[java] Spring-boot default profile for integration tests

Spring-boot utilizes Spring profiles (http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-profiles.html) which allow for instance to have separate config for different environments. One way I use this feature is to configure test database to be used by integration tests. I wonder however is it necessary to create my own profile 'test' and explicitly activate this profile in each test file? Right now I do it in the following way:

  1. Create application-test.properties inside src/main/resources
  2. Write test specific config there (just the database name for now)
  3. In every test file include:


Is there a smarter / more concise way? For instance a default test profile?

Edit 1: This question pertains to Spring-Boot 1.4.1

This question is related to java spring spring-boot

The answer is

In my case I have different application.properties depending on the environment, something like:

application.properties (base file)

and application.properties contains a property spring.profiles.active to pick the proper file.

For my integration tests, I created a new application-test.properties file inside test/resources and with the @TestPropertySource({ "/application-test.properties" }) annotation this is the file who is in charge of picking the application.properties I want depending on my needs for those tests

If you use maven, you can add this in pom.xml:


Then, maven should run your integration tests (*IT.java) using this arugument, and also IntelliJ will start with this profile activated - so you can then specify all properties inside


and you should not need "-default" properties.

You could put an application.properties file in your test/resources folder. There you set


This is kind of a default test profile while running tests.

Another way to do this is to define a base (abstract) test class that your actual test classes will extend :

public abstract class BaseIntegrationTest {

Concrete test :

public class SampleSearchServiceTest extends BaseIntegrationTest{

    private SampleSearchService service;

    public void shouldInjectService(){

This allows you to extract more than just the @ActiveProfiles annotation. You could also imagine more specialised base classes for different kinds of integration tests, e.g. data access layer vs service layer, or for functional specialties (common @Before or @After methods etc).

Come 2021 and Spring Boot 2.4 the solution I have found is to have 3 properties files

  • src/main/resources/application.yml - contains the application's default props
  • src/test/resources/application.yml - sets the profile to 'test', and imports properties from 'main'
  • src/test/resources/application-test.yml - contains test-specific profiles, which will override 'main'

Here is the content of src/test/resources/application.yml:

# for testing, set default profile to 'test'
spring.profiles.active: "test"
# and import the 'main' properties
spring.config.import: file:src/main/resources/application.yml

For example, if src/main/resources/application.yml has the content

ip-address: ""
username: admin

and src/test/resources/application-test.yml has

ip-address: "999.999.999.999"
run-integration-test: true

Then (assuming there are no other profiles)...

when running tests,


and when running the application normally

run-integration-test <undefined>

You can put your test specific properties into src/test/resources/config/application.properties.

The properties defined in this file will override those defined in src/main/resources/application.properties during testing.

For more information on why this works have a look at Spring Boots docs.

Another programatically way to do that:

  import static org.springframework.core.env.AbstractEnvironment.DEFAULT_PROFILES_PROPERTY_NAME;

  public static void setupTest() {
    System.setProperty(DEFAULT_PROFILES_PROPERTY_NAME, "test");

It works great.

A delarative way to do that (In fact, a minor tweek to @Compito's original answer):

  1. Set spring.profiles.active=test in test/resources/application-default.properties.
  2. Add test/resources/application-test.properties for tests and override only the properties you need.

To activate "test" profile write in your build.gradle:

    test.doFirst {
        systemProperty 'spring.profiles.active', 'test'
        activeProfiles = 'test'

Add spring.profiles.active=tests in your application.properties file, you can add multiple properties file in your spring boot application like application-stage.properties, application-prod.properties, etc. And you can specify in your application.properties file while file to refer by adding spring.profiles.active=stage or spring.profiles.active=prod

you can also pass the profile at the time running the spring boot application by providing the command:

java -jar-Dspring.profiles.active=localbuild/libs/turtle-rnr-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

According to the profile name the properties file is picked up, in the above case passing profile local consider the application-local.properties file

If you simply want to set/use default profile at the time of making build through maven then, pass the argument -Dspring.profiles.active=test Just like

mvn clean install -Dspring.profiles.active=dev

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