Programs & Examples On #Getdirectories

List all files and directories in a directory + subdirectories

With this you can just run them and chosse the sub folder when console run

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using data.Patcher; // The patcher XML
namespace PatchBuilder
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string patchDir;
        if (args.Length == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Give the patch directory in argument");
            patchDir = Console.ReadLine();
            patchDir = args[0];

        if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(patchDir, "patch.xml")))
            File.Delete(Path.Combine(patchDir, "patch.xml"));

        var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(patchDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderBy(p => p).ToList();

        foreach (var file in files.Where(file => file.StartsWith("patch\\Resources")).ToArray())

        var tasks = new List<MetaFileEntry>();
        using (var md5Hasher = MD5.Create())
            for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                var file = files[i];

                if ((File.GetAttributes(file) & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0)

                var content = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
                var md5Hasher2 = MD5.Create();

                var task =
                    new MetaFileEntry
                        LocalURL = GetRelativePath(file, patchDir + "\\"),
                        RelativeURL = GetRelativePath(file, patchDir + "\\"),
                        FileMD5 = Convert.ToBase64String(md5Hasher2.ComputeHash(content)),
                        FileSize = content.Length,


                var pathBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(task.LocalURL.ToLower());
                md5Hasher.TransformBlock(pathBytes, 0, pathBytes.Length, pathBytes, 0);
                if (i == files.Count - 1)
                    md5Hasher.TransformFinalBlock(content, 0, content.Length);
                    md5Hasher.TransformBlock(content, 0, content.Length, content, 0);

                Console.WriteLine(@"Add " + task.RelativeURL);

            var patch = new MetaFile
                Tasks = tasks.ToArray(),
                FolderChecksum = BitConverter.ToString(md5Hasher.Hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower(),

            //XmlUtils.Serialize(Path.Combine(patchDir, "patch.xml"), patch);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Created Patch in {0} !", Path.Combine(patchDir, "patch.xml"));


    static string GetRelativePath(string fullPath, string relativeTo)
        var foldersSplitted = fullPath.Split(new[] { relativeTo.Replace("/", "\\").Replace("\\\\", "\\") }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // cut the source path and the "rest" of the path

        return foldersSplitted.Length > 0 ? foldersSplitted.Last() : ""; // return the "rest"

and this the patchar for XML export

using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace data.Patcher
    public class MetaFile

        public MetaFileEntry[] Tasks

        public string FolderChecksum

Class constants in python

class Animal:
    HUGE = "Huge"
    BIG = "Big"

class Horse:
    def printSize(self):

Disabling right click on images using jquery

For modern browsers all you need is this CSS:

img {
    pointer-events: none;

Older browsers will still allow pointer events on the images, but the CSS above will take care of the vast majority of visitors to your site, and used in conjunction with the contextmenu methods should give you a very solid solution.

mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

You could try following this guide and implement/provide your own MatFormFieldControl

I want my android application to be only run in portrait mode?

In the manifest, set this for all your activities:

<activity android:name=".YourActivity"

Let me explain:

  • With android:configChanges="orientation" you tell Android that you will be responsible of the changes of orientation.
  • android:screenOrientation="portrait" you set the default orientation mode.

Unable to import path from django.urls

For someone having the same problem -

import name 'path' from 'django.urls' 

You can also try installing django-urls by

pipenv install django-urls

getting the table row values with jquery

Here is a working example. I changed the code to output to a div instead of an alert box. Your issue was item.innerHTML I believe. I use the jQuery html function instead and that seemed to resolve the issue.

<table id='thisTable' class='disptable' style='margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'  >

   <td class='fund'>100000</td><td class='org'>10110</td><td>OWNED</td><td><a  class='delbtn'ref='#'>X</a></td></tr>
   <tr><td class='fund'>100000</td><td class='org'>67130</td><td>OWNED</td><td><a class='delbtn' href='#'>X</a></td></tr>
   <tr><td class='fund'>170252</td><td class='org'>67130</td><td>OWNED</td><td><a class='delbtn' href='#'>X</a></td></tr>
   <tr><td class='fund'>100000</td><td class='org'>67150</td><td>PENDING ACCESS</td><td><a  class='delbtn' href='#'>X</a></td></tr>
   <tr><td class='fund'>100000</td><td class='org'>67120</td><td>PENDING ACCESS</td><td><a class='delbtn' href='#'>X</a>
<div id="output"></div>?

the javascript:

$('#thisTable tr').on('click', function(event) {    
    var tds = $(this).addClass('row-highlight').find('td');
    var values = '';
    tds.each(function(index, item) {           
        values = values + 'td' + (index + 1) + ':' + $(item).html() + '<br/>';

What is the best way to update the entity in JPA

It depends on number of entities which are going to be updated, if you have large number of entities using JPA Query Update statement is better as you dont have to load all the entities from database, if you are going to update just one entity then using find and update is fine.

What range of values can integer types store in C++

No, only part of ten digits number can be stored in a unsigned long int whose valid range is 0 to 4,294,967,295 . you can refer to this:

Windows batch: formatted date into variable

You can get the current date in a locale-agnostic way using

for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined MyDate set MyDate=%%x

Then you can extract the individual parts using substrings:

set today=%MyDate:~0,4%-%MyDate:~4,2%-%MyDate:~6,2%

Another way, where you get variables that contain the individual parts, would be:

for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_localtime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do set %%x
set today=%Year%-%Month%-%Day%

Much nicer than fiddling with substrings, at the expense of polluting your variable namespace.

If you need UTC instead of local time, the command is more or less the same:

for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do set %%x
set today=%Year%-%Month%-%Day%

String field value length in mongoDB

For MongoDB 3.6 and newer:

The $expr operator allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language, thus you can leverage the use of $strLenCP operator to check the length of the string as follows:

    "name": { "$exists": true },
    "$expr": { "$gt": [ { "$strLenCP": "$name" }, 40 ] } 

For MongoDB 3.4 and newer:

You can also use the aggregation framework with the $redact pipeline operator that allows you to proccess the logical condition with the $cond operator and uses the special operations $$KEEP to "keep" the document where the logical condition is true or $$PRUNE to "remove" the document where the condition was false.

This operation is similar to having a $project pipeline that selects the fields in the collection and creates a new field that holds the result from the logical condition query and then a subsequent $match, except that $redact uses a single pipeline stage which is more efficient.

As for the logical condition, there are String Aggregation Operators that you can use $strLenCP operator to check the length of the string. If the length is $gt a specified value, then this is a true match and the document is "kept". Otherwise it is "pruned" and discarded.

Consider running the following aggregate operation which demonstrates the above concept:

    { "$match": { "name": { "$exists": true } } },
        "$redact": {
            "$cond": [
                { "$gt": [ { "$strLenCP": "$name" }, 40] },
    { "$limit": 2 }

If using $where, try your query without the enclosing brackets:

db.usercollection.find({$where: " > 40"}).limit(2);

A better query would be to to check for the field's existence and then check the length:

db.usercollection.find({name: {$type: 2}, $where: " > 40"}).limit(2); 


db.usercollection.find({name: {$exists: true}, $where: " > 

MongoDB evaluates non-$where query operations before $where expressions and non-$where query statements may use an index. A much better performance is to store the length of the string as another field and then you can index or search on it; applying $where will be much slower compared to that. It's recommended to use JavaScript expressions and the $where operator as a last resort when you can't structure the data in any other way, or when you are dealing with a small subset of data.

A different and faster approach that avoids the use of the $where operator is the $regex operator. Consider the following pattern which searches for

db.usercollection.find({"name": {"$type": 2, "$regex": /^.{41,}$/}}).limit(2); 

Note - From the docs:

If an index exists for the field, then MongoDB matches the regular expression against the values in the index, which can be faster than a collection scan. Further optimization can occur if the regular expression is a “prefix expression”, which means that all potential matches start with the same string. This allows MongoDB to construct a “range” from that prefix and only match against those values from the index that fall within that range.

A regular expression is a “prefix expression” if it starts with a caret (^) or a left anchor (\A), followed by a string of simple symbols. For example, the regex /^abc.*/ will be optimized by matching only against the values from the index that start with abc.

Additionally, while /^a/, /^a.*/, and /^a.*$/ match equivalent strings, they have different performance characteristics. All of these expressions use an index if an appropriate index exists; however, /^a.*/, and /^a.*$/ are slower. /^a/ can stop scanning after matching the prefix.

Most efficient way to check if a file is empty in Java on Windows

You can choose try the FileReader approach but it may not be time to give up just yet. If is the BOM field destroying for you try this solution posted here at stackoverflow.

Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java

How to use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR properly?

You can use this function to get proper client IP:

public function getClientIP(){       
     if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)){
            return  $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];  
     }else if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { 
            return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
     }else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; 

     return '';

How to make div fixed after you scroll to that div?

I know this is tagged html/css only, but you can't do that with css only. Easiest way will be using some jQuery.

var fixmeTop = $('.fixme').offset().top;       // get initial position of the element

$(window).scroll(function() {                  // assign scroll event listener

    var currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop(); // get current position

    if (currentScroll >= fixmeTop) {           // apply position: fixed if you
        $('.fixme').css({                      // scroll to that element or below it
            position: 'fixed',
            top: '0',
            left: '0'
    } else {                                   // apply position: static
        $('.fixme').css({                      // if you scroll above it
            position: 'static'


determine DB2 text string length

From similar question DB2 - find and compare the lentgh of the value in a table field - add RTRIM since LENGTH will return length of column definition. This should be correct:

select * from table where length(RTRIM(fieldName))=10

UPDATE 27.5.2019: maybe on older db2 versions the LENGTH function returned the length of column definition. On db2 10.5 I have tried the function and it returns data length, not column definition length:

select fieldname
, length(fieldName) len_only
, length(RTRIM(fieldName)) len_rtrim
from (values (cast('1234567890  ' as varchar(30)) )) 
as tab(fieldName)

FIELDNAME                      LEN_ONLY    LEN_RTRIM
------------------------------ ----------- -----------
1234567890                              12          10

One can test this by using this term:

where length(fieldName)!=length(rtrim(fieldName))

ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known; fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Recently, I have seen this problem too. Below, you have my solution:

  1. ping, if ping failed. it is DNS error.
  2. sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf, the add: nameserver nameserver

Or it can be a genuine network issue. Restart your network-manager using sudo service network-manager restart or fix it up

I have just received this error after switching from HTTPS to SSH (for my origin remote). To fix, I simply ran the following command (for each repo):

ssh -T [email protected]

Upon receiving a successful response, I could fetch/push to the repo with ssh.

I took that command from Git's Testing your SSH connection guide, which is part of the greater Connecting to GitHub with with SSH guide.

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

Based on this page:

  • Run regedit (remember to run it as the administrator)
  • Expand SOFTWARE
  • Expand Microsoft
  • Expand Windows
  • Expand CurrentVersion
  • Expand App Paths
  • At App Paths, add a new KEY called sqldeveloper.exe
  • Expand sqldeveloper.exe
  • Modify the (DEFAULT) value to the full pathway to the sqldeveloper executable (See example below step 11)
  • Create a new STRING VALUE called PATH and set it value to the sqldeveloper pathway + \jdk\jre\bin

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

Adding msecs was the better option, Thanks. Here is my amendment using this with Python 3.5.3 in Blender

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s:\t%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Logging Info")
log.debug("Logging Debug")

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

First off, this has nothing to do with php. This is a unix permission issue. You need to login as a superuser ( sudo/su ) and type your password, then try that command.

$ su
(type password )
\# your command

$ sudo command
$ (type password)

It might also help if you actually specified the operating system you use.

How do I get the Date & Time (VBS)

nowreturns the current date and time

from list of integers, get number closest to a given value

def closest(list, Number):
    aux = []
    for valor in list:

    return aux.index(min(aux))

This code will give you the index of the closest number of Number in the list.

The solution given by KennyTM is the best overall, but in the cases you cannot use it (like brython), this function will do the work

React Router v4 - How to get current route?

I think the author's of React Router (v4) just added that withRouter HOC to appease certain users. However, I believe the better approach is to just use render prop and make a simple PropsRoute component that passes those props. This is easier to test as you it doesn't "connect" the component like withRouter does. Have a bunch of nested components wrapped in withRouter and it's not going to be fun. Another benefit is you can also use this pass through whatever props you want to the Route. Here's the simple example using render prop. (pretty much the exact example from their website (src/components/routes/props-route)

import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';

export const PropsRoute = ({ component: Component, ...props }) => (
    { ...props }
    render={ renderProps => (<Component { ...renderProps } { ...props } />) }

export default PropsRoute;

usage: (notice to get the route params (match.params) you can just use this component and those will be passed for you)

import React from 'react';
import PropsRoute from 'src/components/routes/props-route';

export const someComponent = props => (<PropsRoute component={ Profile } />);

also notice that you could pass whatever extra props you want this way too

<PropsRoute isFetching={ isFetchingProfile } title="User Profile" component={ Profile } />

Using os.walk() to recursively traverse directories in Python

import os

dir = os.getcwd()
list = sorted(os.listdir(dir))
marks = ""

for s_list in list:
    print marks + s_list
    marks += "---"
    tree_list = sorted(os.listdir(dir + "/" + s_list))
    for i in tree_list:
        print marks + i

Convert file: Uri to File in Android

What you want is...

new File(uri.getPath());

... and not...

new File(uri.toString());

Note: uri.toString() returns a String in the format: "file:///mnt/sdcard/myPicture.jpg", whereas uri.getPath() returns a String in the format: "/mnt/sdcard/myPicture.jpg".

Find an item in List by LINQ?

If you want the index of the element, this will do it:

int index = list.Select((item, i) => new { Item = item, Index = i })
                .First(x => x.Item == search).Index;

// or
var tagged = list.Select((item, i) => new { Item = item, Index = i });
int index = (from pair in tagged
            where pair.Item == search
            select pair.Index).First();

You can't get rid of the lambda in the first pass.

Note that this will throw if the item doesn't exist. This solves the problem by resorting to nullable ints:

var tagged = list.Select((item, i) => new { Item = item, Index = (int?)i });
int? index = (from pair in tagged
            where pair.Item == search
            select pair.Index).FirstOrDefault();

If you want the item:

// Throws if not found
var item = list.First(item => item == search);
// or
var item = (from item in list
            where item == search
            select item).First();

// Null if not found
var item = list.FirstOrDefault(item => item == search);
// or
var item = (from item in list
            where item == search
            select item).FirstOrDefault();

If you want to count the number of items that match:

int count = list.Count(item => item == search);
// or
int count = (from item in list
            where item == search
            select item).Count();

If you want all the items that match:

var items = list.Where(item => item == search);
// or
var items = from item in list
            where item == search
            select item;

And don't forget to check the list for null in any of these cases.

Or use (list ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>()) instead of list.

Thanks to Pavel for helping out in the comments.

How to create multidimensional array

function Array2D(x, y)
    var array2D = new Array(x);

    for(var i = 0; i < array2D.length; i++)
        array2D[i] = new Array(y);

    return array2D;

var myNewArray = Array2D(4, 9);

myNewArray[3][5] = "booger";

Error: Tablespace for table xxx exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT

The only way it worked for me was:

  1. Create a similar table
  2. Copy the .frm and .idb files of the new similar table to the name of the corrupt table.
  3. Fix permissions
  4. Restart MariaDB
  5. Drop the corrupt table

Recursive Fibonacci

I think this solution is short and seem looks nice:

long long fib(int n){
  return n<=2?1:fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);

Edit : as jweyrich mentioned, true recursive function should be:

long long fib(int n){
      return n<2?n:fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);

(because fib(0) = 0. but base on above recursive formula, fib(0) will be 1)

To understand recursion algorithm, you should draw to your paper, and the most important thing is : "Think normal as often".

UTF-8 encoding in JSP page

Page encoding or anything else do not matter a lot. ISO-8859-1 is a subset of UTF-8, therefore you never have to convert ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 because ISO-8859-1 is already UTF-8,a subset of UTF-8 but still UTF-8. Plus, all that do not mean a thing if You have a double encoding somewhere. This is my "cure all" recipe for all things encoding and charset related:

        String myString = "heartbroken ð";

//String is double encoded, fix that first.

                myString = new String(myString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                String cleanedText = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(myString);
                byte[] bytes = cleanedText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                String text = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
                CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
                CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();
                try {
                    // The new ByteBuffer is ready to be read.
                    ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(text));
                    // The new ByteBuffer is ready to be read.
                    CharBuffer cbuf = decoder.decode(bbuf);
                    String str = cbuf.toString();
                } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
                    logger.error("Error Message if you want to");


What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

  1. clusterIP : IP accessible inside cluster (across nodes within d cluster).
nodeA : pod1 => clusterIP1, pod2 => clusterIP2
nodeB : pod3 => clusterIP3.

pod3 can talk to pod1 via their clusterIP network.

  1. nodeport : to make pods accessible from outside the cluster via nodeIP:nodeport, it will create/keep clusterIP above as its clusterIP network.
nodeA => nodeIPA : nodeportX
nodeB => nodeIPB : nodeportX

you might access service on pod1 either via nodeIPA:nodeportX OR nodeIPB:nodeportX. Either way will work because kube-proxy (which is installed in each node) will receive your request and distribute it [redirect it(iptables term)] across nodes using clusterIP network.

  1. Load balancer

basically just putting LB in front, so that inbound traffic is distributed to nodeIPA:nodeportX and nodeIPB:nodeportX then continue with the process flow number 2 above.

Make a directory and copy a file

Use the FileSystemObject object, namely, its CreateFolder and CopyFile methods. Basically, this is what your script will look like:

Dim oFSO
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Create a new folder
oFSO.CreateFolder "C:\MyFolder"

' Copy a file into the new folder
' Note that the destination folder path must end with a path separator (\)
oFSO.CopyFile "\\server\folder\file.ext", "C:\MyFolder\"

You may also want to add additional logic, like checking whether the folder you want to create already exists (because CreateFolder raises an error in this case) or specifying whether or not to overwrite the file being copied. So, you can end up with this:

Const strFolder = "C:\MyFolder\", strFile = "\\server\folder\file.ext"
Const Overwrite = True
Dim oFSO

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If Not oFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
  oFSO.CreateFolder strFolder
End If

oFSO.CopyFile strFile, strFolder, Overwrite

What's the main difference between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32

Have a look in reflector:


public static int Parse(string s)
    return System.Number.ParseInt32(s, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);

which is a call to:

internal static unsafe int ParseInt32(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    byte* stackBuffer = stackalloc byte[1 * 0x72];
    NumberBuffer number = new NumberBuffer(stackBuffer);
    int num = 0;
    StringToNumber(s, style, ref number, info, false);
    if ((style & NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) != NumberStyles.None)
        if (!HexNumberToInt32(ref number, ref num))
            throw new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString("Overflow_Int32"));
        return num;
    if (!NumberToInt32(ref number, ref num))
        throw new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString("Overflow_Int32"));
    return num;


public static int ToInt32(string value)
    if (value == null)
        return 0;
    return int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

As the first (Dave M's) comment says.

How do I clone a specific Git branch?

Create a branch on the local system with that name. e.g. say you want to get the branch named branch-05142011

git branch branch-05142011 origin/branch-05142011

It'll give you a message:

$ git checkout --track origin/branch-05142011
Branch branch-05142011 set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/branch-05142011.
Switched to a new branch "branch-05142011"

Now just checkout the branch like below and you have the code

git checkout branch-05142011

How do I add an element to array in reducer of React native redux?

If you need to insert into a specific position in the array, you can do this:

case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: [
            ...state.arr.slice(0, action.pos),

How to modify memory contents using GDB?

Expanding on the answers provided here.

You can just do set idx = 1 to set a variable, but that syntax is not recommended because the variable name may clash with a set sub-command. As an example set w=1 would not be valid.

This means that you should prefer the syntax: set variable idx = 1 or set var idx = 1.

Last but not least, you can just use your trusty old print command, since it evaluates an expression. The only difference being that he also prints the result of the expression.

(gdb) p idx = 1
$1 = 1

You can read more about gdb here.

Simple VBA selection: Selecting 5 cells to the right of the active cell

This example selects a new Range of Cells defined by the current cell to a cell 5 to the right.

Note that .Offset takes arguments of Offset(row, columns) and can be quite useful.

Sub testForStackOverflow()
    Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
End Sub

Passing an array by reference

It is a syntax. In the function arguments int (&myArray)[100] parenthesis that enclose the &myArray are necessary. if you don't use them, you will be passing an array of references and that is because the subscript operator [] has higher precedence over the & operator.

E.g. int &myArray[100] // array of references

So, by using type construction () you tell the compiler that you want a reference to an array of 100 integers.

E.g int (&myArray)[100] // reference of an array of 100 ints

Line break in HTML with '\n'

Simple and linear:

 <p> my phrase is this..<br>
 the other line is this<br>
 the end is this other phrase..

When are static variables initialized?

From See Java Static Variable Methods:

  • It is a variable which belongs to the class and not to object(instance)
  • Static variables are initialized only once , at the start of the execution. These variables will be initialized first, before the initialization of any instance variables
  • A single copy to be shared by all instances of the class
  • A static variable can be accessed directly by the class name and doesn’t need any object.

Instance and class (static) variables are automatically initialized to standard default values if you fail to purposely initialize them. Although local variables are not automatically initialized, you cannot compile a program that fails to either initialize a local variable or assign a value to that local variable before it is used.

What the compiler actually does is to internally produce a single class initialization routine that combines all the static variable initializers and all of the static initializer blocks of code, in the order that they appear in the class declaration. This single initialization procedure is run automatically, one time only, when the class is first loaded.

In case of inner classes, they can not have static fields

An inner class is a nested class that is not explicitly or implicitly declared static.


Inner classes may not declare static initializers (§8.7) or member interfaces...

Inner classes may not declare static members, unless they are constant variables...

See JLS 8.1.3 Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances

final fields in Java can be initialized separately from their declaration place this is however can not be applicable to static final fields. See the example below.

final class Demo
    private final int x;
    private static final int z;  //must be initialized here.

        z = 10;  //It can be initialized here.

    public Demo(int x)
        this.x=x;  //This is possible.
        //z=15; compiler-error - can not assign a value to a final variable z

This is because there is just one copy of the static variables associated with the type, rather than one associated with each instance of the type as with instance variables and if we try to initialize z of type static final within the constructor, it will attempt to reinitialize the static final type field z because the constructor is run on each instantiation of the class that must not occur to static final fields.

How do I exit the Vim editor?

Before you enter a command, hit the Esc key. After you enter it, hit the Return to confirm.

Esc finishes the current command and switches Vim to normal mode. Now if you press :, the : will appear at the bottom of the screen. This confirms that you're actually typing a command and not editing the file.

Most commands have abbreviations, with optional part enclosed in brackets: c[ommand].

Commands marked with '*' are Vim-only (not implemented in Vi).

Safe-quit (fails if there are unsaved changes):

  • :q[uit] Quit the current window. Quit Vim if this is the last window. This fails when changes have been made in current buffer.
  • :qa[ll]* Quit all windows and Vim, unless there are some buffers which have been changed.

Prompt-quit (prompts if there are unsaved changes)

  • :conf[irm] q[uit]* Quit, but give prompt when there are some buffers which have been changed.
  • :conf[irm] xa[ll]* Write all changed buffers and exit Vim. Bring up a prompt when some buffers cannot be written.

Write (save) changes and quit:

  • :wq Write the current file (even if it was not changed) and quit. Writing fails when the file is read-only or the buffer does not have a name. :wqa[ll]* for all windows.
  • :wq! The same, but writes even read-only files. :wqa[ll]!* for all windows.
  • :x[it], ZZ(with details). Write the file only if it was changed and quit, :xa[ll]* for all windows.

Discard changes and quit:

  • :q[uit]! ZQ* Quit without writing, also when visible buffers have changes. Does not exit when there are changed hidden buffers.
  • :qa[ll]!*, :quita[ll][!]* Quit Vim, all changes to the buffers (including hidden) are lost.

Press Return to confirm the command.

This answer doesn't reference all Vim write and quit commands and arguments. Indeed, they are referenced in the Vim documentation.

Vim has extensive built-in help, type Esc:helpReturn to open it.

This answer was inspired by the other one, originally authored by @dirvine and edited by other SO users. I've included more information from Vim reference, SO comments and some other sources. Differences for Vi and Vim are reflected too.

JQuery confirm dialog

Have you tried using the official JQueryUI implementation (not jQuery only) : ?

Adding Counter in shell script

You may do this with a for loop instead of a while:

for ((count = 0; count < max_loop; count++)); do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       echo "Sleeping for half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

if [ "$count" -eq "$max_loop" ]; then
  echo "Maximum number of trials reached" >&2
  exit 1

Writing data into CSV file in C#

This is a simple tutorial on creating csv files using C# that you will be able to edit and expand on to fit your own needs.

First you’ll need to create a new Visual Studio C# console application, there are steps to follow to do this.

The example code will create a csv file called MyTest.csv in the location you specify. The contents of the file should be 3 named columns with text in the first 3 rows.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace CreateCsv
    class Program
        static void Main()
            // Set the path and filename variable "path", filename being MyTest.csv in this example.
            // Change SomeGuy for your username.
            string path = @"C:\Users\SomeGuy\Desktop\MyTest.csv";

            // Set the variable "delimiter" to ", ".
            string delimiter = ", ";

            // This text is added only once to the file.
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                // Create a file to write to.
                string createText = "Column 1 Name" + delimiter + "Column 2 Name" + delimiter + "Column 3 Name" + delimiter + Environment.NewLine;
                File.WriteAllText(path, createText);

            // This text is always added, making the file longer over time
            // if it is not deleted.
            string appendText = "This is text for Column 1" + delimiter + "This is text for Column 2" + delimiter + "This is text for Column 3" + delimiter + Environment.NewLine;
            File.AppendAllText(path, appendText);

            // Open the file to read from.
            string readText = File.ReadAllText(path);

Java: Replace all ' in a string with \'

Let's take a tour of String#repalceAll(String regex, String replacement)

You will see that:

An invocation of this method of the form str.replaceAll(regex, repl) yields exactly the same result as the expression


So lets take a look at Matcher.html#replaceAll(java.lang.String) documentation

Note that backslashes (\) and dollar signs ($) in the replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were being treated as a literal replacement string. Dollar signs may be treated as references to captured subsequences as described above, and backslashes are used to escape literal characters in the replacement string.

You can see that in replacement we have special character $ which can be used as reference to captured group like

System.out.println("aHellob,aWorldb".replaceAll("a(\\w+?)b", "$1"));
// result Hello,World

But sometimes we don't want $ to be such special because we want to use it as simple dollar character, so we need a way to escape it.
And here comes \, because since it is used to escape metacharacters in regex, Strings and probably in other places it is good convention to use it here to escape $.

So now \ is also metacharacter in replacing part, so if you want to make it simple \ literal in replacement you need to escape it somehow. And guess what? You escape it the same way as you escape it in regex or String. You just need to place another \ before one you escaping.

So if you want to create \ in replacement part you need to add another \ before it. But remember that to write \ literal in String you need to write it as "\\" so to create two \\ in replacement you need to write it as "\\\\".

So try

s = s.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'");

Or even better

to reduce explicit escaping in replacement part (and also in regex part - forgot to mentioned that earlier) just use replace instead replaceAll which adds regex escaping for us

s = s.replace("'", "\\'");

How can I get the baseurl of site?

I'm using following code from Application_Start

String baseUrl = Path.GetDirectoryName(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.OriginalString);

How do I install Eclipse with C++ in Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)?

I was in the same boat. Installed Eclipse, realized need CDT.

sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++

This just adds the CDT package on top of existing installation - no un-installation etc. required.

Portable way to check if directory exists [Windows/Linux, C]

stat() works on Linux., UNIX and Windows as well:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

struct stat info;

if( stat( pathname, &info ) != 0 )
    printf( "cannot access %s\n", pathname );
else if( info.st_mode & S_IFDIR )  // S_ISDIR() doesn't exist on my windows 
    printf( "%s is a directory\n", pathname );
    printf( "%s is no directory\n", pathname );

Select unique or distinct values from a list in UNIX shell script

./ | sort -u

This is the same as monoxide's answer, but a bit more concise.

Hiding elements in responsive layout?

Bootstrap 4.x answer

hidden-* classes are removed from Bootstrap 4 beta onward.

If you want to show on medium and up use the d-* classes, e.g.:

<div class="d-none d-md-block">This will show in medium and up</div>

If you want to show only in small and below use this:

<div class="d-block d-md-none"> This will show only in below medium form factors</div>

Screen size and class chart

| Screen Size        | Class                          |
| Hidden on all      | .d-none                        |
| Hidden only on xs  | .d-none .d-sm-block            |
| Hidden only on sm  | .d-sm-none .d-md-block         |
| Hidden only on md  | .d-md-none .d-lg-block         |
| Hidden only on lg  | .d-lg-none .d-xl-block         |
| Hidden only on xl  | .d-xl-none                     |
| Visible on all     | .d-block                       |
| Visible only on xs | .d-block .d-sm-none            |
| Visible only on sm | .d-none .d-sm-block .d-md-none |
| Visible only on md | .d-none .d-md-block .d-lg-none |
| Visible only on lg | .d-none .d-lg-block .d-xl-none |
| Visible only on xl | .d-none .d-xl-block            |

Rather than using explicit .visible-* classes, you make an element visible by simply not hiding it at that screen size. You can combine one .d-*-none class with one .d-*-block class to show an element only on a given interval of screen sizes (e.g. .d-none.d-md-block.d-xl-none shows the element only on medium and large devices).


How to remove constraints from my MySQL table?

  1. Go to structure view of the table
  2. You will see 2 option at top a.Table structure b.Relation view.
  3. Now click on Relation view , here you can drop your foreign key constraint. You will get all relation here.

How to set variable from a SQL query?

declare @ModelID uniqueidentifer

--make sure to use brackets
set @ModelID = (select modelid from models
where areaid = 'South Coast')

select @ModelID

warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]

You just need to return from the main function at some point. The error message says that the function is defined to return a value but you are not returning anything.

  /* .... */
  if (Date1 == Date2)  
     fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is equal to second date.\n"); 

  return 0;

How to select all columns, except one column in pandas?

When the columns are not a MultiIndex, df.columns is just an array of column names so you can do:

df.loc[:, df.columns != 'b']

          a         c         d
0  0.561196  0.013768  0.772827
1  0.882641  0.615396  0.075381
2  0.368824  0.651378  0.397203
3  0.788730  0.568099  0.869127

Class constructor type in typescript?

I am not sure if this was possible in TypeScript when the question was originally asked, but my preferred solution is with generics:

class Zoo<T extends Animal> {
    constructor(public readonly AnimalClass: new () => T) {

This way variables penguin and lion infer concrete type Penguin or Lion even in the TypeScript intellisense.

const penguinZoo = new Zoo(Penguin);
const penguin = new penguinZoo.AnimalClass(); // `penguin` is of `Penguin` type.

const lionZoo = new Zoo(Lion);
const lion = new lionZoo.AnimalClass(); // `lion` is `Lion` type.

How to listen to the window scroll event in a VueJS component?

document.addEventListener('scroll', function (event) {
    if ((<HTMLInputElement> === 'latest-div') { // or any other filtering condition
}, true /*Capture event*/);

You can use this to capture an event and and here "latest-div" is the id name so u can capture all scroller action here based on the id you can do the action as well inside here.

What are intent-filters in Android?

The Activity which you want it to be the very first screen if your app is opened, then mention it as LAUNCHER in the intent category and remaining activities mention Default in intent category.

For example :- There is 2 activity A and B
The activity A is LAUNCHER so make it as LAUNCHER in the intent Category and B is child for Activity A so make it as DEFAULT.

<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
    <activity android:name=".ListAllActivity"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
    <activity android:name=".AddNewActivity" android:label="@string/app_name">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Find the day of a week

df = data.frame(date=c("2012-02-01", "2012-02-01", "2012-02-02")) 
df$day <- weekdays(as.Date(df$date))
##         date       day
## 1 2012-02-01 Wednesday
## 2 2012-02-01 Wednesday
## 3 2012-02-02  Thursday

Edit: Just to show another way...

The wday component of a POSIXlt object is the numeric weekday (0-6 starting on Sunday).

## [1] 3 3 4

which you could use to subset a character vector of weekday names

c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", 
    "Friday", "Saturday")[as.POSIXlt(df$date)$wday + 1]
## [1] "Wednesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" 

Display encoded html with razor

Try this:

<div class='content'>    

Android Studio: Where is the Compiler Error Output Window?

This answer is outdated. For Android 3.1 Studio go to this answer

One thing you can do is deactivate the external build. To do so click on "compiler settings icon" in the "Messages Make" panel that appears when you have an error. You can also open the compiler settings by going to File -> Settings -> Compiler. (Thanx to @maxgalbu for this tip).

enter image description here

Uncheck "Use External build"

enter image description here

And you will see the errors in the console

EDIT: After returning to "internal build" again you may get some errors, you can solve them this way: Android Studio: disabling "External build" to display error output create duplicate class errors

UTC Date/Time String to Timezone

How about:

$timezone = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$date = new DateTime('2011-04-21 13:14', $timezone);
echo $date->format;

ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

You have to use == to compare (or even ===, if you want to compare types). A single = is for assignment.

if (one == 'rock' && two == 'rock') {
    console.log('Tie! Try again!');

How to condense if/else into one line in Python?

Only for using as a value:

x = 3 if a==2 else 0


return 3 if a==2 else 0

Android Studio: “Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'” if project is created on drive C:

In drawable assets there was an image format which was an unsupported image. When i removed the image every thing started working fine.

Disable automatic sorting on the first column when using jQuery DataTables


"aaSorting": []

And check if default value is not null only set sortable column then

if ($('#table').DataTable().order().length == 1) {
    d.SortColumn = $('#table').DataTable().order()[0][0];
    d.SortOrder = $('#table').DataTable().order()[0][1];

How do you enable mod_rewrite on any OS?

Just a fyi for people enabling mod_rewrite on Debian with Apache2:

To check whether mod_rewrite is enabled:

Look in mods_enabled for a link to the module by running

ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | grep rewrite

If this outputs rewrite.load then the module is enabled. (Note: your path to apache2 may not be /etc/, though it's likely to be.)

To enable mod_rewrite if it's not already:

Enable the module (essentially creates the link we were looking for above):

a2enmod rewrite

Reload all apache config files:

service apache2 restart

What is the difference between SQL Server 2012 Express versions?

This link goes to the best comparison chart around, directly from the Microsoft. It compares ALL aspects of all MS SQL server editions. To compare three editions you are asking about, just focus on the last three columns of every table in there.

Summary compiled from the above document:

    * = contains the feature
                                           SQLEXPR    SQLEXPRWT   SQLEXPRADV
    > SQL Server Core                         *           *           *
    > SQL Server Management Studio            -           *           *
    > Distributed Replay – Admin Tool         -           *           *
    > LocalDB                                 -           *           *
    > SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)            -           -           *
    > Full-text and semantic search           -           -           *
    > Specification of language in query      -           -           *
    > some of Reporting services features     -           -           *

twitter bootstrap typeahead ajax example

        source: function (query, result) {
                url: "db.php",
                data: 'query=' + query,            
                dataType: "json",
                type: "POST",
                success: function (data) {
                    result($.map(data, function (item) {
                        return item;
        updater: function (item) {
        //selectedState = map[item].stateCode;

       // Here u can obtain the selected suggestion from the list



 //Db.php file
$keyword = strval($_POST['query']);
$search_param = "{$keyword}%";
$conn =new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '' , 'TableName');

$sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE name LIKE ?");
$result = $sql->get_result();
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $Resut[] = $row["name"];
    echo json_encode($Result);


Difference between jQuery parent(), parents() and closest() functions

parent() method returns the direct parent element of the selected one. This method only traverse a single level up the DOM tree.

parents() method allows us to search through the ancestors of these elements in the DOM tree. Begin from given selector and move up.

The **.parents()** and **.parent()** methods are almost similar, except that the latter only travels a single level up the DOM tree. Also, **$( "html" ).parent()** method returns a set containing document whereas **$( "html" ).parents()** returns an empty set.

[closest()][3]method returns the first ancestor of the selected element.An ancestor is a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on.

This method traverse upwards from the current element, all the way up to the document's root element (<html>), to find the first ancestor of DOM elements.

According to docs:

**closest()** method is similar to **parents()**, in that they both traverse up the DOM tree. The differences are as follows:


Begins with the current element
Travels up the DOM tree and returns the first (single) ancestor that matches the passed expression
The returned jQuery object contains zero or one element


Begins with the parent element
Travels up the DOM tree and returns all ancestors that matches the passed expression
The returned jQuery object contains zero or more than one element


ORA-01843 not a valid month- Comparing Dates


Algorithm to compare two images

It is indeed much less simple than it seems :-) Nick's suggestion is a good one.

To get started, keep in mind that any worthwhile comparison method will essentially work by converting the images into a different form -- a form which makes it easier to pick similar features out. Usually, this stuff doesn't make for very light reading ...

One of the simplest examples I can think of is simply using the color space of each image. If two images have highly similar color distributions, then you can be reasonably sure that they show the same thing. At least, you can have enough certainty to flag it, or do more testing. Comparing images in color space will also resist things such as rotation, scaling, and some cropping. It won't, of course, resist heavy modification of the image or heavy recoloring (and even a simple hue shift will be somewhat tricky).

Another example involves something called the Hough Transform. This transform essentially decomposes an image into a set of lines. You can then take some of the 'strongest' lines in each image and see if they line up. You can do some extra work to try and compensate for rotation and scaling too -- and in this case, since comparing a few lines is MUCH less computational work than doing the same to entire images -- it won't be so bad.

How to access my localhost from another PC in LAN?

IP can be any LAN or WAN IP address. But you'll want to set your firewall connection allow it.

Device connection with webserver pc can be by LAN or WAN (i.e by wifi, connectify, adhoc, cable, mypublic wifi etc)

You should follow these steps:

  1. Go to the control panel
  2. Inbound rules > new rules
  3. Click port > next > specific local port > enter 8080 > next > allow the connection>
  4. Next > tick all (domain, private, public) > specify any name
  5. Now you can access your localhost by any device (laptop, mobile, desktop, etc).
  6. Enter ip address in browser url as 123.23.xx.xx:8080 to access localhost by any device.

This IP will be of that device which has the web server.

How do I handle the window close event in Tkinter?

I'd like to thank the answer by Apostolos for bringing this to my attention. Here's a much more detailed example for Python 3 in the year 2019, with a clearer description and example code.

Beware of the fact that destroy() (or not having a custom window closing handler at all) will destroy the window and all of its running callbacks instantly when the user closes it.

This can be bad for you, depending on your current Tkinter activity, and especially when using tkinter.after (periodic callbacks). You might be using a callback which processes some data and writes to disk... in that case, you obviously want the data writing to finish without being abruptly killed.

The best solution for that is to use a flag. So when the user requests window closing, you mark that as a flag, and then react to it.

(Note: I normally design GUIs as nicely encapsulated classes and separate worker threads, and I definitely don't use "global" (I use class instance variables instead), but this is meant to be a simple, stripped-down example to demonstrate how Tk abruptly kills your periodic callbacks when the user closes the window...)

from tkinter import *
import time

# Try setting this to False and look at the printed numbers (1 to 10)
# during the work-loop, if you close the window while the periodic_call
# worker is busy working (printing). It will abruptly end the numbers,
# and kill the periodic callback! That's why you should design most
# applications with a safe closing callback as described in this demo.
safe_closing = True

# ---------

busy_processing = False
close_requested = False

def close_window():
    global close_requested
    close_requested = True
    print("User requested close at:", time.time(), "Was busy processing:", busy_processing)

root = Tk()
if safe_closing:
    root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_window)
lbl = Label(root)

def periodic_call():
    global busy_processing

    if not close_requested:
        busy_processing = True
        for i in range(10):
            print((i+1), "of 10")
            lbl["text"] = str(time.time()) # Will error if force-closed.
            root.update() # Force redrawing since we change label multiple times in a row.
        busy_processing = False
        root.after(500, periodic_call)
        print("Destroying GUI at:", time.time())
        try: # "destroy()" can throw, so you should wrap it like this.
            # NOTE: In most code, you'll wanna force a close here via
            # "exit" if the window failed to destroy. Just ensure that
            # you have no code after your `mainloop()` call (at the
            # bottom of this file), since the exit call will cause the
            # process to terminate immediately without running any more
            # code. Of course, you should NEVER have code after your
            # `mainloop()` call in well-designed code anyway...
            # exit(0)


This code will show you that the WM_DELETE_WINDOW handler runs even while our custom periodic_call() is busy in the middle of work/loops!

We use some pretty exaggerated .after() values: 500 milliseconds. This is just meant to make it very easy for you to see the difference between closing while the periodic call is busy, or not... If you close while the numbers are updating, you will see that the WM_DELETE_WINDOW happened while your periodic call "was busy processing: True". If you close while the numbers are paused (meaning that the periodic callback isn't processing at that moment), you see that the close happened while it's "not busy".

In real-world usage, your .after() would use something like 30-100 milliseconds, to have a responsive GUI. This is just a demonstration to help you understand how to protect yourself against Tk's default "instantly interrupt all work when closing" behavior.

In summary: Make the WM_DELETE_WINDOW handler set a flag, and then check that flag periodically and manually .destroy() the window when it's safe (when your app is done with all work).

PS: You can also use WM_DELETE_WINDOW to ask the user if they REALLY want to close the window; and if they answer no, you don't set the flag. It's very simple. You just show a messagebox in your WM_DELETE_WINDOW and set the flag based on the user's answer.

How to convert View Model into JSON object in ASP.NET MVC?

@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(object)) can be used to convert the View Modal Object to JSON

How to set background color in jquery

How about this:

$(this).css('background-color', '#FFFFFF');

Related post: Add background color and border to table row on hover using jquery

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?

Others have posted some ways that you might be able to "coax" the Python interpreter into freeing the memory (or otherwise avoid having memory problems). Chances are you should try their ideas out first. However, I feel it important to give you a direct answer to your question.

There isn't really any way to directly tell Python to free memory. The fact of that matter is that if you want that low a level of control, you're going to have to write an extension in C or C++.

That said, there are some tools to help with this:

Make a VStack fill the width of the screen in SwiftUI

 var body: some View {
      VStack {
           List {
                ForEach(viewModel.parents) { k in
                    VideosRowView(parent: k)

List all tables in postgresql information_schema

If you want a quick and dirty one-liner query:

select * from information_schema.tables

You can run it directly in the Query tool without having to open psql.

(Other posts suggest nice more specific information_schema queries but as a newby, I am finding this one-liner query helps me get to grips with the table)

Having both a Created and Last Updated timestamp columns in MySQL 4.0

i think this is the better query for stamp_created and stamp_updated

CREATE TABLE test_table( 
    id integer not null auto_increment primary key, 
    stamp_created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(), 
    stamp_updated TIMESTAMP DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE now() 

because when the record created, stamp_created should be filled by now() and stamp_updated should be filled by '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

If you want to get a long-as-possible (not sure what limits there are), similar to Solaris' pargs, you can use this on Linux & OSX:

ps -ww -o pid,command [-p <pid> ... ]

How to compare datetime with only date in SQL Server

Please try this. This query can be used for date comparison

select * from [User] U where convert(varchar(10),U.DateCreated, 120) = '2014-02-07'

Retrieving a property of a JSON object by index?

My solution:

                         {var i=-1;
                          for (var key in this)
                              {if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof(this[key])!=='function')
                               if (i>=index)
                                  {return this[key];
                          return null;
aObj={'jack':3, 'peter':4, '5':'col', 'kk':function(){alert('hell');}, 'till':'ding'};

How to use nanosleep() in C? What are `tim.tv_sec` and `tim.tv_nsec`?


First find the function:

That contains a link to a time.h, which as a header should be where structs are defined:

The header shall declare the timespec structure, which shall > include at least the following members:

time_t  tv_sec    Seconds. 
long    tv_nsec   Nanoseconds.

man 2 nanosleep

Pseudo-official glibc docs which you should always check for syscalls:

struct timespec {
    time_t tv_sec;        /* seconds */
    long   tv_nsec;       /* nanoseconds */

Grep characters before and after match?

You mean, like this:

grep -o '.\{0,20\}test_pattern.\{0,20\}' file


That will print up to twenty characters on either side of test_pattern. The \{0,20\} notation is like *, but specifies zero to twenty repetitions instead of zero or more.The -o says to show only the match itself, rather than the entire line.

How to print the current time in a Batch-File?

we can easily print the current time and date using echo and system variables as below.

echo %DATE% %TIME%

output example: 13-Sep-19 15:53:05.62

Minimum rights required to run a windows service as a domain account

I do know that the account needs to have "Log on as a Service" privileges. Other than that, I'm not sure. A quick reference to Log on as a Service can be found here, and there is a lot of information of specific privileges here.

Align Div at bottom on main Div

Modify your CSS like this:

.vertical_banner {_x000D_
    border: 1px solid #E9E3DD;_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    height: 210px;_x000D_
    margin: 2px;_x000D_
    padding: 4px 2px 10px 10px;_x000D_
    text-align: left;_x000D_
    width: 117px;_x000D_
   position:absolute;                  /* added */_x000D_
   bottom:0;                           /* added */_x000D_
   left:0;                           /* added */_x000D_
<div class="vertical_banner">_x000D_
    <div id="bottom_link">_x000D_
         <input type="submit" value="Continue">_x000D_

MySQL Select Query - Get only first 10 characters of a value

Using the below line

SELECT LEFT(subject , 10) FROM tbl 

MySQL Doc.

Binding a Button's visibility to a bool value in ViewModel

This can be achieved in a very simple way 1. Write this in the view.

<Button HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="30">
        <Style TargetType="Button">
                <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed"/>
                                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsHide}" Value="True">
                                        <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>

  1. The following is the Boolean property which holds the true/ false value. The following is the code snippet. In my example this property is in UserNote class.

    public bool _isHide = false;
    public bool IsHide
    get { return _isHide; }
            _isHide = value;
  2. This is the way the IsHide property gets the value.

    userNote.IsHide = userNote.IsNoteDeleted;

Python - TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

If the case is:


Instead of -> for i in n: -> gives error- 'int' object is not iterable

Use -> for i in range(0,n): -> works fine..!

Resize an Array while keeping current elements in Java?

It is not possible to change the Array Size. But you can copy the element of one array into another array by creating an Array of bigger size.

It is recommended to create Array of double size if Array is full and Reduce Array to halve if Array is one-half full

public class ResizingArrayStack1 {
    private String[] s;
    private int size = 0;
    private int index = 0;

    public void ResizingArrayStack1(int size) {
        this.size = size;
        s = new String[size];

    public void push(String element) {
        if (index == s.length) {
            resize(2 * s.length);
        s[index] = element;

    private void resize(int capacity) {
        String[] copy = new String[capacity];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            copy[i] = s[i];
            s = copy;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ResizingArrayStack1 rs = new ResizingArrayStack1();

What does 'const static' mean in C and C++?

Making it private would still mean it appears in the header. I tend to use "the weakest" way that works. See this classic article by Scott Meyers: (it's about functions, but can be applied here as well).

Delete files older than 3 months old in a directory using .NET

For those that like to over-use LINQ.

(from f in new DirectoryInfo("C:/Temp").GetFiles()
 where f.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(90))
 select f
    .ForEach(f => f.Delete());

IIS7 Settings File Locations

Also check this answer from here: Cannot manually edit applicationhost.config

The answer is simple, if not that obvious: win2008 is 64bit, notepad++ is 32bit. When you navigate to Windows\System32\inetsrv\config using explorer you are using a 64bit program to find the file. When you open the file using using notepad++ you are trying to open it using a 32bit program. The confusion occurs because, rather than telling you that this is what you are doing, windows allows you to open the file but when you save it the file's path is transparently mapped to Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config.

So in practice what happens is you open applicationhost.config using notepad++, make a change, save the file; but rather than overwriting the original you are saving a 32bit copy of it in Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config, therefore you are not making changes to the version that is actually used by IIS. If you navigate to the Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config you will find the file you just saved.

How to get around this? Simple - use a 64bit text editor, such as the normal notepad that ships with windows.

Format numbers in thousands (K) in Excel

Enter this in the custom number format field:


What that means is that if the number is greater than 1,000, display at least one digit (indicated by the zero), but no digits after the thousands place, indicated by nothing coming after the comma. Then you follow the whole thing with the string "K".

Edited to add comma and euro.

How to compare two double values in Java?

Consider this line of code:

Math.abs(firstDouble - secondDouble) < Double.MIN_NORMAL

It returns whether firstDouble is equal to secondDouble. I'm unsure as to whether or not this would work in your exact case (as Kevin pointed out, performing any math on floating points can lead to imprecise results) however I was having difficulties with comparing two double which were, indeed, equal, and yet using the 'compareTo' method didn't return 0.

I'm just leaving this there in case anyone needs to compare to check if they are indeed equal, and not just similar.

How to find the date of a day of the week from a date using PHP?

You can use the date() function:

date('w'); // day of week


date('l'); // dayname

Example function to get the day nr.:

function getWeekday($date) {
    return date('w', strtotime($date));

echo getWeekday('2012-10-11'); // returns 4

background:none vs background:transparent what is the difference?

As aditional information on @Quentin answer, and as he rightly says, background CSS property itself, is a shorthand for:


That's mean, you can group all styles in one, like:

background: red url(../img.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat fixed;

This would be (in this example):

background-color: red;
background-image: url(../img.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 0 0;

So... when you set: background:none;
you are saying that all the background properties are set to none...
You are saying that background-image: none; and all the others to the initial state (as they are not being declared).
So, background:none; is:

background-color: initial;
background-image: none;
background-repeat: initial;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position: initial;

Now, when you define only the color (in your case transparent) then you are basically saying:

background-color: transparent;
background-image: initial;
background-repeat: initial;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position: initial;

I repeat, as @Quentin rightly says the default transparent and none values in this case are the same, so in your example and for your original question, No, there's no difference between them.

But!.. if you say background:none Vs background:red then yes... there's a big diference, as I say, the first would set all properties to none/default and the second one, will only change the color and remains the rest in his default state.

So in brief:

Short answer: No, there's no difference at all (in your example and orginal question)
Long answer: Yes, there's a big difference, but depends directly on the properties granted to attribute.

Upd1: Initial value (aka default)

Initial value the concatenation of the initial values of its longhand properties:

background-image: none
background-position: 0% 0%
background-size: auto auto
background-repeat: repeat
background-origin: padding-box
background-style: is itself a shorthand, its initial value is the concatenation of its own longhand properties
background-clip: border-box
background-color: transparent

See more background descriptions here

Upd2: Clarify better the background:none; specification.

What are carriage return, linefeed, and form feed?

On old paper-printer terminals, advancing to the next line involved two actions: moving the print head back to the beginning of the horizontal scan range (carriage return) and advancing the roll of paper being printed on (line feed).

Since we no longer use paper-printer terminals, those actions aren't really relevant anymore, but the characters used to signal them have stuck around in various incarnations.

ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout is the maximum amount of time that the program is willing to wait to setup a connection to another process. You aren't getting or posting any application data at this point, just establishing the connection, itself.

A socket timeout is the timeout when waiting for individual packets. It's a common misconception that a socket timeout is the timeout to receive the full response. So if you have a socket timeout of 1 second, and a response comprised of 3 IP packets, where each response packet takes 0.9 seconds to arrive, for a total response time of 2.7 seconds, then there will be no timeout.

C# get string from textbox

The TextBox control has a Text property that you can use to get (or set) the text of the textbox.

What is stability in sorting algorithms and why is it important?

If you assume what you are sorting are just numbers and only their values identify/distinguish them (e.g. elements with same value are identicle), then the stability-issue of sorting is meaningless.

However, objects with same priority in sorting may be distinct, and sometime their relative order is meaningful information. In this case, unstable sort generates problems.

For example, you have a list of data which contains the time cost [T] of all players to clean a maze with Level [L] in a game. Suppose we need to rank the players by how fast they clean the maze. However, an additional rule applies: players who clean the maze with higher-level always have a higher rank, no matter how long the time cost is.

Of course you might try to map the paired value [T,L] to a real number [R] with some algorithm which follows the rules and then rank all players with [R] value.

However, if stable sorting is feasible, then you may simply sort the entire list by [T] (Faster players first) and then by [L]. In this case, the relative order of players (by time cost) will not be changed after you grouped them by level of maze they cleaned.

PS: of course the approach to sort twice is not the best solution to the particular problem but to explain the question of poster it should be enough.

Inserting values to SQLite table in Android

okkk you have take id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT and still u r passing value... that is the problem :) for more detail see this still getting problem then post code and logcat

Convert Existing Eclipse Project to Maven Project

My question is, is there a wizard or automatic importer for converting an existing Eclipse Java project to a Maven project, using the Maven plugin?

As far as I know, there is nothing that will automagically convert an Eclipse project into a Maven project (i.e. modify the layout, create a POM, "generate" and feed it with metadata, detect libraries and their versions to add them to the POM, etc). Eclipse just doesn't have enough metadata to make this possible (this is precisely the point of the POM) and/or to produce a decent result.

Or should I create a new Maven project and manually copy over all source files, libs, etc

That would be the best option in my opinion. Create a Maven project, copy/move sources, resources, tests, test resources into their respective directories, declare dependencies, etc.

Python function as a function argument?

Decorators are very powerful in Python since it allows programmers to pass function as argument and can also define function inside another function.

def decorator(func):
      def insideFunction():
        print("This is inside function before execution")
      return insideFunction

def func():
    print("I am argument function")

func_obj = decorator(func) 


  • This is inside function before execution
  • I am argument function

Loop through an array php

Ok, I know there is an accepted answer but… for more special cases you also could use this one:

array_map(function($n) { echo $n['filename']; echo $n['filepath'];},$array);

Or in a more un-complex way:

function printItem($n){
    echo $n['filename'];
    echo $n['filepath'];

array_map('printItem', $array);

This will allow you to manipulate the data in an easier way.

Show tables, describe tables equivalent in redshift

Or simply:

\dt to show tables

\d+ <table name> to describe a table

Edit: Works using the psql command line client

Invalid column name sql error

con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Yna Maningding-Dula\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LuxuryHotel\LuxuryHotel\ClientsRecords.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
        cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO ClientData ([Last Name], [First Name], [Middle Name], Address, [Email Address], [Contact Number], Nationality, [Arrival Date], [Check-out Date], [Room Type], [Daily Rate], [No of Guests], [No of Rooms]) VALUES (@[Last Name], @[First Name], @[Middle Name], @Address, @[Email Address], @[Contact Number], @Nationality, @[Arrival Date], @[Check-out Date], @[Room Type], @[Daily Rate], @[No of Guests], @[No of Rooms]", con);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Last Name]", txtLName.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[First Name]", txtFName.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Middle Name]", txtMName.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Address", txtAdd.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Email Address]", txtEmail.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Contact Number]", txtNumber.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Nationality", txtNational.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Arrival Date]", txtArrive.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Check-out Date]", txtOut.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Room Type]", txtType.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[Daily Rate]", txtRate.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[No of Guests]", txtGuest.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@[No of Rooms]", txtRoom.Text);

react hooks useEffect() cleanup for only componentWillUnmount?

function LegoComponent() {

  const [lego, setLegos] = React.useState([])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    let isSubscribed = true
    fetchLegos().then( legos=> {
      if (isSubscribed) {
    return () => isSubscribed = false
  }, []);

  return (
    {> <li>{lego}</li>)}

In the code above, the fetchLegos function returns a promise. We can “cancel” the promise by having a conditional in the scope of useEffect, preventing the app from setting state after the component has unmounted.

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

How Do I Replace/Change The Heading Text Inside <h3></h3>, Using jquery?

try this,

$(".head h3").html("New header");


$(".head h3").text("New header");

remember class selectors returns all the matching elements.

How can a web application send push notifications to iOS devices?

No, there is no way for an webapp to receive push notification. What you could do is to wrap your webapp into a native app which has push notifications.

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements

Probably way too late but this is another option:

    selector: '[rel=popover]',
    trigger: 'hover',
    html: true,
    content: function () {
        return $(this).parents('.row').first().find('.metaContainer').html();

Iterating through all the cells in Excel VBA or VSTO 2005

Sub CheckValues1()
    Dim rwIndex As Integer
    Dim colIndex As Integer
    For rwIndex = 1 To 10
            For colIndex = 1 To 5
                If Cells(rwIndex, colIndex).Value <> 0 Then _
                    Cells(rwIndex, colIndex).Value = 0
            Next colIndex
    Next rwIndex
End Sub

Found this snippet on It seems to be quite useful as a function to illustrate the means to check values in cells in an ordered fashion.

Just imagine it as being a 2d Array of sorts and apply the same logic to loop through cells.

Attach the Source in Eclipse of a jar

A .jar file usually only contains the .class files, not the .java files they were compiled from. That's why eclipse is telling you it doesn't know the source code of that class.

"Attaching" the source to a JAR means telling eclipse where the source code can be found. Of course, if you don't know yourself, that feature is of little help. Of course, you could try googling for the source code (or check wherever you got the JAR file from).

That said, you don't necessarily need the source to debug.

$(form).ajaxSubmit is not a function

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 does not include JS-libraries to pages automaticly. So most probably if you meet this error you need to attach 'core/jquery.form' library to your page (or form). Add something like this to your render array:

$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/jquery.form';

Returning anonymous type in C#

In C# 7 we can use tuples to accomplish this:

public List<(int SomeVariable, string AnotherVariable)> TheMethod(SomeParameter)
  using (MyDC TheDC = new MyDC())
     var TheQueryFromDB = (....
                       select new { SomeVariable = ....,
                                    AnotherVariable = ....}

      return TheQueryFromDB
                .Select(s => (
                     SomeVariable = s.SomeVariable, 
                     AnotherVariable = s.AnotherVariable))

You might need to install System.ValueTuple nuget package though.

Stream file using ASP.NET MVC FileContentResult in a browser with a name?

The absolute easiest way to stream a file into browser using ASP.NET MVC is this:

public ActionResult DownloadFile() {
    return File(@"c:\path\to\somefile.pdf", "application/pdf", "Your Filename.pdf");

This is easier than the method suggested by @azarc3 since you don't even need to read the bytes.

Credit goes to:

** Edit **

Apparently my 'answer' is the same as the OP's question. But I am not facing the problem he is having. Probably this was an issue with older version of ASP.NET MVC?

TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str // working with dict

Actually I think that more general approach to loop through dictionary is to use iteritems():

# get tuples of term, courses
for term, term_courses in courses.iteritems():
    # get tuples of course number, info
    for course, info in term_courses.iteritems():
        # loop through info
        for k, v in info.iteritems():
            print k, v


assistant Peter C.
prereq cs101
name Programming a Robotic Car
teacher Sebastian

Or, as Matthias mentioned in comments, if you don't need keys, you can just use itervalues():

for term_courses in courses.itervalues():
    for info in term_courses.itervalues():
        for k, v in info.iteritems():
            print k, v

.Net HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() raises exception when http status code 400 (bad request) is returned

An asynchronous version of extension function:

    public static async Task<WebResponse> GetResponseAsyncNoEx(this WebRequest request)
            return await request.GetResponseAsync();
        catch(WebException ex)
            return ex.Response;

Preloading CSS Images

For preloading background images set with CSS, the most efficient answer i came up with was a modified version of some code I found that did not work:

$(':hidden').each(function() {
  var backgroundImage = $(this).css("background-image");
  if (backgroundImage != 'none') {
    tempImage = new Image();
    tempImage.src = backgroundImage;

The massive benefit of this is that you don't need to update it when you bring in new background images in the future, it will find the new ones and preload them!

If statement in select (ORACLE)

use the variable, Oracle does not support SQL in that context without an INTO. With a properly named variable your code will be more legible anyway.

How do I convert certain columns of a data frame to become factors?

Given the following sample

myData <- data.frame(A=rep(1:2, 3), B=rep(1:3, 2), Pulse=20:25)  


myData$A <-as.factor(myData$A)
myData$B <-as.factor(myData$B)

or you could select your columns altogether and wrap it up nicely:

# select columns
cols <- c("A", "B")
myData[,cols] <- data.frame(apply(myData[cols], 2, as.factor))

levels(myData$A) <- c("long", "short")
levels(myData$B) <- c("1kg", "2kg", "3kg")

To obtain

> myData
      A   B Pulse
1  long 1kg    20
2 short 2kg    21
3  long 3kg    22
4 short 1kg    23
5  long 2kg    24
6 short 3kg    25

JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

Just as an addition to other answers

For macOS users, you may have a ~/.mavenrc file, and that is where mvn command looks for definition of JAVA_HOME first. So check there first and make sure the directory JAVA_HOME points to is correct in that file.

Java NoSuchAlgorithmException - SunJSSE,$DefaultSSLContext

Well after doing some more searching I discovered the error may be related to other issues as invalid keystores, passwords etc.

I then remembered that I had set two VM arguments for when I was testing SSL for my network connectivity.

I removed the following VM arguments to fix the problem:

Note: this keystore no longer exists so that's probably why the Exception.

How to find a value in an excel column by vba code Cells.Find

I'd prefer to use the .Find method directly on a range object containing the range of cells to be searched. For original poster's code it might look like:

Set cell = ActiveSheet.Columns("B:B").Find( _
    What:=celda, _
    After:=ActiveCell _
    LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
    LookAt:=xlWhole, _
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
    SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    MatchCase:=False, _
    SearchFormat:=False _

If cell Is Nothing Then
    'do something
    'do something else
End If

I'd prefer to use more variables (and be sure to declare them) and let a lot of optional arguments use their default values:

Dim rng as Range
Dim cell as Range
Dim search as String

Set rng = ActiveSheet.Columns("B:B")
search = "String to Find"
Set cell = rng.Find(What:=search, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)

If cell Is Nothing Then
    'do something
    'do something else
End If

I kept LookIn:=, LookAt::=, and MatchCase:= to be explicit about what is being matched. The other optional parameters control the order matches are returned in - I'd only specify those if the order is important to my application.

Recommended date format for REST GET API

Always use UTC:

For example I have a schedule component that takes in one parameter DATETIME. When I call this using a GET verb I use the following format where my incoming parameter name is scheduleDate.


Synchronization vs Lock

Brian Goetz's "Java Concurrency In Practice" book, section 13.3: "...Like the default ReentrantLock, intrinsic locking offers no deterministic fairness guarantees, but the statistical fairness guarantees of most locking implementations are good enough for almost all situations..."

Switch case: can I use a range instead of a one number

To complete the thread, here is the syntax with C# 8 :

  var percent = price switch
    var n when n >= 1000000 => 7f,
    var n when n >= 900000 => 7.1f,
    var n when n >= 800000 => 7.2f,
    _ => 0f // default value

If you want to specify the ranges :

  var percent2 = price switch
    var n when n >= 1000000 => 7f,
    var n when n < 1000000 && n >= 900000 => 7.1f,
    var n when n < 900000 && n >= 800000 => 7.2f,
    _ => 0f // default value

Chart won't update in Excel (2007)

On changing the values of the source data, chart was not getting updated accordingly. Just closed all instances of excel and restarted, problem disappeared.

Firebug like plugin for Safari browser

Other than the builtin developer tools, there is none that i know of. You might, however, be able to use Firebug Lite.

What is the default username and password in Tomcat?

First navigate to below location and open it in a text editor


For tomcat 7, Add the following xml code somewhere between <tomcat-users>

  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <user username="username" password="password" roles="manager-gui"/>

Now restart the tomcat server.

JOIN queries vs multiple queries

I actually came to this question looking for an answer myself, and after reading the given answers I can only agree that the best way to compare DB queries performance is to get real-world numbers because there are just to many variables to be taken into account BUT, I also think that comparing the numbers between them leads to no good in almost all cases. What I mean is that the numbers should always be compared with an acceptable number and definitely not compared with each other.

I can understand if one way of querying takes say 0.02 seconds and the other one takes 20 seconds, that's an enormous difference. But what if one way of querying takes 0.0000000002 seconds, and the other one takes 0.0000002 seconds ? In both cases one way is a whopping 1000 times faster than the other one, but is it really still "whopping" in the second case ?

Bottom line as I personally see it: if it performs well, go for the easy solution.

Search for an item in a Lua list

Lua tables are more closely analogs of Python dictionaries rather than lists. The table you have create is essentially a 1-based indexed array of strings. Use any standard search algorithm to find out if a value is in the array. Another approach would be to store the values as table keys instead as shown in the set implementation of Jon Ericson's post.

Bash if statement with multiple conditions throws an error

Use -a (for and) and -o (for or) operations.


Actually you could still use && and || with the -eq operation. So your script would be like this:

if [ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] ||  [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ] || ([ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] && [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ]); then
      echo "$my_error_flag"
    echo "no flag"

Although in your case you can discard the last two expressions and just stick with one or operation like this:

if [ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] ||  [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ]; then
      echo "$my_error_flag"
    echo "no flag"

What is the difference between Normalize.css and Reset CSS?

Sometimes, the best solution is to use both. Sometimes, it is to use neither. And sometimes, it is to use one or the other. If you want all the styles, including margin and padding reset across all browsers, use reset.css. Then apply all decorations and stylings yourself. If you simply like the built-in stylings but want more cross-browser synchronicity i.e. normalizations then use normalize.css. But if you choose to use both reset.css and normalize.css, link the reset.css stylesheet first and then the normalize.css stylesheet (immediately) afterwards. Sometimes it's not always a matter of which is better, but when to use which one versus when to use both versus when to use neither. IMHO.

Benefits of EBS vs. instance-store (and vice-versa)

For someone new to all this and if accidentally landed here

As of now all AMI's in quickstart section are EBS backed

enter image description here

Also there's a good explanation at official doc for difference between EBS and Instance store

& this image pretty much sums it up enter image description here

How to change Toolbar home icon color

Here's my solution:

toolbar.navigationIcon?.mutate()?.let {
  toolbar.navigationIcon = it

Or, if you want to use a nice function for it:

fun Toolbar.setNavigationIconColor(@ColorInt color: Int) = navigationIcon?.mutate()?.let {
    this.navigationIcon = it



Refresh Page C# ASP.NET

I think this should do the trick (untested):

Page.Response.Redirect(Page.Request.Url.ToString(), true);

Python float to int conversion

What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

Floating-point numbers cannot represent all the numbers. In particular, 2.51 cannot be represented by a floating-point number, and is represented by a number very close to it:

>>> print "%.16f" % 2.51
>>> 2.51*100
>>> 4.02*100

If you use int, which truncates the numbers, you get:


Have a look at the Decimal type.

How to pass 2D array (matrix) in a function in C?

I don't know what you mean by "data dont get lost". Here's how you pass a normal 2D array to a function:

void myfunc(int arr[M][N]) { // M is optional, but N is required

int main() {
  int somearr[M][N];

How to pass parameters to a modal?

You should really use Angular UI for that needs. Check it out: Angular UI Dialog

In a nutshell, with Angular UI dialog, you can pass variable from a controller to the dialog controller using resolve. Here's your "from" controller:

var d = $dialog.dialog({
  backdrop: true,
  keyboard: true,
  backdropClick: true,
  templateUrl:  '<url_of_your_template>',
  controller: 'MyDialogCtrl',
  // Interesting stuff here.
  resolve: {
    username: 'foo'

And in your dialog controller:

  .controller('MyDialogCtrl', function ($scope, username) {
  // Here, username is 'foo'
  $scope.username = username;

EDIT: Since the new version of the ui-dialog, the resolve entry becomes:

resolve: { username: function () { return 'foo'; } }

HTML - Display image after selecting filename

You can achieve this with the following code:

$("input").change(function(e) {

    for (var i = 0; i < e.originalEvent.srcElement.files.length; i++) {

        var file = e.originalEvent.srcElement.files[i];

        var img = document.createElement("img");
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onloadend = function() {
             img.src = reader.result;


Class has no initializers Swift

simply provide the init block for HomeCell class

it's work in my case

Types in MySQL: BigInt(20) vs Int(20)


The "BIGINT(20)" specification isn't a digit limit. It just means that when the data is displayed, if it uses less than 20 digits it will be left-padded with zeros. 2^64 is the hard limit for the BIGINT type, and has 20 digits itself, hence BIGINT(20) just means everything less than 10^20 will be left-padded with spaces on display.

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

For future reference Python is strongly typed. Unlike other dynamic languages, it will not automagically cast objects from one type or the other (say from str to int) so you must do this yourself. You'll like that in the long-run, trust me!

Flutter- wrapping text

  color: Color.fromRGBO(224, 251, 253, 1.0),
  child: ListTile(
    dense: true,
    title: Column(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: <Widget>[
          textAlign: TextAlign.left,
          softWrap: true,
          text: TextSpan(children: <TextSpan>
            TextSpan(text: "hello: ",
                style: TextStyle(
                    color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
            TextSpan(text: "I hope this helps",
                style: TextStyle(color:,

How do I apply a diff patch on Windows?

A BusyBox port for Windows has both a diff and patch command, but they only support unified format.

Reading text files using read.table

From ?read.table: The number of data columns is determined by looking at the first five lines of input (or the whole file if it has less than five lines), or from the length of col.names if it is specified and is longer. This could conceivably be wrong if fill or blank.lines.skip are true, so specify col.names if necessary.

So, perhaps your data file isn't clean. Being more specific will help the data import:

d = read.table("foobar.txt", 
               col.names=c("id", "name"), 

will specify exact columns and fill=FALSE will force a two column data frame.

Javascript to sort contents of select element

This is a a recompilation of my 3 favorite answers on this board:

  • jOk's best and simplest answer.
  • Terry Porter's easy jQuery method.
  • SmokeyPHP's configurable function.

The results are an easy to use, and easily configurable function.

First argument can be a select object, the ID of a select object, or an array with at least 2 dimensions.

Second argument is optional. Defaults to sorting by option text, index 0. Can be passed any other index so sort on that. Can be passed 1, or the text "value", to sort by value.

Sort by text examples (all would sort by text):

 sortSelect('select_object_id', 0);
 sortSelect(selectObject, 0);

Sort by value (all would sort by value):

 sortSelect('select_object_id', 'value');
 sortSelect('select_object_id', 1);
 sortSelect(selectObject, 1);

Sort any array by another index:

var myArray = [
  ['ignored0', 'ignored1', 'Z-sortme2'],
  ['ignored0', 'ignored1', 'A-sortme2'],
  ['ignored0', 'ignored1', 'C-sortme2'],


This last one will sort the array by index-2, the sortme's.

Main sort function

function sortSelect(selElem, sortVal) {

    // Checks for an object or string. Uses string as ID. 
    switch(typeof selElem) {
        case "string":
            selElem = document.getElementById(selElem);
        case "object":
            if(selElem==null) return false;
            return false;

    // Builds the options list.
    var tmpAry = new Array();
    for (var i=0;i<selElem.options.length;i++) {
        tmpAry[i] = new Array();
        tmpAry[i][0] = selElem.options[i].text;
        tmpAry[i][1] = selElem.options[i].value;

    // allows sortVal to be optional, defaults to text.
    switch(sortVal) {
        case "value": // sort by value
            sortVal = 1;
        default: // sort by text
            sortVal = 0;
    tmpAry.sort(function(a, b) {
        return a[sortVal] == b[sortVal] ? 0 : a[sortVal] < b[sortVal] ? -1 : 1;

    // removes all options from the select.
    while (selElem.options.length > 0) {
        selElem.options[0] = null;

    // recreates all options with the new order.
    for (var i=0;i<tmpAry.length;i++) {
        var op = new Option(tmpAry[i][0], tmpAry[i][1]);
        selElem.options[i] = op;

    return true;

Converting HTML to Excel?

Change the content type to ms-excel in the html and browser shall open the html in the Excel as xls. If you want control over the transformation of HTML to excel use POI libraries to do so.

Checking for empty or null JToken in a JObject

There is also a type - JTokenType.Undefined.

This check must be included in @Brian Rogers answer.

token.Type == JTokenType.Undefined

Convert DataTable to CSV stream

You can try using something like this. In this case I used one stored procedure to get more data tables and export all of them using CSV.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;

namespace bo
class Program
    static private void CreateCSVFile(DataTable dt, string strFilePath)
        #region Export Grid to CSV
        // Create the CSV file to which grid data will be exported.
        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strFilePath, false);
        int iColCount = dt.Columns.Count;

        // First we will write the headers.

        //DataTable dt = m_dsProducts.Tables[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
            if (i < iColCount - 1)

        // Now write all the rows.
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
                if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dr[i]))
                if (i < iColCount -1 )

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string strConn = "connection string to sql";
        string direktorij = @"d:";
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); 
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_ado_pos_data", conn);
        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        command.Parameters.Add('@skl_id', SqlDbType.Int).Value = 158;
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
            string datoteka  = (string.Format(@"{0}tablea{1}.csv", direktorij, i));
            DataTable tabela = ds.Tables[i];
            CreateCSVFile(tabela,datoteka );
            Console.WriteLine("Generišem tabelu {0}", datoteka);

Get string between two strings in a string

Regex is overkill here.

You could use string.Split with the overload that takes a string[] for the delimiters but that would also be overkill.

Look at Substring and IndexOf - the former to get parts of a string given and index and a length and the second for finding indexed of inner strings/characters.

Hibernate: get entity by id

In getUserById you shouldn't create a new object (user1) which isn't used. Just assign it to the already (but null) initialized user. Otherwise Hibernate.initialize(user); is actually Hibernate.initialize(null);

Here's the new getUserById (I haven't tested this ;)):

public User getUserById(Long user_id) {
    Session session = null;
    Object user = null;
    try {
        session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
        user = (User)session.load(User.class, user_id);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (session != null && session.isOpen()) {
    return user;

Replace all 0 values to NA

Replacing all zeroes to NA:

df[df == 0] <- NA


1. It is not NULL what you should want to replace zeroes with. As it says in ?'NULL',

NULL represents the null object in R

which is unique and, I guess, can be seen as the most uninformative and empty object.1 Then it becomes not so surprising that

data.frame(x = c(1, NULL, 2))
#   x
# 1 1
# 2 2

That is, R does not reserve any space for this null object.2 Meanwhile, looking at ?'NA' we see that

NA is a logical constant of length 1 which contains a missing value indicator. NA can be coerced to any other vector type except raw.

Importantly, NA is of length 1 so that R reserves some space for it. E.g.,

data.frame(x = c(1, NA, 2))
#    x
# 1  1
# 2 NA
# 3  2

Also, the data frame structure requires all the columns to have the same number of elements so that there can be no "holes" (i.e., NULL values).

Now you could replace zeroes by NULL in a data frame in the sense of completely removing all the rows containing at least one zero. When using, e.g., var, cov, or cor, that is actually equivalent to first replacing zeroes with NA and setting the value of use as "complete.obs". Typically, however, this is unsatisfactory as it leads to extra information loss.

2. Instead of running some sort of loop, in the solution I use df == 0 vectorization. df == 0 returns (try it) a matrix of the same size as df, with the entries TRUE and FALSE. Further, we are also allowed to pass this matrix to the subsetting [...] (see ?'['). Lastly, while the result of df[df == 0] is perfectly intuitive, it may seem strange that df[df == 0] <- NA gives the desired effect. The assignment operator <- is indeed not always so smart and does not work in this way with some other objects, but it does so with data frames; see ?'<-'.

1 The empty set in the set theory feels somehow related.
2 Another similarity with the set theory: the empty set is a subset of every set, but we do not reserve any space for it.

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

As other answers indicate, on Windows you cannot delete a file that is open. However one other thing that can stop a file from being deleted on Windows is if it is is mmap'd to a MappedByteBuffer (or DirectByteBuffer) -- if so, the file cannot be deleted until the byte buffer is garbage collected. There is some relatively safe code for forcibly closing (cleaning) a DirectByteBuffer before it is garbage collected here: After cleaning the ByteBuffer, you can delete the file. However, make sure you never use the ByteBuffer again after cleaning it, or the JVM will crash.

Ignore fields from Java object dynamically while sending as JSON from Spring MVC

To acheive dynamic filtering follow the link -

  1. Add the @JsonFilter("Filter name") annotation to the model class.

  2. Inside the controller function add the code:-

    SimpleBeanPropertyFilter simpleBeanPropertyFilter =
            SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.serializeAllExcept("id", "dob"); 
    FilterProvider filterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider()
            .addFilter("Filter name", simpleBeanPropertyFilter);
    List<User> userList = userService.getAllUsers();
    MappingJacksonValue mappingJacksonValue = new MappingJacksonValue(userList);
    return mappingJacksonValue;
  3. make sure the return type is MappingJacksonValue.

Display only 10 characters of a long string?

Although this won't limit the string to exactly 10 characters, why not let the browser do the work for you with CSS:

.no-overflow {
    white-space: no-wrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;

and then for the table cell that contains the string add the above class and set the maximum permitted width. The result should end up looking better than anything done based on measuring the string length.

How to implement "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header in



If you don't have access to configure IIS, you can still add the header through ASP.NET by adding the following line to your source pages:

Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

See also: Configuring IIS6 / IIS7

Maven not found in Mac OSX mavericks

This solution could seem very long, but it's not. I just included many examples so that everything was clear. It worked for me in Mavericks OS.

Note: I combined and edited some of the answers shown above, added some examples and format and posted the result, so the credit goes mostly to the creators of the original posts.

  1. Download Maven from here.

  2. Open the Terminal.

  3. Extract the file you just downloaded to the location you want, either manually or by typing the following lines in the Terminal (fill the required data):

    mv [Your file name] [Destination location]/ tar -xvf [Your file name]

    For example, if our file is named "apache-maven-3.2.1-bin.tar" (Maven version 3.2.1) and we want to locate it in the "/Applications" directory, then we should type the following lines in Terminal:

    mv apache-maven-3.2.1-bin.tar /Applications/
    tar -xvf apache-maven-3.2.1-bin.tar
  4. If you don't have any JDK (Java Development Kit) installed on your computer, install one.

  5. Type "java -version" in Terminal. You should see something like this:

    java version "1.8.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.0-b70, mixed mode)

    Remember your java version (in the example, 1.8.0).

  6. Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder.

  7. Type "touch .bash_profile".

  8. Type "open -e .bash_profile" to open .bash_profile in TextEdit.

  9. Type the following in TextEdit (copy everything and replace the required data):

    export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk[Your Java version].jdk/Contents/Home export M2_HOME=[Your file location]/apache-maven-[Your Maven version]/ export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin alias mvn='$M2_HOME/bin/mvn'

    For example, in our case we would replace "[Your Java version]" with "1.8.0" (value got in step 5), "[Your file location]" with "/Applications" (value used as "Destination Location" in step 3) and "[Your Maven version]" with "3.2.1" (Maven version observed in step 3), resulting in the following code:

    export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home
    export M2_HOME=/Applications/apache-maven-3.2.1/
    export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
    alias mvn='$M2_HOME/bin/mvn'
  10. Save your changes

  11. Type "source .bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add.

  12. Type mvn -version. If successful you should see the following:

    Apache Maven [Your Maven version] ([Some weird stuff. Don't worry about this]) Maven home: [Your file location]/apache-maven-[Your Maven version] Java version: [You Java version], vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk[Your Java version].jdk/Contents/Home/jre [Some other stuff which may vary depending on the configuration and the OS of the computer]

    In our example, the result would be the following:

    Apache Maven 3.2.1 (ea8b2b07643dbb1b84b6d16e1f08391b666bc1e9; 2014-02-14T18:37:52+01:00)
    Maven home: /Applications/apache-maven-3.2.1
    Java version: 1.8.0, vendor: Oracle Corporation
    Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0</b>.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
    Default locale: es_ES, platform encoding: UTF-8
    OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.9.2", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

Proper way to use **kwargs in Python

I suggest something like this

def testFunc( **kwargs ):
    options = {
            'option1' : 'default_value1',
            'option2' : 'default_value2',
            'option3' : 'default_value3', }

    print options

testFunc( option1='new_value1', option3='new_value3' )
# {'option2': 'default_value2', 'option3': 'new_value3', 'option1': 'new_value1'}

testFunc( option2='new_value2' )
# {'option1': 'default_value1', 'option3': 'default_value3', 'option2': 'new_value2'}

And then use the values any way you want

dictionaryA.update(dictionaryB) adds the contents of dictionaryB to dictionaryA overwriting any duplicate keys.

Python Matplotlib figure title overlaps axes label when using twiny

Just use plt.tight_layout() before It works well.

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

I would say that way is more pythonic and fits on line:

If you need to check value only with the use of your function:

if filter( your_function, dictionary.values() ): ...

When you need to know if your dict contains any keys:

if dictionary: ...

Anyway, using loops here is not Python-way.

jQuery - hashchange event

There is a hashchange plug-in which wraps up the functionality and cross browser issues available here.

How do I use Linq to obtain a unique list of properties from a list of objects?

When taking Distinct we have to cast into IEnumerable too. If list is model means, need to write code like this

 IEnumerable<T> ids = list.Select(x => x).Distinct();

Add Favicon with React and Webpack

For future googlers: You can also use copy-webpack-plugin and add this to webpack's production config:

plugins: [
  new CopyWebpackPlugin({ 
    patterns: [ 
     // relative path is from src
     { from: './static/favicon.ico' }, // <- your path to favicon

What is the difference between an annotated and unannotated tag?


The difference between the commands is that one provides you with a tag message while the other doesn't. An annotated tag has a message that can be displayed with git-show(1), while a tag without annotations is just a named pointer to a commit.

More About Lightweight Tags

According to the documentation: "To create a lightweight tag, don’t supply any of the -a, -s, or -m options, just provide a tag name". There are also some different options to write a message on annotated tags:

  • When you use git tag <tagname>, Git will create a tag at the current revision but will not prompt you for an annotation. It will be tagged without a message (this is a lightweight tag).
  • When you use git tag -a <tagname>, Git will prompt you for an annotation unless you have also used the -m flag to provide a message.
  • When you use git tag -a -m <msg> <tagname>, Git will tag the commit and annotate it with the provided message.
  • When you use git tag -m <msg> <tagname>, Git will behave as if you passed the -a flag for annotation and use the provided message.

Basically, it just amounts to whether you want the tag to have an annotation and some other information associated with it or not.

selenium get current url after loading a page

Like you said since the xpath for the next button is the same on every page it won't work. It's working as coded in that it does wait for the element to be displayed but since it's already displayed then the implicit wait doesn't apply because it doesn't need to wait at all. Why don't you use the fact that the url changes since from your code it appears to change when the next button is clicked. I do C# but I guess in Java it would be something like:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String startURL = //a starting url;
String currentURL = null;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);


/* go to next page */
    String previousURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    ExpectedCondition e = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
          public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
            return (d.getCurrentUrl() != previousURL);

    currentURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();

ActiveXObject is not defined and can't find variable: ActiveXObject

ActiveXObject is available only on IE browser. So every other useragent will throw an error

On modern browser you could use instead File API or File writer API (currently implemented only on Chrome)

How can I use UserDefaults in Swift?

Swift 4, I have used Enum for handling UserDefaults.

This is just a sample code. You can customize it as per your requirements.

For Storing, Retrieving, Removing. In this way just add a key for your UserDefaults key to the enum. Handle values while getting and storing according to dataType and your requirements.

enum UserDefaultsConstant : String {
    case AuthToken, FcmToken

    static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard

    func setValue(value : Any) {
        switch self {
        case .AuthToken,.FcmToken:
            if let _ = value as? String {
                UserDefaults.standard.set(value, forKey: self.rawValue)


    func getValue() -> Any? {
        switch self {
        case .AuthToken:
            if(UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefaultsConstant.AuthToken.rawValue) != nil) {

                return "Bearer "+(UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefaultsConstant.AuthToken.rawValue) as! String)
            else {
                return ""

        case .FcmToken:

            if(UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefaultsConstant.FcmToken.rawValue) != nil) {
                print(UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefaultsConstant.FcmToken.rawValue))
                return (UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefaultsConstant.FcmToken.rawValue) as! String)
            else {
                return ""

    func removeValue() {
        UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: self.rawValue)

For storing a value in userdefaults,

if let authToken = {
     UserDefaultsConstant.AuthToken.setValue(value: authToken)

For retrieving a value from userdefaults,

//As AuthToken value is a string
    (UserDefaultsConstant.AuthToken.getValue() as! String)

Spring-boot default profile for integration tests

As far as I know there is nothing directly addressing your request - but I can suggest a proposal that could help:

You could use your own test annotation that is a meta annotation comprising @SpringBootTest and @ActiveProfiles("test"). So you still need the dedicated profile but avoid scattering the profile definition across all your test.

This annotation will default to the profile test and you can override the profile using the meta annotation.

public @interface MyApplicationTest {
  @AliasFor(annotation = ActiveProfiles.class, attribute = "profiles") String[] activeProfiles() default {"test"};

Anaconda export Environment file

  1. First activate your conda environment (the one u want to export/backup)
conda activate myEnv
  1. Export all packages to a file (myEnvBkp.txt)
conda list --explicit > myEnvBkp.txt
  1. Restore/import the environment:
conda create --name myEnvRestored --file myEnvBkp.txt

jquery $(this).id return Undefined

this : is the DOM Element $(this) : Jquery objct, which wrapped with Dom Element, you can check this answer also this vs $(this)

try like this Attr(). Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".inputs").click(function () {
         alert(" or " + $(this).attr("id"));


How do I grant read access for a user to a database in SQL Server?

This is a two-step process:

  1. you need to create a login to SQL Server for that user, based on its Windows account

    CREATE LOGIN [<domainName>\<loginName>] FROM WINDOWS;
  2. you need to grant this login permission to access a database:

    USE (your database)
    CREATE USER (username) FOR LOGIN (your login name)

Once you have that user in your database, you can give it any rights you want, e.g. you could assign it the db_datareader database role to read all tables.

USE (your database)
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '(your user name)'

What is Haskell used for in the real world?

I have a cool one, facebook created a automated tool for rewriting PHP code. They parse the source into an abstract syntax tree, do some transformations:

if ($f == false) -> if (false == $f)

I don't know why, but that seems to be their particular style and then they pretty print it.

We use haskell for making small domain specific languages. Huge amounts of data processing. Web development. Web spiders. Testing applications. Writing system administration scripts. Backend scripts, which communicate with other parties. Monitoring scripts (we have a DSL which works nicely together with munin, makes it much easier to write correct monitor code for your applications.)

All kind of stuff actually. It is just a everyday general purpose language with some very powerful and useful features, if you are somewhat mathematically inclined.

Set Response Status Code

PHP <=5.3

The header() function has a parameter for status code. If you specify it, the server will take care of it from there.

header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized', true, 401);

PHP >=5.4

See Gajus' answer:

How to get a specific column value from a DataTable in c#

The table normally contains multiple rows. Use a loop and use row.Field<string>(0) to access the value of each row.

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>("File");

You can also access it via index:

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>(0);

If you expect only one row, you can also use the indexer of DataRowCollection:

string file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0); 

Since this fails if the table is empty, use dt.Rows.Count to check if there is a row:

if(dt.Rows.Count > 0)
    file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0);

How to prevent scanf causing a buffer overflow in C?

If you are using gcc, you can use the GNU-extension a specifier to have scanf() allocate memory for you to hold the input:

int main()
  char *str = NULL;

  scanf ("%as", &str);
  if (str) {
      printf("\"%s\"\n", str);
  return 0;

Edit: As Jonathan pointed out, you should consult the scanf man pages as the specifier might be different (%m) and you might need to enable certain defines when compiling.

Finding duplicate values in a SQL table

This selects/deletes all duplicate records except one record from each group of duplicates. So, the delete leaves all unique records + one record from each group of the duplicates.

Select duplicates:

FROM table
    id NOT IN (
        SELECT MIN(id)
        FROM table
        GROUP BY column1, column2

Delete duplicates:

    id NOT IN (
        SELECT MIN(id)
        FROM table
        GROUP BY column1, column2

Be aware of larger amounts of records, it can cause performance problems.

Quickly getting to YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS in Perl

I made a little test (Perl v5.20.1 under FreeBSD in VM) calling the following blocks 1.000.000 times each:


my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $now = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);


my $now = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',localtime);


my $now = Time::Piece::localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S');

with the following results:

A: 2 seconds

B: 11 seconds

C: 19 seconds

This is of course not a thorough test or benchmark, but at least it is reproducable for me, so even though it is more complicated, I'd prefer the first method if generating a datetimestamp is required very often.

Calling (eg. under FreeBSD 10.1)

my $now = `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" | tr -d "\n"`;

might not be such a good idea because it is not OS-independent and takes quite some time.

Best regards, Holger

Powershell import-module doesn't find modules

The module needs to be placed in a folder with the same name as the module. In your case:


The full path would be:


You would then be able to do:

import-module XMLHelpers

WPF loading spinner

You can do it without any additional controls and libraries, using only Image control and transform:

    RenderTransformOrigin="0.5, 0.5" Visibility="{Binding IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
        <RotateTransform x:Name="noFreeze" />
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Loaded">
                        To="360" Duration="0:0:1" RepeatBehavior="Forever" />

Replace /images/spinner.png with your image. Change To="360" to To="-360" if you want to rotate it counterclockwise. Duration="0:0:1" equals to 1 second per rotation.

How to parse JSON boolean value?

Try this:

    "ACCOUNT_EXIST": true,
    "MultipleContacts": false

boolean success ((Boolean) jsonObject.get("ACCOUNT_EXIST")).booleanValue()

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

$pristine/$dirty tells you whether the user actually changed anything, while $touched/$untouched tells you whether the user has merely been there/visited.

This is really useful for validation. The reason for $dirty was always to avoid showing validation responses until the user has actually visited a certain control. But, by using only the $dirty property, the user wouldn't get validation feedback unless they actually altered the value. So, an $invalid field still wouldn't show the user a prompt if the user didn't change/interact with the value. If the user entirely ignored a required field, everything looked OK.

With Angular 1.3 and ng-touched, you can now set a particular style on a control as soon as the user has blurred, regardless of whether they actually edited the value or not.

Here's a CodePen that shows the difference in behavior.

What does -z mean in Bash?

The expression -z string is true if the length of string is zero.

JavaScript hard refresh of current page

Try to use:


When this method receives a true value as argument, it will cause the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache.

More info:

How to redirect to another page using AngularJS?

It might help you!!

The AngularJs code-sample

var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);

app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

  // For any unmatched url, send to /index

    .state('login', {
      url: "/login",
      templateUrl: "login.html",
      controller: "LoginCheckController"
    .state('SuccessPage', {
      url: "/SuccessPage",
      templateUrl: "SuccessPage.html",
      //controller: "LoginCheckController"

app.controller('LoginCheckController', ['$scope', '$location', LoginCheckController]);

function LoginCheckController($scope, $location) {

  $scope.users = [{
    UserName: 'chandra',
    Password: 'hello'
  }, {
    UserName: 'Harish',
    Password: 'hi'
  }, {
    UserName: 'Chinthu',
    Password: 'hi'

  $scope.LoginCheck = function() {

  $scope.go = function(path) {

HTML/Javascript change div content

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
  <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="A" onclick = "populateData(event)">
  <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="B" onclick = "populateData(event)">

    <div id="content"></div>

-----------------JS- code------------

var targetDiv = document.getElementById('content');
    var htmlContent = '';

    function populateData(event){
        case 'A':{
         htmlContent = 'Content for A';
        case 'B':{
          htmlContent = "content for B";
      targetDiv.innerHTML = htmlContent;

Step1: on click of the radio button it calls function populate data, with event (an object that has event details such as name of the element, value etc..);

Step2: I extracted the value through and then simple switch will give me freedom to add custom text.

Live Code,js,output

How to find the users list in oracle 11g db?

The command select username from all_users; requires less privileges

Can I use library that used android support with Androidx projects.

I added below two lines in file


then I got the following error

error: package does not exist

I have removed the imports and added below line

import static*;

And the classes which are extended from AppCompactActivity, added the below line. (For these errors you just need to press alt+enter in android studio which will import the correct library for you. Like this you can resolve all the errors)


In your xml file if you have used any


replace it with androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar

then in your java code

import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;

How get the base URL via context path in JSF?

URLs are not resolved based on the file structure in the server side. URLs are resolved based on the real public web addresses of the resources in question. It's namely the webbrowser who has got to invoke them, not the webserver.

There are several ways to soften the pain:

JSF EL offers a shorthand to ${pageContext.request} in flavor of #{request}:

<li><a href="#{request.contextPath}/index.xhtml">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#{request.contextPath}/about_us.xhtml">About us</a></li>

You can if necessary use <c:set> tag to make it yet shorter. Put it somewhere in the master template, it'll be available to all pages:

<c:set var="root" value="#{request.contextPath}/" />
<li><a href="#{root}index.xhtml">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#{root}about_us.xhtml">About us</a></li>

JSF 2.x offers the <h:link> which can take a view ID relative to the context root in outcome and it will append the context path and FacesServlet mapping automatically:

<li><h:link value="Home" outcome="index" /></li>
<li><h:link value="About us" outcome="about_us" /></li>

HTML offers the <base> tag which makes all relative URLs in the document relative to this base. You could make use of it. Put it in the <h:head>.

<base href="#{request.requestURL.substring(0, request.requestURL.length() - request.requestURI.length())}#{request.contextPath}/" />
<li><a href="index.xhtml">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us.xhtml">About us</a></li>

(note: this requires EL 2.2, otherwise you'd better use JSTL fn:substring(), see also this answer)

This should end up in the generated HTML something like as

<base href="" />

Note that the <base> tag has a caveat: it makes all jump anchors in the page like <a href="#top"> relative to it as well! See also Is it recommended to use the <base> html tag? In JSF you could solve it like <a href="#{request.requestURI}#top">top</a> or <h:link value="top" fragment="top" />.

Jquery If radio button is checked

$("input").bind('click', function(e){
   if ($(this).val() == 'Yes') {

Posting parameters to a url using the POST method without using a form


  { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" },
  function(data) {
    alert("Response: " + data);

What is “the inverse side of the association” in a bidirectional JPA OneToMany/ManyToOne association?

Unbelievably, in 3 years nobody has answered your excellent question with examples of both ways to map the relationship.

As mentioned by others, the "owner" side contains the pointer (foreign key) in the database. You can designate either side as the owner, however, if you designate the One side as the owner, the relationship will not be bidirectional (the inverse aka "many" side will have no knowledge of its "owner"). This can be desirable for encapsulation/loose coupling:

// "One" Customer owns the associated orders by storing them in a customer_orders join table
public class Customer {
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List<Order> orders;

// if the Customer owns the orders using the customer_orders table,
// Order has no knowledge of its Customer
public class Order {
    // @ManyToOne annotation has no "mappedBy" attribute to link bidirectionally

The only bidirectional mapping solution is to have the "many" side own its pointer to the "one", and use the @OneToMany "mappedBy" attribute. Without the "mappedBy" attribute Hibernate will expect a double mapping (the database would have both the join column and the join table, which is redundant (usually undesirable)).

// "One" Customer as the inverse side of the relationship
public class Customer {
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "customer")
    private List<Order> orders;

// "many" orders each own their pointer to a Customer
public class Order {
    private Customer customer;

Is it possible to run selenium (Firefox) web driver without a GUI?

UPDATE: You do not need XVFB to run headless Firefox anymore. Firefox v55+ on Linux and Firefox v56+ on Windows/Mac now supports headless execution.

I added some how-to-use documentation here:

User Get-ADUser to list all properties and export to .csv

Query all users and filter by the list from your text file:

$Users = Get-Content 'C:\scripts\Users.txt'
Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,Office |
    Where-Object { $Users -contains $_.SamAccountName } |
    Select-Object DisplayName, Office |
    Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' -NoType

Get-ADUser -Filter '*' returns all AD user accounts. This stream of user objects is then piped into a Where-Object filter, which checks for each object if its SamAccountName property is contained in the user list from your input file ($Users). Only objects with a matching account name are passed forward to the next step of the pipeline. The output can be limited by selecting the relevant properties before exporting the data.

You can further optimize the code by replacing the -contains operator with hashtable lookups:

$Users = @{}
Get-Content 'C:\scripts\Users.txt' | ForEach-Object { $Users[$_] = $true }

Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,Office |
    Where-Object { $Users.ContainsKey($_.SamAccountName) } |
    Select-Object DisplayName, Office |
    Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' -NoType

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

Non-VBA Solution:

You need to make an additional group of data for each color group that represent the Y values for that particular group. You can use these groups to make multiple data sets within your graph.

Here is an example using your data:

     A       B        C        D                    E                        F                            G
1| COMPANY  XVALUE   YVALUE   GROUP                 Red                     Orange                       Green
2| Apple     45       35       red         =IF($D2="red",$C2,NA()) =IF($D2="orange",$C2,NA()) =IF($D2="green",$C2,NA())
3| Xerox     45       38       red         =IF($D3="red",$C3,NA()) =IF($D3="orange",$C3,NA()) =IF($D3="green",$C3,NA())
4| KMart     63       50       orange      =IF($D4="red",$C4,NA()) =IF($D4="orange",$C4,NA()) =IF($D4="green",$C4,NA())
5| Exxon     53       59       green       =IF($D5="red",$C5,NA()) =IF($D5="orange",$C5,NA()) =IF($D5="green",$C5,NA())

It should look like this afterwards:

     A       B        C        D          E           F          G
1| COMPANY  XVALUE   YVALUE   GROUP       Red         Orange     Green
2| Apple     45       35       red         35         #N/A       #N/A    
3| Xerox     45       38       red         38         #N/A       #N/A
4| KMart     63       50       orange     #N/A         50        #N/A
5| Exxon     53       59       green      #N/a        #N/A        59

Now you can generate your graph using different data sets. Here is a picture showing just this example data:

enter image description here

You can change the series (X;Y) values to B:B ; E:E, B:B ; F:F, B:B ; G:G respectively, to make it so the graph is automatically updated when you add more data.

How to create Gmail filter searching for text only at start of subject line?

The only option I have found to do this is find some exact wording and put that under the "Has the words" option. Its not the best option, but it works.

Remove HTML tags from a String

You might want to replace <br/> and </p> tags with newlines before stripping the HTML to prevent it becoming an illegible mess as Tim suggests.

The only way I can think of removing HTML tags but leaving non-HTML between angle brackets would be check against a list of HTML tags. Something along these lines...


Then HTML-decode special characters such as &amp;. The result should not be considered to be sanitized.