[html] RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

Don't listen to these guys. You totally can parse context-free grammars with regex if you break the task into smaller pieces. You can generate the correct pattern with a script that does each of these in order:

  1. Solve the Halting Problem.
  2. Square a circle.
  3. Work out the Traveling Salesman Problem in O(log n) or less. If it's any more than that, you'll run out of RAM and the engine will hang.
  4. The pattern will be pretty big, so make sure you have an algorithm that losslessly compresses random data.
  5. Almost there - just divide the whole thing by zero. Easy-peasy.

I haven't quite finished the last part myself, but I know I'm getting close. It keeps throwing CthulhuRlyehWgahnaglFhtagnExceptions for some reason, so I'm going to port it to VB 6 and use On Error Resume Next. I'll update with the code once I investigate this strange door that just opened in the wall. Hmm.

P.S. Pierre de Fermat also figured out how to do it, but the margin he was writing in wasn't big enough for the code.

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