[css] What is the difference between Normalize.css and Reset CSS?

I know what CSS Reset is, but recently I heard about this new thing called Normalize.css

What is the difference between Normalize.css and Reset CSS?

What is the difference between normalizing CSS and resetting CSS?

Is it just a new buzz word for the CSS Reset?

This question is related to css normalize-css

The answer is

Normalize.css is mainly a set of styles, based on what its author thought would look good, and make it look consistent across browsers. Reset basically strips styling from elements so you have more control over the styling of everything.

I use both.

Some styles from Reset, some from Normalize.css. For example, from Normalize.css, there's a style to make sure all input elements have the same font, which doesn't occur (between text inputs and textareas). Reset has no such style, so inputs have different fonts, which is not normally wanted.

So bascially, using the two CSS files does a better job 'Equalizing' everything ;)


Well from its description it appears it tries to make the user agent's default style consistent across all browsers rather than stripping away all the default styling as a reset would.

Preserves useful defaults, unlike many CSS resets.

Sometimes, the best solution is to use both. Sometimes, it is to use neither. And sometimes, it is to use one or the other. If you want all the styles, including margin and padding reset across all browsers, use reset.css. Then apply all decorations and stylings yourself. If you simply like the built-in stylings but want more cross-browser synchronicity i.e. normalizations then use normalize.css. But if you choose to use both reset.css and normalize.css, link the reset.css stylesheet first and then the normalize.css stylesheet (immediately) afterwards. Sometimes it's not always a matter of which is better, but when to use which one versus when to use both versus when to use neither. IMHO.

The major difference is that:

  • CSS resets aim to remove all built-in browser styling. Standard elements like H1-6, p, strong, em, et cetera end up looking exactly alike, having no decoration at all. You're then supposed to add all decoration yourself.

  • Normalize CSS aims to make built-in browser styling consistent across browsers. Elements like H1-6 will appear bold, larger et cetera in a consistent way across browsers. You're then supposed to add only the difference in decoration your design needs.

If your design a) follows common conventions for typography et cetera, and b) Normalize.css works for your target audience, then using Normalize.CSS instead of a CSS reset will make your own CSS smaller and faster to write.

Normalize.css :Every browser is coming with some default css styles that will, for example, add padding around a paragraph or title.If you add the normalize style sheet all those browser default rules will be reset so for this instance 0px padding on tags.Here is a couple of links for more details: https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/ http://nicolasgallagher.com/about-normalize-css/

resetting seems a necessity to meet custom design specifications, especially on complex, non-boilerplate type design projects. It sounds as though normalizing is a good way to proceed with purely web programming in mind, but oftentimes websites are a marriage between web programming and UI/UX design rules.

First reset.css is the worst library you can use, because it removes the standard structure of HTML and displays everything you write just as text, after assigning the values of margin padding and other attributes to 0. So for example you will find that <H1>, will be the same as <H6>.

On the other hand Normalize.css uses the standard structure and also fixes almost all the errors existing in it. For example it fixes the problem with showing a form from one browser to another. Normalize fixes this by modifying this features so your elements will be shown the same on all browsers.

This question has been answered already several times, I'll short summary for each of them, an example and insights as of September 2019:

  • Normalize.css - as the name suggests, it normalizes styles in the browsers for their user agents, i.e. makes them the same across all browsers due to the reason by default they're slightly different.

Example: <h1> tag inside <section> by default Google Chrome will make smaller than the "expected" size of <h1> tag. Microsoft Edge on the other hand is making the "expected" size of <h1> tag. Normalize.css will make it consistent.

Current status: the npm repository shows that normalize.css package has currently more than 500k downloads per week. GitHub stars in the project of the repository are more than 36k.

  • Reset CSS - as the name suggests, it resets all styles, i.e. it removes all browser's user agent styles.

Example: it would do something like that below:

html, body, div, span, ..., audio, video {  
   margin: 0;  
   padding: 0;  
   border: 0;  
   font-size: 100%;  
   font: inherit;  
   vertical-align: baseline; 

Current status: it's much less popular than Normalize.css, the reset-css package shows it's something around 26k downloads per week. GitHub stars are only 200, as it can be noticed from the project's repository.