Programs & Examples On #Directions

Get driving directions using Google Maps API v2

I just release my latest library for Google Maps Direction API on Android

cut or awk command to print first field of first row

sed -n 1p /etc/*release |cut -d " " -f1

if tab delimited:

sed -n 1p /etc/*release |cut -f1

"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods"

The snippet you're showing doesn't seem to be directly responsible for the error.

This is how you can CAUSE the error:

namespace MyNameSpace

   class MyClass

If you don't immediately see what is "outside" the class, this may be due to misplaced or extra closing bracket(s) }.

List all sequences in a Postgres db 8.1 with SQL

I know the question was about postgresql version 8 but I wrote this simple way here for people who want to get sequences in version 10 and upper

you can use the bellow query

select * from pg_sequences


Using jQuery to center a DIV on the screen

This is great. I added a callback function

center: function (options, callback) {

if (options.transition > 0) {
   $(this).animate(props, options.transition, callback);
} else { 
   if (typeof callback == 'function') { // make sure the callback is a function; // brings the scope to the callback

Git error: src refspec master does not match any

The quick possible answer: When you first successfully clone an empty git repository, the origin has no master branch. So the first time you have a commit to push you must do:

git push origin master

Which will create this new master branch for you. Little things like this are very confusing with git.

If this didn't fix your issue then it's probably a gitolite-related issue:

Your conf file looks strange. There should have been an example conf file that came with your gitolite. Mine looks like this:

repo    phonegap                                                                                                                                                                           
    RW+     =   myusername otherusername                                                                                                                                               

repo    gitolite-admin                                                                                                                                                                         
    RW+     =   myusername                                                                                                                                                               

Please make sure you're setting your conf file correctly.

Gitolite actually replaces the gitolite user's account with a modified shell that doesn't accept interactive terminal sessions. You can see if gitolite is working by trying to ssh into your box using the gitolite user account. If it knows who you are it will say something like "Hi XYZ, you have access to the following repositories: X, Y, Z" and then close the connection. If it doesn't know you, it will just close the connection.

Lastly, after your first git push failed on your local machine you should never resort to creating the repo manually on the server. We need to know why your git push failed initially. You can cause yourself and gitolite more confusion when you don't use gitolite exclusively once you've set it up.

Coarse-grained vs fine-grained

In term of dataset like a text file ,Coarse-grained meaning we can transform the whole dataset but not an individual element on the dataset While fine-grained means we can transform individual element on the dataset.

Create a HTML table where each TR is a FORM

I had a problem similar to the one posed in the original question. I was intrigued by the divs styled as table elements (didn't know you could do that!) and gave it a run. However, my solution was to keep my tables wrapped in tags, but rename each input and select option to become the keys of array, which I'm now parsing to get each element in the selected row.

Here's a single row from the table. Note that key [4] is the rendered ID of the row in the database from which this table row was retrieved:

    <td><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemLabel]" value="Disabilities"></td>
    <td><select name="FormElem[4][Category]">
        <option value="1">General</option>
        <option value="3">Disability</option>
        <option value="4">Injury</option>
        <option value="2"selected>School</option>
        <option value="5">Veteran</option>
        <option value="10">Medical</option>
        <option value="9">Supports</option>
        <option value="7">Residential</option>
        <option value="8">Guardian</option>
        <option value="6">Criminal</option>
        <option value="11">Contacts</option>
    <td style="text-align:center;"><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemSeq]" value="0" style="width:2.5em; text-align:center;"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemType]" value="checkbox"></td>
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="FormElem[4][ElemRequired]"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemLabelPrefix]" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemLabelPostfix]" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FormElem[4][ElemLabelPosition]" value="before"></td>
    <td><input type="submit" name="submit[4]" value="Commit Changes"></td>

Then, in PHP, I'm using the following method to store in an array ($SelectedElem) each of the elements in the row corresponding to the submit button. I'm using print_r() just to illustrate:

$SelectedElem = implode(",", array_keys($_POST['submit']));
print_r ($_POST['FormElem'][$SelectedElem]);

Perhaps this sounds convoluted, but it turned out to be quite simple, and it preserved the organizational structure of the table.

JQuery post JSON object to a server

To send json to the server, you first have to create json

function sendData() {
        url: '/helloworld',
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: 'application/json',
        data: JSON.stringify({
        dataType: 'json'

This is how you would structure the ajax request to send the json as a post var.

function sendData() {
        url: '/helloworld',
        type: 'POST',
        data: { json: JSON.stringify({
        dataType: 'json'

The json will now be in the json post var.

SELECT max(x) is returning null; how can I make it return 0?

In SQL 2005 / 2008:


Accessing dict_keys element by index in Python3

test = {'foo': 'bar', 'hello': 'world'}
ls = []
for key in test.keys():

Conventional way of appending the keys to a statically defined list and then indexing it for same

How to resolve "local edit, incoming delete upon update" message

This issue often happens when we try to merge another branch changes from a wrong directory.


Branch2\Branch1_SubDir$ svn merge -rStart:End Branch1
   Merging at wrong location

A conflict that gets thrown on its execution is :

Tree conflict on 'Branch1_SubDir'
   > local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge

And when you select q to quit resolution, you get status as:

 M      .
!     C Branch1_SubDir
      >   local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge
!     C Branch1_AnotherSubDir
      >   local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge

which clearly means that the merge contains changes related to Branch1_SubDir and Branch1_AnotherSubDir, and these folders couldn't be found inside Branch1_SubDir(obviously a directory can't be inside itself).

How to avoid this issue at first place:

Branch2$ svn merge -rStart:End Branch1
Merging at root location

The simplest fix for this issue that worked for me :

svn revert -R .

How to enable support of CPU virtualization on Macbook Pro?

Here is a way to check is virtualization is enabled or disabled by the firmware as suggested by this link in

How to check that Intel VT-x is supported in CPU:

  1. Open Terminal application from Application/Utilities

  2. Copy/paste command bellow

sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features

  1. You may see output similar to:

Mac:~ user$ sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features kern.exec: unknown type returned machdep.cpu.features: FPU VME DE PSE TSC MSR PAE MCE CX8 APIC SEP MTRR PGE MCA CMOV PAT CLFSH DS ACPI MMX FXSR SSE SSE2 SS HTT TM SSE3 MON VMX EST TM2 TPR PDCM

If you see VMX entry then CPU supports Intel VT-x feature, but it still may be disabled.

Refer to this link on to enable hardware support for virtualization:

How to set button click effect in Android?

Create your AlphaAnimation Object that decides how much will be the fading effect of the button, then let it start in the onClickListener of your buttons

For example :

private AlphaAnimation buttonClick = new AlphaAnimation(1F, 0.8F);

// some code

public void onClick(View v) {

of course this is just a way, not the most preferred one, it's just easier

How do I split a string in Rust?

There are three simple ways:

  1. By separator:

     s.split("separator")  |  s.split('/')  |  s.split(char::is_numeric)
  2. By whitespace:

  3. By newlines:

  4. By regex: (using regex crate)

     Regex::new(r"\s").unwrap().split("one two three")

The result of each kind is an iterator:

let text = "foo\r\nbar\n\nbaz\n";
let mut lines = text.lines();



jQuery Determine if a matched class has a given id

update: sorry misunderstood the question, removed .has() answer.

another alternative way, create .hasId() plugin

// the plugin_x000D_
$.fn.hasId = function(id) {_x000D_
  return this.attr('id') == id;_x000D_
// select first class_x000D_
$('.mydiv').hasId('foo') ?_x000D_
  console.log('yes') : console.log('no');_x000D_
// select second class_x000D_
// $('.mydiv').eq(1).hasId('foo')_x000D_
// or_x000D_
$('.mydiv:eq(1)').hasId('foo') ?_x000D_
  console.log('yes') : console.log('no');
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="mydiv" id="foo"></div>_x000D_
<div class="mydiv"></div>

Show dialog from fragment?

    public static void OpenDialog (Activity activity, DialogFragment fragment){

    final FragmentManager fm = ((FragmentActivity)activity).getSupportFragmentManager();, "tag");

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

LivingRoom.objects.create() calls LivingRoom.__init__() - as you might have noticed if you had read the traceback - passing it the same arguments. To make a long story short, a Django models.Model subclass's initializer is best left alone, or should accept *args and **kwargs matching the model's meta fields. The correct way to provide default values for fields is in the field constructor using the default keyword as explained in the FineManual.

Links not going back a directory?

To go up a directory in a link, use ... This means "go up one directory", so your link will look something like this:

<a href="../index.html">Home</a>

How to get EditText value and display it on screen through TextView?

I'm just beginner to help you for getting edittext value to textview. Try out this code -

EditText edit = (EditText)findViewById(;
TextView tview = (TextView)findViewById(;
String result = edit.getText().toString();

This will get the text which is in EditText Hope this helps you.

Why does DEBUG=False setting make my django Static Files Access fail?

In I added this line:

from django.views.static import serve 

add those two urls in urlpatterns:

url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', serve,{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), 
url(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', serve,{'document_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT}), 

and both static and media files were accesible when DEBUG=FALSE.
Hope it helps :)

jQuery: how to get which button was clicked upon form submission?

You can simply get the event object when you submit the form. From that, get the submitter object. As below:

$(".review-form").submit(function (e) {
        e.preventDefault(); // avoid to execute the actual submit of the form.

        let submitter_btn = $(e.originalEvent.submitter);

In case you want to send this form to the backend, you can create a new form element by new FormData() and set the key-value pair for which button was pressed, then access it in the backend. Something like this -

$(".review-form").submit(function (e) {
        e.preventDefault(); // avoid to execute the actual submit of the form.

        let form = $(this);
        let newForm = new FormData($(form)[0]);
        let submitter_btn = $(e.originalEvent.submitter);

        if (submitter_btn.attr("name") == "approve_btn") {
            newForm.set("action_for", submitter_btn.attr("name"));
        } else if (submitter_btn.attr("name") == "reject_btn") {
            newForm.set("action_for", submitter_btn.attr("name"));
        } else {
            console.log("there is some error!");

I was basically trying to have a form where user can either approve or disapprove/ reject a product for further processes in a task. My HTML form is something like this -

<form method="POST" action="{% url 'tasks:review-task' %}"
    {% csrf_token %}
    <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="{{product.product_id}}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="task_id" value="{{product.task_id_id}}" />
    <button type="submit" name="approve_btn" class="btn btn-link" id="approve-btn">
        <i class="fa fa-check" style="color: rgb(63, 245, 63);"></i>
    <button type="submit" name="reject_btn" class="btn btn-link" id="reject-btn">
            <i class="fa fa-times" style="color: red;"></i>

Let me know if you have any doubts.

cordova Android requirements failed: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle"

For me the problem was that my android version was still on 6.1.2 which is not compatible with the newest Android Studio 2.3.1.

So what I did was run

cordova platform rm android cordova platform add [email protected]

SQL Server check case-sensitivity?

SQL Server is not case sensitive. SELECT * FROM SomeTable is the same as SeLeCT * frOM soMetaBLe.

Defining private module functions in python

Python allows for private class members with the double underscore prefix. This technique doesn't work at a module level so I am thinking this is a mistake in Dive Into Python.

Here is an example of private class functions:

class foo():
    def bar(self): pass
    def __bar(self): pass

f = foo()   # this call succeeds
f.__bar() # this call fails

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas

A simple way is to use tail(-n) to remove the first n rows


[Vue warn]: Property or method is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

Should anybody land with the same silly problem I had, make sure your component has the 'data' property spelled correctly. (eg. data, and not date)


export default {
  name: "MyComponent",
  data() {
    return {
      name: ""

IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language

query.setParameterList("name", new String[] { "Ron", "Som", "Roxi"}); fixed my issue

PHP convert XML to JSON

If you are ubuntu user install xml reader (i have php 5.6. if you have other please find package and install)

sudo apt-get install php5.6-xml
service apache2 restart

$fileContents = file_get_contents('myDirPath/filename.xml');
$fileContents = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $fileContents);
$fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents));
$oldXml = $fileContents;
$simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($fileContents);
$json = json_encode($simpleXml);

Finishing current activity from a fragment

This does not need assertion, Latest update in fragment in android JetPack


Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set

enter image description here

Here's one I made on a 1 Million point set with 3 categories (colored Red, Green, and Blue). Here's a link to the repository if you'd like to try the function. Github Repo

    colors = [

"Could not find the main class" error when running jar exported by Eclipse

I ran into the same issues the other day and it took me days to make it work. The error message was "Could not find the main class", but I can run the executable jar exported from Eclipse in other Windows machines without any problem.

The solution was to install both x64 and x86 version of the same version of JRE. The path environment variable was pointed to the x64 version. No idea why, but it worked for me.

Setting user agent of a java URLConnection

HTTP Servers tend to reject old browsers and systems.

The page Tech Blog (wh): Most Common User Agents reflects the user-agent property of your current browser in section "Your user agent is:", which can be applied to set the request property "User-Agent" of a or the system property "http.agent".

What is the difference between & vs @ and = in angularJS

I would like to explain the concepts from the perspective of JavaScript prototype inheritance. Hopefully help to understand.

There are three options to define the scope of a directive:

  1. scope: false: Angular default. The directive's scope is exactly the one of its parent scope (parentScope).
  2. scope: true: Angular creates a scope for this directive. The scope prototypically inherits from parentScope.
  3. scope: {...}: isolated scope is explained below.

Specifying scope: {...} defines an isolatedScope. An isolatedScope does not inherit properties from parentScope, although isolatedScope.$parent === parentScope. It is defined through:

app.directive("myDirective", function() {
    return {
        scope: {
            ... // defining scope means that 'no inheritance from parent'.

isolatedScope does not have direct access to parentScope. But sometimes the directive needs to communicate with the parentScope. They communicate through @, = and &. The topic about using symbols @, = and & are talking about scenarios using isolatedScope.

It is usually used for some common components shared by different pages, like Modals. An isolated scope prevents polluting the global scope and is easy to share among pages.

Here is a basic directive: An image to illustrate is:

enter image description here

@: one-way binding

@ simply passes the property from parentScope to isolatedScope. It is called one-way binding, which means you cannot modify the value of parentScope properties. If you are familiar with JavaScript inheritance, you can understand these two scenarios easily:

  • If the binding property is a primitive type, like interpolatedProp in the example: you can modify interpolatedProp, but parentProp1 would not be changed. However, if you change the value of parentProp1, interpolatedProp will be overwritten with the new value (when angular $digest).

  • If the binding property is some object, like parentObj: since the one passed to isolatedScope is a reference, modifying the value will trigger this error:

    TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'x' of {"x":1,"y":2}

=: two-way binding

= is called two-way binding, which means any modification in childScope will also update the value in parentScope, and vice versa. This rule works for both primitives and objects. If you change the binding type of parentObj to be =, you will find that you can modify the value of parentObj.x. A typical example is ngModel.

&: function binding

& allows the directive to call some parentScope function and pass in some value from the directive. For example, check JSFiddle: & in directive scope.

Define a clickable template in the directive like:

<div ng-click="vm.onCheck({valueFromDirective: vm.value + ' is from the directive'})">

And use the directive like:

<div my-checkbox value="vm.myValue" on-check="vm.myFunction(valueFromDirective)"></div>

The variable valueFromDirective is passed from the directive to the parent controller through {valueFromDirective: ....

Reference: Understanding Scopes

How to find if an array contains a string

Another simple way using JOIN and INSTR

Sub Sample()
    Dim Mainfram(4) As String, strg As String
    Dim cel As Range
    Dim Delim As String

    Delim = "#"

    Mainfram(0) = "apple"
    Mainfram(1) = "pear"
    Mainfram(2) = "orange"
    Mainfram(3) = "fruit"

    strg = Join(Mainfram, Delim)
    strg = Delim & strg

    For Each cel In Selection
        If InStr(1, strg, Delim & cel.Value & Delim, vbTextCompare) Then _
        Rows(cel.Row).Style = "Accent1"
    Next cel
End Sub

How to select first parent DIV using jQuery?

Keep it simple!

var classes = $(this).parent('div').attr('class');

How to rotate the background image in the container?


.reverse {
  transform: rotate(180deg);

.rotate {
  animation-duration: .5s;
  animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-name: yoyo;
  animation-timing-function: linear;

@keyframes yoyo {
  from { transform: rotate(  0deg); }
  to   { transform: rotate(360deg); }


$(buttonElement).click(function () {

  return false

$(buttonElement).hover(function () {
}, function() {

PS: I've found this somewhere else but don't remember the source

Django request get parameters

You can use [] to extract values from a QueryDict object like you would any ordinary dictionary.

# HTTP POST variables
request.POST['section'] # => [39]
request.POST['MAINS'] # => [137]

# HTTP GET variables
request.GET['section'] # => [39]
request.GET['MAINS'] # => [137]

# HTTP POST and HTTP GET variables (Deprecated since Django 1.7)
request.REQUEST['section'] # => [39]
request.REQUEST['MAINS'] # => [137]

Is String.Contains() faster than String.IndexOf()?

Contains(s2) is many times (in my computer 10 times) faster than IndexOf(s2) because Contains uses StringComparison.Ordinal that is faster than the culture sensitive search that IndexOf does by default (but that may change in .net 4.0

Contains has exactly the same performance as IndexOf(s2,StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 in my tests but it's shorter and makes your intent clear.

Python socket receive - incoming packets always have a different size

You can alternatively use recv(x_bytes, socket.MSG_WAITALL), which seems to work only on Unix, and will return exactly x_bytes.

CodeIgniter: Load controller within controller

Just use




AngularJS does not send hidden field value

I use a classical javascript to set value to hidden input

$scope.SetPersonValue = function (PersonValue)
    document.getElementById('TypeOfPerson').value = PersonValue;
    if (PersonValue != 'person')
        document.getElementById('Discount').checked = false;
        $scope.isCollapsed = true;
        $scope.isCollapsed = false;

How to search for a part of a word with ElasticSearch

Searching with leading and trailing wildcards is going to be extremely slow on a large index. If you want to be able to search by word prefix, remove leading wildcard. If you really need to find a substring in a middle of a word, you would be better of using ngram tokenizer.

Rollback transaction after @Test

Aside: attempt to amend Tomasz Nurkiewicz's answer was rejected:

This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.

Correct and permanent link to the relevant section of documentation about integration testing.

To enable support for transactions, you must configure a PlatformTransactionManager bean in the ApplicationContext that is loaded via @ContextConfiguration semantics.

public class Persistence {
    Environment env;

    DataSource dataSource() {
        return new DriverManagerDataSource(

    PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
        return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());

In addition, you must declare Spring’s @Transactional annotation either at the class or method level for your tests.

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {Persistence.class, SomeRepository.class})
public class SomeRepositoryTest { ... }

Annotating a test method with @Transactional causes the test to be run within a transaction that will, by default, be automatically rolled back after completion of the test. If a test class is annotated with @Transactional, each test method within that class hierarchy will be run within a transaction.

Trim last character from a string

An example Extension class to simplify this: -

internal static class String
    public static string TrimEndsCharacter(this string target, char character) => target?.TrimLeadingCharacter(character).TrimTrailingCharacter(character);
    public static string TrimLeadingCharacter(this string target, char character) => Match(target?.Substring(0, 1), character) ? target.Remove(0,1) : target;
    public static string TrimTrailingCharacter(this string target, char character) => Match(target?.Substring(target.Length - 1, 1), character) ? target.Substring(0, target.Length - 1) : target;

    private static bool Match(string value, char character) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && value[0] == character;


"!Something!".TrimLeadingCharacter('X'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)
"!Something!".TrimTrailingCharacter('S'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)
"!Something!".TrimEndsCharacter('g'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)

"!Something!".TrimLeadingCharacter('!'); // Result 'Something!' (1st Character removed)
"!Something!".TrimTrailingCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something' (Last Character removed)
"!Something!".TrimEndsCharacter('!'); // Result 'Something'  (End Characters removed)

"!!Something!!".TrimLeadingCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something!!' (Only 1st instance removed)
"!!Something!!".TrimTrailingCharacter('!'); // Result '!!Something!' (Only Last instance removed)
"!!Something!!".TrimEndsCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something!'  (Only End instances removed)

How do I keep track of pip-installed packages in an Anaconda (Conda) environment?

conda env export lists all conda and pip packages in an environment. conda-env must be installed in the conda root (conda install -c conda conda-env).

To write an environment.yml file describing the current environment:

conda env export > environment.yml


What is a mixin, and why are they useful?

First, you should note that mixins only exist in multiple-inheritance languages. You can't do a mixin in Java or C#.

Basically, a mixin is a stand-alone base type that provides limited functionality and polymorphic resonance for a child class. If you're thinking in C#, think of an interface that you don't have to actually implement because it's already implemented; you just inherit from it and benefit from its functionality.

Mixins are typically narrow in scope and not meant to be extended.

[edit -- as to why:]

I suppose I should address why, since you asked. The big benefit is that you don't have to do it yourself over and over again. In C#, the biggest place where a mixin could benefit might be from the Disposal pattern. Whenever you implement IDisposable, you almost always want to follow the same pattern, but you end up writing and re-writing the same basic code with minor variations. If there were an extendable Disposal mixin, you could save yourself a lot of extra typing.

[edit 2 -- to answer your other questions]

What separates a mixin from multiple inheritance? Is it just a matter of semantics?

Yes. The difference between a mixin and standard multiple inheritance is just a matter of semantics; a class that has multiple inheritance might utilize a mixin as part of that multiple inheritance.

The point of a mixin is to create a type that can be "mixed in" to any other type via inheritance without affecting the inheriting type while still offering some beneficial functionality for that type.

Again, think of an interface that is already implemented.

I personally don't use mixins since I develop primarily in a language that doesn't support them, so I'm having a really difficult time coming up with a decent example that will just supply that "ahah!" moment for you. But I'll try again. I'm going to use an example that's contrived -- most languages already provide the feature in some way or another -- but that will, hopefully, explain how mixins are supposed to be created and used. Here goes:

Suppose you have a type that you want to be able to serialize to and from XML. You want the type to provide a "ToXML" method that returns a string containing an XML fragment with the data values of the type, and a "FromXML" that allows the type to reconstruct its data values from an XML fragment in a string. Again, this is a contrived example, so perhaps you use a file stream, or an XML Writer class from your language's runtime library... whatever. The point is that you want to serialize your object to XML and get a new object back from XML.

The other important point in this example is that you want to do this in a generic way. You don't want to have to implement a "ToXML" and "FromXML" method for every type that you want to serialize, you want some generic means of ensuring that your type will do this and it just works. You want code reuse.

If your language supported it, you could create the XmlSerializable mixin to do your work for you. This type would implement the ToXML and the FromXML methods. It would, using some mechanism that's not important to the example, be capable of gathering all the necessary data from any type that it's mixed in with to build the XML fragment returned by ToXML and it would be equally capable of restoring that data when FromXML is called.

And.. that's it. To use it, you would have any type that needs to be serialized to XML inherit from XmlSerializable. Whenever you needed to serialize or deserialize that type, you would simply call ToXML or FromXML. In fact, since XmlSerializable is a fully-fledged type and polymorphic, you could conceivably build a document serializer that doesn't know anything about your original type, accepting only, say, an array of XmlSerializable types.

Now imagine using this scenario for other things, like creating a mixin that ensures that every class that mixes it in logs every method call, or a mixin that provides transactionality to the type that mixes it in. The list can go on and on.

If you just think of a mixin as a small base type designed to add a small amount of functionality to a type without otherwise affecting that type, then you're golden.

Hopefully. :)

Output grep results to text file, need cleaner output

grep -n "YOUR SEARCH STRING" * > output-file

The -n will print the line number and the > will redirect grep-results to the output-file.
If you want to "clean" the results you can filter them using pipe | for example:
grep -n "test" * | grep -v "mytest" > output-file will match all the lines that have the string "test" except the lines that match the string "mytest" (that's the switch -v) - and will redirect the result to an output file.
A few good grep-tips can be found on this post


        strRequest = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="""" " &_
         "xmlns:tem="""">" &_
         "<soap:Header/>" &_
         "<soap:Body>" &_
            "<tem:Authorization>" &_
                "<tem:strCC>"&1234123412341234&"</tem:strCC>" &_
                "<tem:strEXPMNTH>"&11&"</tem:strEXPMNTH>" &_
                "<tem:CVV2>"&123&"</tem:CVV2>" &_
                "<tem:strYR>"&23&"</tem:strYR>" &_
                "<tem:dblAmount>"&1235&"</tem:dblAmount>" &_
            "</tem:Authorization>" &_
        "</soap:Body>" &_

        EndPointLink = "" &_

dim http
set http=createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST",EndPointLink,false
http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","text/xml"

msgbox "REQUEST : " & strRequest
http.send strRequest

If http.Status = 200 Then
'msgbox "RESPONSE : " & http.responseXML.xml
msgbox "RESPONSE : " & http.responseText
msgbox "ERRCODE : " & http.status
End If

Call ParseTag(responseText,"AuthorizationResult")

Call CreateXMLEvidence(responseText,strRequest)

'Function to fetch the required message from a TAG
Function ParseTag(ResponseXML,SearchTag)

 Msgbox ResponseMessage

End Function

'Function to create XML test evidence files
Function CreateXMLEvidence(ResponseXML,strRequest)

 Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set qfile=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\RajkumarJoshua\Desktop\DCIM\SampleResponse.xml",2)
 Set qfile1=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\RajkumarJoshua\Desktop\DCIM\SampleReuest.xml",2)

 qfile.write ResponseXML

 qfile1.write strRequest

End Function

React.js: Wrapping one component into another

In addition to Sophie's answer, I also have found a use in sending in child component types, doing something like this:

var ListView = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var items = {
            return this.props.delegate({data:item});
        return <ul>{items}</ul>;

var ItemDelegate = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <li>{}</li>

var Wrapper = React.createClass({    
    render: function() {
        return <ListView delegate={ItemDelegate} data={someListOfData} />

jQuery click / toggle between two functions

I would do something like this for the code you showed, if all you need to do is toggle a value :

var oddClick = true;
$("#time").click(function() {
        width: oddClick ? 260 : 30
    oddClick = !oddClick;

Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

Windows Users Only

This is a bit late but just figured that some answers are to go to the bios settings but for me, I was able to resolve this by just disabling the hyper-v feature. We do this by following these steps:

enter image description here

Git merge errors

as suggested in git status,

Unmerged paths:                                                                                                                                
(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)                                                                                                 

    both modified:   a.jl                                  
    both modified:   b.jl

I used git add to finish the merging, then git checkout works fine.

PHP __get and __set magic methods

Drop the public $bar; declaration and it should work as expected.

Java Programming: call an exe from Java and passing parameters

Below works for me if your exe depend on some dll or certain dependency then you need to set directory path. As mention below exePath mean folder where exe placed along with it's references files.

Exe application creating any temporaray file so it will create in folder mention in


ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(arguments);
processBuilder.redirectOutput(Redirect.PIPE); File(exePath));
process = processBuilder.start();
int waitFlag = process.waitFor();// Wait to finish application execution.
if (waitFlag == 0) {
 int returnVal = process.exitValue();


String Comparison in Java

The String.compareTo(..) method performs lexicographical comparison. Lexicographically == alphebetically.

runOnUiThread in fragment

Try this: getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable...

It's because:

1) the implicit this in your call to runOnUiThread is referring to AsyncTask, not your fragment.

2) Fragment doesn't have runOnUiThread.

However, Activity does.

Note that Activity just executes the Runnable if you're already on the main thread, otherwise it uses a Handler. You can implement a Handler in your fragment if you don't want to worry about the context of this, it's actually very easy:

// A class instance
private Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());

// anywhere else in your code<your runnable>);
// ^ this will always be run on the next run loop on the main thread.

EDIT: @rciovati is right, you are in onPostExecute, that's already on the main thread.

How to ssh connect through python Paramiko with ppk public key

@VonC's answer to a duplicate question:

If, as commented, Paraminko does not support PPK key, the official solution, as seen here, would be to use PuTTYgen.

But you can also use the Python library CkSshKey to make that same conversion directly in your program.

See "Convert PuTTY Private Key (ppk) to OpenSSH (pem)"

import sys
import chilkat

key = chilkat.CkSshKey()

#  Load an unencrypted or encrypted PuTTY private key.

#  If  your PuTTY private key is encrypted, set the Password
#  property before calling FromPuttyPrivateKey.
#  If your PuTTY private key is not encrypted, it makes no diffference
#  if Password is set or not set.

#  First load the .ppk file into a string:

keyStr = key.loadText("putty_private_key.ppk")

#  Import into the SSH key object:
success = key.FromPuttyPrivateKey(keyStr)
if (success != True):

#  Convert to an encrypted or unencrypted OpenSSH key.

#  First demonstrate converting to an unencrypted OpenSSH key

bEncrypt = False
unencryptedKeyStr = key.toOpenSshPrivateKey(bEncrypt)
success = key.SaveText(unencryptedKeyStr,"unencrypted_openssh.pem")
if (success != True):

Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray

This is a fast way to encode the array, the array shape and the array dtype:

def numpy_to_bytes(arr: np.array) -> str:
    arr_dtype = bytearray(str(arr.dtype), 'utf-8')
    arr_shape = bytearray(','.join([str(a) for a in arr.shape]), 'utf-8')
    sep = bytearray('|', 'utf-8')
    arr_bytes = arr.ravel().tobytes()
    to_return = arr_dtype + sep + arr_shape + sep + arr_bytes
    return to_return

def bytes_to_numpy(serialized_arr: str) -> np.array:
    sep = '|'.encode('utf-8')
    i_0 = serialized_arr.find(sep)
    i_1 = serialized_arr.find(sep, i_0 + 1)
    arr_dtype = serialized_arr[:i_0].decode('utf-8')
    arr_shape = tuple([int(a) for a in serialized_arr[i_0 + 1:i_1].decode('utf-8').split(',')])
    arr_str = serialized_arr[i_1 + 1:]
    arr = np.frombuffer(arr_str, dtype = arr_dtype).reshape(arr_shape)
    return arr

To use the functions:

a = np.ones((23, 23), dtype = 'int')
a_b = numpy_to_bytes(a)
a1 = bytes_to_numpy(a_b)
np.array_equal(a, a1) and a.shape == a1.shape and a.dtype == a1.dtype

Python PIP Install throws TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'Retry' and 'int'

First of all, this problem exists because of network issues, and uninstalling and re-installing everything won't be of much help. Probably you are behind proxy, and in that case you need to set proxy.

But in my case, I was facing the problem because I wasn't behind proxy. Generally, I work behind proxy, but when working from home, I set the proxy to None in Network settings.

But I was still getting the same errors even after removing the proxy settings.

So, when I did type

env | grep proxy

I found something like this :


And this was the reason I was still getting the very same error, even when I thought I had removed the proxy settings.

To unset this proxy, type

unset http_proxy

Follow the same approach for all the other entries, such as https_proxy.

Determine the number of NA values in a column

This form, slightly changed from Kevin Ogoros's one:

na_count <-function (x) sapply(x, function(y) sum(

returns NA counts as named int array

Using psql to connect to PostgreSQL in SSL mode

psql --set=sslmode=require -h localhost -p 2345 -U thirunas \
-d postgres -f test_schema.ddl

Another Example for securely connecting to Azure's managed Postgres database:

psql --file=product_data.sql --port=5432 \
--username=postgres@postgres-esprit --dbname=product_data \
--set=sslmode=verify-full --set=sslrootcert=/opt/ssl/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem

How to delete an item in a list if it exists?

All you have to do is this

list = ["a", "b", "c"]

but that method has an issue. You have to put something in the except place so i found this:

list = ["a", "b", "c"]
if "a" in str(list):

The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared

Well when you post, the browser only outputs $title - all your HTML tags and doctype go away. You need to include those in your insert.php file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>insert page</title></head>

   $title = $_POST["title"];
   $price = $_POST["price"];

  echo $title;


What's the difference between an element and a node in XML?

The Node object is the primary data type for the entire DOM.

A node can be an element node, an attribute node, a text node, or any other of the node types explained in the "Node types" chapter.

An XML element is everything from (including) the element's start tag to (including) the element's end tag.

Why is `input` in Python 3 throwing NameError: name... is not defined

You're running your Python 3 code with a Python 2 interpreter. If you weren't, your print statement would throw up a SyntaxError before it ever prompted you for input.

The result is that you're using Python 2's input, which tries to eval your input (presumably sdas), finds that it's invalid Python, and dies.

Query for documents where array size is greater than 1

There's a more efficient way to do this in MongoDB 2.2+ now that you can use numeric array indexes in query object keys.

// Find all docs that have at least two name array elements.
db.accommodations.find({'name.1': {$exists: true}})

You can support this query with an index that uses a partial filter expression (requires 3.2+):

// index for at least two name array elements
    {'name.1': 1},
    {partialFilterExpression: {'name.1': {$exists: true}}}

read input separated by whitespace(s) or newline...?

std::getline( stream, where to?, delimiter ie

std::string in;
std::getline(std::cin, in, ' '); //will split on space

or you can read in a line, then tokenize it based on whichever delimiter you wish.

How can I drop a "not null" constraint in Oracle when I don't know the name of the constraint?

Something like that happened to me when I made copies of structures to temporary tables, so I removed the not null.

   CURSOR cur_temp_not_null IS
        SELECT table_name, constraint_name  FROM all_constraints WHERE table_name LIKE 'TEMP_%' AND  owner='myUSUARIO';

   V_sql VARCHAR2(200); 

  FOR c_not_null IN cur_temp_not_null
     v_sql :='ALTER TABLE ' || c_not_null.table_name || ' DROP CONSTRAINT '|| c_not_null.constraint_name;
     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  v_sql;     

How to stop and restart memcached server?

Using root, try something like this:

/etc/init.d/memcached restart

Strip HTML from Text JavaScript

I think the easiest way is to just use Regular Expressions as someone mentioned above. Although there's no reason to use a bunch of them. Try:

stringWithHTML = stringWithHTML.replace(/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/ig, "");

UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string

replace for persian word

UPDATE dbo.TblNews
SET keyWords = REPLACE(keyWords, '-', N'?')

help: dbo.TblNews -- table name

keyWords -- fild name

How to get method parameter names?

In CPython, the number of arguments is


and their names are in the beginning of


These are implementation details of CPython, so this probably does not work in other implementations of Python, such as IronPython and Jython.

One portable way to admit "pass-through" arguments is to define your function with the signature func(*args, **kwargs). This is used a lot in e.g. matplotlib, where the outer API layer passes lots of keyword arguments to the lower-level API.

URL to compose a message in Gmail (with full Gmail interface and specified to, bcc, subject, etc.)

The GMail web client supports mailto: links

For regular accounts:

For G Suite accounts on domain

... needs to be replaced with a urlencoded mailto: link.


Learn more about mailto: links by reading RFC6068

How to get 2 digit year w/ Javascript?

The specific answer to this question is found in this one line below:

//pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
//logs to console_x000D_
//creates a new date object (has the current date and time by default)_x000D_
//gets the full year from the date object (currently 2017)_x000D_
//converts the variable to a string_x000D_
//gets the substring backwards by 2 characters (last two characters)    _x000D_
console.log(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2));

Formatting Full Date Time Example (MMddyy): jsFiddle


//A function for formatting a date to MMddyy_x000D_
function formatDate(d)_x000D_
    //get the month_x000D_
    var month = d.getMonth();_x000D_
    //get the day_x000D_
    //convert day to string_x000D_
    var day = d.getDate().toString();_x000D_
    //get the year_x000D_
    var year = d.getFullYear();_x000D_
    //pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
    year = year.toString().substr(-2);_x000D_
    //increment month by 1 since it is 0 indexed_x000D_
    //converts month to a string_x000D_
    month = (month + 1).toString();_x000D_
    //if month is 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (month.length === 1)_x000D_
        month = "0" + month;_x000D_
    //if day is between 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (day.length === 1)_x000D_
        day = "0" + day;_x000D_
    //return the string "MMddyy"_x000D_
    return month + day + year;_x000D_
var d = new Date();_x000D_

jQuery get the location of an element relative to window


headroom_by_jQuery = $('#id').offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();

headroom_by_DOM = $('#id')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;   // if no iframe

.getBoundingClientRect() appears to be universal. .offset() and .scrollTop() have been supported since jQuery 1.2. Thanks @user372551 and @prograhammer. To use DOM in an iframe see @ImranAnsari's solution.

How to use UIPanGestureRecognizer to move object? iPhone/iPad

The Swift 2 version:

// start detecting pan gesture
let panGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(TTAltimeterDetailViewController.panGestureDetected(_:)))
panGestureRecognizer.minimumNumberOfTouches = 1

func panGestureDetected(panGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    print("pan gesture recognized")

MySQL GROUP BY two columns

Using Concat on the group by will work

SELECT,,, SUM ( portfolios.portfolio + ) AS total
FROM clients, portfolios
WHERE = portfolios.client_id

Dynamic height for DIV

calculate the height of each link no do this

document.getElementById("products").style.height= height_of_each_link* no_of_link

React.js: How to append a component on click?

Don't use jQuery to manipulate the DOM when you're using React. React components should render a representation of what they should look like given a certain state; what DOM that translates to is taken care of by React itself.

What you want to do is store the "state which determines what gets rendered" higher up the chain, and pass it down. If you are rendering n children, that state should be "owned" by whatever contains your component. eg:

class AppComponent extends React.Component {
  state = {
    numChildren: 0

  render () {
    const children = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < this.state.numChildren; i += 1) {
      children.push(<ChildComponent key={i} number={i} />);

    return (
      <ParentComponent addChild={this.onAddChild}>

  onAddChild = () => {
      numChildren: this.state.numChildren + 1

const ParentComponent = props => (
  <div className="card calculator">
    <p><a href="#" onClick={props.addChild}>Add Another Child Component</a></p>
    <div id="children-pane">

const ChildComponent = props => <div>{"I am child " + props.number}</div>;

How to get the latest tag name in current branch in Git?

What is wrong with all suggestions (except Matthew Brett explanation, up to date of this answer post)?

Just run any command supplied by other on jQuery Git history when you at different point of history and check result with visual tagging history representation (I did that is why you see this post):

$ git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration

Todays many project perform releases (and so tagging) in separate branch from mainline.

There are strong reason for this. Just look to any well established JS/CSS projects. For user conventions they carry binary/minified release files in DVCS. Naturally as project maintainer you don't want to garbage your mainline diff history with useless binary blobs and perform commit of build artifacts out of mainline.

Because Git uses DAG and not linear history - it is hard to define distance metric so we can say - oh that rev is most nearest to my HEAD!

I start my own journey in (look inside, I didn't copy fancy proof images to this long post):

What is nearest tag in the past with respect to branching in Git?

Currently I have 4 reasonable definition of distance between tag and revision with decreasing of usefulness:

  • length of shortest path from HEAD to merge base with tag
  • date of merge base between HEAD and tag
  • number of revs that reachable from HEAD but not reachable from tag
  • date of tag regardless merge base

I don't know how to calculate length of shortest path.

Script that sort tags according to date of merge base between HEAD and tag:

$ git tag \
     | while read t; do \
         b=`git merge-base HEAD $t`; \
         echo `git log -n 1 $b --format=%ai` $t; \
       done | sort

It usable on most of projects.

Script that sort tags according to number of revs that reachable from HEAD but not reachable from tag:

$ git tag \
    | while read t; do echo `git rev-list --count $t..HEAD` $t; done \
    | sort -n

If your project history have strange dates on commits (because of rebases or another history rewriting or some moron forget to replace BIOS battery or other magics that you do on history) use above script.

For last option (date of tag regardless merge base) to get list of tags sorted by date use:

$ git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%ci %d" | sort -r

To get known current revision date use:

$ git log --max-count=1

Note that git describe --tags have usage on its own cases but not for finding human expected nearest tag in project history.

NOTE You can use above recipes on any revision, just replace HEAD with what you want!

PHP create key => value pairs within a foreach

function createOfferUrlArray($Offer) {
    $offerArray = array();
    foreach ($Offer as $key => $value) { 
        $offerArray[$key] = $value[4];
    return $offerArray;


function createOfferUrlArray($offer) {
    foreach ( $offer as &$value ) {
        $value = $value[4];
    return $offer;

How to count check-boxes using jQuery?

You could do:

var numberOfChecked = $('input:checkbox:checked').length;
var totalCheckboxes = $('input:checkbox').length;
var numberNotChecked = totalCheckboxes - numberOfChecked;


Or even simple

var numberNotChecked = $('input:checkbox:not(":checked")').length;

How to parse freeform street/postal address out of text, and into components

UPDATE: now works worldwide. For examples see

For USA, Mexico and Canada, see

For example:

Input: something going on near the intersection of main and arthur kill rd new york


    <street2>arthur kill</street2>
    <city>STATEN ISLAND</city>

You may also check the results in the web interface or get output as Json or Jsonp. eg. I'm looking for restaurants around 123 Main Street, New York

Passing by reference in C

p is a pointer variable. Its value is the address of i. When you call f, you pass the value of p, which is the address of i.

Convert numpy array to tuple

>>> arr = numpy.array(((2,2),(2,-2)))
>>> tuple(map(tuple, arr))
((2, 2), (2, -2))

How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS 7?

This worked me perfectly....

NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithInt:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait];
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setValue:value forKey:@"orientation"];

git pull remote branch cannot find remote ref

check your branch on your repo. maybe someone delete it.

linux: kill background task

Just use the killall command:

killall taskname

for more info and more advanced options, type "man killall".

Generate a random number in the range 1 - 10

(trunc(random() * 10) % 10) + 1

Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView

Another way to do this is:

// inflate the layout
View myLayout = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.MY_LAYOUT,null);

// load the text view
TextView myView = (TextView) myLayout.findViewById(;

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

On a Windows box, I wanted to avoid reboot and these did not work: * /android/adt-bundle-windows/sdk/platform-tools/adb kill-server * /android/adt-bundle-windows/sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server

So what did work to get adb running again without this error was

  1. wait for the TIME WAIT to complete, which took multiple minutes. You can view the state of the ports and watch when to restart the debugger with this command: "PortQryV2/PortQry.exe -local" This tools is downloaded here:

  2. force closing ports with "netsh int tcp reset"

Python Math - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

lista = list.sort(lista)

This should be


The .sort() method is in-place, and returns None. If you want something not in-place, which returns a value, you could use

sorted_list = sorted(lista)

Aside #1: please don't call your lists list. That clobbers the builtin list type.

Aside #2: I'm not sure what this line is meant to do:

print str("value 1a")+str(" + ")+str("value 2")+str(" = ")+str("value 3a ")+str("value 4")+str("\n")

is it simply

print "value 1a + value 2 = value 3a value 4"

? In other words, I don't know why you're calling str on things which are already str.

Aside #3: sometimes you use print("something") (Python 3 syntax) and sometimes you use print "something" (Python 2). The latter would give you a SyntaxError in py3, so you must be running 2.*, in which case you probably don't want to get in the habit or you'll wind up printing tuples, with extra parentheses. I admit that it'll work well enough here, because if there's only one element in the parentheses it's not interpreted as a tuple, but it looks strange to the pythonic eye..

The exception TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable happens because the value of lista is actually None. You can reproduce TypeError that you get in your code if you try this at the Python command line:


The reason that lista gets set to None is because the return value of list.sort() is None... it does not return a sorted copy of the original list. Instead, as the documentation points out, the list gets sorted in-place instead of a copy being made (this is for efficiency reasons).

If you do not want to alter the original version you can use

other_list = sorted(lista)

Move existing, uncommitted work to a new branch in Git

If you commit it, you could also cherry-pick the single commit ID. I do this often when I start work in master, and then want to create a local branch before I push up to my origin/.

git cherry-pick <commitID>

There is alot you can do with cherry-pick, as described here, but this could be a use-case for you.

What is the Difference Between Mercurial and Git?

I'm currently in the process of migrating from SVN to a DVCS (while blogging about my findings, my first real blogging effort...), and I've done a bit of research (=googling). As far as I can see you can do most of the things with both packages. It seems like git has a few more or better implemented advanced features, I do feel that the integration with windows is a bit better for mercurial, with TortoiseHg. I know there's Git Cheetah as well (I tried both), but the mercurial solution just feels more robust.

Seeing how they're both open-source (right?) I don't think either will be lacking important features. If something is important, people will ask for it, people will code it.

I think that for common practices, Git and Mercurial are more than sufficient. They both have big projects that use them (Git -> linux kernel, Mercurial -> Mozilla foundation projects, both among others of course), so I don't think either are really lacking something.

That being said, I am interested in what other people say about this, as it would make a great source for my blogging efforts ;-)

Proper way to return JSON using node or Express

Since Express.js 3x the response object has a json() method which sets all the headers correctly for you and returns the response in JSON format.


res.json({"foo": "bar"});

How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?

For Swift 3, this code allowed me to press outside of the UITextView to dismiss the keyboard.

@IBOutlet weak var comment: UITextView!

   override func viewDidLoad() {

        comment.delegate = self

        let tapGestureRecogniser = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(tap))

    func tap(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        if comment.isFirstResponder {

Change image size via parent div

Actually using 100% will not make the image bigger if the image is smaller than the div size you specified. You need to set one of the dimensions, height or width in order to have all images fill the space. In my experience it's better to have the height set so each row is the same size, then all items wrap to next line properly. This will produce an output similar to (stock image website)

with css:

parent {
   width: 42px; /* I took the width from your post and placed it in css */
   height: 42px;

/* This will style any <img> element in .parent div */
.parent img {
   height: 42px;


<div style="height:42px;width:42px">
    <img style="height:42px" src="http://someimage.jpg">

How to write to a JSON file in the correct format

With formatting

require 'json'
tempHash = {
    "key_a" => "val_a",
    "key_b" => "val_b"
}"public/temp.json","w") do |f|



How to print instances of a class using print()?

There are already a lot of answers in this thread but none of them particularly helped me, I had to work it out myself, so I hope this one is a little more informative.

You just have to make sure you have parentheses at the end of your class, e.g:


Here's an example of code from a project I was working on:

class Element:
    def __init__(self, name, symbol, number): = name
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.number = number
    def __str__(self):
        return "{}: {}\nAtomic Number: {}\n".format(, self.symbol, self.number

class Hydrogen(Element):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(name = "Hydrogen", symbol = "H", number = "1")

To print my Hydrogen class, I used the following:


Please note, this will not work without the parentheses at the end of Hydrogen. They are necessary.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have anymore questions.

Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

It's indeed doable to query the manifest or blob info from docker registry server without pulling the image to local disk.

You can refer to the Registry v2 API to fetch the manifest of image.

GET /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>

Note, you have to handle different manifest version. For v2 you can directly get the size of layer and digest of blob. For v1 manifest, you can HEAD the blob download url to get the actual layer size.

There is a simple script for handling above cases that will be continuously maintained.

Expand a div to fill the remaining width

Thanks for the plug of Simpl.css!

remember to wrap all your columns in ColumnWrapper like so.

<div class="ColumnWrapper">
    <div class="Colum­nOne­Half">Tree</div>
    <div class="Colum­nOne­Half">View</div>

I am about to release version 1.0 of Simpl.css so help spread the word!

Accessing clicked element in angularjs

While AngularJS allows you to get a hand on a click event (and thus a target of it) with the following syntax (note the $event argument to the setMaster function; documentation here:

function AdminController($scope) {    
  $scope.setMaster = function(obj, $event){

this is not very angular-way of solving this problem. With AngularJS the focus is on the model manipulation. One would mutate a model and let AngularJS figure out rendering.

The AngularJS-way of solving this problem (without using jQuery and without the need to pass the $event argument) would be:

<div ng-controller="AdminController">
    <ul class="list-holder">
        <li ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-class="{active : isSelected(section)}">
            <a ng-click="setMaster(section)">{{}}</a>
    {{selected | json}}

where methods in the controller would look like this:

$scope.setMaster = function(section) {
    $scope.selected = section;

$scope.isSelected = function(section) {
    return $scope.selected === section;

Here is the complete jsFiddle:

How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

Since the question on how to convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 is closed because of this one I'm going to post my solution here.

The problem is when you try to GET anything by using XMLHttpRequest, if the XMLHttpRequest.responseType is "text" or empty, the XMLHttpRequest.response is transformed to a DOMString and that's were things break up. After, it's almost impossible to reliably work with that string.

Now, if the content from the server is ISO-8859-1 you'll have to force the response to be of type "Blob" and later convert this to DOMSTring. For example:

var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
ajax.responseType = 'blob';
ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if(ajax.responseType === 'blob'){
        // Convert the blob to a string
        var reader = new window.FileReader();
        reader.addEventListener('loadend', function() {
           // For ISO-8859-1 there's no further conversion required

Seems like the magic is happening on readAsBinaryString so maybe someone can shed some light on why this works.

C# code to validate email address

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the email if it follows the valid email format
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="emailAddress"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool EmailIsValid(string emailAddress)
        //if string is not null and empty then check for email follow the format
        return string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress)?false : new Regex(@"^(?!\.)(""([^""\r\\]|\\[""\r\\])*""|([-a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]|(?<!\.)\.)*)(?<!\.)@[a-z0-9][\w\.-]*[a-z0-9]\.[a-z][a-z\.]*[a-z]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(emailAddress);

Vertically centering a div inside another div

Vertically centering a div inside another div

  width: 500px;_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgrey;  _x000D_
  width: 284px;_x000D_
  height: 290px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);_x000D_
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* IE 9 */_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ _x000D_
  background-color: grey;_x000D_
<div id="outerDiv">_x000D_
  <div id="innerDiv"></div>_x000D_

Java system properties and environment variables

I think the difference between the two boils down to access. Environment variables are accessible by any process and Java system properties are only accessible by the process they are added to.

Also as Bohemian stated, env variables are set in the OS (however they 'can' be set through Java) and system properties are passed as command line options or set via setProperty().

Get child Node of another Node, given node name

You should read it recursively, some time ago I had the same question and solve with this code:

public void proccessMenuNodeList(NodeList nl, JMenuBar menubar) {
    for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
        proccessMenuNode(nl.item(i), menubar);

public void proccessMenuNode(Node n, Container parent) {
    Element element = (Element) n;
    String type = element.getAttribute("type");
    String name = element.getAttribute("name");
    if (type.equals("menu")) {
        NodeList nl = element.getChildNodes();
        JMenu menu = new JMenu(name);

        for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++)
            proccessMenuNode(nl.item(i), menu);

    } else if (type.equals("item")) {
        JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(name);

Probably you can adapt it for your case.

How to convert int[] into List<Integer> in Java?

I'll add another answer with a different method; no loop but an anonymous class that will utilize the autoboxing features:

public List<Integer> asList(final int[] is)
    return new AbstractList<Integer>() {
            public Integer get(int i) { return is[i]; }
            public int size() { return is.length; }

About the Full Screen And No Titlebar from manifest

In AndroidManifest.xml, set android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"in application tag.

Individual activities can override the default by setting their own theme attributes.

Accessing elements by type in javascript

If you are lucky and need to care only for recent browsers, you can use:


"recent" means not IE6 and IE7

Python and JSON - TypeError list indices must be integers not str

I solved changing




How do I set the rounded corner radius of a color drawable using xml?

mbaird's answer works fine. Just be aware that there seems to be a bug in Android (2.1 at least), that if you set any individual corner's radius to 0, it forces all the corners to 0 (at least that's the case with "dp" units; I didn't try it with any other units).

I needed a shape where the top corners were rounded and the bottom corners were square. I got achieved this by setting the corners I wanted to be square to a value slightly larger than 0: 0.1dp. This still renders as square corners, but it doesn't force the other corners to be 0 radius.

Concatenate a NumPy array to another NumPy array

You may use numpy.append()...

import numpy

B = numpy.array([3])
A = numpy.array([1, 2, 2])
B = numpy.append( B , A )

print B

> [3 1 2 2]

This will not create two separate arrays but will append two arrays into a single dimensional array.

How do I test a website using XAMPP?

Just edit the httpd-vhost-conf scroll to the bottom and on the last example/demo for creating a virtual host, remove the hash-tags for DocumentRoot and ServerName. You may have hash-tags just before the <VirtualHost *.80> and </VirtualHost>

After DocumentRoot, just add the path to your web-docs ... and add your domain-name after ServerNmane

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ##ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/www"
    ##ErrorLog "logs/"
    ##CustomLog "logs/" common

Be sure to create the www folder under htdocs. You do not have to name the folder www but I did just to be simple about it. Be sure to restart Apache and bang! you can now store files in the newly created directory. To test things out just create a simple index.html or index.php file and place in the www folder, then go to your browser and test it out localhost/ ... Note: if your server is serving php files over html then remember to add localhost/index.html if the html file is the one you choose to use for this test.

Something I should add, in order to still have access to the xampp homepage then you will need to create another VirtualHost. To do this just add

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ##ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
    ##ErrorLog "logs/"
    ##CustomLog "logs/" common

underneath the last VirtualHost that you created. Next make the necessary changes to your host file and restart Apache. Now go to your browser and visit and your all set.

Extract number from string with Oracle function

If you are looking for 1st Number with decimal as string has correct decimal places, you may try regexp_substr function like this:

regexp_substr('stack12.345overflow', '\.*[[:digit:]]+\.*[[:digit:]]*')

How to execute 16-bit installer on 64-bit Win7?

It took me months of googling to find a solution for this issue. You don't need to install a virtual environment running a 32-bit version of Windows to run a program with a 16-bit installer on 64-bit Windows. If the program itself is 32-bit, and just the installer is 16-bit, here's your answer.

There are ways to modify a 16-bit installation program to make it 32-bit so it will install on 64-bit Windows 7. I found the solution on this site:

In my case, the installation program was InstallShield 5.X. The issue was that the setup.exe program used by InstallShield 5.X is 16-bit. First I extracted the installation program contents (changed the extension from .exe to .zip, opened it and extracted). I then replaced the original 16-bit setup.exe, located in the disk1 folder, with InstallShield's 32-bit version of setup.exe (download this file from the site referenced in the above link). Then I just ran the new 32-bit setup.exe in disk1 to start the installation and my program installed and runs perfectly on 64-bit Windows.

You can also repackage this modified installation, so it can be distributed as an installation program, using a free program like Inno Setup 5.

How to generate keyboard events?

Windows only: You can either use Ironpython or a library that allows cPython to access the .NET frameworks on Windows. Then use the sendkeys class of .NET or the more general send to simulate a keystroke.

OS X only: Use PyObjC then use use CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent call.

Full disclosure: I have only done this on OS X with Python, but I have used .NET sendkeys (with C#) and that works great.

WebView and HTML5 <video>

This question is years old, but maybe my answer will help people like me who have to support old Android version. I tried a lot of different approaches which worked on some Android versions, however not on all. The best solution I found is to use the Crosswalk Webview which is optimized for HTML5 feature support and works on Android 4.1 and higher. It is as simple to use as the default Android WebView. You just have to include the library. Here you can find a simple tutorial on how to use it:

How can you speed up Eclipse?

There could be several things that could delay the start and exit of eclipse. One of them is like familiar to what we have a lookalike in Windows. Disabling the windows animations and disabling startup activities speeds up windows to certain extent

Similar to what in eclipse we can have the same thing Windows-> General -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Turning OFF some decorative options. This would give a little boost but may not have much impact.

In my opinion, the projects in the work space you might have created should be limited to certain extent or rather creating a new work space if projects are more. For instance, when you try to run a single project on server it takes less time as compared to running several projects on the same server

When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?

they're the same thing with different defaults (private by default for class, and public by default for struct), so in theory they're totally interchangeable.

so, if I just want to package some info to move around, I use a struct, even if i put a few methods there (but not many). If it's a mostly-opaque thing, where the main use would be via methods, and not directly to the data members, i use a full class.

Making the main scrollbar always visible

html {
    overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical; 
    overflow-y: scroll;

This make the scrollbar always visible and only active when needed.

Update: If the above does not work the just using this may.

html {

What is Shelving in TFS?

I come across this all the time, so supplemental information regarding branches:

If you're working with multiple branches, shelvesets are tied to the specific branch in which you created them. So, if you let a changeset rust on the shelf for too long and have to unshelve to a different branch, then you have to do that with the July release of the power tools.

tfpt unshelve /migrate

What are the ways to sum matrix elements in MATLAB?

Another answer for the first question is to use one for loop and perform linear indexing into the array using the function NUMEL to get the total number of elements:

total = 0;
for i = 1:numel(A)
  total = total+A(i);

Xcode stuck on Indexing

I experienced the same issue for Xcode 7.0 beta. In my case, values for "Provisioning Profile" and "Product bundle identifier" of "Build Settings" differed between PROJECT and TARGETS. I set the same values for them. And I also used the same values for TARGETS of "appName" and "appNameTest". Then closed the project and reopened it. That resolved my case.

How to get first item from a java.util.Set?


Call SortedSet::first

Move elements, and call first().

new TreeSet<String>( 
    pContext.getParent().getPropertyValue( … )   // Transfer elements from your `Set` to this new `TreeSet`, an implementation of the `SortedSet` interface. 

Set Has No Order

As others have said, a Set by definition has no order. Therefore asking for the “first” element has no meaning.

Some implementations of Set have an order such as the order in which items were added. That unofficial order may be available via the Iterator. But that order is accidental and not guaranteed. If you are lucky, the implementation backing your Set may indeed be a SortedSet.

CAVEAT: If order is critical, do not rely on such behavior. If reliability is not critical, such undocumented behavior might be handy. If given a Set you have no other viable alternative, so trying this may be better than nothing.

Object firstElement = mySet.iterator().next();

To directly address the Question… No, not really any shorter way to get first element from iterator while handling the possible case of an empty Set. However, I would prefer an if test for isEmpty rather than the Question’s for loop.

if ( ! mySet.isEmpty() ) {
    Object firstElement = mySet.iterator().next();

Use SortedSet

If you care about maintaining a sort order in a Set, use a SortedSet implementation. Such implementations include:

Use LinkedHashSet For Insertion-Order

If all you need is to remember elements in the order they were added to the Set use a LinkedHashSet.

To quote the doc, this class…

maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is the order in which elements were inserted into the set (insertion-order).

Log4net does not write the log in the log file


 [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)]

at the end of AssemblyInfo.cs file

How to create a static library with g++?

Create a .o file:

g++ -c header.cpp

add this file to a library, creating library if necessary:

ar rvs header.a header.o

use library:

g++ main.cpp header.a

Large Numbers in Java

Checkout BigDecimal and BigInteger.

Parsing a comma-delimited std::string

Simple Copy/Paste function, based on the boost tokenizer.

void strToIntArray(std::string string, int* array, int array_len) {
  boost::tokenizer<> tok(string);
  int i = 0;
  for(boost::tokenizer<>::iterator beg=tok.begin(); beg!=tok.end();++beg){
    if(i < array_len)
      array[i] = atoi(beg->c_str());

Self-references in object literals / initializers

The get property works great, and you can also use a binded closure for "expensive" functions that should only run once (this only works with var, not with const or let)

var info = {
  address: (function() {
    return databaseLookup(

  get fullName() {
    console.log('computing fullName...')
    return `${this.first} ${this.last}`

  id: '555-22-9999',
  first: 'First',
  last: 'Last',

function databaseLookup() {
  console.log('fetching address from remote server (runs once)...')
  return Promise.resolve(`22 Main St, City, Country`)

// test
(async () => {
  console.log(await info.address)
  console.log(await info.address)
  console.log(await info.address)
  console.log(await info.address)

Multiple queries executed in java in single statement

You can use Batch update but queries must be action(i.e. insert,update and delete) queries

Statement s = c.createStatement();
String s1 = "update emp set name='abc' where salary=984";
String s2 = "insert into emp values ('Osama',1420)";  

Pandas "Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects" error

When you compare two DataFrames, you must ensure that the number of records in the first DataFrame matches with the number of records in the second DataFrame. In our example, each of the two DataFrames had 4 records, with 4 products and 4 prices.

If, for example, one of the DataFrames had 5 products, while the other DataFrame had 4 products, and you tried to run the comparison, you would get the following error:

ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects

this should work

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

firstProductSet = {'Product1': ['Computer','Phone','Printer','Desk'],
                   'Price1': [1200,800,200,350]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(firstProductSet,columns= ['Product1', 'Price1'])

secondProductSet = {'Product2': ['Computer','Phone','Printer','Desk'],
                    'Price2': [900,800,300,350]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(secondProductSet,columns= ['Product2', 'Price2'])

df1['Price2'] = df2['Price2'] #add the Price2 column from df2 to df1

df1['pricesMatch?'] = np.where(df1['Price1'] == df2['Price2'], 'True', 'False')  #create new column in df1 to check if prices match
df1['priceDiff?'] = np.where(df1['Price1'] == df2['Price2'], 0, df1['Price1'] - df2['Price2']) #create new column in df1 for price diff 
print (df1)

example from

rename the columns name after cbind the data

you gave the following example in your question:


the problem is the comma: colnames() returns a vector, not a matrix, so the solution is:


C#: How would I get the current time into a string?

You can use format strings as well.

string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); // includes leading zeros
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); // includes leading zeros

or some shortcuts if the format works for you

string time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
string date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

Either should work.

How to make CSS3 rounded corners hide overflow in Chrome/Opera

I found another solution for this problem. This looks like another bug in WebKit (or probably Chrome), but it works. All you need to do - is to add a WebKit CSS Mask to the #wrapper element. You can use a single pixel png image and even include it to the CSS to save a HTTP request.

#wrapper {
width: 300px; height: 300px;
border-radius: 100px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute; /* this breaks the overflow:hidden in Chrome/Opera */

/* this fixes the overflow:hidden in Chrome */

#box {
width: 300px; height: 300px;
background-color: #cde;

JSFiddle Example

CSS: How to align vertically a "label" and "input" inside a "div"?

Wrap the label and input in another div with a defined height. This may not work in IE versions lower than 8.

top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0;

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

Following up on the comment ron posted, here is the detailed solution. Let's say you have registered a repeating alarm with a pending intent like this:

Intent intent = new Intent("");
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
                                      intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);

AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), 1000 * 60, pendingIntent);

The way you would check to see if it is active is to:

boolean alarmUp = (PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
        new Intent(""), 
        PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null);

if (alarmUp)
    Log.d("myTag", "Alarm is already active");

The key here is the FLAG_NO_CREATE which as described in the javadoc: if the described PendingIntent **does not** already exists, then simply return null (instead of creating a new one)


You can solve it be running on Google API emulator.

To run on Google API emulator, open your Android SDK & AVD Manager > Available packages > Google Repos > select those Google API levels that you need to test on.

After installing them, add them as virtual device and run.

How do I get the localhost name in PowerShell?

You can just use the .NET Framework method:




How can I list all collections in the MongoDB shell?

List all collections from the mongo shell:

  • db.getCollectionNames()
  • show collections
  • show tables

Note: Collections will show from current database where you are in currently

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

set DSKTOPDIR="D:\test"

>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO cd %PAY_REP%
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO mget *.report
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO bye

:: run PSFTP Commands
psftp <domain>@%IPADDRESS% -b %DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp

Set values using set commands before above lines.

I believe this helps you.

Referre psfpt setup for below link

File Upload without Form

Basing on this tutorial, here a very basic way to do that:

$('your_trigger_element_selector').on('click', function(){    
    var data = new FormData();
    data.append('input_file_name', $('your_file_input_selector').prop('files')[0]);
    // append other variables to data if you want: data.append('field_name_x', field_value_x);

        type: 'POST',               
        processData: false, // important
        contentType: false, // important
        data: data,
        url: your_ajax_path,
        dataType : 'json',  
        // in PHP you can call and process file in the same way as if it was submitted from a form:
        // $_FILES['input_file_name']
        success: function(jsonData){

Don't forget to add proper error handling

Scrolling to an Anchor using Transition/CSS3

I guess it might be possible to set some kind of hardcore transition to the top style of a #container div to move your entire page in the desired direction when clicking your anchor. Something like adding a class that has top:-2000px.

I did use JQuery because I'm to lazy too use native JS, but it is not necessary for what I did.

This is probably not the best possible solution because the top content just moves towards the top and you can't get it back easily, you should definitely use JQuery if you really need that scroll animation.


How to split a string after specific character in SQL Server and update this value to specific column

I know this question is specific to sql server, but I'm using postgresql and came across this question, so for anybody else in a similar situation, there is the split_part(string text, delimiter text, field int) function.

How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?

The easiest way that I use is this command on terminal:

docker logs elk > /home/Desktop/output.log

structure is:

docker logs <Container Name> > path/filename.log

Install specific branch from github using Npm

Had to put the url in quotes for it work

npm install "" --save

How do I add a placeholder on a CharField in Django?

Look at the widgets documentation. Basically it would look like:

q = forms.CharField(label='search', 
                    widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder': 'Search'}))

More writing, yes, but the separation allows for better abstraction of more complicated cases.

You can also declare a widgets attribute containing a <field name> => <widget instance> mapping directly on the Meta of your ModelForm sub-class.

Java Calendar, getting current month value, clarification needed


is zero based, 10 is November. From the javadoc;

public static final int MONTH Field number for get and set indicating the month. This is a calendar-specific value. The first month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars is JANUARY which is 0; the last depends on the number of months in a year.


is not a sensible thing to do, the value for JANUARY is 0, which is the same as ERA, you are effectively calling;


Tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces ("nbsp")?

The ideal CSS code that should be used should be a combination of "display" and "min-width" properties...

display: inline-block;
min-width: 10em; // ...for example, depending on the uniform width to be achieved for the items [in a list], which is a common scenario where tab is often needed.

Determine the number of lines within a text file

Use this:

    int get_lines(string file)
        var lineCount = 0;
        using (var stream = new StreamReader(file))
            while (stream.ReadLine() != null)
        return lineCount;

Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

For naming template parameters, typename and class are equivalent. §14.1.2:

There is no semantic difference between class and typename in a template-parameter.

typename however is possible in another context when using templates - to hint at the compiler that you are referring to a dependent type. §14.6.2:

A name used in a template declaration or definition and that is dependent on a template-parameter is assumed not to name a type unless the applicable name lookup finds a type name or the name is qualified by the keyword typename.


typename some_template<T>::some_type

Without typename the compiler can't tell in general whether you are referring to a type or not.

How to define hash tables in Bash?

A coworker just mentioned this thread. I've independently implemented hash tables within bash, and it's not dependent on version 4. From a blog post of mine in March 2010 (before some of the answers here...) entitled Hash tables in bash:

I previously used cksum to hash but have since translated Java's string hashCode to native bash/zsh.

# Here's the hashing function
ht() {
  local h=0 i
  for (( i=0; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do
    let "h=( (h<<5) - h ) + $(printf %d \'${1:$i:1})"
    let "h |= h"
  printf "$h"

# Example:

myhash[`ht foo bar`]="a value"
myhash[`ht baz baf`]="b value"

echo ${myhash[`ht baz baf`]} # "b value"
echo ${myhash[@]} # "a value b value" though perhaps reversed
echo ${#myhash[@]} # "2" - there are two values (note, zsh doesn't count right)

It's not bidirectional, and the built-in way is a lot better, but neither should really be used anyway. Bash is for quick one-offs, and such things should quite rarely involve complexity that might require hashes, except perhaps in your ~/.bashrc and friends.

JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'http': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')

We have the following string which is a valid JSON ...

Clearly the JSON parser disagrees!

However, the exception says that the error is at "line 1: column 9", and there is no "http" token near the beginning of the JSON. So I suspect that the parser is trying to parse something different than this string when the error occurs.

You need to find what JSON is actually being parsed. Run the application within a debugger, set a breakpoint on the relevant constructor for JsonParseException ... then find out what is in the ByteArrayInputStream that it is attempting to parse.

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

Seems to me you could've saved some memory by declaring your activity with "implements Handler.Callback"

Date minus 1 year?

// set your date here
$mydate = "2009-01-01";

/* strtotime accepts two parameters.
The first parameter tells what it should compute.
The second parameter defines what source date it should use. */
$lastyear = strtotime("-1 year", strtotime($mydate));

// format and display the computed date
echo date("Y-m-d", $lastyear);

What is the difference between Multiple R-squared and Adjusted R-squared in a single-variate least squares regression?

Note that, in addition to number of predictive variables, the Adjusted R-squared formula above also adjusts for sample size. A small sample will give a deceptively large R-squared.

Ping Yin & Xitao Fan, J. of Experimental Education 69(2): 203-224, "Estimating R-squared shrinkage in multiple regression", compares different methods for adjusting r-squared and concludes that the commonly-used ones quoted above are not good. They recommend the Olkin & Pratt formula.

However, I've seen some indication that population size has a much larger effect than any of these formulas indicate. I am not convinced that any of these formulas are good enough to allow you to compare regressions done with very different sample sizes (e.g., 2,000 vs. 200,000 samples; the standard formulas would make almost no sample-size-based adjustment). I would do some cross-validation to check the r-squared on each sample.

Difference between Return and Break statements

break:- These transfer statement bypass the correct flow of execution to outside of the current loop by skipping on the remaining iteration

class test
    public static void main(String []args)
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

output will be 

Continue :-These transfer Statement will bypass the flow of execution to starting point of the loop inorder to continue with next iteration by skipping all the remaining instructions .

class test
    public static void main(String []args)
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

output will be:

return :- At any time in a method the return statement can be used to cause execution to branch back to the caller of the method. Thus, the return statement immediately terminates the method in which it is executed. The following example illustrates this point. Here, return causes execution to return to the Java run-time system, since it is the run-time system that calls main( ).

class test
    public static void main(String []args)
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

output will be :

jquery remove "selected" attribute of option?

This works:





How to navigate to a section of a page

Main page

<a href="/sample.htm#page1">page1</a>
<a href="/sample.htm#page2">page2</a>

sample pages

<div id='page1'><a name="page1"></a></div>
<div id='page2'><a name="page2"></a></div>

How to return a value from try, catch, and finally?

Here is another example that return's a boolean value using try/catch.

private boolean doSomeThing(int index){
    try {
            return true; 
    } catch (Exception e) {
    }finally {
        System.out.println("Finally!!! ;) ");
    return false; 

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

Right click the Maven Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path Go to Order and Export tab, you can see the message like '2 build path entries are missing' Now select 'JRE System Library' and 'Maven Dependencies' checkbox Click OK

ClassCastException, casting Integer to Double

We can cast an int to a double but we can't do the same with the wrapper classes Integer and Double:

 int     a = 1;
 Integer b = 1;   // inboxing, requires Java 1.5+

 double  c = (double) a;   // OK
 Double  d = (Double) b;   // No way.

This shows the compile time error that corresponds to your runtime exception.

MySQL Multiple Joins in one query?

Just add another join:

SELECT dashboard_data.headline,
FROM dashboard_data 
    INNER JOIN dashboard_messages
            ON dashboard_message_id = 
    INNER JOIN images
            ON dashboard_messages.image_id = images.image_id

Why is Java's SimpleDateFormat not thread-safe?

Here is the example which results in a strange error. Even Google gives no results:

public class ExampleClass {

private static final Pattern dateCreateP = Pattern.compile("???? ??????:\\s*(.+)");
private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yyyy");

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
    while (true) {
        executor.submit(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

public static void workConcurrently() {
    Matcher matcher = dateCreateP.matcher("???? ??????: 19:30:55 03.05.2015");
    Timestamp startAdvDate = null;
    try {
        if (matcher.find()) {
            String dateCreate =;
            startAdvDate = new Timestamp(sdf.parse(dateCreate).getTime());
    } catch (Throwable th) {
    System.out.print("OK ");

And result :

OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ".201519E.2015192E2"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(
at java.text.DigitList.getDouble(
at java.text.DecimalFormat.parse(
at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.subParse(
at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.parse(
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(
at com.nonscalper.webscraper.processor.av.ExampleClass.workConcurrently(
at com.nonscalper.webscraper.processor.av.ExampleClass$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Difference between "char" and "String" in Java

In string we can store multiple char. e.g. char ch='a';

String s="a";

String s1="aaaa";

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Since the release of HTML5 one can now simply do:

<div hidden>This div is hidden</div>

Note: This is not supported by some old browsers, most notably IE < 11.

Hidden Attribute Documentation (MDN,W3C)

How to perform mouseover function in Selenium WebDriver using Java?

Based on this blog post I was able to trigger hovering using the following code with Selenium 2 Webdriver:

String javaScript = "var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');" +
                    "evObj.initMouseEvent(\"mouseover\",true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);" +

((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(javaScript, webElement);

Delete empty lines using sed

This works in awk as well.

awk '!/^$/' file

How to check for empty value in Javascript?

Comment as an answer:

if (timetime[0].value)

This works because any variable in JS can be evaluated as a boolean, so this will generally catch things that are empty, null, or undefined.

What is the difference between String and StringBuffer in Java?

By printing the hashcode of the String/StringBuffer object after any append operation also prove, String object is getting recreated internally every time with new values rather than using the same String object.

public class MutableImmutable {

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("String is immutable");
    String s = "test";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        s += "tre";

    System.out.println("String Buffer is mutable");

    StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer("test");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {



Output: It prints object value along with its hashcode

    String is immutable
    String Buffer is mutable

PostgreSQL: How to change PostgreSQL user password?


On many systems, a user's account often contains a period, or some sort of punction (user: john.smith, horise.johnson). IN these cases a modification will have to be made to the accepted answer above. The change requires the username to be double-quoted.


ALTER USER "username.lastname" WITH PASSWORD 'password'; 


Postgres is quite picky on when to use a 'double quote' and when to use a 'single quote'. Typically when providing a string you would use a single quote.

Set timeout for ajax (jQuery)

Here's some examples that demonstrate setting and detecting timeouts in jQuery's old and new paradigmes.

Live Demo

Promise with jQuery 1.8+

    url: '/getData',
    timeout:3000 //3 second timeout
  //do something
}).catch(function(e) {
  if(e.statusText == 'timeout')
    alert('Native Promise: Failed from timeout'); 
    //do something. Try again perhaps?

jQuery 1.8+

    url: '/getData',
    timeout:3000 //3 second timeout
    //do something
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus){
    if(textStatus === 'timeout')
        alert('Failed from timeout'); 
        //do something. Try again perhaps?

jQuery <= 1.7.2

    url: '/getData',
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus){
        if(textStatus === 'timeout')
             alert('Failed from timeout');         
            //do something. Try again perhaps?
    success: function(){
        //do something
    timeout:3000 //3 second timeout

Notice that the textStatus param (or jqXHR.statusText) will let you know what the error was. This may be useful if you want to know that the failure was caused by a timeout.

error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)

A function to be called if the request fails. The function receives three arguments: The jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest) object, a string describing the type of error that occurred and an optional exception object, if one occurred. Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "abort", and "parsererror". When an HTTP error occurs, errorThrown receives the textual portion of the HTTP status, such as "Not Found" or "Internal Server Error." As of jQuery 1.5, the error setting can accept an array of functions. Each function will be called in turn. Note: This handler is not called for cross-domain script and JSONP requests.


Eclipse says: “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one.” How do I unlock a workspace?

I faced the same problem, but for some reasons the .lock file in workspace was not getting deleted. Even creating a new workspace was also getting locked.

So what I did was cleaning the windows temp folder, the %PREFETCH% folder and %TEMP% locations. Restart the system and then it allowed to delete the .lock file.

Maybe it will help someone.

AngularJs $ does not send data

I had the same problem using MVC and found the solution here

There is much confusion among newcomers to AngularJS as to why the $http service shorthand functions ($, etc.) don’t appear to be swappable with the jQuery equivalents (, etc.)

The difference is in how jQuery and AngularJS serialize and transmit the data. Fundamentally, the problem lies with your server language of choice being unable to understand AngularJS’s transmission natively ... By default, jQuery transmits data using

Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded

and the familiar foo=bar&baz=moe serialization.

AngularJS, however, transmits data using

Content-Type: application/json 

and { "foo": "bar", "baz": "moe" }

JSON serialization, which unfortunately some Web server languages—notably PHP—do not unserialize natively.

Works like a charm.


// Your app's root module...
angular.module('MyModule', [], function($httpProvider) {
  // Use x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type
  $['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';

   * The workhorse; converts an object to x-www-form-urlencoded serialization.
   * @param {Object} obj
   * @return {String}
  var param = function(obj) {
    var query = '', name, value, fullSubName, subName, subValue, innerObj, i;

    for(name in obj) {
      value = obj[name];

      if(value instanceof Array) {
        for(i=0; i<value.length; ++i) {
          subValue = value[i];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value instanceof Object) {
        for(subName in value) {
          subValue = value[subName];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + subName + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value !== undefined && value !== null)
        query += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&';

    return query.length ? query.substr(0, query.length - 1) : query;

  // Override $http service's default transformRequest
  $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data) {
    return angular.isObject(data) && String(data) !== '[object File]' ? param(data) : data;

How to install JDBC driver in Eclipse web project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundexception

Place mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar to the \Apache Tomcat 6.0.18\lib folder. Your problem will be solved.

Passing data between different controller action methods

I prefer to use this instead of TempData

public class Home1Controller : Controller 
    public ActionResult CheckBox(string date)
        return RedirectToAction("ActionName", "Home2", new { Date =date });

and another controller Action is

public class Home2Controller : Controller 
    Public ActionResult ActionName(string Date)
       // do whatever with Date
       return View();

it is too late but i hope to be helpful for any one in the future

JPA: how do I persist a String into a database field, type MYSQL Text

With @Lob I always end up with a LONGTEXTin MySQL.

To get TEXT I declare it that way (JPA 2.0):

@Column(columnDefinition = "TEXT")
private String text

Find this better, because I can directly choose which Text-Type the column will have in database.

For columnDefinition it is also good to read this.

EDIT: Please pay attention to Adam Siemions comment and check the database engine you are using, before applying columnDefinition = "TEXT".

How do I get the XML SOAP request of an WCF Web service request?

I think you meant that you want to see the XML at the client, not trace it at the server. In that case, your answer is in the question I linked above, and also at How to Inspect or Modify Messages on the Client. But, since the .NET 4 version of that article is missing its C#, and the .NET 3.5 example has some confusion (if not a bug) in it, here it is expanded for your purpose.

You can intercept the message before it goes out using an IClientMessageInspector:

using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
public class MyMessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector
{ }

The methods in that interface, BeforeSendRequest and AfterReceiveReply, give you access to the request and reply. To use the inspector, you need to add it to an IEndpointBehavior:

using System.ServiceModel.Description;
public class InspectorBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
    public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
        clientRuntime.MessageInspectors.Add(new MyMessageInspector());

You can leave the other methods of that interface as empty implementations, unless you want to use their functionality, too. Read the how-to for more details.

After you instantiate the client, add the behavior to the endpoint. Using default names from the sample WCF project:

ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();
client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new InspectorBehavior());

Set a breakpoint in MyMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest(); request.ToString() is overloaded to show the XML.

If you are going to manipulate the messages at all, you have to work on a copy of the message. See Using the Message Class for details.

Thanks to Zach Bonham's answer at another question for finding these links.

Crystal Reports for VS2012 - VS2013 - VS2015 - VS2017 - VS2019

There is also someone who managed to modify CR for VS.NET 2010 to install on 2012, using MS ORCA in this thread: . I couldn't get it to work myself, though.

Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js

Another Update

Needing an answer to this question myself I looked up the node docs, seems you should not be using fs.exists, instead use and use outputted error to detect if a file does not exist:

from the docs:

fs.exists() is an anachronism and exists only for historical reasons. There should almost never be a reason to use it in your own code.

In particular, checking if a file exists before opening it is an anti-pattern that leaves you vulnerable to race conditions: another process may remove the file between the calls to fs.exists() and Just open the file and handle the error when it's not there.

Microsoft.Office.Core Reference Missing

You can add reference of Microsoft.Office.Core from COM components tab in the add reference window by adding reference of Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library. The screen shot will shows what component you need.

enter image description here

Forwarding port 80 to 8080 using NGINX

This is how you can achieve this.

upstream {

server {
    listen 80;

    # The host name to respond to

    location /(.*) {
        proxy_pass http://nodeapp/$1$is_args$args;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-Port $server_port;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-Scheme $scheme;

You can also use this configuration to load balance amongst multiple Node processes like so:

upstream {

Where you are running your node server on ports 8081, 8082 and 8083 in separate processes. Nginx will easily load balance your traffic amongst these server processes.

Maximum size of a varchar(max) variable

EDIT: After further investigation, my original assumption that this was an anomaly (bug?) of the declare @var datatype = value syntax is incorrect.

I modified your script for 2005 since that syntax is not supported, then tried the modified version on 2008. In 2005, I get the Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2147483647 bytes. error message. In 2008, the modified script is still successful.

declare @KMsg varchar(max); set @KMsg = REPLICATE('a',1024);
declare @MMsg varchar(max); set @MMsg = REPLICATE(@KMsg,1024);
declare @GMsg varchar(max); set @GMsg = REPLICATE(@MMsg,1024);
declare @GGMMsg varchar(max); set @GGMMsg = @GMsg + @GMsg + @MMsg;
select LEN(@GGMMsg)

How to ORDER BY a SUM() in MySQL?

Without a GROUP BY clause, any summation will roll all rows up into a single row, so your query will indeed not work. If you grouped by, say, name, and ordered by sum(c_counts+f_counts), then you might get some useful results. But you would have to group by something.

Understanding dispatch_async

Swift version

This is the Swift version of David's Objective-C answer. You use the global queue to run things in the background and the main queue to update the UI. .background).async {
    // Background Thread
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Run UI Updates

Getting full JS autocompletion under Sublime Text

Ternjs is a new alternative for getting JS autocompletion.

Sublime Plugin

The most well-maintained Tern plugin for Sublime Text is called 'tern_for_sublime'

There is also an older plugin called 'TernJS'. It is unmaintained and contains several performance related bugs, that cause Sublime Text to crash, so avoid that.

How do I cast a string to integer and have 0 in case of error in the cast with PostgreSQL?

  RETURN regexp_replace(('0' || s), '[^\d]', '', 'g')::INT;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This function will always return 0 if there are no digits in the input string.

SELECT parse_int('test12_3test');

will return 123

How to obtain a QuerySet of all rows, with specific fields for each one of them?

In addition to values_list as Daniel mentions you can also use only (or defer for the opposite effect) to get a queryset of objects only having their id and specified fields:


This will run a single query:

SELECT id, eng_name FROM employees

Generate 'n' unique random numbers within a range

If you just need sampling without replacement:

>>> import random
>>> random.sample(range(1, 100), 3)
[77, 52, 45]

random.sample takes a population and a sample size k and returns k random members of the population.

If you have to control for the case where k is larger than len(population), you need to be prepared to catch a ValueError:

>>> try:
...   random.sample(range(1, 2), 3)
... except ValueError:
...   print('Sample size exceeded population size.')
Sample size exceeded population size

Check if string matches pattern

import re

ab = re.compile("^([A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})+$")

I believe that should work for an uppercase, number pattern.

How to check a Long for null in java

If the longValue variable is of type Long (the wrapper class, not the primitive long), then yes you can check for null values.

A primitive variable needs to be initialized to some value explicitly (e.g. to 0) so its value will never be null.

'module' has no attribute 'urlencode'

urllib has been split up in Python 3.

The urllib.urlencode() function is now urllib.parse.urlencode(),

the urllib.urlopen() function is now urllib.request.urlopen().

Detect Route Change with react-router

React Router V5

If you want the pathName as a string ('/' or 'users'), you can use the following:

  // React Hooks: React Router DOM
  let history = useHistory();
  const location = useLocation();
  const pathName = location.pathname;

How to split a string and assign it to variables

The IPv6 addresses for fields like RemoteAddr from http.Request are formatted as "[::1]:53343"

So net.SplitHostPort works great:

package main

    import (

    func main() {
        host1, port, err := net.SplitHostPort("")
        fmt.Println(host1, port, err)

        host2, port, err := net.SplitHostPort("[::1]:2345")
        fmt.Println(host2, port, err)

        host3, port, err := net.SplitHostPort("localhost:1234")
        fmt.Println(host3, port, err)

Output is: 5432 <nil>
::1 2345 <nil>
localhost 1234 <nil>

Missing artifact in pom.xml

try this one
