document, etc... content datatype is blob in database.

How to remove the bottom border of a box with CSS

You could just set the width to auto. Then the width of the div will equal 0 if it has no content.


How to "set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug"

In your screenshot, you didn't specify any module: try setting "libsystem_c.dylib"

enter image description here

I did that, and it works : breakpoint stops here (although the stacktrace often rise from some obscure system lib...)

What does body-parser do with express?

It parses the HTTP request body. This is usually necessary when you need to know more than just the URL you hit, particular in the context of a POST or PUT PATCH HTTP request where the information you want is contains in the body.

Basically its a middleware for parsing JSON, plain text, or just returning a raw Buffer object for you to deal with as you require.

Cause of No suitable driver found for

In some cases check permissions (ownership).

Get the second largest number in a list in linear time

This can be done in [N + log(N) - 2] time, which is slightly better than the loose upper bound of 2N (which can be thought of O(N) too).

The trick is to use binary recursive calls and "tennis tournament" algorithm. The winner (the largest number) will emerge after all the 'matches' (takes N-1 time), but if we record the 'players' of all the matches, and among them, group all the players that the winner has beaten, the second largest number will be the largest number in this group, i.e. the 'losers' group.

The size of this 'losers' group is log(N), and again, we can revoke the binary recursive calls to find the largest among the losers, which will take [log(N) - 1] time. Actually, we can just linearly scan the losers group to get the answer too, the time budget is the same.

Below is a sample python code:

def largest(L):
    global paris
    if len(L) == 1:
        return L[0]
        left = largest(L[:len(L)//2])
        right = largest(L[len(L)//2:])
        pairs.append((left, right))
        return max(left, right)

def second_largest(L):
    global pairs
    biggest = largest(L)
    second_L = [min(item) for item in pairs if biggest in item]

    return biggest, largest(second_L)  

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pairs = []
    # test array
    L = [2,-2,10,5,4,3,1,2,90,-98,53,45,23,56,432]    

    if len(L) == 0:
        first, second = None, None
    elif len(L) == 1:
        first, second = L[0], None
        first, second = second_largest(L)

    print('The largest number is: ' + str(first))
    print('The 2nd largest number is: ' + str(second))

how to find all indexes and their columns for tables, views and synonyms in oracle

SELECT * FROM user_cons_columns WHERE table_name = 'table_name';

How to convert a byte array to its numeric value (Java)?

Complete java converter code for all primitive types to/from arrays

Loading custom configuration files

The config file is just an XML file, you can open it by:

private static XmlDocument loadConfigDocument()
    XmlDocument doc = null;
        doc = new XmlDocument();
        return doc;
    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
        throw new Exception("No configuration file found.", e);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return null;

and later retrieving values by:

    // retrieve appSettings node

    XmlNode node =  doc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings");

Optimum way to compare strings in JavaScript?

You can use the localeCompare() method.


/* Expected Returns:

 0:  exact match

-1:  string_a < string_b

 1:  string_a > string_b


Further Reading:

Is HTML considered a programming language?

HTML is in no way a programming language.

Programming languages deals with ''proccessing functions'', etc. HTML just deals with the visual interface of a web page, where the actual programming handles the proccessing. PHP for example.

If anyone really knows programming, I really can't see how people can mistake HTML for an actual programming language.

SelectSingleNode returning null for known good xml node path using XPath

The rule to keep in mind is: if your document specifies a namespace, you MUST use an XmlNamespaceManager in your call to SelectNodes() or SelectSingleNode(). That's a good thing.

See the article Advantages of namespaces . Jon Skeet does a great job in his answer showing how to use XmlNamespaceManager. (This answer should really just be a comment on that answer, but I don't quite have enough Rep Points to comment.)

How to Convert datetime value to yyyymmddhhmmss in SQL server?

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), CONVERT(DATETIME, getdate(), 112), 126), '-', ''), 'T', ''), ':', '') 

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?

There is yet another example of a memoize decorator at Python Wiki:

That example is a bit smart, because it won't cache the results if the parameters are mutable. (check that code, it's very simple and interesting!)

Accessing Arrays inside Arrays In PHP

Regarding your code: It's slightly hard to read... If you want to try to view it all in a php array format, just print_r it. This might help:

$a =

  'languages' =>    

  array (   

  76 =>      

 array (       'id' => '76',       'tag' => 'Deutsch',     ),   ),    'targets' =>    
 array (     81 =>      
 array (       'id' => '81',       'tag' => 'Deutschland',     ),   ),    'tags' =>    
 array (     7866 =>      
 array (       'id' => '7866',       'tag' => 'automobile',     ),     17800 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17800',       'tag' => 'seat leon',     ),     17801 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17801',       'tag' => 'seat leon cupra',     ),   ),   
'inactiveTags' =>    
 array (     195 =>      
 array (       'id' => '195',       'tag' => 'auto',     ),     17804 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17804',       'tag' => 'coupès',     ),     17805 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17805',       'tag' => 'fahrdynamik',     ),     901 =>      
 array (       'id' => '901',       'tag' => 'fahrzeuge',     ),     17802 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17802',       'tag' => 'günstige neuwagen',     ),     1991 =>      
 array (       'id' => '1991',       'tag' => 'motorsport',     ),     2154 =>      
 array (       'id' => '2154',       'tag' => 'neuwagen',     ),     10660 =>      
 array (       'id' => '10660',       'tag' => 'seat',     ),     17803 =>      
 array (       'id' => '17803',       'tag' => 'sportliche ausstrahlung',     ),     74 =>      
 array (       'id' => '74',       'tag' => 'web 2.0',     ),   ),    'categories' =>    
 array (     16082 =>      
 array (       'id' => '16082',       'tag' => 'Auto & Motorrad',     ),     51 =>      
 array (       'id' => '51',       'tag' => 'Blogosphäre',     ),     66 =>      
 array (       'id' => '66',       'tag' => 'Neues & Trends',     ),     68 =>      
 array (       'id' => '68',       'tag' => 'Privat',     ),   ), );

 function printarr($in){
 echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
 //run in php command line php path/to/file.php to test, switching otu the print_r.

How do I adb pull ALL files of a folder present in SD Card

Yep, just use the trailing slash to recursively pull the directory. Works for me with Nexus 5 and current version of adb (March 2014).

Clearing Magento Log Data


TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export;
TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_import;
TRUNCATE log_customer;
TRUNCATE log_quote;
TRUNCATE log_summary;
TRUNCATE log_summary_type;
TRUNCATE log_url;
TRUNCATE log_url_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_online;
TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_event;
TRUNCATE index_event;

You can also refer to following tutorial:


How to add a TextView to a LinearLayout dynamically in Android?

I customized more @Suragch code. My output looks

enter image description here

I wrote a method to stop code redundancy.

public TextView createATextView(int layout_widh, int layout_height, int align,
        String text, int fontSize, int margin, int padding) {

    TextView textView_item_name = new TextView(this);

    // LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(
    // LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    // layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.LEFT;
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams _params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            layout_widh, layout_height);

    _params.setMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin);

    textView_item_name.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, fontSize);
    // textView1.setBackgroundColor(0xff66ff66); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB
    textView_item_name.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);

    return textView_item_name;


It can be called like

            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT,
            subTotal.toString(), 20, 10, 20);

Now you can add this to a RelativeLayout dynamically. LinearLayout is also same, just add a orientation.

    RelativeLayout primary_layout = new RelativeLayout(this);

    LayoutParams layoutParam = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,


    // primary_layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL);


            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_LEFT, list[i],
            20, 10, 20));
            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT,
            subTotal.toString(), 20, 10, 20));

What is the $$hashKey added to my JSON.stringify result

It comes with the ng-repeat directive usually. To do dom manipulation AngularJS flags objects with special id.

This is common with Angular. For example if u get object with ngResource your object will embed all the resource API and you'll see methods like $save, etc. With cookies too AngularJS will add a property __ngDebug.

count of entries in data frame in R

I think of this as a two-step process:

  1. subset the original data frame according to the filter supplied (Believe==FALSE); then

  2. get the row count of this subset

For the first step, the subset function is a good way to do this (just an alternative to ordinary index or bracket notation).

For the second step, i would use dim or nrow

One advantage of using subset: you don't have to parse the result it returns to get the result you need--just call nrow on it directly.

so in your case:

v = nrow(subset(Santa, Believe==FALSE))     # 'subset' returns a data.frame

or wrapped in an anonymous function:

>> fnx = function(fac, lev){nrow(subset(Santa, fac==lev))}

>> fnx(Believe, TRUE)

Aside from nrow, dim will also do the job. This function returns the dimensions of a data frame (rows, cols) so you just need to supply the appropriate index to access the number of rows:

v = dim(subset(Santa, Believe==FALSE))[1] 

An answer to the OP posted before this one shows the use of a contingency table. I don't like that approach for the general problem as recited in the OP. Here's the reason. Granted, the general problem of how many rows in this data frame have value x in column C? can be answered using a contingency table as well as using a "filtering" scheme (as in my answer here). If you want row counts for all values for a given factor variable (column) then a contingency table (via calling table and passing in the column(s) of interest) is the most sensible solution; however, the OP asks for the count of a particular value in a factor variable, not counts across all values. Aside from the performance hit (might be big, might be trivial, just depends on the size of the data frame and the processing pipeline context in which this function resides). And of course once the result from the call to table is returned, you still have to parse from that result just the count that you want.

So that's why, to me, this is a filtering rather than a cross-tab problem.

How to get calendar Quarter from a date in TSQL

Since your date field data is in int you will need to convert it to a datetime:

declare @date int
set @date = 20080102

SELECT Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 7, 2) as datetime)) as Quarter


SELECT Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + right(@date, 2) as datetime)) as quarter

Then if you want the Q1 added:

SELECT left(@date, 4) + '-Q' + Convert(varchar(1), Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + right(@date, 2) as datetime))) as quarter

My advice would be to store your date data as a datetime so then you do not need to perform these conversions.

How to get a random number in Ruby

Don't forget to seed the RNG with srand() first.

How to resolve a Java Rounding Double issue

Another example:

double d = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    d += 0.1;
System.out.println(d);    // prints 0.9999999999999999 not 1.0

Use BigDecimal instead.


Also, just to point out this isn't a 'Java' rounding issue. Other languages exhibit similar (though not necessarily consistent) behaviour. Java at least guarantees consistent behaviour in this regard.

Can I call curl_setopt with CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER multiple times to set multiple headers?

Following what curl does internally for the request (via the method outlined in this answer to "Php - Debugging Curl") answers the question: No, it is not possible to use the curl_setopt call with CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER. The second call will overwrite the headers of the first call.

Instead the function needs to be called once with all headers:

$headers = array(
    'Content-type: application/xml',
    'Authorization: gfhjui',
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

Related (but different) questions are:

SOAP-UI - How to pass xml inside parameter

To send CDATA in a request object use the SoapObject.setInnerText("..."); method.

get Context in non-Activity class

If your class is non-activity class, and creating an instance of it from the activiy, you can pass an instance of context via constructor of the later as follows:

class YourNonActivityClass{

// variable to hold context
private Context context;

//save the context recievied via constructor in a local variable

public YourNonActivityClass(Context context){


You can create instance of this class from the activity as follows:

new YourNonActivityClass(this);

What are the uses of "using" in C#?

using is used when you have a resource that you want disposed after it's been used.

For instance if you allocate a File resource and only need to use it in one section of code for a little reading or writing, using is helpful for disposing of the File resource as soon as your done.

The resource being used needs to implement IDisposable to work properly.


using (File file = new File (parameters))
    *code to do stuff with the file*

Jquery Ajax, return success/error from controller

    type: "POST",
    data: formData,
    url: "/Forms/GetJobData",
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,               
    success: function (response) {
        if (response.success) {
        } else {
            // DoSomethingElse()
    error: function (response) {
        alert("error!");  // 



public ActionResult GetJobData(Jobs jobData)
    var mimeType = jobData.File.ContentType;
    var isFileSupported = IsFileSupported(mimeType);

    if (!isFileSupported){        
         //  Send "false"
        return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "The attached file is not supported." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        //  Send "Success"
        return Json(new { success = true, responseText= "Your message successfuly sent!"}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


basically you can send multiple parameters this way:


 return Json(new { 
                success = true,
                Name = model.Name,
                Phone = model.Phone,
                Email = model.Email                                


                type: "POST",
                url: '@Url.Action("GetData")',
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',            
                success: function (response) {


                error: function (response) {

The maximum value for an int type in Go

Use the constants defined in the math package:

const (
    MaxInt8   = 1<<7 - 1
    MinInt8   = -1 << 7
    MaxInt16  = 1<<15 - 1
    MinInt16  = -1 << 15
    MaxInt32  = 1<<31 - 1
    MinInt32  = -1 << 31
    MaxInt64  = 1<<63 - 1
    MinInt64  = -1 << 63
    MaxUint8  = 1<<8 - 1
    MaxUint16 = 1<<16 - 1
    MaxUint32 = 1<<32 - 1
    MaxUint64 = 1<<64 - 1

Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK

This can also happen due to the bad unzipping process of SDK.It Happend to me. Dont use inbuilt windows unzip process. use WINRAR software for unzipping sdk

Android Animation Alpha


The thing is wrong, and possibly in the proper operation of the animations in the Android API.

The fact is that when you set in your code alpha value of 0.2f is based on the settings in the xml file for android it means that :

0.2f = 0.2f of 0.2f (20% from 100%) ie from 0.2f / 5 = 0.04f
1f = 0.2f

So your animation in fact works from 0.04f to 0.2f

flag setFillAfter(true) certainly works, but you need to understand that at the end of your animation ImageView will have the alpha value 0.2f instead of one, because you specify 0.2f as marginally acceptable value in the animation (a kind of maximum alpha channel).

So if you want to have the desired result shall carry all your logic to your code and manipulate animations in code instead of determining in xml.

You should understand that your animations directly depends of two things:

  • LayoutParams of Animated View
  • Animation parameters.

Animation parameters manipulate your LayoutParams in setFillAfter\setFillBefore methods.

Append values to a set in Python


e.g, keep.update(xrange(11)) for your specific example. Or, if you have to produce the values in a loop for some other reason,

for ...whatever...:
  onemorevalue = ...whatever...

But, of course, doing it in bulk with a single .update call is faster and handier, when otherwise feasible.

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

Try this:

if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
    do {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
    } while (;

How to get a list of all valid IP addresses in a local network?

Install nmap,

sudo apt-get install nmap


nmap -sP 192.168.1.*

or more commonly

nmap -sn

will scan the entire .1 to .254 range

This does a simple ping scan in the entire subnet to see which hosts are online.

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

Saw this today a little late but just want to put this here in case someone else needed. just separate the function to make it reusable. the code below will wait 1/2 second after typing stop.

    var timeOutVar
$(selector).on('keyup', function() {

                    timeOutVar= setTimeout(function(){ console.log("Hello"); }, 500);

CertificateException: No name matching found

In Java 8 you can skip server name checking with the following code:

HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier ((hostname, session) -> true);

However this should be used only in development!

In Java, how do I parse XML as a String instead of a file?

You can use the Scilca XML Progession package available at GitHub.

XMLIterator xi = new VirtualXML.XMLIterator("<xml />");
XMLReader xr = new XMLReader(xi);
Document d = xr.parseDocument();