Programs & Examples On #Password retrieval

Tensorflow: Using Adam optimizer

The AdamOptimizer class creates additional variables, called "slots", to hold values for the "m" and "v" accumulators.

See the source here if you're curious, it's actually quite readable: . Other optimizers, such as Momentum and Adagrad use slots too.

These variables must be initialized before you can train a model.

The normal way to initialize variables is to call tf.initialize_all_variables() which adds ops to initialize the variables present in the graph when it is called.

(Aside: unlike its name suggests, initialize_all_variables() does not initialize anything, it only add ops that will initialize the variables when run.)

What you must do is call initialize_all_variables() after you have added the optimizer: your model...
# Add the optimizer
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy)
# Add the ops to initialize variables.  These will include 
# the optimizer slots added by AdamOptimizer().
init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()

# launch the graph in a session
sess = tf.Session()
# Actually intialize the variables
# now train your model
for ...:

How to run script as another user without password?

try running:

su -c "Your command right here" -s /bin/sh username

This will run the command as username given that you have permissions to sudo as that user.

PHP cURL, extract an XML response

simple load xml file ..

$xml = @simplexml_load_string($retValuet);

$status = (string)$xml->Status; 
$operator_trans_id = (string)$xml->OPID;
$trns_id = (string)$xml->TID;


Running unittest with typical test directory structure

If you have multiple directories in your test directory, then you have to add to each directory an file.

+-- test
    +-- frontend
    +-- backend

Then to run every test at once, run:

python -m unittest discover -s /home/johndoe/snakeoil/test -t /home/johndoe/snakeoil

Source: python -m unittest -h

  -s START, --start-directory START
                        Directory to start discovery ('.' default)
  -t TOP, --top-level-directory TOP
                        Top level directory of project (defaults to start

Class vs. static method in JavaScript

Static method calls are made directly on the class and are not callable on instances of the class. Static methods are often used to create utility function

Pretty clear description

Taken Directly from

Foo needs to be bound to your class Then when you create a new instance you can call If you import your class you can call a static method

Maximum length of the textual representation of an IPv6 address?

On Linux, see constant INET6_ADDRSTRLEN (include <arpa/inet.h>, see man inet_ntop). On my system (header "in.h"):


The last character is for terminating NULL, as I belive, so the max length is 45, as other answers.

Does C# have a String Tokenizer like Java's?

You could use String.Split method.

class ExampleClass
    public ExampleClass()
        string exampleString = "there is a cat";
        // Split string on spaces. This will separate all the words in a string
        string[] words = exampleString.Split(' ');
        foreach (string word in words)
            // there
            // is
            // a
            // cat

For more information see Sam Allen's article about splitting strings in c# (Performance, Regex)

Delete all items from a c++ std::vector

If you keep pointers in container and don't want to bother with manually destroying of them, then use boost shared_ptr. Here is sample for std::vector, but you can use it for any other STL container (set, map, queue, ...)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

struct foo
    foo( const int i_x ) : d_x( i_x )
        std::cout << "foo::foo " << d_x << std::endl;

        std::cout << "foo::~foo " << d_x << std::endl;

    int d_x;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< foo > smart_foo_t;

int main()
    std::vector< smart_foo_t > foos;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
        smart_foo_t f( new foo( i ) );
        foos.push_back( f );


    return 0;

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

You can assign function to all checkboxes then ask for confirmation inside of it. If they choose yes, checkbox is allowed to be changed if no it remains unchanged.

In my case I am also using ASP .Net checkbox inside a repeater (or grid) with Autopostback="True" attribute, so on server side I need to compare the value submitted vs what's currently in db in order to know what confirmation value they chose and update db only if it was "yes".

$(document).ready(function () {
        var areYouSure = confirm('Are you sure you want make this change?');
        if (areYouSure) {
            $(this).prop('checked', this.checked);
        } else {
            $(this).prop('checked', !this.checked);

<asp:CheckBox ID="chk" AutoPostBack="true" onCheckedChanged="chk_SelectedIndexChanged" runat="server" Checked='<%#Eval("FinancialAid") %>' />

protected void chk_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (myDataContext db = new myDataDataContext())
        CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)sender;
        RepeaterItem row = (RepeaterItem) chk.NamingContainer;            
        var studentID = ((Label) row.FindControl("lblID")).Text;
        var z = (from b in db.StudentApplicants
        where b.StudentID == studentID
        select b).FirstOrDefault();                
        if(chk != null && chk.Checked != z.FinancialAid){
            z.FinancialAid = chk.Checked;                
            z.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

ng serve not detecting file changes automatically

Restarting the server worked for me.

Razor View Without Layout

If you are working with apps, try cleaning solution. Fixed for me.

Getting value of select (dropdown) before change

Best solution:

$('select').on('selectric-before-change', function (event, element, selectric) {
    var current = element.state.currValue; // index of current value before select a new one
    var selected = element.state.selectedIdx; // index of value that will be selected

    // choose what you need

Error message: "'chromedriver' executable needs to be available in the path"

We have to add path string, begin with the letter r before the string, for raw string. I tested this way, and it works.

driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:/Users/michael/Downloads/chromedriver_win32/chromedriver.exe")

$.ajax - dataType

as per docs:

  • "json": Evaluates the response as JSON and returns a JavaScript object. In jQuery 1.4 the JSON data is parsed in a strict manner; any malformed JSON is rejected and a parse error is thrown. (See for more information on proper JSON formatting.)
  • "text": A plain text string.

Use string value from a cell to access worksheet of same name

Here is a solution using INDIRECT, which if you drag the formula, it will pick up different cells from the target sheet accordingly. It uses R1C1 notation and is not limited to working only on columns A-Z.


This version picks up the value from the target cell corresponding to the cell where the formula is placed. For example, if you place the formula in 'Summary'!B5 then it will pick up the value from 'SERVER-ONE'!B5, not 'SERVER-ONE'!G7 as specified in the original question. But you could easily add in offsets to the row and column to achieve the desired mapping in any case.

Ignore Typescript Errors "property does not exist on value of type"

I know it's now 2020, but I couldn't see an answer that satisfied the "ignore" part of the question. Turns out, you can tell TSLint to do just that using a directive;

// @ts-ignore
this.x = this.x.filter(x => x.someProp !== false);

Normally this would throw an error, stating that 'someProp does not exist on type'. With the comment, that error goes away.

This will stop any errors being thrown when compiling and should also stop your IDE complaining at you.

how to set value of a input hidden field through javascript?

It seems to work fine in Google Chrome. Which browser are you using? Here the proof

Anyhow you can also access to the input value parameter through the document.FormName.checkyear.value. You have to wrap in the input in a <form> tag like with the proper name attribute, like shown below:

<form name="FormName">
    <input type="hidden" name="checkyear" id="checkyear" value="">

Have you considered using the jQuery Library? Here are the docs for .val() function.

Is there a typescript List<> and/or Map<> class/library?

It's very easy to write that yourself, and that way you have more control over things.. As the other answers say, TypeScript is not aimed at adding runtime types or functionality.


class Map<T> {
    private items: { [key: string]: T };

    constructor() {
        this.items = {};

    add(key: string, value: T): void {
        this.items[key] = value;

    has(key: string): boolean {
        return key in this.items;

    get(key: string): T {
        return this.items[key];


class List<T> {
    private items: Array<T>;

    constructor() {
        this.items = [];

    size(): number {
        return this.items.length;

    add(value: T): void {

    get(index: number): T {
        return this.items[index];

I haven't tested (or even tried to compile) this code, but it should give you a starting point.. you can of course then change what ever you want and add the functionality that YOU need...

As for your "special needs" from the List, I see no reason why to implement a linked list, since the javascript array lets you add and remove items.
Here's a modified version of the List to handle the get prev/next from the element itself:

class ListItem<T> {
    private list: List<T>;
    private index: number;

    public value: T;

    constructor(list: List<T>, value: T, index: number) {
        this.list = list;
        this.index = index;
        this.value = value;

    prev(): ListItem<T> {
        return this.list.get(this.index - 1);

    next(): ListItem<T> {
        return this.list.get(this.index + 1);   

class List<T> {
    private items: Array<ListItem<T>>;

    constructor() {
        this.items = [];

    size(): number {
        return this.items.length;

    add(value: T): void {
        this.items.push(new ListItem<T>(this, value, this.size()));

    get(index: number): ListItem<T> {
        return this.items[index];

Here too you're looking at untested code..

Hope this helps.

Edit - as this answer still gets some attention

Javascript has a native Map object so there's no need to create your own:

let map = new Map();
map.set("key1", "value1");
console.log(map.get("key1")); // value1

Is log(n!) = T(n·log(n))?

This might help:

eln(x) = x


(lm)n = lm*n

Select method in List<t> Collection

Try this:

using System.Data.Linq;
var result = from i in list
             where i.age > 45
             select i;

Using lambda expression please use this Statement:

var result = list.where(i => i.age > 45);

MySQL limit from descending order

Let's say we have a table with a column time and you want the last 5 entries, but you want them returned to you in asc order, not desc, this is how you do it:

select * from ( select * from `table` order by `time` desc limit 5 ) t order by `time` asc

JPA & Criteria API - Select only specific columns, root.get("ID"), root.get("VERSION")));  // HERE IS NO ERROR

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

Run the command below using the HDFS OS user to disable safe mode:

sudo -u hdfs hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave

Scale iFrame css width 100% like an image

@Anachronist is closest here, @Simone not far off. The caveat with percentage padding on an element is that it's based on its parent's width, so if different to your container, the proportions will be off.

The most reliable, simplest answer is:

body {_x000D_
  /* for demo */_x000D_
  background: lightgray;_x000D_
.fixed-aspect-wrapper {_x000D_
  /* anything or nothing, it doesn't matter */_x000D_
  width: 60%;_x000D_
  /* only need if other rulesets give this padding */_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
.fixed-aspect-padder {_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  /* last padding dimension is (100 * height / width) of item to be scaled */_x000D_
  padding: 0 0 56.25%;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  /* only need next 2 rules if other rulesets change these */_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  width: auto;_x000D_
.whatever-needs-the-fixed-aspect {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  /* for demo */_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
  background: white;_x000D_
<div class="fixed-aspect-wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="fixed-aspect-padder">_x000D_
    <iframe class="whatever-needs-the-fixed-aspect" src="/"></iframe>_x000D_

Xcode variables

Here's a list of the environment variables. I think you might want CURRENT_VARIANT. See also BUILD_VARIANTS.

ImportError: No module named sqlalchemy

Install Flask-SQLAlchemy with pip in your virtualenv:

pip install flask_sqlalchemy

Then import flask_sqlalchemy in your code:

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

Simple InputBox function

It would be something like this

function CustomInputBox([string] $title, [string] $message, [string] $defaultText) 
$inputObject = new-object -comobject MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
$inputObject.language = "vbscript" 
$inputObject.addcode("function getInput() getInput = inputbox(`"$message`",`"$title`" , `"$defaultText`") end function" ) 
$_userInput = $inputObject.eval("getInput") 

return $_userInput

Then you can call the function similar to this.

$userInput = CustomInputBox "User Name" "Please enter your name." ""
if ( $userInput -ne $null ) 
 echo "Input was [$userInput]"
 echo "User cancelled the form!"

This is the most simple way to do this that I can think of.

SQL Server tables: what is the difference between @, # and ##?


Creates a table that is only visible on and during that CONNECTION the same user who creates another connection will not be able to see table #t from the other connection.


Creates a temporary table visible to other connections. But the table is dropped when the creating connection is ended.

How do you sign a Certificate Signing Request with your Certification Authority?

In addition to answer of @jww, I would like to say that the configuration in openssl-ca.cnf,

default_days     = 1000         # How long to certify for

defines the default number of days the certificate signed by this root-ca will be valid. To set the validity of root-ca itself you should use '-days n' option in:

openssl req -x509 -days 3000 -config openssl-ca.cnf -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -out cacert.pem -outform PEM

Failing to do so, your root-ca will be valid for only the default one month and any certificate signed by this root CA will also have validity of one month.

RSA encryption and decryption in Python

PKCS#1 OAEP is an asymmetric cipher based on RSA and the OAEP padding

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

def rsa_encrypt_decrypt():
    key = RSA.generate(2048)
    private_key = key.export_key('PEM')
    public_key = key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')
    message = input('plain text for RSA encryption and decryption:')
    message = str.encode(message)

    rsa_public_key = RSA.importKey(public_key)
    rsa_public_key =
    encrypted_text = rsa_public_key.encrypt(message)
    #encrypted_text = b64encode(encrypted_text)

    print('your encrypted_text is : {}'.format(encrypted_text))

    rsa_private_key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
    rsa_private_key =
    decrypted_text = rsa_private_key.decrypt(encrypted_text)

    print('your decrypted_text is : {}'.format(decrypted_text))

HashMap(key: String, value: ArrayList) returns an Object instead of ArrayList?

The get method of the HashMap is returning an Object, but the variable current is expected to take a ArrayList:

ArrayList current = new ArrayList();
// ...
current = dictMap.get(dictCode);

For the above code to work, the Object must be cast to an ArrayList:

ArrayList current = new ArrayList();
// ...
current = (ArrayList)dictMap.get(dictCode);

However, probably the better way would be to use generic collection objects in the first place:

HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>> dictMap =
    new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>>();

// Populate the HashMap.

ArrayList<Object> current = new ArrayList<Object>();      
if(dictMap.containsKey(dictCode)) {
    current = dictMap.get(dictCode);   

The above code is assuming that the ArrayList has a list of Objects, and that should be changed as necessary.

For more information on generics, The Java Tutorials has a lesson on generics.

What is the JavaScript equivalent of var_dump or print_r in PHP?

As others have already mentioned, the best way to debug your variables is to use a modern browser's developer console (e.g. Chrome Developer Tools, Firefox+Firebug, Opera Dragonfly (which now disappeared in the new Chromium-based (Blink) Opera, but as developers say, "Dragonfly is not dead though we cannot give you more information yet").

But in case you need another approach, there's a really useful site called php.js:

which provides "JavaScript alternatives to PHP functions" - so you can use them the similar way as you would in PHP. I will copy-paste the appropriate functions to you here, BUT be aware that these codes can get updated on the original site in case some bugs are detected, so I suggest you visiting the site! (Btw. I'm NOT affiliated with the site, but I find it extremely useful.)

var_dump() in JavaScript

Here is the code of the JS-alternative of var_dump():
it depends on the echo() function:

function var_dump() {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Zahlii
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //        note: For returning a string, use var_export() with the second argument set to true
  //        test: skip
  //   example 1: var_dump(1);
  //   returns 1: 'int(1)'

  var output = '',
    pad_char = ' ',
    pad_val = 4,
    lgth = 0,
    i = 0;

  var _getFuncName = function(fn) {
    var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
    if (!name) {
      return '(Anonymous)';
    return name[1];

  var _repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) {
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      str += pad_char;
    return str;
  var _getInnerVal = function(val, thick_pad) {
    var ret = '';
    if (val === null) {
      ret = 'NULL';
    } else if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
      ret = 'bool(' + val + ')';
    } else if (typeof val === 'string') {
      ret = 'string(' + val.length + ') "' + val + '"';
    } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
      if (parseFloat(val) == parseInt(val, 10)) {
        ret = 'int(' + val + ')';
      } else {
        ret = 'float(' + val + ')';
    // The remaining are not PHP behavior because these values only exist in this exact form in JavaScript
    else if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
      ret = 'undefined';
    } else if (typeof val === 'function') {
      var funcLines = val.toString()
      ret = '';
      for (var i = 0, fll = funcLines.length; i < fll; i++) {
        ret += (i !== 0 ? '\n' + thick_pad : '') + funcLines[i];
    } else if (val instanceof Date) {
      ret = 'Date(' + val + ')';
    } else if (val instanceof RegExp) {
      ret = 'RegExp(' + val + ')';
    } else if (val.nodeName) {
      // Different than PHP's DOMElement
      switch (val.nodeType) {
      case 1:
        if (typeof val.namespaceURI === 'undefined' || val.namespaceURI === '') {
          // Undefined namespace could be plain XML, but namespaceURI not widely supported
          ret = 'HTMLElement("' + val.nodeName + '")';
        } else {
          ret = 'XML Element("' + val.nodeName + '")';
      case 2:
        ret = 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ')';
      case 3:
        ret = 'TEXT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 4:
        ret = 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 5:
        ret = 'ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE';
      case 6:
        ret = 'ENTITY_NODE';
      case 7:
        ret = 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ':' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 8:
        ret = 'COMMENT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 9:
        ret = 'DOCUMENT_NODE';
      case 10:
        ret = 'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE';
      case 11:
      case 12:
        ret = 'NOTATION_NODE';
    return ret;

  var _formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) {
    var someProp = '';
    if (cur_depth > 0) {

    var base_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth - 1), pad_char);
    var thick_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char);
    var str = '';
    var val = '';

    if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) {
      if (obj.constructor && _getFuncName(obj.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') {
        return obj.var_dump();
      lgth = 0;
      for (someProp in obj) {
      str += 'array(' + lgth + ') {\n';
      for (var key in obj) {
        var objVal = obj[key];
        if (typeof objVal === 'object' && objVal !== null && !(objVal instanceof Date) && !(objVal instanceof RegExp) &&
          objVal.nodeName) {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + _formatArray(objVal, cur_depth + 1, pad_val,
        } else {
          val = _getInnerVal(objVal, thick_pad);
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + val + '\n';
      str += base_pad + '}\n';
    } else {
      str = _getInnerVal(obj, thick_pad);
    return str;

  output = _formatArray(arguments[0], 0, pad_val, pad_char);
  for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    output += '\n' + _formatArray(arguments[i], 0, pad_val, pad_char);


print_r() in JavaScript

Here is the print_r() function:
It depends on echo() too.

function print_r(array, return_val) {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Michael White (
  // improved by: Ben Bryan
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //    input by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //   example 1: print_r(1, true);
  //   returns 1: 1

  var output = '',
    pad_char = ' ',
    pad_val = 4,
    d = this.window.document,
    getFuncName = function(fn) {
      var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
      if (!name) {
        return '(Anonymous)';
      return name[1];
  repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) {
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      str += pad_char;
    return str;
  formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) {
    if (cur_depth > 0) {

    var base_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * cur_depth, pad_char);
    var thick_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char);
    var str = '';

    if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj.constructor && getFuncName(obj.constructor) !==
      'PHPJS_Resource') {
      str += 'Array\n' + base_pad + '(\n';
      for (var key in obj) {
        if ([key]) === '[object Array]') {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + formatArray(obj[key], cur_depth + 1, pad_val, pad_char);
        } else {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + obj[key] + '\n';
      str += base_pad + ')\n';
    } else if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
      str = '';
    } else {
      // for our "resource" class
      str = obj.toString();

    return str;

  output = formatArray(array, 0, pad_val, pad_char);

  if (return_val !== true) {
    if (d.body) {
    } else {
      try {
        // We're in XUL, so appending as plain text won't work; trigger an error out of XUL
        d = XULDocument;
        this.echo('<pre xmlns="" style="white-space:pre;">' + output + '</pre>');
      } catch (e) {
        // Outputting as plain text may work in some plain XML
    return true;
  return output;

var_export() in JavaScript

You may also find the var_export() alternative useful, which also depends on echo():

function var_export(mixed_expression, bool_return) {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Philip Peterson
  // improved by: johnrembo
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //    input by: Brian Tafoya (
  //    input by: Hans Henrik (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //   example 1: var_export(null);
  //   returns 1: null
  //   example 2: var_export({0: 'Kevin', 1: 'van', 2: 'Zonneveld'}, true);
  //   returns 2: "array (\n  0 => 'Kevin',\n  1 => 'van',\n  2 => 'Zonneveld'\n)"
  //   example 3: data = 'Kevin';
  //   example 3: var_export(data, true);
  //   returns 3: "'Kevin'"

  var retstr = '',
    iret = '',
    cnt = 0,
    x = [],
    i = 0,
    funcParts = [],
    // We use the last argument (not part of PHP) to pass in
    // our indentation level
    idtLevel = arguments[2] || 2,
    innerIndent = '',
    outerIndent = '',
    getFuncName = function(fn) {
      var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
      if (!name) {
        return '(Anonymous)';
      return name[1];
  _makeIndent = function(idtLevel) {
    return (new Array(idtLevel + 1))
      .join(' ');
  __getType = function(inp) {
    var i = 0,
      match, types, cons, type = typeof inp;
    if (type === 'object' && (inp && inp.constructor) &&
      getFuncName(inp.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') {
      return 'resource';
    if (type === 'function') {
      return 'function';
    if (type === 'object' && !inp) {
      // Should this be just null?
      return 'null';
    if (type === 'object') {
      if (!inp.constructor) {
        return 'object';
      cons = inp.constructor.toString();
      match = cons.match(/(\w+)\(/);
      if (match) {
        cons = match[1].toLowerCase();
      types = ['boolean', 'number', 'string', 'array'];
      for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        if (cons === types[i]) {
          type = types[i];
    return type;
  type = __getType(mixed_expression);

  if (type === null) {
    retstr = 'NULL';
  } else if (type === 'array' || type === 'object') {
    outerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel - 2);
    innerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel);
    for (i in mixed_expression) {
      value = this.var_export(mixed_expression[i], 1, idtLevel + 2);
      value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
      replace(/>/g, '&gt;'): value;
      x[cnt++] = innerIndent + i + ' => ' +
        (__getType(mixed_expression[i]) === 'array' ?
          '\n' : '') + value;
    iret = x.join(',\n');
    retstr = outerIndent + 'array (\n' + iret + '\n' + outerIndent + ')';
  } else if (type === 'function') {
    funcParts = mixed_expression.toString()
    match(/function .*?\((.*?)\) \{([\s\S]*)\}/);

    // For lambda functions, var_export() outputs such as the following:
    // '\000lambda_1'. Since it will probably not be a common use to
    // expect this (unhelpful) form, we'll use another PHP-exportable
    // construct, create_function() (though dollar signs must be on the
    // variables in JavaScript); if using instead in JavaScript and you
    // are using the namespaced version, note that create_function() will
    // not be available as a global
    retstr = "create_function ('" + funcParts[1] + "', '" +
      funcParts[2].replace(new RegExp("'", 'g'), "\\'") + "')";
  } else if (type === 'resource') {
    // Resources treated as null for var_export
    retstr = 'NULL';
  } else {
    retstr = typeof mixed_expression !== 'string' ? mixed_expression :
      "'" + mixed_expression.replace(/(["'])/g, '\\$1')
    replace(/\0/g, '\\0') + "'";

  if (!bool_return) {
    return null;

  return retstr;

echo() in JavaScript

function echo() {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Philip Peterson
  // improved by: echo is bad
  // improved by: Nate
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //  revised by: Der Simon (
  // bugfixed by: Eugene Bulkin (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: EdorFaus
  //    input by: JB
  //        note: If browsers start to support DOM Level 3 Load and Save (parsing/serializing),
  //        note: we wouldn't need any such long code (even most of the code below). See
  //        note: link below for a cross-browser implementation in JavaScript. HTML5 might
  //        note: possibly support DOMParser, but that is not presently a standard.
  //        note: Although innerHTML is widely used and may become standard as of HTML5, it is also not ideal for
  //        note: use with a temporary holder before appending to the DOM (as is our last resort below),
  //        note: since it may not work in an XML context
  //        note: Using innerHTML to directly add to the BODY is very dangerous because it will
  //        note: break all pre-existing references to HTMLElements.
  //   example 1: echo('<div><p>abc</p><p>abc</p></div>');
  //   returns 1: undefined

  var isNode = typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports && typeof global !== "undefined" && {}
    global) == '[object global]';
  if (isNode) {
    var args =;
    return console.log(args.join(' '));

  var arg = '';
  var argc = arguments.length;
  var argv = arguments;
  var i = 0;
  var holder, win = this.window;
  var d = win.document;
  var ns_xhtml = '';
  // If we're in a XUL context
  var ns_xul = '';

  var stringToDOM = function(str, parent, ns, container) {
    var extraNSs = '';
    if (ns === ns_xul) {
      extraNSs = ' xmlns:html="' + ns_xhtml + '"';
    var stringContainer = '<' + container + ' xmlns="' + ns + '"' + extraNSs + '>' + str + '</' + container + '>';
    var dils = win.DOMImplementationLS;
    var dp = win.DOMParser;
    var ax = win.ActiveXObject;
    if (dils && dils.createLSInput && dils.createLSParser) {
      // Follows the DOM 3 Load and Save standard, but not
      // implemented in browsers at present; HTML5 is to standardize on innerHTML, but not for XML (though
      // possibly will also standardize with DOMParser); in the meantime, to ensure fullest browser support, could
      // attach (see for a simple test file)
      var lsInput = dils.createLSInput();
      // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
      lsInput.stringData = stringContainer;
      // synchronous, no schema type
      var lsParser = dils.createLSParser(1, null);
      return lsParser.parse(lsInput)
    } else if (dp) {
      // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
      try {
        var fc = new dp()
          .parseFromString(stringContainer, 'text/xml');
        if (fc && fc.documentElement && fc.documentElement.localName !== 'parsererror' && fc.documentElement.namespaceURI !==
          '') {
          return fc.documentElement.firstChild;
        // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on
      } catch (e) {
        // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on
    } else if (ax) {
      // We don't bother with a holder in Explorer as it doesn't support namespaces
      var axo = new ax('MSXML2.DOMDocument');
      return axo.documentElement;
    /*else if (win.XMLHttpRequest) {
     // Supposed to work in older Safari
      var req = new win.XMLHttpRequest;'GET', 'data:application/xml;charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(str), false);
      if (req.overrideMimeType) {
      return req.responseXML;
    // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML, so we create a temporary element holder
    // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
    //if (d.createElementNS && (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html')) {
    // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways)
    if (d.createElementNS && // Browser supports the method
      (d.documentElement.namespaceURI || // We can use if the document is using a namespace
        d.documentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' || // We know it's not HTML4 or less, if the tag is not HTML (even if the root namespace is null)
        (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html') // We know it's not regular HTML4 or less if this is Mozilla (only browser supporting the attribute) and the content type is something other than text/html; other HTML5 roots (like svg) still have a namespace
      )) {
      // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways); last test is for the sake of being in a pure XML document
      holder = d.createElementNS(ns, container);
    } else {
      // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML
      holder = d.createElement(container);
    holder.innerHTML = str;
    while (holder.firstChild) {
    return false;
    // throw 'Your browser does not support DOM parsing as required by echo()';

  var ieFix = function(node) {
    if (node.nodeType === 1) {
      var newNode = d.createElement(node.nodeName);
      var i, len;
      if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0, len = node.attributes.length; i < len; i++) {
          newNode.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName, node.getAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName));
      if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) {
      return newNode;
    } else {
      return d.createTextNode(node.nodeValue);

  var replacer = function(s, m1, m2) {
    // We assume for now that embedded variables do not have dollar sign; to add a dollar sign, you currently must use {$$var} (We might change this, however.)
    // Doesn't cover all cases yet: see
    if (m1 !== '\\') {
      return m1 + eval(m2);
    } else {
      return s;

  this.php_js = this.php_js || {};
  var phpjs = this.php_js;
  var ini = phpjs.ini;
  var obs = phpjs.obs;
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    arg = argv[i];
    if (ini && ini['phpjs.echo_embedded_vars']) {
      arg = arg.replace(/(.?)\{?\$(\w*?\}|\w*)/g, replacer);

    if (!phpjs.flushing && obs && obs.length) {
      // If flushing we output, but otherwise presence of a buffer means caching output
      obs[obs.length - 1].buffer += arg;

    if (d.appendChild) {
      if (d.body) {
        if (win.navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
          // We unfortunately cannot use feature detection, since this is an IE bug with cloneNode nodes being appended
        } else {
          var unappendedLeft = stringToDOM(arg, d.body, ns_xhtml, 'div')
            .cloneNode(true); // We will not actually append the div tag (just using for providing XHTML namespace by default)
          if (unappendedLeft) {
      } else {
        // We will not actually append the description tag (just using for providing XUL namespace by default)
        d.documentElement.appendChild(stringToDOM(arg, d.documentElement, ns_xul, 'description'));
    } else if (d.write) {
    } else {

IEnumerable<object> a = new IEnumerable<object>(); Can I do this?

No, You cannot do that. Use the following line of code instead:

IEnumerable<int> usersIds = new List<int>() {1, 2, 3}.AsEnumerable();

I hope it helps.

PHP - find entry by object property from an array of objects


$entry = current(array_filter($array, function($e) use($v){ return $e->ID==$v; }));

working example here

How to concat a string to xsl:value-of select="...?

You can use the rather sensibly named xpath function called concat here

   <xsl:attribute name="href">
      <xsl:value-of select="concat('myText:', /*/properties/property[@name='report']/@value)" />

Of course, it doesn't have to be text here, it can be another xpath expression to select an element or attribute. And you can have any number of arguments in the concat expression.

Do note, you can make use of Attribute Value Templates (represented by the curly braces) here to simplify your expression

<a href="{concat('myText:', /*/properties/property[@name='report']/@value)}"></a>

Aggregate multiple columns at once

You could try:

agg <- aggregate(list(x$val1, x$val2, x$val3, x$val4), by = list(x$id1, x$id2), mean)

SQL JOIN, GROUP BY on three tables to get totals

I am not sure I got you but this might be what you are looking for:

SELECT i.invoiceid, sum(case when i.amount is not null then i.amount else 0 end), sum(case when i.amount is not null then i.amount else 0 end) - sum(case when p.amount is not null then p.amount else 0 end) AS amountdue
FROM invoices i
LEFT JOIN invoicepayments ip ON i.invoiceid = ip.invoiceid
LEFT JOIN payments p ON ip.paymentid = p.paymentid
LEFT JOIN customers c ON p.customerid = c.customerid
WHERE c.customernumber = '100'
GROUP BY i.invoiceid

This would get you the amounts sums in case there are multiple payment rows for each invoice

Output in a table format in Java's System.out

I've created a project that can build much advanced table views. If you supposed to print the table, the width of the table going to have a limit. I have applied it in one of my own project to get a customer invoice print. Following is an example of the print view.

           PLATINUM COMPUTERS(PVT) LTD          
     NO 20/B, Main Street, Kandy, Sri Lanka.    
  Land: 812254630 Mob: 712205220 Fax: 812254639 

                CUSTOMER INVOICE                

|INFO                   |CUSTOMER              |
|DATE: 2015-9-8         |ModernTec Distributors|
|TIME: 10:53:AM         |MOB: +94719530398     |
|BILL NO: 12            |ADDRES: No 25, Main St|
|INVOICE NO: 458-80-108 |reet, Kandy.          |
|                SELLING DETAILS               |
|ITEM             | PRICE($)|  QTY|       VALUE|
|Optical mouse    |   120.00|   20|     2400.00|
|Gaming keyboard  |   550.00|   30|    16500.00|
|320GB SATA HDD   |   220.00|   32|     7040.00|
|500GB SATA HDD   |   274.00|   13|     3562.00|
|1TB SATA HDD     |   437.00|   11|     4807.00|
|RE-DVD ROM       |   144.00|   29|     4176.00|
|DDR3 4GB RAM     |   143.00|   13|     1859.00|
|Blu-ray DVD      |    94.00|   28|     2632.00|
|WR-DVD           |   122.00|   34|     4148.00|
|Adapter          |   543.00|   28|    15204.00|
|               RETURNING DETAILS              |
|ITEM             | PRICE($)|  QTY|       VALUE|
|320GB SATA HDD   |   220.00|    4|      880.00|
|WR-DVD           |   122.00|    7|      854.00|
|1TB SATA HDD     |   437.00|    7|     3059.00|
|RE-DVD ROM       |   144.00|    4|      576.00|
|Gaming keyboard  |   550.00|    6|     3300.00|
|DDR3 4GB RAM     |   143.00|    7|     1001.00|
                              GROSS   59,928.00 
                       DISCOUNT(5%)    2,996.40 
                             RETURN    9,670.00 
                            PAYABLE   47,261.60 
                               CASH   20,000.00 
                             CHEQUE   15,000.00 
                    CREDIT(BALANCE)   12,261.60 

  ---------------------   --------------------- 

             soulution by            

This is the code for above print view and you can find the library (Wagu) in here.

PHP: cannot declare class because the name is already in use

Another option to include_once or require_once is to use class autoloading.

Setting Elastic search limit to "unlimited"

use the scan method e.g.

 curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=10m&size=50' -d '
    "query" : {
       "match_all" : {}

see here

How can I commit a single file using SVN over a network?

  1. svn add filename.html
  2. svn commit -m"your comment"
  3. You dont have to push

django order_by query set, ascending and descending

It works removing .all():


How to split one string into multiple strings separated by at least one space in bash shell?

I like the conversion to an array, to be able to access individual elements:

sentence="this is a story"

now you can access individual elements directly (it starts with 0):

echo ${stringarray[0]}

or convert back to string in order to loop:

for i in "${stringarray[@]}"
  # do whatever on $i

Of course looping through the string directly was answered before, but that answer had the the disadvantage to not keep track of the individual elements for later use:

for i in $sentence
  # do whatever on $i

See also Bash Array Reference.

Generate a dummy-variable

I use such a function (for data.table):

# Ta funkcja dla obiektu data.table i zmiennej typu factor tworzy dummy variables o nazwach " (level1)"
factorToDummy <- function(dtable,{
  stopifnot( %in% names(dtable))
  stopifnot(is.factor(dtable[, get(]))

  dtable[, paste0(,": ",levels(get(] -> new.names
  dtable[, (new.names) := transpose(lapply(get(, FUN = function(x){x == levels(get(})) ]

  cat(paste("\nDodano zmienne dummy: ", paste0(new.names, collapse = ", ")))


data <- data.table(data)
data[, x:= droplevels(x)]
factorToDummy(data, "x")

How to prevent 'query timeout expired'? (SQLNCLI11 error '80040e31')

Turns out that the post (or rather the whole table) was locked by the very same connection that I tried to update the post with.

I had a opened record set of the post that was created by:

Set RecSet = Conn.Execute()

This type of recordset is supposed to be read-only and when I was using MS Access as database it did not lock anything. But apparently this type of record set did lock something on MS SQL Server 2012 because when I added these lines of code before executing the UPDATE SQL statement...

Set RecSet = Nothing

...everything worked just fine.

So bottom line is to be careful with opened record sets - even if they are read-only they could lock your table from updates.

php create object without class

you can always use new stdClass(). Example code:

   $object = new stdClass();
   $object->property = 'Here we go';


   object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
      string(10) "Here we go"

Also as of PHP 5.4 you can get same output with:

$object = (object) ['property' => 'Here we go'];

When should you NOT use a Rules Engine?

I'm a big fan of Business Rules Engines, since it can help you make your life much easier as a programmer. One of the first experiences I've had while working on a Data Warehouse project was to find Stored Procedures containing complicated CASE structures stretching over entire pages. It was a nightmare to debug, since it was very difficult to understand the logic applied in such long CASE structures, and to determine if you have an overlapping between a rule at page 1 of the code and another from page 5. Overall, we had more than 300 such rules embedded in the code.

When we've received a new development requirement, for something called Accounting Destination, which was involving treating more than 3000 rules, i knew something had to change. Back then I've been working on a prototype which later on become the parent of what now is a Custom Business Rule engine, capable of handling all SQL standard operators. Initially we've been using Excel as an authoring tool and , later on, we've created an application which will allow the Business Users to define their own business rules, without the need of writing code. Now the system works fine, with very few bugs, and contains over 7000 rules for calculating this Accounting Destination. I don't think such scenario would have been possible by just hard-coding. And the users are pretty happy that they can define their own rules without IT becoming their bottleneck.

Still, there are limits to such approach:

  • You need to have capable business users which have an excellent understanding of the company business.
  • There is a significant workload on searching the entire system (in our case a Data Warehouse), in order to determine all hard-coded conditions which make sense to translate into rules to be handled by a Business Rule Engine. We've also had to take good care that these initial templates to be fully understandable by Business Users.
  • You need to have an application used for rules authoring, in which algorithms for detection of overlapping business rules is implemented. Otherwise you'll end up with a big mess, where no one understands anymore the results they get. When you have a bug in a generic component like a Custom Business Rule Engine, it can be very difficult to debug and involve extensive tests to make sure that things that worked before also work now.

More details on this topic can be found on a post I've written:

Overall, the biggest advantage of using a Business Rule Engines is that it allows the users to take back control over the Business Rule definitions and authoring, without the need of going to the IT department each time they need to modify something. It also the reduces the workload over IT development teams, which can now focus on building stuff with more added value.



Oracle SQL - select within a select (on the same table!)

I'm a bit confused by the quotes, however, below should work for you:

SELECT "Gc_Staff_Number",
       "Start_Date", x.end_date
FROM   "Employment_History" eh,
(SELECT "End_Date"
        FROM   "Employment_History"
        WHERE  "Current_Flag" != 'Y'
               AND ROWNUM = 1
               AND "Employee_Number" = eh.Employee_Number
        ORDER  BY "End_Date" ASC) x
WHERE  "Current_Flag" = 'Y'

Detect if the device is iPhone X

You can do like this to detect iPhone X device according to dimension.


if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height == 2436 {
   //iPhone X

Objective - C

if ([UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone && UIScreen.mainScreen.nativeBounds.size.height == 2436)  {
  //iPhone X     

enter image description here


This is not sufficient way. What if Apple announced next iPhone with same dimension of iPhone X. so the best way is to use Hardware string to detect the device.

For newer device Hardware string is as below.

iPhone 8 - iPhone10,1 or iPhone 10,4

iPhone 8 Plus - iPhone10,2 or iPhone 10,5

iPhone X - iPhone10,3 or iPhone10,6

ProcessStartInfo hanging on "WaitForExit"? Why?

Mark Byers' answer is excellent, but I would just add the following:

The OutputDataReceived and ErrorDataReceived delegates need to be removed before the outputWaitHandle and errorWaitHandle get disposed. If the process continues to output data after the timeout has been exceeded and then terminates, the outputWaitHandle and errorWaitHandle variables will be accessed after being disposed.

(FYI I had to add this caveat as an answer as I couldn't comment on his post.)

What is the difference between docker-compose ports vs expose


The ports section will publish ports on the host. Docker will setup a forward for a specific port from the host network into the container. By default this is implemented with a userspace proxy process (docker-proxy) that listens on the first port, and forwards into the container, which needs to listen on the second point. If the container is not listening on the destination port, you will still see something listening on the host, but get a connection refused if you try to connect to that host port, from the failed forward into your container.

Note, the container must be listening on all network interfaces since this proxy is not running within the container's network namespace and cannot reach inside the container. The IPv4 method for that is to configure your application to listen on

Also note that published ports do not work in the opposite direction. You cannot connect to a service on the host from the container by publishing a port. Instead you'll find docker errors trying to listen to the already-in-use host port.


Expose is documentation. It sets metadata on the image, and when running, on the container too. Typically you configure this in the Dockerfile with the EXPOSE instruction, and it serves as documentation for the users running your image, for them to know on which ports by default your application will be listening. When configured with a compose file, this metadata is only set on the container. You can see the exposed ports when you run a docker inspect on the image or container.

There are a few tools that rely on exposed ports. In docker, the -P flag will publish all exposed ports onto ephemeral ports on the host. There are also various reverse proxies that will default to using an exposed port when sending traffic to your application if you do not explicitly set the container port.

Other than those external tools, expose has no impact at all on the networking between containers. You only need a common docker network, and connecting to the container port, to access one container from another. If that network is user created (e.g. not the default bridge network named bridge), you can use DNS to connect to the other containers.

How do I set up curl to permanently use a proxy?

You can make a alias in your ~/.bashrc file :

alias curl="curl -x <proxy_host>:<proxy_port>"

Another solution is to use (maybe the better solution) the ~/.curlrc file (create it if it does not exist) :

proxy = <proxy_host>:<proxy_port>

How do I create a datetime in Python from milliseconds?

Bit heavy because of using pandas but works:

import pandas as pd
pd.to_datetime(msec_from_java, unit='ms').to_pydatetime()

How does it work - requestLocationUpdates() + LocationRequest/Listener

You are implementing LocationListener in your activity MainActivity. The call for concurrent location updates will therefor be like this:

mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(mLocationRequest, this);

Be sure that the LocationListener you're implementing is from the google api, that is import this:


and not this:

import android.location.LocationListener;

and it should work just fine.

It's also important that the LocationClient really is connected before you do this. I suggest you don't call it in the onCreate or onStart methods, but in onResume. It is all explained quite well in the tutorial for Google Location Api:

Equals(=) vs. LIKE

Besides the wildcards, the difference between = AND LIKE will depend on both the kind of SQL server and on the column type.

Take this example:

CREATE TABLE testtable (
  varchar_name VARCHAR(10),
  char_name CHAR(10),

INSERT INTO testtable(varchar_name, char_name, val)
    VALUES ('A', 'A', 10), ('B', 'B', 20);

SELECT 'VarChar Eq Without Space', val FROM testtable WHERE varchar_name='A'
SELECT 'VarChar Eq With Space', val FROM testtable WHERE varchar_name='A '
SELECT 'VarChar Like Without Space', val FROM testtable WHERE varchar_name LIKE 'A'
SELECT 'VarChar Like Space', val FROM testtable WHERE varchar_name LIKE 'A '
SELECT 'Char Eq Without Space', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name='A'
SELECT 'Char Eq With Space', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name='A '
SELECT 'Char Like Without Space', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name LIKE 'A'
SELECT 'Char Like With Space', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name LIKE 'A '
  • Using MS SQL Server 2012, the trailing spaces will be ignored in the comparison, except with LIKE when the column type is VARCHAR.

  • Using MySQL 5.5, the trailing spaces will be ignored for =, but not for LIKE, both with CHAR and VARCHAR.

  • Using PostgreSQL 9.1, spaces are significant with both = and LIKE using VARCHAR, but not with CHAR (see documentation).

    The behaviour with LIKE also differs with CHAR.

    Using the same data as above, using an explicit CAST on the column name also makes a difference:

    SELECT 'CAST none', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name LIKE 'A'
    SELECT 'CAST both', val FROM testtable WHERE
        CAST(char_name AS CHAR) LIKE CAST('A' AS CHAR)
    SELECT 'CAST col', val FROM testtable WHERE CAST(char_name AS CHAR) LIKE 'A'
    SELECT 'CAST value', val FROM testtable WHERE char_name LIKE CAST('A' AS CHAR)

    This only returns rows for "CAST both" and "CAST col".

Comparison of full text search engine - Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?

I am surprised that there isn't more information posted about Solr. Solr is quite similar to Sphinx but has more advanced features (AFAIK as I haven't used Sphinx -- only read about it).

The answer at the link below details a few things about Sphinx which also applies to Solr. Comparison of full text search engine - Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?

Solr also provides the following additional features:

  1. Supports replication
  2. Multiple cores (think of these as separate databases with their own configuration and own indexes)
  3. Boolean searches
  4. Highlighting of keywords (fairly easy to do in application code if you have regex-fu; however, why not let a specialized tool do a better job for you)
  5. Update index via XML or delimited file
  6. Communicate with the search server via HTTP (it can even return Json, Native PHP/Ruby/Python)
  7. PDF, Word document indexing
  8. Dynamic fields
  9. Facets
  10. Aggregate fields
  11. Stop words, synonyms, etc.
  12. More Like this...
  13. Index directly from the database with custom queries
  14. Auto-suggest
  15. Cache Autowarming
  16. Fast indexing (compare to MySQL full-text search indexing times) -- Lucene uses a binary inverted index format.
  17. Boosting (custom rules for increasing relevance of a particular keyword or phrase, etc.)
  18. Fielded searches (if a search user knows the field he/she wants to search, they narrow down their search by typing the field, then the value, and ONLY that field is searched rather than everything -- much better user experience)

BTW, there are tons more features; however, I've listed just the features that I have actually used in production. BTW, out of the box, MySQL supports #1, #3, and #11 (limited) on the list above. For the features you are looking for, a relational database isn't going to cut it. I'd eliminate those straight away.

Also, another benefit is that Solr (well, Lucene actually) is a document database (e.g. NoSQL) so many of the benefits of any other document database can be realized with Solr. In other words, you can use it for more than just search (i.e. Performance). Get creative with it :)

How to get the CPU Usage in C#?

You can use WMI to get CPU percentage information. You can even log into a remote computer if you have the correct permissions. Look at to get an idea of what you can accomplish.

Also helpful might be the MSDN reference for the Win32_Process namespace.

See also a CodeProject example How To: (Almost) Everything In WMI via C#.

Installing SciPy and NumPy using pip

This worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip install scipy

Build the full path filename in Python

This works fine:

os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + "." + filename_suffix)

Keep in mind that os.path.join() exists only because different operating systems use different path separator characters. It smooths over that difference so cross-platform code doesn't have to be cluttered with special cases for each OS. There is no need to do this for file name "extensions" (see footnote) because they are always connected to the rest of the name with a dot character, on every OS.

If using a function anyway makes you feel better (and you like needlessly complicating your code), you can do this:

os.path.join(dir_name, '.'.join((base_filename, filename_suffix)))

If you prefer to keep your code clean, simply include the dot in the suffix:

suffix = '.pdf'
os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

That approach also happens to be compatible with the suffix conventions in pathlib, which was introduced in python 3.4 after this question was asked. New code that doesn't require backward compatibility can do this:

suffix = '.pdf'
pathlib.PurePath(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

You might prefer the shorter Path instead of PurePath if you're only handling paths for the local OS.

Warning: Do not use pathlib's with_suffix() for this purpose. That method will corrupt base_filename if it ever contains a dot.

Footnote: Outside of Micorsoft operating systems, there is no such thing as a file name "extension". Its presence on Windows comes from MS-DOS and FAT, which borrowed it from CP/M, which has been dead for decades. That dot-plus-three-letters that many of us are accustomed to seeing is just part of the file name on every other modern OS, where it has no built-in meaning.

Systrace for Windows

API Monitor looks very useful for this purpose.

Click a button programmatically

Let say button 1 has an event called

Button1_Click(Sender, eventarg)

If you want to call it in Button2 then call this function directly.

Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)

Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP)

Theoretically, the application in DOS Prompt has its own clipboard and shortcuts. To import text from Windows clipboard is "extra". However you can use Alt-Space to open system menu of Prompt window, then press E, P to select Edit, Paste menu. However, MS could provide shortcut using Win-key. There is no chance to be used in DOS application.

OpenSSL: PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

My situation was a little different. The solution was to strip the .pem from everything outside of the CERTIFICATE and PRIVATE KEY sections and to invert the order which they appeared. After converting from pfx to pem file, the certificate looked like this:

Bag Attributes
localKeyID: ...
Bag Attributes
more garbage...

After correcting the file, it was just:


How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook?

My tags were correct but Facebook only scrapes every 24 hours, according to their documentation. Using the Facebook Lint page got the image into Facebook.

Enter your URL here and FB will update the metadata from your page: (updated link)

Android Bitmap to Base64 String

All of these answers are inefficient as they needlessly decode to a bitmap and then recompress the bitmap. When you take a photo on Android, it is stored as a jpeg in the temp file you specify when you follow the android docs.

What you should do is directly convert that file to a Base64 string. Here is how to do that in easy copy-paste (in Kotlin). Note you must close the base64FilterStream to truly flush its internal buffer.

fun convertImageFileToBase64(imageFile: File): String {

    return FileInputStream(imageFile).use { inputStream ->
        ByteArrayOutputStream().use { outputStream ->
            Base64OutputStream(outputStream, Base64.DEFAULT).use { base64FilterStream ->

As a bonus, your image quality should be slightly improved, due to bypassing the re-compressing.

How to enter newline character in Oracle?

Chr(Number) should work for you.

select 'Hello' || chr(10) ||' world' from dual

Remember different platforms expect different new line characters:

  • CHR(10) => LF, line feed (unix)
  • CHR(13) => CR, carriage return (windows, together with LF)

How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression "foo" referenced from "bar"

Look in HTML output for actual client ID

You need to look in the generated HTML output to find out the right client ID. Open the page in browser, do a rightclick and View Source. Locate the HTML representation of the JSF component of interest and take its id as client ID. You can use it in an absolute or relative way depending on the current naming container. See following chapter.

Note: if it happens to contain iteration index like :0:, :1:, etc (because it's inside an iterating component), then you need to realize that updating a specific iteration round is not always supported. See bottom of answer for more detail on that.

Memorize NamingContainer components and always give them a fixed ID

If a component which you'd like to reference by ajax process/execute/update/render is inside the same NamingContainer parent, then just reference its own ID.

<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update="result"> <!-- OK! -->
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />

If it's not inside the same NamingContainer, then you need to reference it using an absolute client ID. An absolute client ID starts with the NamingContainer separator character, which is by default :.

<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update="result"> <!-- FAIL! -->
<h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":result"> <!-- OK! -->
<h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":result"> <!-- FAIL! -->
<h:form id="otherform">
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":otherform:result"> <!-- OK! -->
<h:form id="otherform">
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />

NamingContainer components are for example <h:form>, <h:dataTable>, <p:tabView>, <cc:implementation> (thus, all composite components), etc. You recognize them easily by looking at the generated HTML output, their ID will be prepended to the generated client ID of all child components. Note that when they don't have a fixed ID, then JSF will use an autogenerated ID in j_idXXX format. You should absolutely avoid that by giving them a fixed ID. The OmniFaces NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler may be helpful in this during development.

If you know to find the javadoc of the UIComponent in question, then you can also just check in there whether it implements the NamingContainer interface or not. For example, the HtmlForm (the UIComponent behind <h:form> tag) shows it implements NamingContainer, but the HtmlPanelGroup (the UIComponent behind <h:panelGroup> tag) does not show it, so it does not implement NamingContainer. Here is the javadoc of all standard components and here is the javadoc of PrimeFaces.

Solving your problem

So in your case of:

<p:tabView id="tabs"><!-- This is a NamingContainer -->
    <p:tab id="search"><!-- This is NOT a NamingContainer -->
        <h:form id="insTable"><!-- This is a NamingContainer -->
            <p:dialog id="dlg"><!-- This is NOT a NamingContainer -->
                <h:panelGrid id="display">

The generated HTML output of <h:panelGrid id="display"> looks like this:

<table id="tabs:insTable:display">

You need to take exactly that id as client ID and then prefix with : for usage in update:

<p:commandLink update=":tabs:insTable:display">

Referencing outside include/tagfile/composite

If this command link is inside an include/tagfile, and the target is outside it, and thus you don't necessarily know the ID of the naming container parent of the current naming container, then you can dynamically reference it via UIComponent#getNamingContainer() like so:

<p:commandLink update=":#{component.namingContainer.parent.namingContainer.clientId}:display">

Or, if this command link is inside a composite component and the target is outside it:

<p:commandLink update=":#{cc.parent.namingContainer.clientId}:display">

Or, if both the command link and target are inside same composite component:

<p:commandLink update=":#{cc.clientId}:display">

See also Get id of parent naming container in template for in render / update attribute

How does it work under the covers

This all is specified as "search expression" in the UIComponent#findComponent() javadoc:

A search expression consists of either an identifier (which is matched exactly against the id property of a UIComponent, or a series of such identifiers linked by the UINamingContainer#getSeparatorChar character value. The search algorithm should operates as follows, though alternate alogrithms may be used as long as the end result is the same:

  • Identify the UIComponent that will be the base for searching, by stopping as soon as one of the following conditions is met:
    • If the search expression begins with the the separator character (called an "absolute" search expression), the base will be the root UIComponent of the component tree. The leading separator character will be stripped off, and the remainder of the search expression will be treated as a "relative" search expression as described below.
    • Otherwise, if this UIComponent is a NamingContainer it will serve as the basis.
    • Otherwise, search up the parents of this component. If a NamingContainer is encountered, it will be the base.
    • Otherwise (if no NamingContainer is encountered) the root UIComponent will be the base.
  • The search expression (possibly modified in the previous step) is now a "relative" search expression that will be used to locate the component (if any) that has an id that matches, within the scope of the base component. The match is performed as follows:
    • If the search expression is a simple identifier, this value is compared to the id property, and then recursively through the facets and children of the base UIComponent (except that if a descendant NamingContainer is found, its own facets and children are not searched).
    • If the search expression includes more than one identifier separated by the separator character, the first identifier is used to locate a NamingContainer by the rules in the previous bullet point. Then, the findComponent() method of this NamingContainer will be called, passing the remainder of the search expression.

Note that PrimeFaces also adheres the JSF spec, but RichFaces uses "some additional exceptions".

"reRender" uses UIComponent.findComponent() algorithm (with some additional exceptions) to find the component in the component tree.

Those additional exceptions are nowhere in detail described, but it's known that relative component IDs (i.e. those not starting with :) are not only searched in the context of the closest parent NamingContainer, but also in all other NamingContainer components in the same view (which is a relatively expensive job by the way).

Never use prependId="false"

If this all still doesn't work, then verify if you aren't using <h:form prependId="false">. This will fail during processing the ajax submit and render. See also this related question: UIForm with prependId="false" breaks <f:ajax render>.

Referencing specific iteration round of iterating components

It was for long time not possible to reference a specific iterated item in iterating components like <ui:repeat> and <h:dataTable> like so:

<h:form id="form">
    <ui:repeat id="list" value="#{['one','two','three']}" var="item">
        <h:outputText id="item" value="#{item}" /><br/>

    <h:commandButton value="Update second item">
        <f:ajax render=":form:list:1:item" />

However, since Mojarra 2.2.5 the <f:ajax> started to support it (it simply stopped validating it; thus you would never face the in the question mentioned exception anymore; another enhancement fix is planned for that later).

This only doesn't work yet in current MyFaces 2.2.7 and PrimeFaces 5.2 versions. The support might come in the future versions. In the meanwhile, your best bet is to update the iterating component itself, or a parent in case it doesn't render HTML, like <ui:repeat>.

When using PrimeFaces, consider Search Expressions or Selectors

PrimeFaces Search Expressions allows you to reference components via JSF component tree search expressions. JSF has several builtin:

  • @this: current component
  • @form: parent UIForm
  • @all: entire document
  • @none: nothing

PrimeFaces has enhanced this with new keywords and composite expression support:

  • @parent: parent component
  • @namingcontainer: parent UINamingContainer
  • @widgetVar(name): component as identified by given widgetVar

You can also mix those keywords in composite expressions such as @form:@parent, @this:@parent:@parent, etc.

PrimeFaces Selectors (PFS) as in @(.someclass) allows you to reference components via jQuery CSS selector syntax. E.g. referencing components having all a common style class in the HTML output. This is particularly helpful in case you need to reference "a lot of" components. This only prerequires that the target components have all a client ID in the HTML output (fixed or autogenerated, doesn't matter). See also How do PrimeFaces Selectors as in update="@(.myClass)" work?

PHP date time greater than today

You are not comparing dates. You are comparing strings. In the world of string comparisons, 09/17/2015 > 01/02/2016 because 09 > 01. You need to either put your date in a comparable string format or compare DateTime objects which are comparable.

 $date_now = date("Y-m-d"); // this format is string comparable

if ($date_now > '2016-01-02') {
    echo 'greater than';
    echo 'Less than';



 $date_now = new DateTime();
 $date2    = new DateTime("01/02/2016");

if ($date_now > $date2) {
    echo 'greater than';
    echo 'Less than';


Switch to another branch without changing the workspace files

Git. Switch to another branch

git checkout branch_name

Emulator in Android Studio doesn't start

For the me issue was that I had 2 other Android Emulators running. Once I closed those, I was able to start the new one.

How to get the last value of an ArrayList

If you use a LinkedList instead , you can access the first element and the last one with just getFirst() and getLast() (if you want a cleaner way than size() -1 and get(0))


Declare a LinkedList

LinkedList<Object> mLinkedList = new LinkedList<>();

Then this are the methods you can use to get what you want, in this case we are talking about FIRST and LAST element of a list

     * Returns the first element in this list.
     * @return the first element in this list
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
    public E getFirst() {
        final Node<E> f = first;
        if (f == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return f.item;

     * Returns the last element in this list.
     * @return the last element in this list
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
    public E getLast() {
        final Node<E> l = last;
        if (l == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return l.item;

     * Removes and returns the first element from this list.
     * @return the first element from this list
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
    public E removeFirst() {
        final Node<E> f = first;
        if (f == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return unlinkFirst(f);

     * Removes and returns the last element from this list.
     * @return the last element from this list
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
    public E removeLast() {
        final Node<E> l = last;
        if (l == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return unlinkLast(l);

     * Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this list.
     * @param e the element to add
    public void addFirst(E e) {

     * Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
     * <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #add}.
     * @param e the element to add
    public void addLast(E e) {

So , then you can use


to get the last element of the list.

correct way to define class variables in Python

I think this sample explains the difference between the styles:

#!/usr/bin/env python

class MyClass:
    element1 = "Hello"

    def __init__(self):
        self.element2 = "World"

obj = MyClass()

print dir(MyClass)
print "--"
print dir(obj)
print "--"
print obj.element1 
print obj.element2
print MyClass.element1 + " " + MyClass.element2
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'element1']
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'element1', 'element2']
Hello World
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 17, in <module>
    print MyClass.element2
AttributeError: class MyClass has no attribute 'element2'

element1 is bound to the class, element2 is bound to an instance of the class.

How to Verify if file exist with VB script

There is no built-in functionality in VBS for that, however, you can use the FileSystemObject FileExists function for that :

Option Explicit
DIM fso    
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (fso.FileExists("C:\Program Files\conf")) Then
  WScript.Echo("File exists!")
  WScript.Echo("File does not exist!")
End If


Write to rails console

In addition to already suggested p and puts — well, actually in most cases you do can write "blah" just as you suggested yourself. It works in console too, not only in server mode.

But if all you want is console debugging, puts and p are much shorter to write, anyway.

How do I copy items from list to list without foreach?

For a list of elements

List<string> lstTest = new List<string>();


If you want to copy all the elements

List<string> lstNew = new List<string>();

If you want to copy the first 3 elements

List<string> lstNew = lstTest.GetRange(0, 3);

Visual Studio Code cannot detect installed git

I faced this problem on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5 after upgrading Xcode.

When I run git command, I received below message:

Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please run “sudo xcodebuild -license” and then retry this command.

After running sudo xcodebuild -license command, below message appears:

You have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements. You must agree to both license agreements below in order to use Xcode.

Hit the Enter key to view the license agreements at '/Applications/'

Typing Enter key to open license agreements and typing space key to review details of it, until below message appears:

By typing 'agree' you are agreeing to the terms of the software license agreements. Type 'print' to print them or anything else to cancel, [agree, print, cancel]

The final step is simply typing agree to sign with the license agreement.

After typing git command, we can check that VSCode detected git again.

How to know what the 'errno' means?

I use the following script:


import errno
import os
import sys

toname = dict((str(getattr(errno, x)), x) 
              for x in dir(errno) 
              if x.startswith("E"))
tocode = dict((x, getattr(errno, x)) 
              for x in dir(errno) 
              if x.startswith("E"))

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    if arg in tocode:
        print arg, tocode[arg], os.strerror(tocode[arg])
    elif arg in toname:
        print toname[arg], arg, os.strerror(int(arg))
        print "Unknown:", arg

Python write line by line to a text file

You may want to look into os dependent line separators, e.g.:

import os

with open('./output.txt', 'a') as f1:
    f1.write(content + os.linesep)

How can I slice an ArrayList out of an ArrayList in Java?

I have found a way if you know startIndex and endIndex of the elements one need to remove from ArrayList

Let al be the original ArrayList and startIndex,endIndex be start and end index to be removed from the array respectively:

al.subList(startIndex, endIndex + 1).clear();

How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?

Or, if you're customizing the dialog using a theme defined in your style xml, put this line in your theme:

<item name="android:windowCloseOnTouchOutside">true</item>

Android Studio - Emulator - eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented

I've found the same thing, but only on emulators that have the Use Host GPU setting ticked. Try turning that off, you'll no longer see those warnings (and the emulator will run horribly, horribly slowly..)

In my experience those warnings are harmless. Notice that the "error" is EGL_SUCCESS, which would seem to indicate no error at all!

Create a temporary table in MySQL with an index from a select


Example :


How to encrypt and decrypt file in Android?

You could use java-aes-crypto or Facebook's Conceal


Quoting from the repo

A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid the classic mistakes that most such classes suffer from.

Facebook's conceal

Quoting from the repo

Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data

What is the proper way to display the full InnerException?

@Jon's answer is the best solution when you want full detail (all the messages and the stack trace) and the recommended one.

However, there might be cases when you just want the inner messages, and for these cases I use the following extension method:

public static class ExceptionExtensions
    public static string GetFullMessage(this Exception ex)
        return ex.InnerException == null 
             ? ex.Message 
             : ex.Message + " --> " + ex.InnerException.GetFullMessage();

I often use this method when I have different listeners for tracing and logging and want to have different views on them. That way I can have one listener which sends the whole error with stack trace by email to the dev team for debugging using the .ToString() method and one that writes a log on file with the history of all the errors that happened each day without the stack trace with the .GetFullMessage() method.

How can get the text of a div tag using only javascript (no jQuery)

You can use innerHTML(then parse text from HTML) or use innerText.

let textContentWithHTMLTags = document.querySelector('div').innerHTML; 
let textContent = document.querySelector('div').innerText;

console.log(textContentWithHTMLTags, textContent);

innerHTML and innerText is supported by all browser(except FireFox < 44) including IE6.

Undo a particular commit in Git that's been pushed to remote repos

Identify the hash of the commit, using git log, then use git revert <commit> to create a new commit that removes these changes. In a way, git revert is the converse of git cherry-pick -- the latter applies the patch to a branch that's missing it, the former removes it from a branch that has it.

How do I calculate the date in JavaScript three months prior to today?

To make things really simple you can use DateJS, a date library for JavaScript:

Example code for you:{ months: -1 });

Why I got " cannot be resolved to a type" error?

You probably missed package declaration

package my.demo.service;
public class CarService {

Can't find bundle for base name

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name
    org.jfree.chart.LocalizationBundle, locale en_US

To the point, the exception message tells in detail that you need to have either of the following files in the classpath:






Also see the official Java tutorial about resourcebundles for more information.

But as this is actually a 3rd party managed properties file, you shouldn't create one yourself. It should be already available in the JFreeChart JAR file. So ensure that you have it available in the classpath during runtime. Also ensure that you're using the right version, the location of the propertiesfile inside the package tree might have changed per JFreeChart version.

When executing a JAR file, you can use the -cp argument to specify the classpath. E.g.:

java -jar -cp c:/path/to/jfreechart.jar yourfile.jar

Alternatively you can specify the classpath as class-path entry in the JAR's manifest file. You can use in there relative paths which are relative to the JAR file itself. Do not use the %CLASSPATH% environment variable, it's ignored by JAR's and everything else which aren't executed with java.exe without -cp, -classpath and -jar arguments.

2D array values C++

One alternative is to represent your 2D array as a 1D array. This can make element-wise operations more efficient. You should probably wrap it in a class that would also contain width and height.

Another alternative is to represent a 2D array as an std::vector<std::vector<int> >. This will let you use STL's algorithms for array arithmetic, and the vector will also take care of memory management for you.

Getting "error": "unsupported_grant_type" when trying to get a JWT by calling an OWIN OAuth secured Web Api via Postman

I was getting this error too and the reason ended up being wrong call url. I am leaving this answer here, if someone else happens to mix the urls and getting this error. Took me hours to realize I had wrong URL.

Error I got (HTTP code 400):

    "error": "unsupported_grant_type",
    "error_description": "grant type not supported"

I was calling:

While the correct URL would have been:

make div's height expand with its content

This problem arises when the Child elements of a Parent Div are floated. Here is the Latest Solution of the problem:

In your CSS file write the following class called .clearfix along with the pseudo selector :after

.clearfix:after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

Then, in your HTML, add the .clearfix class to your parent Div. For example:

<div class="clearfix">

It should work always. You can call the class name as .group instead of .clearfix , as it will make the code more semantic. Note that, it is Not necessary to add the dot or even a space in the value of Content between the double quotation "". Also, overflow: auto; might solve the problem but it causes other problems like showing the scroll-bar and is not recommended.

Source: Blog of Lisa Catalano and Chris Coyier

ActiveRecord find and only return selected columns

My answer comes quite late because I'm a pretty new developer. This is what you can do:, :website, :city).find(

Btw, this is Rails 4

Match at every second occurrence

If you're using C#, you can either get all the matches at once (i.e. use Regex.Matches(), which returns a MatchCollection, and check the index of the item: index % 2 != 0).

If you want to find the occurrence to replace it, use one of the overloads of Regex.Replace() that uses a MatchEvaluator (e.g. Regex.Replace(String, String, MatchEvaluator). Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = "abcdabcd";

            // Replace *second* a with m

            string replacedString = Regex.Replace(
                new SecondOccuranceFinder("m").MatchEvaluator);



        class SecondOccuranceFinder
            public SecondOccuranceFinder(string replaceWith)
                _replaceWith = replaceWith;
                _matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(IsSecondOccurance);

            private string _replaceWith;

            private MatchEvaluator _matchEvaluator;
            public MatchEvaluator MatchEvaluator
                    return _matchEvaluator;

            private int _matchIndex;
            public string IsSecondOccurance(Match m)
                if (_matchIndex % 2 == 0)
                    return _replaceWith;
                    return m.Value;

Loop through Map in Groovy?

Alternatively you could use a for loop as shown in the Groovy Docs:

def map = ['a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3]
for ( e in map ) {
    print "key = ${e.key}, value = ${e.value}"

key = a, value = 1
key = b, value = 2
key = c, value = 3

One benefit of using a for loop as opposed to an each closure is easier debugging, as you cannot hit a break point inside an each closure (when using Netbeans).

Rotating a two-dimensional array in Python

Rotating Counter Clockwise ( standard column to row pivot ) As List and Dict

rows = [
  ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],

pivot = []

for row in rows:
  for column, cell in enumerate(row):
    if len(pivot) == column: pivot.append([])

print(dict([(row[0], row[1:]) for row in pivot]))


[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], [1]]
[['A', 1, 1, 1, 1], ['B', 2, 2, 2], ['C', 3, 3], ['D', 4]]
{'A': [1, 1, 1, 1], 'B': [2, 2, 2], 'C': [3, 3], 'D': [4]}

Angular2 disable button


I'm wondering. Why don't you want to use the [disabled] attribute binding provided by Angular 2? It's the correct way to dealt with this situation. I propose you move your isValid check via component method.

<button [disabled]="! isValid" (click)="onConfirm()">Confirm</button>

The Problem with what you tried explained below

Basically you could use ngClass here. But adding class wouldn't restrict event from firing. For firing up event on valid input, you should change click event code to below. So that onConfirm will get fired only when field is valid.

<button [ngClass]="{disabled : !isValid}" (click)="isValid && onConfirm()">Confirm</button>

Demo Here

Using WGET to run a cronjob PHP

If you want get output only when php fail:

php -r 'echo file_get_contents(;'

This way you receive an email from cronjob only when the script fails and not whenever the php is called.

Merging cells in Excel using Apache POI

i made a method that merge cells and put border.

protected void setMerge(Sheet sheet, int numRow, int untilRow, int numCol, int untilCol, boolean border) {
    CellRangeAddress cellMerge = new CellRangeAddress(numRow, untilRow, numCol, untilCol);
    if (border) {
        setBordersToMergedCells(sheet, cellMerge);


protected void setBordersToMergedCells(Sheet sheet, CellRangeAddress rangeAddress) {
    RegionUtil.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.MEDIUM, rangeAddress, sheet);
    RegionUtil.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.MEDIUM, rangeAddress, sheet);
    RegionUtil.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.MEDIUM, rangeAddress, sheet);
    RegionUtil.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.MEDIUM, rangeAddress, sheet);

Convert data file to blob

A file object is an instance of Blob but a blob object is not an instance of File

new File([], 'foo.txt') === 'File' //true
new File([], 'foo.txt') instanceof File // true
new File([], 'foo.txt') instanceof Blob // true

new Blob([]) === 'Blob' //true
new Blob([]) instanceof Blob //true
new Blob([]) instanceof File // false

new File([], 'foo.txt') === new Blob([]) //false

If you must convert a file object to a blob object, you can create a new Blob object using the array buffer of the file. See the example below.

let file = new File(['hello', ' ', 'world'], 'hello_world.txt', {type: 'text/plain'});
//or let file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files[0];
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
    let blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(], {type: file.type });

As pointed by @bgh you can also use the arrayBuffer method of the File object. See the example below.

let file = new File(['hello', ' ', 'world'], 'hello_world.txt', {type: 'text/plain'});
//or let file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files[0];

file.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => {
    let blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)], {type: file.type });

If your environment supports async/await you can use a one-liner like below

let fileToBlob = async (file) => new Blob([new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer())], {type: file.type });
console.log(await fileToBlob(new File(['hello', ' ', 'world'], 'hello_world.txt', {type: 'text/plain'})));

python: after installing anaconda, how to import pandas

The cool thing about anaconda is, that you can manage virtual environments for several projects. Those also have the benefit of keeping several python installations apart. This could be a problem when several installations of a module or package are interfering with each other.

Try the following:

  1. Create a new anaconda environment with user@machine:~$ conda create -n pandas_env python=2.7
  2. Activate the environment with user@machine:~$ source activate pandas_env on Linux/OSX or $ activate pandas_env on Windows. On Linux the active environment is shown in parenthesis in front of the user name in the shell. (I am not sure how windows handles this, but you can see it by typing $ conda info -e. The one with the * next to it is the active one)
  3. Type (pandas_env)user@machine:~$ conda list to show a list of all installed modules.
  4. If pandas is missing from this list, install it (while still inside the pandas_env environment) with (pandas_env)user@machine:~$ conda install pandas, as @Fiabetto suggested.
  5. Open python (pandas_env)user@machine:~$ python and try to load pandas again.

Note that now you are working in a python environment, that only knows the modules installed inside the pandas_env environment. Every time you want to use it you have to activate the environment. This might feel a little bit clunky at first, but really shines once you have to manage different versions of python (like 2.7 or 3.4) or you need a specific version of a module (like numpy 1.7).


If this still does not work you have several options:

  1. Check if the right pandas module is found:

    `(pandas_env)user@machine:~$ python`
    Python 2.7.10 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Sep 15 2015, 14:50:01)
    >>> import imp
    >>> imp.find_module("pandas")
    (None, '/path/to/miniconda3/envs/foo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas', ('', '', 5))
    # See what this returns on your system.
  2. Reinstall pandas in your environment with $ conda install -f pandas. This might help if you files have been corrupted somehow.

  3. Install pandas from a different source (using pip). To do this, create a new environment like above (make sure to pick a different name to avoid clashes here) but replace point 4 by (pandas_env)user@machine:~$ pip install pandas.
  4. Reinstall anaconda (make sure you pick the right version 32bit / 64bit depending on your OS, this can sometimes lead to problems). It could be possible, that your 'normal' and your anaconda python are clashing. As a last resort you could try to uninstall your 'normal' python before you reinstall anaconda.

converting a javascript string to a html object

You cannot do it with just method, unless you use some javascript framework like jquery which supports it ..

string s = '<div id="myDiv"></div>'
var htmlObject = $(s); // jquery call

but still, it would not be found by the getElementById because for that to work the element must be in the DOM... just creating in the memory does not insert it in the dom.

You would need to use append or appendTo or after etc.. to put it in the dom first..

Of'course all these can be done through regular javascript but it would take more steps to accomplish the same thing... and the logic is the same in both cases..

How to add background image for input type="button"?

You need to type it without the word image.

background: url('/image/btn.png') no-repeat;

Tested both ways and this one works.


        <style type="text/css">
                background: url(/image/btn.png) no-repeat;
                border: none;
        <input type="button" name="button" value="Search" onclick="showUser()" class="button"/>
        <input type="image" name="button" value="Search" onclick="showUser()" class="button"/>
        <input type="submit" name="button" value="Search" onclick="showUser()" class="button"/>

How to wait until an element is present in Selenium?

You need to call ignoring with exception to ignore while the WebDriver will wait.

FluentWait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<>(driver)
        .withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .pollingEvery(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

See the documentation of FluentWait for more info. But beware that this condition is already implemented in ExpectedConditions so you should use

WebElement element = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))

*Update for newer versions of Selenium:

withTimeout(long, TimeUnit) has become withTimeout(Duration)
pollingEvery(long, TimeUnit) has become pollingEvery(Duration)

So the code will look as such:

FluentWait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<>(driver)

Basic tutorial for waiting can be found here.

Dropdownlist width in IE

The hedgerwow link (the YUI animation work-around) in the first best answer is broken, I guess the domain got expired. I copied the code before it got expired, so you can find it here (owner of code can let me know if I am breaching any copyrights by uploading it again)

On the same blog post I wrote about making an exact same SELECT element like the normal one using YUI Button menu. Have a look and let me know if this helps!

Timestamp conversion in Oracle for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

VALUES(TO_DATE('2012-03-28 11:10:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));!4/22115/1

What is .Net Framework 4 extended?

Got this from Bing. Seems Microsoft has removed some features from the core framework and added it to a separate optional(?) framework component.

To quote from MSDN (

The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile does not include the following features. You must install the .NET Framework 4 to use these features in your application:

* Advanced Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) functionality
* .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle
* MSBuild for compiling

How to dismiss notification after action has been clicked

When you called notify on the notification manager you gave it an id - that is the unique id you can use to access it later (this is from the notification manager:

notify(int id, Notification notification)

To cancel, you would call:

cancel(int id)

with the same id. So, basically, you need to keep track of the id or possibly put the id into a Bundle you add to the Intent inside the PendingIntent?

How to copy file from one location to another location?

Copy a file from one location to another location means,need to copy the whole content to another location.Files.copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) throws IOException this method expects source location which is original file location and target location which is a new folder location with destination same type file(as original). Either Target location needs to exist in our system otherwise we need to create a folder location and then in that folder location we need to create a file with the same name as original filename.Then using copy function we can easily copy a file from one location to other.

 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
                String destFolderPath = "D:/TestFile/abc";
                String fileName = "pqr.xlsx";
                String sourceFilePath= "D:/TestFile/xyz.xlsx";
                File f = new File(destFolderPath);
                    System.out.println("Directory created!!!!");
                else {
                    System.out.println("Directory Exists!!!!");
                f= new File(destFolderPath,fileName);
                if(f.createNewFile())   {

                    System.out.println("File Created!!!!");
                }   else {
                    System.out.println("File exists!!!!");

                Files.copy(Paths.get(sourceFilePath), Paths.get(destFolderPath, fileName),REPLACE_EXISTING);
                System.out.println("Copy done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");


Custom designing EditText


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="#ffffff" />
    <corners android:radius="5dp"/>
    <stroke android:width="2dip" android:color="@color/button_color_submit" />

use here


How to install SimpleJson Package for Python

Really simple way is:

pip install simplejson

AWS S3 CLI - Could not connect to the endpoint URL

Everyone has different defaults, and interestingly it will change after time. As an example, first I was on global, and then after 15 minutes it shows Ohio (which is us-east-2).

The best approach is to check it during your work -- in console of your AWS working area, just set it on the right above side near your name on top bar check your region name and click on the down arrow to see your region.

In AWS CLI type aws configure or aws2 configure, give your access and secret id, then during default region, write your region and press Enter.

You will definitely get access to specific region set and it will work.

Setting the default value of a DateTime Property to DateTime.Now inside the System.ComponentModel Default Value Attrbute

public DateTime DateCreated
      return (this.dateCreated == default(DateTime))
         ? this.dateCreated = DateTime.Now
         : this.dateCreated;

   set { this.dateCreated = value; }
private DateTime dateCreated = default(DateTime);

$("#form1").validate is not a function

Make sure that jQuery is using the $ variable, and its not another javascript framework.

Check your doctype: Validate your html, sometimes browsers don't see stuff in quirks mode, or when they encouter malformed html.

Also ensure that jquery.validate.js file is correct.

You can download it below:


Have a look at <openssl/pem.h>. It gives possible BEGIN markers.

Copying the content from the above link for quick reference:

#define PEM_STRING_X509_CRL "X509 CRL"
#define PEM_STRING_PKCS7    "PKCS7"
#define PEM_STRING_CMS      "CMS"

Value does not fall within the expected range

In case of WSS 3.0 recently I experienced same issue. It was because of column that was accessed from code was not present in the wss list.

Very simple log4j2 XML configuration file using Console and File appender

There are excellent answers, but if you want to color your console logs you can use the pattern :

<PatternLayout pattern="%style{%date{DEFAULT}}{yellow}
            [%t] %highlight{%-5level}{FATAL=bg_red, ERROR=red, WARN=yellow, INFO=green} %logger{36} - %message\n"/>

The full log4j2 file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
        <Property name="APP_LOG_ROOT">/opt/test/log</Property>
        <Console name="ConsoleAppender" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <PatternLayout pattern="%style{%date{DEFAULT}}{yellow}
                [%t] %highlight{%-5level}{FATAL=bg_red, ERROR=red, WARN=yellow, INFO=green} %logger{36} - %message\n"/>
        <RollingFile name="XML_ROLLING_FILE_APPENDER"
            <PatternLayout pattern="%d{DEFAULT} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
                <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="19500KB"/>
        <Root level="error">
            <AppenderRef ref="ConsoleAppender"/>
        <Logger name="com.compName.projectName" level="debug">
            <AppenderRef ref="XML_ROLLING_FILE_APPENDER"/>

And the logs will look like this: enter image description here

Check mySQL version on Mac 10.8.5

Or just call mysql command with --version option.

mysql --version

Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

I use a very old java. Jdk 1.4.08 and I had the same issue. The Node class for me did not had the getTextContent() method. I had to use Node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() instead of Node.getNodeValue() to get the value of the node. This fixed for me.

What does "&" at the end of a linux command mean?

The & makes the command run in the background.

From man bash:

If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell. The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0.

Perform curl request in javascript?

You can use JavaScripts Fetch API (available in your browser) to make network requests.

If using node, you will need to install the node-fetch package.

const url = "";

const options = {
  headers: {
    Authorization: "Bearer 6Q************"

fetch(url, options)
  .then( res => res.json() )
  .then( data => console.log(data) );

Change Color of Fonts in DIV (CSS)

Your first CSS selector—social.h2—is looking for the "social" element in the "h2", class, e.g.:

<social class="h2">

Class selectors are proceeded with a dot (.). Also, use a space () to indicate that one element is inside of another. To find an <h2> descendant of an element in the social class, try something like:

.social h2 {
  color: pink;
  font-size: 14px;

To get a better understanding of CSS selectors and how they are used to reference your HTML, I suggest going through the interactive HTML and CSS tutorials from CodeAcademy. I hope that this helps point you in the right direction.

Extract csv file specific columns to list in Python

import csv
from sys import argv

d = open("mydata.csv", "r")

db = []

for line in csv.reader(d):

# the rest of your code with 'db' filled with your list of lists as rows and columbs of your csv file.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

Follow this instructions from standard eclipse docs.

  1. From the main menu bar, select command link File > Import.... The Import wizard opens.
  2. Select General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
  3. Choose either Select root directory or Select archive file and click the associated Browse to locate the directory or file containing the projects.
  4. Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
  5. Click Finish to start the import.

Bootstrap 4 dropdown with search

I could not find a standard control and had 0 intention to use a library such as bootstrap select so I custom made this widget. Bootstrap 4 allows you to add forms inside your dropdown which is what I have used here. I added a search box, used an input event to capture the text entered by the user inside the box, If the phrase entered by the user starts with the items inside the box, I show the items else I hide them. I also handle the click event on any item to change the text of the dropdown button

//Initialize with the list of symbols_x000D_
//Find the input search box_x000D_
let search = document.getElementById("searchCoin")_x000D_
//Find every item inside the dropdown_x000D_
let items = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-item")_x000D_
function buildDropDown(values) {_x000D_
    let contents = []_x000D_
    for (let name of values) {_x000D_
    contents.push('<input type="button" class="dropdown-item" type="button" value="' + name + '"/>')_x000D_
    //Hide the row that shows no items were found_x000D_
//Capture the event when user types into the search box_x000D_
window.addEventListener('input', function () {_x000D_
//For every word entered by the user, check if the symbol starts with that word_x000D_
//If it does show the symbol, else hide it_x000D_
function filter(word) {_x000D_
    let length = items.length_x000D_
    let collection = []_x000D_
    let hidden = 0_x000D_
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {_x000D_
    if (items[i].value.toLowerCase().startsWith(word)) {_x000D_
    else {_x000D_
    //If all items are hidden, show the empty view_x000D_
    if (hidden === length) {_x000D_
    else {_x000D_
//If the user clicks on any item, set the title of the button as the text of the item_x000D_
$('#menuItems').on('click', '.dropdown-item', function(){_x000D_
.dropdown {_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
.dropdown-menu {_x000D_
  max-height: 20rem;_x000D_
  overflow-y: auto;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="dropdown">_x000D_
    <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdown_coins" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true"_x000D_
    <div id="menu" class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdown_coins">_x000D_
        <form class="px-4 py-2">_x000D_
            <input type="search" class="form-control" id="searchCoin" placeholder="BTC" autofocus="autofocus">_x000D_
        <div id="menuItems"></div>_x000D_
        <div id="empty" class="dropdown-header">No coins found</div>_x000D_


The code above uses show() and hide() inside a loop which is why the UI is slow when you clear everything you typed in case you didn't notice. Instead of that, use .css({display: 'none'}) and .css({display: 'block'})

"Android library projects cannot be launched"?

our project surely is configured as "library" thats why you get the message : "Android library projects cannot be launched."

right-click in your project and select Properties. In the Properties window -> "Android" -> uncheck the option "is Library" and apply -> Click "ok" to close the properties window.

Programmatically close aspx page from code behind

 protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

          // Your code goes here.
                  string  close =    @"<script type='text/javascript'>
                                window.returnValue = true;


How to send a JSON object using html form data

you code is fine but never executed, cause of submit button [type="submit"] just replace it by type=button

<input value="Submit" type="button" onclick="submitform()">

inside your script; form is not declared.

let form = document.forms[0];, form.action, true);

UTF-8 encoded html pages show ? (questions marks) instead of characters

Check if any of your .php files which printing some text, also is correctly encoding in utf-8.

Space between two divs

If you don't require support for IE6:

h1 {margin-bottom:20px;}
div + div {margin-top:10px;}

The second line adds spacing between divs, but will not add any before the first div or after the last one.

How do I activate a virtualenv inside PyCharm's terminal?

Thanks Chris, your script worked for some projects but not all on my machine. Here is a script that I wrote and I hope anyone finds it useful.

#Stored in ~/.pycharmrc 

ACTIVATERC=$(python -c 'import re
import os
from glob import glob

  #sets Current Working Directory to _the_projects .idea folder

  #gets every file in the cwd and sets _the_projects iml file
  for file in glob("*"): 
    if re.match("(.*).iml", file):
      project_iml_file = file

  #gets _the_virtual_env for _the_project
  for line in open(project_iml_file):
    env_name = re.findall("~/(.*)\" jdkType", line.strip())
    # created or changed a virtual_env after project creation? this will be true
    if env_name:
      print env_name[0] + "/bin/activate"

    inherited = re.findall("type=\"inheritedJdk\"", line.strip())
    # set a virtual_env during project creation? this will be true
    if inherited:

  # find _the_virtual_env in misc.xml
  if inherited:
    for line in open("misc.xml").readlines():
      env_at_project_creation = re.findall("\~/(.*)\" project-jdk", line.strip())
      if env_at_project_creation:
        print env_at_project_creation[0] + "/bin/activate"

if [ "$ACTIVATERC" ] ; then . "$HOME/$ACTIVATERC" ; fi

Command-line Git on Windows

I had the same issue and resolved it by adding the /bin directory location to the PATH Environment Variable.

  1. Search for the file location where Git was installed, mine is C:\Users\(My UserName)\AppData\Local\GitHub. It may also be C:\Program Files (x86)\Git

  2. Once you have the location of Git you should see a /bin sub-folder. It may be in a PortableGit folder (mine is PortableGit_015aa71ef18c047ce8509ffb2f9e4bb0e3e73f13). Copy this path.

  3. Go to Control Panel > System > System Protection > Advanced > Environment Variables

  4. Choose PATH, click edit and paste the bin path there. If there are already any values in your PATH paste your Git path at the end separated with a semi-colon.

Now you can access Git command from CMD.

Sass .scss: Nesting and multiple classes?

If that is the case, I think you need to use a better way of creating a class name or a class name convention. For example, like you said you want the .container class to have different color according to a specific usage or appearance. You can do this:


.container {
  background: red;

  &--desc {
    background: blue;

  // or you can do a more specific name
  &--blue {
    background: blue;

  &--red {
    background: red;


.container {
  background: red;

.container--desc {
  background: blue;

.container--blue {
  background: blue;

.container--red {
  background: red;

The code above is based on BEM Methodology in class naming conventions. You can check this link: BEM — Block Element Modifier Methodology

How to use CSS to surround a number with a circle?

My solution here - this easily allows for different sizes and colors and ties into a CMS for editorial control. For IE degrading to squares.


<div class="circular-label label-outer label-size-large label-color-pink">
    <div class="label-inner"> 
        <span>Fashion & Beauty</span>


.circular-label {
    overflow: hidden;
    z-index: 100;
    vertical-align: middle;
    font-size: 11px;
    -webkit-box-shadow:0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    -moz-box-shadow:0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
.label-inner {
    width: 85%;
    height: 85%;
    -moz-border-radius: 50%;
    -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border: 2px dotted white;
    vertical-align: middle;
    margin: auto;
    top: 5%;
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
.label-inner > span {
    display: table;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    margin: auto;
    margin-top: 38%;
    font-size: 13px;
    line-height: 1.0em;
.circular-label.label-size-large {
    width: 110px;
    height: 110px;
    -moz-border-radius: 55px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 55px;
    border-radius: 55px;
.circular-label.label-size-med {
    width: 76px;
    height: 76px;
    -moz-border-radius: 38px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 38px;
    border-radius: 38px;
.circular-label.label-size-med .label-inner > span {
    margin-top: 33%;
.circular-label.label-size-small {
    width: 66px;
    height: 66px;
    -moz-border-radius: 33px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 33px;
    border-radius: 33px;

It's not too difficult to see how to do this. The bigger question is whether it is possible to make the dimensions of the circle scale to content.

Currently I don't think it is possible. Anyone?

git clone from another directory

In case you have space in your path, wrap it in double quotes:

$ git clone "//serverName/New Folder/Target" f1/

The term 'ng' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

Also you can run following command to resolve, npm install -g @angular/cli

Modifying list while iterating

Never alter the container you're looping on, because iterators on that container are not going to be informed of your alterations and, as you've noticed, that's quite likely to produce a very different loop and/or an incorrect one. In normal cases, looping on a copy of the container helps, but in your case it's clear that you don't want that, as the container will be empty after 50 legs of the loop and if you then try popping again you'll get an exception.

What's anything BUT clear is, what behavior are you trying to achieve, if any?! Maybe you can express your desires with a while...?

i = 0
while i < len(some_list):
    print i,                         
    print some_list.pop(0),                  
    print some_list.pop(0)

Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)

Try to use app:maxImageSize="56dp" instead of the above answers after you update your support library to v28.0.0


You can simply use $_GET especially if you know the othervar's name. If you want to be on the safe side, use if (isset ($_GET ['varname'])) to test for existence.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

This means that you must declare strict mode by writing "use strict" at the beginning of the file or the function to use block-scope declarations.


function test(){
    "use strict";
    let a = 1;

How do I detect whether a Python variable is a function?

If you want to detect everything that syntactically looks like a function: a function, method, built-in fun/meth, lambda ... but exclude callable objects (objects with __call__ method defined), then try this one:

import types
isinstance(x, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.MethodType, types.BuiltinMethodType, types.UnboundMethodType))

I compared this with the code of is*() checks in inspect module and the expression above is much more complete, especially if your goal is filtering out any functions or detecting regular properties of an object.

Sleep function Visual Basic

Since you are asking about .NET, you should change the parameter from Long to Integer. .NET's Integer is 32-bit. (Classic VB's integer was only 16-bit.)

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal Milliseconds As Integer)

Really though, the managed method isn't difficult...


Be careful when you do this. In a forms application, you block the message pump and what not, making your program to appear to have hanged. Rarely is sleep a good idea.

How do you know a variable type in java?

Use operator overloading feature of java

class Test {

    void printType(String x) {

    void printType(int x) {     

    // same goes on with boolean,double,float,object ...


Convert a Unicode string to an escaped ASCII string

Here is my current implementation:

public static class UnicodeStringExtensions
    public static string EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(this string value) {
        var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value);
        var sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(value.Length);
        bool encodedsomething = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += 2) {
            var c = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, i);
            if ((c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7f) || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D) {
                sb.Append((char) c);
            } else {
                encodedsomething = true;
        if (!encodedsomething) {
            return value;
        return StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(sb);

    public static string DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters(this string value)
      => Regex.Replace(value,/*language=regexp*/@"(?:\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})+", Decode);

    static readonly string[] Splitsequence = new [] { "\\u" };
    private static string Decode(Match m) {
        var bytes = m.Value.Split(Splitsequence, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                .Select(s => ushort.Parse(s, NumberStyles.HexNumber)).SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray();
        return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes);

This passes a test:

public void TestBigUnicode() {
    var s = "\U00020000";
    var encoded = s.EncodeNonAsciiCharacters();
    var decoded = encoded.DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters();
    Assert.Equals(s, decoded);

with the encoded value: "\ud840\udc00"

This implementation makes use of a StringBuilderCache (reference source link)

How to check if a number is a power of 2

A number is a power of 2 if it contains only 1 set bit. We can use this property and the generic function countSetBits to find if a number is power of 2 or not.

This is a C++ program:

int countSetBits(int n)
        int c = 0;
                c += 1;
                n  = n & (n-1);
        return c;

bool isPowerOfTwo(int n)
        return (countSetBits(n)==1);
int main()
    int i, val[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,15,16,22,32,38,64,70};
    for(i=0; i<sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]); i++)
        printf("Num:%d\tSet Bits:%d\t is power of two: %d\n",val[i], countSetBits(val[i]), isPowerOfTwo(val[i]));
    return 0;

We dont need to check explicitly for 0 being a Power of 2, as it returns False for 0 as well.


Num:0   Set Bits:0   is power of two: 0
Num:1   Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:2   Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:3   Set Bits:2   is power of two: 0
Num:4   Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:5   Set Bits:2   is power of two: 0
Num:15  Set Bits:4   is power of two: 0
Num:16  Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:22  Set Bits:3   is power of two: 0
Num:32  Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:38  Set Bits:3   is power of two: 0
Num:64  Set Bits:1   is power of two: 1
Num:70  Set Bits:3   is power of two: 0

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension

Getting Laravel working on Apache

PHP version : PHP 5.5.9

Ubuntu version : 14.04

i had a working laravel project on windows. when i copied it to ubuntu server , i started getting the mcrypt error. this after a lot of hours of trial and error

getting artisan command working

(if you are having mcrypt error while using artisan command line tool)

i did a lot of trial and error so each time i run the php5enmod command before, i had error messages. but on fresh install there was no error messages. after this step i got artisan command working

sudo rm /etc/php5/mods-available/mcrypt.ini
sudo apt-get purge php5-mcrypt
sudo apt-get install mcrypt
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
sudo php5enmod mcrypt

fixing the browser error

(if you are having mcrypt error in browser when accessing local laravel index page)

sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

add the following line under the dynamically compiled extensions section of php ini

restart the apache server , purge the laravel cache and everything working

How to convert a Base64 string into a Bitmap image to show it in a ImageView?

To check online you can use

You can convert string to image like this way

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.widget.ImageView;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ImageView image =(ImageView)findViewById(;

        //encode image to base64 string
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.logo);
        bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
        byte[] imageBytes = baos.toByteArray();
        String imageString = Base64.encodeToString(imageBytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

        //decode base64 string to image
        imageBytes = Base64.decode(imageString, Base64.DEFAULT);
        Bitmap decodedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);

Understanding ASP.NET Eval() and Bind()

The question was answered perfectly by Darin Dimitrov, but since ASP.NET 4.5, there is now a better way to set up these bindings to replace* Eval() and Bind(), taking advantage of the strongly-typed bindings.

*Note: this will only work if you're not using a SqlDataSource or an anonymous object. It requires a Strongly-typed object (from an EF model or any other class).

This code snippet shows how Eval and Bind would be used for a ListView control (InsertItem needs Bind, as explained by Darin Dimitrov above, and ItemTemplate is read-only (hence they're labels), so just needs an Eval):

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Id" InsertItemPosition="LastItem" SelectMethod="ListView1_GetData" InsertMethod="ListView1_InsertItem" DeleteMethod="ListView1_DeleteItem">
            Title: <asp:TextBox ID="Title" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'/><br />         
            Description: <asp:TextBox ID="Description" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' /><br />        
            <asp:Button ID="InsertButton" runat="server" Text="Insert" CommandName="Insert" />        
            Title: <asp:Label ID="Title" runat="server" Text='<%#  Eval("Title") %>' /><br />
            Description: <asp:Label ID="Description" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Description") %>' /><br />        
            <asp:Button ID="DeleteButton" runat="server" Text="Delete" CommandName="Delete" CausesValidation="false"/>

From ASP.NET 4.5+, data-bound controls have been extended with a new property ItemType, which points to the type of object you're assigning to its data source.

<asp:ListView ItemType="Picture" ID="ListView1" runat="server" ...>

Picture is the strongly type object (from EF model). We then replace:

Bind(property) ->
Eval(property) ->

So this:

<%# Bind("Title") %>      
<%# Bind("Description") %>         
<%#  Eval("Title") %> 
<%# Eval("Description") %>

Would become this:

<%# BindItem.Title %>         
<%# BindItem.Description %>
<%# Item.Title %>
<%# Item.Description %>

Advantages over Eval & Bind:

  • IntelliSense can find the correct property of the object your're working withenter image description here
  • If property is renamed/deleted, you will get an error before page is viewed in browser
  • External tools (requires full versions of VS) will correctly rename item in markup when you rename a property on your object

Source: from this excellent book

How to upgrade OpenSSL in CentOS 6.5 / Linux / Unix from source?

rpm -qa openssl yum clean all && yum update "openssl*" lsof -n | grep ssl | grep DEL cd /usr/src wget tar -zxf openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz cd openssl-1.0.1g ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl shared ./config make make test make install cd /usr/src rm -rf openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz rm -rf openssl-1.0.1g


openssl version

Add new column in Pandas DataFrame Python

The easiest way that I found for adding a column to a DataFrame was to use the "add" function. Here's a snippet of code, also with the output to a CSV file. Note that including the "columns" argument allows you to set the name of the column (which happens to be the same as the name of the np.array that I used as the source of the data).

#  now to create a PANDAS data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSBasal, columns=['FF_maxRSSBasal'])
# from here on, we use the trick of creating a new dataframe and then "add"ing it
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSPrism, columns=['FF_maxRSSPrism'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSPyramidal, columns=['FF_maxRSSPyramidal'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = deltaFF_strainE22, columns=['deltaFF_strainE22'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = scaled, columns=['scaled'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = deltaFF_orientation, columns=['deltaFF_orientation'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )

create array from mysql query php

Very often this is done in a while loop:

$types = array();

while(($row =  mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
    $types[] = $row['type'];

Have a look at the examples in the documentation.

The mysql_fetch_* methods will always get the next element of the result set:

Returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.

That is why the while loops works. If there aren't any rows anymore $row will be false and the while loop exists.

It only seems that mysql_fetch_array gets more than one row, because by default it gets the result as normal and as associative value:

By using MYSQL_BOTH (default), you'll get an array with both associative and number indices.

Your example shows it best, you get the same value 18 and you can access it via $v[0] or $v['type'].

Java using enum with switch statement

If whichView is an object of the GuideView Enum, following works well. Please note that there is no qualifier for the constant after case.

switch (whichView) {
    case SEVEN_DAY:
    case NOW_SHOWING:

Examples of Algorithms which has O(1), O(n log n) and O(log n) complexities


O(2N) denotes an algorithm whose growth doubles with each additon to the input data set. The growth curve of an O(2N) function is exponential - starting off very shallow, then rising meteorically. An example of an O(2N) function is the recursive calculation of Fibonacci numbers:

int Fibonacci (int number)
if (number <= 1) return number;
return Fibonacci(number - 2) + Fibonacci(number - 1);

How do I concatenate const/literal strings in C?

You are trying to copy a string into an address that is statically allocated. You need to cat into a buffer.




Pointer to the destination array, which should contain a C string, and be large enough to contain the concatenated resulting string.


There's an example here as well.

How do I check two or more conditions in one <c:if>?


when you have more than one condition with and and or is better separate with () to avoid verification problems

<c:if test="${(not validID) and (addressIso == 'US' or addressIso == 'BR')}">

Reshape an array in NumPy

a = np.arange(18).reshape(9,2)
b = a.reshape(3,3,2).swapaxes(0,2)

# a: 
array([[ 0,  1],
       [ 2,  3],
       [ 4,  5],
       [ 6,  7],
       [ 8,  9],
       [10, 11],
       [12, 13],
       [14, 15],
       [16, 17]])

# b:
array([[[ 0,  6, 12],
        [ 2,  8, 14],
        [ 4, 10, 16]],

       [[ 1,  7, 13],
        [ 3,  9, 15],
        [ 5, 11, 17]]])

Java Scanner class reading strings

It's because the in.nextInt() doesn't change line. So you first "enter" (after you press 3 ) cause the endOfLine read by your in.nextLine() in your loop.

Here a small change that you can do:

int nnames;
    String names[];

    System.out.print("How many names are you going to save: ");
    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    nnames = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());
    names = new String[nnames];

    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
            System.out.print("Type a name: ");
            names[i] = in.nextLine();

Limiting the number of characters in a string, and chopping off the rest

Use this to cut off the non needed characters:

String.substring(0, maxLength); 


String aString ="123456789";
String cutString = aString.substring(0, 4);
// Output is: "1234" 

To ensure you are not getting an IndexOutOfBoundsException when the input string is less than the expected length do the following instead:

int maxLength = (inputString.length() < MAX_CHAR)?inputString.length():MAX_CHAR;
inputString = inputString.substring(0, maxLength);

If you want your integers and doubles to have a certain length then I suggest you use NumberFormat to format your numbers instead of cutting off their string representation.

Making a request to a RESTful API using python

Below is the program to execute the rest api in python-

import requests
url = 'https://url'
data = '{  "platform": {    "login": {      "userName": "name",      "password": "pwd"    }  } }'
response =, data=data,headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
sid=response.json()['platform']['login']['sessionId']   //to extract the detail from response

Laravel 5.1 API Enable Cors

After wasting a lot of time I finally found this silly mistake which might help you as well.

If you can't return response from your route either through function closure or through controller action then it won't work.



Route::post('login', function () {
    return response()->json(['key' => 'value'], 200); //Make sure your response is there.

Controller Action


class AuthController extends Controller {


     public function login() {
          return response()->json(['key' => 'value'], 200); //Make sure your response is there.




Chrome -> Developer Tools -> Network tab

enter image description here

If anything goes wrong then your response headers won't be here.

What is the 'instanceof' operator used for in Java?

Can be used as a shorthand in equality check.

So this code

if(ob != null && this.getClass() == ob.getClass) {

can be written as

if(ob instanceOf ClassA) {

Failed binder transaction when putting an bitmap dynamically in a widget

See my answer in this thread.

intent.putExtra("Some string",very_large_obj_for_binder_buffer);

You are exceeding the binder transaction buffer by transferring large element(s) from one activity to another activity.

How to update SQLAlchemy row entry?

With the help of user=User.query.filter_by( statement you will get the specified user in user variable.

Now you can change the value of the new object variable like user.no_of_logins += 1 and save the changes with the session's commit method.

Docker - Container is not running

By default, docker container will exit immediately if you do not have any task running on the container.

To keep the container running in the background, try to run it with --detach (or -d) argument.

For examples:

docker pull debian

docker run -t -d --name my_debian debian

docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
e7672d54b0c2        debian              "bash"              3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes                            my_debian

#now you can execute command on the container
docker exec -it my_debian bash

How do I use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable?

Actually, you can, even though accepted answer saying that you can't.

There is a _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable, more about it here

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

Had the very same issue this week when I accidentally committed, then tried to remove a build file from a shared repository, and this:

has worked fine for me and not mentioned so far.

git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>

To remove the file you're interested in from version control, then use all your other commands as normal.

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file>

If you ever wanted to put it back in.

Edit: please see comments from Chris Johnsen and KPM, this only works locally and the file remains under version control for other users if they don't also do it. The accepted answer gives more complete/correct methods for dealing with this. Also some notes from the link if using this method:

Obviously there’s quite a few caveats that come into play with this. If you git add the file directly, it will be added to the index. Merging a commit with this flag on will cause the merge to fail gracefully so you can handle it manually.

Table row and column number in jQuery

its better to bind a click handler to the entire table and then use to get the clicked TD. Thats all i can add to this as its 1:20am

JUnit 5: How to assert an exception is thrown?

Here is an easy way.

void exceptionTest() {

        fail("Exception Expected!");
   catch(SpecificException e){

   catch(Exception e){
        fail("wrong exception thrown");


It only succeeds when the Exception you expect is thrown.

Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

ex: url/:id

var sample= app.controller('sample', function ($scope, $routeParams) {
  $scope.init = function () {
    var qa_id = $routeParams.qa_id;

Get an OutputStream into a String

I would use a ByteArrayOutputStream. And on finish you can call:

new String( baos.toByteArray(), codepage );

or better:

baos.toString( codepage );

For the String constructor, the codepage can be a String or an instance of java.nio.charset.Charset. A possible value is java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8.

The method toString() accepts only a String as a codepage parameter (stand Java 8).

Visual Studio 6 Windows Common Controls 6.0 (sp6) Windows 7, 64 bit

Implementing the two directives already worked for me from within "C:\Windows\SysWOW64"

regtlib msdatsrc.tlb

It's worth noting that the DOS box should be in Administrator mode. Prior to this, I kept having errors in the vein "Class MSComctlLib.TreeView of control tvTreeView was not a loaded control class" and "Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvListView was not a loaded control class".

I am also using Visual Studio 6 on 64 bit Windows 7, with SP6 updates. I was driven here due to the same problem. In my case, I did not need to go through the registry.

Converting a year from 4 digit to 2 digit and back again in C#

Use the DateTime object ToString with a custom format string like myDate.ToString("MM/dd/yy") for example.

Difference between Dictionary and Hashtable

There is one more important difference between a HashTable and Dictionary. If you use indexers to get a value out of a HashTable, the HashTable will successfully return null for a non-existent item, whereas the Dictionary will throw an error if you try accessing a item using a indexer which does not exist in the Dictionary

sed whole word search and replace

On Mac OS X, neither of these regex syntaxes work inside sed for matching whole words

  • \bmyWord\b
  • \<myWord\>

Hear me now and believe me later, this ugly syntax is what you need to use:

  • /[[:<:]]myWord[[:>:]]/

So, for example, to replace mint with minty for whole words only:

  • sed "s/[[:<:]]mint[[:>:]]/minty/g"

Source: re_format man page

Search for a particular string in Oracle clob column

Use dbms_lob.instr and dbms_lob.substr, just like regular InStr and SubstStr functions.
Look at simple example:

SQL> create table t_clob(
  2    id number,
  3    cl clob
  4  );

Tabela zosta¦a utworzona.

SQL> insert into t_clob values ( 1, ' xxxx abcd xyz qwerty 354657 [] ' );

1 wiersz zosta¦ utworzony.

SQL> declare
  2    i number;
  3  begin
  4    for i in 1..400 loop
  5        update t_clob set cl = cl || ' xxxx abcd xyz qwerty 354657 [] ';
  6    end loop;
  7    update t_clob set cl = cl || ' CALCULATION=[N]NEW.PRODUCT_NO=[T9856] OLD.PRODUCT_NO=[T9852].... -- with other text ';
  8    for i in 1..400 loop
  9        update t_clob set cl = cl || ' xxxx abcd xyz qwerty 354657 [] ';
 10    end loop;
 11  end;
 12  /

Procedura PL/SQL zosta¦a zako?czona pomytlnie.

SQL> commit;

Zatwierdzanie zosta¦o uko?czone.
SQL> select length( cl ) from t_clob;


SQL> select dbms_lob.instr( cl, 'NEW.PRODUCT_NO=[' ) from t_clob;


SQL> select dbms_lob.substr( cl, 5,dbms_lob.instr( cl, 'NEW.PRODUCT_NO=[' ) + length( 'NEW.PRODUCT_NO=[') ) new_product
  2  from t_clob;


HTML list-style-type dash

Instead of using lu li, used dl (definition list) and dd. <dd> can be defined using standard css style such as {color:blue;font-size:1em;} and use as marker whatever symbol you place after the html tag. It works like ul li, but allows you to use any symbol, you just have to indent it to get the indented list effect you normally get with ul li.


<dd>- One</dd>
<dd>- Two</dd>
<dd>- Three</dd></dl>

Gives you much cleaner code! That way, you could use any type of character as marker! Indent is of about -10px and it works perfect!

How to run test methods in specific order in JUnit4?

If you want to run test methods in a specific order in JUnit 5, you can use the below code.

public class MyClassTest { 

    public void test1() {}

    public void test2() {}


Angular 2 Sibling Component Communication

Updated to rc.4: When trying to get data passed between sibling components in angular 2, The simplest way right now (angular.rc.4) is to take advantage of angular2's hierarchal dependency injection and create a shared service.

Here would be the service:

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';

export class SharedService {
    dataArray: string[] = [];

    insertData(data: string){

Now, here would be the PARENT component

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {SharedService} from './shared.service';
import {ChildComponent} from './child.component';
import {ChildSiblingComponent} from './child-sibling.component';
    selector: 'parent-component',
    template: `
    providers: [SharedService],
    directives: [ChildComponent, ChildSiblingComponent]
export class parentComponent{


and its two children

child 1

import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {SharedService} from './shared.service'

    selector: 'child-component',
    template: `
        <h1>I am a child</h1>
            <ul *ngFor="#data in data">
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit{
    data: string[] = [];
        private _sharedService: SharedService) { }
    ngOnInit():any { = this._sharedService.dataArray;

child 2 (It's sibling)

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {SharedService} from './shared.service'

    selector: 'child-sibling-component',
    template: `
        <h1>I am a child</h1>
        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="data"/>
        <button (click)="addData()"></button>
export class ChildSiblingComponent{
    data: string = 'Testing data';
        private _sharedService: SharedService){}
        this._sharedService.insertData(; = '';

NOW: Things to take note of when using this method.

  1. Only include the service provider for the shared service in the PARENT component and NOT the children.
  2. You still have to include constructors and import the service in the children
  3. This answer was originally answered for an early angular 2 beta version. All that has changed though are the import statements, so that is all you need to update if you used the original version by chance.

How do you redirect to a page using the POST verb?

If you want to pass data between two actions during a redirect without include any data in the query string, put the model in the TempData object.


TempData["datacontainer"] = modelData;


var modelData= TempData["datacontainer"] as ModelDataType; 

TempData is meant to be a very short-lived instance, and you should only use it during the current and the subsequent requests only! Since TempData works this way, you need to know for sure what the next request will be, and redirecting to another view is the only time you can guarantee this.

Therefore, the only scenario where using TempData will reliably work is when you are redirecting.

How do I copy the contents of one ArrayList into another?


Please Note: When using the addAll() method to copy, the contents of both the array lists (originalArrayList and copyArrayList) refer to the same objects or contents. So if you modify any one of them the other will also reflect the same change.

If you don't wan't this then you need to copy each element from the originalArrayList to the copyArrayList, like using a for or while loop.

Convert JSON array to Python list

import json

array = '{"fruits": ["apple", "banana", "orange"]}'
data  = json.loads(array)
print data['fruits']
# the print displays:
# [u'apple', u'banana', u'orange']

You had everything you needed. data will be a dict, and data['fruits'] will be a list

Why powershell does not run Angular commands?

script1.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at

This error happens due to a security measure which won't let scripts be executed on your system without you having approved of it. You can do so by opening up a powershell with administrative rights (search for powershell in the main menu and select Run as administrator from the context menu) and entering:

set-executionpolicy remotesigned

jQuery .get error response function?

If you want a generic error you can setup all $.ajax() (which $.get() uses underneath) requests jQuery makes to display an error using $.ajaxSetup(), for example:

  error: function(xhr, status, error) {
    alert("An AJAX error occured: " + status + "\nError: " + error);

Just run this once before making any AJAX calls (no changes to your current code, just stick this before somewhere). This sets the error option to default to the handler/function above, if you made a full $.ajax() call and specified the error handler then what you had would override the above.

SimpleDateFormat parsing date with 'Z' literal

The time zone should be something like "GMT+00:00" or 0000 in order to be properly parsed by the SimpleDateFormat - you can replace Z with this construction.

Where is the Global.asax.cs file?

It don't create normally; you need to add it by yourself.

After adding Global.asax by

  • Right clicking your website -> Add New Item -> Global Application Class -> Add

You need to add a class

  • Right clicking App_Code -> Add New Item -> Class -> name it Global.cs -> Add

Inherit the newly generated by System.Web.HttpApplication and copy all the method created Global.asax to Global.cs and also add an inherit attribute to the Global.asax file.

Your Global.asax will look like this: -

<%@ Application Language="C#" Inherits="Global" %>

Your Global.cs in App_Code will look like this: -

public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
    public Global()
        // TODO: Add constructor logic here

    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Code that runs on application startup

    /// Many other events like begin request...e.t.c, e.t.c

Using "If cell contains" in VBA excel

Is this what you are looking for?

 If ActiveCell.Value == "Total" Then

    ActiveCell.offset(1,0).Value = "-"

 End If

Of you could do something like this

 Dim celltxt As String
 celltxt = ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Text
 If InStr(1, celltxt, "Total") Then
    ActiveCell.offset(1,0).Value = "-"
 End If

Which is similar to what you have.

sql query to get earliest date

While using TOP or a sub-query both work, I would break the problem into steps:

Find target record

SELECT MIN( date ) AS date, id
FROM myTable
WHERE id = 2

Join to get other fields

SELECT,, mt.score,
FROM myTable mt
   SELECT MIN( date ) AS date, id
   FROM myTable
   WHERE id = 2
   GROUP BY id
) x ON = AND =

While this solution, using derived tables, is longer, it is:

  • Easier to test
  • Self documenting
  • Extendable

It is easier to test as parts of the query can be run standalone.

It is self documenting as the query directly reflects the requirement ie the derived table lists the row where id = 2 with the earliest date.

It is extendable as if another condition is required, this can be easily added to the derived table.

How can I return pivot table output in MySQL?

For MySQL you can directly put conditions in SUM() function and it will be evaluated as Boolean 0 or 1 and thus you can have your count based on your criteria without using IF/CASE statements

    SUM(action = 'EMAIL')AS Email,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 1)AS Print1Pages,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 2)AS Print2Pages,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 3)AS Print3Pages
GROUP BY company_name


How can I print literal curly-brace characters in a string and also use .format on it?

If you need curly braces within a f-string template that can be formatted, you need to output a string containing two curly braces within a set of curly braces for the f-string:

css_template = f"{{tag}} {'{{'} margin: 0; padding: 0;{'}}'}"
for_p = css_template.format(tag="p")
# 'p { margin: 0; padding: 0;}'

What GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exactly do?

GRANTs on different objects are separate. GRANTing on a database doesn't GRANT rights to the schema within. Similiarly, GRANTing on a schema doesn't grant rights on the tables within.

If you have rights to SELECT from a table, but not the right to see it in the schema that contains it then you can't access the table.

The rights tests are done in order:

Do you have `USAGE` on the schema? 
    No:  Reject access. 
    Yes: Do you also have the appropriate rights on the table? 
        No:  Reject access. 
        Yes: Check column privileges.

Your confusion may arise from the fact that the public schema has a default GRANT of all rights to the role public, which every user/group is a member of. So everyone already has usage on that schema.

The phrase:

(assuming that the objects' own privilege requirements are also met)

Is saying that you must have USAGE on a schema to use objects within it, but having USAGE on a schema is not by itself sufficient to use the objects within the schema, you must also have rights on the objects themselves.

It's like a directory tree. If you create a directory somedir with file somefile within it then set it so that only your own user can access the directory or the file (mode rwx------ on the dir, mode rw------- on the file) then nobody else can list the directory to see that the file exists.

If you were to grant world-read rights on the file (mode rw-r--r--) but not change the directory permissions it'd make no difference. Nobody could see the file in order to read it, because they don't have the rights to list the directory.

If you instead set rwx-r-xr-x on the directory, setting it so people can list and traverse the directory but not changing the file permissions, people could list the file but could not read it because they'd have no access to the file.

You need to set both permissions for people to actually be able to view the file.

Same thing in Pg. You need both schema USAGE rights and object rights to perform an action on an object, like SELECT from a table.

(The analogy falls down a bit in that PostgreSQL doesn't have row-level security yet, so the user can still "see" that the table exists in the schema by SELECTing from pg_class directly. They can't interact with it in any way, though, so it's just the "list" part that isn't quite the same.)

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

the font size to em mapping is only accurate if there is no font-size defined and changes when your container is set to different sizes.

The following works best for me but it does not account for size=7 and anything above 7 only renders as 7.

font size=1 = font-size:x-small
font size=2 = font-size:small
font size=3 = font-size:medium
font size=4 = font-size:large
font size=5 = font-size:x-large
font size=6 = font-size:xx-large

enter image description here

How to get a matplotlib Axes instance to plot to?

Use the gca ("get current axes") helper function:

ax = plt.gca()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
quotes = [(1, 5, 6, 7, 4), (2, 6, 9, 9, 6), (3, 9, 8, 10, 8), (4, 8, 8, 9, 8), (5, 8, 11, 13, 7)]
ax = plt.gca()
h =, quotes)

enter image description here

How to load data to hive from HDFS without removing the source file?

from your question I assume that you already have your data in hdfs. So you don't need to LOAD DATA, which moves the files to the default hive location /user/hive/warehouse. You can simply define the table using the externalkeyword, which leaves the files in place, but creates the table definition in the hive metastore. See here: Create Table DDL eg.:

create external table table_name (
  id int,
  myfields string
location '/my/location/in/hdfs';

Please note that the format you use might differ from the default (as mentioned by JigneshRawal in the comments). You can use your own delimiter, for example when using Sqoop:

row format delimited fields terminated by ','

Format date with Moment.js

The 2nd argument to moment() is a parsing format rather than an display format.

For that, you want the .format() method:


Also note that case does matter. For Month, Day of Month, and Year, the format should be uppercase.

Run Command Line & Command From VBS

The problem is on this line: "cmd.exe /C copy "S:Claims\Sound.wav" "C:\WINDOWS\Media\Sound.wav"

Your first quote next to "S:Claims" ends the string; you need to escape the quotes around your files with a second quote, like this: "cmd.exe /C copy ""S:\Claims\Sound.wav"" ""C:\WINDOWS\Media\Sound.wav"" "

You also have a typo in S:Claims\Sound.wav, should be S:\Claims\Sound.wav.

I also assume the apostrophe before Dim oShell and after Set oShell = Nothing are typos as well.

How to query as GROUP BY in django?

If you mean to do aggregation you can use the aggregation features of the ORM:

from django.db.models import Count

This results in a query similar to

SELECT designation, COUNT(designation) AS dcount
FROM members GROUP BY designation

and the output would be of the form

[{'designation': 'Salesman', 'dcount': 2}, 
 {'designation': 'Manager', 'dcount': 2}]

substring of an entire column in pandas dataframe

I needed to convert a single column of strings of form nn.n% to float. I needed to remove the % from the element in each row. The attend data frame has two columns.

attend.iloc[:,1:2]=attend.iloc[:,1:2].applymap(lambda x: float(x[:-1]))

Its an extenstion to the original answer. In my case it takes a dataframe and applies a function to each value in a specific column. The function removes the last character and converts the remaining string to float.