Instead of reinventing the wheel a library could be used. CsvHelper
is great for creating and reading csv files. It's read and write operations are stream based and therefore also support operations with a big amount of data.
You can write your csv like the following.
using(var textWriter = new StreamWriter(@"C:\mypath\myfile.csv"))
var writer = new CsvWriter(textWriter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
writer.Configuration.Delimiter = ",";
foreach (var item in list)
writer.WriteField( "a" );
writer.WriteField( 2 );
writer.WriteField( true );
As the library is using reflection it will take any type and parse it directly.
public class CsvRow
public string Column1 { get; set; }
public bool Column2 { get; set; }
public CsvRow(string column1, bool column2)
Column1 = column1;
Column2 = column2;
IEnumerable<CsvRow> rows = new [] {
new CsvRow("value1", true),
new CsvRow("value2", false)
using(var textWriter = new StreamWriter(@"C:\mypath\myfile.csv")
var writer = new CsvWriter(textWriter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
writer.Configuration.Delimiter = ",";
If you want to read more about the librarys configurations and possibilities you can do so here.