[ruby-on-rails] How to get a random number in Ruby

How do I generate a random number between 0 and n?

The answer is

Don't forget to seed the RNG with srand() first.

Easy way to get random number in ruby is,

def random    

Simplest answer to the question:


rand(6)    #=> gives a random number between 0 and 6 inclusively 
rand(1..6) #=> gives a random number between 1 and 6 inclusively

Note that the range option is only available in newer(1.9+ I believe) versions of ruby.

Try array#shuffle method for randomization

array = (1..10).to_a

Don't forget to seed the RNG with srand() first.

You can generate a random number with the rand method. The argument passed to the rand method should be an integer or a range, and returns a corresponding random number within the range:

rand(9)       # this generates a number between 0 to 8
rand(0 .. 9)  # this generates a number between 0 to 9
rand(1 .. 50) # this generates a number between 1 to 50
#rand(m .. n) # m is the start of the number range, n is the end of number range

If you're not only seeking for a number but also hex or uuid it's worth mentioning that the SecureRandom module found its way from ActiveSupport to the ruby core in 1.9.2+. So without the need for a full blown framework:

require 'securerandom'

p SecureRandom.random_number(100) #=> 15
p SecureRandom.random_number(100) #=> 88

p SecureRandom.random_number #=> 0.596506046187744
p SecureRandom.random_number #=> 0.350621695741409

p SecureRandom.hex #=> "eb693ec8252cd630102fd0d0fb7c3485"

It's documented here: Ruby 1.9.3 - Module: SecureRandom (lib/securerandom.rb)

What about this?

n = 3

Well, I figured it out. Apparently there is a builtin (?) function called rand:

rand(n + 1)

If someone answers with a more detailed answer, I'll mark that as the correct answer.

While you can use rand(42-10) + 10 to get a random number between 10 and 42 (where 10 is inclusive and 42 exclusive), there's a better way since Ruby 1.9.3, where you are able to call:

rand(10...42) # => 13

Available for all versions of Ruby by requiring my backports gem.

Ruby 1.9.2 also introduced the Random class so you can create your own random number generator objects and has a nice API:

r = Random.new
r.rand(10...42) # => 22
r.bytes(3) # => "rnd"

The Random class itself acts as a random generator, so you call directly:

Random.rand(10...42) # => same as rand(10...42)

Notes on Random.new

In most cases, the simplest is to use rand or Random.rand. Creating a new random generator each time you want a random number is a really bad idea. If you do this, you will get the random properties of the initial seeding algorithm which are atrocious compared to the properties of the random generator itself.

If you use Random.new, you should thus call it as rarely as possible, for example once as MyApp::Random = Random.new and use it everywhere else.

The cases where Random.new is helpful are the following:

  • you are writing a gem and don't want to interfere with the sequence of rand/Random.rand that the main programs might be relying on
  • you want separate reproducible sequences of random numbers (say one per thread)
  • you want to be able to save and resume a reproducible sequence of random numbers (easy as Random objects can marshalled)

This link is going to be helpful regarding this;


And some more clarity below over the random numbers in ruby;

Generate an integer from 0 to 10

puts (rand() * 10).to_i

Generate a number from 0 to 10 In a more readable way

puts rand(10)

Generate a number from 10 to 15 Including 15

puts rand(10..15)

Non-Random Random Numbers

Generate the same sequence of numbers every time the program is run


Generate 10 random numbers

puts (0..10).map{rand(0..10)}

you can do rand(range)

x = rand(1..5)

While you can use rand(42-10) + 10 to get a random number between 10 and 42 (where 10 is inclusive and 42 exclusive), there's a better way since Ruby 1.9.3, where you are able to call:

rand(10...42) # => 13

Available for all versions of Ruby by requiring my backports gem.

Ruby 1.9.2 also introduced the Random class so you can create your own random number generator objects and has a nice API:

r = Random.new
r.rand(10...42) # => 22
r.bytes(3) # => "rnd"

The Random class itself acts as a random generator, so you call directly:

Random.rand(10...42) # => same as rand(10...42)

Notes on Random.new

In most cases, the simplest is to use rand or Random.rand. Creating a new random generator each time you want a random number is a really bad idea. If you do this, you will get the random properties of the initial seeding algorithm which are atrocious compared to the properties of the random generator itself.

If you use Random.new, you should thus call it as rarely as possible, for example once as MyApp::Random = Random.new and use it everywhere else.

The cases where Random.new is helpful are the following:

  • you are writing a gem and don't want to interfere with the sequence of rand/Random.rand that the main programs might be relying on
  • you want separate reproducible sequences of random numbers (say one per thread)
  • you want to be able to save and resume a reproducible sequence of random numbers (easy as Random objects can marshalled)

you can do rand(range)

x = rand(1..5)

How about this one?

num = Random.new

What about this?

n = 3

Well, I figured it out. Apparently there is a builtin (?) function called rand:

rand(n + 1)

If someone answers with a more detailed answer, I'll mark that as the correct answer.

This link is going to be helpful regarding this;


And some more clarity below over the random numbers in ruby;

Generate an integer from 0 to 10

puts (rand() * 10).to_i

Generate a number from 0 to 10 In a more readable way

puts rand(10)

Generate a number from 10 to 15 Including 15

puts rand(10..15)

Non-Random Random Numbers

Generate the same sequence of numbers every time the program is run


Generate 10 random numbers

puts (0..10).map{rand(0..10)}

You can simply use random_number.

If a positive integer is given as n, random_number returns an integer: 0 <= random_number < n.

Use it like this:

any_number = SecureRandom.random_number(100) 

The output will be any number between 0 and 100.

Maybe it help you. I use this in my app

class String

  # Create a random String of given length, using given character set
  # Character set is an Array which can contain Ranges, Arrays, Characters
  # Examples
  #     String.random
  #     => "D9DxFIaqR3dr8Ct1AfmFxHxqGsmA4Oz3"
  #     String.random(10)
  #     => "t8BIna341S"
  #     String.random(10, ['a'..'z'])
  #     => "nstpvixfri"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9'] )
  #     => "0982541042"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] )
  #     => "3EBF48AD3D"
  #     BASE64_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", '_', '-']
  #     String.random(10, BASE64_CHAR_SET)
  #     => "xM_1t3qcNn"
  #     SPECIAL_CHARS = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "|", "/", "?", ".", ",", ";", ":", "~", "`", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">"]
  #     BASE91_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", SPECIAL_CHARS]
  #     String.random(10, BASE91_CHAR_SET)
  #      => "S(Z]z,J{v;"
  # CREDIT: Tilo Sloboda
  # SEE: https://gist.github.com/tilo/3ee8d94871d30416feba
  # TODO: Move to random.rb in standard library?

  def self.random(len=32, character_set = ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9"])
    chars = character_set.map{|x| x.is_a?(Range) ? x.to_a : x }.flatten
    Array.new(len){ chars.sample }.join



It works fine for me

Well, I figured it out. Apparently there is a builtin (?) function called rand:

rand(n + 1)

If someone answers with a more detailed answer, I'll mark that as the correct answer.

How about this one?

num = Random.new

Well, I figured it out. Apparently there is a builtin (?) function called rand:

rand(n + 1)

If someone answers with a more detailed answer, I'll mark that as the correct answer.

You can simply use random_number.

If a positive integer is given as n, random_number returns an integer: 0 <= random_number < n.

Use it like this:

any_number = SecureRandom.random_number(100) 

The output will be any number between 0 and 100.

If you're not only seeking for a number but also hex or uuid it's worth mentioning that the SecureRandom module found its way from ActiveSupport to the ruby core in 1.9.2+. So without the need for a full blown framework:

require 'securerandom'

p SecureRandom.random_number(100) #=> 15
p SecureRandom.random_number(100) #=> 88

p SecureRandom.random_number #=> 0.596506046187744
p SecureRandom.random_number #=> 0.350621695741409

p SecureRandom.hex #=> "eb693ec8252cd630102fd0d0fb7c3485"

It's documented here: Ruby 1.9.3 - Module: SecureRandom (lib/securerandom.rb)

range = 10..50





range.to_a.shuffle(this will shuffle whole array and you can pick a random number by first or last or any from this array to pick random one)

Maybe it help you. I use this in my app

class String

  # Create a random String of given length, using given character set
  # Character set is an Array which can contain Ranges, Arrays, Characters
  # Examples
  #     String.random
  #     => "D9DxFIaqR3dr8Ct1AfmFxHxqGsmA4Oz3"
  #     String.random(10)
  #     => "t8BIna341S"
  #     String.random(10, ['a'..'z'])
  #     => "nstpvixfri"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9'] )
  #     => "0982541042"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] )
  #     => "3EBF48AD3D"
  #     BASE64_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", '_', '-']
  #     String.random(10, BASE64_CHAR_SET)
  #     => "xM_1t3qcNn"
  #     SPECIAL_CHARS = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "|", "/", "?", ".", ",", ";", ":", "~", "`", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">"]
  #     BASE91_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", SPECIAL_CHARS]
  #     String.random(10, BASE91_CHAR_SET)
  #      => "S(Z]z,J{v;"
  # CREDIT: Tilo Sloboda
  # SEE: https://gist.github.com/tilo/3ee8d94871d30416feba
  # TODO: Move to random.rb in standard library?

  def self.random(len=32, character_set = ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9"])
    chars = character_set.map{|x| x.is_a?(Range) ? x.to_a : x }.flatten
    Array.new(len){ chars.sample }.join



It works fine for me

Try array#shuffle method for randomization

array = (1..10).to_a

range = 10..50





range.to_a.shuffle(this will shuffle whole array and you can pick a random number by first or last or any from this array to pick random one)

Easy way to get random number in ruby is,

def random    

Simplest answer to the question:


Don't forget to seed the RNG with srand() first.

rand(6)    #=> gives a random number between 0 and 6 inclusively 
rand(1..6) #=> gives a random number between 1 and 6 inclusively

Note that the range option is only available in newer(1.9+ I believe) versions of ruby.

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