Programs & Examples On #Jquery validate

The jQuery Validate plugin is a jQuery plugin by Jörn Zaefferer. Its purpose is to perform client-side form validation of user entered data.

jQuery validation: change default error message

To remove all default error messages use

$.validator.messages.required = "";

Jquery Validate custom error message location


Demo & example

    // Specify validation rules_x000D_
    rules: {_x000D_
      firstname: "required",_x000D_
      lastname: "required",_x000D_
      email: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        email: true_x000D_
      },      _x000D_
      phone: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        digits: true,_x000D_
        minlength: 10,_x000D_
        maxlength: 10,_x000D_
      password: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        minlength: 5,_x000D_
    messages: {_x000D_
      firstname: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter first name",_x000D_
     },      _x000D_
     lastname: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter last name",_x000D_
     },     _x000D_
     phone: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter phone number",_x000D_
      digits: "Please enter valid phone number",_x000D_
      minlength: "Phone number field accept only 10 digits",_x000D_
      maxlength: "Phone number field accept only 10 digits",_x000D_
     },     _x000D_
     email: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter email address",_x000D_
      email: "Please enter a valid email address.",_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<title>jQuery Form Validation Using validator()</title>_x000D_
<script src=""></script> _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
  button {_x000D_
    border: 0;_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 3px;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
 .common_box_body {_x000D_
    padding: 15px;_x000D_
    border: 12px solid #28BAA2;_x000D_
    border-color: #28BAA2;_x000D_
    border-radius: 15px;_x000D_
    margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
    background: #d4edda;_x000D_
<div class="common_box_body test">_x000D_
  <form action="#" name="registration" id="registration">_x000D_
    <label for="firstname">First Name</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" placeholder="John"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="lastname">Last Name</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" placeholder="Doe"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="phone">Phone</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" placeholder="8889988899"><br>  _x000D_
    <label for="email">Email</label>_x000D_
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="[email protected]"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="password">Password</label>_x000D_
    <input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder=""><br>_x000D_
    <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="Submit">_x000D_

jQuery select box validation

edit the code for 'select' as below for checking for a 0 or null value selection from select list

case 'select':
var options = $("option:selected", element);
return (options[0].value != 0 && options.length > 0 && options[0].value != '') && (element.type == "select-multiple" || ($.browser.msie && !(options[0].attributes['value'].specified) ? options[0].text : options[0].value).length > 0);

how to check if a form is valid programmatically using jQuery Validation Plugin

For a group of inputs you can use an improved version based in @mikemaccana's answer

$.fn.isValid = function(){
    var validate = true;
            validate = false;

now you can use this to verify if the form is valid:


You could use the same technique to get all the error messages:

$.fn.getVelidationMessage = function(){
    var message = "";
    var name = "";
            name = ($( "label[for=" + + "] ").html() || this.placeholder || ||;
            message = message + name +":"+ (this.validationMessage || 'Invalid value.')+"\n<br>";
    return message;

jQuery Validate Required Select

the most simple solution

just set the value of the first option to empty string value=""

<option value="">Choose...</option>

and jquery validation required rule will work

JQuery Validate Dropdown list

    <div id="msg"></div>
<!-- put above tag on body to see selected value or error -->
            var HoursEntry = $("#HoursEntry option:selected").val();
            if(HoursEntry == "")
                $("#msg").html("Please select at least One option");
                return false;
                $("#msg").html("selected val is  "+HoursEntry);

Bootstrap with jQuery Validation Plugin

I used this for radio's:

    if (element.prop("type") === "checkbox" || element.prop("type") === "radio") {
    else if (element.parent(".input-group").length) {
    else {

this way the error is displayed under last radio option.

jQuery Validation using the class instead of the name value

You can add the rules based on that selector using .rules("add", options), just remove any rules you want class based out of your validate options, and after calling $(".formToValidate").validate({... });, do this:

$(".checkBox").rules("add", { 

jQuery validate Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null

I had this problem and it was because the panel was outside of the [data-role="page"] element.

jquery validate check at least one checkbox

Mmm first your id attributes must be unique, your code is likely to be

<input class='roles' name='roles' type='checkbox' value='1' />
<input class='roles' name='roles' type='checkbox' value='2' />
<input class='roles' name='roles' type='checkbox' value='3' />
<input class='roles' name='roles' type='checkbox' value='4' />
<input class='roles' name='roles' type='checkbox' value='5' />
<input type='submit' value='submit' />

For your problem :

if($('.roles:checkbox:checked').length == 0)
  // no checkbox checked, do something...
  // at least one checkbox checked...

BUT, remember that a JavaScript form validation is only indicative, all validations MUST be done server-side.

$("#form1").validate is not a function

youll need to use the latest in conjunction with one of the Microsoft's CDN for getting your validation file.

jQuery Form Validation before Ajax submit

You need to trigger form validation before checking if it is valid. Field validation runs after you enter data in each field. Form validation is triggered by the submit event but at the document level. So your event handler is being triggered before jquery validates the whole form. But fret not, there's a simple solution to all of this.

You should validate the form:

if ($(this).validate().form()) {
  // do ajax stuff

jQuery Validation plugin: disable validation for specified submit buttons

(Extension of @lepe's and @redsquare answer for ASP.NET MVC + jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js)

The jquery validation plugin (not the Microsoft unobtrusive one) allows you to put a .cancel class on your submit button to bypass validation completely (as shown in accepted answer).

 To skip validation while still using a submit-button, add a class="cancel" to that input.

  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
  <input type="submit" class="cancel" name="cancel" value="Cancel"/>

(don't confuse this with type='reset' which is something completely different)

Unfortunately the jquery.validation.unobtrusive.js validation handling (ASP.NET MVC) code kinda screws up the jquery.validate plugin's default behavior.

This is what I came up with to allow you to put .cancel on the submit button as shown above. If Microsoft ever 'fixes' this then you can just remvoe this code.

    // restore behavior of .cancel from jquery validate to allow submit button 
    // to automatically bypass all jquery validation
    $(document).on('click', 'input[type=image].cancel,input[type=submit].cancel', function (evt)
        // find parent form, cancel validation and submit it
        // cancelSubmit just prevents jQuery validation from kicking in
        $(this).closest('form').data("validator").cancelSubmit = true;
        return false;

Note: If at first try it appears that this isn't working - make sure you're not roundtripping to the server and seeing a server generated page with errors. You'll need to bypass validation on the server side by some other means - this just allows the form to be submitted client side without errors (the alternative would be adding .ignore attributes to everything in your form).

(Note: you may need to add button to the selector if you're using buttons to submit)

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

There is the easy way


<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />x
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]"  />y
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />z
<button type="button" id="submit">Submit</button>


    if (($("input[name*='test']:checked").length)<=0) {
        alert("You must check at least 1 box");
    return true;

For this you not need any plugin. Enjoy;)

jQuery Validate - Enable validation for hidden fields

This worked for me, within an ASP.NET MVC3 site where I'd left the framework to setup unobtrusive validation etc., in case it's useful to anyone:

$("form").data("validator").settings.ignore = "";

JQuery Validate input file type

Simply use the .rules('add') method immediately after creating the element...

var filenumber = 1;
$("#AddFile").click(function () { //User clicks button #AddFile

    // create the new input element
    $('<li><input type="file" name="FileUpload' + filenumber + '" id="FileUpload' + filenumber + '" /> <a href="#" class="RemoveFileUpload">Remove</a></li>').prependTo("#FileUploader");

    // declare the rule on this newly created input field        
    $('#FileUpload' + filenumber).rules('add', {
        required: true,  // <- with this you would not need 'required' attribute on input
        accept: "image/jpeg, image/pjpeg"

    filenumber++; // increment counter for next time

    return false;
  • You'll still need to use .validate() to initialize the plugin within a DOM ready handler.

  • You'll still need to declare rules for your static elements using .validate(). Whatever input elements that are part of the form when the page loads... declare their rules within .validate().

  • You don't need to use .each(), when you're only targeting ONE element with the jQuery selector attached to .rules().

  • You don't need the required attribute on your input element when you're declaring the required rule using .validate() or .rules('add'). For whatever reason, if you still want the HTML5 attribute, at least use a proper format like required="required".

Working DEMO:

jQuery form validation on button click

You can also achieve other way using button tag

According new html5 attribute you also can add a form attribute like

<form id="formId">
    <input type="text" name="fname">

<button id="myButton" form='#formId'>My Awesome Button</button>

So the button will be attached to the form.

This should work with the validate() plugin of jQuery like :

var validator = $( "#formId" ).validate();
validator.element( "#myButton" );

It's working too with input tag

Source :

Confirm Password with jQuery Validate

It works if id value and name value are different:

<input type="password" class="form-control"name="password" id="mainpassword">
password: {     required: true,     } , 
cpassword: {required: true, equalTo: '#mainpassword' },

jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation?

    $.validator.methods.checkEmail = function( value, element ) {
        return this.optional( element ) || /[a-z]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]+/.test( value );

        rules: {
            email: {
                required: true,
                checkEmail: true
        messages: {
            email: "incorrect email"

How to clear jQuery validation error messages?

None of the other solutions worked for me. resetForm() is clearly documented to reset the actual form, e.g. remove the data from the form, which is not what I want. It just happens to sometimes not do that, but just remove the errors. What finally worked for me is this:


jQuery Validate Plugin - How to create a simple custom rule?

Step 1 Included the cdn like

     <script src=""></script>

     <script src=""></script>

Step 2 Code Like

        $("#submit").click(function () {
              $('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
                rules: {
                    id: {
                        required: true,
                        email: true
                    password: {
                        required: true,
                        minlength: 1
                messages: {
                    id: {
                        required: "Enter Email Id"

                    password: {
                        required: "Enter Email Password"

                submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
                    alert('valid form submitted'); // for demo
                    return false; // for demo

jQuery validation plugin: accept only alphabetical characters?

Be careful,

jQuery.validator.addMethod("lettersonly", function(value, element) 
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z," "]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters and spaces only please"); 

[a-z, " "] by adding the comma and quotation marks, you are allowing spaces, commas and quotation marks into the input box.

For spaces + text, just do this:

jQuery.validator.addMethod("lettersonly", function(value, element) 
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z ]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters and spaces only please");

[a-z ] this allows spaces aswell as text only.


also the message "Letters and spaces only please" is not required, if you already have a message in messages:

        required: "Enter your first name",
        minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least (2) characters"),
        maxlength:jQuery.format("First name too long more than (80) characters"),
        lettersonly:jQuery.format("letters only mate")


Validate Dynamically Added Input fields

$('#form-btn').click(function () {
//set global rules & messages array to use in validator
   var rules = {};
   var messages = {};
//get input, select, textarea of form
   $('#formId').find('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
      var name = $(this).attr('name');
      rules[name] = {};
      messages[name] = {};

      rules[name] = {required: true}; // set required true against every name
//apply more rules, you can also apply custom rules & messages
      if (name === "email") {
         rules[name].email = true;
         //messages[name].email = "Please provide valid email";
      else if(name==='url'){
        rules[name].required = false; // url filed is not required
//add other rules & messages
//submit form and use above created global rules & messages array
   $('#formId').submit(function (e) {
            rules: rules,
            messages: messages,
            submitHandler: function (form) {
            console.log("validation success");

Jquery validation plugin - TypeError: $(...).validate is not a function

It looks like the JavaScript error your getting is probably being caused by

password: {

As the [4.20] should be [4,20], which i'd guess is throwing off the validation code in additional-methods hence giving the type error's you posted.

Edit: As others have noted in the below comments rangelenght is also misspelled & jquery.validate.js library appears to be missing (assuming its not compiled in to one of your other assets)

How to manually trigger validation with jQuery validate?

Eva M from above, almost had the answer as posted above (Thanks Eva M!):

var validator = $( "#myform" ).validate();

This is almost the answer, but it causes problems, in even the most up to date jquery validation plugin as of 13 DEC 2018. The problem is that if one directly copies that sample, and EVER calls ".validate()" more than once, the focus/key processing of the validation can get broken, and the validation may not show errors properly.

Here is how to use Eva M's answer, and ensure those focus/key/error-hiding issues do not occur:

1) Save your validator to a variable/global.

var oValidator = $("#myform").validate();

2) DO NOT call $("#myform").validate() EVER again.

If you call $("#myform").validate() more than once, it may cause focus/key/error-hiding issues.

3) Use the variable/global and call form.

var bIsValid = oValidator.form();

jquery to validate phone number

I tried the below solution and it work fine for me.

/\(?([0-9]{3})\)?([ .-]?)([0-9]{3})\2([0-9]{4})/

Tried below phone format:

  • +(123) 456 7899
  • (123) 456 7899
  • (123).456.7899
  • (123)-456-7899
  • 123-456-7899
  • 123 456 7899
  • 1234567899

Phone Number Validation MVC


[Required(ErrorMessage = "You must provide a phone number")]
[Display(Name = "Home Phone")]
[RegularExpression(@"^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$", ErrorMessage = "Not a valid phone number")]
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }


@Html.LabelFor(model => model.PhoneNumber)
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.PhoneNumber)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.PhoneNumber)

How to validate a form with multiple checkboxes to have atleast one checked

This script below should put you on the right track perhaps?

You can keep this html the same (though I changed the method to POST):

<form method="POST" id="subscribeForm">
    <fieldset id="cbgroup">
        <div><input name="list" id="list0" type="checkbox"  value="newsletter0" >zero</div>
        <div><input name="list" id="list1" type="checkbox"  value="newsletter1" >one</div>
        <div><input name="list" id="list2" type="checkbox"  value="newsletter2" >two</div>
    <input name="submit" type="submit"  value="submit">

and this javascript validates

function onSubmit() 
    var fields = $("input[name='list']").serializeArray(); 
    if (fields.length === 0) 
        alert('nothing selected'); 
        // cancel submit
        return false;
        alert(fields.length + " items selected"); 

// register event on form, not submit button

and you can find a working example of it here

UPDATE (Oct 2012)
Additionally it should be noted that the checkboxes must have a "name" property, or else they will not be added to the array. Only having "id" will not work.

UPDATE (May 2013)
Moved the submit registration to javascript and registered the submit onto the form (as it should have been originally)

UPDATE (June 2016)
Changes == to ===

Validate that end date is greater than start date with jQuery

So I needed this rule to be optional and none of the above suggestions are optional. If I call the method it is showing as required even if I set it to needing a value.

This is my call:

    rules: {
      "end_date": {
        required: function(element) {return ($("#end_date").val()!="");},
        greaterStart: "#start_date"

My addMethod is not as robust as Mike E.'s top rated answer, but I'm using the JqueryUI datepicker to force a date selection. If someone can tell me how to make sure the dates are numbers and have the method be optional that would be great, but for now this method works for me:

jQuery.validator.addMethod("greaterStart", function (value, element, params) {
    return this.optional(element) || new Date(value) >= new Date($(params).val());
},'Must be greater than start date.');

MVC 4 client side validation not working

you may have already solved this, but I had some luck by changing the order of the jqueryval item in the BundleConfig with App_Start. The client-side validation would not work even on a fresh out-of-the-box MVC 4 internet solution. So I changed the default:

            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(


        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(

and now my client-side validation is working. You just want to make sure the unobtrusive file is at the end (so it's not intrusive, hah :)

Get value of multiselect box using jQuery or pure JS

You could do like this too.

<form action="ResultsDulith.php" id="intermediate" name="inputMachine[]" multiple="multiple" method="post">
    <select id="selectDuration" name="selectDuration[]" multiple="multiple"> 
        <option value="1 WEEK" >Last 1 Week</option>
        <option value="2 WEEK" >Last 2 Week </option>
        <option value="3 WEEK" >Last 3 Week</option>
         <option value="4 WEEK" >Last 4 Week</option>
          <option value="5 WEEK" >Last 5 Week</option>
           <option value="6 WEEK" >Last 6 Week</option>
     <input type="submit"/> 

Then take the multiple selection from following PHP code below. It print the selected multiple values accordingly.



How to return a value from pthread threads in C?

You are returning a reference to ret which is a variable on the stack.

IIS w3svc error

I know this post is old but I was getting this error. It turns out World Wide Web Publishing Service was disabled.

  1. Click Start, type Services in the Search box, and then click Services.
  2. Scroll until you find the World Wide Web Publishing Service that is stopped or disabled.
  3. right-click the service, and then click Properties.
  4. Click the Startup type list, and then click Automatic.
  5. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Fill DataTable from SQL Server database

Try with following:

public DataTable fillDataTable(string table)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM dstut.dbo." +table;

        SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(conSTR);
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConn);
        SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        return dt;

Hope it is helpful.

error LNK2005, already defined?

The linker tells you that you have the variable k defined multiple times. Indeed, you have a definition in A.cpp and another in B.cpp. Both compilation units produce a corresponding object file that the linker uses to create your program. The problem is that in your case the linker does not know whic definition of k to use. In C++ you can have only one defintion of the same construct (variable, type, function).

To fix it, you will have to decide what your goal is

  • If you want to have two variables, both named k, you can use an anonymous namespace in both .cpp files, then refer to k as you are doing now:


namespace {
  int k;
  • You can rename one of the ks to something else, thus avoiding the duplicate defintion.
  • If you want to have only once definition of k and use that in both .cpp files, you need to declare in one as extern int k;, and leave it as it is in the other. This will tell the linker to use the one definition (the unchanged version) in both cases -- extern implies that the variable is defined in another compilation unit.

Save attachments to a folder and rename them

See ReceivedTime Property

You added another \ to the end of C:\Temp\ in the SaveAs File line. Could be a problem. Do a test first before adding a path separator.

dateFormat = Format(itm.ReceivedTime, "yyyy-mm-dd H-mm")  
saveFolder = "C:\Temp"

You have not set objAtt so there is no need for "Set objAtt = Nothing". If there was it would be just before End Sub not in the loop.

Public Sub saveAttachtoDisk (itm As Outlook.MailItem) 
    Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment 
    Dim saveFolder As String Dim dateFormat
    dateFormat = Format(itm.ReceivedTime, "yyyy-mm-dd H-mm")  saveFolder = "C:\Temp"
    For Each objAtt In itm.Attachments
        objAtt.SaveAsFile saveFolder & "\" & dateFormat & objAtt.DisplayName
End Sub

Re: It worked the first day I started tinkering but after that it stopped saving files.

This is usually due to Security settings. It is a "trap" set for first time users to allow macros then take it away.

Twitter Bootstrap: div in container with 100% height

It is very simple. You can use

.fill .map 
  min-height: 100vh;

You can change height according to your requirement.

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory trying to open a file


with open(os.path.join(src_dir, f)) as fin:
    for line in fin:

Also, you never output to a new file.

Select rows from a data frame based on values in a vector

Similar to above, using filter from dplyr:

filter(df, fct %in% vc)

What is the first character in the sort order used by Windows Explorer?

The first visible character is '!' according to ASCII table.And the last one is '~' So "!file.doc" or "~file.doc' will be the top one depending your ranking order. You can check the ascii table here:

Edit: This answer is based on the opinion of the author and not facts.

Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn?

There is no special git ignore command.

Edit a .gitignore file located in the appropriate place within the working copy. You should then add this .gitignore and commit it. Everyone who clones that repo will than have those files ignored.

Note that only file names starting with / will be relative to the directory .gitignore resides in. Everything else will match files in whatever subdirectory.

You can also edit .git/info/exclude to ignore specific files just in that one working copy. The .git/info/exclude file will not be committed, and will thus only apply locally in this one working copy.

You can also set up a global file with patterns to ignore with git config --global core.excludesfile. This will locally apply to all git working copies on the same user's account.

Run git help gitignore and read the text for the details.

Dealing with float precision in Javascript

> var x = 0.1
> var y = 0.2
> var cf = 10
> x * y
> (x * cf) * (y * cf) / (cf * cf)

Quick solution:

var _cf = (function() {
  function _shift(x) {
    var parts = x.toString().split('.');
    return (parts.length < 2) ? 1 : Math.pow(10, parts[1].length);
  return function() { 
    return, function (prev, next) { return prev === undefined || next === undefined ? undefined : Math.max(prev, _shift (next)); }, -Infinity);

Math.a = function () {
  var f = _cf.apply(null, arguments); if(f === undefined) return undefined;
  function cb(x, y, i, o) { return x + f * y; }
  return, cb, 0) / f;

Math.s = function (l,r) { var f = _cf(l,r); return (l * f - r * f) / f; };

Math.m = function () {
  var f = _cf.apply(null, arguments);
  function cb(x, y, i, o) { return (x*f) * (y*f) / (f * f); }
  return, cb, 1);

Math.d = function (l,r) { var f = _cf(l,r); return (l * f) / (r * f); };

> Math.m(0.1, 0.2)

You can check the full explanation here.

What is the basic difference between the Factory and Abstract Factory Design Patterns?

Example/Scenario for Abstract Factory

I live in a place where it rains in the rainy season, snows in winter and hot and sunny in summers. I need different kind of clothes to protect myself from the elements. To do so I go to the store near my house and ask for clothing/items to protect myself. The store keeper gives me the appropriate item as per the environment and depth of my pocket. The items he gives me are of same level of quality and price range. Since he is aware of my standards its easy for him to do so. But when a rich guy from across the street comes up with the same requirements he gets an expensive, branded item. One noticeable thing is all the items he gives to me complement each other in term quality, standard and cost. One can say they go with each other. Same is the case with the items this rich guy gets.

So by looking at above scenario, I now appreciate the efficiency of the shop keeper. I can replace this shopkeeper with an Abstract Shop. The items we get with abstract items and me and the rich as perspective clients. All we need is the product/item which suits our needs.

Now I can easily see myself considering an online store which provides a set of services to its numerous clients. Each client belongs to one of the three groups. When a premium group user opens up the site he gets great UI, highly customised advertisement pane, more options in the menus etc. These same set of features are presented to gold user but the functionality in the menu is less, advertisements are mostly relevent, and slightly less egronomic UI. Last is my kind of user, a ‘free group’ user. I am just served enough so that I do not get offended. The UI is a bare minimum, advertisements are way off track so much so that I do not know what comes in it, lastly the menu has only log out.

If I get a chance to build something like this website I would definitely consider Abstract Factory Pattern.

Abstract Products : Advertisement Pane, Menu, UI painter.
Abstract Factory : Web Store User Experience
Concreate Factory: Premium User Experience, Gold User Experience, General User Experience.

Best way to write to the console in PowerShell

Default behaviour of PowerShell is just to dump everything that falls out of a pipeline without being picked up by another pipeline element or being assigned to a variable (or redirected) into Out-Host. What Out-Host does is obviously host-dependent.

Just letting things fall out of the pipeline is not a substitute for Write-Host which exists for the sole reason of outputting text in the host application.

If you want output, then use the Write-* cmdlets. If you want return values from a function, then just dump the objects there without any cmdlet.

How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

You can push a MP3 file in your /sdcard folder using DDMS, restart the emulator, then open the Media application, browse to your MP3 file, long press on it and select "Use as phone ringtone".

Error is gone!

Edit: same trouble with notification sounds (e.g. for SMS) solved using Ringdroid application

Create a custom event in Java

The following is not exactly the same but similar, I was searching for a snippet to add a call to the interface method, but found this question, so I decided to add this snippet for those who were searching for it like me and found this question:

 public class MyClass
        //... class code goes here

        public interface DataLoadFinishedListener {
            public void onDataLoadFinishedListener(int data_type);

        private DataLoadFinishedListener m_lDataLoadFinished;

        public void setDataLoadFinishedListener(DataLoadFinishedListener dlf){
            this.m_lDataLoadFinished = dlf;

        private void someOtherMethodOfMyClass()

Usage is as follows:

myClassObj.setDataLoadFinishedListener(new MyClass.DataLoadFinishedListener() {
            public void onDataLoadFinishedListener(int data_type) {

Can you have a <span> within a <span>?

Yes. You can have a span within a span. Your problem stems from something else.

Change background colour for Visual Studio

Tools -> Options -> Under the Environment section there are Fonts & Colors, change the Item Background.

C++ where to initialize static const

In a translation unit within the same namespace, usually at the top:

// foo.h
struct foo
    static const std::string s;

// foo.cpp
const std::string foo::s = "thingadongdong"; // this is where it lives

// bar.h
namespace baz
    struct bar
        static const float f;

// bar.cpp
namespace baz
    const float bar::f = 3.1415926535;

Can "list_display" in a Django ModelAdmin display attributes of ForeignKey fields?

You can show whatever you want in list display by using a callable. It would look like this:

def book_author(object):

class PersonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  list_display = [book_author,]

How to find day of week in php in a specific timezone

echo date('l', strtotime('today'));

Where should I put the CSS and Javascript code in an HTML webpage?

And if you have more than one .css or .js file to call, just include them one after another, or:


<link href="css/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src="js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/jquery.animate-colors-min.js"></script>


How to start an Intent by passing some parameters to it?

In order to pass the parameters you create new intent and put a parameter map:

Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, NewActivityClassName.class);

In order to get the parameters values inside the started activity, you must call the get[type]Extra() on the same intent:

// getIntent() is a method from the started activity
Intent myIntent = getIntent(); // gets the previously created intent
String firstKeyName = myIntent.getStringExtra("firstKeyName"); // will return "FirstKeyValue"
String secondKeyName= myIntent.getStringExtra("secondKeyName"); // will return "SecondKeyValue"

If your parameters are ints you would use getIntExtra() instead etc. Now you can use your parameters like you normally would.

Combine Points with lines with ggplot2

You may find that using the `group' aes will help you get the result you want. For example:

tu <- expand.grid(Land       = gl(2, 1, labels = c("DE", "BB")),
                  Altersgr   = gl(5, 1, labels = letters[1:5]),
                  Geschlecht = gl(2, 1, labels = c('m', 'w')),
                  Jahr       = 2000:2009)

tu$Wert <- unclass(tu$Altersgr) * 200 + rnorm(200, 0, 10)

ggplot(tu, aes(x = Jahr, y = Wert, color = Altersgr, group = Altersgr)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(Geschlecht ~ Land)

Which produces the plot found here:

enter image description here

How to convert integer to char in C?

A char in C is already a number (the character's ASCII code), no conversion required.

If you want to convert a digit to the corresponding character, you can simply add '0':

c = i +'0';

The '0' is a character in the ASCll table.

Boolean vs boolean in Java

You can use Boolean / boolean. Simplicity is the way to go. If you do not need specific api (Collections, Streams, etc.) and you are not foreseeing that you will need them - use primitive version of it (boolean).

  1. With primitives you guarantee that you will not pass null values.
    You will not fall in traps like this. The code below throws NullPointerException (from: Booleans, conditional operators and autoboxing):

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Boolean b = true ? returnsNull() : false; // NPE on this line. System.out.println(b); } public static Boolean returnsNull() { return null; }

  2. Use Boolean when you need an object, eg:

    • Stream of Booleans,
    • Optional
    • Collections of Booleans

How do I check out a specific version of a submodule using 'git submodule'?

Step 1: Add the submodule

   git submodule add git://some_repository.git some_repository

Step 2: Fix the submodule to a particular commit

By default the new submodule will be tracking HEAD of the master branch, but it will NOT be updated as you update your primary repository. In order to change the submodule to track a particular commit or different branch, change directory to the submodule folder and switch branches just like you would in a normal repository.

   git checkout -b some_branch origin/some_branch

Now the submodule is fixed on the development branch instead of HEAD of master.

From Two Guys Arguing — Tie Git Submodules to a Particular Commit or Branch .

Changing every value in a hash in Ruby

my_hash.each do |key, value|
  my_hash[key] = "%#{value}%"

What is the full path to the Packages folder for Sublime text 2 on Mac OS Lion

A useful shortcut from inside Sublime Text:

cmd-shift-P --> Browse Packages Now open user folder.

Database Diagram Support Objects cannot be Installed ... no valid owner

you must enter as administrator right click to microsofft sql server management studio and run as admin

In oracle, how do I change my session to display UTF8?

Therefore, before starting '$ sqlplus' on OS, run the followings:

  • On Windows


  • On Unix (Solaris and Linux, centos etc)


It would also be advisable to set env variable in your '.bash_profile' [on start up script]

This is the place where other ORACLE env variables (ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME) are usually set.

just fyi - SQL Developer is good at displaying/handling non-English UTF8 characters.

Trying to start a service on boot on Android

In fact,I get into this trouble not long ago,and it's really really easy to fix,you actually do nothing wrong if you setup the "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" permission and intent-filter.

Be attention that if you On Android 4.X,you have to run the broadcast listener before you start service on boot,that means,you have to add an activity first,once your broadcast receiver running,your app should function as you expected,however,on Android 4.X,I haven't found a way to start the service on boot without any activity,I think google did that for security reasons.

HTTP POST with URL query parameters -- good idea or not?

Everyone is right: stick with POST for non-idempotent requests.

What about using both an URI query string and request content? Well it's valid HTTP (see note 1), so why not?!

It is also perfectly logical: URLs, including their query string part, are for locating resources. Whereas HTTP method verbs (POST - and its optional request content) are for specifying actions, or what to do with resources. Those should be orthogonal concerns. (But, they are not beautifully orthogonal concerns for the special case of ContentType=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, see note 2 below.)

Note 1: HTTP specification (1.1) does not state that query parameters and content are mutually exclusive for a HTTP server that accepts POST or PUT requests. So any server is free to accept both. I.e. if you write the server there's nothing to stop you choosing to accept both (except maybe an inflexible framework). Generally, the server can interpret query strings according to whatever rules it wants. It can even interpret them with conditional logic that refers to other headers like Content-Type too, which leads to Note 2:

Note 2: if a web browser is the primary way people are accessing your web application, and application/x-www-form-urlencoded is the Content-Type they are posting, then you should follow the rules for that Content-Type. And the rules for application/x-www-form-urlencoded are much more specific (and frankly, unusual): in this case you must interpret the URI as a set of parameters, and not a resource location. [This is the same point of usefulness Powerlord raised; that it may be hard to use web forms to POST content to your server. Just explained a little differently.]

Note 3: what are query strings originally for? RFC 3986 defines HTTP query strings as an URI part that works as a non-hierarchical way of locating a resource.

In case readers asking this question wish to ask what is good RESTful architecture: the RESTful architecture pattern doesn't require URI schemes to work a specific way. RESTful architecture concerns itself with other properties of the system, like cacheability of resources, the design of the resources themselves (their behavior, capabilities, and representations), and whether idempotence is satisfied. Or in other words, achieving a design which is highly compatible with HTTP protocol and its set of HTTP method verbs. :-) (In other words, RESTful architecture is not very presciptive with how the resources are located.)

Final note: sometimes query parameters get used for yet other things, which are neither locating resources nor encoding content. Ever seen a query parameter like 'PUT=true' or 'POST=true'? These are workarounds for browsers that don't allow you to use PUT and POST methods. While such parameters are seen as part of the URL query string (on the wire), I argue that they are not part of the URL's query in spirit.

How to call another components function in angular2

You can access component one's method from component two..


  ngOnInit() {}

  public testCall(){
    alert("I am here..");    


import { oneComponent } from '../one.component';

  providers:[oneComponent ],
  selector: 'app-two',
  templateUrl: ...

constructor(private comp: oneComponent ) { }

public callMe(): void {

componentTwo html file

<button (click)="callMe()">click</button>

What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?

__repr__ is used everywhere, except by print and str methods (when a __str__is defined !)

Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string

Try this:

$Date = $row['valdate']->format('d/m/Y'); // the result will 01/12/2015

NOTE: $row['valdate'] its a value date in the database

How do I rename a column in a SQLite database table?

While it is true that there is no ALTER COLUMN, if you only want to rename the column, drop the NOT NULL constraint, or change the data type, you can use the following set of commands:

Note: These commands have the potential to corrupt your database, so make sure you have a backup

PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;
PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;

You will need to either close and reopen your connection or vacuum the database to reload the changes into the schema.

For example:

Y:\> sqlite3 booktest  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> create table BOOKS ( title TEXT NOT NULL, publication_date TEXT NOT NULL);  
sqlite> insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);  
Error: BOOKS.publication_date may not be NULL  
sqlite> PRAGMA writable_schema = 1; 
sqlite> PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;  
sqlite> .q  

Y:\> sqlite3 booktest  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);  
sqlite> .q  


pragma writable_schema
When this pragma is on, the SQLITE_MASTER tables in which database can be changed using ordinary UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Warning: misuse of this pragma can easily result in a corrupt database file.

alter table
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.


How to show loading spinner in jQuery?

I think you are right. This method is too global...

However - it is a good default for when your AJAX call has no effect on the page itself. (background save for example). ( you can always switch it off for a certain ajax call by passing "global":false - see documentation at jquery

When the AJAX call is meant to refresh part of the page, I like my "loading" images to be specific to the refreshed section. I would like to see which part is refreshed.

Imagine how cool it would be if you could simply write something like :

$("#component_to_refresh").ajax( { ... } ); 

And this would show a "loading" on this section. Below is a function I wrote that handles "loading" display as well but it is specific to the area you are refreshing in ajax.

First, let me show you how to use it

<!-- assume you have this HTML and you would like to refresh 
      it / load the content with ajax -->

<span id="email" name="name" class="ajax-loading">

<!-- then you have the following javascript --> 

     $("#email").ajax({'url':"/my/url", load:true, global:false});

And this is the function - a basic start that you can enhance as you wish. it is very flexible.

jQuery.fn.ajax = function(options)
    var $this = $(this);
    function invokeFunc(func, arguments)
        if ( typeof(func) == "function")
            func( arguments ) ;

    function _think( obj, think )
        if ( think )
            obj.html('<div class="loading" style="background: url(/public/images/loading_1.gif) no-repeat; display:inline-block; width:70px; height:30px; padding-left:25px;"> Loading ... </div>');

    function makeMeThink( think )
        if ( $".ajax-loading") )
            _think($this, think);

    options = $.extend({}, options); // make options not null - ridiculous, but still.
    // read more about ajax events
    var newoptions = $.extend({
        beforeSend: function()
            invokeFunc(options.beforeSend, null);

        complete: function()
            if ( options.load )

    }, options);


How to convert PDF files to images

The PDF engine used in Google Chrome, called PDFium, is open source under the "BSD 3-clause" license. I believe this allows redistribution when used in a commercial product.

There is a .NET wrapper for it called PdfiumViewer (NuGet) which works well to the extent I have tried it. It is under the Apache license which also allows redistribution.

(Note that this is NOT the same 'wrapper' as which requires a commercial license*)

(There is one other PDFium .NET wrapper, PDFiumSharp, but I have not evaluated it.)

In my opinion, so far, this may be the best choice of open-source (free as in beer) PDF libraries to do the job which do not put restrictions on the closed-source / commercial nature of the software utilizing them. I don't think anything else in the answers here satisfy that criteria, to the best of my knowledge.

Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details

Some other service may be using port 80: try to stop the other services: HTTPD, SSL, NGINX, PHP, with the command sudo systemctl stop and then use the command sudo systemctl start httpd

Subtracting Dates in Oracle - Number or Interval Datatype?

Ok, I don't normally answer my own questions but after a bit of tinkering, I have figured out definitively how Oracle stores the result of a DATE subtraction.

When you subtract 2 dates, the value is not a NUMBER datatype (as the Oracle 11.2 SQL Reference manual would have you believe). The internal datatype number of a DATE subtraction is 14, which is a non-documented internal datatype (NUMBER is internal datatype number 2). However, it is actually stored as 2 separate two's complement signed numbers, with the first 4 bytes used to represent the number of days and the last 4 bytes used to represent the number of seconds.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a positive integer difference:

select date '2009-08-07' - date '2008-08-08' from dual;

Results in:


select dump(date '2009-08-07' - date '2008-08-08') from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 108,1,0,0,0,0,0,0

Recall that the result is represented as a 2 seperate two's complement signed 4 byte numbers. Since there are no decimals in this case (364 days and 0 hours exactly), the last 4 bytes are all 0s and can be ignored. For the first 4 bytes, because my CPU has a little-endian architecture, the bytes are reversed and should be read as 1,108 or 0x16c, which is decimal 364.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a negative integer difference:

select date '1000-08-07' - date '2008-08-08' from dual;

Results in:


select dump(date '1000-08-07' - date '2008-08-08') from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 224,97,250,255,0,0,0,0

Again, since I am using a little-endian machine, the bytes are reversed and should be read as 255,250,97,224 which corresponds to 11111111 11111010 01100001 11011111. Now since this is in two's complement signed binary numeral encoding, we know that the number is negative because the leftmost binary digit is a 1. To convert this into a decimal number we would have to reverse the 2's complement (subtract 1 then do the one's complement) resulting in: 00000000 00000101 10011110 00100000 which equals -368160 as suspected.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a decimal difference:

select to_date('08/AUG/2004 14:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
 - to_date('08/AUG/2004 8:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;


The difference between those 2 dates is 0.25 days or 6 hours.

select dump(to_date('08/AUG/2004 14:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
 - to_date('08/AUG/2004 8:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 0,0,0,0,96,84,0,0

Now this time, since the difference is 0 days and 6 hours, it is expected that the first 4 bytes are 0. For the last 4 bytes, we can reverse them (because CPU is little-endian) and get 84,96 = 01010100 01100000 base 2 = 21600 in decimal. Converting 21600 seconds to hours gives you 6 hours which is the difference which we expected.

Hope this helps anyone who was wondering how a DATE subtraction is actually stored.

You get the syntax error because the date math does not return a NUMBER, but it returns an INTERVAL:

SQL> SELECT DUMP(SYSDATE - start_date) from test;

Typ=14 Len=8: 188,10,0,0,223,65,1,0

You need to convert the number in your example into an INTERVAL first using the NUMTODSINTERVAL Function

For example:

SQL> SELECT (SYSDATE - start_date) DAY(5) TO SECOND from test;

+02748 22:50:04.000000

SQL> SELECT (SYSDATE - start_date) from test;


SQL> select NUMTODSINTERVAL(2748.9515, 'day') from dual;

+000002748 22:50:09.600000000


Based on the reverse cast with the NUMTODSINTERVAL() function, it appears some rounding is lost in translation.

Using Tkinter in python to edit the title bar


changes the title of either Tk or Toplevel instance that the widget is a child of.

See whether an item appears more than once in a database column

How about:

select salesid from AXDelNotesNoTracking group by salesid having count(*) > 1;

Filter element based on .data() key/value

Just for the record, you can filter on data with jquery (this question is quite old, and jQuery evolved since then, so it's right to write this solution as well):


or, better (for performance):


or, if you want to get all the elements with data-selected set:


Note that this method will only work with data that was set via html-attributes. If you set or change data with the .data() call, this method will no longer work.

Standard deviation of a list

pure python code:

from math import sqrt

def stddev(lst):
    mean = float(sum(lst)) / len(lst)
    return sqrt(float(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: (x - mean) ** 2, lst))) / len(lst))

How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

it can only be lazily loaded whilst within a transaction. So you could access the collection in your repository, which has a transaction - or what I normally do is a get with association, or set fetchmode to eager.

Can a background image be larger than the div itself?

Not really - the background image is bounded by the element it's applied to, and the overflow properties only apply to the content (i.e. markup) within an element.

You can add another div into your footer div and apply the background image to that, though, and have that overflow instead.

Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

SELECT 1 FROM user_right where userid = ? LIMIT 1

If your resultset contains a row then you do not have to insert. Otherwise insert your records.

Google Forms file upload complete example

Update: Google Forms can now upload files. This answer was posted before Google Forms had the capability to upload files.

This solution does not use Google Forms. This is an example of using an Apps Script Web App, which is very different than a Google Form. A Web App is basically a website, but you can't get a domain name for it. This is not a modification of a Google Form, which can't be done to upload a file.

NOTE: I did have an example of both the UI Service and HTML Service, but have removed the UI Service example, because the UI Service is deprecated.

NOTE: The only sandbox setting available is now IFRAME. I you want to use an onsubmit attribute in the beginning form tag: <form onsubmit="myFunctionName()">, it may cause the form to disappear from the screen after the form submission.

If you were using NATIVE mode, your file upload Web App may no longer be working. With NATIVE mode, a form submission would not invoke the default behavior of the page disappearing from the screen. If you were using NATIVE mode, and your file upload form is no longer working, then you may be using a "submit" type button. I'm guessing that you may also be using the "" client side API to send data to the server. If you want the page to disappear from the screen after a form submission, you could do that another way. But you may not care, or even prefer to have the page stay on the screen. Depending upon what you want, you'll need to configure the settings and code a certain way.

If you are using a "submit" type button, and want to continue to use it, you can try adding event.preventDefault(); to your code in the submit event handler function. Or you'll need to use the client side API.

A custom form for uploading files from a users computer drive, to your Google Drive can be created with the Apps Script HTML Service. This example requires writing a program, but I've provide all the basic code here.

This example shows an upload form with Google Apps Script HTML Service.

What You Need

  • Google Account
  • Google Drive
  • Google Apps Script - also called Google Script

Google Apps Script

There are various ways to end up at the Google Apps Script code editor.

I mention this because if you are not aware of all the possibilities, it could be a little confusing. Google Apps Script can be embedded in a Google Site, Sheets, Docs or Forms, or used as a stand alone app.

Apps Script Overview

This example is a "Stand Alone" app with HTML Service.

HTML Service - Create a web app using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Google Apps Script only has two types of files inside of a Project:

  • Script
  • HTML

Script files have a .gs extension. The .gs code is a server side code written in JavaScript, and a combination of Google's own API.

  • Copy and Paste the following code

  • Save It

  • Create the first Named Version

  • Publish it

  • Set the Permissions

    and you can start using it.

Start by:

  • Create a new Blank Project in Apps Script
  • Copy and Paste in this code:

Upload a file with HTML Service: file (Created by Default)

//For this to work, you need a folder in your Google drive named:
// 'For Web Hosting'
// or change the hard coded folder name to the name of the folder
// you want the file written to

function doGet(e) {
  return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Form')
    .evaluate() // evaluate MUST come before setting the Sandbox mode
    .setTitle('Name To Appear in Browser Tab')
    .setSandboxMode();//Defaults to IFRAME which is now the only mode available

function processForm(theForm) {
  var fileBlob = theForm.picToLoad;
  Logger.log("fileBlob Name: " + fileBlob.getName())
  Logger.log("fileBlob type: " + fileBlob.getContentType())
  Logger.log('fileBlob: ' + fileBlob);

  var fldrSssn = DriveApp.getFolderById(Your Folder ID);
  return true;

Create an html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <h1 id="main-heading">Main Heading</h1>
    <div id="formDiv">

      <form id="myForm">
        <input name="picToLoad" type="file" /><br/>
        <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="picUploadJs(this.parentNode)" />

  <div id="status" style="display: none">
  <!-- div will be filled with innerHTML after form submission. -->
  Uploading. Please wait...


function picUploadJs(frmData) {

  document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'inline';
  // Javascript function called by "submit" button handler,
  // to show results.
  function updateOutput() {
    var outputDiv = document.getElementById('status');
    outputDiv.innerHTML = "The File was UPLOADED!";


This is a full working example. It only has two buttons and one <div> element, so you won't see much on the screen. If the .gs script is successful, true is returned, and an onSuccess function runs. The onSuccess function (updateOutput) injects inner HTML into the div element with the message, "The File was UPLOADED!"

  • Save the file, give the project a name
  • Using the menu: File, Manage Version then Save the first Version
  • Publish, Deploy As Web App then Update

When you run the Script the first time, it will ask for permissions because it's saving files to your drive. After you grant permissions that first time, the Apps Script stops, and won't complete running. So, you need to run it again. The script won't ask for permissions again after the first time.

The Apps Script file will show up in your Google Drive. In Google Drive you can set permissions for who can access and use the script. The script is run by simply providing the link to the user. Use the link just as you would load a web page.

Another example of using the HTML Service can be seen at this link here on StackOverflow:

File Upload with HTML Service

NOTES about deprecated UI Service:

There is a difference between the UI Service, and the Ui getUi() method of the Spreadsheet Class (Or other class) The Apps Script UI Service was deprecated on Dec. 11, 2014. It will continue to work for some period of time, but you are encouraged to use the HTML Service.

Google Documentation - UI Service

Even though the UI Service is deprecated, there is a getUi() method of the spreadsheet class to add custom menus, which is NOT deprecated:

Spreadsheet Class - Get UI method

I mention this because it could be confusing because they both use the terminology UI.

The UI method returns a Ui return type.

You can add HTML to a UI Service, but you can't use a <button>, <input> or <script> tag in the HTML with the UI Service.

Here is a link to a shared Apps Script Web App file with an input form:

Shared File - Contact Form

Items in JSON object are out of order using "json.dumps"?

in JSON, as in Javascript, order of object keys is meaningless, so it really doesn't matter what order they're displayed in, it is the same object.

Find unique rows in numpy.array

I've compared the suggested alternative for speed and found that, surprisingly, the void view unique solution is even a bit faster than numpy's native unique with the axis argument. If you're looking for speed, you'll want

    a.view(numpy.dtype((numpy.void, a.dtype.itemsize*a.shape[1])))
).view(a.dtype).reshape(-1, a.shape[1])

There is a bug report on GitHub for this, too.

enter image description here

Code to reproduce the plot:

import numpy
import perfplot

def unique_void_view(a):
    return (
        numpy.unique(a.view(numpy.dtype((numpy.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1]))))
        .reshape(-1, a.shape[1])

def lexsort(a):
    ind = numpy.lexsort(a.T)
    return a[
        ind[numpy.concatenate(([True], numpy.any(a[ind[1:]] != a[ind[:-1]], axis=1)))]

def vstack(a):
    return numpy.vstack([tuple(row) for row in a])

def unique_axis(a):
    return numpy.unique(a, axis=0)
    setup=lambda n: numpy.random.randint(2, size=(n, 20)),
    kernels=[unique_void_view, lexsort, vstack, unique_axis],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(15)],

Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API

I was having serious problems with

.data('property', value);

It was not setting the data-property attribute.

Started using jQuery's .attr():

Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more attributes for every matched element.

.attr('property', value)

to set the value and


to retrieve the value.

Now it just works!

How to write an ArrayList of Strings into a text file?

If you need to create each ArrayList item in a single line then you can use this code

private void createFile(String file, ArrayList<String> arrData)
            throws IOException {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file + ".txt");
        int size = arrData.size();
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
            String str = arrData.get(i).toString();
            if(i < size-1)**//This prevent creating a blank like at the end of the file**

How do I get the type of a variable?

Usually, wanting to find the type of a variable in C++ is the wrong question. It tends to be something you carry along from procedural languages like for instance C or Pascal.

If you want to code different behaviours depending on type, try to learn about e.g. function overloading and object inheritance. This won't make immediate sense on your first day of C++, but keep at it.

SSH configuration: override the default username

There is a Ruby gem that interfaces your ssh configuration file which is called sshez.

All you have to do is sshez <alias> [email protected] -p <port-number>, and then you can connect using ssh <alias>. It is also useful since you can list your aliases using sshez list and can easily remove them using sshez remove alias.

What's the strangest corner case you've seen in C# or .NET?

This is the strangest I've encountered by accident:

public class DummyObject
    public override string ToString()
        return null;

Used as follows:

DummyObject obj = new DummyObject();
Console.WriteLine("The text: " + obj.GetType() + " is " + obj);

Will throw a NullReferenceException. Turns out the multiple additions are compiled by the C# compiler to a call to String.Concat(object[]). Prior to .NET 4, there is a bug in just that overload of Concat where the object is checked for null, but not the result of ToString():

object obj2 = args[i];
string text = (obj2 != null) ? obj2.ToString() : string.Empty;
// if obj2 is non-null, but obj2.ToString() returns null, then text==null
int length = text.Length;

This is a bug by ECMA-334 §14.7.4:

The binary + operator performs string concatenation when one or both operands are of type string. If an operand of string concatenation is null, an empty string is substituted. Otherwise, any non-string operand is converted to its string representation by invoking the virtual ToString method inherited from type object. If ToString returns null, an empty string is substituted.

Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

This won't be possible with css - an image is a square, and so the shadow would be the shadow of a square. The easiest way would be to use photoshop/gimp or any other image editor to apply the shadow like core draw.

How to get child process from parent process

For the case when the process tree of interest has more than 2 levels (e.g. Chromium spawns 4-level deep process tree), pgrep isn't of much use. As others have mentioned above, procfs files contain all the information about processes and one just needs to read them. I built a CLI tool called Procpath which does exactly this. It reads all /proc/N/stat files, represents the contents as a JSON tree and expose it to JSONPath queries.

To get all descendant process' comma-separated PIDs of a non-root process (for the root it's it's:

$ procpath query -d, "..children[?( == 24243)]"

How to check the presence of php and apache on ubuntu server through ssh

You could inspect the available apache2 modules:

$ ls /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

Or try to enable the php module, if you have the appropriate access:

$ a2enmod
Which module would you like to enable?
Your choices are: actions alias asis ...
... php5 proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect ..

Get current time in milliseconds using C++ and Boost

Try this: import headers as mentioned.. gives seconds and milliseconds only. If you need to explain the code read this link.

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void main()


   // GetLocalTime(&lt);

     printf("The system time is: %02d:%03d\n", st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
   //  printf("The local time is: %02d:%03d\n", lt.wSecond, lt.wMilliseconds);


char *array and char array[]

No. Actually it's the "same" as

char array[] = {'O', 'n', 'e', ..... 'i','c','\0');

Every character is a separate element, with an additional \0 character as a string terminator.

I quoted "same", because there are some differences between char * array and char array[]. If you want to read more, take a look at C: differences between char pointer and array

Simple timeout in java

Nowadays you can use

try {
    String s = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> br.readLine())
                                .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
    // Handle

Spring: Returning empty HTTP Responses with ResponseEntity<Void> doesn't work

Personally, to deal with empty responses, I use in my Integration Tests the MockMvcResponse object like this :

MockMvcResponse response = RestAssuredMockMvc.given()


and in my controller I return empty response in a specific case like this :

return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

As far as I see it's currently not possible to sort a Map properly.

The other solutions where the Map is converted into an array and sorted this way have the following bug:

var a = new Map([[1, 2], [3,4]])
console.log(a);    // a = Map(2) {1 => 2, 3 => 4}

var b = a;
console.log(b);    // b = Map(2) {1 => 2, 3 => 4}

a = new Map();     // this is when the sorting happens
console.log(a, b); // a = Map(0) {}     b = Map(2) {1 => 2, 3 => 4}

The sorting creates a new object and all other pointers to the unsorted object get broken.

how to add <script>alert('test');</script> inside a text box?

JQuery version:


how to convert image to byte array in java?

Here is a complete version of code for doing this. I have tested it. The BufferedImage and Base64 class do the trick mainly. Also some parameter needs to be set correctly.

public class SimpleConvertImage {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
        String dirName="C:\\";
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000);
        BufferedImage File(dirName,"rose.jpg"));
        ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", baos);

        String base64String=Base64.encode(baos.toByteArray());

        byte[] bytearray = Base64.decode(base64String);

        BufferedImage ByteArrayInputStream(bytearray));
        ImageIO.write(imag, "jpg", new File(dirName,"snap.jpg"));

Reference link

How to remove all CSS classes using jQuery/JavaScript?


Calling removeClass with no parameters will remove all of the item's classes.

You can also use (but is not necessarily recommended, the correct way is the one above):

$("#item").attr('class', '');
$('#item')[0].className = '';

If you didn't have jQuery, then this would be pretty much your only option:

document.getElementById('item').className = '';

How can we run a test method with multiple parameters in MSTest?

Not exactly the same as NUnit's Value (or TestCase) attributes, but MSTest has the DataSource attribute, which allows you to do a similar thing.

You can hook it up to database or XML file - it is not as straightforward as NUnit's feature, but it does the job.

HTML select form with option to enter custom value

Alen Saqe's latest JSFiddle didn't toggle for me on Firefox, so I thought I would provide a simple html/javascript workaround that will function nicely within forms (regarding submission) until the day that the datalist tag is accepted by all browsers/devices. For more details and see it in action, go to: Note: Do not allow any spaces between toggling siblings!

<!DOCTYPE html>
function toggleField(hideObj,showObj){
  hideObj.disabled=true; 'none';
<form name="BrowserSurvey" action="#">
Browser: <select name="browser" 
            <option value="customOption">[type a custom value]</option>
            <option>Internet Explorer</option>
        </select><input name="browser" style="display:none;" disabled="disabled" 
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Passing multiple values to a single PowerShell script parameter

I call a scheduled script who must connect to a list of Server this way:

Powershell.exe -File "YourScriptPath" "Par1,Par2,Par3"

Then inside the script:

Connect-Viserver $list_of_servers.split(",")

The split operator returns an array of string

How to get a dependency tree for an artifact?

If you bother creating a sample project and adding your 3rd party dependency to that, then you can run the following in order to see the full hierarchy of the dependencies.

You can search for a specific artifact using this maven command:

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=[groupId]:[artifactId]:[type]:[version]

According to the documentation:

where each pattern segment is optional and supports full and partial * wildcards. An empty pattern segment is treated as an implicit wildcard.

Imagine you are trying to find 'log4j-1.2-api' jar file among different modules of your project:

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api

more information can be found here.

Edit: Please note that despite the advantages of using verbose parameter, it might not be so accurate in some conditions. Because it uses Maven 2 algorithm and may give wrong results when used with Maven 3.

Detect merged cells in VBA Excel with MergeArea

There are several helpful bits of code for this.

Place your cursor in a merged cell and ask these questions in the Immidiate Window:

Is the activecell a merged cell?

? Activecell.Mergecells

How many cells are merged?

? Activecell.MergeArea.Cells.Count

How many columns are merged?

? Activecell.MergeArea.Columns.Count

How many rows are merged?

? Activecell.MergeArea.Rows.Count

What's the merged range address?

? activecell.MergeArea.Address

Session timeout in ASP.NET

The Timeout property specifies the time-out period assigned to the Session object for the application, in minutes. If the user does not refresh or request a page within the time-out period, the session ends.

IIS 6.0: The minimum allowed value is 1 minute and the maximum is 1440 minutes.

Session.Timeout = 600;

Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card

Hi You can write data to bytes and then create a file in sdcard folder with whatever name and extension you want and then write the bytes to that file. This will save bitmap to sdcard.

ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
_bitmapScaled.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 40, bytes);

//you can create a new file name "test.jpg" in sdcard folder.
File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
                        + File.separator + "test.jpg");
//write the bytes in file
FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(f);

// remember close de FileOutput

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

The equivalent JPA mapping for the DDL ON DELETE CASCADE is cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE. Orphan removal means that dependent entities are removed when the relationship to their "parent" entity is destroyed. For example if a child is removed from a @OneToMany relationship without explicitely removing it in the entity manager.

How to leave a message for a user

For lazy people, like me, a snippet based on Nikhil's solution

<input id=username type="text" placeholder="github username or repo link">_x000D_
<button onclick="fetch(`${username.value.replace(/^.*com[/]([^/]*).*$/,'$1')}/events/public`).then(e=> e.json()).then(e => [ Set([].concat.apply([],e.filter(x => x.type==='PushEvent').map(x => =>]).then(x => results.innerText = x)">GO</button>_x000D_
<div id=results></div>

What size do you use for varchar(MAX) in your parameter declaration?

For those of us who did not see -1 by Michal Chaniewski, the complete line of code:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@blah",SqlDbType.VarChar,-1).Value = "some large text";

Get an element by index in jQuery

You could skip the jquery and just use CSS style tagging:

 <li style="background-color:#343434;">China</li>
 <li>United States</li>
 <li>United Kingdom</li>

Angular 2.0 router not working on reloading the browser

I wanted to preserve the URL path of sub pages in HTML5 mode without a redirect back to index and none of the solutions out there told me how to do this, so this is how I accomplished it:

Create simple virtual directories in IIS for all your routes and point them to the app root.

Wrap your system.webServer in your Web.config.xml with this location tag, otherwise you will get duplicate errors from it loading Web.config a second time with the virtual directory:

    <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
        <defaultDocument enabled="true">
                <add value="index.html" />

Are there any HTTP/HTTPS interception tools like Fiddler for mac OS X?

If you don't get any direct answer to this you could always run Fiddler on a windows machine and configure your browser on the Mac to use the windows machine as a proxy server. Not very satisfactory and requires a second machine (although it could be virtual).

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

As written, your function accepts only two ranges as arguments.

To allow for a variable number of ranges to be used in the function, you need to declare a ParamArray variant array in your argument list. Then, you can process each of the ranges in the array in turn.

For example,

Function myAdd(Arg1 As Range, ParamArray Args2() As Variant) As Double
    Dim elem As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For Each elem In Arg1
        myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
    Next elem
    For i = LBound(Args2) To UBound(Args2)
        For Each elem In Args2(i)
            myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
        Next elem
    Next i
End Function

This function could then be used in the worksheet to add multiple ranges.

myAdd usage

For your function, there is the question of which of the ranges (or cells) that can passed to the function are 'Sessions' and which are 'Customers'.

The easiest case to deal with would be if you decided that the first range is Sessions and any subsequent ranges are Customers.

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, ParamArray Customers() As Variant) As Double
    'This function accepts a single Sessions range and one or more Customers
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sessElem As Variant
    Dim custElem As Variant
    For Each sessElem In Sessions
        'do something with sessElem.Value, the value of each
        'cell in the single range Sessions
        Debug.Print "sessElem: " & sessElem.Value
    Next sessElem
    'loop through each of the one or more ranges in Customers()
    For i = LBound(Customers) To UBound(Customers)
        'loop through the cells in the range Customers(i)
        For Each custElem In Customers(i)
            'do something with custElem.Value, the value of
            'each cell in the range Customers(i)
            Debug.Print "custElem: " & custElem.Value
         Next custElem
    Next i
End Function

If you want to include any number of Sessions ranges and any number of Customers range, then you will have to include an argument that will tell the function so that it can separate the Sessions ranges from the Customers range.

This argument could be set up as the first, numeric, argument to the function that would identify how many of the following arguments are Sessions ranges, with the remaining arguments implicitly being Customers ranges. The function's signature would then be:

Function calculateIt(numOfSessionRanges, ParamAray Args() As Variant)

Or it could be a "guard" argument that separates the Sessions ranges from the Customers ranges. Then, your code would have to test each argument to see if it was the guard. The function would look like:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant)

Perhaps with a call something like:


The program logic might then be along the lines of:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant) As Double
   'loop through Args
   IsSessionArg = True
   For i = lbound(Args) to UBound(Args)
       'only need to check for the type of the argument
       If TypeName(Args(i)) = "String" Then
          IsSessionArg = False
       ElseIf IsSessionArg Then
          'process Args(i) as Session range
          'process Args(i) as Customer range
       End if
   Next i
   calculateIt = <somevalue>
End Function

Setting the height of a DIV dynamically

Try this simple, specific function:

function resizeElementHeight(element) {
  var height = 0;
  var body = window.document.body;
  if (window.innerHeight) {
      height = window.innerHeight;
  } else if (body.parentElement.clientHeight) {
      height = body.parentElement.clientHeight;
  } else if (body && body.clientHeight) {
      height = body.clientHeight;
  } = ((height - element.offsetTop) + "px");

It does not depend on the current distance from the top of the body being specified (in case your 300px changes).

EDIT: By the way, you would want to call this on that div every time the user changed the browser's size, so you would need to wire up the event handler for that, of course.

how to count length of the JSON array element

First if the object you're dealing with is a string then you need to parse it then figure out the length of the keys :

obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
shareInfoLen = Object.keys(obj.shareInfo[0]).length;

No provider for TemplateRef! (NgIf ->TemplateRef)

You missed the * in front of NgIf (like we all have, dozens of times):

<div *ngIf="answer.accepted">&#10004;</div>

Without the *, Angular sees that the ngIf directive is being applied to the div element, but since there is no * or <template> tag, it is unable to locate a template, hence the error.

If you get this error with Angular v5:

Error: StaticInjectorError[TemplateRef]:
    NullInjectorError: No provider for TemplateRef!

You may have <template>...</template> in one or more of your component templates. Change/update the tag to <ng-template>...</ng-template>.

Why there is this "clear" class before footer?

Most likely, as mentioned by others, it is a class carrying the css values:

.clear{clear: both;} 

in order to prevent any more page elements from extending into the footer element. It is a quick and easy way of making sure that pages with columns of varying heights don't cause the footer to render oddly, by possibly setting its top position at the end of a shorter column.

In many cases it is not necessary, but if you are using best-practice standards it is a good idea to use, if you are floating page elements left and right. It functions with page elements similar to the way a horizontal rule works with text, to ensure proper and complete sepperation.

PHP Undefined Index

The first time you run the page, the query_age index doesn't exist because it hasn't been sent over from the form.

When you submit the form it will then exist, and it won't complain about it.

#so change
(!empty($_GET['query_age']) ? $_GET['query_age'] : null);

Failed to execute removeChild on Node

For me, a hint to wrap the troubled element in another HTML tag helped. However I also needed to add a key to that HTML tag. For example:

// Didn't work

// Worked
<div key='uniqueKey'>

Change priorityQueue to max priorityqueue

You can try pushing elements with reverse sign. Eg: To add a=2 & b=5 and then poll b=5.

PriorityQueue<Integer>  pq = new PriorityQueue<>();

Once you poll the head of the queue, reverse the sign for your usage. This will print 5 (larger element). Can be used in naive implementations. Definitely not a reliable fix. I don't recommend it.

PostgreSQL create table if not exists

There is no CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS... but you can write a simple procedure for that, something like:

END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

        i integer
  NOT exists 
    SELECT * 
    FROM information_schema.tables 
    WHERE table_name = 'foo'
      AND table_schema = 'sch'

How to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?

Well, most convenient and safest way is to use JBoss update site within Eclipse software updates (Help -> Software Updates... -> Add Site...):

The latest stable release update site for JBoss Tools

There you can find Hibernate tools together with other handy JBoss plugins.

How do you UDP multicast in Python?

Have a look at py-multicast. Network module can check if an interface supports multicast (on Linux at least).

import multicast
from multicast import network

receiver = multicast.MulticastUDPReceiver ("eth0", "", 1234 )
data =

config = network.ifconfig()
print config['eth0'].addresses
# ['']
print config['eth0'].multicast
#True - eth0 supports multicast
print config['eth0'].up
#True - eth0 is up

Perhaps problems with not seeing IGMP, were caused by an interface not supporting multicast?

JSON.parse unexpected character error

Not true for the OP, but this error can be caused by using single quotation marks (') instead of double (") for strings.

The JSON spec requires double quotation marks for strings.


JSON.parse(`{"myparam": 'myString'}`)

gives the error, whereas

JSON.parse(`{"myparam": "myString"}`)

does not. Note the quotation marks around myString.


Removing the textarea border in HTML

textarea {
border: 0;
overflow: auto; }

less CSS ^ you can't align the text to the bottom unfortunately.

Execute specified function every X seconds


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Threading.Timer SetIntervalThread(Action Act, int Interval)
        TimerStateManager state = new TimerStateManager();
        System.Threading.Timer tmr = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(_ => Act()), state, Interval, Interval);
        state.TimerObject = tmr;
        return tmr;


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetInterval(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetInterval(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be stopped and disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Timers.Timer SetInterval(Action Act, int Interval)
        System.Timers.Timer tmr = new System.Timers.Timer();
        tmr.Elapsed += (sender, args) => Act();
        tmr.AutoReset = true;
        tmr.Interval = Interval;

        return tmr;

Where does Hive store files in HDFS?

Another way to check where a specific table is stored would be execute this query on the hive interactive interface:

show create table table_name;

where table_name is the name of the subject table.

An example for the above query on 'customers' table would be something like this:

CREATE TABLE `customers`(
  `id` string, 
  `name` string)
COMMENT 'Imported by sqoop on 2016/03/01 13:01:49'

LOCATION in the example above is where you should focus on. That is your hdfs location for hive warehouse.

Don't forget to like if you like this solution. Cheers!

Make: how to continue after a command fails?

Try the -i flag (or --ignore-errors). The documentation seems to suggest a more robust way to achieve this, by the way:

To ignore errors in a command line, write a - at the beginning of the line's text (after the initial tab). The - is discarded before the command is passed to the shell for execution.

For example,

  -rm -f *.o

This causes rm to continue even if it is unable to remove a file.

All examples are with rm, but are applicable to any other command you need to ignore errors from (i.e. mkdir).

Comparing arrays for equality in C++

If you are reluctant to change your existing code to std::array, then use a couple of methods instead which takes non-type template arguments :

//Passed arrays store different data types
template <typename T, typename U, int size1, int size2>
bool equal(T (&arr1)[size1], U (&arr2)[size2] ){
    return false;

//Passed arrays store SAME data types
template <typename T, int size1, int size2>
bool equal(T (&arr1)[size1], T (&arr2)[size2] ){
    if(size1 == size2) {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < size1; ++i){
            if(arr1[i] != arr2[i]) return false;
        return true;
    return false;

Here is the demo. Note that, while calling, we just need to pass the array variables e.g. equal(iar1, iar2) in your case, no need to pass the size of arrays.

log4j configuration via JVM argument(s)?

If you are using gradle. You can apply 'aplication' plugin and use the following command

  applicationDefaultJvmArgs = [

Center a position:fixed element

Just add:

left: calc(-50vw + 50%);
right: calc(-50vw + 50%);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ

For me, I download them manually and put theme in my .m2 folder then i did invalidate cache and restart (I m using Intellij IDEA). The steps are for example:

  1. I go to then serch for jdepend-maven-plugin choose the version 2.0
  2. In Files go and click on View All
  3. Download this files jdepend-maven-plugin-2.0.jar jdepend-maven-plugin-2.0.jar.sh1 jdepend-maven-plugin-2.0.pom jdepend-maven-plugin-2.0.pom.sh1
  4. go to .m2 folder then org/codehaus/mojo Create folder with name jdepend-maven-plugin inside with name 2.0 inside put the 4 files downloaded befor.

  5. create file with name _remote.repositories open it with text editor and write inside


  1. go to intellij IDEA invalidate cache and restart.

RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

It's true that when programming it's usually best to use dedicated parsers and APIs instead of regular expressions when dealing with HTML, especially if accuracy is paramount (e.g., if your processing might have security implications). However, I don’t ascribe to a dogmatic view that XML-style markup should never be processed with regular expressions. There are cases when regular expressions are a great tool for the job, such as when making one-time edits in a text editor, fixing broken XML files, or dealing with file formats that look like but aren’t quite XML. There are some issues to be aware of, but they're not insurmountable or even necessarily relevant.

A simple regex like <([^>"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*> is usually good enough, in cases such as those I just mentioned. It's a naive solution, all things considered, but it does correctly allow unencoded > symbols in attribute values. If you're looking for, e.g., a table tag, you could adapt it as </?table\b([^>"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*>.

Just to give a sense of what a more "advanced" HTML regex would look like, the following does a fairly respectable job of emulating real-world browser behavior and the HTML5 parsing algorithm:


The following matches a fairly strict definition of XML tags (although it doesn't account for the full set of Unicode characters allowed in XML names):


Granted, these don't account for surrounding context and a few edge cases, but even such things could be dealt with if you really wanted to (e.g., by searching between the matches of another regex).

At the end of the day, use the most appropriate tool for the job, even in the cases when that tool happens to be a regex.

How can I change the Bootstrap default font family using font from Google?

If you want the font you chose to be applied and not the one in bootstrap without modifying the original bootstrap files you can rearrange the tags in your HTML documents so your CSS files that applies the font called after the bootstrap one. In this way since the browser reads the documents line after line first it will read the bootstrap files and apply it roles then it will read your file and override the roles in the bootstrap and replace it with the ones in your file.

Angularjs $q.all

$http is a promise too, you can make it simpler:

return $q.all({
        return $'upload/tasks',d).then(someProcessCallback, onErrorCallback);

Find the max of 3 numbers in Java with different data types

you can use this:


or create a function

public static int max(Integer... vals) {
    return Collections.max(Arrays.asList(vals)); 

How to simplify a null-safe compareTo() implementation?

If you want a simple Hack:

arrlist.sort((o1, o2) -> {
    if (o1.getName() == null) o1.setName("");
    if (o2.getName() == null) o2.setName("");

    return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());

if you want put nulls to end of the list just change this in above metod

return o2.getName().compareTo(o1.getName());

Python assigning multiple variables to same value? list behavior

You can use id(name) to check if two names represent the same object:

>>> a = b = c = [0, 3, 5]
>>> print(id(a), id(b), id(c))
46268488 46268488 46268488

Lists are mutable; it means you can change the value in place without creating a new object. However, it depends on how you change the value:

>>> a[0] = 1
>>> print(id(a), id(b), id(c))
46268488 46268488 46268488
>>> print(a, b, c)
[1, 3, 5] [1, 3, 5] [1, 3, 5]

If you assign a new list to a, then its id will change, so it won't affect b and c's values:

>>> a = [1, 8, 5]
>>> print(id(a), id(b), id(c))
139423880 46268488 46268488
>>> print(a, b, c)
[1, 8, 5] [1, 3, 5] [1, 3, 5]

Integers are immutable, so you cannot change the value without creating a new object:

>>> x = y = z = 1
>>> print(id(x), id(y), id(z))
507081216 507081216 507081216
>>> x = 2
>>> print(id(x), id(y), id(z))
507081248 507081216 507081216
>>> print(x, y, z)
2 1 1

How to convert Strings to and from UTF8 byte arrays in Java

As an alternative, StringUtils from Apache Commons can be used.

 byte[] bytes = {(byte) 1};
 String convertedString = StringUtils.newStringUtf8(bytes);


 String myString = "example";
 byte[] convertedBytes = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(myString);

If you have non-standard charset, you can use getBytesUnchecked() or newString() accordingly.

Load HTML file into WebView

The easiest way would probably be to put your web resources into the assets folder then call:


For Complete Communication between Java and Webview See This

Update: The assets folder is usually the following folder: <project>/src/main/assets This can be changed in the asset folder configuration setting in your <app>.iml file as:

<option name=”ASSETS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH” value=”/src/main/assets” /> See Article Where to place the assets folder in Android Studio

how to get selected row value in the KendoUI

One way is to use the Grid's select() and dataItem() methods.

In single selection case, select() will return a single row which can be passed to dataItem()

var entityGrid = $("#EntitesGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var selectedItem = entityGrid.dataItem(;
// selectedItem has EntityVersionId and the rest of your model

For multiple row selection select() will return an array of rows. You can then iterate through the array and the individual rows can be passed into the grid's dataItem().

var entityGrid = $("#EntitesGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var rows =;
rows.each(function(index, row) {
  var selectedItem = entityGrid.dataItem(row);
  // selectedItem has EntityVersionId and the rest of your model

In JavaScript, why is "0" equal to false, but when tested by 'if' it is not false by itself?

It's PHP where the string "0" is falsy (false-when-used-in-boolean-context). In JavaScript, all non-empty strings are truthy.

The trick is that == against a boolean doesn't evaluate in a boolean context, it converts to number, and in the case of strings that's done by parsing as decimal. So you get Number 0 instead of the truthiness boolean true.

This is a really poor bit of language design and it's one of the reasons we try not to use the unfortunate == operator. Use === instead.

Need to get current timestamp in Java

Print a Timestamp in java, using the java.sql.Timestamp.

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Date;

public class GetCurrentTimeStamp {
    public static void main( String[] args ){
        java.util.Date date= new java.util.Date();
        System.out.println(new Timestamp(date.getTime()));

This prints:

2014-08-07 17:34:16.664

Print a Timestamp in Java using SimpleDateFormat on a one-liner.

import java.util.Date;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

class Runner{
    public static void main(String[] args){

            new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));




08/14/2014 14:10:38

Java date format legend:

G Era designation      Text               AD
y Year                 Year               1996; 96
M Month in year        Month              July; Jul; 07
w Week in year         Number             27
W Week in month        Number             2
D Day in year          Number             189
d Day in month         Number             10
F Day of week in month Number             2
E Day in week          Text               Tuesday; Tue
a Am/pm marker         Text               PM
H Hour in day (0-23)   Number             0
k Hour in day (1-24)   Number             24
K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number             0
h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number             12
m Minute in hour       Number             30
s Second in minute     Number             55
S Millisecond          Number             978
z Time zone            General time zone  Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
Z Time zone            RFC 822 time zone  -0800

CSS: Position loading indicator in the center of the screen

  position: fixed;_x000D_
  left: 0px;_x000D_
  top: 0px;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  z-index: 9999;_x000D_
  background: url('//') _x000D_
              50% 50% no-repeat rgb(249,249,249);_x000D_
<div class="loader"></div>

How do I capitalize first letter of first name and last name in C#?

If your using vS2k8, you can use an extension method to add it to the String class:

public static string FirstLetterToUpper(this String input)
    return input = input.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + 
       input.Substring(1, input.Length - 1);

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing

For Swift. First create the protocol to call what you wanted to call in viewWillAppear

protocol MyViewWillAppearProtocol{func myViewWillAppear()}

Second, create the class

class ForceUpdateOnViewAppear: NSObject, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool){
    if let updatedCntllr: MyViewWillAppearProtocol = viewController as? MyViewWillAppearProtocol{


Third, make the instance of ForceUpdateOnViewAppear to be the member of the appropriate class that have the access to the Navigation Controller and exists as long as Navigation controller exists. It may be for example the root view controller of the navigation controller or the class that creates or present it. Then assign the instance of ForceUpdateOnViewAppear to the Navigation Controller delegate property as early as possible.

How to use mongoose findOne

In my case same error is there , I am using Asyanc / Await functions , for this needs to add AWAIT for findOne

Ex:const foundUser = User.findOne ({ "email" : });

above , foundUser always contains Object value in both cases either user found or not because it's returning values before finishing findOne .

const foundUser = await User.findOne ({ "email" : });

above , foundUser returns null if user is not there in collection with provided condition . If user found returns user document.

Golang append an item to a slice

Try this, which I think makes it clear. the underlying array is changed but our slice is not, print just prints len() chars, by another slice to the cap(), you can see the changed array:

func main() {

  for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
      a[i] = i


  fmt.Println(a) // prints [0..6]
  fmt.Println(a[:cap(a)] // prints [0..6,100]

jquery - check length of input field?

If you mean that you want to enable the submit after the user has typed at least one character, then you need to attach a key event that will check it for you.

Something like:

$("#fbss").keypress(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 1) {
         // Enable submit button
    } else {
         // Disable submit button

Am I trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?

For me the following steps worked:

  1. I noticed that running docker run hello-world fails with this socked error as in the question, but running sudo docker run hello-world worked.
  2. I added my current user to the docker group, sudo adduser user docker. Then you must restart your machine or use su - user (check using groups command if are in the docker group).

After that, hello-world started to work.

My answer is based on How can I use docker without sudo? which explains what go wrong.

Can you "compile" PHP code and upload a binary-ish file, which will just be run by the byte code interpreter?

phc allows you to compile PHP programs into shared libraries, which can be uploaded to the server. The PHP program is compiled into binaries. It's done in such a way as to support evals, includes, and the entire PHP standard library.

How to change Hash values?

new_hash = old_hash.merge(old_hash) do |_key, value, _value|

# old_hash = {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}
# new_hash = {"a" => "B", "c" => "D"}

What USB driver should we use for the Nexus 5?

After trying the other solutions I was able to send ADB commands to the phone as long as it was booted into Android. However, when the phone was in recovery mode I encountered a new problem, and I would like to contribute my experience here.

While booted into Android the phone installed in Windows as a device named "Nexus 5". After the phone was powered down and booted into recovery mode, the phone was still installed as "Nexus 5", but ADB could not detect the device. I had to manually force the driver from "Nexus 5" to the Google USB driver provided with the SDK or available from Google USB Driver.

The .inf file has three devices available. I used "Android Composite ADB Interface" and everything seems to be working.

"Error: Main method not found in class MyClass, please define the main method as..."

Few min back i was facing " main method not defined".Now its resolved.I tried all above thing but nothing was working.There was not compilation error in my java file. I followed below things

  • simply did maven update in all dependent project (alt+F5).

Now problem solved.Getting required result.

Visual Studio opens the default browser instead of Internet Explorer

Also may be helpful for ASP.NET MVC:

In an MVC app, you have to right-click on Default.aspx, which is the only ‘real’ web page in that solution. The default page displays ‘Browse with…’


Read data from a text file using Java

String file = "/path/to/your/file.txt";

try {

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
    String line;
    // Uncomment the line below if you want to skip the fist line (e.g if headers)
    // line = br.readLine();

    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

        // do something with line


} catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("ERROR: unable to read file " + file);

TOMCAT - HTTP Status 404

To get your program to run, please put jsp files under web-content and not under WEB-INF because in Eclipse the files are not accessed there by the server, so try starting the server and browsing to URL:


then your problem will be solved.

A Simple AJAX with JSP example

loadXMLDoc JS function should return false, otherwise it will result in postback.

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java

I'd like to add something that hasn't been pointed out. Java doesn't take into account the values you have given the variables (2 and 3) in...

short a = 2; short b = 3; short c = a + b;

So as far as Java knows, you could done this...

short a = 32767; short b = 32767; short c = a + b;

Which would be outside the range of short, it autoboxes the result to an int becuase it's "possible" that the result will be more than a short but not more than an int. Int was chosen as a "default" because basically most people wont be hard coding values above 2,147,483,647 or below -2,147,483,648

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

jQuery find parent form

To me, this looks like the simplest/fastest:

$('form input[type=submit]').click(function() { // attach the listener to your button
   var yourWantedObjectIsHere = $(this.form);   // use the native JS object with `this`

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain

My problem was my Target profile didn't have the proper code signing option selected:

Target Menu -> Code Signing -> Code Signing Identity

Choose "iPhone developer" then select the provisional profile you created.

Installing a local module using npm?

npm pack + package.json

This is what worked for me:

STEP 1: In module project, execute npm pack:

This will build a <package-name>-<version>.tar.gz file.

STEP 2: Move the file to the consumer project

Ideally you can put all such files in a tmp folder in your consumer-project root:

STEP 3: Refer it in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "my-package": "file:/./tmp/my-package-1.3.3.tar.gz"

STEP 4: Install the packages:

npm install or npm i or yarn

Now, your package would be available in your consumer-project's node_modules folder.

Good Luck...

How to change font in ipython notebook

There is a much easier way to do without adding the CSS files and all the other methods suggested. But you have to do it every time you start the Jupiter notebook.

Go to inspect in your browser and click on the element selection icon and then click on the box. And at the bottom of the page, you will be seeing the styling option for CSS where you can easily change the font-size.

enter image description here

How to solve this java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream?

You will have to download file from here and select

Now, Next add this downloaded files into your project:

Right click to your project ->Build path->Configure BuidPath ->

How can I view the contents of an ElasticSearch index?

You can view any existing index by using the below CURL. Please replace the index-name with your actual name before running and it will run as is.

View the index content

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://localhost:9200/index_name?pretty

And the output will include an index(see settings in output) and its mappings too and it will look like below output -

  "index_name": {
    "aliases": {},
    "mappings": {
      "collection_name": {
        "properties": {
          "test_field": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
              "keyword": {
                "type": "keyword",
                "ignore_above": 256
    "settings": {
      "index": {
        "creation_date": "1527377274366",
        "number_of_shards": "5",
        "number_of_replicas": "1",
        "uuid": "6QfKqbbVQ0Gbsqkq7WZJ2g",
        "version": {
          "created": "6020299"
        "provided_name": "index_name"

View ALL the data under this index

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://localhost:9200/index_name/_search?pretty

How to save a spark DataFrame as csv on disk?

I had similar problem. I needed to write down csv file on driver while I was connect to cluster in client mode.

I wanted to reuse the same CSV parsing code as Apache Spark to avoid potential errors.

I checked spark-csv code and found code responsible for converting dataframe into raw csv RDD[String] in com.databricks.spark.csv.CsvSchemaRDD.

Sadly it is hardcoded with sc.textFile and the end of relevant method.

I copy-pasted that code and removed last lines with sc.textFile and returned RDD directly instead.

My code:

  This is copypasta from com.databricks.spark.csv.CsvSchemaRDD
  Spark's code has perfect method converting Dataframe -> raw csv RDD[String]
  But in last lines of that method it's hardcoded against writing as text file -
  for our case we need RDD.
object DataframeToRawCsvRDD {

  val defaultCsvFormat = com.databricks.spark.csv.defaultCsvFormat

  def apply(dataFrame: DataFrame, parameters: Map[String, String] = Map())
           (implicit ctx: ExecutionContext): RDD[String] = {
    val delimiter = parameters.getOrElse("delimiter", ",")
    val delimiterChar = if (delimiter.length == 1) {
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Delimiter cannot be more than one character.")

    val escape = parameters.getOrElse("escape", null)
    val escapeChar: Character = if (escape == null) {
    } else if (escape.length == 1) {
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Escape character cannot be more than one character.")

    val quote = parameters.getOrElse("quote", "\"")
    val quoteChar: Character = if (quote == null) {
    } else if (quote.length == 1) {
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Quotation cannot be more than one character.")

    val quoteModeString = parameters.getOrElse("quoteMode", "MINIMAL")
    val quoteMode: QuoteMode = if (quoteModeString == null) {
    } else {

    val nullValue = parameters.getOrElse("nullValue", "null")

    val csvFormat = defaultCsvFormat

    val generateHeader = parameters.getOrElse("header", "false").toBoolean
    val headerRdd = if (generateHeader) {
        csvFormat.format([AnyRef]): _*)
    } else {

    val rowsRdd = => {
      csvFormat.format([AnyRef]): _*)

    headerRdd union rowsRdd


SQL-Server: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing

Have facing same problem and found the solution by doing this, using SSMS 2014

- Just select the Option Overwrite the existing database(WITH REPLACE) 

Existing Database> Task> Restore> Database

Mapping two integers to one, in a unique and deterministic way

Check this: If A, B and C are of same type, it cannot be done. If A and B are 16-bit integers, and C is 32-bit, then you can simply use shifting.

The very nature of hashing algorithms is that they cannot provide a unique hash for each different input.

How to create localhost database using mysql?

removing temp files, and did you restart the computer or stop the MySQL service? That's the error message you get when there isn't a MySQL server running.

Linux: command to open URL in default browser

I think a combination of xdg-open as described by shellholic and - if it fails - the solution to finding a browser using the which command as described here is probably the best solution.

TypeScript static classes

I got the same use case today(31/07/2018) and found this to be a workaround. It is based on my research and it worked for me. Expectation - To achieve the following in TypeScript:

var myStaticClass = {
    property: 10,
    method: function(){} 

I did this:

namespace MyStaticMembers {
        class MyStaticClass {
           static property: number = 10;
           static myMethod() {...}
        export function Property(): number {
        export function Method(): void {
           return MyStaticClass.myMethod();

Hence we shall consume it as below:

/// <reference path="MyStaticMembers.ts" />

This worked for me. If anyone has other better suggestions please let us all hear it !!! Thanks...

Spring Data and Native Query with pagination

Replacing /#pageable/ with ?#{#pageable} allow to do pagination. Adding PageableDefault allow you to set size of page Elements.

How does spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property exactly work in Spring?

For the record, the spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property is Spring Data JPA specific and is their way to specify a value that will eventually be passed to Hibernate under the property it knows,

The values create, create-drop, validate, and update basically influence how the schema tool management will manipulate the database schema at startup.

For example, the update operation will query the JDBC driver's API to get the database metadata and then Hibernate compares the object model it creates based on reading your annotated classes or HBM XML mappings and will attempt to adjust the schema on-the-fly.

The update operation for example will attempt to add new columns, constraints, etc but will never remove a column or constraint that may have existed previously but no longer does as part of the object model from a prior run.

Typically in test case scenarios, you'll likely use create-drop so that you create your schema, your test case adds some mock data, you run your tests, and then during the test case cleanup, the schema objects are dropped, leaving an empty database.

In development, it's often common to see developers use update to automatically modify the schema to add new additions upon restart. But again understand, this does not remove a column or constraint that may exist from previous executions that is no longer necessary.

In production, it's often highly recommended you use none or simply don't specify this property. That is because it's common practice for DBAs to review migration scripts for database changes, particularly if your database is shared across multiple services and applications.

Selecting data frame rows based on partial string match in a column

I notice that you mention a function %like% in your current approach. I don't know if that's a reference to the %like% from "data.table", but if it is, you can definitely use it as follows.

Note that the object does not have to be a data.table (but also remember that subsetting approaches for data.frames and data.tables are not identical):

mtcars[rownames(mtcars) %like% "Merc", ]
iris[iris$Species %like% "osa", ]

If that is what you had, then perhaps you had just mixed up row and column positions for subsetting data.

If you don't want to load a package, you can try using grep() to search for the string you're matching. Here's an example with the mtcars dataset, where we are matching all rows where the row names includes "Merc":

mtcars[grep("Merc", rownames(mtcars)), ]
             mpg cyl  disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
# Merc 240D   24.4   4 146.7  62 3.69 3.19 20.0  1  0    4    2
# Merc 230    22.8   4 140.8  95 3.92 3.15 22.9  1  0    4    2
# Merc 280    19.2   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3  1  0    4    4
# Merc 280C   17.8   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9  1  0    4    4
# Merc 450SE  16.4   8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SL  17.3   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SLC 15.2   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18.0  0  0    3    3

And, another example, using the iris dataset searching for the string osa:

irisSubset <- iris[grep("osa", iris$Species), ]
#   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
# 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
# 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

For your problem try:

selectedRows <- conservedData[grep("hsa-", conservedData$miRNA), ]

Is it possible to overwrite a function in PHP

short answer is no, you can't overwrite a function once its in the PHP function scope.

your best of using anonymous functions like so

$ihatefooexamples = function()
  return "boo-foo!";

$ihatefooexamples = function()
   return "really boo-foo";

VB.Net .Clear() or txtbox.Text = "" textbox clear methods

The Clear method is defined as

    public void Clear() { 
        Text = null;

The Text property's setter starts with

        set { 
            if (value == null) { 
                value = "";

I assume this answers your question.

Detect IE version (prior to v9) in JavaScript

It helped me

function IsIE8Browser() {
  var rv = -1;
  var ua = navigator.userAgent;
  var re = new RegExp("Trident\/([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
  if (re.exec(ua) != null) {
    rv = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
  return (rv == 4);

What MIME type should I use for CSV?

You should use "text/csv" according to RFC 4180.

How to use EOF to run through a text file in C?

You should check the EOF after reading from file.

fscanf_s                   // read from file
while(condition)           // check EOF
   fscanf_s               // read from file

read.csv warning 'EOF within quoted string' prevents complete reading of file

In the R help section, as pointed out above, just disabling quoting altogether, by simply adding:

    quote = "" 

to the read.csv() worked for me.

The error, "EOF within quoted string", occurred with:

    > iproscan.53A.neg     = read.csv("interproscan.53A.neg.n.csv",
    +                        colClasses=c(      = "character",
    +                                     genLoc     = "character",
    +                                     icode      = "character",
    +                                     length     = "character",
    +                                     proteinDB  = "character",
    +                            = "character",
    +                                     prot.desc  = "character",
    +                                     start      = "character",
    +                                     end        = "character",
    +                                     evalue     = "character",
    +                                     tchar      = "character",
    +                                     date       = "character",
    +                               = "character",
    +                             = "character",
    +                                = "character",
    +                            "character"),
    +                           ,header=F)
    Warning message:
    In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
      EOF within quoted string
    > dim(iproscan.53A.neg)
    [1] 69383    16

And the file read in was missing 6,619 lines. But by disabling quoting

    > iproscan.53A.neg     = read.csv("interproscan.53A.neg.n.csv",
    +                        colClasses=c(      = "character",
    +                                     genLoc     = "character",
    +                                     icode      = "character",
    +                                     length     = "character",
    +                                     proteinDB  = "character",
    +                            = "character",
    +                                     prot.desc  = "character",
    +                                     start      = "character",
    +                                     end        = "character",
    +                                     evalue     = "character",
    +                                     tchar      = "character",
    +                                     date       = "character",
    +                               = "character",
    +                             = "character",
    +                                = "character",
    +                            "character"),
    +                           ,header=F,**quote=""**)    
    > dim(iproscan.53A.neg)
    [1] 76002    16

Worked without error and all lines were successfully read in.

How to change the color of text in javafx TextField?

The CSS styles for text input controls such as TextField for JavaFX 8 are defined in the modena.css stylesheet as below. Create a custom CSS stylesheet and modify the colors as you wish. Use the CSS reference guide if you need help understanding the syntax and available attributes and values.

.text-input {
    -fx-text-fill: -fx-text-inner-color;
    -fx-highlight-fill: derive(-fx-control-inner-background,-20%);
    -fx-highlight-text-fill: -fx-text-inner-color;
    -fx-prompt-text-fill: derive(-fx-control-inner-background,-30%);
    -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(to bottom, derive(-fx-text-box-border, -10%), -fx-text-box-border),
        linear-gradient(from 0px 0px to 0px 5px, derive(-fx-control-inner-background, -9%), -fx-control-inner-background);
    -fx-background-insets: 0, 1;
    -fx-background-radius: 3, 2;
    -fx-cursor: text;
    -fx-padding: 0.333333em 0.583em 0.333333em 0.583em; /* 4 7 4 7 */
.text-input:focused {
    -fx-highlight-fill: -fx-accent;
    -fx-highlight-text-fill: white;
        linear-gradient(from 0px 0px to 0px 5px, derive(-fx-control-inner-background, -9%), -fx-control-inner-background);
    -fx-background-insets: -0.2, 1, -1.4, 3;
    -fx-background-radius: 3, 2, 4, 0;
    -fx-prompt-text-fill: transparent;

Although using an external stylesheet is a preferred way to do the styling, you can style inline, using something like below:

textField.setStyle("-fx-text-inner-color: red;");

Bring element to front using CSS

In my case i had to move the html code of the element i wanted at the front at the end of the html file, because if one element has z-index and the other doesn't have z index it doesn't work.

c# open a new form then close the current form?

//if Form1 is old form and Form2 is the current form which we want to open, then
Form2 f2 = new Form1();

this.Hide();// To hide old form i.e Form1

SQL: Combine Select count(*) from multiple tables

  (select count(*) from foo) as foo
, (select count(*) from bar) as bar
, ...

Automatically set appsettings.json for dev and release environments in core?

You can add the configuration name as the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT in the launchSettings.json as below

  "iisSettings": {
    "windowsAuthentication": false,
    "anonymousAuthentication": true,
    "iisExpress": {
      "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:58446/",
      "sslPort": 0
  "profiles": {
    "IIS Express": {
      "commandName": "IISExpress",
      "environmentVariables": {
        ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "$(Configuration)"

How to add 20 minutes to a current date?

you have a lot of answers in the post

var d1 = new Date (),
d2 = new Date ( d1 );
d2.setMinutes ( d1.getMinutes() + 20 );
alert ( d2 );

How can I list all tags for a Docker image on a remote registry?

The Docker V2 API requires an OAuth bearer token with the appropriate claims. In my opinion, the official documentation is rather vague on the topic. So that others don't go through the same pain I did, I offer the below docker-tags function.

The most recent version of docker-tags can be found in my GitHubGist : "List Docker Image Tags using bash".

The docker-tags function has a dependency on jq. If you're playing with JSON, you likely already have it.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker-tags() {

    for item in "${arr[@]}";
        data=("" "scope=repository:$item:pull")
        token="$(curl --silent --get --data-urlencode ${data[0]} --data-urlencode ${data[1]} $tokenUri | jq --raw-output '.token')"
        authz="Authorization: Bearer $token"
        result="$(curl --silent --get -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" $listUri | jq --raw-output '.')"
        echo $result


docker-tags "microsoft/nanoserver" "microsoft/dotnet" "library/mongo" "library/redis"

Admittedly, docker-tags makes several assumptions. Specifically, the OAuth request parameters are mostly hard coded. A more ambitious implementation would make an unauthenticated request to the registry and derive the OAuth parameters from the unauthenticated response.

CSS show div background image on top of other contained elements

I would put an absolutely positioned, z-index: 100; span (or spans) with the background: url("myImageWithRoundedCorners.jpg"); set on it inside the #mainWrapperDivWithBGImage .

S3 - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header

@jordanstephens said this in a comment, but it kind of gets lost and was a really easy fix for me.

I simply added HEAD method and clicked saved and it started working.

  <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> <!-- Add this -->_x000D_

Better way to shuffle two numpy arrays in unison

This seems like a very simple solution:

import numpy as np
def shuffle_in_unison(a,b):

    assert len(a)==len(b)
    c = np.arange(len(a))

    return a[c],b[c]

a =  np.asarray([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]])
b =  np.asarray([11, 22, 33])

(array([[3, 3],
        [2, 2],
        [1, 1]]),
 array([33, 22, 11]))

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

Just one note I could not find in the answers above. In this code:

context_instance = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response(template_name, user_context, context_instance)

What the third parameter context_instance actually does? Being RequestContext it sets up some basic context which is then added to user_context. So the template gets this extended context. What variables are added is given by TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in For instance django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth adds variable user and variable perm which are then accessible in the template.

How to display HTML in TextView?

setText(Html.fromHtml(bodyData)) is deprecated after api 24. Now you have to do this:

 if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
 } else {

Why am I getting "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store" in my Excel Addin?

Adding new certificate resolved this issue for me. Properties page -> signing -> Click on Create test certificate

Jupyter Notebook not saving: '_xsrf' argument missing from post

This is the easiest way.

I did not need to open a new notebook. Instead, I reopened the tree, and reconnected the kernel. At some point I also restarted the kernel. – user650654 Oct 9 '19 at 0:17

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

The idea behind the Fibonacci sequence is shown in the following Python code:

def fib(n):
   if n == 1:
      return 1
   elif n == 0:   
      return 0            
      return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)         

This means that fib is a function that can do one of three things. It defines fib(1) == 1, fib(0) == 0, and fib(n) to be:

fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

Where n is an arbitrary integer. This means that fib(2) for example, expands out to the following arithmetic:

fib(2) = fib(1) + fib(0)
fib(1) = 1
fib(0) = 0
# Therefore by substitution:
fib(2) = 1 + 0
fib(2) = 1

We can calculate fib(3) the same way with the arithmetic shown below:

fib(3) = fib(2) + fib(1)
fib(2) = fib(1) + fib(0)
fib(2) = 1
fib(1) = 1
fib(0) = 0
# Therefore by substitution:
fib(3) = 1 + 1 + 0

The important thing to realize here is that fib(3) can't be calculated without calculating fib(2), which is calculated by knowing the definitions of fib(1) and fib(0). Having a function call itself like the fibonacci function does is called recursion, and it's an important topic in programming.

This sounds like a homework assignment so I'm not going to do the start/end part for you. Python is a wonderfully expressive language for this though, so this should make sense if you understand math, and will hopefully teach you about recursion. Good luck!

Edit: One potential criticism of my code is that it doesn't use the super-handy Python function yield, which makes the fib(n) function a lot shorter. My example is a little bit more generic though, since not a lot of languages outside Python actually have yield.

Failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

You can use npm i y-websockets-server and then use the below command

y-websockets-server --port 11000

and here in my case, the port No is 11000.

Visual Studio debugging/loading very slow

Deleting .vs folder inside solution folder fixed the slowness for me in VS2019.

When you use 'badidea' or 'thisisunsafe' to bypass a Chrome certificate/HSTS error, does it only apply for the current site?

The SSL errors are often thrown by network management software such as Cyberroam.

To answer your question,

you will have to enter badidea into Chrome every time you visit a website.

You might at times have to enter it more than once, as the site may try to pull in various resources before load, hence causing multiple SSL errors

Connection refused on docker container

If you are using Docker toolkit on window 10 home you will need to access the webpage through docker-machine ip command. It is generally

It is assumed that you are running with publish command like below.

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 demo

With Window 10 pro version you can access with localhost or corresponding loopback etc (Tomcat or whatever you wish). This is because you don't have a virtual box there and docker is running directly on Window Hyper V and loopback is directly accessible.

Verify the hosts file in window for any digression. It should have mapped to localhost

How to add custom method to Spring Data JPA

Considering your code snippet, please note that you can only pass Native objects to the findBy### method, lets say you want to load a list of accounts that belongs certain costumers, one solution is to do this,

@Query("Select a from Account a where a."#nameoffield"=?1")
List<Account> findByCustomer(String "#nameoffield");

Make sue the name of the table to be queried is thesame as the Entity class. For further implementations please take a look at this

How to convert the time from AM/PM to 24 hour format in PHP?

$s = '07:05:45PM';
$tarr = explode(':', $s);
if(strpos( $s, 'AM') === false && $tarr[0] !== '12'){
    $tarr[0] = $tarr[0] + 12;
}elseif(strpos( $s, 'PM') === false && $tarr[0] == '12'){
    $tarr[0] = '00';
echo preg_replace("/[^0-9 :]/", '', implode(':', $tarr));

Why should I use IHttpActionResult instead of HttpResponseMessage?

Here are several benefits of IHttpActionResult over HttpResponseMessage mentioned in Microsoft ASP.Net Documentation:

  • Simplifies unit testing your controllers.
  • Moves common logic for creating HTTP responses into separate classes.
  • Makes the intent of the controller action clearer, by hiding the low-level details of constructing the response.

But here are some other advantages of using IHttpActionResult worth mentioning:

  • Respecting single responsibility principle: cause action methods to have the responsibility of serving the HTTP requests and does not involve them in creating the HTTP response messages.
  • Useful implementations already defined in the System.Web.Http.Results namely: Ok NotFound Exception Unauthorized BadRequest Conflict Redirect InvalidModelState (link to full list)
  • Uses Async and Await by default.
  • Easy to create own ActionResult just by implementing ExecuteAsync method.
  • you can use ResponseMessageResult ResponseMessage(HttpResponseMessage response) to convert HttpResponseMessage to IHttpActionResult.

Pods stuck in Terminating status

you can use awk :

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | awk '{if ($4=="Terminating") print "oc delete pod " $2 " -n " $1 " --force --grace-period=0 ";}' | sh

How to use a RELATIVE path with AuthUserFile in htaccess?

or if you develop on localhost (only for apache 2.4+):

<If "%{REMOTE_ADDR} != ''">

Difference between "Complete binary tree", "strict binary tree","full binary Tree"?

To start with basics, it is very important to understand binary tree itself to understand different types of it.

A tree is a binary tree if and only if :-

– It has a root node , which may not have any child nodes (0 childnodes, NULL tree)

–Root node may have 1 or 2 child nodes . Each such node forms abinary tree itself 

–Number of child nodes can be 0 ,1 ,2.......not more than 2

–There is a unique path from the root to every other node

Example :

      /    \
     X      X
          /   \
         X     X

Coming to your inquired terminologies:

A binary tree is a complete binary tree ( of height h , we take root node as 0 ) if and only if :-

Level 0 to h-1 represent a full binary tree of height h-1

– One or more nodes in level h-1 may have 0, or 1 child nodes

If j,k are nodes in level h-1, then j has more child nodes than k if and only if j is to the left of k , i.e. the last level (h) can be missing leaf nodes, however the ones present must be shifted to the left

Example :

                     /          \
                   /              \
                 /                  \
                X                    X
             /     \              /     \
           X       X             X       X
         /   \   /   \         /   \    /  \ 
        X    X   X   X        X    X    X   X 

A binary tree is a strictly binary tree if and only if :-

Each node has exactly two child nodes or no nodes

Example :

       /   \
      X     X 
          /   \
         X      X
        / \    / \ 
       X   X  X   X 

A binary tree is a full binary tree if and only if :-

Each non leaf node has exactly two child nodes

All leaf nodes are at the same level

Example :

                     /          \
                   /              \
                 /                  \
                X                    X
             /     \              /     \
           X       X             X       X
         /   \   /   \         /   \    /  \ 
        X    X   X   X        X    X    X   X 
      /  \  / \ / \ / \      / \  / \  / \ / \ 
     X   X X  X X X X X     X  X  X X  X X X X 

You should also know what a perfect binary tree is?

A binary tree is a perfect binary tree if and only if :-

– is a full binary tree

– All leaf nodes are at the same level

Example :

                     /          \
                   /              \
                 /                  \
                X                    X
             /     \              /     \
           X       X             X       X
         /   \   /   \         /   \    /  \ 
        X    X   X   X        X    X    X   X 
      /  \  / \ / \ / \      / \  / \  / \ / \ 
     X   X X  X X X X X     X  X  X X  X X X X 

Well, I am sorry I cannot post images as I do not have 10 reputation. Hope this helps you and others!

How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page?

Multiple people have put the answer to this simple problem up here, but I have one thing to add, considering how frustrated I was until I figured out what I was doing wrong.

As mentioned the most straightforward way to do this is like so..

html {
    position: relative;
    min-height: 100%;

body {
    background-color: transparent;
    position: static;
    height: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 30px;

.site-footer {
    position: absolute;
    height: 30px;
    bottom: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    right: 0px;

However the property not mentioned in posts, presumably because it is usually default, is the position: static on the body tag. Position relative will not work!

My wordpress theme had overridden the default body display and it confused me for an obnoxiously long time.

Hibernate openSession() vs getCurrentSession()

| Parameter            |                                openSession                                 |                                          getCurrentSession                                          |
| Session  creation    | Always open new session                                                    | It opens a new Session if not exists , else use same session which is in current hibernate context. |
| Session close        | Need to close the session object once all the database operations are done | No need to close the session. Once the session factory is closed, this session object is closed.    |
| Flush and close      | Need to explicity flush and close session objects                          | No need to flush and close sessions , since it is automatically taken by hibernate internally.      |
| Performance          | In single threaded environment , it is slower than getCurrentSession       | In single threaded environment , it is faster than openSession                                      |
| Configuration        | No need to configure any property to call this method                      | Need to configure additional property:                                                              |
|                      |                                                                            |  <property name=""hibernate.current_session_context_class"">thread</property>                       |

Is it .yaml or .yml?

After reading a bunch of people's comments online about this, my first reaction was that this is basically one of those really unimportant debates. However, my initial interest was to find out the right format so I could be consistent with my file naming practice.

Long story short, the creator of YAML are saying .yaml, but personally I keep doing .yml. That just makes more sense to me. So I went on the journey to find affirmation and soon enough, I realise that docker uses .yml everywhere. I've been writing docker-compose.yml files all this time, while you keep seeing in kubernetes' docs kubectl apply -f *.yaml...

So, in conclusion, both formats are obviously accepted and if you are on the other end, (ie: writing systems that receive a YAML file as input) you should allow for both. That seems like another snake case versus camel case thingy...

What exactly is \r in C language?

It depends upon which platform you're on as to how it will be translated and whether it will be there at all: Wikipedia entry on newline

Windows 8.1 gets Error 720 on connect VPN

Since I can't find a complete or clear answer on this issue, and since it's the second time that I use this post to fix my problems, I post my solution:

why 720? 720 is the error code for connection attempt fail, because your computer and the remote computer could not agree on PPP control protocol, I don't know exactly why it happens, but I think that is all about registry permission for installers and multiple miniport driver install made by vpn installers that are not properly programmed for win 8.1.


  1. check write permissions on registers

    a. download a Process Monitor and run it

    b. Use registry as target and set the filters to check witch registers aren't writable for netsh: "Process Name is 'netsh.exe'" and "result is 'ACCESS DENIED'", then get a command prompt with admin permissions and type netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

    c. for each registry key logged by the process monitor as not accessible, go to registers using regedit anche change these permissions to "complete access"

    d. run the following command netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log and repeat step c)

  2. unistall all not-working miniports

    a. go to device managers (windows+x -> device manager)

    b. for each not-working miniport (the ones with yellow mark): update driver -> show non-compatible driver -> select another driver (eg. generic broadband adapter)

    c. unistall these not working devices

    d. reboot your computer

    e. Repeat steps a) - d) until you will not see any yellow mark on miniports

  3. delete your vpn connection and create a new one.

that worked for me (2 times, one after my first vpn connection on win 8.1, then when I reinstalled a cisco client and tried to use windows vpn again)


Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

You may consider using configure_file with the COPYONLY option:

configure_file(<input> <output> COPYONLY)

Unlike file(COPY ...) it creates a file-level dependency between input and output, that is:

If the input file is modified the build system will re-run CMake to re-configure the file and generate the build system again.

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

I had the same issue I remove the following script and it worked for me.

<script src=""></script>

Check if inputs are empty using jQuery

The :empty pseudo-selector is used to see if an element contains no childs, you should check the value :

$('#apply-form input').blur(function() {
     if(!this.value) { // zero-length string

How to get root view controller?

Swift way to do it, you can call this from anywhere, it returns optional so watch out about that:

/// EZSwiftExtensions - Gives you the VC on top so you can easily push your popups
var topMostVC: UIViewController? {
    var presentedVC = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController
    while let pVC = presentedVC?.presentedViewController {
        presentedVC = pVC

    if presentedVC == nil {
        print("EZSwiftExtensions Error: You don't have any views set. You may be calling them in viewDidLoad. Try viewDidAppear instead.")
    return presentedVC

Its included as a standard function in:

How to append elements at the end of ArrayList in Java?

I ran into a similar problem and just passed the end of the array to the ArrayList.add() index param like so:

public class Stack {

    private ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();

    RandomStringGenerator rsg = new RandomStringGenerator();

    private void push(){
        String random = rsg.randomStringGenerator();
        stringList.add(stringList.size(), random);


How to implement a confirmation (yes/no) DialogPreference?

That is a simple alert dialog, Federico gave you a site where you can look things up.

Here is a short example of how an alert dialog can be built.

new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage("Do you really want to whatever?")
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Yaay", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
 .setNegativeButton(, null).show();

Using ORDER BY and GROUP BY together


SELECT interview.qtrcode QTR, interview.companyname "Company Name", interview.division Division 
FROM interview 
JOIN jobsdev.employer 
    ON (interview.companyname = employer.companyname AND employer.zipcode like '100%')
GROUP BY interview.qtrcode, interview.companyname, interview.division
ORDER BY interview.qtrcode;

PHP get dropdown value and text

$animals = array('--Select Animal--', 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Cow');
$selected_key = $_POST['animal'];
$selected_val = $animals[$_POST['animal']];

Use your $animals list to generate your dropdown list; you now can get the key & the value of that key.

Including one C source file in another?

The extension of the file does not matter to most C compilers, so it will work.

However, depending on your makefile or project settings the included c file might generate a separate object file. When linking that might lead to double defined symbols.

Update Fragment from ViewPager

Maybe your method for adding items into fragment should be public (placed in desired Fragment) and should have parameter the same type as selectedItems ..

That will make it visible from activity, which will have selectedItems array and voila..

p.s. better name it addItemsFromArray(typeOfSelectedItems[] pSelectedItems) cause name addItem() is quite undescriptive

Edit: stackoverflow just suggested similar topic :) Check here for detailed idea implementation.. :)

git push: permission denied (public key)

None of the above solutions worked for me. For context, I'm running ubuntu, and I had already gone through the ssh-key setup documentation. The fix for me was to run ssh-add in the terminal. This fixed the issue.


Converting a datetime string to timestamp in Javascript

Seems like the problem is with the date format.

 var d = "17-09-2013 10:08",
 dArr = d.split('-'),
 ts = new Date(dArr[1] + "-" + dArr[0] + "-" + dArr[2]).getTime(); // 1379392680000

How does the "this" keyword work?

this in JavaScript always refers to the 'owner' of the function that is being executed.

If no explicit owner is defined, then the top most owner, the window object, is referenced.

So if I did

function someKindOfFunction() { = 'foo';

element.onclick = someKindOfFunction;

this would refer to the element object. But be careful, a lot of people make this mistake.

<element onclick="someKindOfFunction()">

In the latter case, you merely reference the function, not hand it over to the element. Therefore, this will refer to the window object.

python ValueError: invalid literal for float()

I had a similar issue reading the serial output from a digital scale. I was reading [3:12] out of a 18 characters long output string.

In my case sometimes there is a null character "\x00" (NUL) which magically appears in the scale's reply string and is not printed.

I was getting the error:

> '     0.00'
> 3 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 1 800 fast loop, delta = 10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 6 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0
> '     0\x00.0' 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 172, in start
>     valueScale = float(answer_string) 
>     ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 0

After some research I wrote few lines of code that work in my case.

replyScale =
answer = replyScale[3:12]
answer_decode = answer.replace("\x00", "")
answer_strip = str(answer_decode.strip())
valueScale = float(answer_strip)

The answers in these posts helped:

  1. How to get rid of \x00 in my array of bytes?
  2. Invalid literal for float(): 0.000001, how to fix error?

PHP Date Format to Month Name and Year

I think your date data should look like 2013-08-14.

 $yrdata= strtotime('2013-08-14');
    echo date('M-Y', $yrdata);
// Output is Aug-2013

Define css class in django Forms

Answered my own question. Sigh

I didn't realize it was passed into the widget constructor.

Not connecting to SQL Server over VPN

On a default instance, SQL Server listens on TCP/1433 by default. This can be changed. On a named instance, unless configured differently, SQL Server listens on a dynamic TCP port. What that means is should SQL Server discover that the port is in use, it will pick another TCP port. How clients usually find the right port in the case of a named instance is by talking to the SQL Server Listener Service/SQL Browser. That listens on UDP/1434 and cannot be changed. If you have a named instance, you can configure a static port and if you have a need to use Kerberos authentication/delegation, you should.

What you'll need to determine is what port your SQL Server is listening on. Then you'll need to get with your networking/security folks to determine if they allow communication to that port via VPN. If they are, as indicated, check your firewall settings. Some systems have multiple firewalls (my laptop is an example). If so, you'll need to check all the firewalls on your system.

If all of those are correct, verify the server doesn't have an IPSEC policy that restricts access to the SQL Server port via IP address. That also could result in you being blocked.