Programs & Examples On #Exiv2

Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to manage image metadata. It provides read and write access to the Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata of images in various formats.

How do you declare string constants in C?

One advantage (albeit very slight) of defining string constants is that you can concatenate them at compile time:

#define HELLO "hello"
#define WORLD "world"

puts( HELLO WORLD );

Not sure that's really an advantage, but it is a technique that cannot be used with const char *'s.

How do I select an element that has a certain class?

The CSS :first-child selector allows you to target an element that is the first child element within its parent.

element:first-child { style_properties }
table:first-child { style_properties }

insert data into database with codeigniter

It will be better for you to write your code like this.

In your Controller Write this code.

    function new_blank_order_summary() {
     $query = $this->sales_model->order_summary_insert();
     if($query) {
    } else {

and in your Model

function order_summary_insert() {
    $orderLines = trim(xss_clean($this->input->post('orderlines')));
    $customerName = trim(xss_clean($this->input->post('customer')));
    $data = array(

    return ($this->db->affected_rows() != 1) ? false : true;

Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

Converting a POSTMAN request to Curl

Starting from Postman 8 you need to visit here

enter image description here

How do I implement a progress bar in C#?

If you can't know the progress you should not fake it by abusing a progress bar, instead just display some sort of busy icon like Show it when starting the task and hide it when it's finished. That would make for a more "honest" GUI.

How to unstash only certain files?

First list all the stashes

git stash list


stash@{0}: WIP on Produktkonfigurator: 132c06a5 Cursor bei glyphicon plus und close zu zeigende Hand ändern
stash@{1}: WIP on Produktkonfigurator: 132c06a5 Cursor bei glyphicon plus und close zu zeigende Hand ändern
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 7e450c81 Merge branch 'Offlineseite'

Then show which files are in the stash (lets pick stash 1):

git stash show 1 --name-only

//Hint: you can also write
//git stash show stash@{1} --name-only



Then apply the file you like to:

git checkout stash@{1} -- <filename>

or whole folder:

git checkout stash@{1} /errors

It also works without -- but it is recommended to use them. See this post.

It is also conventional to recognize a double hyphen as a signal to stop option interpretation and treat all following arguments literally.

Configure apache to listen on port other than 80

Run this command if your ufw(Uncomplicatd Firewall) is enabled . Add for Example port 8080

$ sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp

And you can check the status by running

$ sudo ufw status

For more info check :

How to trigger a click on a link using jQuery

We can do it in many ways...

CASE - 1

We can use trigger like this : $("#myID").trigger("click");

CASE - 2

We can use click() function like this : $("#myID").click();

CASE - 3

If we want to write function on programmatically click then..

$("#myID").click(function() {
// Do here whatever you want

CASE - 4

// Triggering a native browser event using the simulate plugin
$("#myID").simulate( "click" );  

Also you can refer this :

Android - how to make a scrollable constraintlayout?

For me, none of the suggestions about removing bottom constraints nor setting scroll container to true seemed to work. What worked: expand the height of individual/nested views in my layout so they "spanned" beyond the parent by using the "Expand Vertically" option of the Constraint Layout Editor as shown below.

For any approach, it is important that the dotted preview lines extend vertically beyond the parent's top or bottom dimensions

Expand Vertically

How to integrate Dart into a Rails app

If you run pub build --mode=debug the build directory contains the application without symlinks. The Dart code should be retained when --mode=debug is used.

Here is some discussion going on about this topic too Dart and it's place in Rails Assets Pipeline

Why does the html input with type "number" allow the letter 'e' to be entered in the field?

To hide both letter e and minus sign - just go for:

onkeydown="return event.keyCode !== 69 && event.keyCode !== 189"

How can I get the count of line in a file in an efficient way?

Read the file through and count the number of newline characters. An easy way to read a file in Java, one line at a time, is the java.util.Scanner class.

How to insert special characters into a database?

You are most likely escaping the SQL string, similar to:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = 'Here's a syntax error!'

You need to escape quotes, like follows:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = 'Here\'s a syntax error!'

mysql_real_escape_string() handles this for you.

In Angular, how do you determine the active route?

Here's a complete example for adding active route styling in Angular version 2.0.0-rc.1 which takes into account null root paths (e.g. path: '/')

app.component.ts -> Routes

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/router';
import { LoginPage, AddCandidatePage } from './export';
import {UserService} from './SERVICES/user.service';

  moduleId: 'app/',
  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['app.component.css'],
  providers: [UserService],
  directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]

  { path: '/', component: AddCandidatePage },
  { path: 'Login', component: LoginPage }
export class AppComponent  { //implements OnInit

  constructor(private router: Router){}

  routeIsActive(routePath: string) {
     let currentRoute = this.router.urlTree.firstChild(this.router.urlTree.root);
     // e.g. 'Login' or null if route is '/'
     let segment = currentRoute == null ? '/' : currentRoute.segment;
     return  segment == routePath;


  <li []="routeIsActive('Login')"><a [routerLink]="['Login']" >Login</a></li>
  <li []="routeIsActive('/')"><a [routerLink]="['/']" >AddCandidate</a></li>

Run javascript script (.js file) in mongodb including another file inside js

To call external file you can use :

load ("path\file")

Exemple: if your file.js file is on your "Documents" file (on windows OS), you can type:

load ("C:\users\user_name\Documents\file.js")

flow 2 columns of text automatically with CSS

Using jQuery

Create a second column and move over the elements you need into it.

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var size = $("#data > p").size();
 $(".Column1 > p").each(function(index){
  if (index >= size/2){

<div id="data" class="Column1" style="float:left;width:300px;">
<!--   data Start -->
<p>This is paragraph 1. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 2. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 3. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 4. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 5. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 6. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<!--   data Emd-->
<div id="Column2" style="float:left;width:300px;"></div>


Or Since the requirement now is to have them equally sized. I would suggest using the prebuilt jQuery plugins: Columnizer jQuery Plugin

Converting ArrayList to Array in java

What you did with the iteration is not wrong from what I can make of it based on the question. It gives you a valid array of String objects. Like mentioned in another answer it is however easier to use the toArray() method available for the ArrayList object =>

Just a side note. If you would iterate your dsf array properly and print each element on its own you would get valid output. Like this:

for(String str : dsf){

What you probably tried to do was print the complete Array object at once since that would give an object memory address like you got in your question. If you see that kind of output you need to provide a toString() method for the object you're printing.

How to compare types

Try the following

typeField == typeof(string)
typeField == typeof(DateTime)

The typeof operator in C# will give you a Type object for the named type. Type instances are comparable with the == operator so this is a good method for comparing them.

Note: If I remember correctly, there are some cases where this breaks down when the types involved are COM interfaces which are embedded into assemblies (via NoPIA). Doesn't sound like this is the case here.

How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

You can iterate named fields somehow like this:

let jsonObject = {};
for(let field of form.elements) {
  if ( {
      jsonObject[] = field.value;

Or, if you need only submiting fields:

function formDataToJSON(form) {
  let jsonObject = {};
  let formData = new FormData(form);
  for(let field of formData) {
      jsonObject[field[0]] = field[1];
  return JSON.stringify(jsonObject);

How do I convert an Array to a List<object> in C#?

Everything everyone is saying is correct so,

int[] aArray = {1,2,3};
List<int> list = aArray.OfType<int> ().ToList();

would turn aArray into a list, list. However the biggest thing that is missing from a lot of comments is that you need to have these 2 using statements at the top of your class

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

I hope this helps!

JavaScript: How to join / combine two arrays to concatenate into one array?

var a = ['a','b','c'];
var b = ['d','e','f'];
var c = a.concat(b); //c is now an an array with: ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
console.log( c[3] ); //c[3] will be 'd'

Make view 80% width of parent in React Native

The easiest way to achieve is by applying width to view.

width: '80%'

Java dynamic array sizes?

You can do some thing

private  static Person []  addPersons(Person[] persons, Person personToAdd) {
    int currentLenght = persons.length;

    Person [] personsArrayNew = Arrays.copyOf(persons, currentLenght +1);
    personsArrayNew[currentLenght]  = personToAdd;

    return personsArrayNew;


How do you upload a file to a document library in sharepoint?

I used this article to allow to c# to access to a sharepoint site.

Basically you create a ClientId and ClientSecret keys to access to the site with c#

Hope this can help you!

Java foreach loop: for (Integer i : list) { ... }

Sometimes it's just better to use an iterator.

(Allegedly, "85%" of the requests for an index in the posh for loop is for implementing a String join method (which you can easily do without).)

how to set length of an column in hibernate with maximum length

@Column(name = Columns.COLUMN_NAME, columnDefinition = "NVARCHAR(MAX)")

max indicates that the maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes (2 GB)

How to include vars file in a vars file with ansible?

I know it's an old post but I had the same issue today, what I did is simple : changing my script that send my playbook from my local host to the server, before sending it with maven command, I did this :

cat common_vars.yml > vars.yml
cat snapshot_vars.yml >> vars.yml
# or 
#cat release_vars.yml >> vars.yml
mvn ....

Which Eclipse version should I use for an Android app?

Eclipse 3.5 for Java Developer is the best option for you and 3.6 version is good but not at all because of compatibility issues.

Log4j2 configuration - No log4j2 configuration file found

Additionally to what Tomasz W wrote, by starting your application you could use settings:


to get most of configuration problems.

For details see Log4j2 FAQ: How do I debug my configuration?

Perform Button click event when user press Enter key in Textbox

in the html code only, add a panel that contains the page's controls. Inside the panel, add a line DefaultButton = "buttonNameThatClicksAtEnter". See the example below, there should be nothing else required.

<asp:Panel runat="server" DefaultButton="Button1"> //add this!
  //here goes all the page controls and the trigger button
    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Send" />
</asp:Panel> //and this too!

Can I use Objective-C blocks as properties?

You can follow the format below and can use the testingObjectiveCBlock property in the class.

typedef void (^testingObjectiveCBlock)(NSString *errorMsg);

@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) testingObjectiveCBlock testingObjectiveCBlock;

For more info have a look here

Django URL Redirect

In Django 1.8, this is how I did mine.

from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView

url(r'^$', views.comingSoon, name='homepage'),
# whatever urls you might have in here
# make sure the 'catch-all' url is placed last
url(r'^.*$', RedirectView.as_view(pattern_name='homepage', permanent=False))

Instead of using url, you can use the pattern_name, which is a bit un-DRY, and will ensure you change your url, you don't have to change the redirect too.

Run javascript function when user finishes typing instead of on key up?

agree with the @going 's answer. Another similar solution that worked for me is the one below. The only difference is that I am using .on("input"...) instead of keyup. This only captures changes in the input. other keys like Ctrl, Shift etc. are ignored

var typingTimer;                //timer identifier
var doneTypingInterval = 5000;  //time in ms (5 seconds)

//on input change, start the countdown

$('#myInput').on("input", function() {    
    typingTimer = setTimeout(function(){
        // doSomething...
    }, doneTypingInterval);

Databinding an enum property to a ComboBox in WPF

This is a DevExpress specific answer based on the top-voted answer by Gregor S. (currently it has 128 votes).

This means we can keep the styling consistent across the entire application:

enter image description here

Unfortunately, the original answer doesn't work with a ComboBoxEdit from DevExpress without some modifications.

First, the XAML for the ComboBoxEdit:

<dxe:ComboBoxEdit ItemsSource="{Binding Source={xamlExtensions:XamlExtensionEnumDropdown {x:myEnum:EnumFilter}}}"
    SelectedItem="{Binding BrokerOrderBookingFilterSelected, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
    MinWidth="144" Margin="5" 

Needsless to say, you will need to point xamlExtensions at the namespace that contains the XAML extension class (which is defined below):


And we have to point myEnum at the namespace that contains the enum:


Then, the enum:

namespace MyNamespace
    public enum EnumFilter
        [Description("Free as a bird")]
        Free = 0,

        [Description("I'm Somewhat Busy")]
        SomewhatBusy = 1,

        [Description("I'm Really Busy")]
        ReallyBusy = 2

The problem in with the XAML is that we can't use SelectedItemValue, as this throws an error as the setter is unaccessable (bit of an oversight on your part, DevExpress). So we have to modify our ViewModel to obtain the value directly from the object:

private EnumFilter _filterSelected = EnumFilter.All;
public object FilterSelected
        return (EnumFilter)_filterSelected;
        var x = (XamlExtensionEnumDropdown.EnumerationMember)value;
        if (x != null)
            _filterSelected = (EnumFilter)x.Value;

For completeness, here is the XAML extension from the original answer (slightly renamed):

namespace XamlExtensions
    /// <summary>
    ///     Intent: XAML markup extension to add support for enums into any dropdown box, see We can name the items in the
    ///     dropdown box by using the [Description] attribute on the enum values.
    /// </summary>
    public class XamlExtensionEnumDropdown : MarkupExtension
        private Type _enumType;

        public XamlExtensionEnumDropdown(Type enumType)
            if (enumType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("enumType");

            EnumType = enumType;

        public Type EnumType
            get { return _enumType; }
            private set
                if (_enumType == value)

                var enumType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(value) ?? value;

                if (enumType.IsEnum == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Type must be an Enum.");

                _enumType = value;

        public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(EnumType);

            return (
                from object enumValue in enumValues
                select new EnumerationMember
                           Value = enumValue,
                           Description = GetDescription(enumValue)

        private string GetDescription(object enumValue)
            var descriptionAttribute = EnumType
                .GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false)
                .FirstOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute;

            return descriptionAttribute != null
                ? descriptionAttribute.Description
                : enumValue.ToString();

        #region Nested type: EnumerationMember
        public class EnumerationMember
            public string Description { get; set; }
            public object Value { get; set; }

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with DevExpress. Telerik is also a great library.

How can I make Visual Studio wrap lines at 80 characters?

I stumbled upon this question when was actually searching for an answer to this one (how to add a visual line/guideline at char limit). So I would like to leave a ref to it here for anyone like myself.

C# ASP.NET Single Sign-On Implementation

There are multiple options to implement SSO for a .NET application.

Check out the following tutorials online:

Basics of Single Sign on, July 2012

GaryMcAllisterOnline: ASP.NET MVC 4, ADFS 2.0 and 3rd party STS integration (IdentityServer2), Jan 2013

The first one uses ASP.NET Web Forms, while the second one uses ASP.NET MVC4.

If your requirements allow you to use a third-party solution, also consider OpenID. There's an open source library called DotNetOpenAuth.

For further information, read MSDN blog post Integrate OpenAuth/OpenID with your existing ASP.NET application using Universal Providers.

Hope this helps!

Simulating Key Press C#

Use mouse_event or keybd_event. They say not to use them anymore but you don't have to find the window at all.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class SimulatePCControl

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void keybd_event(uint bVk, uint bScan, uint dwFlags, uint dwExtraInfo);

private const int VK_LEFT = 0x25;

public static void LeftArrow()
    keybd_event(VK_LEFT, 0, 0, 0);


Virtual Key Codes are here for this one:

Also for mouse:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;

public class SimulateMouseClick
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void mouse_event(uint dwFlags, uint dx, uint dy, uint cButtons, uint dwExtraInfo);
//Mouse actions
private const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x02;
private const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x04;
private const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x08;
private const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x10;

public static void Click()
    //Call the imported function with the cursor's current position
    uint X = (uint)0;
    uint Y = (uint)0;

//...other code needed for the application

Could not find in circle ci

Update: Incredibly frustrating, but the Google redirect of the repo seems to mess with loading the resources. If you instead set your repository to maven { url '' } the files will resolve. You can prove this out by attempting to get the fully qualified resource at 3.0.0 Alpha

This is because currently the gradle:3.0.0-alpha1 is only being served via the new '' repository, but the site currently 404s at that location otherwise, being a public directory, you'd see a tree listing of all the files available by simply navigating to that location in your browser. When they resolve their outage, your CI build should pass immediately.

Package structure for a Java project?

I would suggest creating your package structure by feature, and not by the implementation layer. A good write up on this is Java practices: Package by feature, not layer

Validation error: "No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer"

As per the javadoc of NotEmpty, Integer is not a valid type for it to check. It's for Strings and collections. If you just want to make sure an Integer has some value, javax.validation.constraints.NotNull is all you need.

public @interface NotEmpty

Asserts that the annotated string, collection, map or array is not null or empty.

Difference between a virtual function and a pure virtual function

A virtual function makes its class a polymorphic base class. Derived classes can override virtual functions. Virtual functions called through base class pointers/references will be resolved at run-time. That is, the dynamic type of the object is used instead of its static type:

 Derived d;
 Base& rb = d;
 // if Base::f() is virtual and Derived overrides it, Derived::f() will be called

A pure virtual function is a virtual function whose declaration ends in =0:

class Base {
  // ...
  virtual void f() = 0;
  // ...

A pure virtual function implicitly makes the class it is defined for abstract (unlike in Java where you have a keyword to explicitly declare the class abstract). Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Derived classes need to override/implement all inherited pure virtual functions. If they do not, they too will become abstract.

An interesting 'feature' of C++ is that a class can define a pure virtual function that has an implementation. (What that's good for is debatable.)

Note that C++11 brought a new use for the delete and default keywords which looks similar to the syntax of pure virtual functions:

my_class(my_class const &) = delete;
my_class& operator=(const my_class&) = default;

See this question and this one for more info on this use of delete and default.

Saving excel worksheet to CSV files with filename+worksheet name using VB

Is this what you are trying?

Option Explicit

Public Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim SaveToDirectory As String, newName As String

    SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"

    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        newName = GetBookName(ThisWorkbook.Name) & "_" & WS.Name
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs SaveToDirectory & newName, xlCSV
        ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=False
End Sub

Function GetBookName(strwb As String) As String
    GetBookName = Left(strwb, (InStrRev(strwb, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
End Function

CMake link to external library

One more alternative, in the case you are working with the Appstore, need "Entitlements" and as such need to link with an Apple-Framework.

For Entitlements to work (e.g. GameCenter) you need to have a "Link Binary with Libraries"-buildstep and then link with "GameKit.framework". CMake "injects" the libraries on a "low level" into the commandline, hence Xcode doesn't really know about it, and as such you will not get GameKit enabled in the Capabilities screen.

One way to use CMake and have a "Link with Binaries"-buildstep is to generate the xcodeproj with CMake, and then use 'sed' to 'search & replace' and add the GameKit in the way XCode likes it...

The script looks like this (for Xcode 6.3.1).

s#\/\* Begin PBXBuildFile section \*\/#\/\* Begin PBXBuildFile section \*\/\
    26B12AA11C10544700A9A2BA \/\* GameKit.framework in Frameworks \*\/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 26B12AA01C10544700A9A2BA \/\* GameKit.framework xxx\*\/; };#g

s#\/\* Begin PBXFileReference section \*\/#\/\* Begin PBXFileReference section \*\/\
    26B12AA01C10544700A9A2BA \/\* GameKit.framework xxx\*\/ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = GameKit.framework; path = System\/Library\/Frameworks\/GameKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };#g

s#\/\* End PBXFileReference section \*\/#\/\* End PBXFileReference section \*\/\
\/\* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section \*\/\
    26B12A9F1C10543B00A9A2BA \/\* Frameworks \*\/ = {\
        isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\
        buildActionMask = 2147483647;\
        files = (\
            26B12AA11C10544700A9A2BA \/\* GameKit.framework in Frameworks xxx\*\/,\
        runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\
\/\* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section \*\/\

s#\/\* CMake PostBuild Rules \*\/,#\/\* CMake PostBuild Rules \*\/,\
            26B12A9F1C10543B00A9A2BA \/\* Frameworks xxx\*\/,#g
s#\/\* Products \*\/,#\/\* Products \*\/,\
            26B12AA01C10544700A9A2BA \/\* GameKit.framework xxx\*\/,#g

save this to "gamecenter.sed" and then "apply" it like this ( it changes your xcodeproj! )

sed -i.pbxprojbak -f gamecenter.sed myproject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

You might have to change the script-commands to fit your need.

Warning: it's likely to break with different Xcode-version as the project-format could change, the (hardcoded) unique number might not really by unique - and generally the solutions by other people are better - so unless you need to Support the Appstore + Entitlements (and automated builds), don't do this.

This is a CMake bug, see and

Failed to add a service. Service metadata may not be accessible. Make sure your service is running and exposing metadata.`

changing the Binding Type from wsHttpbinding to basichttp binding in the endpoint tag and from wsHttpbinding to mexhttpbinginding in metadata endpoint tag helped to overcome the error. Thank you...

DataTables: Cannot read property style of undefined

The problem is that the number of <th> tags need to match the number of columns in the configuration (the array with the key "columns"). If there are fewer <th> tags than columns specified, you get this slightly cryptical error message.

(the correct answer is already present as a comment but I'm repeating it as an answer so it's easier to find - I didn't see the comments)

How do I create documentation with Pydoc?

As RocketDonkey suggested, your module itself needs to have some docstrings.

For example, in myModule/

The mod module

You'd also want to generate documentation for each file in myModule/*.py using

pydoc myModule.thefilename

to make sure the generated files match the ones that are referenced from the main module documentation file.


DISTINCT: will gives you unique values.

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(categories )) AS categories FROM table

How to debug .htaccess RewriteRule not working

If you have access to apache bin directory you can use,

httpd -M to check loaded modules first.

 info_module (shared)
 isapi_module (shared)
 log_config_module (shared)
 cache_disk_module (shared)
 mime_module (shared)
 negotiation_module (shared)
 proxy_module (shared)
 proxy_ajp_module (shared)
 rewrite_module (shared)
 setenvif_module (shared)
 socache_shmcb_module (shared)
 ssl_module (shared)
 status_module (shared)
 version_module (shared)
 php5_module (shared)

After that simple directives like Options -Indexes or deny from all will solidify that .htaccess are working correctly.

how to assign a block of html code to a javascript variable

you can make a javascript object with key being name of the html snippet, and value being an array of html strings, that are joined together.

var html = {
      '<div class="top_crimes"><h3>Top Crimes</h3></div>',
      '<table class="crimes-table table table-responsive table-bordered">',
            '<span class="list-heading">Crime:</span>',
            '<span id="last_crime_span"># Arrests</span>',
      '<div class="top_teams"><h3>Top Teams</h3></div>',
      '<table class="teams-table table table-responsive table-bordered">',
            '<span class="list-heading">Team:</span>',
            '<span id="last_team_span"># Arrests</span>',
      '<div class="top_players"><h3>Top Players</h3></div>',
      '<table class="players-table table table-responsive table-bordered">',
            '<span class="list-heading">Players:</span>',
            '<span id="last_player_span"># Arrests</span>',

Typescript empty object for a typed variable

you can do this as below in typescript

 const _params = {} as any; ='nazeh abel'

since typescript does not behave like javascript so we have to make the type as any otherwise it won't allow you to assign property dynamically to an object

Android Completely transparent Status Bar?

Completely Transparent StatusBar and NavigationBar

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


private void transparentStatusAndNavigation() {
    //make full transparent statusBar
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION, true);
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {
                        | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
                        | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION, false);

private void setWindowFlag(final int bits, boolean on) {
    Window win = getWindow();
    WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
    if (on) {
        winParams.flags |= bits;
    } else {
        winParams.flags &= ~bits;

ctypes - Beginner

Here's a quick and dirty ctypes tutorial.

First, write your C library. Here's a simple Hello world example:


#include <stdio.h>

void myprint(void);

void myprint()
    printf("hello world\n");

Now compile it as a shared library (mac fix found here):

$ gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,testlib -o -fPIC testlib.c

# or... for Mac OS X 
$ gcc -shared -Wl,-install_name, -o -fPIC testlib.c

Then, write a wrapper using ctypes:

import ctypes

testlib = ctypes.CDLL('/full/path/to/')

Now execute it:

$ python

And you should see the output

Hello world

If you already have a library in mind, you can skip the non-python part of the tutorial. Make sure ctypes can find the library by putting it in /usr/lib or another standard directory. If you do this, you don't need to specify the full path when writing the wrapper. If you choose not to do this, you must provide the full path of the library when calling ctypes.CDLL().

This isn't the place for a more comprehensive tutorial, but if you ask for help with specific problems on this site, I'm sure the community would help you out.

PS: I'm assuming you're on Linux because you've used ctypes.CDLL(''). If you're on another OS, things might change a little bit (or quite a lot).

What is the difference among col-lg-*, col-md-* and col-sm-* in Bootstrap?

Let's un-complicate Bootstrap!

responsive bootstrap columns

Notice how the col-sm occupies the 100% width (in other terms breaks into new line) below 576px but col doesn't. You can notice the current width at the top center in gif.

Here comes the code:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">col</div>
        <div class="col">col</div>
        <div class="col">col</div>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm">col-sm</div>
        <div class="col-sm">col-sm</div>
        <div class="col-sm">col-sm</div>

Bootstrap by default aligns all the columns(col) in a single row with equal width. In this case three col will occupy 100%/3 width each, whatever the screen size. You can notice that in gif.

Now what if we want to render only one column per line i.e give 100% width to each column but for smaller screens only? Now comes the col-xx classes!

I used col-sm because I wanted to break the columns into separate lines below 576px. These 4 col-xx classes are provided by Bootstrap for different display devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops, large monitors etc.

So,col-sm would break below 576px, col-md would break below 768px, col-lg would break below 992px and col-xl would break below 1200px

Note that there's no col-xs class in bootstrap 4.

Bootstrap Grid System

This pretty much sums-up. You can go back to work.

But there's bit more to it. Now comes the col-* and col-xx-* for customizing width.

Remember in the above example I mentioned that col or col-xx takes the equal width in a row. So if we want to give more width to a specific col we can do this.

Bootstrap row is divided into 12 parts, so in above example there were 3 col so each one takes 12/3 = 4 part. You can consider these parts as a way to measure width.

We could also write that in format col-* i.e. col-4 like this :

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-4">col</div>
  <div class="col-4">col</div>
  <div class="col-4">col</div>

And it would've made no difference because by default bootstrap gives equal width to col (4 + 4 + 4 = 12).

But, what if we want to give 7 parts to 1st col, 3 parts to 2nd col and rest 2 parts (12-7-3 = 2) to 3rd col (7+3+2 so total is 12), we can simply do this:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-7">col-7</div>
  <div class="col-3">col-3</div>
  <div class="col-2">col-2</div>

enter image description here

and you can customize the width of col-xx-* classes also.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-7">col-sm-7</div>
    <div class="col-sm-3">col-sm-3</div>
    <div class="col-sm-2">col-sm-2</div>

enter image description here

How does it look in the action?

responsive grid

What if sum of col is more than 12? Then the col will shift/adjust to below line. Yes, there can be any number of columns for a row!

<div class="row">
        <div class="col-12">col-12</div>
        <div class="col-9">col-9</div>
        <div class="col-6">col-6</div>
        <div class="col-6">col-6</div>

enter image description here

What if we want 3 columns in a row for large screens but split these columns into 2 rows for small screens?

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12 col-sm">col-12 col-sm TOP</div>
    <div class="col col-sm">col col-sm</div>
    <div class="col col-sm">col col-sm</div>

enter image description here

You can play around here:

Add padding on view programmatically

While padding programmatically, convert to density related values by converting pixel to Dp.

How exactly does __attribute__((constructor)) work?

Here is a "concrete" (and possibly useful) example of how, why, and when to use these handy, yet unsightly constructs...

Xcode uses a "global" "user default" to decide which XCTestObserver class spews it's heart out to the beleaguered console.

In this example... when I implicitly load this psuedo-library, let's call it... libdemure.a, via a flag in my test target á la..

OTHER_LDFLAGS = -ldemure

I want to..

  1. At load (ie. when XCTest loads my test bundle), override the "default" XCTest "observer" class... (via the constructor function) PS: As far as I can tell.. anything done here could be done with equivalent effect inside my class' + (void) load { ... } method.

  2. run my tests.... in this case, with less inane verbosity in the logs (implementation upon request)

  3. Return the "global" XCTestObserver class to it's pristine state.. so as not to foul up other XCTest runs which haven't gotten on the bandwagon (aka. linked to libdemure.a). I guess this historically was done in dealloc.. but I'm not about to start messing with that old hag.


#define USER_DEFS NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults

@interface      DemureTestObserver : XCTestObserver @end
@implementation DemureTestObserver

__attribute__((constructor)) static void hijack_observer() {

/*! here I totally hijack the default logging, but you CAN
    use multiple observers, just CSV them, 
    i.e. "@"DemureTestObserverm,XCTestLog"
  [USER_DEFS setObject:@"DemureTestObserver" 
  [USER_DEFS synchronize];

__attribute__((destructor)) static void reset_observer()  {

  // Clean up, and it's as if we had never been here.
  [USER_DEFS setObject:@"XCTestLog" 
  [USER_DEFS synchronize];


Without the linker flag... (Fashion-police swarm Cupertino demanding retribution, yet Apple's default prevails, as is desired, here)

enter image description here

WITH the -ldemure.a linker flag... (Comprehensible results, gasp... "thanks constructor/destructor"... Crowd cheers) enter image description here

Git status shows files as changed even though contents are the same

Have you changed the mode of the files? I did it on my machine and the local dev machine had 777 given to all the files whereas the repo had 755 which showed every file as modified. I did git diff and it showed the old mode and new mode are different. If that is the problem then you can easily ignore them by git config core.filemode false

How do I create HTML table using jQuery dynamically?

You may use two options:

  1. createElement
  2. InnerHTML

Create Element is the fastest way (check here.):


InnerHTML is another popular approach:

$("#foo").append("<div>hello world</div>"); // Check similar for table too.

Check a real example on How to create a new table with rows using jQuery and wrap it inside div.

There may be other approaches as well. Please use this as a starting point and not as a copy-paste solution.


Check Dynamic creation of table with DOM

Edit 2:

IMHO, you are mixing object and inner HTML. Let's try with a pure inner html approach:

function createProviderFormFields(id, labelText, tooltip, regex) {
    var tr = '<tr>' ;
         // create a new textInputBox  
           var textInputBox = '<input type="text" id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" title="' + tooltip + '" />';  
        // create a new Label Text
            tr += '<td>' + labelText  + '</td>';
            tr += '<td>' + textInputBox + '</td>';  
    tr +='</tr>';
    return tr;

What exactly does big ? notation represent?

First of All Theory

  1. Big O = Upper Limit O(n)

  2. Theta = Order Function - theta(n)

  3. Omega = Q-Notation(Lower Limit) Q(n)

Why People Are so Confused?

In many Blogs & Books How this Statement is emphasised is Like

"This is Big O(n^3)" etc.

and people often Confuse like weather

O(n) == theta(n) == Q(n)

But What Worth keeping in mind is They Are Just Mathematical Function With Names O, Theta & Omega

so they have same General Formula of Polynomial,


f(n) = 2n4 + 100n2 + 10n + 50 then,

g(n) = n4, So g(n) is Function which Take function as Input and returns Variable with Biggerst Power,

Same f(n) & g(n) for Below all explainations

Big O - Function (Provides Upper Bound)

Big O(n4) = 3n4, Because 3n4 > 2n4

3n4 is value of Big O(n4) Just like f(x) = 3x

n4 is playing a role of x here so,

Replacing n4 with x'so, Big O(x') = 2x', Now we both are happy General Concept is

So 0 = f(n) = O(x')

O(x') = cg(n) = 3n4

Putting Value,

0 = 2n4 + 100n2 + 10n + 50 = 3n4

3n4 is our Upper Bound

Theta(n) Provides Lower Bound

Theta(n4) = cg(n) = 2n4 Because 2n4 = Our Example f(n)

2n4 is Value of Theta(n4)

so, 0 = cg(n) = f(n)

0 = 2n4 = 2n4 + 100n2 + 10n + 50

2n4 is our Lower Bound

Omega n - Order Function

This is Calculated to find out that weather lower Bound is similar to Upper bound,

Case 1). Upper Bound is Similar to Lower Bound

if Upper Bound is Similar to Lower Bound, The Average Case is Similar

Example, 2n4 = f(x) = 2n4,
Then Omega(n) = 2n4

Case 2). if Upper Bound is not Similar to Lower Bound

in this case, Omega(n) is Not fixed but Omega(n) is the set of functions with the same order of growth as g(n).

Example 2n4 = f(x) = 3n4, This is Our Default Case,
Then, Omega(n) = c'n4, is a set of functions with 2 = c' = 3

Hope This Explained!!

Aligning a button to the center

Here is what worked for me:

    <input type="submit" style="margin-left: 50%">

If you only add margin, without the left part, it will center the submit button into the middle of your entire page, making it difficult to find and rendering your form incomplete for people who don't have the patience to find a submit button lol. margin-left centers it within the same line, so it's not further down your page than you intended. You can also use pixels instead of percentage if you just want to indent the submit button a bit and not all the way halfway across the page.

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged in server control not firing

You need to set AutoPostBack to true for the Country DropDownList.

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    // base stuff

    ddlCountries.AutoPostBack = true;

    // other stuff


I missed that you had done this. In that case you need to check that ViewState is enabled.

Loading PictureBox Image from resource file with path (Part 3)

The accepted answer has major drawback!
If you loaded your image that way your PictureBox will lock the image,so if you try to do any future operations on that image,you will get error message image used in another application!
This article show solution in VB

and This is C# implementation

 FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(@"Images\a.bmp", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
  pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(fs);

Pad with leading zeros

There's no such concept as an integer with padding. How many legs do you have - 2, 02 or 002? They're the same number. Indeed, even the "2" part isn't really part of the number, it's only relevant in the decimal representation.

If you need padding, that suggests you're talking about the textual representation of a number... i.e. a string.

You can achieve that using string formatting options, e.g.

string text = value.ToString("0000000");


string text = value.ToString("D7");

Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

I am suggesting a much simpler utility I just wrote. It's currently called par, but will be renamed soon to either parl or pll, haven't decided yet.

API is as simple as:

par "" "" ""

Prefixing commands can be done via:

par "PARPREFIX=[script1]" "" ""

Add spaces between the characters of a string in Java?

Create a StringBuilder with the string and use one of its insert overloaded method:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("JAYARAM");
for (int i=1; i<sb.length(); i+=2)
    sb.insert(i, ' ');

The above prints:


Iterating through a List Object in JSP

you can read empList directly in forEach tag.Try this

       <c:forEach items="${sessionScope.empList}" var="employee">
                <td>Employee ID: <c:out value="${employee.eid}"/></td>
                <td>Employee Pass: <c:out value="${employee.ename}"/></td>  

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

Combining Daniel's and snnsnn's answers:

let ids = ['id1','id2','id3']
let data = await MyModel.find(
  {'_id': { $in: ids}}

Simple and clean code. It works and tested against:

"mongodb": "^3.6.0", "mongoose": "^5.10.0",

For loop in Objective-C

You mean fast enumeration? You question is very unclear.

A normal for loop would look a bit like this:

unsigned int i, cnt = [someArray count];
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
   // do loop stuff
   id someObject = [someArray objectAtIndex:i];

And a loop with fast enumeration, which is optimized by the compiler, would look like this:

for(id someObject in someArray)
   // do stuff with object

Keep in mind that you cannot change the array you are using in fast enumeration, thus no deleting nor adding when using fast enumeration

Logical XOR operator in C++?

Proper manual logical XOR implementation depends on how closely you want to mimic the general behavior of other logical operators (|| and &&) with your XOR. There are two important things about these operators: 1) they guarantee short-circuit evaluation, 2) they introduce a sequence point, 3) they evaluate their operands only once.

XOR evaluation, as you understand, cannot be short-circuited since the result always depends on both operands. So 1 is out of question. But what about 2? If you don't care about 2, then with normalized (i.e. bool) values operator != does the job of XOR in terms of the result. And the operands can be easily normalized with unary !, if necessary. Thus !A != !B implements the proper XOR in that regard.

But if you care about the extra sequence point though, neither != nor bitwise ^ is the proper way to implement XOR. One possible way to do XOR(a, b) correctly might look as follows

a ? !b : b

This is actually as close as you can get to making a homemade XOR "similar" to || and &&. This will only work, of course, if you implement your XOR as a macro. A function won't do, since the sequencing will not apply to function's arguments.

Someone might say though, that the only reason of having a sequence point at each && and || is to support the short-circuited evaluation, and thus XOR does not need one. This makes sense, actually. Yet, it is worth considering having a XOR with a sequence point in the middle. For example, the following expression

++x > 1 && x < 5

has defined behavior and specificed result in C/C++ (with regard to sequencing at least). So, one might reasonably expect the same from user-defined logical XOR, as in

XOR(++x > 1, x < 5)

while a !=-based XOR doesn't have this property.

Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser

Please use the below kotlin code

webview.setWebViewClient(object : WebViewClient() {
            override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String): Boolean {   
                return false 

For more info click here

How can I catch an error caused by mail()?

also using will not help you out, because mail() does not emmit its errors into this function.

Only way seems to be using a proper mailer, like already suggested above.

How can I get date and time formats based on Culture Info?

Try setting a custom CultureInfo for CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture:

Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = new Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true);

customCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt";

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = customCulture;

DateTime newDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"));

How to navigate through textfields (Next / Done Buttons)

Here's one without delegation:

tf1.addTarget(tf2, action: #selector(becomeFirstResponder), for: .editingDidEndOnExit)
tf2.addTarget(tf3, action: #selector(becomeFirstResponder), for: .editingDidEndOnExit)


[tf1 addTarget:tf2 action:@selector(becomeFirstResponder) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit];
[tf2 addTarget:tf3 action:@selector(becomeFirstResponder) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit];

Works using the (mostly unknown) UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit UITextField action.

You can also easily hook this up in the storyboard, so no delegation or code is required.

Edit: actually I cannot figure out how to hook this up in storyboard. becomeFirstResponder does not seem to be a offered action for this control-event, which is a pity. Still, you can hook all your textfields up to a single action in your ViewController which then determines which textField to becomeFirstResponder based on the sender (though then it is not as elegant as the above programmatic solution so IMO do it with the above code in viewDidLoad).

.datepicker('setdate') issues, in jQuery

If you would like to support really old browsers you should parse the date string, since using the ISO8601 date format with the Date constructor is not supported pre IE9:

var queryDate = '2009-11-01',
    dateParts = queryDate.match(/(\d+)/g)
    realDate = new Date(dateParts[0], dateParts[1] - 1, dateParts[2]);  
                                    // months are 0-based!
// For >= IE9
var realDate = new Date('2009-11-01');  

$('#datePicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); // format to show
$('#datePicker').datepicker('setDate', realDate);

Check the above example here.

Show loading gif after clicking form submit using jQuery

Button inputs don't have a submit event. Try attaching the event handler to the form instead:

<script type="text/javascript">
     $('#login_form').submit(function() {
       return true;

What is the symbol for whitespace in C?

There is no particular symbol for whitespace. It is actually a set of some characters which are:

' '      space 
'\t'     horizontal tab 
'\n'     newline
'\v'     vertical tab 
'\f'     feed 
'\r'     carriage return    

Use isspace standard library function from ctype.h if you want to check for any of these white-spaces.

For just a space, use ' '.

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

If you have the possibility to edit the PHP script, you can artificially populate $_GET array using the following code at the beginning of the script and then call the script with the syntax: php -f script.php name1=value1 name2=value2

// When invoking the script via CLI like "php -f script.php name1=value1 name2=value2", this code will populate $_GET variables called "name1" and "name2", so a script designed to be called by a web server will work even when called by CLI
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
    for ($c = 1; $c < $argc; $c++) {
        $param = explode("=", $argv[$c], 2);
        $_GET[$param[0]] = $param[1]; // $_GET['name1'] = 'value1'

Spring AMQP + RabbitMQ 3.3.5 ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN

For me the solution was simple: the user name is case sensitive. Failing to use the correct caps will also lead to the error.

Check whether a path is valid in Python without creating a file at the path's target

With Python 3, how about:

    with open(filename, 'x') as tempfile: # OSError if file exists or is invalid
except OSError:
    # handle error here

With the 'x' option we also don't have to worry about race conditions. See documentation here.

Now, this WILL create a very shortlived temporary file if it does not exist already - unless the name is invalid. If you can live with that, it simplifies things a lot.

Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode.Start()'

You may also get :

Could not load file or assembly 'WebMatrix.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

This has moved to this package

 Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data

You should probably do a clean build before attempting any of the answers to this question and after updating packages

Using custom std::set comparator

std::less<> when using custom classes with operator<

If you are dealing with a set of your custom class that has operator< defined, then you can just use std::less<>.

As mentioned at C++14 has added two new find APIs:

template< class K > iterator find( const K& x );
template< class K > const_iterator find( const K& x ) const;

which allow you to do:


#include <cassert>
#include <set>

class Point {
        // Note that there is _no_ conversion constructor,
        // everything is done at the template level without
        // intermediate object creation.
        //Point(int x) : x(x) {}
        Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}
        int x;
        int y;
bool operator<(const Point& c, int x) { return c.x < x; }
bool operator<(int x, const Point& c) { return x < c.x; }
bool operator<(const Point& c, const Point& d) {
    return c.x < d;

int main() {
    std::set<Point, std::less<>> s;
    s.insert(Point(1, -1));
    s.insert(Point(2, -2));
    s.insert(Point(0,  0));
    s.insert(Point(3, -3));
    assert(s.find(0)->y ==  0);
    assert(s.find(1)->y == -1);
    assert(s.find(2)->y == -2);
    assert(s.find(3)->y == -3);
    // Ignore 1234, find 1.
    assert(s.find(Point(1, 1234))->y == -1);

Compile and run:

g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.cpp

More info about std::less<> can be found at: What are transparent comparators?

Tested on Ubuntu 16.10, g++ 6.2.0.

How do I print the elements of a C++ vector in GDB?

put the following in ~/.gdbinit

define print_vector
    if $argc == 2
        set $elem = $arg0.size()
        if $arg1 >= $arg0.size()
            printf "Error, %s.size() = %d, printing last element:\n", "$arg0", $arg0.size()
            set $elem = $arg1 -1
        print *($arg0._M_impl._M_start + $elem)@1
        print *($arg0._M_impl._M_start)@$arg0.size()

document print_vector
Display vector contents
Usage: print_vector VECTOR_NAME INDEX
VECTOR_NAME is the name of the vector
INDEX is an optional argument specifying the element to display

After restarting gdb (or sourcing ~/.gdbinit), show the associated help like this

gdb) help print_vector
Display vector contents
Usage: print_vector VECTOR_NAME INDEX
VECTOR_NAME is the name of the vector
INDEX is an optional argument specifying the element to display

Example usage:

(gdb) print_vector videoconfig_.entries 0
$32 = {{subChannelId = 177 '\261', sourceId = 0 '\000', hasH264PayloadInfo = false, bitrate = 0,     payloadType = 68 'D', maxFs = 0, maxMbps = 0, maxFps = 134, encoder = 0 '\000', temporalLayers = 0 '\000'}}

PHP: How to remove specific element from an array?

I was looking for the answer to the same question and came across this topic. I see two main ways: the combination of array_search & unset and the use of array_diff. At first glance, it seemed to me that the first method would be faster, since does not require the creation of an additional array (as when using array_diff). But I wrote a small benchmark and made sure that the second method is not only more concise, but also faster! Glad to share this with you. :)

How to display a list using ViewBag

In your view, you have to cast it back to the original type. Without the cast, it's just an object.

<td>@(( as ICollection<Person>).First().FirstName)</td>

ViewBag is a C# 4 dynamic type. Entities returned from it are also dynamic unless cast. However, extension methods like .First() and all the other Linq ones do not work with dynamics.

Edit - to address the comment:

If you want to display the whole list, it's as simple as this:

    @foreach (var person in

Extension methods like .First() won't work, but this will.

.Net picking wrong referenced assembly version

Do you have any other projects in that solution ?(may be another project was referencing an old version) Usually in VS, dll dependency spans all projects in the solution.

How do I mock a static method that returns void with PowerMock?

To mock a static method that return void for e.g. Fileutils.forceMKdir(File file),

Sample code:

File file =PowerMockito.mock(File.class);

In Excel, how do I extract last four letters of a ten letter string?

No need to use a macro. Supposing your first string is in A1.

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

Drag this down and you will get your four last characters.

Edit: To be sure, if you ever have sequences like 'ABC DEF' and want the last four LETTERS and not CHARACTERS you might want to use trimspaces()


Edit: As per brettdj's suggestion, you may want to check that your string is actually 4-character long or more:


Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

You have two options for displaying the Map

  1. Use Maps Library for Android to render the Map
  2. Use Maps API V3 inside a web view

For showing local POIs around a Lat, Long use Places APIs

C# error: "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

The Main method is static inside the Program class. You can't call an instance method from inside a static method, which is why you're getting the error.

To fix it you just need to make your GetRandomBits() method static as well.

convert xml to java object using jaxb (unmarshal)


On the Tests class we will add an @XmlRootElement annotation. Doing this will let your JAXB implementation know that when a document starts with this element that it should instantiate this class. JAXB is configuration by exception, this means you only need to add annotations where your mapping differs from the default. Since the testData property differs from the default mapping we will use the @XmlElement annotation. You may find the following tutorial helpful:

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class Tests {

    TestData testData;

    public TestData getTestData() {
        return testData;

    public void setTestData(TestData testData) {
        this.testData = testData;



On this class I used the @XmlType annotation to specify the order in which the elements should be ordered in. I added a testData property that appeared to be missing. I also used an @XmlElement annotation for the same reason as in the Tests class.

package forum11221136;

import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

@XmlType(propOrder={"title", "book", "count", "testData"})
public class TestData {
    String title;
    String book;
    String count;
    List<TestData> testData;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;
    public String getBook() {
        return book;
    public void setBook(String book) { = book;
    public String getCount() {
        return count;
    public void setCount(String count) {
        this.count = count;
    public List<TestData> getTestData() {
        return testData;
    public void setTestData(List<TestData> testData) {
        this.testData = testData;


Below is an example of how to use the JAXB APIs to read (unmarshal) the XML and populate your domain model and then write (marshal) the result back to XML.

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.*;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Tests.class);

        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
        File xml = new File("src/forum11221136/input.xml");
        Tests tests = (Tests) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xml);

        Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshaller.marshal(tests, System.out);


Grep only the first match and stop

You can use below command if you want to print entire line and file name if the occurrence of particular word in current directory you are searching.

grep -m 1 -r "Not caching" * | head -1

What's the difference between Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache?

In my recent tests with IE8 and Firefox 3.5, it seems that both are RFC-compliant. However, they differ in their "friendliness" to the origin server. IE8 treats no-cache responses with the same semantics as max-age=0,must-revalidate. Firefox 3.5, however, seems to treat no-cache as equivalent to no-store, which sucks for performance and bandwidth usage.

Squid Cache, by default, seems to never store anything with a no-cache header, just like Firefox.

My advice would be to set public,max-age=0 for non-sensitive resources you want to have checked for freshness on every request, but still allow the performance and bandwidth benefits of caching. For per-user items with the same consideration, use private,max-age=0.

I would avoid the use of no-cache entirely, as it seems it has been bastardized by some browsers and popular caches to the functional equivalent of no-store.

Additionally, do not emulate Akamai and Limelight. While they essentially run massive caching arrays as their primary business, and should be experts, they actually have a vested interest in causing more data to be downloaded from their networks. Google might not be a good choice for emulation, either. They seem to use max-age=0 or no-cache randomly depending on the resource.

How do I tell Maven to use the latest version of a dependency?

Please take a look at this page (section "Dependency Version Ranges"). What you might want to do is something like


These version ranges are implemented in Maven2.

Convert txt to csv python script

I suposse this is the output you need:



It can be done with this changes to your code:

import csv
import itertools

with open('log.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    lines =
    stripped = [line.replace(","," ").split() for line in lines]
    grouped = itertools.izip(*[stripped]*1)
    with open('log.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('title', 'intro', 'tagline'))
        for group in grouped:

Deserialize Java 8 LocalDateTime with JacksonMapper

You can implement your JsonSerializer


That your propertie in bean

@JsonFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm")
@JsonSerialize(using = DateSerializer.class)
private Date startDate;

That way implement your custom class

public class DateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Date> implements ContextualSerializer<Date> {

    private final String format;

    private DateSerializer(final String format) {
        this.format = format;

    public DateSerializer() {
        this.format = null;

    public void serialize(final Date value, final JsonGenerator jgen, final SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
        jgen.writeString(new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(value));

    public JsonSerializer<Date> createContextual(final SerializationConfig serializationConfig, final BeanProperty beanProperty) throws JsonMappingException {
        final AnnotatedElement annotated = beanProperty.getMember().getAnnotated();
        return new DateSerializer(annotated.getAnnotation(JsonFormat.class).value());


Try this after post result for us.

How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

you can set your logging configuration file through command line:

$ java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/path/to/ MainClass

this way seems cleaner and easier to maintain.

docker cannot start on windows

For me the issue was virtualization was not enabled.

On windows 10: Go to task manager -> Performance -> CPU and you should see as section as "Virtualization : Enabled"

If you do not see this option, it means that virtualization has not been enabled.

Another interesting thing to note is you must have Hyper V enabled. However as I was using parallels desktop, I had to enabled to "Nested Virtualization" for Hyper V to be "truly enabled". So if your windows is a VM, check out the settings for Parallels (or whatever you're using) that nested virtualization is enabled.

Regular expression to get a string between two strings in Javascript


Extract substring between two string (excluding this two strings)


let allText = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum";
let textBefore = "five centuries,";
let textAfter = "electronic typesetting";
var regExp = new RegExp(`(?<=${textBefore}\\s)(.+?)(?=\\s+${textAfter})`, "g");
var results = regExp.exec(allText);
if (results && results.length > 1) {

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?

I was facing same problem in my ubuntu 16.04

but i fixed that problem and it's very simple just follow these step and you will be able to install postgresql 10 in your system :

Add this to your sources.list:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

deb wheezy main non-free contrib

deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib

after that add these link to your pgdg.list file if it's not there you have to create && add link && save it.

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

deb xenial-pgdg main

deb precise-pgdg main

then update your system

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

and install that unmet dependencies :

apt-get install ssl-cert

that's it. now Install postgresql using these command

sudo apt-get install postgresql-10

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

I faced similar issue, and what I understand from Grega's answer is

object NOTworking extends App {
 new testing().doIT
//adding extends Serializable wont help
class testing {

val list = List(1,2,3)

val rddList = Spark.ctx.parallelize(list)

def doIT =  {
  //again calling the fucntion someFunc 
  val after =
  //this will crash (spark lazy)

def someFunc(a:Int) = a+1


your doIT method is trying to serialize someFunc(_) method, but as method are not serializable, it tries to serialize class testing which is again not serializable.

So make your code work, you should define someFunc inside doIT method. For example:

def doIT =  {
 def someFunc(a:Int) = a+1
  //function definition
 val after =

And if there are multiple functions coming into picture, then all those functions should be available to the parent context.

Android: Getting "Manifest merger failed" error after updating to a new version of gradle

You are using multiple versions of the Android Support Libraries:

compile ''
compile ''
compile ''

Two are 26.0.0-alpha1, and one is using 25+.

Pick one concrete version and use it for all three of these. Since your compileSdkVersion is not O, use 25.3.1 for all three of these libraries, resulting in:

compile ''
compile ''
compile ''

Is there an easy way to check the .NET Framework version?

AFAIK there's no built in method in the framework that will allow you to do this. You could check this post for a suggestion on determining framework version by reading windows registry values.

how to get domain name from URL

You need a list of what domain prefixes and suffixes can be removed. For example:


  • www.


  • .com

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

The "proper" LaTeX ways to do it is to use a package which allows you to specify the spacing you want. There are several such package, and these two pages link to lists of them...

How to write to file in Ruby?

To destroy the previous contents of the file, then write a new string to the file:

open('myfile.txt', 'w') { |f| f << "some text or data structures..." } 

To append to a file without overwriting its old contents:

open('myfile.txt', "a") { |f| f << 'I am appended string' } 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in junit

I had the same issue, the problem was in the @ContextConfiguration in me test classes, i was loading the servlet context too i just change:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath*:**\*-context.xml", "classpath*:**\*-config.xml" })


@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:**\*-context.xml", "classpath:**\*-config.xml" })

and that´s it. this way im only loading all the files with the pattern *-context.xml in me test path.

jQuery/Javascript function to clear all the fields of a form

I use following solution:

1) Setup Jquery Validation Plugin

2) Then:

$('your form's selector').resetForm();

How do I run a class in a WAR from the command line?

In Maven project, You can build jar automatically using Maven War plugin by setting archiveClasses to true. Example below.


Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository

You can find a Github simple sample project for use a Oracle JDBC Driver on Maven Project here.

You can find all explication for your continous integration + a sample and run on Travis-CI.


Excel VBA Check if directory exists error

This is the cleanest way... BY FAR:

Public Function IsDir(s) As Boolean
    IsDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FolderExists(s)
End Function

Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

If you have a new database and you make a fresh clean import, the problem may come from inserting data that contains a '0' incrementation and this would transform to '1' with AUTO_INCREMENT and cause this error.

My solution was to use in the sql import file.


how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

If you want to do this kind of testing, you’ll love the UI Automation support in iOS 4. You can write JavaScript to simulate button presses, etc. fairly easily, though the documentation (especially the getting-started part) is a bit sparse.

String contains another two strings

That is because the if statements returns false since d doesn't contain b + a i.e "someonedamage"

How to convert number to words in java

this might help

public String numberToWords(long number) {
    if (number == 0) {
        return "zero";
    if (number < 0) {
        return "minus " + numberToWords(Math.abs(number));
    String words = "";
    if ((number / 10000000) > 0) {
        words += numberToWords(number / 10000000) + " Crore ";
        number %= 10000000;
    if ((number / 100000) > 0) {
        words += numberToWords(number / 100000) + " Lakh ";
        number %= 100000;
    if ((number / 1000) > 0) {
        words += numberToWords(number / 1000) + " Thousand ";
        number %= 1000;
    if ((number / 100) > 0) {
        words += numberToWords(number / 100) + " Hundred ";
        number %= 100;
    if (number > 0) {
        if (!words.equals("")) {
            words += "and ";
        if (number < 20) {
            words += number;
        } else {
            words += (number);
            if ((number % 10) > 0) {
                words += "-" + (number % 10);
    return words;

CURRENT_DATE/CURDATE() not working as default DATE value

----- 2016-07-04 MariaDB 10.2.1 -- Release Note -- -----

Support for DEFAULT with expressions (MDEV-10134).

----- 2018-10-22 8.0.13 General Availability -- -- -----

MySQL now supports use of expressions as default values in data type specifications. This includes the use of expressions as default values for the BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, and JSON data types, which previously could not be assigned default values at all. For details, see Data Type Default Values.

How to retrieve an Oracle directory path?

The ALL_DIRECTORIES data dictionary view will have information about all the directories that you have access to. That includes the operating system path

SELECT owner, directory_name, directory_path
  FROM all_directories

JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'http': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')

It might be obvious, but make sure that you are sending to the parser URL object not a String containing www adress. This will not work:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String www = "";
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

But this will:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    URL www = new URL("");
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

Filtering a pyspark dataframe using isin by exclusion

Got a gotcha for those with their headspace in Pandas and moving to pyspark

 from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
 from pyspark.sql import SQLContext

 spark_conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("MyAppName")
 sc = SparkContext(conf = spark_conf)
 sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

 records = [
     {"colour": "red"},
     {"colour": "blue"},
     {"colour": None},

 pandas_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(records)
 pyspark_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(records)

So if we wanted the rows that are not red:


As expected in Pandas

Looking good, and in our pyspark DataFrame


Not what I expected

So after some digging, I found this: So to include nothingness in our results:

pyspark_df.filter(~pyspark_df["colour"].isin(["red"]) | pyspark_df["colour"].isNull()).show()

much ado about nothing

How to unset (remove) a collection element after fetching it?

You would want to use ->forget()


Link to the forget method documentation

Float to String format specifier

Use ToString() with this format:

12345.678901.ToString("0.0000"); // outputs 12345.6789
12345.0.ToString("0.0000"); // outputs 12345.0000

Put as much zero as necessary at the end of the format.

List only stopped Docker containers

Only stopped containers can be listed using:

docker ps --filter "status=exited"


docker ps -f "status=exited"

String split on new line, tab and some number of spaces

Regex's aren't really the best tool for the job here. As others have said, using a combination of str.strip() and str.split() is the way to go. Here's a one liner to do it:

>>> data = '''\n\tName: John Smith
... \n\t  Home: Anytown USA
... \n\t    Phone: 555-555-555
... \n\t  Other Home: Somewhere Else
... \n\t Notes: Other data
... \n\tName: Jane Smith
... \n\t  Misc: Data with spaces'''
>>> {line.strip().split(': ')[0]:line.split(': ')[1] for line in data.splitlines() if line.strip() != ''}
{'Name': 'Jane Smith', 'Other Home': 'Somewhere Else', 'Notes': 'Other data', 'Misc': 'Data with spaces', 'Phone': '555-555-555', 'Home': 'Anytown USA'}

Get DOM content of cross-domain iframe

If you have an access to that domain/iframe that is loaded, then you can use window.postMessage to communicate between iframe and the main window.

Read the DOM with JavaScript in iframe and send it via postMessage to the top window.

More info here:

How to get a JavaScript object's class?

Agree with dfa, that's why i consider the prototye as the class when no named class found

Here is an upgraded function of the one posted by Eli Grey, to match my way of mind

function what(obj){
    if(typeof(obj)==="undefined")return "undefined";
    if(obj===null)return "Null";
    var res =^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1];
        res =;
        if(typeof(res)!='string' || res.length==0){
            if(obj instanceof jQuery)return "jQuery";// jQuery build stranges Objects
            if(obj instanceof Array)return "Array";// Array prototype is very sneaky
            return "Object";
    return res;

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

I had this error before when I was executing a python3 script, after this:

sudo pip3 install requests

the problem solved, If you are using python3, give a shot.

iOS 11, 12, and 13 installed certificates not trusted automatically (self signed)

This has happened to me also, after undating to IOS11 on my iPhone. When I try to connect to the corporate network it bring up the corporate cert and says it isn't trusted. I press the 'trust' button and the connection fails and the cert does not appear in the trusted certs list.

How do I remove the top margin in a web page?

I have been having a similar issue. I wanted a percentage height and top-margin for my container div, but the body would take on the margin of the container div. I think I figured out a solution.

Here is my original (problem) code:

html {

body {

#pageContainer {
    width:96%;                  /* 100% - (margin * 2) */
    height:96%;                 /* 100% - (margin * 2) */           
    margin:2% auto 0% auto;

My solution was to set the height of the body the same as the height of the container.
html { height:100%; }

body {
    height:96%;     /* 100% * (pageContainer*2) */

#pageContainer {
    width:96%;                  /* 100% - (margin * 2) */
    height:96%;                 /* 100% - (margin * 2) */           
    margin:2% auto 0% auto;

I haven't tested it in every browser, but this seems to work.

Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element?

Two years late, but I have the solution you're looking for. Not intending to take credit form the original author, here's a plugin which I found works exceptionally well for what you need, but gets all possible styles in all browsers, even IE.

Warning: This code generates a lot of output, and should be used sparingly. It not only copies all standard CSS properties, but also all vendor CSS properties for that browser.


 * getStyleObject Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library
 * From:

    $.fn.getStyleObject = function(){
        var dom = this.get(0);
        var style;
        var returns = {};
            var camelize = function(a,b){
                return b.toUpperCase();
            style = window.getComputedStyle(dom, null);
            for(var i = 0, l = style.length; i < l; i++){
                var prop = style[i];
                var camel = prop.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, camelize);
                var val = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
                returns[camel] = val;
            return returns;
        if(style = dom.currentStyle){
            for(var prop in style){
                returns[prop] = style[prop];
            return returns;
        return this.css();

Basic usage is pretty simple, but he's written a function for that as well:

$.fn.copyCSS = function(source){
  var styles = $(source).getStyleObject();

Hope that helps.

Convert string to decimal number with 2 decimal places in Java

Float.parseFloat() is the problem as it returns a new float.

Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String, as performed by the valueOf method of class Float.

You are formatting just for the purpose of display . It doesn't mean the float will be represented by the same format internally .

You can use java.lang.BigDecimal.

I am not sure why are you using parseFloat() twice. If you want to display the float in a certain format then just format it and display it.

Float litersOfPetrol=Float.parseFloat(stringLitersOfPetrol);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
System.out.println("liters of petrol before putting in editor"+df.format(litersOfPetrol));

How to browse localhost on Android device?

to access localhost on emulator: However this may not always work for example if you have something other than a web server such as XMPP server.

assuming that you're on the same wireless network...

  1. find your local ip (should be something 192.168.1.x) - go to the command line and type 'ipconfig' to get this. where x is the assigned local ip of the server machine.

  2. use your local ip for your android device to connect to your localhost.

it worked for me.

How to stop mysqld

Following worked for me on my macbook pro:

brew services stop mysql

Incase if you want to stop all brew services:

brew services stop --all

How to change position of Toast in Android?

setting toast at topin screen

toast.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM , 0, 0); // here i am setting toast at bottom

now at bottom

 toast.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM , 0, 0); // here i am setting toast at bottom

the same way we can set toast in left, right and also center

Click here

unix - count of columns in file

If you have python installed you could try:

python -c 'import sys;f=open(sys.argv[1]);print len(f.readline().split("|"))' \

How can I zoom an HTML element in Firefox and Opera?

Only correct and W3C compatible answer is: <html> object and rem. transformation doesn't work correctly if you scale down (for example scale(0.5).


   font-size: 1mm; /* or your favorite unit */

and use in your code "rem" unit (including styles for <body>) instead metric units. "%"s without changes. For all backgrounds set background-size. Define font-size for body, that is inherited by other elements.

if any condition occurs that shall fire zoom other than 1.0 change the font-size for tag (via CSS or JS).

for example:

@media screen and (max-width:320pt)
      font-size: 0.5mm; 

This makes equivalent of zoom:0.5 without problems in JS with clientX and positioning during drag-drop events.

Don't use "rem" in media queries.

You really doesn't need zoom, but in some cases it can faster method for existing sites.

Use cell's color as condition in if statement (function)

I don't believe there's any way to get a cell's color from a formula. The closest you can get is the CELL formula, but (at least as of Excel 2003), it doesn't return the cell's color.

It would be pretty easy to implement with VBA:

Public Function myColor(r As Range) As Integer
    myColor = r.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Then in the worksheet:


C# LINQ find duplicates in List

Linq query:

var query = from s2 in (from s in someList group s by new { s.Column1, s.Column2 } into sg select sg) where s2.Count() > 1 select s2;

jQuery selector for inputs with square brackets in the name attribute

Per the jQuery documentation, try this:


[EDIT] However, I'm not sure that's the right syntax for your selector. You probably want:


Rotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2

An alternative to coord_flip() is to use the ggstance package. The advantage is that it makes it easier to combine the graphs with other graph types and you can, maybe more importantly, set fixed scale ratios for your coordinate system.


diamonds$cut <- paste("Super Dee-Duper", as.character(diamonds$cut))

ggplot(data=diamonds, aes(carat, cut)) + geom_boxploth()

Created on 2020-03-11 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

This is a very highly upvoted issue request in Github for Floating Windows.

Until they support it, you can try the following workarounds:

1. Duplicate Workspace in New Window [1]

The Duplicate Workspace in new Window Command was added in v1.24 (May 2018) to sort of address this.

  1. Open up Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S
  2. Map workbench.action.duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow to Ctrl + Shift + N or whatever you'd like

Duplicate Workspace in New Window

2. Open Active File in New Window [2]

Rather than manually open a new window and dragging the file, you can do it all with a single command.

  1. Open Active File in New Window Ctrl + K, O

Open Active File in New Window

3. New Window with Same File [3]

As AllenBooTung also pointed out, you can open/drag any file in a separate blank instance.

  1. Open New Window Ctrl + Shift + N
  2. Drag tab into new window

4. Open Workspace and Folder Simultaneously [4]

VS Code will not allow you to open the same folder in two different instances, but you can use Workspaces to open the same directory of files in a side by side instance.

  1. Open Folder Ctrl + K,Ctrl + O
  2. Save Current Project As a Workspace
  3. Open Folder Ctrl + K,Ctrl + O

For any workaround, also consider setting setting up auto save so the documents are kept in sync by updating the files.autoSave setting to afterDelay, onFocusChange, or onWindowChange


What Content-Type value should I send for my XML sitemap?

The difference between text/xml and application/xml is the default character encoding if the charset parameter is omitted:

Text/xml and application/xml behave differently when the charset parameter is not explicitly specified. If the default charset (i.e., US-ASCII) for text/xml is inconvenient for some reason (e.g., bad web servers), application/xml provides an alternative (see "Optional parameters" of application/xml registration in Section 3.2).

For text/xml:

Conformant with [RFC2046], if a text/xml entity is received with the charset parameter omitted, MIME processors and XML processors MUST use the default charset value of "us-ascii"[ASCII]. In cases where the XML MIME entity is transmitted via HTTP, the default charset value is still "us-ascii".

For application/xml:

If an application/xml entity is received where the charset parameter is omitted, no information is being provided about the charset by the MIME Content-Type header. Conforming XML processors MUST follow the requirements in section 4.3.3 of [XML] that directly address this contingency. However, MIME processors that are not XML processors SHOULD NOT assume a default charset if the charset parameter is omitted from an application/xml entity.

So if the charset parameter is omitted, the character encoding of text/xml is US-ASCII while with application/xml the character encoding can be specified in the document itself.

Now a rule of thumb on the internet is: “Be strict with the output but be tolerant with the input.” That means make sure to meet the standards as much as possible when delivering data over the internet. But build in some mechanisms to overlook faults or to guess when receiving and interpreting data over the internet.

So in your case just pick one of the two types (I recommend application/xml) and make sure to specify the used character encoding properly (I recommend to use the respective default character encoding to play safe, so in case of application/xml use UTF-8 or UTF-16).

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

BSDs have stat with different options from the GNU coreutils one, but similar capabilities.

stat -f %z <file name> 

This works on macOS (tested on 10.12), FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

How to run multiple sites on one apache instance

Yes with Virtual Host you can have as many parallel programs as you want:



Listen 81
Listen 82
Listen 83

<VirtualHost *:81>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site1/html
    ErrorLog logs/site1-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site1-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site1/cgi-bin/"

<VirtualHost *:82>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site2/html
    ErrorLog logs/site2-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site2-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site2/cgi-bin/"

<VirtualHost *:83>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site3/html
    ErrorLog logs/site3-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site3-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site3/cgi-bin/"

Restart apache

service httpd restart

You can now refer Site1 :


Site2 :


Site3 :


If path is not hardcoded in any script then your websites should work seamlessly.

How do I import a pre-existing Java project into Eclipse and get up and running?

  1. Create a new Java project in Eclipse. This will create a src folder (to contain your source files).

  2. Also create a lib folder (the name isn't that important, but it follows standard conventions).

  3. Copy the ./com/* folders into the /src folder (you can just do this using the OS, no need to do any fancy importing or anything from the Eclipse GUI).

  4. Copy any dependencies (jar files that your project itself depends on) into /lib (note that this should NOT include the TGGL jar - thanks to commenter Mike Deck for pointing out my misinterpretation of the OPs post!)

  5. Copy the other TGGL stuff into the root project folder (or some other folder dedicated to licenses that you need to distribute in your final app)

  6. Back in Eclipse, select the project you created in step 1, then hit the F5 key (this refreshes Eclipse's view of the folder tree with the actual contents.

  7. The content of the /src folder will get compiled automatically (with class files placed in the /bin file that Eclipse generated for you when you created the project). If you have dependencies (which you don't in your current project, but I'll include this here for completeness), the compile will fail initially because you are missing the dependency jar files from the project classpath.

  8. Finally, open the /lib folder in Eclipse, right click on each required jar file and choose Build Path->Add to build path.

That will add that particular jar to the classpath for the project. Eclipse will detect the change and automatically compile the classes that failed earlier, and you should now have an Eclipse project with your app in it.

How to deploy a React App on Apache web server

As said in the post, React is a browser based technology. It only renders a view in an HTML document.

To be able to have access to your "React App", you need to:

  1. Bundle your React app in a bundle
  2. Have Apache pointing to your html file in your server, and allowing access externally.

You might have all the informations here: for the Apache server, and here to make your javascript bundle

How often should you use git-gc?

Note that the downside of garbage-collecting your repository is that, well, the garbage gets collected. As we all know as computer users, files we consider garbage right now might turn out to be very valuable three days in the future. The fact that git keeps most of its debris around has saved my bacon several times – by browsing all the dangling commits, I have recovered much work that I had accidentally canned.

So don’t be too much of a neat freak in your private clones. There’s little need for it.

OTOH, the value of data recoverability is questionable for repos used mainly as remotes, eg. the place all the devs push to and/or pulled from. There, it might be sensible to kick off a GC run and a repacking frequently.

What is is the default namespace URI used by Microsoft development products, like Visual Studio.

Seeding the random number generator in Javascript

For a number between 0 and 100.

Number.parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100))

How to format DateTime in Flutter , How to get current time in flutter?

You can use DateFormat from intl package.

import 'package:intl/intl.dart';

DateTime now =;
String formattedDate = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd – kk:mm').format(now);

Vertical dividers on horizontal UL menu

I think your best shot is a border-left property that is assigned to each one of the lis except the first one (You would have to give the first one a class named first and explicitly remove the border for that).

Even if you are generating the <li> programmatically, assigning a first class should be easy.

How to disable an input box using angular.js

Use ng-disabled or a special CSS class with ng-class

<input data-ng-model="userInf.username"  
       class="span12 editEmail" 
       placeholder="[email protected]"  
       ng-disabled="{expression or condition}"

How to output loop.counter in python jinja template?

if you are using django use forloop.counter instead of loop.counter

{% for user in userlist %}
      {{ user }} {{forloop.counter}}
      {% if forloop.counter == 1 %}
          This is the First user
      {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

What was the strangest coding standard rule that you were forced to follow?

We're coding after MISRA standard. The ruleset has "MUST" and "CAN" parts, and we spent hours of discussing which rules we don't want to apply and why, when someday upper management said "We want to tell our customers we're 100% compliant. Tomorrow, we apply all."

Among the rules is one that says: No bit operations on signed data. Trying to find out what the rule is for, the explanation was presented: There is no guarantee about the bit representation of signed data. There is only 2s complement in the world, but the standard makes no guarantee!

Anyway, doesn't sound like a big thing - who wants to declare bitcoded variables as signed?

However, the holy rules checker interprets "integer promotion" as "promotion to signed" and the C standards guru says it has to be. And every bit operation does integer promotion. So instead of:

a &= ~(1 << i)

you have to write:

a = (unsigned int)(a & (unsigned int)~(unsigned int)(1 << i))

which is obviously much more readable and portable and all. Fortunately I found out that a shifted 1u stays unsigned. So you can reduce it to:

a = (unsigned int)(a & (unsigned int)~(1u << i))

Funnily, there is a rule that was not activated: Forbid using funny characters like '\' in #include. The DOS-corrupted folks won't believe that writing #include "bla/foo.h" does work even with every windows compiler and is much more portable.

How to represent empty char in Java Character class

Hey i always make methods for custom stuff that is usually not implemented in java. Here is a simple method i made for removing character from String Fast

    public static String removeChar(String str, char c){
        StringBuilder strNew=new StringBuilder(str.length());
        char charRead;
        for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
        return strNew.toString();

For explaintion, yes there is no null character for replacing, but you can remove character like this. I know its a old question, but i am posting this answer because this code may be helpful for some persons.

How do I change a tab background color when using TabLayout?

As I found best and suitable option for me and it will work with animation too.

You can use indicator it self as a background.

You can set app:tabIndicatorGravity="stretch" attribute to use as background.



            android:text="Chef" />

            android:text="User" />


Hope it will helps you.

How to create a readonly textbox in ASP.NET MVC3 Razor

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.userCode, new { @readonly="readonly" })

You are welcome to make an HTML Helper for this, but this is simply just an HTML attribute like any other. Would you make an HTML Helper for a text box that has other attributes?

How to create an ArrayList from an Array in PowerShell?

Probably the shortest version:


It is also faster because it does not call relatively expensive New-Object.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character at special name

Try setting the system default encoding as utf-8 at the start of the script, so that all strings are encoded using that.

Example -

import sys

The above should set the default encoding as utf-8 .

How should I unit test multithreaded code?

I just recently discovered (for Java) a tool called Threadsafe. It is a static analysis tool much like findbugs but specifically to spot multi-threading issues. It is not a replacement for testing but I can recommend it as part of writing reliable multi-threaded Java.

It even catches some very subtle potential issues around things like class subsumption, accessing unsafe objects through concurrent classes and spotting missing volatile modifiers when using the double checked locking paradigm.

If you write multithreaded Java give it a shot.

How do I add an element to array in reducer of React native redux?

Two different options to add item to an array without mutation

case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: [...state.arr, action.newItem]


case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: state.arr.concat(action.newItem)

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()

I have the same question: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode(), but I run php under cygwin on Windows. When I run php -m, I found that there is no json module installed. So I run cygwin setup.exe again, check json package from the configuration interface, and the problem is solved.

Eclipse count lines of code

Another tool is Google Analytix, which will also allow you to run metrics even if you can`t build the project in case of errors

How to Get a Sublist in C#

With LINQ:

List<string> l = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" ,"4","5"};
List<string> l2 = l.Skip(1).Take(2).ToList();

If you need foreach, then no need for ToList:

foreach (string s in l.Skip(1).Take(2)){}

Advantage of LINQ is that if you want to just skip some leading element,you can :

List<string> l2 = l.Skip(1).ToList();
foreach (string s in l.Skip(1)){}

i.e. no need to take care of count/length, etc.

Updating a JSON object using Javascript

For example I am using this technique in Basket functionality.

Let us add new Item to Basket.

var productArray=[];

  $(this).html('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>Added to cart');
  console.log('Item added ');
  var productJSON={"id":$(this).attr('pr_id'), "nameEn":$(this).attr('pr_name_en'), "price":$(this).attr('pr_price'), "image":$(this).attr('pr_image'), "quantity":1, "discount":0, "total":$(this).attr('pr_price')};

    localStorage.setObj('product', productArray);  
    localStorage.setObj('product', productArray);  



After adding some item to basket - generates json array like this

        "id": "95",
        "nameEn": "New Braslet",
        "price": "8776",
        "image": "1462012394815.jpeg",
        "quantity": 1,
        "discount": 0,
        "total": "8776"
        "id": "96",
        "nameEn": "new braslet",
        "price": "76",
        "image": "1462012431497.jpeg",
        "quantity": 1,
        "discount": 0,
        "total": "76"
        "id": "97",
        "nameEn": "khjk",
        "price": "87",
        "image": "1462012483421.jpeg",
        "quantity": 1,
        "discount": 0,
        "total": "87"

For Removing some item from Basket.


var arrayFromLocal=localStorage.getObj('product');
localStorage.setObj('product', arrayFromLocal);

//This function will remove element by specified property. In my case this is ID.
function findAndRemove(array, property, value) {
  array.forEach(function(result, index) {
    if(result[property] === value) {
      //Remove from array
      console.log('Removed from index is '+index+' result is '+JSON.stringify(result));
      array.splice(index, 1);


And Finally the real answer of the question "Updating a JSON object using JS". In my example updating product quantity and total price on changing the "number" element value.

$(document).on('keyup mouseup','input[type=number]',function(){

  var arrayFromLocal=localStorage.getObj('product');
  localStorage.setObj('product', arrayFromLocal);

function setQuantityAndTotalPrice(array,id,quantity) {

  array.forEach(function(result, index) {
    if( === id) {


Convert a byte array to integer in Java and vice versa

/** length should be less than 4 (for int) **/
public long byteToInt(byte[] bytes, int length) {
        int val = 0;
        if(length>4) throw new RuntimeException("Too big to fit in int");
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            val=val|(bytes[i] & 0xFF);
        return val;

Running Java gives "Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'"

I had the same problem: I have a 64 bit Windows and when I typed "java -version" in CMD-Console i received the same Error message. Try to start a 64bit-cmd(C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe) and you will see, it works there ;)

HTML entity for check mark

HTML and XML entities are just a way of referencing a Unicode code-point in a way that reliably works regardless of the encoding of the actual page, making them useful for using esoteric Unicode characters in a page using 7-bit ASCII or some other encoding scheme, ideally on a one-off basis. They're also used to escape the <, >, " and & characters as these are reserved in SGML.

Anyway, Unicode has a number of tick/check characters, as per Wikipedia ( ).

Ideally you should save/store your HTML in a Unicode format like UTF-8 or 16, thus obviating the need to use HTML entities to represent a Unicode character. Nonetheless use: &#x2714; ✔.


Is using hex notation and is the same as


(as 2714 in base 16 is the same as 10004 in base 10)

Deserialize from string instead TextReader

If you have the XML stored inside a string variable you could use a StringReader:

var xml = @"<car/>";
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Car));
using (var reader = new StringReader(xml))
    var car = (Car)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

python 2.7: cannot pip on windows "bash: pip: command not found"

  1. press [win] + Pause
  2. Advanced settings
  3. System variables
  4. Append ;C:\python27\Scripts to the end of Path variable
  5. Restart console

Android textview usage as label and value

You can use <LinearLayout> to group elements horizontaly. Also you should use style to set margins, background and other properties. This will allow you not to repeat code for every label you use. Here is an example:



Also you can create a custom view base on the layout above. Have you looked at Creating custom view ?

How to add to an NSDictionary

A mutable dictionary can be changed, i.e. you can add and remove objects. An immutable is fixed once it is created.

create and add:

NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]initWithCapacity:10];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:42] forKey:@"A cool number"];

and retrieve:

int myNumber = [[dict objectForKey:@"A cool number"] intValue];

Upgrading Node.js to latest version

All platforms (Windows, Mac & Linux)

Just go to and download the latest installer. It couldn't be any simpler honestly, and without involvement of any third-party stuff. It only takes a minute and does not require you to restart anything or clean out caches, etc.

I've done it via npm a few times before and have run into a few issues. Like for example with the n-package not using the latest stable release.

How do I access my SSH public key?

If you're on Windows use the following, select all, and copy from a Notepad window:

notepad ~/.ssh/  

If you're on OS X, use:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Add-Content is default ASCII and add new line however Add-Content brings locked files issues too.

Strip HTML from Text JavaScript

For easier solution, try this =>

var StrippedString = OriginalString.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");

Trim last 3 characters of a line WITHOUT using sed, or perl, etc

If the script always outputs lines of 10 characters followed by 3 extra (in other words, you just want the first 10 characters), you can use

script | cut -c 1-10

If it outputs an uncertain number of non-space characters, followed by a space and then 2 other extra characters (in other words, you just want the first field), you can use

script | cut -d ' ' -f 1

... as in majhool's comment earlier. Depending on your platform, you may also have colrm, which, again, would work if the lines are a fixed length:

script | colrm 11

How to create a .NET DateTime from ISO 8601 format

using System.Globalization;

DateTime d;
    DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out d);

Custom exception type

In short:

Option 1: use babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend

Option 2: do it yourself (inspired from that same library)

    function CustomError(...args) {
      const instance = Reflect.construct(Error, args);
      Reflect.setPrototypeOf(instance, Reflect.getPrototypeOf(this));
      return instance;
    CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
      constructor: {
        value: Error,
        enumerable: false,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true
    Reflect.setPrototypeOf(CustomError, Error);
  • If you are using pure ES5:

    function CustomError(message, fileName, lineNumber) {
      const instance = new Error(message, fileName, lineNumber);
      Object.setPrototypeOf(instance, Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
      return instance;
    CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
      constructor: {
        value: Error,
        enumerable: false,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true
    if (Object.setPrototypeOf){
        Object.setPrototypeOf(CustomError, Error);
    } else {
        CustomError.__proto__ = Error;
  • Alternative: use Classtrophobic framework


Why extending the Error class using ES6 and Babel is a problem?

Because an instance of CustomError is not anymore recognized as such.

class CustomError extends Error {}
console.log(new CustomError('test') instanceof Error);// true
console.log(new CustomError('test') instanceof CustomError);// false

In fact, from the official documentation of Babel, you cannot extend any built-in JavaScript classes such as Date, Array, DOM or Error.

The issue is described here:

What about the other SO answers?

All the given answers fix the instanceof issue but you lose the regular error console.log:

console.log(new CustomError('test'));
// output:
// CustomError {name: "MyError", message: "test", stack: "Error?    at CustomError (<anonymous>:4:19)?    at <anonymous>:1:5"}

Whereas using the method mentioned above, not only you fix the instanceof issue but you also keep the regular error console.log:

console.log(new CustomError('test'));
// output:
// Error: test
//     at CustomError (<anonymous>:2:32)
//     at <anonymous>:1:5

Using comma as list separator with AngularJS

You could do it this way:

<b ng-repeat="email in">{{email}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}</b>

..But I like Philipp's answer :-)

CSS Auto hide elements after 5 seconds

Of course you can, just use setTimeout to change a class or something to trigger the transition.


<p id="aap">OHAI!</p>


p {
    transition:opacity 500ms;
p.waa {

JS to run on load or DOMContentReady:

    document.getElementById('aap').className = 'waa';
}, 5000);

Example fiddle here.

How to join a slice of strings into a single string?

This is still relevant in 2018.

To String

import strings
stringFiles := strings.Join(fileSlice[:], ",")

Back to Slice again

import strings
fileSlice := strings.Split(stringFiles, ",")

What is the string length of a GUID?

Binary strings store raw-byte data, whilst character strings store text. Use binary data when storing hexi-decimal values such as SID, GUID and so on. The uniqueidentifier data type contains a globally unique identifier, or GUID. This value is derived by using the NEWID() function to return a value that is unique to all objects. It's stored as a binary value but it is displayed as a character string.

Here is an example.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
CREATE TABLE MyCcustomerTable
    user_login   varbinary(85) DEFAULT SUSER_SID()
    ,data_value   varbinary(1)

INSERT MyCustomerTable (data_value)
    VALUES (0x4F);

Applies to: SQL Server The following example creates the cust table with a uniqueidentifier data type, and uses NEWID to fill the table with a default value. In assigning the default value of NEWID(), each new and existing row has a unique value for the CustomerID column.

-- Creating a table using NEWID for uniqueidentifier data type.  
 CustomerID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL  
   DEFAULT newid(),  
 Company varchar(30) NOT NULL,  
 ContactName varchar(60) NOT NULL,   
 Address varchar(30) NOT NULL,   
 City varchar(30) NOT NULL,  
 StateProvince varchar(10) NULL,  
 PostalCode varchar(10) NOT NULL,   
 CountryRegion varchar(20) NOT NULL,   
 Telephone varchar(15) NOT NULL,  
 Fax varchar(15) NULL  
-- Inserting 5 rows into cust table.  
INSERT cust  
(CustomerID, Company, ContactName, Address, City, StateProvince,   
 PostalCode, CountryRegion, Telephone, Fax)  
 (NEWID(), 'Wartian Herkku', 'Pirkko Koskitalo', 'Torikatu 38', 'Oulu', NULL,  
 '90110', 'Finland', '981-443655', '981-443655')  
,(NEWID(), 'Wellington Importadora', 'Paula Parente', 'Rua do Mercado, 12', 'Resende', 'SP',  
 '08737-363', 'Brasil', '(14) 555-8122', '')  
,(NEWID(), 'Cactus Comidas para Ilevar', 'Patricio Simpson', 'Cerrito 333', 'Buenos Aires', NULL,   
 '1010', 'Argentina', '(1) 135-5555', '(1) 135-4892')  
,(NEWID(), 'Ernst Handel', 'Roland Mendel', 'Kirchgasse 6', 'Graz', NULL,  
 '8010', 'Austria', '7675-3425', '7675-3426')  
,(NEWID(), 'Maison Dewey', 'Catherine Dewey', 'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', 'Bruxelles', NULL,  
 'B-1180', 'Belgium', '(02) 201 24 67', '(02) 201 24 68');  

Git merge is not possible because I have unmerged files

I repeatedly had the same challenge sometime ago. This problem occurs mostly when you are trying to pull from the remote repository and you have some files on your local instance conflicting with the remote version, if you are using git from an IDE such as IntelliJ, you will be prompted and allowed to make a choice if you want to retain your own changes or you prefer the changes in the remote version to overwrite yours'. If you don't make any choice then you fall into this conflict. all you need to do is run:

git merge --abort # The unresolved conflict will be cleared off

And you can continue what you were doing before the break.

Can an html element have multiple ids?

I don´t think you can have two Id´s but it should be possible. Using the same id twice is a different case... like two people using the same passport. However one person could have multiple passports... Came looking for this since I have a situation where a single employee can have several functions. Say "sysadm" and "team coordinator" having the id="sysadm teamcoordinator" would let me reference them from other pages so that employees.html#sysadm and employees.html#teamcoordinator would lead to the same place... One day somebody else might take over the team coordinator function while the sysadm remains the sysadm... then I only have to change the ids on the employees.html page ... but like I said - it doesn´t work :(

Error: Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes

Pulling with rebase is a good practice in general.

However you cannot do that if your index is not clean, i.e. you have made changes that have not been committed.

You can do this to work around, assuming you want to keep your changes:

  1. stash your changes with: git stash
  2. pull from master with rebase
  3. reapply the changes you stashed in (1) with: git stash apply stash@{0} or the simpler git stash pop

Why do I get "Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent" when I call Response.Redirect()?

A Redirect can only happen if the first line in an HTTP message is "HTTP/1.x 3xx Redirect Reason".

If you already called Response.Write() or set some headers, it'll be too late for a redirect. You can try calling Response.Headers.Clear() before the Redirect to see if that helps.

How to set RelativeLayout layout params in code not in xml?

    RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(this);
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams labelLayoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

   // If you want to add some controls in this Relative Layout
    labelLayoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

    ImageView mImage = new ImageView(this);


Get current time as formatted string in Go?

As an echo to @Bactisme's response, the way one would go about retrieving the current timestamp (in milliseconds, for example) is:

msec := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000


How to run Tensorflow on CPU

If the above answers don't work, try:

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1'

How to import and use image in a Vue single file component?

I came across this issue recently, and i'm using Typescript. If you're using Typescript like I am, then you need to import assets like so:

<img src="@/assets/images/logo.png" alt="">

Trimming text strings in SQL Server 2008

You do have an RTRIM and an LTRIM function. You can combine them to get the trim function you want.


Namespace not recognized (even though it is there)

I faced similar problem of namespace/method not being found during execution although it was fine during compilation, and the reason for this appears to be that the assembly I was referencing was deployed to GAC and since then was changed, so when I referenced the assembly in Visual Studion it was using the most recent one, but during runtime the version fro GAC had been used.

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

The difference between (R,) and (1,R) is literally the number of indices that you need to use. ones((1,R)) is a 2-D array that happens to have only one row. ones(R) is a vector. Generally if it doesn't make sense for the variable to have more than one row/column, you should be using a vector, not a matrix with a singleton dimension.

For your specific case, there are a couple of options:

1) Just make the second argument a vector. The following works fine:[:,0], np.ones(R))

2) If you want matlab like matrix operations, use the class matrix instead of ndarray. All matricies are forced into being 2-D arrays, and operator * does matrix multiplication instead of element-wise (so you don't need dot). In my experience, this is more trouble that it is worth, but it may be nice if you are used to matlab.

Change content of div - jQuery

You can try the same with replacewith()

$('.click').click(function() {
    // get the contents of the link that was clicked
    var linkText = $(this).text();

    // replace the contents of the div with the link text

    // cancel the default action of the link by returning false
    return false;

The .replaceWith() method removes content from the DOM and inserts new content in its place with a single call.

Client to send SOAP request and receive response

The best practice is to reference the WSDL and use it like a web service reference. It's easier and works better, but if you don't have the WSDL, the XSD definitions are a good piece of code.

How to use JavaScript variables in jQuery selectors?

  1. ES6 String Template

    Here is a simple way if you don't need IE/EDGE support




    This is a es6 feature called template string

        (function($) {_x000D_
            $("input[type=button]").click(function() {_x000D_
                var x = $(this).attr("name");_x000D_
                $(`input[id=${x}]`).toggle(); //use hide instead of toggle_x000D_
        <script src=""></script>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="bx" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" name="bx" value="1" />_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="by" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" name="by" value="2" />_x000D_

  1. String Concatenation

    If you need IE/EDGE support use

    $("#" + $(this).attr("name")).hide();

        (function($) {_x000D_
            $("input[type=button]").click(function() {_x000D_
                $("#" + $(this).attr("name")).toggle(); //use hide instead of toggle_x000D_
        <script src=""></script>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="bx" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" name="bx" value="1" />_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="by" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" name="by" value="2" />_x000D_

  1. Selector in DOM as data attribute

    This is my preferred way as it makes you code really DRY

    // HTML
    <input type="text"   id="bx" />
    <input type="button" data-input-sel="#bx" value="1" class="js-hide-onclick"/>

        (function($) {_x000D_
            $(".js-hide-onclick").click(function() {_x000D_
                $($(this).data("input-sel")).toggle(); //use hide instead of toggle_x000D_
        <script src=""></script>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="bx" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" data-input-sel="#bx" value="1" class="js-hide-onclick" />_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="by" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" data-input-sel="#by" value="2" class="js-hide-onclick" />_x000D_

How to generate a Dockerfile from an image?

Update Dec 2018 to BMW's answer

chenzj/dfimage - as described on regenerates Dockerfile from other images. So you can use it as follows:

docker pull chenzj/dfimage
alias dfimage="docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --rm chenzj/dfimage"
dfimage IMAGE_ID > Dockerfile

Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

I had the same trouble. The reason is that your file name in migrations folder does not match with name of migration in your database (see migrations table). They should be the same.