[jquery] How do I get the HTTP status code with jQuery?

I have had major issues with ajax + jQuery v3 getting both the response status code and data from JSON APIs. jQuery.ajax only decodes JSON data if the status is a successful one, and it also swaps around the ordering of the callback parameters depending on the status code. Ugghhh.

The best way to combat this is to call the .always chain method and do a bit of cleaning up. Here is my code.

    }).always(function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
        var responseCode = null;
        if (textStatus === "error") {
            // data variable is actually xhr
            responseCode = data.status;
            if (data.responseText) {
                try {
                    data = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
                } catch (e) {
                    // Ignore
        } else {
            responseCode = xhr.status;

        console.log("Response code", responseCode);
        console.log("JSON Data", data);

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